

ctr run参数

ctr run参数

ctr run参数English Answer.ctr run Parameters.The `ctr run` command is used to create and run a container. It takes a number of parameters, which are listed below:-a, --attach Attach to the container's stdin, stdout, and stderr.-c, --cpu-shares CPU shares (relative weight).-d, --detach Detach from the container after creating it.-e, --env Set environment variables.-h, --help Print usage.-i, --interactive Keep stdin open even if not attached.-l, --label Add or overwrite labels.-m, --memory Memory limit.-n, --name Assign a name to the container.-p, --port Publish a container's port(s) to the host.-t, --tty Allocate a pseudo-tty.-u, --user Username or UID.-v, --volume Bind mount a host path into the container. --cidfile Write the container ID to the specified file.--entrypoint Overwrite the default ENTRYPOINT of the image.--env-file Read in a file of environment variables.--init Run an init inside the container that forwards signals and reaps processes.--labels-file Read in a file of labels in the form of "key=value".--oom-kill-disable Disable OOM Killer for the container.--publish-all Publish all exposed ports to random ports on the host.--read-only Mount the container's root filesystem as read-only.--rm Remove the container when it exits.--security-opt Security options for the container.--sig-proxy Proxy signals to the process inside thecontainer.--volume-driver Specify a custom volume driver for the container.Chinese Answer.ctr run 参数。



net_graph1参数详解cs16net_graph1是Counter-Strike 1.6游戏中的一个调试参数,用来在屏幕上显示网络状态信息。

以下是net_graph1参数的详细说明:- net_graph1可以通过在游戏控制台中输入"net_graph 1"来启用。

- net_graph1会在屏幕的左上角显示一条状态栏,其中包含了一些与网络连接相关的信息。

- 通过显示延迟、丢包率等信息,net_graph1可以帮助玩家评估网络连接的稳定性和性能。

- net_graph1会显示以下信息:- sv:服务器帧数,即服务器每秒处理的帧数。

- var:服务器帧率方差,即服务器帧数的波动程度。

- lerp:插值延迟,即客户端用于计算其他玩家位置的延迟时间。

- rate:客户端当前的数据传输速率,即每秒传输的位数。

- msec:客户端到服务器的延迟时间,单位为毫秒。

- loss:数据包丢失率,即在传输过程中丢失的数据包所占比例。

- ping:客户端到服务器的延迟时间,单位为毫秒。

- 可以通过调整net_graph1的位置、大小和显示内容来适应个人的喜好和需求。


- net_graph1可以通过在游戏控制台中输入"net_graph 0"来禁用。

请注意,net_graph1仅适用于Counter-Strike 1.6游戏,对其他游戏可能无效。



MA5680T的版本:VERSION : MA5600V800R008C01PATCH : SPC200 SPH307 HP2107开局前的准备工作:board add 0/1 H802EPBD \\EPBD pon业务板注册到1号槽位,业务板型号H802EPBD可以通过命令display board 0查看,注册后再通过命令display board 0查看,此时业务板的状态由auto_find转变为Normal(业务板需要手工注册,主控板不需要手工注册)interface epon 0/1 打开Pon板的QinQ功能vlan-range enablelink-aggregation 0/7 0-1 egress-ingress 将7号槽位的0和1口进行端口绑捆(镇海用的是业务主控板实现端口绑捆并上行至S9303交换机),配置成功后,在设备的配置表现形势为:link-aggregation 0/7 0 egress-ingresslink-aggregation add-member 0/7/0 0/7 1与配置时不一样。

1. 创建DBA模板(用于onu上行带宽控制,无论OAM或SNMP注册ONU都需要创建DBA和线路模板)DBA只是限制ONU上行的带宽,默认情况下没有对ONU下行进行带宽限制。

CG_MA5680T (config)#dba-profile add profile-id 10 profile-name "10M" type2 assure 10240 \\创建保证带宽为10M的DBA模版2. 创建线路模板CG_MA5680T(config)#ont-lineprofile epon profile-id 1 profile-name “test1”CG_MA5680T(config-epon-lineprofile-1)#llid dba-profile-id 10\\引用dba模版CG_MA5680T(config-epon-lineprofile-20)#commit\\提交生效如果没有在线路模板下配置DBA模版,那么默认调用DBA模板1,DBA1模板限制上传带宽5Mbp s。

srec_cat warning redundant value

srec_cat warning redundant value

srec_cat warning redundant value 这个错误信息或警告通常与 srec_cat 这个工具相关。

srec_cat 是一个用于处理S-Record 和Intel Hex 格式文件的工具,这些格式通常用于固件或嵌入式系统的编程。

当 srec_cat 发出“redundant value” 的警告时,它通常意味着在输入文件中发现了重复的数据。

具体来说,可能有连续的S-Record 或Intel Hex 记录包含了相同的数据,这在实际编程中可能是不必要的,甚至可能会导致问题。

检查输入文件:确保输入文件(S-Record 或Intel Hex 文件)不包含冗余的数据记录。






最后,为了获得更具体的帮助,你可以查看 srec_cat 的文档或使用 -help 选项来获取更多关于该工具的信息和使用指南。

ICDPPCNEXUS MPC55xx MPC56xx In-Circuit Debugger

ICDPPCNEXUS MPC55xx   MPC56xx In-Circuit Debugger

ICDPPCNEXUSMPC55xx / MPC56xx In-Circuit DebuggerQuick Start GuideCopyright 2009, P&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Visit us on the web at Document Version HistoryVersion Date Notes1.0 21 Sep 2009 Initial versionCONTENTS1 Introduction (4)1.1 P&E Compatible Hardware (4)2 Getting Started (5)2.1 Connecting to your Target (5)2.2 Reset Script (6)2.3 Loading Data and Debug Information (7)2.4 CPU and Memory Windows (8)3 Debugging (10)3.1 GOTIL command (10)3.1 Stepping through C instructions (11)3.3 Setting and Reaching Breakpoints (12)3.4 Using Code Window Popup Debug Evaluation Hints (13)3.5 Using the Variables Window (15)3.6 Modifying a Variable (16)3.7 Using the Register Interpreter (17)3.8 Adding Register Field Descriptions to the Variables Window (20)1 IntroductionThis document is a step-by-step guide to using the P&E ICDPPCNEXUS in-circuit debugger software, which is compatible with Freescale MPC55xx / MPC56xx processors. This guide covers the most commonly used features of the debugger: loading binary & debug information, accessing CPU registers & memory, stepping code, setting breakpoints, and monitoring variables.1.1 P&E Compatible HardwareThe following lists the P&E hardware compatible with the ICDPPCNEXUS debugger software.P&E Part Number Interface to host PCCABPPCNEXUS Parallel (LPT) portUSB-ML-PPCNEXUS USB 2.0 (Backwards compatible with USB 1.1 ports) Cyclone MAX Serial (RS232) portUSB 1.1 (Upwards compatible with USB 2.0 ports)Ethernet2 Getting Started2.1 Connecting to your TargetUpon starting the debugger, the connection assistant dialog appears:•Use the “Interface” and “Port” drop-down menus to choose the P&E hardware interface connected between the PC and your target board.•The “Target CPU” setting can safely be left at the “Autodetect” setting for most users. If you experience problems connecting, you can try specifying the exact Freescale device that you are connecting to.• A BDM_SPEED parameter between 2 to 4 can typically be used.Processors running at slower clock speeds will require higher values.Click the Connect button, and ICDPPCNEXUS will attempt to contact the processor. Using the default debugger settings, ICDPPCNEXUS will establish communications and reset the processor.After establishing communications, the main debugger screen will appear, and a debugger reset script macro should automatically execute and complete.2.2 Reset ScriptThis section explains the initialization that the debugger, using a reset script macro file, performs on the processor. The user can view and modify all of the macro file's initialization tasks.The processor Boot Assist Module (BAM) would normally initialize the memory of the processor. However, when running the target application from the debugger, the BAM functionality is disabled. To account for this, the debugger must run a script file on reset. The script initializes the memory of the processor similar to the way in which the BAM would initialize the processor.If ICDPPCNEXUS is launched from the Freescale CodeWarrior IDE, the correct reset script file is automatically selected.If ICDPPCNEXUS is launched stand-alone, the reset script file may need to be configured. Several reset script macros are included with the ICDPPCNEXUS debugger and have a .mac extension. For detailed information, you can view each macro file using a simple text editor such as Notepad. The macro contents will contain useful comments, such as which devices are supported by that particular macro.To configure the debugger reset script macro, select the debugger Configuration menu, Automated Script Options dialog, shown here:2.3 Loading Data and Debug InformationIf ICDPPCNEXUS is launched from the Freescale CodeWarrior IDE, your code will automatically be downloaded to the processor.•RAM projects are loaded into the processor’s internal SRAM.•FLASH projects will invoke the CPROGPPCNEXUS Flash programming software to burn the code into the processor’s internal FLASH.The debug information is also automatically loaded from CodeWarrior, which will allow you to debug using your high level source code and variables.If ICDPPCNEXUS is launched stand-alone, you will need to manually download the code and debug information. Launch the Load Dialog by clicking on the High Level Load button on the debugger tool bar:This dialog allows you to specify the binary/debug file and whether to load into RAM or FLASH. Once you are satisfied with your settings, press the “Process Load Command” button to begin the download process. This step will also load the debug information.2.4 CPU and Memory WindowsThe CPU Window displays all CPU core registers, including the Program Counter (PC) and all general purpose registers.•To modify CPU register contents, double-click the register value. You will be prompted for a new value.The Memory Window displays data at any given memory address. It can be used to view RAM contents, FLASH contents, and values of peripheral registers.•To change the memory address, right-click inside the Memory Window and select “Set Base Address”. You will be prompted for a new address to begin displaying data.•To change the contents in memory, double-click the value in memory that you would like to change. You will be prompted for a new value.3 DebuggingThis section outlines the different debugging capabilities available in the ICDPPCNEXUS debugger once the debug information has been loaded.3.1 GOTIL commandAt this point, your source window will show the assembly language startup code generated by the compiler:If you do not need to debug this section and would like to run the processor until the beginning of your “main” function, you can use the “GOTIL” command.•Type “GOTIL main” in the Status window to tell the debugger to run code until it reaches the “main” function of your code.The “GOTIL” command works with any function in your code.3.1 Stepping through C instructionsStep through the initialization code, or any source code, using the high-level language source step command. Use this feature by typing “HSTEP” in the Status window or by clicking the high-level step button on the debugger tool bar:Each time the HSTEP command executes, the debugger will rapidly single step assembly instructions until it encounters the next source instruction, at which point target execution will cease. When the debugger reaches the next source instruction, all visible windows will be updated with data from the board. After reaching the main function, step through several C language instructions. Notice that some instructions will take longer to step through than others because each C instruction may consist of a greater or fewer number of underlying assembly instructions.3.3 Setting and Reaching BreakpointsIn the source code window, there will be a small red dot and a small blue arrow next to each source instruction that has underlying object code. If a large blue arrow appears on a source line, this indicates that the program counter (PC) currently points to this instruction. If a large red stop sign appears on the source line, this indicates that a breakpoint exists on this line.•Set a breakpoint at an instruction by double-clicking the tiny red dot.•To remove a breakpoint, double-click the large red stop sign.Execution will begin in real-time when you issue the HGO command or click the high-level language GO button on the debugger tool bar:If the debugger encounters a breakpoint, execution will stop on this source line. If it does not encounter a breakpoint, target execution will continue until you press a key or use the stop button on the debugger tool bar:•By double clicking the small blue arrow, you will be issuing a GOTIL command to the address of this source line.A GOTIL command will set a single breakpoint at the desired address, and the processor will begin executing code in real-time from the current program counter (PC). When the debugger encounters the GOTIL address, execution stops. If the debugger does not encounter this location, execution continues until you press akey or use the stop button on the debugger tool bar. Note that all user breakpoints are ignored when the GOTIL command is used.You may also double-click the red and blue symbols in the disassembly window. The disassembly window may display an additional symbol, a small, blue "S" enclosed in a box. This indicates that that a source code instruction begins on this disassembly instruction.3.4 Using Code Window Popup Debug Evaluation HintsWhen debugging source code, it is convenient to view the contents of a variable while viewing your source code. The in-circuit debugger has a feature, debug hints, which displays the value of a variable while the mouse cursor is held over the variable name. The hint may be displayed in any of three locations, as shown below.The three locations for the debug hints are the code window title bar, the status window caption bar, and a popup hint that appears over the variable in source code. You can configure the hints to display in any combination.•Set the locations of debug hints in the configuration menu of the debuggerThe information in the popup hint box is similar to the information displayed in the variables window.The information includes the variable name (i), value ($1), and type (signed long).3.5 Using the Variables WindowThe variables window displays the current value of application variables. The following window shows a display of variables from the example application.Variables that are pointer or reference types are displayed in red. Normal variables are displayed in black.•Add a variable by typing the VAR command, by right clicking the variables window and choosing “Add a variable”, or by hitting the "Add Variable"button in the variables window.When adding a variable using the pop-up menu, the debugger displays the following screen.In the variable field, type the address or name of the variable. Typically, set the type of the variable to “Default”, which means that the variable will be displayed as it is defined in the debugging information. When adding a variable, you may specify the numeric display base of the variable.3.6 Modifying a Variable•To modify the current value of a variable, right-click the variable name in the variables window and select “Modify Variable” to display a dialog.Check the “Modify value” checkbox, and type the variable’s new value. After you click the OK button, the debugger updates the variable value on the target, and the debugger refreshes the variable window to display the new value. Note that the debugger will not edit certain user-defined types, such as enumerated types.•You may also modify a variable’s display properties, such as the type or numeric display base using this dialog.3.7 Using the Register InterpreterThe register interpreter provides a descriptive display of bit fields within the processor’s peripheral registers. The register interpreter allows you easily to change the value of these registers. You may quickly check the current state of a peripheral and examine the configuration of the target device.When you use the register interpreter within the debugger, it reads the current value of the peripheral register, decodes it, and displays it.To launch the register interpreter in the debugger, either use the “R” command or click the view/edit register button on the tool bar:A window will appear that allows you to select a peripheral block to examine.Double clicking the module of choice will launch the register selection window.Double clicking a specific register will launch the edit/display window for that register.The window lists the keystrokes and mouse actions, allowing you to modify the values of each of the fields. After right clicking on a specific field, the register interpreter will display all options for that field.When you quit the register view/edit window by hitting the ESC key, you will be given the opportunity to write the new value into the register, as shown in the following window.3.8 Adding Register Field Descriptions to the Variables WindowAdd register bit fields to the variables window by using the “_TR” command in the debugger or by clicking the "Add Register" button in the variables window. After selecting the register field, the field appears in the debugger variables window, and the debugger will continually update its value.。



3-TERMINAL POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR LM7805 TO-220Plastic PackageThe Voltages Available allow these Regulators to be used in Logic Systems, Instrumentation, Hi-Fi Audio Circuits and other Solid State Electronic Equipment ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS UNIT V W W ºC ºC ºCELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T j =25ºC unless specified otherwise)VI =10V, I O =500mA DESCRIPTION SYMBOLMINTYPMAXUNIT Output VoltageV OT j =25ºC4.805.20V I O =5mA ~ 1AV I =7V ~ 20V, P< 15W Line Regulation R EGV V I =7.0 ~ 25V T j =25ºC 100mV V I =8.0 ~ 12V50mV Ripple Rejection R R V I =8.0 ~ 18V, f=120HzT j =0 ~ 125ºC 62dB Load RegulationR EGL I O =5mA ~ 1.5A T j =25ºC100mV I O =250mA ~ 750mA50mV Output Resistance R O f=1KHz T j =0 ~ 125ºC 0.017ΩOutput Voltage Drift ∆V O /∆T I O =5mA T j =0 ~ 125ºC - 1.1mV/ºC Output Noise Voltage V NO f=10Hz ~ 100KHzT j =25ºC40µV Dropout Voltage V d I O =1AT j =25ºC 2.0V Quiescent CurrentI Q T j =25ºC8.0mA Quiescent Current Change ∆I Q V I =7.0 ~ 25V T j =0 ~ 125ºC 1.3mA I O =5mA ~ 1A0.5mA Short Circuit Output Current I SC T j =25ºC 750mA Peak Output CurrentI PKT j =25ºC2.2ATEST CONDITIONV T j =0 ~ 125ºC4.755.25Storage Temperature RangeT stg - 65 to +150Lead Temperature 1.6mm (1/16 inch) from Case for 10 seconds T L260Continuous Total Dissipation at T c =25ºC case TemperatureP D 15Operating free-air, case, or Virtual Junction Temperature Range T OPR 0 to 150DESCRIPTION SYMBOL VALUE Input VoltageV IN 35Continuous Total Dissipation at T a =25ºC free air TemperatureP D2.0Continental Device India LimitedAn ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified CompanyTO-220Leaded PlasticPackageMRegulatorsPin 1: In Pin 2: Ground Pin 3: OutPackaging dimensions, tube dimensions and quantity/tube are approximate and subject to change.TO-220 Series Packaging TubeLM7805 TO-220Plastic PackageCustomer Notes LM7805TO-220Plastic PackageDisclaimerThe product information and the selection guides facilitate selection of the CDIL's Semiconductor Device(s)best suited for application in your product(s)as per your requirement.It is recommended that you completely review our Data Sheet(s)so as to confirm that the Device(s)meet functionality parameters for your application.The information furnished in the Data Sheet and on the CDIL Web Site/CD are believed to be accurate and reliable.CDIL however,does not assume responsibility for inaccuracies or incomplete information.Furthermore,CDIL does not assume liability whatsoever,arising out of the application or use of any CDIL product;neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor rights of others.These products are not designed for use in life saving/support appliances or systems.CDIL customers selling these products(either as individual Semiconductor Devices or incorporated in their end products),in any life saving/support appliances or systems or applications do so at their own risk and CDIL will not be responsible for any damages resulting from such sale(s).CDIL strives for continuous improvement and reserves the right to change the specifications of its products without prior notice.CDIL is a registered Trademark ofContinental Device India LimitedC-120 Naraina Industrial Area, New Delhi 110 028, India.Telephone + 91-11-2579 6150, 4141 1112 Fax + 91-11-2579 5290, 4141 1119*****************。



Micro Focus Security ArcSight ConnectorsSmartConnector for Microsoft DNS DGA Trace Log Multiple Server FileConfiguration GuideJanuary 25, 2019Configuration GuideSmartConnector for Microsoft DNS DGA Trace Log Multiple Server FileJanuary 25, 2019Copyright © 2014 – 2019 Micro Focus and its affiliates and licensors.WarrantyThe only warranties for products and services of Micro Focus and its affiliates and licensors (“Micro Focus”) are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Micro Focus shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.Restricted Rights LegendConfidential computer software. Except as specifically indicated otherwise, a valid license from Micro Focus is required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license.Trademark NoticesAdobe™ is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Microsoft® and Windows® are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. UNIX® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Revision HistoryDate Description01/25/2019 First edition of this Configuration Guide.Configuration Guide SmartConnector for Microsoft DNS DGA Trace Log Multiple Server FileThis guide provides information for installing the SmartConnector for Microsoft DNS DGA Trace Log Multiple Server File and configuring the device for event collection. Microsoft's Domain Name Service (DNS) included with Microsoft Windows 2008, Microsoft Windows 2012, Microsoft Windows 2016 and Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 are supported.Product OverviewThe Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical distributed database and an associated set of protocols that define a:⏹Mechanism for querying and updating the database⏹Mechanism for replicating the information in the database among servers⏹Schema of the databaseWith DNS, the host names reside in a database that can be distributed among multiple servers, decreasing the load on any one server and providing the ability to administer this naming system on a per-partition basis. DNS supports hierarchical names and allows registration of various data types in addition to host name to IP address mapping used in HOSTS files.This ArcSight SmartConnector lets you import events generated by the Microsoft DNS Trace Log Multiple Server File device into the ArcSight System . See the section "Device Event Mapping to ArcSight Data Fields" later in this document for the specific events mapped to fields in the ArcSight database.The new feature enables users to apply a Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) and:⏹Whitelist filters on real time⏹Filter and drop events prior a license check⏹Use the Connector immediately after installation. Required files are pre-configured.⏹Populate a dga_whitelist.txt locally or remotely (via ArcMC) to avoid getting events from trusted domains⏹ Add Map files to /user/agent/map/ to extend connector functionalitiesSee the section "Map Files" later in this document for more information.ConfigurationDetailed information regarding DNS Monitoring can be found at: /en-us/library/cc783975(WS.10).aspx.The primary tool used to manage DNS servers is the DNS console, which can be found in the Administrative Tools folder in the Start menu's Programs folder.Micro Focus Security ArcSight Connectors 3SmartConnector for Microsoft DNS DGA Trace Log Multiple Server FileDNS server event messages are separated and kept in their own system event log, the DNS server log. The DNS server log contains events logged by the DNS server service. Most critical DNS server service events are logged here, such as when the server starts but cannot locate initializing data.You can change the event types logged by DNS servers using the DNS console. You also can use the DNS console to selectively enable additional debug logging options for temporary trace logging to a text-based file of DNS server activity. Using Server Debug Logging OptionsBy default, all debug logging options are disabled. When selectively enabled, the DNS Server service can perform additional trace-level logging of selected types of events or messages for general troubleshooting and debugging of the server.Dns.log contains debug logging activity. By default, it is located in the windir\System32\Dns folder.The following DNS debug logging options are available:Packet DirectionOutgoingPackets sent by the DNS server are logged in the DNS server log file.IncomingPackets received by the DNS server are logged in the log file.Packet ContentQueries/TransfersSpecifies that packets containing standard queries (per RFC 1034) are logged in the DNS server log file.UpdatesSpecifies that packets containing dynamic updates (per RFC 2136) are logged in the DNS server log file.NotificationsSpecifies that packets containing notifications (per RFC 1996) are logged in the DNS server log file.Transport ProtocolUDPSpecifies that packets sent and received over UDP are logged in the DNS server log file.TCPSpecifies that packets sent and received over TCP are logged in the DNS server log file.Packet TypeRequestSpecifies that request packets are logged in the DNS server log file (a request packet is characterized by a QR bitset to 0 in the DNS message header).ResponseSpecifies that response packets are logged in the DNS server log file (a response packet is characterized by a QRbit set to 1 in the DNS message header).4Micro Focus Security ArcSight ConnectorsConfiguration Guide Other OptionsFilter packets by IP addressProvides additional filtering of packets logged in the DNS server log file.DetailsSpecifies that all event details be logged in the DNS server log file.Log FileFile path and name lets you specify the name and location of the DNS server log file. Log file maximum size limit lets you set the maximum file size for the DNS server log file.To select and enable debug logging options on the DNS server:1Open DNS. (Click Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools. Double-click DNS.)2In the console tree, right-click the applicable DNS server, then click Properties.3Click the Debug Logging tab.4To set the debug logging options, first select Log packets for debugging. To ensure collecting the appropriate information for processing by ArcSight, select the options shown in the following figure.In addition to selecting events for the DNS debug log file, select the default values or specify the file name, location, and maximum file size for the file.Micro Focus Security ArcSight Connectors 5SmartConnector for Microsoft DNS DGA Trace Log Multiple Server File6 Micro Focus Security ArcSight ConnectorsInstall the SmartConnectorThe following sections provide instructions for installing and configuring your selected SmartConnector.Connector Appliance/ArcSight Management Center supports mounting for Network File System(NFS) and CIFS (Windows) shares. When you install this connector on one of these devices,establish a CIFS mount on the device before adding the connector. Provide this share nameduring connector configuration. For more information, see Remote File Systems in the Connector Appliance or ArcSight Management Center Administrator's Guide.Prepare to Install ConnectorBefore you install any SmartConnectors, make sure that the ArcSight products with which the connectors will communicate have already been installed correctly (such as ArcSight ESM or ArcSight Logger).For complete product information, read the Administrator's Guide as well as the Installation and Configuration guide for your ArcSight product before installing a new SmartConnector. If you are adding a connector to the ArcSight Management Center, see the ArcSight Management Center Administrator's Guide for instructions, and start the installation procedure at "Set Global Parameters (optional)" or "Select Connector and Add Parameter Information."Before installing the SmartConnector, be sure the following are available:⏹ Local access to the machine where the SmartConnector is to be installed⏹ Administrator passwordsInstall Core SoftwareUnless specified otherwise at the beginning of this guide, this SmartConnector can be installed on all ArcSight supported platforms; for the complete list, see the SmartConnector Product and Platform Support document, available from the Micro Focus SSO and Protect 724 sites.1 Download the SmartConnector executable for your operating system from the Micro Focus SSO site.2 Start the SmartConnector installation and configuration wizard by running the executable.Follow the wizard through the following folder selection tasks and installation of the core connector software: IntroductionChoose Install FolderChoose Shortcut FolderPre-Installation SummaryInstalling...3 When the installation of SmartConnector core component software is finished, the following window is displayed:Configuration GuideMicro Focus Security ArcSight Connectors 7Set Global Parameters (optional)If you choose to perform any of the operations shown in the following table, do so before adding your connector. You can set the following parameters:Parameter Setting FIPS modeSelect 'Enabled' to enable FIPS compliant mode. To enable FIPS Suite B Mode, see the SmartConnector User Guide under "Modifying Connector Parameters" for instructions. Initially, this value is set to 'Disabled'. Remote Management Select 'Enabled' to enable remote management from ArcSight Management Center. When queried by the remote managementdevice, the values you specify here for enabling remote management and the port number will be used. Initially, this value is set to'Disabled'.Remote Management Listener Port The remote management device will listen to the port specified in this field. The default port number is 9001.Preferred IP VersionWhen both IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses are available for the local host (the machine on which the connector is installed), you can choose which version is preferred. Otherwise, you will see only one selection. The initial setting is IPv4.The following parameters should be configured only if you are using Micro Focus SecureData solutions to provide encryption. See the Micro Focus SecureData Architecture Guide for more information.Parameter Setting Format PreservingEncryptionData leaving the connector machine to a specified destination can be encrypted by selecting ‘Enabled’ to encrypt the fields identified in ‘Event Fields to Encrypt' before forwarding events. If encryption is enabled, it cannot be disabled. Changing any of the encryption parameters again will require a fresh installation of the connector. Format Preserving PolicyURLEnter the URL where the Micro Focus SecureData Server is installed. Proxy Server (https)Enter the proxy host for https connection if any proxy is enabled for this machine. Proxy PortEnter the proxy port for https connection if any proxy is enabled for this machine. Format Preserving IdentityThe Micro Focus SecureData client software allows client applications to protect and access data based on key names. This key name is referred to as the identity. Enter the user identity configured for Micro Focus SecureData. Format Preserving Secret Enter the secret configured for Micro Focus SecureData to use for encryption.SmartConnector for Microsoft DNS DGA Trace Log Multiple Server File8 Micro Focus Security ArcSight ConnectorsParameter Setting Event Fields to Encrypt Recommended fields for encryption are listed; delete any fields you do not want encrypted and add any string or numeric fields you wantencrypted. Encrypting more fields can affect performance, with 20 fields being the maximum recommended. Also, because encryption changes the value, rules or categorization could also be affected. Once encryption is enabled, the list of event fields cannot be edited.After making your selections, click Next . A summary screen is displayed. Review the summary of your selections and click Next . Click Continue to return to proceed with "Add a Connector" window. Continue the installation procedure with "Select Connector and Add Parameter Information."Select Connector and Add Parameter Information1 Select Add a Connector and click Next . If applicable, you can enable FIPS mode and enable remote management later inthe wizard after SmartConnector configuration.2 Select Microsoft DNS DGA Trace Log Multiple Server File and click Next .3 Enter the required SmartConnector parameters to configure the SmartConnector, then click Next.Parameter Description FolderThe absolute path to the location of the log files.- For Windows platform, use: 'c:\Program Files\DNS_Multi_File\logs\'- For Linux platform, use: '/var/log/dnsmultifile/'For multiple servers, click Add and enter information about the additional server.- For Windows platform, use: \\<servername>\folder\folder. WildcardThe log file name ('*.log') has two parts:- Part 1: ('*') is the file name - Part 2: ('.log') is the file typeConfiguration GuideMicro Focus Security ArcSight Connectors 9Parameter Description- For example: 'dnsmulti.log' Log File Type Accept the default "tracelog".Select a Destination1 The next window asks for the destination type; select a destination and click Next . For information about thedestinations listed, see the ArcSight SmartConnector User Guide .2 Enter values for the destination. For the ArcSight Manager destination, the values you enter for User and Passwordshould be the same ArcSight user name and password you created during the ArcSight Manager installation. Click Next .3 Enter a name for the SmartConnector and provide other information identifying the connector's use in yourenvironment. Click Next . The connector starts the registration process.4 If you have selected ArcSight Manager as the destination, the certificate import window for the ArcSight Manager isdisplayed. Select Import the certificate to the connector from destination and click Next . (If you select Do not import the certificate to connector from destination , the connector installation will end.) The certificate is imported and the Add connector Summary window is displayed.Complete Installation and Configuration1 Review the Add Connector Summary and click Next . If the summary is incorrect, click Previous to make changes.2 The wizard now prompts you to choose whether you want to run the SmartConnector as a stand-alone process or as aservice. If you choose to run the connector as a stand-alone process, select Leave as a standalone application , click Next , and continue with step 5.3 If you chose to run the connector as a service, with Install as a service selected, click Next . The wizard prompts you todefine service parameters. Enter values for Service Internal Name and Service Display Name and select Yes or No for Start the service automatically . The Install Service Summary window is displayed when you click Next .4 Click Next on the summary window.5 To complete the installation, choose Exit and Click Next .For instructions about upgrading the connector or modifying parameters, see the SmartConnector User Guide . Map FilesBy adding map files, users can increment the functionalities of the Connector.FileDescription Sample Content dga_whitelist.txt White list file. Includes all domains that are notscanned by the DGA detection. , , , , , , ,, , , , SmartConnector for Microsoft DNS DGA Trace Log Multiple Server File10 Micro Focus Security ArcSight Connectors FileDescription Sample Content Numbered connector map file. It callsthe_domainWhitelist operation. This operation isa lookup for whitelisted domains in each eventand marks them as WHITELISTED, so they can bedropped by the filter later.!Flags,Overwrite+set.expr(destinationHostName).event.deviceCustomFloatingPoint2Label __ domainWhitelist(destinationHostName) Numbered connector map file. It calls thedgaForbiddenTrigrams operation. This operationapplies the forbiddenTrigrams DGA classifier inevery event and returns 1 or 0 for each.!Flags,Overwrite+set.expr(destinationHostName).event.deviceCustomNumber1__dgaForbiddenTrigrams (destinationHostName) Numbered connector map file. It calls theForbiddenTrigramsHel per operation. This is ahelper function that adds a label to the dga fieldin CEF.!Flags,Overwrite+set.expr(deviceCustomNumber1).event.deviceCustomNumber1Label__dgaForbiddenTrigrams Helper(deviceCustomNumber1) Numbered connector map file. It sets theevent.dropEventFlag based on the value ofevent.deviceCustomFloatingPoint2Label. It is setto "true" when the value ofevent.deviceCustomFloatingPoint2Label isWHITELISTED. event.deviceCustomFloatingPoint2Label,set.event.dropEventFlag, WHITELISTED,trueNote: Adjust the sequence numbers of your new map files based on any existing map files. Forexample, if the last map file in the connector is number 3, the new DGA map file must be set to 4 and so on.Run the SmartConnectorSmartConnectors can be installed and run in stand-alone mode, on Windows platforms as a Windows service, or on UNIX platforms as a UNIX daemon, depending upon the platform supported. On Windows platforms, SmartConnectors also can be run using shortcuts and optional Start menu entries.If the connector is installed in stand-alone mode, it must be started manually and is not automatically active when a host is restarted. If installed as a service or daemon, the connector runs automatically when the host is restarted. For information about connectors running as services or daemons, see the ArcSight SmartConnector User Guide .To run all SmartConnectors installed in stand-alone mode on a particular host, open a command window, go to $ARCSIGHT_HOME\current\bin and run: arcsight connectorsTo view the SmartConnector log, read the file $ARCSIGHT_HOME\current\logs\agent.log ; to stop all SmartConnectors, enter Ctrl+C in the command window.Device Event Mapping to ArcSight FieldsThe following section lists the mappings of ArcSight data fields to the device's specific event definitions. See the ArcSight Console User's Guide for more information about the ArcSight data fields.Microsoft DNS DGA Trace Log Multiple Server File Mappings to ArcSight ESM FieldsArcSight ESM Field Device-Specific Field Agent (Connector)Severity High = 2, 3, 5, 16, SERVFAIL, NXDOMAIN, REFUSED, BADVERS, BADSIG; Medium = 1, 4, 6-10, 17-22, Error, Warning, FORMERR, NOTIMP, YXDOMAIN, YXRRSET, NXRRSET, NOTAUTH, NOTZONE, BADKEY, BADTIME, BADMODE, BADNAME, BADALG, BADTRUNC; Low = 0, 11-15,23-65535, Information, Success, NOERROR (based on Rcode values at: /enp/protocol/dns.htm#Rcode, Return code)Configuration GuideMicro Focus Security ArcSight Connectors 11 ArcSight ESM Field Device-Specific Field Application Protocolapplication protocol Bytes InSize, incoming bytes Destination Addressdestination address Destination DNSDomaindestination DNS domain Destination HostNamedestination host name Destination NTDomaindestination NT domain Device ActionAction taken by the device Device CustomFloating Point 2 LabelWHITELISTED Device Custom IPv6Address 2Source IPv6 address Device CustomNumber 11 Device CustomNumber 1 LabelDNS-Analytics Device Custom String1Thread Id Device Custom String2OpCode Device Custom String3Flags (character codes) Device Custom String4Reason or error code Device DirectionSnd=Outbound, Rcv=Inbound Device EventCategoryContext Device Event Class IDEvent Name Device Product'DNS Trace Log' Device Receipt TimeDateTime Device SeverityOne of (Information, Warning, Error, Success, NOERROR) Device Vendor'Microsoft' File Namefile name File Pathfile path MessageRcode description (based on Rcode descriptions at: /enp/protocol/dns.htm#Rcode, Return code NameRcode name (based on Rcode name at: /enp/protocol/dns.htm#Rcode, Return code Request URLQuestion Name Source AddressSource network address Source DNS DomainsourceDNSDomain Source Host NameSource host name Source PortSource port Source Service NamesourceServiceName Start TimestartTime Transport Protocol transport protocol (UDP)。


每个外设驱动都由一组函数组成,这组函数覆盖了该外设所有功能。每个器件的开发都由一个通用 API (application programming interface 应用编程界面)驱动,API 对该驱动程序的结构,函数和参数名称都进行 了标准化。
所有的驱动源代码都符合“Strict ANSI-C”标准(项目于范例文件符合扩充 ANSI-C 标准)。我们已经把驱动 源代码文档化,他们同时兼容 MISRA-C 2004 标准(根据需要,我们可以提供兼容矩阵)。由于整个固态 函数库按照“Strict ANSI-C”标准编写,它不受不同开发环境的影响。仅对话启动文件取决于开发环境。
1.3.1 变量 ................................................................................................................................................ 28 1.3.2 布尔型 ............................................................................................................................................ 28 1.3.3 标志位状态类型 ........................................................................................................................... 29 1.3.4 功能状态类型 ...............................................

eSpace U1900 V100R001C20SPC500 版本说明书 01

eSpace U1900 V100R001C20SPC500 版本说明书 01
和其他华 为商标 均为华 为技术 有限公 司的商 标。 本文档提 及的其 他所有 商标或 注册商 标,由 各自的 所有人 拥有 。
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1.1 产品版本信息 .................................................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 产品版本演进关系 ........................................................................................................................................................................1 1.3 软件版本配套说明 ........................................................................................................................................................................1 1.4 单板版本配套说明 ........................................................................................................................................................................2 1.4.1 CH51VSCUA 单板......................................................................................................................................................................2 1.4.2 CH51VM TUA 单板 ....................................................................................................................................................................3 1.4.3 CH51VSCUB 单板 ......................................................................................................................................................................3 1.4.4 CH51VM TUA_ VB 单板 ............................................................................................................................................................4 1.4.5 CH51VA SIA 单板........................................................................................................................................................................4 1.4.6 CH51VOSUA 单板 .....................................................................................................................................................................5 1.4.7 CH51VCVPA 单板 ......................................................................................................................................................................5 1.4.8 CH51VBTUA 单板 .....................................................................................................................................................................6 1.4.9 SC12FA N 单板 .............................................................................................................................................................................6 1.4.10 SC13M CU 单板 .........................................................................................................................................................................7 1.4.11 SC11M RS 单板 ..........................................................................................................................................................................8 1.4.12 CH51VDTUA 单板 ...................................................................................................................................................................8 1.4.13 SC12DTU 单板 ..........................................................................................................................................................................9 1.5 相关产品版本配套说明 .............................................................................................................................................................10 1.6 软件文件清单 ...............................................................................................................................................................................12 1.7 防病毒扫描结果 ..........................................................................................................................................................................12















二、STCA原理介绍STCA,即短期冲突告警(Short Term Conflict Alert),指经过了一定的前探时间后,航空器之间的水平和垂直距离同时小于预设值(即最小安全距离)产生的告警。










Catapult Vector 用户手册说明书

Catapult Vector 用户手册说明书

Catapult Vector User ManualContents1.OUTLINE …………………………………………………………………………………………………….Pg. 22.VECTOR S7 DEVICE …………………………………………………………………………………… Pg. 2 - 43.SYSTEM LOGIN …………………………………………………………………………………………..Pg. 4 - 54.COLLECTING DATA ……………………………………………………………………………………..Pg. 6 - 75.DOWNLOADING DATA ………………………………………………………………………………Pg. 7 - 86.SOFTWARE USER GUIDE LINKS ………………………………………………………………….. Pg. 87.VECTOR ANCHOR & VECTOR DOCK …………………………………………………………… Pg. 9 - 108.SUPPORT & HELP ……………………………………………………………………………………… Pg. 109.REGULATORY NOTICES …………………………………………………………………………….. Pg. 10 - 111. OUTLINEThe Catapult Vector S7device is a professional-grade GNSS system designed to measure the performance of elite athletes within individual and team sports. This document introduces the Vector S7 hardware components and provides an explanation of functionality and general operation.The OpenField software system Data is collected live and downloaded to the OpenField console and can then be uploaded to the OpenField cloud post session. To store the collected data on the OpenField cloud, data must be synced from the console to the cloud over a solid internet connection. Users have the option to use the OpenField+ mobile/iPad app to view live data through a mobile or an iPad over a local Catapult Wi-Fi. This improves accessibility as it enables users to be more mobile around the pitch and to share live data more easily with coaches and players.The hardware components of the Vector system include the Vector devices, a wireless UWB receiver(s) for GPS/GNSS and RTLS tracking.2. VECTOR S7 DEVICEThe Vector S7 is a wearable (combined) GNSS / LPS device with embedded microsensors that is used to measure the performance of elite athletes, in both real-time and post session.The Vector S7 device contains the following measurement sensors and components:•GNSS module (10Hz GNSS / 18Hz GPS)•GNSS antenna•RTLS antenna•Tri-axial Accelerometer (up to 1000 Hz)•Tri-axial Gyroscope (up to 1000 Hz)•Tri-axial Magnetometer (up to 1000Hz)•Magnetic Heart Rate Receiver•ECG heart rate board (up to 250Hz)•Bluetooth Low Energy•Dev ice status LED’s•Haptic feedback via vibration unit•UWB Antenna (3774.0 MHz to 4243.2 MHz)All sensors are sampling continuously, and data is logged onto an onboard SD card as well as transmitted live via ultra-wide-band (UWB) or Bluetooth (BLE).Figure 1. – Vector S7 wearable DeviceDEVICE ICON/LED FUNCTIONALITYA: Indicates the state of the battery (charging, low battery, ect)B: Indicates a connection to the sateliete (GNSS) or ClearSky RTLS system.C: Indicates a connection to Heart RateD: Indicates use of ultra-wide band.E: Indicates a connection to Bluetooth.Vector S7 Device Operation Overview:1.Charging: Each Vector S7 device is charged and configured, prior to use, using the specificallydesigned Vector Dock. This is a 24-device tray that connects to mains supply mains supply for the purpose of Vector S7 charging.2.Configuration: Configuration of the Vector S7 occurs via USB serial connection from the dock tothe desktop software (OpenField) where athlete and device settings are transferred and stored on the Vector S7 device. This process occurs automatically as the devices are recognized by thesystem and as each device is assigned to an athlete.3.Assigning Athletes to Devices: after logging in and pressing start, navigating to the settings menuwill show athletes. Pressing ‘auto-assign’ will assign device ID’s to players and will then transferthis configuration to the devices as described above4.Starting a live session: Connect the Vector Anchor via USB. In the software from the main screen,press the ‘quick start’ icon to start a live session. Vector S7 devices will show in ‘active players’once they obtain GNSS lock and data transmission will begin. You can check if data is incoming by checking the orange and black bar in the top right corner of the interface. Press ‘All’ in activeplayers box then press ‘+period’ to start recording. To end the live session, press the stop icon5.Download Session: Turn the devices off by pressing the button on the side of the device for 2seconds and release. Plac e Vector S7 devices in Vector Dock press the dock ‘ignition button’ andconnect USB to PC. Press settings then transfer. Press begin transfer. Once display says ‘finished’, data can be viewed from calendar.DEVICE CONNECTORS & FEATURESTop Charging LED: Located on the top of the device is a LED used to indicate the charging and enumeration state of the device.Power Button: The power button has been placed on the edge of the device to make the device harder to press during play and thus minimizing accidental device turn offs.HR pins: Allows the user to clip the device into a vest to collect HR data using an intergrated heart rate vest.Charging Pins: Allows the device to connect to the Vector Dock which enables the device(s) to charge and connect / data transfer to the PC.FIRST USE AND CHARGEEnsure the devices are fully charged before using them to collect data for a session. To charge the devices, connect the Vector Dock to a power supply and then place the devices into an individual dock slot on the Vector charging dock. The top LED charging light will flash when the device is charging. The top battery LED turns solid green when the device is fully charged. To turn the device on, press the button on the side of the device or set an alarm in the console.VEST POUCH INSERTIONThe device is placed into the device pocket located on the back of the vest. It is clipped into the vest via the HR Clips located on the back of the device. Please ensure the device has been turned on the power button prior to inserting the device into the vest. The device is now ready to record your player’s data.3. SYSTEM LOGINThe software components of the Vector system consist of a cloud account and a downloadable console.1)Each user will receive a unique username and password from a Catapult representative to loginto their OpenField Cloud account. Each user can login to the cloud Account through one of thefollowing URLs depending on their geographical location:•APAC (Australia Pacific and Asia): https://•EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa): https://•US (North and South America): https://2)The OpenField Console Software can be downloaded from the OpenField Cloud. Login to theOpenField cloud with the account credentials and click the Downloads tab. Click the link under 'Secure Download' to download the latest version of the OpenField Console. You'll also find release notes regarding installations, changes, bugs, and improvements of the newest build.3)Once the Open Field console is downloaded, click the desktop Icon to open the console. Loginto the console with the same account credentials used to log into the cloud.4. COLLECTING DATACOLLECTING LIVE DATA (GPS/GNSS)A Live Activity is an Activity being analysed in real time whilst the Devices are being used; this is achieved via Data being collected through the Vector receiver (GNSS) or Anchors (LPS). Live Activities are extremely useful to be able to provide real time feedback on Athlete Performance.1.Ensure the devices, console and receiver are all set to indoor or outdoor mode.2.Turn on the wireless receiver(s) and the Vector devices.3.Map each of the devices to their corresponding athlete via the Settings menu – Mappings Tab inthe console.4.From the main user interface in the console, select Start to begin a new Live Activity.5.Create a New Activity via the Activity Timeline by right clicking in the timeline area and selectingNew Activity. From the new activity menu, fill in all of the details for the session such as Name,device type, venue, teams, ect. Select ‘Create Activity’.6.Hit the 'Play' Button up the top right of the User Interface; Once hit the button will change to a'Pause' Button7.Start a New Live Period and PIP Athletes as necessary. See our Periods article for moreinformation on how to create and stop Periods.8.When the Activity is completed, stop all live Periods and press the pause button.5. DOWNLOADING DATAData is recorded on the Device in a 'Raw File', which is created every time the Device is turned on; up to 31 Raw Files can be stored on a Device at once. Downloading Data from the Devices is an important step in getting the most out of the metrics recorded on the Device. It is necessary to apply Sport Specific Algorithms (GK Dives, QB Throws etc.), for IMA metrics to be calculated and more.1.After a session is completed, collect all the devices from athletes, turn them off andconnect the devices to the PC through the Vector Dock.2.Open up the OpenField console and select ‘Data Transfer’ from the Console Tile Screen.3.The units connected to the PC will automatically begin downloading (beginning with themost recent file, moving back) when the 'Data Transfer' tile is selected.OR1.To reach the Data Transfer screen without an automatic download, click 'Start' from theConsole Tile Screen, then click 'Settings' in the top left of the console screen. From thesettings menu, select the 'Transfer' tab.2.Connect the Devices to the PC, then in the 'Data Transfer' screen, ensure the correct numberof devices are connected.3.Select the Transfer Range of the sessions you want to download. NOTE: The Default Rangeenables the user to download all of the sessions th at haven’t been previously downloaded from the device.4.Select 'Begin Transfer' to start downloading the devices.6. SOFTWARE USER GUIDE LINKS7. Vector Anchor & Vector Dock VECTOR ANCHORAnchor Specification:•GNSS Antenna (GPS and Glonass)•Wi-Fi (dual band 2.4GHz and 5GHz)•USB C•UWB Antenna (3774.0 MHz to 4243.2 MHz)The water-resistant wireless receiver design is built to pick up devices forplayer data capture in a ~250meter range by using ultra-wide bandcommunication (4.0 GHz). The ultra-wide bandwidth provides more robust communication between devices and receiver(s) and improves immunity tothird party environmental interference such as, Wi-Fi. The receiver is wireless and has a 6 hours battery life. The receiver is also integrated into a Wi-Fi network that wirelessly links the OpenField console and mobile applications within a 50m range. This improves accessibility as a local Catapult Wi-Fi enables users to be more mobile around the pitch and to share live data more easily with coaches and players. Users have the option to add multiple anchors to the same system to improve live data capture capabilities. The GNSS antenna contained within the anchor serves the purpose of GNSS augmentation.To operate, press the single button on the side of the anchor and use the USB cable provided to attach to the OpenField console laptop. Please see instructions above on starting real-time data collection.VECTOR DOCKINGDock Specification:•Ethernet connectivity• 6 Hour battery life•USB Connectivity•Wi-Fi connectivity•On board memoryThe Vector Smart Docking Station consists of 24 individual deviceslots, an ‘ignition’ button, a USB port and a power supply port.The ignition button functionality gives the user the ability to turnon or off all connected devices with one button press. The USBport connects the devices to the PC via a USB cord to enabledevice configuration and downloading of the raw files on thedevices. The Vector Dock is built to last up to 6 hours without apower supply with use of an onboard battery. This allows forpitch-side USB downloading and device configuration. The travelcase for the Vector Smart Docking Station is built toaccommodate all the system’s wires, receivers and devices.To operate, plug dock into mains power with cables provided and press the silver ‘ignition’ button. Insert devices to charge. Enumerated devices will display a flashing green light on top. Charging devices will display an amber light on top.8. SUPPORT & HELPAny questions or requests for help with the OpenField software system or the VECTOR devices should be sent by email. The support email required is dependent on the user’s geographical location:APAC: *******************************EMEA:*******************************AMERICAS: *****************************LATAM: ********************************Please provide us with contact details including your name and your preferred email address. Let us know what the problem is and what equipment (computer & browser) you are using to access the site.Users can also request help through the online cloud platform. From the OpenField cloud main user interface, select Request Help in the top right corner of the page. The user will be prompted with a form. Please fill out this form to provide us with the necessary details to fix the issue.Note that there is knowledge center available at https:///hc/en-us that includes multiple getting started, how to and troubleshooting articles.Regulatory NoticesUSAFederal Communication Commission Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:⚫Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.⚫Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.⚫Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.⚫Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC Caution:Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.FCC Radiation Exposure Statement (Vector S7)This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.For body worn operation, this device has been tested and meets FCC RF exposure guidelines. When used with an accessory that contains metal may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines.FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: (Vector Anchor)This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 centimeters between the radiator and your body.Responsible Party InformationName:Address: @USATelephone number or Internet contact:CanadaCAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B)This device complies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)This device may not cause interference; and(2)This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et(2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.IMPORTANT NOTE:Radiation Exposure Statement (Vector S7)For body worn operation, this device has been tested and meets RF exposure guidelines when used with an accessory that contains no metal. Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with RF exposure guidelines.Déclaration d'exposition aux radiations RF:Pour une utilisation sur le corps, cet appareil a été testé et respecte les directives sur l'exposition aux RF lorsqu'il est utilisé avec un accessoire sans métal. L'utilisation d'autres accessoires peut ne pas garantir la conformité aux directives d'exposition aux RF.Radiation Exposure Statement (Vector Anchor)1.To comply with the Canadian RF exposure compliance requirements, this device and its antennamust not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.2.To comply with RSS 102 RF exposure compliance requirements, a separation distance of at least 20cm must be maintained between the antenna of this device and all persons.Déclaration d'exposition aux radiations RF:1.Pour se conformer aux exigences de conformité RF canadienne l'exposition, cet appareil et sonantenne ne doivent pas être co-localisés ou fonctionnant en conjonction avec une autre antenne ou transmetteur.2.Pour se conformer aux exigences de conformité CNR 102 RF exposition, une distance deséparation d'au moins 20 cm doit être maintenue entre l'antenne de cet appareil et toutes les personnes。










比如可以使用“acpinit”命令初始化acp环境;使用“acp start”命令启动acp服务;使用“acp stop”命令停止acp服务;使用“acp list”命令列出当前可用的人工智能技术等等。



比如可以使用“acp dep loy”命令部署人工智能模型;使用“acp train”命令在分布式环境中训练模型;使用“acp infer”命令进行模型推理等等。







Cloud Core Router 1072-1G-8S+The CCR1072 is a high-performance multicore router with eight SFP+ cages. Ports are directly connected to a Tilera 72 core CPU and assisted by 16 GB of built-in ECC RAM.First useThe Ethernet port 1 (BOOT) has a default IP address for connecting: username is admin and there is no password. Please connect with your web browser to this IP address and choose Webfig to configure it. The device doesn’t have any other configuration applied by default, please connect to it, and set up WAN IP addresses, user password, firewall, etc. Please see the configuration section.MountingThe device is designed to use indoors and it can be mounted in a rackmount enclosure using provided rack mounts, or it can be placed on the desktop. Use a Phillips screwdriver to attach rackmount ears on both sides of the device if designated use is for rackmount enclosure:1.Attach rack ears to both sides of the device and tighten four screws to secure them in place, as shown onthe picture to the right;2.Place the device in rackmount enclosure and align with the holes so that device fits conveniently;3.Tighten screws to secure it in place.The IP rating scale for this device is IPX0. The device has no protection from water contamination, please ensure the placement of the device in a dry and ventilated environment. We recommend Cat6 cables for our devices.Mounting and configuration of this device should be done by a qualified person.PoweringThe device has dual removable (hot-swap compatible) power supply units AC ⏦ 110-240V (2.5 A) with standard IEC compatible sockets with Maximum power consumption of 125 W.ConfigurationOnce logged in, we recommend clicking the “Check for updates” button in the QuickSet menu, as updating your RouterOS software to the latest version ensures the best performance and stability. For wireless models, please make sure you have selected the country where the device will be used, to conform with local regulations. RouterOS includes many configuration options in addition to what is described in this document. We suggest starting here to get yourself accustomed to the possibilities: In case IP connection is not available, the Winbox tool ( can be used to connect to the MAC address of the device from the LAN side (all access is blocked from the Internet port by default).For recovery purposes, it is possible to boot the device for reinstallation, see a section Reset button. Extension Slots and Ports•2x M.2 slots, which accept 800mm Key-M x4 PCIe 2.0 modules. M.2 slots are located on PCB board inside the device. In order to access them remove screws on the back of the router for upper cover and while lifting up and pulling towards cover slides off.•microSD card slot.•Smart Card slot for private key storage.• 1 Gigabit Ethernet port.•8 SFP+ ports for 10 Gigabit connectivity.•USB slot type A.•microUSB slot type AB.•Automatic fan speed control.Reset buttonThe reset button has two functions:•Hold this button during boot time until LED light starts flashing, release the button to reset RouterOS configuration.•Or Keep holding the button for5more seconds until LED turns off,then release it to make the RouterBOARD look for Netinstall servers.Regardless of the above option used, the system will load the backup RouterBOOT loader if the button is pressed before power is applied to the device. Useful for RouterBOOT debugging and recovery.AccessoriesPackage includes the following accessories that come with the device:•EU/US AC ⏦power cord, D03+QT3 H05VV-F 3x0.75 mm 2 1.83 m RoHS.•Fastening set for rackmount case K-10 R2.•Rackmount Case x72 Side Bracket.Please visit wiki pages for MikroTik SFP module compatibility table:https:///wiki/MikroTik_SFP_module_compatibility_tableSpecificationsFor more information about this product, specification and pictures please visit our web page:https:///product/CCR1072-1G-8SplusOperating System SupportThe device supports RouterOS software with the version number at or above what is indicated in the RouterOS menu /system resource. Other operating systems have not been tested.Safety NoticeElectric shock hazard. This equipment is to be serviced by trained personnel only. This is a class Adevice, operating it near residential radio equipment could cause radio interference.。




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BMC Patrol与HP OMi的集成方法:使用SNMP Traps监控服务器并将其发送到HP O

BMC Patrol与HP OMi的集成方法:使用SNMP Traps监控服务器并将其发送到HP O

1.BMC Patrol Integration with HP OMi – SNMP TrapsUse the Patrol agents to monitor servers and send SNMP Traps to HP Operations Agent. SNMP Traps intercepted by HP Operations Agent will be converted into events and will be forwarded to HP OMi for Event Correlation and Incident Creation.1.1.Configuring SNMP Interceptor PoliciesSNMP interceptor policies enable you to monitor devices that send SNMP notifications (for example, printers, routers, computers with unsupported operating systems) to the HPE Operations Agent. SNMP interceptor policies enable you to filter SNMP notifications through rules. Each rule consists of a condition definition, and optionally an event definition. When an SNMP notification matches your conditions, you can create an event.1.1.1.R eceiving SNMP NotificationsSNMP interceptor policies enable you to filter SNMP notifications that other devices send to a node that runs HPE Operations Agent. HPE Operations Agent has a built-in SNMP interceptor daemon or service (called opctrapi), which accepts SNMP notifications on port 162 by default. Therefore, in many cases, you can configure your SNMP devices to send notifications to port 162 on the node that runs HPE Operations Agent.If port 162 is already in use by another process (for example the Microsoft SNMP Trap service or the Linux snmptrapd daemon), opctrapi cannot start. In this case, you can reconfigure opctrapi to use a different port by setting the SNMP_TRAP_PORT agent configuration variable (in the eaagt namespace). You must also configure your SNMP devices to send notifications to the same port.Alternatively, for nodes that run a Windows operating system, you can configure opctrapi to subscribe to the Microsoft SNMP Trap service. However, this configuration provides only SNMPv1 traps.To configure opctrapi to subscribe to the Microsoft SNMP Trap service, complete the following steps:a)Open a command prompt, and then type:ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set SNMP_SESSION_MODE WIN_SNMPb)Restart the SNMP interceptor:ovc -restart opctrapiFor more information about the available SNMP configuration variables and how to set them, see the Operations Agent Reference Guide.1.1.2.C reate an SNMP Interceptor Policy1.In the SNMP Policy Editor, in the Properties page, type a Name for the policy.Optional. Provide a description of the policy (Description), select the instrumentation that will be deployed with the policy onto the host system where the agent is running (Instrumentation), and select the operating systems with which the policy is compatible (OS Types).2.Optional. In the Defaults page, set default attributes for all events that a policy sends. The eventdefaults only affect new rules. You can override the defaults for individual rules.3.In the Rules page, define one or more policy rules.3.1.In the Policy Rules list, click the button, and then click one of the following options:a)Event on matched rule: Use this option if you want to send an event to OMi when theconditions are met.b)Suppress on matched rule: Use this option if you want to stop processing the policywhen the conditions that you specify are met.c)Suppress on unmatched rule: Use this option if you want to stop processing the policywhen the conditions that you specify are not met.3.2.Click the Rule Description and type a brief description of the rule.4.In Rule Content, use the Condition tab to define values that you want to evaluate against SNMPnotifications that arrive at the agent. The attributes that are available in the Condition tab correspond to the attributes that an SNMP notification may contain.You can enter pattern matching expressions and policy parameters in the text boxes.For example, to match generic linkDown traps from, set the following attributes: ∙Node:∙SNMPv1 notation (selected)∙Generic ID: the Condition Variable Bindings tab, select the variable bindings you want the policy to evaluate,and write one or more match patterns for each binding. You can use pattern-matching rules and policy parameters when matching variable bindings.For example, in many SNMP notifications, $2 contains the hostname of the sender. To match events only from systems in the domain , do the following:∙Click the button.∙In Variable, type 2.∙In Pattern, type <*>.6.Click Save and Close to save the policy template and exit the wizard.1.2.Configuring the SNMP Trap InterceptorBy default, the SNMP trap interceptor can collect SNMP traps originating from remote management stations or SNMP-enabled devices, and then can generate appropriate events based on the configuration.You can modify the default behaviour of the SNMP trap interceptor by configuring the following properties:∙SNMP_TRAP_PORT: The default port is 162. You can modify this value to any available port on the HPE Operations Agent node.∙SNMP_TRAP_FORWARD_DEST_LIST: Use this property to set the address of the remote management station where you want to forward all the available SNMP traps. You can specify multiple system names (with port details) separated by commas∙SNMP_TRAP_FORWARD_ENABLE: By default, this property is set to FALSE. By setting this property to TRUE, you can enable the SNMP trap interceptor to forward the SNMP traps available on the HPE Operations Agent node to remote machines or management stations.∙SNMP_TRAP_FORWARD_COMMUNITY: Use this property to specify the community string of the source machines of the incoming traps and the target machine where you want to forward the SNMP traps. The community strings of the source machines must match with the community strings of the target machines.∙SNMP_TRAP_FORWARD_FILTER: Use this property to filter the available SNMP traps by their OIDs and forward only the select traps to the remote machine. The filtering mechanism takes effect with the wildcard (*) character. For example, if you set this property to 1.2.3.*.*.*, the SNMP trap interceptor will forward all the SNMP traps with the OIDs that begin with 1.2.3. By default, all the available traps are forwarded when you enable the SNMP trap interceptor to forward traps.To modify the default behaviour of the SNMP trap interceptor, follow these steps:1. Log on to the node with the necessary privileges.2. In the command prompt, run the following commands:∙To modify the port number, run the following command:ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set SNMP_TRAP_PORT <port_number>You must specify an integer value for <port_number>. Make sure the specified <port_number> is available for use.∙To enable the SNMP trap interceptor to forward SNMP traps to remote machines, run the following command:ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set SNMP_TRAP_FORWARD_ENABLE TRUE∙If you enable the SNMP trap interceptor to forward SNMP traps to a remote machine, run the following command to specify the details of the target machine:ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set SNMP_TRAP_FORWARD_DEST_LIST"<machinename> :< port>"<machinename> is the fully-qualified domain name of the machine where you want to forward the SNMP traps and <port> is the HTTPS port of the machine. If you want to specify multiple targets, separate the machine details with commas.∙If you want to forward only selected SNMP traps available on the node to the remote machine, run the following command:ovconfchg -ns eaagt -set SNMP_TRAP_FORWARD_FILTER "<OID Filter>" Is an OID with the wildcard characters. The SNMP trap interceptor filters the traps that match the specified OID (with the wildcard characters) from the available traps, and then forwards them to the target machine.1.3.Sending SNMP traps based on PATROL EventsTo use the Agent to send SNMP traps based on PATROL events, you must enable them in the agent configuration.1.3.1.D estination of SNMP PEM-based trapsThe recipient list of SNMP traps is set in the Agent configuration. The /snmp/piV1m_list variable contains a comma separated list of host names and/or IP addresses, which represent SNMP trap destinations. ThePATROL SNMP subagent uses this variable with the /snmp/trapMibTable variable to bypass the PATROL SNMP Master Agent and send traps directly to SNMP Managers stored in this variable.The /snmp/piV1m_list configuration variable specifies which SNMP managers receive traps from the PATROL Agent.1.3.2.F ilter Events Based on Patrol AttributesWe can filter events based on the following Patrol Attributes1.Filter events based on PATROL event description2.Filter traps based on PATROL Event class3.Filter traps based on PATROL event ID4.Filter traps based on PATROL Event severity level5.Filter traps based on PATROL event status6.Filter traps based on PATROL event type1.4.Set SNMP trap formatThe PATROL Agent can send SNMP trap information in two different formats. To select a format, set the variable of the desired format to yes and set the variable of the other format to no.FormatThe /AgentSetup/pemIssueV31traps configuration variable determines whether PATROL uses version 3.1 formats to send SNMP traps.1.5.SNMP support based on PATROL Event ManagerThe /AgentSetup/pemSnmpSupport configuration variable determines whether PATROL Events trigger SNMP events.1.6.Specify a time period to send traps based on PATROL EventsTo send traps based on PATROL Events during a particular time period, you can set the /AgentSetup/pemPFSnmpStartTime and /AgentSetup/pemPFSnmpEndTime configuration variables.Start timeThe /AgentSetup/pemPFSnmpStartTime configuration variable specifies the start of the monitoring period.。

VX16s All-in-One Controller User Manual

VX16s All-in-One Controller User Manual

VX16sAll-in-One ControllerV1.0.0User ManualXI'A N NOVA S T AR T E C HCO .,LT D.Change HistoryX I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC HC O.,L TD.ContentsChange History ........................................................................................................................................ i 1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 1 2 Appearance ......................................................................................................................................... 2 Front Panel (2)2.1 Rear Panel .................................................................................................................................... 3 2.23 Applications ......................................................................................................................................... 5 4 Home Screen ...................................................................................................................................... 6 5 Menu Operations ................................................................................................................................. 8 Screen Brightness ......................................................................................................................... 8 5.1 Screen Settings .. (8) Quick configuration ........................................................................................................................................ 8 5.2.2 Loading RCFGx Files ..................................................................................................................................... 9 5.2.3 Save to RV Card ........................................................................................................................................... 11 5.2.4 Advanced Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 11 5.2.5 More Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 12 Layer Settings (13) Main Layer and PIP ...................................................................................................................................... 13 Input Settings . (14) Input Source Selection ................................................................................................................................. 14 5.4.2 Input Resolution Settings ............................................................................................................................. 15 5.4.3 DVI Mosaic ................................................................................................................................................... 16 5.4.4 RGB Limited to RGB Full ............................................................................................................................. 17 Display Control ............................................................................................................................ 17 5.5 Preset Settings ............................................................................................................................ 18 5.6 Image Mosaic .............................................................................................................................. 19 5.7 Advanced Settings .. (19) Hot Backup .................................................................................................................................................. 19 5.8.2 Synchronization ............................................................................................................................................ 19 5.8.3 FN ................................................................................................................................................................ 20 5.8.4 Advanced Functions . (20) 3D Mode .................................................................................................................. 20 Self-Test ................................................................................................................... 20 5.8.5 Output Frame Rate ...................................................................................................................................... 21 5.8.6 Return to Home ............................................................................................................................................ 21 5.8.7 Factory Reset ............................................................................................................................................... 21 5.8.8 About Us ...................................................................................................................................................... 21 Partial Reset ................................................................................................................................ 21 5.9 Communication Settings (21) Communication Mode ................................................................................................................................ 21 5.10.2 Network Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 22 Language .. (22)5.116 Specifications .................................................................................................................................... 23 A Instructions for the 3D Function .. (24)XI'A N NOVA S T AR T E C HCO .,LT D.A.1 For a Single VX16s Unit (24)A.2 For Multiple VX16s Units (24)A.3 Notes (25)X I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC HC O.,L TD.1 OverviewThe VX16s is NovaStar’s new all-in-one controller that integrates video processing, video control and LED screen configuration into one unit. Together with NovaStar’s V-Can video control software, it enables richer image mosaic effects and easier operations.The VX16s supports a variety of video signals, Ultra HD 4K×2K@60Hz image processing and sendingcapabilities, as well as up to 10,400,000 pixels.Thanks to its powerful image processing and sending capabilities, the VX16s can be widely used inapplications such as stage control systems, conferences, events, exhibitions, high-end rental and fine-pitch displays.X I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC HC O.,L TD.2 AppearanceFront Panel2.1.,LT D.Rear Panel2.2.The HDMI source and DVI Mosaic source can be used by the main layer only.X I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC H3 ApplicationsThis product can only be worked horizontally. Wall mounting is not permitted.X I'A NN OVA RT EC HC O.,L TD.4 Home ScreenFigure 4-1 Home screenThe layer is active and the layer input source name and resolution aredisplayed.The layer is inactive.The VX16s is in video controller mode and this Ethernet port isconnected.This Ethernet port is not connected.This Ethernet port is connected and serves as the backup output port.Resolution and frame rate of the configured screenScreen brightnessThe Genlock function is turned on.The Genlock function is turned off.The Genlock function is being turned on.Failed to turn on the Genlock function.The LED screen is displaying a black screen.The LED screen is displaying the selected test pattern. N NOVA S R T E C HCO .,LT D.The LED screen is displaying the current input source. The output image is frozen.The BKG function is turned on.The BKG function is turned off.The VX16s is communicating with the control PC via USB. The VX16s is communicating with the control PC via LAN. The VX16s is not connected to the control PC.X I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC H5 Menu OperationsKnob :On the home screen, press the knob to enter the main menu screen.On the main menu screen, rotate the knob to select a menu item, and press the knob to confirm the selectionor enter the submenu.When a menu item with parameters is selected, you can rotate the knob to adjust the parameters. Press the knob again after adjustment to apply your settings. ESC : Exit the current menu or cancel an operation.Screen Brightness5.1 You can adjust the screen brightness in an eye-friendly way according to the current ambient brightness. Besides, appropriate adjustment of screen brightness can extend the service life of the LED screen. Figure 5-1 Screen brightnessStep 1 Press the knob to enter the main menu screen.Step 2 Select Screen Brightness and press the knob to confirm the selection.Step 3 Rotate the knob to adjust the brightness value. You can see the adjustment result on the LED screen in realtime. Press the knob to apply the brightness when you are satisfied with it.Screen Settings5.2 You can configure your screen to make it display the whole image correctly.Quick Configuration and Advance Configuration are provided and you can choose any of the options to configure your screen.5.2.1 Quick configuration Prerequisites● The LED screen must be a regular screen.● Cabinets of the screen must be regular cabinets with the same resolution.● The following data flow patterns are supported. The physical connection of each Ethernet port must bealong the same direction and downward to the next one.XI'A N NOVA S T AR T E C HCO .,LT D.Ethernet port 1 must be always at the beginning of the whole physical connection.Operating ProcedureStep 1 Power on the LED screen.Step 2 On the home screen, press the knob to enter the main menu screen. Then rotate the knob to choose ScreenSettings > Quick Configuration and press the knob to enter the quick configuration screen.Figure 5-2 Quick configurationStep 3 Set Cabinet Row Qty and Cabinet Column Qty according to the actual row and column quantities of thecabinets. Step 4 Rotate the knob to select Port 1 Cabinet Qty and set the quantity of the cabinets loaded by Ethernet port 1. Step 5 Rotate the knob to select Data Flow (Front View) and press the knob, then select an appropriate data flowpattern of the cabinets.During data flow settings, you can see the result on the LED screen in real time. If the entire screen displays content correctly, that is, no overlapping or repetition, press the knob to save the settings.5.2.2 Loading RCFGx FilesAfter the LED screen is powered on, if a cabinet or the entire LED screen is not lit, you can load the receivingcard configuration files (namely RCFGx files) that have been configured in NovaLCT to the VX16s.Step 1 (Optional) After you have configured the screen in NovaLCT, click Save to File under the Receiving Card tabto save the configuration file to the PC.XI'A N NOVA S T AR T E C HCO .,LT D.Figure 5-3 Saving receiving card configuration filesStep 2 Choose Tools > Controller Cabinet Configuration File Import to enter the controller cabinet configurationfile importing page.Figure 5-4 Importing controller cabinet configuration filesStep 3 Click Add Configuration File to select the target file (*.rcfgx/*.rcfg) from your PC, and then click Open . Step 4 Click Save the Change to HW to send the configuration files to the VX16s.XI'A N NOVA S T AR T E C HCO .,LT D.Figure 5-5 Saving changes to the VX16sThe configuration files for irregular cabinets are not supported.5.2.3 Save to RV CardYou can send and save the screen configuration to the receiving card. The configuration data will not be lost after the VX16s is powered off.5.2.4 Advanced ConfigurationYou can set the cabinet row and column quantities, horizontal offset, vertical offset and data flow of thecabinets loaded by a single Ethernet port.Operating ProcedureStep 1 Press the knob to enter the main menu screen.Step 2 Rotate the knob to choose Screen Settings > Advanced Configuration, and press it to enter the advanced configuration screen.Step 3 Turn on the advanced configuration function, and then set the cabinet row and column quantities, horizontal offset, vertical offset and data flow.Figure 5-6 Advanced configurationX I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC O.,L TD.5.2.5 More SettingsStep 1 Press the knob to enter the main menu screen.Step 2 Rotate the knob to choose Screen Settings > More Settings, and then press the knob to enter the submenu, including Mapping and LED Screen Color.MappingYou can turn on this function to display the sequence numbers of Ethernet ports and cabinets.Figure 5-7 MappingExample: "P:05" stands for the Ethernet port number and "#001" stands for the cabinet number.The receiving cards of the screen must support the Mapping function. You can check the types of receivingcards on NovaStar’s official website ( Screen ColorYou can adjust the screen color and the adjustment result will be displayed on the LED screen in real time.Table 5-1 Screen color parametersFigure 5-8 Color temperaturesXNN OA RT EC HC O.,L TD.Layer Settings5.3Step 1 Press the knob to enter the main menu screen.Step 2 Rotate the knob to select Layer Settings and press the knob to enter the layer settings screen where you can set the following.●Main layer●PIP 1 and PIP 25.3.1 Main Layer and PIPFigure 5-9 Layer settingsE C HC O.,L TD.Figure 5-10 Layer parameter descriptionFigure 5-11 Input cropInput Settings5.4 5.4.1 Input Source SelectionThe supported input sources include HDMI, SDI and DVI.Rotate the knob to select the desired input source and press the knob to enter the input source resolutionsetting screen.Only one interlaced SDI input is supported in the mosaic mode of four DVI connectors.XI'A N NOVA S T AR T E C HCO .,LT D.Figure 5-12 Input source selection5.4.2 Input Resolution SettingsThe following two methods are provided to set the input resolution:● Standard resolution ● Custom resolutionFigure 5-13 Choosing a resolution setting methodThe SDI input source does not support resolution settings.Standard ResolutionChoose a standard resolution and frame rate. Then rotate the knob to select Apply and press the knob toapply your settings.Figure 5-14 Standard resolutionTable 5-2 Standard resolutions XI'A N NOVA S T AR T E C HCO .,LT D.Custom ResolutionRotate the knob to set a custom width, height and frame rate. Then rotate the knob to select Apply and pressthe knob to apply your settings. If you do not press the knob to confirm, the settings will not take effect. Figure 5-15 Custom resolution5.4.3 DVI MosaicStep 1 Rotate the knob to choose Input Settings > DVI .Step 2 Adjust the resolutions of DVI 1, 2, 3 and 4 together. For the adjustment procedure, see 5.4.2 InputResolution Settings .XI'A N NOFigure 5-16 DVI 1/2/3/4 resolution settingsStep 3 Rotate the knob to select DVI MOSAIC and press the knob to enter the DVI mosaic settings menu.DescriptionChoose a mosaic layout for DVI connectors 1– 4. Seven mosaic layouts are available:,,,,,,.Step 4 Rotate the knob to set the MOSAIC Backup mode.● Part: When one or multiple DVI sources in the DVI mosaic group are abnormal, these sources are notdisplayed and other DVI sources are displayed normally. ● Group: When one or multiple DVI sources in the DVI mosaic group are abnormal, the backup device willtake over the primary device to output the image. • Only one interlaced SDI input is supported in the mosaic mode of four DVI connectors.•Mosaic Backup is set to Part by default. In device backup mode, please set Mosaic Backup to Group for the primary device to ensure that the output image can be displayed normally.5.4.4 RGB Limited to RGB FullThe VX16s can automatically convert the color space of the video source from RGB limited to RGB full,allowing for more accurate video processing.● Off: Don’t convert the color space of the current video source from RGB limited to RGB full.● On: Convert the color space of the current video source from RGB limited to RGB full. You are advised toturn on this function when the color space of the video source is RGB limited.Display Control5.5 This function is used to verify whether the LED display works properly. You can make the screen go black, freeze the screen, let the screen display test patterns or the content of an input source normally.● Normal: Display the content of the current input source normally. ● Freeze: Freeze the current frame of the output image.XI'A N NT ACO .,LT D● FTB: Make the screen go black.● Test Pattern: Test the display performance and working status of the LED screen. Options on this menuinclude Pure Color , Gradient , Grid , Brightness , Spacing and Speed .● Image Color: Adjust the color of the output image. You can see the adjustment result on the LED screen inreal time.Table 5-3 Image color parametersPreset Settings5.6 The VX16s supports 10 presets. Users can save, load and clear the configured presets.Step 1 Rotate the knob to select Preset Settings and press the knob to enter the preset settings screen.Step 2 Rotate the knob to select the desired preset and press the knob. In the dialog box that appears, four presetoperation options are provided: Save , Load , Clear or Copy To .Figure 5-17 Preset operations● Save: Save the settings of the current layer to the target preset. ● Load: Load the layout settings of the selected preset to the current layer. ● Clear: Clear all the contents in the selected preset.● Copy To: Copy the layout settings of the current preset to the target preset.If the target preset contains data, the Copy To operation will overwrite its original data.XI'A N NOVA S T AR T E CImage Mosaic5.7 The image mosaic function is required when the resolution of an LED screen is greater than the loadingcapacity of a single VX16s unit. The total pixels loaded by all linked VX16s units equals the total resolution of the LED screen.Figure 5-18 Image mosaic parametersExample: If the resolution of the LED screen is 7680×4320 which exceeds the loading capacity of a single VX16s unit, four VX16s units will be required together for image mosaic. Table 5-4 Parameter settingsAdvanced Settings5.8 5.8.1 Hot BackupYou can set the VX16s as the primary device or backup device. The data flow patterns in both the modes arethe same.● Set as Primary: The icon of the target Ethernet port on the home screen is highlighted.● Set as Backup: The icon of the target Ethernet port on the home screen is highlighted and a small triangleappears on the bottom right of the icon.When the primary device fails, the backup device will take over the work in real time.5.8.2 SynchronizationSelect a synchronization signal to synchronize all the linked VX16s units and keep the display of the outputimages of all the units in sync.Step 1 Rotate the knob to select Synchronization and press the knob to enter the submenu. Step 2 Rotate the knob to set the synchronization status and source.● Status: Turn on or turn off this function. It defaults to Off . ● Source: Select the target input source.XI'A N NOVCO .,LT D.5.8.3 FNThe FN button on the front panel can be customized as a shortcut for the Synchronization (default), Freeze ,FTB , Quick Configuration or Color function.5.8.4 Advanced FunctionsAdvanced functions include 3D mode and self-test settings. 3D ModeThe VX16s can work with the EMT200 3D emitter and 3D glasses to provide you with 3D visual experience.• Turning on 3D mode halves the device output capacity.•To enable pixel-to-pixel display of a 3D video source, set the layer width to the half of the resolution width of the 3D source if the source is side-by-side, or set the layer height to the half of the resolution height of the 3D source if the source is top-and-bottom.Figure 5-19 Hardware connectionsStep 1 Complete the hardware connections as shown in Figure 5-19.Step 2 Rotate the knob to choose Advanced Functions > 3D Mode > Status to turn on the function.Step 3 Select the 3D format of the video source. The options include Side-by-Side , Top-and-Bottom and FrameSequential . Step 4 Set the eye priority according to the mode of the 3D glasses. The options include Left and Right . Step 5 Select More Settings to complete the following settings.● Right Eye Start ● Signal Delay Time ● Third-Party TransmitterFor more detailed operating procedure of the 3D function, see A Instructions for the 3D Function . Self-TestWhen the VX16s fails, you can test it yourself and send the test result to NovaStar.XI'A N NOVA S T AR T E C HCO .,5.8.5 Output Frame RateYou can set the output frame rate of the image output by the Ethernet ports. It defaults to 60 Hz. The providedoptions include 23.98 Hz, 24 Hz, 25 Hz, 29.97 Hz, 30 Hz, 47.95 Hz, 48 Hz, 50 Hz, 56 Hz, 59.94 Hz, 60 Hz, 70 Hz, 71.93 Hz, 72 Hz, 75 Hz, 85 Hz, 100 Hz, 119.88 Hz and 120 Hz.5.8.6 Return to HomeYou can set the period of time during which the system stays at the current page before returning to the homepage automatically when there is no operation performed. The default time is 60s and the maximum value is 3600s.5.8.7 Factory ResetYou can reset all user data to factory settings.5.8.8 About UsYou can view the following information.● Device hardware version ● Official website● Email (*********************)Partial Reset5.9 After partial reset, the name you set, loaded RCFGx files, preset parameters, IP address and subnet mask are kept while other parameters are all reset to the factory defaults.Communication Settings5.10 5.10.1 Communication ModeThe VX16s is connected to the PC via USB port and Ethernet port at the same time. The communicationmodes include USB Preferred and LAN Preferred . Figure 5-20 Communication mode● When USB Preferred is selected, the VX16s communicates with the PC via USB port by preference.XI'A N NOVA S T AR T E C HCO .,LT D.●When LAN Preferred is selected, the VX16s communicates with the PC via Ethernet port by preference.5.10.2 Network SettingsThe methods for network settings include Manual and Auto.●Manual: Set the device IP address and subnet mask manually.●Auto: The device reads the network parameters automatically.●Reset: Reset the parameters to defaults.Figure 5-21 Network settings•When the VX16s communicates with the control PC, they must be on the same LAN.•The IP addresses of the VX16s and the control PC cannot be the same.Language5.11The VX16s is available for Chinese and English. You can choose your desired language.X I'A NN OV AS TA RT EC HC O.,L TD.6 SpecificationsX I'A NN OV AAInstructions for the 3D FunctionA.1 For a Single VX16s UnitStep 1 Select a 3D video source and connect it to the DVI or HDMI connector of the VX16s unit.Step 2 Connect the VX16s unit to the EMT200 3D emitter and the LED screen in series via Ethernet cables. Thenpower on the EMT200 and turn on the shutter 3D glasses that come with the EMT200. Step 3 Configure the screen. Please note that turning on the 3D mode will halve the output loading capacity of asingle Ethernet port and the whole unit. Step 4 Select the 3D video source format. Select Side-by-Side , Top-and-Bottom or Frame Sequential according tothe actual video source format. Step 5 Adjust the eye priority. Since the left and right eye image switching manner of the video source may not be insync with your shutter 3D glasses, you need to adjust the eye priority according to actual visual effect after the 3D mode is turned on. The default option is Left . Step 6 Adjust the right eye start.● For a side-by-side 3D video sourceIf the resolution of the video source is 1920×1080@60Hz, set the right eye start to 960. If the resolution of the video source is 3840×1080@60Hz, set the right eye start to 1920. In conclusion, it is recommended you set the right eye start to the half of the video source width.● For a top-and-bottom 3D video sourceIf the resolution of the video source is 1920×1080@60Hz, set the right eye start to 540. If the resolution of the video source is 3840×1080@60Hz, set the right eye start to 540. In conclusion, it is recommended you set the right eye start to the half of the video source height.● For a frame-sequential 3D video source, you do not need to adjust this parameter.Step 7 Adjust the signal delay to keep the left-right eye switching of the 3D glasses and the LED screen in sync. It isrecommended you adjust the signal delay according to the actual visual effect after the 3D mode is turned on. Step 8 Turn on the 3D mode. Then only the main layer is kept and other layers are closed.Step 9 Wear your 3D glasses to enjoy the 3D effect. No matter how the main layer size or position is adjusted, the 3Deffect will not be affected at all.A.2 For Multiple VX16s UnitsStep 1 Select a 3D video source and connect it to the DVI or HDMI connectors of all the VX16s units.Step 2 Connect all VX16s units to the LED screen via Ethernet cables, and connect the EMT200 to one of the unitsvia an Ethernet cable. Then power on the EMT200 and turn on the shutter 3D glasses that come with the EMT200. Step 3 Configure the area of the screen loaded by each unit. Please note that turning on the 3D mode will halve theoutput loading capacity of a single Ethernet port and the whole unit. Step 4 Set the image mosaic parameters of each unit, which will not be detailed in this document.Step 5 Select the 3D video source format for all the units. Select Side-by-Side , Top-and-Bottom or FrameSequential according to the actual video source format. Set the same video source format for all the units. Step 6 Adjust the eye priority for all the units. Since the frame-sequential manner of the video source may not be insync with your shutter 3D glasses, you need to adjust the eye priority according to actual visual effect after the 3D mode is turned on. The default option is Left . Set the same eye priority for all the units. Step 7 Set the same right eye start for all the units.● For a side-by-side 3D video sourceIf the resolution of the video source is 1920×1080@60Hz, set the right eye start to 960. If the resolution ofXI'A N NOVA S T AR T E C HCO .,LT D.。

ACPL-798J 评估板套件 (PMOD Type 1 接口) 隔离 sigma-delta 模块

ACPL-798J 评估板套件 (PMOD Type 1 接口) 隔离 sigma-delta 模块

ACPL-798J Evaluation Board Kit (PMOD Type 1 Interface)Isolated Sigma-Delta Modulator with LVDS InterfaceUser GuideDescriptionThe ACPL-798J isolated sigma-delta (Σ−Δ) modulator converts an analog input signal into a high-speed (up to 25MHz) single-bit data stream by means of a sigma-delta over-sampling modulator. The time average of the modulator data is directly proportional to the input signal voltage. The modulator uses external clock ranges from 5 MHz to 25 MHz that is coupled across the isolation barrier. This arrangement allows synchronous operation of data acquisition to any digital controller, and adjustable clock for speed requirements of the application. The modulator data are encoded and trans-mitted across the isolation boundary where they are recovered and decoded into high-speed data stream of digital ones and zeros. The original signal information is represented by the density of ones in the data output. [1]Input signal information is contained in the modulator output data stream, represented by the density of ones and zeros. The density of ones is proportional to the input signal voltage, as shown in Figure 1. A differential input signal of 0 V ideally produces a data stream of ones 50% of the time and zeros 50% of the time. A differential input of –200 mV corresponds to 18.75% density of ones, and a differential input of +200 mV is represented by 81.25% density of ones in the data stream. A differential input of +320 mV or higher results in ideally all ones in the data stream, while input of –320 mV or lower will result in all zeros ideally. Table 1 shows this relationship.Figure 1. Modulator output vs. analog inputTable 1. Input voltage with ideal corresponding density of 1s at modulator data output, and ADC code.Analog InputVoltage InputDensity of 1sADC Code (16-bit unsigned decimation)Full-Scale Range 640 mV +Full-Scale+320 mV 100%65,535+Recommended Input Range +200 mV 81.25%53,248Zero0 mV 50%32,768–Recommended Input Range –200 mV 18.75%12,288–Full-Scale–320 mV0%–FS (ANALOG INPUT)+FS (ANALOG INPUT)0 V (ANALOG INPUT)TIMETable 1 Input voltage with ideal corresponding density of 1s at modulator data output, and ADC code.Figure 2. CIC or Sinc3 filter block.By scaling the filter decimation ratio, it is possible to scale the resolution vs response speed accordingly and vice versa.Table 2. Flexibility to scale, resolution vs speed.Decimation Ratio (R)Fs=20MHzFs=10MHzThroughput Rate (Fs/R) KHz Effective Numberof Bits (ENOB)Filter Delay (us)Throughput Rate (Fs/R)Effective Number of Bits (ENOB)Filter Delay (us)25678.11212.839.11225.6128156.211 6.478.11112.864312.511 3.2156.211 6.43262591.6312.5103.2The original analog signal that is converted to a digital bit stream by the over-sampling sigma-delta modulator, can be recovered by means of filtering in the digital domain. A common and simple way is through implementation of a cas-caded integrated comb (CIC) filter or Sinc3 filter. The digital filter averages or decimates the over-sampled bit stream and effectively converts it into a multi-bit digital equivalent code of the original analog input signal. With a 20MHz external clock frequency, 256 decimation ratio and 16-bit word settings, the output data rate is 78 kHz (= 20MHz/256). This filter can be implemented in an ASIC, an FPGA or a DSP .CIC (Cascaded Integrated Comb Filter) or Sinc3 Filter BlockAnalog InputThis User Manual is provided to assist you in the evaluation of product(s) currently under development. Until Avago Technologies releases this product for general sales, Avago Technologies reserves the right to alter prices, specifica-tions, features, capabilities, functions, release dates, and remove availability of the product(s) at anytime.PMOD Interface Evaluation BoardThe purpose of the ACPL-798J PMOD interface type 1 evaluation board is to make it easier for system designer to quickly assemble and integrate Avago’s ACPL-798J LVDS digital modulator to FPGA, DSP or microcontroller development kits / reference boards which also come with PMOD interface for prototyping or evaluation purpose with not soldering required.Pmod interface or Peripheral Module interface is a standard defined by Digilent Inc in the Digilent Pmod™ Interface Specification [2] for peripherals used with FPGAs or micro-controllers. Pmods come in a standard 6-Pin interface with 4 signals, one ground and one power pin. Double and quad Pmods also exist. These duplicate the standard interface to allow more signals to pass through to the module.Figure 3. PMOD type 1 port (6-pin configuration)Figure 4 demonstrates how the 798J PMOD interface type 1 evaluation board is used together with a FPGA develop-ment kit.Figure 4. 798J PMOD type 1 evaluation board interface to FPGA development kitVcc GNDSingle row module uses 4 IO pinsVcc GNDDual row module uses 8 IO pinsPMOD TM PortsPMOD TM port = 2 row of 6 pins eachPlug-in modules can have either one or two rows of pinsSinc3 filter can be easily programmed into FPGA in VHDL or Verilog environment. An example of a 16-bit output Sinc3 fil-ter code is provided at the Appendix of this userguide for both VHDL and Verilog. In this example, two pins are assigned to allow selection of three decimation ratio settings, 256, 128 and 64.If the FPGA is configured for LVDS interface, toggle all pins 1 to 4 of dip switch selector to the left. If FPGA is configured to drive single-ended board clock frequency and to receive single ended data, toggle all pins 1 to 4 of dip switch selector to the right. A pair of LVDS driver and receiver are included in the evaluation board to translates LVDS differential clock and data signals to single ended signal respectively. Please refer to schematic diagram on the last page for illustration.Figure 5. Avago 798J PMOD interface evaluation board output interfacing to PMOD type 1Output pin configuration of Avago 798J PMOD interface evaluation boardPinEvaluation BoardPMOD Type 1 Port15V Vcc 2GNDGnd 3Differential Clock +User I/O 4Differential Clock -User I/O 5Differential Data +User I/O 6Differential Data -User I/OV c c G n d U s e r I O 1U s e r I O 2U s e r I O 3U s e r I O 4Pmod InterfaceType 1Reference[1] Datasheet ACPL-798J Optically Isolated Sigma-Delta Modulator with LVDS Interface, publication number AV02-4339EN [2] Digilent Pmod™ Interface Specification (PDF), Digilent, Inc., November 20, 2011A 10mΩ shunt resistor is included in this evaluation board to demonstrate the current sensor function. It’s suitable for current sensing up to 15Arms. For higher current sensing application, choose appropriate shunt resistance value and power rating accordingly.Shunt Resistor Value SelectionOne example to select the shunt resistor value is shown below:If maximum rms current through motor = 10A, 50% overloads during normal operation, then, peak current is 21.1 A (=10 x 1.414 x 1.5). Recommended max. input voltage for ACPL-798J = ±200mV.• Shunt resistor value = V/I = 200mV/21.1A ≈ 10mΩ• Power dissipation = I2*R = (10)2 * 10mΩ = 1WA list of high precision shunt resistor manufacturers is available at the Appendix.APPENDIX A - PCBFront PCBRear PCBVishay Dale WSR-20.015Ω, 2W shuntresistorMotien VA-0505DLH 5V/5V isolated DC-DC converter3.3V voltage regulatorACPL-798J LVDS Digital ModulatorClock (Mclkin) and Data (Mdat) Single-ended / Di erential dipswitchAnalog Current InputLVDS receiverLVDS driverPMOD Interface Type 1FPGA 3.3V I/O interfaceAPPENDIX B - 16-bit Output Sinc3 Filter Code16-bit Output Sinc3 Filter Code with three selectable decimation factors 256, 128 and 64 (hardware pin select) 1. Verilog Code/*-----------------------------------------------------------Avago Technologies Confidential----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*//* Create Date: 09/13/2011Design Name: cic_filterModule Name: cic_filter.vDescription: CIC filter (SINC3 digital filter)with decimation value 64, 128, 256Revision:Revision 0.01 - File CreatedAdditional Comments:*/module cic_filter ( clk, reset, sel, filter_in, filter_out, word_clk );input clk; // sigma delta adc clockinput reset;input [1:0] sel; //Control decimation factor 64, 128 and 256input filter_in; // sigle bit sigma delta bit streamoutput [15:0] filter_out; // 16 bit digital filter outputoutput word_clk; // Decimated Clock//**********************************////////////////////////////////sel = 2'b00 --> Decimation Factor = 256//sel = 2'b01 --> Decimation Factor = 128//sel = 2'b10 --> Decimation Factor = 64//sel = 2'b11 --> Decimation Factor = 256/////////////////////////////wire [24:0] ip_data1;reg [24:0] acc1;reg [24:0] acc2;reg [24:0] acc3;reg [24:0] acc3_d2;reg [24:0] diff1;reg [24:0] diff2;reg [24:0] diff3;reg [24:0] diff1_d;reg [24:0] diff2_d;reg [15:0] filter_out;reg [7:0] word_count;reg word_clk;//**********************************assign ip_data1 = (filter_in == 1'b1)? 25'h1 : 25'h0;//accumulation processalways @(posedge clk or posedge reset)beginif (reset)beginacc1 <= 0;acc2 <= 0;acc3 <= 0;endelse beginacc1 <= acc1 + ip_data1;acc2 <= acc2 + acc1;acc3 <= acc3 + acc2;endendalways @(posedge clk or posedge reset)beginif (reset)word_count <= 0;else beginif(word_count8'b11111111)==0;word_count<=elseword_count <= word_count + 1; endend//Decimation Stagealways @(sel or word_count)beginif(sel == 2'd0)if (word_count == 8'b11111111)word_clk <= 1'b1;elseword_clk <= 1'b0;else if(sel == 2'd1)if (word_count[6:0] == 7'b1111111)word_clk <= 1'b1;elseword_clk <= 1'b0;else if(sel == 2'd2)if (word_count[5:0] == 6'b111111)word_clk <= 1'b1;elseword_clk <= 1'b0;elseif (word_count == 8'b11111111)word_clk <= 1'b1;elseword_clk <= 1'b0;end//DIFFERENTIATORalways @(posedge clk or posedge reset)beginif(reset) beginacc3_d2 <= 0;diff1_d <= 0;diff2_d <= 0;diff1 <= 0;diff2 <= 0;diff3 <= 0;endelse beginif (word_clk)begindiff1 <= acc3 - acc3_d2;diff2 <= diff1 - diff1_d;diff3 <= diff2 - diff2_d;acc3_d2 <= acc3;diff1_d <= diff1;diff2_d <= diff2;endendend// filter_out --> Filtered 16 bit outputalways @(posedge clk or posedge reset)beginif (reset)filter_out <= 16'h0000;else beginif (word_clk)beginif(sel == 2'd0) begin //Decimation ratio 256if (diff3[24] ==1'b1)filter_out <= 16'hffff;elsefilter_out <= diff3[23:8];endelse if(sel == 2'd1) begin //Decimation ratio 128if (diff3[21] ==1'b1)filter_out <= 16'hffff;elsefilter_out <= diff3[20:5];endelse if(sel == 2'd2) begin //Decimation ratio 32if (diff3[18] == 1'b1)filter_out <= 16'hffff;elsefilter_out <= diff3[17:2];endelse beginif (diff3[24] ==1'b1) //Decimation ratio 256filter_out <= 16'hffff;elsefilter_out <= diff3[23:8];endendendendendmodule2. VHDL Code------------------------------------------------------------------------ Avago Technologies Confidential-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: W ongCH---- Create Date: 31-05-2011-- Design Name: filter-- Module Name: filter.vhd-- Project Name:-- Target Device:-- Tool versions:-- Description: SINC3 digital filter------ Dependencies:---- Revision:-- Revision 0.01 - File Created-- Additional Comments:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------library IEEE;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;entity filter isPort ( clk : in STD_LOGIC;reset : in STD_LOGIC;mdata : in std_logic;setting : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);word_clk : out std_logic;fil_data : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) );end filter;Architecture rtl of filter issignal ipdata1 : std_logic_vector(24 downto 0);signal acc1 : std_logic_vector(24 downto 0);signal acc2 : std_logic_vector(24 downto 0);signal acc3 : std_logic_vector(24 downto 0);signal acc3_d2 : std_logic_vector(24 downto 0);signal diff1 : std_logic_vector(24 downto 0);signal diff2 : std_logic_vector(24 downto 0);signal diff3 : std_logic_vector(24 downto 0);signal diff1_d : std_logic_vector(24 downto 0);signal diff2_d : std_logic_vector(24 downto 0);signal data : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);signal word_count : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);signal i_word_clk : std_logic;beginp_mdata: process(mdata)beginif mdata = '0' thenipdata1 <= "0000000000000000000000000";elseipdata1 <= "0000000000000000000000001";end if;end process;VHDL Code (Continued...)p_acc: process(reset, clk)beginif (reset = '1') thenacc1 <= (others => '0');acc2 <= (others => '0');acc3 <= (others => '0');elsif (clk ='1' and clk'event) thenacc1 <= acc1 + ipdata1;acc2 <= acc2 + acc1;acc3 <= acc3 + acc2;end if;end process;p_dec_clk: process(reset, clk)beginif (reset = '1') thenword_count <= (others => '0');elsif (clk ='1' and clk'event) thenword_count <= word_count + '1';end if;end process;process(word_count, setting)beginif setting(7 downto 4) = "1111" thencase setting(1 downto 0) iswhen "00" =>if word_count(7 downto 0) = "11111111" theni_word_clk <= '1';elsei_word_clk <= '0';end if;when "01" =>if word_count(6 downto 0) = "1111111" then i_word_clk <= '1';elsei_word_clk <= '0';end if;=>"10"whenif word_count(5 downto 0) = "111111" then i_word_clk <= '1';elsei_word_clk <= '0';end if;=>whenOthersif word_count(4 downto 0) = "11111" then i_word_clk <= '1';elsei_word_clk <= '0';end if;case;endelsei_word_clk <= '0';end if;end process;word_clk <= i_word_clk;p_diff: process(reset, clk)VHDL Code (Continued...)beginif (reset = '1') thenacc3_d2 <= (others =>'0');diff1_d <= (others =>'0');diff2_d <= (others =>'0');diff1 <= (others =>'0');diff2 <= (others =>'0');diff3 <= (others =>'0');elsif (clk ='1' and clk'event) thenif i_word_clk ='1' thenacc3;<= acc3_d2-acc3_d2;acc3 diff1<=diff1;diff1_d<=diff1-diff1_d;<=diff2diff2;<= diff2_d-diff2_d;diff2 diff3<=if;endend if;end process;p_data: process(reset, clk)beginif (reset = '1') thendata <= (others =>'0');elsif (clk ='1' and clk'event) thenif i_word_clk ='1' thenif setting(7 downto 4) = "1111" then case setting(1 downto 0) iswhen "00" => --decimation ratio= 256if diff3(24) ='1' thendata <= (others =>'1');elsedata <= diff3(23 downto 8);end if;when "01" => --decimation ratio = 128if diff3(21) ='1' thendata <= (others =>'1');elsedata <= diff3(20 downto 5);end if;when "10" => --decimation ratio =64if diff3(18) ='1' thendata <= (others =>'1');elsedata <= diff3(17 downto 2);end if;when others => --decimation ratio = 32if diff3(15) ='1' thendata <= (others =>'1');elsedata <= diff3(14 downto 0) & '0';end if;end case;elsedata <= "0000000000000000";end if;if;endend if;end process;fil_data <= data;end rtl;APPENDIX C - Shunt Resistor Manufacturer1) KOA {}2) Micron Electric (Japan) {}3) International Resistive Company (IRC) {/}4) Isabellenhuette Isotek {/about-us/isabellenhutte}5) Precision Resistor {}6) Vishay-Dale {/videos/resistors/vishay-dale-shunt-resistors-an-overview}The above pictures show different types of high precision shunt resistors with different resistance values, tolerance and power dissipations offered by the manufacturers listed above.13A P P E N D I X D - S c h e m a t i c D i a g r a mFor product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site: Avago, Avago Technologies, and the A logo are trademarks of Avago Technologies in the United States and other countries.Data subject to change. Copyright © 2005-2015 Avago Technologies. All rights reserved. AV02-4961EN - June 23, 2015DISCLAIMER: Avago’s products and software are not specifically designed, manufactured or authorized for sale as parts, components or assemblies for the planning, construction, maintenance or direct operation of a nucle-ar facility or for use in medical devices or applications. Customer is solely responsible, and waives all rights to make claims against Avago or its suppliers, for all loss, damage, expense or liability in connection with such use.Author: Lim Shiun Pin, Avago Isolation Product Division Application Engineer。

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© 2014 ANSYS, Inc.
May 13, 2014
17 Parameters in ANSYS Composite PrepPost
Output Parameter in ANSYS Composite PrepPost
Results shown in Scene.1 (Inverse Reserve factor of overall failure criteria evaluation)
10 © 2014 ANSYS, Inc. May 13, 2014
Maximum value retrieved by expression MAX IRF = 0.92
May 13, 2014

© 2014 ANSYS, Inc.
17 Parameters in ANSYS Composite PrepPost
Input Parameter in ANSYS Composite PrepPost
• Rules provide the following possible input parameter • Include Rule Type (Yes or no) • Lower Rule Limit • Upper Rule Limit • Relative Rule Type (Yes or No)

© 2014 ANSYS, Inc.
May 13, 2014
17 Parameters in ANSYS Composite PrepPost
• All parameters (input and output) are shown in the parameter overview of ANSYS Workbench.
Fiber Angles (Input) Composite specific results (stiffness, failure evaluation)
Design Points
© 2014 ANSYS, Inc.
May 13, 2014

© 2014 ANSYS, Inc.
May 13, 2014
17 Parameters in ANSYS Composite PrepPost
Input Parameter in ANSYS Composite PrepPost
• Modeling Plies provide the following possible input parameter • Ply Active (Yes or No) • Global Ply Number • Mesh Size • Number of Layers • Ply Angle • Ply Material Fabrics provide the following possible input parameter • Material • Thickness • Draping Coefficients
17 Parameters in ANSYS Composite PrepPost
• Parameters may be used for design studies to analyze and compare different designs or in combination with design optimization tools.
© 2014 ANSYS, Inc.
May 13, 2014
17 Parameters in ANSYS Composite PrepPost
• Design studies are an important part of the product development cycle. The parametric environment of ANSYS Workbench is well suited for design studies and design optimization. ANSYS Composite PrepPost allows using input and output parameter for design studies.
© 2014 ANSYS, Inc.
May 13, 2014
17 Parameters in ANSYS Composite PrepPost
Output Parameter in ANSYS Composite PrepPost
• Sensors provide the following possible output parameter • Area • Modeling Ply Area • Price • Production Ply Area • Weight Adding results of composite specific postprocessing as output parameters is done by expressions. Various information stored in the ACP database can be accessed. However, more sophisticated use of expressions requires a basic knowledge in Python scripting. In most cases the basic use shown on the next slide should provide sufficient possibilities.
• • • • Parameters in ANSYS Workbench Input Parameters in ANSYS Composite PrepPost Output Parameters in ANSYS Composite PrepPost Design Studies within ANSYS Workbench
Input Parameter Output Parameter Table of Design Points
© 2014 ANSYS, Inc.
May 13, 2014
17 Parameters in ANSYS Composite PrepPost
• In ANSYS Composite PrepPost input parameters are defined based on the steps and entities used to model the composite layup The user can define fiber angle, fabric thickness, ply number, fabric material, etc. as parameters Output parameters are based on the actual postprocessing
• max(db.active_model.scenes['Scene.1'].plots['ContourPlot'].data) This expression evaluates the maximum value of the result shown in Scene.1 of the current model.
ANSYS Composite PrepPost Modeling Composites the Simple Way
Parameters in ANSYS Composite PrepPost
1 © 2014 ANSYS, Inc. May 13, 2014

17 Parameters in ANSYS Composite PrepPost
May 13, 2014

© 2014 ANSYS, Inc.
17 Parameters in ANSYS Composite PrepPost
Output Parameter in ANSYS Composite PrepPost
• Expressions provide access to various information stored in the ANSYS Composite PrepPost database, the following expression is explained here and in the Workshop Expression are defined in the parameter property window • Retrieve the maximum value shown in a specific scene (Maximum stresses, failure criteria evaluation (overall or ply wise), …)