Lecture 2, John Milton
john milton的英文简介

john milton的英文简介约翰·弥尔顿,英国诗人、政论家,民主斗士,英国文学史上伟大的六大诗人之一。
下面是小编给大家整理的john milton的英文简介,供大家参阅!john milton简介John Milton (December 9, 1608 to November 8, 1674) British poet, political commentator, democratic fighter, British literature in the history of one of the great six poets. Representative works are long poem "Lost Paradise", "Fu Paradise" and "Lux" Samson.In 1625, Milton went to Cambridge University and began writing poetry. After graduating from college and studying literature for 6 years. In 1638, Milton traveled to Europe. In 1640 the British Revolution broke out, Milton decided to join in the revolutionary movement, and published five books on religious freedom, in 1644, Milton also for freedom of speech and wrote "on the freedom of the press." In 1649, after the victory of the British colonies, Milton published "on the king and officials of the authority" and other documents to consolidate the revolutionary regime. 1660, the British feudal dynasty restoration, Milton was arrested and imprisoned, was soon released, then he concentrate on writing poetryjohn milton人物经历On December 9, 1608, John Milton was born. Milton's father is a legal instrument, the family is more honest. Although his father was a Puritan, but not as much as the other Puritans at that time, he likes music, but also guide Milton to love music. He also loves books such as life, while the young Milton played little like his father like books. Milton's father also specifically for his hired a private teacher, Milton just over ten years old, you can write some good poetry. At that time Milton often learned late into the night, which had a very bad impact on his later body.At the age of 12, his father sent Milton to a man named St. Paul's men's school at the time of study, 15 years old entered the University of Cambridge. The young Milton faces handsome, but proud, thought independent. Milton had intended to go to the British Church as a pastor. But the conflict between the Catholics and the Puritans intensified, and Milton was a Puritan.After completing college studies, Milton gave up the idea of being a pastor in the British Church, and for some time he did not know what to do. Repeated thinking, he firmly believe that he should be born poet. He lived his father about 20 miles from London's Dunton village estate for nearly five years, andin order to better realize his own ideals in the future, he began to write poetry and study.In the past five years, he wrote a large number of short poems, including "happy people" to express a longing for a happy life, "meditation" on the thought of meditation was described, "Liesidas" praise A drowned friend, "Commas" shows a masquerade.But soon, he began to feel tired of this quiet pastoral life. He is eager to the outside world more exciting. So he took his father to his money, embarked on a journey to France, Switzerland, Italy. In Italy, he heard that the British King and the contradiction between the people imminent, and soon may be the outbreak of war. So he immediately gave up the plan to travel and write poetry, rushed back to England.After returning to London, he strongly opposed the conservative party and devoted all his energy to writing a large number of political pamphlets that supported the freedom of the people. Published in 1644, "published freedom", bold attack on the British press censorship system; published in 1649, "the destruction of idols," advocated the death of Charles I; 1650 published "to defend the British people", to meet the Republican and revolutionary arrival.In 1649, according to the parliamentary judgment, KingCharles I was beheaded, while Oliver Cromwell came to power, became the head of government, and was called "protect the country". The leaders of the Puritan government, who had written a large number of essays and pamphlets written by Milton for the victory of the Republic in the revolution, then appointed him as secretary for foreign affairs. In addition to his Latin alphabet, which is responsible for translating foreign governments, he must also answer in Latin, and he is responsible for criticizing the attacks and statements against the Cromwell government. Because of the heavy task, he had to work day and night, soon, vision began to decline, the doctor warned him to stop using the eye, otherwise he will be blind. But he refused the doctor asked him to give up the heavy reading and writing work advice, continue to work hard. Eventually, by 1652, his eyes were completely blind. Even so, he did not stop working, he used to read the way he wrote others to work day and night to continue. Soon, his wife died, gave him left three young girl waiting, the largest but also 6 years old. This is a busy business for the blind people is undoubtedly worse.Soon, the king saved the regime to regain the regime. Charles II (the son of the former king) boarded the throne. Protestants are everywhere to escape. And some went to theUnited States, and some were arrested and sentenced to death. Milton hid a friend for a few months, his property was confiscated, his book was burned by the executioner. Finally, Milton was caught in the prison, so the king later let him. Milton ended the social life, and began to poetry again, he spent seven years to write the poem "lost paradise." In this poem, he tells how Satan has betrayed God, how Eve and Adam have been expelled from Eden and so on. He was blind because of his eyes, had to read by him, and sometimes let his daughter to write, and sometimes by visiting friends to write. "Paradise" for him to win a high reputation, many scholars and politicians so far away from the road, came to visit him. After completing this masterpiece, he wrote the "Rebirth Paradise", and a drama about the Samsoni of Rex (Samson was Israel Hercules, and was as blind as Milton in his later years).November 8, 1674, Milton died.john milton创作特点Theme of the workIn his writings, Milton elaborated liberalism from the aspects of natural human rights, freedom of the press, freedom of religious belief, freedom of education, freedom of marriage and so on. Milton believes that freedom, property, life is the natural rights of people, inviolable, that people have theright to overthrow the freedom of the tyrant. He also criticized the British system of review of books published, against the practice of strangling the truth, demanding freedom of speech and publication, creating the conditions for the spread of capitalist ideology and culture. After gaining these rights, Milton further affirmed the existence of man. In the religious view, he put forward a rational belief, which is actually a Christian humanistic view of religion, requires people to have a rational, free choice, cultivate virtue, with a good individual directly with God to communicate and communicate. Milton proposed his own different from the theological, secular feudal education reform program, trying to establish a modern education system. At the same time, due to Milton's own marriage experience, he particularly advocates equality between men and women, freedom of marriage. After the failure of the revolution, Milton began the creation of three long poems, reflecting the theme of freedom in his trilogy, expressing the poet as a tenacious liberal fighter, still in the post-restoration mood Believe in the confidence of the revolution."Paradise", "Fu Paradise" and "Warrior Samson" have shown people's struggle and salvation, are touched the works of the human mind, the poet on the deepest human morality, spirit andbelief in the exploration, Milton's reflection on man and human nature, thinking about the problems of human unfortunate roots and how people can be saved. The theme of redemption is embodied in the selection of the theme of the long poem and the shaping of the characters.Artistic characteristicsThe theme of the selection, Milton "Paradise Lost" by the ancestor of Adam, Eve by Sedan lure to be deprived of the story of the park, revealing the concept of Christian "original sin" to promote human beings should be realistic attitude to bear the burden of earthly life , Save yourself with atonement. The story of the restoration of the paradise with Jesus' victory over all the temptations of Satan shows that mankind can overcome all kinds of suffering and save if he can improve his character. "Warrior Samson" by the tragic character Samson, imprisoned, blind, suffered humiliation, at the expense of revenge life experience, complained about Milton's own political experience and ideals and beliefs, praised the struggle for the noble cause Perseverance of the character and at the expense of their salvation spirit.The image of the people, Milton out of the need to express the salvation of the lofty ideals, the choice of ambitiousevents as the theme, the use of magnificent long poems as a genre to lead the classic, magnificent style, creating a literary history of the classic image: Jesus, Samson, Adam and Eve. The image of the characters with the poet on the shaping of the idea of redemption. Adam and Eve are the ancestors of mankind, who have universal qualities of mankind, the condition of salvation; Jesus is the embodiment of the poet's ideal personality, virtue is the basis of salvation; Samson is the typical image of the road to salvation, Mankind brings hope of salvation.---来源网络整理,仅供参考。
Lecture 2, John Milton 英语专业英美文学英国文学课件

• He saw few problems with the division of Protestants into more and smaller denominations. Instead, he thought that the fragmentation of churches was a sign of healthy self-
more powerful tool in interpreting the Word of God than the example set by a church.
Paradise Lost
• Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse, divided into 12 books. The original story is taken form Genesis 3:1-24 of the Bible. The theme is the “Fall of Man,” that is, man’s disobedience and the loss of Paradise, with its prime cause– Satan. In Heaven, Satan led a rebellion against God. Defeated, he and his rebel angels were cast into Hell. However, Satan refused to accept his failure, vowing that “ all was not lost” and that he would seek revenge for his downfall.
• In his later years, Milton came to view all organized Christian churches, whether Anglican, Catholic or Presbyterian, as an obstacle to true

失乐园 复乐园 力士参孙
Main points for studying Milton ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1. Milton is one of the very few truly great English writers who is also a prominent figure in politics, and who is both a great poet and an important prose writer. The two most essential things to be remembered about him are his Puritanism 清教信仰 and his republicanism 共和主 义理想.
Milton is a Puritan • A member of a group of English Protestants who in the 16th and 17th centuries advocated strict religious discipline along with simplification of the ceremonies and creeds of the Church of England.(清教徒:兴起于16和17世纪的 英国新教徒一派的成员,主张严格的 宗教原则和英国教堂的仪式及教义的 从简
• 死亡是打开永久宫殿的金钥匙 。
• 上天堂尽职,不如下地狱独裁。
Milton’s Quotes
The childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day.

❖ 创作、学习和旅行岁月 ❖ 1632年至1638年五年间,弥尔顿辞去了政府部门
的工作,住到他父亲郊外的别墅中,整日整夜的 阅读,他几乎看全了当时所有英语、希腊语、拉 丁语和意大利语作品。在这段时期弥尔顿写作了 《酒神之假面舞会》等一些作品。1638年,弥尔 顿去欧洲旅行,他在意大利停留了大部分时间。 访问过当时已被囚禁的伽利略,并同意大利人文 主义者有所交往。由于英国动荡的宗教局面弥尔 顿提前回国,他所写的一些小册子被歪曲,他本 人也被烙上了激进分子的烙印。
❖ 《复乐园》(Paradise Regained,1671年)
❖ 《力士参孙》(Samson Agonistes,1671 年)
1644年《论出版自由》的封面 失乐园
❖ 内容简介
❖ 《失乐园》(Paradise Lost)
以史诗一般的磅礴气势揭示了人的原罪与堕落。 诗中叛逆之神撒旦,因为反抗上帝的权威被打入 地狱,却毫不屈服,为复仇寻至伊甸园。亚当与 夏娃受被撒旦附身的蛇的引诱,偷吃了上帝明令 禁吃的分辨善恶的树上的果子。最终,撒旦及其 同伙遭谴全变成了蛇,亚当与夏娃被逐出了伊甸 园。该诗体现了诗人追求自由的崇高精神,是世 界文学史、思想史上的一部极重要的作品。
John Milton
John Milton(1608-1674)
约翰·弥尔顿(英语:John Milton,1608年12月9日- 1674年11月8日),英国诗人, 思想家。英吉利共和国时期曾 出任公务员。因其史诗《失乐 园》和反对书报审查制的《论 出版自由》而闻图亚特王朝 相伴而行,他的诗歌创作和政治观点 伴随英国革命而发展,当1674年已经 失明的弥尔顿去世时,弥尔顿依然没 有放弃自己的政治选择,并且他的观 点在此后广泛影响了整个欧洲的政治 和宗教信仰。

------His first entry into political conflict ------Pamphlets on marriage -----Areopagitica ------Milton’s work as the spokesman of the Revolution ------ His ge and Horton day’s
at age 16 Cambridge. finest student In 1632 ,Milton received his B.A. In 1629 ,Latin, Greek, French, Italian, and Hebrew(希伯来语), Cambridge to become a clergyman(牧师), but he was dissuaded from this occupation due to “tyranny”(专制统治) in the church.
1640-1660: pamphlets
1660-1674: Paradise Lost (1665), Paradise Regained (1671), Samson Agonistes (1671).
Early poems
On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity《基督诞生晨
the necessity of thorough religious reform
• Pamphlets on marriage
Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce 《离婚的戒律和学说》 1643
Backgroud getting trouble in his marriage
John Milton and His Two Sonnets 约翰·弥尔顿 及其2首十四行诗

But O as to embrace me she enclin'd I wak'd, she fled, and day brought back my night 可是,啊!当她正要俯身抱我的时候, 我醒了,她逃走了,白昼又带回我的黑夜。 (朱维之 译)
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 我思量,我怎么还未到生命的中途, 就已耗尽光明,走上这黑暗的,茫茫的世路, 我这完全埋没了的庸才,对我毫无用处, 虽然我的心总是想要多多服务, 想要鞠躬尽瘁地服务于我的造物主, 算清我的账,免得他要向我发怒; “难道上帝不给光明却要计算日工吗?” 我愚蠢地一问,“忍耐”就把我的话止住, 立刻回答道:“上帝不需要人的服务, 也不要你还给他什么礼物; 谁能忍受得起痛苦,就是最好的服务; 他的国度气派堂皇,听他派遣的,不计其数, 他们奔走忙碌于海洋和大陆; 那些站立得稳,坚定不移的也是服务。”
Came vested all in white, pure as her mind: Her face was vail'd, yet to my fancied sight, Love, sweetness, goodness, in her person shin'd So clear, as in no face with more delight. 全身雪白的衣裳,跟她的心地一样纯洁, 她脸上罩着薄纱,但在我幻想的眼里, 她身上清晰地放射出爱、善和娇媚, 再也没有别的脸,比这叫人更加喜悦。
Mine as whom washt from spot of child-bed taint, Purification in the old Law did save, And such, as yet once more I trust to have Full sight of her in Heaven without restraint, 我的阿尔雪斯蒂已经洗净了产褥的污点, 按照古法规净化,保持无瑕的白璧; 因此,我也好像重新得到一度的光明, 毫无阻碍地、清楚地看见她在天堂里,

The poem starts with the speaker, Milton, reflecting upon his blindness and how God expects him to make full use of his ability as a writer, if he cannot even see the paper on which he writes. The talent of the poet is useless now that he is losing his sight , even though he wishes to serve God with his writing now more than ever. After stating this problem, he wonders if God wants him to do smaller tasks since he can no longer see light or use his talent. Milton own patience answers his question as foolish: that God does not need man to do work for Him and those obedient to Him bear his mild yoke. Patience continues to tell Milton that God is being continuously served by thousands of people and the natural world. Most importantly Milton understands that waiting can be its own kind of service. When expressing this, Milton expresses it in a tone of depression and frustration.

英国⽂学2Part One Anglo-Saxon Literature(⼤约450- 1066)Anglo-Saxon literature, that is, the Old English literature,is almost exclusively a verse(韵⽂)literature in oral form. It could be passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation. Its creators for the most part are unknown. It was only given a written form long after its composition. There were two groups of English poetry in Anglo-Saxon period. The first group was the pagan (⾮宗教的)poetry represented by Beowulf [bew?lf](《贝奥武甫》它被认为是英国的民族史诗。
)课下⽹上欣赏电影“Beowulf” (⼥主⾓:安吉丽娜·朱莉)或《贝奥武夫与怪兽格兰戴尔》。
The second was the religious poetry represented by the works of Caedmon (凯德蒙,公元7世纪盎格鲁-撒克逊基督教诗⼈)and Cynewulf [K](基涅武甫,盎格鲁-撒克逊诗⼈,⽣活在公元9世纪,其古英语诗稿于10世纪被发现,有《埃琳娜》、《使徒的命运》、《基督升天》和《朱莉安娜》等).In the 8th century, Anglo-Saxon prose appeared.(《尚书》的出现标志着中国散⽂的形成。
John Milton (1608-1674) 约翰·米尔顿_英国文学

John Milton (1608-1674) 约翰·米尔顿I. The life and main works of John MiltonMilton is the greatest writer of the seventeenth century, one of the giants in English literature. Milton was born in London. His education began at St Paul’s school, where he showed talent for mastering the ancient language and literatures: Greek, Latin and Hebrew. He graduated B.A(Bachelor of Arts 文学士)in 1629 and M.A(Master of Arts文科硕士)in 1632 at Cambridge University. After that, he retired for five years to his father’s country house in Buckinghamshire, where he read ancient and modern writings. His poetic compositions came only occasionally during this period of intense private study. In 1634 he wrote a masque(假面剧)called Comuns《科马斯》at the request of an aristocratic family who lived nearby. In 1637 he wrote the finest pastoral(田园诗的) elegy (田园诗)in English, Lycidas《列西达斯》. In 1638 he left England to complete his education with two years of travel in Europe. After his return to England, he soon plunged himself into the struggle for which he had long been preparing. At that time, the Church of England was the major bulwark(壁垒) of the monarchy. Vigorous attacks were made on the Church of England as well as on the king. Milton was stirred(inspired)by the controversy and wrote a series of pamphlets(小册子), in which he urged the necessity of a thorough religious reform. After the Revolution succeeded, the commonwealth was established, Milton wrote a number of pamphlets defending the English revolution, such as Defence of the English People(《为英国人民声辩》), and Second Defence of the English People(《再为英国人民声辩》). He played an active role in public affairs during the Civil War and the Commonwealth.Milton was married to Mary Powell in 1642. Six weeks after the marriage she left to her parents, and for several years Milton issued pamphlets in which he argued that all Englishmen should have the right to get a divorce. When King Charles I was executed in 1649, Milton defended the parliament before European governments. It waswhile he was engaged in this project that Milton went blind, it is due to the severe eyestrain brought on by ceaseless reading and Latin composition.With the Restoration of the Monarchy in 1660, Milton was imprisoned and threatened with execution. With the help of some friends, he was let off with a fine and some loss of property. Shortly afterward, living in blindness and seclusion (隔离) from all but the members of his family, Milton began his masterpiece Paradise Lost. Before his death Milton published two other works on a grand scale, Paradise Regained《复乐园》and Samson Agonistes(《力士参孙》). II. The Story of Paradise LostParadise Lost: It is a long epic in 12 books, done in blank verse. The stories were taken from the Old Testament: the creation; the rebellion in Heaven of Satan and his fellow-angles; their defeat and expulsion(逐出) from Heaven; the creation of the earth and of Adam and Eve; the fallen angles in hell plotting against God; Satan’s temptation of Eve; and the departure of Adam and Eve from Eden.(1) The Story of Paradise LostLed by freedom-loving Satan, the rebellious angels rise against God Himself, but in the battle with the hosts of angels that remain true to God they are finally defeated. Satan and his followers are banished from Heaven and driven into hell. But even in hell, amidst flames and poisonous fumes, Satan and his adherents are not discouraged. The epic opens with the description of a meeting of the fallen angels in hell. Satan’s proud spirit is unyielding; he fearlessly withstands all agonies and passionately strives for revenge and victory.Satan chooses for his new battlefield the most perfect of spots, ever created by God, the Garden of Eden, where live the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, who are allowed by God to enjoy the supreme beauties and bounties(施舍) of paradise, if they do not eat the fruit that grows on the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Satan desires to tear them away from the influence of God and make them tools in his struggle against God’s authority.God learns of his intention, however, and sends the Archangel (大天使)Raphael to warn Adam and Eve of Satan’s plan. The Archangel reminds them of their vow of obedience and gives a detailed narration of Satan’s rebellion. But on Adam’s request for an explanation of the rotation of the celestial bodies, Raphael advises him not to inquire into matters that do not concern him directly, and then leaves him.No sooner is Raphael gone than Satan assumes the shape of a serpent and appears before Eve. He persuades her to break God’s command. Eve eats an apple from the forbidden tree and plucks another one for Adam.God sees all this, Adam and Eve, are both deprived of immortality, exiled from Paradise and doomed to an earthly life full of hardships and sufferings, to eat bread by “the sweat of the face.”(2) Theme and CharacterizationThe main idea of the poem is the heroic revolt against God’s authority. In the poem God is not better than a selfish despot(暴君), seated upon a throne with a chorus of angels about him eternally singing his praises. He is cruel and unjust in punishing Satan. His Archangel is a bore. His angels are silly. While Satan rises against God, though defeated, still seeks revenge, is by far the most striking character in the poem.Adam and Eve embody Milton’s belief in the powers o f man. Their craving for knowledge denied by God, as Milton stresses, adds a particular significance to their character. It is this longing for knowledge that opens before mankind a wide road to an intelligent and active life. The God surrounded by his angels, who never think of expressing any opinions of their own, resembles the court of an absolute monarch, bear close resemblance to a republican parliament. This alone is sufficient to prove that Milton’s revolutionary feelings made him forget religious orthodoxy(正统).(3)The image of Satan:The finest thing in Paradise Lost is the description of hell, and Satan is the real hero of the poem. Like a conquered and banished(驱逐) giant, he remains obeyed and admired by those who follow him down to hell. He is firmer than the rest of the fallen angels. It is he who makes man revolt against God. Though defeated, he prevails(succeedd), since he has won from God the third part of his angels, and almost all the sons of Adam. To Milton, the proud and somber(阴沉的) Satan represented the spirit rebellion against an unjust authority.III. The features of Milton’s poetry1)Milton is a great revolutionary poet of the 17th century. He is also anoutstanding political pamphleteer of the Revolution Period. He dedicated himself to the revolutionary cause. He made a strong influence on the later English poetry.2)Milton is a great stylist(文体家). His poetry has a grand style. That isbecause he made a life-long study of classical and Biblical literature.His poetry is noted for sublimity(高尚) of thought and majesty(雄伟) of expression.3)Milton is a great master of blank verse. He is the glorious pioneer tointroduce blank verse into non-dramatic poetry. He has used it as the main tool in his masterpiece Paradise Lost. His blank verse is rich in every poetic quality and never monotonous(单调的).IV. The Selected Part of Paradise Lost…What though the field be lost? repetition(重复手法) All is not lost; th’ unconquerable Will(resolution), iteration(头韵手法) And study (earnest intention) of revenge, immortal (never to be forgotten) hate, And courage never to submit or yield (give in):And what is else not to be overcome?That Glory never shall his wrauth(wrath) or might(power)(Glory= the glory of hearing Satan confess himself overcome)Extort (obtain sth by violence) from mee. To bow and sue (beg ) for grace (mercy) With suppliant (asking humbly and earnestly) knee, and deifie(deify神化) his power Who from the terrour of this Arm(troop)so late(recent)Doubted his Empire(imperial control); that were low (mentally depressed) indeed, That were an ignominy (shame) and shame beneathThis downfall(failure); since by Fate(fortune) the strength of GodsAnd this Empyreal substance (the arm of Satan ) cannot fail,Since through experience of this great event (failure)In Arms not worse, in foresight much advanc’t, (in not worse arm, in much advanced foresight)We may with more successful hope resolve (decide to do sth)To wage(engage in a war) by force or guile(wisdom)eternal(permanent) Warr, Irreconcileable(impossible to reconcile) to our grand Foe(enemy=God),Who now triumphs, and in th’ excess (overmuch) of joySole(only) reigning(control) holds the Tyranny of Heav’n. (holds the Tyranny of Heaven sole reigning)…我们损失了什么呢?并非什么都丢光:不挠的意志,热切的复仇心,不灭的憎恨,以及永不屈服,用不退让的勇气:还有什么比这更难战胜的呢?他的暴怒也罢,威力也罢,绝不能夺去我的这份光荣。

3 现代社会的启示
《失乐园》在世界文学史上占据 重要地位,影响了许多后来的作 家和思想家。
弥尔顿的作品对英国文学产生了 深远的影响,开辟了新的文学风 格和表达方式。
这是关于约翰·弥尔顿的大学英语课件,探讨他的作品《失乐园》及其对世界 文学和现代文化的影响。
约翰·弥尔顿是17世纪英国的著名作家,被誉为 英国文艺复兴时期最伟大的诗人之一。
他的代表作品是《失乐园》,描绘了人类起源、 罪恶和救赎的史诗。
1 比较与对比
弥尔顿的思想和作品影响了现代 文化的各个领域,如艺术、哲学 和政治。
- 弥尔顿, 约翰. 《失乐园》. - 沈从文. 《约翰·弥尔顿作品选》. - Smith, John. "John Milton and His Impact on Literature."

为英国革命辩护,反对法国干涉英国 革命。
古罗马诗人维吉尔的作品,是英 语文学中的重要译本。
古希腊史诗《伊利亚特》和《奥 德赛》的英译本,对英国文学影 响深远。
约翰弥尔顿的诗歌和散文作品,如《失乐园》和《复乐园》,对英国文学的古 典主义传统产生了深远的影响,为后来的作家提供了典范。
弥尔顿的作品逐渐受到重视和推 崇,成为英国文学经典之一。
描述人类失去乐园的故事,是弥尔顿最著名的作 品之一。
主张言论自由和出版自由,对后世 影响深远。
约翰弥尔顿的作品对欧洲浪漫主义文学产生了重要的影响, 他的诗歌中所表达的人性、自由和信仰等主题,成为了欧洲 浪漫主义文学的重要思想来源。
约翰弥尔顿的作品强调了诗歌的艺术性,他通过自己的创作实践证明了诗歌不仅 是表达情感和思想的工具,更是一种艺术形式。
父亲去世后,继承了家族 的地产,开始过着乡绅生 活。
担Hale Waihona Puke 国会议员,支持共和 制。1649年
John_Milton弥尔顿 英国文学 ppt课件

John_Milton弥尔顿 英国文学
• L‘Allegre 《快乐的人》 • IL Pens eroso (1632) 《忧思的人》
John_Milton弥尔顿 英国文学
• Areopagitica《论出版自由》
• The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates
He met famed scholar Hugo Grotius in Paris, then to Italy.
Milton arrived in Florence, where he met with Galileo(伽利 略).
In Rome, he was a guest of Cardinal , and visited the Vatican(梵蒂冈) Library.
gave up being a clergyman to his father’s country house
6 years of private study and poetry writing
John_Milton弥尔顿 英国文学
• 1638-1639 A tour to France and Italy • The summer of 1639 Return
Of Reformation 《论改革》, Animadversions 《批判》, and Of Prelatical Episcopacy 《论主教制》
His Marriage
•Married three times •Had four children • strain relationships •Mary Powell •Desertion •"Milton the Divorcer"
John_Milton PPT

武梦蕊 541208010122 2
• The Puritans were a group of English Protestants in the16th and 17th centuries, including, but not limited to, English Calvinists. Puritanism in this sense was founded by John Calvin from the clergy shortly after the accession of Elizabeth I of England in 1588, as an activist movement within the Church of England.
chapter 2 John Milton

Milton’ Milton’s Literary Influence
John Keats exclaimed that "Miltonic verse cannot be written but in an artful or rather artist's humour." Keats felt that Paradise Lost was a "beautiful and grand curiosity"; but his own unfinished attempt at epic poetry, Hyperion, was unsatisfactory to the author because, amongst other things, it had too many "Miltonic inversions". In The Madwoman in the Attic, Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar note that Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein is, in the view of many critics, "one of the key 'Romantic' readings of Paradise Lost.“ Lost.“ Herman Melville, the American writer is considered greatly influenced by Paradise in his masterpiece work Moby Dick.
The father's prosperity provided Milton with well education and leisure to pursue his interest. Upon receiving his M.A. in 1632, Milton retired to his father's home.

英国文学简史完全笔记Part one:early and medieval english literatureChapter 1: the making of england1 the Briton2 the Roman Consequent3 the English Consequent4 the social condition of the Anglo-SaxonsChapter 2: Beowulf<Beowulf>贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo-SaxonsEpic: long narrative poems that record the adventures or heroic deeds of a hero enacted in vast landscapes. The style of epic is grand and elevated.e.g. Homer’s Iliad and OdysseyArtistic features:1 Using alliteration2 Using metaphor and understatementDefinition of alliteration: a rhetorical device, meaning some words in a sentence begin with the same consonant sound(头韵)Some examples on P5Definition of understatement: expressing something in a controlled way Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express their ideasChapter 3 : Feudal England1 the Norman Conquest:①the Danish invasionKing Alfred: the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle②the Norman Conquest:Marks the establishment of feudalism in England\2 Feuda EnglandSocial features of the Feuda England:Two classes(landlord and peasant)The miseries of the peasant:Black DeathThe raising of 13813 the Romance: knightFamous three:King ArthurSir Gawain and the Green KnightBeowulfChapter 4 William LanglandPiers The Plowman耕者皮尔斯:a picture of feudal England①the exposure of the ruling classes②the story of the Cat and Rats③the marriage of lady Meed④the condition of the peasants⑤the search for truth⑥a representative of the most oppressed section of the peasantryArtistic features:It is written in the form of a dream visionUsing symbolismChapter 5 the English Bllads民谣Oral literatureBallad: is a story told in song, usually in 4-line stanzas, with the second and fourth lines rhymed.The Robin Hood BalladChapter 6 Geoffery Chaucer英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。

弥尔顿的散文作品同样具有深厚 的文学造诣,他的散文风格清新
在他的散文作品中,可以看到他 对社会现实的深刻洞察和对人性
弥尔顿的散文作品常常以对话或 独白的形式展开,通过生动的人 物形象和情节来阐述他的思想和
弥尔顿在戏剧创作方面也颇有建树,他的戏剧作品以深刻的思想内涵和精湛的艺术 表现赢得了广泛的赞誉。
他的作品和思想深刻地反映了当时社会的政治、宗教和文化冲突,对 后世的社会思潮和文学发展产生了重要影响。
弥尔顿的作品被翻译成多种语言,在世界范围内广泛传播,对国际文 学产生了深远的影响。
弥尔顿的坚持和勇气激励着后世的文学家和读者,他的作品和思想将 继续在文学史上熠熠生辉。
02 约翰弥尔顿文学创作
约翰·弥尔顿的诗歌以宏伟的构 思、深邃的思想和精湛的艺术 技巧著称。
他的诗歌风格庄重、高雅,语 言富有韵律感和音乐性,常常 运用象征、隐喻等修辞手法。
弥尔顿的诗歌主题广泛,涉及 宗教、政治、历史等多个领域, 表达了他对自由、正义和真理 的不懈追求。
随着网络技术的发展,约翰·弥尔顿的作品在各大文学网站 、社交媒体平台上得到广泛传播和分享,进一步扩大了其 作品的受众范围。
约翰·弥尔顿的作品在当代文学研究领域也备受关注,学者 们对其诗歌风格、主题思想、艺术成就等方面进行了深入 研究和探讨。
John Milton and Paradise Lost PPT的演讲稿

Before my presentation of Paradise Lost, please allow me to ask you some questions about the Bible. How much do you know about the Garden of Eden?First question: Satan appeared to Eve in the form of what creature? SerpentSecond: The Bible says Satan is the father of what? Father of Lies(谎言之父)Third: What happened when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit?They committed the first sin and are led out of the Eden.We all know that the forbidden fruit is the apple from the Tree of Knowledge.After eating the apple, Adam and Eve were led out of the Eden, the paradise, and thereafter they lived a life full of hardship.Now, let’s get down to t he subject, the Paradise Lost.Paradise Lost is Milton’s masterpiece. It’s the only generally acknowledged epic in English literature since Beowulf, and a long narrative epic poem in blank verse, consisting of 12 books.The story in the book was taken from the Old Testament of Bible, the Genesis(创世纪). And the main characters are God/ Satan/ Adam and Eve. We will focus on the characterization of Satan and God later.Now, let’s look at what happened in this book.In the first part of the book, Milton tells us that because of man’s disobedience, people lose their paradise. And that’s the theme of this book – Fall of Man.Satan and his rebellious angels discuss how to fight against God. At the same time, they hear about the creation of the earth and Satan decides to visit the new world.Meanwhile, God foretells how Satan will bring about Man’s Fall and the Son of God decidesto sacrifice himself for the Fall of Man. Then God sends the angel Raphael to warn Adam and Eve to be wary of Satan. Raphael tells Adam about Satan’s revolt against the God and urged him not to eat the apple on the Tree of Knowledge.However, Satan disguised himself as a serpent and succeeded in tempting Eve to eat the apple. Adam knows that Eve has eaten the apple. And he would rather die with Eve than live without her, so he eats the apple, too.As a result, they are led out of Eden, and face a new life in a new world. And Satan and his angels would be in shape of snake forever as a punishment.Now, the story is ended. God and Satan as the 2 main characters in this epic, what do you think of them.Let’s look at the first image —God. God is described as the creator of the universe with unlimited power. He is always praised as a true, good and kind image. But in Paradise Lost, God is a typical image of selfish despot. On the surface, God has given human free will; in fact, he has suppressed the true freedom. Let’s back to the background of this book, it was the 17th century, the revolution and the restoration began, in that time, monarchy and parliament stand for opposite class interest. In this epic, God is the representative of an absolute monarch, or we may say the king of Britain. But Satan is portrayed as a brave hero, to stand for the Parliament.In traditional concepts, Satan is the devil from hell. However, in Paradise Lost, he is someone in whom evil is mixed with good. He is good because he is the real hero who dares to revolt against the despot, preserving but not discouraged after the failure. He is the representative of the Parliament.But if the God represents the despot in this book, how do you understand this sentence: tojustify the ways of God to man(向世人昭示天道的公正). Its original meaning is that God is just, and we should obey him completely. It’s one of the purposes of this epic.As we have mentioned, Milton was a puritan poet. As a pious Christian, he had to justify God, so he said “to justify the ways of God to man”. But under the surface, the poem is to praise the rebellion spirit against the despot.God is just! But from the perspective of politics, he thought God is a despot and Satan is a real hero.Now, let’s come back to John Milton. As we can see, Milton is a great literary giant since Shakespeare, and is considered as one of the most important poet in his era.He is a great master of the blank verse, first used blank verse in non-dramatic works. In Paradise Lost, he acquires an absolute mastery of blank verse.He is also a great stylist. He is famous for his grand style. It’s art attained by definite and rhetorical device.But, though as a great poet, his works are rather dull reading for modern readers because of his writing style, the long and involved and sometimes seemingly interminable sentence constructions.His works are also difficult to read because of the extreme variety of pauses. In Paradise Lost, Milton’s pauses may come almost anywhere in a line of verse.。

-----an elegy (哀诗) for his friend
---- attack the corrupt clergy of his time and prophesy their ruin
约翰 弥尔顿 John Milton
1639年,英国革命 即将爆发,他 返回英国。随后的20多年中,他积极投 身英国革命,发表了大量的散文和政论 文,为英国革命和共和政府奔走呼吁
约翰 弥尔顿 John Milton
约翰`弥尔顿 (John Milton 1608—1674),17 世纪英国杰出的诗 人和思想家,是继 莎士比亚后最伟大 的诗人,称雄与动 荡的充满激情和暴 力的17世纪
Milton’s literary
1625-1640: early poems
Life Works
Milton’s Reputation
Milton‘s Cambridge and Horton day’s
at age 16 Cambridge. finest student In 1632 ,Milton received his B.A. In 1629 ,Latin, Greek, French, Italian, and Hebrew(希伯来语), Cambridge to become a clergyman(牧师), but he was dissuaded from this occupation due to “tyranny”(专制统治) in the church.
So, Milton spent the 6 years after getting his M.A. reading the Greek and Latin classics, and studying mathematics and music.

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• In 1638 he made a trip to Italy, studying in Florence, and Rome, but felt obliged to return home upon the outbreak of civil war in England, in 1639. Upon his return from Italy, he began planning an epic poem, the first ever written in English. • After serving for a few years in a civil position, he retired briefly to his house in Westminster because his eyesight was failing. By 1652 he was completely blind.
Christian Humanism
• Milton intended to expose the ways of Satan and to “ justify the ways of God to men at the men.” center of the conflict between human love and spiritual duty lies Milton’s fundamental concern with freedom and choice the freedom to submit choice; to God’s prohibition on eating the apple and the choices of disobedience made for love.
In his later years, Milton came to view all organized Christian churches whether Anglican, churches, Catholic or Presbyterian, as an obstacle to true faith. He felt that the individual and his conscience (or “right reason”) was a much more powerful tool in interpreting the Word of God than the example w problems with the division of Protestants into more and smaller denominations. Instead, he thought that the fragmentation of churches was a sign of healthy self selfexamination, and believed that each individual ,
should glorify God, promote religious values, enlighten readers, and help people to
become better Christians Christians.
Other Achievements
Aside from his poetic successes, Milton was also a prolific writer of essays and pamphlets pamphlets. These prose writings did not bring Milton public acclaim. In fact, since his essays and pamphlets argued against the established views of most of England, Milton was even the object of threats. , Nevertheless, he continued to form the basis for his political and theological beliefs in the form of essays and pamphlets.
Individual values as Supreme
Throughout Paradise Lost, Milton expresses the idea that Adam and Eve’s fall from grace was actually fortunate, because it gives individual human beings the opportunity to redeem themselves by true repentance and faith. The importance of remaining strong in one’s personal religious convictions, particularly in the face of widespread condemnation is a major condemnation, theme in the later Books of Paradise Lost.
Paradise Lost
John Milton
• John Milton was born on December 9, 1608, in London. Milton’s father was a prosperous merchant, despite the fact that he had been disowned by his family when he converted from Catholicism to Protestantism. Milton excelled in school, and went on to study privately in his twenties and thirties.
Christian should be his own church, without any establishment to encumber him.
From that point on, Milton advocated the complete abolishment of all church establishments, and kept his own private religion, , close to the Calvinism practiced by Presbyterians but differing in some ways. Milton’s highly individual view of Christianity makes Paradise Lost simultaneously personal and universal.
Paradise Lost
• Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse, divided into 12 books. The original story is taken form Genesis 3:1-24 of the Bible. The theme is 24 the “Fall of Man,” that is, man’s disobedience ,” and the loss of Paradise, with its prime cause , cause– Satan. In Heaven, Satan led a rebellion against God. Defeated, he and his rebel angels were cast into Hell. However, Satan refused to accept his failure, vowing that “ all was not lost” and that he would seek revenge for his downfall.
faith in God
Milton is adept at writing narrative, dramatic, elegiac, philosophical, and lyrical poetry. He had built a firm poetic foundation through his intense study of languages, philosophy, and politics. Even in early poems, Milton’s literary output was guided by his faith in God. Milton believed that all poetry served a social, philosophical, and religious purpose. He thought that poetry .
Religious Points
• Milton despised the corruption he saw in the Catholic Church, repeatedly attacking it both in his poetry and prose. In “ “Lycidas (a collection of elegies dedicated to Edward King),” he likens Catholics to hungry wolves leaping into a sheep’s pen, an image similar to his depiction of Satan leaping over the wall of Paradise in Paradise Lost, Book IV.