1.普通型波轮洗衣机 1.普通型波轮洗衣机 结构:由洗衣桶、电动机、定时器、传动部件、 结构 箱体、箱盖及控制面板等组成。 工作原理:依靠装在洗衣桶底部的波轮正、反旋 工作原理 转,带动衣物上、下、左、右不停地翻转,使衣 物之间、衣物与桶壁之间,在水中进行柔和地摩 擦,在洗涤剂的作用下实现去污清洗。 2.波轮式洗衣机 2.波轮式洗衣机 波轮式洗衣机中产生机械作用的主要部件是波轮。 它设置在洗涤捅底,在电机的驱功下重复作“正 转一—停 反转——停——正转……”运动。
• 扫描仪可分为三大类型:
1.滚筒式扫描仪和平面扫描仪。 2.近几年才有的笔式扫描仪、便携式扫描仪。 3.馈纸式扫描仪、胶片扫描仪、底片扫描仪、名 片扫描仪。
• 密度范围对扫描仪来说是非常重要的 性能参数,密度范围又称像素深度, 它代表扫描仪所能分辨的亮光和暗调 的范围,通常滚筒扫描仪的密度范围 大于3.5,而平面扫描仪的密度范围 一般在2.4~3.5范围之间。
概念: 概念:
• 扫描仪(scanner):是一种计算机外部仪器设备, scanner)
通过捕获图像并将之转换成计算机可以显示、编 辑、存储和输出的数字化输入设备。 • 对照片、文本页面、图纸、美术图画、照相底片、 菲林软片,甚至纺织品、标牌面板、印制板样品 等三维对象都可作为扫描对象,提取和将原始的 线条、图形、文字、照片、平面实物转换成可以 编辑及加入文件中的装置。
3.机械全自动洗衣机 3.机械全自动洗衣机 结构:由电动程控器、水位开关、安全开关 结构 (盖开关)、排水选择开关、不排水停机 开关、 贮水开关、漂洗选择开关、洗 涤选择开关等组成。 工作原理:通过各种开关组成控制电路, 工作原理 来控制电动机、进水阀、排水电磁铁及蜂 鸣器的电压输出,使洗衣机实现程序运转。
厨房家电 英语
![厨房家电 英语](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1f09f9f8d0f34693daef5ef7ba0d4a7303766c68.png)
厨房家电英语Household Appliances in the KitchenThe modern kitchen has become a hub of technological innovation, with a wide array of household appliances designed to make our lives easier and more efficient. From the humble toaster to the sophisticated sous vide cooker, these kitchen gadgets have transformed the way we prepare, cook, and store our food. In this essay, we will explore the various types of kitchen appliances and their impact on our daily lives.One of the most ubiquitous kitchen appliances is the refrigerator. This essential appliance has evolved from a simple ice box to a sophisticated storage system that can maintain precise temperatures and humidity levels to preserve the freshness of our food. The modern refrigerator not only keeps our perishables chilled, but also features advanced features such as ice makers, water dispensers, and even built-in televisions and internet connectivity. This has revolutionized the way we store and access our food, allowing us to plan our meals more effectively and reduce food waste.Another essential kitchen appliance is the oven. Whether it's atraditional gas or electric oven, or a more advanced convection oven, this appliance has become the heart of the kitchen. Ovens allow us to bake, roast, and broil a wide variety of dishes, from delicate pastries to hearty casseroles. The introduction of self-cleaning features and digital controls has made ovens more user-friendly and energy-efficient, reducing the time and effort required for cleaning and temperature adjustments.In addition to the refrigerator and oven, the kitchen is also home to a variety of smaller appliances that serve specific purposes. The microwave oven, for example, has become a staple in many households, allowing us to quickly reheat or cook simple meals with the touch of a button. Blenders and food processors have revolutionized the way we prepare ingredients, making it easier to create smoothies, purees, and dips. The humble toaster has also evolved, with models that can toast, broil, and even bake small items, providing a convenient and versatile cooking option.One of the more recent advancements in kitchen appliances is the rise of smart technology. Many modern kitchen appliances now feature Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing users to control and monitor them remotely through their smartphones or voice assistants. This has led to the development of "smart kitchens," where appliances can communicate with each other, share data, and even suggest recipes based on the ingredients available. This level of integrationand automation has the potential to streamline meal preparation and reduce the time and effort required in the kitchen.Another significant development in kitchen appliances is the focus on energy efficiency and sustainability. As environmental concerns have become more prominent, manufacturers have responded by designing appliances that are more energy-efficient and eco-friendly. This includes features such as energy-saving modes, water-saving technologies, and the use of recyclable materials. These advancements not only benefit the environment but also help to reduce our utility bills and operating costs.The evolution of kitchen appliances has not only made our lives more convenient but has also transformed the way we approach food preparation and consumption. With the introduction of specialized appliances like slow cookers, air fryers, and sous vide machines, we can now explore a wider range of culinary techniques and create more complex and flavorful dishes at home. This has led to a growing interest in home cooking and the rise of the "foodie" culture, where people are more engaged with the process of food preparation and the quality of the ingredients they use.In conclusion, the kitchen appliances of today have become an integral part of our daily lives, shaping the way we store, prepare, and consume our food. From the humble refrigerator to thesophisticated smart kitchen, these technological advancements have revolutionized the way we approach the task of feeding ourselves and our families. As we continue to see advancements in kitchen appliance technology, it is clear that the role of these devices in our homes will only become more significant in the years to come.。
Unit 1电气设备概述英文版
![Unit 1电气设备概述英文版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/07bc7fda76a20029bd642d40.png)
Fundamentals of Power Plants and Substations
1 Introduction of Power Plants and Substations电 厂和变电站介绍
1.1 Power systems电力系统 Components of power systems电力系统的组成部分: • Power plants电厂 • Transmission lines 输电线路 • Substations变电站 • Electricity users电力用户 A simple power sythe principles of protection and control.
The secondary electrical connection for circuit breaker control in
a power plant is given here.
(3) Devices for fault-current limit and over-voltage release, such as HV reactors, lightning arresters, etc. (4) Grounding devices, including the devices for operation grounding and protection grounding, such as grounding plates, grounding networks, etc. (5) Current-carrying conductors, such as busbars, cables, etc. Definition of Secondary equipment: The equipment used for measuring, controlling, monitoring and protecting of the primary equipment, usually with low voltages.
在使用家电时,要注意节能环保,尽 量选择高效、节能的产品,减少能源 浪费和环境污染。
安全用电常识与节能环保 意识培养
向幼儿介绍电的危险性、安全用电标志识别以及日常生活中应注 意的用电安全事项。
通过实物或图片展示,让幼儿了解如何正确使用家用电器,避免触 电和火灾等危险。
学生表现出积极的学习态度和良好 的学习习惯,能够主动思考问题并 寻求解决方案。
空调是一种通过制冷或制热技术,调节室内温度和湿度的设备, 用于提供舒适的室内环境。
包括窗式空调、分体式空调、中央空调等,不同种类的空调在制冷 量、制热量、送风方式等方面有所不同。
如何设置温度、选择送风模式、定期清洗滤网,以及使用空调时的 节能和环保措施等。
分析了智能家居未来的发展趋势,包括技术创新、跨界融合、个性化定制等方向。同时, 也指出了智能家居发展面临的挑战和问题,如数据安全、隐私保护等。
通过电动机带动波轮或滚筒旋转,使衣物在水中翻滚、摩擦,同时加入洗涤剂去污, 最终漂洗干净并甩干。
家用电器知识普及讲座(PPT 40页)
![家用电器知识普及讲座(PPT 40页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/56d2f7a2a417866fb94a8ed2.png)
2、自动化 、人性化
• 产品的自动化、使用过程中的人性化已 成为用户的首要追求目标。如洗、漂、烘 全自动化的家用洗衣机,能自动烹调的微 波炉,自动开启、自动适应工作条件的空 调,自动保持水的温度的热水器等等已相 继问世。将家用电器和计算机相结合的家 庭自动化控制系统,可使未来的家庭实现 在家工作、在家上学、在家购物、在家医 疗。这种家庭生活的高度自动化,有可能 从根本上改变人类传统的生活方式,成为 人类文明的新标志。
1、有一个近40平米的客厅需要选择什么规格 的空调?说出你的选择理由。
• 答:按空调选择标准:每平米的制冷量为 150——200W,40平米的面积需要的制冷 量为8KW,按2.5KW/P折算,一般需要 3.2P空调。故选择正3匹柜机为宜。
• 2、一台72定频柜机,如何给它配置空开规 格?说出理由。
• 注意:漏电保护电流大小≠保护器的规格
• 根据空调总的输入功率(要考虑室内机输入功 率)/220,再乘以2——3倍即为所需空开的规格。 • 例如:正1.5P空调,总功率为1.5×735=
1102.5+室内机120W≈1300W。1300÷220= 5.9×(2——3)=12——18A,故一般选用18A 左右的空开。 • 定频空调压缩机启动电流为正常工作时电流的2— —3倍。
• 可提供娱乐的家用 电器,如彩电、音 响、碟机……一般 外观是黑色的。
• 指电 脑、 手机 等信 息产 品。
• 空、冰、洗产品 系列
• 抽油烟机、热水器、 豆浆机、开水壶、小 厨宝、电饭煲、压力 锅、电磁炉、微波炉 等等。
介绍家用电器的英语作文In today's world, household appliances have become an integral part of our daily lives. These electronic devices not only make our lives more convenient but also save us time and energy. Let's take a closer look at some of the most common household appliances and their role in our homes.One of the most essential household appliances is the refrigerator. It keeps our food fresh and prevents it from spoiling. With its ability to maintain a constant temperature, the refrigerator ensures that we always have fresh ingredients on hand for cooking and snacking.Another indispensable appliance is the washing machine. It saves us from the laborious task of handwashing clothes, allowing us to spend more time on other important activities. Modern washing machines even offer various settings to suit different types of fabrics and stains, ensuring that our clothes are cleaned effectively and efficiently.The television is another popular household appliance that brings entertainment and information into our homes. With a wide range of channels and streaming services available, we can watch movies, news, sports, and otherprograms at our convenience. The television also serves as a source of connection, allowing us to share experiences and bond with family and friends.In addition to these, there are many other household appliances that make our lives easier, such as microwave ovens, electric kettles, and vacuum cleaners. These appliances help us with cooking, cleaning, and other household chores, freeing up our time for more enjoyable activities.However, it's important to remember that while household appliances bring convenience, they also consume energy and can contribute to environmental issues. Therefore, it's essential to use them efficiently and responsibly, such as by choosing energy-efficient models and turning them off when not in use.In conclusion, household appliances are an integral part of modern life, making our homes more convenient and comfortable. By choosing the right appliances and using them responsibly, we can enjoy their benefits while also contributing to a sustainable lifestyle.。
(参考教材P202-210)1 概述电器、电子产品说明书是科技文体的一种,它以传递产品的有用信息为主要目的,内容主要包括:前言、部件、基本功能、使用指南,故障排除等。
2 电器、电子产品说明书英译的特点特点概括起来包括:准确性(accuracy)、简明性(conciseness)、客观性(objectivity)等。
2.1 准确性电器、电子产品说明书是为了指导读者正确使用产品而写,它传递的信息(例如:各种数据、图表)首先必须科学准确。
一些专业术语、固定用语和习惯说法必须表达得准确、地道,例如在翻译数码相机说明书时会遇到这样一些术语:镜头后盖(ear lens cap)、三角架(tripod)、数码变焦(digital zoom)、快门帘幕(shutter curtain)、曝光不足(under exposure)、取景器(view finder)等,需按专业说法表达出来,不可任意生造。
2.2 简明性简明性特点表现为:(1)内容条目简洁明了,步骤清晰,逻辑性强。
例如:液晶显示(Liquid Crystal Display)常缩写成LCD;发光二极管 (Light Emitting Diode) 常缩写成LED;中央处理器 (Central Processing Unit) 常缩写成 CPU;自动对焦(Auto focus)常缩写成AF;手动对焦(Manual focus)常缩写成MF2.3 客观性电器、电子产品说明书将该产品的相关内容客观地呈现出来,引导读者按照一定的思维逻辑循序渐进,知道该做什么,怎么做,进而了解和正确使用该产品。
家用电器英语词汇flashlight 手电筒fluorescent lamp 日光灯electric calculator 计算器tube 真空管electric fan 电风扇dictaphone, dictating machine 录音机tape recorder 磁带television 电视机electric iron 电熨斗electric foot warmer 暖脚器electric shaver 电动剃须刀electric cooker 电饭锅electric heater 电暖气electric vacuum cleaner 吸尘器bulb 电灯泡electronic oven 电烤箱radio 收音机microphone 麦克风loud-speaker 扩音机refrigerator 冰箱air conditioning 空调microwave oven 微波炉dry cell 干电池tap 电线搭接处broiler 烘烤机can opener 开罐头刀compactor 捣碎器defroster 除霜装置dicer 切块机dishwasher 洗碗机dryer 干衣机eggbeater 打蛋器fan 风扇air-condition 空调消毒碗柜Vertical Dis infection Cabinetffice Horizontal Disinfection Cabinet pasteurize cupboardDisinfectant Tank煤气炉Household Gas Stove抽油烟机Smoke Exhauster抽气机air exhauster豆桨机Soya-bean milk GrinderSoya-bean milking搅拌机Food Blender榨汁机juice extractor净水器Filter Purifier饮水机Water dispenserbroiler 烘烤机can opener 开罐头刀compactor 捣碎器defroster 除霜装置dicer 切块机dishwasher 洗碗机dryer 干衣机eggbeater 打蛋器fan 风扇freezer 冷冻箱furnace 壁炉humidifier 湿度调节器iron 烫斗juicer 榨汁机oven 烤箱/炉percolator 过滤器Range hood 抽油烟机refrigerator 冰箱rotisserie 电转烤肉架shaver 电动剃须刀stove 炉子toaster 烤面包机vacuum cleaner 吸尘器。
家用电器介绍英语作文英文回答:Home Appliances.Home appliances are essential devices that make our lives easier and more comfortable. They help us with various household chores, from cooking and cleaning to laundry and entertainment. Here are some of the most common home appliances and their functions:Refrigerator: Preserves perishable food by maintaining a low temperature.Freezer: Preserves food for longer periods by freezing it.Oven: Cooks food by heating it with hot air.Microwave oven: Cooks food quickly by using microwaveradiation.Stove: Cooks food using heat from burners or induction coils.Dishwasher: Cleans dishes automatically using waterand detergent.Washing machine: Washes clothes using water, detergent, and agitation.Dryer: Dries clothes after they have been washed.Vacuum cleaner: Removes dirt and debris from floorsand other surfaces.Television: Provides entertainment and information through video and audio output.Computer: Performs various tasks, including internet browsing, document creation, and communication.Air conditioner: Cools or heats a room using refrigerant.Humidifier: Adds moisture to the air.Dehumidifier: Removes moisture from the air.Fan: Circulates air and provides ventilation.Benefits of Home Appliances:Home appliances offer numerous benefits for homeowners, including:Convenience: They automate tasks and save time.Efficiency: They perform tasks faster and more efficiently than manual methods.Hygiene: They maintain cleanliness and improve hygiene.Comfort: They make homes more comfortable andenjoyable.Value: They add value to properties by increasing convenience and functionality.Maintenance of Home Appliances:To ensure optimal performance and longevity, it is important to maintain home appliances properly. This includes:Regular cleaning: Remove dust, dirt, and food residues.Inspection: Check for any visible damage or leaks.Troubleshooting: Identify and resolve minor issues promptly.Professional servicing: Schedule regular professional inspections and repairs to prevent major breakdowns.Energy Efficiency of Home Appliances:Energy efficiency is a crucial consideration when choosing home appliances. Energy-efficient appliances consume less energy, reducing electricity bills and environmental impact. Look for appliances with Energy Star certification or other energy-saving features.Smart Home Appliances:Smart home appliances are connected to the internet and can be controlled remotely. They offer even greater convenience and energy efficiency by allowing users to monitor and adjust settings from anywhere.Conclusion:Home appliances are indispensable tools that enhance our daily lives. They provide convenience, efficiency, hygiene, comfort, and value. By maintaining them properly and choosing energy-efficient models, we can maximize their benefits while minimizing their environmental impact.中文回答:家用电器。
家用电器介绍英语作文English: Household appliances are essential tools in our daily lives, making tasks easier, more efficient, and more convenient. From the refrigerator that keeps our food fresh to the washing machine that cleans our clothes, these appliances play a crucial role in modern households. The microwave oven allows for quick and easy meal preparation, while the dishwasher saves time and effort on dishwashing. The vacuum cleaner keeps our homes clean and dust-free, while the air conditioner provides comfort during hot summer days. Other essential household appliances include the coffee maker for a morning pick-me-up, the toaster for quick breakfasts, and the iron for wrinkle-free clothing. With the advancements in technology, smart appliances are becoming more popular, allowing for remote control and automation through smartphone apps. Overall, household appliances have become indispensable in our daily routines, making our lives more comfortable and efficient.Translated content: 家用电器是我们日常生活中必不可少的工具,使任务变得更简单、更高效、更便利。
1.电视机 TelevisionThe TV, also known as the television, is a device that allows people to watch various programs and movies at home. There are many types of TVs, including LCD, LED, and plasma TVs. They come in different sizes, such as32-inch, 42-inch, 55-inch or 60-inch screens, and they usually offer HD or 4K picture quality.2.洗衣机 Washing machineThe washing machine, also called a washer, is a home appliance that can clean clothes automatically. It typically has a drum for the clothes to be placed in, and it fills with water and detergent before starting a cycle. Today's washing machines usually have a variety of settings to accommodate different types of fabrics and levels of dirt.3.烤箱 OvenAn oven is a household appliance used for cooking, baking or roasting food. There are many different types of ovens, including conventional,convection, and dual-fuel ovens. Ovens can be built into the wall, stand-alone, or come in a combination with a stove or cooktop.4.冰箱 RefrigeratorThe refrigerator, or “fridge” for short, is a home appliance that uses electricity to keep food and drinks cold. Refrigerators come in many sizes, from small compact models to large, side-by-side units with a freezer on the top or bottom. Some modern refrigerators offer additional features like water and ice dispensers, and smart features that can be controlled via a smartphone app.5.微波炉 Microwave ovenThe microwave oven is a type of oven that uses microwaves to heat and cook food quickly. Microwaves are absorbed by water, sugar, and fat molecules, which generate heat and cook the food from the inside out. Today's microwaves offer several features such as automatic settings, defrosting, and reheating options.6.烤面包机 ToasterA toaster is an appliance that is used to toast bread and bagels. It has slots where the bread or bagel is placed, and it uses heated metal elementsto toast the bread to the desired level of browning.7.电风扇 Electric fanAn electric fan is a device that circulates air in a room, creating a cool breeze. There are many different types and sizes of fans, including floor fans, table fans, and tower fans. Many modern fans also offer features like remote control, timers, and oscillation.8.电磁炉 Induction cooktopAn induction cooktop is a type of stove that uses electromagnetic fields to heat up a pot or pan, rather than heating the burner itself. Induction cooktops are faster and more energy-efficient than traditional electric or gas burners, and they offer precise temperature control.9.空气净化器 Air purifierAn air purifier is a device that filters the air to remove pollutants, allergens, and other particles. Some purifiers use high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters; others use activated carbon or other types of filters. Modern air purifiers may also have additional features such as WiFi connectivity or smart sensors that adjust automatically.10.除湿机 DehumidifierA dehumidifier is a device that reduces the amount of moisture in the air, which can help prevent mold and mildew growth. There are many different types of dehumidifiers, including portable and whole-house models. Some units feature automatic shut-off when the tank is full, and others offer digital controls and programmable settings.这些家用电器已经成为我们日常生活中必不可缺的一部分,它们为我们的生活带来了巨大的便利和舒适。
In modern times, electrical appliances have become an integral part of our lives. They make our lives easier, more comfortable, and more convenient. In my home, we have a wide range of electrical appliances that we use on a daily basis. In this essay, I will introduce some of the most commonly used electrical appliances in my home.Television。
The television is probably the most commonly used electrical appliance in our home. We have a large, flat-screen TV in our living room that we use to watch movies, TV shows, and sports. The TV is connected to a cable box, which gives us access to a wide range of channels. We also have a DVD player connected to the TV, which we use to watch movies.Refrigerator。
The refrigerator is another essential electrical appliance in our home. We have a large, double-door refrigerator in our kitchen that keeps our food fresh and cool. The refrigerator has a freezer compartment that we use to store frozen food, ice cream, and ice cubes. We also have a water dispenser on the front of the refrigeratorthat gives us cold water whenever we need it.Washing Machine。
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(1)电能转化部分————电动机(电能转化为机械能)。 (2)工作部分————波轮(带动水和衣物运动)、洗涤脱水桶(洗涤和使衣物脱水) (3)控制部分————各种开关和程序控制装置,它既控制动力部分,也控制工作部分。
[思考] 下图中的电风扇和电熨斗,它们的三 个基本部分分别是什么?
[讨论] 插头与接地 为什么三眼插头比二眼插头更安全?
[Hale Waihona Puke 题] 1.水位开关通常桶内外液面差约为15~35cm,求: (1)封闭空气的压强数值大约有多少? (2)若橡胶膜片的半径为2.5cm,则压缩空气对橡胶膜 片的压力有多少?
小制作 沸水报警装置 利用下面器材组成一个报警器(画出示意图),并亲手 做一个如何?
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• 交流 真空断路器 >> 固封式真空断路 器VBP型
断路器在使用前,须揭开箱盖进行调整和检查。由 于本断路器未带油出厂,绝缘纸板衬套极易受潮,绝缘纸 板衬套必须烘干处理。
【详细内容 】:
SN10-10-35系列少油断路器由框架,油箱及传 动部分组成。框架上装有分闸限位器,合闸缓冲, 分闸弹簧及6只支持绝缘子。传动部分有断路器主 轴,绝缘拉杆等。油箱固定在支持绝缘子上。本断 路器的灭弧室设计为纵横吹和机械油吹联合作用灭 弧,在短时间内可有效地灭大,中,小电流。
【 详细内容 】:
一、产品概述 LW25-126型自能式SF6断路器在灭弧原理和结构上与传统的压气式六氟化硫断路 器相比有了很大的改进。它充分利用电弧的热效应来提高压气缸中六氟化硫气体压力,使断路器开断 短路电流时需要的操作功降低,从而可以采用全弹簧的操动机构。其产品结构主要是:断路器是由装 在同一横梁上的三个单极和一个弹簧机构组成,三极间为机械联动,相间传动方式为双拉杆式结构, 减少了对灭弧室的冲击。断路器的接线板为“工”字型布置,使进出线布置方式十分灵活。该型断路 器的设计合理,结构紧凑,技术性能已到国内先进水平,LW25型SF6断路器所配CT弹簧操动机构, 与传统的液压机构相比无油气渗漏,为免维护运行产品。该型断路器是供电系统升级达标,建立无渗 漏变电站的理想开关设备。 二、主要特点 1.该断路器具有最新的设计原理,结构简单,占地面积小;安装简便,噪音低,可靠 性高。2.灭弧室利用自能式灭弧原理,采用小直径压气缸、变开距和双向气吹的结构。利用电弧的阻 塞效应提高压气缸中六氟化硫气体压力,从而熄灭电弧。3. LW25.型SF6断路器为全弹簧机构,结构 紧凑,机构与本体间联接简便,断路器的机械特性为设计结构所确定,现场无需调整。4. 极间传动 方式为双拉杆结构,减少了对灭弧室的冲击,提高了断路器运行的稳定性。5. LW25.型六氟化硫断路 器的静密封系统采用双O型密封形式,转动密封采用双X型密封形式,减少了六氟化硫气体的泄漏。 6.该机构具有机械和电气防跳跃功能和机械防空合功能。7.LW25.型SF6断路器所配CT弹簧操动机 构,操作稳定可靠,动作噪音小,储能效率高(储能时间不大于15秒),适合各种环境状况。8.采 用了柱簧是因为柱型弹簧是设计经验丰富、制造工艺成熟、动力输出稳定并具有良好的机械特性;可 以保证机构在工作寿命期间,性能稳定可靠。9.操作机构的储能,采用了偏心双棘爪推动式,由于 采用了先进的加工工艺和热处理工艺,与齿轮传动相比,耐冲击,另件受力好;从而获得高可靠性、 长寿命的优异性能。
4. look like =be like 1. He looks like his father .= He is like his father . 2. ---- What’s he like ?=What does he look like? ---- He is short and fat . 5. in a way (partly)在某种程度上, 稍稍 In a way , I agree with him . Some of his ideas are right by the way By the way , can you tell me when we will leave ? in the way The table is in the way .Please move it . on the way On the way to school , I saw Ken . in this way I have collected many stamps in this way .
8 be connected to 1. The wires in our flat are connected to cables buried under the street . 2. Hong Kong and Shenzhen are connected by Luohu Bridge . connect v. 1. (常与to, with连用)连接;结合;连结 Will you connect this wire to the television?
b a
politely in a way
Words and expressions in Reading B :
2 学习购物与销售产品的常用短语与句型:
give somebody a hand, out of order,
Can you give me a discount?
I need the receipt and invoice.
top-quality domestic and foreign brands
5.What about your after-sales service? 6. Can you deliver it anytime I want? 7.I need the receipt and invoice.
8.Please issue the invoice for me
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