promega 胶回收完整说明书




琼脂糖凝胶DNA回收试剂盒(离心柱型)QC标准操作流程1. 实验试剂和耗材1.2 实验试剂1.3 耗材2. 实验操作流程胶回收试剂盒的检测须进行两个实验验证,第一个实验为GelRed染色法,第二个实验为EB染色法。

2.1 GelRed染色法2.1.1 1.5%琼脂糖凝胶的制备(1)准确称取1.5g琼脂糖置于250ml三角锥形瓶中,添加125ml 1×TAE溶液。




2.1.2 胶回收实验(1)取6个2ml离心管,依次编号为1-6号,使用分析天平准确称取空离心管的重量。


要求胶块重量不超过200mg 为宜。

(3)添加溶胶液Binding Solution B,要求1、2号管中每100mg琼脂糖凝胶加入200ul Binding Solution B,3、4号管中每100mg琼脂糖凝胶加入300ul Binding Solution B,5、6号管中每100mg琼脂糖凝胶加入400ul Binding Solution B.(4)每管中添加50ul DL2502,混匀后置于60℃水浴5min,期间间断混合,直至凝胶块完全融化。


(5)将上述混合液转移至套放于2ml收集管的GenClean柱中,室温放置2min,10000rpm 室温离心1min,取出GenClean 柱,并倒掉收集管中废液。

(6)将GenClean 柱重新放回收集管中,加入500ul Wash Solution,于12000rpm,室温离心1min,倒掉收集管中废液。

胶回收 PPT

胶回收 PPT
➢ 由于绑透析带很难操作,只有在回收非常大的片断时才 会考虑的。
➢ 丙烯酰胺电泳凝胶产物回收的方法之一。
2.1.5 DEAE纤维素膜纸片法
➢ 将DEAE纤维素膜裁成小条活化处理。电泳后在 目的条带前切一刀,将比条带略宽的DEAE 纤维 素膜插入切口,不留气泡,继续电泳,条带上的 DNA被膜片截留,取出膜片冲洗后转移到离心管 中加缓冲液65℃保温洗脱,直到膜上DNA被完 全洗脱,将溶液用酚氯仿抽提沉淀。
向吸附柱CA2中 加入μL漂洗液PW
12000rpm, 离心30~60sec
弃废液,将吸附 柱重新放回收集管 中。重复操作1,2,3
注:1.漂洗液PW使用前先检查是否已加入无水乙醇。 2.如果回收的DNA是用于盐敏感的实验,例如平末端连接实验或
4.1 实验流程
4.1.6 去除漂洗液
将吸附柱CA2放回 收集管中
12000rpm, 离心2min
将吸附柱CA2置于 室温放置数分钟,
注:1.尽量除尽漂洗液,以防止残留的漂洗液中的乙醇影响下一步的 实验(如酶切、PCR等)。
4.1 实验流程
4.1.7 收集DNA
将吸附柱CA2放到 一个干净离心管中
一 胶回收基础知识 二 方法及应用 三 试剂耗材与设备 四 操作流程 五 常见问题解答
一 胶回收基础知识 二 方法及应用 三 试剂耗材与设备 四 操作流程 五 常见问题解答
1.胶回收的概念 2.胶回收的原理
1.1 胶回收概念
➢ 从电泳后的凝胶中回收目的DNA的过程,其目的 是将目标DNA重新利用。



Reverse Transcription System
1. Description..........................................................................................................1 2. Product Components and Storage Conditions ............................................2 3. Reverse Transcription Protocol.......................................................................2
Printed in USA. Revised 3/09 Part# TB099 Page 1
Product Components and Storage Conditions
Size 100 reactions Cat. # A3500
Product Reverse Transcription System
3.A. Reverse Transcri magnesium concentration may be optimized for any given sequence to achieve better yields. **Final concentration of reaction components: 5mM MgCl2; 1X Reverse Transcription Buffer (10mM Tris-HCl [pH 9.0 at 25°C]; 50mM KCl; 0.1% Triton® X-100); 1mM each dNTP; 1u/μl Recombinant RNasin® Ribonuclease Inhibitor; 15u/μg AMV Reverse Transcriptase (High Conc.); 0.5μg Oligo(dT)15 Primer or Random Primers per microgram RNA; 50ng/μl 1.2kb Kanamycin Positive Control RNA, poly(A)+ mRNA or total RNA.







到底是什么导致了实验新手,甚至是老手在这个已经发展近40年的常规性实验中卡壳?由于胶回收的质量和数量直接影响后继的一系列实验——比如酶切连接、转化筛选、测序或者PCR 扩增、标记乃至显微注射等等,为大家搜罗各种产品和方法的优缺点,注意事项,做一个胶回收全攻略篇。


要想做好胶回收,无论是自己亲力亲为还是借助目前五花八门的胶回收试剂,最基本的评定标准无外乎这么几个:质量( 回收产物的纯度和浓度),回收效率,操作方便(速度),柱子的载量等等。













找到你要的那条DNA 条带,然后用刀片小心翼翼地把它周围的胶切下来。




















G9711, G9712 and G9713中文说明书适用产品目录号J3160 和 J31612020 版 CTM600原英文技术手册TM600Triglyceride-Glo™ Assay普洛麦格(北京)生物技术有限公司Promega (Beijing) Biotech Co., Ltd 地址:北京市东城区北三环东路36号环球贸易中心B座907-909电话:************网址:技术支持电话:800 810 8133(座机拨打),400 810 8133(手机拨打)技术支持邮箱:*************************CTM6002020制作1Triglyceride-Glo™ Assay所有技术文献的英文原版均可在/ protocols获得。


如果您在使用该试剂盒时有任何问题,请与Promega 北京技术服务部联系。

电子邮箱:*************************1. 产品描述 (2)2. 产品组分和储存条件 (4)3. 甘油三酯检测 (5)3. A. 用户需提供的材料 (5)3. B. 试剂制备 (5)3. C. 检测操作步骤 (6)4. 实验示例 (8)4. A. 肝细胞和小鼠肝组织中甘油三酯检测 (8)4. B. 癌细胞和人肝脏微组织的脂肪变性 (11)4. C. 脂肪细胞分化:染色法与甘油三酯定量法的比较 (12)5. 附录 (13)5. A. 信号稳定性 (13)5. B. 甘油三酯回收率 (13)5. C. 甘油三酯特异性 (15)5. D. 温度和试剂兼容性 (15)5. E. 微孔板和检测仪器 (15)5. F. 多重检测和归一化 (15)6. 参考文献 (16)7. 相关产品 (17)普洛麦格(北京)生物技术有限公司Promega (Beijing) Biotech Co., Ltd 地址:北京市东城区北三环东路36号环球贸易中心B座907-909电话:************网址:技术支持电话:800 810 8133(座机拨打),400 810 8133(手机拨打)技术支持邮箱:*************************CTM6002020制作21. 产品描述Triglyceride-Glo™ Assay(a)为检测培养细胞裂解物和其他生物样品(如细胞培养基、血清和组织匀浆)中的甘油三酯提供了一种发光检测方法。

PCR 或酶切产物凝胶回收试剂盒说明书

PCR 或酶切产物凝胶回收试剂盒说明书

本试剂盒将可以特异结合DNA的高性能磁性复合微球与独特的溶液系统有机结合在一起,适合从各种电泳凝胶(TAE或TBE)中提取线性DNA(70 bp-10 Kb),回收率在60-90%以上,本试剂盒还可从凝胶中回收质粒。

纯化后的线性DNA保持完整的生物活性,适用于多种用途,如:连接、体外转录、PCR、测序、Southern 杂交、微注射等分子生物学研究。


Cat. No. YR03009-01YR03009-02YR03009-03
制备次数 50次100次200次
Lysis-Binding Buffer 20mL40mL120mL
Wash Buffer W1 70mL140mL400mL
Magnetic beads 1mL2mL4mL
Elution Buffer 2.5mL5mL10mL


Shenzhen Bioeasy Biotechnologies Co., Ltd.



Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Binding Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Kit Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Materials Supplied By User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Gel Extraction Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Optional Vacuum Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Trouble Shooting Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Short Protocol For Experienced Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7





产品简介试剂盒采用可以高效、专一结合DNA的硅基质材料和独特的缓冲液系统,从TAE 或TBE琼脂糖凝胶上回收DNA片段,同时除去蛋白质,其它有机化合物、无机盐离子及寡核苷酸引物等杂质,回收100bp-10KbDNA片段,回收率高达80%,每个离心吸附柱每次可吸附的DNA量为10微克。






操作步骤:第一次使用前应按照试剂瓶标签的说明现在15ml漂洗液PW中加入60ml 无水乙醇。

所有离心步骤均为使用台式离心机在室温下离心1.柱平衡步骤:向吸附柱CA2中加入500微升平衡液BL,12000 1min2.将单一的目的DNA条带从琼脂糖凝胶中切下(尽量切除多余部分)放入干净的离心管中,称取重量。

promega 胶回收简易说明书

promega 胶回收简易说明书

Gel Slice and PCR Product Preparation A. Dissolving the Gel Slice1.Following electrophoresis, excise DNA band from gel and place gel slice in a 1.5ml microcentrifuge tube.2.Add 10µl Membrane Binding Solution per 10mg of gel slice. Vortex and incubate at 50–65°C until gel slice is completely dissolved.B. Processing PCR Amplifications1.Add an equal volume of Membrane Binding Solution to the PCR amplification.Binding of DNA1.Insert SV Minicolumn into Collection Tube.2.Transfer dissolved gel mixture or prepared PCR product to the Minicolumn assembly. Incubate at room temperature for 1 minute.3.Centrifuge at 16,000 × g for 1 minute. Discard flowthrough and reinsert Minicolumn into Collection Tube.Washing4.Add 700µl Membrane Wash Solution (ethanol added). Centrifuge at 16,000 × g for 1 minute. Discard flowthrough and reinsert Minicolumn into Collection Tube.5.Repeat Step 4 with 500µl Membrane Wash Solution. Centrifuge at 16,000 × g for 5 minutes.6.Empty the Collection Tube and recentrifuge the column assembly for 1 minute with the microcentrifuge lid open (or off) to allow evaporation of any residual ethanol.Elution7.Carefully transfer Minicolumn to a clean 1.5ml microcentrifuge tube.8.Add 50µl of Nuclease-Free Water to the Minicolumn. Incubate at room temperature for 1 minute. Centrifuge at 16,000 × g for 1 minute.9.Discard Minicolumn and store DNA at 4°C or –20°C.Additional protocol information is available in Technical Bulletin #TB308, available online at:w w w .p r o m e g a .c o mPrinted in USA. Revised 11/09Part #9FB072•••••••••••••••••••••••••••ORDERING /TECHNICAL INFORMATION: • Phone 608-274-4330 or 800-356-9526 • Fax 608-277-2601DNA Purification by CentrifugationWizard ®SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up SystemINSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF PRODUCTS A9280, A9281, A9282, AND A9285.P R O T O C O LQuickPrepare gel slice or PCR product.Add dissolved gel mixture or prepared PCR product to SV Minicolumn assembly.Wash, removing solution by centrifugation.Centrifuge.Elute DNA.3760M A 07_2A© 2002, 2004, 2005 and 2009 Promega Corporation. All Rights Reserved.Gel Slice and PCR Product PreparationA. Dissolving the Gel Slice1.Following electrophoresis, excise DNA band from gel and place gel slice in a 1.5ml microcentrifuge tube.2.Add 10µl Membrane Binding Solution per 10mg of gel slice. Vortex and incubate at 50–65°C until gel slice is completely dissolved.B. Processing PCR Amplifications1.Add an equal volume of Membrane Binding Solution to the PCR amplification.Binding of DNA1.Attach Vacuum Adapter to manifold port and insert SV Minicolumn into Adapter.2.Transfer dissolved gel mixture or prepared PCR product to the Minicolumn.Incubate at room temperature for 1 minute.3.Apply vacuum to pull liquid through Minicolumn. Release vacuum when all liquid has passed through Minicolumn. Washing4.Add 700µl Membrane Wash Solution (ethanol added). Apply a vacuum to pull solution through Minicolumn.5.Turn off vacuum and repeat Step 4 with 500µl Membrane Wash Solution.Apply a vacuum to pull solution through Minicolumn.6.Transfer Minicolumn to a Collection Tube. Centrifuge at 16,000 × g for 5 minutes.7.Empty the Collection Tube and recentrifuge the column assembly for 1 minute with the microcentrifuge lid open (or off) to allow evaporation of any residual ethanol.Elution8.Carefully transfer Minicolumn to a clean 1.5ml microcentrifuge tube.9.Add 50µl of Nuclease-Free Water to the Minicolumn. Incubate at room temperature for 1 minute. Centrifuge at 16,000 × g for 1 minute.10.Discard Minicolumn and store DNA at 4°C or –20°C.Additional protocol information is available in Technical Bulletin #TB308, available online at w w w .p r o m e g a .c o m••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Printed in USA. Revised 11/09Part #9FB072© 2002, 2004, 2005 and 2009 Promega Corporation. All Rights Reserved.DNA Purification by VacuumWizard ®SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up SystemINSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF PRODUCTS A9280, A9281, A9282 AND A9285.P R O T O C O LQuickPrepare gel slice or PCR product.Attach Vacuum Adapter to manifold and insert Minicolumn. Transfer dissolved gel mixture or prepared PCR product.Wash, removing solution by vacuum.Transfer Minicolumn to a Collection Tube.Centrifuge.Elute DNA.3759M A 07_2AORDERING /TECHNICAL INFORMATION: • Phone 608-274-4330 or 800-356-9526 • Fax 608-277-2601。



胶回收试剂盒说明书(⽣⼯)SanPrep柱式DNA胶回收试剂盒产品编号:SK8131/SK8132包装规格:50次/100次试剂盒组成组分 SK8131,50次 SK8132,100次纯化套件(吸附柱+收集管) 50套 100套Buffer B2 30 ml 60 mlWash Solution 12 ml 24 mlElution Buffer 5 ml 10 ml操作⼿册1份1份保存⽅法及注意事项本试剂盒在室温(15~25°C)⼲燥保存,有效期见包装。

Buffer B2中含有刺激性的化合物,操作过程中应穿上实验服,戴好乳胶⼿套,避免沾染⽪肤、眼睛和⾐服,防⽌吸⼊⼝⿐。


产品介绍本试剂盒适⽤于从TAE和TBE琼脂糖凝胶中回收100 bp~10 kb的DNA⽚段,回收效率可达80%。



本试剂盒具有以下特点:1. 适⽤范围⼴,回收效率⾼,对于100 bp~10 kb之间的DNA⽚段回收效率在80%以上。

2. 操作简单快速,整个回收过程仅须15分钟左右。

3. 洗脱效率⾼,洗脱体积最⼩可低⾄15 µl。

快速操作流程(胶回收)1. 准备⼯作。

a. 检查Wash Solution 中是否已经加⼊⼄醇。

b. 检查Buffer B2是否出现沉淀。

c. 将⽔浴锅调⾄55°C 。

2. 从琼脂糖凝胶中割下含⽬标⽚段的胶块,称重。

3. 加⼊胶块重量3-6倍的Buffer B2,50°C ⽔浴5-10分钟溶胶。

4. (选做)对于 < 500 bp 的⽚段,加⼊1/3 Buffer B2体积的异丙醇。






计算胶块体积时,以1mg=1 μl 进行计算。

5. 向胶块中加入胶块融化液DR-I Buffer,DR-IBuffer 得加量如下表:凝胶浓度DR-I Buffer使用量1。

0% 3 个凝胶体积量1.0%~1。

5% 4个凝胶体积量1、5%~2。




注)胶块一定要充分融化,否则将会严重影响DNA 得回收率。

7、向上述胶块融化液中加入DR—I Buffer量得1/2体积量得DR-IIBuffer,均匀混合。



将试剂盒中得SpinColumn安置于Collection Tube 上。


将上述操作7得溶液转移至SpinColumn 中,12,000 rpm 离心 1 分钟,弃滤液、注)如将滤液再加入Spin Column 中离心一次,可以提高DNA 得回收率。

10.将500 μl得漂洗液Rinse A加入Spin Column中,12,000 rp m离心30秒钟,弃滤液。

11、将700μl得Rinse B加入Spin Column中,12,000 rp m离心30 秒钟,弃滤液。




将SpinColumn安置于新得1.5ml 得离心管上,在Spin C olumn 膜得中央处加入25μl 得灭菌蒸馏水或Elution Buffer,室温静置1 分钟。








前面的操作步骤和上者一样,将电泳凝胶的条带切下,B uffer溶解,(区别在于这里)加入纯化填料吸附混合,快速离心沉淀去上清,洗涤沉淀后,干燥沉淀,最后用洗脱液纯化介质中吸附的片段释放出来,离心,取上清,就是回收的产物。









实验六P C R产物胶回收实验一、实验目的1. 掌握胶回收的常规操作2. 了解胶回收PCR产物的目的二、实验原理利用胶回收试剂盒纯化PCR产物。



三、试剂及配套设备和材料3.1 试剂Extraction buffer Wash buffer Elution buffer3.2 配套设备和材料无菌1.5ml离心管各种规格移液器和无菌移液器吸头无水乙醇异丙醇可能需要3M KAc (pH 5.0) 离心机四、基本技术参数1. 用干净、锋利的手术刀,将含有目的DNA片段的琼脂糖凝胶切下,并放入1.5或2.0 ml离心管中。


一般情况下,电泳的DNA上样量≥50 ul(50ul为最终洗脱体积)。

2. 按1:3的比例(凝胶质量毫克数:融胶液体积微升数)加入Extraction buffer。

例如:100mg凝胶应加入300ul Extraction Buffer。


3. 于恒温水浴或金属浴中50℃温育,直到凝胶融化。


如果温育后,混合液体颜色变紫,请加入10 ul 3M KAc (pH 5.0),使混合液颜色变回黄色。

4. 可选:按1:1的比例(凝胶质量毫克数:异丙醇体积微升数)加入异丙醇,并混合均匀。


5. 将混合液全部转移到Spin column内,于6,000g离心1分钟,并弃去接液管内液体。



3)以每100mg胶块加入300μl的量加入Binding Buffer,查看胶块是否浸在液体中;
4)56℃水浴10min以融化胶块释放DNA,期间每2-3min 需取出震荡;
6)将High Pure Filter Tube 安装到Collection Tube上;
7)将所有eppendorf管中的液体转移到High Pure Filter Tube中去,注意不要超过700μl,若超过需分两次离心;
8)12000 rpm 离心1 min,倒掉收集管中的液体;
9)加入500μl Wash Buffer后再次离心1min;
10)倒掉收集管中的液体后再次加200μl的Wash Buffer,12000 rpm 离心1 min;11)小心将Filter Tube取下后装入一个新的Effendorf管上;
12)在滤芯的正中加上30μl的Elution Buffer,室温放置1min,12000 rpm 离心1 min。



3.向离心管中加入3倍体积的NAL溶液, 55(视具体胶定)度加热,使凝胶完全融化,
8.加入和硅胶树脂等体积的TEbuffer或灭菌蒸馏水混匀,55度水浴20min 9.10000rpm离心1分钟,吸上清为DNA回收液,



胶回收和PCR产物回收技巧1 提高胶回收量的技巧1) 增加电泳时的上样量。

2) 电泳缓冲液用新鲜配制的。

3) 切胶时尽量只切有条带的胶,减小切胶体积:含目的片断很少的胶就不要要了,不然影响回收率。

4) 把切的两块或多块胶融化后,无论多大的体积都用一个管子,转移到同一个柱子上。

5) 溶胶时所加的溶液可多一点,这样更有利于DNA与膜的结合,不过一般不要多余750ul。

6) 胶回收的关键是通过柱子的溶液的盐浓度、酸碱性(电荷)和疏水性使DNA与柱子结合。

因此,若电泳缓冲液的PH偏高,可在溶胶液中加入10ul(PH 5.0,3mol/L的 NaAC);为了使DNA分子更好的拦截在膜上,可以添加30%异丙醇在加热溶解胶后的液体里。

7) 加洗脱液之前,将柱子在室温放置几分钟(大约需10分钟),以使乙醇充分挥发。

8) 最后少加些洗脱液,尽量减少回收体积,一般用30-50μl洗脱液洗脱(不能太少,否则无法浸湿膜反而不利于洗脱);洗脱液滴在膜中央,以充分洗脱结合在膜上的DNA。

9) 可以在加入洗脱液之后,可以在55度水浴5分钟或放在50度水浴10分钟以上再洗脱,或用封口膜密封4度过夜,第二天再离心回收,效果不错。

10) 将离心后的洗脱液加回吸附柱,再次离心。

2 PCR 产物回收的详细方法和步骤1) 普通胶回收如果要胶回收,最好还是用试剂盒,方便,回收率也略高,实在要手工回收,可以切胶后加入3倍体积TE,水浴熔化后,酚、酚/氯仿抽提干净,乙醇沉淀即可。

2) 从低熔点凝胶回收DNA纯化DNA片段加与凝胶体积相等的TE(10mmol/l Tris-HCl pH8.0,0.1mmol/l EDTA ),置65℃水浴5分钟保温,使凝胶完全溶解。






杭州昊鑫生物科技股份有限公司 htpp://多功能DNA纯化回收试剂盒目录号:DR03试剂盒组成、储存、稳定性:试剂盒组成保存50次(DR0301)100次(DR0302)200次(DR0303)平衡液室温5ml 10ml 20ml 溶胶/结合液DB 室温50ml 100ml 200ml漂洗液WB 室温15 ml 25 ml 50 ml 第一次使用前按说明加指定量乙醇洗脱缓冲液EB 室温10 ml 15 ml 20 ml吸附柱EC 室温50个100个200个收集管(2ml)室温50个100个200个本试剂盒在室温储存12个月不影响使用效果。


储存事项:1. 所有的溶液应该是澄清的,如果环境温度低时溶液可能形成沉淀,此时不应该直接使用,可在37℃水浴加热几分钟,即可恢复澄清。


2. 储存于低温(4℃或者-20℃)会造成溶液沉淀,影响使用效果,因此运输和储存均在室温下(15℃-25℃)进行。

3. 避免试剂长时间暴露于空气中产生挥发、氧化、pH值变化,各溶液使用后应及时盖紧盖子。


产品特点:1. 离心吸附柱内硅基质膜全部采用进口世界著名公司特制吸附膜,柱与柱之间吸附量差异极小,可重复性好。


2. 使用了优质溶胶液,不含传统溶胶液的碘化钠和高氯酸盐,不抑制回收后酶切、连接克隆等下游反应。

3. 独特的溶胶液/结合液配方,将溶胶和结合两种功能统一,因此一个试剂盒可以运用于琼脂糖DNA回收、PCR产物清洁纯化、酶切产物纯化回收等多种情况,节省了需购买多种试剂盒的费用。

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Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526·Phone 608-274-4330 ·Fax 608-277-2516 · Printed in USA.Part# TB308Revised 11/09Page 11.Description ..........................................................................................................12.Product Components and Storage Conditions ............................................33.General Considerations ....................................................................................44.Gel Slice and PCR Product Preparation .. (4)A.Preparing the Membrane Wash Solution (4)B.Dissolving the Gel Slice (5)C. Processing PCR Amplification Products (6)5.DNA Purification (6)A.DNA Purification by Centrifugation (6)B.DNA Purification by Vacuum............................................................................76.Troubleshooting .................................................................................................97.References .........................................................................................................118.Appendix .. (11)position of Buffers and Solutions (11)B. Related Products (12)1.DescriptionThe Wizard ®SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System is designed to extract and purify DNA fragments of 100bp to 10kb from standard or low-melt agarose gels in either Tris acetate (TAE) or Tris borate (TBE), or to purify PCR products directly from a PCR amplification. Up to 95% recovery is achieved depending upon the DNA fragment size (see Table 1). PCR products are commonly purified to remove excess nucleotides and primers. This membrane-based system, which can bind up to 40μg DNA, allows recovery of isolated DNA fragments or PCR products in as little as 20 minutes, depending on the number of samples processed and the protocol used. The purified DNA can be used for automated fluorescent DNA sequencing, cloning, labeling, restriction enzyme digestion or in vitro transcription/translation without further manipulation.®Clean-Up System All technical literature is available on the Internet at /tbs Please visit the web site to verify that you are using the most current version of this Technical Bulletin. Please contact Promega Technical Services if you have questions on useof this system. E-mail techserv@.The Wizard ®SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System is based on the ability of DNA to bind to silica membranes in the presence of chaotropic salts. After electrophoresis to separate the DNA fragments, the band(s) of interest is excised and dissolved in the presence of guanidine isothiocyanate (Membrane Binding Solution).Alternatively, after amplification, an aliquot of the PCR is added to theMembrane Binding Solution and directly purified. The system allows a choice of methods for isolation of DNA from the dissolved agarose gel slice or PCRamplification. DNA can be isolated using microcentrifugation to force thedissolved gel slice or PCR product through the membrane while simultaneously binding the DNA on the surface of the silica (Section 5.A). After washing the isolated DNA fragment or PCR product, the DNA is eluted in water. Another option is pulling the dissolved gel or PCR product through the SV Minicolumn and washing the DNA fragment using vacuum pressure (Section 5.B). TheVacuum Adapters allow the use of a vacuum manifold (e.g., Vac-Man ®Laboratory Vacuum Manifold, 20-sample capacity [Cat.# A7231], or Vac-Man ®boratory Vacuum Manifold, 2-sample capacity [Cat.# A7660]). The Vacuum Adapters (Cat. # A1331) are only supplied with Cat.# A9280, Wizard ®SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System, 10 preps, but may be purchased separately.The Wizard ®SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System can be used with linear DNA fragments, supercoiled plasmid DNA, or single-stranded linear or circular DNA.Expected yields with single-stranded DNA are lower than for double-stranded DNA.Table 1. Percent Recovery Versus Double-Stranded DNA Fragment Size. PCRproducts (55–1,000bp), linearized pGEM ®-3Zf(+) plasmid (3,199bp), or Lambda Hin d III fragments (9,416bp and 23,130bp) were purified in triplicate from a 1% agarose gelslice in 1X TAE buffer and quantified by ethidium bromide staining.Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526·Phone 608-274-4330 ·Fax 608-277-2516 · Part# TB308Printed in USA.Revised 11/09Page 22.Product Components and Storage ConditionsProduct Size Cat. # Wizard®SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System10 preps A9280For Laboratory Use. Each system contains sufficient reagents for 10 purifications.Includes:•4ml Membrane Binding Solution•3ml Membrane Wash Solution (concentrated)• 1.25ml Nuclease-Free Water•10Wizard®SV Minicolumns•10Collection Tubes (2ml)•5Vacuum AdaptersProduct Size Cat. # Wizard®SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System50 preps A9281For Laboratory Use. Each system contains sufficient reagents for 50 purifications.Includes:•20ml Membrane Binding Solution•15ml Membrane Wash Solution (concentrated)• 3.75ml Nuclease-Free Water•50Wizard®SV Minicolumns•50Collection Tubes (2ml)Product Size Cat. # Wizard®SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System250 preps A9282For Laboratory Use. Each system contains sufficient reagents for 250purifications.Includes:•100ml Membrane Binding Solution•75ml Membrane Wash Solution (concentrated)•13ml Nuclease-Free Water•250Wizard®SV Minicolumns•250Collection Tubes (2ml)Product Size Cat. # Wizard®SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System1000 preps A9285For Laboratory Use. Each system contains sufficient reagents for 4 × 250purifications. Includes:• 4 × 100ml Membrane Binding Solution• 4 × 75ml Membrane Wash Solution (concentrated)• 4 × 13ml Nuclease-Free Water• 4 × 250Wizard®SV Minicolumns• 4 × 250Collection Tubes (2ml)Storage Conditions:Store all components at room temperature (22–25°C). No refrigeration is required. Keep Membrane Binding Solution protected fromlight. See expiration date on product label.Promega Corporation·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526·Phone 608-274-4330 ·Fax 608-277-2516 · Printed in USA.Part# TB308 Revised 11/09Page 3Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526·Phone 608-274-4330 ·Fax 608-277-2516 · Part# TB308Printed in USA.Revised 11/09Page 43.General ConsiderationsAgarose, a linear polymer extracted from seaweed, is commonly used forelectrophoretic separation of nucleic acids. Standard agarose melts at 87–89°C and solidifies at 36–39°C. In low-melt agarose, hydroxyethyl groups have beenintroduced into the polysaccharide chain, resulting in an agarose that both melts and solidifies at much lower temperatures (65°C and 24–28°C, respectively). Low-melt agarose is often used for applications that require recovery of intact DNA fragments from the gel after electrophoresis. The Wizard ®SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System can be used to recover DNA from either standard or low-melt agarose gels with no changes to the protocol or differences in recovery (Section 5).Standard safety apparel should be worn, especially when handling ethidiumbromide-stained agarose gels. This includes gloves and a UV-blocking face shield to protect the eyes and face from UV light. When excising the gel band, work quickly to minimize personal exposure to UV light and to minimize nicking of the DNA (1–4).The Wizard ®SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System is compatible with PCR products generated using a variety of amplification enzymes, buffers or PCR-enhancing additives. Mineral oil does not interfere with purification.4.Gel Slice and PCR Product PreparationMaterials to Be Supplied by the User(Solution compositions are provided in Section 8.A.)•1.5ml microcentrifuge tubes •ethanol (95%)•Vacuum Adapters (Cat.# A1331; only for vacuum purification)•agarose gel (standard or low-melt; only for gel purification)•1X TAE or TBE electrophoresis buffer (only for gel purification)•50–65°C heating block (only for gel purification)4.A.Preparing the Membrane Wash SolutionAdd the indicated volume of 95% ethanol to the Membrane Wash Solution prior to beginning the procedure (see Table 2). Mark the bottle label to record that this addition was made. Tightly close the bottle cap after each use to preventevaporation.Table 2. Volume of 95% Ethanol to Add to Membrane Wash Solution for Each System Size.Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526·Phone 608-274-4330 ·Fax 608-277-2516 · Printed in USA.Part# TB308Revised 11/09Page 54.B.Dissolving the Gel Slice1.Load and run the gel using an established protocol. DNA can be extractedfrom standard or low-melt agarose gels run with either TAE or TBE buffer.2.Weigh a 1.5ml microcentrifuge tube for each DNA fragment to be isolatedand record the weight.3.Visualize and photograph the DNA using a long-wavelength UV lamp andan intercalating dye such as ethidium bromide. To reduce nicking, irradiatethe gel for the absolute minimum time possible (1–4). Excise the DNAfragment of interest in a minimal volume of agarose using a clean scalpelor razor blade. Transfer the gel slice to the weighed microcentrifuge tubeand record the weight. Subtract the weight of the empty tube from the totalweight to obtain the weight of the gel slice (see Notes 1–3 below).Note: The gel slice may be stored at 4°C or at –20°C for up to one week in atightly closed tube under nuclease-free conditions before purification.4.Add Membrane Binding Solution at a ratio of 10μl of solution per 10mg ofagarose gel slice.5.Vortex the mixture (see Note 4) and incubate at 50–65°C for 10 minutes oruntil the gel slice is completely dissolved. Vortex the tube every few minutesto increase the rate of agarose gel melting. Centrifuge the tube briefly atroom temperature to ensure the contents are at the bottom of the tube. Oncethe agarose gel is melted, the gel will not resolidify at room temperature.6.To purify the DNA using a microcentrifuge, proceed to Section V.A. Topurify the DNA using a vacuum manifold, proceed to Section V.B.Notes:1.Recovery from 1% high-melting-point agarose is comparable to that from1–2% low-melting-point agarose. High-melting-point agarose concentrationsof up to 3% have been tested. Gel slices with higher agarose concentrations(2–3%) may require a longer time to melt completely than a 1% agarose gelslice and may show reduced yields.2.The maximum capacity of the column is 350mg of gel mass dissolved in350μl of Membrane Binding Solution per column pass. For gel slices >350mg,continue to pass additional sample through the SV Minicolumn until all ofthe sample has been processed. The maximal amount of agarose that can beprocessed through a single column is approximately 3.5g (10 × 350mg) total.3.The maximum binding capacity of the column is approximately 40μg percolumn, and as little as 10ng has been successfully purified.4.DNA fragments that are larger than 5kb should be mixed gently to preventshearing. Do not vortex if DNA fragment is larger than 5kb; mix byinversion.4.C.Processing PCR Amplification Products1.Amplify target of choice using standard amplification conditions.2.Add an equal volume of Membrane Binding Solution to the PCRamplification (see Notes 1–4 below).3.To purify the DNA using a microcentrifuge, proceed to Section 5.A.To purify the DNA using a vacuum manifold, proceed to Section 5.B.Notes:1.The maximal capacity of a single SV Minicolumn is approximately 1mlof PCR amplification added to 1ml Membrane Binding Solution (2mltotal). For PCR volumes >350μl, continue to pass the sample through thecolumn until all of the sample has been processed.2.The maximum binding capacity is approximately 40μg per column, andas little as 10ng has been successfully purified.3.Mineral oil does not interfere with purification.4.For amplification reactions that do not produce a single product orwhere amplification has been inefficient and there is highly visibleprimer dimer, gel purification of the band of interest is recommended.Alternatively, an 80% ethanol wash solution can be substituted for thesupplied Membrane Wash Solution to reduce primer-dimer carryover.5.DNA PurificationPrepare the gel slice or PCR product as described in Section 4. Use either thecentrifugation procedure (Section 5.A) or the vacuum procedure (Section 5.B)to recover the DNA from the dissolved gel slice or PCR amplification. Afterthe procedure is completed, the DNA may be used in downstreamapplications.5.A.DNA Purification by Centrifugation1.Place one SV Minicolumn in a Collection Tube for each dissolved gelslice or PCR amplification.2.Transfer the dissolved gel mixture or prepared PCR product to the SVMinicolumn assembly and incubate for 1 minute at room temperature.3.Centrifuge the SV Minicolumn assembly in a microcentrifuge at 16,000 × g(14,000rpm) for 1 minute. Remove the SV Minicolumn from the SpinColumn assembly and discard the liquid in the Collection Tube. Returnthe SV Minicolumn to the Collection Tube.Note: Failure to spin at 16,000 × g(14,000rpm) can result in reducedyield.Promega Corporation·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526·Phone 608-274-4330 ·Fax 608-277-2516 · Part# TB308Printed in USA. Page 6Revised 11/09Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526·Phone 608-274-4330 ·Fax 608-277-2516 · Printed in USA.Part# TB308Revised 11/09Page 74.Wash the column by adding 700μl of Membrane Wash Solution, previouslydiluted with 95% ethanol (see Section 4.A), to the SV Minicolumn.Centrifuge the SV Minicolumn assembly for 1 minute at 16,000 × g(14,000rpm). Empty the Collection Tube as before and place the SVMinicolumn back in the Collection Tube. Repeat the wash with 500μl ofMembrane Wash Solution and centrifuge the SV Minicolumn assembly for5 minutes at 16,000 × g .5.Remove the SV Minicolumn assembly from the centrifuge, being careful notto wet the bottom of the column with the flowthrough. Empty the CollectionTube and recentrifuge the column assembly for 1 minute with the micro-centrifuge lid open (or off) to allow evaporation of any residual ethanol.6.Carefully transfer the SV Minicolumn to a clean 1.5ml microcentrifuge tube.Apply 50μl of Nuclease-Free Water directly to the center of the columnwithout touching the membrane with the pipette tip. Incubate at roomtemperature for 1 minute. Centrifuge for 1 minute at 16,000 × g (14,000rpm).7.Discard the SV Minicolumn and store the microcentrifuge tube containingthe eluted DNA at 4°C or –20°C.Note:The volume of the eluted DNA will be approximately 42–47μl. If theDNA needs to be further concentrated, perform an ethanol precipitation.Alternatively, the DNA may be eluted in as little as 15μl of Nuclease-FreeWater without significant reduction in yield. If using an elution volume of15μl, verify that the membrane is completely covered with Nuclease-FreeWater before centrifugation. Elution volumes less than 15μl are notrecommended (see Table 3).5.B.DNA Purification by Vacuum1.Attach one Vacuum Adapter with a Luer-Lok ®fitting to one port of themanifold (e.g., Vac-Man ®or Vac-Man ®Jr. Laboratory Vacuum Manifold)for each dissolved gel slice or PCR amplification. Insert SV Minicolumninto the Vacuum Adapter until it fits snugly in place.2.Transfer the dissolved gel mixture or PCR amplification to the SVMinicolumn and incubate for 1 minute at room temperature. Apply avacuum to pull the liquid completely through the SV Minicolumn.Note:The minimum vacuum pressure is 15 inches of mercury. See the tablebelow for comparison of inches of Hg to other pressure measurements.Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526·Phone 608-274-4330 ·Fax 608-277-2516 · Part# TB308Printed in USA.Revised 11/09Page 8 3.Wash the column by adding 700μl Membrane Wash Solution previouslydiluted with 95% ethanol (see Section IV.A) to the SV Minicolumn. Make sureany droplets remaining on the sides of the SV Minicolumn from the last stepare washed away. Apply a vacuum to pull the liquid through the SVMinicolumn. Repeat this wash a second time with 500μl of Membrane WashSolution.4.Turn off the vacuum source and open an unused port to vent the manifold.Remove the SV Minicolumn from the vacuum manifold and transfer to aCollection Tube. Centrifuge the SV Minicolumn assembly for 5 minutes at16,000 × g (14,000rpm) to remove any remaining Membrane Wash Solution.5.Empty the Collection Tube and recentrifuge the column assembly for 1 minutewith the microcentrifuge lid open (or off) to allow evaporation of any residualethanol.6.Carefully transfer the SV Minicolumn to a clean 1.5ml microcentrifuge tube,being careful not to wet the bottom of the SV Minicolumn with theflowthrough. Apply 50μl of Nuclease-Free Water directly to the center of thecolumn without contacting the membrane. Incubate at room temperature for1 minute. Centrifuge for 1 minute at 16,000 × g (14,000rpm).7.Discard the SV Minicolumn and store the microcentrifuge tube containing the eluted DNA at 4°C or –20°C.Note:The volume of the eluted DNA will be approximately 42–47μl. If the DNAneeds to be further concentrated, perform an ethanol precipitation. Alternatively,the DNA may be eluted in as little as 15μl of Nuclease-Free Water without asignificant reduction in yield. If using an elution volume of 15μl, verify that themembrane is completely covered with Nuclease-Free Water before centrifugation.Elution volumes less than 15μl are not recommended (see Table 3).Table 3. Percent Recovery VersusElution Volume. A 700bp PCR productwas directly purified in triplicate andquantified by ethidium bromide staining.6.TroubleshootingFor questions not addressed here, please contact your local Promega Branch Office or Distributor. Contact information available at: . E-mail: techserv@Symptoms Causes and CommentsLow DNA yield Verify that an equal volume of MembraneBinding Solution was added to the gel slice orPCR (10μl per 10mg gel slice or 10μl PCR).Make certain that the gel slice is completelymelted before proceeding with the purification.Incubation at 50–65°C is necessary tocompletely melt the gel slice.If the amount of DNA purified is too small toquantitate by spectrophotometry, quantitate byagarose gel electrophoresis followed byethidium bromide or PicoGreen®staining.Be sure to centrifuge at 16,000 × g(14,000rpm).Verify that ethanol was added to the MembraneWash Solution (see Section IV.A) and repeat thepurification.Poor results with automated Too little DNA may have been used. Increase the fluorescent sequencing amount of DNA used in sequencing reactionsor concentrate the DNA by ethanol precipitation.Up to 7μl of the eluted DNA can be used perfluorescent sequencing reaction.Too much DNA can interfere with fluorescentsequencing. Use less eluted DNA or diluteDNA prior to sequencing.If TE was used for elution, ethanol precipitatethe DNA or repurify the DNA fragments andelute with Nuclease-Free Water.Excessive thymidine-dimer formation may haveoccurred during UV exposure. See references1–4 for a method to minimize thymidine-dimerformation of AT-rich templates.Poor restriction digestion Increase the amount of restriction enzymeand/or the length of incubation time. Digest atthe appropriate temperature and in the optimalbuffer for the restriction enzyme used.Ethanol or salt carryover into the eluted DNAmay have occurred. Ethanol precipitate theDNA or keep the DNA volume to 10% or less ofthe final reaction volume.Promega Corporation·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526·Phone 608-274-4330 ·Fax 608-277-2516 · Printed in USA.Part# TB308 Revised 11/09Page 96.Troubleshooting (continued)Symptoms Causes and CommentsDNA yields on gel look low Trace contaminants in eluted DNA can artificially compared to spectrophotometric inflate spectrophotometer readings. Use agarosereadings gel electrophoresis followed by ethidium bromideor PicoGreen®staining to determine DNA yields.Ethanol precipitate the DNA.Low A260/A230ratios Typically due to guanidine isothiocyanatecontamination. Low ratios do not necessarilyindicate that the DNA will function poorly indownstream applications. Ethanol precipitatethe DNA if low A260/A230ratio is a concern.Clogged spin basket Increase the length of the 50–65°C incubation toensure the gel slice is completely melted.Verify that an equal ratio of Membrane BindingSolution to gel slice mass is used (10μl per 10mg).A vacuum pressure of >15 inches of mercury isrequired to use the SV Minicolumn in thevacuum protocol. If the vacuum is insufficient,use the spin protocol.Purified DNA floats out of the Ethanol carryover. Be certain that the Membranewell when loaded on a gel Wash Solution is not carried over from the washsteps. If the column has been wet, empty theCollection Tube and recentrifuge the columnassembly for 1 minute. Centrifuge the SVMinicolumn for 5 minutes to remove residualMembrane Wash Solution. After washing,centrifuge the column assembly with themicrocentrifuge lid open or off (Section 5.A.,Step 5; Section 5.B., Step 5) to allow evaporationof any residual ethanol.Add 3X loading dye to the DNA sample beforeloading onto the gel.Purified DNA bands are not sharp DNA may be sheared. Mix the agarose gel slicegently with the Membrane Binding Solution.Nuclease contamination may be an issue.Autoclave the gel running buffer before use.Store the gel slice at 4°C or –20°C for no morethan 1 week under nuclease-free conditions.Low cloning efficiency May be due to guanidine isothiocyanatecontamination. Ethanol precipitate the DNA,washing the pellet with 70% ethanol to reducecontamination.Promega Corporation·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526·Phone 608-274-4330 ·Fax 608-277-2516 · Part# TB308Printed in USA. Page 10Revised 11/097.References1.Zimmermann, M., Veeck, J. and Wolf, K. (1998) Minimizing the exposure to UV light when extracting DNA from agarose gels. BioTechniques 25, 586.2.Hengen, P. (1997) Methods and reagents. Protecting vector DNA from UV light.Trends Biochem. Sci.22, 182–3.3.Grundemann, D. and Schomig, E. (1996) Protection of DNA during preparativeagarose gel electrophoresis against damage induced by ultraviolet light. BioTechniques 21, 898–903.4.Cariello, N.F. et al . (1988) DNA damage produced by ethidium bromide staining and exposure to ultraviolet light. Nucl. Acids Res.16, 4157.8.Appendix8.A.Composition of Buffers and SolutionsPromega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526·Phone 608-274-4330 ·Fax 608-277-2516 ·Printed in USA.Part# TB308Revised 11/09Page 11Membrane Wash Solution (after ethanol addition)10mM potassium acetate (pH 5.0)80%ethanol16.7μM EDTA (pH 8.0)To prepare this solution, add 95%ethanol to the supplied Membrane Wash Solution (concentrated) as described in Table 2 in Section IV.A.Membrane Binding Solution4.5M guanidine isothiocyanate 0.5M potassium acetate (pH5.0)1X TE buffer10mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5)1mM EDTA (pH 8.0)1X TBE buffer 89mM Tris base 89mM boric acid 2mM EDTA (pH 8.0)1X TAE buffer 40mM Tris base5mM sodium acetate 1mM EDTA (pH 8.0)8.B.Related ProductsProductSize Cat. #Vacuum Adapters20 each A1331Wizard ®SV 96 PCR Clean-Up System 11 × 96 preps A93404 × 96 preps A93418 × 96 preps A9342100 × 96 preps A9345GoTaq ®Green Master Mix 1,2100 reactions M71221,000 reactions M7123GoTaq ®Colorless Master Mix 1,2100 reactions M71321,000 reactions M7133GoTaq ®DNA Polymerase 1,2100 units M3001500 units M30052,500 units M3008GoTaq ®HotStart Polymerase 2,3100 units*M5001GoTaq ®HotStart Green Master Mix 2,3100 reactions*M5122GoTaq ®HotStart Colorless Master Mix 2,3100 reactions*M5132Access RT-PCR System 120 reactions A1260100 reactions A1250500 reactions A1280AccessQuick™ RT-PCR System 120 reactions A1701100 reactions A1702500 reactions A1703Agarose, LE, Analytical Grade 1100g V3121500g V3125Ethidium Bromide Solution, Molecular Grade 110ml H5041TAE Buffer,10X 1,000ml V4271TBE Buffer, 10X 1,000ml V42511For Laboratory Use.2Different Cat.# may apply for customers in Europe. Visit /catalog/ forthe amplifcation product catalog numbers appropriate for your location.3For Research Use. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.*Additional sizes available.Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526·Phone 608-274-4330 ·Fax 608-277-2516 ·Part# TB308Printed in USA.Revised 11/09Page 12© 2002, 2004, 2005 and 2009 Promega Corporation. All Rights Reserved.GoTaq, Vac-Man and Wizard are registered trademarks of Promega Corporation. AccessQuick is a trademark of Promega Corporation.Luer-Lok is a registered trademark of Becton, Dickinson and Company. PicoGreen is a registered trademark of Molecular Probes, Inc.Products may be covered by pending or issued patents or may have certain limitations. Please visit our Web site for more information.All prices and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.Product claims are subject to change. Please contact Promega Technical Services or access the Promega online catalog for the most up-to-date information on Promega products.。
