



英语知识我们先来看一些由北京翻译公司天译时代整理的蛮不错的适合学英文的美剧:Modern Family 摩登家庭——了解美国的家庭生活Friends, 老友记——看美国朋友是如何交流的。

Sex & the City, 欲望都市——了解美国单身是怎么过的。

Vampire Diaries, 吸血鬼日记——主要是看帅哥美女。

Desperate Housewives, 绝望主妇——对白很聪明,人物有代表性。

Gossip Girls, 绯闻女孩——欣赏时尚,幻想有一天你也可以过上那样的生活。

Two and a Half Men, 好汉两个半——看一家男人是如果过日子的。

Breaking Bad, 绝命毒师——了解国外贩毒圈子。

Big bang,生活大爆炸——看 Sheldon 出糗!我们在看美剧的同时,会注意到经常有翻译出错,这其实是很普遍的现象。



比如:原文:Joey: C’mon, you’re going out with the guy! There’s gotta be something wrong with him! 翻译:Joey: 得了,你和那家伙出去了!他肯定有问题!这里的going out不是简答地出去的意思。





再举个例子,比如 at last 和 finally,我几乎没有听到中国的学生用对过。

At last 是指最终的意思,着重于时间上的跨度。

比如 After being single for 10 years, at last she got married.而Finally 也有最终的意思,但是它还有一个是顺序里的最后一步,用at last 的地方可以用Finally(表示最终)而当Finally 表示最后一步的时候,我们就不能用at last.作为一个会议口译译员,应该全面发展,不仅能搞同声传译工作,也要能搞即席传译工作,二者缺一不可。

英语口语练习 摩登家庭 中英翻译

英语口语练习 摩登家庭 中英翻译
Which one do I take?
The correct answer is take Lily.
After that.
Uh, okay, the blue one.
Because the gray one washes me out.
No, no. Cam, you -- you can't go wrong here.
That's because you get so weird every time a boy comes near us.
I-I just don't want you girls to --
- To make the same mistakes that you did? - No!
Mom, I'm not an idiot.
Last week, I picked up her cellphone,thinking it was mine.And I accidentallyread a few flirty text messagesthat were probably from a boy in her class,
every time someone looks at us weird.
I'm the one who gives my dad hell
when he refers to you as my "Friend."
That's different. That's confrontation.
But you know what takes real strength?
Yeah, keep it up, Jay.







Lily:Do you know where babies come from?(你知道baby是从哪儿来的吗?)Alex:Lily,I am studying.(我很忙,没时间理你这个小屁孩。

)Lily:Are you a nerd?(表达抗议,请回答我的问题!)Alex:No.Why would you ask me that?(我当然不是nerd,你这样很没礼貌哎,看在你是小孩子的份上还是不要发作了吧!)Lily:It's Friday night.And you are doing homework.(周五晚上还在做作业,当然是nerd。

)Alex:It's my senior year.Trust me,Lily.There will be tons of fun Friday nights in my future with artists,dignitaries,other scientists.(我都上高三了,等我读了大学,精彩的生活马上就要到来了,小屁孩你是不懂的!)Lily:I didn't hear"boyfriend".(Lily不买账,可是你连男盆友都没有......,Alex无言以对。



建议收藏《摩登家庭》50句经典高频口语,离交际达人又进了一步!《摩登家庭》(Modern Family)主要讲述了一个有着疯婆子、同性恋、老夫少妻异国美女、领养儿女的包容家庭这是一个庞大而又融合的家族让我们看到了现代家庭中时而温暖时而扭曲的各个方面今天给大家整理了剧中一些实用的日常口语50句希望对你的口语有所帮助~第一句—第十句1.That's offensive.太冒犯人了。

(offensive [əˈfensɪv] 冒犯的;无礼的;)2.Let's respect the process.别跑题了。

3.Why you think I don't like you.为什么你觉得我不喜欢你。

4.What face?什么表情?5.Like this?就像这样?6.It's just her face.已经习惯成自然了。

7.That is so crazy.这也太疯狂了吧。

8.Where did you go?你去哪了?9.Get outta here.一边凉快去。

(outta [ˈaʊtə] 用于书写,表示 out of 在非正式口语中的发音)10.How's my hair?我的发型如何?第十句—第二十句11.Don't make fun.别逗他/别开玩笑。

12.You think too much about these things. 你太小题大作了。

13.Relax.It happens.放松,常有的事啦14.What is it doing here?它怎么在这?15.That is fantastic.很好啊/太棒了(fantastic [fænˈtæstɪk] 极好的;了不起的;)16.Just to be sure.再确认一下。

17.How are you feeling?那你什么感觉/你感觉怎么样?18.We each have our own strengths.我们各有所长。



看美剧必备150句高频口语1, This fat bastard is trying to move in.(杂种: bastard=son of a bitch=asshole,老外喜欢在动词后用副词up, in, on, out等,有时可忽略其意义)2, He's just not that into you.(那么: this, that 喜欢: into)3, I bet I screwed up.(我肯定: I bet 搞砸了:screw up)4, Well, all I can say is: you have changed your tune. (change your tune 改变态度)5, But I'm such a creep. I'm a weirdo. (讨厌的人: creep 怪人: weirdo 奇怪的: weird)6, To tell ye the truth , I don't give a shit.(不在乎: don't give a shit)7, Drop it! I'm tired out.(打住,停止: drop it=cut it out)8, Will you chill out? (冷静,闲逛: chill out)9, You're checking to see if I went nuts , if I was gonna tell. (发疯: nuts)10, So we figured that Tony might know something.(猜想: figure)11, I want a role model, not some horny geek boy. (好色的:horny 怪人,怪才: geek)12, I'm so ticked off! Are you nuts?(生气: ticked off =pissed off)13, Come to think of it, that might be a close call. (好险:close call)14, The scoundrel pinched money from my grandpa. (恶棍: scoundrel 捏,勒索: pinch)15, Here’s another thorny problem facing our new boss. (棘手的: thorny)16, And then I stuff the crackers down his throat. (塞,填: stuff 咸饼干: crackers)17, Save your breath! (别费口舌)18, lt'll be the other way around. (不一样)19, What's he running for?County treasurer or something like that.(诸如此类: or something like that)20, You come a long way to stick your nose into other people's business.(管别人闲事)21, Now if you'll bear with me for a few minutes...(忍耐我听我: bear with me)22, You've been framed, you poor wooden-headed sap. (陷害: frame 傻瓜: sap=idiot=moron)23, The daily grind was too much for him ; the novelty wore off. (每日必干的苦工:daily grind)24, Her days are numbered.(来日无多)25, Some said he was boring and stiff.(呆板, 僵硬: stiff)26, He ’s just plain stupid! (简直就是: plain)27, You totally crossed the line. (过份了)28, You fool. lf you had guts, you'd print this.(勇气: guts=grit)29, I drifted from job to job.(流动: drift)30, Harrison's dummy! (笨蛋: dummy=hick)31, Nail up anybody who stands in your way.(抓住: nail up)32, lt's a far cry from where l come from to this house.(完全不同: a far cry)33, He's two-timing Lucy. (脚踏两边船: two-time)34, My feet are killing me. (脚痛死了)35, Don't mumble. Speak up. (咕哝: mumble)36, l'll take your word for it.(相信你的话)37, It was meant to be.(注定)38, You cannot imagine how muchI'm counting on you. (信赖: count on)39, Don't be coy with me. (腼腆: coy)40, Lo and behold, it begins to rain.(你瞧: lo and behold)41, You used to toss and turn all night.(翻来翻去: toss and turn)42, I’m up to my ears in work, so I’ll have to take a rain check.(take a rain check: 改日)43, I have lost count of time.(lose count: 记不清)44, It must have cost him an arm and a leg.(an arm and a leg: 昂贵)45, Try to meet each other half way. (相互妥协)46, I am going to tell him once and for all.(最后一次: once and for all)47, Sorry, dear, I can’t stick around.(stick around : 逗留)48, Let’s just straighten it out some other time.(straighten out: 扯平,结清)49, No dice, we'll stick with the original one. (stick with: 继续做)50, I adore you. (爱慕: adore)51,Off with you, faker.骗子:faker=fraud=phony)52, How bizarre.(奇怪=odd)53, Oh, by all means. (没问题)54, It's too intriguing. (有趣)55, What is the fuss?(吵什么)56, Don't get loaded. (别喝醉了)57, You have no more beer belly.(beer belly : 啤酒肚)58, Skipping breakfast will ruin you.(不做,跳过: skip)59, The twins are like two peas in a pod.(一模一样)60, That's cool with me.(觉得某事没问题: cool with )61, Hang in there, the doctor is on the way.(坚持住: hang in there)62, A bit more flour should do the trick.(起作用: do the trick)63, I didn't really mean she was in outer space, it's just a figure of speech.(打个比方: a figure of speech)64, They were bootlegging whiskey.(bootleg: 走私)65, Wouldn't miss it for the world.(无论如何: for the world)66, Scoop some ice cream out of the tub.(取出: scoop)67, I think I'll go for the blue shirt. (选择做: go for)68, My boss may go easy on me.(悠着点,宽容: go easy on)69, There're some who would not deem it wise. (认为:deem)70, Way to go.(干的漂亮)71, That's close enough.(很接近了)72, Your sister stood me up the other night.(放我鸽子: stand me up)73, You got me there. (问倒我)74, Easy does it. (慢慢来)75, It's a pain in the neck. (讨厌的事)76, I thought you said you had some pull with him.(有影响: have some pull)77, I got 20 bucks on deception.(我赌20块她会耍花招)78, I know he has a lot of enemies in this town,but I always root for the underdog.(支持失败者)79, She was a little peeved about being left out. (耍脾气: peeved=on edge)80, I'm the third wheel. (做电灯泡)81, What stakes do you propose?(你和我赌神马)82, He was looking for a dame to shack up with. (同居: shack up)83, What a fiesta today, I'm really glad you made it. (尽兴的聚会: fiesta)84, You should talk to somebody, dude, maybe a shrink. (心理医生: shrink)85, How mortifying to have to apologize to him! (难为情: mortifying)86, Do not get attached.(别用情太深)87, I won't be taken in.(我不会上当的)88, It's a long shot. (希望渺茫)89, I’m doomed.(完蛋了)90, It takes two to tango. (一个巴掌拍不响)91, This food is out of this world.(好极了: out of this world)92, That sucks.(too bad)93, I like spicy food once in a while,but generally speaking,I prefer blander food.(重口味: spicy 清淡: bland)94, You had me worried sick.(担心死了: worried sick)95, What am I supposed to do then? Make a scene? (出丑: make a scene)96, Never again pull a stunt like this.(耍花招: pull a stunt)97, He was roughed up by a gang of youths.(动粗: rough up)98, I’ll get even with him one day. (扯平: get even)99, She dumped me. (甩了我)100, Would you like to grab a bite with me.(你愿意和我一起吃饭吗)101, It's a foul on him(犯规:foul)102, No need to panic.(害怕:panic)103, -Do you have a direct visual yet?-Negative. We're still looking.(negative=no)104, Wait a minute. Your beard tickles.(痒: tickle)105, -Did he tip you?- One lousy buck.(讨厌的: lousy)106, - You know, it makes them feel exotic. -Giveme a Jack on the rocks.(奇异的: exotic 加冰的: on the rocks)107, -It's the only one you two haven't stolen.-Allegedly.(据说的,不可靠的)108, I figured he'd bug the place, so I started checking.(装窃听器: bug)109, Damn, I got the stink on me tonight.(臭味: stink)110, I guess we can't all be the kiss-ass politician you are. (拍马屁: kiss-ass)111, Decent law-abiding people cook omelets for breakfast.(煎蛋: omelet)112, You almost had me with that old David Copperfieldsmoke and mirrors trick.(几乎把我骗了: almost had/got me)113, There is an option.(选择)114, I'm just gonna sneak up on it.(悄悄说)115, -Are you being naughty?-Naughty enough to spank.(打屁股:spank)116, You two look pretty chummy.(密友: chummy)117, She didn't have to be so hard on you, you know?(刻薄: hard on)118, She's got grounds.(有理由的)119, Dor, darling, you fishing for a compliment? (想法得到: fish for)120, Cross my heart.(发誓)121, I'm so totally knackered.(累=pooped out=drained)122,You are absolutely adorable.(adorable : 可爱的=aggreeable)123, Well, you hit it right on the head.(说到要害)124, I believe in fidelity. It's my upbringing.(家教:upbringing)125, But I guess I could shift things around.(调整: shift around)126, Stop looking so grim.(严肃的: grim)127, He was so obnoxious.(讨厌的)128, I'll have my chauffeur pick them up directly from school. (司机: chauffeur )129, Gee, I was gonna take you to a neat restaurant for lunch tomorrow. (干净的: neat)130, That face rings a bell. (面熟)131, Stay out of it.(你别管)131, God, you are paranoid.(你真会瞎想)132, What the hell does this have to do with you anyway?(关你屁事)133, I mean,at some point,we gotta pull the trigger on this thing. (抓紧点的好)134, Have a little faith.(有信心)135, Just press the buzzer.(门铃: buzzer)136, Sorry about this. I was detained.(耽搁: detained)137, It was pretty creepy.(毛骨耸然)138, That's awkward. (难堪)139, So it's an irony, right? (反话: irony)140, Speaking of summer, she showed a plan.(说到speaking of = talking of=when it comes to)141, Don't worry,I will set you a date.(安排对象: set a date)142, I don't know how to put it.(说: put)143, Sure thing! (当然)144, Don't play possum! (别装蒜)145, Are you kidding me? Are you pulling my leg? You're shitting me. (开玩笑)146, You know, man,death is really a hip thing now. (时尚的: hip)147, Kinda chubby. And jolly.(丰满的: chubby快乐的:jolly)148, Ever since he was so high(性感),he's had such a crush on you! (迷恋你)149, -I mean is he looking to get laid,or is he looking for Mr Right? - He's straight,not gay. (正常的: straight)150, Don't hand me that line of bullshit , Roscoe. (别给我来这一套,罗斯科)。

摩登家庭 -第2季第14集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

摩登家庭  -第2季第14集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

So, honey, Ibiza can only 亲爱的伊比莎餐厅今晚只有take us at 6:30 tonight. 六点半的时段有空位给我们Great. I will meet you at Ibiza. 好的我们在伊比萨见面It's pronounced "Ibeetha", not "Ibeeza". 正确发音是伊比"莎" 而不是伊比"萨" Oh, thanks, honey. 多谢提醒啊宝贝That reminds me - this weekend, 这让我想到这周末I want to see that baby panda at the "thoo". 我想去"董"物园看小熊猫Yeah... I'm the idiot. 对对对我是白痴This year for Valentine's Day, 今年的情人节we're gonna have a nice, 我们要去伊比莎餐厅quiet dinner at Ibiza. 共进美妙又安静的晚餐Last year, we, um... 去年我们...We overreached... a little. 我们玩过火了一点点We created sexy alter egos 我们创造了性感的第二人格Clive and Juliana 克莱夫和朱莉安娜met in the hotel bar. 他们是在酒店的吧台认识的This one lost her panties 她在酒店大厅里in the lobby in front of her dad... 在她老爸面前失去了她的小裤裤- Phil. - Which was still -菲尔 -还挺有意...it was hard. It was hard for her. 是很惨对她来说真的很难受You know I can't stand it when you use that word. 你明明知道我不喜欢你提那个字- "Panties"? - Yeah, that. Yes. That word. -"小裤裤"吗 -是的就是那词Sorry. She lost her underpanties. 对不起她弄丢了内裤裤- So? - So? -怎样啊 -怎么啦Well, huh? So? 如何啦怎么样啦- What's happening? - Flowers? -这是干嘛 -花呀Is someone pointing a gun at you? 是有歹徒在挟持你吗Oh, for goodness' sake. 拜托Did you get the flowers Lily and I sent you? 你有没有收到我跟莉莉送给你的花嘛Oh, that's so sweet. No. No, I didn't get anything. 真贴心可是我真的什么也没收到Really? Did you check with that assistant of yours? 是吗你跟你那个助理确认过了吗Broderick! 布拉德里克Uh, did you get any flowers today? 你今天有收到花吗No. Sadly, I'm without Valentine this year. 没有我过的是没有情人的情人节No, for Mitchell! The flowers are for Mitchell! 不是给你是给米奇尔花是给米奇尔的Oh, that's right. 原来如此Oops. 抱歉Mitchell's assistant has a huge crush on him. 米奇尔的助理迷他迷得无法自拔He does not. 他没有And I think the only prudent thing 我觉得最明智的选择to do is say, "You're fired. " 就是跟他说 "你被炒了"Don't be jealous. 别吃干醋了He just looks up to me. 他只是比较敬重我The thing about Mitchell is he can be naive. 米奇尔的问题就是有时候太天然呆He is completely unaware of how absolutely adorable he is. 他不知道自己多迷人多招蜂引蝶Oh. Okay, well, thank you. 好了好了谢谢夸奖But I am aware when someone has a crush on me, 但是要是有人迷上了我我看得出来的and he does not have a crush on me. 可他是真的没有迷上我Yes, he has a crash on me. 他绝对是迷上了我I was a little concerned when 我本来还真有点担心they said they could only take us at 6:30, but... 他们居然只有六点半才有位置I know. This house is on fire, right? 我理解可这里火的很啊是吧Now, this is how you do V-Day. 你看情人节就是应该这么过的Except most of these people 除了这里大多的人could have been here on V-E Day. 在欧战胜利纪念日[1945年]时就应该来这庆祝了could have been here on V-E Day. 情人节缩写是V-Day二次世界大战欧战胜利纪念日缩写是VE Day 只有一字之差But it's classy, which we deserve. 还是很有格调嘛跟我们很搭Yes, we do. 是啊绝配What were we thinking last year, 去年我们是发了什么疯acting like a couple of teenagers? 怎么会想扮演一对年轻小情侣啊I know. Oh! 我知道Hey, we've had our crazy Valentine's Days. 我们已经享受过我们的疯狂情人节了We tore it up! 我们玩疯到了极点But you got to know when to let that stuff go. 可是过了之后你不能念念不忘啊Yeah. 你说得对All those kids out there are 现在外面的小屁孩追求的刺激just looking for something that we've already got. 对我们而言不过是过往云烟Yeah. 是的- I love you. - I love you, too. -我爱你 -我也爱你Oh, my gosh! 我的天呐- Are you okay? - I'm good. We're good. -你没事吧 -没事我们都没事Are you all right? 您没事吧This is my first day in one of these things. 这是我第一天骑这玩意Oh, hey, let me, let me help you out. 让我来吧我来帮你吧How about I park it over there for you, okay? 我帮你把停在那边好吗Oh, thank you. 谢谢你了Here's your valet ticket. 这是你的停车票I'm kidding, actually. That's my valet ticket. 我开玩笑的这是我的停车票All right. 好了Let's see. 我瞧瞧Lefty loosey, righty tighty. Hey! 左开右刹All right. 动啦This is fun, Claire. You got to try this. 这很有趣克莱尔你也来玩玩Phil. 菲尔- He is the natural. - Thank you. -他有骑这车的天赋 -谢谢I know Phil and I are gonna grow old together someday...我知道我和菲尔会有年华老去的一天This thing needs mirrors. 这东西需要后视镜But today is not that day. 但绝不能是情人节这天Hello? 你好Hello, may I speak to Clive? 你好我找克莱夫I'm sorry. I think you have the wrong number. Bye-bye. 抱歉你打错了再见I got disconnected. Would you mind redialing? 我断线了麻烦帮我重拨一下Hello? 你好Hello, Clive. This is Juliana. 你好克莱夫我是朱莉安娜Look lady, please stop calling me. 听着女士请别再打给我了- This is... - No. Phil. Phil. Phil. Don't hang up. -这... -别挂菲尔菲尔菲尔别挂- Claire? - No, no, no. Not Claire. -克莱尔 -不不不不是克莱尔Juliana. 是朱莉安娜And you're Clive Bixby, remember? 而你是克莱夫·比克斯比还记得吗We met at the hotel bar last year. 我们去年在酒店吧台认识的Now... make up some lie, ditch that wife of yours, 现在找个借口甩开你老婆and meet me at our hotel in 30 minutes. 三十分钟后到那个酒店找我You think you can you manage that? 你觉得你能搞定她吗Baby doll, I've been lying to my wife for 16 years. 小宝贝我都骗了她十六年了Okay. See ya. 很好待会见So... Champagne? 要喝点香槟吗Um, actually, Claire, something's come up. 其实克莱尔我有点事得去处理So... gotta go. 所以我得先走了You're not ditching me here on Valentine's Day. 不准你在情人节抛下我Screw that. Sit. 别管那事了坐下But... o- okay. 可是... 好吧We'll - we'll stay. 我们我们就待着吧- Phil. - Oh, that's part of it? -菲尔 -这也是一部分吗So hot! 真香艳火辣Claire. I'm leaving. Deal with it. 克莱尔我要走了自己保重So, no one walks anymore! 现在都没人走路了吗Should be just few more minutes. 要再等一会应该就好了When is our reservation? 我们预定是几点Here's the thing. 情况是这样的No, not "the thing. " I hate "the thing". 不别解释解释就是掩饰My secretary screwed up and 我的秘书搞砸了didn't get us one. Don't worry. 没有帮我们预订到别担心I'll slip the guy a few bucks. 我这就过去贿赂下那家伙What kind of idiot messes up two Valentine's in a row?哪个白痴会蠢到连续两年弄砸了情人节呢Not this idiot. 不是我这白痴Two months ago, I booked a private chef, 两个月前我预订了私人厨师musicians - the works... 还找了一乐团来演奏叫业务乐队for a romantic dinner at home. 为了在家里置办场浪漫的晚餐I just had to get the senorita out 我的任务就是把"大小姐"带出去of the house while they set up. 好让他们在家里做准备This is 50 bucks. Do not give us a table. 这是五十块千万别给我们位子What's the money for? 那你给我钱干嘛You also must refuse my wife. She's very persuasive. 你还得婉拒我巧舌善辩的老婆的要求Just a couple more minutes. 再等会就行了So we don't get the table at the fancy restaurant, 我们不会在高级餐厅弄到位子which drives Gloria crazy. 歌洛莉亚就会很抓狂"Jay, why you not be no more romantic to me?". "杰你为什么不能对我浪漫一点呢"We walk in the door, and bam! 到时我们走进家门天降惊喜She looks like a big idiot. 她就呆若木鸡了And isn't that what Valentine's Day is all about? 这不就是情人节的意义吗Jay, come here. We're in. 杰过来我们有座了Your secretary didn't forget. Look. 你秘书没有忘记看Pritchett for two. 普里契特两位Just a reminder. I need the television at 8:00. 提醒一下我八点要看电视的Jeremy and I have a phone date 杰里米要和我电话约会to watch "Love Actually". 要一起看《真爱至上》的That's the lamest plan ever, and I'm jealous. 这真是最逊的约会计划了但我真妒忌So, my boyfriend, David, 我的男友戴维blows me off on 在全年最浪漫的晚上the most romantic night of the year - to study! 竟然放我鸽子去读书了This is the worst Valentine's Day. 这真是最糟糕的情人节了Best Valentine's Day ever! 最棒的情人节啊David stands up Haley, 戴维放了海莉的鸽子and old boyfriend Dylan is out of the picture. 前男友迪兰也没戏了I'm not saying I miss Dylan, 我不是说我想念迪兰but at least he was romantic. 但至少他很浪漫David never sent me a jar of his own tears. 戴维绝不会送我一瓶他流的"痴情泪"I'm playing the long game here. 我是在放长线钓大鱼Like me today, love me tomorrow. 现在先喜欢我以后再慢慢爱上我吧She's had the romantic. She's had the intellectual. 她曾有过浪漫的男友也有过聪明的男友How about all of that in one fine, 那一个又浪漫又聪明的little brown package? 棕色小男友会有多棒呢- I've hit a new low. - You can talk to me. -我的人生到达了新低点 -你可以跟我倾诉And I'm lower. 这下我更低落了Just picking up some things. 我只是回来拿东西I am not here. 忽略我的存在吧Name tags, name tags, name tags. 胸牌胸牌胸牌Come on! Bingo! 快点找到啦I know what to do. 我知道怎么办了Dylan's been texting me again. 迪兰又给我来短信了Bet if David knew that, 我敢肯定如果戴维知道了he'd come running right over here. 肯定会马不停蹄赶过来Wait. Before you start playing these games, 等等在你开始玩弄这些男人之前let me ask you one simple question... 让我问你一个简单的问题Who is Haley Dunphy? 海莉·邓菲的本色为何- Don't do it, Haley! - Stop following me. -海莉千万别这样做 -不要跟着我Let me just say my piece. 让我说说我的看法No. 不要Look, you can be the Haley 听着你可以把自己who defines herself as David's girlfriend, 定位是戴维女朋友or Dylan's girlfriend, 或是迪兰女朋友or you can be your own Haley. 或者完完全全做自己Maybe you haven't met her, 虽然你还不认识本色的海莉but I know her. 可我认识她She's an amazing person. 她是个很给力的人So when you're ready, I'd like to introduce you. 如果你准备好了我想把你介绍给她Cameron! Is there something I can do you for? 卡梅隆有什么能为你效劳的吗No. I just came by to pick up my man. 没什么我只是来接我男人的I'm taking him to Ibiza tonight. 我今晚要跟他去伊比莎餐厅吃饭Ooh, I've heard good things about Ibiza. 哦听说伊比莎餐厅很不错呢But I'm afraid he may have to meet you there. 但是你恐怕得和他在那里碰面了He's in the middle of a meeting. 他现在正在开会On Valentine's night? 在情人节晚上开会吗I didn't realize when I scheduled it. It's my fault. 我排他行程表的时候没注意我的错Gasp. I'm shocked. 天啊我太"意外"了I could drop him off at 等他开完会了the restaurant as soon as they wrap it up. 我可以就送他去餐厅啊Oh, aren't you a dear? 你人"好"的像头小鹿似的I'd like to mount your head in my trophy room. 真想就这么把你头拽下来挂墙上Cam! 小卡Wait. 等等Have I upset you in any way? 我是不是哪方面做错惹你生气了Oh, please. Let's not play this game. 拜托别装了We both know what's going on. 你我早已心知肚明Have I been that obvious? 我有表现的这么明显吗Uh, the flowers that don't get delivered, 花都没送到the Valentine's Day plans that get interrupted... 情人节的计划也被打乱了Do I really need to spell it out for you? 还需要说的更明白吗Me, Mitchell - wedge. 我米奇尔你个小三Don't hate me. It's just... 别讨厌我我只是...so hard to see someone 见到别人能够拥有else have something you want and can't have. 你想要又得不到的东西心里堵得慌Does Broderick have a crush? Yes. 布拉德里克是否对某人有意思没错On someone he frequently sees at the office? 是不是对经常出现在办公室的某人有意思Yes. 没错Does that man have red hair and a beard? 那个人有红色头发和胡子吗No, but his boyfriend does. 没有但是他的男朋友有It's me. The - the crush is on me. 就是我他是对我有意思This is you. 你到了Oh, did I validate you? 你明白我的意思吧Oh, yes. 当然- Appletini? - It was. -苹果马提尼吗 -本来是的You're looking handsome as ever, Clive. 你和以前一样英气勃勃克莱夫As are you, Juliana. 你也一如往常的明媚动人朱莉安娜You look hot enough to cook a pizza on... 你性感火辣地都可以烤披萨了in. 乳火焚身I see the speaker business is treating you well. 看来你的扬声器生意赚了不少I don't like to talk about money... 我不喜欢谈钱but I have exactly $10 million... 但请完你这杯马丁尼之后minus the cost of your next drink. 我正好还有一千万家产Two. Just two appletinis, please. 两杯只要两杯苹果马提尼Thank you so much. 非常感谢Yeah... 这个Why do I get the feeling you're not really a salesman? 我为什么觉得你不像是真的商人Ohh... pretty and smart. 挺秀外慧中的嘛Ohh... pretty and smart. pretty有"非常"和"漂亮"之意or should I say "pretty smart"? 还是该说你是机智过人呀I might do some high-risk work for 我也有在为美国政府做Uncle Sam that takes me clear around the country. 一些危险工作所以经常得在国内跑来跑去Mm, so you could say you're a... 你意思是说你是一个national man of mystery. 神秘的国家干员吗- Never did catch what you do. - Didn't you? -老是没搞清你是做哪行的 -还没搞清吗Surprising, I know. I'm usually 是还挺奇怪的我通常pretty good at catching things from women in bars. 还挺擅长在酒吧里观察出女人的小细节的Well... Clive, I am just a bored housewife 克莱夫我只是个寂寞主妇with a dark side and an hour to kill 暗自偷欢仅有一小时消遣作乐Is that what I think it is? 这是我想的那个玩意吗It's not a gift card. Or maybe it is. 这不是张礼物卡不过也可以是张"礼物"卡I'll be upstairs, Clive. Don't take too long. 我去楼上等你了克莱夫别让我等太久I never do. 我从不会让人等- Jay, relax. - I'm sorry. The place is a dump. -杰放松点 -抱歉这地方太垃圾了- It's beautiful. - Nothing good on the menu. -这地方美极了 -菜单上没好菜You see the hands on our waiter? 看见那个服务生的手了吗Looks like he's been birthing hogs. 感觉他给猪接生过一样Let's just get out of here. 我们赶紧打道回府吧I don't know what's wrong with you tonight, 我不知道你今晚是哪根筋不对but I'm hungry, I look fantastic, 我打扮的漂漂亮亮的而且我饿了we're staying. 所以我们留下Five-course dinner waiting at home, 精心准备的五道菜晚餐在家里等着and she's strapping on the feed bag at Ibiza. 而她却死活要在这吃垃圾But then an angel from heaven saved the night. 但是天堂来的天使拯救了这个夜晚You took our reservation! 你把我们预约的桌子占了"Pritchett for two" is us. 两位姓普里契特的是我们Come on, let's go! Move your bottom. Come on. Come on. 快点快走赶紧起来快走A big gay angel. 胖嘟嘟的同性恋天使- Hello. - Hello, Clive. -喂 -喂克莱夫How close are you? 你还要多久I am right outside your door. •我在你门口外等着呢- Are you ready? - Oh, I'm ready. -准备好了吗 -准备好了I don't think you are, because I can still hear your pants. 我可不这么认为我还能听见你裤子的摩擦声呢Well, maybe I should just shut them up. 好吧也许我应该把裤子给脱掉[闭嘴]I'll be out in a minute. 我马上就出来So... will... I. 我也是Juliana? 朱莉安娜Clive, where are you? 克莱夫你在哪You have to come find me. 你得自己来找Hello? 哈罗Clive, I give up. Where are you? 克莱夫我放弃你在哪I'm right here on the bed. 我就在床上Phil, what room are you in? 菲尔你在几号房- Who's this "Phil"? - Seriously, what room are you in? -菲尔是谁 -我说真的你在几号房- I'm in... 702. - I'm in 226. -七零二号房 -我在二二六号房What?! 啥Well, w-whose room is this, then? 那这个是谁的房间啊There's been a tiny mistake. 出了点小小的差错By the way, I need to apologize to you. 还有我想向你道歉I'm sorry I got so silly with all that Broderick stuff earlier.很抱歉前段时间为布拉德里克的事情闹脾气Oh, please, do not worry about it. 没事的这没什么大不了Cam, I like it when you get a little jealous. 小卡你吃醋的样子我最喜欢了Cut it out. 讨厌As long as we can agree 只要我们能达成共识he does not have a crush on me. 知道他对我没意思就行啦Absolutely. 当然- So, to us. - To us. -那么为了我们的爱干杯 -干杯He does not have a crush on you. 他对你没有意思- No. - Nope. -没有 -一点都没有Why do I feel like you're hinting at something? 我怎么觉得你在暗示什么Mitchell, 米奇尔we have talked long enough about Broderick's crush, 关于布拉德里克的小暗恋我们已经谈了很多次了which he does not have... 显然他根本没那个意思on you. 起码对你没意思- Oh, my God, what? - Okay, fine. -天哪你想说啥 -好吧Since you won't let it go... 既然你要打破砂锅问到底your assistant is hot for me. 你的助理对我有意思That's why he's been playing the saboteur. 所以他才从中作梗And you're sure it's not because he wants me? 你敢肯定不是因为他对我有意思吗You just said he didn't. 你才说了他对你没意思Well, I was protecting your feelings. 我只是在顾及你的感受He hugged me in the elevator. 他在电梯里面拥抱我了He hugged me in the elevator. 佛蒙特州允许同性恋婚姻Well, pick out china 那好那咱家产分了and move to Vermont. 你速度搬去佛蒙特周去结婚吧He said it kills him to see someone else have something he wants.他说看到别人拥有他所爱之人让他生不如死Yes. Yes. You're the someone and I'm the something. 没错你就是那个别人我就是他所爱之人Okay. All right. 好吧不争了- Call him. - Call him? -给他打电话吧 -打电话Call him. 打去问他啊Why don't we just go over to 要不要干脆直接去他家his house and stand on opposite sides of the room 咱俩各站一边and see which one of us he runs to? 看看他奔向谁的怀抱You get the check. I'll get the car. 你去结帐我去提车We are not going over there. 我们才不去他家呢And we're not calling him. 也不会给他打电话Cam, who cares which one of us he has a crush on? 小卡谁在乎他迷上了谁The important thing is, I have a crush on you. 重要的是我迷上了你And I wouldn't blame Broderick if he did, too. 就算我的秘书也迷上了你我不怪他That's so sweet. 你嘴真甜I- I wouldn't blame him if he had a crush on you, either. 要是他迷上了你我也不会怪他的Good. 好吧- "Good" What? - Just, good. -什么东西 "好吧" -就单纯的"好吧""Good" meaning we're done with this, or "好吧"意思是到此为止呢"Good" meaning you still think he has a crush on you? 还是"好吧"你还是觉得他迷上的是你啊Oh, Cam! 得了吧小卡- The second one. - I'm getting the car. -后者 -我这就去提车Would you please just come in the house?! 你就跟我进屋去吧You had a whole year to plan, but you don't make an effort. 你有一整年的时间去准备但你根本没用过心I am the second wife, Jay. 杰我是你的新任娇妻Why do you treat me like I'm the first? 为啥你对我跟对黄脸婆原配似的Look about it inside. Where are you going? 咱们进屋再说你去哪I'm gonna take a ride. I need to cool down. 我要去兜兜风我需要冷静一下Just come in the house. I promise you'll feel better. 你就跟我进屋吧我保证你会感觉好一点I don't want to go in there. 我不想进屋You're gonna like it better inside. 进屋去你肯定会感觉好多的Don't hold me back. 别拦着我I'm sorry about this, honey. I'm sorry. 不好意思亲爱的我得动粗了Jay, what are you doing? Are you crazy?! 杰你干什么你疯啦Jay, what are you doing? Are you crazy?! [西班牙语]What are you doing? Have you lost your mind? 你在干什么啊你疯了吗No, but you're about to. 没有不过你马上会疯狂的Happy Valentine's Day! 情人节快乐What the hell? 怎么了这是Gloria! 歌洛莉亚Honey. 宝贝儿I'm going for a drive. 我要去兜风了I had a whole private dinner planned. 我本来准备了一个秘密晚餐I don't know what happened. 结果不知道为什么变这样了But I do. I know exactly what happened! 我知道我明白怎么回事No, you don't. 不你不知道- What the hell? - I win! -什么 -我赢了I see you sneaking around, trying to trick me, 我早发现你偷偷摸摸打算耍我一下so when I figure it out, 所以当我搞清楚之后I move the party over here, and I trick you. I win! 就把晚餐移到这边来了然后耍了你我赢啦What do you mean, you win? 什么叫你赢了I know you think I think you're not romantic, 我知道你觉得我认为你不够浪漫but I think you think I'm not smarter than you. 但我觉得你认为我没你聪明So now we know. 现在真相大白了You are romantic, and I'm smarter than you. 你够浪漫我也比你聪明And I bought you a motorcycle. 而且我还给你买了辆摩托Oh, my God. It's fantastic. 天哪这车真棒I win again! 我又赢了Honey, I love all this, but you can't win Valentine's Day. 宝贝儿我喜欢这一切不过情人节不是让你赢的I mean, you defeat the whole idea 我是说如果你把情人节搞成一个if you make it into some silly competition. 愚蠢的竞赛那这节日的意义就没了Shut up. I win. 闭嘴吧我赢了- Let's go. - So we're really doing this? -出发吧 -我们真要去吗- Oh, we're doing this. - Well, it's gonna be me. -必须的 -他肯定是迷上我的- I'm already embarrassed for you. - All right. -我已经在为你等会的囧样难过了 -好吧走- Oh, wait. - What? -等一下 -怎么了- Oh, it's a text from Broderick. - Read it. -布拉德利克来短信了 -读出来"Mitchell, by now I'm sure Cameron "米奇尔我相信你爱人已经告诉你has told you what happened in the elevator. 在电梯里发生的一切了While I meant every word I said, 我所说的一切都是肺腑之言I realize how unprofessional I was. 我明白这样做十分失职Please accept my resignation. 请接受我的辞职What you have with Cam is very special, 你和你爱人的感情来之不易and I would never forgive myself if I came between you. 如果我成了第三者我永远不会原谅自己Treasure each other. Sincerely, Broderick". 从心底祝福你们珍重对方布拉德利克"- Oh, Cam, what are we doing here? - I don't know. -天哪我们在干什么呢 -我也不知道Maybe if some assistant's crush 如果一个小秘书对谁着迷is so important to us, 值得我们如此大动干戈的话it means we should appreciate each other a little bit more. 我们真应该更加珍惜对方Well, I can't think of a better time to start. Come here. 是啊这正是个重新开始的好时机来吧And the great thing about that text 而短信最棒的地方就在于is we don't have to know which one of us he wanted. 我们无需知道他到底迷上了谁I know. 我知道I know. 我知道What are you doing? 你在这干什么呢Valentine's Day isn't over yet, Juliana. 情人节还没结束呢朱莉安娜Sweetie, let's not push it. 亲爱的别强求了You almost got arrested tonight. 你今晚可是差点进警局了That's how it's gonna be? 那今晚就这么不了了之吗- You're just giving up on us? - I am not giving up on us. -你就这么放弃我们的感情吗 -我不是放弃I am giving up on Clive and Juliana. 我只是放弃了克莱夫和朱莉安娜Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. 等一下等等等等I know a couple of people who could possibly save this night.我知道有不少男女都有本事挽回这局面Maybe you've heard of them... 或许你知道他俩"Two American kids, doing the best that they can..." 两个美国青年尽他们所能Phil and Claire Dunphy. 菲尔和克莱尔I am not going back to that hotel tonight, 我今晚绝对不会再回那个旅馆了and I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to. 而且我肯定你被禁止进入了Don't need to. Phil and Claire have a bedroom, 不需要菲尔和克莱尔有间卧室which they can turn into a hotel whenever they want. 他们随时可以把那间卧室当成旅馆But the kids... 但是孩子们They're not expecting us home this early. 他们不会料到我们这么早回家So, you up for a little adventure... 如何你准备好去冒险了吗Claire? 克莱尔Do you think you can handle it... 你觉得你能搞定吗Phil? 菲尔"I can't be the girl you want me to be, David. "戴维我无法成为你理想中的女孩"I can only be me. Goodbye. Haley." 我只能做我自己再见了海莉"Send it. 发送- I don't know. - Here, I'll help you. -我犹豫不决 -来吧我帮你发送No, no, no, no, no! 别别别Wow. 哇That feels really good. 感觉真棒Because you're free. 因为你自由了And really scary. I haven't been single since I was 9. 可我很害怕我从九岁开始就从未单身过That's why you need to take your time now... 所以你应该开始慢慢来Really get to know yourself before you make any decisions...在你做任何决定之前必须先了解自己Five, six years maybe. 大概花五六年吧Years?! I have to call David. 要数以年计吗我得给戴维打电话The boy who tossed you aside on Valentine's Day? 打电话给一个情人节把你置之不理的人吗No. 不需要You deserve better, Haley, 你配得上更好的人海莉a dreamer, a poet. 一个梦想家一个诗人Wait for him. 等着他出现吧He may be closer than you think. 他说不定就近在眼前Do you hear music? 你听见音乐声了吗Yes, and the fact that you hear it, too... 当然你之所以也能听见是因为Is that Dylan?! 是迪兰吗Oh my God! 天哪*Imagine me naked. 想象我赤身裸体*Am I a bad enough parent to ignore that? 我真是个坏到连这个都能无视的家长吗You are. You're really bad. 没错你可坏了*Without my best friend. 为你舍弃朋友也愿意*You know, the old Haley would have... 你看如果你是之前那个海莉早就- I love you, baby! - Haley! -我爱你宝贝 -海莉Salud, Jay! 干杯杰- There's my back. - Phil. -我的背挂彩了 -菲尔- Oh, no, keep the change. - Oh, thanks. -不用找零了 -谢谢Did you put an extra tiramisu in here? 你是不是又在里面多放了一块提拉米酥啊- Maybe. - Ryan, again? -算是吧 -雷恩老照顾我们不太好吧I just like coming here. 我只是很喜欢来你们这嘛I tell you, if you were single... 我跟你说如果你是单身的话- Ryan! - Ryan! -雷恩 -雷恩。



摩登家庭-第2季第1集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语Honey, do you need me to move the car? 亲爱的要我把车开出去吗No, it's nothing. I'm alright 不不用我能行Oh no! Iron cross, she's going down 不铁十字给我力量它要栽了Oh no! Iron cross, she's going down [铁十字纳粹德军勋章]Oh god! Phil... 当心菲尔- You okay? - Yes. I am. -你没事吧 -没事I am okay. 我没事Honey, why do we keep this car? 亲爱的我们为什么要留着这辆车It's a classic! 这车老经典了No, it just sits here. 不它只是空占地方And the seatbelts don't work. 安全带也坏了The doors stick. It leaks fluids. 门也卡还漏油We haven't put fluids in it in 10 years. 我们也十年没给它加过油了Well, I'm gonna fix all that anyway. 我会把这些毛病都修好And then, uh, it's gonna be Haley's car. 然后送给海莉Oh, we're not giving this car to Haley. 我才不要给海莉It's way too easy to fit a mattress in the back. 车后座都宽得可以放床垫了Remember? 当年这车可是我们的洞房啊Oh, no. We're selling it. 要命了这车必须卖What?! 什么Unless you don't think you can. 除非你觉得你卖不出- Really? - Yeah. -此话当真 -是的- Seriously? - You can't. -确定当真 -绝对当真You honestly think that's gonna work? 你确定我卖不掉You can't sell it. 就是卖不掉You know what? 话说You can insult a lot of things about me... 你怎么羞辱我都可以My hair, my voice, my balance-board exercises... 发型啊声音啊平衡板游戏啥的But don't insult my selling. 就是不要羞辱我强大的销售能力That crosses a line. 过分了哈What line? Oh, you don't see it? 过在哪里你瞧不见?That's 'cause I just sold it. 因为我以光速给它卖了That's 'cause I just sold it. 《摩登家庭》第二季第一集While the spray-tanned starlet claims 当这个美黑小星星声称to be six weeks sober, sources down under say: 自己有六个星期没嗑药时知情者爆料道She has been bar-hopping 她就像一个嗑药过量的袋鼠一样like a coked-up kangaroo." 蹦啊跳啊混迹于酒吧Ah, what's daddy reading to you? 爹地给你读什么呢If I have to read "the very hungry caterpillar" 如果还要我再读一次One more time, I will snap. 《饥肠辘辘的毛毛虫》我会抓狂的- oh, it's not that bad. - I will snap! -哪有那么差劲啊 -别逼人家So, um, I laid the toolbox outside, 那啥我把工具箱拿到外面了And all the supplies are ready, 所有的材料也都准备好了And I think we are good to go! 可以开工了Terrific. 好极了Aren't you gonna change into a working man's outfit? 你不打算换身工人套装吗No, I'm good, 不用了And I don't think workmen really call them "outfits." 况且我不觉得工人管它叫"套装" We are building a princess castle for Lily. 我们要给莉莉建一座公主城堡Uh, it's something every father wants to be able to do for his daughter.这是每个父亲都想给他女儿建的You know, and I fancy myself 并且我把自己幻想成as a bit of a castle designer. 这个城堡的设计师I have done a few sketches. 我画了一些草图Which we have archived so we can use the kit. 那些以备后用这样我们就能用组装套件- Mm, yeah. - The kit. -对 -套件Uh, the kit. Which, uh, we're gonna do together. 套件我们夫妇一条心一起做I am petrified to do this with Mitchell. 要跟米奇尔一起做这个还不如杀了我He built a couple of theater sets in college or something,他大学的时候做过几个戏剧的布景什么的And now he thinks he knows everything about building. 就以为自己是建筑帝了Well, he doesn't. 但他根本不搭边Every home-improvement project that we've undertaken. 每次我们家要做改造Has been a near-death experience. 都让人好想死好想死Make the appetizers. And then we'll be... 做开胃菜然后...If an accident does happen, I hope he kills me... 如果真出了啥意外我希望他一下解决了我Because I don't think I would be a very inspiring disabled person.因为我觉得我不会是个乐观向上的残障人士Honey, relax. 亲爱滴放亲松She's not here yet. 她还没来You might want to play it a little cooler. 你最好蛋定一下别猴急猴急的You don't want to scare off your girlfriend. 要不会把你女朋友吓跑的She's not my girlfriend! 她才不是我女朋友She's just coming over to study the life cycle of silkworms.她只是过来跟我一起研究蚕的生命周期Oh. She's here. 嗷她到了She's here! okay, how's my hair? 她到了那啥我头发不乱吧I thought it was just a friend. 是谁说只是朋友来着I heard that. 我可听到了I wasn't whispering. 我故意的Manny, open the door. Make her feel welcome. 曼尼去开门让她感受什么叫宾至如归Kelly! Good morning. 凯莉早上好Uh, I'm glad you're here. 欢迎你来我家Um, this is my Mom. 这是我妈Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你哦In my culture, 在我们的文化里mothers are very clingy to their sons. 母亲都灰常粘儿子In fact, the leading cause of death among Colombian women 其实呢哥伦比亚妇女死亡的首要原因is when their sons get married. 就是她们的儿子要结婚But I'm not like that. 但是我不会这样I just want my Manny to be happy. 我只要曼尼高兴就好哩Manny, why don't you give your friend Kelly an empanada? 曼尼叫你的朋友凯莉吃肉卷馅饼Oh, no, thank you. 不了谢谢I try to stay away from trans fats. 我尽量避免摄入反式脂肪Oh, I'm sure one won't make a difference. 哎呀呀就吃一个没啥滴啦They're Manny's favorite! 这是曼尼的最爱哟I... think I'm going to stop eating trans fats, too. 我我也不要吃反式脂肪了Mom? When was this from? 妈这是在哪拍的Oh... That's the year your dad and I went to the rose bowl.这是我跟你爸去看玫瑰杯的时候拍的Oh... That's the year your dad and I went to the rose bowl. [玫瑰杯于加州举行的美式足球赛] - Incredible game. - Yeah. -那场老精彩了 -是啊Mom, you look really pretty. 妈你看起来真美Thank you, sweetheart. 谢谢你宝贝儿So, what happened? 那后来怎么回事Well, Lukey, everyone gets older. 小卢克人人都会变老嘛Just 'cause parts of your mom aren't what they used to be, 即便你妈的风采不再it doesn't meam... 也不代表...I mean, what happened in the game? 我是想问比赛后来怎么样了We got our butts kicked by Penn state. 我们输给了宾州队The parade was awesome, though. 但是游行非常棒Angela Lansbury was the grand marshal. 是安吉拉·兰斯伯里担任司仪Angela Lansbury was the grand marshal. [著名女演员] "Good time," she wrote. "美好的记忆" 她写道Okay, come on, guys. Let's get back to it. 行了继续收拾No one's gonna buy this heap looking this way. 堆着这么多东西没人会买的Hey, mom, which one is the garbage can? 恶妈妈垃圾丢哪边Um, it... 丢...Honey, you can't throw that away. 乖乖这个不能丢It's blankety. 这是小毯毯It's disgusting. 可它有够恶心No, sweetie, you loved blankety. 怎么会亲爱的你以前可喜欢它了You wouldn't go anywhere without him. 你上哪儿都要带着它Yeah, until Luke threw up on it. 哈直到卢克吐在上面Yeah. 哈哈I used to throw up all the time. 我年轻的时候老吐Remember buckety? 还记得呕吐桶桶吗Oh, look at this. 看这个What is that? 这是什么We went to the beach one day, 那天咱们去海边and Luke had such a good time. 卢克玩得很开心That he wanted to being home a jar of sunshine. 所以他要带一罐阳光回家So he could always remember it. 这样他就能永远记着了Do you remember, honey? 还记得吗亲爱的Oh, no... no, no, don't... don't open it. 不不不别别打开You really think you trapped sunshine in there? 你真以为你把阳光收进罐子里了I'm just letting you know now, 我现在通知你们I'm not taking care of him when you guys die. 你们死了之后我绝对不会管他的Stop. It's sweet. 别说了这样做很可爱的Still feels hot. 还热热的好吧Hey! It's that guy who came by earlier. 刚看车那家伙来电话了He was really interested. 貌似很想买What was his name? Shoot! 他叫啥来着快告诉我Well, you can't be in sales and not remember people's names. 做销售千万不能忘记客户姓名That's why I like to use what they call "minimonic" devices. 所以我用"迷你联想"来帮助记忆They're little tricks to help you remember. 这是帮助记忆的小诀窍Um, like the other day, I met this guy named Carl. 就像那天我认识了个家伙叫卡尔Now, I might forget that name, 现在我或许忘了他的名字But he was wearing a Grateful Dead T-shirt. 但我记得她穿着一件Grateful Dead的汗衫But he was wearing a Grateful Dead T-shirt. [Grateful Dead 美国摇滚乐队]What's a band like the Grateful Dead? 有什么乐队像Grateful DeadPhish. Where do fish live? Phish 鱼生活在哪里[跟"鱼"读音相近] Phish[同为美国摇滚乐队]The ocean. 海洋What else lives in the ocean? 什么东西生长在海洋Coral. 珊瑚Hello, "Coral". 你好卡罗[他本想卖弄却记错了] [Coral 意译珊瑚音译卡罗与卡尔音似]I think it's "mnemonic". 我记得这是"助记口诀"I... I think I'd remember. 啊… 我觉得我没记错Okay. 行吧You can do it, dad. 老爸你一定行的Okay. 好吧He looked like the drummer from foreigner. 他看起来像是个外国鼓手Now, foreigner's from France. 这个外国人来自法国France rhymes with "ants." 法国和蚂蚁押韵[英文单词读音]Ants ruin a picnic. 蚂蚁破坏了野餐What's up, Nick? 哈啰 Nick[和野餐后缀音同]Really? 是吗Really? 真的吗Well, that's great. 那太好了Yeah, no, swing by anytime. We're here all day. 随时欢迎我们一整天都在Thanks. 谢谢Guess what? 你猜怎么着You said I couldn't sell this? 谁说哥卖不出去Well, you're gonna be eating a humble pie. 你自打嘴巴了吧Stuffed with crow and a big side of sorry, 高兴不起来了吧真对不住了嘿'cause I just did. 我给它卖了In your face, girl with the negative tattoo! 当你的面卖出去了叫你老否定咱爷们Honey... 亲爱的Wait. 等等No! 不Whoa. Someone doesn't like to lose. 有人输不起了Honey. 宝贝Honey! 宝贝儿I'm sorry. 对不起I'm sorry. 对不起When I woke up this morning, I hated that car, 今早一睁眼我还很烦那辆车and even thinking about it made me mad. 就连想起它都让我抓狂But then when we were going through it, 但是我们一起经历了这么多and blankety... 还有那个可爱的小毯毯…all that stuff... I just... 所有这一切我只是The thought of that whole part of our life driving away...一想到那些美丽的日子就这样随车而逝了We can keep blankety. 我们可以留着小毯毯嘛I don't want... 但我不想...Look at them. 看看他们Come on. A minute ago, they were babies. 好像昨天他们还都只是小宝宝And now they're driving. 今天呢连车都会开了And soon we'll all be dead. 然后我们也不久于人世了Whoa! You're leaving out a few great minutes there. 打住你咋能忽略掉死前的美好时光呢Retirement, old age... 退休啊颐养天年啊Cool chair that goes up the stairs. 超级酷的爬楼梯自动椅子啊Yeah. I'm sorry. 是啊对不起I'm... being ridiculous. 我不该胡思乱想Don't apologize. I love you when you're human. 不用道歉我就喜欢你充满着人情味Listen. 听着Hey! listen! 听我说We don't have to sell the car. 车不卖了Oh, sweetie, of course we do. 亲爱的当然要卖It doesn't make any sense to keep it. 没理由要留着它Well, what can I do to make you feel better? 那我该怎么做才能让你感觉好点Nothing. 什么也不用做Unless you can build me a time machine. 除非你给我造一台时光机Honey... 亲爱的Until someone can figure out how to keep a wormhole 除非有人能想办法Until someone can figure out how to keep a wormhole [虫洞宇宙时间和空间壁上的洞] from collapsing in on itself. 阻止虫洞的倒塌That's just a pipe dream. 否则就是痴人说梦Sure. 是啊Phil! come on back, phil. 菲尔想都别想菲尔Well, I found the... 我找到了...I found the nail gun. 我找到了射钉枪Oh. Yay. 噢太好了The weirdest thing... it was wrapped in an old towel 奇怪的是它给裹在一条旧毛巾里stuffed in a box on the top shelf of the closet. 塞在盒子里在壁橱最顶上Well, just set it down on the counter. 赶紧把它放在柜台上Heads up! 小心Oh, dad, what are you doing here? 老爸你来这干嘛I'm, uh, just, uh, returning that crockpot that Gloria borrowed. 我只是来还歌洛莉亚借的电锅Oh, yeah, I forgot you had that crockpot, Jay. 我都忘了这码事了杰Well, we're just getting ready to build Lily a princess castle我们正准备给莉莉建造一座公主城堡if you... 如果你...- Want to help? - Yeah, sure. -想帮忙 -当然没问题Oh. Well, if it's okay with you, Mitchell. 只要你不介意的话米奇尔Oh, yeah! oh, no, dad. 好啊我没问题老爸Oh, remember how much fun we had 还记得当初我们一起做书架的时候吗when we built that bookshelf together? 多美好的回忆呀That was my vietnam. 那简直就像打了场越战And I was in vietnam. 我确实参加过越战Oh! Look at us! 看看我们哦Three construction dudes! 我们就是工匠三兄弟Dad, I'm gonna get you some workman gloves. 老爸我去给你拿几副专用手套I have a blue and camel. 我有蓝色的和驼色的What's your preference? 你喜欢哪个颜色的Surprise me. 你懂的Wouldn't it be easier 如果我们把东西都整理到同一个笔记本上if we had all our stuff in the same notebook? 那不就轻松多了You think? 你这么觉得I mean, we're always going back and forth. 这样我们就省的总是来回翻了I'll just put my things in your notebook. 我把我的笔记夹到你的本子上okay. 好的Who wants chocolate milk? 谁想喝巧克力奶呀Sure, mom. 我要妈妈- So how is it going? - Great! -进度如何呀 -好极了Kelly's moving her stuff 凯莉在把她的笔记into my notebook. 都搬到我的本子上This is sudden. 速度还真快啊It just felt right. 应该的Oh, you know what you should do? 你应该这样Put a pinch of salt in the chocolate milk. 在巧克力奶里放一撮盐It really brings out the flavor. 提味得多Salt is for the popcorn. 吃爆米花才用盐呢That sounds good. 听起来对味You wouldn't like it. 你不会喜欢的Maybe we should let Manny decide. 也许我们该让曼尼自己决定Okay. 好滴Here's the salt. 给你盐We'll see what he likes. 我们看他选哪个Wow! 天啊That's really good! 好喝翻了Try it, mom! 妈妈你试试I don't care for it. 老娘对这无爱It was delicious. 其实很好喝I finally got Lily down for a nap. 终于把莉莉哄睡了Where is Mitchell? 米奇尔在哪里He's not supposed to be unsupervised! 怎么能没人看着他呢Don't worry. 没事I got him in the garage putting flags on the spires. 我让他去车库给塔顶插旗子Okay, perfect. 哦那就好It's better that way. Nobody gets hurt. 这样最好省的有人受伤了We don't have to put flags on the spires. 插旗子这事儿也省了Yeah. 是啊All right, let's get this roof on. 好了我们来盖上屋顶It's supposed to snap right into place. 应该咔嚓就扣上了Hey! 嘿Whatcha got going on over there, Jigsaw? 你干的怎么样了电锯哥[电锯惊魂里的杀人狂] Well, I thought that I would get started 我觉得我得从吊桥开工on the, uh, drawbridge while you guys worked on the roof, so... 屋顶就归你们了所以... You all done with the flags?! 你的旗子都插好了吗Yeah! 当然Yeah, it took me like 15 minutes. 十五分钟就搞定了It was a lot easier than you made it out to be. 哪里像你说的那么麻烦Do something, Jay. 杰怎么办Uh, Mitch?! 米奇Yeah. 干嘛How about you make us some sandwiches? 你去弄点三明治吧No. No, we're in the middle of this. 不成不成我们还没完工呢No, I think what Jay's saying is, 不是杰的意思是说why don't you go sort some bolts? 你为什么不挑点螺栓来No, I sorted the bolts. 不用我已经挑好了- All of 'em? - There were six. -全部吗 -一共就六个W... what's going on with you two? 你们俩不对劲啊Are you... are you trying to get rid of me? 难道是想把我甩开不成Uh..., Mitch. 呃米奇Oh, my god. You are. 天你们真是闲我碍事You're... you're, like, in cahoots. 你们居然狼狈为奸Mitchell, I get scared, when you're around tools, 米奇尔你一碰工具我就害怕Honey, it's dangerous... 亲爱的这太危险了For me, for you, 对你对我for... our roses. 对我们的花花都是威胁Works better this way, kid. 孩子他说得对I mean, castle goes right up, 我是指顺利建好城堡Nobody gets sliced in half. 没人给一切两半Do you know how insulting this is? I was... 你们也太小看人了吧我可是…I was an intern at the songbird summer playhouse. 我可是在歌鸟夏季剧院实习过的Do you think that the town of Brigadoon 你们以为南海仙境那出戏just magically appeared? 就嗖一下变出来了吗Well, in the play, it did, but...the set... 当然戏里看着是这么回事但是那个布景the set was built with these two hands! 那个布景是我用这双手搭的Mitchell. Mitchell... 米奇尔米奇尔The Von Trapp mansion, Evita's balcony... 还有范特普庄园艾维塔的阳台Okay. Okay. 算了算了Oh, where are you going? 你这是要去哪I'm going on a walk, 我要暴走了and, oh, yeah, I can still do that by myself. 哈没错我还能自己走Watch. Oh, I hope I don't get hurt. 看着嘿哦好害怕会摔倒哦Oh, god, who put that doorjamb there? 哦妈呀谁这么缺德放个门柱在这儿I didn't see it. 害我没看见I ran right into it. 直接撞上去了Oh, no, I tripped! Walking is so hard! 哎呀糟糕绊着了走路好难的说That one didn't look like it was on purpose. 刚才那下可不像是故意的It was! 就是故意的Just a few more steps. 还有几步路Oh, sorry! 对不起!Step! Step! Sorry! 有台阶有台阶对不起- Phil?! - Sorry, sorry. -菲尔 -对不起对不起It's gonna be worth it. 这一跤绝对值No, it's not. 绝对不值Don't listen to her. 别听她瞎说And... 开...- Ow. Ow. Ow! - Sorry. Don't struggle. -嗷嗷嗷 -对不起不要乱动Stop struggling. 不要乱动Great. It's our car. 好惊喜啊我们的车Not a car. Kids? 不只是车哦孩子们"ti... " what? "时" 什么Tonight, Claire Dunphy, we are turning back the clock 今天晚上克莱尔·邓菲我们把时钟拨回to a simpler time... 那纯真年代...when families piled into their station wagons, 当年那个咱一家挤在旅行车里picked up some burgers, 捎上一些汉堡and went on a picnic up to granger point. 去郊外野餐的日子Honey, we don't have to do this. 亲爱的没必要吧Listen to her. 她说得对No, it's gonna be great. I talked to... 不啊会很好玩的我跟那个France, ants, picnic... 法国蚂蚁野餐%¥%@&*...Nick, and he's not picking up the car till tomorrow. 尼克说了他明天才来取车We have one more night of family fun! 我们还能来一次家庭大聚会What's gonna be fun about it? 能有啥意思Listen to him 谁说不是- Only everything. - Only nothing. -啥都有意思 -啥也没意思Okay, kids, you know what? 好了小朋友们Your father is trying to do something nice, 你们老爹要做好人好事so I would appreciate it if you would stop your whining 你们少抱怨点儿多好and just get in the car. 赶紧上车Still does it! 屡试不爽Oh, my! 啊哈Come on, get in, get in! 快点快点进去I'm just saying, the kid's gotta learn to let things go. 我不得不说他得学会释怀Well, this is a touchy subject for Mitchell. 这对米奇尔是个敏感话题He wants to feel like a regular joe, like you and I. 他就想体现男子汉的一面就像咱俩Oh, pardonnez-moi. 哦不好意思I prefer the champagne Dijon to the standard yellow. 比起普通香槟我更倾向于第戎香槟You know, there are a few areas that define us as men, 要证明自己是纯爷们方法很多你懂的like sports and construction. 比如运动健身还有木工啥的Mitchell just wants to feel like he's... 米奇尔只是想证明自个是part of the man club. 爷们俱乐部中的一员Isn't that where you guys met? 你俩不就那地儿认识的I know you're making a joke because you're uncomfortable,我知道你这开玩笑是因为基佬氛围让你不适so I'll let it slide. 我当没听见and we met at an orgy. 我们在性派对上认识的Come on. 淡定I just think it's crazy, that's all. 我就觉得那啥太疯狂了仅此而已So what if he can't swing a hammer? 他拿不稳锤子又怎么着Look at all he has done. 要看他好的一面啊Law school, great career, providing for his family. 法律学校出身事业蒸蒸日上还能养家糊口That's manly, too, isn't it? 未必还不够爷们I mean, the classical sense. 传统意义上很不错了Well, yes, I mean, I think it also takes a big man 对是同样我觉得to quit his career as a music teacher 辞去音乐老师的工作回家养孩子and raise a child. 也是爷们所为You're a man, too, Cam. 你也很爷们小卡Thank you, Jay. 谢谢杰Wait. Garnish. We're men... 等等忘了装饰再爷们not cavemen. 也要讲究啦My great-great-grandfather 我爷爷的爷爷的爷爷helped build the Brooklyn bridge. 参与过建造布鲁克林大桥And I heard that, until the day he died, 我听说在他有生之年里every time he passed it, he was filled with such pride. 每每经过大桥一股自豪感便油然而生He'd say, "there's a little bit of me in that bridge." 他会说这桥有我一份功劳I know that I'm not the handiest guy, 我知道自己不手巧but I'm still a man, 但我是男人嘛and I want to be able to look out into my yard and say... 我只希望能望向自家后院深情道出…"there's a little bit of me in that princess castle." 这公主城堡有我一份功劳Oh, no. No. No, no, no. No. 哦不不要啊No. Oh, no. 不要啊Hey, mom. 嘿妈妈Kelly's parents are on their way. 凯莉的父母马上就要来了She invited me to go out to dinner and a movie with them. 她邀请我和他们一起吃饭看电影Is that okay? 你批准吗Oh, but... 哦可是...I thought that you and I were going to the movies tonight. 不是说好咱俩去看电影吗You know, to see that one with Shia Labeouf. 就是希亚·拉博夫演的那个呀You know, to see that one with Shia Labeouf. [《变形金刚》男主角]Well, maybe we can go to the movie another night. 我们可以改天晚上去看呀W... what's wrong? 怎么了Oh, nothing. 没事啦Just my heart. 小心脏好难受Okay, sue me. 好呀告我去呀I am a Colombian mother. 我就是一个哥伦比亚妈妈I'm not gonna let him make a mistake 我才不会让他犯错误that is gonna affect him for the rest of my life! 影响我滴一生His life! 他滴一生Manny, 曼尼I think we should talk about this Kelly girl. 我觉得是时候谈谈凯莉的问题了Isn't she great? 她是不是巨好I think she really likes me. 我觉得她对我有意思Why wouldn't she like you, baby? Of course. 她怎么可能会对你没意思呢当然啦Go. Have fun. 去吧玩开心呀I'm gonna wear my burgundy dinner jacket. 我决定穿那件酒红色西装Of course you are. 穿去吧I say we apologize 我觉得应该先道歉and just finish the castle together like he wanted. 然后按照他的意思一起把城堡修好- Did you hide the nail gun? - Absolutely. -你有把射钉枪藏好吧 -必须的'cause, I mean, you said that before. 问题是上回你也这么说来着No, I... 不是我...Oh, my gosh. It's finished. 哦天啊已经盖好了What the hell? Mitchell did that? 什么情况米奇尔干的吗Yes. Yes, Mitchell did it. 对啊对啊就是米奇尔干的Who's the bitch now, bitches? 傻眼了吧贱人们Honey, it looks beautiful! 亲爱的真漂亮Well, yeah, because when you two were inside 当然啦你们两个在里面enjoying your little tea party, I was out here... 搞家家酒的时候我一人在这里out here getting stuff done. 辛苦干活I'm sorry. 我错了We shouldn't have underestimated you. 我们不该小看你You know he's stuck in there, right? 看出来他被困在里面了吧Oh, yeah. 太明显了Uh, hey, kid, Cam and I are gonna go crack a couple cold ones. 嘿儿子我和小卡要去喝点冰啤酒You want to join us? 你要不要一起啊No, no, you know what? 不用了I'm just gonna stay here and get some stuff done, 我就留下把剩下的活做完but you... you two ladies enjoy your light beers. 你们两位小姐进去喝点淡啤吧How do you know we're having light beers? 你怎么知道我们要喝淡啤We only have light beers. 家里只有淡啤So, well, listen. 听着- Here is a hammer. - I don't need it. I don't need it, though. -锤子在这里 -放这儿干嘛我又不用- And this is a screwdriver. - But I'm not gonna use it. -这个是螺丝刀 -我又用不着And you just come on in whenever you want to. 你想喝酒就进来I'll be in at... yeah. 马上就… 来You sure we shouldn't get him out of there? 你确定不用把他弄出来No. He would never forgive us. 不用否则他永远不会原谅我们的He's a very proud man, your son. 你儿子自尊心强着呢Bird! Bird! 鸟鸟Bird! ah, oh, my god! oh, my god! 有鸟天啊啊啊Yeah, I'm pretty proud of myself right now. 我现在可自豪的很啊Ohh! oh, my god! 我的妈呀Calm down. 淡定Luke, honey, slow down. 卢克宝贝慢点吃No one's gonna take your food away. 没人跟你抢Wow, this place has really changed. 这地方变化可真大啊Time marches on, huh? 光阴荏苒啊See that Starbucks down there? 看到下面那家星巴克了吗You know what that used to be? 你们知道那儿原来是什么吗An orange grove? 橘子园吗No, a Burger King. 不对是汉堡王You can still see some of the architecture. 还能看到当时的建筑风格Thank you... for this. 谢谢你做这些I really do feel better already. 我真的感觉好多了You can go home again, Claire. 克莱尔美丽的日子一直都在Oh, sweetie. 亲爱的My stomach hurts. 我胃疼Luke, honey, I told you not to eat so fast. 卢克宝贝叫你别吃那么快Just sit back, relax. You're gonna be fine. 坐回去休息一下就没事的- Ew! Spider! - Haley! -有蜘蛛 -海莉-Haley! - Haley, honey, -海莉 -海莉宝贝you're standing on the back of daddy's seatbelt! 你踩住你爸的安全带了Oh, soft cheeses, I can breathe again. 偶滴神啊又能呼吸了Wait. Where'd the spider go? 等等蜘蛛到哪儿去了I really need some air. 我得透透气Okay, Alex, lower your window. 好吧艾丽克斯把车窗摇下来I can't. It's stuck. 我摇不动它卡住了I forgot about that. 我把这事给忘了Don't you throw up on me. 不准吐我身上Ohh. Don't point him at me! 别把他推给我Here, I'll turn on the... Haley!! 在这儿我把这个打开… 海莉Oh! Oh, honey, I think that's the heat. 亲爱的我想这应该是暖气。

摩登家庭 -第3季第12集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

摩登家庭 -第3季第12集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

So the five keys to investing wisely in a down real estate market are... 在低迷的房地产市场中明智投资的五大秘诀就是KEYp your cool... "诀"对保持冷静KEYp informed... "诀"对信息灵通Legwork. 腿脚勤快I recently became a partner in a new agency, 我刚成为一家新房地产公司的合伙人so I put together a seminar 所以我要办个解说会to recruit first-time home buyers. 来吸引第一次买房的新手I want to give 'em a step-by-step description 我希望给他们一步步讲解of exactly what I can do for them. 我如何帮他们选到满意的房子Am I worried tha they might write it all down 你问我会不会担心他们记下步骤后and just do it themselves? 自己去挑选房子Quite frankly, I hadn't thought about it until just now. 坦白说我现在才察觉到这个问题Do I really have to go to this thing? 我非得去参加吗Yes. You're a big part of today. 当然你今天戏份大着呢You're my support staff. 你是我的后勤人员Then why am I not getting paid? 那你为什么不付我工钱That is a good question. 问得好And I think I'm gonna text you the answer 我会把答案用短信发到on that cell phone we pay for. 我们买给你的手机上Honey, do you wanna practice your part again? 亲爱的要再练习一下你的部分吗Uh, no. It's just one question. I think I got it. 不就一个问题而已我记住了Yeah, but it's the most important question 是的可那是最关键的问题because it launches me into my big finish. 它将引出我的压轴好戏- Yes. - That way, people leave excited. -没错 -那样人们会高高兴兴地离开Oh, I think people will be excited to leave. 我看是很高兴能离开吧Luke... 卢克Why? 你在干嘛I'm sorry. It's for school. 抱歉我是为了完成学校作业I have to design a container that'll protect an egg 我必须设计一个容器保护鸡蛋in a 1-story drop. 从1层楼高处跌落而不摔碎Yeah, so, um, 好吧所以you thought you would go with an egg carton? 你准备用包装鸡蛋的纸盒吗What if the best idea was under my nose the whole time? 也许最佳方法就藏在我眼皮底下呢You're gonna need to come down and clean this up now. 你得下来把这一摊收拾干净Ugh! I wouldn't have to do any of this 其实我本来完全不用瞎折腾的if Alex would just let me use hers from when she took the class.都怪艾丽克斯不肯让我用她当年上这课时的作品Never. 门都没有That design is my intellectual property. 那设计是我的知识产权I think it has applications for unmanned space flight.我觉得它足以应用在无人"驾"驶太空飞行上Keep talking like that 你再继续当科学怪胎and you'll go through life unmanned. 一辈子都无人可"嫁"了- Funny. - Girls. -真会搞笑 -姑娘们Luke, honey, listen to me. 卢克亲爱的听我说You're gonna need to do this project on your own. 你得独立完成这个作业And you can do it. Just... really think. 你能做到的只要努力动动脑子I've got it! 我想到了What if I'm the container? 用我自身做容器如何There's a thought. You could be... 算是个想法你可以...No, Luke! Luke! 别卢克卢克第三季第十二集摩登家庭Okay, si, te quiero. Mwah, mwah, mwah! 好好亲亲爱你哦I understood "Crazy old witch," 我听懂了"疯老巫婆子""Go kill yourself," Then "I love you." "去死吧" 以及 "爱你哦"I'll never get this, how you all yell at each other. 我一直搞不懂你们怎么老互相嚷嚷That's how you know that your family loves you 如何感受家人爱when they feel free to scream at you. 就在他们嚷你时Oh, I guess I owe my ex-wife an apology. 那我应该对我前妻说声抱歉了Apparently,she was nuts about me. 显然她当年爱我爱得如痴如狂Darn it! 该死Try the next one over a frying pan. 下次在炒锅上试验吧I could use some breakfast. 正好给我当早饭This is so frustrating. 真让人丧气At least you're getting your hands dirty for a change. 至少你是在亲自动手做事It is a nice break from the life of the mind I usually live. 平时都沉迷于精神世界现在能动动手也不错That's the spirit. 说得很对Plus it's a metaphor for the human condition. 再说也是对人类境况的一种暗喻Aren't we all just fragile eggs 我们不都是易碎的鸡蛋吗hiding behind bubble wrap and bravado? 躲藏在气泡垫的背后And we're back. 又回到老样子了Well, I'm sure that your egg-droppy thing 我保证你的鸡蛋坠落作品is going to be the best in the class. 会是全班最棒的Except for Luke's. 肯定比不上卢克的Really? Our Luke? 是吗我们家卢克吗But isn't he, like, a little, like... 可他不是有点...天然呆I bet Claire's gonna help him, 克莱尔肯定会帮他忙的just like she did with his self-portrait for art class. 就像上次美术课帮他画自画像一样There was life in those eyes. 那双眼睛囧囧有神It was haunting. 让人难以忘怀Tell you what. I'm gonna nip this in the bud. 那行我要将此不正之风扼杀于萌芽中You deserve a fighting chance. 你应该有公平竞争的机会Hey, I'm calling about that, uh, egg project the boys are doing.我是为孩子们的那个鸡蛋坠落作业打来的Parents aren't supposed to help out on that, right? 家长不该插手帮忙对吧Why would the parents be helping? 家长干嘛要帮呢Why do they cut grapes for 8-year-olds? 那干嘛要帮8岁的孩子切葡萄呢I figure if you can eat a chicken finger, 我觉得他们都会啃炸鸡条了you can tear your way through a grape. 肯定也能成功解决一颗葡萄Again, dad? 又旧事重提吗爸爸Oh, I'm sorry, it just... 抱歉那事...bugs me, is all. 总让我不爽而已The point is, I'm not helping, 我要说的是我不会帮忙and I hope no one else is helping, either. 我希望大家也都别帮忙Okay, dad. Thanks for the heads-up. 好吧爸爸多谢你提醒Love you. Bye-bye. 爱你哦再见Well, my dad is doing Manny's project for him. 我爸要帮曼尼做作业了He called to tell you that? 他专门打电话来告诉你吗Oh, no. He called to tell me that he wasn't, 不他打来告诉我他不会帮忙which is exactly what you say when you are, 那正是当你要插手帮忙时but you don't want anybody to suspect it. 又不想引人怀疑的说辞Really? 是吗What would you say if you had issues with your father?那你和你爸之间的问题又是什么说辞呢Claire and Jay are incredibly competitive. 克莱尔和杰非常喜欢一较高低Tennis games, card games, everything. 网球比赛扑克比赛任何事Who knows why? 没人知道原因Claire is the son that my dad never had. 克莱尔就像是我爸期望中的儿子I mean, he just wanted someone to throw a ball in the backyard.他希望有个儿子一起在后院投球玩I did once, but... 我投过一次可是He did not attend. 他没有来Looks like fun. 看起来挺有趣的It was, but now it's hard. 开始是可现在变难了Oh, I'm sure you're gonna do great, buddy... 你一定能做得很好老弟Claire? 克莱尔Uh, I am just showing interest in our son's project, 我只是对咱儿子的作品感兴趣which any parent would-- 任何家长都...Think! Think... to do. Thinking... I am, 想想好好想我在想that maybe I should stay here 或许我应该留在这儿in case Luke has any questions. 以防卢克有什么问题要问Do you think you can find somebody else 你能找到其他什么人to help you with your seminar? 去帮你完成解说会吗I don't know. That's a little last-minute. 估计不行吧现在让我去哪儿找啊You're kind of irreplaceable. 你是不可替代的啊Well, I mean, it's just one question, 我意思是说反正就只有一个问题and the seminar isn't for a few hours... 而且那个解说会也不会花太多时间Hey, Gloria? Quick favor. 喂歌洛莉亚帮个小忙Okay. See you there. Bye-bye. 好吧那边见拜拜What was that? 什么事Phil. 是菲尔He needs help with a seminar that he's giving. 他请我去帮他完成一个解说会Why can't Claire help him? 怎么不找克莱尔帮他- He didn't say. - I'll tell you why -他没说 -我告诉你为什么because she's knee-deep in Luke's egg drop project. 因为她投身于卢克的鸡蛋坠落实验了She said that she was not going to help. 她说过不会插手帮忙的That's exactly what I would say to me 那正是我对自己的惯用说辞if I was helping my kid and didn't want me to know. 用于我想帮孩子又想骗自己说没插手的场合Why would you be talking to you? 你为什么会跟自己说话I'm just saying it's unfair to Manny. 我只是说那样对曼尼不公平The kid doesn't stand a chance on his own. 那孩子只靠自己是没希望赢的I'm tagging in here. 我要插手了Jay, he doesn't need you to baby him. 杰他不需要你插手I'm just gonna give him a few tips. 我就给他一点点指导而已Kid, get yourself a snack. 孩子去吃点东西Okay, I'll cut him some grapes. 好吧我给他切点葡萄Damn it! 别捣乱Not like that, Jay. 不是那种切片杰Like this. Look. 是这样瞧着It just irritates me, you know what I mean? 那个能惹毛我你懂的We're meeting with prospective birth mothers. 我们近期在见一些孕妇是未来要领养孩子的生母We've had a few of these meetings, 我们曾有过一些类似的见面and they're very nerve-racking. 那种事让人十分伤脑筋You want to look good, 你希望打扮得帅气迷人You want to make a good first impression 给对方留下良好的第一印象kind of like a first date. 有点像初次约会Actually, it's--it's the opposite of a first date. 事实上跟初次约会正好相反You don't wanna have sex, but you do want a baby. 你不想做爱但却希望直接要个孩子I have to say, Lily is adorable, 我必须承认莉莉太可爱了and such a good eater. 而且很能吃哦Oh, not all the time. 并非总是如此She just happens to love my tuna salad. 她只是喜欢我做的金枪鱼沙拉而已Dolphin safe, of course. 当然我们没吃海豚Oh, who cares about that? 谁在乎那个啦Well, I bet the dolphins do. 我觉得海豚们介意It's okay to eat tuna, but not dolphin? 你意思是说吃金枪鱼可以吃海豚就不行My theory is, a fish is a fish. 我却觉得鱼就是鱼而已Well... 其实呢A dolphin's actually a mammal, so... 海豚实际上是哺乳动物所以说Eh, to-may-to, to-mah-to. 就像番茄和西红柿都一回事More like tomato, cow. 区别可大了母牛Mitchell, can you help me with the scones in the kitchen? 米奇来厨房帮我弄一下司康饼Okay. 好的Excuse us. 失陪一下Okay, this is not really about the scones. 好吧我们不是来弄司康饼的Oh, really? You didn't need help carrying six scones? 是吗你一个人能拿得了六块饼吗No, this is about your need to correct 不问题是你得改掉everyone's every little mistake. 偏执地纠正别人小错误的毛病I am sorry. 不好意思I thought that she could use a basic biology lesson. 但我觉得她需要学习一些基础生物知识Well, let me give you a basic biology lesson-- 好吧我来告诉你一点基础生物知识you and I can't make a baby. 你跟我生不了孩子So if she points to a lamp and calls it "Uncle George," 所以如果她指着一盏灯说那是乔治叔叔What are you gonna say? 你怎么说"Pleased to meet you, Uncle George." "很高兴见到你乔治叔叔"Very good. Now let's get out there, 很好现在我们出去smile, nod, and get ourselves a baby. 微笑点头弄个孩子回来Okay. 好吧And those are your five keys. 眼前就是你们的五把钥匙[关键要点]Now if there are no more questions... 如果没有别的问题的话Ah, yes, the lovely home buyer right here 哦看这边有位可爱的买家On the edge of her seat. 正跃跃欲试呢I was wondering... 我想问的是I was wondering, 我想问的是Is there a sixth key? 有第六把钥匙吗As a matter of fact, 事实上There is. 的确有We'll work on that. 待会儿得再练练It's the key to the new home you've purchased below market.此乃你能够以低于市场价买到新居的关键Thanks to Woosnum, Keneally, and Dunphy. 感谢沃斯南&肯尼利&邓菲公司吧Bravo! 精彩绝伦Fire the confetti cannon, drop the banner, 放彩花落帷幕autographs, autographs, autographs, 签名签名签名and we're done. 然后搞定We still have, like, an hour left. 我们还剩一个小时呢Can I go shopping? 我能去购物吗No. I-I have vocal exercises to do, 不行我得做一些发声练习and I need you to do a sound check for me. 我需要你帮我检查一下嗓音I was hoping we could go to my hair salon. 我打算和海莉去一趟发廊来着It's nearby. I didn't have time to finish my hair this morning. 就在附近今天早上我没时间弄头发Really? That just happens? 不是吧就要弃我而去了吗Ooh, and I can get my nailse done. 真好我可以去做美甲Is it okay? 行吗Okay. Sure. 好吧走吧Oh, oh! 对了Could one of you guys stick this under a chair on your way out?你们出去时谁能把这个钉在某一个椅子下面One of the lucky attendees is going home 某个幸运参会者可以带回家with a brand-new mouse pad. 一个新型鼠标垫哦Wait, wait, wait, wait! 等一下等一下I don't wanna see which chair. 我不想知道是哪个椅子I wanna be blown away like everyone else. 我想到时候和其他人一样被震撼到Yes. Now that is feng shui. 没错那就叫顺应风水Doesn't that feel better? 现在是不是感觉舒服多了Oh, yes. It's wonderful for conversation. 还真是现在的格局"真适合"聊天Yes, this is nice. 没错感觉真好It gives the room a nice flow, which I'm really liking. 让室内有一种流通感我真的好喜欢Sometimes, your furniture tells you where it wants to be. 有时候你的家具会告诉你它们想被放在哪里Yeah. 对Do you mind if I use your restroom? 我能用一下卫生间吗Not at all. It's-- it's just down the hall. 请大厅一直走就是Just be warned--there's some furniture in there 顺便说一下里面有些家具that kind of likes where it is! 貌似就喜欢现在的摆放位置哦Okay, I know it's killing you to do this whole song and dance, 好吧我明白让你如此卑躬屈膝装孙子很折磨人But I think it's going great. 但是我觉得进行的很顺利Cam, there's a limit, okay? 小卡得有个度才行懂吗We already promised her that we would show her son all 52 states.我们已经答应会带她儿子逛遍52个州Oh, wow, you have a keyboard. 哇哦你们还有电子琴耶Oh, yes. That's mine. 是的那是我的琴You're musical. I love that. 你是音乐家我喜欢It's very important to me. 那对我很重要It's very important to me. [choir 本意为唱诗]Oh, well, you're preaching to the choir. 噢还用你来向我鼓吹音乐的重要性嘛Literally. I've sung in several. 真的我真在几个唱诗班唱过呢Yeah, we sing to Lily... all of the time. 我们经常给莉莉唱歌I wish I could hear you guys. 我真希望能听听你们的歌声Oh, well, that's very sweet. 噢哈谢谢夸奖No, now. 不是我现在想听The baby's father is a musician, 宝宝的亲生爸爸是个音乐家and I would love to know 所以我真的很希望that he's growing up in a musical househo. 他能在一个音乐氛围浓厚的家庭成长- Okay. - Great. -好吧 -太好了Okay. Now we are actually doing a song and dance. 好吧现在我们真得歌舞欢腾了Okay, well, look at it this way-- 好吧你应该这么想We're not only adopting a baby, 我们不仅是是领养了一个宝宝we're saving it from a life spent searching for east Dakota.也避免了他将一生都用于寻找东达科他州we're saving it from a life spent searching for east Dakota. [美国只有南北达科他州没有东达科他州]Oh, God. 神啊This is acally nice. 这灯其实不错的This is actually very nice to lean on. 用来靠着确实挺不错的It broke again. 又摔破了Mm. Yes, I saw. 是啊我看见了We'll just need to double up on the cotton. 我们只需要把棉层加倍就好了Here, let me save you a step. 瞧着反正都是碎不如直接摔Alex! 艾丽克斯Knock, knock! 开门开门Dad! Hey! What are you doing here? 爸爸你来这干什么Manny needs that solder iron I lent to Phil. 曼尼需要用我借给菲尔的电烙铁One of the screws on his project keeps coming loose. 他那装置上的一个螺钉总是拧不紧Other than that, it's flawless. 除了那个毛病其余的就无懈可击了Huh. His latest test run, he dropped it off the roof, 最新的一次测试中他在楼顶松手后he walked downstairs, it hadn't landed yet. 走下楼梯这时候鸡蛋还没落地呢I had nothing. I had to get in Claire's head. 我毫无进展我必须扰乱克莱尔的方寸Sometimes the best thing to do in race to the top... 有时候想要在竞争中拔得头筹is grease the pole behind you. 最好是玩点阴的Wow. So Manny's still working? 这么说曼尼还在做吗Luke finished a couple hours ago. 卢克几小时之前就完成了Is that why all these eggs are on the floor? 所以地上才有这么多烂鸡蛋吗Oh, well, you know, after so many landed safely, 其实是经历了多次的成功试验后we thought we should test 'em, 我们觉得应该测试一下这些鸡蛋make sure we weren't working with a super strong batch. 确保这些不是超级摔不烂鸡蛋Sounds like you knocked it out of the park. 听起来你们相当成功嘛Oh yeah!We did. 那是当然Um, so dad, 那么爸爸if I find out what Phil did with that soldering iron, 如果我知道菲尔把电烙铁搁哪了I'll run it over. 我就给你送去Great. . 'cause, uh, 太好了因为we're gonna test it later today at the school. 我们今天晚些时候会在学校试验Fun. Maybe we'll meet you. 有意思说不定到时能碰见你呢We can come anytime, right? 我们随时都能去是吧Cause we don't have a-a spring problem. 因为我们的弹簧什么的可没出故障Run 5? 5点见Perfect. 很好Okay. Bear with us. We're a little rusty. 您多担待我们久未开过嗓了Yes, and please put all cell phones on vibrate. 没错请把手机调至震动状态*Don't go breaking my heart 不要把我心伤**I couldn't if I tried 我怎能把你心伤**Honey, if I get restless 宝贝如果我焦躁不安**Baby, you're not that kind 宝贝你不是那种人**Nobody knows it 无人知晓**Nobody knows 无人知晓**When I was down 当我心潮低落**I was your clown 我就是逗你笑的小丑*I really am a clown. 我真的是个小丑*I gave you my heart 我把心都给了你**So don't go breaking my heart 所以不要把我心伤**I won't go breaking your heart 我不会把你心伤**Don't go breaking my 不要把我心伤**Don't go breaking my heart.Yeah 不要把我心伤耶*- Thank you. - It was wonderful. -谢谢 -唱得太好了Oh. I'm confused, though. 但是我有点疑惑I thought Cameron was the singer. 我以为卡梅隆是歌手Yeah. 是Yes, yes, I am. 是是我是Really? Because mitchell has such a lovely voice. 真的因为米奇尔的嗓音那么甜美Well, I think he was following my lead. 其实我想是他只是跟着我的调You know, a good leader can make all the difference. 一个好的领唱可以带动全场呢Actually, you were a little pitchy. 事实上你嗓音有点粘But it was terrific, really. 但总体真的很棒真的Thank you. 谢谢Yes. Thank you for your opinion. 谢谢你的意见Faster! Faster! We're going to be late to your father. 快点快点你爸那边要迟到了Why did you have to do your toes, too? 为什么你还得给你的脚趾头做美甲Well, there's this really cute boy at school 学校里有个超可爱的男生who's kinda into my feet. 好像有点迷上我的玉足了呢Be careful. That can get really creepy fast. 小心点说不定那人是个变态Ay. Where is the car? I parked it here! 咦车呢我刚就停这了It's a tow zone. 这是禁停区Somebody just put that there, 那牌子肯定是刚刚挂上的违者拖走交通畅行区because that wasn't here when I parked! 因为我停车的时候还没有那块牌呢It looks pretty old to me. 我觉得那块牌已经风吹日晒很久了啊Haley, don't lie. That was not here! 海莉别瞎说刚刚真没那块牌Ladies and gentlemen... 女士们先生们Get ready for one of the giants 准备好欢迎of residential real estate... 房地产行业巨子A salesman's salesman... 推销员中的推销员Where are you guys? I've been calling you! 你们在哪我刚刚一直给你们打电话A realtor's realtor... 房产经纪人中的翘楚You were supposed to do my intro. 本该由你来引入我的出场Now I have to. 现在只能我自己干了2-time non-consecutive winner of the realtor of the year award...两届非连续年度房地产经纪人奖得主Just get back here by the end. 在活动尾声时务必回来Future investors, 未来的投资者们Stop making excuses! 别再找借口了And start... making your dreams come true! 开始让你们的梦想成真Ladies and gentlemen, Phil Dunphy! 女士们先生们有请菲尔·邓菲How are you? 你们好吗Thanks, Mike. I appreciate it. 谢谢麦克多谢了Welcome. 欢迎各位Taxi! 计程车You see? They don't stop because I'm latina. 看到没见我是拉美裔就不停车Or because that was just a yellow car. 或者因为那是辆黄色私家小轿车My dad is gonna freak out. 我爸肯定气坏了You have to take the blame for this. 你得把错都揽在自己身上Why me? 为什么Oh, because he'll never get mad at you. 因为他永远不会生你的气He totally puts you on a pedestal. 他把你当女神一样膜拜That's not true. 才不是呢Yeah, it is. 就是Let me just call the cab company. 我打电话到计程车公司叫车吧Taxi! 计程车It's not rocket science, people, it's just a little red card. 有那么难找吗各位红色的小卡片而已Okay. I guess nobody needs a mouse pad. 好吧看来没人需要鼠标垫How's my favorite kid doing? 我最爱的女儿在做什么呢Favorite? 最爱Yeah, I know, we're not supposed to have favorites. 我知道父母不该偏爱哪个孩子But you know what? We do. 可事实是我们的确有偏爱And the good news is, it's you. 好消息是宝贝疙瘩就是你I'm not giving you my design. 我不会把我的设计给你的Who said anything about giving? 谁说要你白给了We can work out an arrangement. 可以商量下条件嘛It's cheating. 你这是作弊What do you want? Money? 你想要什么钱吗I got a little something set aside. 我有点私房钱Okay. I shouldn't even be giving you this hint, 好吧我根本不该给你提示的but, first get a mirror. 但是首先找面镜子A mirror? 镜子Then you're gonna look in it, 接着你看向镜子and you're gonna see a crazy woman. 你会看到一个疯婆子She needs your help. 她需要你的帮助You know, I made the egg that made you, 我产出的卵子[蛋]创造了你that made that project, 你又产出了那个科学设计so in a lot of ways, that design is already mine! 说来说去你的设计本来就是属于我的Oh, you're fine. 你挺好的Are you sure that there are no more questions? 大家确定没有任何问题了吗No more questions? Yes! 没问题了吗很好If we could just get that over to the mustachioed gentleman. 请将麦克风递给那位大胡子先生Yes, I was-- 我想问Oh, hey, I think we're all tired of that sound. 这声音大家都听烦了吧Let me just come to you. 我走过来好了I bet I know what your question is. 我敢肯定我知道你想问什么You're probably wondering 你可能好奇if there's sixth key. 有第六把钥匙吗No, I was wondering about-- 不我是想问I was wondering about accelerated escrow. 我是想问关于加急契约的问题If it works for both parties, 如果买卖双方都愿意it's a great way to expedite the deal. 可以加快过户速度But back to your first question 回到你第一个问题about this mysterious sixth key. 神秘的第六把钥匙- I didn't say anything-- - The sixth key is the key -我没说... -第六把钥匙to the new home that you purchased below market. 就是以低于市场价购入新房的关键Using the simple principles that you learned here today... 利用你们今天所学到的简单原理But not so simple that you don't still need 也不是那么简单你们依然需要the professional services 专业的房地产公司的服务of Woosnum, Keneally... And Dunphy! 即沃斯南&肯尼利&邓菲公司Thank you for coming. 感谢各位的光临Son of a-- 操你...So is--is there anything that you'd like to know about us? 关于我们你还想了解什么I don't think so. 我看不用了In fact, I don't think I need to interview any more people. 事实上我觉得不用再面试其他人了You guys are perfect. 你们太合适了Are--are you saying what I think you're saying? 你的意思是像我想的那样吗I'm not supposed to say anything to you directly, 我不应该直接对你们说什么but I think you guys should be expecting good news. 但是你们就等着好消息吧Aah! Oh, gosh! 我的天啊Oh, I know, I know, you're not saying anything! 了解了解你什么都没说But what you're not saying is wonderful! 但你没说出口的话是天大的好消息Um, all right. I'm gonna get some sparkling cider? 好了我去拿起泡苹果酒Yes, yes. Okay, okay. 好的好的It wouldn't be a celebration without cider 没有苹果酒就没有庆祝氛围or a celebratory song. 没有庆祝之歌也一样But this time, I want you to sit right here. 不过这次我希望你坐在这里So have a seat here. 坐下吧Let's just get this mop out of the way there. 把你乱掉的头发拂到肩后*If you leave me now 如果你现在离我而去**You'll take away the biggest part of me 你将带走我人生的大部分意义**Ooh, ooh, ooh, no, baby, please don't go 不要宝贝求你别走**Ooh, ooh, ooh, no, I just want you to stay 不要我只想要你留下*Yes, she was upset, but on a positive note, 没错她很伤心不过往好处想what I take from this experience is, I can sing. 从此事中得到的结论就是我的歌声很能打动人Uh, what we didn't take away from the experience is a baby, 从此事中我们没得到的是孩子Because she decided to keep it. 人家决定留下孩子自己养No. Did we missed everything? 不好我们完全错过了吗Yeah. They cleared out of here pretty fast. 是的来宾都迅速退场了Bummer. 扫兴More than a bummer, Haley. 又岂止扫兴海莉This was really important to me, and you blew it. 此次推广对我来说很重要却被你弄砸了Ay, no, Phil, it was my fault. 不菲尔全是我的错It was not her fault. 不关她的事Okay. What's done is done. 算了木已成舟Can you take the brochures out to the car? 你把宣传册子拿上车吧Wow. It's still full. 满满一盒都没动Yeah, it is. 是的So it was not very good? 推广效果不好吗Um... no. 不好I kind of need to sweep here. 我得打扫这里Okay. But--but I'm so sorry, Phil. 好的不过我真的很抱歉菲尔It's okay. 没关系No, it's not okay. 不有关系We came late and we ruined your whole presentation. 我们迟到了我们毁了你的解说会These things happen. 人都有倒霉的时候Yeah, it happens, and people get angry. 没错可这个时候一般人都会发火Gloria, it's fine. 歌洛莉亚没事的No, it's not fine! 不有事I'm trying to have a real conversation, 我努力与你沟通I'm trying to have a real conversation, [字面意为放在高台上]and all you do is put me on a pedestal! 而你却把我当女神一样膜拜Wait a minute. You'mad at me? 等等你在生我的气吗Yes, because that's not how family's 是的因为家人之间supposed to treat each other! 不应该是这种态度You know how family's supposed to treat each other? 你知道家人之间应该是什么态度吗They're supposed to actually think about each other! 家人之间应该为对方考虑I asked you to do one thing... 我求你帮一个忙And you were too selfish and irresponsible 但你却这么自私这么不负责任to come through for me on a day that, believe it or not, 连一天都不支持我信不信由你was really important to me! 今天对我真的很重要Oh, my god. You're crying. I'm so sorry. 天哪你居然哭了真对不起No! That's what I want! 不这正是我想要的You yell at me because you love me! 你吼我是因为爱我Well, you made me mad. 你惹我生气了嘛And you should be. 你生气也是应该的Well, I'm not anymore. 好吧我已经不气了Don't treat me like that, Phil. 别这么肉麻菲尔Because now I'm furious! 因为我现在出离愤怒了Ay, mi familia! Si. 噢这才是我的亲人Oh, how do you do that? 你怎么能这样呢It makes me so... 你真是...Mad. 气死我了That's a pretty nice piece of handiwork for a 13-year-old. 对一个13岁孩子来说手工做的相当不错啊Yeah, Luke did pretty good, too, 是啊卢克做的也很好啊for a kid who still needs help getting out of his backpack. 毕竟平时他脱下书包都需要人帮助- Still your grandson. - Felt bad when I said it. -他可是您外孙啊 -怒其不争啊Okay, let's do this. 我们开始吧Watch out, kids! They're coming down! 孩子们看着点儿扔下来了哦One, two, three. 一二三How'd we do? 怎么样Both eggs are okay. 两只蛋都完好无损Great. So we both win. 太好了看来我们都是赢家Unacceptable. 无法接受We're going up another level. 我们升级一层楼吧Absolutely. Come on. Third floor. 没错来吧三楼了哈Meet us there, Alex. Let's go. 艾丽克斯上来找我们走吧。

摩登家庭 -第2季第2集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语

摩登家庭  -第2季第2集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语

How could we don't have the same number of containers and lids?怎么盒子和盖子的数量不对应呢Why would they ever get separated? 它们怎么会分开呢Built-up resentment, money issues, 可能感情不和也可能经济问题met a younger lid. 还可能跟年轻的盖子跑了Mom, where's my science homework? 妈妈我的科学作业哪去了Uh, it's over there on the table. 就在那边的桌子上So, Alex, honey, what's going on? 艾丽克斯宝贝最近怎么样Anything exciting? 有啥新鲜事吗No. 没有- Any boys? - No. -有喜欢的男孩吗 -没有I'm feeling a little bit disconnected 我觉得我和艾丽克斯之间from Alex right now. 有代沟了Last week, I picked up her cellphone, 就在上周thinking it was mine. 我错拿了她的手机And I accidentally read a few flirty text messages 无意中看到几条暧昧短信that were probably from a boy in her class, 如果是她班上的某个男生干的which is fine. 那也就罢了Or they're from a drifter. 就怕是哪个混混发的Come on, isn't there something 来嘛你就真没啥you want to share with your mommers? 要告诉你"马马"的吗Yeah. Don't call yourself "Mommers." 有别自称"马马"He blew his lid when she tried to contain him. 盒子想上盖子盖子爆发了Okay. What do you think? 你觉得这件怎么样时间轴:向日葵的星后期&特效:WiLL 总监:君君爱爱翻译:扣扣大卫熊四月海东方 Vkvicky 校对:夏沫心时间轴:向日葵的星后期&特效:WiLL 总监:君君爱爱 ■-I like it. -But you don't love it. -我喜欢 -但不是特别喜欢No, I do. I love it. 谁说的我爱死它了- As much as you loved the other one? - Ooh. -和刚才那件比 -天Okay. Mm. 好吧The house is on fire. I only have time to grab one shirt. 房子着火了我只来得及拿一件衬衫Which one do I take? 我选谁The correct answer is take Lily. 带上莉莉才是正解After that. 那之后呢Uh, okay, the blue one. 好吧拿蓝色的那件Because the gray one washes me out. 因为我穿灰色的显胖No, no. Cam, you -- you can't go wrong here. 不不不别误会小卡Everything you've tried on looks great. 你不管穿什么都美翻了I love you in both of them. 两件都好搭你Oh, you're so nice to me. 还是你疼我Mitchell has a problem with public displays of affection. 米奇尔不喜欢在公众场合亲热Um, I remember once at a new year's eve party, 我记得有一年的新年派对上stroke of midnight, he high-fived me. 零点钟声一响他和我击掌庆祝Two problems with that -- 两个问题One, gays don't high-five. 首先同志不击掌Two, gays don't high-five. 其次同志不击掌I'm home! 我回来啦Mmm, what smells so good? 烧什么呢这么香I'm making chunchullo, a traditional Colombian dish, 我在做圈圈肉哥伦比亚名菜呢for dinner with the family tonight. 为了今晚的家庭聚餐准备的Chunchullo. 圈圈肉What is that -- like, uh, tacos? 那是啥跟玉米卷差不多吗Yes, like tacos. 对就跟玉米卷似的No, it isn't. 才不是呢- It's the small intestine of a pig. - Oh, Geez. -这是猪肠做的 -我的老天爷Why can't we eat regular food like normal people? 我们就不能像其他人一样吃正常点儿吗I told you, Jay. 我跟你说过滴杰My grandmother, who rests in peace, 我那远在天国的奶奶has been coming to me in my dreams, 曾经托梦给我telling me that I'm losing touch with my roots. 告诫我不要忘本See, this is awkward, 你看这下尴尬了because my dead uncle joe told me to have steak tonight.因为我死了的叔叔告诉我今晚该吃牛排No, no, no, Jay. Have some respect. 不不不杰放尊重点My grandmother can hear you. 我奶奶能听见你滴What do you mean, she can hear us? 什么意思她能听到我们吗Well, in our culture, 是这样滴在我们的文化里we believe that the dead are all around us. 我们相信死者的灵魂就在我们身边She's right, Manny. 她说的对曼尼She could be right here, 可能现在她就在你背后her bony fingers reaching out from the grave. 从坟墓里伸出她那瘦骨嶙峋的手指Yeah, keep it up, Jay. 厉害哦杰继续忽悠呀There's already one dead person in this room. 这房子里已经有一个死人了You want to make it two? 你也想死是哇I'm sorry. I've got a printer to install. 我错了我去装打印机Oh, Gloria, have your grandmother 歌洛莉亚麻烦让你奶奶run me up an iced tea in about 10 minutes. 十分钟后给我拿杯冰红茶来Yeah, she has a better chance of making that work than you! 是啊她要活着滴话干得比你好Why don't you save us the stomping and the swearing and call Phil? 你打电话给菲尔啊省得一会你搞砸了又叫又骂He's good at that stuff. 他这方面比较牛Better than me? 能有我牛Phil's not better than me at anything, 菲尔任何方面都没我牛Except maybe making that stupid sound with his mouth. 他也就只会怪叫啥的A what, what 咋咋样You spit on me. 你口水喷我脸上了Haley, honey, um, I need you to do something for me. 宝贝海莉来帮我个忙Ugh. Mom, my arm hurts. 啊妈我手痛Why don't you find out what it is 你都不知道我找你啥事before you start making up excuses to get out of it? 着急编瞎话干嘛Okay, what is it? 好吧说吧I need you to talk to your sister. 我要你去和你妹妹谈谈I think that there's something going on with her and a boy. 我觉得她和某个男孩子有暧昧So? 然后So, I am your mother, and it is my job to make sure 然后我是你们的妈妈that you girls don't get involved with a predator. 确保你们不被坏蛋给剥皮吃了Okay, mom, stop watching "Dateline." 得了吧妈妈别再看新闻联播了And why can't you just talk to her? 你自己怎么不去和她谈I have tried to talk to her. 我试过了I -- she won't talk to me. You know that. 她不会跟我开口的你懂的That's because you get so weird every time a boy comes near us.因为一有男孩接近我们你就变得神经质I-I just don't want you girls to -- 我只是不想你们这些女孩子- To make the same mistakes that you did? - No! -重蹈你的覆辙吗 -不是No. 当然不是Mom, I'm not an idiot. 老妈我又不傻I pick up on things. 我看得出来And I don't think that you were the good girl 你可不是你口中描述的you pretend you were. 那种好女孩Wow. That is so untrue. 天哪你大错特错了I was a very good girl. Mm. 你不知道我以前有多乖Your kids don't need to know 孩子不需要知道They need to know who you wish you were, 他们只需了解你想要的完美形象and they need to try to live up to that person. 还必须以你为榜样They're gonna fall short, 他们可能达不到这个标准but better they fall short of the fake you 但参照人物是虚构的完美的你than the real you. 肯定比真实的你强Which is why we don't hide anything. 所以我们从不隐瞒That's the opposite of what I just said. 你说的和我的刚好相反I was not listening. 我溜号了I'll say it again -- I love you in paisley. 我还得说一遍我喜欢你穿这件佩斯利Oh, let me lock the door and draw the curtains. 不如先关好门拉好窗帘What does that mean? 你什么意思-It doesn't mean anything. -Good. -什么意思都没有 -很好You know exactly what it means. 你当然知道我什么意思You won't kiss me in front of other people 你不在别人面前亲我because you're ashamed of who you are. 是因为你不能正视自己And, yes...I went there. 没错我就是戳你痛处了Okay, you can't say, "Yes, I went there," 你不能拿戳我当乐事when you go there all the time. 还企图用过去式And, by the way, I'm the one who makes speeches on airplanes 再说了每次飞机上有人对咱们另眼相待every time someone looks at us weird. 可都是我站出来教育他们I'm the one who gives my dad hell 我爸爸说你是我"朋友"的时候when he refers to you as my "Friend." 也是我跟他挑明挖烂了理论That's different. That's confrontation. 那不一样那是正面冲突But you know what takes real strength? 但你知道什么才最需要勇气吗Whining? 抱怨吗-Affection. -Oh, this is insane. -是表达爱意 -受不了了Buying a shirt -- it's not a kiss-worthy moment. 买衬衫有什么可亲的Oh, I didn't know there was an official list. 我不知道这还有官方规定Please, tell us -- what is on the list? 求你告诉我什么时候能亲I'll tell you what's not on the list -- 我告诉你什么时候不亲吧Finding jalapeno-stuffed olives, 吃了夹辣椒的橄榄making the light on maple, 给枫树挂灯泡的时候every time we see a V.W. 看到大众车的时候也不亲You don't like "Kiss-buggy"? 你不喜欢玩"亲亲甲壳虫"[看到大众甲壳虫车就亲亲] It's not a real game! 那根本就不是游戏It -- it's just another way for you to be needy. 那不过是你黏人的一种方式I -- and I don't appreciate you making me feel bad 你可别想把我搞得很内疚because I can't live up to your impossible standards. 因为我可达不到你那离谱的标准Nobody kisses at a bowling alley! 没人在保龄球馆接吻I almost got a turkey! 我差点打出三击全中"Yello"? 侬好Oh, hey, Jay. Just a sec. I'll go get Claire. 你好杰等下我找克莱尔去Oh, actually, it's you I'm calling. 其实我找你What was that? 什么声音The cat. There's a cat. What's up? 是猫有只猫什么事Well, Gloria's been missing her grandmother. 歌洛莉亚很想念她的外婆I've been trying to get this old picture of her printed, 我一直想打印出一张她的照片but I can't get this new printer to -- 但是新的打印机我...I'll be right there. 我马上到Luke, grandpa needs us! 卢克外公需要我们Hells yes, I was glad to get the call. 接到电话我当然很高兴Jay's always around here fixing things, 杰总来我家修东西cracking jokes about my "Delicate hands" 嘲笑我柔弱的双手or my gag response to the smell of paint. 还有我一闻油漆就吐Look who needs me now 看看谁来求哥了Mr. Hot-dog fingers who can't press "Print" "手好粗"先生每次想按打印键without hitting three extra keys. 他那胖手都会多按好几个按钮Yeah! 真菜You're in my house now, Jay! 你可是在我的主场杰T-technically, we'll be in his house, 准确的说我要去他的地盘迎战but we'll be in my area... 但是他的地盘of his house. 哥做主So, I hear you have a boyfriend. 我听说你有男朋友了- No, I don't. - Who is he? -哪有 -他是谁- I'm not talking to you about this. - Oh, come on. -我才不告诉你呢 -说吧You're finally interesting. Just tell me. 你总算有点八卦可挖了快说呗He's not my boyfriend. 他不是我男友It's Jeremy Reed. 他叫杰里米·瑞德It's -- he's just this boy that I -- 不过是个男孩我...- Love? - No! -爱他 -没有Well, have you guys kissed yet? 你们接吻了吗No! 没有Well, what are you waiting for? 那你等什么呢I'm not waiting. I'm 13. 我没等人家才13岁And you've never kiss boy? 你还没亲过男生How old were you? 你初吻什么时候Like 11. 11岁的时候吧And it was beautiful. 唯美极了I was in Jackson Kaner's carpeted garage. 是在杰克逊·肯纳家铺了地毯的车库里- 11? - Yeah. -11岁 -是啊So you better get on it, 你最好也抓紧or else he's gonna think you're a lesbian. 要不然他会觉得你是拉拉He's not going to think I'm a lesbian. 他才不会认为我是拉拉I thought you were. 我就以为你是You totally have the sandals for it. 你那凉鞋很拉拉Let's see this bad boy. 我们来看看出了什么问题Oh, a P-750. Nice unit. P-750型不错I would have sprung for the 840, 要是我会选840那款But I get it -- 但是我知道not everyone can handle that kind of horsepower. 不是谁都能玩转这种高级货的I thought maybe the cordless phone was interfering, 我以为是无线电话干扰了信号so I unplugged it. 我就给它拔了Good idea. Maybe we should run downstairs 好主意也许我们应该下楼and unplug the toaster while we're at it. 把面包机也拔了Oh, snap, dad. 幽默啊老爸Toaster. 面包机We're kidding. 开玩笑A cordless phone is 5.8 gigahertz. This is wi-fi. 无线电话是5.8千兆赫这个是无线网络It's a totally different spectrum. 用的不是一个频谱Walk with me? 跟我来Here's a little trick that I've found pretty useful with Claire. 教克莱尔使用电器的时候我发明了个小诀窍The computer and the printer must talk, talk, talk 电脑和打印机必须要交流流流command-p" Makes the picture walk, walk, walk" command+p[苹果快捷键] 图片就出来了了了How come it's not working? 好像没反应啊It should be. 不应该啊Okay. 好吧Uh, that should be printing. 应该开始打印了So... 应该是...Hey, Phil, I'm gonna get a beer, beer, beer 菲尔在打的你头头头之前Before I hit you in the head, head, head. 我要先喝杯啤酒酒酒Hey. What are you doing here? 嘿有事吗Hi, Jeremy. I want to ask you something. 杰里米我有问题想问你- Sure, ask - Wait, don't talk yet. -好问 -等等你先别出声Here is the thing. 是在这么回事We've texting for a while, and it's been nice, 我们短信已经发了一段时间了这样挺好but I feel like it's leading to something else, 但我感觉我们不止于此and I don't know if you do or not, 我不知道你有没有这种感觉but I guess what I'm trying to say is, 我要说的是I'm just a girl standing in front of a boy 我只是一个女孩站在一个男孩面前asking for him to like her. 请他喜欢她Oh, god, that's from "Notting hill." 不对这句是《诺丁山》的台词So dorky. But a really underrated movie. 太老套了不过这绝对是部被低估的电影What's happening? 你想表达什么I'm not a lesbian. 我不是拉拉I would like for you to kiss me. 我想你亲我Oh, I love watching you stir. 我喜欢看你搅拌的样子Then I will stop. 那我就停下What? Are you still mad at me? 怎么你还生我的气Yes. You have to apologize for making fun of my culture, my beliefs, 是你要为取笑我滴文化我滴信仰my chunchullo, my abuela. 我滴圈圈肉我滴奶奶而道歉I'm sorry. 对不起If you think your Grandmother's here with us, 如果你认为你奶奶也在这里I respect that. 我表示尊重Now, come here. 来抱抱Oh, Grandma! Where'd you come from? 奶奶你从哪冒出来的We're gonna have to get you a little bell. 看来我们要给你系个小铃铛才行Enough, Jay! 够了杰My culture is very important to me! 我的文化对我很重要I've been working all day to share it with your family tonight,为了今晚跟你滴家人吃饭我忙了一整天and all you do is mock me! 你却只管嘲笑我Just go! 走开Honey, I'm sorry. 亲爱的对不起I'm just teasing you. 我只是逗你玩Instead of being the comedian, why don't you help me? 有时间当小丑干嘛不帮我What do you need? 要我干什么- Slap the chicken. - Do what? -拍鸡肉 -干什么In Colombia, when you cook in honor of the departed, 在哥伦比亚为了表示对死者的尊重you have to scare death away from the food 烹饪前要把死神从食物吓走to protect the people that are gonna eat it. 以保护将要吃此食物滴人Slap it and yell. 一边拍一边叫That's the nuttiest -- 那也太傻缺了-Jay! -Calm down. -杰 -淡定Give me the chicken. 鸡肉拿来Here we go. 拍就拍That's not scaring anything away. 介么轻什么也吓不跑When my grandfather used to cook, 以前我爷爷做饭滴时候the whole house would shake. 整间房子都在颤抖Louder. 大声点Higher. 调高点Louder! 不够大声Higher! Louder! There! 调再高声再大这才差不多I made all that up. 我瞎编滴That is not a real custom in Colombia. 哥伦比亚没有这个习俗We're not lunatics. 我们又不是精神错乱But you mess with us, and we mess with you. 但你惹姐不高兴姐也不让你舒坦That's the custom. 这才素我们的习俗Louder! 大声点Hey, honey. Where'd you go? 亲爱的你去哪了Nowhere. Just for a bike ride. 哪也没去就骑了会脚踏车Oh, my god! Puh-lease tell me this text is wrong! 我的天求求你告诉我这短信纯属虚构Did you really just go over to that kid's house 你真跑去那个小屁孩的家and try and kiss him in front of a million people?! 在众目睽睽之下跟他索吻- Alex, did you do that? - You got a text? -艾丽克斯你真这么做了 -你收到短信爆料了Oh, yeah. Everybody knows. 当然地球人都知道了Do you know how embarrassing this is for me?! 你知道这让我有多尴尬吗This is all your fault! 这都是你的错You're the one who said I had to kiss him or I was a lesbian!是你说我如果不跟他接吻就是拉拉Haley! Did you say that to her?! 海莉你真这么说了Oh, don't turn this on me. Look at her shoes! 别扯到我身上你看她穿的那双鞋Ugh! I'm never going back to school now. 我永远都不要去上学了No, sweetheart. Yes, you are. You are going back to school. 不亲爱的你要你要去上学But listen to me-- Just because a boy sends you flirty texts. 但听我说男生给你发暧昧短信Doesn't mean that 并不表示-you have to text him back - what?! You read my texts?! -你要回复他 -什么你偷看我短信- I... - You read her texts?! -我... -你偷看她短信That's why you made me talk to her?! 这就是为什么你要我跟她谈You made her talk to me?! 是你让她跟我谈的I kind of feel like we're spinning out here a little bit. 我觉得我们现在把话题扯远了Look, Alex, the important thing here 艾丽克斯重点是Is that you have to be very careful how you behave around boys 你跟男生的交往要格外小心Because it is so easy to get a reputation. 要不你很容易就把名声给毁了Well, I'm sorry I'm not a perfect little good girl like you were!我很抱歉我不像你是那么完美的乖乖女Were you? 你乖吗Were you?! 你乖吗?!I highly doubt it! 我严重怀疑Don't be such a chicken. There's no ghost in here. 胆子别这么小这里根本没有什么鬼魂I'm telling you, my Mom said her dead grander was in the house. 我说真的我妈说她过世的奶奶就在这She said she felt her here this morning... 她说她今天早上感觉到她的存在In this room. 就在这个房间Maybe your Mom's mentally ill. 也许你妈精神病Who puts a router... in the attic? 是哪个天刹的把路由器... 放在阁楼里Did she have a limp and a cane? 她是不是腿脚不便杵着一根枴杖Ghost of Manny's great-grandma, 曼尼曾祖母的鬼魂if that's really you, 如果真是你Show yourself! 快快显灵That's her! 这就是我曾祖母Come on! 怎么会Why?! 为什么Why?!! 为什么?!!-Hi, grandpa.- How we doing, girls? -外公好 -你们好吗孩子们Mom ruined my life today. 我今天算是被妈妈毁了-I didn't ruin your life. I was - don't even talk to me! -我没有我是 -不要和我说话I didn't even want to come here. 我根本都不想来这Well, okay. 好了Snacks and and sodas are in the living room, 点心和苏打水在客厅But don't fill up -- we've got intestines coming. 别吃太饱一会还要吃猪肠Uh, dad, if you're looking for your shoes, 那个爸如果你在找鞋I think I know where they are. 我晓得在哪儿This happens to be a colombian custom -- 这是个哥伦比亚风俗Walking in the footsteps of the ancestors, blah, blah, blah. 追随祖先的足迹啥啥啥的Beats slapping the chicken. 总比让我拍鸡肉好过Here, I brought you a drink. 来我给你拿了杯喝的Oh, wait a minute -- 等一下Sip it first. 你先喝一口I'm not mad at you. 我没生你气I thought about it, and maybe you're right. 我想了一下也许你是对的I can be a little needy sometimes. 有时候我是有点粘人了Oh, well, I-I appreciate that. 喔谢谢你那么说And you're probably not entirely off base. 当然也不全是你的错I mean, lord knows I-I've got my quirks. 我是说天知道我自己也很怪咖And I-I'm not the most demonstrative guy around, 我不是个爱感情外露的人But I'm -- I'm working on it. 但是我在改-And I'm gonna help you with it. -Good. -我会帮你的 -好Just don't give up on me. 别失去耐心Never. 永远不会Okay, everybody, let's gather around! 大家伙都过来Jay, come here. 杰过来Tonight we dine on the traditional colombian recipes 今晚我们吃传统哥伦比亚菜of my abuela, my grandmother. 我奶奶的拿手菜 [abuela西班牙语里祖母的意思]And even though she's no longer with me, 尽管她已经不在了I am very happy because I have all of you. 但素我很高兴因为我有你们To ana-maria rosa de la immaculada jimenez morales. 为了我的祖母干杯[祖母名字不要太~长] To ana-maria rosa... 为… 那谁干杯That was beautiful, Gloria, 歌洛莉亚太美好了just like my Mitchell. 就像我的米奇尔一样Just slipped right off there. 好滑Ay, Cameron, what happened? 卡梅隆怎么了One moment you were there, 刚才你还坐在那the next, only shoes. 一眨眼滴功夫就只看见鞋子了I'll tell you what happened -- 我告诉你是怎么回事Mitchell is embarrassed to kiss me 米奇尔不好意思in front of other people. 在别人面前吻我No, you ambushed me! 不是的是你太突然了Oh, Cam, come on. 小卡算了吧Don't take it personally. 他不是针对你When Mitchell was in high school, 米奇尔上高中的时候He was dating this girl -- Robin Schier. 和一个叫罗宾·希尔的女孩约会He would never kiss her, either. 他也从来不吻人家That's because I was gay. 那是因为我是同志What's your excuse now? 那现在你又有什么借口Ay, Cameron, it's not Mitch's fault. 卡梅隆这不怪米奇尔He gets it from his father. 他遗传他爸Jay doesn't like the lovey-dovey in public, either. 杰也不喜欢在公共场合黏黏呼呼滴I can't believe you're coming at me right now. 简直不敢相信你又扯到我身上来了I'm standing here with shoes around my neck. 我现在站在这脖子上还套着双鞋And for the better part of a half-hour, 有大半个钟头I screamed the death out of your meat. 我都在大嚷着把肉里面的死神吓出来-Now, what do you want from me? -Don't you see? -你到底想让我怎么样 -看见了吧It's because of you 都是因为你that your son cannot kiss his own lover. 你儿子才不肯吻他情人的- Don't say "Lover." - we don't like "Lover." -不要说"情人" -我们不喜欢说"情人" Can we just eat? 我们吃饭好不好No. Tell Mitch 不行你告诉米奇尔that it's okay to kiss Cam in front of you. 他可以当着你的面吻卡梅隆Why is that something we have to do? 干嘛非得这样We don't. 不需要Of course we don't. 当然不需要Oh, I'm sorry that I don't want to make out with you 真对不起我不想当着我全家人的面in front of my whole family. 和你亲热No need to apologize. 不用道歉Oh, Gloria is right. 歌洛莉亚说的对Dad, you being so emotionally closed off 爸爸你这么封闭自己的感情makes it very difficult for your children to show affection.影响了你的孩子也很难表达自己的感情- Really? - Yes. -是吗 -没错You had trouble showing affection in public places? 你在公共场合也不善于表达感情-Yes!- You? -Yes. -对 -你吗 -是的Was that before or after 那是在你什么也没穿you were delivered to my door in a squad car, 只穿着内衣披着警察局的毯子wearing nothing but your underwear and a police blanket? 被巡逻车送到我门口之前还是之后Oh, my god. What? You were arrested? 天哪什么你进去过-Awesome! - Not awesome. -太给力了 -给什么力And I wasn't arrested. 我没有被逮捕Your grandfather was just telling a joke. 你们外公只是在开玩笑It was just a joke. I got a million of 'em. 玩笑吗我能讲N个呢Dad. 爸爸I did it! 我成功啦It's printing! 能打印了I had to download new firmware, install new drivers, 我下载了新固件安装了新的驱动程序change your encryption, and replace an ethernet cable 改了你的加密码还在蒸笼似的阁楼上in a 100-degree attic, 换了条以太网线缆while dodging particularly aggressive spiders, 一边还得防着点蜘蛛but I did it! 但是我做到了Thanks. 谢谢Oh. Okay. I guess that's it. 喔看来就这样了What? What's it? 什么就怎么样了Wake up, dummy. 还不明白吗傻瓜This is what we're talking about. 这就是我们说的This guy's been working like an imbecile all day for you. 这家伙像白痴一样给你忙活了一天People need something else -- kisses, hugs. 我们还需要别的东西亲吻拥抱What, for fixing a printer? 什么就为了修理个打印机吗Oh, it's fine. It was only four hours. 也没什么只用了四个小时I tipped over a paint can and threw up a little, 我让一个油漆桶绊倒了小吐了一下But I think -- I think "Thanks" about covers it. 但是我想我想这句"谢谢"也够了Well, what's wrong with "Thanks"? 是啊说"谢谢"怎么了It's pretty much the bare minimum, dad. 爸爸这几乎是最低程度的感激了Jay, for god's sakes, just say something. 杰看在上帝份上说点什么You want me to say something? 你想让我说点什么吗How about "You're welcome"? 那"欢迎你们"怎么样How about "I'm -- I'm so happy to be here for you all "我很高兴你们大家都能来"so I can take the blame for all your crap." "所以我才能在这享受你们的碎碎念"吗I don't do this, 我做不来I never did that. 我从来也不做这个Trust me, I gave you twice 相信我我给你们的已经比我父亲as much as my father ever gave me. 给我的要多出一倍了The man kissed me one time in my entire life. 他一辈子就吻过我一次He came up behind me, kissed me on the back of the head, 他走到我身后亲了下我的后脑勺said, "Goodnight, Becky." 对我说晚安贝奇He thought I was my sister. 他竟然把我当成了我妹妹Wait a minute. 等一下When was the last time you kissed Mitch? 你上次亲米奇是什么时候What does that have to do with anything? 这都哪跟哪啊Mitch, when was the last time he kissed you? 米奇他上次亲你是什么时候I-I don't remember. 我记不得了- It wasn't that long ago. - I was 12. -又没多久 -我12岁的时候12? This is the problem! 12岁这就是问题所在Jay's dad doesn't kiss Jay, 杰的老爸不亲杰so Jay doe't kiss Mitch, and Mitch is uptight. 所以杰就不亲米奇从而导致米奇灰常保守Okay, okay, "Uptight" was really not on the table. 好了好了现在不是谈我保不保守的事This is more about kissing. 我们是在谈亲吻Jay, kiss your son. He's a mess. 杰亲吻你的儿子他简直一团糟Oh, come on, now. 不会吧现在吗We don't have to do that. It's... 我们其实不必这么做的- Yes, you do. - No. - Come on. -你要做 - 不Come on, do it. You're in front of your grandchildren. 快滴亲嘛孙辈们都看着呢All right, all right! Shut up! 好吧好吧别吵了Mitch, get over here. 米奇过来W-what, now? Well, I feel weird now. 什么现在吗我觉得太诡异了Don't be coy. 别扭扭捏捏的What are you waiting for, a box of chocolates? 你还等什么呢一盒巧克力吗Let's do this. 过来亲亲That's the sweetest thing I've ever seen. 这是我见过的最甜蜜的事了All right, and now because I never want to hear this again. 就这样我现在可不想再听到有人抱怨You. 到你了Not you. 没你的事Oh, daddy, I love you. 爸爸我爱你Let's go eat chunchullo! 我们来吃圈圈肉吧You know it's made of pig intestines, right? 那是用猪肠做的对吗Alex, wait. 艾丽克斯等一下- What? - I want to talk to you. -怎么了 -我想和你谈谈Mom, I don't want another lecture. 妈妈我不想再听你的那些说教了It's not a lecture. I want to tell you something. 不是说教我想告诉你一些事情Honey, I know exactly how you're feeling. 亲爱的我完全了解你现在的心情No, you don't. 不你不了解Okay, the -- the joke that grandpa told tonight? 好吧还记得今晚外公讲的那个笑话吗That -- that happened. 确确实有这么回事That...That was true. 那是真的So, you were arrested naked? 这么说你真裸着被抓过I wasn't naked! 我没裸And I was not arrested per se. 而且我本身也没有被抓I was driven home one night by the police 我只是有天晚上被警车送回家because my boyfriend and I 而这是因为我和我男友had gone swimming in somebody's pool, 没带泳衣and we didn't have bathing suits and -- blah, blah, blah. 就跑去别人的水池里游泳等等等等The details aren't important. 细节不重要What matters is that everybody at school was talking about it.关键在于学校里每个人都在谈论这件事And I thought I would die. 我当时以为自己死定了But it passed. 不过这事儿也就这么过去了I swear. 我发誓And now, honey, I'm -- I'm glad it happened. 而现在宝贝我很高兴有这么回事I've got a funny story to tell at dinner parties. 这让我在晚宴时有笑料可说So, how long did it take before you thought it was funny? 那你花了多久才觉得这事儿有趣的Oh, god... 老天10, 15 years. 十到十五年吧Great. What do I do about tomorrow? 好极了我明天怎么办I don't think you have to worry about that. 我认为你不需要担心这个Go, go, go. 去吧去吧In Colombia, we kiss for everything, 在哥伦比亚我们常常亲吻because a kiss can mean so many different things. 因为一个吻可以有辣么多涵义There's no ghost in here, is there? 这儿没鬼吧Not a chance. 当然没Sleep easy, kid. 睡个好觉孩子It can be the start of something new. 它可能素一个全新的开始It can be how we say, "This is the person that I love." 也可能素我们说"这是我的爱人"的方式So who's a better kisser, me or your dad? 谁吻功更高我还是你老爸Ew. 恶[与"你"音相近]It can be romantic. 也可能会很浪漫Just so you know, if my friends weren't there, 只是想告诉你要是我朋友不在那儿的话I would've said yes. 我会答应你的So, if you still want to... 所以要是你还愿意的话If it's okay... 要是可以的话Maybe we should hang out more first. 或许我们应该先多约会几次This is only the second conversation we've had 毕竟这是我们除了短信之外that wasn't by text. 第二次说话It can also be worth waiting for. 也可能会值得等待Jay, what is this? 杰这是什么Just another nice thing I did for you 不过是你耍我的时候。



Kids, breakfast! Kids? Phil, would you get them? Yeah, just a sec.That is so, Kids, get down here! Why are you guys yelling at us, when we're way upstairs, just text me.Alright, That's not gonna happen, and, wow, you're not wearing that outfit.What's Wrong with it? - Honey, do you have anything to say to you're daughter about her skirt? Sorry? Oh yeah, that looks really cute sweetheart! Thanks! - No, it's way to short, people know you're a girl you don't need to prove it to them.Luke got his head stuck in the banister again.I got it.Where's the babyoil? - It's on our bedside tip I Don't know, find it.Come on! I was out of control growing up, there, you know, i said it.I, just don't want my kids to make the same bad mistakes i made.If hayley never would exhibit on a beach in florida, half naked I've done my job.OUR job.- Right I've done our job.That was a penalty! Gloria, there Owen's six, let's take it down a notch.We're, verry different.He's from the city.He has big business.I'm come from a small village, very poor, but very very beautiful.It's the number one village in north-columbia, before al the what's the word? - Murders.Yes, the murders.Manny, stop him! Dammit, manny! Come on, coach! You've gotta take that kid out! You wanna take him out? How about I take you out!? Honey, honey Why don't you worry about you're son! He'd spend the first half with his hands in his pants! I wanted to tell her that for the last six weeks I'm Josh, Brian's dad.- Hi, I'm Gloria Pritchett Manny's mother.Oh, this must be you're dad.Her dad? Uh, no, no, that's funny.Actually no, I'm her husband! Don't be fooled by the Give me a second here.She's adorable! - Oh, thank you! Hey precious - Hello.We've just adopted her from vietnam and we're bringing her home for the first time.She's an angel.You and you're wive must be thrilled! Sorry, sorry, sorry, daddy needed snacks.So, what are we talking about? We have been together for five years now? And we've decided we really wanted to have a baby so, we initially asked one of our lesbian friends to be a surrogate Then we figured, they already mean enough, can you imagine one of them pregnant? No, thank you.You saw that right? Everybody fonding up to lillian, then you walk on and suddenly it's all I'm gonna give a speech.- You are not giving a speech you gonna stuck with this people for the next five hours! - You'r right, it's okay, i'm sorry.Honey, look at that baby with those creampuffs.Okay, excuse me.But this baby would be growin up in a crowded orphanage if it wasn't for us creampuffs and you know what, to all of you who judge, hear this, love knows no race, creed or gender and shame on you! You small minded, ignorant fe Mitchel? - What? She's got the creampuffs.We would like to pay for everyone's headset's.MODERN FAMILY SEASON 1 EPISODE 1 Buddy, why do you keep getting stuk like this? I can get out this time.I'm just gonna say it he needs to be checked by a specialist.There! Be free, Excalibur! I'm having a friend over today.- Who? You don't know him.- Him? Oeh, a boy! You gonna kiss him? - Shut up Luke, Alex, why don't you take it outside, okay? - And do what? Fighting a son, it would be a nice change.I'm kidding! Who's the boy? - His name is Dylan I might as well just tell him not to come, because you guys are just going to embarrase me again.Hang on a second, you're fifteen, it's the first time you've had a boy over I'm bound to be a little suprised, but We're not gonna embarasse you! I'm better go charge the camcorder.I'm kidding! Come on! Who are you talking to? I'm a cool dad.That's my thang.I surf the web, i text LOL Laugh Out Loud, OMG, Oh My God, WTF, Why The Face.You know, i know all the dances to High School Musical, so.MOM! DAD! - What happend? Luke just shot me! - I didn't mean to! Are you okay? - No, the little bitch shot me! Language! The're only plastick bb's! It was an accident! What did I tell you what happened if you got him a gun? Deal with this! Buddy Uncool.That's it? No, the agreement was that, if he shoots someone you shoot him.We were serious about that? Yes, we were and now you have to follow through.I'm so sorry! - Liar.Go! - He's got a birthday party.What's more importand here dad? You can shoot him afterwards, he'll be home at two.- I can't shoot him at two, showing our house at two.What about three? No, he's at a soccergame at three, and then Oh, we gotta leave for that dinner thing in five.- Yeah, I guess that works for me.Shoot Luke.- Sorry dude, it's on the calender Oh, come on! I'm quitting soccer, it is a game for children.No, you're not quitting.You would've stoped that goal if you weren't staring at that little girl.She is not a girl, She is a woman.You know Gloria, that blowup with that other mom, why do you have to do things like that? If someone sais somthing about my family, i'm going to - I'm just saying you could take it down here a little bit.- Well yeah, but that's when you live down here but i live up here! You don't have to be so emotional all the time, that's all I'm saying.Manny, you're with me on this, right? - I wanna tell Brenda Feldman I love her.Oh, for God's sake.Honey, she's 16.- Oh, it's okay for you to take another lover? Watch it! I want to go to the mall where she works. But first we need to get my white shirt, the silk one.Okay, if that's what you really want to do.Seriously, not to be the evil stepdad, but if you put on a puffy white shirt and declare your love for a 16 year old you're gonna be swinging from the flagpole in you're puffy white underpants! Stop the car! Where you going? You hurt his feelings.- Well, if it toughens him up a littlebit, then oh, jeez, he's picking flowers! Manny is verry pasioned, just like his father.My first husband is very handsome but, to crazy.It seemd like all what we did was, fight and make love.One time, i'm not kidding you, we fell out of the window together.Which one we're you doing? I'm hearing this for the first time! This doesn't worry you? She barely slept in the plane, and she's stil wide awake.- Oh, stop worrying! That orphinage, it was all woman.Maybe she cannot fall asleep unless she feels a woman's shape.I guess that's possible.So, here.- What the hell is that suppose to mean? Yes, i've gained a few extra pounds while we expecting the baby.Which has been verry difficult.But, apparently you're body does a nesting, very maturnal primal thing, were it retaines nutrisians. Some sort of molecular fysiology thing.But that's science, you can't fight it.I'm not saying anything.You're saying everything.Count to three, one, t - Three.- Okay.O My God, do you love it? -Yes, I What the hell is that? I had Andre do it when we we're gone.Is that us? With wings? We're floating above her, always there to protect her.Well, that's reassuring, right Lilly? Yeah, we tore you away from everyting you know but don't worry, things are normal here.You're fathers are floating fairy's! Can you call Andre? Have him paint someting a little less gay? We need to stop having friends with names like Andre.Redheaded dad, is angry daddy.- No I'm not.- Yes, you are.Even pepper pointed it out on the way home from the airport.- Okay, that's anotherone pepper! Okay, wat's up? I I never told my family we were adopting a baby.I know.- You do? And I don't blame you, I know your family.You tell them, they say something judgementally.Exactly! - You get mad.I know, and it's supposed to be nothing, but joyfull suddenly turns into this huge fight.Who wants a big emotional scene like that? Thank you, i'm so reliefed you understand.I invited them over for dinner tonight.What? - I had to! This would have gone on forever.You're an avoider.No, I'm calling them now, I'm cancelling.- No, you're not! You're telling your family you've adopted a baby, tonight.And you do have avoidings issues! Are you really not hearing this things? Don't answer it, i'll get it! Heey, you must be Dylan.- Hey, Dylan, yeah.I'm Haley's mother.Hey, come on, let's go.Hang on one second Dylan You're still in High School? - Yeah, i'm a Senior.Phil, sweety, honey.He is Dylan and he is a Senior.Let me meet this playa.Phil Dunphy, jo! It's like that, you just start down on him and let the eyes do the work.You're mouth might be saying: Hey, we cool! But you're eyes are like: No, we not! Nice to meet you! No, it's not! 'S all good? No, 's it is'n Jo.- Jo.Okay, I've seen two guys -Wait You two two keep it real? You k'now what it mean, son? Not really.Please stop.- That's cool! Oh, God, That's my back! Owh, oh, I slipped in the babyoil.Ooh, whe're you from originally? I could defeat you if it came to a phisical confrontation! I don't know about this, shall I call a doctor? - No, no, no.You're verry strong homes.- Thanks.Okay, nice, nice soft landing Okay, I am on my side, so flip me right back and we're good.We'll be good Just need to get flipped right on my back, we should be fine, so.Feldman.What is that? - A poem i've written for Brenda Feldman.Ofcourse that is.- I put my toughts into words, and now my words into action! Ey, I give you 50 bucks not to do this.I'm eleven years old, what am I gonna do with money? What are you gonna do with a sixteen year old? It's like a bullfight! Ever seen a bullfight? I can't watch this.You're in such a bad mood.And I know why, It's because that man thought you were my father.- No - Yes -NO When you say no like that, it's always yes.Come on, we're in the mall, let's get you like some yougher clothes there's a store there that I know - I don't need any youngher clothes! And I don't care what some jackass in a pair of ribbed jeans thinks about me.Good, you shouldn't.You should only care what I think.I love you, and I don't care how old you are.So stop beeing an gloomygoos, and stop beeing so hard on Manny.- The only reason i'm hard on Manny is just because i don't wanna see him make a fool of himself. And I can smell that hairgoo of his from here! Look, I don't know what's gonna happen to him over there but you're his family now.And that means only one thing.You be there winning his back, not to spit in his face! What? Something my mom always sais, it's georgeous in spanish.Look, he's there.She has a boyfriend.I gave her my heart.She gave me a picture of me as an oldtime sheriff.That was pretty stupidly, wasn't it? No mi amore, it´s was brave, right Jay? Brave.I..b you'll know better next time.Come on! Let's get a pretzel.Oh, excuse me, sir? We asked all mall-walkers to stay to the right.Alex, get out! MOM! Alex, leave you're sister alone! I was just getting my book, gosh! - I know sweety, but you need to respect her privacy.What are they doing up there? Nothing, lying in her bed, watching a movie.Okay Okay I'm making a cake for tonight, you wanna help me with the frosting? Sure.So, you know if Haley got pregnant, would you ever pretend she got mono for a few months and then tell everyone the baby's yours? What? The senior at school was out sick for four months, but she was out breastfeeding in an cleanup carwash.Buddy, what are you wearing? - Nothing.No jacket, no hat.How many pairs of underwear do you have on? - One Six.First of all, it would be really cool to see Haley that fat, and how awesome would it be to have a fake little brother who's really my nephew.Haley is not getting pregnant! I'm just saying if.I know, and I know you like to make trouble for your sister but it's not gonna work this time.You know why? 'Cause you're sister is a good girl.I know, I was just like her when I was I want you to know, I'm not enjoying this.This is an emportant lesson that you're leaning, so.'S all good, keep it You're to close, it's gonna hurt.- It's supposed to hurt! And why are you smiling? I'm What? Oh, forget it.I can't do this.The point is, you're scared.I think you've learned you're lesson.Mom?! What are you doing? - Hey, I was just dropping off some laundry, this is a bad time? Yeah Oh, okay.Can you shut the door please? Actually we're just go ahead and leave that open.Why? Because I have euh, seen this little show before: Lying on the bed with a tall, senior.one minute you're just friends, watching Falcon Crest, and the next you're lying underneath theair-hockey table with you're bra un-pocket! Mom! You hit my bone! - It was an accident! I tought we were friends! - I am your friend! Dad?! Dad, you have got to talk to mom, she is like completely freaking out and emberassing me.Well, honey, you're mom isn't always as cool about things as I What is with this thing! My dad, isn't completely comfortable with This, ehum, he still does this thing.It's been five years now.And he still does this thing were he announces himself before walking into any room were in. Just to make sure he doesn't ever see us kiss.Wish my mother had that system.Remember? - Not now.I still can't beleve you did this to me! - Would you get in the spirit of things! It's a celebration! Oh God.I'm gonna go get Lily ready, and I want you to just come straight out with it, you can do this! Sportsguy-chest-bump, sportsguy-chest-bump! Do it, GO! Heey, how are you? Hi guys! Well thank you, thanks.- Don't thank us open it, dad is right behind Knock, knock, we're here! Coming in! - Don't worry dad, nothing gay going on here.May I take you're multicoloured coat and you're bejeweled cap? Yeah.Hey Jay - Gloria, hi! How are you? Hi Gloria, how are you? What a beautiful dress! Thank you, Phil! - Oh, Okay.Phil! She said Phil, not feel! So how was you're trip? - It was good, it was good actually but about that I have something that I need to tell you guys.We didn't just go to Vietnam for pleasure.We, kinda have some big news.Oh, God, if Cam comes out there with boobs, I'm leaving! Dad! - I hope he didn't embarrase you, mom.Don't mind her, Haley had her first boy over today, and Phil shot him.Anyway, so about a year ago.Cam and I sort have feeling this longing for something more like, maybe a baby.Woooh, that's a bad idea.What do you mean, bad idea? - Well, kids need a mother! I mean, if you two guys are bored, get a dog! We're not bored, dad! I support you Mitchell, and tough you're not my son I think what dad is trying to say is that, Mitchell you're a little uptight, kids bring chaos and you don't handle well. That's not what's it's saying what you saying.And it's insulting in an whole different way.Okay, people, let's all chillax! Where's uncle Cameron? - Finally, thank you, someone who's not insulting me, noticed he's not here.So, that's the big announcement.You two broke up.Well a baby wasn't gonna help that anyway! Let me tell you, your'll better of, because he was a bit of a dramaqueen.Stop, stop, you come into my house and you insult me and my boyfriend who is by the way not that dramatic! We've adopted a baby.Her name is Lilly Exciting! Just turn it off.- I can't turn it off, it's who I am! The music! - Oh, yes, the music.Come, say hello Lilly.Lilly? Isn't that gonna be hard for her to say? - Phil.Excuse me Okay, I know that I said I thought this was a bad idea.But What do I know? I mean, It's not like I wrote a book on fatherhood.I'm trying whole my life to get it right, i'm still screwing up.Right, Manny? I wrote a song about it in the car.- Ofcourse you did.Anyway, I'm happy for ya! And you should know that I'm not here to spit in your face, I'm here to blow at your back.It's supposed to sound better in spanish.Anyhow, Mitch.No, dad, it's I got it, I got it.She want's her daddy.- Do you wanna meet grandpa? You're kidding? She's one of us now, let me see that little potsticker! Eey, you're a cutie, aren't you! We're from different worlds.Yet we somehow fit together.Love is what's binds us.Through fair, or stormy weather.I stand before you now with only one agenda To let you know my heart is yours.Feldman, Brenda I mean seriously! Look, so far, he hasn't beaten me at basketball.Get that! Will you step out of my kitchen! Could you just do me a favour and just grab How's the weather down there? But, when the day comes that he does win, if, you know, if when he beats me. I'm just gonna be like, well done! Well done! Just let him, just support him.In that kind of stuff.I'm probably just wanna go like,。

















笔者就曾看到美剧中出现过类似“my bestest girl”“most perfect”等一系列对于传统英语语法来讲离经叛道的表达。





看美剧学口语之摩登家庭第一季笔记地道口语Modern Family第一季笔记超级有用的地道的英语口语大全含解释1 Just a sec. =just a second.2 yell at sb3 That's not gonna happen. gonna= going to4 衣服:outfit5 亲昵词语:honey sweetheart sweetie6 it is way too short .Way:副词,表程度,远远地,大大地Way too 很常用Eg:Steve Jobs was way smarter than Bill Gates.7 banister :栏杆8 baby oil :婴儿润肤油9 on bedside tab : 床头Bedside:床边tab10 come on :A,表示请求、鼓励、劝说等如:Come on, Lucy, come on. Don’t be so shy.2. 用来催促别人快走(做),意为:快点。

如:Come on, it’s getting dark.3. 表示责备或不耐烦等,如:Come on, don’t sit there dreaming.4. 用于挑战或激怒对方,如:Come on! I’m not afraid of you. 来吧,我不会怕你的。

5. 用于体育竞赛等场合鼓励队员,意为:加油。

如:"Come on! Come on!" shouted the audience again and again. You gotta take that kidout.11 naked :12 job:A,i’ve done my job 完成任务13 vamos :西语加油14 penalty: 罚款,罚金;处罚15 0发音为ou16 take it down a notch : Notch:刻痕Take it up a notch17 murder18 damn it : 该死19 adorable :20 precious:可爱的人21 thrilled : 非常兴奋的;极为激动的?22 snack23 initially24 lesbian friends:lesbian:adj and n25 surrogate mother :代孕母亲26 认为:A,figure27 mean28 ’em=them的缩写29 vietnam30 fawn over sb :奉承31 cream puff:泡芙娘娘腔32 orphanage33 shame on you为你感到耻辱34 small-minded,ignorant35 she’s got sthShe’s=she has got过去分词比gotten常用36 headset:耳机37 兄弟:A buddy:用于男子间,好朋友Playa:花花公子38:keep doing sth39 specialist:专科医师40 have sb over把某人请到家里来?Invite sb over41 easy:放松冷静42 might as well:倒不如43 embarrass44 等等:A hang on a second45 I’m bound to be surprised ?Be bound to do sth :必然46 camcorder:便携式摄像机47 脏话WTF =what the fuck 他妈的Eg:what the fuck are you doing??Little bitchWhat the hell is that supposed to mean48 mean to do sth :故意49 that’s it ? 就是这样吗?50 we are serious about it我们是认真的51 liar :撒谎!52 gotta=have to53 quit:quit sth or quit doing sth54 blowup55 天啊Geez56 passionate :多情的,狂热的57 barely58 wide:adv,很大地She’s still wide awake59 awake60 be supposed to do 应该61,Maternal,primal,reassuring,gay62 what’s up ? I don’t blame you63 I’m so relieved64吓:scare65 there you go :。

摩登家庭 -第3季第4集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

摩登家庭  -第3季第4集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

So then what happened? 那后来呢Well she didn't show up to school the next day. 第二天她没来学校And I heard that she slept over at his dorm. 我听说她是在他宿舍过的夜No way. 不是吧Seriously, are you surprised? 说真的你居然会觉得惊讶Do you not know Carley? 你还不认识卡莉吗Have you not seen what she wears at school? 没看她在学校都穿些什么Girls, let's cool it on the gossip, okay? 姑娘们别八卦了行吗It's not right. 背后说人闲话不好And Carley's got enough problems. 再说卡莉麻烦已经够多了What do you mean? 什么意思Well, her mom can't get through soccer practice 她妈妈当年足球训练without a thermos of chardonnay, 必须靠酒才能挺过去And don't get me started on the dad. That guy is-- 更别提他爸爸了那家伙实在- Oh, my god! - Oh, my god! -老天啊 -天啊- Mom! - Oh! This is such a dangerous intersection! -妈 -这十字路口太危险了Did I get lipstick on my face? 我脸上有口红印吗No, you're fine. And consider yourself lucky 没有美着呢庆幸吧you didn't just get, like, felt up by your mom. 你刚才至少没被妈妈袭胸They need to get a stop sign. 这里应该立个停车标志What is your obsession with traffic? 你怎么老纠结于交通问题It's an obsession with safety. 是纠结于安全问题One of these days, joe speeder's gonna come tearing through here, 早晚有一天那些飙车族冲出来and somebody's gonna--aah! Aah! 总有人会被天啊I'm okay. 我没事- Oh, my god! I'm okay. - Oh, hey, guys. -我的天啊 -我没事是你们啊- Phil? - Yeah. No, I'm good. Gotta keep moving. -菲尔 -我没事我得接着走了Keep the heart rate up. 维持高心率运动Oh. Okay. 好吧How's my face? 我脸怎么样Still good. 风姿依旧Okay. Good. 那就好Gloria, how many times do I have to tell you 歌洛莉亚跟你说了好多遍了to pull your car all the way in? 车身要全部停进来The gate was open all night. 院门又开了一整晚We live in a nice neighborhood. 我们住在五好社区What are you afraid of? That some money's gonna fly in 还怕什么害怕"落钱缤纷"and then your gardener is gonna have to rake it up? 园丁要忙于挥耙清理吗Jay, I'm going to need you to cut me a check. 杰帮我开张支票What now? 又怎么了Drama club trip. "Les miserables." 戏剧社活动去看《悲惨世界》We're selling wrapping paper to raise money for the tickets. 票钱要靠自己推销包装纸来募集No. No. Wait. Wait. Slow down. What's the story exactly? 等等慢慢说是怎么个事儿Well, Jean Valjean spent 19 years in prison 冉阿让因为偷了一条面包for stealing a loaf of bread. 在监狱里被关了19年The wrapping paper. 我是问包装纸19 years for a loaf of bread? 被关19年就为吃条面包How good was this bread? 什么面包这么好吃It wasn't about the bread. It was about the society-- 跟面包无关故事旨在揭露这个社会Focus, people. 别跑题各位Manny, we will buy all your wrapping paper. 曼尼我们会买下你全部的包装纸No. No, we won't. No, he's got to learn to sell. 不这样不行他得学着自己卖This is the best business training there is, 这是锻炼营销技巧的绝好机会hell, the best life training. 更是一次绝佳的人生历练Manny, write this down-- 曼尼把这话记下来"A good salesman goes after Moby Dick in a rowboat "优秀推销员一名驾驭划艇猎白鲸"A good salesman goes after Moby Dick in a rowboat [原意为"保持乐观精神"]and brings the tartar sauce with him." 塔塔美酱随身行"Jay is always telling me to "Write this down." 杰老是让我随听随记I don't always catch everything he says. 但有时候他说的话我理解无能"Something, something, firm handshake." "什么什么紧握双手""Never take the first room they show you." "看房莫止第一屋"Not sure who "They" Is. 也不知道看谁的房And this one just says "Pancakes." 还有这句就两个字"煎饼"Cam, what's this scribble on the "Vanity fair" 小卡《名利场》封面上什么领养机构的涂鸦about an adoption agency? 是怎么回事Oh, um, yeah, they called to say 对了他们打电话来说they wanted to reschedule our home visit. 家访时间有变When? Why didn't you tell me? 什么时候你怎么没告诉我Th-this is kind of important. 这么重要的事Well, when does it say? 上面写的是什么时候Uh, well, who knows? 谁知道It disappears into jennifer aniston's hair. 到詹妮弗·安妮斯顿头发那儿就看不清了You gotta get a better system. 你以后要换个方法记事There is nothing wrong with my system. 烂笔头不如好记性Ask me anything about any upcoming event. 随便问我什么日程安排I can tell you when and where it is. 我马上能告诉你时间地点When is the adoption agency visit? 收养机构家访是什么时间Okay. Is that a "5" or a curl? 好的这是个"5"还是一撮卷发Oh, I hope Jen's finally found love. 我希望詹妮弗最后能找到真爱What happened here? 这儿发生什么了Well, Lily and I woke up in a French mood, 一大早起床时莉莉和我心系法式风情so we decided to whip up some crepes. 所以我们决定自制些法国薄饼When are you gonna be in the mood to wipe up some crepes?你什么时候才有心情打扫这些薄饼呢Oh, I know, it's a little messy, but... 我知道这里有点乱但是- you know what? I'm gonna clean it up. - Okay. -我会打扫干净的 -好的- I'll clean it up. - Will you? -我会打扫的 -你会吗- Just say what's on your mind. - You never clean up. -心里有话不妨直说 -你不会打扫的Save the gasp. 气结也没用Cam, whenever you get creative in the kitchen, 小卡每次你在厨房研究新菜式I'm the one who ends up cleaning it up, okay? 总是我来收拾残局The homemade pizza, fondue, molecular gastronomy. 自制披萨芝士火锅分子烹饪诸如此类I'm still cleaning shrimp foam out of the curtains. 到现在窗帘上的虾沫尚未清理干净Okay, you know, Mitchell? Just go to work, okay? 行了米奇尔你放心去上班吧I'm gonna take Lily to school, and then when I get home, 我来送莉莉上学等我回家的时候I'm gonna scrub this place like a crime scene, 我就清理"饭醉现场" 不留蛛丝马迹which it is, because you've murdered joy. 也的确是犯罪现场因为你扼杀了我的乐趣Hey, buddy. What's up? 伙计干吗呢Hey, dad. Think fast. 老爸接招Oh, my god! 我的天啊- Oh, my god! - Oh, my god! -好神奇 -太神奇了If we had that on tape, 如果我们把这个录下来了it'd be the greatest youtube video ever! 它肯定会是Youtube史上最佳视频We'd get, like, a million hits. This is our double rainbow! 会有一百万点击率直逼《惊现双彩虹》We'd get, like, a million hits. This is our double rainbow! [惊现双彩虹:Youtube超人气视频] We need to do it again. 我们得再来一遍Oh, I would, buddy, but, uh, 我也想伙计但是Your mom's all over me to change a bunch of lightbulbs. 你妈妈有好多灯泡要我换呢How many moms does it take to screw on a lightbulb? 拧一个灯泡需要几个妈妈How many moms does it take to screw on a lightbulb? [经典笑话拧一个灯泡需要几个人]I don't know. 不知道None, 'cause they get you to do it, sucker. 一个都不用因为她会指使你去干废柴I laughed, but... 我强颜欢笑但是It hurt a little. 内心在滴血We're home! 我们回来啦- Us, too. - Oh, great. You're all here. -我们也回来啦 -太好了人齐了What's up, girl? 怎么了妹子Oh. You know that really dangerous intersection? 知道什么是危险十字路吗Where desire meets jealousy, and the result is murder? 是说欲恨纠缠杀意萌生吗Mnh-mnh. The one where I almost killed you this morning.是说今早我差点撞死你的那个十字路Oh, yeah. Sorry. That was my bad. I got lost in my jams. 对不起是我的错我音乐听得太入神了Dangerous combo-- speed walking and speedwagon. 危险组合啊竞走+摇滚Oh. I wasn't even trying for that. 我当时完全是无意创造出来的Nice. 好赞Well, I am getting us a stop sign. 我要为咱们申请一个停车标志I called City Hall, and how is this for amazing? 我打给市政厅了真是赶得早不如赶得巧The Traffic Committee meets tonight. 交通委员会今晚例会I've got goosebumps. 我内心十分激动I know, right? All I have to do is get 50 signatures, 可不是嘛现在只要征集50个签名show up, make my case. 走个过场事就成了- It's on. - I am so proud of you. -好戏开始了 -我真为你骄傲We all are. Mm. 都为你骄傲We love when mom gets on a project. 妈妈有事做的日子真美好Because usually the minute any of us walks in the door, 因为在平时只要我们一进家门she gives us something to do. 她就会给我们安排事情做"Do your homework. Clean your room." "做作业扫房间""Put on pants." "穿裤子"Like the Queen's coming over. Am I right? 又不是觐见女王那么讲究干嘛So when she's not around or gets busy, 一旦她不在家或者忙得顾不得我们Luke and I capitalize on the situation. 我和卢克就会抓紧时间狂欢一把There you are, my good man. 给你老兄Squire, let's do it. 小卢子开始行动吧Get you some! 尽情吃吧Well, I think it's awesome. 这计划真好I am so glad because I could really use your help 太好了我正需要你们帮忙getting these signatures. 征集签名I'll do it, 我来吧soon as I change those lightbulbs you wanted. 给你换完灯泡后就动手Great. Kids? 很好你们呢Crud. You know, I've got a ton of homework. 真不巧今天作业都堆成山了- Uh, science project. - Haley? -我有科学小项目 -海莉呢I need to get started on my college essay. 我得准备大学入学申请论文You know what? Maybe I'll write it about you. 其实我觉得可以写写你You're just so inspirational. 你的事迹如此鼓舞人心Girl power! You rock. 女中豪杰你太有才了Thanks, honey. 谢谢亲爱的I do rock. 我是很有才Stella, down. 斯黛拉下去Stella, no. This is very dangerous. 斯黛拉别跳了很危险Okay, Estella. That's it. 埃斯特拉够了Come here, because Jay is gonna be very mad 过来你要是有个三长两短if something happens to you. 杰会气疯的Go play with the bone. See you later. 玩你的骨头去吧回见Now I can cook my empanadas. 终于能专心做肉馅卷饼了The gate. 门没关Ay, no! 不要啊Ay, no! The gate! The gate! 不要啊忘了关门了Estella, come back! 回来啊斯黛拉Hey there, Mr. Salesman. 怎么样啊销售员同志Can we not talk about business? 我们不谈生意行吗That bad, huh? 这么糟糕吗I gave it everything I got-- 我已经尽全力了Working the dimples, going big eyes. 卖萌卖笑都试了It got me two things-- diddly and squat. 结果呢遭的全是白眼How many houses you hit? 你去了多少户人家I don't know. 不知道Must've been at least three. 最少也有三家Three? And that's your idea of the best you got? 就三家也叫尽全力了It was very hard on me. 这对我来说太难了I'm not used to rejection... or hills. 爬山我身累被拒我心累Look, you can't quit after three houses. 你不能就试了三家就放弃That's-- that's not perseverance. 半途而废可不对What are you selling? 你卖的是什么东西- Wrapping paper. - Wrong. -包装纸 -错You're selling Christmas-- 你的卖点是圣诞节the excitement of opening presents, 你卖的是打开礼物的那种喜悦the taste of eggnog. 蛋奶酒的醇香I do love eggnog. 我喜欢蛋奶酒Look, write this down-- 把这话记下来"What's the difference between 'try' and 'triumph'?" 成功和尝试的区别在哪里A little oomph? 就差中间使得那把劲A little oomph. Get it? 就差中间使得那把劲明白了吗Of course I get it. I just said it. 我自己说的我当然明白Hey! I'm gonna kill you when I find you, silly dog! 笨狗找到你老娘就把你炖了Why don't you come back? Stella! 快回来吧斯黛拉I have a theory. 我有个想法Ay, Cam, thank you for helping me. 真谢谢你过来帮我小卡Oh, it's my pleasure. Stella! 乐意之至斯黛拉Stella! 斯黛拉Oh, my god. 我的神啊What? Do you see her? 怎么了你看见她了吗No. But I see myself in the role I was born to play. 没有但我发现这个角色简直是为我量身订造Stella! 斯黛拉Stella! 斯黛拉Hello? Oh, Mitchell, you are not gonna believe this. 喂米奇尔你猜怎么着I'm out helping Gloria look for her dog. 我正在外面帮歌洛莉亚找她的狗I'm wearing an undershirt and I'm screaming "Stella," 我就只穿着件内衣然后大喊斯黛拉Just like in "Streetcar." 就和《欲望号街车》里的场景一模一样- Hello? - You didn't clean the kitchen. -你在听吗 -你没清理厨房Mitchell, I am an inadvertent Stanley Kowalski. 米奇尔我现在斯坦利·科沃斯基附体Mitchell, I am an inadvertent Stanley Kowalski. [欲望号街车》男主角放荡不羁]How can you not be delighted by this? 你怎么都不替我高兴You promised. 你答应过的I was called away for an emergency. 我接到紧急呼救Gloria's lost her dog, and she's heartbroken. 歌洛莉亚的狗丢了她心碎欲死Where are you, dumb dog? 笨狗你死哪去了I hope in a big, black hole. 最好掉进洞里坑死你I cannot believe That you did this to me yet again. Oh. 真不敢相信你又干这种事I didn't do anything. 我什么都没干I cooked a meal in our kitchen. 我就在厨房做了个饭And then you left on purpose, knowing that 然后你就故意甩手不管I would not be able to sit here without cleaning it up. 知道我怕脏乱会替你收拾Life is messy sometimes. Big deal. 生活本就乱如麻多大的事啊It gets cleaned up. 总有雾散云开的时候You're the one with a problem if you can't leave 几个脏盘子放一放又有什么a few dirty dishes for a couple hours. 忍不了是你自己的问题O-okay, fine. C-cam, I'm not cleaning it up. 行小卡我不清理Great. 太好了I mean it. 我说到做到Perfect. You know what? 太好了要不这样Why don't you make it bigger? 你干脆弄得更乱一点You know what? I will. 没问题我会的I-I... Okay, you know, get--get ready, 行给我听好了你就等着吧Because you are gonna come home to--to a giant mess. 等你回家时这里就会变得脏乱差And I will give him a giant hug when I get there. 再脏再乱再差我也欣然接受Stella! 斯黛拉Hey, dad. Think fast. 老爸接招Oh. Wow. Buddy. 哎呦伙计I'm sorry. I told you, I gotta change the lightbulbs 我不能陪你玩我说过了要去换灯泡and then help your mom with those signatures. 然后还得帮你妈去弄那些签名Never mind. 没关系I guess it was a stupid idea anyways. 反正这主意也不灵光I've always said that if my son thinks of me 我一贯坚持只要孩子把我as one of his idiot friends, then I've succeeded as a dad. 和他的狐朋狗友等同视之我这当爹的就成功了If he wants to go the wrong way on the escalator, I'm on board. 要是他想在电梯上逆着跑我会跟他一起疯If he wants to go into a restaurant 要是他想跑到餐馆里and pretend we're Australian. 假扮自己是澳大利亚人"G'day mate!" "你好"[澳大利亚口音]"Toss a few shrimp on the barbie for me and my Joey.""给我和我家崽来点儿烤大虾"[澳大利亚口音]Yeah? Right? Nicole Kidman? 对味吧妮可·基德曼[澳洲名演员]Men at Work? 群星乐队[澳洲著名乐队]Here we go. Take 12. 第十二条准备开拍Hey, buddy! I'm home! 老弟我回来了Hey, dad. Think fast. 老爸接招Wow. You know, my arm's starting to hurt a little. 我的手都酸疼了Really? Cause my face feels great. 是吗我还没说头疼呢Come on, dad. Let's not turn on each other. 得了老爸咱别相互过不去We could be here a while. 还有很长的路要走Yeah. Okay. You're right. Here we go. 是啊好吧你说得对接着试Take 9. 第九条You're not even trying. 你怎么心不在焉的Daddy, I'm hungry. 爸爸我饿了What do you want, honey? 宝贝你想吃什么Raisins. 葡萄干All right well, go get 'em. 好啊自己去拿吧It's too high, daddy. 爸爸太高了I can't reach. 我够不着For the record, I am not a neat freak. 声明一下我这人没洁癖I-in fact, in my first long-term relationship, 其实在我第一次谈恋爱时I was the messy one, which is why she broke up with me. 我才是邋遢的那个所以被妹子甩了- No, thanks. - Okay. -不必了谢谢 -好吧Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Let me show you how it's done. 别急别急让你瞧瞧我是怎么搞定的Hi. Uh, Jay Pritchett here. 你好我是杰·普里契特Holidays are just around the corner. 节日的气氛越来越浓I'm sorry. I don't believe in wrapping paper. 不好意思我不信包装纸这套What do you mean you don't believe in wrapping paper? 啥叫不信包装纸啊It's not bigfoot. It exists. 又不是大脚怪传说是实用品啊It's not eco-friendly. It's wasteful. 这不环保很浪费No, not this stuff. 不不我卖的可不是This paper was made from 100% recycled materials. 这是百分之百再生纸I don't think so. 别忽悠了I can't understand what you're saying. 我听不懂你在说什么She's an ugly little fresh bulldog 她是条又丑又小的斗牛犬with the tiny ears and the smushy face. 长着小耳朵和苦逼脸What is so hard to understand? 这有啥听不懂的Maybe I should translate. 可能我得翻译一下I really don't like people coming to my door unannounced 我很不喜欢别人在我做雕刻的时候While I'm working on my carving. 不请自来I understand, but a stop sign is really important. 我明白但是停车标志真的很重要What exactly are you carving? 您在忙着雕什么呢Hello, ma'am. Do you love Christmas? 你好夫人你喜欢圣诞节吗Actually, I'm jewish. 其实我是犹太人Oh, well, then you must appreciate a good value. 这么说你肯定很爱捡便宜Oh, jeez. 苍天啊If you see her, let us know. 如果你看到她了告诉我们一声Oh, my god. No, no. No, no. 天哪不不Are you kidding? Seriously?! 开什么玩笑有没搞错See? You're not keeping your head in the right position. 瞧你的脑袋没保持在正确的位置I know that's me, but I'm not remembering any of this. 能认出视频里是我但当时的场景我已经记不得了Oh. Those stupid neighbors! 这群笨蛋邻居- What's wrong? - I can't ask for a simple signature. -怎么了 -我要个签名都不行But it's fine for them to build a house 但他们把房子建得that looks like the Beverly hillbillies just moved in. 就像比弗利富豪就可以Did you do any better? 你们进展如何We came close a few times, 有几次差点儿成功了But you're not talking about the basketball, are you? 不过你说的不是篮球这档子事对吧Phil, tell me you got some signatures. 菲尔拜托告诉我你拿到了些签名I have to be at city hall in, like, two hours. 还有两个小时我就要去市政厅了Oh, god. Haley, how about you? 老天啊海莉你那边怎样I've been busy with my college essay. 我正忙着写高校入学申请论文呢Really? Where is it? 真的吗在哪儿呢It's in a rough, rough draft right now. 目前只有草稿尚未成型I've been thinking that maybe that I should-- 我在想也许我该写Alex has been skyping with her boyfriend since you left. 你出门这会艾丽克斯一直在男友网聊That's so not true! 才不是呢Thank you. 谢谢你Really, thank all of you so much for your help. 真的非常感谢各位的帮助Really? 不是吧你Sometimes those things need to warm up, like the car. 有时候灯泡像车一样也需要预热一下Phil, don't even. I have been out there, 菲尔别鬼扯了我今天一直在外奔波trying to do something good for our community, 为社区邻里谋福利because let me tell you, change doesn't just happen. 因为改革不会自己发生It is forged by empowered women like me 改革是要靠女权人士来推动的And Norma Rae and the lady from "The Blind Side." 比如我诺玛·蕾还有《弱点》的那位女士And Norma Rae and the lady from "The Blind Side." [弱点:双关影片名橄榄球术语也指对家人支持保护]Do you know what the difference is between me and her? 知道我和她有什么不同吗Blind side's family had her back. 那位"弱点妈妈"有家人的支持Okay. 好吧Huddle up, everybody. 大伙都过来Your mother's right. 你妈妈说的对She's the quarterback of this family, 家庭似球队母如四分卫And we need to protect her like blind side did. 我们要像"弱点"一样守护她She just said the mom was blind side. 她刚说"弱点"是那个妈妈Well, she's confused. 她那是气糊涂了Blind side was the black kid who played tight end."弱点"指的是打右边锋的黑人小孩[其实是左边锋]Offense line. 防守球员准备Sorry. African-american kid. 抱歉我的小黑孩儿们There she is. 她在那边Ay! Stella! 嘿斯黛拉Ay, thank god you found my dog. Thank you. 谢天谢地狗被你找到了多谢你This is my dog. Her name's pinky. 这是我的狗她叫小粉No, it's not. Her name is stella. 不不对她叫斯黛拉It says right here on the tag. Look. 狗牌上写的清清楚楚看Uh, uh, uh, excuse me. Hi, sweetie. What's your name? 等下抱歉亲爱的你叫什么名字Blanche. 布兰奇[欲望号街车女主角的名字]Shut up. Mitchell would die. 太巧了吧米奇尔上边去Listen, we don't know you. 听着我们不认识你You seem like a very sweet little girl, 但我们觉得小姑娘很乖很听话And right now we're forced to-- 我们没得选择只有I can't believe I'm saying this to you-- 终于说到这句了我好开心rely on the kindness of strangers. 要依赖陌生人的善心[欲望号街车著名对白]I'll sell her to you for $200. 两百块卖给你们That's it. Give me my dog. 够了把狗还给我Oh, really? The little girl thinks because she can scream, 来真的吗小姑娘当真以为she can get away with everything? I can scream, too. 会尖叫就可以不讲理吗尖叫我也会What the hell sound is that? 这是什么鸟声音Coyotes must've got a cat. 估计猫被郊狼逮住了Jay, can we stop now? I'm getting hungry. 杰我们能停了吗我饿了You know what the problem is? You're not hungry. 知道吗问题不在于你饿I had a carrot at 3:00. 我只在三点啃过一根胡萝卜What if you couldn't feed your family 如果你下笔再卖不出去Unless you made this next sale? 全家都要饿肚子怎么办What if you were gonna lose your house? 再卖不出去房子就要被收怎么办I know I was pushing the kid hard, but here's the thing-- 我知道这么教孩子有点太严但是I'm an older dad. I'm not gonna be around forever. 我是老来得子在他身边的日子没那么多了And I'll sleep better knowing he's got something to fall back on. 要确保他有门吃饭的手艺我才能睡个安稳觉Come on! Let's hit another one. 快我们再走一家- I can't do it. - What? -我做不到 -什么- I don't have what it takes. - What kind of talk is that? -我没这本事 -这叫什么话It's the truth, Jay. 这是事实杰I'm not a great salesman. I'm not a great businessman. 我不是推销员的料更不是商人的料I'm not you. 我跟你不一样Do you know what it's like to see all the amazing things 看到你成绩卓越却知道自己永远无法企及You've accomplished, knowing I never will? 这种感觉你懂不懂How am I supposed to live up to you? 我怎么才能与你比肩How is anyone? 谁能做出你的成就Ah, so the fish weren't biting today. 看来鱼今天都不上钩So what? That's life. 那又怎么样人生不如意者八九You tried hard, and that's what matters. 重点在于是否为此努力Yeah. 没错You know, I-I actually need some wrapping paper. 听着其实我需要一些包装纸You know where I can find some? 知道从哪能买到吗- You don't have to do that. - I want to do it. -你不用帮我的 -我真心想帮你You'll never go broke playing to a rich guy's ego--- 拍富人马屁定一本万利Write that down. 把这话记下来Thanks so much, you guys. 非常感谢大伙Maybe you should make a wish. 先许个愿吧Uh, hi. Oh, I'm sorry. 打扰一下Um, I'm here for the Traffic Committee meeting? 我是来参加交通委员会会议的The meeting's been adjourned. 已经休会了- Yeah. Um... - It's my birthday. -是吗 -我正开生日会呢I'm sorry. Happy birthday. 我很抱歉祝你生日快乐Uh, just--someone sent me to the wrong room, 有人把我带到错误的房间去了and you guys don't meet again for months, 你们下次开会又得等好几个月and this is pretty much a matter of life and death, so... 而这事可是生死攸关迫在眉睫Uh, yeah, it's fine. 好吧随便你Uh, just-- if you could make it quick. 只要你能尽快说完We--it's an ice cream cake. 这可是冰激凌蛋糕- Okay. - A-actually, it's not. -没问题 -其实这不是冰激凌的- What? - No. -什么 -不是冰激凌Really? Oh, then we-- we're not in a rush, I guess. 真的吗那我们就没什么可急的了At all. No rush. Go ahead. 完全不用急慢慢来说吧Great. My name is claire dunphy, 太好了我叫克莱尔·邓菲and my family and I live near 我家就住在离那个危险十字路- that intersection of -- - Why not? Why not? -不远的地方 -为啥不买冰激凌的The freezer was broken, and we couldn't keep it here. 冰箱坏了没法保存冰激凌蛋糕See? This is why I ask you to think ahead, okay? 你看我就跟你说过提前做好准备Do you have your 50 signatures? 你征集到50个签名了吗Uh, almost. I have 34, but I-- 差不多了我征集了34个可是Oh. That's the same thing. 多点少点差不多Wow. I'm confused. 可把我说糊涂了- It's not the same thing. - No. -其实是差得多 -绝对No. 34 is not the same thing as 50, 34和50差得多了just like a cake is not the same thing 普通蛋糕和冰激凌蛋糕- as an ice cream cake. -Right. -也相差很多 -好吧- I get that. Sir, I'm trying to save lives here, - Mom -您的意思我懂但这可是生死攸关的大事-妈妈- and I can get you the rest of the signatures. - Mom. Mom. Mom. -我征集够签名再来 -妈妈- Mom! -Oh, my god. What are you doing here? Girls. -妈 -姑娘们你们来这干什么We--we went door to door and we got you 20 more signatures. 我们挨家挨户地敲门又凑齐了20个签名That is so sweet of you. 你们真是太贴心了Well, you were freaking out at us, so... 你把我们吓得不轻所以Okay, you know, let's not ruin it. 行了打住别破坏气氛All right, 54 signatures. 给你 54个签名So what do you say? 怎么样Let's start saving lives one intersection at a time. 拯救生命从十字路口做起Okay, thank you very much. 非常感谢你We will, uh, take these under advisement. 我们会好好研究这事just leave 'em here, and thank you-- 签名留在这里再次感谢Wait a minute. I know what that means. 等一下我可知道"研究"什么意思Oh, here we go. 这下惨了That's Washington-speak for "Get lost." 这是"滚吧"的官方说法Well, um, wow, Phil. 那个菲尔what are you doing here? 你来干嘛I'm your husband. 我是你老公I'm blindsiding you. 我在守护你的弱点Your honor, permission to approach. 法官大人请允许我发言- Not a judge. -I'll allow it. -他不是法官 -准了说吧I'll get straight to the point because this is important, 我就开门见山了因为事关重大and that appears to be an ice cream cake. 冰激凌蛋糕又耽搁不得Well, it's not! 这不是冰激凌的Okay. I present to you 好吧我向你们呈上"Stop in the name of life." 《停车吧以生命的名义》Kick it. 开始播放Clive Bixby. 克里夫·比克斯比Can I meet you at Harry's bar in two minutes? 两分钟后在哈里酒吧见好吗Baby, I can do anything in two minutes. 亲爱的两分钟内我什么都能办到I'll just speed through 我就要加速通过the intersection of Greenleaf and Bristol. 绿叶街和布雷斯托街之间的十字路口了It's easy 'cause there's no stop sign. 反正没有停车标志超速无下限I love being a kid. 做小孩很快乐I have my whole life ahead of me. 青春年少书写大好前程No! 不要啊No! 不要啊No! 不要啊No! [停止疯狂超速行为]Okay. Well... 够了这个Powerful. 太有说服力了And unconventional, but I believe it makes our point, 虽然有点前卫但也证明了我们的观点so what do you say? 你们意下如何Well, the kid was all right. I didn't care for you so much. 这孩子没事嘛我倒不太关心大人的情况But if I were to give a stop sign 可要是我随便就答应to everybody who wanted a stop sign... mm-hmm. 任何人想设立就设立那么...This city would grind to a halt. 城市将会拥堵不堪- I understand, sir, but-- - Thank you, ma'am. -我明白可是 -谢谢配合女士- Thank you. Thank you. -Allow me. Allow me. -谢谢配合 -听我说几句Ladies and gentlemen, 女士们先生们I've lived with this woman for 20 years. 我和这女士共同生活了20年If she wants a stop sign... 她想要什么There's gonna be a stop sign. 就一定得得到Mm-hmm. He's right. 没错他说的对- Listen to the man. -Yeah. -句句真言 -是的Still--no good? 还是不咋地No bueno? 不好吗I'm home! 我回来了Oh, hey. Did you find Stella? 你回来啦找到斯黛拉了吗Safe and sound. Mm. 完狗归杰I did it! I left the mess. Aren't you proud of me? 我做到了我没整理是不是为我感到骄傲I sure am. Good for you! 当然啦你做的太棒了You know, it wasn't easy at first, 知道吗刚开始挺艰难的But I just-- I took Lily to the park, 可后来我带莉莉去了公园and I completely put it out of my mind. 把这事完全忘了And I think I really cleared a hurdle today. 今天我真的克服这道难关了Oh, that's great. I'm super proud of you, 太好了你太令我骄傲了And you're--and you're not even tempted to clean it up now?而现在你也没有任何想打扫的意愿吗- No! -That's great. -没有 -这下好了No, not now that you're home. 没有正好你回来了嘛So guess I'd better get started. 看来我得开始打扫了Yeah. 是的。

摩登家庭 -第2季第10集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

摩登家庭  -第2季第10集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

Okay. I'll -- I'll get that. 得您待着我-我来接Hello? 喂Hey, Manny's getting his outfit together 喂曼尼正在准备for the dance tonight. 他今晚舞会的行头I was just taking some supplies out to the car. 我正在把舞会用品往车上装呢Isn't this exciting -- the boys' first dance? 太激动了小伙子们的第一次舞会耶Greatest day of my life. 简直是我人生中最美好的一天Does Phil have a green pocket square for him? 话说菲尔有绿色的装饰方巾不Teal! 青色Teal. 好吧青色的I don't know. I don't think Phil's 我不知道不过我不觉得菲尔是个really a pocket-square kind of a guy. 会往西服口袋里搞什么装饰方巾的人哎Why don't we conference in Mitch? 咱还是问问米奇吧Ay! Look. This might work. 看介个玩意儿行不Well, except that it's turquoise... 这是蓝绿色的诶...oh, and a bra?! 还是个胸罩Do you think the kids in my village had pocket squares?你觉得俺们村儿里的孩子会戴装饰方巾吗Here we go with the village. 又扯什么你们村儿- Dad, are you still there? - Unfortunately, yes. -爸还在听不 -很不幸我还在Please ask Claire what time 帮我问下克莱尔do I need to be at the school to help set up. 我该几点去学校帮忙啊Gloria wants to know -- 歌洛莉亚想问--No, I heard. I heard. 不用重复我听着了听着了Um, tell her thank you so much, 告诉她很感谢她这么热心but we have all the help we could possibly need, 但我们的人手已经足够了and she doesn't even have to come tonight 其实如果她不想来的话- if she doesn't want to. - Claire said -- -她压根儿都不用出现 -克莱尔说I heard. 我听见了Hello? 喂Oh, hey, Mitch! 喂米奇- Where are you? - Oh, we're at the park. -你在哪儿 -我们在公园呢You would not believe 你肯定不敢相信how some of these people dress their kids. 某些家长是怎么打扮自己孩子的Lily's friend just pulled a Britney Spears 莉莉的小伙伴刚刚从沙坑玩具车里getting out of a sandbox car. 拽出一个迷你版布兰妮So, dad's on the line. 老爸也在听着呢Do you he a teal pocket square for Manny? 你那儿有没有青色的装饰方巾啊曼尼要用Cam, Manny needs a teal pocket square. 小卡曼尼想问你借青色的装饰方巾Oh, I've got teal, I've got aqua, i've got sea foam... 我有青色的水蓝色的浅蓝色的- Yeah, Cam's got one. - Cam's got one. -小卡啥都有 -小卡有Yes! 太棒了Oh, you know what? I lent it to Andre. 我想起来了我借给安德瑞了Ah. He lent it to Andre. 不过他借给安德瑞了Flag on the play. 情况有变What's that mean? 你说啥What's that mean?! 啥意思Now I got to go to the mall. 看来我得去趟商场了Is this okay? 这身怎么样Oh, hey! Luke has to go to the mall, too. 太巧了卢克也要去商场耶What? 为啥Phil. 菲尔Let's go, Incredible Hulk. 咱走吧绿巨人Let's go, Incredible Hulk. ■更多影视更新请登陆 本字幕由 YYeTs人人影视原创翻译制作更多影视更新请登陆 ■更多影视更新请登陆 翻译:PettyYang marktaotao crossfirezf Mao-有利小含含更多影视更新请登陆 ■更多影视更新请登陆 时间轴:向日葵的星校对:小蛮腰更多影视更新请登陆 ■更多影视更新请登陆 后期:瓜瓜总监:小蛮腰Uh, is that ur little girl over there -- Lily? 那个叫莉莉小姑娘是你家的不- Yes. Look at her. - Yes. -是啊看她多可爱 -是啊Uh, well, this is a little bit awkward, 这事说起来有点尴尬but she bit Tyler. 不过她刚刚咬了我家泰勒Oh, no. 不是吧Oh, my goodness. 我的老天爷I -- I don't even know what to say. 我真不知道该说什么好She's never done anything like that before. 她从没这么干过How did it happen? 到底怎么回事I don't know. I didn't see. 我也不知道我没看见It's time to play everyone's favorite game. 大家都爱来这套"Let's blame the gay dads"! "都怪基佬爸爸"You know who had straight parents? 你知道异性恋都生出什么货色吗Adolf Hitler. 希特勒Charles Manson. 杀人狂曼森- Shall we go on? - Naomi Campbell. -咱还继续不 -爱打人的超模娜奥米I-I know it happened. 但我知道肯定有这么回事He's got bite marks on his arm. 他胳膊上还有牙印呢Oh, gosh, someone really sunk their teeth into you, huh? 老天还真有人咬你了哈It's 'cause you're such a yummy little guy! 你真是个可口的小家伙Yes! 是啊Our daughter didn't do that. 才不是我家闺女干的呢- But he said -- - Right. -但是他说 -好吧He's probably just confused. 没准儿是他搞错了You know who I bet did it, though? 你猜我认为是谁干的Billy. Rhymes with Lily. 是比利念起来和莉莉差不多Plus, he is very aggressive. 而且他可好斗了His babysitter's right over there. 他家保姆就在那儿呢She's -- she's not much of a disciplinarian. 她她不太会管孩子Because I can assure you, 我可以跟你保证if our child did something like this, 要是我家闺女咬人了if our child did something like this, 亚洲人爱吃大米大米是白色的白色与大米指不分彼此此处指黏着莉莉we would be on her like white on rice. 我们肯定会寸步不离地看着她And I know that sounds a little bit like a racial slur, 我知道这听起来貌似有点种族歧视because we're white and she presumably likes rice, 因为我们是白人而她八成爱吃米饭but I didn't intend it that way. 不过我真不是故意说成这样的Ah. Finally. There's a spot. 终于有车位了Guys, I am just bursting with pride right now. 小伙子们我现在好为你们骄傲Your first dance. 这可是你们第一次舞会啊Soon you're gonna be men. 很快你们也成男子汉了I want you to know there's more to be a man 你们得知道男子汉可不会than just shopping for fancy outfits. 整天想着买漂亮衣服Yep. Pretty soon, you get some hair on your chest, 没错很快你们就要长出胸毛you start answering the phone, 接电话时people don't think you're ladies. 人家也不会以为你们是女人了Come on, today, Miss Daisy. 别磨叽了戴茜小姐Actually, Miss Daisy was the one being driven, 事实上戴茜小姐是坐车的not the one driving. 不是开车的Never saw it. 没看过It's called "Driving Miss Daisy". 那片儿叫《为戴茜小姐开车》You got a real lip on you today. You know that? 我说你今天话挺多啊Hey! That was our spot! 喂那是我们的车位What are you doing? 你在干啥啊You're gonna let him snake your spot? 你就这么把车位拱手让人了啊Not worth it. 没啥大不了的Boys, here's the only thing you got to know 孩子们要想当男子汉about being a man -- 你们必须得记住never let someone take what is yours. 永远不能让别人抢走你的东西Unless it's just a parking spot 除非那只是个微不足道的小车位and there's plenty of others. 车位多的是嘛That's sweet, Phil. You ought to write that down. 好贴心哦菲尔真该把这写下来You got any lipstick in your purse? 你包里肯定还带着口红呢吧娘娘腔I love Jay. Are you kidding me? 你开玩笑吗我很爱杰的He's my boy. 他是我的哥们Yeah, he gives me a hard time, 当然他经常和我过不去but that's the deal with a father-in-law. 可这就是和岳父的相处之道The key is, 关键在于I never let him see just how much it devastates me. 我绝不向他妥协It's "Dunphy." 这念"邓菲"That's what I said -- "Dumphy." 我就这么念的 "傻菲"No, not "dumb". 不对不是"傻""Dunphy". 是"邓菲""Dumphy". "傻菲"- Say "done". - Done. -跟我念"邓" -邓- Say "fee". - Fee. -跟我念"菲" -菲- "Done-fee". - "Dumphy". -"邓菲" -"傻菲"All right, just bring it this way? 好的往这边挪点This way -- there it is. 这边就这了Perfect. Thank you. Perfect. 很好谢谢很完美Cla-a-aire? 克莱克莱尔- What? - Can you ask Gus to fix that light? -怎么了 -你能让格斯去修一下那盏灯吗I asked him, but he just growled at me. 我刚去请他帮忙他却对着我大声咆哮Oh, gosh. Okay. 噢天呐好吧Gus, stop scaring Bethenny and fix the light, please? 格斯别吓唬贝瑟妮了请你快去把灯修了吧Don't make me come over there. 别逼我I'm busy. You fix it. 我忙得很呢要修自己去修吧Is this because I said 你这样是不是就因为i wouldn't come to the dance with you? 我不肯跟你一起跳舞Gus, I'm a married woman. People would talk. 格斯我已为人妻了别人会说闲话的One dance with me, you'd forget all about him. 只要和我销魂一舞保证你忘乎所以Yeah, I already have a husband who doesn't fix lights. 好吧有一个不肯修灯的老公已经够让我受的了Please? 求你了Thank you so much. 非常感谢This school would literally fall apart without you. 你简直就是这所学校的顶梁柱Well, I don't know about "literally",but... 还说不上"顶梁柱"啦可Ihola, hola! I'm here! 大家好我来咯Oh, you came anyway. 噢你还是来了That's great. 太好了I think it's great, too. 我感觉也很好A few weeks ago, they asked for someone 几周前校方在征集to be in charge of the school dance, 愿意负责这次舞会的人and I volunteered. 我报名了The school asks for volunteers 学校这次召集志愿者so that everybody will feel included, 就是为了能让所有人参与其中but who are they kidding? 可他们在开什么国际大玩笑They want me to do it. 我才是这项工作的不二人选I've put on every school dance since Haley was 12. 自从海莉十二岁开始学校里所有的舞会都是我负责的It's my thing. 这是我的专长They made us co-chairs, 校方让我们当联席主席which means we're supposed to do everything together, 就是为了让我们合作but Claire won't take any of my ideas. 可克莱尔从不接受我的建议She suggested an "Arabian nights" theme. 她居然提议"天方夜谭"为舞会主题Isn't it a little soon? 对小孩子来说是不是太早了Okay. Um, hey, everybody? 好吧大伙注意了Do you know Gloria, Manny's mom? 你们认识歌洛莉亚吗曼尼的母亲She's here to help us out today. 她是来帮我们忙的I'm the co-chair. 我是联席主席So, the kids are gonna be here in two hours, 两个小时以后孩子们就到了so everybody back to work. 大伙赶紧工作吧Everybody back to work. 大伙赶紧工作吧I just said that. 这话我说过了And I just co-said it. 我这是在"联说"I mean, the nerve of that lady accusing Lily? 那女士居然厚颜无耻的来指责莉莉Mm. Well, you know what? You can't change people, Cam. 江山易改本性难移小卡I mean, we just have to rise above. 我们只能尽量不去受他们影响What happened? 怎么了She bit me. 她咬了我一口Are you serious? 你说真的吗Ohh! Ah! She did it again! 她又咬我了It's like "Twilight" back here! 这简直就是《暮光之城》No! No ice cream for you, Billy, 不行没有雪糕吃比利because the lady say you biting! 因为那个阿姨说你到处咬人Okay. Okay. Go. Go. 好吧快走快走- Yeah. - Go, go, go. -好的 -快快快Drive. 快开车Are you sure this is teal? 你确定这个是青色吗'Cause I'm starting to get a real strong green thing here. 因为我开始觉得这个有点偏绿色That's the fluorescent lights. 那是日光灯的反射效果Do you mind if I walk this over to lamps galore? 我可以把这个拿到灯光明亮点的地方看看吗I need you to worry about this less. 你别老担心这个了Guess who fit into the suit on the mannequin 猜猜谁正好能穿下人体模特身上的衣服and saved us 20%? 还给我们打了八折Here's something I didn't know about mannequins -- 我一直不明白人体模特they don't have a wiener. 怎么就没有"香肠"呢What the heck is that? 那是什么鬼东西It's a nicer word for "penis". 那是"小鸡鸡"的婉转说法No, I mean, what the heck is this? 不是我是说这是什么鬼东西It's a tie. 领带啊It's teal. 可这是青色的I don't care. 那又怎样I just grabbed the first one I saw. 我第一眼看见就拿了Well, grab a different one. 去拿个别的No! 不要Now I like it. 我现在喜欢上它了Uh, I think we were here first. 我们先到的别插队I just have one thing. I'm in a big rush. 我只买一样东西我赶时间So are we. 我们也赶时间That's fine. Go ahead. 没关系你先结账吧Seriously? 你搞什么Jay, it's not a big deal. 杰这没什么大不了的And can you give me the sale prices 你能帮我查一下for some things I bought last week? 上周我买的那些东西的价格嘛Oh, for god's sake! 噢我滴神呐Now, this is what i'm talking about, boys. 正如我说的那样You give people an inch, they'll run all over you. 做人要强硬不然别人会得寸进尺Or you could just be nice -- pay it forward. 或者你也可以做个好人让爱传递They don't make movies out of bad ideas. 别老是给他们灌输不良思想All I know is you got to fight for what you want. 我只知道你们要努力争夺自己想要的东西If there's one job available, 要是只有一个就业岗位this guy just got it, 而你们不去争取就会像那样被人夺走and they go hungry at the "Dumphys'". 你们就在"傻菲"家等着挨饿吧"Dunphys'". 是"邓菲"啦Okay, I don't get it. Why is she biting? 我还是搞不懂她干吗要咬人Lily, why are you biting? 莉莉你干吗要咬人She's not biting. She's teething. 她才不是咬人呢她这是在磨牙On people! 在人身上磨牙All right, if she starts biting her play dates, 好了要是她再这样继续咬她的玩伴she's gonna be a pariah. 她就会被人唾弃的Try "piranha". "食人鲳"也挺可爱的Really, cam? 你要这样称呼咱们的女儿吗小卡It was right there. 一时口快All right, you should also know that I in no way -- 好吧你也该知道我绝对in no way -- blame you. 一点儿都没怪你- Well, thank you. Why would you blame me? - I don't. -那多谢了你为啥要怪我 -我没有Well, good, because I don't blame you. 好啊因为我就没怪你Well, obviously. 明显得很Uh, okay, well, now I'm starting to feel the blame. 我觉得你又在怪我了No. No. Don't -- it's... 没我没有好吧是因为it's just that you're with her all day. 整天都是你跟她在一起你该教好她的I have a daughter who bites and a partner who stings.现在我有一个咬人的女儿和一个叮(激怒)人的老公Okay. Okay, you want to know the truth? 好吧你想知道真相吗Sometimes you've sent her some mixed signals. 你有时候会给她一些奇怪的暗示I'm gonna bite your feet! 我要咬你的小脚丫I'm gonna bite 'em right off! 我要把它们咬掉Oh, I'm not the one who uses my teeth like a multi-tool. 哦我可没有把牙齿当瑞士军刀来用Here we go. Cookies for Lily... 好了莉莉的饼干...and wine for us. 我们的酒Okay. 好吧I can't believe you would equate -- 我不敢相信你居然拿Oh, don't bite my head off. 别把我的头咬掉了I'm not a pack of batteries. 我可不是电池Un poquito mas aca. Es perfecto all. 往这边移一点这就对了Ay, good. Bellissimo. 很好棒极了Why is this box here?! 这里怎么有个盒子I am sorry -- we did, 实在抱歉是我们放的because we were moving the tables. 因为我们要搬桌子Well, why are you moving the tables? 那你为啥要搬桌子So the kids have more space to dance. 这样孩子们就有更大的空间跳舞了It's better this way. 这样更好Is it really, Gloria? 真的吗歌洛莉亚Because right now it kind of just looks like 因为现在这里看起来就是a clump of tables and a big open space. 一堆桌子和一大片空地Look, I'm sorry, 听着我很抱歉but we've always done it this way, 但是我们以前就这么做的and I think it's gonna throw people off 我认为如果你把桌子搬来搬去if you move them around. 会把人们吓跑的Oh, my god, these tables look great! 天啊这些桌子看上去真不错Who did this? 谁弄的I did! 是我耶I love it! 爱死了Hello. 你好啊We haven't been properly introduced. 咱们还没自我介绍呢- I'm Gloria. - I'm Bethenny. -我叫歌洛莉亚 -我叫贝瑟妮I don't know if anybody's ever told you this, 不知是否有人跟你说过but you're really pretty. 你很漂亮No. No, Bethenny. No one's ever told her that. 不不贝瑟妮没人跟她这么说过I am seriously freaking out 这些桌子真超乎about these tables! 我的想象You know what? Let's just put a pin in 这样好了我们在要放桌子的地方where we're gonna put the tables. 做个记号Yes, we're keeping the tables! 好啊桌子就这样放So what else can I do? 还有什么需要我帮忙么Um...you can... 你可以help me with the chairs. 帮我拿一下凳子Okay. 好吧We need a lot of them. 我们需要很多凳子They're under the stage right...here. 凳子就放在台下就在这儿There you go. 请吧It's like dirty and dark there, no? 这里还真是又黑又脏的说Yeah, I know. Bummer, right? 我知道不太爽是吧Off you go. 进去吧Smells funny, Claire! 味道有点怪啊克莱尔So sorry. Keep goin'! 对不住了继续往里爬What? 又咋了嘛We needed chairs. 我们真的需要凳子We needed chairs. 里面到处是蚂蚁We needed chairs. 明天我就把这都打扫干净We needed chairs. 不在孩子们来之前就必须打扫干净We needed chairs. 说的是呢What are you guys talking about? 你们讲啥呢No, nothing. He was just saying 没啥他说how much he loves the tables. 他爱死这些桌子了If I had the receipt, 要是我有收据I wouldn't need you to look it up. 我就用不着叫你查了At this rate, I'm going to miss the first dance... 照这样下去第一轮舞我是跳不成了at my wedding! 我说的是我以后的婚礼I thought he only had one item. 他不是说他只有一件东西要买单吗Tell your dad, if it were up to me, 跟你老爹说去要是当初听我的we'd have been in and out of here in about 10 minutes. 我们十分钟之内就可以买完走人了You mentioned that. 你说过了And I'll probably mention it again, 我可能还会再说一次because, thanks to someone, 因为托某人的福we're gonna be here for a while. 我们还得继续耗在这儿Yeah, I get it. 好吧我懂了You know, Luke, you should order that suit in a larger size, 知道吗卢克你应该买套大号的西服- because by the time we get out of here - I...get...it.因为等我们结账走人的时候[卢克该长大了] -我懂了Pay for the suit. 这是西装钱Where the hell are you going? 你这是要去哪Luke needs...socks. 卢克还需要袜子Make 'em teal! 要青色的You're playing a very dangerous game. 你是承心惹我哈Hey, boys... 嘿筒子们look who it is -- 看看谁来了the guy that stole our parking spot. 那个占了我们停车位的家伙- Are you going to hit him? - I'd totally hit him. -你要去扁他么 -是我的话就肯定扁他I'm not gonna hit him, 我不会扁他but I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind. 但我要跟他讲道理Now, boys, pay attention -- you want to be men, 筒子们注意了要想当爷们儿this is how you handle a jerk like this. 就得学我这样对付这些痞子Hey, chief? 嘿兄弟You know, you stole our parking space today. 你今天抢了我们的停车位- What? - That's right. -啥 -就是这么回事I was waiting for the parking space, 我正在等停车位You sneaked right in there -- 你溜过去就把位给占了that make you feel like a big man? 你以为你爸李刚啊Did I? I didn't even notice. 有吗我根本没注意到That's no excuse. 这借口没啥说服力I'm really sorry. 我真的很抱歉My dog died today. 我的狗今天死了I had to put him to sleep. 我不得不给他安乐死14 years, 十四年了he was all I had. 我们俩相依为命Now I can't stand the thought 现在我每每想起回家of going back to my empty apartment, 就独守空巢眼泪就哗哗的So I just keep wandering around the mall. 所以我就不停地跑商场来晃悠You know what? Forget about the... 这样好了忘了spot. 停车位[也指"圆点"]的事吧Oh, god! 天啊That was his name! 他名字就是圆点Do not hit him. 请不要扁他Oasis for men? 喷点男士香水That's funny. 有意思You made that sound like a question, 你好像是在问我then you didn't wait for me to answer. 却又不给我机会回答- What? - Here, let me show you. -什么 -让哥教教你Yeah, yeah, yeah. You go -- 看你是这么说的You go, "Oasis for men"? 你说喷点男士香水You see what I mean? You went, "Oasis for men"? 懂不你说了喷点男士香水You should have said, "Oasis for men"? 你应该说要喷点男士香水吗Then I'd go, "Yeah, give me two". 然后我回答给哥来两下But instead, you went, "Oasis for men". 但是你说喷点男士香水- Okay. I get it. - You see what I mean? -好吧 -你滴明白- I-I get it. I get it. - No, I'm not sure you do! -明白了 -我看未必You sprayed before "Men"! 你没说完“男士香水”就喷我You went, "Oasis for men". 你说喷点男士香水- Okay. Okay. - Men! -好好好 -叫你喷- Men! Men! - Stop it! Stop it! -我喷 -别闹了- Men! Men! Men! Men! - Stop it! -我再喷 -求你了- Men! Men! Men! Men! - Stop it! -我继续喷 -不要啊Men! Men! Men! Men! Men! 我喷我喷我喷喷喷Hey, Phil. 菲尔I don't know what happened. 我不知道我是咋了I just... 我就I... 我I don't know what happened. 我真的不知道Look, I might've come down on you a little bit hard today. 我今天对你是有点小苛刻I'm sorry. 对不起I remember pretending to go look for some socks... 我记得我假装去买袜子I mean, it's, uh, my fault. 是我错了I pushed your buttons. 我把你惹急了My father-in-law was the same way with me. 我老丈人以前也这么对我He was horrible. 那糟老头真可怕Grandpa Lucas? He was a sweetheart. 卢卡斯外公吗他是大好人呀Yeah, after the stroke mellowed him out good. 中风以后他才良心发现Before? An animal. 那之前简直不是人啊We named Luke after him. 卢克这名字就是为了纪念他的Everything I did was wrong. 我做啥都错If I said it was white, he'd say it was black. 我说白他非得说黑Although he never said anything was black 尽管他从不用黑色这个词'cause he was a pretty big racist. 他是个变态的种族歧视I wear his watch. 我还戴着他的表I hated him. Hated him. 死老头子恨死他了And I was thinking -- I don't know -- 我在想我不知道I don't want you to think the same way about me. 希望你对我不是这种感情You ever think about maybe 那你有想过not being a jerk to me so much? 对我有爱一些吗Now, see, you got to stop taking that stuff personally. 别以为我只是针对你I'm like that with everybody. 我对所有人都那样I'm tough! 我不好相处And...Mean. 还尖酸刻薄I don't like to take guff! 不喜欢别人唧唧歪歪Or people's feelings into consideration. 也不考虑别人的感受Okay, okay. 好吧I can't swear my way's the right way. 我不敢说我一定是对的I see you smiling, skipping around, 看你那副追欢卖笑上窜下跳的熊样and I think sometimes -- I don't know -- 不知怎么我有时会想maybe the boys would be better off 男孩们像你这样if they were a little bit more like you. 也许还自在些You know, skipping burns more calories than running. 知道吗跳比跑燃烧的卡路里更多That's -- 那是We're done here. 先说到这儿吧Oh, hey, listen. 对了He didn't tell me, but what'd you do to that guy, huh? 那人没告诉我你做啥坏事了Did you get him? 给他点颜色瞧瞧了Yeah, I sprayed him with cologne. 我对着他喷了点香水I'm sorry I asked. 当我没问No, but, like, a lot of cologne. 喷了很多香水呢I just, like, got way up in there. 我追着他一路小跑啊Good boy. 真有你的Did you find anything yet? 有啥发现Yes, there's a whole section on biting 这个妈咪论坛上on this Mommy forum. 有咬人讨论专区Oh, good. What does it say? 不错上面怎么说Uh, "My son was biting, 我儿子咬人so I got a stranger to yell at him”. 我就找了个陌生人训他"Being disciplined by someone else outside the family 外人对他的训斥让他好怕怕scared him into stopping." 以后也不咬人了- Idiots! - Cam! -很傻很天真 -小卡What? I am not hiring some hobo 咋滴了我才不会雇什么刁民to come over here and traumatize my child. 来伤我家小乖乖的心She's already prone to flashbacks, 她已经有段不堪回首的记忆了if you know what I mean. 你懂的Yeah, you know she didn't fight in Vietnam, right? 她在越南又没参过战I don't know anything anymore. 我不管我不管What else does it say? 还有啥Okay, well, this one says, 好吧这位楼主说"When my daughter bit her brother, 我女儿咬她弟弟时I put a pinch of pepper in her mouth". 我在她嘴里放了点胡椒"She cried and cried, but she never bit again". 她哭个不停不过从此再不咬人了Smiley face. 还有个笑脸表情Oh, well, the smiley face makes it okay. 这笑得还有理了"I waterboarded our toddler -- 给我囡囡一点小惩罚lol"! 哇咔咔Well, all right, what do you suggest we do? 那你说我们怎么办That we log off the Spanish inquisition website 退出这个西班牙知道网and handle this with love. 用爱来感化她Okay, Lily... 听我唱莉莉take a bite of an apple, take a bite of a pear 咬一口苹果咬一口梨take a bite of the cookie that you left over there 咬一口面前的小曲奇Here's one thing you should never do. 有些东西你不能咬Don't bite Taylor or Brandon or Sue 泰勒布兰登苏小小because people aren't food. People aren't food 人不能咬呀人不能咬Your friends will run away 你咬了朋友if they're scared of being chewed 他们就会被吓跑and as a side note, 再给一句小忠告private parts are private 私密部位保护好Well...problem solved. 你真贤惠问题解决了I know you're being sarcastic, 我知道你在挖苦我but you don't know that it's not. 你懂啥还没结束呢Ow! Honey. 哎哟我的乖乖哟- Did she just bite you again? - No. -她又咬你了吗 -没有That is it. I am getting the pepper! 我受够了我去拿胡椒来N -- no, you are not. 不你不能拿Cam, you're not doing her any favors by being soft. 小卡这么宠她对她没好处Oh, well, then, why don't you just skip the pepper, 干脆你也甭拿胡椒了I'll get some pliers, and we'll pull her teeth now! 我去找钳子咱俩速度拔掉她的牙Play relax! It's a seasoning. 淡定不就是个调味品吗Okay. Well, then, why don't you try some? 要不你尝一个- Stop. - No. Try a little. -别闹了 -来嘛- Stop it. Stop it, Cam. Stop it. - No, try a little bit. -小卡别这样 -尝一个嘛Don't you hit me. Here. Put some in there. 你还敢打我看我不塞你嘴里- No! Well... - Ow! You bit me! Mm! -不要 -你咬我Why don't you sing me a song about it? 你为什么不为我唱首关于这个的歌Oh, look at you two in your matching ties! 看你俩的领带多搭啊- Don't get me started. - Ohh, come here. -别跟我提这事 -过来Luke, sweetie, aryou wearing cologne? 卢克亲爱的你喷古龙水了吗No. Dad attacked the perfume guy 没有老爸攻击了推销香水的家伙and then hugged me. 又拥抱了我I saw the boys in those adorable little suits, 我看到男孩们穿着可爱的西装and it made me realize this dance is about them. 然后我意识到这舞台就是他们的It's not about me 与我无关and my petty little competition with... 与我跟歌洛莉亚之间with Gloria. 小小的竞争无关Just look at the walls in here. 看那边的墙Who wears that to a kids' dance? 谁穿成那样参加儿童舞会啊I know. She looks amazing. 没错她看起来太赞了Okay, I'm gonna slow things down 好了我要用首怀旧老歌with a blast from the past 为我们的女伴们for our chaperones. 舒缓下节奏Oh, my god. 我的天哪No, I'm fine. 没事我没事I'm -- I'm fine. 我我没事I'm fine. I'm fine. 我没事我没事I need a paper towel. 我要纸巾I'm sorry. I didn't see you. 不好意思我没看见你No... 是啊Of course you didn't. Of course you didn't. 你当然没看见我了当然了'Cause it's gloria's night. 因为这是歌洛莉亚之夜That's right. 没错It's all about Gloria, Gloria, Gloria! 全是关于歌洛莉亚歌洛莉亚When you're done getting married... 你谈够情说够爱以后maybe you can mop this up a little. 就把这地方拖干净点What was that? 她怎么了It's this damn uniform. 都是这该死的制服Okay, we need to talk. 好吧我们得谈谈No. I am fine. I do not need to talk. 不我很好我不需要谈Well, you've been pushing me away the whole week. 你这星期一直在排斥我You've been fighting all my ideas. 你一直反对我的意见That's because this is my thing, Gloria. 因为这是我的事歌洛莉亚Why can't it be my thing, too, Claire? 为什么不能也是我的事克莱尔Because everything is your thing! 因为所有的事都与你有关This -- this is the one thing that was my thing. 这是唯一一件我自己的事This is my only thing. 这是我唯一的事Oh my god, this is my only thing. 我的天这是我唯一的事And then you come along and you steal my thunder 然后你穿着你的紧身裙过来with your tight dresses and your great ideas. 用你那些很棒的主意抢了我的风头I was the one that all the moms looked up to. 我是那个受到所有妈妈尊敬的人I was the only one that Gus liked. 我是格斯唯一喜欢的人Ay! Please. 拜托You like him so much, you can keep him. 你那么喜欢他你可以留着他It's not the same now that I know he likes you. 现在不一样了我知道他喜欢你That sounds really insane, 这听上去真的很疯but this isn't actually about gus. 但这跟格斯没关系Really? Because you've been talking a lot about him. 是吗因为你一直在谈论他Gloria, Gus is a symbol. 歌洛莉亚格斯只是一个符号A sex symbol? 性符号吗Stop it, Gloria. I'm already crying. 别说了歌洛莉亚我都哭了Claire...I didn't come here to steal your thunder. 克莱尔我不是来这儿抢你风头的Your thunder is your thunder, 你的就是你的and my thunder is my thunder. 我的就是我的I know. It's just that god gave you so much thunder. 我知道只是上帝给你的比较多Yeah, maybe too much. 可能是有点太多了I hate how those women look at me. 我讨厌那些女人看我的眼神You think I don't know what they're thinking? 你以为我不知道她们是怎么想的吗。



26组美剧中常用的口语,实用又好记!我们看美剧的时候,常常会听到很多俚语和口头语,这些在书本中不一定会出现,却是生活中常用的地道口语,我们总结了26组这样的口语,来看看有哪些吧!1.小事一桩That’s a piece of cake.That’s as easy as pie!I can do it with my eyes closed.2. 请你客气点Who do you think you’re talking to?Don’t get fresh with me. (get fresh with 大多用于母亲对孩子的斥责之时)!3. 等着瞧You’ll see/ We’ll see.Time will tell.4. 多管闲事(It is) None of your business.Mind your own business.Who asked you?This has nothing to do with you.5. 别狗眼看人低Do I look like a fool?Who do you think I am?What kind of a fool do you take me for?6. 不要告诉别人Don’t tell anybody (about it)!This is just between you and me.This doesn’t leave this room.This is for your ears only.7. 当然You bet.You know it.8. 你在开玩笑You are kidding(joking)!You’ve got to be kidding(joking).Are you kidding me?9. 没错,就是这样You got that right.You wit the rail on the head.10. 世界真小It is a small world.Small world!You never know whom you will bump into!11. 既然如此,你自己来吧Do it yourself, then.12. 这才像话That is more like it13. 太过分了That is going too far.14. 我老早就告诉过你了See I told you(so).15. 那又怎样?So what?16. 就指望你了I’m counting on you.You’re my only hope.17. 想想办法吧!(别老是坐在那里)Do something (about it).Don’t just sit there.18.别装傻了Stop playing the fool!Don’t act stupid!19.你有何不满?Any complaints?Do you have anything to say?20. 船到桥头自然直Thing will work out.It will work out.Everything will be fine.21. 久仰大名!I’ve heard so much about you!22. 我早就知道了I’m fully(well) aware of that.Yo u don’t have to tell me.I wasn’t born yesterday.23. 我认输了Beats me.You got me.24. 你到底要说什么?Don’t beat around the bush!Get to the point!What are you trying to say?25.你以为你是谁?Who do you think you are?26.我会来的,我向你保证!I’ll come. I give you my word.(我会来的,我向你保证!)。

摩登家庭 -第2季第4集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语

摩登家庭  -第2季第4集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语

Oh my God, that's so freaking funny. 天啊真是笑死我了I know, right? 那是我写的嘛What? 你们在笑啥Dad just wrote another classic one. Tell her. 老爸又出品经典之作给她讲讲I don't know about "Classic," but here we go. "经典"可不敢当不过笑话是这样的I don't know about "Classic," but here we go. [此处story双关"楼层"和"故事"]"If you're looking for a two-story house," "如果您想买一幢双层小楼""I'm your man." "那可真找对人了""I'll tell you one story before you buy it" "我会在您付款之前讲第一个故事""and then another story after." "付款之后再讲一个"No, you didn't! 哈哈太经典了Tonight is the S.C.A.R.B.. 今晚是S.C.A.R.B.之夜The Southern California Annual Realtor's Banquet. 南加州房产经纪人年度宴会I think they know what it is. 我猜他们应该知道这个吧It's the mother of all 这可是其他所有residential-real-estate banquets. 住宅地产类宴会的鼻祖Now, for the last five years, Gil Thorpe has hosted, 过去五年来这宴会都是吉尔·索普在主持but as luck would have it, 但凑巧的是he's having a sketchy-looking polyp remove. 他最近在做一个很恶心的息肉切除手术So they've asked me to..."Phil in." 所以他们就来找我说 "菲尔上"So they've asked me to..."Phil in." ["Phil in"套用"fill in" 后者意为替补上场]- See what I did? - Oh, yeah. -你听出笑点没 -当然"Phil." "菲尔[同音词Fill]"You think I should open with that? 我可以用这个作开场白吗You betcha. You should. 当然了这还用问吗Phil is gonna bomb. 菲尔一定会颜面扫地It's not that he's not fun. He is so fun. 不是说他不幽默他很自娱自乐He's just not funny. 只是他的笑话都太冷了It's probably my fault, 在这一点上我也有责任because I laugh at all of his jokes. 因为他开口我必笑With my mouth not with my eyes. 皮笑肉不笑"I see the great realtor Margaret Wilson is here,""我看到优秀的房产经纪人玛格丽特·威尔逊来了""looking more curvaceous than ever." "看上去比以往更加丰满迷人""Talk about your balloon payments." "说你那一屁股的债呢“"Talk about your balloon payments." [balloonpayment指分期付款中最后一笔较大金额的付款]Gloria, do we have to keep 歌洛莉亚我们一定要留着这盘this Colombia/Brazil soccer game? 哥伦比亚对战巴西的足球赛录像带吗Yes, I haven't seen it yet. 是滴我一直都没看完这场It's been sitting in there for five months. 这录像已经录好五个月了I mean, I can tell you who wins. 我是说我可以告诉你谁赢了And what about this two-hour 那这盘两个小时的"Antiques roadshow"? 《古董路演》节目录像带又是怎么回事"Antiques roadshow"? [古董路演] 美国一档电视鉴宝节目I'll watch it today. 我今天想把它看掉Fine. I'm gonna play some golf. 好吧那我要去打高尔夫了No. What about Mirabel's daughter's Quinceanera? 不行你还要参加米拉贝尔的女儿的成年礼呢No. What about Mirabel's daughter's Quinceanera? 拉美女孩十五岁生日要盛大庆祝以示其成年I honestly didn't get any of that. 完全不知道你在讲神马Mirabel. She works for you. 米拉贝尔是你的员工Okay. 好吧然后呢Her daughter, Rosalba, is celebrating her Quinceanera, 她女儿罗莎芭今晚要举行成人礼her 15th birthday. 这是她的十五岁生日She invited us. You just going to ignore it. 她邀请了咱俩但你完全无视了Of course not. I get this all the time. 我才没有我一直都记得这码事I throw it on my secretary's desk, 我把这事丢给我秘书了and she sends them an Omaha steak. 她给了他们一份奥马哈牛排当礼物- Ay, Jay. - What?! -唉杰 -咋了Manny's right. 曼尼说得对The Quinceanera is very important in the Latin Culture.女孩的成年礼在拉丁文化中是灰常重要滴The moment the father dances with his little princess. 作父亲的要带着他的小公主翩翩起舞Ay, I remember my own father holding my hand. 我还记得我爸爸拉着我滴手跳舞的时候There wasn't a dry eye in the cartel. 在场滴人无不内牛满面But these people don't want me there. 但那些人不会欢迎我去参加的See, they're just being polite. 明白吗他们只是客气一下I'm the boss. 我是他们的头儿That's what you tell yourself 你这是自欺欺人so you can stay above them. 你就是骑在人民头上作威作福You just throw them an "Obama" Steak 你就扔给他们一个什么"奥巴马"牛排and run to the golf course. 然后就打你的高尔夫去了I'm not trying to stay above them. 我可没有高高在上I just don't think 我只是不想I have to go all "arriba, arriba" with them. 去他们那什么"叽里呱啦"的事儿里凑热闹- Because you're better than them? - No, of course not. -因为你比他们都强 -当然不是I mean, I'm better than some of them. 我是说我只比其中一些人强点而已Do you even know these people, Jay, hmm? 乃根本都不认识这些人对不对杰Or they're just the backs you step on? 还是说他们根本就只是乃的垫脚石I know you like to make me out as an elitist, 我知道你不肯承认我是一枚杰出人士but the truth is, I'm close with these people. 但事实上我相当亲民Then prove it. Just go to the party. 那就去参加成人礼证明给我看Fine. One hour. You drive. 好吧只去一个小时你来开车'Cause I don't want to give my valet ticket to the wrong guy, 因为我怕把泊车卡给错人have you all over me. 这样你就又能唠叨我了Ay, Jay. 唉杰Where do you keep popping out from?! 你到底都是从哪儿钻出来的So, Cam has started working out again, 小卡现在又开始健身了which is -- it's -- it's great. 这是这真的是件好事He's feeling good about himself, 瘦身可以让他自我感觉更加良好and I want him to be healthy, 而我只想让他健健康康的So it is all good. 所以这本来是天大的好事Except for one thing. 只可惜有一件事Knock, knock. 当当当Look who's there. 看看谁来了Maybe there's a person in this world 或许世界上真的有人who looks good in bike shorts. 能把单车热裤穿得好看But my boyfriend is not that person. 但我男人肯定不是其中之一And I-I can't tell him because he gets incredibly sensitive 可我不能告诉他因为但凡影射到他体型about even the tiniest comment concerning his physique.哪怕最不经意的一句话都能让他飙从中来Hey, I think I'm gonna take this spin class tomorrow morning. 嘿我明天早上想去上一节动感单车课Oh, sure. 哦去吧Oh, I get it. Message received. 哦好吧我明白你的意思了I didn't say anything! 我啥也没说啊I didn't say anything! 《摩登家庭》第二季第四集Okay, can't you just run like a normal person? 拜托你就不能像正常人一样跑跑步吗What? It's troga. 你说啥我在做跑珈It's what? 这是啥You never heard of troga? 你连"跑珈"都木有听过I hate it when you do that. 我真的很讨厌你这种口气What? 啥口气"You've never heard of troga?" "你连跑珈都不知道吗""You never tried octopus?" "你连章鱼都没尝过吗""You never did this amazing thing" "你就连那么有趣的事都不知道吗""I just discovered yesterday "我也是昨天才知道but I pretend like I've done my whole life?" 但非得装成自己像是一出生就知道一样" So, troga is treadmill yoga. 总之 "跑珈"是指在跑步机上做瑜伽It's de rigueur. 这可是社交之中必备的哦It's de-dorky. 我看是蠢蛋社交必备吧What is your deal today? 你今天吃火药了I'm sorry. Phil is hosting that thing tonight, 不好意思菲尔今晚要去主持宴会and -- and he's been writing jokes. 他现在正憋在家里写段子呢Ooh, yikes. 哎呀I know. 我就知道And I'm worried he's gonna humiliateself 我真的很担心in front of all those important people. 他会在那些大人物面前丢脸I can't say anything because -- 可是我又不能跟他直说No, no. I get it. I get it. I get it. 不用讲了我了解了Because it would hurt him even more coming from you. 因为你的打击会令他倍感沮丧Yeah. 没错You know, I'm kind of going through something similar 其实我和小卡现在的处境with Cam right now. 跟你俩的有点像- Why? - He's started exercising again. -你们咋了 -他又开始健身了Well, that's good for him. 这是好事呀Yeah. He's wearing bike shorts. 没错但他一直穿着单车热裤健身That's bad for you. 你肯定很郁闷And I'm the last person who can say anything, 而我又是最不能跟他说实话的那个人- because he's... - Yeah. -因为他实在 -我懂Okay, wait. No, no. All right. 诶等等不是我有主意了You know the movie "Strangers On A Train"? 你看过电影《火车怪客》吗You know the movie "Strangers On A Train"?电影《火车怪客》为希区柯克1951年导演的悬疑片Hm, I never saw it. 呃我没看过You've never seen "Strangers On A --" 你连《火车怪客》都没...I'm sorry. Great film. 我错了牛片But it's these guys 片中有两个人who both discover that they want someone out of their lives. 都想杀死自己身边的某人Uh-huh. 然后呢So one of the guys proposes the perfect crime. 然后其中一个人想了一个完美的杀人计划They will do each other's murders. 他们去替对方杀人We should do that. 我们也应该这样做All right, 好吧你是说so I would tell Cam to lose the bike shorts? 由我来告诉小卡丢掉那条蠢裤子Keeping me out of it. 假装跟我无关And I tell Phil to lose the jokes. 我去弄停菲尔的笑话I like it. I'm in. 我喜欢这主意我加入-All right!- I am in! -太好了 -我加入Hey, Mackenzie. Stop it. It's Alex. 嘿麦肯齐等等我是艾丽克斯Hey, so I was thinking later we'd -- 我想我们等会Oh, no. Whatever you want. 不用你想怎样都行Call me later! 等会儿打给我Or I'll call you later, or -- 或者我等会打给你或者So, who's Mackenzie? 麦肯齐是谁You don't know her. 你不认识她Oh, I know Mackenzie. 我当然知道麦肯齐Cute. Popular. 漂亮受人欢迎I am Mackenzie. 我就是麦肯齐I invented Mackenzie. 我简直就是麦肯齐的鼻祖And the way she's making my sister run around... 而她把我妹耍的团团转的样子It's -- it's kind of funny, but... 还真蛮好玩的不过I can't have it. It's bad for the family. 我受不了家人为重What are you doing? I was about to call -- 你干嘛呢我正要打电话给Mackenzie? Yeah, I know. 麦肯齐我知道Now shut up and let me help you. 现在闭上你的嘴让我来帮你The world is divided into two groups -- 这个世界有两种人cool girls and girls like you. 酷女孩儿和像你这样的女孩儿And you have been given a rare opportunity 而你正有一个千载难逢的机会to move from the former to the latter. 能够从前者变为后者The latter to the former. 是从后者变为前者吧Whatever. Oh, my god. You're such a geek. 管它呢天啊你还真够二的Now, do you want to be smart, or do you want to be popular?你现在是想要聪明还是要受人欢迎I think I want to be popular. 我想要受人欢迎Of course you do. 你当然想啦You just can't be so obvious about it. 但你不能表现的太明显You've given Mackenzie way too much power, 你给麦肯齐太多主动权了and you need to take some of that power back. 你自己得拽起来It's her. 是她的Give me the phone. 把电话给我Here's what you're gonna say -- 你就这么说"Hey, Mackenzie. I'm busy. Call me back later." 麦肯齐我很忙等会儿你再打来- Then you hang up.- No way! -然后你就挂断 -绝对不行Then you're not getting the phone back. 那你就再也拿不回这手机了Just give it to me. 把它给我"Hey, Mackenzie. I'm busy. 麦肯齐我很忙Call me back later." Then you hang up. 等会儿你再打来然后你就挂断- I can't. - Do it. -我做不到 -就这么做- No! - Do it! -不行 - 就这么做Okay! Damn you. 好吧去你的Hey, Mackenzie. I'm busy. Call me back later. 麦肯齐我很忙等会儿你再打来That was hard. 太难了If it was easy, everyone would be popular. 要是容易的话谁都能受人欢迎了Knock knock! 有人敲门啦Come on in! It's open! 进来吧门没关I just wanted to drop off these old baby clothes for Lily. 我带了些旧的童装来给莉莉Oh, that's right. You're so sweet. 好的你人太好了I hope I didn't come at a bad time. 我希望自己来的别不是时候Not at all. 一点也不I was just deciding where to take Lily for our bike ride -- 我正考虑要带莉莉去哪儿骑车呢The lake or the park. 湖边还是公园I'm leaning towards the park. 我比较倾向于去公园I can see that. 我看得出来You didn't have to do that. 你太客气了You guys are a touch old class. 你们还真是传统- Well, it is a big night for you, so. - French. -今晚对你很重要 -法国红酒Those guys. 这些家伙啊So, have you given any thought to what you might say? 那你想好要说什么了吗Oh, actually, I'm trying not to think about my act right now. 事实上我现在正努力不让自己想这事I'm kind of fighting the old butterflies, to be honest. 说实话我内心有点挣扎That's normal. 很正常I hear The Jonas Brothers get scared before every concert.我听说乔纳斯兄弟在每次演出前都会害怕Not Kevin? The guy's a rock. 凯文不会的吧那家伙可摇滚了Especially Kevin. 尤其是凯文I can't believe I ever bought this for Alex. 我真不敢相信我居然给艾丽克斯买过这个I wish somebody had said something. 我真希望当时有人能说点什么Oh, come on. That was probably cute 10 years ago. 别这样啦这衣服十年前可能很可爱呢No, no. It never was. 不不从来没有And you know -- 你知道的I'm the exact same way about my clothes. 我的衣服也是这样Most of the time, great. 大多数时候很不错But every now and again, there's that one outfit. 不过时不时的就会有那么一件例外I just wish somebody would be honest with me and say, 我真希望当时有人能对我实话实说"What you're wearing is inappropriate." 你的穿着实在是雷人哇Do you know what I mean? 你懂我意思吗I think I do, Claire. 我懂克莱尔I think I do. 我懂And my answer is yes. 我的回答是没问题Okay. 好的I would love to dress you. 我愿意给你打扮No, it -- I don't want you to dress me. 不我不想要你来帮我打扮No. 不用And...I owe it to you to be honest, 我觉得我该对你坦白so I'm just gonna say 所以我要说that you need to lose the bicycle shorts. 你得丢掉这条单车短裤Excuse me? 你说什么They're not working for you, Cam. 小卡它不适合你Please don't take this personally. 我不是在针对你I mean, nobody looks good in bike shorts. 我是说没人穿单车短裤好看的I just -- I feel that I owe it to you to be honest. 我只是我觉得我应该对你坦白So, we're good, right? 这么说我们还是好朋友对吧- We're great. - We're great. -我们非常要好 -我们非常要好- We're great. - Oh, great. -我们非常要好 -太好了Okay. 好吧You should probably just show yourself out. 或许你应该穿自己的衣让别人去说吧I hear -- I hear some crying down the hallway. 我听见我听见走廊上有哭声Look at that. That's a good dad. 瞧真是个好父亲Because you've got a baby, 因为有了孩子and you hear every little sound. 所以一丁点儿小的声音你都能听到I wouldn't have -- I wouldn't have even noticed... 要是我的话我根本就不会注意到crying. 有哭声Uh, okay. All right. 好了All you need to know about this one 你们需要知道的是is that Skip Woosnum is a well-known realtor 斯基普·乌森是个著名的房产经纪人and he's old. 而且很老了Got it. 收到Skip Woosnum. Realtor. Old. 斯基普·乌森房产经纪人老的Here we go. 开始了I'm not saying realtor Skip Woosnum is old, 我不是要说斯基普·乌森已经老了but the first property he ever sold... 不过他卖出去的第一件物业was a cave. 居然是个洞穴You're not, uh... 你没有not laughing. 没有笑Why aren't you laughing, uncle Mitchell? 你怎么不笑米奇尔叔叔'cause he doesn't think it's funny, 因为他觉得不好笑or maybe -- maybe you don't think I'm funny. 或者可能你觉得我并不搞笑Is that what you're saying, Mitch? 你是要说这些吗米奇No, it's... 不是I just got it! 我懂了我懂了Oh. Cave! 洞穴- That one's kind of a thinker. - Yes! -这个是需要点脑力 -没错没错There he is. 他也来了All right, now. 好了Knock it off, Jay. 少来了杰You don't know anyone's name here. 这儿你一个人的名字都叫不出来Are you kidding me? 你开什么玩笑Carlos! 卡洛斯Lucky guess. 运气不错I'm lucky only one turned around. 还好只有一个人回头Listen -- I need a favor. 听着我需要帮助I overestimated the number of people I know at this party. 我高估了这个派对上我认识的人数So you go around, introduce yourself, 你去到处转转做做自我介绍and I'll hear the names. 我就在旁边偷听他们叫什么You realize you're asking me 你知道你是在叫我to help prove my own mother wrong. 帮你证明我亲妈是错的I'll pay two bucks per introduction. 你每介绍一次我就给你两美金All right, well, that's Ramona. 好吧那是拉蒙纳She's crazy for bingo. 她狂爱饮烈酒Ramona. 拉蒙纳Ramona. 隔壁在干吗Ramona. 是成人礼Ramona. 又是成人礼Ramona. 这个不是成人礼Ramona. 这是订婚派对看Gloria! 歌洛莉亚Stop being such a snob. 别那么不合群了Come over and meet my friend Julio and his wife -- 过来见见我的朋友夏利奥和他的太太uh, I'm sorry. Your name again? 对不起你说你叫什么Kay? 凯I think you're really gonna hit it off with Kay! 我觉得你跟凯会很合得来的I mean, she's gonna tell me how to dress?! 我是说她要教我怎么打扮吗She ought to stick to things she knows more about, 她应该干点她更擅长的like overcooking salmon. 像是怎么把三文鱼烤焦Okay, wait. 好吧等等So, she actually said 那么她真的跟你说that you don't look good in bicycle shorts? 你穿单车裤不好看吗Yes. 是的"You don't look good in bicycle shorts". 你穿单车裤不好看Madness. 疯了Oh, and here she is. 是她Okay, you know what? I can't be here. 好吧我不能在这待着了I'm -- I'm going out for some air. 我要我要出去透透气Yes. Yes, go. This -- this could get ugly. 好的去吧我也许会跟她吵起来Hello, Claire. 你好克莱尔You are a gutless weasel. 你这个没种的家伙Oh, yeah. No. 是的不I heard what you said to my boyfriend. 我知道你跟我男人说了什么You told Phil he was hysterical! 你跟菲尔说他超搞笑的You said he was this generation's Richard Pryor! 你说他是新一代的理查德·普赖尔You said he was this generation's Richard Pryor! 理查德·普赖尔四十年代黑人喜剧演员Well, I am not the one that you need to apologize to. 你该道歉的人不是我What are you babbling about? You owe me a murder. 你在胡说什么你欠我一个谋杀Okay, Claire, I c -- I couldn't do it. 好吧克莱尔我做不来I couldn't crush Phil's dreams. 我没办法打破菲尔的美梦We had a deal. I told Cam about the bike shorts. 我们说好了的我跟小卡说单车裤的事No! No! 不不The deal was to get Cam to take off the bike shorts. 我们说好的是你让小卡脱掉那条热裤But guess what -- he is still in the stupid bike shorts. 可结果呢他还穿着那条愚蠢的单车热裤Can I call you back? 我待会打回给你好吗Turns out Cam was here the whole time, 小卡原来一直都在and he just heard everything I said. 他听到了我说的话Ooh. Did he just run into the bedroom and cry? 他跑到卧室里哭去了吗Oh, yes, 'cause that's what all gay men do. 是啊好像所有同性恋男人都这样We all dissolve into -- 我们都如此软弱Yes. That is what he did. 好吧他还真就这么做了There are challenging moments in every marriage. 每段婚姻都有一些挑战Um...having to tell your husband that he's not funny 为了你丈夫不在众人面前出丑so that he won't humiliate himself 而必须告诉他他其实一点也不搞笑has to be one of the toughest. 这绝对是最难的挑战之一了So I went a different way. 于是我就换了种方式Stop talking. 别再说了I just need some time for this wound to become a scar. 我只是需要时间来让这个伤口结疤I'm sorry I got Claire involved, 对不起我把克莱尔也扯了进来But -- and this is not a criticism, 但是我不是想批评你but sometimes you can be a little sensitive 但是有时候你对你的外型about your...appearance. 太过于敏感了Well, this is a criticism -- 这就是批评sometimes you can be insensitive about everything. 有时你对所有事情都太不敏感了I just can't -- I just feel like 我只是觉得我们的感情足够坚固our relationship's strong enough to survive a little candor. 经得起一点坦诚的考验I mean, look, you could tell me 如果我有什么让你不满意的if there's something about me you'd like to change. 你就可以直说I hate your beard. 我讨厌你的胡子Well, you had that bullet in the chamber. 你还留了这么一手I never said anything because I never wanted to hurt you... 我从来没说过是因为我不想伤害你but I've always found your beard off-putting. 但是我一直觉得你的胡子很烦人See? Hurts. 是吧小心脏疼死了吧Mitchell? 米奇尔Mitchell, get back here! 米奇尔回来What are you doing? 你在干吗I'm shaving off the beard. 我要把胡子剃了Seriously? 你认真的吗Yeah, well, the man I love doesn't like it, so off it goes. 当然我家男人不喜欢那就剃掉Well, good. 好-Good. - Great. -好的 -很好Great. Okay. 很好那好One... 一two... 二three. 三Wait! 住手The fact that you're willing to do it is enough for me. 对我来说你肯这么做已经足够了I love your beard. 我爱你的胡子I love that when you drink cappuccino, you get foam in it 我喜欢你喝卡布奇诺时会沾上奶油and when you're nervous, your little... 还有你紧张的时候hairs twitch. 你的小胡子会抖Well, you couldn't have told me before took a notch out? 你就不能在我刮掉这块之前说吗I'm sorry. I -- I -- listen. 对不起听着I know... I can be touchy about... this. 我知道我对于这个有些太敏感But you're this amazing-looking guy, and -- 但是你是个超级大帅哥I am not amazing - 我不帅Really? 是实话吗I wouldn't change anything. 我不想改变你的任何一点You should know that every day, 你要知道我每天醒来I wake up very grateful to have you in my life. 都因为我的生命中有你而心怀感激I'm the one who got lucky, handsome. 我才是幸运儿帅哥Maybe I just don't show it enough. 也许是我表达的不够Well, you can make it up to me by doing my shoulders. 你可以服务一下我的肩膀作为补偿Well, you can make it up to me by doing my shoulders. [米奇尔以为是帮他刮腋毛] Sure. 当然I meant a massage. What are you saying? 我是指按摩你在想什么Oh, Mitchell. Mitchell. 米奇尔米奇尔It's Mackenzie. 是麦肯齐Again. 又是她She wants me to come to this party she's throwing. 她想让我参加她办的派对She texted me earlier. 她之前发过短信给我You texted her back, right? 你回她短信了对吧No. 才没有I'm... 我感到proud? 孺子可教也- Tell her you'll try and come. - Right. -跟她说你会尽量抽时间去 -好And then when she says -- 然后等她说Haley... 海莉I got this. 我知道怎么做Who's this? 你是哪位Brilliant. 干的漂亮No, I didn't see it. I get a lot of texts. 不我没看到我短信太多了I have a sister. 果然是姐妹When's the party? 派对是什么时候I'll try and come. 我会尽量抽空去You know, I'm kind of busy. I have a life. 你知道我很忙的我有自己的生活You know, stuff. 有很多事做Homework. 还有作业Uh-oh. 完了I mean, not homework. 我是说作业算什么It's not work if you love it. 对于爱学习的人来说算什么呀Oh, god. Hang up. Hang up. 天啊挂掉挂掉Shut up! 闭嘴Not you, Mackenzie. 没说你麦肯齐Drop the phone and kick it over here! 赶紧把电话扔地上踢过来Um, I have to go. 我得挂电话了I-I'll call you later. 晚点我再打给你Or you call me later. 或者你打给人家也行Love you! 爱你Aah! Aah! 发花痴Aah! Aah! 跟着发花痴They were right in here! 刚才还在呢I know, and we looked everywhere, honey, 我知道我们哪都找遍了so just calm down. 要淡定Are you kidding me? "Calm down"? 淡定皆浮云In one minute, 一分钟后I'm gonna be standing up there like... 我就要上台了就像一个like a... 像个Oh, my God. I have no material at all. 天哪我词穷了Okay. You're gonna be fine. You don't need jokes. 没事你一定行的你不需要准备笑话的Listen to me, honey. 听我说亲爱的Get up there. Be your charming self. 走上台去展现自己迷人的那面Make the introductions from your heart, and get out. 发自肺腑地来个自我介绍You're gonna -- You're gonna be amazing, okay? 你会表现得很犀利的好吗Phil Dunphy. 菲尔·邓菲Go. Go. 上吧上吧Good evening. 各位晚上好I would not be here tonight 我今天之所以if not for the hard work 能够站在这里讲话of the S.C.A.R.B. Board of trustees... 多亏了南加州房产经纪人董事会的大力支持I didn't have my jokes. 我的笑话没了What choice does a guy have but to play it straight? 除了直抒胸意以外还有别的选择吗...the support of my family, 来自家庭的支持and Gil Thorpe's colon. 以及吉尔·索普的结肠But Phil Dunphy is no straight guy. 不过菲尔·邓菲可不是那种直抒胸意的人So many giants of residential real estate here tonight. 今晚在坐的有这么多地产经纪业的巨匠And, of course, J.J. McCubbin. 当然还有小小约翰麦克宾I'm not saying J.J. is small, 我不是说小小麦是个头矮小but in the realty section, he was described as "Charming." 但在房地产业界他被描述为犀利哥Mark Simon, you out there? 马克·西蒙你在吗There's Mark. How are you, buddy? 马可在那你好吗伙计Mark recently moved into a new model. 马可最近住进了一套新的样板房How are you, Francine? 过得如何家庭妇男I kid, Mark Simon. I kid, Mark Simon. 我开玩笑的马克·西蒙You know that. 你懂的Trancito, Little Manuel, and Carlos, my wife, Gloria. 特兰西科小马努还有卡洛斯这是我妻子歌洛莉亚Nice to meet you. 幸会We have to talk. 我们得谈谈Un momento. 失陪下Mm. 好的You know, I -- 我知道吗我I can't believe you never met them. 真不敢相信你完全没印象You've never met any of these people. 你从没接触过这里的任何人You don't know anyone in this room. 这房间所有的人你都不认识Vamos, Jay. 走吧杰I'm not leaving before the father/daughter dance. 要走也要在父女共舞后再走And "These people," As you call them, 此外你所谓的这些人are not just employees. 不仅仅是雇员They're mi familia, or "My family." 是个大家庭或者称为家人I know what "Mi familia" is, Jay. 我懂我的母语杰Oh, I was afraid of this. 他说的我可听不懂Oh, I was afraid of this. 此时此刻有请准新郎上台No. Jay. No. 别去杰Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢你Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you very much. 女士们先生们非常感谢你们I'm gonna make this brief. 我简单说几句I know a lot of you out there don't even know who I am.我知道你们中的大部分人甚至不知道我是谁As my lovely wife, Gloria, pointed out, 正如我的爱妻歌洛莉亚所指出的那样That's my fault, not yours. 错不在你们在我I'm Jay Pritchett, 我是杰·普里契特El jefe. 你们的老板Listen -- on this very, very happy occasion, 听着在如此欢乐的时刻I'd like to pick up the tab on the bar. 今天我请客You know, when I started this company... 你们知道吗在我建立公司之初...the first thing that I -- 我所的第一件事What? 怎么Oh, right. Right, now. Good. Yeah. 对了很好是的现在This is not about me. 今晚我不是主角This is about a very special young lady 主角是一位非常出众的年轻女士And the man who loves her more than anyone else on earth. 以及一位世上最爱她的男人Isn't that lovely? 多温馨啊That's a beautiful, beautiful thing. 那是件多有爱的事情啊You know, I'm reminded 你们知道吗这让我想起了of when I used to dance with my little girl. 当初我和我的小宝贝一起跳舞But not like that. 不过不是像这样Slow down, there, muchacho. 悠着点男孩No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. 别别别别别昏昏昏昏昏昏What, are you applauding this? You're applauding this? 难道你们在为此喝彩吗你们在为此鼓掌吗I don't care what kind of tradition this is. 我才不管这是哪门子传统This is gonna stop. Hey, hey, hey, hey. No! 给我停下听到没停下No! What? What? Am I the only one seeing this?! 什么难道只有我目睹这一幕吗V-v-vamos! 我们I mean, honey, I am not kidding when I tell you 亲爱的我很认真的告诉过你There was a woman next to me gasping for breath. 坐在我旁边的那个女人都笑岔气了Seriously, you were so freaking funny, Phil. 真的菲尔你太搞笑了I have seen professional comedians 我有看过专业喜剧演员的演出Who could never have done that. 也没有如此笑开了锅You were unbeliev-- 你真是一直被模仿从未被超越啊。




1.Ill see if I can get you out of tonights homework.2. How mortifying to have to apologize to him!3. Has he been spilling out her troubles to you again?4. It helps to discuss your problems but I find it hard to open up.5. The future looks bleak for the fishing industry.6. Daniel, youre loaded. 压力太大了7. She always babbles about trifles.8. Im trying to reach ... 我想找......You got him. 我就是call back 再打一次9. The new dean in our department is twsiting the arms of the faculty members in order to get his way. 生拉硬拽,施加压力10. He finally reaped the benefits of all his years of hard work. 获得好处11. I am only a little late. Do not have a fit about it. (口)大发脾气,大为苦恼12. And I wish my collection were larger for your benefit and my own credit.13. I dumped all this on you.14. It was such a simple plan, how could you have screwed it up!15. 16. I will rise up from the ashes ready for my justice day. 死后重生17. Henry put up a good fight, but was beaten. 奋战18. It is so hard to talk her out of that decision. 劝服某人不做某事19. Fly safe.20. For him fame does not count for much. 有价值,有重要性21. eat half our kitchen.22. How is the extra work going to fit into the schedule? fit you into 支配、挤(合适的时间)23. The manager died in the air crash, word spreads that Mr. Spencer is to fill dead mans shoes. 很好地顶替,令人满意的替代24. Oh, my god, the meal they are having grosses me out. 令人恶心25. We must hold out till victory.26. This is his way of getting back at me for arguing with him. (俚)实行报复27. I know I should face it, but Im still of two minds.28. The fellow kept babbling away and would not hold his tongue.29 . You should stand up for what you believe in. 支持、坚持30. I was a fish out of water in that luxurious restaurant. 不得其所的人31. Theres traffic in the streets from dawn till dusk. 从黎明到黄昏32. I like to take an occasional business trip for a change of pace. 习惯、兴趣的转变,更换口味33. You always like wrangling with others. 和别人抬杠34. Why are you at odds with Jane? 合不来35. She made some nasty remarks about his lack of experience, but he didnt rise to the bait.36. He cheated me, but Ill get even with him. 报复37. Are you trying to make a fool of me?38. I think youve gone much too far.39. Work is so tiring. I wish I could get off work now and go to play golf.40. Its good that some clinics still open on a public holiday- hats off to the hardworking doctors.41. The whole audience cracked up. 忍受不了,哄堂大笑42. I know who the up-and-comers are on the London art scene. 新星、后起之秀43. He knew this trade inside out. 彻底的,里面翻到外面He turned his coat inside out.44. My job is a nine-to-five one. 我的工作时间是朝九晚五45. The other day I went shopping for clothes. At first, I had only planned to spend 50 dollars to buy some pants and a shirt. But I got carried away and spent 250 dollars. 冲昏头脑,失去把握,忘乎所以46. Sorry, but we have to weigh pros and cons more carefully.47.The French window is marvelous. You can get a birds eye view over the whole city. 落地窗48. Thats not my job. Please dont give me a hard time.49. I dare you to speak to my face.50. I see a lot of myself in you.51. Take Your Child to Work Day52. I have a lot of work to catch up on.We spent the evening catching up on each others news.53. It was sold under cost price. 降价、赔本54. We are a package. 我们是一个整体55. I think Ill go for the blue shirt. 选择某物,努力争取某事物56. "To hell with him,'she thought, Im leaving. 见鬼去吧,随便,管他呢57. Can we change our meeting--Monday isnt good for me.I cant believe hes leaving for good.58. Surfing is what turns me on.59. a cabbage patch 卷心菜娃娃60. People will talk. 人们会说闲谈His strange lifestyle started the local people talking.61. Lets draw the cards to see whos first. 抽牌62. a shady part of the gardenHes known to have been involved in several shady busniess deals.63. I think Ill try out for the drama club. 试验、尝试64. I kept quiet about my pregnancy because Cathy was getting married, and I didnt want to steal her thunder. 抢某人风头65. Who made it to the play-offs in basketball? 是哪个球队打入了复赛?66. This will be a close game. 激烈的67. This meeting is totally running on this meaningless subject. 以......为主题或中心68. Wouldnt miss it for the world. 绝不会错过的69. The judge decided to go easy on the youth because it was his first offense. 温顺对待If you want to lose weight, you should go easy on the fried food. 节约使用70. Jenny and me were best friends all the way up through high school. 始终,始终71. hitting me where it hurts, my skiing skills.72. The children lined up in an orderly fashion. 有条不紊的73. Ive never seen you so wound up. 紧急的,兴奋的74. Im wide awake. 我一点都不困75. A bit more flour should do the trick. 奏效,到达目的76. Over the years she had tried to block out that part of her life. 挡住,遮住(光线或声音);忘掉,抹去(不快乐的事)77. You are working on my last nerve. 忍无可忍78. Let me level with you, I dont like you at all.79.Well, that settles. We are going to Paris this weekedn instead.80. slip into coma 进入昏迷状态81. As I got about, the stiffness in my left leg gradually worked off. 渐渐消除82. The boy hates his mother for forcing him to play the piano, but his mother thinks she is doing the right thing by him. 为......好,为某人做应当做的事83. Excuse me, Im locating this address. 我想到这个地址去84. We should widen our circle, and make more friends outside of the Internet. 扩大伴侣圈85. Whyd you hit pause? 你干嘛按暂停?86. Stay frosty. You cant do this in such an impulse. You will hurt both of them. 慢着87. You got one on your tail. Im trying to help you, but it doesnt work.偷袭88. Now I have to try to reboot my computer. 重启电脑。



摩登家庭-第3季第3集-字幕-对白-纯英文-看美剧学英语-打印-word版Jay.- Jay... -What?!- What's wrong? - You are snoring!Me? Oh, I'm sorry.Look at her!Come on! We said no Stella in the bed.Oh but she's just a little puppy.She probably get scared and snuck in.Oh really? How come when Manny have nightmares you don't let him snuck in bed?Gloria, it's six o'clock in the morning,can we talk about this later?Answer the question, Jay.You know, I'm gonna check the lease,but I'm pretty sure we're not allowed to have a meth lab. You are a delight.So what are you doing?I think you're gonna like this. I'm going on a juice fast. Mmm. Love it.Hate it. Let's face it,A well-fed Cam is hardly a model of emotional stability. Now deprive him of food, and stage by stage,it's a slow descent into madness.Stage one--the clean sweep.Poison.Poison.- Poison. - Do you think that this is the best week to be doingthis? Why not?- Well, we have that charity thing at my boss' house. - Oh, so what, I'm supposed to put off my quest for wellnessuntil we're no longer socially in demand?That will never happen. I'm too charismatic.No. No. Not the cookies.Of course the cookies.Why do you always want me to fail?Stage two--attack Mitchell.Because when his diet crashes and burnsinto a giant pile of nutella,I'm the one he's gonna blame.Well, no, not this time.You know what? I'm gonna do the fast with you.I think it's a great idea, and we should do it together.So we're on the same team, you know, us versus food.I know what you're doing...and I really appreciate it.No, it'll-- it'll be good for me.I've actually put on a few pounds.Yeah, well, you know, I didn't want to say anything.As the stock market plummeted,brave young men took to the skies,ushering in the golden age of the daredevil.How awesome are people?So awesome.You wanna get that, buddy? I'll pause it.- Hey, Luke. How's it going? I-- - Hey, uncle Mitchell.I really can't talk. I'm trying to watch a movie.Oh, okay, well, I just wanted to drop off this bag of junk food.Go on.Uh, Cam and I are on a juice fast,so having this stuff in the house--I connected the dots. See ya.Seeing that weird, wonderful little manpursuing his dream of walking on a tightrope made me think maybe I could pursue my dream...Here you go, buddy.of walking on a tightrope.Come on, dad! You got this! You can do this!Stay focused! Stay hungry!You okay, buddy?What? Yeah, hell, yeah, no.Just proud of my dad!There was a lot of chocolate in that bag.Phil, honey, you gotta take Luke to school.Got it.Okay, I haven't fallen three out of the last four times.This afternoon, we go airborne.Sitting all by yourself at the table.Now where have I seen that again?Oh, right. Every day in the school cafeteria.I do that by choice.The school's choice.Isn't that your nickname?Haley, be nice to your sister.Alex, good save.Mom, sign this.What is it?They finally bumped me up to the harder math class.Third period, Mr. Waters.What? No, mom, you cannot sign this.This is my class.You're a freshman. What are you doing in second-year math? You're a senior. What are you still doing in second year math? Not "Still." "Again."Alex, be nice to your sister.Haley, not a good save.I knew it would suck having you at my school.Well, hang in there.A couple more years, you'll have it all to yourself again. Come on, girls.Jay, look at this.It's ruined.Stella did this. She chew on my shoe!You have to discipline that stupid dog.I discipline her all the time.Oh, really? How? By buying her little cupcakes?They're not real cupcakes.They're doggy treats in the form of cupcakes.Yeah, you should have told that to Manny before he ate one. Oh, come on. His coat never looked better.You wouldn't find it so funny if she was destroying your shoes. Well, I don't leave my shoes laying around, so...So it's my fault that she chooses to chew my shoe?I didn't say that. You barely said it.You have to stop coddling her.I don't coddle her.What?She tries to drink the water.It's funny.You don't look at me in class. You don't text me.Who would text during a class?What are you?Hon, I realize that this situation is not idealfor either one of you,but sometimes we just rise above things. Yes?Excuse me. Did you notice the curb here is painted yellow? Uh, no, I did not.Wow. It means loading and unloading.Okay, well, I was just dropping off my kids.And yet I see no kids emerging from the vehicle.Well, we were chatting.At the risk of surprising you a third time, officer,I've been dropping off here for years, and I--- Move it. - Okay. You betcha.What was her problem?Oh, you know what you should have said to her-- Nothing. I should have said nothing would be the point.I have to see her every day.I mean, why make it worse?That's exactly what I'm talking about.Awkward, unpleasant situation--rise above.Have a nice day.Love you!Bye-bye!"And yet I see no children emerging from the vehicle." How'd you like to see my fist emerging into your face? Oh! Now I think of it!Day four of the juice fast,and I'm hungry, but I'm-- I'm feeling pretty good. Cam, on the other hand, has gone all..."Girl, Interrupted.""Girl, Interrupted."After one, throwing out all of our food,and two, blaming me,he entered stage three-- soap actress.I just wish my sister would put herself out there more.She has so much to offer.Why are men so superficial?That was followed by stage four--a rush of epiphanies...I... Don't... Need... Food.Look at this. Architecture is everywhere.Oh. Spaniards make amazing athletes.Into stage five--despair...Daddy, we hided, but you didn't seek.Cam?Then came rage.Hey. Whatcha got there?The good news is,Cam's never made it this far into a diet before, so... Downside--I have no idea what the next stage is gonna be. But I'm pretty sureit's not charming party guest.Cam, I-I was thinking,I'll take the bullet tomorrow night at my boss' house.You don't have to go to the party.They're--they're boring.Silly cause, you know, lots of people.Parking...- Cam, say something. - Why do you hate me?I don't hate you.Then why are you trying to push me out of your life?Because you--you seem a little...unhinged.Okay, well, you know what I think?You should worry a little bit less about meand a little bit more about yourselfand what you're gonna wear tomorrow night,because I saw what you have laid out,and I don't think you're gonna like the way you look in photos. Well, I hadn't landed on that.Her hand's in the air, like, every five seconds,and she actually reminded Mr. Waters to assign homework.The class loved that. Do you know how embarrassed I was?Not as embarrassed as I waswhen she said 8 was a prime number. 8, mom.Okay, fine. You know what?I'm gonna call the school today and have your schedules changed, but I want you to know a little part of me died today, okay?I thought the two of you could understandhow being in the same class would benefit you both.Alex, you--you could've tutored Haley.Haley, you could've helped alex with her social skills.Come on. The two of you could've been two Super Dunphys. And instead, what are you? Two bickering Half-Dunphys, and I'm the fool that expected more.No, I don't even want to hear it. Just go upstairs. Go.What was that?That was a master class in parenting.Right now our daughters are upstairsmaking a decision they think is their own,But really, it was an idea that was skillfully implanted by me. Inception, Claire.Dangerous game, but I like it.What are those?Wire walkers.You want to go to the dance, you gotta wear the shoes. Luke, grab your camera.Luke.I wasn't sleeping.Honey, I-I think those are...Jazz shoes.No. Tightrope shoes.Got 'em at an estate sale. Only worn once.That--that is not a ringing endorsement for...Oh! Phil, honey.Please be ca--careful. Right.Watch the door.Hey, what'd you get for number 3?You're not going to learn if I just give you answers.Well, what if I gave you something in return?Like what?You can talk to me in class.I want lunch at the cool table.Then I want all the answers.Then I want a week at the table.- That'll cost you two pop quizzes. -A month.-The midterm. -Deal.Looking great, dad.With these steps, I break the surly bonds...Chicken in a basket!Don't look at me.- Mom. Mom. Mom. -What? What? What? What? What? Mom. Mom. Did you call the school yet?Uh, not yet, but I was just about to.Uh, Bartles & Jaymes!Good. Because we are thinkingWe might want to stay in that class.Really? Oh, girls, I don't know about that.Oh, please let us try it.Super Dunphy?I can't hold her! I can't hold her!Well, maybe one more week.Thanks, mom.I don't know. Uh, a cup of soup, a cobb salad.Yeah, it had bacon.Cam, I don't have all day to describe all my meals to you. Stop eating all my things, you stupid animal.No, Cam, not you.I'll call you back.Bad doggy!You want to chew on something?Okay. Okay. Okay.Look at this.Look at this delicious man shoe. Eat it.Come on. Eat it. Eat it.Mmm! Yummy.Eat the shoe.Eat his shoe. Come on. Eat his shoe.Yeah, like this. Look.Delicious.Mom?Drop it.I--Please. I'm sorry you had to see this.hello?Hi, Mrs. Dunphy. This is Rose in the principal's office. -Can you hold for principal Weller? -Yes.Hi, Claire.Hi, John. What'd she do this time?Actually, I've got both of them in here.Both of them? Really?Alex was letting Haley copy her homework.Mr. Waters caught them.I-I don't believe it.I'm about to have a little talk with them,So they'll be out a few minutes late.Um, I'm so sorry, John, and honestly,I-I really am a better mother than this. I promise.So you've said.Seriously?Seriously? Oh. You...Excuse me.Hey, um, what the hell is this?This zone is for loading and unloading,not for talking on the phone.Yeah, I know, but I was talking on the phone to the school that my kids were about to come out of, so...Are you aware this zone has a time limit?N-no, I'm not.You know what? I do want to do some unloading.I know your type.Life has been bad to you. It has made you feel small.And then one day somebody gives you a fake cop outfit, A toy badge and a little spongebob tie.Suddenly it's payback time, right?Well, I got news for you,"Law & order: Special parking unit,""Law & order: Special parking unit,"Not my fault.I'm really sorry, dad.Oh, it's all right.Everybody throws up at school.If I had a nickel for every time I puked at school,you know how much money I'd have?35 cents.Exactly. Now go get cleaned up, and I'll call the doctor. Wait, dad, I don't need a doctor.- What's up? - The other day,Uncle Mitchell brought over a bag of junk foodSo he and Cam could do a jew fast.- Juice fast? - I'm pretty sure he said "Jew".But anyway, I took the bag, and I hid it, and I ate it all. Oh, buddy.I couldn't help myself. I'm weak. Don't look at me.It's all right.It's okay. Hey, you learned a lesson.A painful lesson.I guess we both have.What do you mean?I always saw myself as a guywho could soar through the sky, dancing on a wire.I can't even get across one 6 inches off the ground.Well, maybe that's the problem.Maybe you keep fallingbecause part of you knows that you can fall.Maybe if the wire was much, much higher, you wouldn't fall. Oh, Luke, Luke, Luke.You are a genius.Come on. We got work to do.Yes! Can I have a doughnut first?Yes, you can!Ah, there they are, my super Dunphys.We're sorry, but we just--You don't get to talk.You had a chance to be better people today.You, to be more well-rounded,And you, to be a better student.You could have elevated the Dunphy name,But instead, you chose to tarnish it,So, congratulations, ladies,You brought this family to a new low.Mom, are you--Yeah. Yeah, I am,And I would actually like to get these loosened up, if I might. - Are we gonna have any more trouble? - No, ma'am.Oh, Claire, do you need me to drive the girls?All good, Janet. All good.Goat cheese risotto ball?No, thank you.Are you sure? They're so good.Walk away.It's tough enough to deal with Cam when I'm at full strength. But I have been fasting just as long as he has,and I do not have the energyto deal with a big, needy brisketcase--Brass--basketcase.Cam! Don't be mad at me,But I think that you really need to eat something.What?You're supposed to be my support.Oh, away from me, temptress.And I never thought I would call you that in a negative way. I've seen her do a lot of crazy stuff,But this is a whole new level.Is this a people cookie?You're good.A definitive "yes" or "no" would be appreciated.Those cupcakes did a number on me.Are you happy?You have reduced me to a person who eats a shoe.- Gloria, sit. -You think this is funny?To talk to me like I am a dog?I'm not talking to you like you're a dog.I'm just asking you to sit so we can get to the bottom of this. Okay, fine.Good girl.Come on. You set me up.Gloria, why are you acting so crazy?It's just a little dog.It's not the little dog that is making me crazy.It's you that is making me crazy.- Me? -Yeah, you used to put me first.You used to want me in that shower.Should I be here for this?No, Manny. It's okay. I go. But I want you to know this. Where I come from, men cherish woman.It goes wife, mistress, dog.Dog always at the bottom.As you can imagine, I get asked to help,Uh, with a lot of these environmental causes. Usually, I buy a ticket,Uh, bid on Shaquille O'Neal's big shoe...and, uh, come home.But then, something happened.I love paddle surfing.And each time I'd go out, I'd see this one sea lion.He'd pop his head up. He'd check me out.I got so used to seeing him, I even named him--Snorkels. Oh, god, I do not like where this is going.So one day, I, uh, I go out and I see Snorkels.But he's doing this weird twisting thing in the water. Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god.So I paddle over, and I see he's got a plastic grocery bag, wrapped around his neck and one of his fins.And I freaked, tried to get it off with my paddle.It didn't work, so I-I jumped in,But he disappeared under the water. And, uh...Don't say it. Don't you dare say it.And I never saw him again.This is the saddest thing I've ever--Mitchell, are you okay?Of course I'm not okay.None of this is okay.Okay, well, you need to pull yourself together.'cause we're at your boss' house.He drowned, Cam!Is he all right?Yeah, yeah, I just think he needs a little air.You know who else needed air?Snorkels!Excuse me.Snorkels?! Where are you, Snorkels?!Mitchell, get back here!Oh, Snorkels!Mitchell, what is wrong with you?!What do you think is wrong with me? I'm starving! Well, if you're starving, then just eat something!I can't eat something because then you'll get mad at me, And we're at my boss' house!I'm not gonna get mad at you!I appreciate what you're doing for me!I'm doing it for you.Oh, you don't have to do anything for me.I love you just the way you are.I love you just the way you are.- I got you! - Okay. Okay.- I got you, babe! - Thank you.I got you!- Cam. - I got you!I can walk. I can walk.I think Mitchell may just be a work friend.I let down my Mom and Dad today, and... Worse than that, I let down my teacher.It's all my fault.Everything I touch turns to detention.I'm sorry, Mom.Me, too.Oh, I don't really havea whole lot of moral high ground to stand on.I wasn't exactly my best self today either.All in all, not a great day for the Dunphys.Come on, Dad! Believe in yourself!You're making the impossible unimpossible.Phil. Oh, my god.Don't even bother. He's in the zone.He can't hear you.Go, Dad!You got this!All week long, I'd been telling my girls how to act instead of showing them.But not Phil.Phil could have said,"Alex, relax. Don't take everything so seriously."Or "Haley, challenge yourself. Don't give up so easily." But instead of talking the talk, Phil walked the walk. And isn't thatwhat we're supposed to dofor the people we love?It's definitely a challenge...But Phil made it look easy,7 feet off the ground.You're awesome!Oh, my goodness!Turns out, I've had my super Dunphy all along.Oh, I know.What was on my mind as I was walking across that wire?I kept thinking, if I can do this,Then I've got two ways of getting across my yard.Did you have fun?Yes. She's the cutest dog in the whole world.Yeah, I heard you the first time.Let's go find your Daddies.We're in here!Oh, my god. These cupcakes a so good.。

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看过《摩登家庭》的同学们一定对Cam和Mitch这对儿lovable couple印象深刻,今天让我们跟随着剧情,图文结合来看看为什么Cam和Mitch是最棒的情侣!有共鸣的话就点赞转发吧!
1.They have a cute"How we met"story.他们有个萌萌的初次相遇。

2.They"hate"each other,and they fight a lot over silly little things whch is soooo adorable.他们“讨厌”对方,经常因可笑的小事吵架。

3.They give full support to each other.他们全力支持彼此。

4.They are always super romantic.他们总是特别浪漫。

5.They know who they are and they dare to be themselves.他们清楚自己的特性并勇敢地做自己。

6.They are insanely hilarious,dramas just follow them everywhere.他们特别搞笑,生活如戏剧般狗血。

7.They are fantastic parents.他们是非常优秀的家长。

8.They love their families.And they get well along with each other's friends and families.他们热爱家人,与对方的朋友和家人相处融洽。
