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查。 John said he’d been working in the office for an hour, _____ was true. (NMET 2001 (春季) 第11小题) A. he B. this C. which D. who The Parkers bought a new house, but ______ which will need a lot of work before they can move in. (NMET 2001, 第25小题) 3. 句中用于话语连接的短语如:on the other hand, on the contrary, what’s more, to make things worse等, 以及用于连接意义的副词如: however, therefore, furthermore, besides, otherwise, anyway等等,与句子的其它部分分开,需用逗号。如: a. Your second question, on the other hand, remains open. b. A: Are you nearly through? B. On the contrary, I’ve just begun. c. The situation, however, is developing rapidly. d. The task is difficult, furthermore, the time is limited. e. It’s too late now, anyway. 解题指导:解题时,要特别注意这些连词前后两部分之间的逻辑 关系。另外,what’ better still, what’s the most important, above all, what’s worse也是高 考热点。如: She thought I was talking about her daughter, while, in fact, I was talking about my daughter. (NMET 95, 第13 小题) Carol said the work would be done by October, which, personally, I doubt very much. (NMET 1999, 第19小题) Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, which, of course, made the others unhappy. ( NMET 2000, 第17小题) 4. 句中分隔说明语和例证的惯用语如: e.g., for instance, for example, that is to say, in another word, namely等的前面,均需加逗号。如: a. We’ll leave Beijing for Shanghai a week later, i.e. on October 1. b. He left school last month, that is to say, in May this year. c. The publishing house will publish in the coming year several useful dictionaries, for instance, an up-to-date English-Chinese Dictionary. d. Only the boy was absent, namely, Harry. 但句中such as的前后可不加逗号。如: a. I enjoy sports such as football and track-and-field. b. There are many lovely parks in Beijing such as the Summer Palace, Beihai Park and Zhongshan Park. 5. 逗号有来分开并列的词、短语或从句。 如:
b. The apples, though freshly picked, became spoiled in shipment. c. The baby, on waking up, found no one at home, and cried. d. This medicine, taken in time, can be very effective. 解题指导:这种结构尤其需要注意:它们类似于插入语,把句分成两段,但实 际上,但不论是短语还是从句,都与主句有着某种逻辑关系。解题时,不妨将其移 到句首再做考虑。 10. 用在插入语前后。如: a. He is, I think, a teacher. b. You know, of course, what a gerund is. 解题指导:知道“I think”,“of course”等为插入语能帮助我们把握句子的结构, 以便更好地解题。但有时插入语前也有不用逗号的情况。这一用法多出现于特殊疑 问句和定语从句中。当用于特殊疑问句中时,只改变语序,不影响时态。如: What do you suppose our headmaster went there with? Where do you imagine she has hidden the toy car? He has succeeded in settling the problem, which people think is impossible. The pen which he thought he had lost is on his desk. 11. 作“也”讲的too若用于句首(偶见美国英语当中) ,则在too的后面加逗号;若 too用于句子中间, 则在too的前后都加逗号; 若too用于句尾, 则只在其前加逗号, 其后用句号。如: a. You, too, may have a try. b. I’ll go to visit the exhibition, too. 12. 用于祈使句末尾please一词的前面。如: a. Open the door, please. b. Do come, please. 注:如果“please”被放在了句首,其前不能再加逗号。有时,为了使祈使句的语 气更加委婉,可在句首或句尾用“will you”。如: a. Come to see me when you are free, will you? b. Will you close the door behind you, please? c. Will (Would更委婉)you please get me a bar of soap when you go shopping this morning? 正是因为英语复杂的句式结构才使得英语中的逗号具有非常重 要的作用。在解题时要重视逗号的用法,才能正确地把握住出题人的意图,提高理 解效率。
浅谈逗号的语Biblioteka Baidu作用
有时,一个小小的逗号会直接影响到句子的结构,甚至句子的意义,在通过语 境对语法知识的运用考查时,逗号的作用显得更为重要。现在高考题中对逗号的考 查已成为了“热点”,因此有必要对逗号的用法做一个小结。 1. 用来分开由并列连词(如:and, but, so, or, for, yet, nor等)连接的句子。如: a. Swimming is the best sport in summer, and people go swimming in rivers and lakes. b. We have won great victories, yet more serious struggles are still ahead of us. 若各句之间的关系紧凑,就可以不用连词,而只用逗号分开。如: a. The older child is a boy, the younger one is a girl. b. He slipped away, nobody knew when. 解题指导:当发现分句中有并列连词(常见的有and, but, so, or, for等)时,首 先要弄清它们连接的是词与词、词组与词组、还是句子与句子,然后再利用平行结 构解题。有时用来连接两个句子时中间不用逗号。如: Would you like a cup of tea or shall we get down to business right away? (NMET 1995,第36小题) 2. 用于分隔主句与放在主句之前的状语(介词短语、分词短语、独立主格结构 等)或状语从句。如: a. In the middle of the room, there was a big, beautiful Christmas tree. b. Being careless, he often makes mistakes. c. Lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. (NMET 1996, 第23小 题) d. While the teacher explained the text, the students listened attentively and took notes. 解题指导:主句之前的部分,不论是短语作状语,还是从句作状 语,它们都只是主句的一个辅加成分,不能单独成句。逗号连接的部分,其中一部 分是句子,而另一部分也是句子形式,则按以下思路解题:“若是从句,就不能缺 少连词;若无连词,就是独立主格结构。” 如: There being little time left, he left for the station in a hurry. Because there was little time left, he left for the station in a hurry. ______, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together. (NMET 1997 第 21 小 题) A. However late is he B. However he is late C. However is he late D. However late he is 此句中,依据选项应为从句,并在此基础上对的用法和从句中的语序进行了考
a. Men, women and children crowded into the square. b. I have talked with many workers, peasants, doctors, teachers and scientists in your country. c. The price has gone down, but I doubt whether it will remain so. 说明:逗号用于列举三个以上的并列成分时,在最后一个并列成 分之前应用and 连接,但and前的逗号可以有,也可以无。从现代英语来看,and前 用不用逗号都是常见的。即:[A,B(,) and C],这是作者的习惯和文体问题,不影响
解题指导: 要告别注意and的位臵, 正确判断各部分之间是否是真正的并列关系。 若是并列关系其各部分的结构应一致。如: “Can’t you read?” Mary said, ______ to the notice. (NMET 1993, 第36小题) A. angrily pointing B. and point angrily C. angrily pointed D. and angrily pointing He tore the envelope open, pulled out the letter, and reading only a few lines, tore it into pieces. 6. 逗号用来把非限定性定语从句(或修饰语) ,同位语或其余部分分隔开来。 如: a. My father, who is sixty-five years old this year, is a scientific worker. b. The Olympic Games, first played in 776 B.C., didn’t include women players until 1912. (NMET 1997, 第17小题) c. Issac Newton, the greatest scientist, was born in 1624 and died in 1727. 7. 逗号用于A.引起直接引语的说明语he said, she replied等到一类用语之后;B. 被切断了的直接引语前一部分之后; C.被切断了的不构成句子的直接用语后面的 说明语之后。现一一举例: a. He said, “I’ll never believe you again.” b. “All of you,” the teacher said, must be here at seven sharp this evening.” c. “If you aren’t here on time tomorrow,” the teacher said, “I’ll write a letter to your parents.” 8. 直接引语若放在句首,则引号句尾须用逗号,因全句到此并未结束。如: “You do the homework yourself,” the teacher said. 注意:若放在句首的直接引语是疑问句或感叹句,则在引号之内 用相应的问号或感叹号。如: a. “How do you know I’m his friend?” he asked. b. “What a pity!” she asked. 9. 位于句子中间的从句或状语之前,应用逗号分开。如: a. Such things, whether you like it or not, do happen from time to time.