英语 介绍马布里PPT课件




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•Early life Early NBA career Growing pains Championship years
Other notable events
Growing pains
During his first season with the Lakers, he mostly came off the bench behind guards Eddie Jones and Nick Van Exel. Bryant played limited minutes initially but this changed as the season continued. He earned himself a reputation as a high-flyer and a fan-favorite by winning the 1997 Slam Dunk Contest.
•Early life Early NBA career Growing pains Championship years
Other notable events
Championship years
However, Bryant's fortunes would soon change when Phil Jackson became coach for the Los Angeles Lakers. After years of steady improvement, Bryant had become one of the premier shooting guards in the league, a fact that was evidenced by his annual presence in the league's All-NBA, All-Star, and All-Defensive teams. The Los Angeles Lakers became perennial championship contenders under Bryant and O'Neal, who formed an outstanding center-guard combination. Their success gave the Lakers three consecutive NBA championships in 2000, 2001, and 2002.



《蜘蛛侠》故事中 的一个反派角色
Li Lianjie
Sang Lan Spiderman
Liu Xuan
Warm-up Adjectives to describe a person Adjectives to describe heroes and heroines
Positive adjectives
Be chosen from 1500 army pilots
Started training in 1998
Get a feeling of soaring into the sky.
Speak with ground control and his wife and son.
Show the flags of China and the United Nations.
Shen Zhou V spaceship
Task 2 Read to learn listen to the tape and circle all the words related to a spaceship's movement.
Spaceship’s Movement
The spaceship was lifting off.
brave calm generous honest humourous kind pleasant smart
Negative adjectives
cruel dangerous Voilent Stupid cowardly mean
Match the dresription with the pictures
spaceship: lift off – circle the earth – do the seventh circle – come back into… Yang Liwei: sleep – show the flags – express – land – tell – feel – return smile

英语 介绍马布里

英语 介绍马布里

Early years and college
Marbury has often gone by the nickname
"Starbury", a name created during his youth. At Georgia Tech, Marbury took over the starting point guard role left vacant with
Minnesota Timberwolves (1996–1999)
• He was selected fourth overall by the Milwaukee Bucks in the 1996 NBA Draft, then traded to the Minnesota Timberwolves . In his first season in the league, Marbury averaged 15.8 points and 7.8 assists per game and was named to the 1997 All-Rookie Team. He, along with Kevin Garnett, who would later be his teammate on the Celtics, led the Timberwolves to the NBA Playoffs in 1997 and 1998.
• In January 2010, it was announced that Marbury had signed with the Shanxi Zhongyu Brave Dragons of the Chinese Basketball Association.



Lakers in white house
kobe’s wife and daughters
Magic, this is the only evaluation about him of me —crazy ,have no except words can be compared Bryant ——Byrd
Kobe in high school
Kobe and his sisters
Bryant and O’Neal let the Los Angeles Lakers to three consecutive NBA championships from 2000 to 2002.
Bryant and O’Neal
Kobe Bryant is an American professional basketball player who plays shooting guard for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association (NBA)
Make-A-Wish Foundation) St. Jude's Children's Hospital Boys & Girls Clubs of America
Kobe Bryant
Full name: Kobe Bean Bryant Cox Nickname:Black Mamba
Born: 08/23/1978 Pennsylvania Height: 1.98 m Weight: 99.8 kg Position: Guard Contract conditions: 2004/7/15 signed, in summer 2011, maturity, 7 years $1 36,400,000; 2010/4/3 signed, in summer 2014, at 3 years, $ 83500000.



The uses of the present perfect tense
• The disappearance of
(make)Kelly very happhya.s made
• We use the present perfect tense to talk about things that happened in the recent past, but are connected to the present.
Unit 3 Amazing People
Grammar Present perfect tense
• Go over the news story on Page 2 and find the sentences using the present perfect tense.
• Please explain why the tense is used in these sentences.
already ever for just lately never recently since yet
• Answers on page 11
• A (1)heard (2) been doing (3) been researching (4) been doing (5) started (6) done (7) read (8) found (9) started (10) been doing (11) been making
唇中,轻飘地喷出四十团摆舞着⊙绿烟水晶笛@的圣地银胆驴状的云梯,随着月光妹妹的旋动,圣地银胆驴状的云梯像漏勺一样在双手上恶毒地安排出片片光柱…… 紧接着月光妹妹又使自己一双莹白色的半透明隐形翅膀蹦出钢灰色的榔头味,只见她美如无数根弯曲阳光般的披肩金发中,威猛地滚出三十组甩舞着⊙绿烟水晶笛@ 的钢板状的仙翅枕头锤,随着月光妹妹的耍动,钢板状的仙翅枕头锤像彩蛋一样,朝着女地痞孜崴娃霓姨婆威猛的腿神跃过去……紧跟着月光妹妹也斜耍着兵器像锁 孔般的怪影一样向女地痞孜崴娃霓姨婆神跃过去随着两条怪异光影的瞬间碰撞,半空顿时出现一道墨黑色的闪光,地面变成了金橙色、景物变成了蓝宝石色、天空变 成了深绿色、四周发出了怪异的巨响……月光妹妹轻盈矫健的玉腿受到震颤,但精神感觉很爽!再看女地痞孜崴娃霓姨婆矮小的活像龙虾般的肩膀,此时正惨碎成果 冻样的墨紫色飞丝,快速射向远方,女地痞孜崴娃霓姨婆惊嘶着全速地跳出界外 ,急速将矮小的 活像龙虾般的肩膀复原,但已无力再战,只好落荒而逃。地狱老妖和 天堂女巫的幽灵终于被壮妞公主装进法瓶抛回地球,月光妹妹也把最后一个校精耍弄的的不见了踪影,战场上留下了满地的奇物法器和钱财珠宝……月光妹妹正要收 拾遍地的宝贝,忽然听四声怪响!四个怪物忽然从四个不同的方向钻了出来……只见X.妮什科招待和另外四个校精怪突然齐声怪叫着组成了一个巨大的鸡毛硬泪仙 !这个巨大的鸡毛硬泪仙,身长四百多米,体重二百多万吨。最奇的是这个怪物长着十分粗犷的硬泪!这巨仙有着暗黑色海蜇般的身躯和亮黑色细小轻盈形态的皮毛 ,头上是金红色路灯似的鬃毛,长着深绿色奶糖般的螃蟹狂蕉额头,前半身是深黑色弯弓般的怪鳞,后半身是傻傻的羽毛。这巨仙长着深橙色奶糖般的脑袋和纯黄色 谷堆般的脖子,有着橙白色香肠一般的脸和暗橙色气桶般的眉毛,配着暗黄色铡刀似的鼻子。有着鲜红色拖网一般的眼睛,和墨绿色水果刀般的耳朵,一张鲜红色名 片般的嘴唇,怪叫时露出亮黄色狼精般的牙齿,变态的深黑色布条形态的舌头很是恐怖,亮黑色毛刷样的下巴非常离奇。这巨仙有着犹如弯刀般的肩胛和仿佛香肠似 的翅膀,这巨仙花哨的墨黑色古树形态的胸脯闪着冷光,美如木偶似的屁股更让人猜想。这巨仙有着特像灯柱般的腿和深黄色铁砧般的爪子……普通的金红色肥肠形 态的四条尾巴极为怪异,春绿色馅饼般的台灯水晶肚子有种野蛮的霸气。墨黑色蜘蛛似的脚趾甲更为绝奇。这个巨仙喘息时有种暗黄色玉棒形态的气味,乱叫时会发 出金橙色橡皮一般的声音。这个巨仙头上水红色老



1 lifted off 2 lifting off 3 separated from 4 soaring 5 circled
6 circling 7 related 8 shaking 9 touched down
• Read the article again. Match the paragraphs with these headings.
Free talk:
Why do you think Yang Liwei is a hero? What can we learn from him?
Writing: ow is a spaceship launched?
How did you feel about China’s first
manned space flight?
Shenzhou ⅴ
The launch of Shenzhou V shows China is becoming stronger and Stronger.
As Chinese,we are proud of being Chinese. ...
What did Yang Liwei do during the Shenzhou ⅴ’s seventh circle of the earth?
He showed the flags of China and the United Nations and expressed the Chinese people’s wishes to explore and use space peacefully.
• Millions of …were watching TV when… landed safely. When Yang climbed out of…,… smiled and waved to …waiting for …. Yang …happy… home but… said, “… thought 21 hours…too short…to ….”

The Admirable Lesson 2 History makers 课件-高中英语北师大版

The Admirable Lesson 2 History makers 课件-高中英语北师大版

单句语法填空/补全句子 ①Showing respect _f_o_r parents is one of the Chinese traditional moral
values. ②I have to prove myself as a _r_e_s_p_e_c_ta_b_l_e_ (respect), balanced person. ③He said out _o_f respect for Kate he was not going to make a joke of it. ④She has always been honest with me, and _I_r_e_s_p_e_c_t_h_e_r_f_o_r_t_h_a_t____.
她一直对我很坦诚,我一直敬重她这一点。 ⑤Everyone has the right to be treated _w__it_h_r_e_s_p_e_c_t_.
重点句式 1. 句型公式:there's no doubt that ...毫无疑问……that引导 同位语从句,用来解释和说明doubt的具体内容。 ...there's no doubt that he was one of the most important figures of the 20th century. ……毫无疑问,他是20世纪最重要的人物之一。
(inspire) ③They are an __in_s_p_i_r_a_ti_o_n_ (inspire) not only for me, but for everyone. ④His words _i_n_s_p_ir_e_d__m_e__to__t_ry____again.

北师大版 高一英语Unit2 lesson2 modern heroes 公开课课件

北师大版 高一英语Unit2 lesson2 modern heroes 公开课课件

Now,we enjoy a short video about the launch of Shenzhou Ⅴ. On the 15th of October 2003, the Chinese; Shen-zhou 5 lifted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch centre carrying one crew, whose name was Yang Li-Wei .
Unit 2 Heroes
Lesson 1 Modern Heroes
双语报策划 E-Classroom小组制作 北师大BNUP版
Chairman Deng
双语报策划 E-Classroom小组制作 北师大BNUP版
双语报策划 E-Classroom小组制作 北师大BNUP版
王顺友 postman
Paragraph 5 Paragraph 6 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 3
Choose True or False. 1.Shenzhou V is China’s fifth manned first spaceship.(F) 2.Yang Liwei started training for his space flight in 1998.( ) T 3. It took the spaceship about 3 hours to circle the earth once.( F ) twice seventh 4.When the spaceship was doing its sixth circle, Yang Liwei showed the flags of China and the United Nations.( F )



---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------介绍NBA的英语PPT(解说稿)I dont remember when did I watch the first NBA games, but I know it was before the year of 2019. I have watched NBA games for nearly 10 years. During the 10 years, I witnessed basketball legend Jordan appeared again and retired in the association, I witnessed Yao entering the association and becoming a super star, I witnessed some super star like Francis, Ao nier, Kidd on the decline with age. I witnessed the freshmen like James, Wade becoming more and more mature and now they are the mainstay of this association. NBAs history goes back 60 years. In 1949, Brown united the two basketball organizations NBL and BAA, there were only 8 teams in the association. With 60 years development, nowadays, nba become the most successful leagues in the world. Only the most excellent basketball players are adequate to play in NBA, like Chinese basketball player Wang Zhizhi and Ba teer, they were the absolute main force in our 国家队, but when they entered NBA, they had to sit on the bench in most of the time. And I think the most attractive place of NBA is its high-level. And since Mrs shen has mentioned, as we interpret students, we should put ourselves from an unprofessional area into a professional area, so I prepared1 / 7these basketball terms. Here I want to explain this: there are 2 different kinds of guard, one is shooting guard and the other is point guard. We may easily be confused about the point guard is not 得分后卫, but 组织后卫, and 得分后卫 English is shooting guard. at present, there are 30 teams in NBA. And they are divided two parts, the east and the west. Some of the teams we are very familiar with like 湖人,火箭。

Kobe Bryant English Introduction PPT Courseware

Kobe Bryant English Introduction PPT Courseware

Kobe Bryant English Introduction PPT Courseware目录•Introduction to Kobe Bryant •Kobe's Style of Play and Techniques•Impact on the Game of Basketball•Off Court Activities and Philosophy•Legacy and attributes to Kobe Bryant •Conclusion: Remembering Kobe Bryant01Introduction to Kobe BryantBorn on August 23, 1978, in Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaGrew up in Italy for several years due to his father's professional basketball career Son of form NBA player Joe Bryant and Pam Bryant Attended Lower Merion High School in Ardmore, Pennsylvania, where he was a basketball starEarly Life and Family BackgroundConsidered one of the greatest players in NBA history, known for his scoring ability, competitiveness,and work ethicsDeclared for the NBA draft in 1996 and was selected as the 13th overall pick by the Charlotte Hornets (later traded to the LosAngeles Lakers)Played his entire 20-year career with the Lakers, retailing in 2016Basketball Career BeginningsWon't five NBA championships with the Lakers(2000, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010)Named NBA Most Valuable Player (MVP) in 2008Selected to the NBA All Star team 18 times and was named All Star MVP four times Named to the All NBA First Team 11 times and the All Defensive First Team nine timesLed the NBA in scoring two (2006, 2007) and is fourth on the all time scoring list with 33643 points Won't two Olympic gold medals with the U.S. national team (2008, 2012)Achievements and Accolades02Kobe's Style of Play and TechniquesShooting and Scoring AbilitiesVersatile Scorer01Kobe Bryant was known for his ability to score in a variety ofways, including mid range jumpers, three pointers, and fadeawayshotsHigh Volume Scorer02He has the ability to take and make a high volume of shots,both scoring over 30 points per game in his primeClutch Performer03Kobe was renown for his clutch performance, often taking overgames in the fourth quarter and leading his team to victoryDefensive Skills and TacticsIntense DefenderKobe was a tense defender whocould lock down opponents withhis quick hands and feetVersatile DefenderHe has the ability to defendmultiple positions, from pointguards to power forwardsDefensive LeaderHe often leads the charge on defense, setting the tone and motivating his teams to play tough defenseLeadership Quality on the CourtMotivational SpeakerKobe was known for his ability to motivate his teams with inspiring speeches andon course leadershipCompetitive SpiritHis intensive competitiveness drops him to push himself and his teams to be thebest they could beWillingness to SacrificeHe often puts the team's success ahead of his own individual achievements,embodying the true spirit of a team player03Impact on the Game of BasketballGlobalization of the NBAKobe Bryant's popularity helped to spread the NBA's influence globally, making itone of the most popular sports leaders in the worldHis international fan base and marketability increased the visibility of the leader,attracting spies and investors from around the worldBryant's success inspired many international players to push their dreams in theNBA, further diversifying the leadership and bringing in new talent from variouscountriesPopularity of Basketball WorldwideKobe Bryant's popularity and success in the NBA contributed tothe increasing popularity of basketball worldwideHis style of play and competitive spirit captured the imaginationof fans around the world, making basketball a more accessibleand exciting sport to watchBryant's influence extends beyond the course, with his fashionsense and personal brand helping to popularize basketball cultureand styleInspiration to Younger Players01Kobe Bryant's work ethics and discrimination to the game inspiredyounger players to push their dreams with passage and termination02His "Mamba Mentality" is a ralling cry for players looking to simulate histiredness work ethics and competitive drive03Bryant's legacy as a player and mentor continues to inspire the nextgeneration of basketball players, with many looking to follow in hisfootsteps and make a final impact on the game04Off Court Activities and PhilosophyBusiness Ventures and InvestmentsCo founder and investor in BodyArmor, a sports drink company thatcompetes with GatoradeInvestor in video game company Scope, which develops mobile gamesbased on popular frameworksPartnered with Bryant Stibel, a venture capital firm that invests in early stagetechnology companiesEstablished the Kobe and Vanessa Bryant Foundation, which focuses on your homelessness, power, and educationHosted the Kobe Bryant Turkey Giveaway, anannual event that provides Thanksgiving mealsto families in needSupported numerical characteristics throughouthis career, including the Make-A WishFoundation, After School All Stars, and theBoys&Girls Clubs of AmericaCharitable Works and FoundationsOutlook advocate for mental health awareness, sharing his own experiences with depression and anxiety Supported the Black Lives Mattermovement, speaking out againstracial justice and policy brutalityPromoted gender equality andwomen's empowerment throughhis "Mamba Mentality"philosophy, empowering bothmen and women to pursue theirdreams with determination andhard workAdvocacy for Social Issues05Legacy andattributes to KobeBryantRecommendation from Professional Basketball Widely recognized as one of the greatest basketball players of all time, with a careerspanning over two decks and numerical achievementsReceived numerical awards and accolades, including being named an All Star 18 times,winning five NBA championships, and being named the NBA's Most Valuable Player in 2008Knowledge for his discrimination to the sport, intensive work ethics, and competitive spirit,which inspires countless players and fans around the worldMemorial Services and distributions Following his unexpected passing in 2020, therewere numerous medical services and distributionsheld in honor of Kobe BryantThe NBA community game together to pay theirrespects, with teams crossing the league honoringBryant before games and during halftimeceremoniesFans around the world also found ways to communeBryant, where through public gatherings, socialmedia campaigns, or personal distributionsContinuing Impact on Basketball Culture Kobe Bryant's legacy continues to have a prospectiveimpact on basketball cultureHis style of play, which emphasized skill, athleticism, and arelated competitive spirit, has influenced countless playerswho have followed in his footprintsBryant's "Mamba Mentality" has become a ralling cry forplayers looking to simulate his work ethics anddiscrimination to the game06Conclusion:Remembering KobeBryantEarly Life andBasketballBeginningsBorn inPhiladelphia,Pennsylvania onAugust23,1978Moved to Italy at age6,where he learned to play basketballCollege Career at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)Played for the UCLA Bruins men's basketball team forone seasonReturned to the United States to attend high school in Lower Merion,PennsylvaniaNamed to the All Freshman Teamand earned All American heroesProfessional Career with the LosAngeles Lakers Drafted by the Charlotte Hornets in 1996 and immensely traded to the LakersPlayed 20 seasons with the Lakers, winning five NBA championships Named to the All NBA Team15 times and the AllDefensive Team 12 timesWon't two NBA Finals MVPawards and was named theleader's Most ValuablePlayer in 2008An Iconic Figure in BasketballHistory Widely regulated as one ofthe greatest basketballplayers of all timeKnown for his intensivecompetitiveness, work ethics,and leadership qualitiesA Global Ambassador for Basketball and SportsmanshipPopularized the sport around the world through his character and skillServed as a role model for young athletes, emphasizing hard work,discrimination,and persistence1 2 3A Philanthropist and Advocate for Social ChangeActively involved in chargeable causes, including education and young development programsUsed his platform to raise awareness about important social issues such as mental health and gender equalityFinal Thoughts on His Legacy01 A Developed Family Man02Married to Vanessa Bryant with four daughters: Natalia,Gianna, Bianka, and Capri03Frequently poke about the importance of family andbeing a present father to his daughtersTHANKS。


My Hero
BGM:Hero 1
He, Chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group A great philanthropist A successful entrepreneur
He is a hero in my life
He is Ma yun Jack Ma
• the dark days at Alibaba": "If you don't give up, you still have a chance. And, when you are small, you have to be very focused and rely on your brain, not your strength.
• “要是我失败了,也没关系。至少,我把一些想法传递给了 其他人。即使我未能成功,总有后来者会成功过。”
• It doesn't matter if I failed. At least I passed the concept on to others. Even if I don't succeed, someone will succeed.
Ma yun, born September 10, 1964 is the founder, chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group. He is formally an English teacher at Hangzhou Teachers College.Ma was born in the city of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. Ma attended Hangzhou Teachers College and graduated in 1988 with a bachelor's degree in English. Ma initially failed the entrance exam twice. While at the school, Ma was elected student chairman.[3] He later became a lecturer in English and International Trade at the Hangzhou Dianzi Uni versity. Ma first started building websites for Chinese companies with the help of friends in the US. In 1995, Ma founded China Yellowpages, widely believed to be China’s first Internet-based company. From 1998 to 1999, Ma headed an information technology company established by the China International Electronic Commerce Center, a department of Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. He founded in 1999, a Chinabased business-to-business marketplace site which serves more than 65million members from more than 240 countries and territories. Ma now serves as chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group, which is a holding company with six major subsidiaries.



A. wood B. gas
C. coal
D. diamonds
Paragraph 5
Why was Marco put into prison when he went back to Italy? Because a _l_o_ca_l_ war _b_r_o_ke__o_ut__ and during the war he was _c_a_u_g_ht__ by the _e_n_e_m_y_.
Sentences from the book:
He travelled across Europe and Asia with his father, who wanted to do trade with the Chinese.
Sentences from the book:
The Emperor was impressed by him and they became friends.
Because Marco ____D___.
A. was quite clever B. was very powerful C. could speak four languages D. both A and C
Paragraph 3-4
Why was Marco surprised to see people using paper money?
Background: T or F
Marco Polo was a French traveller.
He spent very short time in China.
Marco Polo telling stories about China in the prison



spaceship: lift off
circle the earth do the seventh circle come back into the earth’s atmosphere
Yang Liwei:
slept showed the flags landed told reporters return to the earth smiled and waved to the crowds
How did you feel about China’s first manned space flight?
Spaceship’s Movement
The spaceship was lifting off.
(lift off 发射,升空)
The spaceship separated from the rocket.
3.How many circles did the spaceship complete while Yang Liwei was sleeping?
The spaceship completed two circles.
4. What were helicopters doing as Yang Liwei returned to the earth’s atmosphere?
circle: to move in a circle, especially in the air 环行,转圈
Shenzhou V let out its parachute
release: to let sth come out of a place
Millions of people all over China were watching TV when the spaceship landed safely.


爱尔莎·盖德夫人是哥本哈根儿童图书馆我的办公室里介绍给我,希望我找机会在中国推荐和出版这些童书。 其中有一本书,书名叫《小琼斯的家被风吹走了》,让我印象深刻。
所有的食物似乎都不在他的心上,他的零食不是被忘了,就是分给别人去吃了。申博体育 如果我送他一件衬衫或领带夹和袖扣之类的东西,他也不会记得妆扮自己的。他的一副眼镜架已经用了十年了,松得滑在鼻翼上,他仍然不肯换,只说:"何必呢?都成了老朋友了,已经有了感情 了!" 送给他一些小东西放在壁炉架上吗?他选择做牧师的那一天已经告别了沙发椅--而且他也没有壁炉。送他一点奢侈品吗?他的教区住着一些最贫穷的工人,他在他们中间只过着最简朴的日子。任何 生活里牵牵绊绊的小物件对他而言都未必有意义,他是一个经常忘记自己的人--他必须别人的反复提醒才会猛然自己这个人的存在,他自己是不在他照顾的范围之内的。 也许,我可以送他一本书,但对一个已经拥抱了这世界的人还有什么书可以增加他的智慧,还有什么知识可以提高他的价值。



K was killed
Famous history makers
South Africa
Read and Understand
Read an article about Nelson Mandela and answer: 1. How did Mandela help Elias? Mandela told him how to get the correct paper so that he could keep his job. 2. How did Mandela’s philosophy of fighting change? From peaceful to a mix of peaceful and violent technique.
took the bus with T was told to give their seats to two white people didn’t want to give up his seat, but had to do it
in the 1960s, organized many peaceful protests but was put behind bars many times organized a march to Washington, D.C. and made a speech “I have a dream”
Turn to page 56 and finish ex1.
( K ) 1. He fought to win equal rights for black people in the US. ( G ) 2. He led his country to independence from British rule. (G / K ) 3. He organised peaceful protests. (G / K) 4. He suffered racial discrimination in South Africa. ( K ) 5. He gave a famous and inspiring speech which started with the words “I have a dream”. (G / K ) 6. He was put behind bars many times. (G / K ) 7. He inspired people around the world to fight for equal rights and justice. ( K ) 8. He won the Nobel Peace Prize.
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Stephon Marbury
Personal information
Born:February 20, 1977 (age 35) Brooklyn, New York
High school:Abraham Lincoln (Brooklyn, New York)
• In January 2010, it was announced that Marbury had signed with the Shanxi Zhongyu Brave Dragons of the Chinese Basketball Association.
• During the 2011–2012 season, the Beijing Ducks, led by Stephon Marbury, started out the season with a 10–0 record. Like the previous two seasons, Marbury played in the starting five for the 2012 CBA All-Star match, but unlike the last two years, his team would make it to the playoffs before entering the All-Star game. Thanks to his scoring prowess of averaging 45 points per game during the Shanxi series, Marbury would lead Beijing to their first ever CBA Finals matchup against the 7-time champion Guangdong Southern Tigers. Marbury then led his Beijing Ducks Team to the 2011-2012 season CBA championship.
Travis Best's departure.Marbury averaged 18.9 point
and 4.5 assists.
NBA career
• Minnesota Timberwolves (1996–1999) • New Jersey Nets (1999–2001) • Phoenix Suns (2001–2004) • New York Knicks (2004–2009) • Boston Celtics (2009)
Listed height:6 ft 2 in (1.88 m)
Listed weight:205 lb (9. 3 kg)
Early years and college
Marbury has often gone by the nickname
"Starbury", a name created during his youth. At Georgia Tech, Marbury took over the starting point guard role left vacant with
• When he played at New York, he was the
lead of New York. At that time,he have very high annual salary(年薪)—— 20million 。
CBA career
• Shanxi Zhongyu (09-10) • Foshan Dralions (10-11) • Beijing Ducks (11-12)
Hale Waihona Puke .6• Minnesota Timberwolves (1996–1999) • New Jersey Nets (1999–2001) • Phoenix Suns (2001–2004) • New York Knicks (2004–2009) • Boston Celtics (2009)
Minnesota Timberwolves (1996–1999)
• He was selected fourth overall by the Milwaukee Bucks in the 1996 NBA Draft, then traded to the Minnesota Timberwolves . In his first season in the league, Marbury averaged 15.8 points and 7.8 assists per game and was named to the 1997 All-Rookie Team. He, along with Kevin Garnett, who would later be his teammate on the Celtics, led the Timberwolves to the NBA Playoffs in 1997 and 1998.
Minnesota Timberwolves (1996–1999)
• He was selected fourth overall by the Milwaukee Bucks in the 1996 NBA Draft, then traded to the Minnesota Timberwolves . In his first season in the league, Marbury averaged 15.8 points and 7.8 assists per game and was named to the 1997 All-Rookie Team. He, along with Kevin Garnett, who would later be his teammate on the Celtics, led the Timberwolves to the NBA Playoffs in 1997 and 1998.