2018-2019-少儿英语情景对话的参考资料-推荐word版 (5页)
2018-2019-杂志文案范例-推荐word版 (16页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==杂志文案范例篇一:实用杂志广告文案范文实用杂志广告文案范文广告文案查阅次数:470次发布人:范文网编辑推荐阅读:下面关于广告文案范文的文章由查字典范文大全小编统一整理,希望对您有帮助。
HEALTH 健康与美容深受广大读者的喜爱,因此也吸引广大广告业主的关注,HEALTH 健康与美容广告价格与广告收益是成正比的,这也是广告业主选择其的原因。
具有固定的读者层面是杂志广告的特色,可以使广告宣传深入某一专业行业.杂志种类繁多,从出版时间上看,有周刊、旬刊、半月刊、双月刊、季刊;从内容上看,有政治、军事、娱乐、文化、经济、生活、教育等.专业性杂志针对不同的读者对象,安排相应的阅读内容,因而就能受到不同的读者对象的欢迎.杂志的专业化倾向也发展得很快,如医学杂志、科普杂志、各种技术杂志等,其发行对象是特定的社会阶层或群体.杂志的读者虽然广泛,但也是相对固定的.因此,对特定消费阶层的商品而言,在专业杂志上做广告具有突出的针对性,适于广告对象的理解力,能产生深入的宣传效果,而很少有广告浪费.从广告传播上来说,这种特点有利于明确传播对象,广告可以有的放矢.用较多的篇幅来传递关于商品的详尽信息是杂志广告的优势所在,既利于消费者理解和记忆,也有更高的保存价值. 杂志广告的缺点是:影响范围较窄.因杂志出版周期长,经济信息不易及时我们知道,杂志和报纸相同,它也是一种传播媒体,它的形式是以印刷符号传递信息的连续性出版物.因此借鉴杂志广告文案范文有利于杂志广告在同类竞争中力度增加。
2018-2019-让孩子自由呼吸作文word版本 (5页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==让孩子自由呼吸作文每一个孩子都是宇宙的主人,他们的本质都是和善的!他们没有国界、民族、肤色、地域、种族......如果世界交给孩子们,那将会是另外一番情景:201X多年前的孔子人之初,性本善。

儿童日常英语对话1001.A: Hello! Good morning/afternoon/evening.B: Hello! Good morning/afternoon/evening.2.A: How are you?B: Fine. Thank you.3.A: What's your name?B: My name is xxx.4.A: Hello. Nice to meet you.B: Hello. Nice to meet you too.5.A: How do you do?B: How do you do?6.A: This is my good friend, xxx. Do you know him/her? B: Yes, we saw each other somewhere.7.A: Who's that boy/girl over there?8: It is a new comer. Sorry, I don't know.8.A: How old are you?8: I am ten (years old).9.A: Which school are you in?B: I am in xxx Primary/ Senior School.10.A: What class/grade are you in?B: I am in Class One and Grade Two.B: We live in XXX district.12.A: What does your father/mother do?B: He/she is a worker/ teacher/ doctor(B: He/she works in the office/ factory/ school/ hospital.)13.A: Have you learned English?B: Yes, a little/ some14.A: Do you like English/ Chinese/ math?B: Yes, I do(B: No, not very much)15.A: What is this?B: It is my toy.16.A: Is this your bag?B: Yes, it is. /No, it isn't17.A: Whose bag/book/pen is this?B: It is mine/ it is not mine.18.A: Do you want something to eat/drink?B: Yes, I want to drink some cold water/eat some fruit. 19.A: What did you have for lunch?B: We had some dishes and rice/ noodles.20.A: What food do you like? Help yourself to the dishes B: I like fish. It is delicious.21.A: What would you like to eat?B: I'd like to have some ice creams.22.A: What's on today on TV?8:There is a good film today on channel 623.A: What is your favourite programme on TV?B: Films and cartoons24.A: Can I watch TV a while.B: No, you have to finish your homework first.(B: OK. But only for about half an hour.)25.A: Turn on the TV/ air-conditioner, please.B: OK. But where is the remote control.26.A: Turn the TV down a little. It is too loud.B: All right. Is it OK?27.A: What's the weather like today?B: It is said it is going to rain.28.A: It is raining outside. Better take the umbrella with you. B: OK. But I'd like to take the raincoat with me.29.A: Lovely day isn't it?B: Yes it is.30.A: Today it is hot.B: I want some ice-creams/ cold water.31.A: Today it is very cold. Put on more clothes.B: OK/ I don't think so.32.A: What time is it?B: It is eight o'clock/ half past eight 8/ eight fifteen.33.A: Take it easy. It is still early.B: Your watch is slow. Let's hurry up.34.A: It is time to get up. It is seven thirty.B: Oh, I must be quick or I will be late.35.A: Come on. It is time for you to go to bed.B: But I am not sleepy/ I can't go to sleep.36.A: When do you get up everyday?B: I get up at seven and then wash my teeth and face.37.A: What day is it today?B: It is Wednesday today.38.A: What date is it today?B: I think it is 8th of May.39.A: How is everything at school?B: It is fine/ It is terrible.40.A: Can you swim/skate?B: Yes, I can/ Sorry, I can't41.A: Look, what you have done? You did it. Right? B: Sorry. I am terriblly sorry.42.A: What's happening? Why are you laughing? B: Nothing happened. It is just a joke.43.A: Who has done this? What a naughty boy/girl you are?B: sorry. I didn't do it on purpose44.A: What a nuisance? Who did it?B: Sorry. It is not me.45.A: I am sorry.B: That's all right.46.A: Well done. You have done a good job.B: Thank you.47.A: Thank you very muchB: You are welcome.48.A: Excuse me. Can I take this seat?B: Yes, of course.49.A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the post office/station?8:You go straight on and turn left/right at the next traffic light. You will see it there.50.A: How long do you think it will take?8:I think it will take you about 20 minutes by bike.51.A: Do you like computer games?B: Yes, I like it very much.52.A: We are good friends now. Can you give this to me?B: Sorry. I am afraid not. One of my friends sent me.(B: Yes. But you'd better keep it secret.)53.A: What are you looking at?B: We are looking at our photo.54.A: Look at my photo. I took it when I was a boy/girl. B: It is great. What lovely it is!55.A: Mum/Dad, my shoes are too tight.B: Let's go shopping tomorrow and buy you new ones.56.A: How can we get there?B: We can go there by bus or by bike.57.A: Can I have a look at those clothes? How much is it? 8:Of course. It is 20 yuan.58.A: Miss, I want to go to the loo/toilet.B: OK. Wee wee here and poo poo there.59.A: What a mess! Keep your desk/bed tidy.B: I didn't do it but I will tidy it soon.60.A: Don't put things everywhere.B: OK. I will put them as they are.61.A: XXX, don't help yourself to the things here.B: No, I am just looking at them.62.A: Do you think it is true?B: I bet it is/ believe it or not.63.A: Do you like it? It is cool.B: I don't think so. I know there is a better one64.A: Your hands are dirty. Go and wash them.B: OK. But there is no water.65.A: Excuse me. Do you know xxx's telephone number?B: Yes, let me see./Sorry. I can't remember it66.A: Hello, this is xxx speaking.B: Who is speaking?67.A: Mum/Dad. You are wanted on the phone.B: OK. I am coming.68.A: Who is calling? Did he/she leave a message?B: I don't know who it is. He/She wants you to phone him/her back.69.A: May I turn on the radio/light/TV?B: Of course.70.A: May I use your eraser?B: certainly. Here you are.71.A: Will you please you pass me that paper?B: Of course. Here it is.72.A: Could you do me a favour?B: Yes. No problem.73.A: Can I open the window?B: Sorry. Better not. It is smelly outside.74.A: Can you follow me?B: Sorry. You are speaking too fast.75.A: Happy birthday to you. Here is a small present.B: Thank you very much. I am so happy.76.A: Happy New Year and merry Christmas!B: The same to you.77.A: What are you doing?B: I'm waiting for my classmate.78.A: What sports do you like?B: I like football and badminton.79.A: What shall we play today?B: Let's play football.80.A: Let's go and play football.B: OK, let's go right now.81.A: Do you have a computer?B: Yes. I often play games on it.82.A: Do you have any hobbies?B: Yes, I collect stamps.83.A: What's your favourite music/songs?B: My favourite is xxx.84.A: Tell you good news. I have won the first prize.B: Congratulations!85A: Which do you like better? Big/Red one or small/green one? B: I think I like big/green one.86.A: Do you like animals?B: Yes, my family has a dog as a pet.87.A: Do you agree with me?B: Yes, I do/ Sorry, I am afraid not.88.A: What do you think of my idea?B: It is a good idea.89.A: I am sorry to tell you that you failed to pass the exam. B: Oh, no, no. I am so sad to hear that.90.A: What's wrong with you?B: I have a cold.91.A: What's the matter with your leg?B: I fell down and it really hurts.92.A: How are you feeling today?B: Much better. Thanks.93.A: What are you going to do this weekend?B: I am going to swim/skate.94.A: Where are we going?B: It's up to you.95.A: Can you help me with my math?B: Sorry, I am not available now.96A: We are going to my father's hometown.B: Wish you a good trip!97.A: Why don't you tell me this?B: It's a secret. I won't tell others.98.A: Mum/Dad, can I have a word with you?B: Yes, what are you going to say?99.A: Mum/Dad, I don't think I can do it.B: Be confident. I am sure you can. 100.A: Goodbye. See you tomorrow. B: goodbye. See you.Welcome To Download欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!。

【篇二】经典问题12. 10.Howmanypeoplearethereinyourfamily? 11.Whichdoyouprefersingingordancing? 12.Doyouoftengotothezoo? 13.Whichdoyouprefermonkeysorelephants?14.Whichdoyoulikebest,blue,greenorpurple? 15.Doyoulikeyourmother? 16.Howoldisyourfather/mother? 17.Canyouplaythepiano?181920.【篇三】1.A:Cleanthedesk,please.请擦擦书桌。
2018-2019-如何拥有一口地道的英语word版本 (5页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==如何拥有一口地道的英语奥运英语:“打破纪录”英文怎么说中国选手叶诗文31日晚间在奥运会泳池中再创奇迹,她以2分07秒57打破女子200米个人混合泳奥运会纪录,并收获第二枚金牌。
请看《中国日报》的报道:Since shattering the world record for the 400m inpidual medleywith an eye-catching last-leg freestyle sprint on Saturday, Ye has been put under the microscope.自周六在400米个人混合泳最后一段的自由泳部分以惊人速度打破世界纪录以来,叶诗文一直受到密切关注。
上文中shatter the world record就是“打破世界纪录”的英文表达之一,另外还可以用break/smash/rewrite the world record来表示。
除世界纪录外,还有Olympic record(奥运会纪录)等不同赛事的记录。
叶诗文摘得金牌的两个项目都是inpidual medley(个人混合泳),奥运会其它的游泳项目还有freestyle(自由泳)、butterfly(蝶泳)、breaststroke(蛙泳)、backstroke(仰泳)以及freestyle relay(自由泳接力)。
对于外界的groundless accusation(无端指责)和snide comments(诋毁评论),叶诗文表示心态很好,无论bouquets(鲜花)还是brickbats(砖块),她都能接得住。
不少网友也表示,美国和澳大利亚一些媒体发出那些质疑都是出于sour grapes(酸葡萄心理)。

小学英语常用情景对话日常问候和答语1. Hello/ Hi你好。
2. Good morning/ afternoon / evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。
3.How are you(this morning /afternoon /evening )?你今天早晨/下午/晚上好吗?4. Fine, thank you/ thanks. 我很好,谢谢。
5. Not bad, thank you. 不错,谢谢。
6. How do you do? 你好。
7. Nice to meet /see you. 很高兴认识/见到你。
告别、祝福和答语1. Goodbye/Bye . 再见2. See you! (See you later!)再见,回头见。
3. Good night. 晚安。
4. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!Thank you!谢谢!5. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!Happy New Year!/ The same to you!(大家共同的节日)6. Happy Children’s Day! Happy Women’s Day!7.Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!介绍和谈论人物1. My name is…/ I’m… 我的名字是…/ 我名叫…2. This is Miss/ Mr/ Mrs… 这位是…小姐/先生/女士。
3. This is my friend. 这是我的朋友。
4. He/ She is … 他是/她是…询问(人)1)姓名1. What’s your name, please? 你的名字是什么? My name is …2. What’s his/her/its name? 她/他/它叫什么名字?Her/His/Its name is …2)年龄1.How old are you? 你多大了?I’m…2. How old is he/she/it? 她/他/它多大?She /He/ It is …3) 生日1.When is your /his/her birthday? It’s July 1st.4) 出处1. Where is/ are ….from? She is from American. 她来自美国。
2018-2019-有关约会的英语口语word版本 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==有关约会的英语口语今晚有空吗?Are you free tonight? *free“空闲的”。
Are you free tonight? (今晚有空吗?)Yes. Why? (有空,干嘛?)Do you have plans tonight? (今天晚上有事吗?)Are you available tonight?Are you busy tonight? (今天晚上忙吗?)今晚你能和我约会吗?Do you want to go out with me tonight? *go out并不一定就是“约会”,但是如果go out的后面直接跟with me的话,就一定是“约会”了。
Let's go out tonight. (今晚出去吧。
)If you're free, why don't we go out tonight?(要是晚上有空,我们出去走走行吗?)愿意和我一起去看电影吗?Would you like to go to the movies with me?Would you like to go to the movies with me? (愿意和我一起去看电影吗?)I'd love to. (当然,我很乐意。
Let's have tea or something.Let's have something to drink. (我们喝点什么吧。
)How about having a cup of tea?能陪陪我吗?Please keep me company for a while. *keep me company“和我在一起”、“交往”、“亲近”。

六年级毕业考试英语模拟试题(5)等级:Part I Listening 第一部分 听力共五大题I. Listen and tick or cross.(听录音,判正误,打“√”或“×”。
)1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5.( )II. Listen and tick.(听一听,在你所听到的句子前打“√”。
)( ) 1. A. Sarah had a fever yesterday. B. Sarah had a cold yesterday.( ) 2. A. What ’s wrong with you? B. What ’s the matter with you?( ) 3. A. She had lunch with her aunt. B. She had dinner with her aunt.( ) 4. A. I’m 1.65 metres. B. I ’m 1.55 metres.III. Listen and number.(听一听,写出你所听到的顺序。
)( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )IV . Listen and choose.(听一听,选句子补全对话。
)Zhang Peng: Hi, Chen Jie. You didn ’t go to school yesterday. 1Chen Jie: I had a cold. I stayed at home all day and slept.Zhang Peng: Oh, I’m sorry. I’m happy you feel better now.Chen Jie: Thanks. What about you?Zhang Peng: 2Chen Jie: Was it interesting?Zhang Peng: Yes, it talked about a lot of new films.Chen Jie: Oh! 3Zhang Peng: Sure.Chen Jie: Thank you!Zhang Peng: 4V . Listen and write. (根据提示,听音写单词。

少儿英语情景对话篇 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】1. I need some pencils我需要一些铅笔Tommy: Mom,I need some pencils.Mom: How much do you need?Tommy: 1000 won.Mom: Here,go and get it.汤姆:妈妈,我需要一些铅笔。
2. How do you go to school?你怎么去上学?Billy: Hello! I'm Billy.Sophie: Hello! I'm Sophie.Billy: How do you go to schoolSophie: I go to school by bicycle.Sophie: How about you Do you walk to schoolBilly: No,I don't.I go to school by bus.Billy: Oh,that's my bus. Goodbye, Sophie!Sophie: Goodbye...Billy!比利:你好!我是比利。
再见,苏菲!苏菲:再见......比利!3. I eat vegetables我吃些蔬菜Buba: Here we go!Buba: Goal!Referee: Guys Let's take a break!Referee: We'll finish playing after lunch!Hey, Cosmi. If you want,I'll beat him up for you.Cosmi: Well,it's probably because he eats lots o vegetables.Cosmi: Maybe that's why he's g a lot of energy and is playing so well.Bu Yay! I won!Cosmi: Buba...how are you so good?Buba: Because I don't eat junk food like you do.Buba: Instead,I eat rice and vegetables.Buba: That's why I played much better than you.Cosmi: I should have eate vegetables too...布巴:我来了!布巴:进球了!裁判:伙计们!我们休息一下吧!裁判:午饭后我们将继续比赛!嘿,科斯米。

少儿交际英语1.Hello! (How do you do?) 你好!2.How are you?-I’m fine. Thank you. and you? 你好吗?我很好。
谢谢,你呢?3. Good morning / afternoon/evening/night. 早上好/下午好/晚上好/晚安。
4. Excuse me.(sorry. I’m sorry) 打搅一下(对不起/不好意思)5.Thank you! 谢谢你!6.You are welcome. 不用谢。
7.How are you today? 今天还好吗?8.Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。
9.What’s your name? 你叫什么名子啊?10.My name is×××。
11.What can I do for you? 我能为你做点什么?13.What’s wrong with you? (What’s the matter?)你怎么了?(出什么事了?)13.It’s time for class. 该上课了。
e in please. 请进。
15. Let’s get ready for class! 让我们准备上课吧!16.Line up please! 排队!17.Attention please! 立正!18.At ease. 稍息。
19.Turn life/right! 向左/右转!20. One bye one please.no pushing. 一个一个来。
21.Let’s go back to the classroom. 让我们回教室去。
22.It’ time for (breakfast lunch supper/dinner) 该吃早餐了/该吃午餐了/该吃晚餐了23.Please eat up. Take your time. 把它吃完。
2018-2019-练习少儿英语口语情景对话-推荐word版 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==练习少儿英语口语情景对话练习少儿英语的口语的方法有很多,也可以通过一些情景对话来练习口语。
下面就让小编给大家分享关于练习少儿英语口语的日常情景对话的知识吧,希望能对你有帮助!练习少儿英语口语的日常情景对话:My birthday is comingCosta: My birthday is coming.Costa: I want to have a birthday party.Costa: I want to invite my friends.Costa: I want to blow out the candles.Costa: And I want presents!Costa: I want a big cake,too.Guys: Happy Birthday Costa!Costa: Thank you,guys!Costa: Now,have some food.Costa: Okay,now,where is my cake?Costa:It was a lot of fun.Costa: Thanks for coming guys.Costa: Bye bye.ChinChin: Okay, guys. I have a good idea.ChinChin: Suri Suri!Suri: Ok!Costa: Ah. What is it?Costa: Hmm.It looks yummy!!Costa: Oh my teeth!练习少儿英语口语的日常情景对话:He likes me more他更喜欢我Bread: Is it morning?Bread: Is it time to eat breakfast?Milk: Costa is going to eat me this morning!Bread: No, Costa is going to eat me!Bread: He likes me more!Milk: No, Costa is going to eat me!Milk: He likes me more!Bread: Eat me! Eat me!Bread: Look here!Milk: Look here!Milk: Eat me! Eat me!Bread: Sorry.Milk: Oops!!Milk: Look here!Costa: Hum. I am hungry.Costa: Sorry guys.Costa: I want some sandwiches and milk.Costa: I like them more.Costa: You didn't know?Costa: Oh well,too bad.练习少儿英语口语的日常情景对话:我饿了Buba: Mimi, I am hungry.Buba: What's for dinner?Mimi: I'm making pasta.Mimi: If you want,I can make steaks.Mimi: Okay here. Dinner is ready!Buba: Wow it looks delicious.Buba: I love bread with butter.Buba: Did you bake this bread too?Mimi: Yes I did.Mimi: Wash your hands first.ChinChin: Don't worry.ChinChin: I already washed my hands.Coco: I'm so hungry.Coco: Nobody cooks for me.Coco: I know!Coco: I'm going to make Mimi cook for me everyday.Coco: Ha ha ha!Coco: Okay!Coco: Great! This is so good.Coco: Mimi,now I'd like some steak and some bread.Costa: Me too!Mimi: Yes,master.Suri: Okay!Mimi: We'll see how you like this steak.Coco: Mmm... It looks yummy.Coco: What is this? It's too hot.Costa: Yuck!!Mimi: I thought you would like it!Mimi: Ha ha ha!猜你喜欢:1. 少儿英语口语情景对话练习材料2. 少儿英语口语日常情景对话3. 少儿英语情景对话日常练习4. 少儿英语食物情景对话练习材料5. 关于动物园的英语口语对话材料。
2019年幼儿英语口语情景对话资料-实用word文档 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==幼儿英语口语情景对话资料想要更好的练习幼儿的英语口语表达,可以通过一些情景对话来练习。
下面就让小编给大家分享关于幼儿练习英语口语的情景对话资料的知识吧,希望能对你有帮助!幼儿练习英语口语的情景对话:肉类Frank:What kinds of meat are most popular in your country?June:We usually eat chicken, pork and beef. You eat these meats a lot in your country too, don’t you?Frank:Yes, we do. We also eat mutton。
Jane:I’ve heard that people in your country like mutton chops。
Frank:That’s right. Mutton chops taste so good. We eat them with sauce. Have you ever tried?Jane:Yes, I have. I tried once when I visited your country last year. I think they were very tasty. Can you cook them?Frank:Certainly I can. I’lI buy some from the butcher’s and cook for you next Sunday。
Jane:That sounds great. I’ll bring a bottle of wine then。
幼儿练习英语口语的情景对话:CookingAdam:I’d like to help pitch in with dinner。
【2018-2019】礼仪英语:美容-推荐word版 (1页)

【2018-2019】礼仪英语:美容-推荐word版本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==礼仪英语:美容礼仪英语:美容Ana: It is still not too late to do something from now on, right?Lily: That’s for sure. You need to apply some moisturizinglotion on your skin. And apply some eye revitalizing essence around your eyes in the morning and at night. What’s more, consistent eye massages will also help.Ana: In fact my problem is that I cannot stick to it.Lily: You must stick to it or your skin will be aging very quickly. By the way, you like laughing, don’t you?Ana: Yes, I smile a lot. But what’s wrong with that?Lily: You’d better not smile so much so as to reduce the small lines.Ana: This sho uld be difficult. But I’ll give it a try. Thank you for your advice.1 what can I do about my wrinkles? 有什么办法能去除我的皱纹呢?What can I do about… 该怎么对付…?相关信息请访问应届毕业生职场英语。
【精编范文】少儿英语日常英语口语:胃痛-精选word文档 (2页)

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点击 ctrl + D 将少儿英语日常英语口语加入收藏。
少儿英语日常英语口语: Table Behavior 用餐用语
Mom : Tom , help yourself to some fish .
Tom : No , thanks , mum , I dont feel like eating anything .
Dad : Whats the matter , dear ?
Tom : Ive got a stomachache .

下文是店铺为大家搜集整理的幼儿英语情景对话的一些参考材料,欢迎大家阅读参考!幼儿英语情景对话的材料:What are you doing?Harry: Hi! Jimmy! Hi! Kelly!Kelly: Hi! Harry.Harry: What are you doing?Kelly: I'm reading. Jimmy is drawing.Harry: What 's that?Jimmy: It's zebra. He has four legs.Harry: Hmm... What is he doing!Jimmy: Uh,he is eating.Kelly: He is running!Jimmy: Hurry!哈利:你好!吉米!您好!凯利!凯利:你好!哈利。
凯利:他在跑!吉米:跑快点!幼儿英语情景对话的材料:我们飞了Jimmy: What is that?Kelly: It is an airplane.Jimmy: No,it isn't. It's a bird.Kelly: It's a big bird.Jimmy: Look! Harry's on the bird.Bird: Who are they?Harry: They are my friends.Jimmy and Kelly: Hi, Harry.Harry: Hello, Jimmy. Hello, Kelly.Bird: Let's fly!吉米:那是什么?凯利:这是一架飞机。

下面就让给大家分享少儿英语情景对话的局部练习资料的知识吧,希望能对你有帮助!我想有那个洋娃娃Sally: Daddy,I want to have that doll.Dad: You have already some dolls.Sally: Yes,I know. But,I really want to have that.Dad: No way!莎莉:爸爸,我想有那个洋娃娃。
爸爸:没方法!那更重要Fred: I wonder whether I'll get a raise this year.Bill: Do you think you deserve one? That's more important!Bill: What a silly question. You know I'm always working hard.Bill: Beside I'm the best man in the department.Fred: At least you think so,but what about the boss?Fred: The boss... What does he know anyhow? I wonder whether you'll get a raise or not.Bill: I'm not sure,but I could use one.Fred: What would you do with the extra money?Bill: What would I do? I have a wife and a kid to support. I'm no bachelor!Fred: What do you mean? It's not exactly cheap to be a swinger,you know.弗雷德:我不知道我今年是否会加薪。
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少儿英语情景对话材料:That's too bad
Sophie: You look so sad. What's up?
Billy: I lost my gloves.
Sophie: Oh, that's too bad. Put on my gloves.
Billy: Thank you.
Sophie: Hey,what's wrong?
Fairy: I'm so hungry. I want some food,but I have no money.
Sophie: I'm sorry to hear that. Here you are.
Fairy: Oh,thank you.
Sophie: Who...who are you?
Fairy: I'm a fairy.
Fairy: You have a warm heart. These presents are for you.
Bill: I don't like this movie. Will you change the channel,Honey?
Nancy: It will be over soon,Bill. Just be patient.
Bill: But the football game starts at 2:00. I want to see it.
Nancy: If I change the channel now,I'll miss the end.
Bill: Let me watch the game,and I'll wash the dishes.
Nancy: Shh! This is the most interesting part.
Bill: Please let me watch the football game. I'll do anything you want.
Nancy: Anything?
Bill: Anything.
Nancy: Ok. Do into the bedroom and turn on the radio.
Bill: Is that all?
Nancy: Yes. You can listen to the football game in the bedroom.