9月28日常用二极管参数整流二极管主要参数50V 100V 200V 300V 400V 500V 600V 800V 1000V1A 1N4001 1N4002 1N4003 1N4004 1N4005 1N4006 1N40071.5A 1N5391 1N5392 1N5393 1N5394 1N5395 1N5396 1N5397 1N5398 1N5399 2A PS200 PS201 PS202 PS204 PS206 PS208 PS2093A 1N5400 1N5401 1N5402 1N5404 1N5405 1N5406 1N5407 1N5408 1N5409 稳压二极管主要参数型号最大功耗(mW) 稳定电压(V) 电流(mA) 代换型号国产稳压管日立稳压管最小值最大值新型号旧型号HZ4B2 500 3.8 4 5 2CW102 2CW21 4B2HZ4C1 500 4 4.2 5 2CW102 2CW21 4C1HZ6 500 5.5 5.8 5 2CW103 2CW21A 6B1HZ6A 500 5.2 5.7 5 2CW103 2CW21AHZ6C3 500 6 6.4 5 2CW104 2CW21B 6C3HZ7 500 6.9 7.2 5 2CW105 2CW21CHZ7A 500 6.3 6.9 5 2CW105 2CW21CHZ7B 500 6.7 7.3 5 2CW105 2CW21CHZ9A 500 7.7 8.5 5 2CW106 2CW21DHZ9CTA 500 8.9 9.7 5 2CW107 2CW21EHZ11 500 9.5 11.9 5 2CW109 2CW21GHZ12 500 11.6 14.3 5 2CW111 2CW21HHZ12B 500 12.4 13.4 5 2CW111 2CW21HHZ12B2 500 12.6 13.1 5 2CW111 2CW21H 12B2HZ18Y 500 16.5 18.5 5 2CW113 2CW21JHZ20-1 500 18.86 19.44 2 2CW114 2CW21KHZ27 500 27.2 28.6 2 2CW117 2CW21L 27-3HZT33-02 400 31 33.5 5 2CW119 2CW21MRD2.0E(B) 500 1.88 2.12 20 2CW100 2CW21P 2B1RD2.7E 400 2.5 2.93 20 2CW101 2CW21SRD3.9EL1 500 3.7 4 20 2CW102 2CW21 4B2RD5.6EN1 500 5.2 5.5 20 2CW103 2CW21A 6A1RD5.6EN3 500 5.6 5.9 20 2CW104 2CW21B 6B2RD5.6EL2 500 5.5 5.7 20 2CW103 2CW21A 6B1RD6.2E(B) 500 5.88 6.6 20 2CW104 2CW21BRD7.5E(B) 500 7 7.9 20 2CW105 2CW21CRD10EN3 500 9.7 10 20 2CW108 2CW21F 11A2RD11E(B) 500 10.1 11.8 15 2CW109 2CW21GRD12E 500 11.74 12.35 10 2CW110 2CW21H 12A1RD12F 1000 11.19 11.77 20 2CW109 2CW21GRD13EN1 500 12 12.7 10 2CW110 2CW21H 12A3RD15EL2 500 13.8 14.6 15 2CW112 2CW21J 12C3RD24E 400 22 25 10 2CW116 2CW21H 24-1RD24F 400 24 28 10 2CW117 2CW21LRD36EL1 500 32 34 15 2CW119 2CW21M 33-2RD57E 500 48 54 10 1DS55-1805Z5.1Y 500 4.94 5.2 2CW103 2CW21A 5C205Z5.6Z 500 5.61 5.91 2CW104 2CW21B 6B205Z6.2Y 500 5.96 6.27 41 2CW104 2CW21B 6C205Z7.5Y 500 7.07 7.45 34 2CW105 2CW21C05Z7.5Z 500 7.3 7.7 34 2CW105 2CW21C 7C205Z9.1Y 500 8.9 9.3 30 2CW107 2CW21E 9C105Z12 500 11.13 12.35 21 2CW110 2CW21H05Z12Z 500 12 12.6 20 2CW110 2CW21H 12A305Z13X 500 12.11 12.75 19 2CW110 2CW21H 12A305Z13Z 500 13.5 14.1 18 2CW111 2CW21H 12C205Z13Y 500 12.55 13.21 19 2CW111 2CW21H 12B205Z15 500 14.4 15 17 2CW112 2CW21J 15-205Z15Y 500 13.89 14.62 17 2CW111 2CW21H 12C305Z18 500 16.5 18.5 14 2CW113 2CW21J05Z18Y 500 16.82 17.7 14 2CW113 2CW21J 18-1EQA01-11B 500 10.1 11.8 15 2CW109 2CW21GEQA01-12Z 500 11.2 13.1 15 2CW110 2CW21HEQA02-07B 400 6.66 7.01 20 2CW105 2CW21C 7A3EQA02-25A 500 24 25.5 2CW116 2CW21L 24-3TVSQA106SB 500 5.88 6.6 20 2CW104 2CW21BTVSQA111SB 500 10.4 11.6 10 2CW109 2CW21GTVSQA111SE 500 11 11.5 10 2CW109 2CW21G 11C2MA1130 1000 12.4 14.1 5 2CW111 2CW21HMA1330 500 31 35 25 2CW120 2CW21NM4030 500 2.9 3 5 2CW101 2CW21SuPC574JAG 200 31 35 25 2CW120 2CW21NRIMV 135 160 ZDW59恒流二极管主要参数型号恒定电流(ma) 起始电压Us(V) 动态电阻(MΩ) 耐压分档(UHV) 2DH00 ≤0.05 〈0.5 ≥8 A:≥202DH01 0.1±0.05 〈0.8 ≥82DH02 0.2±0.05 〈1.5 ≥52DH03 0.3±0.05 〈1.5 ≥5 B:≥302DH04 0.4±0.05 〈2 ≥2.52DH05 0.5±0.05 〈2 ≥2.52DH06 0.6±0.05 〈2 ≥2.5 C:≥402DH07 0.7±0.05 〈2 ≥1.52DH08 0.8±0.05 〈3 ≥1.52DH09 0.9±0.05 〈3 ≥1 D:≥502DH1 1±0.05 〈3 ≥12DH2 2±0.05 〈3 ≥0.52DH3 3±0.05 〈3.5 ≥0.42DH4 4±0.05 〈3.5 ≥0.32DH5 5±0.05 〈4.5 ≥0.252DH6 6±0.05 〈4.5 ≥0.152DH7 7±0.05 〈5 ≥0.15变容二极管主要参型号电容量(工作电压)电容比率工作频率最小值最大值303B 3~5p(25V) 18p(3V) 〉6 1000MHz2AC1 2p(25V) 27p(3V) 〉7 50MHz2CC1 3.6p(25V) 20p(3V) 4~6 50MHz2CB14 3p(25V) 18~30p(3V) 5~7 50MHz2CC-32 2.5p(25V) 25p(3V) 4.5 〉800MHzISV-101 12p(10V) 32p(2.5V) 2.4 100MHzAM-109 30p(9V) 460p(1V) 15 AMBB-112 17p(6V) 12p(3V) 1.8 AMISV-149 30p(8V) 540p(1V) 18 AMS-153 2.3p(9V) 16p(2V) 7 〉600MHzMV-209 11p(9V) 33p(1.5V) 3 UHFKV-1236 30p(8V) 540p(1V) 20 AMKV-1310 43p(8V) 93p(2V) 2.3 〉100MHzIS149 30p(8V) 540p(1V) 18 AMS208 2.7p(9V) 17p(4V) 〉4.5 〉900MHzMV2105 6p(9V) 22p(4V) 2.5 UHFDB300 6.8p(25V) 18p(3V) 1.8 50MHzBB112 10p(25V) 180p(3V) 〉16 AM快恢复二极管主要参数国外型号Vr(V) If(A) Ifsm(A) VF(V) Trr(us) Ir(ua) 适用机型代用型号ES1A 400 0.75 30 2.5 1.5 10 日立三洋CN08EEU1 400 0.35 15 2.5 0.4 10 东芝三洋2CZ34HEU01A 600 0.35 15 2.5 0.4 10 三洋CF03-06EU2 400 1 15 1.4 0.3 10 三洋CFR10-04EU2Z 200 1 15 1.4 0.3 10 三洋CFR10-02EU3A 600 1.5 20 1.5 0.4 10 三洋CFR15-06RC2 600 1 20 1.5 0.4 10 松下CRR02-20RU3 800 1.5 20 1.5 0.4 10 三菱CRF15-06S5295G 400 0.5 30 2 0.4 10 东芝CFR05-04S5295J 600 0.5 30 1.5 0.4 10 东芝CFR05-06RGP10 600 1 30 1.3 0.4 10 胜利夏普CFR10-06RU2 600 1 20 1.5 0.4 10 松下胜利NEC CFR10-06 TVSC2406SM1-02FRA 200 0.8 35 1 0.4 10 东芝CFR08-02TVR06 400 0.6 25 1.4 0.3 10 NEC CFR06-04V09 400 0.8 35 1.6 0.4 10 日立胜利2CZ305V09C 200 0.8 35 1.6 0.4 10 日立CFR08-02V11 日立2CZ306IS2471 60 0.15 1 0.8 0.03 10 三菱IS2096IS1553 70 0.1 1 1.4 ---- 0.5 东芝IS1553IS1555 35 0.1 1 1.4 ---- 0.5 东芝IS15553JH61 600 3 60 1.5 0.2 10 东芝CFR30-0611:21 | 阅读评论(1) | 固定链接 | 电器维修资料常用三极管参数MPSA42 NPN 21E 电话视频放大300V 0.5A 0.625W MPSA92 PNP 21E 电话视频放大300V 0.5A 0.625WMPS2222A NPN 21 高频放大75V 0.6A 0.625W 300MHZ 9011 NPN EBC 高频放大50V 30mA 0.4W 150MHz9012 PNP 贴片低频放大50V 0.5A 0.625W9013 NPN EBC 低频放大50V 0.5A 0.625W9013 NPN 贴片低频放大50V0.5A0.625W9014 NPN EBC 低噪放大50V0.1A0.4W150MHZ9015 PNP EBC 低噪放大50V0.1A0.4W150MHZ9018 NPN EBC 高频放大30V50MA0.4W1GHZ8050 NPN EBC 高频放大40V1.5A1W100MHZ8550 PNP EBC 高频放大40V1.5A1W100MHZ2N2222 NPN 4A 高频放大60V0.8A0.5W25/200NSβ=452N2222A NPN 小铁高频放大75V0.6A0.625W300MHZ2N2369 NPN 4A 开关40V0.5A0.3W800MHZ2N2907 NPN 4A 通用60V0.6A0.4W26/70NSβ=2002N3055 NPN 12 功率放大100V15A115W2N3440 NPN 6 视放开关450V1A1W15MHZ2N3773 NPN 12 音频功放开关160V16A150W COP 2N6609 2N3904 NPN 21E 通用60V0.2Aβ=100-4002N3906 PNP 21E 通用40V0.2Aβ=100-4002N5401 PNP 21E 视频放大160V0.6A0.625W100MHZ2N5551 NPN 21E 视频放大160V0.6A0.625W100MHZ2N5685 NPN 12 音频功放开关60V50A300W2N6277 NPN 12 功放开关180V50A250W2N6609 PNP 12 音频功放开关160V15A150W COP 2N3773 2N6678 NPN 12 音频功放开关650V15A175W15MHZ2N6718 NPN 小铁音频功放开关100V2A2W50MHZ3DA87A NPN 6 视频放大100V0.1A1W3DG6A NPN 6 通用15V20mA0.1W100MHz3DG6B NPN 6 通用20V20mA0.1W150MHz3DG6C NPN 6 通用20V20mA0.1W250MHz3DG6D NPN 6 通用30V20mA0.1W150MHz3DG12C NPN 7 通用45V0.3A0.7W200MHz3DK2B NPN 7 开关30V30mA0.2W3DK4B NPN 7 开关40V0.8A0.7W3DK7C NPN 7 开关25V50mA0.3W3DD15D NPN 12 电源开关300V5A50W3DD102C NPN 12 电源开关300V5A50W3522V 5.2V稳压管录像机用A634 PNP 28E 音频功放开关40V2A10WA708 PNP 6 NF/S 80V0.7A0.8WA715C PNP 29 音频功放开关35V2.5A10W160MHZA733 PNP 21 通用50V0.1A180MHZA741 PNP 4 S 20V0.1A <70/120nSA781 PNP 39B 开关20V0.2A <80/160NSA928 PNP ECB 通用20V1A0.25WA933 PNP 21 Uni 50V0.1A140MHzA940 PNP 28 音频功放开关150V1.5A25W4MHZ /C2073A950 PNP 21 通用30V0.8A0.6WA966 PNP 21 音频激励输出30V1.5A0.9W COP:C2236A968 PNP 28 音频功放开关160V1.5A25W100MHZ /C2238 A1009 PNP BCE 功放开关350V2A15WA1012 PNP 28 音频功率放60V5A25WA1013 PNP 21 视频放大160V1A0.9WA1015 PNP 21 通用60V0.15A0.4W8MHZA1020 PNP 21 音频开关50V2A0.9WA1123 PNP 21 低噪放大150V0.05A0.75WA1162 PNP 21d 通用贴片50V0.15A0.15WA1216 PNP BCE 功放开关180V17A200W20MHZ /2922A1220 PNP 29 音频功放开关120V1.5A20W150MHZ/C2690 A1265 PNP BCE 功放开关140V10A100W30MHZ /C3182 A1295 PNP BCE 功放开关230V17A200W30MHZ /C3264 A1301 PNP BCE 功放开关160V10A100W30MHZ /C3280 A1302 PNP BCE 功放开关200V15A150W30MHZ /C3281 A1358 ? PNP 高频120V1A10W120MHZA1444 PNP BCE 高速电源开关100V15A30W80MHZA1494 PNP BCE 功放开关200V17A200W20MHZ /C3858 A1516 PNP BCE 功放开关180V12A130W25MHZA1668 PNP 28B 电源开关200V2A25W20MHZA1785 PNP BCE 驱动400V1A1W/120V1A0.9W140MHA1941 PNP BCE 功放开关140V10A100WCOP:5198A1943 PNP BCE 功放开关230V15A150W /C5200 原A1988 PNP 30 功放开关B449 PNP 12 功放开关50V3.5A22.5W 锗管B631K PNP 29 音频功放开关120V1A8W130MHZ /D600K B647 PNP 21 通用120V1A0.9W140MHZ /D667B649 PNP 29 视放180V1.5A1W /D669B669 PNP 28 达林顿功放70V4A40WB673 PNP 28 达林顿功放100V7A40WB675 PNP 28 达林顿功放60V7A40WB688 PNP BCE 音频功放开关120V8A80W /D718B734 PNP 39B 通用60V1A1W /D774B744 PNP 21 通用30V0.1A0.25WB772 PNP 29 音频功放开关40V3A10WB774 PNP 21 通用30V0.1A0.25WB817 PNP 30 功放开关160V12A100W /D1047B834 PNP 28 功放开关60V3A30WB937A PNP 功放开关60V2A35 DRALB1020 PNP 28 功放开关达林顿100V7A40Wβ=6000B1079 PNP 30 达林顿功放100V20A100Wβ=5000/D1559 B1185 PNP 28B 功放开关60V3A25W 70MHZ /D1762B1238 PNP ECB 功放开关80V0.7A1W 100MHZB1240 PNP 39B 功放开关40V2A1W100HZB1243 PNP 39B 功放开关40V3A1W70HZB1316 PNP 54B 驱动功放达林顿100V2A10Wβ=15000B1317 PNP BCE 音频功放180V15A150W COP:D1975B1335 PNP 28 音频功放低噪80V4A30W 12MHZB1375 PNP BCE 音频功放60V3A2W9MHZB1400 PNP 28B 达林顿功放120V6A25W β=1000-20000 B1429 PNP BCE 功放开关180V15A150WB1494 PNP BCE 达林顿功放120V25A120Wβ=2000-20000 C106 NPN EBC 音频功放开关60V1.5A15WC380 NPN 21 高频放大35V0.03A250MHZC458 NPN 21 通用30V0.1A230MHzC536 NPN 21 通用40V0.1A180MHZC752 NPN 21 通用30V0.1A300MHzC815 NPN 21 通用60V0.2A0.25WC828 NPN 21 通用45V0.05A0.25WC900 NPN 21 低噪放大30V0.03A100MHZC943 NPN 4A 通用60V0.2A200MHZC945 NPN 21 通用50V0.1A0.5W250MHZC1008 NPN 6 通用80V0.7A0.8W50MHZC1162 NPN 29 音频功放开关35V1.5A10WC1213 NPN 39B 监视器专用35V0.5A0.4WC1222 NPN 21 低噪放大60V0.1A100MHZC1494 ? NPN 40A 发射36V6A PQ=40W/175MHZC1507 NPN 28 视放300V0.2A15WC1674 NPN 21 HF/ZF 30V0.02A600MHzC1815 NPN 21 通用60V0.15A0.4W8MHZC1855 NPN 21f HF/ZF 20V0.02A550MHzC1875 NPN 12 彩行1500V3.5A50WC1906 NPN 21 高频放大30V0.05A1000MHZC1942 NPN 12 彩行1500V3A50WC1959 NPN 21 通用30V0.4A0.5W300MHzC1970 NPN 28 手机发射40V0.6A PQ=1.3W/175MHZC1971 NPN 28A 手机发射35V2.0A PQ=7.0W/175MHZC1972 NPN 28A 手机发射35V3.5A PQ=15W/175MHZC2012 NPN 21 HF 30V0.03A200MHZC2027 NPN 12 行管1500V5A50WC2036C2068 NPN 28E 视频放大300V0.05A1.5W80MHZC2073 NPN 28 功率放大150V1.5A25W4MHZ /A940C2078 NPN 28 音频功放开关80V3A10W150MHZC2120 NPN 21 通用30V0.8A0.6WC2228 NPN 21 视频放大160V0.05A0.75WC2230 NPN 21 视频放大200V0.1A0.8WC2233 NPN 28 音频功放开关200V4A40WC2236 NPN 21 通用30V1.5A0.9W /A966C2238 NPN 28 音频功放开关160V1.5A25W100MHZ /A968 C2320 NPN 21 通用50V0.2A0.3W200MHZC2335 NPN 28 视频功放500V7A40WC2373 NPN 28 功放200V7.5A40WC2383 NPN 21 视频开关160V1A0.9W /A1015C2443 NPN 大铁功放开关600V50A400WC2481 NPN 29 音频功放开关150V1.5A20WC2482 NPN 21 视频放大300V0.1A0.9WC2500 NPN 21 通用30V2A0.9W150MHZC2594 NPN 29 音频功放开关40V5A10WC2611 NPN 29 视频放大300V0.1A1.25WC2625 NPN 30 音频功放开关450V10A80WC2682 NPN 29 NF/Vid 180V0.1A8WC2688 NPN 29 视放管300V0.2A10W80MHZC2690 NPN 29 音频功放开关120V1.2A20W150MHZ/A1220P C2751 NPN BCE 电源开关500V15A120Wβ=40C2837 NPN 30 音频功放开关150V10A100WC2898 NPN 28 音频功放开关500V8A50WC2922 NPN 43 音频功放开关180V17A200W50MHZ /A1216 C3026 NPN 12 开关管1700V5A50Wβ=20C3030 NPN BCE 开关管达林顿900V7A80Wβ=15C3039 NPN 28 电源开关500V7A50Wβ=40C3058 NPN 12 开关管600V30A200W β=15C3148 NPN 28 电源开关900V3A40Wβ=15C3150 NPN 28 电源开关900V3A50Wβ=15C3153 NPN 30 电源开关900V6A100Wβ=15C3182 NPN 30 功放开关140V10A100Wβ=95/A1265C3198 NPN 21 高频放大60V0.15A0.4W130MHZC3262 NPN BCE 达林顿功放800V10A100WC3264 NPN BCE PA功放开关230V17A200Wβ=170/A1295 C3280 NPN 30 音频功放开关160V12A120Wβ=100C3281 NPN 30 音频功放开关200V15A150W30MHZβ=100 C3300 NPN 30 音频功放开关100V15A100W β=600C3310 NPN 28C 电源开关500V5A40W β= 20C3320 NPN 28C 电源开关500V15A80W β= 15C3355 NPN 21F 高频放大20V0.1A6500MHZC3358 NPN 40B 高频放大20V0.1A7000MHZC3457 NPN BCE 电源开关1100V3A50Wβ=12C3460 NPN BCE 电源开关1100V6A100Wβ=12C3466 NPN BCE 电源开关1200V8A120Wβ=10C3505 NPN 28B 电源开关900V6A80W β=20C3527 NPN BCE 电源开关500V15A100Wβ=13C3528 NPN BCE 电源开关500V20A150Wβ=13C3595 NPN 29 射频30V0.5A1.2Wβ=90C3679 NPN BCE 电源开关900V5A100W6MHZC3680 NPN BCE 电源开关900V7A120W6MHZC3688 NPN BCE 彩行1500V10A150WC3720 NPN BCE 彩行1200V10A200WC3783 NPN BCE 高压高速开关900V5A100W 黄河21"C3795 NPN BCE 高压高速开关900V5A2W8MHzC3807 NPN BCE 低噪放大30V2A1.2W260MHZC3858 NPN BCE 功放开关200V17A200W20MHZ /A1494 C3866 NPN BCE 高压高速开关900V3A40WC3873 NPN BCE 高压高速开关500V12A75W30MHZC3886 NPN BCE 开关,行管1400V8A50W8MHZC3893 NPN 28B 行管1400V8A50W8MHZC3907 NPN 28B 功放开关180V12A130W30MHZC3953 NPN 29 视放120V0.2A1.3W 4000MHZC3987 NPN 28 达林顿50V3A20W β=1000C3995 NPN BCE 行管1500V12A180W 34寸C3997 NPN BCE 行管1500V15A250WC3998 NPN BCE 行管1500V25A250WC4024 NPN BCE 功放开关100V10A35W 24MHZC4038 NPN BCE 门电路50V0.1A0.3W180MHZC4059 NPN BCE 高速开关600V15A130W 0.5/2.2USC4106 NPN BCE 电源开关500V7A50W20MHZ?C4111 NPN BCE 开关行管1500V10A150WC4119 NPN BCE 微波炉开关1500V15A250WC4231 NPN 50C 音频功放800V2A30WC4237 NPN BCE 高压高速开关1000V8A120W30MHZC4242 NPN BCE 高压高速开关450V7A40WC4288 NPN BCE 行管1400V12A200W8MHZC4297 NPN BCE 电源开关500V12A75W10MHZC4517 NPN BCE 音频功放550V3A30W6MHZC4532 NPN BCEC4582 NPN 28b 电源开关600V15A75W20MHZON4673 NPN BCEON4873 NPN BCEC4706 NPN BCE 电源开关900V14A130W6MHzC4742 NPN 46 彩行1500V6A50W(带阻尼)C4745 NPN 46 彩行1500V6A50WC4747 NPN 46 彩行1500V10A50WC4769 NPN BCE 微机行管1500V7A60W(带阻尼)C4913 NPN BCE 大屏视放管2000V0.2A35WC4924 NPN BCE 音频功放800V10A70WC4927 NPN BCE 行管1500V8A50WC4927 NPN BCE SONY29"行管1500V8A50W 原装C4941 NPN BCE 行管1500V6A65W 500/380NSC4953 NPN BCE 500V2A25WC5020 NPN BCE 彩行1000V7A100WC5068 NPN BCE 彩行1500V10A50WC5086 NPN BCE 彩行1500V10A50WC5088 NPN BCE 彩行1500V10A50WC5129 NPN BCE 彩显行管1500V8A50W(带阻)C5132 NPN BCE 彩行1500V16A50WC5144 NPN BCE 大屏彩行1700V20A200WC5148 NPN BCEC5149 NPN BCE 高速高频行管1500V8A50W(带阻)C5198 NPN BCE 功放开关140V10A100WC5200 NPN BCE 功放开关230V15A150W /A1943 原C5207 NPN BCE 彩行1500V10A50W 原C5243 NPN BCE 彩行1700V15A200W 原C5244 NPN BCE 彩行1700V15A200WC5249 NPN BCEC5250 NPN BCE 开关1000V7A100W 原C5251 NPN BCE 彩行1500V12A50W 原C5252 NPN BCE 彩行1500V15A100W 原C5294 NPN BCEC5296 NPN BCE 开关管25"--34"大屏彩显电源管C5297 NPN BCE 开关管25"--34"大屏彩显电源管C5331 NPN BCE 大屏彩显行管1500V15A180WC5423 NPN BCED40C NPN ECB 对讲机用40V0.5A40W75MHZ(达林顿) D325 NPN BCE 功放开关50V3A25WD385 NPN 11 达林顿功放100V7A30WD400 NPN 21 通用25V1A0.75WD415 NPN 29 音频功放开关120V0.8A5WD438 NPN 21 通用500V1A0.75W100MHzD547 NPN 大铁功放开关600V50A400WD560 NPN BCE 达林顿功放150V5A30WD600K NPN 29 音频功放开关120V1A8W130MHZ/B631K D637 NPN 39E 通用60V0.1A150MHZ ****D667 NPN 21 视频放大120V1A0.9W140MHZ/B647D669 NPN 29 视频放大180V1.5A1W140MHZ/D669D718 NPN 30 音频功放开关120V8A80W /B668D774 NPN 39B 通用100V1A1W /B734D789 NPN 21 音频输出100V1A0.9WD820 NPN 12 彩行1500V5A50WD870 NPN 12 彩行1500V5A50W RRRRD880 NPN 28 音频功放开关60V3A10WD882 NPN 29 音频功放开关40V3A30WD884 NPN 28 音频功放开关330V7A40WD898 NPN 12 彩行1500V3A50WD951 NPN 12 彩行1500V3A65WD965 NPN 21 音频40V5A0.75WD966 NPN 21 音频40V5A1WD985 NPN 29 功放150V1.5A10WD986 NPN 29 功放150V1.5A10WD1025 NPN 28 达林顿功放200V8A50WD1037 NPN BCE 音频功放开关150V30A180WD1047 NPN 30 音频功放开关160V12A100W /B817D1071 NPN 28 功放300V6A40W DRA-LD1163A NPN 28 行偏转用350V7A40W60MHzD1175 NPN 12 行偏转用1500V5A100W β=15 原D1273 NPN 28 音频功放80V3A40W50MHZβ=1500D1302 NPN 21 音频25V0.5A0.5W200MHZD1397 NPN BCE 开关1500V3.5A50W3MHzD1398 NPN BCE 开关1500V5A50W3MHzD1403 NPN 28B 彩行1500V6A120WD1403 NPN 28B 彩行1500V6A120W 原D1415 NPN 28B 功放电源开关100V7A40Wβ=6000达林顿D1416 NPN 28B 功放电源开关80V7A40Wβ=6000(达林顿) D1426 NPN 28B 彩行1500V3.5A80Wβ=12 RRRRRD1427 NPN 28B 彩行1500V5A80Wβ=12 RRRRRD1428 NPN 28B 彩行1500V6A80Wβ=12 RRRRD1431 NPN 28B 彩行1500V5A80Wβ=20D1433 NPN 28B 彩行1500V7A80Wβ=20D1439 NPN BCE 彩行1500V3A80Wβ=8D1541 NPN 28B 彩行1500V3A80Wβ=20D1545 NPN 28B 彩行1500V5A50Wβ=20D1547 NPN BCE 彩行1500V7A80Wβ=20D1554 NPN BCE 彩行1500V3.5A80Wβ=12D1555 NPN BCE 彩行1500V5A80Wβ=12D1556 NPN BCE 彩行1500V6A80Wβ=12D1559 NPN BCE 达林顿功放100V20A100Wβ=5000/B1079 D1590 NPN 28 达林顿功放150V8A25W β=15000D1632 NPN 28B 彩行1500V4A70WD1640 NPN 29 达林顿功放120V2A1.2W β=4000-40000D1651 NPN SP 彩行1500V5A60W3MHZD1710 NPN BCE 彩行1500V5A50WD1718 NPN 28C 音频功放180V15A3.5W20MHZD1762 NPN BCE 音频功放开关60V3A25W90MHZ /B1185 D1843 NPN BCE 低噪放大50V1A1WD1849 NPN 50A 彩行1500V7A120WD1850 NPN 50A 彩行1500V7A120WD1859 NPN 50A 音频80V0.7A1W120MHZD1863 NPN 50A 音频120V1A1W100MHZD1877 NPN 30 彩行1500V4A50W(带阻尼)D1879 NPN 30 彩行1500V6A60W(带阻尼)D1887 NPN 30 彩行1500V10A70WD1930 NPN 21 达林顿达林顿100V2A1.2Wβ=1000D1975 NPN 53A 音频功放180V15A150W COP:B1317D1978 NPN 21 达林顿120V1.5A0.9Wβ=30000D1980 NPN 61B 达林顿100V2A10Wβ=1000-10000D1981 NPN ECB 达林顿100V2A1WD1993 NPN 45B 音频低噪55V0.1A0.4WD1994A NPN ECB 音频驱动60V1A1WD1997 NPN 45B 激励管40V3A1.5W100MHZD2008 NPN ECB 音频功放80V1A1.2WD2012 NPN BCE 音频功放60V3A2W3MHZD2136 NPN ECB 功放80V1A1.2WD2155 NPN 53A 音频功放180V15A150WD2256 NPN 46 达林顿功放120V25A125Wβ=2000-20000 D2334 NPN 28B 彩行1500V5A80WD2335 NPN BCE 彩行1500V7A100WD2349 NPN BCE 大屏彩显行管D2374 NPN BCED2375 NPN BCED2388 NPN EBC 达林顿90V3A1.2WD2445 NPN BCE 彩行1500V12.5A120WD2498 NPN BCE 彩行1500V6A50WD2588 NPN BCE 点火器用DK55 NPN BEC 开关400V4A60WBC307 PNP 21a 通用50V0.2A0.3WBC327 PNP CBE 低噪音频50V0.8A0.625W COM BC337 BC337 NPN 21a 音频激励低噪50V0.8A0.625W COM BC327 BC338 NPN 21a 通用激励50V0.8A0.6BC546 NPN 21a 通用80V0.2A0.5WBC547 NPN CBE 通用50V0.2A0.5W300MHZBD135 NPN 29 音频功放45V1.5A12.5WBD136 PNP 29 音频功放45V1.5A12.5WBD137 NPN 29 音频功放60V1.5A12.5WBD138 PNP 29 音频功放60V1.5A12.5WBD139 PNP 29 音频功放80V1.5A12.5WBD237 NPN 29 音频功放100V2A25WBD238 PNP 29 音频功放100V2A25WBD243 NPN 28 音频功放45V6A65WBD244 PNP 28 音频功放45V6A65WBD681 NPN 29 达林顿功放100V4A40WBD682 NPN 29 达林顿功放100V4A40WBF458 NPN 29 视放250V0.1A10WBU208A NPN 12 彩行1500V5A12.5WBU208D NPN 12 彩行1500V5A12.5W (带阻尼)BU323 NPN 28 达林顿功放450V10A125WBU406 NPN 28 行管400V7A60WBU508A NPN 28 行管1500V7.5A75WBU508A NPN 28 行管1500V7.5A75W 原BU508D NPN 28 行管1500V7.5A75W (带阻尼)BU806 NPN 28 功放400V8A60W DAR-LBU932R NPN 12 功放500V15A150W DAR-LBU941 NPN 12BU1508DX NPN 28 开关功放BU2506DX NPN 30 开关功放1500V7A50W /600NSBU2508AF NPN 30 开关功放700V8A125W /600NSBU2508AX NPN 30 开关功放700V8A125W /600NSBU2508DF NPN 30 开关功放700V8A125W/600NS(带阻尼) BU2508DX NPN 30 开关功放1500V8A50W/600NS(带阻尼) BU2520AF NPN 30 开关功放800V10A150W 1/500NSBU2520AX NPN 30 开关功放1500V10A150W 1/500NS BU2520DF NPN 30 开关功放800V10A150W1/500NS(带阻) BU2520DX NPN 30 开关功放1500V10A50W/600NS (带阻) BU2522AF NPN 30 开关功放1500V11A150W /350NSBU2522AX NPN 30 开关功放1500V11A150W /350NSBU2525AF NPN 30 开关功放1500V12A150W /350NSBU2525AX NPN 30 开关功放1500V12A150W /350NSBU2527AF NPN 30 开关功放1500V15A150WBU2532AW NPN 30 开关功放1500V15A150W(大屏)BUH515 NPN BCE 行管1500V10A80WBUH515D NPN BCE 行管1500V10A80W(带阻尼)BUS13A NPN 12 开关功放1000V15A175WBUS14A NPN 12 开关功放1000V30A250WBUT11A NPN 28 开关功放1000V5A100WBUT12A NPN 28 开关功放450V10A125WBUV26 NPN 28 音频功放开关90V14A65W /250nsBUV28A NPN 28 音频功放开关225V10A65W /250nsBUV48A NPN 30 音频功放开关450V15A150WBUW13A NPN 30 功放开关1000V15A150WBUX48 NPN 12 功放开关850V15A125WBUX84 NPN 30 功放开关800V2A40WBUX98A NPN 12 功放开关400V30A210W5MHZDTA114 PNP 10K-10K 160V0.6A0.625W(带阻)DTC143 NPN 录像机用4.7K-4.7KHPA100 NPN BCE 大屏彩显行管21#HPA150 NPN BCE 大屏彩显行管21#HSE830 PNP BCE 音频功放80V115W1MHZHSE838 NPN BCE 音频功放80V115W1MHZ COP/MJ4502MN650 NPN BCE 行管1500V6A80WMJ802 NPN 12 音频功放开关90V30A200WMJ2955 PNP 12 音频功放开关60V15A115WMJ3055 NPN 12 音频功放开关60V15A115WMJ4502 PNP 12 音频功放开关90V30A200W COP/MJ802MJ10012 NPN 12 达林顿400V10A175WMJ10015 NPN 12 电源开关400V50A200WMJ10016 NPN 12 电源开关500V50A200WMJ10025 12 电源开关850V20A250WMJ11032 NPN 12 电源开关120V50A300W DAR-LMJ11033 PNP 12 电源开关120V50A300W DAR-LMJ13333 NPN 12 电源开关400V20A175WMJ15024 NPN 12 音频功放开关400V16A250W4MHZ(原25.00) MJ15025 PNP 12 音频功放开关400V16A250W4MHZ(原25.00) MJE271 PNP 29 达林顿MJE340 NPN 29 视放300V0.5A20WMJE350 PNP 29 视放300V0.5A20WMJE2955T PNP BCE 音频功放开关60V1075W2MHZMJE3055T NPN BCE 音频功放开关70V1075W2MHZMJE5822 PNP BCE 音频功放开关500V8AMJE9730 NPN BCEMJE13003 NPN 29 功放开关400V1.5A14WMJE13005 NPN 28 功放开关400V4A60WMJE13007 NPN 28 功放开关1500V2.5A60WSE800TIP31C NPN BCE 功放开关100V3A40W3MHZTIP32C PNP BCE 功放开关100V3A40W3MHZTIP35C NPN 30 音频功放开关100V25A125W3MHZTIP36C PNP 30 音频功放开关100V25A125W3MHZTIP41C NPN 30 音频功放开关100V6A65W3MHZTIP42C PNP 30 音频功放开关100V6A65W3MHZTIP102 NPN 28 音频功放开关100V8A2WTIP105 28 音频功放开关TIP122 NPN 28 音频功放开关100V8A65W DARLTIP127 PNP 28 音频功放开关100V8A65W DARLTIP137 PNP 28 音频功放开关100V8A70W DARLTIP142 NPN 30 音频功放开关100V10A125W DAR-LTIP142大NPN 30 音频功放开关100V10A125W DAR-L TIP147 PNP 30 音频功放开关100V10A125W DAR-L 0 TIP147大PNP 30 音频功放开关100V10A125W DAR-L 0 TIP152 电梯用TL431 21 电压基准源UGN3120 SGO 霍尔开关UGN3144 SGO 霍尔开关60MIAL1 电磁/微波炉1000V60A300WT30G40 NPN BCE 大功率开关管400V30A300W5609 COML:56105610 COML:56099626 NPN 21 通用。
2HSS57-A-XX 混合式步进伺服驱动器 用户手册说明书
2HSS57-A-XX混合式步进伺服驱动器用户手册地址:深圳市宝安区留仙三路鸿威工业区A栋2楼电话:*************26502268传真:*************E-mail:*******************Http: //本手册的所有内容,著作财产权归深圳市杰美康机电有限公司所有,未经深圳市杰美康机电有限公司许可,任何单位或个人不得随意仿制、拷贝、撰抄。
深圳市杰美康机电有限公司- 2 -目录一、概述 ................................................................................ - 4 -二、特点 ................................................................................ - 4 -三、端口说明 ........................................................................ - 5 -3.1 ALM信号输出端口.................................................. - 5 -3.2控制信号输入端口.................................................. - 5 -3.3编码器反馈信号输入端口...................................... - 6 -3.4功率端口.................................................................. - 7 -四、技术指标 ........................................................................ - 8 -五、控制信号接线 ................................................................ - 9 -5.1 控制信号单端共阳极接线..................................... - 9 -5.2 控制信号单端共阴极接线................................... - 10 -5.3 控制信号差分接线方式....................................... - 11 -5.4 232串口通信接线图............................................ - 12 -5.5 控制信号时序图................................................... - 12 -六、细分拨码开关设定 ...................................................... - 13 -6.1输入沿设定............................................................ - 13 -6.2逻辑方向设定........................................................ - 14 -6.3细分设置................................................................ - 14 -七、错误报警及LED灯闪烁次数 ...................................... - 15 -八、安装尺寸 ...................................................................... - 16 -九、接线图 .......................................................................... - 17 -十、参数设置 ...................................................................... - 18 -十一、常见问题及故障处理 .............................................. - 22 -11.1 电源灯不亮......................................................... - 22 -11.2上电亮红灯报警.................................................. - 22 -11.3 运行转动一小角度后亮红灯报警..................... - 22 -11.4 脉冲输入后不转动............................................. - 23 -- 3 -一、概述2HSS57-A-XX混合式步进伺服驱动系统是在数字步进驱动中完美融合了伺服控制技术,产品采用光学编码器,每50微秒高速采样位置反馈,一旦出现位置上的偏差可立即修正位置偏差量。
杭州士兰微电子股份有限公司 SC7A20 三轴微机械数字加速度传感器说明书
主要特点宽电压范围1.71V-3.6V1.8V兼容数字IO口低功耗模式下电源电流低至2µA±2G/±4G/±8G/±16G动态全量程范围 12bit有效数据(HR)I²C/SPI数字输出接口6D/4D方向检测自由落体检测单击双击检测及运动检测可编程中断生成电路内嵌自测试功能内嵌FIFO10000g高G抗击能力应用手机平板室内导航图像旋转运动激活用户接口游戏产品规格分类产品名称 封装形式 打印名称 材料 包装形式 SC7A20TR LGA-12-2x2x1.0 SC7A20 无铅编带内部框图XY ZC-to-V Converter Gain数符号测试条件最小值V CC电路不损坏-0.3 3.6V P电路不损坏V in电路不损坏T OPR电路不损坏T STG电路不损坏(VDD=2.5V, T测试条件123FS=0 (HR mode)FS=1 (HR mode)FS=2 (HR mode)FS=3 (HR mode)参 数符 号测试条件最小值 典型值 最大值 单位 零漂 Ty Off0 FS =0 --±40--mg温漂TC Off 与25°C 的最大偏差 -- ±0.5 -- mg/°C 自测输出V st1FS=0, X 轴 -- 276 -- LSb V st2 FS=0, Y 轴 -- 276 -- LSb V st3FS=0, Z 轴-- 984 -- LSb 系统带宽 BW -- ODR/2 -- HZ 工作温度T OPR-40--+85°C注意:电路2.5V 出厂校准。
BL-S150X-12■ Features:Ø 38.10mm (1.5”) Single digit numeric display series, ALPHA-NUMERIC TYPE Ø Low current operation.Ø Excellent character appearance.Ø Easy mounting on P.C. Boards or sockets. Ø I.C. Compatible. Ø ROHS Compliance.Super BrightElectrical-optical characteristics: (Ta=25)℃ (Test Condition: IF=20mA)Part NoChipVF Unit:VCommon CathodeCommon AnodeEmitted ColorMaterialλP (nm)Typ Max IvTYP.(mcd) BL-S150A-12S-XX BL-S150B-12S-XX Hi Red GaAlAs/GaAs,SH 660 1.85 2.20 80 BL-S150A-12D-XX BL-S150B-12D-XX Super Red GaAlAs/GaAs,DH 660 1.85 2.20 120 BL-S150A-12UR-XX BL-S150B-12UR-XX Ultra Red GaAlAs/GaAs,DDH660 1.85 2.20 130 BL-S150A-12E-XX BL-S150B-12E-XX Orange GaAsP/GaP 635 2.10 2.50 92 BL-S150A-12Y-XX BL-S150B-12Y-XX Yellow GaAsP/GaP 585 2.10 2.50 92 BL-S150A-12G-XXBL-S150B-12G-XXGreenGaP/GaP5702.202.5092Ultra BrightElectrical-optical characteristics: (Ta=25℃) (Test Condition: IF=20mA)Part NoChipVF Unit:V Common Cathode Common Anode Emitted Color Material λP (nm) Typ Max IvTYP.(mcd) BL-S150A-12UHR-X XBL-S150B-12UHR-X XUltra RedAlGaInP6452.102.50130BL-S150A-12UE-XX BL-S150B-12UE-XX Ultra Orange AlGaInP 630 2.10 2.5095 BL-S150A-12YO-XX BL-S150B-12YO-XX Ultra Amber AlGaInP 619 2.10 2.50 95 BL-S150A-12UY-XX BL-S150B-12UY-XX Ultra Yellow AlGaInP 590 2.10 2.50 95 BL-S150A-12UG-XX BL-S150B-12UG-XX Ultra Green AlGaInP 574 2.20 2.50 120 BL-S150A-12PG-XX BL-S150B-12PG-XX Ultra Pure Green InGaN 525 3.80 4.50 150 BL-S150A-12B-XX BL-S150B-12B-XX Ultra Blue InGaN 470 2.70 4.20 85 BL-S150A-12W-XXBL-S150B-12W-XXUltra WhiteInGaN/2.704.20120n-XX: Surface / Lens color :Number1 2 3 4 5 Ref Surface Color White Black Gray Red Green Epoxy Color WaterclearWhite diffusedRed DiffusedGreen DiffusedYellow DiffusedBL-S150X-12Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25)℃Parameter S D UR E Y G Unit Forward Current I F25 25 2525 25 30 mA Power Dissipation P d60 60 60 60 60 65 mW Reverse Voltage V R 5 5 5 5 5 5 V Peak Forward Current I PF(Duty 1/10 @1KHZ)150 150 150 150 150 150 mA Operation Temperature T OPR-40 to +80 ℃Storage Temperature T STG-40 to +85 ℃Lead Soldering Temperature T SOLMax.260±5 for 3 sec Max.℃(1.6mm from the base of the epoxy bulb)℃n Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25°C)Parameter UHR UE YO UY UG PG UB UW Unit Forward Current I F30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 mA Power Dissipation P d75 65 65 65 75 110 120 120 mW Reverse Voltage V R 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 V Peak Forward Current I PF(Duty 1/10 @1KHZ)150 150 150 150 150 150 100 100 mA Operation Temperature T OPR-40 to +80 ℃Storage Temperature T STG-40 to +85 ℃Lead Soldering TemperatureT SOLMax.260±5 for 3 sec Max.℃(1.6mm from the base of the epoxy bulb)℃BL-S150X-12■ Package configuration & Internal circuit diagramNotes:1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches)2. Tolerance is ±0.25(0.01")unless otherwise noted.3. Specifications are subject to change without notice.BL-S150X-12■ Typical electrical-optical characteristics curves:1.00.503504004505005506006507007508008509009501000(A)(B)(C)(D)(2)(3)(8)(4)(1)(6)(5)(9)(10)Wavelength(nm)RELATIVE INTENSITY Vs WAVELENGTH()λp (1) - GaAsP/GaAs 655nm/Red (2) - GaP 570nm/Yellow Green (3) - GaAsP/GaP 585nm/Yellow(4) - GaAsp/GaP 635nm/Orange & Hi-Eff Red (5) - GaP 700nm/Bright Red(6) - GaAlAs/GaAs 660nm/Super Red (8) - GaAsP/GaP 610nm/Super Red(9) - GaAlAs 880nm(10) - GaAs/GaAs & GaAlAs/GaAs 940nm (A) - GaN/SiC 430nm/Blue (B) - InGaN/SiC 470nm/Blue(C) - (D) -InGaN/SiC 505nm/Ultra Green InGaAl/SiC 525nm/Ultra Green504030201001.21.62.0 2.4 2.63.016345285040302010020406080100162,4,8,A 353210.50.20.1-30-20-1010203040506070154231098765432110KHz 3KHz 1KHz 300KHz 100KHz F-REFRESH RATE 100KHz 30KHz 10KHz 3KHz 1KHz 300Hz 100Hz 10987654321110100100010,000FORWARD VOLTAGE (Vf)FORWARD CURRENT VS.FORWARD VOLTAGERELATIVE LUMINOUSINTENSITY VS. FORWARD CURRENTAMBIENT TEMPERATURE Ta()℃FORWARD CURRENT VS. AMBIENT TEMPERATUREtp-PULSE DURATION uS (1,2,3,4,6,8,B.D.J.K)NOTE:25free air temperature unless otherwise specified℃tp-PULSE DURATION uSFORWARD CURRENT(mA)FORWARD CURRENT (mA)RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITYFORWARD CURRENT(mA)REL ATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITYAMBIENT TEMPERATURE Ta()℃(5)Ipeak MAX.IDC MAX.Ipeak M AX.IDC MAX.。
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9 B9B-ZR S9B-ZR B9B-ZR-3.4 S9B-ZR-3.4 12.0 15.0 1,000 1,000 1,000 10 B10B-ZR S10B-ZR B10B-ZR-3.4 S10B-ZR-3.4 13.5 16.5 1,000 1,000 1,000
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123 5 6
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MK/SZH-002-05 ―
高性能 6Gb s 和 12Gb s SAS SATA 硬盘阵列主机适配器用户手册说明书
RocketRAID 2700 PCI-Express 2.0 x8HBA seriesSAS/SATA 6Gb/s RAID Host AdaptersUser’s GuideRevision: 2.3Jul. 23, 2015HighPoint Technologies, Inc.CopyrightCopyright © 2012 HighPoint Technologies, Inc. This document contains materials protected by International Copyright Laws. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted or transcribed in any form and for any purpose without the express written permission of HighPoint Technologies, Inc.TrademarksCompanies and products mentioned in this manual are for identification purpose only. Product names or brand names appearing in this manual may or may not be registered trademarks or copyrights of their respective owners. Backup your important data before using HighPoint's products and use at your own risk. In no event shall HighPoint be liable for any loss of profits, or for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising from any defect or error in HighPoint's products or manuals. Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of HighPoint.NoticeReasonable effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. HighPoint assumes no liability for technical inaccuracies, typographical, or other errors contained herein.TABLE OF CONTENTS1 FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS (4)2 Physical Specifications (5)3 Kit Contents (5)4 Hardware Description and Installation (6)4.1 RocketRAID 272x/271x Host Adapter board layout (6)4.2 Connector and Jumper description: (7)4.3 Installing the RocketRAID Host Adapter (7)4.4 Verifying Installation (8)5 RocketRAID BIOS Utility (9)5.1 BIOS Settings Overview (9)5.2 Using the BIOS Utility (9)5.3 BIOS Commands (9)5.4 Creating RAID Arrays (10)5.5 Deleting Arrays (13)5.6 Adding/Remove Spare Disks (13)5.7 Settings (14)6 HighPoint Software CD (15)7 RocketRAID 272x/271x Driver Installation (16)7.1 Driver installation -Windows (16)7.2 Driver installation -Linux and FreeBSD (19)8 HighPoint Web RAID Management software (20)8.1 Installing the Web RAID Management software (20)8.2 Installing OS X Driver and Web RAID Management Software (21)8.3 Starting Using the Web RAID Management Software (21)9 Thank You (22)10 CUSTOMER SUPPORT (23)HighPoint RocketRAID 272x/271x – PCI-Express 2.0RocketRAID 272x/271x Host AdaptersThe RocketRAID 272x/271x host adapters are high-performance SAS RAID solutions, delivering reliability to demanding data-intensive applications such as tiered storage environments, security and surveillance, video editing, and digital content creation.Support for both 6Gb/s SAS and SATA drives on the same controller maintains configuration optimization for performance based on the characteristics of SAS and SATA drives available today.HighPoint RAID Management HighPoint RAID Management software offers a user friendly interface to create, manage and maintain your storage solutions. Email notification and remote are some of the advance features that the RAID Management software has to offer.1 Features and SpecificationsHost Adapter Architecture•PCI-Express x8 (Gen2)•Support up to 4/8 SAS/SATA drives• 1 Internal Mini-SAS Connectors (SFF-8087) (RocketRAID 2710)• 1 External Mini-SAS Connector(SFF-8808) (RocketRAID 2711)• 2 Internal Mini-SAS Connectors (SFF-8087) (RocketRAID 2720)• 1 External Mini-SAS Connector (SFF-8088) / 1 Internal Mini-SAS Connector (SFF-8087) (RocketRAID 2721)• 2 External Mini-SAS Connectors (SFF-8088) (RocketRAID 2722)•Hot Swap and hot plug•Low Profile•RoHS complaintAdvanced RAID Features•Supports RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, 10,50 and JBOD•NCQ (Native Command Queuing)•Auto detect of unplug/plug SAS/SATA hard drive for RAID auto rebuild•Staggered drive spin up•HDD bad sector repair and remapping•Support Disk Scrubbing•BIOS Booting (INT13) to RAID array for better redundancy•64bit LBA for RAID arrays greater than 2TB single partition•S.M.A.R.T array monitoring for hard drive status and reliabilityArray Monitors, Alerts and Indicators•Hard Drive LED Indicators (Activity and Failed) (except RocketRAID 2711/2722)•SMTP email notification for events and error reporting•Alarm/Buzzer alerts for drive/array failure•SAF-TE (I2C) and SGPIO enclosure managementRAID Management•Online Capacity Expansion (OCE) and Online RAID Level Migration (ORLM) forWindows/Linux/FreeBSD•Quick and Background initialization for instant RAID access•API library for customization•CLI (Command Line Interface) for Linux and FreeBSD•Web GUI RAID management (local and remote monitoring)•Online array roaming•SHI (Drive analysis driven from S.M.A.R.T)HighPoint RAID Management (HRM)•Hot key (ctrl-h) boot-up RAID manager via BIOS•Web browser-based RAID management software (Web GUI)•Command Line Interface (CLI)Operating System Support•Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 / Windows Server 2008, 2012•Linux (Fedora Core, Red Hat Enterprise / CentOS, SuSE, Debian, Ubuntu)•FreeBSD•OS X (for RocketRAID 2711, 2721 and 2722 only)2 Physical SpecificationsDimensions:Size: 96.3mm X 65.0mm (RocketRAID 2710/2720)Size: 120.0mm X 68.0mm (RocketRAID 2711/2721/2722)EMI: FCC Part 15 Class B and CEThermal and Atmospheric Characteristics:Work Temperature Range: +5 C ~+ 55 CRelative Humidity Range: 5% ~ 60% non-condensingStorage Temperature: -20 ~ +80 CMTBF: 920,585 HoursElectrical Characteristics:PCI-E 3.3V 12VPower 4W max 1W max3 Kit Contents•RocketRAID Host Adapter•Quick Installation Guide•HighPoint Software CD•Low-profile bracket4 H4.1 R ardware DRocketRAID DescriptioD 272x/271x on and Instx Host Adap tallationpter board l layoutRocketRAID 2720RocketRAID 2721RocketRAID 2710RocketRAID 27114.2 CConnector /descriptionJ1A1 or A2F1 or F2BEEP1PORT1~ POR (Mini-SAS Po A 4.3 I Note The R the lo 1.O 2.R 3. G c Connector a / JumperRT3ort) Active/FAIL LE This connecto requirement Installing th e: Make sure t RocketRAID 27ow-profile bra Open the syst Remove the P Gently insert t chassis (illustr and Jumper RocketRA 2710 Active LED Fail LED P SFF-808D PIN connect or is one-pin c and display in he RocketRA he system is p 72x/271x inclu acket in place em chassis an PCI slot/bracke the RocketRAI ration shows R r descriptio AID Rock 2D PIN PIN 87 SFF tor :connection fro nformation, pl AID Host Ad powered-off b udes both stan of the standa nd locate an un et cover.ID card into th RocketRAID 27R o cketRAID 2722nketRAID 2711 R I2N/A A N/A A F-8088om HBA to LED ease refer to:dapterbefore installin ndard and low rd bracket, de nused PCI-E x8he PCI-Express 720).RocketRAID 2720 2C connector ctive LED PIN Fail LED PIN Alarm buzzer SFF-8087 D on chassis. Fng the RocketR w-profile brack epending upon 8(or PCI-E x16s slot, and sec RocketRAID 2721 Active LED P Fail LED PIN SFF-8087 &SFF-8088 For detail LED RAID host ada kets. It may be n the chassis d 6)slot.ure the bracke D RocketRA IN N/A N N/A & SFF-8connectionpter.e necessary to design.et to the syste AID 2722A A 088 o attach em/PDF/LED_connection.pdf4.A No att ma5. 4.4 V Once that t 1. w 2.P After installing ote: Many serv tached to the anual for prop Close and sec Verifying In e the host ada the hardware Power on the will be displayPress “Ctrl”+”g the adapter,ver-level chass chassis backp per installation cure the system nstallationpter and hard is properly re e system. If the yed during booH” key combi , attach hard d sis include har lane, rather th n procedures.m chassis.d drives have b ecognized.e system dete ot up.nation to acce drives to the h rd-drive hot-sw han directly to been installed ects the preseness the Rocket host adapter.wap bays. For o each individu into the chas nce of the adatRAID adapter these system ual hard drive.sis, boot-up th apter, the Roc r’s BIOS Utility chassis, cable . Consult the c he system to v ketRAID BIOS y.es are chassis verifyUtility5 Ro The R BIOS drive chec Press .5.1 B The R and c 5.2 U The f Alt –Arrow Enter Esc –5.3 B CreatDeletAdd/capa SettiView ocketRAID RocketRAID 27 Utility will dis es are detecte k the power a s “Ctrl”+”H” ke BIOS Settin RocketRAID 27controller rela Using the B following keys – press Alt to h w keys – use t r – Open the s – move back to BIOS Comm te - this comm te - this comm /Remove Spar ble of using sp ngs - this com w– this comm D BIOS Uti 72x/271x cont splay informat d by this utilit and cable conn ey combinatio gs Overview 72x/271x cont ated settings.BIOS Utilitys utilized by th highlight the to these to move selected toolb o the previous mandsmand is used t mand will dele re - this comm pare disks to a mmand opens tand is used to ilitytroller will disp tion about har ty. If any of the nections.on to access th wtroller BIOS ut e RocketRAID ool bar.e between diff bar command/s menu, cance o open the RA te the selecte mand is used to automatically the settings mo select betwe play its BIOS s rd drives attac e hard drives a he RocketRAID tility is an inte D 2700 BIOS ut ferent menu it /execute the s el the selected AID Creation m d RAID array. o assign hard rebuild broken menu (selectingeen two views creen during t ched to the ad are not detect D adapter’s BIO erface that pro tility:temselected comm operation, or menu. disks to functi n or faulted RA g the boot diss: Devices (HA the system's b dapter. Make s ted, power do OS Utility.ovides manage mand.r exit the BIOS ion as spare d AID arrays.sk/array, staggARD DISKS), an boot process. T sure all attach own the system ement comma S Utilityisks. The cont gered drive spind Arrays (con The hed m and ands troller is inup)nfiguredRAID Initia they 5.4 C Initi Befor confi ENTE Highl each and acreat Warn disks CreaSelec D arrays).alize - this com can be used t Creating RA alizing Disk re creating a iguration info ER.light the targe selected disk ask you to pre te RAID arrays ning: Initializa s that do not c ating Arraysct Create from mmand is used to create array AID Arraysks:RAID array, rmation to th et disks using t k.Once all tar ess Y (yes) to s.tion will destr contain critical s:m the toolbar a d to prepare d ys.the disks m he hard disks.the arrow key rget disks have initialize, or N roy all pre- exi l data.and press Ente disks for use w ust be initial . Select the In ys, then select e been selecte N (no) to canc isting data oner.with RAID array ized. Disk ini nitialize comm using Enter. A ed, press ESC.cel. Once initithe selected h ys. Disks must tialization wr mand from th A numeral wil The utility w ialized, thesehard disks. On t be initialized rites necessar he toolbar, an l be displayed will display a w disks can benly initialized before ry RAID d press d before warning,used to1.U2.U w Note name3. Od Use the arrow Use the arrow will appear. U e: the Array Na ed at a later ti On the Createdevice list will w keys to selec w keys to highl Use the keyboa ame command ime, and the n e menu, use thl appear, and d ct the RAID lev ight the Array ard to input a d is optional –name of the a he arrow keysdisplay all ava vel and press E y Name option new Array Na – it is not nece rray can be ch to highlight thailable hard dis ENTER.n and press En ame, and pres essary to name hanged at any he Select Devsk drives.nter. The array ss the Enter ke e the array. Th time.icesitem and y name dialog ey.he array can bpress Enter. A gue boxbeA4. H d b5. N c d y Noteyou t as a s 6.F Write Write at th 7.S W s 8.Tp Highlight the t displayed befo been selected Next, Use the capacity will b disk space for you wish to se e: Multiple arr to set aside di single disk (by For redundant e Back – utiliz e Through – w e cost of lowe Sector Size – A Windows oper size. Do not u To complete tpress Enter. Pr target disks th ore each selec d and press the ↓ arrow key be displayed. P additional arr et aside for thi ays can be cre sk space that y the operating t RAID arrays zes disk cache writes directly er performanc Also known as rating system.se if the opera he creation pr ress the Y(yes hat you want t cted disk. This e ESC key to re to highlight th Press ENTER if rays/single dis is particular a eated using th be used to cre g system).(RAID 1, 5, 10(higher perfo to the disks (m ce).s “Variable Sec . This allows o ating system a rocedure, use s)key to creat to use, and pre s number desi eturn to the C he Capacity (G f you wish to u sks, use the ke rray, and pres he same set of eate another a ), select the C rming)may reduce th ctor Size”. Use older operatin already suppo the arrow keyte the array, o ess Enter to se ignates disk or Create Menu.GB) option and use all availab eyboard to inp ss Enter.f hard disk driv array, set as a Cache Policy:he risk of data e this option i ng systems to orts large volu y to highlight or N(no) key to elect them. A rder. After all d press Enter. le space. If yo put the amoun ves. The Capac spare disk, or a loss during a f you are usin support volum mes (such as G the Start Creao cancel the c numeral will b of the disks h The total ava u wish to rese nt of space (in city option all r partitioned t critical failure g an older 32-mes over 2TB iGPT).ation item andcreation proce beave ilableerve GB) ows to act e, but -bitin dess.5.5 D Highl The B Enter The uWarn5.6 A This A to au RAID Spareremo Deleting Ar light the Delet BIOS utility w r.utility will disp ning: all data Adding/Rem Add/Remove utomatically re D arrays, disks e Disk, use theove the Spare rrayste command f will display a lis play a warning stored on the move Spare Spare comma ebuild Redund must be initia e arrow keys tDisk setting fr from the toolb st of available g message. Pre e array will be e Disksand is used to dant RAID arra alized before t to select the tarom a hard dis bar, and press e RAID arrays.ess Y (yes) to lost – do not assign a hard ays (RAID 1, 5,hey can be us arget disk fromsk, highlight th Enter.. Select the ar delete the arr delete if the disk to act as , 10) in the cas sed as spares. m the list of inhe spare disk, rray you wish ray, or select N array contain a Spare Disk. se of disk failu To set a hard nitialized disksand press Ent to delete, an (no) to cance ns critical data Spare Disks a ure. As with cr d disk to act as s, and press Enter.nd press el. a. re used reating s anter. ToGene Howe spare time 200Gthis e be se 5.7 S To ac Selec the c Staggpowe settin WarnIf ena erally, single d ever, in some e.If the disks of creation, t GB hard disks, example, 200G et as spares fo Settingsccess the Setti ct Boot Device card to act as t gered Drive Sp er up the hard ng – consult th ning: Westernabled, these d isks are design e instances, di in question a hese disks ma but only 200GB of disk spa or a separate r ings menu, hig e – select whic the boot devic pinup – This o d disks, sequen he disk docum n Digital hard ddisks may not nated to act a sks that are m re part of a RA ay be used as s GB of space (ace remains un edundant arra ghlight the Set ch disk or arra ce.option is disab ntially (one dis mentation for m disks do not sube detected b s spares (disks members of R AID array that spares. For exa out of a grand nallocated. Th ay that falls int ttings comma ay will act as th bled by default sk approximat more informa upport this setby non-RAID co s that are not RAID arrays m t did not utiliz ample: a RAID d total of 400his unallocated to the same c nd from the t he boot disk, i t.Enabling th tely every 2 se tion.tting. Enablinontroller.configured int may also be de ze the full ava D 0 array was c GB), was assig d space would apacity range oolbar, and pr if the motherb is setting will econds). Not ang this setting to RAID arrays esignated to a ilable capacity created betwe gned to that a d allow these (200GB).ress Enter.board BIOS ins instruct the ca all disk suppois not recomm s).act as a y at the een twoarray. In disks to structs ard to rt thismended.6 H Each This for a Crea To cr1.I2.I3.C4.C m5. C o6.C ighPoint S retail box inc CD can be use variety of ope ating a drive reate a driver Insert the CD Insert a blank Click on “Crea Click on the “P model from th Click on the “P operating systClick on the “O Software C ludes a copy o ed to generate erating system er diskettefloppy diskett into the syste floppy diskett te Driver Disk Please Select a he list.Please Select t tem from theOK” button to CDof the HighPoi e driver disket ms.te: m’s CD/DVD d te into the sys kette”.a Product” dro the Diskette y list.create the dr int Products S ttes, and insta drive. The prog stem’s floppy op-down butto ou want to creriver diskette.oftware CD.all the HighPo gram should s drive.on, and selecteate” drop-do int RAID Mana start automati t the appropri own button, a agement Utilit ically.ate host adap nd select the ty Suite pter desired Windows / Windows Server and several distributions of Linux and FreeBSD require driver diskettes when installing the operation system directly to a disk or array hosted by the RocketRAID host adapter.7 Ro 7.1 D Insta 1.I V 2. WH W “3.W ocketRAID Driver insta alling the drive Install the Roc Vista.Windows shou Hardware” wi When Window “continue”.When asked to D 2700 Dri allation -Wi er for an exist cketRAID host uld automatic zard pop-up w ws asks: “Windo search onlin iver Instal ndowsting Windows adapter into t cally detect the window. Select dows needs yone select “Don llationoperating sys the PC, then b e card, and dis t “Locate and our permission’t Search Onli stemboot up Windo splay the “Fou install driver s n to continue”ne”.owsund New software”.”, select4.S5.a.Select “I don’tand then selec t have disc, shct “Browse my ow me othery computer fo options”.or driver softw ware”.6.B7.W Browse to theWhen asked “e location of th“Would you lik he driver and cke to install thi click “Next”.is driver softw ware?” select ““Install”.8. 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Window age for theindowsws setup8 HighPoint Web RAID Management SoftwareThe HighPoint RAID Management software provides RAID configuration and management features. The software can be installed from the HighPoint software CD. Browse to the location of the HighPoint RAID Management software.8.1 Installing the Web RAID Management SoftwareWindows1.Software location (RocketRAID Software CD):/HighPoint RAID Management Software/Web RAID Management/Windows2.Double click the “setup.exe” setup program to install the management software.3.After the setup is completed, double click the program shortcut on the Windows desktop to runHighPoint RAID Management software:Linux -Red Hat Enterprise/CentOS, Fedora Core, Open SuSELinux operating systems that support .rpm packages, allow you to double-click the HighPoint Web RAID Management .rpm file to start the installation process.1.Software location (RocketRAID Software CD):/HighPoint RAID Management Software/Web RAID Management/Linux2.Extract the .tbz file to the desktop, and browse to the appropriate .rpm file (there are 32 and 64-bitoptions).3.Double click the .rpm file – this should open the operating systems software installer. Enter theAdministrative password when prompted and proceed with installation.4.The package can also be installed manually, using a terminal. Log on in as “root”, open a terminal, andbrowse to the location of the .rpm file. Run the following command:5.# rpm -i hptsvr-https-1.4-10.i386.rpm (or hptsvr-https-1.4-10.x86_64.rpm)Linux -Debian/Ubuntu Linux DistributionsFor Debian/Ubuntu Linux distributions, you can use alien to convert the rpmpackages to a .deb package, then use "dpkg -i" command to install eachpackage. Some script files may be lost during the conversion process from rpm to .deb,so you may need to make manual corrections. .The following files will be installed/configured:/usr/bin/hptsvr - service program/etc/hptcfg - service config file/etc/rc.d/init.d/hptdaemon - service control script/usr/share/hpt/webguiroot - data filesIf there is no /etc/hptcfg present, you can add it manually using by using the “echo” command on the driver file name to /etc/hptcfg.For example:# echo hptiop.ko>/etc/hptcfgUninstalling the UtilityOpen a terminal, and use the following command:# rpm -e hptsvr-https8.2 Installing OS X Driver and Web RAID Management SoftwareThe RocketRAID 2711/2721/2722 is compatible with Mac OS X. The OS X software package includes the driver and Web GUI management utility.Please check for the latest software/driver packages.Driver updates are posted on the card’s product page, under the “Download Center” section.Please refer to the Installation Guide under the software package folder for installation steps.8.3 Starting Using the Web RAID Management SoftwarePlease refer to the online help of “How to Use Web RAID Management Software”:/help/9 Thank YouThank you for purchasing the RocketRAID 272x/271x SAS/SATA RAID Host adapter. We appreciate your support, and welcome any questions, comments or product suggestions you may have.10 Customer SupportIf you encounter any problems while utilizing RocketRAID series host adapters, or have any questions about this or any other HighPoint Technologies, Inc. product, feel free to contact our Customer Support Department.HighPoint Technologies, Inc. websites:/Web Support:/websupport/。
日本氧化铝型号及参数日轻型号D50结晶粒径纯度用途普通粒/粗粒氧化铝FPD玻璃基板等各种玻璃;烧结氧化铝、电熔氧化铝;尖晶石;陶瓷;耐火物;研磨材料;离型剂A11554~599.6 A1255<199.6A1355-99.6A14553~499.6A16552~499.6A21754~599.6A2375-99.6微粒氧化铝(A30/AN系)高铝砖、耐火物品用粘结剂;不定型耐火材料;尖晶石;氧化铝瓷器;研磨材料SA3154~599.6A31B44~599.6A321<199.6A33F2-99.6A3443~499.6A30系是对力度进行调整、将普通粒氧化铝粉碎至α粒子径大小的氧化铝,广泛用作陶瓷及耐火物品原料。
A3632~499.6 AN31044~599.6 AN321<199.7 AN3443~499.7微粒氧化铝(A40/MM系)高温砖、耐火物用粘合剂;不定性耐火物;研磨材料、磨削材料。
A41A 1.599.6A43A399.6A43B 2.599.6MM-220.799.6MM-26 2.599.6MM-P 1.599.6MM-22B0.999.7MM-23B299.7MM-24B299.7整、将普通粒氧化铝粉碎至α粒子径大小的氧化铝,广泛用作陶瓷及耐火物品原料。
低碳酸微粒氧化铝火花塞;电子部件;半导体制造装置构件;理化学器件;器械部件;特殊耐火物;触媒载体普通粒产品LS-11551~299.9LS-12551~399.9LS-13552~499.9LS-20552~399.9LS-21552~399.9LS-22553~599.9微粒产品LS-110 1.71~299.9LS-120 2.31~399.9LS-130 2.62~499.9LS-110F 1.11~299.9LS-200 2.72~399.9LS-220 2.92~399.9LS-210 3.63~599.9LS-11、LS-12、LS-13为粉碎后添加4%助溶剂、冲压压力:49.03MPa{500kgf/cm2}、1590°C×3hr烧成;LS-20、LS-22、LS-21为1640°C×3hr烧成冲压压力:98.07MPa (1000kgf/cm2);添加4%助溶剂、冲压压力:49.03MPa(500kgf/cm2)、1640°C×3hr烧成高纯度氧化铝磁记录媒体;单结晶(蓝宝石等);透光性陶瓷;荧光材料;热喷涂材料;陶瓷AHP20400.2~0.499.99AHP3040 1.0~1.599.99AHP2000.40.2~0.499.99AHP300 1.3 1.0~1.599.99AHP300G 2mm粒状 1.0~1.599.99AHP300H 2mm粒状 1.0~1.599.99AHP300B 50mm圆珠 1.0~1.599.99易烧结氧化铝低收缩率氧化铝机械部件;特殊耐火物LS-2350.50.399.9LS-235C 0.50.399.9LS-5000.60.399.9LS-2500.70.399.9LS-242 1.60.3~499.9LS-242C 2.30.3~499.9AHP200是超微的粒子,具有优良的烧结性。
Single-output modelsModule МАА50- 1S03S ХХ МАА50- 1S05S ХХ МАА50- 1S12S ХХ МАА50- 1S15S ХХ МАА50- 1S24S ХХ МАА50- 1S27S ХХМАА50- 1S48S ХХ МАА50- 1S68S ХХ Output power 26,4 W 40 W 50 W Output voltage 3,3 VDC 5 VDC12 VDC15 VDC24 VDC27 VDC48 VDC68 VDCOutput current8 A8 А 4,17 А 3,33 А 2,27 А 1,85 А 1,04 А 0,73 АDual-output modelsModule МАА50-2S0505S ХХ МАА50-2S1212S ХХМАА50-2S1515S ХХOutput power 50 WChannel number 1 2 1 2 1 2 Output voltage 5 VDC 5 VDC 12 VDC 12 VDC15 VDC 15 VDC Output current5 А 5 А 2,1 А 2,1 А 1,67 А 1,67 АTriple-output modelsModule МАА50-3S051212S ХХМАА50-3S051515S ХХOutput power 50 WChannel number 1 2 3 1 2 3Output voltage 5 VDC12 VDC12 VDC5 VDC15 VDC15 VDCOutput current5 А 1,04А 1,04А 5 А 0,83 А 0,83 Аby request can be delivered modules with non-standard output voltage from 3 to 70 VDC and maximal output current to 8А.Ordering informationМАА 50 – 3 S 05 15 15 S U Nc d e f g h i j k lc - MAA Seriesd - Nominal output power, Watte - Channel quantity (1, 2, 3)f - - Input voltageS – 220VAC K – 115VACg - Output voltage channel 1, VDC h - Output voltage channel 2, VDC i - Output voltage channel 3, VDC j - Execution with sealing k - EmbodimentB – uniform case with primingl - Operating temperature range of caseN - - 40°С…+85°С P - - 50°С…+85°С• Rugged environment in operation intechnical equipment of industrial and special purpose. • Low-profile construction • Metal case• Cooling by heat sink or free air convection• Electromagnetic compatibility index to GOST V 25803-91 for group 1.2.1 (curve 2) • Stability to external factors of group 1U GOST RV 20.39.414.1-97 (additional) • Short circuit protection, overload, overvoltage and thermal protection • Galvanic isolated outputs •Acceptance «5»Температура окружающей среды Токр, С9080706050403020100-10-20-30-40-50Выходная мощность, Вт6050403020100Input specificationsParameter Conditions of dimensions MIN NOM MAX UnitS 187 220 242 VACSteady-state deviationК 80 115 140 VAC S 176 264 VACInput voltageTransient deflection, 1 secК 80 150 VAC SInput frequencyК47 400 440 HzOutput specificationsParameterConditions of dimensions MIN NOM MAX Unit Single-output execution (Inom 10 – 100%) ±3 % Output 1 multi-output execution(Inom 10 – 100%) ±3 %Uout2&3 differs from Uout1 less than 20% Output 2 and 3 multi-output execution(Inom 10 – 100%)±13 %Output 1 multi-output execution (Inom 30 – 100%) ±3 %Total output voltage instabilityUout2&3differs fromUout1 more than 20% Output 2 and 3 multi-output execution(Inom 50-100%) ±15 %Output voltage pulsations ripple(peak-to-peak)Dimension by device for pulsation control2% Uout.nom.Current overload protection actuation level110 % Iout.nom. Short circuit protection Autorepair 150 % Iout.nom. Overvoltage protection 120 % Uout.nom.Thermal protection90-95°CGeneral specificationsParameterConditions of dimensions MIN NOM MAX Unit- operating of case N P – 40 – 50 +85+85°C– power loss See diagram Temperature– storage – 50 +85 °CEfficiency 78 % Conversion frequency 50 kHz~ in/out 1500 VAC ~ in/case 1500 VAC~ out/case 500 VDC Isolation~ out/out 500 VDCInsulation resistance Voltage 500VDC 20 Ohm High humidity Temperature 35°С 98 % Cyclic overpatching of temperature – 60 +85 °C Multiple mechanical shocks Speeding-up 15g 2 15 ms Sinusoidal vibration Speeding-up 5g 50 500 Hz Atmosphere pressure 6х104 1,2х105 Pa Time to failure Temperature 35°C 105 hour Mass 0,4 kg all specifications redused for normal climatic conditions, Uin.nom., Iout.nom., if it is not specified differently.Power loss diagramFree airconvectionWith heat sinkAmbient temperature Tamb, °CO u t p u t p o w e r , WOutput settings№ pin1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Single-channel case ~IN (N) ~IN (L) +out1 +out1 +out1 -out1 -out1 -out1 Dual-channel case ~IN (N) ~IN (L) +out1 +out1 -out1 -out1 -out2 +out2 Triple-channelcase~IN (N)~IN (L)-out3+out3+out1-out1-out2+out2Switching on standart diagramFU in – current safety device 1A for input voltage 220VAC, 2A for input voltage 115VAC.S out – ceramic condenser capacity 0,47-15 mcF with corresponding operating voltage to decrease high-frequency noise level.S out2 – electronic condenser capacity 22-100 mcF in consideration with operating voltage and polarity. It makes for purpose to decrease dynamic instability when module work at dynamic load.+Out -Out ~In (L) ~In (N) Power module R heat CaseСout1 Сout2~In (L)~In (N)ground FU inSingle, Dual, and Triple-output execution SBNSingle, Dual, and Triple-output execution SVN (with flexible erection joints)The Flexible erection fjoints by length (100±5)mm is executed by wire section (0,5...1,5)mm2.。
2SD1275AP中文资料(panasonic)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
2SD1275, 2SD1275A
■ 特征
■ 绝对最大额定值
10 000
0.5Βιβλιοθήκη µs4.0µs
2SD1275, 2SD1275A
50 (W)
4 (A)
8 (A)
20 Collector power dissipation P
集电极 - 发射极饱和电压
I 2 A, I 8
V 10 V, I = 0.5 A, f = 1兆赫
I = 2 A, I = 8毫安,I = 8 mA,
V = 50 V
注)1.测量方法是根据日本工业标准JIS C 7030测量方法晶体管. 2. *:等级分类
ZXV10 W908无线控制器用户手册V1.1
ZXV10 W908无线控制器用户手册ZXV10 W908用户手册资料版本20090925 R1.0产品版本V1.0策划中兴通讯学院文档开发部编著××(写作者的名字)审核××(写审稿人员的名字)测试××(写测试人员的名字)* * * *中兴通讯股份有限公司地址:深圳市高新技术产业园科技南路中兴通讯大厦邮编:518057技术支持网站:客户支持中心热线:(0755)26770800 800-830-1118传真:(0755)E-mail:* * * *编号:×××××××声明本资料著作权属中兴通讯股份有限公司所有。
E1UAA20-16.257M中文资料(ECLIPTEK)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
E1U列•符合RoHS(无铅)•HC-49 / US短包•AT或BT切提供•电阻焊接密封•紧公差/稳定性•磁带和卷轴,绝缘片,和自定义引线长度可供选择NOTES H 2.50L 11.18W 4.70水晶_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________电气特性频率范围频率公差/稳定性在工作温度范围温度范围工作温度范围老化(25°C)存储温度范围并联电容绝缘电阻驱动电平负载电容(C)3.579545MHz为50.000MHz为±50ppm /±100ppm(标准),±30ppm/为±50ppm(AT切割只),±15ppm/±30ppm(AT切割只),±15ppm/±20ppm(AT切割只),或±10ppm/±15ppm(AT切割专用)0°C到70°C,-20°C至70°C(AT切割只),或-40°C至85°C(AT切割专用)±5ppm/年最大-40°C至125°C7pF最大500兆欧最低在100V1 mWatt最大18pF之(标准),自定义C 10pF,或串联谐振等效串联电阻(ESR),运作模式(MODE),切频率范围3.579545MHz到4.999MHz5.000MHz到5.999MHz6.000MHz到7.999MHz8.000MHz到8.999MHz9.000MHz到9.999MHz10.000MHz到14.999MHz ESR (Ω)200最大150最大120最大90马克斯80马克斯70马克斯模式/剪切基本/ AT基本/ AT基本/ AT基本/ AT基本/ AT基本/ AT频率范围15.000MHz到15.999MHz16.000MHz到23.999MHz24.000MHz到30.000MHz24.000MHz到40.000MHz24.576MHz为29.999MHz30.000MHz到50.000MHzESR (Ω)60马克斯50马克斯40马克斯40马克斯150最大100最大模式/剪切基本/ AT基本/ AT基本/ AT基本/ BT三次泛音/ AT三次泛音/ AT.ECLIPTEK CORP.CRYSTAL E1U HC-49/US Short CR4111/07零件编码指南E1U A A 18 - 20.000M - I2 TR频率公差/稳定性A =±50PPM 25°C时,±0℃至100ppm70℃B =±50PPM,在25°C,±100ppm-20℃至70℃C =±50PPM,在25°C,±100ppm温度范围为-40°C至85°CD =±30ppm25°C时,±0℃50PPM至70℃E =±30ppm25°C时,为±50ppm -20℃至70℃F =±30ppm25°C时,为±50ppm -40°C至85°CG =±15ppm25°C时,±0℃为30ppm至70℃H =±15ppm25°C时,±30ppm-20℃至70℃J =±15ppm25°C时,±30ppm温度范围为-40°C至85°C K =±15ppm25°C时,±0℃为20ppm至70℃L =±15ppm25°C时,±20ppm-20℃至70℃M =±15ppm25°C时,±20ppm温度范围为-40°C至85°C N =±10ppm25°C时,±0℃为15ppm至70℃P =±10ppm25°C时,±15ppm-20℃至70℃包装选择空白=散装,A =盘,TR =卷带式可选项空白=无(标准)CX =自定义引线长度I2 =绝缘子标签频率负载电容S =系列X X = X X pF(自定义)动作模式/水晶切割A =基本/ A TB =三次泛音/ A TD =基本/ BT外形尺寸ALL DIM ENSIONS IN M ILLIM ET ERS 卷带尺寸ALL DIM ENSIONS IN M ILLIM ET ERS环境/机械特性PARAMET ER SPECIFICAT ION 标记规格1000 Pieces per ReelCompliant to EIA-468B精细泄漏测试总泄漏测试铅完整铅端接机械冲击耐焊接热抗溶剂可焊性温度循环振荡M IL-STD-883,方法1014,条件AM IL-STD-883,方法1014,条件CM IL-STD-883 2004方法锡2微米 - 6微米M IL-STD-202,方法213,条件CM IL-STD-202,方法210M IL-STD-202,方法215M IL-STD-883,2002年法M IL-STD-883,法1010M IL-STD-883,方法2007,条件A1号线:电子X X.X X X中号Frequency in MHz(5 Digits Maximum + Decimal).ECLIPTEK CORP.CRYSTAL E1U HC-49/US Short CR4111/07。
海霜 Shore Assist SA-1 R-12 安装说明说明书
148 OLD CONCORD TURNPIKE BARRINGTON, NH 03825 USA TEL (603) 868-5720 FAX (603) 868-1040 1-800-435-6708 E-Mail:******************SEA FROST SHORE ASSIST SA-1 R-12THIS MANUAL IS SUPPLEMENTAL TOTHE SEA FROST R-12 ENGINE DRIVE MANUALINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSCONDENSING UNIT LOCATION AND MOUNTINGThe design of the Shore Assist allows placement of the air-cooled unit in a enclosedspace such as a cabin locker, sail locker or engine room. Intake air should be drawn in from the cabin area to insure the coolest, driest air supply. Standard 4" duct hose maybe used. Discharge does not need ducting if a vent in the area allows warm air to escape. (Intake ducting from the exterior of the boat may cause damp salt air to bedrawn in which might reduce unit life. This will also increase below deck moisture.)An un-ducted unit in a poorly ventilated small space will heat the air,lowering the capacity of the unit and possibly causing damage byoverheating the compressor.Service access and installation requires that the front and left end (inlet/outlet side) be exposed. The duct hose will require 4 inches of clearance past the end of the unit.Mount the Shore Assist level. (The compressor is at the bottom). The unit may be bulkhead or platform mounted. Pilot holes have been pre-drilled for the #8 x 3/8" self-taping screws and aluminum angle clips included.INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTSNeither inlet nor outlet should ever be blocked.Provide for driest, coolest air for intake (top air port on housing.)Total combined air duct length for intake and discharge should not exceed six feet.Only the intake needs ducting if the area is vented to allow warm discharge to escape.For intake or exhaust through a finished panel order an extra black flange grill.One part is shipped with each system.BEFORE BEGINNING THIS SECTION READ; "WORK HABITS", "TUBE HANDLING", "CUTTING and BENDING," and "SWAGELOK FITTINGS," in the SEA FROST ENGINE DRIVE INSTALLATION MANUAL.EXPANSION VALVEInstall the valve on one of the 3/8-inch tubes protruding from the block or plate. The valve should be located to allow access to screw cap on top of valve. It is preferable that the cap be up. Trim the tube ends on the block or plate as necessary. However, allow at least 3/4" to insert into the fitting. Refer to the Swagelok installation instructions. RUNNING TUBING LINESRun the 1/4" liquid line between the valve and condensing unit. This 1/4" line makes up at the expansion valve. The 3/8" line connects to remaining Block or plate tube-end with 3/8" elbow fitting. The other end of this line connects at the compressor.If possible, run the 1/4" liquid line in contact with 3/8" suction line for at least one foot from expansion valve. Wrap these two tubes tightly together with electrical tape. Insulate this section. This will improve operation and prevent moisture from condensing on the coldest section of these tubes. It is not necessary to insulate the remaining return line to the compressor. Support the tubing as necessary with tie wraps.WARNING:The SA unit is shipped under some refrigerant pressure. Before removing the caps on the connection ports, remove the screw caps on the service valve covers and depress the cores with a fingernail to vent any existing pressure.Working one line at a time, remove the Swagelok caps from compressor and drier. Attach the union fitting bodies. This is a pre-swaged connection...See the Swagelok fittings text in Engine Drive installation manual. Make up is 1/4 turn from wrench snug. Connect the 1/4" line to the drier fitting and 3/8" line to compressor. Tighten these fittings 1-1/4 turns form wrench snug. (See refer to the Swagelok text in Engine Drive manual).THERMOSTAT & WIRINGFor the best looking job, the thermostat should be recessed into a panel. A cuttingtemplate is provided. Locate the thermostat close enough for the bulb on the sensingtube (pig tail type coil) to reach the center of the block or a mounting ear on the plate. Itis only necessary that the bulb end of the sensing tube be installed on the block. Thisbulb mounts with a copper clip to the tapped hole in bottom center of Block. Use one ofthe mount screws for attaching the copper clip on 809 plates.The sensing tube is hollow; avoid bending it into kinks.WIRING: The thermostat electrical leads are low voltage for safety. Connect the thermostat red wires to the red wires exiting the compressor unit.110-VOLT CIRCUITA separate 15-amp breaker is required for the 110-volt supply. The Shore Assist isprovided with a three wire male plug. A standard dedicated receptacle mounted next tothe unit is recommended. Secure all wiring as necessary.COMMISSIONINGAttach clean, purged gauges to suction service port on compressor. (It is not necessaryto connect to the high-pressure port when starting a new system. This is provided to aidin fault diagnosis.) Pressurize the system with R-12. Check for leaks. Refer to theEngine Drive instruction manual: Refrigerant Handling and Leak Checking sections.After checking for leaks, evacuate. Pump down to the best vacuum.Charge as follows:* Single Block or plate systems with a short tube run................................................5 oz* Single Block or plate systems with over six foot tube run........................................7 ozThis may be liquid-fed into the low side after evacuation, before the compressor isoperated. Use a 14-ounce can of refrigerant in order to determine the amount ofrefrigerant being used. Shaking the can will allow you to estimate the amount ofrefrigerant being used.The evaporator pressure is regulated by an automatic expansion valve. This valve isadjusted to maintain a constant evaporator pressure. The proper charge must beadded before the valve can be accurately set.ADJUSTING THE VALVEBefore operating the compressor,unscrew the plastic cover on thevalve body. Note the adjustingknob. Counter-clockwise rotationdecreases the pressure.Clockwise rotation increases thepressure. Check that the valve isset with the last groove (marked"O") close to the end of the valvebody.Start the compressor. The valvemust be adjusted to 0 to 2 psireading on the low side gaugeport. Be sure your gauge is set atO before hook-up. Allow several minutes between each adjustment. Moisture may form on the adjusting knob side of the valve and freeze causing the valve to malfunction. To prevent this replace the cap after each adjustment. Be sure valve is dry before final cap replacement.) Operate for 30 minutes to confirm proper valve setting and operation.The valve may need to be cleared of dirt or chips if adjustment is not attainable. With the compressor running, turn the valve adjustment knob clockwise about 3 turns momentarily, and then back to proper the setting. Do not leave valve in open position (high back pressure) as this may cause the compressor to overload.After satisfactory adjustment, turn off thermostat. Remove the gauges. (If the high side gauge is connected, wait until the pressure equalizes on both gauges before removal. Recap the service ports. Replace the service panel. When the valve has dried, insulate the valve body by cutting the insulating sleeve to fit the valve then wrap it with cork tape. This is to prevent condensation. Insulate the one-foot section of 3/8" tubing that exits the cabinet. The valve need not be insulated if the valve is in the icebox.Note: The operating pressure of the system will not indicate the amount of refrigerant in the system. The valve will not give proper operation or pressure if it is undercharged. The valve scribe correlation is very close to the gauge pressure.The system requires enough refrigerant to supply liquid to the valve. If the valve has a steady hissing sound, the charge is ok. If the valve is sputtering, it is low. If the valve is making a noticeable roar, it is low. If the low side pressure is properly set the high side pressure will be 80 to 135 psi depending on the air temperature (50 to 95 degrees F.) through the unit. Almost immediately upon start up the valve body will begin to frost.OPERATION DESCRIPTIONThe SEA FROST Shore Assist SA-I is a very small system. It is efficient in its electrical conversion of energy to heat movement. Its rate of cooling is 1/20 th the rate of the engine drive system. By being small it is quiet, compact, has low electrical starting requirements and running power draw, and is able to be air cooled. The SA-I will operate in up to 120 degrees of ambient air temperature. Because of its size, it will operate 80 percent of the time in warm climates. The unit will freeze the holdover device (Block or plate) from warm but may take all day. If rapid cooling of the system is needed operate the Engine Drive to bring the system to its cooling temperature then let the SA-I take over. The unit will automatically operate if the thermostat, and proper panel switch is on and the boat shore power is plugged in. The Shore Assist and the Engine Drive are separate units. They may be operated simultaneous. Both units are controlled by separate controls.THE THERMOSTATThe Shore Assist thermostat is variable. Turning the knob fully counterclockwise turns the unit "OFF". The one snowflake position is the warmest setting. The fully clockwise setting at three snowflakes is the coldest. The thermostat may be adjusted to obtain any temperature desired in the cabinet. The thermostat may be calibrated should the warmest setting be too cold.DEFROSTINGThe unit will require defrosting from time to time as the frost layer builds up on the holdover device.Allowing the unit to warm above freezing is one method of defrosting. Warm water or a hair dryer is also a quick method. The SEA FROST holdover devices can be scraped with a spatula or ice scraper to remove excessive frost build up.OPERATION INSPECTIONWithin a few minutes of starting the Shore Assist the tubing in close proximity to the valve and the valve itself will be noticeably cold. If after 20 minutes of operation this cooling in this area is not observed do not continue to operate the system.THERMOSTAT CALIBRATION INSTRUCTIONSBe sure that the unit is operating properly before making any thermostat adjustments. The sensing bulb must be in excellent thermal contact with the plate or block.The range of this control may be changed. To access the adjustment screw, remove the four mounting screws on the thermostat panel. Tip the panel forward and remove the protective tape to expose a slot in the case. Make the adjustment with a torx or small Phillips head screwdriver.Make small adjustments. Record alladjustments.If the lowest setting on the thermostatpanel (1-snowflake) is too cold:• Turn the adjustment screwclockwise. One 360-degree turnwill raise the box temperatureapproximately 6 degrees f.If the highest setting on the thermostatpanel (3-snowflakes) is too warm:• Turn the adjustment screwcounterclockwise.HOLDOVER PLATES STAINLESS STEELEVAPORATOR PLATES。
SM7075-12非隔离电源降压IC芯片 12V 0.3A
SM7075-12特点◆输入电压:85Vac~265Vac◆拓扑结构支持:低成本BUCK、BUCK-BOOST等方案◆采用650V单芯片集成工艺◆待机功耗小于60mW@220Vac ◆集成高压启动电路◆集成高压功率开关◆45KHz固定开关频率◆电流模式PWM控制方式◆内置抖频技术,提升EMC性能◆内置过温、过流、过压、欠压等保护功能◆内置软启动◆内置智能软驱动技术(提高EMC性能)◆封装形式:TO252-2、TO251应用领域◆电磁炉、电饭煲、电压力锅等小家电产品电源内部功能框图HVDD管脚说明订购信息极限参数(注1)若无特殊说明,T A=25°C。
注2:RθJA在T A=25°C自然对流下根据JEDEC JESD51热测量标准在单层导热试验板上测量。
注3:温度升高最大功耗一定会减小,这也是由T JMAX,RθJA和环境温度T A所决定的。
最大允许功耗为P D = (T JMAX-T A)/ RθJA或是极限范围给出的数值中比较低的那个值。
电气工作参数(注4、5)若无特殊说明,T A=25°C。
功能表述LN◆ 电路图说明上图为典型的BUCK-BOOST 电路,其中C1、C2、L1组成π型滤波,有益于改善EMI 特性;R1电阻为浪涌抑制元件;D1为整流二极管,构成半波整流电路。
输出部分L2为储能电感,D2为HVDD 供电二极管;D3为续流二极管,在芯片关断期间提供输出电流通路。
Haier MAH-S20 说明书
海成上海信息技术有限公司版2005.07C/N:408-009-0203Haier MAH-S20MAH-S20 是为方便顾客的音乐欣赏Digital Music Player 产品为正确使用本产品用户在使用本产品之前必须阅读此手册Haier 产品的信息而且在本公司主页可以得到顾客各种质疑的答复通过下载操作本产品的运行软件可以可以持续提高产品的性能本手册及相关专利商标权版权其他知识产权属于HaierHaier 的事先同意不准对本产品的所有或部分软件和文档进行模仿复制或再生产翻译禁止压缩成电子媒体或机器可阅读的形态ਈ᎖ᓖݿܪ- Microsoft Windows Windows ExplorerCorporation 的注册商标或商标Intel Corporation 的注册商标Apple Computer Inc 的注册商标或商标此手册中包含的系统和产品属于各自公司或研究机构的注册商标或商标®标志有时候并没有特别进行标识B 公司的注册商标公司的许可下进行的制造商和销售商不负责因对本产品的使用不当或受伤等伤害引发的意外损伤本手册介绍产品的使用方法和有关注意事项基于提高产品性能或修改规格之考虑本手册中的内容可能会有所改动恕不另行通知请不要在以下场所存放或使用此播放器潮湿的场所或容易浸水的场所不要用力撞击播放器不要任意拆卸维修或改装播放器不要让异物进入此播放器如回形针纸屑水饮料等如果播放器表面变脏请使用一块软布或毛巾擦拭即可千万不要使用化学溶剂当您驾驶自行车摩托车或小汽车时请不要使用耳机收听音乐和广播否则会有发生事故的危险并且这样做是不合法的当您步行过程中收听音乐或FM 广播时请降低耳机的音量有事故危险不要长时间使用耳机收听音乐专家指出长时间使用便携式音响设备会损伤听力对在此播放器和计算机之间传输数据而造成的数据丢失或损坏本公司将不承担任何责任ྙਫิᏴࠥ݃हᒦᎌᒮገၫ༿ᇗܘቲ۸॑ᎅ᎖૦৺ᑇᇙݷᔫਜ਼Ꮗፐᅪݝᑩࣅ࢟Ꮞ৺ᑇࢀᒘဧۣࡀࡼၫࣀပ۾ႊݙߌྀ࡛ੜᐊྀ请留意当将此产品的USB 接口插入计算机或从计算机上拔下此播放器的接口时请务必握紧插头当此播放器连接到计算机时请不要撞击或摇动接合部位硬盘可储存大容量音乐文件和数据当播放器连接到计算机时不需要使用管理程序即可方便地下载或上传数据USER EQ, SRS WOWNormal, Pop, Rock, Jazz, Classic, Voical 模式和用户自定义模式另外可感受效果MP3WMA OGG ASF 格式采用了频道自动设定频率记忆功能听取的同时可以对所需内容录音或录音机cassette player接到MAH-S20就无需计算机直接转化成数字录音文件ऱܣઓဧࡼᅄተઓஏෂ(GUI)GUI用户操作极为方便为方便新用户此播放器提供简单易用的菜单和简便的访问方式Window Searcher 性构造区分了更方便用户使用Ꭻፒഺถ作为语音记录器执行录音方式录音品质调整等多种功能附加部件可选োሾ၉ཌࡼݙᄴএଝݝୈᎌჅܤࣅ有备件与提供的图案可有一些差异会随时变动连接线联接计算机进入所选菜单及文件夹目录时使用ږ关音乐暂停功能ᒦያሆਦࣅږ执行音量调节功能搜索菜单及曲目时使用重复图标闹钟图标锁定状态表示图标电池图标预设均衡器图标歌手姓名曲目Play/Pause表示播放状态储存当前播放音乐文件的文件夹名表示音乐文件的进行状态播放时间/ 播放所剩时间a. 播放曲目序号/全体曲目数/比特率/采样率b. 表示星期日期时间闹钟图标锁定状态图标电池图标Mono/Stereo 储存的总频道数当前听取频道的频率音量条当前播放中的频道号频率条闹钟图标锁定状态图标电池图标所录文件名录音时间表示录音状态Windows ME Windows 2000 Windows XP的计算机储存设备可以在无需安装单独程序的情况下将播放器当作一个硬盘因此您可以通过使用资源管理器来利用此播放器࣪᎖ဧࡼଐႯ૦ิ።ক၅ሌڔᓤWindows 98 Device Driver Windows 98 Device Driver, Haier Utility, Ⴧ将提供的光盘插入计算机(CD-ROM)一分钟后将自动执行安装如左图所示如果未自动执行请在WindowSearcher 中选择CD-ROM见下图俘获图中的(D :) 盘是撰写此手册时的计算机环境可能与用户实际计算机的驱动器名称不同图中信息仅作参考②单击[Next] 按钮ဧ(MAH-S20)按钮[Next] 按钮当前选中的所有会被安装用户可以按需要选择性地安装程序ࡣܘኍڔᓤጲሆ* Haier Utility用户必须首先安Windows 98 Device Driver'ૣ!!ૣ!!ૣ!![Install] 按钮用户选中的会依次安装如果单击按钮所有安装过程完成背景屏幕上可确认图标的详情请参照第Haier Utility]如上图所示可以将播放器与计算机的端口连接显示搜索新的Device 驱动器有时不显示安装界面ᏥቲྟୈᒙဟॱࡼᅄስႲဟઓࡼଐႯ૦ણஹᎌჅܤࣅૣ!!ૣ!!MAH-S20ૣ!!ૣ!!①产品和计算机电缆相连接出现如左图"Add New Hardware Wizard"口单击按钮②确认Search for the best driver foryour device菜单后单击按钮先把提供的CD-ROM里确认CD-ROM 驱动器后请单击[Next] 按钮然后再复制并安装完光盘中必要的驱动程序文件后出现完成窗口单击按钮则安装过程完成进入下面的程序能够最终确认安装是否正常完成* Windows 98/ME:[控制面板Haier MAH-S20 USB Device* Windows 2000/XP:[控制面板[磁盘驱动器在设置运行软件获取的画面随用户的计算机环境而不同文件都是法律所禁止的本产品对与版权有关的事项不负任何责任打开产品的电源后利用连接线与计算机连接同下面一样在产品LCD 的连接画面[Windows Search]Haier MAH-S20'My computer' 上确认于是用户能实行和计算机硬盘同样的方法进行数据的储存删除重新命名文件夹的命令下面或者的方法储存数据আᒜ&选择储存的数据后复制并粘贴在Haier MAH-S20ᅗहါ:选择储存的数据后, 再按着鼠标左侧按钮的情况下将拖出Drag的文件放Drop在被认读的Haier MAH-S20 MUSIC上时松手选择的数据储存在Haier MAH-S20指定的数据选择后拖放存储到硬盘音乐文件一定要储存在上才能再重新播放MUSIC ᆪୈଚጲᅪࡼፒಘᆪୈݙถᏳᒮቤ݃ह非音乐文件的数据储存在任何文件夹里都没有关系(Haier MAH-S20ࡀஉၦᓨზ)ૣ!!选择进入硬盘后单击鼠标右键选择格式化按钮ৃါછጲઁሚᎌࡼݩ࣒ૄࡵ߱ဪᓨზৃါછઁᆪୈݙถૂআჅጲ༿ᓖፀৃါછဟᆪୈᇹᄻFAT32 ቲ1. Windows 2000 使用FAT32 文件系统格式化不能超过容量Windows 2000 FastFATmount,FAT32文件系统subject to the other limits 比使用32GB 提供更大的容量但是不能利用格式化工具制成这样的现象是特意设置的有必要设置比32GB更大的容量时请使用文件系统微软设置过程时使用FAT32 文件系统不能对比更大的容量进行格式化虽然32GB 容量有其他限制事项但在设置中使用了格式化工具因此不能制成比容量当对比大的容量进行格式化时使用NTFS 文件系统进行格式化再一种方法是在Microsoft Window 98 Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition(Me)启动磁盘开始包括使用磁盘中格式化工具3. 总而言之在MAH-S20 40GB/20GB用FAT32格式化才能完成设置但是在40GB 为了向格式化只有在WINDOWS ME,98 进行格式化在WINDOWS XP.2000, 对拥有超过32GB 容量硬件不是以FAT32而是以NTFS 识别所以用格式化是不行的用NTFS 进行格式化时, MAH-S2040GB 不能启动为了安全地分离装置建议使用以下步骤ྙਫݙږᑍጲሆݛᒾቲݷᔫᐌభถᐆ߅ၫࡼႼပޘອ߲ሚ৺ᑇHaier MAH-S20 USB Device'Removal andDisconnection of Player' 上, 右击鼠标'Hardware Disconnection or Pull-out'信息以显示一下屏幕③当出现'Hardware Disconnection or Pull-out' 窗口时选择硬件设备窗口中的'USBMass Storage Device' 单击[Stop] 按钮④当出现'Stop of Hardware Device'窗口时确定'USB Mass Storage Device' 单击[Ok]按钮ဧWindow98/98SEઓ-计算机和产品之间没有安全移除的命令语因此在计算机和产品断开前确定计算机和产品文件和数据传送是否结束后再断开⑤确定'Safe Removal of Hardware'断开产品和计算机'Safe Removal of Hardware' ဟૣ[Ok] ږઁ༿ࣥఎଐႯ૦ਜ਼ޘອ, ༿ࣥఎଐႯ૦ਜ਼ޘອૣ!!ૣ!!ૣ!!为了使用过程中的安全必须使用提供的电源适配器MAH-S20 电源端子上连接适配器后再连接主电源插座如电池电量图标数量减少后图像出现Low Battery, 当产品的电源自动关闭时表明电池用完此时您就必须对电池充电连接电源适配器后LCD上出现如上图所示图标表示充电开始充电结束时LCD 画面上出现上图图标ߠ࢟ဟମਜ਼݃हဟମན᎖ઓࡼဧᓨౚ小时完全放电状态12 小时充电的直观显示图标图标࢟Ꮞఎ/ਈႝჃᆪୈ长按按钮打开电源显示画面后出现播放音乐的画面关闭电源请长按按钮在主菜单上通过中央滚动按钮选择Navigation (后摁住按钮进入Navigation 下位菜单短按文件夹中的按钮①增加音量时: 向上滚动②降低音量时: 向下滚动音量调解范围00-30ႝჃፒಘᆪୈଶჃݩਜ਼ࢯஂፒဟဧᒦያਦࣅږ下位菜单上选择音乐文件后短按ENTER按钮播放该音乐按钮播放上一首或下一首音乐按钮从该音乐文件的起始点开始播放按钮播放前一个音乐文件REW,FF 按钮时执行快退快进功能按钮可暂停播放ږ上一音乐播放频率下一音乐FM播放频率在选择菜单及文件夹目录时使用ږ关播放音乐暂停功能ᒦያਦࣅږ搜索菜单歌曲及调节音量No Song显示时表示没有储存的音乐请下载音乐文件①从MUSIC 模式按滚动按钮向主菜单进入②上下滚动中央滚动按钮选择FMRADIO,按住ENTER滚动按钮③选择Listen to FM按住ENTER 滚动按钮④切换到FM 模式在播放音乐中或暂停画面上长按MENU 滚动按钮直接画面在上一个菜单或上一级文件上进入时使用MENU滚动按钮①在FM 模式短按按钮切换到菜单画面②在FM 菜单画面按MENU 按钮切换到邮件菜单画面③利用中央滚动按钮选择Now Playing 后单击ENTER按钮④切换到MUSIC 模式MUSIC 模式①在MUSIC 模式上长按REC 按钮时开始录音②录音时短按按钮时录音暂停再次短按按钮消除暂停开始录音录音前必须将本机的耳机断开后开始录音在本机和耳机连接的情况下是无法录音的因为连接耳机后成了Line-in故无法录音把Hold key侧按钮被锁定设置成不能反应状态在锁定状态下按按钮出现和上图一样的LCD 画面指快速按一下按钮指按住按钮并且持续时间超过秒钟指中央滚动按钮上下滚动指长按中央滚动按钮上前部指长按中央滚动按钮下端部变换播放顺序REPEAT 播放上一曲变换播放顺序REPEAT播放上一曲按钮打开产品电源出现徽标画面后能够自动播放关闭电源前最后听过的音乐按钮查找上下曲目文件夹才能播放音乐文件夹以外文件夹的音乐文件不能播放页按钮利用中央滚动按钮选择MUSIC Folder 后按钮通过和下面NAVIGATION 一样的画面查找要播放的曲目按音乐文件夹查找按歌手姓名查找按唱片名字查找按音乐类型查找按歌曲名查找①播放音乐时单击MENU 按钮出现邮件画面在邮件画面选择MUSIC Folder 后单击ENTER 按钮可进入到NAVIGATION 画面②在选择DIRECTORES 的状态下单击ENTER 按钮进入下一级文件夹③为了使NAVIGATION 进入下一级文件夹选择要进入的文件夹后单击ENTER 按钮④选择要播放的音乐文件后单击ENTER 按钮音乐就可播放要使NAVIGATION 进入到上一级文件夹请单击MENU 按钮要使NAVIGATION 返回到正在播放的音乐画面上在邮件菜单上选择Now Playing* 在NAVIGATION 上没有进行其他的操作不久就自动返回到播放画面为了从歌手名字ARTISTS,唱片ALBUMS,类型GENRES曲名TITLES中播放购买产品后第一次使用时MUSIC 文件夹里只有一件Haier 样品曲根据21p 的说明即使把音乐文件下载到MUSIC 文件夹以后ARTISTS, ALBUMS, GENRES,TITLES 目录里什么曲也没有没有进入ᆐ೫ڳཎहྜྷෂ4 ৈഺಱ,ܘኍᒙጯᄋࡼᒙCD ಱࡼHaier UtilityઁቲHaier UtilityࡼMedia File Scanᔫጓ设置Haier Utility请参照14 页运行软件设置Haier Utility的详细说明请参照63~67 页ሆۍݝႁීጙዹ၅ሌږᒙᎌࡼHaier UtilityࡼMedia File Scan ᔫጓHaier Utility请参照页运行软件设置的详细说明请参照页①播放音乐时短按MENU 按钮出现音乐文件夹构造NAVIGATION画面②在选择ARTISTS图标的状态下单击ENTER按钮出现ARTISTS类文件夹③选择想听的歌手ARTISTS文件夹后单击ENTER 按钮出现相应歌手的音乐文件目录④选择想听的曲目后单击ENTER 按钮播放选择的曲目ƛᄴၤࡼऱजއᑊަຢALBUMS,ಢቯGENRESཎTITLES݃हऱजᒙᒙᒮআ①利用中央滚动按钮选择SETTINGS 后单击ENTER 按钮②出现SETTINGS 菜单画面后利用中央滚动按钮选择Repeat 后, 单击ENTER按钮③选择所需的重复播放方法后单击ENTER 按钮MENU ږENTER ږᒦያਦࣅږ在播放曲目中单击ENTER 按钮能够选择所需的重复播放Normal正常顺序播放Repeal One 重复播放一曲Directory Random可以随意重复播放文件夹内的曲目Repeat Directory可以重复播放文件夹内的曲目区间重复在下一页有详细说明ቲཌମᒮআA B①MUSIC 模式②播放文件中短按REC按钮设置完成区间重复开始点A③播放文件中再短按一次REC 按钮设置完成区间重复开始点B④再短按一次REC 按钮,清除A-B 区间重复点显示现存的Repeat 图标MUSIC 模式按钮依次进入到主菜单画面利用中央滚动按钮上下进入选择菜单后单击按钮完成菜单设置①利用中央滚动按钮选择Extras菜单后单击ENTER 按钮②选择Clock 菜单后单击ENTER 按钮③可以用整个画面看现在时间Clock Set Up①利用中央滚动按钮选择Extras菜单后单击ENTER 按钮②选择Clock 菜单后单击ENTER 按钮③利用中央滚动按钮设置年度单击ENTER 按钮可以按月日午前午后小时分秒的顺序设置日期和时间①利用中央滚动按钮选择Extras 菜单后单击ENTER 按钮②选择Alarm 后单击ENTER 按钮设置On/Off①利用中央滚动按钮选择Extras 菜单后单击按钮②选择Alarm Set Up 后按钮③请单击中央滚动按钮设置DAILY/ONCE 后按钮可以按时间顺序设置午前午后小时分秒的Alarm Set Up①利用中央滚动按钮选择Extras按E NTER 按钮②选择FM Alarm 后利用ENTER 按钮设定开/关FM Alarm Set Up①利用中央滚动按钮选择Extra 后,按ENTER 按钮②选择FM Alarm Set up后,按ENTER按钮③利用中央滚动按钮设置星期后按ENTER按钮可以设置上午下午时分和录音时间频率但预约录音只能在FM RADIO储存的频道时才能使用所以使用预约录音之前到FM RADIO模式利用动或频率储藏功能储藏频道中选择NORMAL①利用中央滚动按钮选择Preset EQ 后按ENTER按钮②利用中央滚动按钮选择所需的EQ 后按ENTER按钮③在播放画面可确认以更改的EQ①利用中央滚动按钮选择后按按钮②利用中央滚动按钮选择User EQ 后按ENTER按钮③利用中央滚动按钮的上下进入设定所需波段后按ENTER按钮就会跳到下一个波段以同样的方式更改5 个波段设定值后按ENTER 按钮就会结USER EQ 设定并回到PRESET菜单屏幕3ઓੰᒙ* 利用中央滚动按钮选择后按按钮ENTERBass Performance 的技术可以传达更为丰富Bass(Level 1-10)Focus Level ᄰਭႥૣENTER ږࢯᑳࢾᒋ在High Frequency可以改善便捷性使听众更容易投入Low/Mid/High效果的功能①利用中央滚动按钮选择Settings 后按ENTER 按钮②利用中央滚动按钮选Menu Language 后按钮③利用中央滚动按钮选择所需语言后按ENTER 按钮设置播放器的菜单语言English, Chinese(S/T),French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russia, SpanishNo Lyrics①利用中央滚动按钮选择Settings 后按ENTER 按钮②利用中央滚动按钮选择WOW Setting 后以ENTER 按钮选择on/off③限于有歌词的文件在LCD 屏幕上显示歌词如文件不是以本公司支持的Media Symc 形式就不能显示歌词没有歌词文件屏幕上显示No Lyrics 的图标7ᎅፒಘෝါ༤ધᆐFM ࢟გෝါ①利用中央滚动按钮选择FM RADIO 后按ENTER 按钮②利用中央滚动按钮选择Listen to FM 后按ENTER 按钮③转为FM RADIO指快速单击指慢速单击表示中央滚动按钮的上下滚动表示慢速单击中央滚动按钮的上端部分表示慢速单击中央滚动按钮的下端部分①利用中央滚动按钮选择FM RADIO 后按ENTER 按钮②选择Listen to FM 后按ENTER 按钮③切换为FM 模式在播放音乐或暂停状态下慢速单击MENU 按钮立即切换为FM RADIO 画面从菜单画面移至上一个文件夹或前一个菜单时使用MENU 按钮ጲஅږ༤ધᆐFM ෝါ带时使用①在FM RADIO 模式按MENU 按钮②利用利用中央滚动按钮选择FM Band 后按ENTER 按钮③选择所需的FM 带后按ENTER 按钮-US/EU/KR/CN(USA, EUROPE, KOREA, CHINA):87.5~108MHz -WORLDWIDE:76~108MHz -JAPAN:76~92MHz3ႝჃݛޠࡼᒙ*更改频率进入单位时使用①在FM RADIO 模式按MENU 按钮②利用中央滚动按钮选择Seek Step 后按ENTER 按钮[50KHz/100KHz] 利用ENTER 按钮更换搜索步长电台模式转变为调整模式按钮就会回到一般模式¡Œ* 在一般模式搜索频率利用FF/REW 按钮搜索所需频率慢速单机FF/REW 按钮可自动搜索可收听频道慢速单机FF/REW 按钮可进行自动搜索* 在PRESET 模式切换频率利用FF/REW 按钮可以移至以储存的频道慢速单击FF/REW 按钮可快速移至储存的频道NO CHs!!没有储存频道时显示NO CHs!!,而且不能进入CHANEL 模式[ 一般模式][ 调整模式]频率时使用①利用FF/REW 按钮搜索所需频率后快速单击REC 按钮②利用FF/REW 按钮设置要储存的频道号③按ENTER 按钮可以切换为PRESET 模式并储存频道6ᔈࣅࡀຫࡸ* 是自动搜索频率并储存的功能①在FM RADIO 画面按MENU 按钮②选择AUTO PRESET,按ENTER 按钮③最多可以自动搜索和收藏20 个频道ࡣᏴFM ݆࢟ྦྷࡼཌᎌభถݙถႝჃࡵຫࡸ的同时进行录音时使用①FM RADIO 模式②收听FM 时慢速单击REC 按钮可录音所收听的广播③在录音中快速单击PLAY/PAUSE 按钮可暂停录音再一次快速单击可继续进行录音* 在录音中慢速单击REC 按钮可停止录音并把文件储存到FM 文件夹回到FM 画面①播放音乐时单击MENU 按钮可显示包括现在播放音乐的音乐目录②按MENU 按钮回到上一个文件夹③选择FM 文件夹后按MENU按钮④查找所需录音文件后按按钮可播放所选文件ᄧནഺፒᆪୈ指快速单击指慢速单击表示中央滚动按钮的上下滚动表示慢速单击中央滚动按钮的上端部分表示慢速单击中央滚动按钮的下端部分ഺፒᒄ༄ܘኍڳऐ૦࠭ᓍ૦ቘሆྙᎌቘऐ૦ࡼᓨზሆቲഺፒፐLINE-INഺፒᇄྀੜဉፒഺፒVOICE RECORDING①MUSIC 模式②在MUSIC模式下慢速单击REC按钮开始录音③录音中快速单击按钮就会暂停录音再一次快速单击可继续录音* 在录音进行的状态下慢速单击REC按钮可停止录音并把文件储存到VOICE文件夹回到播放画面①播放音乐时单击MENU 按钮可显示包括现在播放音乐在内的音乐目录②按MENU 按钮可回到上一个文件夹③选择VOICE 文件夹后按MENU 按钮④查找文件后按ENTER 按钮可播放所选文件၃ᄧഺፒᆪୈᒇഺፒ①用STEREO CABLE 连接MAH-S20 接线端和要进行录音的机器的LINE-OUT接线端.没有LINE-OUT接线端时请连接到SPEAKER OUT接线端①MUSIC 模式②在MUSIC 模式慢速单击REC 按钮就开始直接录音③录音中快速单击按钮就会暂停录音再一次快速单击可继续录音* 在录音中慢速单击REC 按钮可停止录音并把文件储存到LINE 文件夹回到播放画面①在音乐播放中按MENU 按钮显示包括播放音乐在内的音乐目录②按MENU 按钮回到上一个文件夹③选择LINE 文件夹后按MENU 按钮④选择被录音文件后按ENTER 按钮开始播放被选文件၃ᄧഺፒᆪୈᏴፒಘෝါྜྷᒙ利用MENU 按钮按下面图示表示出的顺序移到主菜单并选择SETTINGS* ᏴFM ࢟გෝါྜྷᒙ利用MENU 按钮按上面图示表示出的顺序移到主菜单并选择SETTINGS时表示产品情报的功能显示硬件等级可使用内存总内存等Freespace 02808MB Total Space 20GBVer 1.20.XX......利用MENU 按钮回到主菜单①利用中央滚动按钮选择SETTINGS 后按ENTER 按钮②选择INFORMATION 后按ENTER 按钮③显示硬件等级可使用内存总内存等(硬件等级有可能与图示不一样)2ᒙᒮআ* Normal:按顺序播放Repeat One: 反复播放一曲Repeat Directory: 反复播放文件夹内的音乐Directory Random: 无顺序的任意播放文件夹内的音乐利用MENU 按钮回到主菜单①利用中央滚动按钮选择SETTINGS 后按ENTER 按钮②选择Repeat 后按ENTER 按钮③利用ENTER 按钮选择所需的播放顺序指打开机器时决定设置自动播放与否的功能打开播放器音乐直接在播放画面上开始播放打开播放器时音乐播放画面处于暂停状态......利用MENU 按钮回到主菜单①利用中央滚动按钮选择Settings 后按ENTER 按钮③选择Auto Play 后利用ENTER 按钮设定On/Off4ૂআ* [ On/Off ]On :从上次关闭电源前听的最后一个文件开始播放Off : 从头开始播放上次关闭电源前播放过的文件利用MENU 按钮回到主菜单①利用中央滚动按钮选择Settings 后按ENTER 按钮③选择Resume 后利用ENTER 按钮设定On/Off* [ Off / 30min / 60min / 90min / 120min ]预约电源自动结束功能关闭电源后不按自动睡眠Auto Sleep功能储存......利用MENU 按钮回到主菜单①利用中央滚动按钮选择Settings 后按ENTER 按钮②选择Auto Sleep 后利用ENTER 按钮设定On/Off* 与播放与否无关到预约时间自动关闭电源6ᒙᔈࣅਈ૦* [ Off / 30sec / 60sec / 90sec / 120sec ]指在暂停状态下不进行按钮操作时自动关机的功能需要设定待机时间利用MENU 按钮回到主菜单①利用中央滚动按钮选择Settings 后按ENTER 按钮②选择Auto Off 后利用ENTER 按钮设定自动关机时间* 在暂停状态下如无按钮操作时达到所设定时间后会自动关机录音的条件......利用MENU 按钮回到主菜单①利用中央滚动按钮选择Settings 后按ENTER 按钮②选择REC Quality 后按ENTER 按钮③设定所需的REC Quality利用MENU 按钮回到主菜单①利用中央滚动按钮选择Settings 后按ENTER 按钮②选择Beep Sound 后利用ENTER 按钮设定On/Off8ᒙࣅᔫፒ* [ On/Off ] 使用的按钮和键Key 时播出动作音画面时的时间设置......利用菜单按钮向主菜单画面进入①利用中央滚动按钮选择Settings 后按ENTER 按钮②选择Backlight 按钮后利用ENTER 按钮设置照明时间10ೡࣞᒙ* [1-10 Level] 主体LCD 亮度设置利用菜单按钮向主菜单画面进入①利用中央滚动按钮选择Settings 后按ENTER 按钮②选择Brightness 按钮后, 利用ENTER 按钮设置LCD 画面亮度......利用菜单按钮向主菜单画面进入①利用中央滚动按钮选择Settings 后按ENTER 按钮②选择Contrast 按钮后利用ENTER 按钮设置对比度12ࠤᒙ* [On/Off] 带有歌词的歌曲可随歌曲在LCD 上显示ࡣဵྙਫݙဵMedia Sync ۣࡀࡼࠤᆪୈݙถመာ利用菜单按钮向主菜单画面进入①利用中央滚动按钮选择Settings 后按ENTER 按钮②选择Lyrics 按钮后利用ENTER 按钮将开关调到On 的状态③和歌词所在文件一起在LCD 画面上显示[File Name/Tag Info] 设置显示音轨信息方法时使用显示文件名显示ID3 TAG信息但是从TAG INFO时和ID3 LANG相对的ID3 TAG 语言要一起变换...利用菜单按钮向主菜单画面进入①利用中央滚动按钮选择Settings后按ENTER按钮②选择FILE INFO后按ENTER按钮14መာሆ࣡ቧᇦ显示LCD不显示任何信息显示曲数/比特率/采样率等曲目信息显示年月日...利用菜单按钮向主菜单画面进入①利用中央滚动按钮选择Settings后按ENTER按钮②选择Display按钮后通过ENTER按钮选择并显示与歌曲相对应的信息ᒙ૦ݩᎫዔEnglish, Chinese (S/T), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russia, Spanish...利用菜单按钮向主菜单画面进入①利用中央滚动按钮选择Settings后按ENTER按钮②选择MenuLanguage后按ENTER按钮③利用中央滚动按钮选择想要设置的语言Ꭻዔ...利用菜单按钮向主菜单画面进入①利用中央滚动按钮选择Settings后按ENTER按钮②选择ID3Tag Lang后按ENTER按钮࣪ݩᒙࡼดྏቲ߱ဪછ利用菜单按钮向主菜单画面进入①利用中央滚动按钮选择Settings后按ENTER按钮②选择Reset Setting按钮③选择Yes后按ENTER进行初始化Haier UTILITY MAC OS上使用具体的站主页中的向导]一栏ڔᓤᒙ的通过不能格式化参照格式化时必须使用提供的如果必须强行格式化确保一定使用FAT32①在用户计算机上安装附带Haier Utility程序具体内容请参照页运行软件安装②利用连接线连接计算机③双击计算机桌面Haier Utility" 图标开始设置④单击[Setup Config] 按钮按钮项如下图所示⑥单击[Start] 按钮⑦单击[OK] 按钮ૣ!!ૣ!!ૣ!!ૣ!!UTILITY MAC OS 上使用MAC OS服务站主页中的向导]一栏上根据用户计算机环境会出现不同的俘获画面格式化结束后单击按钮按钮如果一会之后出现如下图的"Safe Removal of Hardware" 窗口请单击[OK] 按钮按[OK] 按钮后设置配置(初始设置状态恢复工作) 即告完成产品和计算机分离后打开产品电源开关与计算机连接后可下载新的歌曲如果必须强行格式化确保一定使用FAT32在上通过功能必须恢复初始设置状态①从提供的光盘中选择Haier 并安装到用户计算机上具体内容请参照页运行软件安装②利用连接线连接计算机③双击计算机桌面Utility 图标开始设置按钮⑤结束后单击[OK] 按钮(ARTISTS), (GENRES),时必须做的事情样品歌曲页所述在音乐文件中下载完歌曲后Artists, Albums, Genres, Titles收录所下载的歌曲个目录中下载歌曲的话必须从提供的光盘中选择Utility, 并安装到用户计算机上并且必须执行在Haier 程序ૣ!!ૣ!!ૣ!!ૣ!!ૣ!!ૣ!!。
Aventics IS12 5 2-方向控制阀门说明书
5/2-directional valve, Series IS12, size 2-ISO 5599-1-ISO 2-5/2-With air spring return With spring return With differential piston -single solenoid double solenoid -Qn = 2500 l/min-Compressed air connection output Base plate ISO 5599-1-Electrical connection Plug, M12, 3-pin -Manual override without detent with detentTypeSpool valve, positive overlapping Sealing principle Soft sealingBlocking principle Single base plate principle Connection type Plate connection StandardsISO 5599-1, ISO 2Working pressure min./max.See table below Control pressure min./max.See table below Ambient temperature min./max.Medium temperature min./max.MediumMax. particle sizeOil content of compressed air Nominal flow QnProtection class with connection LED status display Nominal resistance Duty cycle Typ. switch-on time Typ. switch-off time Mounting screwMounting screw tightening torque Weight0 ... 50 °C 0 ... 50 °C Compressed air 5 µm 0 ... 5 mg/m³2500 l/min IP65Yellow 1480 Ω100 %See table below See table below M 6 with hexagon socket 4 NmSee table belowPower consumptionNominal flow Qn at 6 bar and Δp = 1 bar, MO = Manual override1) according to ISO 5599-12) with air return3) With spring return4) 4 screws M4x40 DIN 912Your local contact:/contactus/EmersonAutomationSolutions/company/Emerson-Automation-SolutionsAn example configuration is depicted on the title page. The delivered product may thus vary from that in the illustration. Subject to change. This Document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of AVENTICS GmbH. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent. Only use the AVENTICS products shown in industrial applications. Read the product documentation completely and carefully before using the product. Observe the applicable regulations and laws of the respective country. When integrating the product into applications, note the system manufacturer's specifications for safe use of the product. The data specified only serve to describe the product. No statements concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information.The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgement and verification. It must be remembered that the products aresubject to a natural process of wear and aging.of the Emerson family of companies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. © 2021 Emerson Electric Co.All rights reserved.2021-05。
使用 USB DAC:通过 AK120 聆听计算机中的音乐。
在所有功能都停止后,连接计算机和 iriver 设备。 为确保操作安全,只能使用本产品附带的 Micro USB 电 缆。否则,可能会导致发生故障。 在所有功能都停止后,连接计算机和 Micro USB 电缆。检 查该电缆是否连接到高功率 USB 2.0 端口。连接到没有独 立电源的键盘或 USB 集线器可能会妨碍正常运行。只支 持 FAT32 文件系统。使用本设备的格式化功能格式化 内存。 仅支持 FAT32 文件系统并使用本设备的格式化功能格式化 设备(请参见第 21 页 [系统信息])。 MAC 用户必须使用本设备的格式化功能进行格式化。否 则,设备可能会无法读取文件。
为确保操作安全,只能使用本产品附带的 Micro USB 电缆。 否则,可能会导致发生故障。 检查该电缆是否连接到高功率 USB 2.0 端口。连接到低功 率 USB 端口(没有独立电源的某些键盘、USB 集线器等) 可能会妨碍正常充电。 一旦计算机进入待机模式,可能无法对 iriver 设备进行充 电。充电时间大约为 6 小时 30 分钟。(完全放电并关机) 产品关闭时,对其进行充电。如果在操作期间充电,则可 能不会显示充满电状态。 在充电期间使用本产品可能需要更长的时间才能充满电, 或者电池可能无法充满电。 请在室温下保存产品并对其进行充电。暴露在过热或过冷 的环境中可能会对充电性能产生负面影响。 电池性能可能随着使用时间和充电次数的增多而下降。
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Table 2. Pin Assignment and Descriptions
Figure 8. S2057 20 TSSOP (4.4 mm) Package
e t e m a r a P n i M p
y T x a M s t i n U V (e g a t l o V y l p p u S r e w o P L T T C C )5.0-4+V V (e g a t l o V t u p n I C D L C E P P N I )5.0-V C C 5.0+V V (e g a t l o V t u p n I C D L T T P N I )
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31.3+74.3+V )
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C Table 5. Absolute Maximum Ratings 1
Table 6. Recommended Operating Conditions 2
1. CAUTION: Stresses listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may be applied to devices one at a time without causing permanent damage. Functionality at or above the values listed is not implied. Exposure to these values for extended periods may affect device reliability.
2.AMCC guarantees the functional and parametric operation of the part under “Recommended Operating Conditions” (except where specifically noted in the AC and DC Parametric tables).。