英语泛读教程教案教案标题:英语泛读教程教案教案目标:1. 帮助学生提高英语泛读能力,包括阅读理解、词汇积累和语言运用能力。
2. 培养学生的阅读兴趣和阅读策略,提高他们的阅读速度和理解能力。
3. 引导学生学会运用所学知识进行思考和讨论,培养他们的批判性思维和创造性思维。
教案内容:一、教学准备:1. 教材:选择一本适合学生英语水平的泛读教材,如《English Reading Comprehension》。
2. 教具:多媒体设备、课件、黑板、录音设备等。
3. 学生参考资料:提供相关的阅读材料、词汇表、参考答案等。
二、教学步骤:第一课时:导入与预习1. 创设情境:通过图片、视频或小故事等方式引起学生对主题的兴趣。
2. 引导学生预习:让学生快速浏览文章,了解大意和主题,并提出问题。
第二课时:阅读与理解1. 教师讲解文章结构和重点词汇,并提供相关的词汇解释和例句。
2. 学生独立阅读文章,理解文章的主旨和细节,并回答相关问题。
3. 学生小组讨论,分享自己的理解和观点,并展开互动交流。
第三课时:词汇积累与语言运用1. 教师引导学生通过上下文猜测词义,并提供词汇解释和例句。
2. 学生进行词汇积累,包括单词、短语和句型,并进行相关的练习。
3. 学生运用所学词汇和句型进行口语和写作练习,提高语言运用能力。
第四课时:阅读策略与扩展阅读1. 教师讲解不同的阅读策略,如预测、推理、归纳等,并进行相关的练习。
2. 学生进行扩展阅读,选择自己感兴趣的文章进行阅读,并进行相关的讨论和写作练习。
3. 学生进行反思和总结,分享自己的学习收获和体会。
三、教学评估:1. 阅读理解测试:通过给学生阅读一篇新的文章,并回答相关问题来评估他们的阅读理解能力。
2. 词汇测试:通过给学生提供一些新的词汇,并要求他们进行词义猜测和句子运用来评估他们的词汇积累和语言运用能力。
3. 学生作业:布置相关的阅读和写作任务,让学生进行自主学习和实践,然后进行作业评估。
大学英语泛读教程2(第三版)-电子教案Unit 8
Life on the Edge
Reading: To the Extreme Words to Know: Extreme sports; key word: try Further Reading: Parkour: The Spirit of Freedom
A Do You Get It?
Multiple Matching
Skim the four paragraphs A to D and answer the following questions.
Which passage refers … __D___ 1. poor people? __C___ 2. a country in Europe? __C___ 3. a similarity to a household item? __A___ 4. a dangerous geological feature? __B___ 5. a comparison with a child’s toy? __B___ 6. getting inside a moving object? __D___ 7. showing off to friends? __A___ 8. an activity that sounds similar to skiing? __D___ 9. a pastime that is against the law? __D___ 10. something that started in one place and has become popular
《 商务英语阅读》(第4册) 教学课件 Unit 8
Detailed reading (Para. 4)
• The Alzheimer’s Association: It is the world’s leader in the care of Alzheimer’s disease, support and research of spontaneous health organization. The association’s mission is to promote the research to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease, for all people affected to promote and provide care and support, and through improving brain health to reduce the risk of developing dementia.阿兹海默症协会
How does a company’s culture affect its employees?
Business English Reading Book 4 Unit 8
Corporate Culture
Text A Six Components of a Great Corporate Culture
Business English Reading Book 4 Unit 8
What is corporate culture? How much do you know about it?
In what ways do you think organizational culture can be ex (Para. 2)
参考书为《国际商业文化》Charles Mitchell. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 2004. 《实用商务英语阅读》丁丽军和许丽芹. 电子工业出版社.2005. 《新编英语语法》(第三版),章振邦主编,上海译文出版社,2000。
1.商务简介(2)2.经济问题(2)3.部门与行业(2)4.资本市场(2)5.商务科技与趋势(2)6.商业规则(2)7.人力资源管理(2)8.商业组织(2)9.市场营销(2)10.生产管理(2)2. 教学要求经过本课程的教学与实践,学生在学本课程终结时应达到如下要求1. 熟悉主要商务英语文章的类型。
电子商务英语E-Commerce English unit 8
about the Internet advertising; • Improve your language skills (listening, speaking,
2. What do the following terms mean? NASA Google BlogAds IPO AdBrite AdWords AdSense
E-Commerce English
News Listening
Task 1:
Task 2:
1. Google partners with NASA to
a college affiliated to the University of London The school is affiliated with a national association of driving schools.
affiliate n.
Our college is an affiliate of the university.
E-Commerce English
川流不息的事物,络绎不绝的事物 适当的地方,工作,位置等 来来往往的行人,车辆等; 放置,摆放 联营公司,分支机构,附属公司,会员 加入(成为分支机构或会员),联合 宣传,推广〔商品〕 佣金,酬劳金 横幅, 标语 时事通讯,新闻简报 复合的,多样的,多重的 战略,策略,谋略 真迹的,原作的,真正的
英语泛读教程 教案
制作 PPT。 演示法、讲授法、分组讨论法。
第一环节 导入(15 分钟) 活动一: 要求学生小组讨论 提示学生电脑可以进行哪些活动 提示学生网络可以进行哪些活动 活动二:小组讨论并抢答词汇联想,练习 2 活动三:回忆活动一的内容,小组讨论并抢答练习 3
【课题】Chapter Eight Technology
【教材版本】 【教学目标】
知识目标: - 网络在日常生活中的作用 - 如何进行网上冲浪 能力目标: - 将所学网络科技的相关英语知识运用到阅读理解中 - 将所学网络科技的相关英语知识运用到口语表达中
教学重点: 将所学网络科技的相关英语知识运用到阅读理解中 教学难点: 将所学网络科技的相关英语知识运用到口语表达中 教学途径: 1.小组讨论教学 2.自学练习教学
第三环节 课堂练习(15 分钟) [情景模拟] 要求学生分组进行辩论: 正方:鼓励员工成为 telecommuter 反方:不鼓励员工成为 telecommuter
第四环节 复习小结(8 分钟)
What is a telecommuter?
第五环节 布置作业(2 分钟) 默写第一篇阅读中的核心单词
第二环节 新授课(50 分钟)
阅读篇章 A [讲解] 详细讲解文章的内容 列出生词和长难句 [演示] 教师用幻灯片演示单词和句子 [问答]
1. What does TB stand for? 2. What can we do using the intranet inside the company?
[问答] 根据课文内容,小组抢答练习 5
[复习] 复习重点单词,练习 6
阅读篇章 B [自学练习] 学生根据课后提供的单词和句子翻译,进行自学阅读练习。 [问答] 小组讨论并回答问题
大学英语泛读教程3(第三版)-电子教案Unit 8
The Lld’s Happiest Nations Words to Know: Life; key word: live Further Reading: A Life Without Money
Before You Start
• How do you feel about the area you live in? • Do you prefer the city or the countryside? Please explain your reasons in detail? • Which countries in the world have the highest standards of living? Why do you think so?
U.N. list? __c___ 5. experienced violence between 2012 and 2013?
Reading Comprehension
Based on the reading text, choose the most appropriate answer to the following questions.
At the other end of the scale, African nations occupied the bottom spots in the survey, with Togo placing rock bottom at 156. The small, West African country was one place below Benin, which it borders. It also finds itself in the company of nations from the other side of the continent, including Tanzania, Rwanda, and Burundi. It is unsurprising to find the latter two nations featuring near the lower reaches of the table, as they have suffered from civil wars and instability over the previous few decades.
7.Do exercise 3
Step1 General introductiontothe text
One’s father usually has a great influence on his children. Father is said to be like a mountain.
Step 5. Check the answers
Step 6. Show the text structure
Step 7. Detailed analysis
Step 8. Skim text 3 and finish exercises
Step 9.Point out important vocabulary in text 3
Step2. General introductiontotext 2
Step 3. Raising questions
1.How old is the prodigy?
2.Which young golf talent is also mentioned in the text?
3.How do Jack Lindsay’s parents respond to the public concern on him? Do they force him to choose the career of playing golf?
Step 4. Skim the text and finish exercises 1 and 2
商务英语泛读教案Teaching Notes for Business English Extensive Reading课程内容及目标:Ⅰ阅读理解:能够读懂英语国家出版的中等难度的各种材料和文章(包括新闻电讯与特写、短文、电报、传记、游记及史地科普文章)、难度相当于The moon Is Down 的文学原著、Reader's Digest 等报刊、杂志,以及少年百科全书中各种文章。
教学环节:1、Reading Skill 2、3、Text 4、V ocabulary Building 5、Cloze 6、Text 7、Fast Reading 8、Topics for Discussion and Reflection。
考核形式:1、V ocabulary 2、Cloze 3、Reading Comprehension 4、Fast Reading教材及主要参考书:《商务英语阅读》总主编:虞苏美高等教育出版社《新编英语教程》(1-4册),王守仁,赵文书主编,上海外语教育出版社,2001年7月版;《新编英语泛读教程(1-4)参考答案》,《新编英语泛读教程》编写组,上海外语教育出版社,1997年8月版;《英语泛读教程1、2》曾肯干等编著,上海外语教育出版社,1998年版;《英语阅读论》胡春洞等编著,广西教育出版社。
1. 知识目标:(1)掌握泛读技巧,提高阅读速度和效率。
2. 能力目标:(1)提高阅读理解能力,能准确把握文章主旨和大意。
3. 情感目标:(1)激发学生对英语阅读的兴趣,培养良好的阅读习惯。
二、教学内容1. 教学材料:(1)选用适合学生水平的英语教材,如《新概念英语》、《牛津英语》等。
2. 教学内容安排:(1)导入:通过简短的英语对话或视频,激发学生的学习兴趣。
1. 导入阶段:(1)通过简短的英语对话或视频,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 泛读技巧讲解阶段:(1)介绍阅读方法、技巧,如快速浏览、略读、精读等。
3. 阅读实践阶段:(1)选取不同类型的文章,让学生进行泛读练习。
4. 讨论与分析阶段:(1)引导学生对文章内容进行讨论,培养批判性思维。
5. 总结与反思阶段:(1)总结本节课的学习内容,强化学生记忆。
四、教学评价1. 过程评价:(1)观察学生在课堂上的表现,如参与度、合作精神等。
商务英语泛读教案Title: Business English Extensive Reading Lesson PlanObjective:By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:2. Extract key information from the readings.3. Expand their vocabulary related to business English.4. Discuss and analyze the main ideas and concepts covered in the readings.Duration: 90 minutesMaterials:1. A variety of business-related reading materials - articles, case studies, reports, etc.2. Vocabulary lists and flashcards.3. Worksheets for discussion and reflection.Procedure:Warm-up (10 minutes):1. Begin the lesson by asking students about their previous knowledge and experience in reading business English texts. Encourage them to share any difficulties they have faced or areas they would like to improve.Reading Activity (40 minutes):1. Divide the students into small groups of 3-4 members.2. Hand out the selected reading materials to each group. Ensure that each group has a different text.3. Instruct the students to read their respective texts silently for 15-20 minutes.4. After the reading period, each group should discuss their understanding of the text and share key points with the class.5. Encourage students to ask questions related to the text and facilitate a brief discussion among the groups.Vocabulary Extension (20 minutes):1. Provide students with a list of vocabulary from the readings or select important business terms and phrases.2. Engage students in interactive vocabulary activities such as matching the words with their definitions or using the words in context to form sentences.4. Monitor and provide assistance as needed.Discussion and Analysis (20 minutes):1. Distribute worksheets with discussion questions related to the readings.2. Ask students to work in pairs or small groups to answerthe questions and engage in a thoughtful discussion.3. Encourage students to express their opinions and support them with evidence from the text.4. After the group discussions, have a whole-class discussion, allowing students to share their ideas, perspectives, and analysis.Wrap-up (10 minutes):1. Summarize the main concepts covered in the readings andthe class discussion.Evaluation:1. Assess students' understanding of the readings through their participation in the group discussions and their abilityto extract key information.2. Evaluate students' usage and understanding of the vocabulary during the vocabulary extension activities.3. Monitor students' engagement and active participation during the whole-class discussion.。
泛读Unit 8: The life of Samuel JohnsonI. Reading for research purpose (研究型的阅读)1. What is the research question?2. What is the popular opinion on the topic?3. How was the topic verified/proved?4. What are the comments on this topic?5. Direct and indirect resources for the justification of the conclusion for the research question? (1st hand and 2nd hand supporting materials)II.Biography:what is special about this person?•塞缪尔·约翰逊(Samuel Johnson),英国作家,批评家。
•约翰逊一生著述甚丰,最有影响的却是完成于1755年的两卷本《英语词典》(The Dictionary of the English Language)。
III. New words1.Excite---To call forth (a reaction or emotion, for example); elicit:激起:使唤起(例如,反应或感情);导致:odd noises that excited our curiosity.古怪的噪音激起了我们的好奇心2. contempt---Disparaging or haughty disdain, as for something base or unworthy; scorn.轻蔑:贬抑性的或傲慢的轻视,如对卑贱或低劣的东西;鄙视The state of being despised or dishonored; disgrace.耻辱:被鄙视或侮辱的状态;丢脸3. entertain---To consider; contemplate:考虑;深入思考:entertain an idea.考虑一个主意To hold in mind; harbor:抱着;怀有:4. adopt---take and follow, take on5. resolve---To make a firm decision about.做决定:作出关于…的坚定决定To cause (a person) to reach a decision.使下决定参见decide---resolution6. dedicate---To address or inscribe (a literary work, for example) to another as a mark of respect or affection.题献:在(例如,一部文学作品)上题献词表示尊敬或爱戴7. courtly---Elegant; refined:典雅的;有教养的:courtly manners.温文尔雅的举止8.soothe--To bring comfort, composure, or relief.起抚慰、镇定和减轻作用9. insinuate---To introduce or insert (oneself) by subtle and artful means.迂回:用微妙和机灵的方式做(自我)介绍、献媚求宠10. conciliate---To gain or try to gain someone's friendship or goodwill.See Synonyms at pacify博得好感:得到或试图得到别人的友谊或好感参见pacify11. gratify---To please or satisfy:使人高兴或满足:His achievement gratified his father. 他的成就让他的父亲高兴To give what is desired to; indulge:放任:给…所渴望得到的;沉溺于:12. perusal---peruse (To read or examine, typically with great care.)细读,细察:以极其细致的方式阅读或查阅13. naturalize---To adopt (something foreign) into general use.采纳:接纳(外国的一些事物)并普遍应用To adapt or acclimate (a plant or an animal) to a new environment; introduce and establish as if native.使(动、植物)顺化:使(植物或支物)适应或驯化在一个新的环境;当作土生的介绍和安置14. arduous--Demanding great effort or labor; difficult:艰巨的:需要很大努力或工作的;“the arduous work of preparing a Dictionary of the English Language”(Macaulay)“制作一本英语语言词典的艰巨工作”(麦考利)15. despise---To regard with contempt or scorn:鄙视:用轻蔑和指责对待:despised all cowards and flatterers.鄙视所有的胆小鬼和溜须拍马者To dislike intensely; loathe:15. artifice---An artful or crafty expedient; a stratagem.诡计:狡猾或狡诈的手段;计谋Subtle but base deception; trickery.阴谋:精明的但是卑鄙的欺骗;圈套16. civil---Sufficiently observing or befitting accepted social usages; not rude:有礼貌的:充分地遵守或符合公认的社会习俗的;不粗鲁的:a civil reply.有礼貌的17. posterity---Future generations:后代:“Everything he writes is consigned to posterity”(Joyce Carol Oates)“他所写的一切都是为了后代”(乔伊丝·卡罗尔·奥茨)All of a person's descendants.后裔:一个人所有的子孙18.overpower---To overcome or vanquish by superior force; subdue.制服以较强力量征服;压制To affect so strongly as to make helpless or ineffective; overwhelm.压倒,使无法忍受:影响如此之大以至于使无助或无效力;压倒19. contend----To strive in opposition or against difficulties; struggle:争斗:对抗性地或与困难armies contending for control of strategic territory; had to contend with long lines at the airport.军队为了控制战略领地而奋战;在机场必须忍受大排长龙To compete, as in a race; vie.竞争,如在竞赛中;争夺20. repulse---To drive back; repel.击退:击退;驱逐,赶走To rebuff or reject with rudeness, coldness, or denial.回绝,拒绝:断然拒绝;粗鲁、冷漠地拒绝;否定21. patron----One that supports, protects, or champions someone or something, such as an institutuion, an event, or a cause; a sponsor or benefactor:赞助人,资助人:支持、保护或维护某人或某事如机构、事件或事业的人;赞助者或捐助者:A noble or wealthy person in ancient Rome who granted favor and protection to someone in exchange for certain services.(古罗马)贵族:古罗马的贵族或有财势的人,给某人以恩惠和提供保护,受保护者作为交换提供一定服务22. encumber---To hinder or impede the action or performance of:阻碍或妨碍…的行动或执行:restrictions that encumber police work.23. cynical---Scornful of the motives, virtue, or integrity of others:愤世嫉俗的,讽世的:对别人的动机、善行或正直鄙视的:a cynical distrust of friendly strangers; a cynical view of the average voter's intelligence.对和善的陌生人轻蔑的不信任;对每个投票者的智力表示轻视的看法Expressing or exhibiting scorn and bitter mockery:挑剔挖苦的,冷嘲热讽的:表达或显示出责备和激烈的嘲讽:24. asperity---Harshness of manner; ill temper or irritability.粗暴:态度粗暴;25. exultation---The act or condition of rejoicing greatly.狂喜,欢跃:欢跃或狂喜的行为或状态26.boast----To speak of with excessive pride.夸耀:用特别得意的口气说话27. condescension---The act of condescending or an instance of it.屈尊:屈尊的行为或其事例28. congenial----Having the same tastes, habits, or temperament; sympathetic.同类的:具有同样的品味、习性或性情的;同情29. assail---To trouble; beset:使苦恼;困扰:was assailed by doubts.为疑惑而困扰30. fallacious---Tending to mislead; deceptive:误导的:倾向于误导;欺骗性的:fallacious testimony.产生误导的证词disappointing令人失望的a fallacious conclusion谬误的结论IV. fast readingPassage 0ne:1) What quality is emphasized in this passage about Johnson?2) What is the common feature among all his works?3) Do you understand Johnson’s implied meaning in his comments on getting drunk? A drunkard; drunk as a fish4)What did the so-called philosopher’s say about the poor?—MC 45)How did Johnson retort(反驳)this philosopher?6)What did he say about the poor’s happiness?Words and expressions1) tired metaphor---overused implicit comparison陈旧的比喻(暗喻)E.g: All the world is a stage世界是一台戏2)fatuous--- unconsciously 愚蠢的;自以为是的3) providence---The care, guardianship, and control exercised by a deity; divine direction:天意:神的旨意:4) vexation--- irritation or annoyance.烦恼5) malefactor---One that has committed a crime; a criminal.罪犯:犯了某种罪行的人;6) Translation of the last sentence.Insensible—unconscious无知觉的Insensive---Susceptible to the attitudes, feelings, or circumstances of others.敏感的:易受他人的态度、感情或情况影响的•贫困的人对很多小的烦恼无知觉;而这些烦恼有时让富人痛苦,玷污他们的享乐。