The Cooperative Principle



The lone ranger rode into sunset and jumped on his horse.
违反了“方式”方面的第四条准则,违反了事情发生 过程的顺序,从而破坏了话语的条理性
1 A: What do you intend to do today? B:I have got a terrible headache.
2 A: Beirut is in Peru, isn't it?
B: And Rome is in Romania, I suppose.
违反了“质”方面的第二条准则。B的话是有意违 反“质”的准则,说了一些没有根据的荒唐话来 暗示n说的也是荒唐话。推导出的含义是:这简直 荒唐!
Maxim of Relation 关系准则
Be relevant 要有关联
Johnny :Hey Sally let's play marbles.
Mother: How is your homework getting a long Johnny?
母亲答非所问,违反了“关联”准则,故此, 儿子可以从中推导出“不能去玩”这层语用 含义。
Cooperative Principle
合作原则(The cooperative Principle)是语 言学家格赖茨(Herbert Paul Grice 19131988)在他的著作Logic and Cconversation(1975)提出的。
Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.



手机现已成为人们日常生活中的主流媒介。随着手机 技术的不断发展,收发短信也成了现代生活中的一种文化 现象。如今,手机短信已成为仅次于报刊、广播、电台、 网络的第五媒体。CCTV 曾做过调查, 76% 的手机用户 表示无法接受不能收发短信的手机。短信之所以在当今社 会中成为人们日常交往的一种重要方式,深受年轻人的青 睐,是因为它具有短小精悍、生动有趣、轻松活泼、与时 俱进的语言特点。独具匠心的设计和新颖奇特的构思可在 短信的编制中得到完美的诠释与体现。其中,幽默短信以 其独特丰富的语言魅力越发受到大众的钟爱与追捧。它们 突破传统语言规范,创造性地运用语言,凸显个性化的特 征,大胆创新,生动活泼,俏皮诙谐。
二、合作原则的违反( flouting)及会话含义的产生 格赖斯在提出合作原则时指出: 合作原则的四条准则并不经常得
到遵守。但是, 格赖斯把“悄悄地不加声张地违反”( quietly VIOLATING) 和对准则“公开地蔑视”( openly FLOUTING) 进行区 别。“违反准则”通常是悄悄地、表面上看不是十分明显, 实际上是 说话者在故意撒谎, 提供不充分的或不相关的信息, 或是让所提供的信 息产生歧义, 晦涩难懂。根据格赖斯的分析, 这种违反方式不产生会话 含义; 只有说话者对会话准则的“蔑视”( flout a maxim) 才会产生会 话含义, 也就是说, 听话人很清楚说话人在交际过程中是故意地或悄悄 地或十分公开地违反一条或多条会话准则。一般而言, 有两种情况对 会话合作原则的违反(violation) 是不会产生会话含义的: 一是说话人直 接宣布不愿意合作, “无可奉告”就是典型的一种; 另一种情况是说话 人撒谎却又不让对方知道他在说谎( telling a white lie) , 最后使对方受 骗上当。但是, 交际者( 说话人) 对会话原则的蔑视( flout a maxim) 往 往会产生会话含义, 这也可分为两种情况: 一是有时说话人为了遵守一 条会话准则, 而违反另一条准则; 二是说话人从总体上讲是遵守合作原 则的, 但他又故意不恪守另一准则, 而是让听话人通过字面上的意义推 导其中的语用含义。

The Cooperative Principle

The Cooperative Principle

1)Maxim of Quantity

Maxim of Quantity(数量准则) Make your contribution as informative as required (for the current purposes of the exchange).
The Cooperative Principle (CP, 合作原则)
英国语言学家 Herbert Paul Grice (1913-1988)
Conversation"(1975) stated in H. P. Grice's "Logic and
2. CP : The 4 maxims

Maxim of Quantity(数量准则) Maxim of Quality(质量准则) Maxim of Relation(关系准则) Maxim of Manner(方式准则)
By: 英语13-2 徐娇 130914220
1. CP : The princle 2. CP : The 4 maxims 3. Non-observance of the maxims in dramatic dialogue——以《红楼梦》为例 4. Dramatic language flouting the maxims——Some rhetorical means
3.Non-observance of the maxims...

合作原则 cooperative principle

合作原则 cooperative principle

2、主、质量准则 (Quality Maxim)
3、关系准(Relevant Maxim)
4、方式准则 (Manner Maxim)
1、数量准则 (Quantity Maxim)
定义:即所说的话应包含交谈 目的所需要的信息 ,不应包含 超出需要的信息
2、质量准则 (Quality Maxim)
定义:即努力使你所说的话是 真实的 ,而不要说自知是虚假 的话和缺乏足够证据的话
2、质量准则 (Quality Maxim)
(1)不要说自 知是虚假的话
例2: A:你认为他适 合做这个工作 吗? B:当然了,完 全适合
(2)不要说缺乏 足够证据的话
• 合作原则是格莱斯1967年在哈佛大 学的一次演讲中提出的。他认为, 合作原则是一切成功的语言交际活 动的基础,所以我们可以这样认为, 所有参加交谈的人在他们进行交谈 活动时采取的是合作的态度。 • 首先让我们来搞清楚什么是合作原 则。它是一套设想的准则,如果在 交谈过程中交谈双方都希望更好的 理解对方的话语意思,就得遵循合 作原则,格莱斯把它具体化为四条 准则。
1、数量准则 (Quantity Maxim)
1)使你的话语如(交 谈的当前目的)所 要求的那样信息充分
例1: A:这学期你修了几 门课程? B:五门。 也就是说,数量准则 规定,我们向对方传 递的信息只能是对方 想得到的,不能多也 不能少,不要说对方 不想听到的。
2)不要使你的话语比 所要求的信息更充 分



例 甲:你认为我的新发型怎么样?




也就是说,你所说的话和目前你们正在讨论的话题有紧密的联 系。
例 甲:孙院长的报告我觉得不怎么样,你觉得呢?
A.我有同感。 B.还可以。 C.你们都这么认为? D.12点了,该下班了。
(关联) (关联) (部分关联) (无关联)
四、方式准则(manner maxim) 方式准则指选择对方能够顺利理解的方式说话。
合作原则& 礼貌原则
• 合作原则(The Cooperative Principle) 是语言学家格赖斯 (Herbert Paul Grice 1913-1988)在他的著作“Logic and Conversation”(1975)提出的。格赖斯认为, 在人们交际过程中,对话双方似乎在有意 无意地遵循着某一原则,以求有效地配合 从而完成交际任务。因此,格赖斯 (H.P.Grice)提出了会话中的“合作原 则”(Cooperative Principle 简称CP)。
三、赞誉准则又叫赞许准则。(Approbation maxim)



合作原则的四个准则英文英文回答:The Cooperative Principle, proposed by the philosopherof language H.P. Grice, is a fundamental concept in pragmatics, the study of language use in context. It is aset of conversational maxims that stipulate how speakersand listeners should behave in order to communicate effectively. The four maxims are:1. The maxim of quantity: Give the right amount of information.2. The maxim of quality: Do not say anything youbelieve to be false or for which you lack adequate evidence.3. The maxim of relation: Say things that are relevantto the current conversation.4. The maxim of manner: Be clear, concise, and orderlyin your speech.中文回答:合作原则的四个准则。

合作原则,由语言哲学家 H.P. Grice 提出,是语用学中一个基本概念,研究语言在语境中的使用。


这四个准则分别是:1. 数量准则,提供适当的信息量。

2. 质量准则,不要说出任何你觉得不真实或缺乏充分证据的话。

3. 关联准则,说出与当前对话相关的内容。



合作原则(cooperative principle)是美国语言哲学家格赖斯(H.P.Grice)于1967年在哈佛大学演讲《逻辑与会话》(Logic and Conversation)时率先提出的理论,它是“会话含义”的推导依据,是语用学的核心内容。

格赖斯认为,为了保证交际的顺利进行,人们总是有意或无意地遵守着一条基本原则,即“在参与交谈时,根据你参与交谈的目的或方向的改变而提供适切的话语”[1](P101),这便是合作原则(cooperative principle)。

在这条原则的统领下,格赖斯又建立了四条准则,准则又下分几条次原则:第一,量原则(Maxim of quantity)(1)所说之话应包含交谈目的所需要的信息。


第二,质原则(Maxim of Quality)(1)不要说自知虚假的话。


第三,关系原则(Maxim of Relation):要有关联,要切合题旨。

第四,方式原则(Maxim of Manner):要明白清楚。









The Cooperative Principle

The Cooperative  Principle

•His answer is that there is some regularity in conversation. "Our talk exchanges do not normally consist of a succession of disconnected remarks, and would not be rational if they did. They are characteristically, to some degree at least, cooperative efforts; and each participant recognizes in them, to some extent, a common purpose or set of purposes, or at least a mutually accepted direction" (1975: 45). In other words, we seem to follow some principle like the following: •"Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged" (ibid.). And this principle is known as the COOPERATIVEPRINCIPLE, or CP for short
The Cooperative Principle(CP)



Violation of CP
• • • • • • • Violation of Manner 1) 有意使用晦涩,含糊词语 A: Let’s get the kids something. B:O.K. But I veto I-C-E –C-R-E-A-M-S. 2)使用歧义词 With so many carrots, I’ll be a real gem. 有这么多克拉(胡萝卜),我是颗真钻石 (发糕)。
Violation of CP
• • • • • • • Violation of Quantity 1) 提供的信息过少 A:Would you mind telling me your address? B: Somewhere in the city. 2) 提供的信息过多 A:When did you come back last night? B: Around midnight. The meeting was too long.
Grice 将会话含义的产生流程描述如下:
• 当发话人说谎时,他/她违反了合作原则的质 准则,而受话人理解的前提是发话人并没有背 离合作原则。这表明说谎的一方违反了合作原 则的质准则,而当真的一方却遵守着合作原则, 并且以为对方也一直在遵守合作原则。然而, 发话人不遵守合作原则的某一准则,并不都是 为了说谎,有时可能出于礼貌或特定语境的需 要,说了一些违反合作原则某一准则的话。当 受话人Байду номын сангаас觉到发话人的话语没有遵守合作原则 的相应准则时,他就要迫使自己透过对方话语 的表面意义,去领会发话人话语中的深层含义, 于是就产生会话含义(conversational implicature)
• Violation of Quality • 1) 故意不说真实的话 • A: How are you? • B: I’ m dead. • 2)说没有根据的话 • A:Beirut is in Peru, isn’t it? • B: And Rome is in Romania, I suppose.



会话原则理论Principle of conversation美国哲学家保罗·格赖斯提出的会话原则旨在解释会话意义。



American philosopher Paul Grice concluded that natural language had its own logic. His idea is that in making conversation, the participants must first of all be willing to cooperate. This general principle is called the Cooperative Principle (CP).To be more specific, there are four maxims under this general principle:最高原则:合作,又称合作原则四个准则在最高原则,即合作原则下,人们在交际中要遵守如下四个准则:a) The maxim of quantity 数量准则Make your contribution as informative as required (for the current purpose of the exchange). 使自己所说的话达到当前交谈目的所要求的详尽程度。

Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.不能使自己所说的话比所要求的更详尽。

b) The maxim of quality 质量准则Do not say what you believe to be false. 不要说自己认为不真实的话。

Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. 不要说自己缺乏足够证据的话。

cooperative principle英文解释语言学

cooperative principle英文解释语言学

cooperative principle英文解释语言学摘要:一、合作原则的概述二、合作原则在语言学中的应用三、合作原则的具体体现四、合作原则对语言交流的影响五、总结正文:【一、合作原则的概述】合作原则(Cooperative Principle)是哲学家、语言学家豪斯(H.Paul Grice)在20世纪50年代提出的一种语言学理论。




















1) 暗中坦然违反准则(quietly and unostentatiously violating)。 发话者暗中坦然违反合作原则,也就是说谎,违反了质量准则。如:
(1) Jim:Would you like to come to the party, please? Mary:Sorry, I have promised Jack to go shopping.
3、关系原则(maxim of relation):要有关联,要切合题旨。
格赖斯认为,在谈话交际中,会话的内容要有联系,说 出的话要切题,不能说与话题没有联系的话。例如 A 与 B 在进行会话:
A:外面天气怎么样? B:正在下雨。 A 对 B 询问天气情况,A 希望从 B 那里获得有关天气 的信息,而不是其它无关的信息。显然,B 的回答与对 A 提出的问题是存在关系的,所以 B 遵守了关系原则。如果 B回答:今天的比赛真精彩。那么,B 所提供的信息就与天 气没有任何联系,在这种情况下,B 就违反了关系准则。
然而,人们在实际言语交际中,并非总是遵 守“合作原则”,出于需要,人们会故意违反 合作原则。格赖斯把这种通过表面上故意违反 “合作原则”而产生的言外之意称为“特殊会 话含义”。“特殊会话含义”解释了听话人是 如何透过说话人话语的表面含义而理解其言外 之意的,由此来表达另外一种意思,幽默也就 时常在这时产生。
当代外语研究 第11期,合作原则的哲学轨道
格赖斯认为, 在所有的语言交际活动中为了达到特定的目标, 说话人和 听话人之间存在着一种默契, 一种双方都应该遵守的原则, 他称这种原 则为会话的合作原则, 他具体将其解释为:



语言学概论中合作原则一节The cooperative principleThus far we have known that an utterance may allow two interpretations in some situations: the literal meaning and the non-literal meaning. In order to account for such a linguistic phenomenon, Grice in 1967 found that tacit agreement exists between the speaker and the hearer in all linguistic communicative activities. They follow a set of principles in order to achieve particular communicative goals. Thus, Grice proposed the term of the cooperative principle and its maxims.According to the cooperative principle, the participants in a conversation normally communicate in a maximally efficient, rational and cooperative way. They should speak sincerely, relevantly and clearly, while providing sufficient information.Make your contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.(1)The maxim of qualityTry to make your contribution one that is true, especially(i) do not say what you believe to be false and (ii) do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.(2)The maxim of quantity(i) Make your contribution as informative as is required for the current purposes of the exchange, and (ii) do not make your contribution mire informative than is required.(3)The maxim of relevanceMake your contribution relevance.(3)The maxim of manner(4)Be perspicuous, and specifically: (i) Avoid obscurity ofexpression;(ii) Avoidambiguity;(iii) Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity) and (iv) Be orderly.But in real communication, the participants often flout the cooperative principle and its maxims. In such cases, conversational implicatures arise.The term conversational implicature refers to the additional unstated meaning that has to be assumed in order to maintain the cooperative principle. Conversational implicatures fall into two categories: standard conversational implicature and particulatized conversational implicature.Standard conversational implicature (also called generalized conversational implicature) refers to the inference that arises from observing cooperative principle and its maxims. Particularized conversational implicature refers to the implicature that arise from flouting the cooperative principle and its maxims. In contrast, an additional unstated meaning associated with the use of a specific word is referred to in linguistics as conventional implicature.An utterance may be interpreted as either observing or flouting the cooperative principle by attributing to different contexts. Take for example B’s utterance in the following dialogue:A: May we know your age, please?B: I’m nineteen years old.We may interpret the utterance as the result of observing the cooperative principle and thus infer that B is only nineteen years old. If we know that B is, say, fourteen years old, he or she is flouting the quality maxim, In order to maintain thecooperative principle, we may infer, among some others, theparticularized conversational implicature that B is pretending to be more mature or expecting to be perceived as more mature.。

the cooperative principle英文释义

the cooperative principle英文释义

the cooperative principle英文释义全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Cooperative Principle is a rule that people use when they talk to each other. It means that when we have a conversation, we should try to be helpful, clear, and truthful. The Cooperative Principle has four parts: quality, quantity, relevance, and manner.First, let's talk about quality. This means that we should try to be truthful when we talk. We shouldn't say things that we know are not true. For example, if someone asks us if we did our homework, we should say yes if we did it and no if we didn't. We shouldn't lie because that would break the Cooperative Principle.Next, there's quantity. This means that we should give the right amount of information when we talk. We shouldn't give too much information or too little. For example, if someone asks us what we did over the weekend, we should tell them about the fun things we did, but we shouldn't go on and on about every little detail.Relevance is the third part of the Cooperative Principle. This means that we should talk about things that are related to theconversation. We shouldn't talk about random things that have nothing to do with what we are talking about. For example, if we are talking about our favorite animals, we shouldn't suddenly start talking about our favorite foods. That would be off-topic and not relevant to the conversation.Finally, there's manner. This means that we should try to be clear, organized, and polite when we talk. We shouldn't mumble, interrupt, or be rude. For example, if we are asking someone for help, we should say please and thank you. We should also try to speak in a way that is easy for others to understand.In conclusion, the Cooperative Principle is a set of rules that help us have better conversations with each other. By following the principles of quality, quantity, relevance, and manner, we can communicate more effectively and build stronger relationships. So next time you have a conversation, remember to be honest, give the right amount of information, stay on topic, and be polite. The Cooperative Principle will help you be a better communicator and friend!篇2Hey guys! Today I want to talk about something called the Cooperative Principle. It's a super important rule for communication that helps us understand each other better.So, the Cooperative Principle is all about being clear and truthful when we talk to each other. It was developed by a guy named Paul Grice, who was a smarty pants philosopher. He said that when we communicate, we should follow four basic rules to make sure that our messages are easy to understand.The first rule is called the maxim of quantity. This means we should give just the right amount of information, not too much and not too little. For example, if someone asks you what you had for breakfast, you wouldn't say "I had eggs, toast, cereal, fruit, juice, and milk." That's too much information! You would just say "I had eggs and toast."The second rule is the maxim of quality. This means we should always tell the truth and say things that are supported by evidence. If someone asks you if you brushed your teeth this morning, you shouldn't say "Yes" if you didn't actually do it. It's important to be honest in our communication.Next is the maxim of relevance. This means we should only talk about things that are related to the topic at hand. If your friend is telling you about a new video game they're playing, youwouldn't start talking about your pet goldfish. Stay on track and keep the conversation focused.The last rule is the maxim of manner. This means we should be clear and organized in our communication. We should speak in a way that is easy to follow and understand. If you talk really fast and jump from topic to topic, it can be hard for others to keep up with what you're saying.By following the Cooperative Principle, we can make sure that our conversations are smooth and effective. It helps us build strong relationships with others and avoid misunderstandings. So remember, always be clear, truthful, relevant, and organized when you talk to others. Keep the communication flowing and everyone will be happy!篇3The cooperative principle is a very important rule for us to communicate politely and effectively with others. It is like a guideline that helps us to have good conversations and understand each other better.The cooperative principle has four main parts: quality, quantity, relevance, and manner. Let me tell you what each of these parts means:First, there is quality. This means that we should always try to be honest and say things that are true. We shouldn't lie or say things that we know are not true because that can make communication difficult and cause misunderstandings.Next, there is quantity. This means that we should give just the right amount of information when we speak or write. We shouldn't give too much information or too little information because that can confuse people and make it hard for them to understand us.Then, there is relevance. This means that we should try to stay on topic and talk about things that are related to what the other person is saying. We shouldn't bring up random or unrelated things that can make the conversation confusing and hard to follow.Finally, there is manner. This means that we should try to be polite and clear when we communicate with others. We should speak clearly, listen carefully, and try to be respectful of the other person's feelings and opinions.By following the cooperative principle, we can have better conversations, avoid misunderstandings, and build positive relationships with others. So remember, always try to be truthful, give the right amount of information, stay on topic, and be politewhen you communicate with others. That way, you can be a great communicator and have smooth and enjoyable conversations with everyone you meet.篇4The cooperative principle is like when you and your friends are playing together and everyone is being nice and taking turns. It's all about working together and being fair to each other.There are four parts to the cooperative principle: quantity, quality, relation, and manner.Quantity is about giving just the right amount of information. Don't say too much or too little, just enough to get your point across.Quality means being honest and telling the truth. Don't lie or say things you know aren't true. Be trustworthy and reliable.Relation is all about staying on topic and saying things that are relevant to the conversation. Don't go off on a tangent or talk about something completely unrelated.Manner is about being clear and easy to understand. Use simple language and be polite when you're talking to others. Don't be rude or disrespectful.When everyone follows the cooperative principle, communication is smooth and effective. People understand each other better and can work together to achieve common goals.So remember, always be cooperative and follow the four parts of the cooperative principle when you're talking to others. It's important to be kind, honest, and considerate in all your interactions.篇5Hey guys! Do you know what the cooperative principle is? Well, let me tell you all about it in a fun and easy way!The cooperative principle is a fancy term in communication theory that basically means people should communicate with each other in a helpful and friendly way. It's like when we talk to our friends or teachers, we should always try to be nice and make sure we understand each other.There are four main parts of the cooperative principle: quality, quantity, relevance, and manner. Let me break it down for you:Quality: This means we should always tell the truth and say things that we believe are true. For example, if our friend asks usif they look good in their new outfit, we should give them an honest answer.Quantity: We should give just the right amount of information when we're talking to someone. We don't want to give too much or too little. For example, if our teacher asks us to explain a math problem, we should give enough details to help them understand, but not go on and on for hours.Relevance: When we're talking to someone, we should make sure our words are relevant to the topic. We don't want to randomly start talking about dinosaurs when our friend is telling us about their new pet dog.Manner: This is all about being polite and clear when we're communicating. We should speak in a way that's easy to understand and not interrupt others when they're talking.So, remember guys, the cooperative principle is all about communicating in a kind and helpful way. Let's all try our best to follow it and make sure we're good communicators with everyone we talk to!篇6Hey guys! Have you ever heard of something called "the cooperative principle"? It sounds super fancy, but actually it's a pretty cool concept that helps us communicate better with each other!The cooperative principle is basically a set of rules that we follow when we talk to each other. It helps us make our conversations clearer and more effective. There are four main parts to the cooperative principle: quantity, quality, relevance, and manner.First off, there's the quantity part. This means that we should give just the right amount of information when we're talking. We shouldn't give too much or too little. For example, if someone asks you what you did at the park, you shouldn't go on and on about every little detail. Just give them the main highlights of your day!Next up is the quality part. This means that we should always tell the truth and say things that we know are accurate. We shouldn't lie or make up stories just to sound more interesting. It's important to be honest and trustworthy in our conversations.Then there's the relevance part. This is all about staying on topic and not going off on random tangents. If someone is talking about their favorite movie, it's not very relevant to starttalking about your pet hamster. Stay focused on the topic at hand so everyone can understand and follow along.Last but not least, there's the manner part. This is all about being clear and easy to understand when we talk. We should speak clearly, at a good pace, and use appropriate language for the situation. We should also try to be polite and respectful in our conversations.So there you have it, the cooperative principle in a nutshell. By following these simple rules, we can all have better, more effective conversations with each other. So next time you're chatting with your friends or family, remember to keep the cooperative principle in mind!篇7The cooperative principle is like a rule that helps us communicate better with each other. It’s all about being helpful and understandin g when we talk to someone. So, when we’re having a conversation, we should try to be clear, honest, and polite.First of all, we need to be clear when we speak. This means we should make sure our words are easy to understand. If we mumble or talk really fast, the other person might get confused.It’s important to speak clearly so that our message can be received accurately.Secondly, we should always be honest when we talk to others. This means we should tell the truth and not try to deceive or lie. If we’re not honest, we might create misunderstandings or hurt someone’s feelings. So, it’s always best to be truthful in our conversations.Another important thing to remember is to be polite. This means we should be respectful and considerate towards the person we’re talking to. Using please and thank you, as well as saying excuse me when necessary, are small gestures that show we care about the other person’s feelings.Lastly, we need to be relevant in our conversations. This means we should talk about things that are related to the topic at hand. Bringing up random or off-topic things can confuse the other person and disrupt the flow of the conversation. Staying on topic helps us communicate more effectively.Overall, the cooperative principle is all about being a good communicator. By being clear, honest, polite, and relevant in our conversations, we can build stronger connections with others and avoid misunderstandings. So, let’s remember to follow this principle whenever we talk to someone!篇8Hey guys! Today, I'm going to tell you all about something called the cooperative principle. It's a really important concept in communication and it helps us understand how we can talk to each other in a nice and friendly way.So, the cooperative principle is basically a set of rules that we follow when we're talking to each other. These rules help us make our conversations go smoothly and make sure that we understand each other well. There are four main parts to the cooperative principle:1. The first part is called quality. This means that when we're talking to someone, we should try to be honest and say things that are true. We shouldn't lie or say things that we know are false. If we all stick to this rule, then we can trust each other and have good conversations.2. The second part is called quantity. This means that we should try to say just enough to get our point across, but not too much. We don't want to talk too fast or too slow, and we don't want to give too much information or too little. We want to be clear and concise so that the other person can understand us easily.3. The third part is called relevance. This means that we should try to talk about things that are related to the topic at hand. We don't want to go off on a tangent or talk about things that have nothing to do with what we're discussing. If we stick to this rule, then our conversations will stay focused and on track.4. The fourth part is called manner. This means that we should try to be polite and respectful when we're talking to someone. We shouldn't interrupt or talk over each other, and we should listen carefully to what the other person is saying. If we all follow this rule, then our conversations will be pleasant and friendly.So, that's the cooperative principle in a nutshell. It's all about being honest, clear, relevant, and polite when we talk to each other. If we all follow these rules, then we can have great conversations and get along with each other really well. So, remember to be a cooperative communicator and keep these principles in mind next time you're chatting with someone. Have fun talking, everyone!篇9The cooperative principle is a very important rule we follow when we are talking to other people. It helps us have smooth conversations and understand each other better.So, what is the cooperative principle? Well, it's basically about being nice and helpful when we talk to others. There are four main parts to the cooperative principle:1. Be truthful: This means we should try to say things that are true and not lie. If we lie, it can make it hard for people to trust us and understand what we are trying to say.2. Be informative: We should try to give information that is helpful to the person we are talking to. If we don't give enough information, they might not understand us. But if we give too much information, it can be confusing. So, we have to find the right balance.3. Be relevant: We should try to say things that are related to the topic we are talking about. If we start talking about something completely different, it can confuse the other person and make it hard for them to follow our conversation.4. Be clear: We should try to be clear and easy to understand when we talk. If we speak in a confusing way or use too many bigwords, the other person might not know what we are trying to say.Following the cooperative principle helps us have better conversations and build good relationships with others. It's like being a good friend and making sure everyone is on the same page. So remember, next time you talk to someone, try to be truthful, informative, relevant, and clear!篇10The cooperative principle is like an unspoken rule in communication. It's kinda like when you're playing a game with your friends and you all agree to follow the same rules so everything runs smoothly. Basically, it's all about making sure we're all on the same page when we talk to each other.There are 4 main parts to the cooperative principle: quality, quantity, relevance, and manner. Quality means that we should speak truthfully and not say things we know aren't true. It's like when your friend tells you they saw a unicorn at the park - you might not believe them because it sounds kinda fishy!Quantity is all about giving the right amount of information. We don't wanna overwhelm our friends with too much info, but we also don't wanna leave out important details. It's like whenyou're explaining the rules of a game - you wanna give just enough info so everyone understands, but not too much that they get confused.Relevance means sticking to the topic at hand. Imagine if you were talking about your favorite animal and your friend suddenly starts talking about their favorite video game - that would be pretty random, right? It's important to stay on track so everyone knows what we're talking about.Manner is all about being clear and easy to understand. We don't wanna talk in riddles or use big words that nobody understands. It's like when you're giving directions to your house - you wanna be clear and simple so your friend can find their way easily.By following the cooperative principle, we can make sure our conversations are clear, honest, and relevant. It's like a secret code that helps us all communicate better and understand each other. So next time you're chatting with your friends, remember the cooperative principle and keep those conversations flowing smoothly!。

cooperative principle 名词解释

cooperative principle 名词解释

cooperative principle 名词解释
cooperative principle意思为:合作原则。











语言学-合作原则 PPT课件

语言学-合作原则 PPT课件

The cooperative principle
⒊ RELATION : be relevant 说话要相关、贴切。
Violation of CP
⒊ Violation of Relation (相关性的违反) 以郭德纲的相声为例:
郭:看着你父亲这样,我这心里不是滋味,我打小跟老 爷子一块儿,跟前长起来的,看着我长大的,如今他病 成这样,我心里能是滋味么。
• 郭:吃什么,穿什么,买什么那个大皮 袄,喝它那个白酒。
• 于:高度酒 • 郭:高度酒,一万多度。 • 于:霍!汽油也没那么度数啊!
• 分析:在此例子中,郭德纲说“高度酒,一万多 度”明显是假话。因为我们知道,按常识酒的度 数根本不可能达到一万度。郭德纲说了假话也就 是本来就知道是错误的话,违反了质量准则,但 这一万度的说法却使观众忍俊不禁。
Violation of CP 1、Quantity (量的违反)
(1)A: Would you mind telling me your address? 您介意告诉我您的住址吗?
B: Somewhere In the south of Handan. 我住在邯郸的南边。
(2)A. what did you buy yesterday? 昨天上街买了些什么?
(3)违反 “简单明了”原则
夏东海:你说怎么办? 刘星:还能怎么办呀! 夏东海:你想怎么办哪? 刘星:这么办呗! 夏东海:你到底是打算怎么办? 刘星:还能怎么办呀!就这么办呗! 夏东海:我跟你说点中国话怎么这么费劲呀!!
这段对话虽然比较长,但可以看出它并没有表达 实际意义,因为刘星的回答十分不简练,他有意 回避夏东海的问话。违反了方式准则的第三条, “简单明了” 。
1.量的准则(The Maxim of quantity) 关注的是话语的信息量



合作原则(cooperative principle)是美国语言哲学家格赖斯(H.P.Grice)于1967年在哈佛大学演讲《逻辑与会话》(Logic and Conversation)时率先提出的理论,它是“会话含义”的推导依据,是语用学的核心内容。

格赖斯认为,为了保证交际的顺利进行,人们总是有意或无意地遵守着一条基本原则,即“在参与交谈时,根据你参与交谈的目的或方向的改变而提供适切的话语”[1](P101),这便是合作原则(cooperative principle)。

在这条原则的统领下,格赖斯又建立了四条准则,准则又下分几条次原则:第一,量原则(Maxim of quantity)(1)所说之话应包含交谈目的所需要的信息。


第二,质原则(Maxim of Quality)(1)不要说自知虚假的话。


第三,关系原则(Maxim of Relation):要有关联,要切合题旨。

第四,方式原则(Maxim of Manner):要明白清楚。









The cooperative principle.

The cooperative principle.
The cooperative principle
The cooperative principle
Make your conversational contribution such as
is required,at the stage at which it occurs,by the
accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.
2.”Why is it that three of our four children have black hair but little Jim is a blond?Whose child is Jim?” ”I can’t tell you,”said his wife after a long pause.”It would hurt you too much.” ”Oh,don’t be ridiculous,”he insisted.”I don’t mind who the father is.I’m just curiou s.” The wife finally confessed.”Well,if you really want to know,Jim is your child.”
Do not say what you believe to be false (不要说自知虚假的话)
Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. (不要说缺乏足够证据的话)
1. A:what do you think of Jane? B:She is a butterfly.



Four maxims

The maxim of quantity 1) Make your contribution as informative as required (for the current purpose of the exchange) 2) Do not make your contribution more informative than is required The maxim of quality 1) Do not say what you believe to be false 2) Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence

Grice(1975)将合作原则定义如下:合作原则 要求每一个交谈参与者在整个交谈中所说的话 符合当时交谈的目标和方向。 The co-operative principle: Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged

The maxim of relation Be relevant The maxim of manner 1) Avoid of obscurity of expression避免晦涩 2) avoid ambiguity避免歧义 3) Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity)简单明了 4) Be orderly井井有条
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3.Non-observance of the maxims...
4) the flouting of the maxim of Manner e.g.

1 第十一回中,尤氏和凤姐讨论秦氏的后事时说:“我也暗暗地预备了。就是 那件东西不得好木头,暂且慢慢地办罢。”实际上,“那件东西”指的是棺材。 2 第三十九回,平儿吩咐周瑞家的道:“你这一去,带个信儿给旺儿,就说奶 奶的话,问着他那剩着的利钱。明日要还不交来,奶奶也不要了,就索性送 他使吧。”这段话可能会有两种意思
• 肖小娟,合作原则和礼貌原则视角下《爱玛》中的对话翻译研究 /p-704608652.html
3.Non-observance of the maxims...

2) the flouting of the maxim of Quality
1 在第三十二回中,丫鬟金钏因被王夫人辱骂并赶出园去而投井自尽。王夫人悔恨 不已,独自在房中垂泪。宝钗来安慰她时,问金钏为什么投井,王夫人回答:“原 是前儿他把我一件东西弄坏了,我一时生气,打了他两下,撵了下去。我只说气他 两天,还叫他上来,谁知他这么气性大,就投井死了,岂不是我的罪过!” 2 宝钗为了安慰王夫人,叹道:“姨娘是慈悲人,固然是这么想。据我看来,他并 不是赌气投井,多半他下去住着,或是在井跟前憨玩,失了脚掉下去的。他在上头 拘束惯了,这一出去,自然要到各处玩玩逛逛儿,岂有这样大气的理?
not make your contribution more informative than required.
2)Maxim of Quality

Maxim of Quality(质量准则): Do not say what you believe to be false.

3.Non-observance of the maxims...

1) the flouting of the maxim of Quantity
1 在第二十二回中,王熙凤评价一个戏子长得像她们中的一个人,说:“这个 孩子扮上活像一个人,你们再看不出来。”她只说那戏子像一个人,而没有具 体说出像哪个人。 2 在第四十一回中,贾母等带刘姥姥到栊翠庵。妙玉给贾母奉茶,贾母道: “我不吃六安茶。”妙玉笑道:“知道,这是老君眉。“
Maxim of Manner(方式准则): Be perspicuous, and specifically.

Avoid obscurity of expression.避免含混不清 Avoid ambiguity.避免歧义 Be brief.避免冗长 Be orderly.要有序
1)Maxim of Quantity

Maxim of Quantity(数量准则) Make your contribution as informative as required (for the current purposes of the exchange).
not say something if you lack adequate evidence.
3)Maxim of Relation
Maxim of Relation(关系准则): Be relative. 所说的话是相关的。

4)Maxim of Manner(方式准则)

1. CP : The princle

ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ

Grice noticed that People do not usually say things directly but tend to imply them. A basic underlying assumption we make when we speak to one another is that we are trying to cooperate with one another to construct meaningful conversations. This assumption is known as the Cooperative Princiople. --As
4. Dramatic language flouting the maxims —— Some means 1. Flouting the rhetorical maxim of Quantity
Overstatement ,Understatement 2. Flouting the maxim of Quality Irony,Exaggeration,Contradiction,Metaphor, Rhetorical,Rhetorical Question 3. Flouting the maxim of Relation Hints,Associating Clues 4. Flouting the maxim of Manner Vague,Over-generalization
The Cooperative Principle (CP, 合作原则)
英国语言学家 Herbert Paul Grice (1913-1988)
By: 英语13-2 徐娇 130914220
1. CP : The princle 2. CP : The 4 maxims 3. Non-observance of the maxims in dramatic dialogue——以《红楼梦》为例 4. Dramatic language flouting the maxims——Some rhetorical means
3.Non-observance of the maxims...

3) the flouting the maxim of Relation
第三十二回中,宝钗借戏名影射宝玉和黛玉常闹矛盾,然后宝玉去赔不是的 事情。“凤姐于这些上虽不通达,但只见他三人情形,便知其意,便也笑着问 道:‘这么大暑天,谁还吃生姜呢?’众人不解其意,便说道:‘没有吃生姜。’ 凤姐故意用手摸着腮,诧异道:‘既没人吃生姜,怎么这么辣辣的?’”
3.Non-observance of the maxims...
3 第三十回中,黛玉听见宝玉奚落宝钗,心中着实得意,才要搭言也趁势取个 笑儿,不想靓儿因找扇子,宝钗又发了两句话,他便改口说道:“宝姐姐, 你听了两出什么戏?”宝钗因见黛玉面上有得意之态,便笑道:“我看的是 李逵骂了宋江,后来又赔不是。”宝玉便笑道:“姐姐通今博古,色色都知 道,怎么连这一出戏的名字也不知道,就说了这么一套?这叫做《负荆请 罪》。”宝钗笑道:“原来这叫《负荆请罪》!你们通今博古,才知道‘负 荆请罪’,我不知道什么是‘负荆请罪’!” 4 第二十回中,黛玉因宝玉和宝钗顽笑而生气,宝玉来赔不是时,黛玉说: “你又来做什么?死活凭我去罢了,横竖如今有人和你顽,比我又会念,又 会作,又会写,又会说笑,又怕你生气,拉了你去哄着你,你又来做什么呢?”
Conversation"(1975) stated in H. P. Grice's "Logic and
2. CP : The 4 maxims

Maxim of Quantity(数量准则) Maxim of Quality(质量准则) Maxim of Relation(关系准则) Maxim of Manner(方式准则)
• Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,“Cooperative principle” https:///wiki/Cooperative_principle • 好搜百科,会话合作原则 /doc/6779811-6995928.html • 汪德洁,从《红楼梦》中的对话看合作原则的违反和会话含意 /hanyuyanwenxue/201111/590945.htm