



英语(翻译) 英语(翻译) 英语(翻译) 英语(翻译) 英语(翻译) 英语(翻译) 英语(翻译) 英语(翻译) 英语(翻译) 英语(翻译) 英语(翻译) 英语(翻译) 英语(翻译) 英语(翻译) 英语(翻译)
英语(翻译) 英语(翻译) 英语(翻译) 英语(翻译)
指导教师 姓名
翻译实践:《初启之诗》第一章《关于普拉斯的三大错误解读》 吴磊
课题 来源
课题 实践 性质 过程
毕设 类型
论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文 论文
C A E 论文
C A E 论文 C A E 论文 C A E 论文 C A E 论文
Y03109108 卢奕婷
Y03109109 黄淑萍 Y03109110 秦晓丹 Y03109111 吕玲霞 Y03109112 曹丹 Y03109113 招紫瑶 Y03109114 顾纯晓 Y03109115 梁燕 Y03109116 田霏 Y03109117 杨晓凤 Y03109118 张靓



中国地质大学长城学院本科毕业设计(论文)文献综述系别:外语系专业:英语翻译姓名:学号:2013 年4月22日Literature Review1.The background of the research.Some product instruction translations are not standard, They are not often familiar with which field the product belongs to, The conciseness of product instruction reflect in the nominalization. It is a common sight to use some simple verbs and speaking vocabulary to describe the goods simply and vividly in the instruction. Long sentences in the product manual cut short into noun or phrase. The conciseness of product instruction also be fund expression in abbreviating the structure of the word and abbreviation. So we should pay attention to the accuracy of product instruction translation.2. The relevant information2.1. Language features of product instructionProduct manuals usually adopt a complete narrative text. The product performance, functionality, and matters needing attention and so on are explained in detail. Product specifications have a variety of text function, its unique language features determine the characteristics of objectivity, conciseness and appeal.2.2 The structural features of product instructionThe main content of product instruction: Title(name, manufacturer, brand, registered trademarks, product type, product code).Text(Product overview, producing area, specifications, components, materials, characteristics, structure, function, usage, precautions, main performance, technical indicators, the production batch number, quality assurance, name, address, zip code, phone, fax, E-mail). Winding-up stage(the contact information of manufacturer).The appendix(maintenance and repair).3. The category of product instruction translation3.1Literal TranslationLiteral translation means to translate literally and to translate word for word, but you should not obey the writer’s meaning. Literal translation is mainly used to deal with some advertisements with simple sentence structure and understandable semantic meaning.3.2 Free TranslationIt means a half-baked demarcation vaguely meaning it is something different form literal or verbatim translation, neither of which exists; advertising’s free translation needs the translation express ing the original text’s content, but may differ from the original text’s style. One may not use the literal translation, in these situations, one can try free translation.3.3Omission TranslationOmission means leaving out the redundant or useless information from the source text to make the target text terse, easy to remember and idiomatic. More often than not, this strategy is employed to deal with advertisement translation from Chinese to English for the primary reason that the English language is usually compact, explicit, and concise while Chinese is always wordy and implicit. This linguistic differences is due in large part to the fact that English and Chinese are from two completely different language families, both of which are deeply affected by history and culture. For example, through history Chinese people gradually developed a belief in the harmony of nature and man, while westerners would rather believe in the separation of nature from man. Whereas the Chinese language often features clichés and florid words, English is always terse and clear. There are few occasions where you can find redundant and unnecessarily wordy language in English.Bibliography[1]Nord, Christine.(1991). Text Analysis in Translation[J]. Amsterdam : Benjamins. 67-72[2]Nord, Christine.(2001). Translating as a Purposeful Activity[M]: Functionalist Approached Explained. Shanghai : Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,121-130.[3] 张美芳,黄国文.《语篇翻译学与翻译研究》.青岛:青岛出版社,2002(5):211-231[4]贾文波.《应用翻译功能论》,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2004(7):245-251[5]贾文波,《英时文翻译--政治经济汉译英300句析》,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2000(1):97-99[6]彭萍,《实用商务文体翻译》,北京,中央编译出版社,2008(5):113-115[7]谢建平,《功能语境与专门用途英语语篇翻译研究》,杭州,浙江大学出版社,2008(5):201-204[8]贾文波,原作意图与翻译策略[J].中国翻译,2002(4):30-33[9]贾文波,文本功能对应用翻译的策略指导[J].[10]李建军,英汉应用文互译[M]上海交通大学出版社2008[11]崔美曼,新编实用英汉翻译教程,东南大学出版社2008[12]张新红、李明,商务英语翻译[M]高等教育出版社2003。



本科毕业设计(论文)题目:姓名:学院:专业:班级:学号:指导教师: 职称:二○一年月日摘□要(“摘要”之间空两格,采用三号字、黑体、居中,与下面具体内容空一行)□□×××××××××(内容采用小四号宋体,300-500字,1.5倍行距)×××××;×××××;×××××;×××××;(采用小四号、宋体、接排,3-5个关键词)ABSTRACT(采用三号字、Times New Roman字体、加黑、居中、与下面具体内容空一行)□□×××××××××(内容采用小四号Times New Roman字体,1.5倍行距。

)×××××;×××××;×××××;×××××;采用小四号、Times New Roman字体、接排小四号、Times New Roman、加黑、顶格目录(三号、黑体、居中、“目录”两字中间空两格、与下面具体内容空一行。


)引言(或绪论) (1)第一章☆☆☆(四号、宋体、粗体)……………………………………………Y 1 ×××××(小四号、宋体)…………………………………………………………Y 1.1 ×××××(小四号、宋体)…………………………………………………………Y 1.2……………………………………………………………………………Y 1.2.1 ×××××(小四号、宋体)………………………………………………………Y 1.2.2 ×××××………………………………………………………………………Y 1.2.3 ×××××………………………………………………………………………Y 第二章☆☆☆(四号、宋体、粗体)……………………………………………Y 2 ×××××(小四号、宋体)…………………………………………………………Y 2.1 ×××××(小四号、宋体)…………………………………………………………Y 2.2……………………………………………………………………………Y 2.2.1 ×××××(小四号、宋体)……………………………………………………Y……………………………………………………………………………………………………………(略)结论(四号、宋体)……………………………………………………………………Y 致谢(四号、宋体)…………………………………………………………………Y 参考文献(四号、宋体)…………………………………………………………Y 附录 A ××××(必要时)…………………………………………………………Y 图1 ××××(必要时)………………………………………………………………Y 表1 ××××(必要时)………………………………………………………………Y(本行下面插入了一个分节符,下面的内容不要删除,换行符也不要删除)1 ☆☆☆(一级标题,小二号、黑体)1.1 ☆☆☆(二级标题:小三号、黑体)1.1.1 ☆☆☆(三级标题:四号、黑体)□□☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆正文(正文采用小四号、宋体,段落为:1.5倍行距,段前、段后均为0磅)××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××表1.3□□××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。




经过专家评阅和遴选,评定《煤城一矿1.2Mt/a 新井设计》等87篇毕业设计(论文)被评为校级优秀毕业设计(论文)。























南京师范大学毕业设计(论文)封面模板南京师范大学毕业设计(论文)( 2012 届)题目:论******学院: ****学院专业: ****姓名: ***学号: *****指导教师: ****南京师范大学教务处制目录(黑体、小四。


)1 导论(章、黑体、小四。


) (1)2 企业内部信息流的内涵与形态 (1)2.1企业内部信息流的内涵 (1)2.2 企业内部信息流的形态(节、二级标题、宋体、小四、退一字。

标题号间用圆点) (1)2.2.1 正式信息流(小节、三级标题、宋小四、再退一字。

标题号间用圆点) 12.2.2企业非正式信息流 (2)……(四级以下标题可按A.B.C.和a.b.c.顺序设两层,但一般不列入目录。


)……………………………………3 企业内部信息流的基本特征 (2)…………7加强企业内部信息流管理 (9)7.4 以信息素质培养为手段,加强信息质量基础 (10)8 结论 (10)谢辞 (10)参考文献 (10)(结论、谢辞、参考文献依上例中的顺序设立。

)1 导论(一级标题、黑体、三号、顶格。





西文字母用Times New Roman。




)2 企业内部信息流的内涵与形态2.1 企业内部信息流的内涵(二级标题、黑体、小三号、顶格。



)信息在企业内部总是流动着的,……2.2 企业内部信息流的形态2.2.1 企业正式信息流(三级标题、黑体、小三号、顶格。










(外语专业为8 000~10 000词)。








英文关键词(Key words)应与中文关键词相同。



























毕业论文(设计)工作进度记录表--参考模板————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:2厦门大学嘉庚学院本科生毕业论文(设计)工作进度记录表学生xxx 学号xxxx所在专业xxxxxx指导教师xxxx 职称xxxx所属单位xxxxx第一阶段:选题1.毕业论文(设计)常识性指导(学生填写)指导时间:2012。


15指导形式:面谈咨询与现场交流指导地点:理工楼305、办公室主要内容:1. 参加毕业设计课题的选题说明会:10月15日参加了系组织毕业设计课题的选题说明会,系主任等老师对毕业设计的总体要求,做了统一的解读;对毕业设计的流程和各阶段要求做了说明,初步了解毕业设计不同课题所需要的基础知识和专业要求、各课题应完成的任务和基本指标和毕业设计论文的撰写规范。






3.课题预期目标:(1)用PLC技术及设备来实现对电热锅炉的电气控制,完全达到原有的控制功能;(2)在实现控制功能的基础上,用WinCC 进行监控和仿真;具有模拟演示功能;(3)本课题尽量采用人机界面(HMI)来提供这种透明性,便于操作;(4)对电热锅炉系统,将采用外部水温传感器和模拟相结合的形式,自己制作和焊接电路板,能完成水温和水位的控制调节;(5)在设计过程中,将进行优化设计,使电热锅炉的控制具有更高的安全性能,包括报警和保护功能,以提高可靠性。



毕业论文英语作文万能模板Title: A General Template for Graduation Thesis in English。

Abstract:The graduation thesis is an essential part of the academic journey for students in higher education. Writing a thesis in English requires careful planning, organization, and attention to detail. This article provides a general template for writing a graduation thesis in English, covering key sections and tips for successful completion.Introduction:The introduction sets the stage for the thesis by providing background information on the topic, stating the research question or problem, and outlining the structure of the thesis. It should be concise and engaging, capturing the reader's interest and motivating them to continue reading.Literature Review:The literature review provides a comprehensive overview of existing research and scholarship related to the topic of the thesis. It should critically evaluate and synthesize the literature, identifying gaps, contradictions, and areas for further investigation. The literature review is essential for establishing the context and significance of the research and demonstrating the student's understanding of the relevant literature.Methodology:The methodology section describes the research design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques used in the study. It should be detailed and precise, allowing the reader to understand how the research was conducted and how the results were obtained. The methodology should be aligned with the research question and objectives, ensuring the validity and reliability of the study.Results:The results section presents the findings of the research in a clear and organized manner. It should include tables, figures, and other visual aids to support the presentation of data. The results should be reported accurately and objectively, without interpretation or speculation. The results section is crucial for demonstrating the student's ability to analyze and interpret data and draw meaningful conclusions.Discussion:The discussion section interprets the results in relation to the research question and objectives, addressing their implications, limitations, and potential applications. It should also compare the findings with previous research and theory, highlighting their significance and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field. The discussion should be logical, coherent, and persuasive, providing a compelling argument for the conclusions drawn from the research.Conclusion:The conclusion summarizes the key findings and insights of the thesis, emphasizing their significance and relevance. It should restate the research question and objectives, review the main points of the thesis, and offer suggestions for future research. The conclusion should leave a lasting impression on the reader, reinforcing the value and impact of the research.References:The references section lists all the sources cited in the thesis, following a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago). It should be accurate and consistent, providing the necessary information for readers to locate and verify the sources.Tips for Successful Completion:Start early and plan ahead to allow sufficient time for research, writing, and revision.Seek feedback from professors, advisors, and peers to improve the quality of the thesis.Use clear and concise language, avoiding jargon and excessive technical details.Follow the guidelines and formatting requirements of the institution for the thesis.Proofread and edit the thesis carefully to eliminate errors and improve readability.Conclusion:Writing a graduation thesis in English is a challenging but rewarding endeavor that showcases students' knowledge, skills, and creativity. By following the general template and tips provided in this article, students can effectively structure and complete their theses, contributing to their academic and professional development.。



徐克彬 张艳冬 机械工程与自动化学院 刚加芝 刘树伟 韩录鑫 秦玉英 卢骏鹏 金辉 陈峰然 宛剑业 蒋卫伟 陈学文 段永岗 李强 李如 刘亮 平 刘德权 杨晓平 罗建斌 齐 运雨桐 冯世宏 邰成龙 孙丽颖 郑闯 蓝和慧
获奖 等级 毕业设计(论文)题目 基于Netlinx网络远程锅炉水位控制系统设计 田山降压变电所电气部分设计 基于单片机的工频交流电压信号示波器设计 基于Android的记账软件设计与实现 大连市某教学楼采暖、给排水系统设计 辽阳市某中学教学楼 大连-庄河高速公路AB段设计 WW市污水处理厂工艺设计 凌川大桥下部结构设计 三 Fresh Air 净化空气健身车设计 等 锦州中学新校区规划及建筑设计 奖 《思考的 青春》书籍插画及视觉推广设计 装饰画及视觉推广设计——《族·裳》 北京市廉租房政策实施中存在的问题研究 石佛大桥大体积混凝土温度裂缝控制方案分析 中小型民营企业市场营销模式比较研究 解读《儿子与情人》中的恋母情结 日本語の鏡像語について关于日语的镜像语 纪录片《舌尖上的中国》研究 论广告中的文学元素 学生 姓名 那迪
分析查尔斯· 狄更斯的《大卫· 科波菲尔》中的人文关怀 金洪涛 张祝祥
丁凤波 王宏祥 机械工程与自动化学院 贺 张玉成 机械工程与自动化学院 雷 机械工程与自动化学院
汽车与交通工程学院 汽车与交通工程学院 汽车与交通工程学院 材料科学与工程学院 材料科学与工程学院 化学与环境工程学院 化学与环境工程学院 电气工程学院 电气工程学院 电气工程学院 电子与信息工程学院 电子与信息工程学院
获奖 等级 毕业设计(论文)题目 学生 姓名
指导教 师姓名



毕业论文,泛指 专科毕业论文、 本科毕业论文、 硕士研究生毕业论文 (硕士学位论文)、 博士研究生毕业 论文(博士学位论文)、 博士后毕业
论文等,即需要在学业完成前写作并 提交的论文,是教学或科研活动的重 要组成部分之一。
1.毕业设计(论文)要按照中国石油 大学(北京)现代远程教育学院毕业设 计(论文)书写格式书写。
在表题左方不加标点,空一格接写表题,表题 应写在表格上方正中,用五号宋体,表题末尾 不加标点。表格应逐章编序,如“表2-2”表示 第2章的第2张表。表序必须连续。表格允许下 页接写,接写时表题省略,表头应重复书写, 并在右上方写“续表××”。
1.凡申请学位的学生毕业设计(论文)成 绩必须达到良好。
封面按照学院设计的固定封面模板 格式填写。
摘要是对设计(论文)的内容不加 注释和评论的简短陈述,主要内容包括: 毕业设计(论文)所研究的内容、目的、论 文的基本思路和逻辑结构、实验方法、 主要成果和结论,应能反映整个内容的 精华。一般为300字左右。
在摘要之后另起一行写出关键词3~ 5个。
(1)期刊 [序号] 作者.文章题目.刊名,出版年;
卷号(期号),起止页码。 (2)专著
[序号] 作者.书名.其他责任者(如编者 译者).版本.出版地:出版者,出版年,起 止页码。
在本篇论文中参考的有关文献,要标出来 源或出处。
专著类【M】:作者、书名、出版地、出 版社、出版年、页码。
(2)论文主体:是作者对研究工作的详细 表述,它占全文的绝大部分。论文主体要符合 一般学术论文的写作规范,具备学术性、科学 性和一定的创造性。论文应文字流畅,语言准 确,层次清晰,论点清楚,论据准确,论证完 整、严密,有独立的观点和见解。毕业设计 (论文)内容要理论联系实际,涉及到他人的 观点、统计数据或计算公式的要标明出处,涉










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附件: 南昌大学2013届本科生百篇优秀毕业设计(论文)汇总表
附件: 南昌大学2013届本科生百篇优秀毕业设计(论文)汇总表
附件: 南昌大学2013届本科生百篇优秀毕业设计(论文)汇总表
附件: 南昌大学2013届本科生百篇优秀毕业设计(论文)汇总表
附件: 南昌大学2013届本科生百篇优秀毕业设计(论文)汇总表
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300字左右How to Improve the Ability of Fast ReadingABSTRACTReading is one of the four important skills in English as second or foreign language, especially fast reading, it is also a skill that the students need to possess to support independent and self-directed learning, and a channel for students to acquire as much information as possible every day. Therefore, the research is getting more and more important on how to speed up their reading for the English major. Some concerned studies indicate that it is essential for students to foster a good English reading habit. And being able to adopt different reading skills for different read materials and purposes will also help the students read more effectively. Through the analysis of different reading behaviors and comparison of various reading techniques, this paper presents the significance of fast reading in two aspects and sums up seven bad reading habits. Based on this, it further discusses about the development of the positive reading skills and the forming method of the correct reading mode. In practice of these, it intends to help the students to avoid bad reading habits, acquire important reading techniques, increase reading interests and improve reading effects.KEY WORDS: fast reading,bad habits,good skill英文摘要和关键词内容应与中文内容完全一致,字数在250字左右ContentsIntroduction (1)Chapter 1 The Importance of Fast Reading (1)1.1 Some Bad Reading Habits (3)1.1.1 Reading Habits (4)1.1.2 Bad Reading Habits (5)1.2The Importance of Fast Reading (5)Chapter 2 Reading Skills (6)2.1 Selecting of Reading Materials (6)2.2 Skimming and Scanning (7)2.3 Improvement of Reading Speed (8)2.4 The Importance of Self-correction (9)2.5 Speed Exercise and Vocabulary Building (9)2.6 The Structure of Paragraphs (10)2.7 Student‟s Anticipation (11)2.8 Recognition Span Expanding (13)Chapter 3English Reading Habits Forming (14)3.1 In-depth English Reading (14)3.2 Active English Reading (15)3.3 Critical English Reading (15)Conclusion (18)Acknowledgements (19)Bibliography (20)注意:1. 此部分页码要对齐,排版时在内容键入完全后,可将此目录所有内容选中(Contents一词除外),并点击中最右边的按钮即可,也可请打印人员帮忙调整。

2. 一级标题顶格,二级标题从左起空四个英文字符,三级标题与二级标题的第一个单词的首字母对齐(具体见模版)。

如标题太长需换行,与上一行第一个英文单词对齐3. 各级标题应使用名词性短语和词组,不能使用句子;各级标题中实词的第一个字母均大写!IntroductionIn the past, it was thought that a language was a system of linguistic symbols and students were requested to remember the words and grammar rules, so English reading was considered as a way for students to enlarge their vocabulary and enforce linguistic rules. On the other hands, the aim of English teaching was to help students pass the exams. So teachers were paying close attention to the development of the students‟ test-oriented abilities. Some students might get high marks in their tests, but lacked in the abilities to communicate. That is to say, students learned nothing but some words and grammar rules in English reading.Nowadays, with the development of society, science and technology develop at high speed and the competition in the society become sharp. Studies in the past have shown that the exam-oriented educational system promotes rote learning, and so that there needs to be a paradigm shift in how students view education and about the way they learn. Most students read English materials only to pass exam and do not read for pleasure. Thus, after many year of learning English, some one even has not known that how important reading is.The following passage is talking about the importance of fast reading, the bad reading habits and reading skills.Chapter 1 The Importance of Fast ReadingDuring our studies, nearly 80% of the knowledge is gotten through reading, learning, no matter at school or by oneself, most requires reading and reading is also one of the cheapest and fastest methods of getting information.Fast reading is even more useful and important, especially in nowadays, in order to become well-learnt people that the society needs, most students long for extensive English reading, hoping to do preparation for the future job by this way. At the same time, the purposes of students are to complete the studies and to obtain good results. In order to adapt to the demand of society and school, students treat seeking knowledge as the first duty. They relate themselves through fast reading and become the learned persons who can face the challenges of the society. Therefore, the motivation of the majority college students is definite. It is also obvious that the English reading materials to the electronic reading materials. The internet that opens another window for the students becomes the easiest tool to get information. Now the serious problem is that students feel that they don not understand as much as slow readers, but actually there is little relationship between reading speed and comprehension slow readers usually put too much emphasis on single word and often slow down on some unfamiliar or new words. This will interfere with understanding of the whole passage.Without a reasonable comprehension, fast reading is not significant, so teaching fast reading is a training process strengthening the memory and comprehension of reading in which the students are always required to comprehend the main idea and to remember the important details of reading materials as quickly and accurately as possible.1.1 Some Bad Reading HabitsThere are many bad reading habits which should be overcome. These habits will slow down the students reading speed and cause low comprehension.1.1.1 Reading HabitsWhile reading, a fault that is often seen is pointing to the words with a finger, a pencil or something else. Pointing at words with something will slow down the reading speed and waste a lot of time. It will cause the reader not finish their paper in test, but will also cause the reader pay more attention to the main idea of article. Once again this habit is fostered; your attention and thoughts will be affected directly.Another common fault is the head movement. Some students move their heads when they are reading, as if they followed the words in a line by their heads, not by their eyes. This occurs very often when students are nervous about their reading or during a reading test. With movement of their heads, the students try to aim their noses at the words he is reading so that as he reads across the line his head turns slightly.Vocalization is a more serious problem; many readers form the words silently with their lips as they read. Some readers whisper the words quietly rate. Because when you move your lips to pronounce words, you are forcing yourself to pay attention to words, not thoughts. At the same time, you limit your reading speed to the fastest talking speed, which is much slower than reading speed.The most difficult of all types of vocalization is sub-vocalization. In sub-vocalization, there is no body movement, but within the students minds. He is saying each word to himself. That is to say, there is sound effect in his mind, both these fault will certainly slow down the reading speed and it can also slow comprehension.Some people think that we read one word at a time, understand it and then go on to the next, other think that the eye glide over each word from left to right, then to the beginning of the next line. Because they are afraid of losing their place or, for some reason, feel more secure, when they take this meas ure as they read it.When the eyes are reading a line of print, they make a series of short meg jerky movement along the line. For a normal reader, each time his eye stopped, he sees a certain length of a sentence and this span is called the” span of recog nition.” The span of recognition for most readers is a little over one word, a phrase or ever more. Poor readers usually read word by word, their eyes stop at one word after another. The length of fixation for these readers is too short. So they make much more eye movements. It is easy to cause the eye tiredness. And also, too much emphasis put on individual word would interfere the understanding of the passage in general.1.1.2 Bad Reading HabitsA regression is a back ward movement along a line of a print .normally, your eyes progress in a left to right direction, seeing each word in the order in which it was written. Occasionally, your eyes will instead of moving to the next word, move backward to a word or already read. This moving backward is called regression. Students in this reading habit have insecure felling about the comprehension and can not concentrate themselves on reading. Sometimes a regression will take the form of going back over a word or a phrase several times before going onto the next part of the line. When they meet new words or phrase, a regression is made more frequently. The frequent regression in reading, first it will slow reading speed, second it will interfere with good concentration, and third it will affect good comprehension in a general way. Regression is a sign of poor reading. For this point, the students should select materials of average difficulties to read.Most of the students have the habits of looking up the dictionary orturning to the word list at the back of the textbook. Actually some new words do not constitute any obstacle to comprehending the general idea of the whole passage. Teachers should tell students that more dependence on dictionary will decrease their reading speed and interfere the overall understanding of the reading materials. It also affects the reading speed and the reading quality, so the students should pay more attention this point.1.2 The Importance of Fast ReadingWhat we have mentioned above are we always face common problems during our reading. These problems will low the students reading speed. While low reading speed is an obstacle to us in efficiency and having general grasp of the materials. Thus for our students and people preparing tests, it is very urgent to accelerate reading speed.Chapter 2 Reading SkillsReading rapidly is an essential skill for all students and it enables them to enlarge their knowledge. It is an ability that students need for their further education. In order to deal with a pile of books and the dull examinations, they need some skills in speed reading and a very good comprehension. How to improve the reading speed is become more and more important.2.1 Selecting of Reading MaterialsMany students try to increase their effective reading sped. But often they find that if they try to race through a passage faster they fail to remember what they are reading. The problem here is that the materials they are reading are too difficult for them both in vocabulary and in content, so the students should choose the suitable materials.During the times, choice reading is very important. For the beginning, the students should choose easy and interesting materials, reading books have many advantages, they can learn many words through reading books, in addition, they are able to broaden their views and know much knowledge from the books. For example, reading Chinese history books, they may know that the history of china. They can absorb the experience of the history. If they keen on playing computer, they read more computer books. If they are interested in prose, they read literary books. What is the book which they want to read, it depend on what hobby is, it also help the students to comprehend the article easy in test.Actually, it is a process of selecting English materials. The readers should clearly know the classification of the English books and should certainly know which type of English book he is interested. It is best if the reader know his purpose of reading before reading starters; it means that the reader should tur n his attention to practical goals. To receive the information, the reader can read not only the book title, the subtitle, the table of contents, but also the authorpreface, the abstract introduction and the index. These are all the information that authors want to transmit to the reader. According to these clues, the students can choose different types of English reading materials with the different demands.The most important thing is that they must find some easy and interesting reading materials and these materials will do no harm to anyone and is a great help to poor readers, it will encourage them greatly and give them the wonderful experience of enjoying reading without having a struggle with new words and phrases. In their own time, out of class, students should also practice as much as they can, going to the library or bookshop, choosing books of any subject they like about the level of ability or just below. If they want to quickly check on how easy a book is, if there are five or six new words on a page, then the book is not suitable for reading fast.2.2 Skimming and ScanningSkimming is a reading technique that can help one to read more quickly. And it is also help one to read more quickly, and it is also help one to decide if the English books is interesting and whether the reader should read it in more details. This is the strategy that students employ when they want to obtain a quick overview of an English text. A skimming requires that the reader selectively omit some parts of the reading materials. When readers skim, they read to get the main idea and a few, but not all of the details of an article or story. Scanning is a reading skill to find particular bits of information they are searching for scanning is also used to obtain specific information form a piece of English text.Sometimes the students can use both reading methods. They can skim a piece of English text to find out something interesting,they may wish to use scanning techniques to locate specific information. Using both these methods,the students can speed up their reading speed and search for important information. Reading newspapers and English magazines are examples.When reading an English newspapers,people typically only concentrate on the most interesting and glamorous parts of the English newspapers. So the presses always use the eye-catching tile to attract the student‟s attention of the public. They will often ignore less interesting information that may be essential to a full understanding of a subject. It is typical that areas of useful information are padded out with large amounts of irrelevant waffle or with advertising. English newspapers tend to be arranged in sections. If one reads an English paper often,one can learn quickly which sections are useful and which ones can skip altogether. The most effective way of getting information from English magazines is to scan the contents tables or indexes and turn directly to interesting articles,if the reader finds an article useful,he may cut it out and file it in a folder specifically covering that sort of English information,the reader builds up sets of related articles that may begin to explain the subjects in this way.The two methods are important in reading,they will save a lot of times during reading,it also can speed up the reading rate.2.3 Improvement of Reading SpeedTimed reading is very necessary in developing reading skills,if the teacher wants to increase the students reading speed and comprehension,reading activities must be conducted under the teachers control .Reading a passage must be finished in limited time. For many Chinese students they usually read very slowly and read a passage several times in order to find the answers of the comprehension questions.One of the methods to improve both speed and comprehension is to set the students to work through a series of timed reading passages followed by comprehension questions. Experiences have improved that students can often double their reading speed through timed reading practice. Classroom training time must be limited strictly. Of course a timer may also be used. The teacher should also tell students when to start and when to stop. During this period oftime,students should try to read as fast as they can. Through this kind of practice,students can know clearly their reading speed and comprehension and they can see their improvements.2.4 The Importance of Self-correctionMaking the students correct their own paper immediately after finishing the reading is a good teaching method. The more immediately the knowledge of right or wrong students get ,the better the learning will be ,students will receive a certain satisfaction from knowing that they got the answer correct. if the questions were answered wrongly,they should know this as soon as possible so that they can correct their errors. teachers should try to prepare sufficient enough materials of average difficulties for the students to read out of the class in their spare time and state clearly the requirements for the reading ,such as,reading time ,how much time to read,questions to answer,etc. it is an effective way to gave students something to read with precessions or pre-requirements and follow by questions with different difficulties.2.5 Speed Exercise and Vocabulary Building“Lighting speed” is refe rring to the reading speech much faster than usual. This is a useful method to speed up the students reading when they are used to read at a way low speed. The expression “haste makes waste” does not apply to reading. In fact,most people read much too slowly. Right now you are probably reading this paper slow than you need for a good comprehension. Studies show that the fast readers are the best readers,and that slow readers often lose their concentration and comprehension abilities,because their minds will wander out of boredom. When applying “lighting speed”,at first,they should read as fast as possible without blithering whether they understanding or not,then go back and read at what they feel to be their “normal” rate,the rate at which they can complete ly understand. After a period of “lightingspeed” reading practice,students will usually find that their “normal”, has been increased.For a person with good habits,a printed page contains not only words but also ideas,actions,thoughts and feeling. But all these things are built on words. The more words you are familiar with,the less you are aware of reading words and the more you are aware of reading words,and the more you are aware of reading content and meaning. This is called “the widely of vocabulary”. If we want to improve our fast reading,we must own a lot of words. This needs accumulate words in common. Expanding your vocabulary will help you to read more effectively and rapidly. Besides we need to know the vocabulary in depth,it refers to a words several meaning。
