Fundamentals of Optimal Estimation Theory - 副本





Statisticians use maximum likelihood estimation toestimate the parameters of the exponential distribution.2.通过估计参数λ,我们可以更好地了解指数分布中事件发生的方式。

By estimating the parameter λ, we can gain a better understanding of how events occur in an exponential distribution.3.极大似然估计是一种常用的统计方法,可用于估计各种类型的分布。

Maximum likelihood estimation is a commonly usedstatistical method that can be used to estimate various types of distributions.4.我们可以使用极大似然估计来估计指数分布的中位数或平均值。

We can use maximum likelihood estimation to estimate the median or mean of the exponential distribution.5.估计出的参数可以用于预测未来事件的发生情况。

The estimated parameters can be used to predict the occurrence of future events.6.极大似然估计需要收集一定数量的数据来进行计算。

Maximum likelihood estimation requires collecting a sufficient amount of data for computation.7.通过比较不同参数值下的似然函数,我们可以找到最可能的参数值。

《系统分析和设计》 教学大纲 英语

《系统分析和设计》 教学大纲 英语

《系统分析和设计》教学大纲课程编号: MIS363课程类型:□通识教育必修课□通识教育选修课√专业必修课□专业选修课□□学科基础课总学时:54 学时讲课学时:36 实验(上机)学时:18学分:3适用对象:信管专业大三学生I.Course IntroductionManagement Information Systems (MIS) continues to be an eclectic mix of ideas, theories, and research methodologies. No other academic unit of the university studies the development of informationsystems, at least not from the particular perspective you find in MIS programs. While it is true that computer science departments are involved in building computer systems, computer sciencedevelopment is largely void of context. No one else in theuniversity, and for that matter in business organizations, has the combination of technical knowledge and organizational contextthat informs the systems development perspective of MIS.Accordingly, students will learn all about the particular MIS perspective on systems development in this course. Students will learn about the systems development life cycle and follow it from the birth of a new information system to the system's death and replacement. Along the way, students will learn about the tools, techniques, and methodologies used by systems analysts to develop information systems in organizations.II.Learning ObjectivesUpon completion of this course, students should be able to: •Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the systems development lifecycleand the ability to explain the role of information systems within organizations•Demonstrate the ability to think critically and manage risk and reward when applying the systems development lifecycle •Demonstrate the ability to use analysis and design methods competently and effectively•Understand and articulate the roles of the system analyst in modern organizations and how the SA functions in each phase of the systems development life cycle. Competence is tested through written exams and by solving group cases.•Use Hypercase, a hypertext-based program to simulate organizational systems problems and develop solutions to them.•Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing, individually and in teamsIII.Connection between Teaching Content and Graduation Requirement MIS Undergraduate Program Learning Goals and Outcomes1. Knowledge: Our graduates will have in-depth disciplinary knowledge applicable in local and global contexts. You should be able to select and apply disciplinary knowledge to business situations in a local and global environment.2. Critical thinking and problem solving: Our graduates will be critical thinkers and effective problem solvers. You should be able to identify and research issues in business situations, analyze the issues, and propose appropriate and well-justified solutions.3. Communication: Our graduates will be effective professional communicators. You should be able to:a. Prepare written documents that are clear and concise, usingappropriate style and presentation for the intended audience,purpose and context.b. Prepare and deliver oral presentations that are clear,focused, well-structured, and delivered in a professional manner.4. Teamwork: Our graduates will be effective team participants. You should be able to participate collaboratively and responsibly in teams, and reflect on your own teamwork, and on the team’s processes an d ability to achieve outcomes.5. Ethical, social and environmental responsibility: Our graduates will have a sound awareness of the ethical, social, cultural and environmental implications of business practice. You should be able to:a. Identify and assess ethical, environmental and/orsustainability considerations in business decision-making andpractice.b. Identify social and cultural implications of businesssituations.The following table shows how the Course Learning Outcomes relate to the overall Program Learning Goals and Outcomes, and indicates where these are assessed:IV.Teaching methodsThis course consists of lectures, labs, discussions, research paper, group assignments and group presentations. Students must beprepared to discuss the assigned papers or cases before class. V.Topical Course OutlineVI.Course Content HighlightsThe course content is divided into five major parts: Systems AnalysisFundamentals (Part I), Information Requirements Analysis (Part II), The Analysis Process (Part III), The Essentials of Design (Part IV), and Quality Assurance and Implementation (Part V).错误!未找到引用源。



在低渗透砂岩层气藏中现场预测克林肯伯格渗透率的新方法Mehdi Tadayoni ,National Iranian Oil Company and Mina Valadkhani ,Sepah Bank摘要油藏的沉积作用和成岩作用使得低渗透性气藏趋于不均质状态,这给地质研究员的分析研究带来了很大困难。







这项研究的目的是,通过使用总纲发展蓝图的方法和反传播的方法(人工神经网络)来描述在三个不同的阶段(培训,确认,应用)的三个不同的井,用适当的岩心校准现场的克林肯伯格渗透率,来研究关于岩心克林肯伯格渗透率和综合测井曲线 (伽玛射线,密度,中子,地层电阻率等等)的关系。







信道估计的书 -回复

信道估计的书 -回复

信道估计的书-回复以下是一些关于信道估计的书籍推荐:1. "Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice" by Theodore S. Rappaport - 这本书全面涵盖了无线通信的各个方面,其中包括信道估计的理论和实践。

2. "Digital Communication over Fading Channels" by Marvin K. Simon, Michael M. Sadler, and Mark A. Neifeld - 这本书深入探讨了在衰落信道中进行数字通信的问题,包括信道估计和均衡技术。

3. "Channel Estimation for Wireless Communications" by Hien Quoc Ngo, Trung Q. Duong, and H. Vincent Poor - 这本书专门针对无线通信中的信道估计问题,详细介绍了各种信道估计算法和应用。

4. "Spatial Channel Modeling and Estimation for Wireless Communication Systems" by Jia-Shin Lin and Hsiao-Lu Wu - 这本书主要关注空间信道模型和估计技术,包括MIMO系统中的信道估计。

5. "Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing: Estimation Theory" by Steven M. Kay - 虽然这本书不是专门针对信道估计的,但它提供了统计信号处理和估计理论的基础知识,这对于理解和应用信道估计技术非常有帮助。




应用金融硕士研究生精读书目陈雨露、张杰、瞿强联合推荐2004-12-71、《经济学原理》N·格里高利·曼昆(N.Gregory Mankiw),中国人民大学出版社。

2、《应用经济计量学》拉姆·拉玛纳山(Ramu Ramanathan),机械工业出版社。

3、《货币金融学》弗雷德里克·S·米什金(Fredcric S.Mishkin),中国人民大学出版社。








11、《衍生金融工具与风险管理》唐·M·钱斯(Don.M.Chanc),中信出版社攻读博士学位预备生精读书目陈雨露、张杰、瞿强联合推荐2004-12-71、《经济学原理》N·格里高利·曼昆(N.Gregory Mankiw),中国人民大学出版社。

2、《应用经济计量学》拉姆·拉玛纳山(Ramu Ramanathan),机械工业出版社。


4、《货币金融学》弗雷德里克·S·米什金(Fredcric S.Mishkin),中国人民大学出版社。





加和型误差(Additive type error):是观测值与拟合值 之间的差 Additive type error : subtraction between predictions and observations .
Obs Pred
误差的存在独立于观测值的大小,属于绝对误差。 Additive errors are absolute error, independent on the observations .
比例型误差(proportional errors):公式
Obs Pr ed • (1 )
proportional errors are relative error, proportionate to the predictions.
指数型误差(exponential errors):公式
Random effects factors cannot be observed. Such as some unknown physiological and pathological states, biological chemistry or pathology difference that cannot be measured ,deviation and so on.
Characteristics of population pharmacokinetics
Userful either for rich or spaese data set



概率与测度论;数理统计;随机过程微积分金融经典教材专著下面的当然不可能都看,Some books on the list of references might be to your taste. 每个方向认真看1,2本就行,其他的只是做参考,看看一些章节就行。


)非数学专业本科生概率统计随机过程概率论与数理统计(第4版) 盛骤考研必备概率论与数理统计教程(第2版) 茆诗松概率论与数理统计陈希孺概率论基础教程(第8版) 罗斯、郑忠国译(已经出第9版,也是最后一版)第7版答案/p-109941348.html概率论与数理统计(第3版改编版) 德格奥特、谢尔维斯概率统计(英文版第4版)德格鲁特、舍维什概率与统计(英文版)Ronald E.Walpole;Raymond H.Myers;Sharon L.Myers;Keying Ye概率论(英文版) 皮特曼应用随机过程:概率模型导论(第10版) 罗斯、龚光鲁译概率、统计与随机过程(第4版)(英文版) 亨利斯塔克(Henry Stark)、Schaum's Outlines - Probability, Random Variables And Random ProcessesSchaum's Easy Outline of Probability and Statistics.Schaum's Outline of Beginning Statistics, 2 EditionSchaum's Outlines - Elements of Statistics I - Descriptive Statistics and Probability Schaum's Outlines - Elements of Statistics II - Inferential StatisticsApplied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (6th Ed)RICHARD A. JOHNSONMultivariate Data Analysis (7th Edition) Joseph F. Hair, William C. Black, Barry J. Babin, Rolph E. AndersonA Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics_Understanding Why and How Dekking Chris Spatz, "Basic Statistics: Tales of Distributions (10th edition)"Basic Concepts of Probability and Statistics (Classics in Applied Mathematics) by J. L. Hodges Jr and E. L. Lehmann (Jan 11, 2005)Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications (Springer Texts in Statistics) by Jay L. Devore and Kenneth N. Berk (8 Dec 2011)A Course in Mathematical Statistics, Third Edition, Third Edition by George G. Roussas (Feb 15, 2014)辅导书概率论与数理统计教程:习题与解答(第2版) 茆诗松概率论与数理统计习题全解指南(浙大•第4版) 盛骤Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Probability and Statistics应用统计学Elements of Statistics 6ed,Arthur L Bowley 世界上第一本统计学教材 1911统计学,David Freedman等著,魏宗舒,施锡铨等译中国统计出版社(据说是统计思想讲得最好的一本书,读了部分章节,受益很多。


Chapter 1 The Nature of Econometrics and Economic Data
Chapter 2 The Simple Regression Model
Chapter 3 Multiple Regression Analysis: Estimation
Chapter 4 Multiple Regression Analysis: Inference
Chapter 5 Multiple Regression Analysis: OLS Asymptotics
Chapter 6 Multiple Regression Analysis: Further Issues
The solutions to the computer exercises were obtained using Stata, starting with version 4.0 and running through version 7.0. Nevertheless, almost all of the estimation methods covered in the text have been standardized, and different econometrics or statistical packages should give the same answers. There can be differences when applying more advanced techniques, as conventions sometimes differ on how to choose or estimate auxiliary parameters. (Examples include heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors, estimates of a random effects model, and corrections for sample selection bias.)



第42卷第3期兵工学报Vol.42No.3 2021年3月ACTA ARMAMENTARII Mar.2021合成孔径声纳重叠相位中心与惯性导航系统联合估计运动误差算法张羽W,王朋^2,刘纪元钟荣兴匚吊,韦琳哲^2,迟骋^2(1.中国科学院声学研究所,北京100190;2.中国科学院先进水下信息技术重点实验室,北京100190;3.中国科学院大学,北京100049)摘要:为降低运动测量系统复杂度、提高运动误差估计精度,使用回波数据与惯性导航系统(INS)数据两种数据源联合估计合成孔径声纳的运动误差,形成一种基于重叠相位中心(DPC)算法和INS的DPC联合INS算法。

利用回波的多子阵空间互相关矩阵估计声纳的前向速度,结合INS姿态角解算出DPC方法下的三向速度,采用卡尔曼滤波算法融合DPC算法的三向速度与INS 的三向加速度,输出声纳速度的最优值,从而计算运动误差。

湖试数据处理结果表明:DPC与INS 联合算法相比于传统的DPC算法,融合了INS的加速度数据,使速度曲线变得更加陡峭,增加了细节信息,提高了声纳速度估计的准确性;经过运动补偿后,图像质量得到提高,目标散焦和重影的现象均得到改善。

关键词:合成孔径声纳;运动误差;重叠相位中心;惯性导航系统;卡尔曼滤波算法中图分类号:U666.73文献标志码:A文章编号:1000-1093(2021)03-0588-10DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2021.03.015Motion Error Estimation Algorithm Based on DPC andINS for Synthetic Aperture SonarZHANG Yu1,2,3,WANG Peng1,2,LIU Jiyuan1,2,ZHONG Rongxing1,2,3,WEI Linzhe1,2,CHI Cheng1,2(1.Institute of Acoustics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing100190,China;2.Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Advanced Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing100190,China;3.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing100049,China)Abstract:A displaced phase center(DPC)aided inertial navigation system(INS)combination method is proposed to reduce the complexity of motion measurement system and improve the estimation accuracy of motion error of synthetic aperture sonar.A multiple-receiver spatial mutual correlation matrix is built to estimate the forward velocity of sonar in reference to DPC method,and then three-dimensional velocity can be calculated with the attitude angle from INS.Kalman filter is applied to fuse data from DPC and INS,which outputs the optimal estimation of the velocity.Finally,the motion error is calculated with the integral of the velocity.The field experimental results show that DPC aided INS combination method,in comparison to DPC algorithm,increases more motion details that the velocity curve gets sharper,which收稿日期:2020-04-13基金项目:中国科学院声学研究所青年英才计划项目(QNYC201803);中国科学院青年创新促进会项目(2019023)作者简介:张羽(1994—),男,博士研究生。

The development and comparison of robust methods for estimating the fundamental matrix

The development and comparison of robust methods for estimating the fundamental matrix

1. Introduction
In most computer vision algorithms it is assumed that a least squares framework is su cient to deal with data corrupted by noise. However, in many applications, visual data are not only noisy, but also contain outliers, data that are in gross disagreement with a postulated model. Outliers, which are inevitably included in an initial t, can so distort a tting process that the tted parameters become arbitrary. This is particularly severe when the veridical data are themselves degenerate or near-degenerate with respect to the model, for then outliers can appear to break the degeneracy. In such circumstances, the deployment of robust estimation methods is essential. Robust methods continue to recover meaningful descriptions of a
statistical population even when the data contain outlying elements belonging to a di erent population. They are also able to perform when other assumptions underlying the estimation, say the noise model, are not wholly satis ed. Amongst the earliest to draw the value of such methods to the attention of computer vision researchers were Fischler and Bolles (1981). Figure 1 shows a table of x; y data from their paper which contains a gross outlier (Point 7). Fit 1 is the result of applying least squares, Fit 2 is the result of applying least squares after one robust method has removed the outlier, and the solid line is the result of applying their fully robust RANSAC algorithm to the data. The data set can also be used to demonstrate the failings of na ve heuristics to remove outliers. For example, discarding



转自:研学论坛作者: xuefei (半粒电子@学飞) 站内: SP1、《Linear Systems and Signals》——thi这本书个人觉得很不错,是一本线性系统和信号的入门好书。














2、《Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing,V olume I: Estimation Theory》——Steven M. Kay3、《Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing,V olume II: Detection Theory》——Steven M. Kay这两本书是Kay的成名作。

我只读过第一卷,因为图书馆只有第一卷:p这两本书比Van Trees的书成书要晚,所以内容比较新。





CALL FOR PAPERSIEEE S IGNAL P ROCESSING M AGAZINESpecial Issue on Convex Optimization for Signal ProcessingIn recent years, we have witnessed technical breakthroughs in a wide variety of topics where the key to success is the use of convex optimization. In fact, convex optimization has now emerged as a major signal processing technique and has made significant impact on numerous problems previously considered intractable. Today, innovative applications of convex optimization in signal processing range from those in adaptive filtering, detection and estimation, sensor array processing, MIMO communications, sensor networks, sampling theory, and more recently, image processing, speech processing and cognitive radios - and the scope of its applications is still expanding. Considering the foundational nature and potential impact of convex optimization in signal processing, there appears to be a clear need for a special issue that introduces convex optimization to the broad signal processing community, gives insights into how convex optimization can make a di erence, and showcases some notable successes. This special issue aims to solicit papers that provide tutorials of convex optimization techniques (including available software) and various successful signal processing applications. Also welcome are tutorial papers that deal with emerging, meaningful applications; or that give friendly overviews of certain theoretically advanced convex optimization techniques relevant to signal processing.To enhance readability and appeal for a broad signal processing audience, prospective authors are encouraged to use an intuitive approach in their presentation; e.g., by using simple instructive examples, considering special cases that show insights into the ideas, and using illustrations to the extent possible. Examples of topics that will be addressed in this special issue include, but are not limited to: Adaptive filteringBeamformingConvex optimization fundamentals including relaxation techniques and software toolboxesImage processing applications, including denoising, MRI image processing, phase unwrappingCompressed sensingDetection and estimationMIMO communicationsSensor networksCognitive radiosSpeech applicationsSubmission Procedure:Prospective authors should submit their white papers through the web submission system at/spm. The white paper should be no more than 6 pages in the IEEE double-space one-column 11-point format.Schedule (all deadlines are firm no exceptions)White paper due:May 5, 2009Invitation notification:June 1, 2009Manuscript submission:September 1, 2009Notification of acceptance:December 1, 2009Final manuscript decision:January 15, 2010Publication date:May, 2010Guest Editors:Yonina Eldar Zhi-Quan Luo Wing-Kin (Ken)Daniel Palomar NikosTechnion, Israel Institute of University of Minnesotaluozq@umn.edluozq@MaThe Chinese University ofHong Kongwkma@.hkHong Kong Universityof Science andTechnologypalomar@ust.hkSidiropoulosTechnical University。















Adams, V. and Askenazi, A., Building Better Products With Finite Element Analysis , 1998
Ainsworth, M. and Oden, J. T., A Posterior Error Estimation in Finite Element Analysis , 2000
Backstrom, G., Fields of Physics on the PC by Finite Element Analysis, 1994
Backstrom, G., Fields of Physics by Finite Element Analysis, An Introduction, 1998
Baldwin, K., ed., Modern Methods for Automating Finite Element Mesh Generation, 1986, CP
Baran, N. M., Finite Element Analysis on Microcomputers, 1988
Argyris, J. H. and Mlejnek, H. P. Computerdynamik der Tragwerke, Band III Die Methode der Finiten Elemente, 1996
Ashwell, D. G. and Gallagher, R. H., eds. Finite Elements for Thin Shells and Curved Members, 1976
















参考教材1.刘硕. 随机信号分析. 清华大学出版社, 2020.2.Papoulis A. Probability, Random Variables, and StochasticProcesses. McGraw-Hill, 2002.3.Kay SM. Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing,Volume 1: Estimation Theory. Prentice Hall, 1993.结束语以上是本课程的教学设计,旨在通过系统化的教学内容和灵活多样的教学方式,提高学生的随机信号分析能力和工程问题解决能力,为学生的应用型人才培养奠定坚实的基础。





























Chapter 15International Portfolio Theory and DiversificationT QuestionsDiversification benefits1. How does the diversification of a portfolio change its expected returns and expected risks? Is this inprinciple any different for internationally diversified portfolios?The diversification of a portfolio results primarily in the reduction of risk. For a domestic portfolio, the diversification of the portfolio results in a weighted average expected return, but a reduction in risk as the returns of individual securities will be less than perfectly correlated.This principle also applies to international diversification, but the definition of the “market” isexpanded with many new securities with their respective risks, returns, and correlations being added.The other added component of international diversification is the introduction of currency risk.Risk reduction2. What types of risk are present in a diversified portfolio? Which type of risk remains after theportfolio has been diversified?A diversified portfolio has systematic risk and unsystematic risk. Systematic risk is the risk of themarket itself. Unsystematic risk is the risk of individual securities within the market and the portfolio.Increasing the number of securities in the portfolio reduces and ultimately eliminates theunsystematic risk—the risk of the individual securities—leaving only the risk of the market, the systematic risk.Measurement of risk3. How, according to portfolio theory, is the risk of the portfolio measured exactly?If we assume a portfolio consists of two assets, asset 1 and asset 2, The weights of investment in thetwo assets are w1 and w2respectively, and w1+ w2= 1. The risk of the portfolio (σp), usuallyexpressed in terms of the standard deviation of the portfolio’s expected return, is given by the following equation:pσ=where σ12and σ22 are the variances of the expected returns of risky assets 1 and 2, respectively. σ1andσ2are their respective standard deviations. ρ12is the correlation coefficient between the two assets’returns.Chapter 15 International Portfolio Theory and Diversification 281Market risk4. If all national markets have market risk, is all market risk the same?All market risk is not the same because all markets, like individual assets, are not perfectly correlated in their returns. The addition of additional markets to the potential portfolio of the investor reduces the overall market risk below that of any individual market.Currency risk5. The currency risk associated with international diversification is a serious concern for portfoliomanagers. Is it possible for currency risk ever to benefit the portfolio’s return?Currency risk for a portfolio, like currency risk for a firm or a currency speculator, can be positive or negative. If an individual investors buys a security denominated in a currency, which then appreciates against the home currency of the investor, it increases the expected returns of the investor in home currency terms. Different international portfolios and portfolio managers deal with this concern very differently. Some international portfolios wish to hedge the currency risk as much as possible,focusing on the expected returns and risks of the individual assets for their portfolio goals. Other managers, however, use the currency of denomination of the asset as part of the expected returns and risks from which the manager is trying to profit.Optimal domestic portfolio6. Define in words (without graphics) how the optimal domestic portfolio is constructed.An investor may choose any portfolio of assets which lie within the domestic portfolio opportunity set. In order to maximize expected return while minimizing expected risk, the investor will find a combination of the risk-free asset available in the market with some portfolio of risky assets as found in the domestic portfolio opportunity set. The optimal domestic portfolio is then found as thatportfolio which provides the highest expected return when combined with the riskless asset and the lowest possible expected portfolio risk.Minimum risk portfolios7. If the primary benefit of portfolio diversification is risk reduction, is the investor always better offchoosing the portfolio with the lowest expected risk?The portfolio with the lowest expected risk is not the same thing as the optimal portfolio. Theportfolio with minimum risk is measured only on that basis—risk—and does not consider the relative amount of expected return per unit of expected risk. Modern portfolio theory assumes that investors are risk averse, but are in search of the highest expected return per unit of risk which they canachieve.International risk8. Many portfolio managers, when asked why they do not internationally diversify their portfolios,answer that “the risks are not worth the expected returns.” Using the theory of internationaldiversification, how would you evaluate this statement?This means that, at least from their perspective, they do not expect that international diversification will result in any net reduction in the potential portfolio opportunity set’s risk. This is equivalent to saying that internationally diversifying the portfolio does not cause an inward shift of the portfolio opportunity set as illustrated in Exhibits 19.4 and 19.5.282 Moffett • Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, Second EditionCorrelation coefficients9. The benefits of portfolio construction, domestically or internationally, arise from the lack ofcorrelation among assets and markets. The increasing globalization of business is expected to change these correlations over time. How do you believe they will change and why?Many experts have expected the correlations between markets to slowly but steadily increase over time as the world “globalizes.” There are, however, many political and institutional frictions and barriers which may cause this to be a very, very long process.One important development over the past decade complicates this process. While more and more countries have opened their markets to foreign investors and firms, more and more of the world’s publicly traded firms are listing and trading in the world’s primary equity markets of London and New York in addition to their individual domestic equity markets. This reduces market segmentation, increases correlation, and increases liquidity.Relative risk and return10. Conceptually, how do the Sharpe and Treynor performance measures define risk differently? Whichdo you believe is a more useful measure in an internationally diversified portfolio?The Sharpe measure (SHP) defines risk as the standard deviation of the returns of the portfolio. The Treynor measure (TRN) uses a measure of risk which measures the systematic risk of the portfolio versus the world market portfolio. If a portfolio is poorly diversified, it is possible for it to show a high ranking on the basis of the Treynor measure, but a lower ranking on the basis of the Sharpe measure. The two measures provide different information, but are useful in their own ways when evaluating portfolios which are not always adequately diversified.International equities and currencies11. As the newest member of the asset allocation team in your firm, you constantly find yourself beingquizzed by your fellow group members. The topic this morning is international diversification. One analyst asks you the following question:Security prices are driven by a variety of factors, but corporate earnings are clearly one of theprimary drivers. And corporate earnings—on average—follow business cycles. Exchange rates, as they taught you back in college, reflect the market’s assessment of the growth prospects forthe economy behind the currency. So if securities go up with the business cycle, and currenciesgo up with the business cycle, why do we see currencies and securities prices across the globenot going up and down together?Answer her questionWhat sounds so simple at first glance is not. First, exchange rate values change as a result of many factors (as described in earlier chapters of this book), not just business cycles. Expected changes in inflation, real interest rates, political and country risk, current account balances, to name a few, all influence the movement of exchange rates. Secondly, even if business cycles were a primary driver of currency values, business cycles are not perfectly correlated globally. In fact, one way to appreciate this phenomenon is to consider that in 2001–2002 most of the major industrial economies were either in recession or near-recession, but currencies still fluctuated widely. For example, the Japanese yen first depreciated against the dollar in the early part of 2002, but still appreciated significantly by mid-year.Chapter 15 International Portfolio Theory and Diversification 283Are MNEs global investments?12. Firms with operations and assets across the globe, true MNEs, are in many ways as international incomposition as the most internationally diversified portfolio of unrelated securities. Why do investors not simply invest in MNEs traded on their local exchanges and forego the complexity of purchasing securities traded on foreign exchanges?Actually, many investors do consider ownership in the securities of a MNE listed on their localexchange as a substitute for international diversification. Although generating its earnings partially in different countries and currencies, its results are reported in the home currency of the parentcompany. The MNE bears the currency risk of ‘international diversification’ internally, rather than the investor bearing the explicit risk of international diversification.ADRs versus direct holdings13. When you are constructing your portfolio, you know you want to include Cementos de Mexico(Mexico) in it, but you cannot decide whether you wish to hold it in the form of ADRs traded on the NYSE or directly through purchases on the Mexico City Bolsa.(a) Does it make any difference in regard to currency risk? The currency risk is the same.(b) List the pros and cons of ADRs and direct purchases. ADRs convey certain technical advantagesto U.S. shareholders. Dividends paid by a foreign firm are passed to its custodial bank and then to the bank that issued the ADR. The issuing bank exchanges the foreign currency dividends forU.S. dollars and sends the dollar dividend to the ADR holders. ADRs are in registered form,rather than in bearer form. Transfer of ownership is facilitated because it is done in the UnitedStates in accordance with U.S. laws and procedures. In the event of death of a shareholder, theestate need not to go through probate in a foreign court system. Normally, trading costs are lower than when buying or selling the underlying shares in their home market. Settlement is usuallyfaster in the United States. Withholding taxes are simpler because they’re handled by thedepositary bank.(c) What would you recommend if you were an asset investor for a corporation with no internationaloperations or internationally diversified holdings? Discussion question.T Mini-Case: Strategic Hedging1. According to Exhibit 1, were there a significant number of portfolio managers able to add value tointernational portfolios through active (selective) currency management consistently over the time period studied?The top 25th percentile were consistently able to outperform the median and mean significantly with respect to active return. However, this does not show the risk that needed to be acquired or accepted to achieve those returns, at least not in exhibit 1.2. According to Exhibit 2, would the international investor in an Australia portfolio be better off, onaverage, with a completely hedged or unhedged portfolio?It is not possible to determine if an international investor would be better off being hedged orunhedged. An Australian-only investor would have had a higher return unhedged (4.44% versus3.30%), but a higher level of risk (15.60% versus 14.10%). However, an international investor wouldbe able to reduce they Australian equities’ risk, both hedged and unhedged, through international portfolio diversification.284 Moffett • Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, Second Edition3. If you were Sean, what would you conclude from this specific study?Sean may have learned a number of different things. First, that although a portfolio is internationally diversified, that is not the same thing as ‘hedged.’ Secondly, that hedging does not—at least on the basis of the data provided—guarantee any better or worse returns over time. In fact, Sean might come to the same conclusion that traditional corporate treasurers have for many years, that selectivehedging may protect the firm or the portfolio from significant losses in value from unforseenexchange rate changes, but that in the long run, the risks and returns to hedging do appear to average out.Chapter 15 International Portfolio Theory and Diversification 285 T ProblemsWhat is the return on this investment in foreign securities?Jan 1st Dec 31stElement Purchase Sale DistributionsShare price, euros P135.00 P157.60 P15.00Exchange rate, US$/euro $1.0660 $1.1250Gain inLocal Currency Percentagea. Return on the security in local currency termsCapital appreciation 22.60 16.74%Dividend distribution 15.00 11.11%Total return 37.60 27.85%b. Return on the security in US$ termsInitial investment in US$ $100,000.00Converted to euros P93,808.63Purchases shares at initial price P135.00Holding this number of shares 694.88Which earn this dividend per share P15.00Total dividend income P10,423.18Ending share price P157.60Total euro proceeds, Dec 31 P119,936.07End of period exchange rate, US$/euro $1.1250End of period proceeds, US$ $134,928.08Rate of return in US$ terms 34.93%(ending/beginning) −1c. Although both returns appear to be very good for a one year period, the relative returnon an individual security should always be compared to that of the market as a whole(or some index of the market).286 Moffett • Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, Second EditionAssumptions Expected Return Expected Risk (σ) Correlation (ρ) Boeing (US) 18.60% 22.80% 0.60 Unilever (UK) 16.00% 24.00%PORTFOLIO ANALYSISWeight of Weight of Expected ExpectedBoeing in Unilever in Risk ReturnPortfolio Portfolio (percent) (percent)1.00 0.00 22.80% 18.60%0.95 0.05 22.40% 18.47%0.90 0.10 22.04% 18.34%0.85 0.15 21.73% 18.21%0.80 0.20 21.47% 18.08%0.75 0.25 21.25% 17.95%0.70 0.30 21.08% 17.82%0.65 0.35 20.97% 17.69%0.60 0.40 20.90% 17.56%0.55 0.45 20.89% 17.43%0.50 0.50 20.93% 17.30%0.45 0.55 21.02% 17.17%0.40 0.60 21.17% 17.04%0.35 0.65 21.36% 16.91%0.30 0.70 21.61% 16.78%0.25 0.75 21.90% 16.65%0.20 0.80 22.24% 16.52%0.15 0.85 22.62% 16.39%0.10 0.90 23.04% 16.26%0.05 0.95 23.50% 16.13%0.00 1.00 24.00% 16.00%Expected Return Expected Risk Correlationa. Equally weighted 17.30% 20.93% +0.6portfolio hasb. 70% Boeing & 17.82% 21.08% +0.630% Unileverc. Optimal portfolio 17.43% 20.89% +0.655% Boeing, 45% Unilever(assume ‘optimal’ is minimum risk)292 Moffett •Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, Second EditionWhat were the returns on the Brazilian diversification?April 10, 2002 April 10, 2003 Element Purchase SaleShare price of SPYDERS (US dollars) $112.60 $87.50Exchange rate (Reais/$) 2.27 3.22Index Price Percentagea. Return on the security in US dollar termsInitial price 112.60Ending price 87.50Total change in price (25.10) −22.29%b. Return on the security in Brazilian reais termsInitial investment in Brazilian reais R$ 500,000Initial exchange rate (R$/$) 2.27Converted to dollars $220,264.32Purchases shares at initial price $112.60Holding this number of shares 1,956.17Ending share price $87.50Ending proceeds in US$ $171,164.54End of period exchange rate, R$/$ 3.22End of period proceeds, R$ R$ 551,149.83Rate of return in Brazilian reais 10.23%(ending/beginning) −1c. The Brazilian investor did indeed make a positive return on its investment. However,the return was positive only because of the fall in the value of the Brazilian real, as the SPYDERS themselves lost more than 22% of their value over this period of the bearmarket. If the Brazilian investors could have invested its R$500,000 in an interestbearing deposit in Brazil and earn 12%, it would have actually made a higher return(12% > 10.23%), but there would have been no up-side potential as offered by the USequity market possessed (but didn’t deliver).。

Optimal Control and Estimation

Optimal Control and Estimation

Optimal Control and Estimation Optimal control and estimation are crucial aspects of engineering and technology that play a significant role in various fields such as aerospace, robotics, automotive systems, and many more. These techniques are used to design control systems that optimize the performance of a given system while considering the uncertainties and disturbances that may affect it. In this response, I will delve into the importance of optimal control and estimation, their applications, challenges, and future prospects. One of the fundamental aspects of optimalcontrol and estimation is their ability to improve the performance of systems. By utilizing mathematical models and algorithms, engineers can design control systems that minimize costs, energy consumption, or any other performance metric while ensuring stability and robustness. This is particularly important in fields suchas aerospace and automotive systems, where efficiency and safety are of utmost importance. For example, in aerospace, optimal control and estimation techniques are used to design autopilot systems that ensure the stability and safety of an aircraft, while minimizing fuel consumption and maximizing passenger comfort. Moreover, optimal control and estimation techniques are also essential for the advancement of robotics and autonomous systems. These techniques enable robots to navigate complex environments, manipulate objects with precision, and adapt to changing conditions. For instance, in industrial automation, optimal control and estimation are used to design robotic arms that can perform tasks with high accuracy and efficiency, leading to increased productivity and cost savings for companies. Despite their numerous advantages, optimal control and estimation techniques also present several challenges. One of the main challenges is the need for accurate and reliable models of the system being controlled. In many real-world applications, the dynamics of the system may not be fully known or may be subject to uncertainties and disturbances. This can lead to suboptimal performance or even instability of the control system. Therefore, developing robust estimation techniques and adaptive control algorithms is crucial to address these challenges. Furthermore, the implementation of optimal control and estimation techniques inreal-world systems often requires sophisticated sensors, actuators, and computing resources. This can significantly increase the cost and complexity of the controlsystem, making it less accessible for small-scale applications or industries with limited resources. Therefore, there is a need to develop cost-effective and efficient hardware and software solutions that can facilitate the implementation of optimal control and estimation techniques in a wide range of applications. Looking ahead, the future prospects of optimal control and estimation are promising, thanks to advancements in various fields such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data-driven control. These advancements have the potential to revolutionize the way control systems are designed and implemented. For example, machine learning algorithms can be used to learn the dynamics of a system from data, enabling the design of control systems without the need for accurate mathematical models. This data-driven approach to control design has the potential to make optimal control and estimation more accessible and effective for a wider range of applications. In conclusion, optimal control and estimation are indispensable tools for designing control systems that optimize the performance of various engineering systems. Their applications span across a wide range of industries, from aerospace and automotive systems to robotics and industrial automation. However, they also present challenges such as the need for accurate models and the complexity of implementation. Looking ahead, advancements in artificial intelligence and data-driven control have the potential to address these challenges and open up new possibilities for the use of optimal control and estimation in diverse applications.。







%The process of anaerobic digestion(AD) can be described well by ADM1 developed by International Water Associa-tion(IWA).However, the complexity of our model contributes a large number of parameters,which make the model difficult to apply in practical. After analyzing the identification and sensitivity of variable parameters, six important parameters have been proved to have significant impact on the whole process. So these six parameters are identified to obtain a better model to simulate the process. Based on this, simulation model for specific cases was built, producing a set of real data by using the standard simula-tion software STOAT. Through solving a problem of nonlinear constrained optimization, the parameters’ optimal estimation was obtained. From comparison between output of identified model and real data, the conclusion was verified.【期刊名称】《微型电脑应用》【年(卷),期】2014(000)010【总页数】5页(P23-27)【关键词】沼气生产;参数选择;参数辨识;建模仿真【作者】林斌;薛蕾;徐庆贤【作者单位】福建省农科院农业工程技术研究所;上海交通大学自动化系;福建省农科院农业工程技术研究所【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP311厌氧消化是对有机废物进行有效处理和利用的环保工艺技术。

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• 最小二乘估计:仅适用于对静态系统的状态进行估计,不需 要使用被估计量的动态信息和统计信息。算法简单,但估计 精度不高 • 极大似然估计和极大后验估计:需要被估值和观测值的条件 概率密度信息,并且计算复杂 • 最小方差估计:需要被估值和观测值的条件概率密度,应用 范围较窄 • 线性最小方差估计:需要知道被估值和观测值的一阶矩和二 阶矩,仅适用于平稳过程 • 卡尔曼滤波:线性最小方差估计的一种,由于采用递推算法 并利用了系统的动态特性因此应用比较广泛
传统的最小二乘估计算法需要知道所有测量值信息,为了避免 计算机储存所有测量值发展出了递推的最小二乘估计,由于公 式较为复杂在此省略 最小二乘估计的特点: • 只能估计常值向量,无法估计动态向量,因此最小二乘估计 只能应用于对静态系统的估计 • 最小二乘的指标只能保证估计均方误差之和最小,而这往往 不能保证被估计量的估计误差是最小的,所以估计精度不高 • 最小二乘估计不需要关于测量误差的先验知识,是只针对测 量结果的估计方法
经典滤波器:假定信号中有用成分和噪声各自占有不同的频带, 当信号通过一个线性系统(即滤波器)可将噪声有效去除 • 从功能上分类包括低通、高通、带通、带阻滤波器 • 根据实现方式分为IIR(无限冲激响应)滤波器和FIR(有限 冲激响应滤波器) • 经典滤波器不考虑系统的动态特性,仅根据信号的频率特性 本身来进行信号的降噪 现代滤波器:将信号和噪声都视为随机信号,利用它们的统计 特征导出一套最佳的估值算法 • 包括维纳滤波器、卡尔曼滤波器、线性预测器和自适应滤波 器等 • 强调对状态的预测和估计,往往需要知道系统的动态特性 (状态空间方程)
Fundamentals of Optimal Estimation Theory
离散系统的估计问题根据观测值与估计值的时间关系进行分类 • 用过去和当前的数据估计当前的信号值,称为滤波问题 • 用过去的数据估计过去的信号值,称为平滑(内插)问题 • 用过去和当前的数据估计以后的信号值,称为预测(外推) 问题 滤波
平滑 预测
不同最优估计方法基于指标函数的选择 • 最小二乘估计:残差平方和达到最小,不需要任何先验知识 • 最小方差估计:估计误差的方差阵达到最小,需要被估值 X(t)和观测值Z(t)的条件概率密度和联合概率密度 • 极大似然估计:使条件概率密度p(z|x)达到极大,需要知道 条件概率密度p(z|x) • 极大后验估计:使条件概率密度p(x|z)达到极大,需要知道 条件概率密度p(x|z) • 线性最小方差估计:最小方差估计的特殊形式 • 维纳滤波:线性最小方差估计的一种 • 卡尔曼滤波:线性最小方差估计的一种
白噪声:功率谱密 度为常数的信号
用k-1时刻的状态估 计来预测k时刻状态
利用预测值和观测 值对状态估计进行 更新
对预测的质量优劣 进行定量描述
• 董景新 吴秋平 《现代控制理论与方法概论》 • 胡广书 《数字信号处理》(第二版)
• 是一种时域滤波方法 • 算法是递推的,不需要占用太多内存 • 采用了状态方程来描述被估计量的动态变化规律,被估计量 可以是平稳的也可以是非平稳的 以上卡尔曼滤波方程要求系统是离散线性的,对于连续系统有 连续的卡尔曼滤波方程,对于非线性系统发明了扩展卡尔曼滤 波(EKF)方法