


.probe = net_switch_probe,
.remove = net_switch_remove,
.suspend = net_switch_suspend,
.resume = net_switch_resume,
static __init int net_switch_init(void)
const struct net_device *in,
const struct net_device *out,
int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *))
printk("xfq %s\n",__func__);
return NF_DROP;//return NF_ACCEPT;
#include <asm/mach-types.h>
#include <asm/mach/arch.h>
#include <asm/mach/time.h>
#include <asm/mach/flash.h>
#include <mach来自gpio.h>#include <mach/mmc.h>
//xfq begin



1tcpmux TCP Port Service Multiplexer传输控制协议端口服务多路开关选择器2compressnet Management Utility compressnet 管理实用程序3compressnet Compression Process压缩进程5rje Remote Job Entry远程作业登录7echo Echo回显9discard Discard丢弃11systat Active Users在线用户13daytime Daytime时间17qotd Quote of the Day每日引用18msp Message Send Protocol消息发送协议19chargen Character Generator字符发生器20ftp-data File Transfer[Default Data]文件传输协议(默认数据口)21ftp File Transfer[Control]文件传输协议(控制)22ssh SSH Remote Login Protocol SSH远程登录协议---SSH23telnet Telnet终端仿真协议---telnet24?any private mail system预留给个人用邮件系统25smtp Simple Mail Transfer简单邮件发送协议---smtp27nsw-fe NSW User System FE NSW 用户系统现场工程师29msg-icp MSG ICP MSG ICP31msg-auth MSG Authentication MSG验证33dsp Display Support Protocol显示支持协议35?any private printer server预留给个人打印机服务37time Time时间38rap Route Access Protocol路由访问协议---rap39rlp Resource Location Protocol资源定位协议41graphics Graphics图形42nameserver WINS Host Name Server WINS 主机名服务---wins43nicname Who Is"绰号" who is服务44mpm-flags MPM FLAGS Protocol MPM(消息处理模块)标志协议45mpm Message Processing Module [recv]消息处理模块46mpm-snd MPM [default send]消息处理模块(默认发送口)47ni-ftp NI FTP NI FTP48auditd Digital Audit Daemon数码音频后台服务49tacacs Login Host Protocol (TACACS)TACACS登录主机协议50re-mail-ck Remote Mail Checking Protocol远程邮件检查协议51la-maint IMP Logical Address Maintenance IMP(接口信息处理机)逻辑地址维护52xns-time XNS Time Protocol施乐网络服务系统时间协议53domain Domain Name Server域名服务器---dns54xns-ch XNS Clearinghouse施乐网络服务系统票据交换55isi-gl ISI Graphics Language ISI图形语言56xns-auth XNS Authentication施乐网络服务系统验证57?any private terminal access预留个人用终端访问58xns-mail XNS Mail施乐网络服务系统邮件59?any private file service预留个人文件服务60?Unassigned未定义61ni-mail NI MAIL NI邮件?62acas ACA Services异步通讯适配器服务63whois+ whois+WHOIS+64covia Communications Integrator (CI)通讯接口65tacacs-ds TACACS-Database Service TACACS数据库服务66sql*net Oracle SQL*NET Oracle SQL*NET67bootps Bootstrap Protocol Server引导程序协议服务端68bootpc Bootstrap Protocol Client引导程序协议客户端69tftp Trivial File Transfer小型文件传输协议70gopher Gopher信息检索协议71netrjs-1Remote Job Service远程作业服务72netrjs-2Remote Job Service远程作业服务73netrjs-3Remote Job Service远程作业服务74netrjs-4Remote Job Service远程作业服务75?any private dial out service预留给个人拨出服务76deos Distributed External Object Store 分布式外部对象存储77?any private RJE service预留给个人远程作业输入服务78vettcp vettcp修正TCP?79finger Finger查询远程主机在线用户等信息---finger 80http World Wide Web HTTP全球信息网超文本传输协议81hosts2-ns HOSTS2 Name Server HOST2名称服务82xfer XFER Utility传输实用程序83mit-ml-dev MIT ML Device模块化智能终端ML设备84ctf Common Trace Facility公用追踪设备85mit-ml-dev MIT ML Device模块化智能终端ML设备86mfcobol Micro Focus Cobol Micro Focus Cobol编程语言87?any private terminal link预留给个人终端连接88kerberos Kerberos Kerberros安全认证系统89su-mit-tg SU/MIT Telnet Gateway SU/MIT终端仿真网关90dnsix DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map DNSIX 安全属性标记图91mit-dov MIT Dover Spooler MIT Dover假脱机92npp Network Printing Protocol网络打印协议93dcp Device Control Protocol设备控制协议94objcall Tivoli Object Dispatcher Tivoli对象调度95supdup SUPDUP96dixie DIXIE Protocol Specification DIXIE协议规范97ft-rvfft Remote Virtural File Protocol)快速远程虚拟文件协议98tacnews TAC News TAC新闻协议99metagram Metagram Relay100newacct[unauthorized use]101/tcp hostname NIC Host Name Server102/tcp iso-tsap ISO-TSAP Class 0103/tcp gppitnp Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net104/tcp acr-nema ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300105/tcp cso CCSO name server protocol105/tcp csnet-ns Mailbox Name Nameserver106/tcp 3com-tsmux 3COM-TSMUX107/tcp rtelnet Remote Telnet Service108/tcp snagas SNA Gateway Access Server109/tcp pop2 Post Office Protocol - Version 2110 pop3 默认端口111 端口:111 端口是SUN 公司的RPC(Remote Procedure Call,远程过程调用)服务所开放的端口,主要用于分布式系统中不同计算机的内部进程通信,RPC 在多种网络服务中都是很重要的组件112/tcp mcidas McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol113 端口:113 端口主要用于Windows 的“Authentication Service”(验证服务)114/tcp audionews Audio News Multicast115/tcp sftp Simple File Transfer Protocol116/tcp ansanotify ANSA REX Notify117/tcp uucp-path UUCP Path Service118/tcp sqlserv SQL Services119 端口:119 端口是为“Network News Transfer Protocol”(网络新闻组传输协议,简称NNTP)开放的120/tcp cfdptkt CFDPTKT121/tcp erpc Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call122/tcp smakynet SMAKYNET123/tcp ntp Network Time Protocol124/tcp ansatrader ANSA REX Trader125/tcp locus-map Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser126/tcp unitary Unisys Unitary Login127/tcp locus-con Locus PC-Interface Conn Server128/tcp gss-xlicen GSS X License Verification129/tcp pwdgen Password Generator Protocol130/tcp cisco-fna cisco FNATIVE131/tcp cisco-tna cisco TNATIVE132/tcp cisco-sys cisco SYSMAINT133/tcp statsrv Statistics Service134/tcp ingres-net INGRES-NET Service135 端口:135 端口主要用于使用RPC(Remote Procedure Call,远程过程调用)协议并提供DCOM (分布式组件对象模型)服务136/tcp profile PROFILE Naming System137 端口:137 端口主要用于“NetBIOS Name Service”(NetBIOS名称服务)138/tcp netbios-dgm NETBIOS Datagram Service139 端口:139 端口是为“NetBIOS Session Service”提供的,主要用于提供Windows 文件和打印机共享以及Unix 中的Samba 服务140/tcp emfis-data EMFIS Data Service141/tcp emfis-cntl EMFIS Control Service142/tcp bl-idm Britton-Lee IDM143 端口:143 端口主要是用于“Internet Message Access Protocol”v2(Internet 消息访问协议,简称IMAP)144/tcp uma Universal Management Architecture145/tcp uaac UAAC Protocol146/tcp iso-tp0 ISO-IP0161 端口:161 端口是用于“Simple Network Management Protocol”(简单网络管理协议,简称SNMP)443 端口:43 端口即网页浏览端口,主要是用于HTTPS 服务,是提供加密和通过安全端口传输的另一种HTTP554 端口:554 端口默认情况下用于“Real Time Streaming Protocol”(实时流协议,简称RTSP)1024 端口:1024 端口一般不固定分配给某个服务,在英文中的解释是“Reserved”(保留)1080 端口:1080 端口是Socks 代理服务使用的端口,大家平时上网使用的WWW 服务使用的是HTTP 协议的代理服务1433 端口:MS SQL*SERVER数据库server,默认的端口号为1433/tcp 1433/udp1434 端口:MS SQL*SERVER数据库monitor,默认的端口号为1434/tcp 1434/udp1755 端口:1755 端口默认情况下用于“Microsoft Media Server”(微软媒体服务器,简称MMS)3306 端口:mysql 的默认端口3389 端口:WIN2003远程登陆,默认的端口号为33894000 端口:4000 端口是用于大家经常使用的QQ 聊天工具的,再细说就是为QQ 客户端开放的端口,QQ 服务端使用的端口是8000。



107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
科研热词 中国移动 3g 移动代理 移动 消费者 多线程 中国电信 上网 集中采购 防火墙 重用性 遗传算法 通信技术 连续k近邻查询 远程监控 过滤器 软硬件 软件 车辆网络 路径规划 资费 负责人 诈骗 设计 设备选型 认证 被套 自修复 联想 网上支付 终端 第三代移动通信 移动营业厅 移动自组网 移动终端应用 移动电视 移动梦网 移动机器人定位 移动机器人 移动平均线 移动代理服务 移动web服务 移动sink节点 移动ipv6 科学数据网格 短信 留声机 电话费 电话 电子游戏 甲骨文 用户
移动网 移动用户 移动服务 移动数据库 移动数据 移动技术 移动定位 移动售票 移动ip 移动 社会化 短信 知识的签名 矢量数据压缩 盲检测 目标追踪 电视转播 电子邮件 用户接入认证 混合路由 比赛 模式表示 模型-视图-挖制器模式 椭圆曲线 本地化 服务满意度 最大独立集 智能计算 无线自组织网络 数据库管理系统 数字签名 数字电视 数字水印 救援列车 改造项目 拥塞控制 抗毁路由 技术审查 手机短信 手指 成员过滤函数 恶意主机 快速 微软 强化 引导程序 应急体系 布隆过滤器 嵌入式计算 嵌入式系统 密钥管理 家庭 审计 实验室
定时 定位网关 定位中心 安全协议 安全 奥运会 多载波码分多址 多路径路由 多路径设备映射器 基站 垃圾短信 块设备 哈希函数 咨询公司 同步复制 可重叠 可扩展性 发力 双向混合 动态服务 加快推进 加密算法 切换延时 分类器集成 内容推送 公钥算法 信息管理 信息化建设 信息产业发展 企业战略 企业信息 代理安全 代理 人民政府 产品服务 产业生态系统 举报 串行接口 中断传输率 中国联通 中国信息化 中国 业务测试 不稳定 三角路由 三维重建 wlan web服务



TMS320VC5416Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor Data ManualPRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Products conform to specifications per the terms of the TexasInstruments standard warranty.Production processing does notnecessarily include testing of all parameters.Literature Number:SPRS095PMarch1999–Revised October2008Revision HistoryTMS320VC5416Fixed-Point Digital Signal ProcessorSPRS095P–MARCH 1999–REVISED OCTOBER 2008NOTE:Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version.This data sheet revision history highlights the technical changes made to the SPRS095O device-specific data sheet to make it an SPRS095P revision.Scope:This document has been reviewed for technical accuracy;the technical content is up-to-date as of the specified release date with the following corrections.2Revision History Submit Documentation FeedbackContentsTMS320VC5416Fixed-Point Digital Signal ProcessorSPRS095P–MARCH 1999–REVISED OCTOBER 2008Revision History ...........................................................................................................................1TMS320VC5416Features.......................................................................................................2Introduction.......................................................................................................................2.1Description ..................................................................................................................2.2PinAssignments............................................................................................................2.2.1TerminalAssignments forthe GGUPackage...............................................................2.2.2Pin AssignmentsforthePGEPackage......................................................................2.2.3Signal Descriptions ..............................................................................................3Functional Overview ...........................................................................................................3.1Memory ......................................................................................................................3.1.1Data Memory .....................................................................................................3.1.2Program Memory ................................................................................................3.1.3Extended Program Memory ...................................................................................3.2On-Chip ROM With Bootloader ...........................................................................................3.3On-Chip RAM ...............................................................................................................3.4On-Chip Memory Security .................................................................................................3.5Memory Map ................................................................................................................3.5.1Relocatable Interrupt Vector Table ............................................................................3.6On-Chip Peripherals .......................................................................................................3.6.1Software-Programmable Wait-State Generator .............................................................3.6.2Programmable Bank-Switching ................................................................................3.6.3Bus Holders ......................................................................................................3.7Parallel I/O Ports ...........................................................................................................3.7.1Enhanced 8-/16-Bit Host-Port Interface (HPI8/16)..........................................................3.7.2HPI Nonmultiplexed Mode ......................................................................................3.8Multichannel Buffered Serial Ports (McBSPs)..........................................................................3.9Hardware Timer ............................................................................................................3.10Clock Generator ............................................................................................................3.11Enhanced External Parallel Interface (XIO2)...........................................................................3.12DMA Controller .............................................................................................................3.12.1Features ..........................................................................................................3.12.2DMA External Access ...........................................................................................3.12.3DMA Memory Maps .............................................................................................3.12.4DMA Priority Level ...............................................................................................3.12.5DMA Source/Destination Address Modification .............................................................3.12.6DMA in Autoinitialization Mode ................................................................................3.12.7DMA Transfer Counting .........................................................................................3.12.8DMA Transfer in Doubleword Mode ..........................................................................3.12.9DMA Channel Index Registers .................................................................................3.12.10DMA Interrupts ..................................................................................................3.12.11DMA Controller Synchronization Events .....................................................................3.13General-Purpose I/O Pins .................................................................................................3.13.1McBSP Pins as General-Purpose I/O .........................................................................3.13.2HPI Data Pins as General-Purpose I/O ......................................................................3.14Device ID Register .........................................................................................................3.15Memory-Mapped Registers ...............................................................................................3.16McBSP Control Registers and Subaddresses ..........................................................................3.17DMA Subbank Addressed Registers ....................................................................................3.18Interrupts ....................................................................................................................4Support .............................................................................................................................Contents3TMS320VC5416Fixed-Point Digital Signal ProcessorSPRS095P–MARCH1999–REVISED 4.1Documentation Support...................................................................................................4.2Device and Development-Support Tool Nomenclature................................................................5Electrical Specifications......................................................................................................5.1Absolute Maximum Ratings...............................................................................................5.2Recommended Operating Conditions...................................................................................5.3Electrical Characteristics.................................................................................................5.3.1Test Loading.....................................................................................................5.3.2Timing Parameter Symbology............................................................................................5.3.3Internal Oscillator With External Crystal.................................................................................5.4Clock Options...............................................................................................................5.4.1Divide-By-Two and Divide-By-Four Clock Options..........................................................5.4.2Multiply-By-N Clock Option(PLL Enabled)...................................................................5.5Memory and Parallel I/O Interface Timing..............................................................................5.5.1Memory Read....................................................................................................5.5.2Memory Write....................................................................................................5.5.3I/O Read..........................................................................................................5.5.4I/O Write..........................................................................................................5.5.5Ready Timing for Externally Generated Wait States..................................................................5.5.6and Timings...............................................................................................5.5.7Reset,BIO,Interrupt,and MP/MC Timings.............................................................................5.5.8Instruction Acquisition and Interrupt Acknowledge Timings..........................................5.5.9External Flag(XF)and TOUT Timings..................................................................................5.5.10Multichannel Buffered Serial Port(McBSP)Timing................................................................... Transmit and Receive Timings.................................................................... General-Purpose I/O Timing....................................................................... as SPI Master or Slave Timing....................................................................5.5.11Host-Port Interface Timing............................................................................................... Data.................................................................................................................6.1Package Thermal Resistance Characteristics..........................................................................4Contents Submit Documentation FeedbackTMS320VC5416Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor SPRS095P–MARCH1999–REVISED OCTOBER2008List of Figures2-1144-Ball GGU MicroStar BGA™(Bottom View).............................................................................2-2144-Pin PGE Low-Profile Quad Flatpack(Top View).......................................................................3-1TMS320VC5416Functional Block Diagram..................................................................................3-2Program and Data Memory Map................................................................................................3-3Extended Program Memory Map...............................................................................................3-4Process Mode Status Register..................................................................................................3-5Software Wait-State Register(SWWSR)[Memory-Mapped Register(MMR)Address0028h].........................3-6Software Wait-State Register(SWWSR)[Memory-Mapped Register(MMR)Address0028h].........................3-7Bank-Switching Control Register BSCR)[MMR Address0029h]...........................................................3-8Host-Port Interface—Nonmulltiplexed Mode.................................................................................3-9HPI Memory Map.................................................................................................................3-10Multichannel Control Register(MCR1).........................................................................................3-11Multichannel Control Register(MCR2).........................................................................................3-12Pin Control Register(PCR)......................................................................................................3-13Nonconsecutive Memory Read and I/O Read Bus Sequence.............................................................3-14Consecutive Memory Read Bus Sequence(n=3reads)..................................................................3-15Memory Write and I/O Write Bus Sequence.................................................................................3-16DMA Transfer Mode Control Register(DMMCRn)...........................................................................3-17On-Chip DMA Memory Map for Program Space(DLAXS=0and SLAXS=0).........................................3-18On-Chip DMA Memory Map for Data and IO Space(DLAXS=0and SLAXS=0)....................................3-19DMPREC Register................................................................................................................3-20General-Purpose I/O Control Register(GPIOCR)[MMR Address003Ch]................................................3-21General-Purpose I/O Status Register(GPIOSR)[MMR Address003Dh].................................................3-22Device ID Register(CSIDR)[MMR Address003Eh].........................................................................3-23IFR and IMR Registers...........................................................................................................5-1Tester Pin Electronics............................................................................................................5-2Internal Divide-By-Two Clock Option With External Crystal...............................................................5-3External Divide-By-Two Clock Timing.........................................................................................5-4Multiply-By-One Clock Timing..................................................................................................5-5Nonconsecutive Mode Memory Reads.......................................................................................5-6Consecutive Mode Memory Reads............................................................................................5-7Memory Write(MSTRB=0)....................................................................................................5-8Parallel I/O Port Read(IOSTRB=0).........................................................................................5-9Parallel I/O Port Write(IOSTRB=0)..........................................................................................5-10Memory Read With Externally Generated Wait States.....................................................................5-11Memory Write With Externally Generated Wait States.....................................................................5-12I/O Read With Externally Generated Wait States...........................................................................5-13I/O Write With Externally Generated Wait States...........................................................................5-14HOLD and HOLDA Timings(HM=1).........................................................................................List of Figures5TMS320VC5416Fixed-Point Digital Signal ProcessorSPRS095P–MARCH1999–REVISED 5-15Reset and BIO Timings.........................................................................................................5-16Interrupt Timing..................................................................................................................5-17MP/MC Timing...................................................................................................................5-18Instruction Acquisition(IAQ)and Interrupt Acknowledge(IACK)Timings................................................5-19External Flag(XF)Timing......................................................................................................5-20TOUT Timing.....................................................................................................................5-21McBSP Receive Timings.......................................................................................................5-22McBSP Transmit Timings.......................................................................................................5-23McBSP General-Purpose I/O Timings........................................................................................5-24McBSP Timing as SPI Master or Slave:CLKSTP=10b,CLKXP=0....................................................5-25McBSP Timing as SPI Master or Slave:CLKSTP=11b,CLKXP=0....................................................5-26McBSP Timing as SPI Master or Slave:CLKSTP=10b,CLKXP=1....................................................5-27McBSP Timing as SPI Master or Slave:CLKSTP=11b,CLKXP=1....................................................5-28Using HDS to Control Accesses(HCS Always Low)........................................................................5-29Using HCS to Control Accesses...............................................................................................5-30HINT Timing......................................................................................................................5-31GPIOx Timings...................................................................................................................5-32Nonmultiplexed Read Timings.................................................................................................5-33Nonmultiplexed Write Timings.................................................................................................5-34HRDY Relative to CLKOUT....................................................................................................6List of Figures Submit Documentation FeedbackTMS320VC5416Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor SPRS095P–MARCH1999–REVISED OCTOBER2008List of Tables2-1Terminal Assignments for the TMS320VC5416GGU(144-Pin BGA Package).........................................2-2Signal Descriptions...............................................................................................................3-1Standard On-Chip ROM Layout...............................................................................................3-2Processor Mode Status(PMST)Register Bit Fields........................................................................3-3Software Wait-State Register(SWWSR)Bit Fields.........................................................................3-4Software Wait-State Control Register(SWCR)Bit Fields..................................................................3-5Bank-Switching Control Register(BSCR)Fields..............................................................................3-6Bus Holder Control Bits..........................................................................................................3-7Sample Rate Input Clock Selection...........................................................................................3-8Clock Mode Settings at Reset.................................................................................................3-9DMD Section of the DMMCRn Register......................................................................................3-10DMA Reload Register Selection...............................................................................................3-11DMA Interrupts...................................................................................................................3-12DMA Synchronization Events..................................................................................................3-13DMA Channel Interrupt Selection..............................................................................................3-14Device ID Register(CSIDR)Bits................................................................................................3-15CPU Memory-Mapped Registers................................................................................................3-16Peripheral Memory-Mapped Registers for Each DSP Subsystem........................................................3-17McBSP Control Registers and Subaddresses.................................................................................3-18DMA Subbank Addressed Registers...........................................................................................3-19Interrupt Locations and Priorities................................................................................................5-1Input Clock Frequency Characteristics.........................................................................................5-2Clock Mode Pin Settings for the Divide-By-2and By Divide-By-4Clock Options.......................................5-3Divide-By-2and Divide-By-4Clock Options Timing Requirements.......................................................5-4Divide-By-2and Divide-By-4Clock Options Switching Characteristics...................................................5-5Multiply-By-N Clock Option Timing Requirements..........................................................................5-6Multiply-By-N Clock Option Switching Characteristics......................................................................5-7Memory Read Timing Requirements..........................................................................................5-8Memory Read Switching Characteristics.....................................................................................5-9Memory Write Switching Characteristics.....................................................................................5-10I/O Read Timing Requirements................................................................................................5-11I/O Read Switching Characteristics...........................................................................................5-12I/O Write Switching Characteristics............................................................................................5-13Ready Timing Requirements for Externally Generated Wait States......................................................5-14Ready Switching Characteristics for Externally Generated Wait States..................................................5-15HOLD and HOLDA Timing Requirements....................................................................................5-16HOLD and HOLDA Switching Characteristics...............................................................................5-17Reset,BIO,Interrupt,and MP/MC Timing Requirements..................................................................5-18Instruction Acquisition(IAQ)and Interrupt Acknowledge(IACK)Switching Characteristics...........................List of Tables7TMS320VC5416Fixed-Point Digital Signal ProcessorSPRS095P–MARCH1999–REVISED 5-19External Flag(XF)and TOUT Switching Characteristics...................................................................5-20McBSP Transmit and Receive Timing Requirements.......................................................................5-21McBSP Transmit and Receive Switching Characteristics..................................................................5-22McBSP General-Purpose I/O Timing Requirements........................................................................5-23McBSP General-Purpose I/O Switching Characteristics...................................................................5-24McBSP as SPI Master or Slave Timing Requirements(CLKSTP=10b,CLKXP=0).................................5-25McBSP as SPI Master or Slave Switching Characteristics(CLKSTP=10b,CLKXP=0).............................5-26McBSP as SPI Master or Slave Timing Requirements(CLKSTP=11b,CLKXP=0).................................5-27McBSP as SPI Master or Slave Switching Characteristics(CLKSTP=11b,CLKXP=0).............................5-28McBSP as SPI Master or Slave Timing Requirements(CLKSTP=10b,CLKXP=1).................................5-29McBSP as SPI Master or Slave Switching Characteristics(CLKSTP=10b,CLKXP=1).............................5-30McBSP as SPI Master or Slave Timing Requirements(CLKSTP=11b,CLKXP=1).................................5-31McBSP as SPI Master or Slave Switching Characteristics(CLKSTP=11b,CLKXP=1).............................5-32HPI8Mode Timing Requirements.............................................................................................5-33HPI8Mode Switching Characteristics..........................................................................................5-34HPI16Mode Timing Requirements............................................................................................5-35HPI16Mode Switching Characteristics.......................................................................................6-1Thermal Resistance Characteristics............................................................................................8Submit Documentation Feedback List of Tables1TMS320VC5416FeaturesTMS320VC5416 Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor SPRS095P–MARCH1999–REVISED OCTOBER2008Reads•Advanced Multibus Architecture With ThreeSeparate16-Bit Data Memory Buses and One•Arithmetic Instructions With Parallel Store and Program Memory Bus Parallel Load•40-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU)Including a•Conditional Store Instructions40-Bit Barrel Shifter and Two Independent•Fast Return From Interrupt 40-Bit Accumulators•On-Chip Peripherals•17-×17-Bit Parallel Multiplier Coupled to a–Software-Programmable Wait-State 40-Bit Dedicated Adder for Non-Pipelined Generator and ProgrammableSingle-Cycle Multiply/Accumulate(MAC)Bank-SwitchingOperation–On-Chip Programmable Phase-Locked •Compare,Select,and Store Unit(CSSU)for the Loop(PLL)Clock Generator With External Add/Compare Selection of the Viterbi Operator Clock Source–One16-Bit Timer•Exponent Encoder to Compute an Exponent–Six-Channel Direct Memory Access(DMA) Value of a40-Bit Accumulator Value in aControllerSingle Cycle–Three Multichannel Buffered Serial Ports •Two Address Generators With Eight Auxiliary(McBSPs)Registers and Two Auxiliary Register–8/16-Bit Enhanced Parallel Host-Port Arithmetic Units(ARAUs)Interface(HPI8/16)•Data Bus With a Bus Holder Feature•Power Consumption Control With IDLE1,•Extended Addressing Mode for8M×16-Bit IDLE2,and IDLE3Instructions With Maximum Addressable External ProgramPower-Down ModesSpace•CLKOUT Off Control to Disable CLKOUT •128K×16-Bit On-Chip RAM Composed of:•On-Chip Scan-Based Emulation Logic,IEEE –Eight Blocks of8K×16-Bit On-ChipStd1149.1(JTAG)Boundary Scan Logic(1) Dual-Access Program/Data RAM•144-Pin Ball Grid Array(BGA)(GGU Suffix)–Eight Blocks of8K×16-Bit On-ChipSingle-Access Program RAM•144-Pin Low-Profile Quad Flatpack(LQFP)(PGE Suffix)•16K×16-Bit On-Chip ROM Configured forProgram Memory• 6.25-ns Single-Cycle Fixed-Point InstructionExecution Time(160MIPS)•Enhanced External Parallel Interface(XIO2)•8.33-ns Single-Cycle Fixed-Point Instruction •Single-Instruction-Repeat and Block-RepeatExecution Time(120MIPS) Operations for Program Code• 3.3-V I/O Supply Voltage(160and120MIPS)•Block-Memory-Move Instructions for BetterProgram and Data Management• 1.6-V Core Supply Voltage(160MIPS)•Instructions With a32-Bit Long Word Operand• 1.5-V Core Supply Voltage(120MIPS)(1)IEEE Standard1149.1-1990Standard-Test-Access Port and •Instructions With Two-or Three-OperandBoundary Scan ArchitectureTMS320C54x,TMS320are trademarks of Texas Instruments.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Copyright©1999–2008,Texas Instruments Incorporated Products conform to specifications per the terms of the TexasInstruments standard warranty.Production processing does notnecessarily include testing of all parameters.。



PACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderable Device Status(1)PackageType PackageDrawingPins PackageQtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp(3)JM38510/00801BCA ACTIVE CDIP J141None Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC JM38510/00801BDA ACTIVE CFP W141None Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN5406J ACTIVE CDIP J141None Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN5416J ACTIVE CDIP J141None Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCSN7406D ACTIVE SOIC D1450Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR/Level-1-235C-UNLIMSN7406DR ACTIVE SOIC D142500Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR/Level-1-235C-UNLIMSN7406J OBSOLETE CDIP J14None Call TI Call TISN7406N ACTIVE PDIP N1425Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NC SN7406N3OBSOLETE PDIP N14None Call TI Call TISN7406NSR ACTIVE SO NS142000Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR/Level-1-235C-UNLIMSN7416D ACTIVE SOIC D1450Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR/Level-1-235C-UNLIMSN7416DR ACTIVE SOIC D142500Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR/Level-1-235C-UNLIMSN7416N ACTIVE PDIP N1425Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NC SN7416N3OBSOLETE PDIP N14None Call TI Call TISN7416NSR ACTIVE SO NS142000Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR/Level-1-235C-UNLIMSNJ5406FK ACTIVE LCCC FK201None Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCSNJ5406J ACTIVE CDIP J141None Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCSNJ5406W ACTIVE CFP W141None Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCSNJ5416J ACTIVE CDIP J141None Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCSNJ5416W ACTIVE CFP W141None Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC(1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE:Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY:TI has announced that the device will be discontinued,and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND:Not recommended for new designs.Device is in production to support existing customers,but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW:Device has been announced but is not in production.Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE:TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2)Eco Plan-May not be currently available-please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.None:Not yet available Lead(Pb-Free).Pb-Free(RoHS):TI's terms"Lead-Free"or"Pb-Free"mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all6substances,including the requirement that lead not exceed0.1%by weight in homogeneous materials.Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures,TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br):TI defines"Green"to mean"Pb-Free"and in addition,uses package materials that do not contain halogens, including bromine(Br)or antimony(Sb)above0.1%of total product weight.(3)MSL,Peak Temp.--The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDECindustry standard classifications,and peak solder temperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it isprovided.TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties,and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information.Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties.TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary,and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s)at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. T esting and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. T o minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAmplifiers Audio /audioData Converters Automotive /automotiveDSP Broadband /broadbandInterface Digital Control /digitalcontrolLogic Military /militaryPower Mgmt Optical Networking /opticalnetwork Microcontrollers Security /securityTelephony /telephonyVideo & Imaging /videoWireless /wirelessMailing Address:Texas InstrumentsPost Office Box 655303 Dallas, Texas 75265Copyright 2005, Texas Instruments Incorporated。




通过一个具体实例,向读者介绍介绍一个实验的完整过程:如何搭建实验环境;如何使用CCS2.0集成开发环境,学会如何进行编辑源程序、编译链接,生成包含调试信息的映像文件和可以直接烧写的 Flash 中的.bin 格式的二进制可执行文件等。

本章介绍的实验步骤可谓面面俱到,只要初学者按照介绍的步骤进行操作,定能成功! 实验器材:y 所必需的器材包括:(使用内置仿真器进行实验)1. SICELab-DSP2X5X 实验箱 1 台2. AC 电源线 1 根3. usb2.0 通讯电缆线 1 根4. 计算机 1 台y 计算机系统配置需求:1.Microsoft Windows98,Windows NT,Windows 2000, Windows XP。

2.486以上CPU,建议采用Pentium II及更高级的处理器;3.64M以上内存,建议采用128M以上;4.200M空间的可用硬盘空间;5.CD-ROM驱动器;6.USB接口至少1个。

实验步骤:y 第一步:CCS5000实验环境的搭建和测试。

y 第二步:工程的编辑。


y 第三步:工程的编译和连接。


y 第四步:开始调试。


y 第五步:查看程序中的数据。


参考程序:光盘\DEMO\5416\5416.ASM武汉伟福赛思电子有限公司- 1 -第一步 CCS5000实验环境的搭建和测试CCS5000实验环境的搭建和测试包括:(1)CCS5000集成调试软件的安装(2)TMS320C5416仿真驱动程序安装(3)USB仿真器的硬件驱动程序安装(4)CCS setup配置(5)测试系统能否正常工作请参阅《第三章实验环境的安装和使用》中的相关内容。




1、SEED-XDS510PLUS仿真器驱动安装⽂件⽬录:E:\SEED-DTK5416\driver\setup\SEED-XDS510Plus Emulator for CCS3.3 Below.exe2、开发板初始化⽂件:C:\ti\cc\gel\ dtk-boot.gel3、配置⽂件:C:\ti\drivers\seedxds510plus.cfg3、C运⾏时间⽀持库⽬标⽂件:C:\ti\c5400\cgtools\lib\rts.lib⼆.CCS以及驱动程序的安装1.安装Code Comppser Studio2.2 for C5000需要安装V2.2以上的版本的CCS版本。



点击仿真器驱动的安装程序SEED-XDS510Plus Emulator for CCS3.3 Below.exe,设置与CCS软件⼀样的安装路径(默认为C:\ti),此⽂件是仿真器所配光盘的内容,电脑存放⽬录为E:\ SEED-DTK5416\driver\setup。



1)安装准备:⽤所提供的USB连接线将SEED-XDS510PLUS仿真器和电脑主机相连,将SEED-XDS510PLUS和⽬标系统相连2)安装步骤:安装准备完成后,系统会⾃动提⽰安装“找到新的硬件向导”,默认“⾃动安装软件(推荐)”,单击下⼀步,按照提⽰进⾏仿真器硬件的安装3)安装完成后,系统提⽰SEED-XDS510PLUS JTAG仿真器已经成功识别。





(在系统中都没办法选择到该机型)tf168,367fzlinchunz@/doc/a25859854.html,修改远程桌面的端口号localmechine/system/currentcontorlset/control/termialserv er/winstations/rdp-tcpportnumber键,改为其他端口号连接:ip+端口号//trapType#define SNMP_GENERICTRAP_COLDSTART 0#define SNMP_GENERICTRAP_WARMSTART 1#define SNMP_GENERICTRAP_LINKDOWN 2#define SNMP_GENERICTRAP_LINKUP 3#define SNMP_GENERICTRAP_AUTHFAILURE 4#define SNMP_GENERICTRAP_EGPNEIGHLOSS 5#define SNMP_GENERICTRAP_ENTERSPECIFIC 6Snmp错误代码#define SNMPAPI_ALLOC_ERROR 2 // Error allocating memory#define SNMPAPI_CONTEXT_INVALID 3 // Invalid context parameter#define SNMPAPI_CONTEXT_UNKNOWN 4 // Unknown context parameter#define SNMPAPI_ENTITY_INVALID 5 // Invalid entity parameter#define SNMPAPI_ENTITY_UNKNOWN 6 // Unknown entity parameter#define SNMPAPI_INDEX_INVALID 7 // Invalid VBL index parameter#define SNMPAPI_NOOP 8 // No operation performed#define SNMPAPI_OID_INVALID 9 // Invalid OID parameter #define SNMPAPI_OPERATION_INVALID 10 // Invalid/unsupported operation#define SNMPAPI_OUTPUT_TRUNCATED 11 // Insufficientoutput buf len#define SNMPAPI_PDU_INVALID 12 // Invalid PDU parameter #define SNMPAPI_SESSION_INVALID 13 // Invalid session parameter#define SNMPAPI_SYNTAX_INVALID 14 // Invalid syntax in smiVALUE#define SNMPAPI_VBL_INVALID 15 // Invalid VBL parameter #define SNMPAPI_MODE_INVALID 16 // Invalid mode parameter#define SNMPAPI_SIZE_INVALID 17 // Invalid size/length parameter#define SNMPAPI_NOT_INITIALIZED 18 // SnmpStartup failed/not called#define SNMPAPI_MESSAGE_INVALID 19 // Invalid SNMP message format#define SNMPAPI_HWND_INVALID 20 // Invalid Window handle#define SNMPAPI_OTHER_ERROR 99 // For internal/undefined errors#define SNMPAPI_TL_NOT_INITIALIZED 100 // TL not initialized#define SNMPAPI_TL_NOT_SUPPORTED 101 // TL does not support protocol#define SNMPAPI_TL_NOT_AVAILABLE 102 // Network subsystem has failed#define SNMPAPI_TL_RESOURCE_ERROR 103 // TL resource error#define SNMPAPI_TL_UNDELIVERABLE 104 // Destination unreachable#define SNMPAPI_TL_SRC_INVALID 105 // Source endpoint invalid#define SNMPAPI_TL_INVALID_PARAM 106 // Input parameter invalid#define SNMPAPI_TL_IN_USE 107 // Source endpoint in use #define SNMPAPI_TL_TIMEOUT 108 // No response before timeout#define SNMPAPI_TL_PDU_TOO_BIG 109 // PDU too big for send/receive#define SNMPAPI_TL_OTHER 199 // Undefined TL errorifInOctets ,ifOutOctets 流量节点。



TCP注册端口号大全【6】# Jerome AERTS March 2006commplex-main 5000/tcpcommplex-main 5000/udpcommplex-link 5001/tcpcommplex-link 5001/udprfe 5002/tcp radio free ethernetrfe 5002/udp radio free ethernetfmpro-internal 5003/tcp FileMaker, Inc. - Proprietary transport fmpro-internal 5003/udp FileMaker, Inc. - Proprietary name binding # Clay Maeckelavt-profile-1 5004/tcp RTP media dataavt-profile-1 5004/udp RTP media dataavt-profile-1 5004/dccp RTP media dataavt-profile-2 5005/tcp RTP control protocolavt-profile-2 5005/udp RTP control protocolavt-profile-2 5005/dccp RTP control protocolwsm-server 5006/tcp wsm serverwsm-server 5006/udp wsm serverwsm-server-ssl 5007/tcp wsm server sslwsm-server-ssl 5007/udp wsm server ssl# Adam Berksynapsis-edge 5008/tcp Synapsis EDGEsynapsis-edge 5008/udp Synapsis EDGE# Paul Schillingwinfs 5009/tcp Microsoft Windows Filesystemwinfs 5009/udp Microsoft Windows Filesystem# Simon Skaria January 2006telelpathstart 5010/tcp TelepathStarttelelpathstart 5010/udp TelepathStarttelelpathattack 5011/tcp TelepathAttacktelelpathattack 5011/udp TelepathAttack# Helmuth Breitenfellnernsp 5012/tcp NetOnTap Servicensp 5012/udp NetOnTap Service# Kim Hancock 24 October 2007fmpro-v6 5013/tcp FileMaker, Inc. - Proprietary transport fmpro-v6 5013/udp FileMaker, Inc. - Proprietary transport# Alex Chen 01 August 2007# 5014/tcp Reservedonpsocket 5014/udp Overlay Network Protocol# Roger Matthias 24 August 2009# 5015-5019 Unassignedzenginkyo-1 5020/tcp zenginkyo-1zenginkyo-1 5020/udp zenginkyo-1zenginkyo-2 5021/tcp zenginkyo-2zenginkyo-2 5021/udp zenginkyo-2# Masashi Suzakimice 5022/tcp mice servermice 5022/udp mice server# Alan Cliffordhtuilsrv 5023/tcp Htuil Server for PLD2htuilsrv 5023/udp Htuil Server for PLD2# Dennis Reinhardtscpi-telnet 5024/tcp SCPI-TELNETscpi-telnet 5024/udp SCPI-TELNETscpi-raw 5025/tcp SCPI-RAWscpi-raw 5025/udp SCPI-RAW# Ryan Columbus October 2002 strexec-d 5026/tcp Storix I/O daemon (data) strexec-d 5026/udp Storix I/O daemon (data) strexec-s 5027/tcp Storix I/O daemon (stat) strexec-s 5027/udp Storix I/O daemon (stat)# Anthony Johnson August 2005qvr 5028/tcp Quiqum Virtual Relais# Philipp Marcel Albrecht 06 July 2009 # 5028/udp Reservedinfobright 5029/tcp Infobright Database Server infobright 5029/udp Infobright Database Server# Mark Windrim 23 July 2009 surfpass 5030/tcp SurfPasssurfpass 5030/udp SurfPass# Olivier Guezenec December 2006 # 5031-5041 Unassignedasnaacceler8db 5042/tcp asnaacceler8db asnaacceler8db 5042/udp asnaacceler8db# Walter Goodwinswxadmin 5043/tcp ShopWorX Administration swxadmin 5043/udp ShopWorX Administration# Don W. Fitzpatrick August 2005lxi-evntsvc 5044/tcp LXI Event Servicelxi-evntsvc 5044/udp LXI Event Service# Nick Barendt August 2005# 5045-5048 Unassignedivocalize 5049/tcp iVocalize Web Conference ivocalize 5049/udp iVocalize Web Conference# Bryan Vergato May 2006mmcc 5050/tcp multimedia conference control toolmmcc 5050/udp multimedia conference control tool# Steve Casnerita-agent 5051/tcp ITA Agentita-agent 5051/udp ITA Agentita-manager 5052/tcp ITA Managerita-manager 5052/udp ITA Manager# Don Merrellrlm 5053/tcp RLM License Server# Matt Christiano 28 July 2008# 5053/udp Reservedrlm-admin 5054/tcp RLM administrative interface# Matt Christiano 28 July 2008# 5054/udp Reservedunot 5055/tcp UNOTunot 5055/udp UNOT# Gordon Mohrintecom-ps1 5056/tcp Intecom Pointspan 1intecom-ps1 5056/udp Intecom Pointspan 1intecom-ps2 5057/tcp Intecom Pointspan 2intecom-ps2 5057/udp Intecom Pointspan 2# David Meermans# 5058/tcp Reservedlocus-disc 5058/udp Locus Discovery# Alan King, Enabling Technology Pty. Ltd. 13 August 2009 sds 5059/tcp SIP Directory Servicessds 5059/udp SIP Directory Services# Arthur Wilton March 2006sip 5060/tcp SIPsip 5060/udp SIPsip-tls 5061/tcp SIP-TLSsip-tls 5061/udp SIP-TLS# Henning Schulzrinne# 5062-5063 Unassignedca-1 5064/tcp Channel Access 1ca-1 5064/udp Channel Access 1ca-2 5065/tcp Channel Access 2ca-2 5065/udp Channel Access 2# Jeffrey Hill August 2002stanag-5066 5066/tcp STANAG-5066-SUBNET-INTFstanag-5066 5066/udp STANAG-5066-SUBNET-INTF# Donald G. Kallgren#authentx 5067/tcp Authentx Serviceauthentx 5067/udp Authentx Service# Alberto Fernandez January 2006 bitforestsrv 5068/tcp Bitforest Data Service# Ville-Pekka Vahteala 05 June 2008# 5068/udp Reservedi-net-2000-npr 5069/tcp I/Net 2000-NPRi-net-2000-npr 5069/udp I/Net 2000-NPR# Chris Megedevtsas 5070/tcp VersaTrans Server Agent Service vtsas 5070/udp VersaTrans Server Agent Service # Christopher Miller February 2006 powerschool 5071/tcp PowerSchoolpowerschool 5071/udp PowerSchool# Greg Porterayiya 5072/tcp Anything In Anythingayiya 5072/udp Anything In Anything# Jeroen Massar August 2005tag-pm 5073/tcp Advantage Group Port Mgrtag-pm 5073/udp Advantage Group Port Mgr# James Goddard August 2005alesquery 5074/tcp ALES Queryalesquery 5074/udp ALES Query# Tim Maloney August 2005# 5075-5078 Unassigned# 5079/tcp Reservedcp-spxrpts 5079/udp Cambridge Pixel SPx Reports# Richard Warren 17 September 2008 onscreen 5080/tcp OnScreen Data Collection Service onscreen 5080/udp OnScreen Data Collection Service# Christopher Miller 14 January 2008sdl-ets 5081/tcp SDL - Ent Trans Serversdl-ets 5081/udp SDL - Ent Trans Server# Marc Morin April 2002qcp 5082/tcp Qpur Communication Protocolqcp 5082/udp Qpur Communication Protocolqfp 5083/tcp Qpur File Protocolqfp 5083/udp Qpur File Protocol# Joachim Kluemper 19 March 2008llrp 5084/tcp EPCglobal Low-Level Reader Protocol llrp 5084/udp EPCglobal Low-Level Reader Protocol encrypted-llrp 5085/tcp EPCglobal Encrypted LLRP encrypted-llrp 5085/udp EPCglobal Encrypted LLRP# Margaret Wasserman November 2006car 5090/sctp Candidate ARcxtp 5091/sctp Context Transfer Protocol# RFC 4065 - July 2005# 5092/tcp Reservedmagpie 5092/udp Magpie Binary# Phil Maker 18 June 2008sentinel-lm 5093/tcp Sentinel LMsentinel-lm 5093/udp Sentinel LM# Derick Snyder# 5094-5098 Unassignedsentlm-srv2srv 5099/tcp SentLM Srv2Srvsentlm-srv2srv 5099/udp SentLM Srv2Srv# Derick Snydersocalia 5100/tcp Socalia service muxsocalia 5100/udp Socalia service mux# Alberto Raydan August 2005talarian-tcp 5101/tcp Talarian_TCPtalarian-udp 5101/udp Talarian_UDP# Leo Martinsoms-nonsecure 5102/tcp Oracle OMS non-secureoms-nonsecure 5102/udp Oracle OMS non-secure# Todd Guay August 2005# 5103-5110 Unassignedtaep-as-svc 5111/tcp TAEP AS servicetaep-as-svc 5111/udp TAEP AS service# Liu Changchun 05 November 2008pm-cmdsvr 5112/tcp PeerMe Msg Cmd Servicepm-cmdsvr 5112/udp PeerMe Msg Cmd Service# Marcos Della August 2005ni-conf 5113/tcp NI Device Configuration Protocolni-dc 5113/udp NI Device Discovery and Configuration Protocol # Ioan Cornea 03 August 2009ev-services 5114/tcp Enterprise Vault Services# Richard Jones 26 May 2009# 5114/udp Reservedautobuild 5115/tcp Symantec Autobuild Service# David Warden 17 November 2008# 5115/udp Reserved# 5116/tcp Reservedemb-proj-cmd 5116/udp EPSON Projecter Image Transfer# SEIKO EPSON 17 November 2008gradecam 5117/tcp GradeCam Image Processing# Robert Porter 24 September 2009# 5118-5132 Unassignednbt-pc 5133/tcp Policy Commandernbt-pc 5133/udp Policy Commander# Emily Harris November 2004# 5134-5136 Unassignedctsd 5137/tcp MyCTS server portctsd 5137/udp MyCTS server port# Jilles Oldenbeuving June 2002# 5138-5144 Unassignedrmonitor_secure 5145/tcp RMONITOR SECURErmonitor_secure 5145/udp RMONITOR SECURE# Kory Hamzehsocial-alarm 5146/tcp Social Alarm Service# Shaun Byrne 18 August 2009# 5146/udp Reserved# 5147-5149 Unassignedatmp 5150/tcp Ascend Tunnel Management Protocolatmp 5150/udp Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol# Kory Hamzehesri_sde 5151/tcp ESRI SDE Instanceesri_sde 5151/udp ESRI SDE Remote Startsde-discovery 5152/tcp ESRI SDE Instance Discoverysde-discovery 5152/udp ESRI SDE Instance Discovery# Peter Aronsontoruxserver 5153/tcp ToruX Game Server# Josse van Dobben de Bruyn 01 July 2009# 5153/udp Reservedbzflag 5154/tcp BZFlag game serverbzflag 5154/udp BZFlag game server# Tim Riker July 2003asctrl-agent 5155/tcp Oracle asControl Agentasctrl-agent 5155/udp Oracle asControl Agent# Todd Guay August 2005# 5156-5160 Unassignedsnmpssh 5161/tcp SNMP over SSH Transport Model# 5161/udp Reserved#snmpssh-trap 5162/tcp SNMP Notification over SSH Transport Model # 5162/udp Reserved#sbackup 5163/tcp Shadow Backup# Glenn Allen 05 August 2009# 5163/udp Reservedvpa 5164/tcp Virtual Protocol Adaptervpa-disc 5164/udp Virtual Protocol Adapter Discovery# Douglas Goodall 05 August 2009ife_icorp 5165/tcp ife_1corpife_icorp 5165/udp ife_1corp# Paul Annalawinpcs 5166/tcp WinPCS Service Connectionwinpcs 5166/udp WinPCS Service Connection# Complan Network AS February 2006scte104 5167/tcp SCTE104 Connectionscte104 5167/udp SCTE104 Connectionscte30 5168/tcp SCTE30 Connectionscte30 5168/udp SCTE30 Connection# Thomas Russell May 2005# 5169-5189 Unassignedaol 5190/tcp America-Onlineaol 5190/udp America-Online# Marty Lyonsaol-1 5191/tcp AmericaOnline1aol-1 5191/udp AmericaOnline1aol-2 5192/tcp AmericaOnline2aol-2 5192/udp AmericaOnline2aol-3 5193/tcp AmericaOnline3aol-3 5193/udp AmericaOnline3# Bruce Mackey# 5194-5199 Unassignedtargus-getdata 5200/tcp TARGUS GetDatatargus-getdata 5200/udp TARGUS GetDatatargus-getdata1 5201/tcp TARGUS GetData 1targus-getdata1 5201/udp TARGUS GetData 1targus-getdata2 5202/tcp TARGUS GetData 2targus-getdata2 5202/udp TARGUS GetData 2targus-getdata3 5203/tcp TARGUS GetData 3targus-getdata3 5203/udp TARGUS GetData 3# John Keaveney# 5204-5221 Unassignedxmpp-client 5222/tcp XMPP Client Connectionxmpp-client 5222/udp XMPP Client Connection#hpvirtgrp 5223/tcp HP Virtual Machine Group Management hpvirtgrp 5223/udp HP Virtual Machine Group Management hpvirtctrl 5224/tcp HP Virtual Machine Console Operations hpvirtctrl 5224/udp HP Virtual Machine Console Operations # John Williams June 2007hp-server 5225/tcp HP Serverhp-server 5225/udp HP Serverhp-status 5226/tcp HP Statushp-status 5226/udp HP Status# Brett Greenperfd 5227/tcp HP System Performance Metric Service perfd 5227/udp HP System Performance Metric Service # Previous contact: Phyllis Gallgher April 2007 # Current contact: Chris Bertin 19 May 2009 hpvroom 5228/tcp HP Virtual Room Service# Scott Levin 19 March 2009# 5228/udp Reserved# 5229-5233 Unassignedeenet 5234/tcp EEnet communicationseenet 5234/udp EEnet communications# Helmut Giritzer November 2005galaxy-network 5235/tcp Galaxy Network Servicegalaxy-network 5235/udp Galaxy Network Service# Michael Andre 04 October 2007padl2sim 5236/tcppadl2sim 5236/udp#mnet-discovery 5237/tcp m-net discoverymnet-discovery 5237/udp m-net discovery# Andy Crick 13 November 2007# 5238-5244 Unassigneddowntools 5245/tcp DownTools Control Protocoldowntools-disc 5245/udp DownTools Discovery Protocol# Jarrod Sayers 07 April 2009# 5246/tcp Reservedcapwap-control 5246/udp CAPWAP Control Protocol## 5247/tcp Reservedcapwap-data 5247/udp CAPWAP Data Protocol#caacws 5248/tcp CA Access Control Web Servicecaacws 5248/udp CA Access Control Web Service# Gabriel Kalmar 06 March 2008caaclang2 5249/tcp CA AC Lang Servicecaaclang2 5249/udp CA AC Lang Service# Gabriel Kalmar 19 February 2008 soagateway 5250/tcp soaGatewaysoagateway 5250/udp soaGateway# Greg Bodine February 2002caevms 5251/tcp CA eTrust VM Servicecaevms 5251/udp CA eTrust VM Service# Kevin Bond November 2004movaz-ssc 5252/tcp Movaz SSCmovaz-ssc 5252/udp Movaz SSC# Lou Berger November 2004# 5253-5263 Unassigned3com-njack-1 5264/tcp 3Com Network Jack Port 13com-njack-1 5264/udp 3Com Network Jack Port 1 3com-njack-2 5265/tcp 3Com Network Jack Port 23com-njack-2 5265/udp 3Com Network Jack Port 2 # Abhay Rajaram March 2003# 5266-5268 Unassignedxmpp-server 5269/tcp XMPP Server Connection xmpp-server 5269/udp XMPP Server Connection#xmp 5270/tcp Cartographer XMPxmp 5270/udp Cartographer XMP# Bobby Krupczak 03 April 2008# 5271 Unassignedpk 5272/tcp PKpk 5272/udp PK# Patrick Kara# 5273-5281 Unassignedtransmit-port 5282/tcp Marimba Transmitter Port transmit-port 5282/udp Marimba Transmitter Port# Johan Eriksson April 2002# 5283-5297 Unassignedpresence 5298/tcp XMPP Link-Local Messaging presence 5298/udp XMPP Link-Local Messaging# Eric St. Onge 14 January 2008nlg-data 5299/tcp NLG Data Servicenlg-data 5299/udp NLG Data Service# Andy Shellam 19 February 2008 hacl-hb 5300/tcp HA cluster heartbeathacl-hb 5300/udp HA cluster heartbeathacl-gs 5301/tcp HA cluster general services hacl-gs 5301/udp HA cluster general services hacl-cfg 5302/tcp HA cluster configurationhacl-cfg 5302/udp HA cluster configurationhacl-probe 5303/tcp HA cluster probinghacl-probe 5303/udp HA cluster probinghacl-local 5304/tcp HA Cluster Commandshacl-local 5304/udp HA Cluster Commandshacl-test 5305/tcp HA Cluster Testhacl-test 5305/udp HA Cluster Test# Eric Soderberg# Edward Yimsun-mc-grp 5306/tcp Sun MC Groupsun-mc-grp 5306/udp Sun MC Group# Michael DeMoneysco-aip 5307/tcp SCO AIPsco-aip 5307/udp SCO AIP# Barrie Coopercfengine 5308/tcp CFenginecfengine 5308/udp CFengine# Mark Burgessjprinter 5309/tcp J Printerjprinter 5309/udp J Printer# Ken Blackwelloutlaws 5310/tcp Outlawsoutlaws 5310/udp Outlaws# Richard Fife# 5311 Unassigned (removed 7 May 2004)permabit-cs 5312/tcp Permabit Client-Serverpermabit-cs 5312/udp Permabit Client-Server# Jered Floyd , June 2004rrdp 5313/tcp Real-time & Reliable Datarrdp 5313/udp Real-time & Reliable Data# Ted Hoshi , June 2004opalis-rbt-ipc 5314/tcp opalis-rbt-ipcopalis-rbt-ipc 5314/udp opalis-rbt-ipc# Laurent Domenechhacl-poll 5315/tcp HA Cluster UDP Pollinghacl-poll 5315/udp HA Cluster UDP Polling# Hoa Nguyenhpdevms 5316/tcp HP Device Monitor Servicehpdevms 5316/udp HP Device Monitor Service# Masato Maeda 04 October 2007# 5317-5319 Unassignedbsfserver-zn 5320/tcp Webservices-based Zn interface of BSF# Bert Paul 01 May 2008# 5320/udp Reservedbsfsvr-zn-ssl 5321/tcp Webservices-based Zn interface of BSF over SSL # Bert Paul 03 July 2008# 5321/udp Reserved# 5322-5342 Unassignedkfserver 5343/tcp Sculptor Database Serverkfserver 5343/udp Sculptor Database Server# Keith Ashman December 2005xkotodrcp 5344/tcp xkoto DRCPxkotodrcp 5344/udp xkoto DRCP# Jeff Heisz February 2006# 5345-5348 Unassignedstuns 5349/tcp STUN over TLSstuns 5349/udp Reserved for a future enhancement of STUN #nat-pmp-status 5350/tcp NAT-PMP Status Announcementsnat-pmp-status 5350/udp NAT-PMP Status Announcements# Stuart Cheshire 03 December 2007nat-pmp 5351/tcp NAT Port Mapping Protocolnat-pmp 5351/udp NAT Port Mapping Protocol# Joshua Graessley December 2004dns-llq 5352/tcp DNS Long-Lived Queriesdns-llq 5352/udp DNS Long-Lived Queries# Kiren Sekar August 2005mdns 5353/tcp Multicast DNSmdns 5353/udp Multicast DNS# Stuart Cheshiremdnsresponder 5354/tcp Multicast DNS Responder IPC mdnsresponder 5354/udp Multicast DNS Responder IPC# Stuart Cheshire June 2004llmnr 5355/tcp LLMNRllmnr 5355/udp LLMNR# Bernard Aboba June 2004ms-smlbiz 5356/tcp Microsoft Small Businessms-smlbiz 5356/udp Microsoft Small Business# Gopikrishna Sandra February 2005wsdapi 5357/tcp Web Services for Deviceswsdapi 5357/udp Web Services for Deviceswsdapi-s 5358/tcp WS for Devices Securedwsdapi-s 5358/udp WS for Devices Secured# Henry Rawas August 2005ms-alerter 5359/tcp Microsoft Alerterms-alerter 5359/udp Microsoft Alerter# Marc McClure 07 August 2007ms-sideshow 5360/tcp Protocol for Windows SideShowms-sideshow 5360/udp Protocol for Windows SideShowms-s-sideshow 5361/tcp Secure Protocol for Windows SideShow ms-s-sideshow 5361/udp Secure Protocol for Windows SideShow # Dan Polivy 12 March 2008serverwsd2 5362/tcp Microsoft Windows Server WSD2 Serviceserverwsd2 5362/udp Microsoft Windows Server WSD2 Service # Erhan Soyer-Osman 26 March 2008net-projection 5363/tcp Windows Network Projectionnet-projection 5363/udp Windows Network Projection# Rob Williams 17 February 2009# 5364-5396 Unassignedstresstester 5397/tcp StressTester(tm) Injectorstresstester 5397/udp StressTester(tm) Injector# Graham Parsons August 2005elektron-admin 5398/tcp Elektron Administrationelektron-admin 5398/udp Elektron Administration# Chris Hawk August 2005securitychase 5399/tcp SecurityChasesecuritychase 5399/udp SecurityChase# Daisuke Shinomiya August 2005excerpt 5400/tcp Excerpt Searchexcerpt 5400/udp Excerpt Searchexcerpts 5401/tcp Excerpt Search Secureexcerpts 5401/udp Excerpt Search Secure# John Hinsdalemftp 5402/tcp OmniCast MFTPmftp 5402/udp OmniCast MFTP# Steve Bannisterhpoms-ci-lstn 5403/tcp HPOMS-CI-LSTNhpoms-ci-lstn 5403/udp HPOMS-CI-LSTNhpoms-dps-lstn 5404/tcp HPOMS-DPS-LSTNhpoms-dps-lstn 5404/udp HPOMS-DPS-LSTN# Harold Froehlingnetsupport 5405/tcp NetSupportnetsupport 5405/udp NetSupport# Paul Sanderssystemics-sox 5406/tcp Systemics Soxsystemics-sox 5406/udp Systemics Sox# Gary Howlandforesyte-clear 5407/tcp Foresyte-Clearforesyte-clear 5407/udp Foresyte-Clearforesyte-sec 5408/tcp Foresyte-Secforesyte-sec 5408/udp Foresyte-Sec# Jorge Aldanasalient-dtasrv 5409/tcp Salient Data Serversalient-dtasrv 5409/udp Salient Data Serversalient-usrmgr 5410/tcp Salient User Managersalient-usrmgr 5410/udp Salient User Manager# Richard Farnhamactnet 5411/tcp ActNetactnet 5411/udp ActNet# Simon Robillardcontinuus 5412/tcp Continuuscontinuus 5412/udp Continuus# Steven Holtsbergwwiotalk 5413/tcp WWIOTALKwwiotalk 5413/udp WWIOTALK# Roger Knobbestatusd 5414/tcp StatusDstatusd 5414/udp StatusD# Stephen Miselns-server 5415/tcp NS Serverns-server 5415/udp NS Server# Jeffrey Chiaosns-gateway 5416/tcp SNS Gatewaysns-gateway 5416/udp SNS Gatewaysns-agent 5417/tcp SNS Agentsns-agent 5417/udp SNS Agent# Mary Holstagemcntp 5418/tcp MCNTPmcntp 5418/udp MCNTP# Heiko Ruppdj-ice 5419/tcp DJ-ICEdj-ice 5419/udp DJ-ICE# Don Tysoncylink-c 5420/tcp Cylink-Ccylink-c 5420/udp Cylink-C# John Jobenetsupport2 5421/tcp Net Support 2netsupport2 5421/udp Net Support 2# Paul Sanderssalient-mux 5422/tcp Salient MUXsalient-mux 5422/udp Salient MUX# Richard Farnhamvirtualuser 5423/tcp VIRTUALUSERvirtualuser 5423/udp VIRTUALUSER# Chad Williamsbeyond-remote 5424/tcp Beyond Remotebeyond-remote 5424/udp Beyond Remote# Michael Berg November 2004br-channel 5425/tcp Beyond Remote Command Channel br-channel 5425/udp Beyond Remote Command Channel # Michael Berg August 2005devbasic 5426/tcp DEVBASICdevbasic 5426/udp DEVBASIC# Curtis Smithsco-peer-tta 5427/tcp SCO-PEER-TTAsco-peer-tta 5427/udp SCO-PEER-TTA# Andrew Shiretelaconsole 5428/tcp TELACONSOLEtelaconsole 5428/udp TELACONSOLE# Joseph M. Newcomerbase 5429/tcp Billing and Accounting System Exchange base 5429/udp Billing and Accounting System Exchange# Odo Maletzkiradec-corp 5430/tcp RADEC CORPradec-corp 5430/udp RADEC CORP# David Chellpark-agent 5431/tcp PARK AGENTpark-agent 5431/udp PARK AGENT# John Cliffordpostgresql 5432/tcp PostgreSQL Databasepostgresql 5432/udp PostgreSQL Database# Tom Lanepyrrho 5433/tcp Pyrrho DBMSpyrrho 5433/udp Pyrrho DBMS# Malcolm Crowe November 2005sgi-arrayd 5434/tcp SGI Array Services Daemonsgi-arrayd 5434/udp SGI Array Services Daemon# Karl Feind October 2005sceanics 5435/tcp SCEANICS situation and action notification sceanics 5435/udp SCEANICS situation and action notification # Richard Olsen# 5436-5442 Unassignedspss 5443/tcp Pearson HTTPSspss 5443/udp Pearson HTTPS# Pearson 17 January 2008# 5444-5452 Unassignedsurebox 5453/tcp SureBoxsurebox 5453/udp SureBox# Emin BORU November 2004apc-5454 5454/tcp APC 5454apc-5454 5454/udp APC 5454apc-5455 5455/tcp APC 5455apc-5455 5455/udp APC 5455apc-5456 5456/tcp APC 5456apc-5456 5456/udp APC 5456# American Power Conversion# 5457-5460 Unassignedsilkmeter 5461/tcp SILKMETERsilkmeter 5461/udp SILKMETER# Klaus Fellnerttl-publisher 5462/tcp TTL Publisherttl-publisher 5462/udp TTL Publisher# Peter Jacobsttlpriceproxy 5463/tcp TTL Price Proxyttlpriceproxy 5463/udp TTL Price Proxy# Peter Jacobsquailnet 5464/tcp Quail Networks Object Brokerquailnet 5464/udp Quail Networks Object Broker# Craig N. Bissell April 2006netops-broker 5465/tcp NETOPS-BROKERnetops-broker 5465/udp NETOPS-BROKER# John R. Deuel# 5466-5499 Unassignedfcp-addr-srvr1 5500/tcp fcp-addr-srvr1fcp-addr-srvr1 5500/udp fcp-addr-srvr1fcp-addr-srvr2 5501/tcp fcp-addr-srvr2fcp-addr-srvr2 5501/udp fcp-addr-srvr2fcp-srvr-inst1 5502/tcp fcp-srvr-inst1fcp-srvr-inst1 5502/udp fcp-srvr-inst1fcp-srvr-inst2 5503/tcp fcp-srvr-inst2fcp-srvr-inst2 5503/udp fcp-srvr-inst2fcp-cics-gw1 5504/tcp fcp-cics-gw1fcp-cics-gw1 5504/udp fcp-cics-gw1# Ken Wittmercheckoutdb 5505/tcp Checkout Databasecheckoutdb 5505/udp Checkout Database# Dirk Stoop April 2007# 5506-5552 Unassignedsgi-eventmond 5553/tcp SGI Eventmond Portsgi-eventmond 5553/udp SGI Eventmond Port# Andrei Vilkotski June 2003sgi-esphttp 5554/tcp SGI ESP HTTPsgi-esphttp 5554/udp SGI ESP HTTP# Vladimir Legalov###UNAUTHORIZED USE: Port 5555 also used by HP Omniback###############UNAUTHORIZED USE: port 5555 by Intermec UDPPlus################# personal-agent 5555/tcp Personal Agentpersonal-agent 5555/udp Personal Agent# Jackie Wu######################################################## ###########freeciv 5556/tcp Freeciv gameplayfreeciv 5556/udp Freeciv gameplay# Reinier Post, Paul Zastoupil January 2006# 5557-5565 Unassignedwestec-connect 5566/tcp Westec Connect# Previous contact: Kaushlesh Chandel 03 March 2009# Current contact: Jon Bolen 18 March 2009# 5566/udp Unassignedm-oap 5567/tcp Multicast Object Access Protocolm-oap 5567/udp Multicast Object Access Protocol# Bryant Eastham November 2004sdt 5568/tcp Session Data Transport Multicastsdt 5568/udp Session Data Transport Multicast# Daniel W. Antonuk May 2006# 5569-5572 Unassignedsdmmp 5573/tcp SAS Domain Management Messaging Protocolsdmmp 5573/udp SAS Domain Management Messaging Protocol# Ron Zuckerman 30 August 2007lsi-bobcat 5574/tcp SAS IO Forwarding# Mandar Joshi 09 February 2009# 5574/udp Reserved# 5575-5578 Unassignedfdtracks 5579/tcp FleetDisplay Tracking Service# Henrik Woffinden 22 September 2008# 5579/udp Unassignedtmosms0 5580/tcp T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 0tmosms0 5580/udp T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 0tmosms1 5581/tcp T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 1tmosms1 5581/udp T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 1# Ezinne Oji June 2006fac-restore 5582/tcp T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 3fac-restore 5582/udp T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 3# Jessica Yan 19 February 2008tmo-icon-sync 5583/tcp T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 2tmo-icon-sync 5583/udp T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 2# Donghwan Lim 22 January 2008bis-web 5584/tcp BeInSync-Webbis-web 5584/udp BeInSync-Webbis-sync 5585/tcp BeInSync-syncbis-sync 5585/udp BeInSync-sync# Adi Ruppin August 2005# 5586-5596 Unassignedininmessaging 5597/tcp inin secure messagingininmessaging 5597/udp inin secure messaging# Mike Gagle May 2006mctfeed 5598/tcp MCT Market Data Feedmctfeed 5598/udp MCT Market Data Feed# Stephane Touizer May 2006esinstall 5599/tcp Enterprise Security Remote Installesinstall 5599/udp Enterprise Security Remote Installesmmanager 5600/tcp Enterprise Security Manageresmmanager 5600/udp Enterprise Security Manageresmagent 5601/tcp Enterprise Security Agentesmagent 5601/udp Enterprise Security Agent# Kimberly Gibbsa1-msc 5602/tcp A1-MSCa1-msc 5602/udp A1-MSCa1-bs 5603/tcp A1-BSa1-bs 5603/udp A1-BSa3-sdunode 5604/tcp A3-SDUNodea3-sdunode 5604/udp A3-SDUNodea4-sdunode 5605/tcp A4-SDUNodea4-sdunode 5605/udp A4-SDUNode# Mike Dolan# 5606-5626 Unassignedninaf 5627/tcp Node Initiated Network Association Formaninaf 5627/udp Node Initiated Network Association Forma# Thomas Scholl March 2006htrust 5628/tcp HTrust APIhtrust 5628/udp HTrust API# Karl Olafsson 24 October 2008symantec-sfdb 5629/tcp Symantec Storage Foundation for Database symantec-sfdb 5629/udp Symantec Storage Foundation for Database # Quang Thoi November 2006precise-comm 5630/tcp PreciseCommunicationprecise-comm 5630/udp PreciseCommunication# Alon Tamir April 2006pcanywheredata 5631/tcp pcANYWHEREdatapcanywheredata 5631/udp pcANYWHEREdatapcanywherestat 5632/tcp pcANYWHEREstatpcanywherestat 5632/udp pcANYWHEREstat# Jon Rosarkybeorl 5633/tcp BE Operations Request Listenerbeorl 5633/udp BE Operations Request Listener# chirag desai February 2006xprtld 5634/tcp SF Message Servicexprtld 5634/udp SF Message Service# VR Satish 16 August 2007sfmsso 5635/tcp SFM Authentication Subsystem# De-Chih Chien 15 September 2008# 5635/udp Reservedsfm-db-server 5636/tcp SFMdb - SFM DB server# De-Chih Chien 06 October 2008# 5636/udp Reserved# 5637-5670 Unassignedamqps 5671/tcp amqp protocol over TLS/SSL amqps 5671/udp amqp protocol over TLS/SSL# Ted Ross 26 March 2008amqp 5672/tcp AMQPamqp 5672/udp AMQP# Pieter Hintjens January 2006amqp 5672/sctp AMQP# Martin Sustrik March 2007jms 5673/tcp JACL Message Serverjms 5673/udp JACL Message Server# Stuart Allen February 2002hyperscsi-port 5674/tcp HyperSCSI Porthyperscsi-port 5674/udp HyperSCSI Port# Data Storage Institute, Singapore# February 2002v5ua 5675/tcp V5UA application portv5ua 5675/udp V5UA application portv5ua 5675/sctp V5UA application port# RFC3807 June 2004raadmin 5676/tcp RA Administrationraadmin 5676/udp RA Administration# Sergei Zjaikin February 2002questdb2-lnchr 5677/tcp Quest Central DB2 Launchr questdb2-lnchr 5677/udp Quest Central DB2 Launchr# Robert M. Mackowiak February 2002 rrac 5678/tcp Remote Replication Agent Connection rrac 5678/udp Remote Replication Agent Connection dccm 5679/tcp Direct Cable Connect Managerdccm 5679/udp Direct Cable Connect Manager# Mark Millerauriga-router 5680/tcp Auriga Router Serviceauriga-router 5680/udp Auriga Router Service# Vincent Gaudeul February 2006ncxcp 5681/tcp Net-coneX Control Protocol ncxcp 5681/udp Net-coneX Control Protocol。

Richtek RT5713 14 微型低功耗步进电压转换器说明书

Richtek RT5713 14 微型低功耗步进电压转换器说明书

RT5713/14Copyright © 2023 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.DS5713/14-03 March 2023Tiny, 360nA Low Quiescent Current, 0.5A/1A HCOT nanoPower Buck ConverterGeneral DescriptionThe RT5713/14 is a high efficiency synchronous step-down converter featuring typ. 360nA quiescent current. It provides high efficiency at light load down to 10mA. Its input voltage range is from 2.2V to 5.5V. The RT5713/14 provides 2 level output voltages which can be programmed via the voltage select pin VSEL while delivering output current up to 0.5A/1A.The Hysteretic Constant-On-Time (HCOT) operation with internal compensation allow the transient response to be optimized over a wide range of loads and output capacitors.The RT5713/14 is a available in WL-CSP-6B 1.415x0.885 (BSC) and WDFN-6L 2x2 package.Features⚫Input Voltage Range : 2.2V to 5.5V⚫Support Fixed Output Voltage 0.525V to 4V ⚫2 Level Output Voltage Selection by VSEL Pin ⚫Typ. 360nA Quiescent Current ⚫PSM Operation ⚫Internal Compensation ⚫Output Voltage Discharge ⚫Over-Current Protection ⚫Over-Temperature Protection ⚫Output Current⚫RT5713 400mA, Peak to 0.5A ⚫RT5714 600mA, Peak to 1A ⚫UVLO Protection⚫Online V OUT Dynamically-Voltage-Scaling ⚫Tiny, 6-Pin, 0.35mm Pitch WL-CSP Package ⚫Supports < 7mm 2 Solution SizeApplications⚫Hand-Held Devices ⚫Portable Information ⚫Battery Powered Equipment ⚫Wearable Devices ⚫Internet of Thing ⚫Smart WatchSimplified Application CircuitVOUTRT5713/14Ordering Information13 : 0.78A 14 : 1.2ANote :Richtek products are :④ RoHScompliant and compatible with the currentrequirements of IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020.④ Suitable for use in SnPb or Pb-free soldering processes.Marking InformationFormarkinginformation,contactoursalesrepresentative directly or through a Richtek distributor located in your area.Pin Configuration(TOP VIEW)L XG N DV S E LE NV I NV O U TA2A3B3B1A1B2VINLXEN VOUT VSELGND541236G N D7WL-CSP-6B 1.415x0.885 (BSC)WDFN-6L 2x2RT5713/14Functional Pin DescriptionRT5713/14Output Voltage TableThe RT5713/14 serves different output voltage as following bellow table.The part number and the output voltage is defined in the Ordering Information.RT5713/14Functional Block DiagramLXVINENVSELOperationThe RT5713/14 is a hysteretic constant on time (HCOT) switching buck converter. The RT5713/14 provides Over-Temperature Protection (OTP) and Over-Current Protection (OCP) mechanisms to prevent the device from damage with abnormal operations. When the EN voltage is logic low, the IC will be shut down with low input supply current less than 1μA.EnableThe device can be enabled or disabled by the EN pin. When the EN pin is higher than the threshold of logic-high IC goes to normal operation. EN pin High transfer Low into shutdown mode, the converter stops switching, internal control circuitry is turned off and trigger discharge function. That discharge function will close after count 10ms (typ.). If systems need EN toggle operation that EN turn off time must larger than 100μs for internal circuit reset time. UVLO ProtectionTo protect the chip from operating at insufficient supply voltage, the UVLO is needed. When the input voltage is lower than the UVLO falling threshold voltage, the device will be lockout.100% Duty Cycle OperationThe converter enters 100% duty cycle operation once the input voltage decrease and the difference voltage between input and output is lower than V TH_100-. The output voltage follows the input voltage minus the voltage drop across the internal P_MOSFET and the inductor. Once the input voltage increases and trips the 100% mode exit threshold, V TH_100+, the converter backs to normal switching again. See Figure 1.RT5713/14V V V VFigure 1. Automatic Transition into 100% Duty Cycle Over-Temperature ProtectionWhen the junction temperature exceeds the OTP threshold value, the IC will shut down the switching operation. Once the junction temperature cools down and is lower than the OTP lower threshold, the converter will automatically resume switching. Output Voltage SelectionThe RT5713/14 provides 2 level output voltages which can be programmed via the voltage select pin VSEL without VOUT disable.Over-Current ProtectionTheOCP function is implemented by UGATE and LGATE. When the inductor current reaches the UGATE current limit threshold, the high-side MOSFET will be turned-off. The low-side MOSFET turns on to discharge the inductor current until the inductor current trips belowthe LGATE current limit threshold. After UGATE currentlimit triggered, the max inductor current is decided by the inductor current rising rate and the response delay time of the internal network.During OCP period, the output voltage drops below the setting threshold (typ. 0.4V) and the current limit value is reduced for lowering the devices loss, reducing the heat and preventing further damage of the chip. Due to internal propagation delay (t I_LIM_DELAY = 50ns), the actual inductor current can exceed the static current limit during that time.The dynamic current limit can be calculated as follows :()⨯IN OUT Current_limit_peak UGATE_Current_limit I_LIM_DELAYV - V I = I + LtUGATE Current limit levelI current_ limit_ peakI I_LIM_DELAY Figure 2. Peak Current LimitRT5713/14Copyright © 2023 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.DS5713/14-03 March 2023Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)⚫ VIN, LX, EN, VSEL, VOUT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- −0.3V to 6V ⚫Power Dissipation, P D @ T A = 25︒CWL-CSP-6B 1.415x0.885 (BSC)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.79W WDFN-6L 2x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1W ⚫Package Thermal Resistance (Note 2)WL-CSP-6B 1.415x0.885 (BSC), θJA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 125.6︒C/W WDFN-6L 2x2, θJA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47.5︒C/W WDFN-6L 2x2, θJC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.5︒C/W ⚫ Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 260︒C ⚫ Junction Temperature --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 150︒C⚫ Storage Temperature Range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ −65︒C to 150︒C ⚫ESD Susceptibility (Note 3)HBM (Human Body Model) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ±2kVRecommended Operating Conditions (Note 4)⚫ Supply Input Voltage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2V to 5.5V ⚫ Output Current (5.5V ≥ V IN ≥ (V OUT_NOM + 0.7V) ≥ 3V) ------------------------------------------------- 0mA to 400mA ⚫ Ambient Temperature Range ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- −40︒C to 85︒C ⚫Junction Temperature Range ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- −40︒C to 125︒CElectrical Characteristics(V IN = 3.6V, C IN = 18μF, C OUT = 44μF, L = 1.5μH , typical values are at T J = 25︒C, unless otherwise specified)RT5713/14Note 1. Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions may affect device reliability.Note 2. θJA is measured under natural convection (still air) at T A = 25°C with the component mounted on a high effective-thermal-conductivity four-layer test board on a JEDEC 51-7 thermal measurement standard. θJC is measured at the case top of the package.Note 3. Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precautions are recommended.Note 4. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating conditions.RT5713/14Typical Application CircuitRT5713Recommended components information for the RT5713 as below table :RT5714Recommended components information for the RT5714 as below table :RT5713/14Typical Operating CharacteristicsEfficiency vs. Output Current505560657075808590951000.0010.0100.1001.000Output Current (A)E f f i c n e n c y (%)Load Regulation vs. Output Current0.5740.5760.5780.5800.5820.5840.5860.5880.5900.0010.0100.1001.000Output Current (A)L o a d R e g u l a t i o n (V )Output Voltage Ripple vs. Output Current510152025300.0010.0100.100 1.000Output Current (A)O u t p u t V o l t a g e R i p p l e (m V)Quiescent Current vs. Input Voltage0. 2.5 2.8 3.1 3.4 3.7 4.0 4.3 4.6 4.9 5.2 5.5Input Voltage (V)Q u i e s c e n t C u r r e n t(μA )Shut Down Current vs. Input Voltage0. 2.5 2.8 3.1 3.4 3.7 4.0 4.3 4.6 4.9 5.2 5.5Input Voltage (V)S h u t D o w n C u r r e n t(μA ) Output Voltage Error vs. Temperature0. (°C)O u t p u t V o l t a g e E rr o r (%)V IN = 3.6V, V OUT = 0.58V, I OUT = 0.05AV IN (2V/Div)V LX (2V/Div)Time (4μs/Div)PSM Mode OperationI LX(500mV/Div)V OUT (20mV/Div)Time (1μs/Div)PWM Mode OperationV IN = 3.6V, V OUT = 0.58V, I OUT = 0.4AV IN (2V/Div)V LX (2V/Div)I LX(500mV/Div)V OUT (20mV/Div)Time (500μs/Div)Power On with Light LoadV IN = 3.6V, V OUT = 0.58V, I OUT about = 0.03A (EN enable)V IN (5V/Div)V LX (5V/Div)I LX(500mV/Div)V OUT (1V/Div)Time (500μs/Div)Power On with Heavy LoadV IN = 3.6V, V OUT = 0.58V, I OUT about = 0.4A (EN enable)V IN (5V/Div)V LX (5V/Div)I LX(500mV/Div)V OUT (1V/Div)Time (100μs/Div)Load Transient Response V OUT (20mV/Div)I LOAD (200mA/Div)V IN = 3.6V, V OUT = 0.58V, I OUT = 0.05A to 0.5A to 0.05A,t R = t F =1μsV OUT (20mV/Div)Time (500μs/Div)Load Transient ResponseV IN = 3.6V, V OUT = 0.58V, I OUT = 0.01A to 0.03A to 0.01A,t R = t F =1μsI LOAD (20mA/Div)Application InformationRichtek’s component specification does not include the following information in the Application Information section. Thereby no warranty is given regarding its validity and accuracy. Customers should take responsibility to verify their own designs and to ensure the functional suitability of their components and systems.The RT5713/14 is a synchronous low voltage step-down converter that can support the input voltage rangefrom 2.2V to 5.5V and the output current can be up to400mA, peak to 0.5A (RT5713) / 600mA, peak to 1A(RT5714). Internal compensation are integrated tominimize external component count. Protection featuresinclude over-current protection, under-voltageprotection and over-temperature protection.Inductor SelectionThe recommended power inductor is 2.2μH andinductor saturation current rating choose followovercurrent protection design consideration. Inapplications, it needs to select an inductor with the lowDCR to provide good performance and efficiency.C IN and C OUT SelectionThe input capacitance, C IN, is needed to filter thetrapezoidal current at the source of the top MOSFET.To prevent large ripple voltage, a low ESR inputcapacitor sized for the maximum RMS current shouldbe used. RMS current is given by :I RMS = I OUT(MAX)×V OUTV IN×√V INV OUT-1This formula has a maximum at V IN= 2V OUT, where IRMS = IOUT / 2. This simple worst-case condition is commonly used for design because even significant deviations do not offer much relief. To choose a capacitor rated at a higher temperature than required. Several capacitors may also be paralleled to meet size or height requirements in the design.The selection of C OUT is determined by the Effective Series Resistance (ESR) that is required to minimize voltage ripple and load step transients, as well as the amount of bulk capacitance that is necessary to ensure that the control loop is stable. Loop stability can be checked by viewing the load transient response as described in a later section. The output ripple, ∆V OUT, is determined by:∆V OUT ≤ ∆I L(ESR+18×f SW×C OUT)Thermal ConsiderationsThe junction temperature should never exceed the absolute maximum junction temperature T J(MAX), listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings, to avoid permanent damage to the device. The maximum allowable power dissipation depends on the thermal resistance of the IC package, the PCB layout, the rate of surrounding airflow, and the difference between the junction and ambient temperatures. The maximum power dissipation can be calculated using the following formula :P D(MAX) = (T J(MAX) - T A) / θJAwhere T J(MAX) is the maximum junction temperature, T A is the ambient temperature, and θJA is the junction-to-ambient thermal resistance.For continuous operation, the maximum operating junction temperature indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions is 125°C. The junction-to-ambient thermal resistance, θJA, is highly package dependent. For a WL-CSP-6B 1.415x0.885 (BSC) package, the thermal resistance, θJA, is 125.6°C/W on a standard JEDEC 51-7 high effective-thermal-conductivity four-layer test board. For a WDFN-6L 2x2 package, the thermal resistance, θJA, is 47.5°C/W on a standard JEDEC 51-7 high effective-thermal-conductivity four-layer test board. The maximum power dissipation at T A = 25°C can be calculated as below :P D(MAX) = (125°C - 25°C) / (125.6°C/W) = 0.79W for a WL-CSP-6B 1.415x0.885 (BSC) package.P D(MAX)= (125°C - 25°C) / (47.5°C/W) = 2.1W for a WDFN-6L 2x2 package.The maximum power dissipation depends on the operating ambient temperature for the fixed T J(MAX) and the thermal resistance, JA . The derating curves in Figure 3 allows the designer to see the effect of rising ambient temperature on the maximum power dissipation.Figure 3. Derating Curve of Maximum PowerDissipationLayout ConsiderationsFor high frequency switching power supplies, the PCB layout is important to get good regulation, high efficiency and stability. The following descriptions are the guidelines for better PCB layout.④ For good regulation, place the power componentsas close as possible. The traces should be wide and short enough especially for the high-current loop.④ Shorten the LX node trace length and make it wide.Table 1. Protection Trigger Condition and Behavior0. Temperature (°C)M a x i m u m P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (W )TOP ViewC INC OUTL 1The input capacitor C IN connected to this pin should be grounded with the shortest pathThe output capacitor C OUT this pin should be grounded with the shortest pathThe inductor should be connected to this pin with the shortest path.The VSEL and EN pin should be connected to MCU or GND. Do not floating these pins.Figure 4. RT5713 WL-CSP-6B 1.415x0.885 (BSC) PCB Layout GuideTOP ViewC INC OUTL 1The input capacitor C IN connected to this pin should be grounded with the shortest pathThe output capacitor C OUT this pin should be grounded with the shortest pathThe inductor should be connected to this pin with the shortest path.The VSEL and EN pin should be connected to MCU or GND. Do not floating these pins.Figure 5. RT5714 WL-CSP-6B 1.415x0.885 (BSC) PCB Layout GuideC OUTIN connected to this pin The output capacitor C OUT connected to this pin should be grounded with the shortest pathThe VSEL and EN pin should be connected to MCU or GND. Do not floating these pins.Figure 6. RT5713 WDFN-6L 2x2 PCB Layout GuideC OUTIN connected to this pin The output capacitor C OUT connected to this pin should be grounded with the shortest pathThe VSEL and EN pin should be connected to MCU or GND. Do not floating these pins.Figure 7. RT5714 WDFN-6L 2x2 PCB Layout GuideOutline Dimension6B WL-CSP 1.415x0.885 Package (BSC)W-Type 6L DFN 2x2 PackageFootprint InformationPacking InformationTape and Reel Data (WL-CSP 1.415x0.885)Tape and Reel Packing (WL-CSP 1.415x0.885)Reel 7”12 inner boxes per outer box Packing by Anti-Static Bag Outer box Carton A3 reels per inner box Box AContainer Reel BoxSize Units Item Size(cm)7”3,000Box A18.3*18.3*8.0 Box E18.6*18.6*3.5Tape and Reel Data (QFN & DFN 2x2)Tape and Reel Packing (QFN & DFN 2x2)Reel 7” 3 reels per inner box Box A HIC & Desiccant (1 Unit) inside12 inner boxes per outer boxCaution label is on backside of Al bag Outer box Carton AContainer Reel Box CartonSize Units Item Size(cm)Item Size(cm)Boxes UnitQFN & DFN 2x27”2,500Box A18.3*18.3*8.07,500Carton A38.3*27.2*38.31290,000 Box E18.6*18.6*3.52,500For Combined or Partial Reel.Packing Material Anti-ESD PropertyRichtek Technology Corporation14F, No. 8, Tai Yuen 1st Street, Chupei CityHsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel: (8863)5526789Richtek products are sold by description only. Richtek reserves the right to change the circuitry and/or specifications without notice at any time. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information and data sheets before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. Richtek cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Richtek product. Information furnished by Richtek is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Richtek or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may resultfrom its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Richtek or its subsidiaries.。



界面预览{代码仅供大家学习,研究使用,不可用于非法途径,}使用的API及常数申明Private Declare Function MessageBoxTimeout Lib "user32" Alias "MessageBoxTimeoutA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpText As String, ByVal lpCaption As String, ByVal wType As Long, ByVal wlange As Long, ByVal dwTimeout As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function PostMessage& Lib "user32" Alias "PostMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any)Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As LongPrivate Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)Private Const WM_CLOSE = &H10Dim strW, strC As String开始扫描Private Sub Command1_Click()If WebBrowser1.Busy Thenn = MsgBox("请等待电信登陆页面出来后开始扫描,或刷新登陆页面." & Chr(13) & "或检查电脑网络是否正常!", 0, "提示")ElseTimer1.Enabled = TrueEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Timer1.Enabled = FalseTimer2.Enabled = FalseEnd SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()Timer1.Enabled = FalseSleep (3000)Timer1.Enabled = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Command4_Click()EndEnd SubPrivate Sub Command5_Click()End SubPrivate Sub Form_Activate()PrintPrint " " & "扫描帐号:"PrintPrintPrint " " & "可用帐号:"End Sub界面设计,网页载入Private Sub Form_Load()With Form1.Height = 10000.Width = 13000.Top = 1000.Left = 1000End WithWith WebBrowser1.Top = 2000.Left = 0.Height = 10000.Width = 13000End WithWebBrowser1.Navigate "https:///" End SubPrivate Sub m1_Click(Index As Integer) WebBrowser1.Navigate "https:///" End SubPrivate Sub m2_Click(Index As Integer)Form1.HideEnd Sub程序结束Private Sub m3_Click(Index As Integer)EndEnd Sub帐号及密码自动填写,验证码清空Private Sub Timer1_Timer()'号码及密码填写Text1.Text = Val(Text1.Text) + 1Sleep (500)Dim vDoc As ObjectDim vtag As ObjectDim J As IntegerDoEventsSet vDoc = WebBrowser1.DocumentFor J = 0 To vDoc.All.length - 1Set vtag = vDoc.All(J)If UCase(vtag.tagname) = "INPUT" ThenIf vtag.Type = "text" And = "user2" Thenvtag.Value = 0 & Text1.TextEnd IfEnd IfNext J'验证码清空WebBrowser1.Document.All("checkcode2").Value = ""Timer1.Enabled = FalseTimer3.Enabled = TrueEnd Sub网页弹窗检查关闭,可用帐号检查,及可用帐号记录Private Sub Timer2_Timer()Dim hWnd As LonghWnd = FindWindow(vbNullString, "来自网页的消息")If hWnd ThenPostMessage& hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0&, 0&Timer2.Enabled = FalseTimer1.Enabled = TrueElsestrC = WebBrowser1.Document.getElementById("showtime1").innerHTML If strC <> "" ThenText3.Text = Text1.TextOpen App.Path & "\Password thin.txt" For Append As #1Print #1, Text1.TextClose #1MessageBoxTimeout Me.hWnd, "恭喜您登录成功.", "提示", 48, 0, 3000Timer2.Enabled = FalseEnd IfEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer3_Timer()'验证码文本框获得焦点WebBrowser1.Document.All("checkcode2").FocusIf Len(WebBrowser1.Document.All("checkcode2").Value) = 4 Then '按钮点击WebBrowser1.Document.All.tags("INPUT")(27).ClickTimer3.Enabled = FalseTimer2.Enabled = TrueEnd IfEnd Sub。



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Cisco ONS 15454 参考手册 V5.0 状态概述说明书

Cisco ONS 15454 参考手册 V5.0 状态概述说明书

B-1Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R5.078-16296-01A P P E N D I XBAdministrative and Service StatesThis appendix describes administrative and service states for Cisco ONS 15454 cards, ports, and cross-connects. For circuit state information, see Chapter 10, “Circuits and Tunnels.” SoftwareRelease 5.0 states are based on the generic state model defined in Telcordia GR-1093-CORE, Issue 2 and ITU-T X.731.0.1Service StatesService states include a Primary State (PST), a Primary State Qualifier (PSTQ), and one or moreSecondary States (SST). Table 0-1 lists the service state PSTs and PSTQs supported by the ONS 15454.T able 0-1ONS 15454 Service State Primary States and Primary State QualifiersPrimary State, Primary State Qualifier DefinitionIS-NR (In-Service and Normal) The entity is fully operational and will perform as provisioned.OOS-AU (Out-of-Service and Autonomous) The entity is not operational because of an autonomous event.OOS-AUMA(Out-of-Service and Autonomous Management) The entity is not operational because of an autonomous event and has also been manually removed from service.OOS-MA(Out-of-Service and Management) The entity has been manually removed from service.Appendix B Administrative and Service States Administrative StatesTable0-2 defines the SSTs supported by the ONS 15454.T able0-2ONS 15454 Secondary StatesSecondary State DefinitionAINS(Automatic In-Service) The entity is delayed before transitioning to the IS-NRservice state. The transition to IS-NR depends on correction of conditions, or on asoak timer. Alarm reporting is suppressed, but traffic is carried. Raised faultconditions, whether or not their alarms are reported, can be retrieved on the CTCConditions tab or by using the TL1 RTRV-COND command.DSBLD(Disabled) The entity was manually removed from service and does not provide itsprovisioned functions. All services are disrupted; the entity is unable to carrytraffic.LPBK(Loopback) The entity is in loopback mode.MEA(Mismatched Equipment) An improper card is installed. For example, an installedcard is not compatible with the card preprovisioning or the slot. This SST appliesonly to cards.MT(Maintenance) The entity has been manually removed from service for amaintenance activity but still performs its provisioned functions. Alarm reportingis suppressed, but traffic is carried. Raised fault conditions, whether or not theiralarms are reported, can be retrieved on the CTC Conditions tab or by using theTL1 RTRV-COND command.OOG(Out of Group) The virtual concatenation (VCAT) member cross-connect is notused to carry VCAT group traffic. This state is used to put a member circuit out ofthe group and to stop sending traffic. OOS-MA,OOG only applies to thecross-connects on an end node where VCAT resides. The cross-connects onintermediate nodes are in the OOS-MA,MT service state.SWDL(Software Download) The card is involved in a software and database download.This SST applies only to cards.UAS(Unassigned) The card is not provisioned in the database. This SST applies only tocards.UEQ(Unequipped) The card is not physically present (that is, an empty slot). This SSTapplies only to cards.0.2Administrative StatesAdministrative states are used to manage service states. Administrative states consist of a PST and anSST. Table0-3 lists the administrative states supported by the ONS 15454. See Table0-2 for SSTdefinitions.Note A change in the administrative state of an entity does not change the service state of supporting or supported entities.Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R5.078-16296-01Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R5.078-16296-01Appendix B Administrative and Service StatesService State Transitions0.3Service State TransitionsThis section describes the transition from one service state to the next for cards, ports, and cross-connects. A service state transition is based on the action performed on the entity.0.3.1Card Service State TransitionsTable 0-4 lists card service state transitions.T able 0-3ONS 15454 Administrative StatesAdministrative State (PST,SST)Definition IS Puts the entity in-service.IS,AINS Puts the entity in automatic in-service.OOS,DSBLD Removes the entity from service and disables it.OOS,MT Removes the entity from service for maintenance.OOS,OOG(VCAT circuits only.) Removes a VCAT member cross-connect from service and from the group of members.T able 0-4ONS 15454 Card Service State T ransitionsCurrent Service State Action Next Service StateIS-NRChange the administrative state to OOS,MT.OOS-MA,MT Delete the card.OOS-AUMA,UAS Pull the card.OOS-AU,UEQ Reset the card.OOS-AU,SWDL OOS-AU,AINS and MEA Pull the card.OOS-AU,AINS & UEQ Delete the card.OOS-AUMA,UAS if the card is validOOS-AUMA,MEA & UAS if the card is invalidOOS-AU,AINS & SWDL Restart completed.IS-NRPull the card.OOS-AU,AINS & UEQ OOS-AU,AINS & UEQInsert a valid card.OOS-AU,AINS & SWDL Insert an invalid card.OOS-AU,AINS & MEA Delete the card.OOS-AUMA,UAS & UEQCisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R5.078-16296-01Appendix B Administrative and Service StatesService State TransitionsOOS-AU,MEAPull the card.OOS-AU,UEQDelete the card.OOS-AUMA,UAS if the card is validOOS-AUMA,MEA & UAS if the card is invalidChange the administrative state to OOS,MT.OOS-AUMA,MT & UEQ OOS-AU,SWDL Restart completed.IS-NR Pull the card.OOS-AU,UEQ OOS-AU,UEQInsert a valid card.OOS-AU,SWDL Insert an invalid card.OOS-AU,MEADelete the card.OOS-AUMA,UAS & UEQChange the administrative state to OOS,MT.OOS-AUMA,MT & UEQ OOS-AUMA,MEA & MTChange the administrative state to IS.OOS-AU,MEA Pull the card.OOS-AUMA,MT & UEQ Delete the card.OOS-AUMA,UAS if the card is validOOS-AUMA,MEA & UAS if the card is invalidOOS-AUMA,MEA & UAS Pull the card.OOS-AUMA,UAS & UEQ Provision the card.OOS-AU,MEA OOS-AUMA,MT & SWDL Restart completed.OOS-MA,MTPull the card.OOS-AUMA,MT & UEQOOS-AUMA,MT & UEQChange the administrative state to IS.OOS-AU,UEQ Insert a valid card.OOS-AUMA,MT & SWDL Insert an invalid card.OOS-AUMA,MEA & MT Delete the card.OOS-AUMA,UAS & UEQ OOS-AUMA,UAS Pull the card.OOS-AUMA,UAS & UEQ Provision an invalid card.OOS-AU,MEA Provision a valid card.OOS-AU,SWDL OOS-AUMA,UAS & UEQ Insert a valid card.OOS-AU,SWDLInsert an invalid card.OOS-AUMA,MEA & UAS Preprovision a card.OOS-AU,AINS & UEQT able 0-4ONS 15454 Card Service State T ransitions (continued)Current Service State Action Next Service StateCisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R5.078-16296-01Appendix B Administrative and Service StatesService State Transitions0.3.2Port and Cross-Connect Service State TransitionsTable 0-5 lists the port and cross-connect service state transitions. Port states do not impactcross-connect states with one exception. A cross-connect in the OOS-AU,AINS service state cannot transition autonomously into the IS-NR service state until the parent port is IS-NR.The following ports do not support all of the service states listed in Table 0-5:•E-Series Ethernet ports do not support service states; these ports are either enabled or disabled. •FC_MR-4 ports support the IS-NR; OOS-MA,DSBLD; and OOS-MA,MT service states; they do not support the OOS-AU,AINS service state.OOS-MA,MTChange the administrative state to IS.IS-NR Delete the card.OOS-AUMA,UAS Pull the card.OOS-AUMA,MT & UEQ Reset the card.OOS-AUMA,MT & SWDLT able 0-4ONS 15454 Card Service State T ransitions (continued)Current Service State Action Next Service StateT able 0-5ONS 15454 Port and Cross-Connect Service State T ransitionsCurrent Service State ActionNext Service State IS-NRPut the port or cross-connect in the OOS,MT administrative state.OOS-MA,MTPut the port or cross-connect in the OOS,DSBLD administrative state.OOS-MA,DSBLDOOS-MA,DSBLD & OOG for a VCAT cross-connect Put the port or cross-connect in the IS,AINS administrative state.OOS-AU,AINS 1Put the VCAT cross-connect in the OOS,OOG administrative state.OOS-MA,MT & OOGOOS-AU,AINSPut the port or cross-connect in the IS administrative state.IS-NR Put the port or cross-connect in the OOS,MT administrative state.OOS-MA,MTPut the port or cross-connect in the OOS,DSBLD.OOS-MA,DSBLDOOS-MA,DSBLD & OOG for a VCAT cross-connect Put the VCAT cross-connect in the OOS,OOG administrative state.OOS-MA,MT and OOGCisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R5.078-16296-01Appendix B Administrative and Service StatesService State TransitionsOOS-MA,DSBLDPut the port or cross-connect in the IS administrative state.IS-NRPut the port or cross-connect in the IS,AINS administrative state.OOS-AU,AINS Put the port or cross-connect in the OOS,MT.OOS-MA,MT Put the VCAT cross-connect in the OOS,OOG administrative state.OOS-MA,MT & OOGOOS-MA,LPBK & MTRelease the loopback.NoteWhile inOOS-MA,LPBK & MT, both CTC and TL1 allow a cross-connect to be deleted, which also removes the loopback. This applies only to the cross-connect, not the ports.OOS-MA,MTOOS-MA,MTPut the port or cross-connect in the IS administrative state.IS-NRPut the port or cross-connect in the IS,AINS administrative state.OOS-AU,AINS Put the port or cross-connect in the OOS,DSBLD.OOS-MA,DSBLDOOS-MA,DSBLD & OOG for a VCAT cross-connect Put the port or cross-connect in loopback.OOS-MA,LPBK & MT Put the VCAT cross-connect in the OOS,OOG administrative state.OOS-MA,MT & OOG1.For a VCAT member, an IS-NR to OOS-AU,AINS transition will not occur with a Loss of Multiframe (LOM) or SequenceMismatch (SQM) condition on the member.T able 0-5ONS 15454 Port and Cross-Connect Service State T ransitions (continued)Current Service State ActionNext Service State。

思科 Stealthwatch 6.8(第 1.1 版) 猎捕邪恶!演示指南说明书

思科 Stealthwatch 6.8(第 1.1 版) 猎捕邪恶!演示指南说明书

Cisco dCloudStealthwatch 6.8(第 1.1 版)—猎捕邪恶!最后更新日期:2017 年 2 月 13 日关于此演示“Stealthwatch 6.8(第 1.1 版)猎捕邪恶!”演示指南包括以下内容:要求拓扑入门指南帐户和密码场景 1:WebUI场景 2:Swing 客户端场景 3:检查主机组设置场景 4:执行流量查询场景 5:使用文档场景 6:确认规则/策略参数场景 7:调查警告场景 8:版权侵犯事件场景 9:检验思科 TrustSec 实施情况场景 10:恶意软件调查场景 11:调查代理连接场景 12:内部威胁检测场景 13:构建审计追踪附录 A:额外资源Cisco dCloud关于此解决方案思科 StealthWatch 通过收集并分析网络数据,为您的网络提供全面的可视性和保护,即使是规模最大、变动最频繁的网络,也尽在其掌握之中。

Stealthwatch 分析来自思科和其他供应商的路由器、交换机、防火墙和其他网络设备的行业标准 NetFlow 数据,以检测高级长期安全威胁,如内部传播的恶意软件、数据泄露、僵尸网络命令和控制流量和网络侦察。

作为对抗隐秘、复杂网络攻击的关键组成部分,Stealthwatch 通过分析网络内部(局域网和边界)的流量模式提供行为见解。

思科身份服务引擎 (ISE) 解决方案使用情景信息(如用户身份、用户权限级别、设备类型和状态)补充 Stealthwatch 基于 NetFlow 的威胁行为检测数据。

同时,StealthWatch 和思科 ISE 可为网络安全分析师提供一个集成用户、设备信息和网络流量数据的建议,使安全分析师能够以及时、高效且具成本效益的方式检测和辩明潜在威胁的严重程度。

此演示旨在让您熟悉思科 Stealthwatch 解决方案的用法。


Stealthwatch 包括若干核心和可选组成部分。

DrayTek Vigor2926 Dual-WAN Security Router Quick S

DrayTek Vigor2926 Dual-WAN Security Router Quick S

Vigor2926Dual-WAN Security Router Quick Start GuideVersion:1.1Firmware Version: V3.8.5_RC1a(For future update, please visit DrayTek web site)Date: February 5, 2018Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) InformationCopyrights © All rights reserved. This publication contains information that is protected by copyright. No part may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored ina retrieval system, or translated into any language without written permissionfrom the copyright holders.Trademarks The following trademarks are used in this document:●Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.●Windows, Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8 andExplorer are trademarks of Microsoft Corp.●Apple and Mac OS are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.●Other products may be trademarks or registered trademarks oftheir respective manufacturers.Safety Instructions and ApprovalSafety Instructions ●Read the installation guide thoroughly before you set up the router.●The router is a complicated electronic unit that may be repairedonly be authorized and qualified personnel. Do not try to open or repair the router yourself.●Do not place the router in a damp or humid place, e.g. a bathroom.●Do not stack the routers.●The router should be used in a sheltered area, within atemperature range of 0 to +40 Celsius.●Do not expose the router to direct sunlight or other heat sources.The housing and electronic components may be damaged by direct sunlight or heat sources.●Do not deploy the cable for LAN connection outdoor to preventelectronic shock hazards.●Keep the package out of reach of children.●When you want to dispose of the router, please follow localregulations on conservation of the environment.Warranty We warrant to the original end user (purchaser) that the router will be free from any defects in workmanship or materials for a period of two (2) yearsfrom the date of purchase from the dealer. Please keep your purchase receiptin a safe place as it serves as proof of date of purchase. During the warrantyperiod, and upon proof of purchase, should the product have indications offailure due to faulty workmanship and/or materials, we will, at our discretion,repair or replace the defective products or components, without charge foreither parts or labor, to whatever extent we deem necessary tore-store theproduct to proper operating condition. Any replacement will consist of a newor re-manufactured functionally equivalent product of equal value, and willbe offered solely at our discretion. This warranty will not apply if the productis modified, misused, tampered with, damaged by an act of God, or subjectedto abnormal working conditions. The warranty does not cover the bundled orlicensed software of other vendors. Defects which do not significantly affectthe usability of the product will not be covered by the warranty. We reservethe right to revise the manual and online documentation and to make changesfrom time to time in the contents hereof without obligation to notify anyperson of such revision or changes.EU Declaration of ConformityWe DrayTek Corp. , office at No.26, Fu Shing Road, HuKou County, Hsin-Chu Industry Park, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan , R.O.C., declare under our sole responsibility that the product●Product name: Broadband Security Firewall●Model number: Vigor2926●Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp.●Address: No.26, Fu Shing Road, HuKou County, Hsin-Chu Industry Park, Hsinchu300, Taiwan , R.O.C.is in conformity with the relevant Union harmonisation legislation:EMC Directive 2014/30/EU , Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU , ErP 2009/125/EC and RoHS2011/65/EU with reference to the following standardsStandard Version / Issue dateEN 550322012+AC:2013 class BEN 61000-3-22014 Class AEN 61000-3-32013EN 550242010+A1:2015EN 60950-12006 +A11:2009+A1:2010 +A12:2011+A2:2013EC No. 1275/2008 2008Hsinchu 22nd June, 2017Calvin Ma / President . (place) (date) (Legal Signature)Regulatory InformationFederal Communication Commission Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:●Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.●Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.●Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiveris connected.●Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) This device may accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.The antenna/transmitter should be kept at least 20 cm away from human body.More update, please visit .T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s1. Introduction (1)2. Package Content (2)3. Panel Explanation for Vigor2926 (3)4. Hardware Installation (5)4.1 Network Connection (5)4.2 Wall-Mounted Installation (6)5. Software Configuration (7)6. Customer Service (18)Be a Registered Owner (18)Firmware & Tools Updates (18)1.I n t r o d u c t i o nVigor2926 is a broadband router which integrates IP layer QoS, NATsession/bandwidth management to help users control works well with large bandwidth.By adopting hardware-based VPN platform and hardware encryption ofAES/DES/3DES, and hardware key hash of SHA-1/MD5, the router increases the performance of VPN greatly and offers several protocols (such asIPSec/PPTP/L2TP) with up to 50 VPN tunnels.The object-based design used in SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) firewall allows users to set firewall policy with ease. CSM (Content Security Management)provides users control and management in IM (Instant Messenger) and P2P (Peer to Peer) more efficiency than before. In addition, DoS/DDoS prevention and URL/Web content filter strengthen the security outside and control inside.Vigor2926 supports USB interface for connecting USB printer to share printing function, 3G/4G USB modem for network connection, or connectivity fornetwork FTP service.2.P a c k a g e C o n t e n tTake a look at the package content. If there is anything missed or damaged, please contact DrayTek or dealer immediately.Vigor Router Quick Start GuideRJ-45 Cat-5 Ethernet CableThe type of the power adapter depends on the country that the router will be installed. * The maximum power consumption is 30 Watt.UK-type Power Adapter EU-type Power Adapter USA/Taiwan-type Power Adapter AU/NZ-type Power Adapter3. P a n e l E x p l a n a t i o n f o r V i g o r 2926LEDStatusExplanationBlinking The router is powered on and running normally. ACT(Activity) Off The router is powered off. On Internet connection is ready. OffInternet connection is not ready. WAN1~ WAN2 Blinking The data is transmitting. QoSOn The QoS function is active.OnUSB device is connected and ready for use. USB1~USB2 Blinking The data is transmitting.WCF OnThe Web Content Filter is active. (It is enabled from Firewall >> General Setup ). On The VPN tunnel is active. OffVPN service is disabled.VPNBlinkingTraffic is passing through VPN tunnel. OnThe DMZ function is enabled. OffThe DMZ function is disabled. DMZ BlinkingThe data is transmitting. LED on ConnectorOn The port is connected. OffThe port is disconnected. Left LED(Green)Blinking The data is transmitting.On The port is connected with 1000Mbps. LAN P1~P4Right LED (Green) Off The port is connected with 10/100Mbps. On The port is connected. OffThe port is disconnected. Left LED (Green) Blinking The data is transmitting.On The port is connected with 1000Mbps. WAN1Right LED (Green) Off The port is connected with 10/100Mbps. On The port is connected. OffThe port is disconnected. Left LED (Green) Blinking The data is transmitting.On The port is connected with 1000Mbps. P5 / WAN2Right LED (Green)OffThe port is connected with 10/100Mbps.The port “P5 / WAN2” is switchable. It can be used for LAN connection or WAN connection according to the settings configured in WUI.Switch on Rear SideInterface DescriptionFactory Reset Restore the default settings.Usage: Turn on the router (ACT LED is blinking). Press the hole andkeep for more than 5 seconds. When you see the ACT LED begins toblink rapidly than usual, release the button. Then the router willrestart with the factory default configuration.LAN P1~ P4 Connecters for local network devices.WAN1 Connecter for modem for accessing Internet.P5 / WAN2 Connecter for local network devices or modem for accessingInternet.USB1~USB2 Connector for a USB device (for 3G/4G USB Modem or printer or Environmental Thermometer).PWR Connector for a power cord.Switch.ON/OFF Power4.H a r d w a r e I n s t a l l a t i o nThis section will guide you to install the router through hardware connection and configure the router’s settings through web browser.Before starting to configure the router, you have to connect your devicescorrectly.4.1N e t w o r k C o n n e c t i o n1.Connect the cable Modem/DSL Modem/Media Converter to any WAN port ofrouter with Ethernet cable (RJ-45).2.Connect one end of an Ethernet cable (RJ-45) to one of the LAN ports of therouter and the other end of the cable (RJ-45) into the Ethernet port on your computer.3.Connect one end of the power cord to the router’s power port on the rearpanel, and the other side into a wall outlet.4.Power on the device by pressing down the power switch on the rear panel.5.The system starts to initiate. After completing the system test, the ACT LEDwill light up and start blinking.(For the detailed information of LED status, please refer to section 3. Panel Explanation)4.2 W a l l -M o u n t e d I n s t a l l a t i o nVigor router has keyhole type mounting slots on the underside.1. A template is provided on the Vigor router packaging box to enable you tospace the screws correctly on the wall. 2. Place the template on the wall and drill the holes according to therecommended instruction. 3.Fit screws into the wall using the appropriate type of wall plug.NoteThe recommended drill diameter shall be 6.5mm (1/4”).4. When you finished about procedure, the router has been mounted on thewall firmly.5.S o f t w a r e C o n f i g u r a t i o nTo access Internet, please finish basic configuration after completing thehardware installation.The Quick Start Wizard is designed for you to easily set up your router for Internet access. You can directly access the Quick Start Wizard via WebConfigurator.1.Make sure your PC connects to the router correctly.Note You may either simply set up your computer to get IP dynamicallyfrom the router or set up the IP address of the computer to be thesame subnet as the default IP address of Vigor router192.168.1.1. For the detailed information, please refer to thelater section - Trouble Shooting of the guide.2.Open a web browser on your PC and type A pop-upwindow will open to ask for username and password. Please type.“admin/admin” as the Username/Password and click LoginNote If you fail to access to the web configuration, please go to“Trouble Shooting” for detecting and solving your problem.3. Now, the Main Screen will pop up. Click Wizards>>Quick Start Wizard .NoteThe home page will change slightly in accordance with the router you have.4. Enter the login password on the field of New Password and retype it on thefield of Confirm Password . Then click Nextto continue.5.On the next page as shown below, please select the WAN interface that youuse. If Ethernet interface is used, please choose WAN1/WAN2; if 3G/4G USB modem is used, please choose WAN3/WAN4. Then click Next for next step.WAN1, WAN2, WAN3 and WAN4 will bring up different configuration page. Refer to the following for detailed information.Here we take WAN1/WAN2 (Ethernet) as an example.WAN1/WAN2 is dedicated to physical mode in Ethernet. If you chooseWAN1/WAN2, please specify physical type. Then, click Next. On the next page as shown below, please select the appropriate Internet access type according to the information from your ISP. For example, you should select PPPoE mode if the ISP provides you PPPoE interface.P P P o E1.Choose WAN1/WAN2 as the WAN Interface and click the Next button. Thefollowing page will be open for you to specify Internet Access Type.2.Click PPPoE as the Internet Access Type. Then click Next to continue.3.Please manually enter the Username/Password provided by your ISP. ClickNext for viewing summary of such connection.4.Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK will appear.Then,the system status of this protocol will be shown.5.Now, you can enjoy surfing on the Internet.P P T P/L2T P1.Choose WAN1/WAN2 as the WAN Interface and click the Next button. Thefollowing page will be open for you to specify Internet Access Type.2.Click PPTP/L2TP as the Internet Access Type. Then click Next to continue.3.Please type in the IP address/mask/gateway information originally providedby your ISP. Then click Next for viewing summary of such connection.4.Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK will appear.Then,the system status of this protocol will be shown.5.Now, you can enjoy surfing on the Internet.S t a t i c I P1.Choose WAN1/WAN2 as the WAN Interface and click the Next button. Thefollowing page will be open for you to specify Internet Access Type.2.Click Static IP as the Internet Access type. Simply click Next to continue.3.Please type in the IP address information originally provided by your ISP.Then click Next for next step.4.Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK will appear.Then,the system status of this protocol will be shown.5.Now, you can enjoy surfing on the Internet.D H C P1.Choose WAN1/WAN2 as WAN Interface and click the Next button. Thefollowing page will be open for you to specify Internet Access Type.2.Click DHCP as the Internet Access type. Simply click Next to continue.3.After finished the settings above, click Next for viewing summary of suchconnection.4.Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK will appear.Then,the system status of this protocol will be shown.5.Now, you can enjoy surfing on the Internet.6.C u s t o m e r S e r v i c eIf the router cannot work correctly after trying many efforts, please contact your dealer/DrayTek for further help right away. For any questions, please feel free *********************************.B e a R e g i s t e r e d O w n e rWeb registration is preferred. You can register your Vigor router via.F i r m w a r e&T o o l s U p d a t e sDue to the continuous evolution of DrayTek technology, all routers will beregularly upgraded. Please consult the DrayTek web site for more information on newest firmware, tools and documents.。















背压(Backpressure) :当外出或输出端口出现拥塞现象时,被交换机用来通知发送端降低帧发送速度,以阻止外部数据源继续向拥塞端口传输帧的那些方法。









在线验证代理匿名程度的方法在线验证代理匿名程度的方法类别:免费网络代理, 实用网络发现日期:2010年01月06日版权声明:寻宝族网站所有文章都可以任意转载,转载时请以超链接形式保留文章出处。


验证网址:内容说明:HTTP_HOST 网页服务器名称REMOTE_ADDR 服务器识别出来的客户端IPHTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR和HTTP_VIA 后面如果不为“none”, 就证明被服务器识别出使用了代理,代理服务器的地址就是后面的数值。

HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE –浏览器所使用的语言HTTP_USER_AGENT 浏览器类型版本以及操作系统信息。

一、没有使用代理:REMOTE_ADDR = 你的 IPHTTP_VIA = (none)HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR = (none)二、使用透明代理REMOTE_ADDR = 代理服务器 IPHTTP_VIA = 代理服务器 IPHTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR = 你的真实 IP被访问的网站不仅知道你用了代理,并且知道代理的ip和你的真实ip。

三、使用普通匿名代理REMOTE_ADDR = 代理服务器 IPHTTP_VIA = 代理服务器 IPHTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR = 代理服务器 IP隐藏了真实的IP,但是被访问的网站知道你使用了代理。

四、使用欺骗性匿名代理REMOTE_ADDR = 代理服务器 IPHTTP_VIA = 代理服务器 IPHTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR = 随机的 IP被访问的网站虽然知道你使用了代理,但是探测到的ip是代理随机生成的一个虚假的IP。

五、使用高匿名代理REMOTE_ADDR = 代理服务器 IPHTTP_VIA = 没数值或不显示HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR = 没数值或不显示被访问的网站会认为有真实的IP在访问它,探测不出你的真实IP,也不知道你在用代理。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
] [ C84 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C85 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C86 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C87 CHIP 0603 220pF
] [ C88 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C89 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C9 CHIP 0603 220pF
] [ R106 CHIP 0603 100
] [ R107 CHIP 0603 100
] [ R108 0 0
] [ R109 0 0
] [ R11 CHIP 0603 100K, 1%
] [ R110 0 0
] [ R111 0 0
] [ R12
CHIP 0603 10K, 1%
] [ R13 CHIP 0603 10K05 Ferrite Chip
] [ L15 CHIP 0805 Ferrite Chip
] [ L2 CHIP 0805 Ferrite Chip
] [ L3 CHIP 0805
Ferrite Chip
] [ L4 CHIP 0805 NU
] [ L5 CHIP 0805 NU
] [
R36 CHIP 0603 10K, 1%
] [ R37 CHIP 0603 10K, 1%
] [ R38 CHIP 0603 10K, 1%
] [ R39 CHIP 0603 10K, 1%
] [ R4 CHIP 0603 10K
] [ R40 CHIP 0603 301, 1%
] [ C62 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C63 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C64 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C65 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C66 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C67 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C68 CHIP 0603
] [ C98
CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C99 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ CT1 CHIP 7343(D) 47uF
] [ CT11 CHIP 7343(D) 10uF
] [ CT12 CHIP 7343(D) 47uF
] [ CT13 CHIP 7343(D) 10uF
] [ CT14 CHIP 7343(D) 47uF
] [ J1 RAPC4BHN2 Mic In
] [ J2 RAPC4BHN2 Line In
] [ J3 RAPC4BHN2 Line Out
] [ J4 RAPC4BHN2 Line Out
] [ J5 MOLEX_PWR 4-pin Molex
] [ J6 SMT 15x17 RASM712
] [ J7 HEADER 7x2 TSW-107-14-G-D-0
] [ JP1 HEADER 5x2 HEADER 5x2
] [ JP2 HEADER 2x1 HEADER 2x1
] [ JP3 HEADER 2x1 HEADER 2x1
] [ L1 CHIP 0805 Ferrite Chip
] [ L13 CHIP 0805 Ferrite Chip
] [ R3 CHIP 0603 10K
] [ R30 CHIP 0603 10K
] [ R31 CHIP 0603 10K, 1%
] [ R32 CHIP 0603 10K, 1%
] [ R33 4MM/J-HOOK 200K
] [ R34 CHIP 0603 10K, 1%
] [ R35 CHIP 0603 10K, 1%
] [ C76 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C77 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
[ C78 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C79 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C8 CHIP 0805 1uF
] [ C80 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C83 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ R10 CHIP 0603 10K, 1%
] [ R100 CHIP 0603 150
] [ R101 CHIP 0603 150
] [ R102 CHIP 0603 1K
] [ R103 CHIP 0603 100
] [ R104 CHIP 0603 100
] [ R105 CHIP 0603 100
] [ M3 MH125_P 125_PH
[ M4 MH125_P 125_PH
] [ P1 SMT 40x2 SFM-140-L2-S-D-L
] [ P2 SMT 40x2 SFM-140-L2-S-D-L
] [ P3 SMT 40x2 SFM-140-L2-S-D-L
] [ R1 CHIP 0603 0
] [ C29 CHIP 0805 1uF
] [ C30 CHIP 0603 NU
] [ C31 CHIP 0603 2200pF
] [ C32 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C33 CHIP 0603 220pF
] [ C34 CHIP 0603 NU
] [ C35 CHIP 0603 NU
] [ C5 CHIP 0805 1uF
] [
C50 CHIP 0603 47pF, NPO
] [ C51 CHIP 0603 0.01uF
] [ C52 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C53 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C54 CHIP 0603 10pF
] [ C55 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C36 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C37 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C38 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C39 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C40 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C41 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C42 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ R14 CHIP 0603 10K, 1%
] [ R15 CHIP 0603 10K, 1%
] [ R16 CHIP 0603 10K, 1%
] [ R17 CHIP 0603 10K, 1%
] [ R18 CHIP 0603 10K, 1%
] [ R19 CHIP 0603 10K, 1%
] [ CT15 CHIP 7343(D) 10uF
] [ CT16 CHIP 7343(D) 47uF
] [ CT17 CHIP 7343(D) 10uF
] [ CT2 CHIP 7343(D) 10uF
] [ CT25 CHIP 7343(D) 10uF
] [ CT3 CHIP 7343(D) 10uF
] [ C22
CHIP 0603 47pF, NPO
] [ C23 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C24 CHIP 0805 1uF
] [ C25 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C26 CHIP 0603 2200pF
] [ C27 CHIP 0603 220pF
] [ C28 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C43 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C44 CHIP 0603 0.01uF
] [ C45 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C46 CHIP 0805 1uF
] [ C47 CHIP 0603 47pF, NPO
] [ C48 CHIP 0603 47pF, NPO
] [ C49 CHIP 0603 0.01uF
] [ R2 CHIP 0603 10K
] [ R20 CHIP 0603 10K, 1%
] [ R21 CHIP 0603 100 1%
] [ R22 CHIP 0603 3.83K, 1%
] [ R23 CHIP 0603 3.83K, 1%
] [ R24 CHIP 0603 15K, 1%
] [ R246 0 0
] [ C15 CHIP 0603 NU
] [ C16 CHIP 0603 NU
] [ C17 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C18 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C19 CHIP 0603 220pF
] [ C2 CHIP 0603 NU
] [ C20 CHIP 0805 1uF
] [ C21 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C69 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C7 CHIP 0603 NU
] [ C70 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C71 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C72 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C73 CHIP 0603 0.1uF
] [ C75 CHIP 0603 0.1
] [ R247 0 0
] [ R249 CHIP 1206 0
] [ R25 CHIP 0603 3.83K, 1%
] [ R26 CHIP 0603 100 1%
] [ R27 CHIP 0603 15K, 1%
] [ R28 CHIP 0603 3.83K, 1%
] [ R29 CHIP 0603 10K 1%
] [ C103 CHIP 0603 0.1uF