JUMO Quantrol LC100 LC200 LC300式通用PID控制器系列简要描述说明书

Page 1/12JUMO Quantrol LC100/LC200/LC300 Universal PID Controller SeriesBrief descriptionThe Quantrol series is available in the three DIN formats 48mm x48mm, 48mm x96mm, and 96mm x96mm. It is used for two-state and three-state control applications as well as for the control of regulating valves or SCR power controllers via a continuous controller output.The universal analog input for RTD temperature probes, thermocouples, or current/voltage sig-nals is user programmable. The setpoint value, the actual value, and all parameters are dis-played on two seven-segment LED displays (red/green) with one or two decimal place(s). The values can be displayed in °C or °F. Depending on the format, up to five relay outputs with a switching capacity of 3A / 230V or up to four logic outputs 0/14V are available. The switch po-sition of the relays or logic outputs is displayed using yellow LEDs. Different functions can be as-signed to these outputs. An analog output 0to10V or 0(4)to20mA is configurable as continuous controller output, actual value output, or setpoint value output. Using the binary input, the device settings and operation can be locked, a ramp or the timer can be activated, or self-optimization can be initiated. The supply voltage is optionally AC110to240V or AC/DC 20to30V.The controller has a ramp function with adjustable gradient for constant setpoint change. In ad-dition, a special firing curve for small pottery kilns can be used which allows controlled starting and time dependent firing. The user can enter setpoint values, gradient, and firing time directly at the device.The device can be connected to host systems or devices using the RS485 serial interface. In-stead of operating the device from the front, the user can also program the controller using the setup program and USB interface; this requires no additional voltage supply for the controller. The Quantrol series, like all JUMO controllers, is also equipped with reliable JUMO self-optimi-zation (autotuning).LC100 (702031) LC200 (702032)LC300 (702034)Block diagramOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4X X X X Relay output (N/O contact) X X X X Logic outputX Analog outputX RS485 interface Special features•48 × 48, 48 × 96, 96 × 96 mm formats •Two-state/three-state and continuous con-troller•Sensor monitoring•Up to 5 outputs•Self-optimization (autotuning) for exact PID control•Manual/automatic mode•Configurable limit value monitoring (alarms)•Setpoint changeover•Level inhibit and key lock•RS485 interface (Modbus RTU)•Ramp and timer function•Firing curve for pottery kilns•Push-in controller insert•Setup interface (USB Mini-B)Approvals/approval marks (see "Technical data")Data Sheet 702030Data Sheet 702030Page 2/12DescriptionSelf-optimization (autotuning)Standard features include the tried and tested self-optimization (oscillation method), which makes it possible for the controller to be matched to the control loop by a user who is not a control technology expert. Here, the re-action of the control path to the specific vari-able changes is evaluated and the controller parameters proportional band, reset time, de-rivative time, cycle time, and filter time con-stant are calculated.Ramp functionThe ramp function is used for a constant change of setpoint value w up to the ramp limit value SP (entered setpoint value). A rising or a falling edge arises depending on the actual value at the time of ramp start t0. The slope is defined by a gradient which is entered during the controller configuration.Firing curveThe firing curve is used for controlled starting and time-dependent firing of small pottery kilns. The user can enter setpoint values, gra-dient, and firing time directly at the device.Limit value monitoringThe controller is equipped with two limit value monitoring functions, each with eight configu-rable alarm functions. Any analog signals can be selected as actual and setpoint value from a selector. When a limit value is exceeded, a signal can be displayed or an internal control-ler function initiated. With the limit value mon-itoring, extensive alarm and limit valuefunctions can be implemented.TimerThe timer is started manually or automatically (after power on, for example). When the timer expires, the timer output signal changes its state (configurable). The timer can be used to implement functions like time-limited control or setpoint changeover.Setup programThe setup program provides the user with aneasy and comfortable way to configure the controller using a PC.The PC has to be connected to the controllers USB interface (Mini-B type) with a USB cable.Thereby the controller is powered over the USB interface. As a result, no mains supply is required during the configuration.Data Sheet 702030Page 3/12Controller parametersAll the parameters and their meanings are included in the table. Some parameters may be missing or meaningless for a particular type of controller.Technical dataThermocouple inputRTD temperature probe inputParametersValue range Factory setting MeaningProportional band 1 (Pb1)0 to 9999 digit 0 digit Size of the proportional bandThe controller structure is not effective with Pb = 0 (behavior identical to limit value monitoring). For a continuous controller, Pb1 must be >0.Proportional band 2 (Pb2)0 to 9999 digit 0 digit Derivative time (dt)0 to 9999 s 80 s Influences the differential component of the controller output signal Reset time (rt)0 to 9999 s 350 s Influences the integral component of the controller output signal Cycle time 1 (Cy1)0to 999.9 s 20.0 s When using a switched output, the cycle time should be chosen so that the energy supply to the process is as continuous as possible without overloading the switching elements.Cycle time 2 (Cy2)0.0to 999.9 s 20.0 sec Contact spacing (db)0.0to 999.9 digit0.0 digit Spacing between the two control contacts of the three-state controller Switching differential 1 (HyS1)0.0to 999.9 digit 1.0 digit Switching differential of a switching controller with proportional band Pb =0 (behavior identical to limit value monitoring)Switching differential 2 (HyS2)0.0to 999.9 digit 1.0 digit Working point (y0)-100 to +100 %0 %Output level for P and PD controller (if x = w then y = y0)Output value limit 1 (y1)0 to 100 %100 %Maximum output value limit (only effective if Pb > 0)Output value limit 2 (y2)-100 to +100 %-100 %Minimum output value limit (only effective if Pb > 0)Description StandardMeasuring range a a This information refers to the ambient temperature of 20°C. Measuring accuracy b bIncl. measuring accuracy at the cold junction.The accuracy values refer to the measuring range.Ambient temperatureinfluence Fe-CuNi "L"Fe-CuNi "J"Cu-CuNi "T"NiCr-Ni "K"NiCr-CuNi "E"NiCrSi-NiSi "N"Pt10Rh-Pt "S"Pt13Rh-Pt "R"EN 60584EN 60584EN 60584EN 60584EN 60584EN 60584EN 60584-150 to +900 °C -200 to +1200 °C -200 to +400°C -200 to +1372 °C -200 to +1000 °C -100 to +1300 °C -40 to +1768 °C -40 to +1768 °C≤ 0.4 %≤ 0.4 %≤ 0.4 %≤ 0.4 %≤ 0.4 %≤ 0.4 %≤ 0.4 %≤ 0.4 %≤ 100 ppm/K ≤ 100 ppm/K ≤ 100 ppm/K ≤ 100 ppm/K ≤ 100 ppm/K ≤ 100 ppm/K ≤ 100 ppm/K ≤ 100 ppm/KCold junction: KTY internalDesignation,connection type Measuring range Measuring accuracy aAmbient temperature influence Pt100 EN 607512-wire connection 3-wire connection -200 to +650 °C≤ 0.4 %≤ 0.4 %≤ 50 ppm/KPt1000 EN 607512-wire connection 3-wire connection -200 to +650 °C≤ 0.4 %≤ 0.4 %≤ 50 ppm/KKTY , R 25 = 1000 Ω2-wire connection -50 to +150 °C≤ 1.0 %≤ 50 ppm/K KTY , R 25 = 2000 Ω2-wire connection -50 to +80 °C≤ 1.0 %≤ 50 ppm/K Cu-503-wire connection-50 to +200 °C≤ 1.0 %≤ 50 ppm/KData Sheet 702030Page 4/12Input for standard signalsBinary inputMeasuring circuit monitoringIn the event of a malfunction, the outputs move to a defined (configurable) status.OutputsProbe wire resistance: max. 30 Ω per wire with 3-wire circuitMeasuring current: Pt100 approx. 1 mA; Pt1000 and KTY approx. 100 μALead compensation: not required for 3-wire circuit. For a 2-wire circuit, the lead resistance can be compensated by correcting the actual value.aThe accuracy values refer to the measuring range.Measuring range Measuring accuracy a aThe accuracy values refer to the maximum measuring range.Ambient temperature influence Voltage 0 to 10 VInput resistance > 650k Ω≤ 0.4 %≤ 150 ppm/K Current 0(4) to 20 mA Voltage drop > 2.2V≤ 0.4 %≤ 100 ppm/KInput for potential-free contactOpen = inactive;Closed = activeMeasuring probe Overrange/underrangeProbe/cable short circuitProbe/cable breakThermocouple•-•RTD temperature probe •••Voltage 0 to 10V ---Current 4to 20 mA •••Current 0to 20 mA---• = detected - = not detectedRelay (N/O contact)Contact rating Contact lifeMax. 3 A at 230 V AC resistive load 150,000 operations at nominal load 350,000 operations at 1310,000 operations at 1 A and cos ϕ > 0.7Logic output 0/14V / 20mA max.Voltage (option)Output signal Load resistance Accuracy 0 to 10V > 600 Ω < 0.5 %Current (option)Output signals Load resistance Accuracy0 to 20 mA / 4 to 20 mA < 450 Ω< 0.5 %Designation,connection typeMeasuring rangeMeasuring accuracy aAmbient temperature influenceData Sheet 702030Page 5/12ControllerController type Two-state controller, three-state controller, continuous controllerController structures P/PI/PD/PIDSampling rate250 msA/D converter16-bit resolutionTimerAccuracy0.8% ± 10ppm/K ± 250msElectrical dataVoltage supply (switch mode PSU)AC110 to 240V +10/-15 %, 48 to 63HzAC/DC 20 to 30V, 48 to 63HzElectrical security Acc. to DIN EN 61010, part 1; overvoltage category III, pollution degree 2Power consumption Max. 14 VAElectrical connection On the rear via screw terminals; with core-end ferrule of a pipe shape, open cable lug or pin cable lug Conductor cross section Fine-strand 0.25 to 1.5 mm2Tightening torque0.5NmElectromagnetic compatibility Acc. to DIN EN61326-1Interference emission Class A - only for industrial use -Interference immunity Industrial requirementsSetup interface USB socket, type Mini-B 5-poleRequirements for core-end ferrules and cable lugsCore-end ferrule Pipe shape, without plastic sheath acc. to DIN 46228 part 1,with plastic sheath acc. to DIN 46228 part 4Cable lug Open crimp cable lug, dimensionally adapted to DIN 46237 for closed crimp cable lugsPin cable lug Acc. to DIN 46231For UL applications Use of the cable lugs or ferrules acc. to UL 486A-B (UL listed or recognized)Case and ambient conditionsCase type Plastic case for panel mounting acc to. IEC 61554 (indoor use)Dimensions (front)LC100: 48mm x 48mm; LC200: 48mm x 96mm (portrait format);LC300: 96mm x 96mmWeight (fully fitted)LC100: approx. 150 g; LC200: approx. 200 g; LC300: approx. 300 gProtection class Acc. to DIN EN 60529, at the front IP 65, at the rear IP 20Operating position AnyPanel cut-out LC100: 45mm x 45mm; LC200: 45mm x 92mm;LC300: 92mm x 92mmMinimum spacing horizontal/vertical LC100: 11mm / 30mm (65mm with USB cable);LC200/LC300: 22mm / 30mm (65mm with USB cable)Depth behind panel LC100: max. 95mm; LC200/LC300: max.80 mmAmbient/storage temperature range-5 to +55 °C/-40 to +70 °CClimatic conditions Rel. humidity < 90 % annual average, without condensationSite altitude Up to 2000 m above sea levelData Sheet 702030Page 6/12Interface7-segment displaysApprovals/approval marksInterface type RS485Protocol Modbus RTU Baud rate 9600, 19200Data format 8 data bits, no parity bit, 1 stop bit Device address 0 to 254No. of subscribersMax. 32Digit height LC100, LC200Upper display: 10 mm; lower display: 7 mm LC300Upper display: 20 mm; lower display: 13 mm Color Upper display: red; lower display: green Places 4 (including decimal places)Decimal places 0, 1, 2 (configurable)Display range-1999 to 9999Approval mark Testing agencyCertificate/certification number Inspection basis Valid for c UL usUnderwriters LaboratoriesE201387UL 61010-1,CAN/CSA C22.2No. 61010-1all versionsData Sheet 702030Page 7/12DimensionsLC100Data Sheet 702030Page 8/12 LC200Data Sheet 702030Page 9/12 LC300Minimum spacing of panel cut-outsType Without USB cable With USB cableHorizontal Vertical Horizontal VerticalLC10011 mm30 mm11 mm65 mmLC20022 mm30 mm22 mm65 mmLC30022 mm30 mm22 mm65 mmData Sheet 702030Page 10/12 Display and control elements(A)(B)(C)(D)The software version is displayed on the device whensimultaneously pressing keys (A) and (C).Electrical isolationConnection diagramThe connection diagram in the data sheet provides preliminary information about the connection possibilities. For the electrical connection only use the brief instructions or the operating manual. The knowledge and the correct technical execution of the safety information/instructions con-tained in these documents are mandatory for installation, electrical connection, and startup as well as for safety during operation.The terminal strips on the device rear are equipped with screw terminals. Please refer to the technical data for specifications concerning the con-ductor cross section.Data Sheet 702030Page 11/12Data Sheet 702030Page 12/12Order details(1)Basic type702031Quantrol LC100 (format 48mm x48 mm) 1x analog input (universal), 1x binary input a, 1x relayoutput (N/O contact)702032Quantrol LC200 (format 48mm x96mm, portrait format) 1x analog input (universal), 1x binaryinput a, 1x relay output (N/O contact)702034Quantrol LC300 (format 96mm x96mm) 1x analog input (universal), 1x binary input a, 1x relayoutput (N/O contact)(2)VersionX X X8Standard with factory settingsX X X9Customer-specific configuration (specifications in plain text)(3)Option for expansion slot 1X X X0Not usedX X X1 1 relay output (N/O contact)X X X2 1 logic outputX X X3 1 analog output (configurable)(4)Option for expansion slot 2X X X0Not usedX X X1 1 relay output (N/O contact)X X X2 1 logic outputX X X4 1 RS485 interface(5)Option for expansion slot 3X X X0Not usedX X1 1 relay output (N/O contact)X X2 1 logic output(6)Option for expansion slot 4X X X0Not usedX X1 1 relay output (N/O contact)X X2 1 logic output(7)Voltage supplyX X X23AC110to240V+10/-15%, 48to63HzX X X25AC/DC20to30V, 48to63Hza Binary input for potential-free contact (usable alternatively to analog input DC0to10V).(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)Order code/--Order example702034/8-3412-23Scope of delivery1 controller in the ordered version (including seal and fastening elements)1 Brief Instructions B702030.7 in DIN A6 format (multilingual)AccessoriesDescription Part no.USB cable, A-connector to Mini-B-connector, length 3m00506252。
Milltronics Pointek CLS 300 电容胶带重量传感器说明书

A t Milltronics,we endeavourto design equipment that is simple to use and reliable in its operation,with the aim of satisfying our customers'needs.Milltronics has been designing and manufacturing electronics based process measurement equipment since1954.Our fields of expertise include continuous and point level measurement,weighing and feeding systems and motion sensing.Technologies include ultrasonic,capacitance and microwave radar.Milltronics sells and markets world wide through subsidiaries,distributors and representatives.Through continuous improvement,we are striving to provide our customers with first rate sales information,engineering assistance and after sales support.For more details on our products and services,please contact us and we will provide you with a listing of the offices or representatives nearest you.Table of ContentsAbout Pointek CLS 300 (5)Pointek CLS 300 Outputs (5)Pointek CLS 300 Features (5)Pointek CLS 300 Applications (5)Specifications (7)Installation (11)Location (11)Configuration and Dimensions (13)Standard Version (14)High Temperature Version (15)Ceramic Active Shield Insulator (16)Thermal Isolator (16)Rod Version (16)Changing the Probe’s Length (17)Cable (19)Cable Tensile Strength (20)Cable Weights (20)Shortening the Cable (20)Mounting (21)Multiple units (21)Wall Restriction (21)Process Concerns (22)Interconnection (23)Trip Amplifier (23)Relay Output Connection (24)Solid State Switch (24)Diode Protection (24)Ancillary 2-Wire Output Connection (25)Power Connection (3 or 4 wire connection) (25)Operation (27)Set Up (27)Start Up (28)Alarm Output (29)Troubleshooting (31)Maintenance (32)Appendix I: Application Notes (33)Application Notes (33)About Pointek CLS 300Note:Pointek CLS 300 is to be used only in the manner outlined in thisinstruction manual.The Pointek CLS 300 capacitance level switch provides output on high or low process material levels. When the measured material is at the desired level, the change in capacitance is sensed and a level alarm is triggered.This could be either a “high level alarm” (material rising to reach the desired level) or a “low level alarm” (material falling to reach desired level). Pointek CLS 300 OutputsOne form `C' (SPDT) relayOne isolated, non-polarized, solid-state switchPointek CLS 300 FeaturesNPT, BSPT, JIS (other connections on request)Corrosion resistant construction, PFA, Ceramic and 316L stainless steelwetted parts25m (82 ft) maximum insertion lengthRugged shear and abrasion resistant probeFully adjustable process alarm: level, time delayField adjustable insert lengthESD protection to 55 kv continuous dischargeActive shield technologyPointek CLS 300 ApplicationsLiquids, slurries, powders, granules, and solidsChemical and petrochemicalHigh pressure and temperaturePower Industry (fly-ash)SpecificationsProbeProcess Connections:•NPT/BSPT/JIS 1Wetted Parts:•Standard Version:•AISI 316L/PFA/Peek 2•High Temperature Version:•AISI 316L/Ceramics Al203 (99.7%)2Probe Lengths:•Rod Version:•min. 350mm (14”) - max. 1000mm (40”)•Rope/Cable Version:•min. 500mm (20”) - max. 25000mm (985”) Max. Tensile Force:•1900kg (4188lbs)Pressure Range3:•-1 to +35 barg (-14.6 to +511 psig)Temperature Range3:•Standard Version:•-40 to 200 °C (-40 to 392 °F)•High Temperature Version:•-40 to 400 °C (-40 to 752 °F)•Min. Dielectric Constant (>r):• 1.5Enclosure:•AluminiumEpoxy Coated:•yesNEMA/CSA/IP-Rating:•4/Type4/IP65Cable Inlet:•2 X ½"NPTCertifications:•CENELEC/FM/CSAPower Supply and TransmitterSupply Voltage:•12 - 250 Vac/dc any polarity galvanically isolatedPower consumption:•2VA/2WattWiring connections:•max. 2.5 mm2Temperature ranges:•Operation (Storage):•-40 to 85 °C (-40 to 185 °F)Signal indicators:•3, indicating adjustment control, output status and powerAdjustment Potentiometers:•2, one for time delay adjustment, one for sensitivity adjustmentAdjustment Switches:•5PST dip switch, for time delay select, fail safe selection, time delaytest/adjust, high/low sensitivity.Min. Sensitivity:•1% change in actual capacitanceMax. Temperature Drift:•0.2% of Actual Capacitance ValueMeasurement Frequency:•600 (kHz) maxESD protection•protected to 55kV continuous discharge.Output FunctionsRelay Contact•Contact:•Form ‘C’ (SPDT)(selectable NC or NO contact)•Max. Contact Load (dc):•5A/30Vdc•Max. Contact Load (ac):•8A/250Vac (cos n=1)•Max. Switching Capacity:•150Watt/2000VA•Min. Contact Load•10mA/5Vdc•Time Delay (on and/or Off)•1 - 60 sec.Solid State switch•Output:•Galvanically isolated•Safety:•Non-polarity sensitive transistor•Max. Load:•2 Watt•Max. Switch Voltage:•250Vac/300Vdc•Max. Load Current:•100 mA•Voltage Drop•Below 1 Volt typical @ 50mA•Time Delay (On and/or Off)•1 - 60 sec.Two (2) Wire Switch•With customer supplied external trip devicesProbe - StandardLength•350mm (14”) to 1000mm (40”)Process Size•NPT, ¾” , 1”,1¼”, 1½”•BSPT, ¾”, 1”, 1½”•JIS, ¾”, 1”, 1½”Insulating Material•Standard Version:•PFA•High Temperature Version:•Ceramic•No insulation on active probeTensile kg loadProbe - CableLength • 500mm (20”) to 25000mm (985”)Process Size • NPT/BSPT: 1¼” minimumInsulating Material• AISI 316L SS • PFA insulation optionalTensile kg load• 1900 kg (4188 lbs)Electrode Dimensions • Cable (insulated):•9mm (0.35”)(uninsulated):•6mm (0.24”)• Weight:•32 x 250mm (1.26 x 9.84”)• Butterfly:•175 x168mm (6.89 x 6.61”)Approvals• CE, CSA, NRTL/C, FM, CENELEC • refer to device nameplateInstallationLocationNotes:•Installation shall only be performed by qualified personnel and in accordance with local governing regulations.•This product is susceptible to electrostatic shock. Follow proper grounding procedures.The Pointek CLS 300 as supplied in the standard probe lengths is normally mounted on the vessel top (high detection alarm) or through the tank wall at the detection level (high or low detection alarm).The cable version is designed for top mounting. The cable suspendsvertically so that it reaches into the process at the desired detection level (high or low detection alarm).Angle HorizontalVerticalConfiguration and DimensionsStandard VersionHigh Temperature VersionCeramic Active Shield InsulatorThe High Temperature version, which includes a ceramic Active Shieldinsulator, is recommended when the process temperature is greater than200E C/ 392 E F and / or when the product to be detected is very abrasive. The high temperature version is rated for applications up to 400 E C / 752 E F. See Temperature and Pressure Recommendations for Application on page 33. Thermal IsolatorIf the ambient temperature of the transmitter is expected to exceed85E C/185E F, then a thermal isolator should be used. An isolator provides a separation distance between a high process temperature inside the vessel, and the electronic housing outside the vessel. This reduces the operatingtemperature of the electronics to a value equal or less than 85E C/185E F. Rod VersionThe rod version of the CLS 300 is available in standard lengths from 350Changing the Probe’s LengthThe probe’s length can be shortened in the field by cutting the electrode.Warning:To prevent damage, do not apply torque directly to the main probe assembly.Option 11.Remove the electrode byreleasing the set screw andturning the threadedelectrode end counterclockwise2.Place the upper part of theelectrode in a vice as shownin the Figure.e a wrench to loosen thelower portion of theelectrode.Option 2The Wrong WayIf the process connection itself is put in the vice, then the probe’s internalparts will rotate along with the wrench, and the unit may fail.Cable Tensile StrengthThe tensile strength of the cable at 1900 kg / 4188 lbs should not beexceeded. It is also important to confirm that the load carrying capability of the silo/tank roof is sufficient to withstand the actual force on the cable for any conditions where the force is likely to be as great as 1900 kg / 4188 lbs.A cable (rope) probe with a PFA jacket reduces the possible product build upon the probe, thus also the tensile force on the cable.Cable WeightsA standard weight with optional attachable butterfly enhancer is available forthe cable version. For lower dielectric constant materials (often in solids) the butterfly weight is recommended, since it increases the change incapacitance when the material comes in contact with the cable end. Thiswould be the case when the silo is quite tall (> 15 m/45 ft) and the dielectric< 4)constant is less than (>rShortening the CableThe cable can be shortened using either:•An angle grinder (preferably with a disc suitable for stainless steel); or •Wire cutters (suitable for piano cable Ø6 – 9 mm).To shorten the cable, proceed as follows:1.If present, remove Butterfly from weight;2.Loosen the three set screws and remove weight by pulling it from the cable;3.Grind/cut the cable to the required length, remove rough edges from thecable;4.Insure that the cable strands are properly seated in the lay of the cable (i.e.no wire strands sticking outside the normal cable profile). It is important to insure that this step is properly done before continuing the assembly.5.Push the weight onto the cable while at the same time rotating it counter-clockwise about the cable, making sure that no cable strands are pushed out of their position in the cable and that the cable is fully inserted;6.Re-fasten the weight by tightening the three set screws;7.Attach the butterfly to the weight again.MountingMultiple unitsSensors must be 500 mm (20”)apart.Mount diagonally if there is notenough vertical space.Process Concernskeep out of path of falling material consider material angle of repose protect probe from falling materialInterconnectionTrip AmplifierLoosen the lid clip and remove the enclosure cover.Identification label (underside of enc losure cover)Notes:• Switch and potentiometer settings are for illustration purposes only.Refer to Set Up on page 27.• Relay contact terminals are for use with equipment having noaccessible live parts and wiring having insulation suitable for at least 250 V ac.• Maximum working voltage between adjacent relay contacts shall be250 V ac8A –5A –Relay Output ConnectionRelay shown in de-energized state, K2contacts rated for 8A at 250 Vac / 5A at30 VdcSolid State SwitchSolid state switch to customer’scontrol or instrumentation deviceSwitch shown in de-energized state, K3contact rated for 250 Vac / 300 Vdc 100mA max 2 VA/2W max., non-polarized.Diode ProtectionWhen driving an external relay with either the solid stated switch and / or relay outputs using dc power, protection diodes must be connected in the correct polarity across the relay coil to prevent possible switch / relaydamage due to the inductive spikes generated by the relay coil.Switch capacity100mA max.2 VA/2W max,250 Vac/300 Vdc.Ancillary 2-Wire Output ConnectionNominal 24 Vdc48 Vdc DC volts 22-2646-50R (S)120234Power Connection (3 or 4 wire connection)12 –V dcRefer to Power ConnectionOperationSet UpNote:Set up can be done in the field with the Pointek CLS 300 mounted into process, or in the shop prior to mounting.Dip Switch 1Set on to change the alarm relay status immediately when the sensor detects a change in frequency. Use this setting when time is critical.Set off to change the alarm relay status with a delay by the amount set on potentiometer #1 (P1). Use this setting when you want to slow the response to account for turbulence or false readings.Dip Switch 2Set on to change the alarm relay status immediately when the sensor detects a change in frequency. Use this setting when time is critical.Set off to change the alarm relay status with a delay by the amount set on potentiometer #1 (P1). Use this setting when you want to slow the response to account for turbulence or false readings.Dip Switch 3Set off to indicate the Low fail safe selection.Set on to indicate the High fail safe selection.Dip Switch 4Set on to test the delay of the alarm relays as set by the potentiometer #1(P1).Set off for normal operation.Dip Switch 5Set on for normal sensitivity on the sensor. Use this setting in situations when you are measuring dry solids or non-conductive liquids.S1 - 1Delay offS1 - 2Fail-safeS1 - 3Delay testS1 – 4SensitivityS1 - 5 Disabled Disabled High Test NormalEnabled Enabled Low Normal low Start UpAfter the CLS is properly mounted and the switch bank set up, apply power to the unit. The green LED (L3) lights to indicate the unit is powered andoperational.IndicatorsThe Pointek CLS uses three LEDs for visual indication of the following:L1 (yellow), sensor status:when P2 is properly set, this LED is on whenthe sensor is in contact with the processmaterial (material capacitance is greaterthan the set point, P2). L1 is off when thesensor is out of contact with the processmaterial (material capacitance is less thanthe set point).L2 (red), output status:this LED is an indication of the relay andsolid switch contact status. Refer toOperation \ Output Status.L3 (green), power:this LED is on when the Pointek CLS isproperly powered.Proceed with the set up of the alarm output.delay ‘on’delay ‘off’fail safedelay testsensitivityAlarm OutputAlarm Output StatusCoveredUn-coveredSetpoint AdjustmentIn order to assist you in properly adjusting the alarm set point for reliable and accurate detection of the process material, we have categorized the materials and applications into two cases. Follow the setup procedure associated with the case which includes your application.Case 1:This is the general case encountered in most applications, characterized by the following:• dry solids• low viscosity liquids • hygroscopic / wet solids•high viscosity and high conductivity liquidsCase 2:Case 1Preamble:•insure that L3 (green) is `on '•turn both potentiometers, P1 and P2, fully ccw (counterclockwise)•set S1 switches 1 to 4 `off ' and S1 switch 5 to `on' (normal sensitivity)1.With sensor uncovered and a minimum 100 mm free space all around, turnP2 cw until L1 (yellow) goes `on '.2.Turn P2 ccw until L1 goes `off '.Case 2Preamble:•insure that L3 (green) is `on '•turn potentiometer P1 fully ccw (counterclockwise), and P2 fully cw (clockwise)•set S1 switches 1 to 5 `off '1.Immerse the sensor in the material that has the lowest dielectric constant.L1 (yellow) should be `on '. If not, S1 switch 5 should be set to `on' (normal sensitivity).2.Adjust P2 ccw until L1 goes `off '.3.Immerse the sensor in the material that has the highest dielectric constant,L1 should come `on '.DelayThe alarm actuation can be delayed for either or both `on alarm' and `off alarm' conditions. The selection is made by setting S1-1 and S1-2, refer to Set Up \ Switch Bank. The amount of delay is adjustable from 1 to 60seconds by setting potentiometer, P1.TroubleshootingNo alarm responseL3 off (green LED)Check power supply L1 (yellow) doesn ’trespond to reducing level on the electrodeCheck sensitivity, S1-5,electrode, connections to sensor input on trip amplifier (and zener barrier continuity if used)Alarm won ’t switch when material level moves down the electrodeL1 (yellow) responds to reducing level on the electrodeCheck that relay and L2(red LED) changes state when S1-3 is toggledL1 (yellow) doesn ’t respond to the sensing electrode approaching or touching.Check sensitivity S1-5,electrode, (and zener barrier continuity, if used)L1 (yellow) responds to increasing level on the electrodeAlarm doesn ’t switch when material level moves up the electrodeL1 (yellow) flashes when approaching the alarm trip-pointCheck that relay and L2(red LED) changes state when S1-3 is toggledMaintenanceThe Pointek CLS 300 requires no regular maintenance or cleaning. Even with significant build-up on the CLS 300 level detector electrode, the level switch will continue to operate. Build-up of material on the active shield area will have little or no effect on the performance of the CLS 300.Appendix I: Application Notes Application NotesTemperature and Pressure Recommendations for ApplicationAppendix II: CE ConformityWRITTEN DECLARATION OFCONFORMITYWe,Siemens Milltronics Process Instruments B.V.Nikkelstraat 10 - 4823 AB BREDA - The Netherlands Declare, solely under own responsibility, that the product Point Level Switch,Pointek CLS 300Mentioned in this declaration, complies with the following standards and/or normative documents:Requirements Remarks Certificate No.EMC Directive 89/336/EEC Commercial, lightIndustrial, and industrial97221-KRQ/EMC 00-4024 EN 55011: 1991Emission – Class BEN 50082-2: 1995 Generic Immunity Standard, from which:•EN 61000-4-2: 1995: Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Immunity•EN 61000-4-3: 1996: Radiated Electro-Magnetic Field Immunity•ENV 50204: 1995: Digital Radio Telephones Immunity•EN 61000-4-4: 1995: Electrostatic Fast Transient (EFT) Immunity•EN 61000-4-5: 1995: Surge Transient Immunity•EN 61000-4-6: 1996: Conducted Radio-Frequency DisturbancesImmunityATEX Directive 94/9/EC Audit Report No. 2003068II 1/ 2 GD EEx d[ia] IIC T6…T10344T 100 °C IP 66KEMA 00ATEXQ3047KEMA 00ATEX2040XEN 50014: 1992General RequirementsEN 50018: 1994 Flameproof Enclosures “d”The notified body is:N.V. KEMA – Utrechtseweg 310 – 6812 AR Arnhem – The NetherlandsLocation: Breda Named Representative: C.S. van Gils Date: October 1, 2000Position: Managing DirectorNote: For specific safety specifications, please consult the instrument labelIndex2-Wire Connection (25)3 or 4 wire connection (25)About Pointek CLS 300 (5)Adjusting Probe Length (17)Alarm Output (29)Setpoint Adjustment (29)Status (29)Ancillary 2-Wire Output Connection (25)Angle of repose (22)Appendix (33)Appendix II (34)Application Notes (33)Applications (5)Approvals (9)Cable (19)Shortening it (20)Tensile Strength (20)Weights (20)Ceramic Active Shield Insulator (16)Certifications (7)Configuration (13)DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY..34 Dimensions (13)High Temperature Version (15)Standard Version (14)Diode Protection (24)Dip Switches (27)ElectrodeShortening the Probe (17)Enclosure coverremoving (23)Falling Material (22)Features (5)High Temperature Version (15)Dimensions (15)High TemperaturesRecommendations (16)Indicators (28)Installation (11)Location (11)Interconnection (23)Ancillary 2-Wire Output Connection25Diode Protection (24)Power Connection (25)LEDs (28)Location (11)Angle (11)Horizontal (11)Vertical (11)Maintenance (32)Material build up (22)Mounting (21)Multiple Units (21)Process Concerns (22)Wall Restriction (21)Operation (27)Alarm Output (29)Set Up (27)Start Up (28)Output status (28)Outputs (5)Pointek CLS 300 (5)Applications (5)Configuration (13)Dimensions (14)Features (5)Outputs (5)Power (28)Power Connection (25)3 or 4 wire connection (25)Power Supply (7)Protection diodes (24)Relay Output Connection (24)Rod Version (16)Sensor status (28)Set Up (27)Dip Switches (27)Setpoint Adjustment (29)Shield Insulator (16)Shortening Probe (17)Solid State Switch (24)Solid stated switch (24)Specifications (7)Standard Version (14)Dimensions (14)Start Up (28)Thermal Isolator (16)Transmitter (7)CANADAGERMANYSWITZERLANDSingapore,Brazil AUSTRALIABELGIUMFRANCEHONG KONGMEXICOTHE NETHERLANDSTHE UNITED KINGDOMTHE UNITED STATES1954 Technology Dr., P .O. Box 4225,Peterborough, Ontario, Canada K9J 7B1T el.: (705) 745-2431 Fax: (705) 741-0466August van de Wielelei 97, 2100 Deurne, Antwerp, BelgiumT el.: +32(0)3326 45 54 Fax: +32(0)3326 05 25Parc de la Sainte Victoire, Bât. 5, 13590, Meyreuil, FranceT el.: +33 4 42 65 69 00 Fax: +33 4 42 58 63 95T el.: (524) 248-1561 Fax: (524) 248-1565Nikkelstraat 10, NL-4823 AB Breda, The Netherlands Tel.: +31(0)76 542 7 542 Fax: +31(0)76 542 8 542709 Stadium Drive, Arlington, Texas U.S.A. 76011T el.: (817) 277-3543 Fax: (817) 277-3894A joint venture in a sales office in and distributors in56 countries.Visit our web site at:182 Normanby Rd., Box 339, South Melbourne, AustraliaT el.: +61 3-9695-2400 Fax: +61 3-9695-2450Friedrichstrasse 69, D-76703, Kraichtal, Germany T el: +49 721 595 4607 Fax: +49 721 595 49371 Hoi Wan Street, Suite 602, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong T el.: +85 2-2856-3166 Fax: +85 2-2856-2962Century House, Bridgwater Road, Worcester, England WR4 9ZQT el: +44 1905 450500 Fax: +44 1905 450501Printed in CanadaPaseo de Loma Dorada # 114, Loma Dorada, Querétaro, Qro. 76060CP 168, Crêt de Plan 23, CH-1095 LUTRYT el. +41 21 791 58 28 Fax. +41 21 791 58 40。

4 . 6符合E MC要 求的安装指导… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 2 1 5 操作 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 2 3 5 . 1键盘说明… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 5 . 2操作流程… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 5 . 3运行状态… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 5 . 4快速菜单… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 2 3 2 5 2 6 2 7
7故障检查与排除 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 5 9 7 . 1故 障 信 息 及 排 除 方 法 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 5 9 7 . 2常 见 故 障 及 其 处 理 方 法 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 6 1 8保养和维护 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 8 . 1日常维护… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 8 . 2定期维护… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 6 2 6 2 6 2

输出端的插头 否则会有被电击的危险
1. 严禁任何团体以任何形式复制和翻版本手册的任何内容 2. 本手册的内容如有改变 恕不另行通知 3. 如果您发现本手册有任何模糊不清的地方 错误或忽略
第一章 规格说明 .......................................................................................................................4 1.1 特性..................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 打印机规格......................................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 接口规格............................................................................................................................................. 9 1.4 控制面板说明................................................................................................................................... 10 1.5 主要部件........................................................................................................................................... 17
TVERTER SV300系列 说明书

微处理机控制I G B T推动交流电机驱动器使用手册SV300系列220V380V0.4~30KW(1.2~54KVA)0.75~55KW(1.7~110KVA)SV300使用手册目次快速使用指南第零章前言0.1 前言0.2 产品检查第一章安全注意事项1.1 使用时的注意事项1.1.1 送电前1.1.2 送电中1.1.3 运转前1.1.4 运转中1.1.5 检查保养时第二章型号说明第三章使用环境及安装3.1 使用环境3.2 使用环境的注意事项3.3 配线规则3.3.1 配线应注意事项3.3.2 电磁接触器及电线规格3.3.3 外围设备的应用及注意事项3.4 规格3.4.1产品个别规格3.4.2 产品共通规格3.5 SV300配线图3.6 变频器端子说明3.7 外型尺寸图第四章软件索引4.1 按键面板使用说明4.1.1 按键面板显示及使用说明4.1.2按键面板使用说明4.1.3 按键面板操作说明(LED) 0-1 0-1 0-11-1 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-32-1 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-3 3-5 3-6 3-9 3-9 3-10 3-12 3-14 3-174-1 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 i4.1.4按键面板操作说明(LCD)4.1.5 按键面板操作范例4.2 控制模式选择4.3 参数一览表4.4 参数功能说明4.5 内建PLC功能说明第五章故障排除及保养5.1故障指示及对策5.1.1 故障指示及对策5.1.2 特殊情况说明5.1.3 按键操作错误说明5.2 一般故障检查方法5.3 故障品简单排除步骤5.4 日常检查与定期检查5.5 保养与检查第六章外围组件6.1 输入侧交流电抗器6.2 输入侧直流电抗器6.3 制动电阻6.4 按键操作器及延长线6.5 EMC相容滤波器6.6 适配卡6.6.1 RS-485 适配卡6.6.2 RS-232 适配卡6.6.3 拷贝模块6.6.4 PDA联机附录一 SV300电机参数对照表附录二 SV300变频器参数设定表4-54-74-84-19 4-565-15-15-15-45-55-65-75-13 5-146-16-16-16-26-46-76-86-86-96-10附录1附录2 4-46-10快速使用指南本指南可方便用户安装及使用本公司变频器,让您的电机运转正常。

介绍........................................................................................................... 2 选型指南.................................................................................................. 4 术语名词.................................................................................................. 6 轻型主令控制器XKB............................................................................ 8 中型主令控制器XKD.......................................................................... 16 重型主令控制器XKM .........................................................................24 主令控制器XKB,XKD,XKM尺寸 ................................................38 电位器及支架.......................................................................................42 XKD编码器用户手册......................................................................... 44 XKD编码器安装指导......................................................................... 46
惠丰变频器专用 VVVV300-000000002222 变频器远程控制器说明书

TH4108A 变频器远程控制器说明书惠丰惠丰变频器专用变频器专用V 300300 –002目录1、简介--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12、功能特点说明--------------------------------------------------------------------------------13、技术规格及参数-----------------------------------------------------------------------------13.1变频器远程控制器的型号说明--------------------------------------------13.2技术规格及参数--------------------------------------------------------24、外观说明--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------34.1A型变频器远程控制器的外观说明-----------------------------------------34.2外型及开孔尺寸--------------------------------------------------------34.3键盘功能说明----------------------------------------------------------44.4LED数码管及指示灯说明-------------------------------------------------45、电气接线说明--------------------------------------------------------------------------------55.1A型变频器远程控制器后部的端子定义-------------------------------------55.2变频器远程控制器后部的端子定义说明------------------------------------55.3A型变频器远程控制器的接线图-------------------------------------------76、操作说明--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------86.1变频器的设置----------------------------------------------------------86.2变频器远程控制器的参数设置界面说明------------------------------------86.3变频器远程控制器的设定参数项-----------------------------------------106.4变频器远程控制器操作方法---------------------------------------------377、维护及质量保证---------------------------------------------------------------------------398、随机附件------------------------------------------------------------------------------------399、用户注意事项------------------------------------------------------------------------------3910、应用案例-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------39工程应用,我们更专业TH41TH41008A 变频器远程控制器说明书变频器远程控制器说明书(惠丰变频器专用V300–002)1、简介变频器远程控制器是一种远程操作变频器的智能仪表,可通过RS485网络远程通讯控制变频器的启动、停止、加速、减速、正反转,并实时显示变频器的设置频率、实际频率等状态信息,通讯距离可长达1200米(9600bps),有效减少变频器的干扰。

7.2 EMC标准介绍146
7.2.1 EMC标准146
7.3 EMC外围配件安装选型指导147

OWNER'S MANUAL | IndexSECTION 1Safety (3)SECTION 2Description (3)SECTION 3Layout of Controls, Indications& Dimensional Drawings (3)SECTION 4Installation (6)SECTION 5Operation (6)SECTION 6Specifications (7)SECTION 7Warranty (8)Disclaimer of LiabilityUNLESS SPECIFICALL Y AGREED TO IN WRITING, SAMLEX AMERICA, INC.:1. MAKES NO WARRANTY AS TO THE ACCURACY, SUFFICIENCY OR SUITABILITY OF ANY TECHNICAL OR OTHERINFORMATION PROVIDED IN ITS MANUALS OR OTHER DOCUMENTATION.2. ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY FOR LOSSES, DAMAGES, COSTS OR EXPENSES, WHETHER SPECIAL,DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL, WHICH MIGHT ARISE OUT OF THE USE OF SUCH INFORMATION.THE USE OF ANY SUCH INFORMATION WILL BE ENTIREL Y AT THE USERS RISK.Samlex America reserves the right to revise this document and to periodically make changes to the content hereof without obligation or organization of such revisions or changes.Copyright Notice/Notice of CopyrightCopyright © 2016 by Samlex America, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to copy, distribute and/or modify this document is prohibited without express written permission by Samlex America, Inc.2 | SAMLEX AMERICA INC.SECTION 1 | SAFETY1.1 B efore using this Remote Control, please follow the Safety Instructionsgiven in the Owner’s Manual for the associated PST Series Inverters. SECTION 2 | DESCRIPTION2.1 R C-300 is a wired Remote Control that is compatible with PST Series Inverters(Please refer to Section 6 - Specifications for the list of inverters).2.3 I t is used to switch ON and switch OFF the inverter from a remote location.It also displays the operational status using LCD display and colored LEDs.It is provided with 25 ft / 7.62 meters of connecting cable set with RJ-50Modular Plugs (10P10C). The conductors of the cable set have crossed-over (rolled-over) connections on the two RJ-50 plugs.SECTION 3 | LAYOUT OF CONTROLS, INDICATIONS& DIMENSIONAL DRAWING3.1 F ig. 1 (page 4) shows the layout of controls and indications and dimen-sional drawing.3.2 ON/OFF ControlON/OFF Push Button (1) is used to switch ON and switch OFF the inverter. Every time the ON/OFF Push Button is pressed, a beep will be heard.This Remote Control will operate only after the inverter has been first turned ON using the local ON/OFF Switch on the inverter or using external ON/OFF control provided in the inverter.3.3 LCD DisplayLCD screen (3) is used to display the following 6 output parameters in a sequential loop as given below.The screen changes to show the successive parameter in a sequentialmanner every time the “Display Push Button” (2) is pressed (Sequence is: Screen1-2-3-4-5-6-1-2-3…)1. AC output voltage in Volts, V2. AC output current in Amps, A3. AC output frequency in Hertz, Hz4. Active AC output power in Watts, W - The display is limited to arange of 6W - 3500W5. Apparent Output Power in Volt Amps, VA6. Power Factor, PFSAMLEX AMERICA INC. | 34 | SAMLEX AMERICA INC.screen displays information as follows:• It takes 2 to 6 sec for booting / initialization. During this time, all the above 6 parameters will be displayed as “0”• If the load is > 6W, all the above 6 parameters will be available for display afterend of booting / initialization period•If the AC output power is less than 6W, parameters “AC output current in A”,“Active AC output power in Watts, W”, “Apparent Output AC Power in Volt Amps,VA” and “Power Factor , PF” will not be displayed (will be displayed as “0”). This isnecessary because at power output < 6W, the noise on the output side may be com-parable to the low value of the load and the logic may not be able to differentiatenoise from load and hence, may display wrong values for these parameters3.4 Power Saving / Sleep Mode in the LCD Display To save power, the LCD display will remain ON for 3 minutes from the time the Display Push Button (2) is pressed and will then switch OFF into Sleep Mode. To Front ViewOverall Depth: 25.5Back View8,58,51548Overall Depth:Front ViewBack View17R232,532,59880LEGEND1. Power ON/OFF Push Button2. Push Button to Change Display Screen3. LCD Screen4. LED - “Overload”5. LED - “Over Temp”6. LED - “Power”7. RJ-50 Modular JackNote: All dimensions in mmFig. 1 Remote Control RC-300 - Layout and Dimensional Drawing3.5 LED DisplayThe following LED displays are available:• Green LED (6) marked POWER. This LED will be lighted when the inverter is in ON condition. When the inverter is in OFF condition, this LED will not be lighted. ThisLED shows that DC input is available to the inverter and that the input section of theinverter is operating normally• Red LED (4) marked OVER LOAD. When lighted, it indicates that the AC output of the inverter has been shut down due to over load• Red LED (5) marked OVER TEMP. When lighted, it indicates that the AC output of the inverter has been shut down due to over temperature3.6 Pinout of RJ-50 Modular JackThe pinout of the RJ-50 Modular Jack (7) at the back of the RC-300 is given atFig. 2 below:Fig. 2 Remote Control RC-300 - Pinout of Modular Jack RJ-50The standard numbering system of the pins of a Modular Jack, when looking into the Jack, is from left to right. As the conductors of the cable are cross-connected (rolled-over), the pinouts at the Modular Jack in the inverter will be a mirror image of the pinout of the Modular Jack in the Remote Control as shown in T able 1 below:TABLE 1 – PIN OUT FOR MODULAR JACKSPinout of Modular Jackon the Remote Control as per Fig 2(1)Signal(2)Pinout of ModularJack on the inverter(See Note 1)(3)1LED "OVER TEMP"102LED "POWER ON"93Avcc84GND75TOGGLE66LED - “OVERLOAD"57Vcc48LCD - Data (B)39LCD - Data (A)210LCD - Ground1Note for T able 1:1. P in Nos of the Jack on the inverter (Column 3) are mirror image of Pin Nos on the Jack in the Remote (Column 1) due to crossed-over / rolled over connection of conductors.SAMLEX AMERICA INC. | 5SECTION 4 | INSTALLATION4.1 P lease refer to Fig. 1. The Remote Control can be flush mounted on a wallor a panel by making a suitable cut-out to accommodate the projection in the back.4.2 P lease ensure that the inverter is switched OFF before connecting RC-300to the inverter.4.3 C onnect one end of the cable set to the RJ-50 Modular Jack (7) at theback and the Remote and the other end to the RJ-50 Modular Jack on the inverter. Ensure that the connection is firm and the tab on the plug securely locks in the jack.SECTION 5 | OPERATIONNOTE:This Remote Control will operate only after the inverter has been first switched ON using the local ON/OFF Switch on the inverter or using the external ON/OFF control provided on the inverter.5.1 S witch ON the inverter using the local ON/OFF Switch on the inverter orusing external ON/OFF control provided on the inverter. Once the inverter turns ON, the operational status of the inverter will be displayed through the LCD screen (3, Fig 1) and LEDs (4, 5, 6; Fig 1).5.2 S ee under headings “LCD Display” (Section 3.3 and 3.4) and “LED Display”(Section 3.5) for information on the operating conditions. Please read"Troubleshooting Guide" of the Owner's Manual of the inverter for identify-ing abnormal conditions indicated by the LEDs.5.3 T he output of the inverter can be switched ON/OFF using the ON/OFF PushButton (1, Fig 1).5.4 No Load Current DrawAs stated above, the ON/OFF Switch on the inverter is required to be in ON condition for the Remote to operate. When the ON/OFF switch on the Remote Control is turned ON, all the circuitry inside the inverter becomes fully alive and the AC output is made available. In this condition, even when no load is being supplied (or, if a load is connected but has been switched OFF), the inverter draws a small amount of current from the batteries to keep the circuitry alive and is ready to deliver the required power on demand. This is called the “idle current” or the “no load current draw”. When the inverter is turned OFF using this Remote Control, some control circuitry is still alive in the inverter and will require very small current draw. Hence, when the load is not required to be operated, turn OFF the ON/OFF Switch on the inverter to prevent unnecessary current drain from the battery.6 | SAMLEX AMERICA INC.SECTION 6 | SPECIFICATIONSMODEL NUMBERS OF COMPATIBLE INVERTERS PST-1500-12, PST-1500-24, PST-1500-48 PST-2000-12, PST-2000-24PST-3000-12, PST-3000-24PST-300S-12E, PST-300S-24ECABLE SET RJ-50 (10P10C) with crossed-over / rolled-overconnections. Length = 25 ft / 7.62 meters OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE0 to 40°C / 32°F to 104°FDIMENSIONS (L X W X D)110 x 65 x 24.7 mm / 4.33 x 2.56 x 0.97 in Weight (Without cable / with cable)85 g / 256 g; 0.04 lb / 0.12 lbNOTE: Specifications are subject to change without noticeSAMLEX AMERICA INC. | 7SECTION 7 | WARRANTY2 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYRC-300 Remote Control manufactured by Samlex America, Inc. (the “Warrantor“) is warranted to be free from defects in workmanship and materials under normal use and service. The warranty period is 2 years for the United States and Canada, and is in effect from the date of purchase by the user (the “Purchaser“).Warranty outside of the United States and Canada is limited to 6 months. For a warranty claim, the Purchaser should contact the place of purchase to obtain a Return Authorization Number.The defective part or unit should be returned at the Purchaser’s expense to the authorized location. A written statement describing the nature of the defect, the date of purchase, the place of purchase, and the Purchaser’s name, address and telephone number should also be included.If upon the Warrantor’s examination, the defect proves to be the result of defective material or workmanship, the equipment will be repaired or replaced at the Warrantor’s option without charge, and returned to the Purchaser at the Warrantor’s expense. (Contiguous US and Canada only)No refund of the purchase price will be granted to the Purchaser, unless the Warrantor is unable to remedy the defect after having a reasonable number of opportunitiesto do so. Warranty service shall be performed only by the Warrantor. Any attemptto remedy the defect by anyone other than the Warrantor shall render this warranty void. There shall be no warranty for defects or damages caused by faulty installation or hook-up, abuse or misuse of the equipment including exposure to excessive heat, salt or fresh water spray, or water immersion.No other express warranty is hereby given and there are no warranties which extend beyond those described herein. This warranty is expressly in lieu of any other expressed or implied warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability, fitnessfor the ordinary purposes for which such goods are used, or fitness for a particular purpose, or any other obligations on the part of the Warrantor or its employees and representatives.There shall be no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the part of the Warrantor or its employees and representatives for injury to any persons, or damage to person or persons, or damage to property, or loss of income or profit, or any other consequential or resulting damage which may be claimed to have been incurred through the use or sale of the equipment, including any possible failure of malfunction of the equipment, or part thereof. The Warrantor assumes no liability for incidental or consequential damages of any kind.Samlex America Inc. (the “Warrantor”)8 | SAMLEX AMERICA INC.SAMLEX AMERICA INC. | 910 | SAMLEX AMERICA INC.NOTES:SAMLEX AMERICA INC. | 1111001-RC-300-0817。

具 有防腐 蚀性 的背 部散热 通道 组件 和散热 片 可以作 为选 件订 购,用 于一 些恶 劣的环 境,例如靠近海边的含盐空气中。
专 门开发 的笼 式弹 簧夹紧 端子 增强 了可靠 性,而且便于调试和维护。
50℃ 运行环境温度
变频 器能在 高达 50℃ 的环境 温度 下达到 最 大的输出。
VLT®AutomationDrive FC302通过控制面板就地 控制,可以直接插入或用电缆连接。
VLT®AutomationDrive FC302可以从外部经过USB电缆 或总 线通讯进行试运行和监视。有专用软件可以提供: 向导 (Wizards)、数据传输工具、VLT设定软件MCT10 和语 言改变器。
革新化的设计减少了污物进入变频器的危险, 从而确保变频器的长寿命。采用管道式散热套件后,
额定的热量能被带至控制室以外,或建筑物外部。 减少了额外的空调元器件及其带来的能量损耗。
智能专用散热器套件可将D1和D2规格变频器 安装在Rittal 机柜内,这样,冷风
可带走85%的多余热量,而无需触 及电子元器件。
轴 )、 定位 和电 子凸轮 控制 为其 特 征 。而 且, 其可 编程性 能使 用户 执 行 各种 应用 功能 ,比如 监视 和智 能 故障处理等。
● 国际字母和符号 ● 显示栏和图形 ● 简便的概览 ● 27种语言选择
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Pointek CLS300 (标准版) RF容量级别测量仪说明书

Point level measurementOverviewRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - StandardPoint level measurementRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - StandardPointek CLS300 (standard version) is an inverse frequency shift capacitance level and material detection switch with optional rod/cable choices and configurable output. CLS300 is ideal fordetecting liquids, solids, slurries, foam, and interfaces in demanding conditions where high pressure and temperatures are present and has the ability to tune out buildup on the probe.•Active-Shield technology so measurement is unaffected by material buildup or nozzle interference in active shield section•Performs in extremely abrasive conditions because of solid rod construction•Three LED indicators for adjustment control, output status, and power•High-temperature version up to 400 °C (752 °F)Pointek CLS300 standard version has three LED indicators with basic relay and solid-state switch alarms.The robust design of CLS300 makes it specifically applicable for heavy solids applications where abrasive materials occur as in the mining industry. The fully potted electronics are unaffected by condensation, dust or vibration.Wetted parts are made of stainless steel with a PFA shield for high chemical resistance, and of ceramic and stainless steel for high temperature version. Materials with low or high dielectric constants can be accurately detected. The unique Active Shield suppresses interference from material buildup or long installation nozzles.The unique modular design of the Pointek CLS300 provides a wide range of configurations, process connections, extensions and approvals to meet the temperature and pressure requirements of specific applications. The modular design makes ordering easier and reduces stocking requirements. A wide range of probe configurations are available, including rod and cable versions.•Key Applications: liquids, slurries, bulk solids, relatively high pressure and temperature, hazardous areas, milling and mining applicationsPointek CLS300 installation, dimensions in mm (inch)Level Measurement© Siemens AG 2023Level MeasurementPoint level measurementRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - StandardLevel MeasurementPoint level measurementRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - Standard1) Available with Probe version options B ... D, F, G only [≥ 500 mm (19.69 inch)].2) Available with Probe version options C, D, and G only [≥ 750 mm (29.53 inch)].1) Available only with Approvals options C, D, E.Level MeasurementPoint level measurementRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - StandardLevel MeasurementPoint level measurementRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - Standard1) Available with Probe version options A, B, F ... K, only [≥ 1 000 mm (39.7 inch)].2) Not available with Active shield option 1.1) Available only with Approvals options C, D, E.Level MeasurementPoint level measurementRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - StandardLevel MeasurementPoint level measurementRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - Standard1) Available with Probe version options B ... D, F, G only [≥ 500 mm (19.69 inch)].2) Available with Probe version options C, D, and G only [≥ 750 mm (29.53 inch)].1) Not available with Probe length option B.2) Available only with Approvals options C, D, E.Level MeasurementPoint level measurementRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - StandardLevel MeasurementPoint level measurementRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - Standard1) When operation is in areas classified as hazardous, observe restrictions according to relevant certificate. See also CLS300 pressure/temperature curves.2) Thermal isolator is used if process connection temperature exceeds 85 °C (185 °F).3) Pressure rating of process seal is temperature dependent. See also CLS300 pressure/temperature curves.1) Zirconium Oxide2) For caustic materials, consult a local sales person for alternative O-rings. For more information, please visit /aspa_app.Level MeasurementPoint level measurementRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - StandardPointek CLS300 process pressure/temperature derating curves (7ML5650, 7ML5651, 7ML5660, and 7ML5661 )Pointek CLS300 process pressure/temperature derating curves (7ML5652 and 7ML5662)Level MeasurementPoint level measurementRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - StandardPointek CLS300 process pressure/temperature derating curves (7ML5650, 7ML5651, 7ML5660, and 7ML5661)Level MeasurementPoint level measurementRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - StandardPointek CLS300 process pressure/temperature derating curves (7ML5652 and 7ML5662)Level MeasurementPoint level measurementRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - StandardPointek CLS300 process pressure/temperature derating curves (7ML5650, 7ML5651, 7ML5660, and 7ML5661)Pointek CLS300 process pressure/temperature derating curves (7ML5652 and 7ML5662)Level MeasurementPoint level measurementRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - StandardPointek CLS300 threaded process connections, dimensions in mm (inch)Level MeasurementPoint level measurementRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - StandardPointek CLS300 flanged process connections, dimensions in mm (inch)Level MeasurementPoint level measurementRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - StandardPointek CLS300 connectionsPoint level measurementOverviewRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - DigitalPoint level measurementRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - DigitalPointek CLS300 (digital version) is an inverse frequency shift capacitance level and material detection switch with optional rod/cable choices and configurable output. It is ideal for detecting liquids,solids, slurries, foam, and interfaces in demanding conditionswhere high pressure and temperatures are present and has the ability to tune out buildup on the probe. The digital version includes PROFIBUS PA, an LCD display, and advanced diagnostic features.•Active-Shield technology so measurement is unaffected by material buildup or nozzle interference in active shield section•Performs in extremely abrasive conditions because of solid rod construction•Push-button calibration, full-function diagnostics•High sensitivity allows installation in a wide range of liquids, solids or slurry applications•Integral LCD display allows for easy menu-driven setup •PROFIBUS PA communication (SIMATIC PDM compatible)Pointek CLS300 digital version provides an integral LCD display for stand-alone use, with PROFIBUS PA communication(Profile version 3.0, Class B) when required. Solid-state switch alarm is standard.The robust design of CLS300 makes it specifically applicable for heavy solids applications where abrasive materials occur as in the mining industry.The fully potted electronics are unaffected by condensation, dust or vibration.Wetted parts are made of stainless steel with a PFA shield for high chemical resistance, and of ceramic and stainless steel for high temperature version. Materials with low or high dielectric constants can be accurately detected. The unique Active Shield suppresses interference from material buildup or long installation nozzles.The unique modular design of the Pointek CLS300 provides a wide range of configurations, process connections, extensions and approvals to meet the temperature and pressure requirements of specific applications. The modular design makes ordering easier and reduces stocking requirements. A wide range of probe configurations are available, including rod and cable versions.•Key Applications: liquids, slurries, bulk solids, relatively high pressure and temperature, hazardous areas, milling and mining applicationsPointek CLS300 installation, dimensions in mm (inch)Level Measurement© Siemens AG 2023Level MeasurementPoint level measurementRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - DigitalLevel MeasurementPoint level measurementRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - Digital1) Barrier or Intrinsically Safe power supply required for Intrinsically Safe protection.2) Available with Probe version options B ... D, F, G only [≥ 500 mm (19.69 inch)].3) Available with Probe version options C, D, and G only [≥ 750 mm (29.53 inch)].Level MeasurementPoint level measurementRF Capacitance / Pointek CLS300 - Digital1) Available only with Approvals options B and D.1) Barrier or Intrinsically Safe power supply required for Intrinsically Safe protection.2) Available with Probe version options A, B, F ... K, only [≥ 1 000 mm (39.7 inch)].3) Not available with Active shield option 1.1) Available only with Approvals options B and D.1) Barrier or Intrinsically Safe power supply required for Intrinsically Safe protection.2) Available with Probe version options B ... D, F, G only [≥ 500 mm (19.69 inch)].3) Available with Probe version options C, D, and G only [≥ 750 mm (29.53 inch)].1) Available only with Approvals options B and D.1) Special flange sizes and facings are available. Please consult a local sales person for details.2) Please consult a local sales person for part number and pricing3) For General Purpose approvals only4) To maintain approvals, qualified trained Siemens personnel required for part replacementCustomers interested in a custom designed device should consult a local sales person. For more information, please visit http://www.auto/aspa_app.1) When operation is in areas classified as hazardous, observe restrictions according to relevant certificate. See also CLS300 pressure/temperature curves.2) Thermal isolator is used if process connection temperature exceeds 85 °C (185 °F)3) Pressure rating of process seal is temperature dependent. See also CLS300 pressure/temperature curves.4) Barrier or Intrinsically Safe power supply required for Intrinsically Safe protection1) Zirconium Oxide2) For caustic materials, consult a local sales person for alternative O-rings. For more information, please visit /aspa_app.Pointek CLS300 process pressure/temperature derating curves (7ML5650, 7ML5651, 7ML5660 and 7ML5661)Pointek CLS300 process pressure/temperature derating curves (7ML5652 and 7ML5662)Pointek CLS300 process pressure/temperature derating curves (7ML5650, 7ML5651, 7ML5660, and 7ML5661)Pointek CLS300 process pressure/temperature derating curves (7ML5652 and 7ML5662)Pointek CLS300 process pressure/temperature derating curves (7ML5650, 7ML5651, 7ML5660 and 7ML5661)Pointek CLS300 process pressure/temperature derating curves (7ML5652 and 7ML5662)Pointek CLS300 threaded process connections, dimensions in mm (inch)Pointek CLS300 flanged process connections, dimensions in mm (inch)Pointek CLS300 connections。

第二章产品概述2.1 产品特点云控天力300变频器具有以下特点:(1)采用最新的变频控制技术,能够实现电机的精确控制;(2)具备多种保护功能,如过载保护、过热保护等,能够保障设备的安全运行;(3)支持多种通信接口,方便与其他设备进行联网通信;(4)具有良好的抗干扰性能,能够在恶劣环境下稳定运行。
2.2 产品规格云控天力300变频器的主要规格如下:(1)额定输入电压:AC 380V;(2)额定输出功率:300kW;(3)额定输出电流:600A;(4)控制方式:矢量控制;(5)工作频率范围:0-100Hz。
第三章产品组成结构云控天力300变频器由以下组成部分构成:3.1 主控单元主控单元是整个变频器的核心部件,负责接收和处理各种信号,控制电机的运行状态。
3.2 电源模块电源模块为变频器提供稳定的电源供应,采用高效率的开关电源设计,能够减少能量损耗。
3.3 散热系统由于变频器在工作过程中会产生较多的热量,为了保证其正常运行,云控天力300变频器配备了有效的散热系统,可快速将热量散发出去,保持设备的温度在安全范围内。
3.4 控制面板控制面板是用户与变频器进行交互的界面,通过控制面板可以对变频器进行参数设置、运行状态监测等操作。
具体工作原理如下:4.1 信号采集变频器通过传感器采集电机的转速、电流、温度等信号,并将其转化为数字信号,传送给主控单元进行处理。
4.2 控制策略主控单元根据采集到的信号进行算法处理,并根据设定的控制策略,计算出输出电压和频率等参数,控制电机的运行。

Accessories Part NoLow Suction CollarsMicro, Mini (Macro)5096800 Minex (version 160,172)5178101 Minex (version 171)5065300 Minette (version 171,172)5114300 Minor, Major (version 180,181)5117000Zinc Anode KitsMinex, Minette (version 160,172)5173600 Minex, Minette (version 171)5107700 Minor, Major (version 180,181)5107900 Master N/H/SH (version 181,182)5108000 Master SH* (version 180) 132895 Matador (version 180,181)5108100 Maxi Octaline version 011/030/3005185300 Magnum5055601 Mega N5111702 Mega H5111703 Salvador (version 281,282)5109500 Senior, Sandy (version 280,281)5109600Minette Inox *132894 Major Inox **5195300 Master Inox **5195300 Salvador Inox132894 Senior Inox132894 Sandy Inox132894 Bravo 200/300 drive unit5160200 Bravo 200/300 hydraulic unit5160201 Bravo 400 drive unit5160300 Bravo 400 hydraulic unit5160304 Bravo 500/600 drive unit5160301 Bravo 500/600 hydraulic unit5160304 Bravo 700/800 drive unit5160302 Bravo 700/800 hydraulic unit5160305 Bravo 900 drive unit5160303 Bravo 900 hydraulic unit5160305 * Must be used in combination with base plate 5182800.** Must be used in combination with base plate 140012RF.Stand unit for Mega with Screws & NutsStand Mega N/H5121201 Screw M12x25 A2-70 , 1 Pce131553 Screw M16x35 A2-70 , 4 Pcs410253Accessories Part No Washer M12 A2-70 , 1 Pce132274 Washer M16 A2-70, 4 Pcs132258Accessories Part NoTandem connection kitsMinor N*, Major N* 5112500Minor H*, Major H*5112501Master N*/H*/SH* (version 181,182)5112501Master SH (version 180, Proline, not according to picture)5043101Matador N*5112503Matador H*5112502Maxi Octaline (Open imp) N/L ver 011/030 Hose 6"X5111425Maxi Octaline (Open imp) N/L ver 011/030 ISO G6 (internal thread)5111429Maxi Octaline (Open imp) N/L ver 011/030 NPT 6-8 (internal thread)5111430Maxi Octaline (Open imp) N/L ver 011/030 Hose 8"5111426Maxi Octaline (Open imp) N/L ver 011/030 ISO G8 (internal thread)5111427Maxi Octaline (Open imp) N/L ver 011/030 NPT 8-8 (internal thread)5111428Maxi Octaline (Open imp) H/SH/H-lite ver 011/011/300 ISO G4*******Maxi Octaline (Open imp) H/SH/H-lite ver 011/011/300 NPT 4-85111422Maxi Octaline (Closed imp) H/SH/H-lite ver 011/011/300 ISO G4*******Maxi Octaline (Closed imp) H/SH/H-lite ver 011/011/300 NPT 4-85111424Magnum H 6"5055700Magnum H NPT 6-85055701* Discharge connection and O-ring mounted on the adapter must be ordered separately.(not included in kit). (For 8103/8104 the discharge connection from version 180 must be used p/n 50 944 XX, 51 919 XX, 51 038 XX) Level regulator kits Micro, Mini (ver.211), Solid (ver.281)1 ph -Max 250V CE approved51665001 ph -Max 250V CSA approved5166501Level regulator kits Master(ver.182)Matador(ver.181)***3-ph -Max 400V CE approved51726083-ph -24V krets CE approved (Only for DOL pumps)51726063-ph -Max 250V eller 24V circuit CSA approved (Only for DOL pumps)5172607*** For 24V level regulator control cirquit order surveillance relay separate.Surveillance relay for built in level regulator for 24V.5177900(24V not possible on Master & Matador Softstart or Star/Delta)Note! For local assembly of level regulator, order cover separate, holder,cable clamp, bracket , see list below. Minex ver.160/1725168601Minette,Salvador ver.172/2825168701Minor,Major ver.181, Senior, Sandy ver.2815176101Master ver.1825086201Matador ver.1815099401Holder for level regulator for Minex, Minette, Salvador5084800Cable clamp for level regulator for Minex-Matador,Salvador-Sandy410077Bracket for cable clamp Note! Only for Master & Matador5174900Accessories Part NoAccessories Part NoLevel regulator kits - OLD VERSIONSMinex-Minette (ver.171), Minor-Major(ver.180),Salvador(ver.281), Senior, Sandy(ver.280)1- & 3-Phase - Max 400V CE approved51155001- & 3-Phase - Max 250V or 24V* control cirquit CE approved51155011- & 3-Phase - Max 250V or 24V* control cirquit CSA approved5115502* For 24V level regulator control order transformer and contactor separate according spare part list for pump model. Level regulator, 1-Phase - OLD VERSIONSCE - Micro, Macro (ver. 210), Solid (ver. 280), or Minex, Minette*,Salvador* with lower serial no than 1159999 (Obsolete)5093700CSA - Micro, Macro (ver. 210), Solid (ver. 280), or Minex, Minette*,Salvador* with lower serial no than 1159999 (Obsolete)5093701Contact plug including cables for 5093700, -01 (Obsolete)5093600* Main cover 5116701 required for pumps with serial number lower than 1070001.External level control boxes - up to 37 Awith one level regulator*, 10m400V 50 Hz, rated current 16A, with 16A Europlug5112600400V 50 Hz, rated current 25A, with 32A Europlug5112601400V 50 Hz, rated current 32A, with 32A Europlug5112602400V 50 Hz, rated current 37A, with 63A Europlug5112603230,400V 50-60 Hz, rated current 16A5112604230,400V 50-60 Hz, rated current 25A5112605230,400V 50-60 Hz, rated current 32A5112606230,400V 50-60 Hz, rated current 37A5112607415-660V 50-60 Hz, rated current 16A5112700415-660V 50-60 Hz, rated current 25A5112701415-660V 50-60 Hz, rated current 32A5112702415-660V 50-60 Hz, rated current 37A5112703*Optional, two level regulators (start and stop).Level regulatorsLevel regulator 10m cable for external level control box131621Level regulator 0,75m cable for pump Max 400V CE(1-3 ph)5017600Level regulator 0,75m cable for pump Max 250V/24V CE(1-3 ph)410774 *Level regulator 0,75m cable for pump Max 250V/24V CSA(1-3ph)*410775CEE Plugs - 400VEuroplug with phase shifter 16A (3P+N+PE)5010000Europlug with phase shifter 32A (3P+N+PE)5010001Europlug 63A (3P+N+PE)132195Europlug 125A (3P+N+PE)132309Europlug 16A (3P+PE)410684Europlug 32A (3P+PE)410685Phase shifters16A, 220-690V 501020022A, 220-690V501020148A, 220-690V5010202Accessories Part NoStarter 6-32A DOL 50Hz with CEE plug6-32A, Overload relay & pilot cable connection for temperature guard6-10A 380-415V/CEE164108049-14A 380-415V/CEE16 for Bravo 200/300 400V5041080513-18A 380-415V/CEE164108069-14A 380-415V/CEE32 for Bravo 200/300 400V5041080717-23A 380-415V/CEE32 41080824-32A 380-415V/CEE32 for Bravo 400 DOL 400V50410809Starter 6-32A DOL 50/60Hz with cable glands for pump/power cable6-32A, Overload relay & pilot cable connection for temperature guard17-23A 230V/cable connections41080224-32A 230V/cable connections4108036-10A 380-415V/cable connections50766019-14A 380-415V/cable connections for Bravo 200/300 400V5041079513-18A 380-415V/cable connections41079624-32A 380-415V/cable connections for Bravo 400 400V504107976-10A 460-500V/cable connections for Bravo 200/300 500V5050766039-14A 460-500V/cable connections for Bravo 200/300 460V6041079913-18A 460-500V/cable connections41080024-32A 460-500V/cable connections for Bravo 400/500 460V60410801Starter Panels GSP D32-D100 for Bravo & Maxi pumps (for mounting on a portable stand or on a wall)22-100 A, multi voltage 230-500V 50/60Hz for DOL start, IP55GSP-D32, 22-32A DOL for Bravo 400 400V50, 460V605163100GSP-D40, 28-40A DOL for Bravo 500 400V50, 460V605163101GSP-D50, 40-50A DOL for Bravo 600 400V50, 460V605163102GSP-D63, 45-63A DOL for Maxi 500V505163103GSP-D75, 57-75A DOL for Maxi, Bravo 700 400V50, 460V605163104GSP-D90, 70-90A DOL for Bravo 800 400V50, 460V605163105GSP-D100, 80-100A DOL for Magnum H 400V50, 460V605163106Starter Panels GSP Y32-D100 for Bravo & Maxi pumps (for mounting on a portable stand or on a wall)22-100 A, multi voltage 230-500V 50/60Hz for Star-Delta start, IP55GSP-Y32, 22-32A Y/D for Bravo 400 400V50, 460V605163200GSP-Y40, 28-40A Y/D for Bravo 500 400V50, 460V605163201GSP-Y50, 40-50A Y/D for Bravo 600 400V50, 460V605163202GSP-Y63, 45-63A Y/D for Maxi 500V505163203GSP-Y75, 57-75A Y/D for Maxi, Bravo 700 400V50, 460V605163204GSP-Y90, 70-90A Y/D for Bravo 800 400V50, 460V605163205GSP-Y100, 80-100A Y/D for Magnum H 400V50, 460V605163206Option. For level control with GSP 32-100 add separate start & stop level regulatorsfor two regulator system (see below). Other configurations on request.Starter Panels GSP D110-D185 for Magnum , Bravo & Mega pumps (for mounting on a portable stand or on a wall) 100-185 A, multi voltage 230-500V 50/60Hz for DOL start, IP55.GSP-D110H*, 100-110A DOL for Magnum N/L 400V50, 460V605163107GSP-D140H*, 110-140A DOL for Bravo 900 400V50, 460V605163108GSP-D170H*, 130-170A DOL 5163109GSP-D185H*, 170-185A DOL 5163110GSP-D110E*, 100-110A DOL 5163117GSP-D140E*, 110-140A DOL5163118GSP-D170E*, 130-170A DOL for Mega 400V50, 460V605163119GSP-D185E*, 170-185A DOL 5163120Accessories Part No H* = MICS II/A-meter E* = MICS II/A-meter/PT 100 relayAccessories Part NoStarter Panels GSP Y110-Y185 for Magnum , Bravo & Mega pumps (for mounting on a portable stand or on a wall) 100-185 A, multi voltage 230-500V 50/60Hz for Star-Delta start, IP55GSP-Y110H*, 100-110A Y/D for Magnum N/L 400V50, 460V605163207GSP-Y140H*, 110-140A Y/D for Bravo 900 400V50, 460V605163208GSP-Y170H*, 130-170A Y/D 5163209GSP-Y185H*, 170-185A Y/D 5163210GSP-Y110E*, 100-110A Y/D 5163217GSP-Y140E*, 110-140A Y/D 5163218GSP-Y170E*, 130-170A Y/D for Mega 400V50, 460V605163219GSP-Y185E*, 170-185A Y/D 5163220H* = MICS II/A-meter E* = MICS II/A-meter/PT 100 relayOption. For level control with GSP 110-185 add separate start & stop level regulatorsand for high level alarm add separate level regulator for two regulator system(see below). Other configurations on request.Level regulators for Starter Panels GSP 32-185Level regulator 6m cable, only for two regulator system131539Level regulator 13m cable, only for two regulator system131540Level regulator 20m cable, only for two regulator system131541Level regulator 50m cable, only for two regulator system410827Pump raftRaft for Micro, Mini and Minex (lifting capacity 25 kg)410391Raft for Minette, Minor and Major (lifting capacity 55 kg)410392Pump raft system 80-600 & 1150 , complete units selectedfor grindex dewatering pumpsPump raft system 80, lifting capacity 80 kg410712Pump raft system 180, lifting capacity 180 kg410713Pump raft system 460, lifting capacity 460 kg410714Pump raft system 600, lifting capacity 600 kg410715Pump raft system 1150*, lifting capacity 1150 kg5180500Bracket used for Bravo pumps on model 11505180600Individual parts to build systems *(for bill of materials please check accessory leaflet)Pump Raft M100 (ring)410467Pump Raft M170 (block)410468Pump lifting frame410648Lifting chain410649Screws for pumplifting frame, kit410650Lifting eye bolts, kit410651Connection part 1/4410652Connection part 1/4 with eye bolt410653Connection part 2/4410654Connection part 3/4410655Connection part 4/4410656Threaded rods M8 125mm, kit410657Threaded rods M8 260mm, kit410658Threaded rods M8 390mm, kit410659Accessories Part No Threaded rods M8 525mm, kit410660 Tool kit for assembly410661Accessories Part No Power cables (units in meter)3G1.5mm² (Ø 10-11 mm)131042 4G1.5mm² (Ø 10,5-11,5 mm)131040 4G2.5mm² (Ø 12,5-13,5 mm)131039 7G2.5mm² (Ø 18-20 mm)____see 410063*410647 4G4mm² (Ø 16-17 mm)133139 4G6mm² (Ø 18-19 mm)131028 4G10mm² (Ø 23,5-25,5 mm)____see 410852*131027 4G16mm² (Ø 26-28 mm)____see 410853*131026 4G25mm² (Ø 32,5-34,5 mm)____see 410854*132460 4G35mm² (Ø 36,5-38,5 mm)____see 410855*132458 4G50mm² (Ø 41-45 mm)____see 410856*410353 4G70mm² (Ø 45-49 mm)____see 410857410354 * replaced with Power cables with control cores see belowPower cables with control cores (units in meter)4G1.5mm² + 2x1.5mm² (Ø 15-16 mm)410062 4G2.5mm² + 2x1.5mm² (Ø 17-18 mm)5077700 7G2.5mm² + 2x1.5mm² (Ø 20-23 mm)410063 4G4mm² + 2x1.5mm² (Ø 20-22 mm)410129 7G4mm² + 2x1.5mm² (Ø 22-26 mm)410130 4G6mm² + 2x1.5mm² (Ø 23-25 mm)410126 7G6mm² + S(2x0.5)mm² (Ø 24-26 mm)410858 4G10mm² + S(2x0.5)mm² (Ø 24-26 mm)410852 4G16mm² + S(2x0.5)mm² (Ø 26-28 mm)410853 4G25mm² + S(2x0.5)mm² (Ø 32-34 mm)410854 4G35mm² + S(2x0.5)mm² (Ø 35-37 mm)410855 3G50mm² + 2G35/2 + S(2x0.5)mm² (Ø 35-37 mm)410856 3G70mm² + 2G35/2 + S(2x0.5)mm² (Ø 38-41 mm)410857 3G95mm² + 2G50/2 + S(2x0.5)mm² (Ø 47-50 mm)410921 3G120mm² + 2G70/2 + S(2x0.5)mm² (Ø 54-56 mm)410922 AWG power cables (units in meter)14 AWG/3 (Ø 13,2-14,2 mm)410064 14 AWG/4 (Ø 14,2-15,2 mm)410065 14 AWG/7 (Ø 18-20 mm)410066 12 AWG/4 (Ø 17-18 mm)410067 12 AWG/7 (Ø 20-22 mm)410068 10 AWG/4 (Ø 18-19,7 mm)410132 8 AWG/4 (Ø 24-26 mm)410133 AWG power cables with control cores (units in meter)10 AWG/3-2-1-GC (Ø 20,3-22,3 mm)410069 8 AWG/3-2-1-GC (Ø 27,2-29,2 mm)410134 6 AWG/3-2-1-GC (Ø 30-32 mm)410135 4 AWG/3-2-1-GC (Ø 32,8-34,8 mm)410136 1 AWG/3-2-1-GC (Ø 40,7-42,7 mm)410355 Screened power cables (units in meter)S3x1.5mm (Ø 13,5-14,9 mm)410058 S3x2.5mm (Ø 13,5-14,9 mm)410059 S3x1.5mm² + 3x0.5/3 + S(2x0.5)mm² (Ø 16-17 mm)410859 S3x2.5mm² + 3x2.5/3 +S(4x0.5)mm² (Ø 18-20 mm)410860 S3x6mm² + 3x6/3 + S(4x0.5)mm² (Ø 20-22 mm)410861 S3x10mm² + 3x10/3 + S(4x0.5)mm² (Ø 24-26 mm)410862 S3x16mm² + 3x16/3 + S(4x0.5)mm² (Ø 24-26 mm)410863 S3x25mm² + 3x16/3 + S(4x0.5)mm² (Ø 29-31 mm)410864 S3x35mm² + 3x16/3 + S(4x0.5)mm² (Ø 32-34 mm)410865 S3x50mm² + 3x25/3 + S(4x0.5)mm² (Ø 38-40 mm)410866 S3x70mm² + 3x35/3 + S(2x0.5)mm² (Ø 42-44 mm)410867 S3x95mm² + 3x50/3 + S(2x0.5)mm² (Ø 44-47 mm)4110504 G X + S(2x0.5)3 G X 2 G X + S(2x0.5) S 3 G X 3 G X/3 + S(4x0.5)Accessories Part No S3x120mm² + 3x70/3 + S(2x0.5)mm² (Ø 50-52 mm)411051 Control cables (units in meter)2x1.5mm² (Ø 10-11 mm)130963 7x1.5mm² (Ø 15-17 mm)410350Accessories Part No Cable socks in Nylon with schackle for cable strain reliefCable sock 12-25 mm2410915 Cable sock 26-30 mm2410938 Quick couplingsStorz ISO G2", DN52 PN16 Aluminium410027Storz ISO G3", DN75 PN16 Aluminium410028 Storz ISO G4", DN100 PN16 Aluminium410029 Storz ISO G6", DN150 PN16 Aluminium (with 3 catches)410099 Storz for hose 2", DN52 PN16 Aluminium410312Storz for hose 3", DN75 PN16 Aluminium410311 Storz for hose 4", DN100 PN16 Aluminium410783 Storz for hose 6", DN150 PN16 Aluminium (with 3 catches)410294 Check valve in brassThreaded ISO G2", inner to outer thread, PN 16410314 Threaded ISO G3", inner to outer thread, PN 16410315 Threaded ISO G4", inner to outer thread, PN 16410316 Flange with internal ISO G-threadFlange DN 50, PN 16 with internal ISO G2"411019 Flange DN 80, PN 16 with internal ISO G3"411020 Flange DN 100, PN 16 with internal ISO G4"410948 Flange DN 150, PN 16 with internal ISO G6"411021Gate valve for flange connection in epoxy coated ductile ironFlange DN 100, PN 10/16, (DIN 2501)410847 Flange DN 150, PN 10/16, (DIN 2501)410849 Gasket for flange connections in rubber bonded fiberFlange DN 100, PN 10, (DIN 2501)410848 Flange DN 150, PN 10, (DIN 2501)410850 Coupling (to flap check valve and victaulic kits)Hose to flange, 4" DN100, PN10/16 (DIN EN 1092-1)410746 Hose to flange, 6" DN150, PN10/16 (DIN EN 1092-1)410747 Hose Coupling with VictaulicHose connection 4" with victaulic410926 Hose connection 6" with victaulic410927 4" Victaulic flange kit for Bravo 400-600Coupling Hose to flange, 4" DN100, PN10/16 (DIN EN 1092-1)410746 Victaulic flanges 4" DN100, PN16410675 Victaulic bend 4" in thermoplastic coated steel410676 Victaulic couplings 4"410677 Screw M16X70-A2-70, ISO 4017 (4"), 8 Pcs per flange410754 Nut M16-A2-70 (4"), 8 Pcs per flange132256 Washer M16-A2-70 (4"), 8 Pcs per flange132258Tot kit 6" Victaulic flange kit for Bravo 700-900Coupling Hose to flange, 6" DN150, PN10/16 (DIN EN 1092-1)410747 Victaulic flanges 6" DN150, PN16410678 Victaulic bend 6" in thermoplastic coated steel410679 Victaulic couplings 6"410680 Screw M20X80-A2-70, ISO 4017 (6"), 8 Pcs per flange410755 Nut M20-A2-70 (6"), 8 Pcs per flange5002500 Washer M20-A2-70 (6"), 8 Pcs per flange5002502Accessories Part NoTot kit Hose & Hose clamps are available on requestTest equipment which fits hose 2", 3" and 4". Range 0-6 bar (0-60 mvp) Gauge unit for testing pump preassure,114422Accessories Part NoBasic Repair kit & O-ring kitBasic Repair Kit - Micro,Mini,Solid ver. 211/2815166400 O-ring Kit - Micro,Mini,Solid ver. 211/2815166300 O-ring Kit - Micro,Macro,Solid ver. 210/280 (obsolete)5096300Basic Repair Kit - Minex ver. 160/1725173200 Basic Repair Kit - Minex ver. 1715118100Basic Repair Kit - Minex ver. 1705107000 O-ring kit - Minex ver. 160/1725172900 O-ring kit - Minex ver. 1715116600 O-ring kit - Minex ver. 1705106400Basic Repair Kit - Minette ver. 1725173300 Basic Repair Kit - Minette ver. 1715116200 Basic Repair Kit - Minette ver. 1705107100 O-ring kit - Minette ver. 1725173000O-ring kit - Minette ver. 1715116400 O-ring kit - Minette ver. 1705106500 Basic repair kit - Minor, Major ver. 1815178500 Basic repair kit - Minor, Major ver. 1805107200 O-ring kit - Minor, Major ver. 1815177400 O-ring kit - Minor, Major ver. 1805106600Basic Repair Kit - Master ver. 1825177800 Basic Repair Kit - Master ver. 1815107400 O-ring kit - Master ver. 1825177500 O-ring kit - Master ver. 1815106800Basic Repair Kit - Matador ver. 1815178400 Basic Repair Kit - Matador ver. 1805107500 O-ring kit - Matador ver. 1815177600 O-ring kit - Matador ver. 1805106900Basic Repair Kit - Maxi L ver. 030 (Octa)5192203 Basic Repair Kit - Maxi N/H/SH/H-Lite ver. 011/300 (Octa)5192201 Basic Repair Kit - Maxi L ver. 010 (Tetra)5117800 Basic Repair Kit - Maxi N&H ver. 010 (Tetra)5117700 O-ring kit - Maxi ver. 011/030/300 (Octa)5189800 O-ring kit - Maxi ver. 010*******Basic Repair Kit - Magnum ver. 010******* O-ring kit - Magnum ver. 010*******Basic Repair Kit - Mega ver. 4005126501 O-ring kit Mega ver. 4005119202Accessories Part No Hydraulic Kit - Mega H 50Hz5126901 Hydraulic Kit - Mega N 50Hz5126900Accessories Part No Basic Repair kit & O-ring kitBasic Repair Kit - Salvador ver. 2825173400 Basic Repair Kit - Salvador ver. 2815116300 Basic Repair Kit - Salvador ver. 2805107300 O-ring kit - Salvador ver. 2825173100 O-ring kit - Salvador ver. 2815116500O-ring kit - Salvador ver. 2805106700Basic Repair Kit - Senior/Sandy ver. 2815178600 Basic Repair Kit - Senior/Sandy ver. 2805109400 O-ring kit - Senior, Sandy ver. 2815177700 O-ring kit - Senior, Sandy ver. 2805109300INOXBasic Repair Kit - Minette & Salvador INOX ver. 3905117100 O-ring kit - Minette & Salvador INOX ver. 3905008514Basic Repair Kit - Major/Master/Senior/Sandy INOX ver. 390 5117300 O-ring kit - Major/Master/Senior/Sandy INOX ver. 3905008512 Basic Repair Kit - Mega INOX ver. 390 WCCR-WCCR (for high pH)5194002 Basic Repair Kit - Mega INOX ver. 390 WCCR-RSiC (standard pH 2-10)5194006 O-ring kit Mega INOX ver. 3905119204BravoBasic Repair Kit - Bravo 200, 300 ver. 020******* O-ring Kit - Bravo 200, 300 ver. 020410694Basic Repair Kit - Bravo 400 ver. 020******* O-ring Kit - Bravo 400 ver. 020410695Basic Repair Kit - Bravo 500, 600 ver. 020******* O-ring Kit - Bravo 500, 600 ver. 020410696Basic Repair Kit - Bravo 700, 800 ver. 020******* O-ring Kit - Bravo 700, 800 ver. 020410697Basic Repair Kit - Bravo 900 ver. 020******* O-ring Kit - Bravo 900 ver. 020410697。
伊顿 JJN Limitron 300Vac 1-1200A、速动T级保险丝 数据表

JJN Limitron™ 300Vac, 1-1200A, fast-acting Class T fusesCatalog Symbol:•JJN-(amp)Description:Eaton’s Bussmann™ series Limitron™ advanced protection Class T current -limiting, fast-acting fuses.Specifications:Ratings•Volts• 300 Vac (1-10 A)• 300 Vac, 160 Vdc (15-600 A)•300 Vac, 170 Vdc (700-1200 A)• Amps — 1-1200 A •IR• 200kA Vac RMS Sym.• 20kA Vdc (15-600 A)•100kA Vdc (700-1200 A)Agency Information•cULus Listed file No. JDDZ.E4273• UL 248-15 – Class T Fuses•CSA C22.2 No. 248.15 – Class T Fuses• CE•RoHS compliantJJN-2JJN-40JJN-125JJN-450JJN-3JJN-45JJN-150JJN-500JJN-6JJN-50JJN-175JJN-600JJN-10JJN-60JJN-200JJN-700JJN-15JJN-70JJN-225JJN-800JJN-20JJN-80JJN-250JJN-1000JJN-25JJN-90JJN-300JJN-1200JJN-30JJN-100JJN-350Carton quantity:70–1005110–12001Features:•Provides 10X better current limitation to help prevent equipment damage caused by short-circuit events.•200 kA interrupting rating complies with NEC ® Section 110.9 for today’s large capacity systems.•Fast-acting fuse helps prevent equipment damage caused by short-circuit events.•Small, space-saving fuses provide a highdegree of current limitation on short-circuits for excellent component protection.•Ideal for critical industrial or commercialapplications that have specific current limitation requirements.Recommended fuse blocks*up to 30—T30030-2_T30030-3_T30030-4_35-60—T30060-2_T30060-3_T30060-4_70-100—T30100-1_T30100-2_T30100-3_110-200T30200-1_———2001B0083———225-400T30400-1_———450- 600T30600-1_———* For additional information, see data sheet no. 1115.2Technical Data 1025Effective July 2023JJN — 300Vac, 1-1200A, fast-acting Class T fuses/bussmannseriesDimensions – in1"( 0.02)0.88"0.88"2"Custom designsPrinted circuit board versions available up to 60 amps. Consult your Bussmann series product representative details.JJN-XXL Dimensions - inJJN-(35-60)L 0.5630.125JJN-(35-60)L-010.5630.165JJN-XXLS Dimensions - inunder Guide JFHR2, File E56412. Contact your Bussmann series product representative for RoHS status.3Technical Data 1025Effective July 2023JJN — 300Vac, 1-1200A, fast-acting Class T fuses /bussmannseries Time-current curves - average meltCURRENT IN AMPST I M E I N S E C O N D S20100100010,0003001001010.10.0160A100A200A30A400AAMP RATING600A15A800A1000A 1200A/bussmannseriesJJN — 300Vac, 1-1200A, fast-acting Class T fusesTechnical DataEffective July 2023Eaton, Bussmann and Limitron are valuable trademarks of Eaton in the U.S. and other countries. Y ou are not permitted to use the Eaton trademarks without prior written consent of Eaton.CSA is a registered trademark of the Canadian Standards Group.NEC is a registered trademark of the National Fire Protection Association, Inc.UL is a registered trademark of the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH Bussmann Division 114 Old State Road Ellisville, MO 63021United States/bussmannseries© 2023 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. 1025 — BU-SB13734July 2023Follow us on social media to get thelatest product and support information.The only controlled copy of this data sheet is the electronic read-only version located on the Eaton network drive. All other copies of this document are by definition uncontrolled. This bulletin is intended to clearly present comprehensive product data and provide technical information that will help the end user with design applications. Eaton reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Eaton also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin. Once a product has been selected, it should be tested by the user in all possible applications.Current-limitation curves10203040608010020030040060080010,0020,0030,0040,0060,0080,00100,00200,00600400200100603015A M P R A T I N G8001200RMS SYMMETRICAL CURRENT IN AMPSA-B = ASYMMETRICAL AVAILABLE PEAK (2.3 X SYM RMS AMPS)I N S T A N T A N E O U S P E A K -L E T -T H R O U G H C U R R E N T I N A M P SCurrent-limiting effects—15 A 30 A 60 A 100 A 200 A 400 A 600 A 800 A 1200 A5001000100010001000100010001000100010001000100010001000100010001000100010001000500010001000100010002000300050005000500010,00010001000100020002000400060007000900015,0001000100010002000300040006000900010,00020,000100010001000200030005000700010,00011,00025,000100010002000200030005000700010,00012,00030,000100010002000200030005000800011,00013,00035,000100010002000300040006000800011,00013,00040,000100010002000300040006000900011,00013,00050,000100010002000300040007000900012,00015,00060,00010001000200030004000700010,00013,00016,00070,00010001000200030005000700010,00014,00017,00080,00010002000200030005000800011,00015,00017,00090,00010002000200030006000800011,00015,00018,000100,00010002000200040006000800012,00016,00019,000150,00010002000300040006000900013,00017,00022,000200,00020002000300040007000900015,00019,00023,000。

图 3-
表 3-1
上 插座编号
侧 编号含义 屏蔽地 信号正 信号负 桥源正 桥源负 生产启动 地电位
220V 交流电源
220V 交流电源
3-4 通讯口接线
图 4-5
指令方式,即仪表只有接收到上位机的命令,才执行相应的通讯功能,另外, 最后必需有回 车结束符。
指令 指令格式
“B”为启动生产命令, 66 为“B”命令的校验和
(小数点在第 1 位置时不显示) (7)量程
图 4-8
”时(如图 4-8),按
键选择 1 至 8000 中某一数值,
该数值表示最大称重量,随后按 (8)零位范围
图 4-9
”时(如图 4-9),按
键选择 0.1 至 9.9 中某
一个数值,该数值表示零位范围在总和中所占百分比,随后按 置项。
11.显示区一 12.显示区二
动,按下该键显示器显示零。 显示区一在称重状态显示净重,在运行状态上料时显示该种料的 实际上料量,卸料时显示净重。 显示区二在称重状态显示毛重,在运行状态上料时显示该种料的, 卸料时显示毛重。

附录:门禁机蜂鸣器声音和 LED 提示说明 门禁机状态 声光指示
空闲工作状态பைடு நூலகம்退门按钮按下 设置管理卡 格式化数据存储器
长鸣 1 声
每隔 5 秒时间,左边绿色指示灯闪烁一次 短鸣 1 声,同时左边红色指示灯闪烁一次 长鸣 1 声,左边指示灯显示绿色
蜂鸣器连续发出“嘟嘟” (周期 1 秒) ,左边指示灯、 右边指示灯都为红色闪烁(周期 1 秒) 管理卡增加住户卡号 左边指示灯显示绿色,右边指示灯显示红色 管理卡删除住户卡号 左边指示灯显示绿色,右边指示灯显示绿色 空闲状态刷卡 短鸣 1 声: ◆无地址状态,卡号录入上传 ◆有地址状态,刷卡开门,左边红色指示灯点亮 短鸣 2 声:时间权限约束 短鸣 3 声:非注册卡号 门口机编程状态刷卡 短鸣 1 声:表示刷卡上传
b. 门禁机与门口机配合,通过门口机菜单对门禁机地址编辑的操作: 序号 功能 1 设置门禁地址 a) 设置门禁地址 进入门口机编程菜单, 进入 “系统信息管理\设置本机地址\设置主入口 (或 者选择设置单元门口),等待门禁机进入地址编辑的工作状态。 ” 按下门禁机编程按钮通电启动,蜂鸣器发出短鸣 1 声,左右两个双色指示 灯都显示绿色。等待门口机设置本机地址,门口机设置自己的地址后,自 动把地址匹配给门禁机。门口机显示设置成功,则门口机地址和门禁机地 址相同。如果 60 秒内门口机没有设置本机地址,则门禁机自动退出地址 编辑状态,以后门口机发出的地址更改命令将不再执行。
后面板接口定义: CN1(输入接口,单排 4P,脚距 2.54) : 1(地) ,2(手动开门输入,低有效) ,3(地) ,4(门磁信号输入,低有效) CN2(电锁控制接口,单排 3P,脚距 2.54) : 1(常闭端) ,2(公共端) ,3(常开端) 拟制: 审核: 批准:
Leica Cryofect V 2.3 冷冻转移系统说明书

支撑条中较长的一根 (标准配置供货)。
绝不能只用一个夹爪,否则无法保证 切片过程有足够的稳定性。另外,护 手板将无法完全盖住长刀。
图 11
Leica CE /CN 型刀架
1. 操作
确保凹口 (24) 朝向远离切片机的方向
危险! 钢刀和刀片十分锋利!切勿去抓掉落 的刀片!
技术参数 — CN 型刀架 - 夹爪间可变工作距离:64 mm 或 84 mm - 刀可用长度:12 cm – 22 cm - 刀高度:最低 25 mm – 最高 40.3 mm - 刀高度调节:最高 16 mm - 间隙角设置:0 – 10,可连续调节
订购信息 — CN 型刀架 • CN 型刀架,组件 • 刀支撑条 — 长度 13 cm 和 15 cm • CN 型防卷系统 (金属更换框和玻璃插件) • 玻璃插件,50 mm 宽 • 刀,长度 12 – 22 cm • Leica Cryofect 消毒喷雾剂
Leica CE /CN 型刀架 V 2.3 修订版 C,2017 年 1 月 – 中文版 订单号 14 0700 86102 本手册务必与仪器放在一起, 操作刀架前请仔细阅读。
Leica CE/ Leica CN
本手册中所包含的信息、数据资料、注意事 项和价值评判,只代表我们目前通过全面研 究该领域所掌握的科学知识和先进技术。 我们没有义务根据最新技术发展定期更新本 手册,也没有义务为客户提供本手册的副本 或更新资料等。 对于本手册所含的错误描述、图表和技术插 图等,我们将根据每个个案所适用的国家法 律体系尽可能免责。需要特别指出的是,对 于因遵从本手册的陈述或其它信息所造成的 任何直接或间接经济损失或损害,我们概不 承担责任。 陈述、图画、插图和其他关于本使用说明书 的内容或技术细节的信息不视为我们的产品 的保证特征。
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CERAMIC DIELECTRIC: N 150 CERAMIC CODE: ORANGE OR P CAPACITANCE TOLERANCES: C < 10pF: ± 0.25pF, ± 0.5pF ± 10% C ≥ 10pF: ± 5%, RATED VOLTAGE = 500VDC CAP. VALUE (pF) 2.2 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.3 4.7 5.1 5.6 6.2 6.8 7.5 8.2 9.1 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 20 22 24 27 30 33 36 39 43 47 51 56 62 68 D x s (MAX) (mm) 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x.5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 14.0 x 5.0 14.0 x 5.0 14.0 x 5.0 F ± 1* (mm) ORDERING CODE
Ceramic Disc Capacitors, Class 1
Vishay Draloric
Ceramic Disc Capacitors, Class 1
3.5 Max.
s max. D max.
Disc capacitors with phenol resin coating
Partially resin coated
D x s (MAX) (mm)
F ± 1* (mm)
RLP 922AQK / S RLP 924AQK / S RLP 927AQK / S RLP 930AQK / S RLP 933AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 936AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 939AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 943AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 947AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 951AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 956AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 962AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 968AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 975AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 982AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 991AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 100AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 110AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 120AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 130AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 150AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 160AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 180AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 200AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 220AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 240AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 270AQK / S 7.0 x 5.0 RLP 300AQK / S 10.0 x 5.0 RLP 330AQK / S 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 14.0 x 5.0 14.0 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 7.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 10.0 x 5.0 14.0 x 5.0 14.0 x 5.0 14.0 x 5.0 14.0 x 5.0
For technical questions, contact slcap@
Document Number: 22113 Revision: 02-Aug-01
Ceramic Disc Capacitors, Class 1
CERAMIC DIELECTRIC: CERAMIC CODE: CAPACITANCE TOLERANCES: RATED VOLTAGE = 500VDC CAP. D x s (MAX) F ± 1* VALUE (mm) (mm) (pF) 1.0 7.0 x 5.0 1.1 7.0 x 5.0 1.2 7.0 x 5.0 1.3 7.0 x.5.0 1.5 7.0 x 5.0. 1.6 7.0 x 5.0 1.8 7.0 x 5.0 2.0 7.0 x 5.0 2.2 7.0 x 5.0 2.4 7.0 x 5.0 2.7 7.0 x 5.0 3.0 7.0 x 5.0 5 3.3 7.0 x 5.0 3.6 7.0 x 5.0 3.9 7.0 x 5.0 4.3 10.0 x 5.0 4.7 10.0 x 5.0 5.1 10.0 x 5.0 5.6 10.0 x 5.0 6.2 10.0 x 5.0 6.8 10.0 x 5.0 7.5 10.0 x 5.0 8.2 10.0 x 5.0 9.1 14.0 x 5.0 7.5 10 14.0 x 5.0 11 12 13 15 16 18 20 22 P 100 RED OR A C < 10 pF: ± 0.25pF, ± 0.5pF C ≥ 10 pF: ± 5%, ± 10% ORDERING CODE CERAMIC DIELECTRIC: CERAMIC CODE: CAPACITANCE TOLERANCES:
25 + 5
D < 14 = 5 ± 1 D ≥ 14 = 7.5 ± 1 Ø0.6 ± 0.05
Component test 1250VDC 2s
C < pF : see note in General Information C < 30pF : ≤ (100 + 7) • 10-4 C C ≥ 30pF : ≤ 20 • 10-4
• Dimensions in mm
≥ 1 • 1010Ω
Capacitance value Capacitance tolerance Ceramic dielectric Code acc. IEC 60062 with letter code with colour band or letter code (see General Information)
Phenol resin, dipped
( - 40 to + 85˚C)
See diagrams in General Information Other ceramic dielectrics are available on request
40 / 085 / 21
On request
Vishay Draloric
NP 0 BLACK OR C C < 10pF: ± 0.25pF, ± 0.5pF C ≥ 10pF: ± 5%, ± 10% ORDERING CODE
D x s (MAX) (mm)
F ± 1* (mm)
RLA 910AQK / S RLA 911AQK / S RLA 912AQK / S RLA 913AQK / S RLA 915AQK / S RLA 916AQK / S RLA 918AQK / S RLA 920AQK / S RLA 922AQK / S RLA 924AQK / S RLA 927AQK / S RLA 930AQK / S RLA 933AQK / S RLA 936AQK / S RLA 939AQK / S RLA 943AQK / S RLA 947AQK / S RLA 951AQK / S RLA 956AQK / S RLA 962AQK / S RLA 968AQK / S RLA 975AQK / S RLA 982AQK / S RLA 991AQK / S RLA 100AQK / S