Application of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) as a Tool for Quality




抗坏血酸升温氧化过程的二维相关红外光谱分析华 瑞 孙素琴3 周 群徐永群(清华大学化学系,北京100084)(黄冈师范学院化学系,黄冈438000)摘 要 采用傅里叶变换红外光谱法(FTIR )和二维相关分析(2D C orrelation Analysis )技术研究了固态抗坏血酸在20℃~160℃的升温氧化过程。


借助于二维相关分析,不仅提高了谱图的分辨率,将一维红外谱图上1674cm -1处的单峰分解为两个自相关峰,显示了抗坏血酸的互变异构体中酮式结构的C O 基团和醇式结构的C C 基团的振动;还揭示了分子内各官能团之间的相互作用,反映了在升温氧化过程中这些基团之间的协同关系和变化的先后顺序。

抗坏血酸分子中C O 、C C 和C O C 基团发生了相互作用,其变化的顺序是C C 先于C O C发生偶极矩的变化,最后是C O 发生变化,此现象与抗坏血酸的氧化反应机理相一致。


关键词 二维相关分析,红外光谱,抗坏血酸,氧化 2002203223收稿;2002209230接受本文系国家中医药管理局科技重大资助项目(国中医药科2001Z DZX 01)1 引 言1986年,Noda 提出并构建了二维红外光谱(2D IR S pectra )的概念1。






80Meteorological and Environmentai Research2019by hhece!membeaneexcephaoehhenuc eaeeegnon.Themann components am ribosomes,storage materials,various en­zymes,intermediate metabolites,plasmids,various nutrients,andmaceomonomees.Thehwobacheenahavedn a eeenhcompod nenhs oacyhopasm,sohhey canbednshnngunshedby neaednnaead eedspecheoscopy.3Conclasions(1)The whole cells,cell walls and cytoplasm of salmonel-aand L monocytogenes aeedn a eeenh,sohhey haddn a eeenh absoephnonoaneaednnaeaeed nnghhepenncnpa!componenh peoiechnondnscenmnnanhana!ysns mehhodhoana!yzeandndenhnay hhem canachneveadesneede a ech.(2)Thevechoenoemanzahnonpeeheeahmenhmehhodwas used hoconduchhhepenncnpa!componenhpeoiechnondnscenmnnahnonanad ysns oawhoece!s,ce!wa!s andcyhopasm oasamoneaand L monocytogenes undeedn a eeenhconcenheahnongeadnenhs.Theeed suhs showedhhahsamoneaand L monocytogenes coudbednsd hnngunshed aeom each ohheeby hhe neaednnaeaeed specheoscopy ana!ysns oahhewhoece!s,ce!wa!s andcyhopasm.(3)Thewhoece!s oahhehwopahhogennc bacheenahhah was nohdamagedcouda!sobednshnngunshedby neaednnaeaeed specheoscopy,andhhesamee a echcoudbeachneved.(4)Neaednnaeaeed specheoscopy can be used hoc assnay andndenhnay samoneaand L monocytogenes.4OutlookThennaeaeedspecheaoasamoneaand L monocytogenes ce!s wnhhdn a eeenhconcenheahnongeadnenhs weeeusedhoobhann hhe neaednnaeaeed specheum nnaoemahnon oa samonea and L monocytogenes,andhhenhoshudy hhendenhnancahnonmehhodanddehechnon nmnhoa L monocytogenes and samonea by neaednnaeaeedspecheoscopy.nhwn!peovndeaqunck andeasy dedhechnonmehhodaoehhendenhnancahnonanddeheemnnahnonoahaemd au!mnceooegannsms,andhas agoodappncahnonpeospech.nn addnhnon,hheappncahnonoaneaednnaeaeedspecheoscopy nnmnceod bnoogy may peovndeascnenhnanc basns aoehheeaey dnagnosns o humandnseases.Shudynngneaednnaeaeedspecheoscopy hodehec common pahhogens nn aood has geeaheconomnc and socna beneanhs.References$11LU WZ.Moder a n e ar-i nfrarod spectroscopy an a lysis Och no l ogy $M%.Beijing:China PeOochemical Press,2000:86.$2%ZHANG Y,ZHOU MR.Methods for data process of near infrared spectroscopy a n alysis$J%.Infrared Tech n o l ogy,2007,29(6): 345-348.$3%LU WZ,YUAN HF.Moder a n e ar-infrared spectroscopy analysis hechnooogy$M%.Beninng:ChnnaPeheochemncaoPeess,2000: 4. $4%YAN YL,ZHAO LL.Foundation and applications of near-infrared specOoscopy[M%.Beijing:China Light UdusZy Press,2005. $5%LIU JX.Practical n e ar infrared spectroscopy an a lysis Och n o l ogy $M%.Beninng:ScnencePeess,2008:30-40.$6%LI J,LUI B,YUE TL,etal.Applications of near-inOorod spectrosco­py O foods$J%.Academic Periodical of Farm Products Process-nng,2007(3):44-48.o・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・oo・o(Feom page76)$4%YANG CM,MA L,CAO H.Lnghhnnng:Chaeacheenshncs anaoysnsand application in Anhui during2010-2012$J%.Chinese Agri-cuohueaoScnenceBu o e hnn,2016,32(29):155-160<$5%WUAK,WUSJ,ZENG Y,etaL Anaoysns oahhechaeacheenshncs of light n Og activities in Yunnan Guizhou Plateau$J%.U s ulators andSuegeA e shees,2017(2):74-79<$6%WANG JX,ZHUBY,MA M<Cha eac he ens hncs oaonghhnnngachnvnhy and its rolationship with the atmospheric environment parameter in Southeast China$J%.Jour o ai of Un i versity of Scio n ee andTechnology of China,2017,47(5):403-412.$7%LnUHB,ZHANG YF,LnYT.nnouenceanaoysns o/dneeenhaohndSides on lightnOg characteristics in Jiangxi Province$J%.MeO-oeooogncaoScnenceandTechnooogy,2017,45(2):342-348< $8%DUB,XnAO WA,MAQM<Chaeacheenshncs oaonghhnnngachnvnhnes and correlahon with precipiqZo n and temperature in Heilongjiang Peovnce$J%.Me heo eo oog nca oSc ne(ce a(d Tech(o oogy,2010, 38(6):798-803.$9%ZHONG YJ,CAO TY,GONG YP,etaL Anaoysns oaconmahnc character of lightning activity in Heilongjiang Province$J%.Jour-naooaNahueaoDnsashees,2007,16(5):79-82<$10%YUZY,HUANG YW,LANCS,etaL Anaoysns oaonghhnnngooca hnondahannHenoonginangPeovnnce$J%<HenoonginangMeheoeoood gy,2008,25(S):23-24<AcinowiedgemeniMetoorological and Environmental Research[INSN:2152-3940%is a comprehensive meteorological and environmental sci­entific joural contains strong technicality and high orientation in China,being published monthly in Rhode Island,USA.It has beennncoudedby UPD,ChemncaoAbs eac)s,CABn,CambendgeScnennanc Abs eac)s,EBSCO,ChnneseScnenceandTechnooogy PeenodncaoDaabase,Lnbeaey oaCongeess(UnnedSaes),andCNKn.Fortunately,for the contributions of all authors and readers to Metoorological and Environmental Research,r has been pub­lished successfully for nine years.And we,all members of the editor office of Meteorological and Environmental Research,ap-peecnahea o heopandassnshance eom younnhhepuboncahnono/oueiouenao.。

dns -甘蔗中还原糖快速测定技术的研究[1]

dns -甘蔗中还原糖快速测定技术的研究[1]

第22卷 第4期2009年8月山东科学SHANDONG SC I E NCE Vol .22 No .4Aug .2009收稿日期:2009204203基金项目:山东省自然科学基金(Y2007D54)作者简介:杨艳(1975-),女,工程师,研究方向为生物传感及生化分析。

文章编号:100224026(2009)0420024204甘蔗中还原糖快速测定技术的研究杨艳,马耀宏,杨俊慧,张利群,孟庆军(山东省科学院生物研究所,山东省生物传感器重点实验室,山东济南250014)摘要:采用还原糖测定仪法和DNS 法测定甘蔗中的还原糖含量。

结果表明,还原糖测定仪法标准偏差、变异系数均小于DNS 法,其回收率为99.1%。


关键词:还原糖;斐林试剂法;DNS 法;甘蔗;还原糖滴定仪中图分类号:TS243+.8 文献标识码:ARap i d D eter m i n a ti on of Reduc i n g Sugar i n Sugar CaneY ANG Yan,MA Yao 2hong,Y ANG Jun 2hui ,ZHANG L i 2qun,MENG Q ing 2jun(Shandong Key L abora tory for B iosensors,B iology Institute,S handong A cade m y of S ciences,J inan250014,Ch ina )Abstract:W e e mp l oyed a Fehling reagent based analyzer and ordinary DNS reagent t o standarddeter m ine reducing sugar in sugar cane .Results show that the deviati on and variati on coefficient of aFehling reagent based analyzer are less than those of ordinary DNS reagent .Its recovery rate is 99.1%.This indicates that a Fehling reagent based analyzer can deter m ine reducing sugar of sugarcane more accurately and rap idly .Key words:reducing sugar;Fehling reagent;DNS reagent ;sugar cane;reducing sugar analyzer 甘蔗,属禾本科,蜀黍族,甘蔗属,是热带、亚热带植株高大的高秆单子叶一年生或多年生草本植物,是制造蔗糖的重要原材料。



投稿须知1 总则1.1 简介 《胃肠病学和肝病学杂志》是由郑州大学主办的消化专业学术期刊,是我国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊);主要收录研究原著、研究快报、经验交流、短篇报道、先进经验与教训、新药介绍和评价、临床病理讨论、会议纪要、文献综述和国内外学术动态等各类学术性文稿。

1.2 收稿 欢迎先进性(创新)、科学性(设计合理、数据可靠和统计方法正确)、实用性(对于研究、临床或其他方面有较大指导意义)及可读性强的文章。


1.3 术语应规范,前后统一,如原词过长且多次出现者,可于首次出现时写出全称加括号内简称,以后直接用简称。

医学名词、药名等应符合国家相关规定,新译名词应附外文,公认通用缩略语可直接应用:如ACTH,DNA,LD50,HB s Ag,ATP,PCR等。

基因符号一律用斜体字符表示,如ras,m yc等;蛋白质常用相应的基因符号命名,一律用正体字符表达,如Ras,Myc蛋白等。

1.4 其他 计量单位参照中华医学会编辑出版部编辑的《法定计量单位在医学上的应用》一书。

数字执行G B/T15835-1995《关于出版物上数字用法的规定》,小数点前或后超过3位数字时,每3位数字1组,组间空1/4个汉字空,如,“1329”应写成“1329”。

斜体的使用包括,统计学符号如t检验、F检验、P值、x±s等;拉丁词in vitro、in vivo、vs、in situ等。

2 撰搞论著全文(含图表、参考文献等),包括文题、作者、单位,英文文题、作者、单位、摘要及关键词;中文摘要、关键词、中图号、文献标识码;引言、材料和方法、结果(或临床资料)、讨论、致谢及参考文献。







关键词功能性近红外光谱;脑卒中;神经疾病;运动功能;评定;诊断;综述Advance in Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy for Some Neurological Diseases(review)CUI Wei,LI Chun-guang,XU Jia-cheng,HE Liu-jin,SUN Li-ningKey Laboratory of Robotics and System of Jiangsu,School of Mechanical and Electric Engineering,Soochow Universi‐ty,Suzhou,Jiangsu215000,ChinaCorrespondence to LI Chun-guang,E-mail:********************.cnSupported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(General)(No.61673286),National Natural Science Foundation of China(Key)(No.U1713218)and Postdoctoral Science Foundation(No.2017T100397)AbstractFunctional near-infrared spectroscopy(fNIRS)is a non-invasive functional brain imaging technology,which has been used in observing activation of affected brain area and compensation of unaffected side for stroke patients,as well as the assistance of diagnosis for some other neurological diseases.Key words:functional near-infrared spectroscopy;stroke;neurological diseases;motor function;evaluation;diagnosis;review[中图分类号]R741[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1006⁃9771(2020)07-0771-04[本文著录格式]崔威,李春光,徐嘉诚,等.功能性近红外光谱技术在神经疾病中的应用[J].中国康复理论与实践, 2020,26(7):771-774.CITED AS:CUI Wei,LI Chun-guang,XU Jia-cheng,et al.Advance in Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy for Some Neurological Diseases(review)[J].Chin J Rehabil Theory Pract,2020,26(7):771-774.我国脑卒中发病率、致死率、致残率以及复发率高,患者年轻化趋势明显[1]。



纳米尺度nanoscale纳米基元nano-unit纳米结构单元nanostructure unit纳米材料nanomaterial纳米技术nanotechnology纳米结构体系nanostructure system纳米组装体系nanostructure assembling syst em纳米器件nanodevice碳纳米管carbon nanotubes原子团簇atom cluster单分散颗粒[系] monodispersed particle纳米颗粒nanoparticle团粒aggregate纳米粉体nano-powder纳米纤维nano-fibre纳米薄膜nano-film纳米块体nano-bulk纳米孔nano-pore纳米晶体材料nanocrystalline material纳米非晶材料amorphous nanomaterial纳米准晶材料quasi-crystal nanomaterial金属纳米材料metallic nanomaterial无机非金属纳米材料inorganic non-metallic na nomaterial高分子纳米材料polymer nanomaterial纳米复合材料nanocomposites结构纳米材料structured nanomaterial功能纳米材料functional nanomaterial生物医用纳米材料biomedical nanomaterial 小尺寸效应small-size effect表面效应surface effect量子尺寸效应quantum size effect宏观量子隧道效应macroscopic quantum tun neling effect惰性气体沉积法inert gas deposition物理粉碎法physics grinding高能球磨法high energy ball mill溅射法sputtering物理粉碎法physics grinding爆炸法explosion喷雾法spraying冷冻干燥法freeze drying化学气相沉积法chemical vapor deposition沉淀法precipitation水热合成法hydrothermal synthesis溶胶-凝胶法sol-gel辐射化学合成法radiation chemical synthesis 快速凝固法rapidly quenching强烈塑性变形法severe(intense) plastic deform ationh非晶晶化法amorphous solid crystallizatio n溅射法sputtering非晶晶化法crystallization of amorphous soli d原位复合法in-situ composite插层复合法intercalation hybrids微乳液法micro emulsion模板合成法template synthesis自组装法self-assembly石墨电弧放电法graphite arc discharge快速凝固法rapidly quenching表面处理surface treatment表面修饰surface decoration稳定化处理passivating treatmentX射线衍射法X-ray diffractometry扫描探针显微镜scanning probe microscopy 扫描隧道显微镜scanning tunneling microscop y,扫描近场光学显微镜scanning near-field optica l microscopy,原子力显微镜atomic force microscopy扫描电容显微镜scanning capacitance microsc opy磁力显微镜magnetic force microscopy扫描热显微镜scanning thermal microscopy X射线衍射法X-ray diffractometryX射线衍射线宽化法X-ray diffractometry line b roadeningX射线小角度散射法small angle X-ray scatteri ng透射电子显微镜法transmission electron micro scopy ,TEM透射电镜法TEM method扫描电子显微镜法scanning electron microsco py , SEM扫描电镜法SEM method拉曼光谱法raman spectrometry红外吸收光谱法infrared absorption spectrosc opy穆斯堡尔谱法mossbauer spectrometry光子相关谱法photon correlation spectroscop yBET法BET压汞仪法mercury porosimetry纳米压痕仪nano impress扫描探针显微法scanning probe microscopy, 扫描隧道电子显微法scanning tunneling electr on microscopy,STM扫描近场光学显微法scanning near-field optica l microscopy,SNOM原子力显微法atomic force microscopy,AFM 扫描电容显微法scanning capacitance micros copy, SCM扫描热显微法scanning thermal microscopy, STHM场离子显微法field ion microscopy, FIM磁力显微法magnetic force microscopy, MFM 激光干涉仪laser interferometer激光衍射/散射法laser diffraction and scatterin g离心沉降法centrifugal sedimentation。













1 实验部分1.1 实验仪器傅里叶变换近红外光谱仪,InAs检测器,分辨率1~64cm-1可调(步长为2),0.5mm 光程CaF2样品池。

1.2 样品光谱采集在近红外光谱仪上,以空样品池为参比,采用8cm-1分辨率,在3800~10000cm-1范围内采集光谱,扫描32次取平均光谱。

1.3 样品来源及基础数据测定为减少工作量,样品取自中石化股份有限公司天津分公司炼油部航煤加氢装置的馏出口航煤。








代谢组学在衰老研究中具有重要意义,本文综述了衰老相关代谢组学探究本文内容:摘要:代谢组学是近年来快速发展的"组学", 其优势在于高敏感度、高精确度、费用较低, 具有广阔的发展前景。

细胞衰老是随着生物体年龄增大, 细胞增殖、分化能力和生理功能逐步退变的过程。


代谢组学在衰老研究中具有重要意义, 本文综述了代谢组学在衰老研究中的进展。

这些研究发展加深了人们对于细胞衰老机制及过程的了解, 也为衰老相关性疾病的研究提供了新的研究方法及思路。

关键词:代谢组学; 衰老; 细胞衰老; 衰老相关性疾病;Abstract:Metabolomics is one kind of”Omics”with rapid development in recent years.Its advantages lie in high sensitivity, high accuracy and low cost.Metabolomics have broad prospects for development and the application of discipline spans biotechnology and pharmaceutical technology.Cellular senescence is a process characterized by the irreversible loss of cell growth and proliferation.Metabolomics can dynamically monitor the changes of the metabolites in the body following cellular senescence, and it makes metabonomics being of great significance in senescence research.This review introduces the progress of metabonomics in senescence research which deepened people&prime;s understanding of the process of cellular senescence and provides new research methods and ideas for the study of senescence mechanism and senescence related diseases.Keyword:Metabolomics; Senescence; Cellular senescence;Senescence related diseases;组学(Omics) 主要包括基因组学(Genomics) 、蛋白组学(Proteinomics) , 代谢组学(Metabolomics) 、转录组学(transcriptomics) 、脂类组学 (lipidomics) , 免疫组学 (Immunomics) 、糖组学 (glycomics) 和RNA组学 (RNomics) 等。










【关键词】主动脉全弓置换术;无名动脉;选择性大脑灌注循氧饱和度【引用本文】吴俊,王军,陈佳一,等.单侧无名动脉灌注在主动脉全弓置换术中的应用41上海医学,例例值年2简95-94.DOI:12.上〜2/等issn.0253-9933.2021.02.006Application of unilateral innominate artery perfusion in total aortic arch replacemnnt WU Jun j WANG Jun j CHEN Jiayi,FAN Meizhen,DING Jinkui,CHEG Xiaofang.Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery j Shanghai Changhai Hospital j Naval Medical University,Shanghni200433,ChinnCorresponding author:WANG Jun•E-mail:junwangok@【Abstract】0犫犮\狏To evaluato tho cercbral protectivo effect d(unilateral innominate artery perfusion m total aortio arch replacement.Methoku A total of64pationts who underwcnt cerebral perfusion with innominate artery cannula duti ng total aortio arch replacemont is Shanghai Changhai Hospital from January2016to January2019werc enrolled is this study.MO patients were treated with moderate hypothermia cardiopuloonary bypass.Oardiopuloonary bypass was astoblished by Cubaticn of superioe and inferior vena cava or righS atrium and femoral artery.Cerebral protecticn was achieved by unilateral selective antegrado cerebral perfusion,S o.,righS innominate artery perfusion alone.Near-infrared spectroscops analyzcr was used to monitor bilateral percutoneous continuous oxygen saturaticn.Results The oxygen saturaticn was(54.N±6.8)%C the OS brain and(58.2±6.M%C the righS brain beforc cardiopuloonary bypass.Ten minutes after cerebral perfusion,the OS cerebral oxygen saturaticn was(52.3±7.3)%and the righS was(57.8±7.5)%;20minutes after cerebral perfusion,it was⑷.4±7.5)%C the OS brain and(57.5±7.3)%C the OS brain.Whon the circulaticc resumed,the OS cere b ral oxyge n saturatio n was仅3.5±5.6)%and the righS was且0.4±6.2)%。



随着近些年来,我国畜牧业发展规模的逐步扩大,对饲料 的消费需求日益旺盛,为了获取更多的市场份额,增加自身的 经济收益,各个饲料生产企业在不断升级生产技术的同时,纷 纷进行品控能力的提升,对饲料原料、成品料以及加工工艺进 行全面控制。由于饲料生产活动的复杂性,如果按照传统的饲 料检测方式,对能量饲料、蛋白饲料、矿物质饲料以及各类饲料 添加剂进行检测,不但会破坏样品内含有的常规成分,并且检 测周期长,无法适应市场经济体系下,饲料生产经营活动的客 观要求。基于上 述 实 际,文 章 以 近 红 外 光 谱 技 术 作 为 研 究 核 心,分析近红外光谱技术的技术原理,立足于近红外光谱技术 在饲料常规成分分析的应用实际,以科学性原则、实用性原则 为先导,构建起现代化的饲料常规成分分析机制。
近红外光 谱 分 析 技 术 (nearinfraredreflectancespectrosco py)作为一种快捷高效的分析模式,产生于 20世纪 70年代,近 红外光谱技术在运行的过程中,以计算机技术、光谱技术以及 化学计量等作为技术框架,能够对检测样品中的相关物质进行 高效判别,实现样品分析的准确性[1]。与其他检测分析方法相 比较,近红外光谱分析技术借助于近红外光谱仪进行射线的发 射,利用不同物体对射线波长吸收能力的差异,通过定标方程 对射线吸收情况进行分析,因此与传统化学分析与物理分析方 法相比,近红外光谱分析法,表现出定量分析的优势,不需要进 行样品称量,就可以连续进行无限次的样品分析。同时在近红 外光谱技术体系下,样品的处理较为简单,只需进行粉碎处理, 不需要使用化 学 试 剂 或 者 进 行 样 品 制 作,大 大 降 低 了 操 作 难 度,缩短了分析周期。近红外光谱技术分析能力较强,通常情 况下,只需要几分钟就可以完成检测分析工作,并且可以进行 不同样品的同时检测分析,分析过程中不会产生废弃物,是目 前为数不多的绿色 清 洁 检 测 分 析 模 式 [2]。 正 式 由 于 近 红 外 线 光谱技术具有着上述优势,才使得其成为现阶段检测分析的主 要手段,饲料生产企业在发展的过程中,为了提升饲料常规成 分分析工作的准确性,缩短分析周期,压缩常规成分分析成本,



中国农学通报2013,29(20):190-196Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin0引言近红外光谱法是近年来分析化学领域发展较为迅猛的新兴光谱分析方法,具有快速,同时测量多种理化性质、绿色环保及操作方便等特点,不但可应用于常规的离线检测分析,还可通过近红外光谱仪的多种光纤测量附件实现对流动物料、固体物料等进行在线过程检测分析,采用便携式近红外分析仪还可用于流通领域中医药、水果及粮食品质的现场快速检测。


在欧美等发达国家比较重视近红外光谱分析技术标准和应用标准的研究与制订,使近红外光谱法的应用得到推广和普基金项目:科技部“十二五”支撑专项资助项目“National Key Technology R&D Program of China ”(2011BAI13B01-02);云南省质量技术监督局2011年地方标准制修订项目(云质监局函[2011]91号);云南中烟工业有限责任公司项目“红云红河集团烟叶原料近红外光谱分析物联网系统构建”(滇烟工科[2012]26号)。


通信地址:650106云南省昆明市高新区海源北路1699号云南瑞升烟草技术(集团)有限公司,E-mail :Yuantianjun@ 。


通信地址:650202红锦路181号红云红河烟草(集团)责任有限公司技术中心,E-mail :Honghe@ 。




第33卷第5期2217年5月分析测试学报FENXF CESHF XUEBA0 (Jonmal cf F/tmmextal Analysis -Vol. 33 Nc. 6668-213doi : 10・ 3969/j. issn. 1004 -4457. 2219. 05・ 016近五年我国近红外光谱分析技术研究与应用进展褚小立**,史云颖,陈 瀑,李敬岩,许育鹏收稿日期:2619 -63 -25;修回日期:2619 -60 -13基金项目:国家重点研发计划资助项目(2237YFB2396593 -*通讯作者:褚小立,博士,教授级高级工程师,研究方向:分子光谱结合化学计量学方法在石油及其产品中的分析研究与应用,E-mail : cxlyu/@ sinv. com(石油化工科学研究院,北京100083)摘 要:评述了近五年来(2014-2013)我国近红外光谱分析技术的研究与应用进展,内容涉及方法研究、软硬件研发、应用特点和趋势等方面,并对今后我国近红外光谱技术的发展方向进行了展望°引用文献97篇。

关键词:近红外光谱;化学计量学;便携式分析;在线分析;综述中图分类号:0657.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004 -4957(2419)45 -4603 -09ResearcO and Application Pmoresses ot Neer Infrared SpectroscopeAnalytical TecOnippc in CUinv in Past Five Ye e rrCHUXiaoCi * , SHF Yud-ymg , CHEN Pu , LI Jing-yan , XUYu-pxg(Research Institute of Petrolerm Processing , Beijing 140083 , China)Abstract : The research and app/cation propresses of near infrared spectroscopa ( NIR - analytical technipue in China in the past Ove years (2219 -2213) are reviewed in t his paper. Ft incluPes pre ­gresses on the methodoWpa , research and dxXopmedt of harkwaro and softoaro , chxacOAstics and trends of NIR a pp/cations in typical fields , with 97 references cited. The dxXopmedt trends for near infrared spectroscopy technipue in China in the near fitura are proposed and discussed.Keywords : near infrared spectroscopy ; chemometOcs ; poVadle analysis ; on-lide analysis ; review 近年来,随着仪器制造水平的提升,光谱化学计量学方法和软件的开发,以及各种样品测定附件 研制的不断进步,近红外光谱分析技术作为现代过程分析技术主力军,凭借其独特的技术优势,在我 国得到了迅猛的发展。



C=O 1715 cm-1 1800 cm-1
1828 cm-1
1928 cm-1
C=O 1715 cm-1
1735 cm-1
1800 cm-1
1870 cm-1
2. 共轭效应(C效应) 分子中形成大π键
共轭体系中的电子云密度平均化,使双键略有伸长(键强 降低,电子云密度降低),单键略有缩短。因此,双键的 吸收频率向低波数方向位移。 红移
PrinciplesofInfraredSpectros copy
InfraredSpectroscopy (IR)
FunctionalGroupandAbsorpti onFrequency
AnalysisofInfraredSpectrosc opy
氢键伸缩振动区:O-H、N-H、C-H 和 S-H 等。
(2) 2500-1600 cm-1 区域
叁键和双键伸缩振动区:C≡C、C≡N、 C=C、C=O等。
(3) 1600-1450 cm-1 区域 苯环骨架振动
(4) 1600-1300 cm-1 区域 判断和识别烷基
非线性分子:3N-6 (平动3、转动3) 线性分子:3N-5 (平动3、转动2)
(1)峰位 化学键的力常数K越大,原子折合质量越小,键的 振动频率越大,吸收峰将出现在高波数区(短波长区);反之, 出现在低波数区(高波长区)。


灌注减少,细胞损伤增加, 并 且 与 严 重 的 急 性 炎 症 反 应 有
关 [13] 。 细胞膜功能丧失引起氯离子内流,导致细胞水肿进
而坏死。 组织水肿加重组织低氧,形成一个正反馈。 随着压
肌坏死。 并且有研究报道 ACS 也会引起系统性变化,比如
article summarizes the pathophysiological process and diagnostic methods of acute compartment syndrome,and points
out possible directions for future diagnosis and treatment.
应在 ACS 的病理生理过程和随之的组织损伤中起着重要作

。 在一系列
活性之间的关系。 其中一项研究
平。 与正常小鼠相比,中性粒细胞减少组小鼠的肌肉细胞损
症状。 然而疼痛具有主观性,使其诊断比较困难。 在晚期由
。 在这种情况下,更彻底地评
等 [25] 提出 NIRS 可以作为评估 ACS 血流的非侵入性技术,
压降低直接相关,而 NIRS 提供了一种可靠、敏感的组织氧合



第49卷第12期人工晶体学报Vol.49No.12 2020年12月JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS December,2020锑化铟晶体材料的发展及应用柏伟,赵超,刘铭(华北光电技术研究所,北京100015)摘要:锑化铟(InSb)晶体材料自发现伊始,基于其独特的物理化学性质和优良的工艺兼容性,成为了半导体材料领域研究的热点。




关键词:锑化铟晶体;半导体;红外探测器;发展;应用中图分类号:TN213文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-985X(2020)12-2230-14Development and Application of InSb CrystalBAI Wei,ZHAO Chao,LIU Ming(North China Research Institute of Electro-Optics,Beijing100015,China)Abstract:Indium antimonide(InSb)crystal has became a hot spot in the field of semiconductor materials due to its unique physicochemical properties and excellent process compatibility since it is discovered.In recent years,as its application prospect in the field of infrared detection,it is widely concerned and valued by many research institution all over the world, and the technology has developed rapidly.At present,InSb crystal is the first choice for the preparation of high-performance medium wave infrared detector,which has great application prospect and commercial demand.The rapid development of infrared detector based on InSb crystal have greatly improved the performance of the infrared system and it promoted the infrared technology wide application in military and civil fields.This paper mainly introduce the properties of InSb crystal and summarize the research progress of InSb crystal at home and abroad,as well as its application in the field of infrared detection.Finally,the prospect and trend of its development is prospected.Key words:InSb crystal;semiconductor;infrared detector;development;application0引言锑化铟(InSb)作为一种皿-V族二元化合物半导体材料,物理化学性质稳定、工艺兼容性优良,自发现伊始,便成了半导体材料领域研究的热点。



第52卷第3期 辽 宁 化 工 Vol.52,No. 3 2023年3月 Liaoning Chemical Industry March,2023用于检测次氯酸的线粒体靶向荧光探针研究进展李梦婷(云南师范大学 化学化工学院,云南 昆明 650500)摘 要:次氯酸是一种来源于线粒体的活性氧,在各种生理和病理过程中起着重要的作用。

但是,当细胞中的HOCl 浓度超过正常值时范围,它会导致机体损伤和一系列疾病。

因此,近年来开发设计了一系列能实时识别和监测线粒体中的次氯酸水平的荧光探针,这有助于更好地了解生物体健康状况和HOCl 起到的生理作用和病理过程。


关 键 词:次氯酸;线粒体;荧光探针中图分类号:O657.3 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004-0935(2023)03-0426-04线粒体是一种控制着细胞进行有氧呼吸的细胞器,存在于很多细胞中,能够产生各类活性氧物种,同时拥有调控细胞周期、生长、凋亡等的能力[1]。






在最新的研究中,小分子荧光探针用于检测 HOCl 得到了迅速的发展并很好地应用于双向传感和成像应用[14-17]。





本次研讨会由浙江师范大学、浙江省社会科学重点研究基地儿童研究院、美国明尼苏达大学ICD 、加拿大多伦多大学Jeckmen 儿童研究所共同主办,浙江师范大学杭州幼儿师范学院承办。













五、结论 我们结合距离相关和 PLS 各自的优点,
序排列系数的绝对值,依次挑选系数最大对 提出了一种新的变量筛选方法 DCPLS 算法。
表1 数据集 Corn的预测结果
四、数据与结果讨论 我们选择一个实际的近红外光谱数据集 Corn[4] 来评估 DCPLS 算法的性能。作为参考 标准,SRPLS(selectivity ratio pls)被 用来作比较 [5]。 Corn 的波长从 1100nm 到 2498nm,并
实验表明 DCPLS 算法可以更充分地挖掘变量 的重要性,从而提高了变量选择和模型的预 测性能。
针 对 复 杂 的 高 维 光 谱 数 据, 数 据 在 呈 现 出 很 高 共 线 性 的 同 时, 含 有 大 量 的 冗 余 信息 [1]。我们提出了一种新的基于距离相 关的偏最小二乘算法(DCPLS)。为了克服 Pearson 相 关 系 数 的 不 足, 由 Szekely 等 2008 年提出了距离相关系数,它能较好地 刻画两个随机变量的相关性 [2]。偏最小二乘 (Partial Least Squares, PLS) 方 法 由 H Wold 提出 [3],已经成为化学计量学中数据 分析的主要方法之一。DCPLS 算法结合了距 离相关和 PLS 各自的优势,弥补了它们在应 用上的不足。实际的光谱数据集的实验和分 析表明,与常用的 SRPLS 算法比较,DCPLS 司法的预测性能有明显改进。
新方法 DCPLS 的原始想法。DCPLS 算法总结 SRPLS 选择的变量与波长区间列在图 1 中。



作物学报ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2012, 38(3): 505-513 /zwxb/ ISSN 0496-3490; CODEN TSHPA9E-mail: xbzw@DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2012.00505红外光谱技术在淀粉粒有序结构分析中的应用满建民1蔡灿辉1严秋香2胡茂志2刘巧泉1,*韦存虚1,*1扬州大学教育部植物功能基因组学重点实验室 / 江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室, 江苏扬州 225009; 2扬州大学测试中心, 江苏扬州 225009摘要: 傅里叶变换红外光谱技术(FTIR)可用于研究淀粉粒的有序结构, 包括透射模式和衰减全反射模式2种。

本文探讨不同去卷积设置条件对FTIR波谱的影响, 并分析FTIR在淀粉粒有序结构分析中的应用。

研究结果表明, 不同去卷积设置对FTIR波谱和相关峰强度影响较大, 以半峰宽19 cm-1和增强因子1.9的设置对FTIR原始波谱去卷积,获得的结果较好。

天然淀粉晶体类型不同, 其FTIR波谱有差异, 表现在马铃薯和山药淀粉的衰减全反射FTIR波谱相似, 与水稻淀粉明显不同; 水稻和马铃薯淀粉透射FTIR波谱相似, 与山药淀粉明显不同。

淀粉中的水分含量影响衰减全反射FTIR波谱, 当水分含量超过60%时, 对波谱分析结果基本没有影响。

酸水解优先降解淀粉粒无定形区的结构成分, 提高淀粉粒的有序度。

淀粉葡糖苷酶水解淀粉对淀粉粒外部区域的有序度影响不大, 但明显提高整个淀粉粒的有序度。



关键词:傅里叶变换红外光谱; 淀粉粒; 有序结构; 波谱去卷积Applications of Infrared Spectroscopy in the Analysis of Ordered Structure of Starch GrainMAN Jian-Min1, CAI Can-Hui1, YAN Qiu-Xiang2, HU Mao-Zhi2, LIU Qiao-Quan1,*, and WEI Cun-Xu1,*1 Key Laboratories of Plant Functional Genomics of the Ministry of Education and Crop Genetics and Physiology of the Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China;2 Testing Center, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, ChinaAbstract: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is used to study the ordered structure of starch grain, which has two modes: transmittance and attenuated total reflectance (ATR). In this paper, the different deconvolution parameters of spectra were applied to compare their effects on FTIR spectra in studying the ordered structure of starch grain. The results indicated that the different deconvolution parameters had significant effects on FTIR spectra and the intensities of relative peaks. The peak half-width of 19 cm-1 and the resolution enhancement factor of 1.9 were ideal deconvolution parameters of spectra to obtain the better results. Native starches had A, B, and C three types of crystalline, their FTIR spectra showed some differences. Potato and Chinese yam starches had similar ATR-FTIR spectra, which were different from that of rice starch. However, rice and potato starches had similar transmittance-FTIR spectra, which were different from that of Chinese yam starch. The water content of sam-ple affected the spectra of ATR-FTIR, but this effect was not detected when water content exceeded 60%. The ATR-FTIR spectra showed that the hydrolysis of amorphous structure in starch grain was faster than that of ordered structure during acid treatment. The ordered degree of structure in starch grain increased with increasing time of acid hydrolysis. The amyloglucosidase hydrolysis had no significant effect on the ordered degree of structure at the outside of starch grain by the ATR-FTIR spectra, but the ordered degree of structure of whole starch grain significantly increased with enzyme hydrolysis according to the transmittance-FTIR spectra. The amylose content is an important physicochemical property in determining the starch quality. Rice starches with dif-ferent amylose contents showed the similar ATR-FTIR spectra. These results would be very useful for the application of FTIR to the analysis of ordered structure of starch grain.Keywords: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; Starch grain; Ordered structure; Deconvolution of spectrum本研究由国家自然科学基金项目(31071342)和江苏省作物学优势学科项目资助。



近红外光谱分析技术在⾟硫磷农药残留检测中的应⽤(1)第29卷,第9期光谱学与光谱分析Vol 29,No 9,pp2421-24242009年9⽉ Spectro sco py and Spectr al AnalysisSeptember ,2009近红外光谱分析技术在⾟硫磷农药残留检测中的应⽤沈飞,闫战科,叶尊忠*,应义斌浙江⼤学⽣物系统⼯程与⾷品科学学院,浙江杭州 310029摘要采⽤近红外光谱分析法直接⽤于痕量农药⾟硫磷的定量检测。


⽤偏最⼩⼆乘(P L S)回归⽅法建⽴模型、留⼀交互验证法来对模型进⾏评价。

通过两批次实验,浓度梯度为0 5mg L -1的21个样品的交互验证相关系数为0 958,RM SECV 为0 872mg L -1;浓度梯度为0 25mg L -1的41个样品的交互验证相关系数为0 924,RM SECV 为1 15mg L -1。



关键词近红外光谱;⾟硫磷;农药残留;样品预处理中图分类号:S123 ⽂献标识码:A DOI :10 3964/j issn 1000-0593(2009)09-2421-04收稿⽇期:2008-03-28,修订⽇期:2008-06-29基⾦项⽬:国家博⼠点基⾦项⽬(20070335027)和国家 863 计划项⽬(2006AA10Z257)资助作者简介:沈飞,1984年⽣,浙江⼤学⽣物系统⼯程与⾷品科学学院博⼠研究⽣ e -mail:shenfei0808@163 com*通讯联系⼈ e -mail:z zye@zju edu cn引⾔近红外光谱分析技术相⽐于其他分析技术具有快速、简便、⽆损等优点,在农产品和⾷品的品质和安全检测中应⽤⼴泛[1]。

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Current Bioactive Compounds 2011, 7, 000-0001 Application of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) as a Tool for Quality Control in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)L.P. Guo1, L.Q. Huang1,*, X.P. Zhang1, L. Bittner1, C. Pezzei1, J. Pallua1, S. Schönbichler1, V.A.Huck-Pezzei1, G.K. Bonn1 and C.W. Huck2,*1Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing, China, 2Institute of Ana-lytical Chemistry and Radiochemistry, Leopold-Franzens University, Innrain 52a, 6020 Innsbruck, AustriaAbstract: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is becoming more and more popular all over the world. Novel analyticaltools for quality control are highly demanded enabling analysis starting at breeding and ending at biological fluids includ-ing urine or serum. Compared to analytical separation methods (chromatography, electrophoresis) near-infrared spectros-copy (NIRS) allows analyzing matter of interest non-invasively, fast and physical/chemical parameters simultaneously. Itcan be used for the quantitative control of certain (active) ingredients. In many cases identification can only be achievedby pattern recognition. Therefore, NIRS combined with cluster analysis offers huge potential to identify e.g. species, geo-graphic origin, special medicinal formula etc. In the present contribution the fundamentals, possibilities of NIR applied inquality control of TCM are pointed out and its ad- and disadvantages are discussed in detail by several practical examples. Keywords: Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS), Quality, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Geoherbs, Processing.1. INTRODUCTIONAuthentication of plant material and origin, identification of parts of the plant, qualitative and quantitative analysis of primary and secondary metabolites are the demanded ana-lytical key challenges to efficiently ensure quality in Tradi-tional Chinese Medicine (TCM) [1]. Traditionally applied identification, physical and chemical description follow dis-tinct and complex experience rules [1,2], which in many cases do not enable an exact, clear and objective determina-tion. Often only a (dried) part of the plant (or even animal) is present and then identification is based on personal and sub-jective operator decisions. Due to these circumstances, sev-eral new analytical techniques were established during the last three decades enabling a more objective analysis: The introduction of liquid chromatography (LC) [3] in the early 80ies and capillary electrophoresis (CE) [4] allowed a fast separation of low and high molecular weight ingredients. Due to the establishment of LC coupled to mass spectrome-try (MS) via an electrospray interface (ESI), which was hon-ored with the Nobel Prize given to Fenn in 2002, much more complex samples of interest could be put under considera-tion. Different kinds of carrier materials applied as a station-ary phase in solid-phase extraction (SPE) were designed to selectively enrich analytes of interest deriving from crude biological matrices including plant extracts, serum and urine [5]. Biochemical methods including DNA marker and coding were introduced for species identification [6]. Although, each of these methods is highly efficient, several different expensive machines controlled by special trained staff are *Address correspondence to these authors at the Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Science, Beijing 100700, China; Tel: +86 10 64014411; Fax: +86 10 6401 3996;E-mail: huangluqi@; and Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Radiochemistry, Leopold-Franzens University Innrain 52a, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria; Tel: +43 512 507 5195; Fax: +43 512 507 2965; required and finally, experiments are time consuming, being hardly suitable to high-throughput analysis [7]. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), which was already introduced in 1980, offers several advantages, including fast and simultaneous determination of different physical and chemical parameters, as well as easy operation at low costs after a careful calibra-tion of the entire system. In the following chapters the fun-damental principle, potential, ad- and disadvantages of NIRS applied as a tool for quality control in TCM are pointed out and discussed in detail.2. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF NEAR-INFRARED SPECTROSCOPYNear-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a spectroscopic method using the region of the electromagnetic spectrum from 4.000 to 12.800 cm-1 (2500 – 780 nm) [8], which was already discovered by Herschel in 1800. The NIR region covers the overtone and combination transition vibrations of mainly the C-H, O-H and N-H groups. The molar absorbance in the NIR region is typically quite small and due to broad signals more difficult to identify in comparison to mid-IR (MIR, 2.500 – 25.000 nm) spectra because of the higher grade of overtone and combination excitations. For spectral data evaluation two methods, raw spectra interpreta-tion and chemometrics/multivariate data analysis (MVA) are commonly used to elucidate the NIR spectra [9]. Visual spectra interpretations and absorbance band assignments play an important role, especially for the comparison of pure materials but also of rather complex spectra [10]. MVA based calibration techniques are applied to combine the spec-tral data with target parameters transferred from reference techniques or to expose similarities and hidden data struc-tures in the spectra [11-13]. NIRS coupled with spectra pre-treatment methods (derivatives, smoothing, normalization, filters, and baseline- and multiplicative correction methods) and multivariate methods (e.g., principal component analy-2 Current Bioactive Compounds 2011, Vol. 7, No 2 Guo et, PCA; partial least squares, PLS; multiple linear regres-sion, MLR; principal component regression, PCR) has been successfully used for the simultaneous analysis of chemical and physical parameters in agriculture, pharmaceutical and material analysis [14-16]. One of the forerunners of modern NIR applications, Karl Norris of the U.S. Department of Ag-riculture, used the NIR wavelength region for the spectral analysis of moisture content of grain and seeds [17], which at the same time was the first application of NIR in plant analysis. Radiation in the NIR region can typically penetrate deeper into a sample than MIR. Instrumentation for NIRS is suitable either for measurement in reflection/transflection (R), transmission (T) or interaction (I) mode (Fig. 1). It has generally been described to be very useful in probing bulk material with little or no sample preparation. NIR is a non-invasive, fast analytical technique since the sample of inter-est (tissue, extract, tablet, etc.) must not be destroyed for the analytical procedure. Next to this, NIRS possess the follow-ing additional advantages over other analytical techniques: Chemical (class of plant ingredients) and physical parame-ters (solvent composition, viscosity, pH, and conductivity) can be determined simultaneously; Measurements are robust and cheap; Analyses can be carried out off-line, on-line or in-line; High suitability for automation and high-throughput screening is guaranteed and measurements do not require special trained staff.3. NIR IN QUALITY CONTROL OF TCM BY QUAN-TITATIVE MEASUREMENTSIn many cases quality control is achieved by quantitative measurement of interesting components. Therefore, it is es-sential to calibrate the NIR system with a suitable set of samples, analysed by a reference method. Reference analysis is carried out by chromatographic/electrophoretic methods including iquid chromatography (LC), LC coupled to mass spectrometry (MS), micro-liquid chromatography ( -LC), gas chromatography (GC), capillary electrophoresis (CE) and capillary electrochromatography (CEC) or wet chemical analysis (titration etc) [3,7]. Thus, Huck et al. introduced in 1999 a strategy, which enables determination of plant con-tent in a multi-plant extractive system by analysing its corre-sponding leading compound (Fig. 2) [19]. Furthermore, other parameters e.g. pH, viscosity, solvent composition can be determined simultaneously by calibrating the system with the appropriate reference method. The suitability of this strategy of analysis was successful demonstrated by simulta-neously analysing the leading compound 3´,4´,5´-trime-thoxyflavone, water and ethanol content in a huge sample set of Flos Primulae veris [19] and was found to be also appli-cable to the analysis of St. John´s Wort [20] extracts.The biggest obstacle for quality control in TCM is the fact that there are often many compounds (some time more than hundred) in a raw material and no information is present about the individual health effect, which is valid for most Traditional Chinese Medicines. In this case, the second qual-ity control approach by NIRS is the establishment of a quali-tative cluster model, which can be suitable for a fast authen-tication and identification of raw material recording to their origin and composition, respectively. In the past, this method was shown to be highly efficient for controlling the sort, origin and year of wines [21, 22].4. APPLICATIONS OF NIR IN TCMIn Austria NIRS in the analysis of medicinal plants (“phytomics”) has been introduced at the Institute of Ana-lytical Chemistry and Radiochemistry, Universtiy of Inns-bruck, in 1999 [19]. In parallel, approximately at the same time NIRS was established as a novel tool for quality control in China. Now, NIRS is used not only for authentication, identification and quantification of raw material, but also for process quality control and/or extraction monitoring. Not only single raw materials, but also complex formulas are current subjects of investigation. TCM includes besides me-dicinal plants also medicine prepared from animals, fungus and minerals; NIRS is used not only for monitoring the sec-ondary metabolites, but also for the determination of addi-tional parameters, e.g., fiber, moisture, etc. Due to shortApplication of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) Current Bioactive Compounds 2011, Vol. 7 No. 2 3measurement times of only a few seconds, the use of optical fiber probe makes NIRS attractive for on-line monitoring. In Fig. 3 the main application fields of NIRS in TCM are sum-marised including control of•raw materials•production and extraction processes•preparation of medicinal formulation,which is described in detail in the following chapters.4.1. Control of Raw MaterialsCompared to chromatography, electrophoresis and MS no sample destruction is required for NIRS. Information can be gathered from the intact entire piece of sample. This cir-cumstance makes NIRS the preferred tool for pattern recog-nition of raw materials applied to•identify falsification•classify material into species, geographic regions •identify multi-originated raw materials•identify geographical provenance (“geoherbs”) and hab-its•quality control by quantitative analyses of ingredients 4.1.1. Identification of FalsificationTruth or false identification is the first step in the charac-terisation of raw materials. Xiang et al. [23] as well as Tang et al. [24] described the identification of 25 official and 27 a tailored artificial neural network (ANN). Recorded spectra were compressed by wavelength transformation (WT) and allocated into clusters. The established model allowed identi-fying true/false with a selectivity of 96 % [23]. Zhao et al. applied wavelength packet entropy and Fisher classification to identify medicinal rhubarbs [25], while Zhang et al. used vector machines [26].Zhonget al. established a cluster model of Pollen Typhae from different sources, which is used to relieve blood stasis, stop bleeding, treat stranguria and aponicas pain. The estab-lished model used the 2nd derivative spectra, vector normali-zation and factor method for classification [27].4.1.2. Classification Into Species, Geographic RegionsIn some cases original plants or animal species and origin are unconfirmed and disputable. NIRS based cluster analysis offers solutions to answer both questions. Licorice (the roots of Glycyrrhizia uralensis Fisch) is used as a medicinal herb and also as a food additive in China. The classification of licorice samples according to their growing conditions (Fig. 4a), geographic areas (Fig. 4b) and plant parts was devel-oped using fiber optic diffuse reflection NIR spectroscopy (FODR-NIR). With the use of multiplicative signal correla-tion (MSC) and Norris derivative filtering, the differences of the NIR spectra among different licorice samples were en-hanced even though the raw spectra showed only slight dif-ferences. The results showed that the NIR spectra of the samples were moderately clustered in the principle compo-nent spaces. Pattern recognition of soft independent model-ing of class analogy (SIMCA) provided satisfactory classifi-Fig. (2). Strategy of analysis to establish a calibration model in NIRS.4 Current Bioactive Compounds 2011, Vol. 7, No 2 Guo et al.Fig. (4). PC score plot of licorice samples originated from different (a) growing conditions (Tandi , Liangdi , shadi and (b) geo-graphic areas (Gansu , Inner Mongolia ). Reproduced from reference [28], with permission.method using HPLC data set as reference was constructed to predict the value of glycyrrhizic acid (GA) in licorice. The results showed that PLS models with both data normalization (DN) coupled with first derivative and MSC pretreatments provided acceptable results [28]. Liu et al. used NIRS based cluster analysis and discriminative analysis to classify Yangti (Chinese herb from Rumex patientia L., R aponicas Houtt, R chalepensis Mill and R dentatus L.). The obtained Wu et al. classified Baizhi (Angelica anomala, A dahurica, A dahurica cv. Hangbaizhi, A dahurica cv qibaizhi, A. porphy-rocaulis and A formosana) by NIRS coupled with pattern recognition. The results showed that the elaborated NIRS method can provide information for identifying species of these herbal medicines [30].4.1.3. Identification of Multi-Originated Raw MaterialsRaw materials composited of several plants or animal species deriving from different origins are called “multi-originated”. In most cases they belong to the same genus and have similarity in morphology, secondary metabolites and others. To indentify each component and proof for falsifica-tion is much more complicated than in case of a single raw material. According to TCM, the combination of several different methods is necessary for the identification of multi-original materials.NIRS allows to simplify this procedure applying cluster analysis. For example, 7 certified Fritillaria species, i.e., F. przewalskii Matim, F. cirrhosa D. Don, F. unibraacteate Hsiaaoet. K. C. Hsia, F. thunbergii Mig, F. pallidiflora, F. ussuriensis Matin and F. kupehensis Hsiaet K. C. Hsia, and 3 fake species, i.e., F. thunbergii Varcheki-ugensis Hsiaet K. C. Hsia, Tulipa edulis and Iphigeniaindica were dried, grinded, sieved and studied by NIR applying cluster analysis, convolution and transform-visualization-similarity analysis. In the frist step, this method enabled dif-ferentiation between true and false species but no assignment of individual species. Finally, convolution transform –visualization-similarity analysis allowed to magnify and also quantify the minute differences between the certified Fritil-laria species [31]. Achillea millefolium and 3 of its related species, namely, A. clypeolata, A. collina and A. nobilis were discriminated by principle component analysis (PCA) [32].42 different Cnidium monnieri (L ) Cusson species and their origins were identified by Cai et al. [33].4.1.4. Identification of Geoherbs and HabitsThe term “geoherblizm” was introduced in ancient Chi-Fig. (3).Flow diagram of NIRS application fields in TCM.Application of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) Current Bioactive Compounds 2011, Vol. 7 No. 2 5 used as a synonym for good quality. A top-geoherb is geo-herblizm with superior quality originating from preferredgeographical areas. This “geoherblizm” principle is appliedas a quality standard controlling method of TCM raw mate-rials. The traditional identification strategy is based on expe-rience and in many cases difficult underlying subjective de-cisions. Via NIRS geoherblizm can be characterised usingcluster analysis.Wang et al. collected 102 samples of Cordyceps fromTibet and Qinghai province (Cordyceps is the top-geoherb ofCordyceps according to TCM growing in Tibet), and usedNIR in diffuse reflection and transmission mode for theanalysis of both its milled and extracted form, respectively.The result showed that all Cordyceps samples can be allo-cated according to their source [34]. Wang et al. investigated57 samples of Panax gensing from Jilin province and 60from Liaoning province (p. gensing from Jilin province is thetop-geoherb of P. gensing) by NIR diffuse reflection spec-troscopy. After performing Savitzky-Golay filtering, calcula-tion of first and second derivative spectra, they found moreintense NIRS absorption in Jilin P. gensing than Liaoning P.gensing due to the higher content of ingredients accompa-nied by smaller scattering and shifting effects [35]. Zhang et al. identified Forsythia suspense from 5 different habits by NIRS using pattern recognition based on SIMCA. 5 predic-tive models were built separately, only 1 sample among 10 prediction samples could not be indentified correctly [36]. Xing et al. successfully identified Red Kojic made by M. purpureus fermentation(Fermentum Rubrum)from 18 dif-ferent habits by NIR diffuse reflection spectroscopy and cluster analysis [37]. Yi et al. used a NIRS approach to dis-criminate Ganoderma lucidum according to its cultivation area. Raw, first, and second derivative NIR spectra were compared to develop a robust classification rule. The chemi-cal properties of G. lucidum samples were also investigated to find out the difference between samples from six different origins. It could be found that the amount of polysaccharides and triterpenoid saponins in G. lucidum samples was consid-erably different based on cultivation area. Principal compo-nent analysis (PCA), discriminant partial least-squares (DPLS) and discriminant analysis (DA) were applied to clas-sify the geographical origins of those samples. For the dis-crimination of samples from three different provinces, DPLS provided 100% correct classifications. Moreover, for sam-ples from six different locations, the correct classifications of the calibration as well as the validation data set were 96.6% using the DA method after the SNV first derivative spectral pre-treatment (Fig. 5) [38].4.1.5. Quality Control by Quantitative Analyses of Ingredi-entsOne important point in quality control is the presence of certain compounds at specific concentration levels. There-fore, ingredients of interest in raw materials or deriving ex-tracts can be determined directly and quickly by applying quantitative regression analysis, which is established by cali-brating NIR values against true values deriving from refer-ence (such as gas chromatography, GC; high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC; electrophoresis, EP; super-critical fluid chromatography, SFC etc). Fig. (5). Three-dimensional score plot using PC1, PC2, and PC3 for discriminationg six Ganoderma lucidum origins, class 1, Jiaxiang; class 2, Huangshan; class 3, Taishan; class 4, Longquan; class 5, Jinzhai; class 6, Jingdangpu. Reproduced from reference [37], with permission.Yang et al. applied NIRDS and back propagation basedartificial neural network (BP-ANN) to realize fast determina-tion of the mannitol content in a range from 8.08% to14.55% in fermented Cordyceps sinensis powder. For mod-elling, first derivative NIR spectra of fermented powder,three different multivariate calibration strategies were em-ployed, including principal component regression (PCR),partial least square regression (PLSR) and BP-ANN. Fur-thermore, the root mean square error of cross validation(RMSECV) and the root mean square error of prediction(RMSEP) were selected as the indices for evaluating andcomparing the performance of calibration models. Within the wavenumber ranges of 7.501.7, 6.097.8 cm-1 and 5.453.7,4.246.5 cm-1, the obtained lower values of RMSECV (0.475) and RMSEP (0. 608) indicated that BP-ANN was thesuperior utilisation tool [39]. Ye et al. used NIR reflectancespectroscopy for quantifying isorhamnetin between 0.1%-0.8% in Hippophae rhamnoides Linn from West Sichuan plateau. Calibration models were established using the PLS(partial least squares) within the range of 12.000 – 4.000cm-1. Different spectra pre-treatments methods were compared. The study showed that spectral information can be extractedthoroughly by constant off set elimination (COE) pre-treatments method with the correlation coefficient r2 of 0.7398 , SEC of 0.107 and SEP of 0.073 ( standard deviationof the prediction sets) [40]. Bai et al. determined ecdyster-one’s content in Radix Achyranthis Bidentalae applying(PLS). The result showed that the correlation coefficient ofthe quantitative mathematics model between the predictionand the true values was 0.9489 [41]. Yang et al. detected the content of flavonoids in ginkgo leaves. The result indicated6 Current Bioactive Compounds 2011, Vol. 7, No 2 Guo et real if precision is high by chemical reference analyses [42]. Liu et al. determined arteannuin in Artemisia annua L. The corresponding model was established by PLS. RMSEP and r2 of the validation set samples of the model based on 6 coefficients were 0.544‰ and 0.998, respectively [43].In some cases it is necessary to detect several independ-ent active ingredients in a formulation simultaneously. Ana-lyzing five components (total isoflavones, puerarin, daidzin, starch, crude protein) components of P. Lobata(Pueraria lobata Willd Ohwi) demonstrated that the correlation be-tween the chemical value (true value) of the five components of sample set and the NIR predicated value was 0.9752, 0.9839, 0.9659, 0.9628 and 0.9829, respectively. The corre-lation between the calibration and test set was 0.9818, 0.9752, 0.9772, 0.9737 and 0.9798, respectively [44]. 14 relevant compounds in the medicinal plant Achillea millefo-lium were detected by NIRS using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) as a reference technique. PLSR was used to create 14 single-compound models (SCM, one re-gression model for each compound) on one hand and one multi-compound model (MCM, one regression model for 14 compounds) on the other hand. SEP was 0.49 % for SCM and 0.62 % for MCM. Paired t-test and one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed both SCM and the MCM work well in quantities of the compounds in A. millefolium. Pear-son bivariate correlation, principle component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis were conducted to uncover the significant relationship between the 14 com-pounds [45].4.2. Processing and ExtractionIn the following two chapters the suitability of NIRS to monitor the quality during the production and extraction pro-cedure are summarized.4.2.1. Processing Quality Control (QC)Most raw materials are further processed prior to clinical use or manufacturing according to TCM theories and clinic practices. The commonly used processing steps include cleaning, freezing, boiling, steaming, etc. Sometimes, vine-gar, honey, salt is added. Thereby, processing ensures dosage and removement by purification on one hand and improve-ment or change of the effect on the other hand. In many cases, the toxicity of the used raw materials is reduced. For example, heads and legs of Chantui (periostracum cicadae, Cryptotympana pustulata Fabricius) is removed; the small hair on leaves loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) are brushed off in order to avoid itch of throats, Dahuang (Rhizoma et Radix Rheum palmatum, R Tangutici and R Officinalis) is be steamed with wine to avoid abdominal pain or receive loose bowels. It is obviously that both physical and chemical pa-rameters are changed. Processed and unprocessed raw mate-rials are declared as two different kinds of medicine in TCM practice, i.e. dried Rehmannia root and streamed Rehmannia root (radix Rehmanniae preparata).The commonly used identification methods include expe-rienced identification, and some simple physical or chemical identification procedures. NIRS provides a very fast, user-friendly identification of processed materials. American ginseng (Panax quinaquefolia) and Asiatic ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Mey) as well as Asiatic ginseng processed products were analyzed by NIRS in diffuse reflection mode. The result show that American ginseng and Asiatic ginseng are more similar than Asiatic ginseng processed products, which indicated that processing can change the Asiatic gin-seng [46]. Bai et al. determined the reducing sugar content in powder of decoction pieces of Shu Dihuang (radix rehman-niae preparata) stewed with wine by FT-NIRS and data analysis. Cross validation and test samples determination showed that the correlation coefficient of the prediction model were 89.02 and 88.47, the RMSECV were 0.962 and 0.887, respectively. t-Test confirmed that there was no sig-nificant difference between the true data and predictive value [47].4.2.2. Extraction Quality ControlDuring recent years, extracts have even become more popular in TCM, because they are easy to prepare and are known to have a good patience compliance. The collected powder samples of Ginkgo biloba extracts were analyzed by HPLC and NIR, followed by chemometrical data treatment. The results showed that MPLS (modified partial least squares) regression model gave the best result. The multi-correlation coefficient of the prediction samples was 0.973, the recovery 96.15%-102.0%, with RSD of 1.1%. The elabo-rated method indicated that the total flavones in powder of G. biloba extract could be determined directly with high ac-curacy [48].NIRS was used for measurement of water content in 5 kinds of TCM extracts, namely Radix Scutellariae, For-sythia suspense, Flos Lonicerae, Cornu gorais and Bear gall powder. Spectra were recorded with the average of 64 scans over the spectral region 4.000 – 10.000 cm-1 at 8 cm-1 inter-val. The wavenumber bands containing 3 characteristic wavelengths of water (6.900, 5.200, 5.180 cm-1) were se-lected and pretreated applying multiplicative scatter correc-tion, Savitzky - Golay filtering, and first derivative. The calibration was obtained applying PLSR and optimized via inner cross validation and external validation. Results showed that the coefficients of correlation of inner cross validation and external validation were both above 0.90, and both RMSECV and RMSEP below 0.05. The calibration models were used for testing a new set of unknown samples, and the results were highly satisfying. The presented method is timesaving and accurate, which indicates potential to be widely used in the water content determination of TCM ex-tracts [49].Panax notoginseng herb extracts were investigated by NIR, HPLC and colorimetric method to monitor the content of ginsenosides Rg1, Rb1, Rd and saponins. The NIRS cali-bration models of ginsenoside Rg1, Rb1, Rd were built by using support vector regression (SVR). This method was compared with partial least square regression (PLSR) and radial-basis function neural network (RBFNN) modeling methods. The results showed that the predictive accuracy of NIR calibration models built by SVR was much better than that of the models built by PLSR and RBFNN [50].。
