
中美家庭教育差异英语论⽂参考⽂献 中西⽅的家庭教育问题⼀直是⼈们讨论的话题,对于这个问题讨论中⼀直以来的两个流派都在互相辩论,双⽅有褒有贬,现在学术堂为让更多的⼈了解两国的家庭⽂化,特整理⼀份中美家庭教育差异英语参考⽂献,欢迎各位观看。
中美家庭教育差异英语参考⽂献⼀: 中美家庭教育差异英语参考⽂献⼀: [1]Jin-Kui Lu,Xiao-Jian Yin,Takemasa Watanabe,Yan-Min Lin,Toyoho Tanaka. Physiques in Migrant Peasant Worker's Children by Comparison with Rural and Urban Children in Shanghai, China[J]. Advances in PhysicalEducation,2019,04(01):. [2]Caiqiao Huo,Xinfa Yuan. A Comparative Analysis of the Differences of Family Education between China and America[J]. Creative Education,2019,06(12):. [3]Wang Jun. Comparison on Applied Technology in Web Application in Chinese and American Education[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2019,2920(859):. [4]Z.Y. Wu,Z.Y. Zhang,X.Q. Jiang,L. Guo. Comparison of dental education and professional development between mainland China and North America[J]. European Journal of Dental Education,2019,14(2):. [5]Cerola Su?rez‐Orozco,Irina L.G. Todorova,Josephine Louie. Making Up For Lost Time: The Experience of Separation and Reunification Among Immigrant Families[J]. Family Process,2019,41(4):. [6]Romola Dugsin. Conflict and Healing in Family Experience of Second‐Generation Emigrants from India Living in North America*[J]. Family Process,2019,40(2):. [7]Suyin H. [Family planning in China].[J]. Développement & civilisations,1972,47-48:. [8]Millar H E. Training MCH personnel from other nations.[J]. Health services reports,1972,87(7):. [9]Saurina Carme,Vall-Llosera Laura,Saez Marc. Factors determining family planning in Catalonia. Sources of inequity. [J]. International Journal for Equity in Health,2019,11:. [10]Ge Ying,Feng Wei. Action research on group consulting of family legal education for adolescent parents in China.[J]. Global Journal of Health Science,2019,4(5):. [11]Yennurajalingam Sriram,Parsons Henrique A,Duarte Eva Rossina,Palma Alejandra,Bunge Sofia,Palmer JLynn,Delgado-Guay Marvin Omar,Allo Julio,Bruera Eduardo. Decisional Control Preferences of Hispanic Patients With Advanced Cancer From the United States and Latin America.[J]. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management,2019,:. [12]Wang Jian-Jiang,Liu Yue-Xin,Wang Wei,Yan Wei,Zheng Yu-Peng,Qiao Lu-Dong,Liu Dan,Chen Shan. Fusion Between TMPRSS2 and ETS Family Members (ERG, ETV1, ETV4) in Prostate Cancers from Northern China.[J]. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention,2019,13(10):. [13]Suárez-Orozco Carola,Gaytán Francisco X,Bang Hee Jin,Pakes Juliana,O'Connor Erin,Rhodes Jean. Academic trajectories of newcomer immigrant youth.[J]. Developmental Psychology,2019,46(3):. [14]Wu Z Y,Zhang Z Y,Jiang X Q,Guo L. Comparison of dental education and professional development between mainland China and North America.[J]. European journal of dental education : official journal of the Association for Dental Education in Europe,2019,14(2):. [15]Lopez Juarez A. The facts of life on video for young Mexicans.[J]. JOICFP review,1988,(15):. [16]Han J,Cho L,Choe M K,Tuan C. The fertility of Korean minority women in China: 1950-1985.[J]. Asia - Pacific Population Journal,1988,3(1):. [17]Dong Y. The Integrated Family Planning Project in China. FP and health education: a successful combination.[J]. Integration (Tokyo, Japan),1988,(17):. [18]Stycos J M. [Attitudes of Costa Rican students and teachers on sex and population education].[J]. Perspectivas Internacionales en Planificacion Familiar,1987,(Spec No):. [19]Sun T H. Promotion of a family planning program: the Taiwan model.[J]. Southern African journal of demography = Suidelike Afrikaanse tydskrif vir demografie,1987,1(1):. [20]Laquian A A. With firm resolve: family planning in China.[J]. Development forum,1986,14(1):. [21]Xu D. [Preliminary achievements of China's national economy development and family planning].[J]. Renkou Yanjiu,1986,(1):. [22]Ferri Cleusa P,Acosta Daisy,Guerra Mariella,Huang Yueqin,Llibre-Rodriguez Juan J,Salas Aquiles,Sosa Ana Luisa,Williams Joseph D,Gaona Ciro,Liu Zhaorui,Noriega-Fernandez Lisseth,Jotheeswaran A T,Prince Martin J. Socioeconomic factors and all cause and cause-specific mortality among older people in Latin America, India, and China: a population-based cohort study.[J]. PL o S Medicine (Online),2019,9(2):. [23]Rodríguez-?lvarez Elena,Lanborena Nerea,Bacigalupe Amaia,Martin Unai. Social Factors Associated with the Knowledge About HIV of the Immigrants from China, Latin America, the Maghreb and Senegal in the Basque Country (Spain)。

中美教育差异的英语作文中美教育差异的英语作文中美教育差异的英语作文1Education is culture, and different educations show different societies culture. Americans regard education as the means by which the inequalities among individuals are to be erased and by which every desirable end is to be achieved. While Chinese education is for foundation education, but students may be not learn much. But all in all, different education systems account for the different phenomenon, because different society backgrounds and different culture helps human create a different country in the world.The different society structure plays an important part in the education system. In China, all those who can enter the University have received an elite education and before enrollment they have devoted themselves to hard studying. Therefore, they are good at getting high marks on mathematics, psychics and so on. However, they are lack of chances to practice skills in real world thus having no social experiences. In that case, after graduation, most students find it difficult to find a satisfactory job though many of them get a job through the relationship net.While in America, the education system pays more attention to social skills than to marks .Students have developed the ability to be independence in life and work. After university, they show great capability of thinking, innovation and creation which make them keep pace with the modern world. They are competent for the challenging work and can gain a good job in America with ease.There is a huge gap on education between America andChina, but we cant say which one is right or wrong, ‘cause each of the education system is based on the different backgrounds, American education should be following the Americans culture, meanwhile, Chinese education has to follow Chinese culture. A good education model for China is very important to the learning process, and also is very hard. But the most important thing we need is the modern education which is internationalization education system and localization education systems unite for China and America, this is also what the education itself needs. 中美教育差异的英语作文2The Differences of Education between China and U.SBased on checking the extensive literature and summing up the evidence, it is clear that study about differences of higher education between China and US has carried out a lot which mainly explaines the differences from different aspects of higher edcation between China and the United States. Such aspects mainly includes the social environment and cultural tradition, higher education system and reform measures. In the Integration of these differences, advantages and evils of both educational systems have been evaluated respectively, and corresponding improvement measures were also put forwords. By summary, the detailed conclusions are listed as follows:US is a open society. The societys openness urges the American college to abandon old educational thoughts which European traditional universities stick to, adopt the open policy to absorb all advatanges from other countries and establishe a diverse and open education control system which emphasizes on the actual effect. US is the biggest imigrant country which has very strong containing nature in the culture. American economy ephiseizes on the practical value, matter rewards as well asindividual value realization with fast development, rich material life, strong material idea and etc.Uss higher education was considered as the best education in the world. Comparing the elementary education between American and China, peoples universal view will be: Chinas elementary education aims to build the foundation of education with more study and less thought; while USs education aims to bulid such an education to raise the creativity with less study and more thought. Now Chinese students are generally regarded as intalents with few intelligence and high scores. What causes for such a view? Because the Chinese students study more, actually pay little attention to the practice, and cannot study for the purpose of application. Therefore, it is very important for Chinese higher education to cultivate the idea of unifying the study and prctice.USs education pays more attention to raise students self-confidence,independence,spirit of supporting oneself, but Chinas education emphases on training the students to be strict,rigorous spiritual.Obviously, Chinese education may fruitfully develop and ultilize the function of cerebrum, but USs higher education could expand the function of cerebrum by ultilizing and synthesizing the information outside.Each national higher education as economic systems reflection serves for the economy; US education aims to adapt for society demand, they explicitly stipulate three big functions including educations service for the economic development, scientific research and teaching. The manifest of service in the establishment of specialty curriculum is to meet the social need, set up special curriculum and specialty which the society needs; In Chinas universities, during quite long period of time, theestablishment of specialty curriculum lacks the change and couldnot follow social demand.In order to adapt the society, the American universities has established many specialties and curriculum of choice for students; The students choose or transformate specialties and schools according to own interest and hobby. The American higher education system is extremely diverse and flexible, which is solo in the world higher education; In China, the student may choose the specialty according to own interest and hobby, but change of specialty in the school is not easy, and transformation of school is more difficult.When American school inspects the result of student, they emphasize more on the ability to analyze and solve the question but not the ability of memory or description. The American students donot need the mechanical memorizing, but display creative thought as far as possible; This can cultivate students study interest, raise the ability of doing it byself and make the study be one kind of creative action.Many teachers still adopted old teaching ways in the Chinese universities, thus take a test which needs mechanical memorizing.Due to the development of science and technology, connections between higher education and national politics, economy, science,culture, military relation is day by day closer. The higher education is vigorous and upward, and it not only simply performances for the growth of quantity, but especially has had the huge change in the nature[1]. The advanced level of higher education has become a thesymbol of national strength.We should clarify the difference of higher education between China and American, at the same time absorb the advantges to profit from the American higher education so as to faster thereform andthe development of our higher education.中美教育差异的英语作文3Uss higher education was considered as the best education in the world.Comparing the elementary education between American and China, peoples universal view will be: Chinas elementary education aims to build the foundation of education with more study and less thought; while USs education aims to bulid such an education to raise the creativity with less study and more thought. Now Chinese students are generally regarded as intalents with few intelligence and high scores. intalents What causes for such a view? Because the Chinese students study more, actually pay little attention to the practice, and cannot study for the purpose of application. Therefore, it is very important for Chinese higher education to cultivate the idea of unifying the study and prctice.USs education pays more attention to raise students self-confidence,independence,spirit of supporting oneself, but Chinas education emphases on training the students to be strict,rigorous spiritual. Obviously, Chinese education may fruitfully develop and ultilize the function of cerebrum, but USs higher education could expand the function of cerebrum by ultilizingand synthesizing the information outside.The American higher education system is extremely diverse and flexible, which is solo in the world higher education; In China, the student may choose the specialty according to own interest and hobby, but change of specialty in the school is not easy, and transformation of school is more difficult. When American school inspects the result of student, they emphasize more on the ability to analyze and solve the question but not the ability of memoryor description.The American studentsdonot need the mechanical memorizing, but display creative thought as far as possible; This can cultivate students study interest, raise the ability of doing it byself and make the study be one kind of creative action. Many teachers still adopted old teaching ways in the Chinese universities, thus take a test which needs mechanical memorizing.American parents open education that:(1) pay attention to practical exercise, emphasize the child in practice, not a lecture.Americans believe that, every child, everything makes children yourself to finish in task in the process to improve knowledge, accumulate experience, master technology, enhance ability, raises the interest expertise, and increase the confidence and sense of responsibility.(2) the value play games, americans think playing children this age is the most important thing.In the United States, children in the activities, sports activities time is abundant, activity places is everywhere.Parents often use holiday weekend, lead the child goes out to play, play in the process of developing intelligent such as perception, imagine, judgment, reasoning and human communication and the mood adjustment, etc.Chinese parents are enclosed education:(1) to preach to give priority to, the contempt practice activities the important role.The parents and children requirement is reading, even can provide for oneself by their parents wishes activities, and led to many Chinese children learned a lot of knowledge are useless, took to the society after what also cant.(2) outdoor activities less, because the Chinese children learnfrom morning till night dont finish homework do not over of homework, be homework overwhelmed; Sometimes even if want to move and is hard to find good site.。

Us’s higher education was considered as the best education in the world.之巴公井开创作美国的高等教育被认为是世界上最好的教育。
Comparing the elementary education between American and China, people's universal view will be: China's elementary education aims to build the foundation of education with more study and less thought; while US's education aims to bulid such an education to raise the creativity with less study and more thought.比较基础教育在美国和中国,人们的普遍观点将:中国的基础教育旨在建立基础教育同更多的学习和更少的想法,而美国的教育旨在建造这样的教育,提高创新的研究,以更少的思想。
Now Chinese students are generally regarded as intalents with few intelligence and high scores.现在,中国学生一般被认为,intalents与几家智能和高的分数。
What causes for such a view?这样的一种观点是什么原因?Because the Chinese students study more, actually paylittle attention to the practice, and cannot study for the purpose of application.因为中国学生学习到更多,却很少注意这一实际情况,并就不克不及学习为目的的应用。
英语辩论 最全资料 出国学习比国内学习更好 中英版

英语辩论Go abroad for education is better than study at home . 辩论最全资料,看了不想赢都难!观点:go abroad is better目录:一,开篇陈词英文版,中文版(采用了排比,名言等方式,非常有气势;语言幽默诙谐,能给评委留下很好的印象) 二,结束陈词英文版,中文版三,攻辩问题英文版,中文版(特别尖锐和有陷阱的问题,对方怎么回答都会输)四,辩论队队名,口号,自我介绍(很有创意,会让观众,评委大笑,而且有很强大的气场)五,其它高频辩论题目文档链接(如果进入辩论半决赛,总决赛等,绝对会遇到的辩论题目,最全的资料哦!)Good morning ,honorable chairman, distinguished judges, dear fellow debater, gentleman and gentlewoman .today our topic is :study at home or go abroad for education ,which is better for Chinese students. We firmly ,constantly ,strongly believe that going abroad for education is better for Chinese students .there are four points to support our view .First, going abroad can broaden our eyesight .you can enjoy another culture ,another social styles .not only can people enjoy a feast of eyes ,but also people can broaden global vision. Second ,studying abroad makes students have a better access to better employments .we all understand that most big corporations all over the world is inclined to employ those who have experienced studying abroad .Third ,studying abroad make it easier to learn the language ofthat country . there is no doubt that practicing language every time will produce a better result than just practing it in the class .Forth ,studying abroad will make students become more independent. In contemporary society ,being independent is to people what water to fish .In the past,we believed ;now,we believe ,in the future ,we still believe that studying abroad is better for Chinese students .开篇陈词,中文版早上好,尊敬的主席,各位评委,亲爱的辩手,绅士和淑女。

Comparing the Education Between American and China1.First of all, the differences of education between China and the United States is the primary goal of teaching:Chinese primary education make children’ s intellectual development and high mark a chievement as the priority goal.And China’s education emphasis on training students’ s quality of strictness and rigors.In the United States,there is only one purpose of primary:to cultivate children’ s creativity. And US’s education pays more attention to raise student’ s self-confidence,independence,spirit of supporting oneself.中国与美国教育的差异首先在于两国初等教育的教学目标不同:中国初等教育将开发孩子的智力,孩子考出高分看成首要目标,而且中国的教育强调培养学生严格严谨的精神。
paring the elementary education between American and China,people’ s universal view will be:China’s elementary education aims to build the foundation of education with more study and less thought.US’ s education aims to build such an education to raise the creativity with less study and more thought.比拟美国和中国的根底教育,人们的普遍观点:中国的根底教育旨在建立根底教育与更多的学习和更少的想法。

• There are about 600 popular universities and colleges;
• Four-year learning to earn bachelor’s degree;
• Pubilc universities are composed of national universities and local universities;
• The greater the prestige of the university, the higher the credits and grades required.
Group work
Discussion and debate
Study in college
Harvard University
Japanese Junior High and High Schools
• Lower secondary school covers grades seven, eight, and nine, with increased focus on academic studies
• Most of the students will choose to enter high schools even though the compulsory education is ended.
The comparison of education
between America Japan and China
History of American Education
• The first American schools opened during the colonial era.. In 1642 the Massachusetts Bay Colony(马萨诸塞(美国州名)海湾殖民地 ) made “proper” education compulsory. Similar statutes(法令,法规) were adopted in other colonies in the 1640s and 1650s.

• Education should focus on developing children‟s strengths, not “fixing their deficiencies.” • Lady Gaga • Beat boxing
• 教育的核心应该是发展孩子的长处,而不是 修正孩子的不足 • Lady Gaga • B-boxing
• • • • • • • 实践中学习和知识的实践运用 教师只提供学习的帮助 创新意识的重要性 批判性思维的发展 建立在浓厚学习兴趣上的独立学习者 发展自信而独特的个性教育 课外活动的重要性
The meaningful application of knowledge
• Lu Chao
Educational Philosophy
When an NFL game was rescheduled due to the weather forecast predicting a blizzard this what the Governor of Pennsylvania, Ed Rendell, had to say …
• 作曲 • 美术创作 • 英语 –创作诗歌和文学故事 • 科学实验 • 商科学习 –真实案例 • 数学---用知识解决生活中的问题
Creativity isn’t a western concept
• Du Fu • Cao xueqin • Pu Songling • Chinese art 杜甫 曹雪芹 蒲松龄 岳敏君
The independence and social skills American children develop give them a huge advantage when they join the workforce. They learn to experiment, challenge norms, and take risks. They can think for themselves, and they can innovate. This is why America remains the world leader in innovation; 在进入社会以前,美国学生的独立性和社交能力 已经独具一格,是他们很大的优势。他们习惯体验, 挑战墨守成规的东西,喜欢冒险,他们善于思考, 具有改革意识,这也是美国领先世界的原因。

精品资料中美教育差异中英文对照........................................China and Weste rn Countries’ social backgroundRegime---socialist system (China)capitalist system (Western Countries)Historic Culture ---China traditional culture (Confucianism)Western traditionalculture (Revival of Literature and Art, Advanced ideas) Family institution's position---in china's traditional family, parents' authoritativeconsciousness plays a leading roleWestern civilization mainly emphasizes struggle, equality, democracy and human rights.中国和西方国家的社会背景:政权——-socialist系统(中国)资本主义制度(西方国家)历史文化————中国传统文化(儒家)西方传统文化(文学和艺术的复兴,先进理念)家庭机构的立场——中国传统的家庭,父母的权威意识起着主导作用西方文明主要强调斗争,平等、民主和人权。
Social Environmental InfluenceWhat Chinese lack most is the responsibility education. In the United States, it is common to see an adult who is doing something wrong or has some bad behaviors educates a child while the child is not the adult’s own kid. The Americans treat every child as their own child, and it is their responsibility to educate the child. In England, the power of a middle-aged woman is inevitable. They are always in the supervision of the behavior of young consciously, just as the police general. They think it is their duty to observe the children in their country. These two nations have already put the responsibility of educating the next generation to every citizen. Every citizen also shows his responsibility for he future of the country in caring about the children.While in China, who will treat educating the next generation as his own responsibility? If one sees an unknown child who is doing something wrong, will he go and educate him? It is very common in China that adults tend to show indifferent with unknownchildren. What if we change our mind and learn to care others?社会环境影响中国最缺乏的是责任教育。

中美高中教育比较研究讲座英语作文A Comparative Study of High School Education in China and the United StatesIntroductionHigh school education is a critical stage in a student's academic journey, shaping their future academic and career prospects. China and the United States are two countries with vastly different education systems, which have attracted significant attention from educators and policymakers around the world. In this research lecture, we will compare and analyze the high school education systems in China and the United States, exploring the similarities and differences between the two countries.1. Educational Philosophy and GoalsIn China, the educational philosophy is oriented towards academic excellence and rote learning. The emphasis is on mastering a standardized curriculum and achieving high scores on national exams such as the Gaokao. In contrast, the United States prioritizes a more holistic approach to education, focusing on critical thinking, creativity, and personal development.American high schools emphasize extracurricular activities, social skills, and character building alongside academic achievement.2. Curriculum and Teaching MethodsChinese high school students typically follow a rigid curriculum that covers a wide range of subjects, including Chinese language, mathematics, sciences, and humanities. The teaching methods are often lecture-based, with a strong emphasis on memorization and test-taking skills. In the United States, high school students have more flexibility in choosing their courses, with options to explore different subjects and develop specialized skills. The teaching methods in American high schools are more interactive, with a focus on project-based learning, group discussions, and hands-on activities.3. Assessment and EvaluationIn China, student achievement is primarily evaluated through standardized exams, such as the Gaokao, which have a significant impact on future academic and career opportunities. In the United States, high school students are assessed through a combination of standardized tests, coursework, projects, and teacher evaluations. American schools place a greater emphasis on continuous assessment and feedback, rather than relying solely on high-stakes exams.4. School Culture and Social EnvironmentChinese high schools are known for their competitive and rigorous academic environment, where students face intense pressure to excel academically. The focus is on individual achievement and ranking, leading to a lack of collaboration and teamwork among students. In contrast, American high schools promote a more collaborative and inclusive school culture, encouraging students to work together, support each other, and embrace diversity. American high schools also prioritize extracurricular activities, sports, and community service as integral components of a well-rounded education.ConclusionIn conclusion, the high school education systems in China and the United States have distinct strengths and weaknesses, reflecting their respective cultural values and priorities. While China excels in academic achievement and discipline, the United States emphasizes creativity, innovation, and personal growth. By understanding and learning from each other's educational practices, both countries can strive to create more balanced and effective high school education systems that prepare students for success in a rapidly changing world. Thank you for attendingthis research lecture on the comparative study of high school education in China and the United States.。

下面是店铺给大家整理的比较中美两国教育异同英语作文的相关知识,供大家参阅!比较中美两国教育异同英语作文篇1The difference between chinese and american education systems is that they have an extremely very high excellent education rate with all 100% of them both males and females getting straight A+ and getting straight A's all through their lives and all through school and college and their parents only expect them to get straight A+'s and straight A's on their report cards without nothing never ever getting nothing less than an A+ and an A on their report cards whereas the american education system does not do that as much.The american education syatem is more relaxed than the asian culture when it comes to education and their parents don't push them hard as much to get straight A+'s and straight A's in school so that makes a big difference out the two education systems.The chinese race of people in China,America,and all over the world push and force their children to get straight A+'s and straight A's all through school and college all through their lives and they are very strict about education and about them getting straight A+'s and straight A's all through school and college all through their lives.比较中美两国教育异同英语作文篇2This comparison is somewhat outdated and falls into the Gentleman's "C" arguement where a "C" student would normally do better in the business world since he or she were polishing their social skills while the "A" students were busy studying by themselves. In my opinion, it seems that both has a hint ofarrogance steming from a position of weakness. I have first hand knowledge that the public education system in the US has severly deteriorated with this "No Child Left Behind" program. Instead of trying to bring up the few slower students, the country has decided to dumb down the course ciriculum so everyone passes.I believe that true learning can only be achieved by repetition for most of us save the very gifted. And if you want to call it "by rote", so be it. Why do you think that most students that recieve a perfect SAT score are Asians that are first or second generation? The Asian student population does so well acadenically, that many top US universities limit the number that they will accept each year. The same thing was said about the Japanese education system and now look at them, I don't think you can say they are not innovative. China is going through it's industrial revelolution and is well recognized as being able to "copy" anything. Buit give them 10 years or so, I know they will be a world power and innovator. Unfortunately, I can't say the same thing about the US. 比较中美两国教育异同英语作文篇3Education is one of the most important things during our life.I know the difference between Chinese education and American education. American high education is the best in the world, but when we talk about the basic education, most people will have different bifurcation. However, it is allowed in U.S. Americans think calculators go fast and are correct. So, when both students have an exam, then Chinese are better than American students. But when both students use some information tools, then Americans are really better then Chinese student. All appearance, Chinese students are better than American students when they manage and exploit cerebra, but when we compare how to use different information or how tospread cerebra, the American students are better than Chinese students. When we compare the Chinese basic education with America’s, then most people’s opinion are that Chinese education is for foundation education, and American education is for the cultivation of students’ creativity. In China, “seventy three percent people agree, and twenty four percent disagree with this. Also another three percent think Chinese education is foundation education, but student may be not learning much, while American education is for cultivating students’ creativity, but it can let students learn more.” China and America have totally different tradition and exams. Chinese education focuses on the knowledge to accumulate and indoctrinate, on how students use and manage the knowledge they learned in school, and on how to understand the knowledge system and structure. Reversely, American care more about how students use knowledge in society. It lets student challenge the knowledge, animadvert ideas, and focus on, exploit or create knowledge. These two types of attitude about education show us the different ways to understand knowledge, and also to show two countries with different education opinions. “In China, when comparing the education, sixty percent people think the best education model is uniting both advantages. It lets students have very good foundation education and good creativity. Sixty five percent disagree. Another thirty three people think, because the two types of education come from different culture, tradition and society background, it is really hard to combine.” The difference between China and America is mostly an education and knowledge difference. Such as, what is basic foundation education? We can have an example in math. In Chinese education, Chinese think it is basic to have calculation skills soeverybody has to remember the entire concept. So, from elementary school to high school you are not allowed to use a calculator. American education focuses on improve student assuredness, self-determination, independence, and Chinese education focuses on strictness and preciseness. Good foundation education can improve creation; also it can improve stud ent’s thinking. Good preciseness can improve comprehensive thinking. Also, could be an enemy to thinking. Education is culture, and different educations show different societies’ culture; the good American education system may not be good for Chinese society. So, different education has to follow the society background. Because different society backgrounds and different culture helps humans create a different country in the world, American education should be following the American’s culture. Also, Chinese education has to follow Chinese culture. A good education model for China is very important to the learning process, and also is very hard. Anyway, we only need modern education which is internationalization education system and localization education systems unite each other. That is going to improve our education skills.比较中美两国教育异同英语作文篇4Quantities of lessons per day: Each Chinese teacher teaches only one subject while each US teacher teaches all subjects. Each Chinese teacher teaches two periods every day while each American teacher teaches at least five periods every day.Sizes of classes: Chinese schools have larger classes of more than 50 students each while American schools have smaller classes of around 25. So, the final result is that each Chinese teacher teaches the same quantity of students as his/herAmerican counterpart.Efficiency in classroom activities: Chinese classes are much bigger, and fortunately, students are well trained and more efficient in following the teachers' advice in participate in certain activities. Americans classes are smaller, but their students will waste some time in adjusting themselves according to their teachers' suggestions.Foreign languages: Chinese schools usually have English as their foreign language, and Russian and Japanese are only taught in some schools in the north of China and some top foreign language schools (e.g. German, French and Japanese are taught in Nanjing Foreign Language School) whereas American schools may teach French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, etc. as their foreign languages.Test-Oriented Education: Chinese schools are criticized for providing test-oriented education, the result of which is producing students of less ability. We are trying a lot to adapt our schools to quality-oriented education. But Americans say that they are learning from us in preparing their students for exams. Maybe, the two extremes of education are going together. The two peoples are "making two ends meet".Quantities of feedback: Each Chinese teacher marks layers of layers of students' exercises every day and give immediate feedback to students while an American teacher leaves all the work to their parents.Observing classes: Chinese teachers regularly go to other classrooms to observe other how teachers do their work in order to make their own work more efficient while American teachers never have such time and practice.Office work: Chinese teachers of the same field have thesame department office for their office work. So they often do their team work in discussing what to be taught, how to teach it, etc. American teachers have their own small offices respectively. They do not often meet except the half-an-hour lunchtime at the canteen every day. Each teacher does everything according his/her individuality and experience.Weekly Conferences: Chinese teachers are assembled by headmasters for usual weekly conferences. But American teachers Very Seldom have meetings. Those seldom meetings (might be at the beginning and end of each semester) are the rare chances for their teachers to meet and exchange info.Political Study: Chinese teachers spend two hours on Wednesday afternoon for political study but American teachers do not do so. Such political study consists of reading CPC documents and raise teachers' morale and vitality by encouraging words. Sometimes such conferences may contain criticism for those who are not devoted and who do paid after-school tutoring work at home. American teachers are busy and have successfully ranked themselves in the middle class, so they do not have to do paid tutoring work.Selective Schools: Chinese students often select their schools by paying a sum of money the school, whether the school is public or private. For most public schools, the sum is 15000 RMB for a three-year period in Junior High School in Nanjing. Seldom do Americans select their schools and public schools are not selective. If they do select, they have to pay twice--once they pay taxes, the second time they pay school tuition. For an ordinary private school in New York City, the tuition might be only 2000 USD per year. But for better private schools, the tuition charge might rise 15000 USD or even to 20000 USD per year.School systems: China has a system of junior and senior high schools, each period being 3 years. America has a system of middle school and high school, the former being 3 years (Year 6~8) and the latter being 4 years (Years 9~12). So their elementary schools range from Year 1 to Year 5.Bureau of Education: In China, we have the Bureau of Education as governmental organs of different levels of administration. But in America, such an organ never exists. So their schools are run by non-governmental fundations.Finance: Public schools in China are financed by governments of different levels. Headmasters and teachers usually do not have worry about their salaries. American schools are financed by fundations and they do not worry about salaries either.Teachers' education background: Chinese high-school teachers now have better and better education background: in the past, they might have associate degrees (i.e. they were graduates from junior teachers' colleges), but now they are usually bachelor's degree holders (i.e. they have graduated from teachers' colleges or normal universities). Yet, very few have master's degrees. American teachers at least have bachelor's degrees, and oftentimes they have master's degrees.Teacher's professional development: Teachers in China can study as part-time students in normal universities, usually at the weekends or during vocations, to achieve a better degrees. Even some can leave their temporarily (say, for 2 years) to study in normal universities to upgrade their degrees. They also have other forms of on-the-job training by governmental organs and observing other teachers teaching, etc. American teachers can go to universities after they work for a certain period in a school, say,4 years.。

美国教育和中国教育的不同的英语作文Differences Between American Education and Chinese EducationEducation plays a vital role in shaping the future generation, and different countries have adopted various education systems to cater to the needs of their societies. Among them, American education and Chinese education are two major systems that have attracted global attention for their unique characteristics and approaches. In this essay, I will explore and compare the differences between American education and Chinese education.First and foremost, one of the most significant differences between the two education systems lies in their teaching philosophies. American education emphasizes fostering creativity, critical thinking, and individuality among students. Students are encouraged to express their opinions, think independently, and explore their interests through various elective courses and extracurricular activities. In contrast, Chinese education focuses more on rote memorization, discipline, and standardized testing. Students are expected to follow a rigid curriculum, excel in exams, and adhere to strict rules and regulations.Another major difference between American education and Chinese education is the teaching methods employed in classrooms. In American schools, teachers often use interactive and collaborative teaching approaches to engage students in discussions, group projects, and hands-on activities. Students are encouraged to ask questions, challenge ideas, and participate actively in the learning process. On the other hand, Chinese schools primarily rely on lecture-based teaching, where teachers deliver information to students, who are expected to listen attentively and take notes. The emphasis is on transmitting knowledge rather than fostering student-centered learning.Furthermore, the assessment and grading systems in American education and Chinese education also differ significantly. In the United States, students are generally evaluated based on a combination of factors, including class participation, homework assignments, projects, quizzes, and exams. Grades are used as a feedback mechanism to help students track their progress and identify areas for improvement. In contrast, Chinese students are predominantly assessed through standardized tests, such as the Gaokao (national college entrance exam), which plays a decisive role in determining their future academic and career paths. High scores in exams are highly valued and can have a lasting impact on students' lives.Moreover, the school culture and extracurricular activities in American education and Chinese education exhibit distinct characteristics. American schools promote a diverse and inclusive environment that encourages students to embrace their individuality, celebrate diversity, and pursue their passions beyond academics. Students have the freedom to participate in sports, music, drama, art, debate, and other extracurricular activities to develop their talents and social skills. In contrast, Chinese schools prioritize academic achievement above all else, often leading students to spend long hours studying and attending test preparation classes after school. While some Chinese schools offer limited extracurricular opportunities, the focus remains on academic excellence.In conclusion, American education and Chinese education have distinct approaches to teaching, learning, assessment, and school culture. While American education emphasizes creativity, critical thinking, and student-centered learning, Chinese education prioritizes rote memorization, standardized testing, and academic achievement. Both systems have their strengths and weaknesses, and understanding the differences between them can provide valuable insights for improving education worldwide. Ultimately, the goal of education is to empower students to realize their full potential, contribute to society, andlead fulfilling lives. By embracing the uniqueness of each education system and learning from their best practices, we can create a more inclusive, innovative, and effective educational experience for all students.。

• A=4 B=3 C=2 D=1 F=0
University - Classes
• College is much more difficult than high school • Students are given lots of homework and reading to do outside of
High School - Sports
• Both – Track
High School - Cheerleading
High School - Activities
• Band • Choir • Debate
High School - Activities
• Senior Trip
High School – After School
year degree • Every student has their own unique schedule
• Students can choose which classes they ould like to take • It is very easy to change your major or minor and study a
• Students work at a real company or school to get practical experience
• Students also earn credits for the time they work at their internship
Middle School
• Students learn reading, math, science, history, vocabulary, writing, music and art

5. What Can We Do?
We know there are many shortcomings of our higher education from above discussion, then we should do? I think we can do something as following aspects:
The west emphasizes the child’s “power” of understanding”. They like letting the child practice by himself, going to the nature , seeking the knowledge from life.They do not think that play and study are conflicting with each other, and encourage the child to study outside, pay great attention to the child’s ability to ponder.
Although there are many disadvantages in our education, but please believe that it will become better and better. Let’s pay some contribution within our capacity, for ourselves, for our great motherland.
Seeking the knowledge from life and nature.

优秀英语作文—中国教育与美国教育的比较第一篇:优秀英语作文—中国教育与美国教育的比较Comparision of education in China and America When we compare with America and China,we will find that there are so many differences between this two countries,and here I mainly talk about their difference in education.Throughout all kinds of points among their differences, we can sum up to six aspests.First,American Education tells students that study is just to study for themselves for the purpose of making them study without stress from their parents and society and letting them to think,to learn about they want,which makes American students learn flexibly and actively.With regard to China Education,it always makes some complex regulations for students to tell them learn what should be learned,how to learn and even when they should learn.As a result,students in China regard study as one kind of task,and get used to dealing with the homework passively.Second,as for the aspect about the purpose of education,America Education attachs a little importance to the study on basic knowledge but thinks highly of the cultivation of creativity, while in China,education pays more attention to the basic knowledge and ignores the cultivation of students’creativity and thinking ability.Therefore,in America students who get low grades tend to have high ability while in Chin a students who get high grades don’t have enough ability to adapt to the development of society.Third,concerning the condition in class between China and America,we can draw a conclusion that the class in China pays attention to discpline while the class in America pays attention to humans right.On the one hand,China Education is good at giving a conclusion tostudents and chinses teachers will try their best to help students with solving all the problems put forward from students.But in America’class,teach ers are used to giving students some spiration to make them think more and more problems by themselves.On the other hand,in chinese class,if students disagree with teachers’opinions,they will be critized by teachers,but in America’class students will be pr aised if they put forward new views which are differnt from their teachers’.Fourth,I think it is the most important aspect which can basically point out the root difference between China Edcation and America Edcation.It is about the difference in the A examination often offers an open environment to students to finish their exam so long as they hand in their answer paper within the limiting time.But in China,when faced with an exam,chinese students always feel nervous as if there are beasts in front of them.And in China the purpose of examination is just to test out students’ability while American test aims to find the problem,its existing gaps in order to facilitate development.Fifth,about the difference on establishments of curricula and specialty,American education aims at adapting for society demand,they explicitly stipulate three big functions:ducation’service for the establishment of specialty curriculum is to meet the social need and set up special curriculum or specialty which the societ y needs.In China’s universities,during quite long period of time ,the establishment of specialty curriculum lacks the change and could not follow social demand.In the latest few years,the majority of Chinese universities all started to pay attentio to the transformation and renewal of specialty curriculum so as to meet the need of st,in general,the chinese children are not allowed totake part in the real social activities but in America the students can take part in every activity they want;that is to say,American students can choose activities to participate in by themseleves.It is said that the children in America start to take part in the real activity once they leave to school.For example,an 8-year-old boy can help other with washing clothes by which they can receive at least 8 dollars.Also,those children can play some musical instruments for the rich to earn some money which they usually use to hold some activities.All in all,in America ,children have all kinds of chances to contact with social environment.From the point of their view,they think education is equal to the life.But on the contrary,what chinese students only do is to bury themselves into study,which results in their shortage of outdoor ability even creativity to adapt the development of society in future.Through these kinds of comparison,maybe we can make sense of the reasons why America becomes so strong.A power of a country not only lies in its economy but also its education.That is to say, education is an important mean to creat more and more excellent people to make them devote their power to strengthen the country.By comparing,we have to admit that there have been many imperfections in our system of education.Our country needs improvement and the development and our economy needs talent people,so we can draw a conclusion through comparison that it is high time for our country to improve our system of education and in the way of going ahead,imitation and innovation is in need.Only when our country modestly learn from other countries to take in their advantages in education can our country becomes really strong.-第二篇:美国教育与中国教育现在大学里有这样一种普遍现象:大多数学生在入了大学之后没有了昔日备战高考时的压力,整日过的很轻松,甚至无事可做,或者要么玩网络游戏,要么天天逛街,要么谈谈恋爱,最后都感到自己的大学生活过的很空虚;逃课现象严重,即使上课也不听课看小说,平时整日里玩,到考前一周甚至一天才开始突击背书应付考试,或者连书也不看考试时直接作弊,最后还都拿了高分,而临时所背的内容一考完就忘,四年就这样一直下去,到了大四毕业时混个毕业证和学位证,却感觉四年下来一无所获,什么知识和技能都没学到。

德国教育与中国教育的区别英语作文100字全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Differences Between Schools in Germany and ChinaHey there! My name is Emma and I'm going to tell you about how schools are different in Germany and China. I have friends from China and their schools seem really wild compared to my school in Berlin!In China, the school day is super long. My Chinese friends say they have to be at school by 7:30am and don't get home until 6pm or even later. We only have to be at school from 8am to 1pm. Phew, I get tired just thinking about such a long day!They also have way more homework than us. After their long school day, Chinese students have to do a few more hours of homework every night. We only get a little bit. I'd be a zombie if I had to study that much!Speaking of studying, Chinese students have to take tons of tests all the time. They have huge, important exams every few months to decide if they can move up a grade or get into a gooduniversity later. We take tests too, but not as many huge ones. I'm glad I don't have that kind of pressure.The classes are also really different. In China, the teachers mostly just lecture the whole time and students have to sit still and listen. We get to ask questions, work on projects and activities, and move around a lot more. I'd get so antsy having to be quiet that long!But probably the biggest difference is how serious everything is in China. My friends say they can't goof off or joke around at all. School is super strict and serious. We joke around with our teachers all the time and things are more relaxed. Don't get me wrong, we work hard too, but we have more fun!One thing that is the same is that we all have to wear uniforms. I'm not a fan of my uniform, but at least I don't have to wear the really old-fashioned kind they have in China. I'd feel like I was going to school in the 1900s!Of course, Chinese and German schools do have some things in common too. We all have to learn core subjects like math, science, language arts, and social studies. We go on field trips and have activities. And we're all just kids trying our best!But overall, based on what my friends tell me, schools in China sound a whole lot more intense. I'll take my relaxed German school days over their crazy schedules and huge exam stress any day! I better stop writing now before my hand falls off. Thanks for reading about the differences between our schools!篇2German School vs Chinese SchoolHi, my name is Lili and I'm 10 years old. I was born in China but last year my family moved to Germany. I've been going to a German school for one year now and it's really really different from the schools in China!In China, the school day was super long. We had to be at school by 7:30am and didn't get home until 5pm or later. Even after we got home, we had piles of homework to do. There was no time to play until the weekend! The teachers were very strict too. We had to follow tons of rules and couldn't talk or move around much during class.But at my German school, the days are way shorter. School starts at 8am and we're done by 1pm! Can you believe that? After school I have soooo much free time to play outside, readbooks, or just relax. The homework isn't too bad either. I usually finish it pretty quickly.The teachers are a lot nicer here too. They let us get up and move around during lessons if we need to. We can even ask questions whenever we want! In China, you were supposed to stay quiet unless the teacher called on you. The teachers here also don't yell or get angry if you make a mistake. They are very patient and encouraging.Another big difference is the classes themselves. In China, we spent most of the day just listening to the teacher lecture about math, Chinese, English, and science. It was kind of boring to be honest. But here in Germany, we do a lot of fun activities, games, and group projects in our lessons. We get to be creative and work together as a team. My favorite class is art because we get to paint, sculpt with clay, and do all sorts of crafts!I also love that we have big playgrounds at the German schools with swings, slides, and climbing structures. We get to go outside for recess twice a day to run around! The schools in China didn't really have good playgrounds. We only got a short break to stretch in the classroom.One thing that is tougher here is that everyone speaks German, which I didn't know at first. Thank goodness they havespecial German language classes for kids like me who need to learn it from scratch. I'm getting better every day though!Overall, I way prefer the more relaxed and fun style of the German schools. Sure, the work isn't quite as challenging. But at least I have time to be a kid, use my creativity, and not be stressed out all the time. I'm so lucky my parents brought me here. I just hope I can keep up with the language! Let me know if you have any other questions.篇3My Thoughts on German and Chinese SchoolsHi! My name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. I was born in China but my family moved to Germany when I was 6. So I've experienced both the Chinese and German school systems! They are pretty different in a lot of ways.In China, the school days were much longer. We had to be at school by 7:30am and didn't get home until 5 or 6pm most days. There were more classes and we had way more homework too. My backpack was super heavy by the end of the day! The teachers were very strict and we had to follow a lot of rules. If we didn't finish our homework or got in trouble, we could get punished. The punishments were things like writing lines,standing in the corner, or even getting hit with a ruler (which doesn't happen in Germany!).The classes in China focused much more on memorizing facts and doing repetitive exercises. We had to recite things over and over. There were frequent tests and quizzes to make sure we remembered everything. The goal seemed to be stuffing as much knowledge into our brains as possible. We didn't get to be very creative or work on projects.Recess and physical activity wasn't a huge priority either. We only got two 20-minute recess breaks per day. During those times, we just kind of stood around in the playground area. There wasn't a lot of equipment or space to really run and play. Physical education class was only once a week too.In Germany, things are quite different! The school days are much shorter, usually ending by 1 or 2pm. We have fewer classes and they aren't as intense. Don't get me wrong, we still have homework, but not nearly as much as Chinese schools. My backpack feels so light now!The teachers in Germany are more relaxed and friendly. They really encourage students to ask questions and be creative. Instead of just memorizing, we get to do lots of hands-onprojects and work together in groups. Classes feel more interactive and engaging.We have two big recess breaks during the day that are 45 minutes each! Playgrounds in Germany are awesome with so many climbing structures, swings, and wide open spaces to run around. Physical education is twice a week too. We get to play team sports like soccer, basketball, and do fun fitness activities.One big difference is that German students get funneled into different educational tracks based on their abilities around age 10-12. There are schools for university preparation, vocational training, and an in-between option. In China, students pretty much all follow the same curriculum through high school.Another interesting thing is that German kids get a say in how their classroom is run. At the beginning of the year, the class discusses and agrees on some rules together. We even get to move the desks and chairs into arrangements we like instead of them being set up in rows. Classrooms in China felt much more strict and structured.So those are some of the major differences I've noticed between Chinese and German schools! There are pros and cons to both for sure. I like the stronger focus on creativity, physical activity, and student participation in Germany. But I know manypeople value the intensive academics and discipline of the Chinese system too. Every country does education their own way based on their values and beliefs! I feel lucky to have experienced both.篇4German and Chinese Schools Are So Different!Hi, my name is Emma and I'm going to tell you about the big differences between schools in Germany where I live, and schools in China. It's so crazy how different they are!In Germany, our schools are really fun and relaxed. We get lots of breaks to run around and play during the day. The teachers are super nice and they pretty much never yell at us. We call them by their first names which seems weird to some people. We learn loads of different subjects like math, reading, science, art, music and even coding. I love coding club after school!My Chinese friend Mei told me that schools in China are totally different. She said they have really long school days, from super early in the morning until late afternoon. They only get tiny breaks to quickly eat and go to the bathroom. Mei said the teachers are very strict and will punish students if they talk toomuch or don't pay attention. She has to address her teachers as "Teacher Zhang" or whatever their surname is.The lessons sound so much harder in China too. Mei said they have to do tons of repetitive math worksheets and writing practices. She spends ages memorizing things like ancient poems and facts about Chinese history and geography. They have way more homework than us too - Mei is often still doing homework at 9pm! We get homework obviously, but not a crazy amount like that.I'm not sure I could cope with a Chinese school to be honest. All that discipline, rote learning and homework sounds so stressful. My favorite subjects are art and music because we get to be creative and have fun. Mei said they barely do any art, music or other fun creative stuff in China. Just constant memorization and textbook learning. No thanks!One cool thing about Chinese schools is that Mei said they teach her loads about ancient Chinese traditions, philosophies and literature. We learn a bit about German culture in our schools, but not in amazing detail like that. So maybe the Chinese system is good for really preserving their awesome cultural heritage. Although it does sound incredibly boring and pressured compared to our laid-back German schools!I guess there are pros and cons to both systems. The German way lets us be kids, get hands-on with our learning, use our creativity and not stress out too much. But maybe we don't work as hard as Chinese students on the core subjects. The Chinese method seems way too strict and test-focused to me. But maybe Chinese kids come out being able to concentrate and study better than us?Anyway, those are the biggest differences I know about based on what my pal Mei has told me. Her daily life at school sounds so intense compared to my chilled out German school days. I'll stick with playing, painting and coding here thanks! I just hope Mei gets to have at least a little fun too sometimes instead of just burying her head in books all day long. What do you guys think - would you prefer the German or Chinese school system?篇5Here's an essay comparing German and Chinese education from a primary school student's perspective, written in English with around 2000 words:The Differences Between German and Chinese EducationHi there! My name is Li Mei and I'm a 10-year-old student from Beijing. Today, I want to share with you the big differences I've noticed between how kids are taught in Germany and China. This is based on what my German friend Emma has told me about her school life.In China, we start super early! We have to wake up at 6am to get ready for school. The day begins with morning exercises where we do stretches and run around the playground. Emma was shocked when I told her this – in Germany, she gets to sleep in until 7:30am! She said they don't have any morning exercises at her school.Our school days are really long too. We're at school from 7:30am until 4:30pm, with just a short lunch break in between. Emma goes to school from 8am to 1pm, with a break for snacks halfway through. She gets the whole afternoon off! I'm always so tired by the time I get home from the long hours.The style of teaching is very different too. In China, we have to respect our teachers completely and never question what they say. We spend most of our time listening to the teacher explain things and taking notes. If we don't understand, we just have to study harder later. Emma said in Germany, she's allowed to put up her hand and ask questions whenever she's confused aboutsomething. The teachers also get the students to discuss topics in small groups a lot.There's a huge focus on testing in China too. We have exams and tests all the time to check what we've learned. If we don't do well, we get scolded by the teachers and have to go to extra study sessions after school. Emma says they barely have any tests though – the teachers just check their understanding through classwork, projects and homework. She doesn't have any extra study sessions to go to.Another big difference is the subjects we learn. In China, we spend most of our time on the core subjects like math, Chinese language, and science. We don't have any classes for subjects like art, music or P.E. Emma takes all those fun subjects though! She even has classes like woodworking and German folklore.The rules are also stricter here. We have to wear proper school uniforms, we're not allowed to have our hair dyed bright colors, and we get in big trouble if we talk back to teachers. Emma just has to wear ordinary clothes to school. She's allowed to experiment with her hairstyle and she said the teachers are more like friends who they can joke around with.I have to say, listening to all these differences makes me feela bit jealous of Emma's school life! It sounds like she has waymore freedom and gets to learn in a more relaxed, creative way. I do enjoy the disciplined environment in China though – it really pushes me to work hard. The demanding schedule also means I'm learning a lot of important knowledge.Well, those are the biggest differences I've noticed between our education systems. Emma's school sounds fun, but I'm proud of the academic excellence we strive for in China. Having two friends experience such contrasting school lives has really opened my eyes! I'd love to hear your thoughts too. How does your school compare? Let me know!篇6Differences Between German and Chinese EducationHi friends! Today I'm going to tell you about the big differences between how kids learn in Germany and China. My cousin Lina lives in Berlin, and she told me all about her school. It's really different from my school here in China!The first big difference is how much time kids spend at school. In Germany, Lina only has to go to school from around 8am until 1pm or 2pm. Can you believe that? Here in China,we're at school from super early in the morning until 4pm oreven later. Lina gets way more free time to play and do fun activities after school. I'm always so tired after our long days.Another major difference is how many subjects they take. Lina just has to learn the basic subjects like math, science, German language, English, music, and art. But here, we also have to take classes on morality, Chinese history, geography, and politics on top of the basics. Sometimes my brain feels like it's going to explode from learning so much!The teaching styles are really different too. Lina says her teachers try to make lessons fun and interactive, with games, discussions, and group projects. My teachers just lecture at us while we take notes for hours. I get so bored and have trouble paying attention.Lina also told me that students in Germany don't have to wear uniforms to school. They can just wear whatever casual clothes they want! Here, we all have to wear the same uniform every day. I wish I could wear my fun graphic tees and colorful pants.The homework loads are vastly different as well. Lina only gets a little bit of homework each day, maybe an hour's worth. I'm drowning in piles of homework every night! Between homework, review sheets, and endless studying, I sometimesdon't get to bed until 10pm or later. No wonder I'm always so sleepy at school.German kids also get way more vacation time from school. Lina gets the entire summer off, plus weeks-long breaks throughout the year. Here, we get a measly 2-3 weeks off in summer and just a few other short breaks during the year. I'm always jealous seeing my German cousin getting to go on big summer trips.Another major difference is how much pressure there is on tests and grades. In Germany, Lina says the testing isn't too intense and her grades don't matter that much. But in China, we take so many huge exams and quizzes that determine our entire future. If we don't get perfect scores, we could miss out on getting into a good middle school, high school, and university. The stress makes me want to cry sometimes!Lina's school in Germany also has way more fun facilities than my school. They have a huge playground, sports fields, art rooms, computer labs, and even a theater for plays. My school just has a couple small playgrounds and very basic classrooms and labs. Lina gets to take really cool electives like woodworking, robotics, and drama too.The teaching philosophies seem really different as well. In Germany, Lina says the focus is on developing creative thinking, self-expression, and hands-on skills. But in China, it's all about discipline, obedience, memorization, and working hard. We have to just sit still, be quiet, and absorb everything our teachers say.Lastly, Lina's parents never have to hire private tutors or send her to extra cram schools like my parents do for me. Between my heavy homework load and all my extra tutoring sessions, I'm studying pretty much all the time outside of school too. I wish I could just be a kid and have free time to play!Well, those are the biggest ways German schools differ from Chinese schools based on what Lina told me. Sometimes I get a little jealous hearing how much freer and less stressful her education sounds. But I know things are just done differently in China. Who knows, maybe one day schools here will start to be more like the fun, creative German way? Either way, I'll keep working as hard as I can to make my parents proud. Let me know if you have any other questions!。
Education East vs. West中西方教育对比

师者,所以传道授业解惑也。 It takes a teacher to transmit wisdom,
impart knowledge and resolve doubts. 师道尊严 Dignity of the teaching profession 一日为师,终身为父。 A teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime.
Recent development
Rapid growth State controlled institutions Western influences
Practical concerns
Soviet institutions
Ivan Andreyevich Kairov 凯洛夫 (1893-1978)
United States
Colonial period
Boston Latin School, 1635 (High school)
1747 After 1776 Growth of public schools John Dewey (1859-1952) “Progressive Education” Purpose of education Not to acquire skills and knowledge But to realize one’s full potential
Education must serve the needs of socialist modernization, be integrated with productive labor, and train builders and successors who are well developed morally, intellectually, and physically. The general goal of China’s educational development is to set up a basic framework for a socialist education system with distinct Chinese characteristics that meets the needs of socialist modernization and is oriented to the 21st century. In order to achieve this goal, the state has formulated a strategy for educational development.
The difference between China and the United States

The difference between China and theUnited States1. The difference between China and the United States, first of all education is different from the two primary targets of teaching: China's primary education will develop children's intelligence scores as the primary objective of child benefits; in the United States, only one primary purpose: to cultivate children's creativity.2. Different attitudes towards the achievementsChinese children, make him a bad report card received pressure from all sides. But in the United States, each student the timeyear-end report card are private goods. Parents would not put too many children pressure. scores of more than ability in the adult heart to be even close. The purpose of most students in China, "it high marks."3. The two countries differ in the knowledge concept is:China's education focus on instilling the accumulation of knowledge, students develop knowledge and respect for authority and the inheritance of knowledge and knowledge construction.American students are more motivated by the practical ability to apply knowledge, to develop students knowledge and authority of the question, critical spirit and intellectual development and creativity.Both education expressed different attitudes towards knowledge: that China's education between the static and the dynamic between the United States, the move reflected a static view of differences in knowledge between the two countries.4. The two countries to provide the environment for students from different:American schools from an early age to encourage children to do research on research capacity among children, independent problem solving skills, organization of the movement of materials, methods. China's schools, under the constraints of the examination-oriented education, under the influence of traditional ideas, to take the initial stage of laying the foundation, advanced stage to scholarship out of touch with each other two-stage strategy.5. Two different curriculumSuch as the learning of foreign languages. In China, students in basic education in English only one (except professional outside). This is the education system for the unity of all students choose to do.In the U.S., students choose on moral education is much greater, including Spanish, development, Latin, etc.. There are no textbook lesson in the United States exist, they are usually called "Family Life" class.Courses include sewing, cooking and enhance self-confidence and so on. He taught his students that the book of life among other things, is as a person or a necessity. He taught students how to live6. Education and entrance systems are different: China's heuristic education there is a flaw, that is in fact one has to answer to the question by inducing students to enable them to find "the only answer."Teaching schools in the United States, in addition to guide students to understand and master teachers to the same correct answer, the back and students free imagination, no teachers and students to explore the unknown but the potential exists an objective answer.In China, apart from a few people do not see "entrance" points, the rest are "entrance" results in taking people to learn the most important, the only criterion. But in the U.S. each year students participate in various examinations in at least one kinds of examinations, one missed, the situation there at all; two missed, you can understand ... ... Therefore, these test scores can be a very important criteria for admission consideration.7. Learning the burden of difference: the United States almost a day off every week intervals. But in China, occupies the weekend may be ruthless, and even colorful holiday operations will be flooded by heavy glamor.8. Family Education different:1) U.S. education hours Guan Deyan, many American parents set rules, but the greater control the more loose the child; Chinese parents on the contrary, everything possible to spoil a child, growing up everywhere limited, and even university professionals, flagrant interference in love.2) U.S. education focus on training the child a sense of responsibility, this education makes the difference is more than the Chinese American children self-sustaining.ProposalChinese examination system reform, educational reform and student burdens are three aspects of the overall reform of education, while the examination system is "indeed affect the left" key. Only the exam-oriented education has changed, the quality of education can finally get their own space .The United States is more than the foundation of innovative enough to grasp the basis of the premise to be replenished. Our situation is the contrary, we are more than basic and innovative enough, and thus must concentrate on improving our education innovation shortfall.Education is a cultural phenomenon, different educational responses are different cultural connotations, suitable for today's society, the U.S. educational methods or the education system does not necessarily adapt to Chinese society now. In short, we need the combination of localization and internationalization modern education.China's current in the implementation of the new educational system, is gradually correct the defects of education, tend to bediversified, international, this is where the results of research and education. Is our intention.。
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Campus life
• Students are allowed to choose the courses they like • Pay more attention to social skills rather than scores • enhance students’ confidence , independence ,early , most students can make their own life.
Foreign classes
• • • • • Fewer students Encourage students to think Encourage students to seek Encourage students to exchange ideas Active atmosphere
• social • school • personal
• high requirement of degree , especially famous universities
• requirement of sex , many companies choose man firstly .
• Special course :lay stress on job training and
practical operating skills ,theories stress sufficiency and practice.
Foreign Education
• Foreign classes • Campus life
• Specialty is not reasonable , short of further sight ,neglect the unusual specialties • The lack of teaching quality , more attention to theories , ignore the practicability , divorced from reality
Educational form
• Chinese • Foreign •
• Undergraduate course(本科) :
• Input : students、 research projects…... • Output : students、various forms of achievements 、high academic standards
Chinese class :
• quiet,listen and make notes seriously • few questions
foreign class :
• Students perform heated discussion • There are no certain answers
Do you have an appetite for studying abroad?
Why ?
Have you ever known the differences between domestic and foreign education?
If you haven't thought about that ,now, let’s analyze them!
• Special course :fewer specialties, narrow coverage of professions, limited social adjustment, weak potential for further study. most students work for local areas .
Structure of knowledge
• Undergraduate course :emphasize the
integration of curriculum(课程的整合)、 complete and common subjects(学科的完整和综合),focus on the interdisciplinary transfer of knowledge(注重跨学科知识的迁 移).
No matter where you go , you will face the employment
So ,
Are you ready?
Research about studying abroad :
Many people believe that studying abroad will be better for hunting a good job , really?
• Our situation of employment • Foreign situation • Reasons
• Lack of employment guidance
• Theories are not very strong , practical operating skills are weak
• Other forms of training are not enough , confidence 、experience……
Our situation of employment
• huge demand
• job less in total • imbalance between supply and demand
Foreign situation
2011, through financial crisis, especially in America , the opportunity of employment of the undergraduate has raised 10%.
• Special course(专科): • Input : students • Output : students、low degree、 occlusive (封闭的).
• Undergraduate course :lots of specialties,
wider coverage of professions, relatively strong social adjustment,most students choose further study or huge economic region(区域).