Fasteners — Steel screws, bolts and studs with locking coatings — Part 28: Technical specifications Eléments de fixation — Vis en acier avec revêtement serrnat — Partie 28: Specifications techniques
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E DIN 267-28:2003-01 DIN EN ISO 4753, Verbindungselemente — Enden von Teilen mit metrischem ISO-Außengewinde (ISO 4753:1999); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 4753:1999. DIN EN ISO 7089, Flache Scheiben — Normale Reihe, Produktklasse A (ISO 7089:2000); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 7089:2000. DIN EN ISO 8673, Sechskantmuttern, Typ 1, mit metrischem Feingewinde, Produktklassen A und B (ISO 8673:1999); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 8673:2000. DIN ISO 261, Metrisches ISO-Gewinde allgemeiner Anwendung — Übersicht (ISO 261:1998).
8 A RMS, 70 A Peak Glass Passivated Wafer 400 V to 800 V Off-State Voltage Max I GT of 50 mA (Quadrants 1 - 3)absolute maximum ratingsover operating case temperature (unless otherwise noted)NOTES:1.These values apply bidirectionally for any value of resistance between the gate and Main T erminal 1.2.This value applies for 50-Hz full-sine-wave operation with resistive load. Above 85°C derate linearly to 110°C case temperature atthe rate of 320 mA/°C.3.This value applies for one 50-Hz full-sine-wave when the device is operating at (or below) the rated value of on-state current.Surge may be repeated after the device has returned to original thermal equilibrium. During the surge, gate control may be lost.4.This value applies for one 50-Hz half-sine-wave when the device is operating at (or below) the rated value of on-state current.Surge may be repeated after the device has returned to original thermal equilibrium. During the surge, gate control may be lost.5.This value applies for a maximum averaging time of 20 ms.RATINGSYMBOL VALUE UNITRepetitive peak off-state voltage (see Note 1)TR8-400-70TR8-600-70TR8-700-70TR8-800-70V DRM400600700800VFull-cycle RMS on-state current at (or below) 85°C case temperature (see Note 2)I T(RMS)8A Peak on-state surge current full-sine-wave (see Note 3)I TSM 70A Peak on-state surge current half-sine-wave (see Note 4)I TSM 80A Peak gate currentI GM ±1A Peak gate power dissipation at (or below) 85°C case temperature (pulse width 200 s)P GM 2.2W Average gate power dissipation at (or below) 85°C case temperature (see Note 5)P G(AV)0.9W Operating case temperature range T C -40 to +110°C Storage temperature rangeT stg -40 to +125°C Lead temperature 1.6 mm from case for 10 secondsT L230°Celectrical characteristics at 25°C case temperature (unless otherwise noted)PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONS MINTYPMAX UNIT I DRMRepetitive peak off-state current V D = rated V DRM I G = 0T C = 110°C ±2mAI GTMPeak gate trigger currentV supply = +12 V†V supply = +12 V†V supply = -12 V†V supply = -12 V†R L = 10 R L = 10 R L = 10 R L = 10 t p(g) > 20 s t p(g) > 20 s t p(g) > 20 s t p(g) > 20 s 2-12-92050-50-50mA V GTMPeak gate trigger voltageV supply = +12 V†V supply = +12 V†V supply = -12 V†V supply = -12 V†R L = 10 R L = 10 R L = 10 R L = 10 t p(g) > 20 s t p(g) > 20 s t p(g) > 20 s t p(g) > 20 s0.7-0.8-0.80.92-2-22V† All voltages are with respect to Main Terminal 1.† All voltages are with respect to Main T erminal 1.NOTES:6.This parameter must be measured using pulse techniques, t p = 1 ms, duty cycle 2 %. Voltage-sensing contacts separate fromthe current carrying contacts are located within 3.2 mm from the device body.7.The triacs are triggered by a 15-V (open-circuit amplitude) pulse supplied by a generator with the following characteristics:R G = 100 , t p(g) = 20 s, t r = 15 ns, f = 1 kHz.V TM Peak on-state voltage I TM = ±12 A I G = 50 mA (see Note 6)±1.6±2.1V I H Holding current V supply = +12 V†V supply = -12 V†I G = 0I G = 0Init’ I TM = 100 mA Init’ I TM = -100 mA5-930-30mA I L Latching current V supply = +12 V†V supply = -12 V†(see Note 7)50-50mA dv/dt Critical rate of rise of off-state voltage V DRM = Rated V DRM I G = 0T C = 110°C ±100V/µs dv/dt (c)Critical rise of commu-tation voltageV DRM = Rated V DRMI TRM = ±12 AT C = 85°C±5V/µsthermal characteristicsPARAMETERMIN TYP MAX UNIT R JC Junction to case thermal resistance 1.8°C/W R JAJunction to free air thermal resistance62.5°C/Welectrical characteristics at 25°C case temperature (unless otherwise noted) (continued)PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONS MINTYP MAX UNITMECHANICAL DATATO-2203-pin plastic flange-mount packag eThis single-in-line package consists of a circuit mounted on a lead frame and encapsulated within a plastic compound. The compound will withstand soldering temperature with no deformation, and circuit performance characteristics will remain stable when operated in high humidity conditions. Leads require no additional cleaning or processing when used in soldered assembly.。
Reel Dimensions
Note: Tolerance unless mentioned is ±0.1mm; unit = mm.
Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No. : DSE-671-151
Spectrum Radiation Bandwidth Forward Voltage Reverse Current
* 67-21UYC/S530-XX/TR8 Chip Rank
Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No. : DSE-671-151
Reflow Soldering : 260 ℃ for 10 sec. Hand Soldering : 350 ℃ for 3 sec.
Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No. : DSE-671-151
Prepared date: 29-Oct.-2007
Relative luminous intensity (%)
50 25
0 500
550 600 650 Wavelength λ (nm)
Forward Voltage VF (V) Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current Ta=25°C Relative luminous intensity (%) 1000
镍和镍合金无缝钢管的一般要求标准SB829(除了已经强制认证的,其它与ASTM规范B 829 - 99一致)1. 范围1.1 该规格(不包括第5节和第4节中的规格)强制性按照以下ASTM镍和镍合金,无缝钢管标准来要求的各种规格。
规格ASTM 标示无缝镍钢管B161 冷凝器和热交换器的镍和镍合金无缝钢管B163 镍铜合金(UNS N04400)无缝钢管B165 镍铬铁合金(UNS N06600,N06601,N06690)无缝钢管B167 镍铁铬合金无缝钢管B407 镍铁铬钼铜合金(UNS N08825 ,N08221)无缝钢管B423 镍铬钼钶合金(UNS N06625)无缝钢管B444 钼钨合金(UNS N06102)无缝钢管B445 镍铁铬硅合金(UNS N08330 和UNS N08332)无缝钢管B535 铜铍合金锻件和挤压件B570 无缝镍和镍钴合金管B622 UNS N08028无缝钢管B668 UNS N8904,UNS N08925 ,UNS N08926无缝钢管B677 铁镍铬钼合金(UNS N08366 UNS N08367)无缝钢管B690 NI-CR-MO-CO-W-FE-SI合金(UNS N06333)无缝钢管B722 无缝UNS N08020,UNS N08026,UNS N08024镍合金无缝钢管B7291.2 第五节要求的一个或多个测试仅在产品规格或采购订单中有明确规定时适用。
1.3 如果产品规格要求与本通用规范要求出现冲突,那么以产品规格需求为准。
1.4 英寸磅作为标准单位。
1.5 以下安全隐患警告只适用于该规范的第五节测试需求部分:这个标准并不旨在解决所有的安全问题,如果有的话,与其使用有关。
2. 参考文件2.1 ASTM标准B 880 镍、镍合金和钴合金化学测试分析限制一般要求规范。
德国标准和国际标准、中国标准中英文对照表发布日期:2007-03-14 浏览次数:829德国标准和国际标准、中国标准中英文对照表序号德国标准中文品名英文品名国际标准中国标准Item DIN-Standard Description in Chinese Description in English ISO-Standard GB-Standard 1DIN1圆锥销taper pins ISO2339GB117 2DIN7圆柱销parallel pins ISO2338GB119-86 3DIN84开槽圆柱头螺钉slotted cheese head screws ISO1207GB65-85 4DIN85开槽盘头螺钉slotted pan head screws ISO1580GB67-85 5DIN93单耳止动垫圈tab washers GB854 6DIN94开口销split cotter pins ISO1234GB91 7DIN95开槽半沉头木螺钉slotted raised csk head wood screws GB101 8DIN96开槽半圆头木螺钉slotted round head wood screws GB99 9DIN97开槽沉头木螺钉slotted countersunk head wood screws GB100 10DIN125-A平垫plain washers ISO7089GB97.1-85 11DIN125-B平垫(带倒角)mediun washers ISO7090GB97.2-85 12DIN126平垫plain washers ISO709113DIN127-A重型弹垫spring lock washers,tang ends GB7244 14DIN127-B标准弹垫spring lock washers,square ends GB93-87 15DIN128-A鞍形弹垫single coil spring lock washers GB7245-87 16DIN137-A弹簧止动垫圈curved spring washers17DIN137-B波形弹垫wave spring washers GB955 18DIN186T型方颈螺栓T-head bolts with square neck GB37-88 19DIN188T型双接头螺栓T-head bolts with double nip20DIN258螺纹圆锥销taper pins with threaded end ISO873721DIN261T型头螺栓T-head bolts22DIN315AF蝶型螺母(美制)wing nuts amercia form23DIN315DF蝶型螺母(德制)wing nuts germany form GB62-88 24DIN316AF蝶型螺钉(美制)wing screws amercia form25DIN317DF蝶型螺钉(德制)wing screws germany form26DIN319圆球型盖型螺母ball knobs27DIN404开槽带孔球面圆柱头螺钉slotted capstan screws GB832-88 28DIN417开槽长圆柱端紧定螺钉slotted set srews with full dog point ISO7435GB75-85 29DIN427开槽平端紧定螺钉(半牙)slotted set srews with chamfered end ISO2342GB73-85 30DIN431小六角特薄细牙螺母pipe nuts with thread GB808-88 31DIN432外舌止动垫圈external tap GB856-88 32DIN433小垫圈(用于圆柱头螺钉)washers for cheese head screws ISO7092GB848-95 33DIN434方斜垫圈(U型)square taper washers for U-section GB852-88 34DIN435方斜垫圈(I型)square taper washers for I-sections GB852-88 35DIN436方垫圈square washers36DIN438开槽凹端紧定螺钉slotted set with cup point ISO7436GB74-85 37DIN439六角薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO4035GB6172-86 38DIN439细牙六角薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO8675GB6173-86 39DIN440木螺钉专用垫圈rounds washers for wood constructions ISO709440DIN443密封帽sealing caps,push-in type41DIN444活节螺栓B 型eye bolts form B GB798-88 42DIN462内舌止动垫圈internal tab washers43DIN463双耳止动垫圈washers with two taps GB855-88 44DIN464滚花高头螺钉knurled thumb screws with collar GB834-88 45DIN465开槽滚花高头螺钉slotted knurled thumb screws with collar46DIN466滚花高螺母knurled thumb nuts with collar GB806-88 47DIN467滚花薄螺母knurled thumb thin nuts GB807-88 48DIN470锁紧垫圈sealing washers49DIN471轴用弹性挡圈retaining rings for shafts(external),circlips GB894.1-86 50DIN472孔用弹性挡圈retaining rings for bores(internal),circlips GB893.1-86 51DIN478方头带垫螺栓square head bolts with collar52DIN479方头圆柱底端螺栓square head bolts with half dog point53DIN480方头带垫半圆底端螺栓square head bolts with collar,half dog point and rounded end54DIN508T型槽螺母T-slot nuts ISO29955DIN525单头螺柱single end studs56DIN529地脚螺栓masonry bolts GB799-88 57DIN546带槽圆螺母slotted round nuts GB817-7658DIN547端面带孔圆螺母round nuts with drilled holes in one face GB815-88 59DIN551开槽平端紧定螺钉slotted sit screws with flat point ISO4776GB73-85 60DIN553开槽锥端紧定螺钉slotted set screws with cone point ISO7434GB71-85 61DIN555六角螺母hexagon nuts ISO403462DIN557方螺母-C square nuts GB39-88 63DIN558六角头螺钉hexagon screws ISO401864DIN561六角头圆柱端紧定螺钉hexagon set screws with full dog point65DIN562薄型方螺母-B square nuts without bevel(pressed nuts)66DIN571六角头木螺钉hexagon head wood screws (coach screws)GB102-86 67DIN580吊环螺钉lifting eye bolts ISO3266GB825-76 68DIN582吊环螺母lifting eye nuts69DIN601六角头螺栓hexagon bolts ISO401670DIN603大半圆头方颈螺栓(马车螺栓)mushroom head square neck bolts (carriagebolts)ISO8677GB14-8871DIN604沉头带插销马车螺栓flat countersunk nib bolts72DIN605沉头长方颈马车螺栓flat countersunk long square neck bolts73DIN607半圆头带插销马车螺栓cup head nib bolts74DIN608沉头短方颈马车螺栓flat countersunk short square neck bolts75DIN609六角头精配螺栓(长螺纹)hexagon fitted bolts,long thread76DIN610六角头精配螺栓(短螺纹)hexagon fitted bolts,short thread77DIN653滚花平头螺钉knurled thumb screws thin type GB835-88 78DIN660半圆头铆钉round head rivets ISO1051GB867-86 79DIN661沉头铆钉contersunk head rivets ISO1051GB869-86 80DIN662半沉头铆钉raised contersunk head rivets ISO105181DIN674大扁头铆钉mushroom head rivets ISO105182DIN703重型侧面带孔圆螺母adjusting rings,heavy range (shafting collars)83DIN705侧面带孔圆螺母adjusting rings,light range (shafting collars)GB816-88 84DIN741卡头wire rope clips85DIN787T型槽螺钉T-slot screws ISO29986DIN835双头螺柱(牙长=2D)studs-metal (end=2d)GB900-88 87DIN906内六角锥型闭锁螺钉hexagon socket pipe plugs,conical thread88DIN908内六角直型闭锁螺钉hexagon socket screw plugs,cyl. thread89DIN909外六角锥型闭锁螺钉hexagon head pipe plugs,conical thread90DIN910外六角直型闭锁螺钉hexagon head screw plugs,cyl.thread91DIN911内六角扳手socket wrenches ISO293692DIN912内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket cap screws ISO4762GB70-8593DIN913内六角平端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws with flat point ISO4026GB77-8594DIN914内六角尖端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws with cone point ISO4027GB78-8595DIN915内六角圆柱端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws with dog point ISO4028GB79-8596DIN916内六角凹端紧定螺钉hexagon socket set screws with cup point ISO4029GB80-8597DIN917薄型盲螺母hexagon cap nuts98DIN920开槽小圆柱头螺钉slotted short cheese head screws99DIN921开槽大圆柱头螺钉slotted large cheese head screws GB838-88 100DIN923开槽圆柱头轴肩螺钉slotted pan head screws with shoulder GB830-88 101DIN927开槽无头轴肩螺钉slotted shoulder screws102DIN928焊接方螺母square weld nuts GB/T13680-92 103DIN929焊接六角螺母hexagon weld nuts GB/T13681-92 104DIN931六角头螺栓(半牙)hexagon head screws ISO4014GB5782-86 105DIN933六角头螺栓(全牙)hexagon head screws ISO4017GB5783-86 106DIN934六角头螺母(1型)hexagon full nuts ISO4032GB6170-86 107DIN934细牙六角头螺母(1型)hexagon full nuts ISO8673GB6171-86 108DIN935开槽六角螺母hexagon slotted and castle nuts ISO7035GB6178-86 109DIN936六角头薄螺母hexagon thin nuts ISO4035GB6172.1-86 110DIN937六角头开槽薄螺母hexagon thin slotted and castle nuts ISO7038GB6181-86 111DIN938双头螺距(牙长=1D)studs metal (end=1d)GB897-88 112DIN939双头螺距(牙长=1.25D)studs metal (end=1.25d)GB898-88 113DIN940双头螺距(牙长=1.5D)studs metal (end=1.5d)114DIN960六角头细牙螺栓(半牙)hexagon head bolts,metric fine pitch thread ISO8765GB5785-86 115DIN961六角头细牙螺栓(全牙)hexagon head bolts,metric fine pitch thread ISO8676GB5786-86 116DIN962头部穿孔六角头螺栓additional shapes and versions for bolts117DIN963开槽沉头螺钉slotted countersund head screws ISO 2009GB68-85118DIN964开槽半沉头螺钉slotted raised countersunk oval head screws ISO 2010GB69-85119DIN965十字槽沉头螺钉cross recessed countersunk head screws ISO7046GB819-85 120DIN966十字槽半沉头螺钉cross recessed raised countersunk head screws ISO7047GB820-85121DIN970六角头螺母hexagon nuts type-1122DIN971六角头螺母hexagon nuts type-2123DIN972细牙六角头螺母(2型)hexagon nuts with fine thread ISO8674GB6176-86 124DIN975牙条(全螺纹)threaded rods(studdings)GB15389-94 125DIN976螺纹销threaded pins(stud bolts)126DIN979六角头开槽薄螺母(2型)hexagon thin slotted and castle nuts127DIN980全金属六角锁紧螺母(1型)prevailling torque type hexagon nuts,all metallnutsISO7199GB6184-86128DIN981圆螺母locknuts ISO2982GB812-88129DIN982六角头尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque type hexagon nuts,heavy type,with nylon insertISO7040GB889.1-86130DIN985六角头薄型尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque type hexagon nuts,heavy type,with nylon insertISO10511GB6172.2-86131DIN986六角盖型尼龙锁紧螺母prevailling torque typedomed capnuts with nylon insert132DIN988配合垫片shim rings133DIN1052木材连接用垫片washers for timber connectors134DIN1151沉头钢钉round plain head nails135DIN1440销钉专用垫片A型plain washers for clevis pins(A型)ISO8738136DIN1441销钉专用垫片plain washers for clevis pins137DIN1444带头销钉clevis pins with head ISO2341138DIN1471圆锥型槽销grooved pins,taper grooved ISO8744GB/T13829.2 139DIN1472圆锥型槽销(半槽)grooved pins,taper grooved half length ISO8745GB/T13829.2 140DIN1473平行槽销(带倒角)grooved pins,parallel grooved full length ISO8740141DIN1474前端凹槽槽销grooved pins,reserve grooved half length ISO8741142DIN1475中部凹槽槽销grooved pins,centre grooved ISO8742143DIN1476圆头槽销grooved pins with round head ISO8746GB/T13829.3 144DIN1477沉头槽销grooved pins with countersunk head ISO8747145DIN1479六角螺母棒turnuckles(centre parts),made out of hexagon bar146DIN1480花篮螺栓turnuckles with eye bolt and hook bolt147DIN1481弹性圆柱销spring pins,heavy type ISO8752GB879-86 148DIN1587组合式盖型螺母hexagon domed cap nuts GB802-88 149DIN1804开槽圆螺母(配合沟头扳手)slotted round nuts for hook spanner150DIN1816圆螺母(带插销孔)round nuts with set holes151DIN2093盘型弹簧垫圈disc springs152DIN3017喉箍hose clamps153DIN3404润滑油嘴(旋扭头)lubricating nipples,button head154DIN3567管夹shackles for conduilts155DIN3570U型螺栓stirrup bolts(U-bolts)156DIN6319球面垫圈spherical washers,conical seats GB849-88157DIN6325圆柱销parallel pins ISO8734158DIN6330厚六角螺母hexagon nuts ,1.5d GB56-88159DIN6331厚六角法兰面螺母hexagon nuts ,1.5d with collar GB6177-86 160DIN6334长六角螺母hexagon nuts ,3d161DIN6797-A外齿锁紧垫圈external teeth lock washers GB862.1-87 162DIN6797-I内齿锁紧垫圈internal teeth lock washers GB861.1-87 163DIN6798-A外锯齿锁紧垫圈external teeth serrated lock washers GB862.2-87 164DIN6798-I内锯齿锁紧垫圈internal teeth serrated lock washers GB861.2-87 165DIN6799开口挡圈retaining rings for shafts(E-rings),circlips GB896-76166DIN6885平键(A型)parallel keys(form A )ISO773/2491167DIN6888半圆键woodruff keys ISO3912168DIN6899嵌环(支撑环)thimbles169DIN6900机器螺钉和垫圈组合件screws and washers assemblies GB9074.1-.17 170DIN6901自攻螺钉和垫圈组合件tapping screws and washers assemblies GB9074.18-.23171DIN6912薄型带孔内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket head cap screws with hole,low head172DIN6914大六角头螺栓hexagon head bolts with large head(friction grip bolts)173DIN6915大六角螺母hexagon nuts with large wideth across flat(friction grip nuts)174DIN6916大垫圈round washers for friction grip bolts175DIN6917楔型方垫圈spuare taper washers for friction grip bolts on T-sections176DIN6923六角法兰面螺母hexagon flange nuts ISO4161GB6177-86177DIN6925全金属六角锁紧螺母(2型)prevailing torque type hexagon nuts,all metallicnutsISO7042GB6185.1-2000178DIN7337开口型抽芯铆钉(沉头、扁圆头)blind rivets GB12617/12618179DIN7338扁平头半空心/全空心铆钉rivets for brake and clutch lining GB875/975-86 180DIN7343螺旋夹紧销spiral pins ISO8750181DIN7346轻型弹性圆柱销spring pins,light type ISO13337182DIN7349重型弹性圆柱销用垫圈washers for bolts with heavy type spring pinss183DIN7500ISO公制螺纹螺钉(多种头型)threadforming screws for ISO-metric thread184DIN7504自攻自钻螺钉(多种头型)self-drilling tapping screws185DIN7513开槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型)thread cutting screws186DIN7516十字槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型)thread cutting screws cross recess187DIN7965T型四爪螺母tee nuts with pronge188DIN7968钢结构用六角头螺栓连接副hexagon head fitted bolts for steel structures GB1228/1229/1230 189DIN7971开槽盘头自攻螺钉pan head tapping screws with slot ISO1481GB5282-85190DIN7972开槽沉头自攻螺钉countersunk flat head tapping screws with slot ISO1482GB5283-85191DIN7973开槽半沉头自攻螺钉raised countersunk oval head tapping screws withslotISO1483GB5284-85192DIN7976六角头自攻螺钉hexagon tapping screws ISO1479GB5285-85193DIN7980圆柱头螺钉用弹簧垫圈spring lock washers for screws with cylindricalheadsISO8738194DIN7981十字槽盘头自攻螺钉pan head tapping screws with cross recessed ISO 7049GB845-85195DIN7982十字槽沉头自攻螺钉countersunk flat head tapping screws with crossrecessedISO7050GB846-85196DIN7983十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉raised countersunk oval head tapping screws withcross recessedISO7051GB847-86197DIN7984薄型内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagon socket head cap screws with,reduced head198DIN7985十字槽盘头螺钉pan head screws with cross recessed ISO7045GB818-85199DIN7989钢结构用垫圈washers for steel structures GB1230-84 200DIN7990钢结构用六角头螺栓hexagon head bolts for steel structures GB1229-84 201DIN7991内六角沉头螺钉hexagon socket countersunk head screws ISO10642GB/T70.3-2000 202DIN7993轴用钢丝挡圈roundwire snap rings for shafts GB895.2-86203DIN7995十字槽半沉头木螺钉cross recessed raised countersunk head woodscrewsGB952-86204DIN7996十字槽圆头木螺钉cross recessed round head wood screws GB950-86205DIN7997十字槽沉头木螺钉cross recessed countersunk head wood screws GB951-86 206DIN8140螺纹护套(普通\自锁等)ciol inserts,coarse,fine thread,silf locking207DIN9021大外径垫圈washers,outside diameter appro.3d ISO7093GB96-85 208DIN11024弹簧卡子spring cotter for a bolt209DIN13257平板螺栓belting bolts (elevator bolts)210DIN18182干壁钉(墙板钉)dry wall screws211DIN28129环型螺母lifting nuts(eye nuts)GB63-88 212DIN70952圆螺母用止退垫圈tab washers for slotted round nuts GB858-88。
Al 0.05 Fe 0.2 Ni 0.3 Sn 0.2
Al 0.05 Fe 0.2 Ni 0.3 Sn 0.1
供应商:客户:MESSRS制品名贴片型铝电解电容器220UF35V 10*10.2100UF80V10*10.233UF100V 10*10.22000HPRODUCT NAME:V-chip Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors 系列:UT SERIES:UT Series,105︒C,±20%,Standard规格料号:(详见电气参数及料号)DESCRIPTIONMaterial NO:(See electrical parameters and material number)客户承认栏发行确认栏APPROVAL COLUMN APPROVED BY审核CHECKED BY 确认APPROVED BY 审核CHECKED BY 确认APPROVED BY何远娣林洁芝发行日期Release Date:2021年01月11日发行编号:Issue NO:CU20210111006承认书SPECIFICATIONS FOR APPROV AL签认后,敬请惠返一份,多谢!Please chop,sign and return to us a copy after approval.Thank you!UT SERIES V-chip Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors1.范围:Scope适用“UT系列”立式片式铝电解电容器This specification covers“UT Series”V-chip aluminum electrolytic capacitors.2.参考标准:Reference Standard国际标准IEC60384与日本工业标准JIS C-5101The international standard IEC60384and Japanese industrial standard JIS C-5101.3.环境保护标准:Environmental Protection Standard遵照欧盟指令2002/95/EC.Comply with the EU directive2002/95/EC.4.使用温度范围:Operating Temperature Range-55︒C~+105︒C5.电压范围:Voltage RangeDC:4~100V6.容量范围:Capacitance RangeCAP:0.47~2200μF7.容量偏差范围:Capacitance Tolerance±20%at120Hz,+20︒C8.漏电流:Leakage Current2分钟后读数(After2minutes of reading)I≤0.01CV or3(μA)whichever is greater9.损耗角:Tanδ测试频率:120Hz,温度:20℃Measurement frequency:120Hz,Temperature:20︒CRated Voltage(V)4 6.310162535506380100 Tanδ(max.)0.350.300.低温特性:Stability at Low Temperature测试频率:120Hz(Measurement frequency:120Hz)Low Temperature Stability Impedance Ratio(MAX)Rated Voltage(V)4 6.310162535506380100 Z-25︒C/Z+20︒C(120Hz)<Ф87432222222≥Ф87543222222UT SERIES V-chip Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors120Hz Z-40℃/Z+20℃(120Hz)<Ф815884433333≥Ф815108643333311.耐久性:Load Life105℃施加额定电压2000小时后,放置16小时后,电容器应满足以下要求After applying rated voltage with max ripple current for2000hrs at+105℃,and then resumed 16hours,the capacitors Shall meet the following requirements.容量变化率Capacitance Change ±30%初始值内Within±30%of initial value损耗角正切值Dissipation Factor ≤200%初始规定值Not more than200%of the specified value漏电流Leakage Current ≤初始规定值Not more than the specified value12.高温储存:Shelf Life105℃贮存1000小时后,放置16小时后,电容器应满足以下要求After storage for1000hrs at+105℃,then resumed16hours,the capacitors Shall meet the following requirements容量变化率Capacitance Change ±30%初始值内Within±30%of initial value损耗角正切值Dissipation Factor ≤200%初始规定值Not more than200%of the specified value漏电流Leakage Current ≤300%初始规定值Not more than300%of the specified value13.耐焊接热:Resistance to Soldering Heat在250℃的条件下,电容器在热板上保持30秒,然后从热板上取下电容器,让其在室温下恢复,电容器应满足以下要求:The capacitors shall be kept on then hot plate maintained at250℃for30seconds.After removing from the hot plate and restored at room temperature,they meet the following requirement:容量变化率Capacitance Change ±10%初始值内Within±10%of the initial value损耗角正切值Dissipation Factor ≤初始规定值Not more than the specified value漏电流Leakage Current ≤初始规定值Not more than the specified value14.标识:Marking电容器标识内容如下:Capacitors shall be legibly marked with the following:1)产品系列:Manufacture’s mark2)额定电压和额定电容:Rated voltage and nominal capacitanceUT SERIES V-chip Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors3)负极标识:Negative polarity15.图样:Drawing (Unit:mm)(∅4~∅6.3)(∅8~∅10)(≥∅12.5)U TSERIESV-chip Aluminum Electrolytic CapacitorsPlastic platformPlastic platform16.尺寸:Dimensions (Unit:mm)SizeФ4×5.4Ф5×5.4Ф6.3×5.4Ф6.3×7.7Ф6.3×10.2Ф8×6.5Ф8×10.2Ф8×12.5A 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.9 2.9 2.9B 4.3 5.3 6.6 6.6 4.3 5.3 6.6 6.6 1.0 1.5 2.1 2.1 2.1 3.1 3.1 3.1L 0.5~0.90.8~1.1Size Ф10×10.2Ф10×12.5Ф12.5×13.5Ф12.5×16.5A 3.2 3.2 4.0 4.0B 10.310.313.013.0C 10.310.313.013.0E 4.5 4.5 4.4 4.4L 10.212.513.516.5H0.8~1.1 1.0~1.417.编带说明:Taping Specifications符合标准JIS C0806与IEC 602863Applicable standard JIS C0806and IEC 60286.(US、UT、UE、UN、UH、UW、UL、UD series)17.1.盒带图样与尺寸Carrier Tape and DimensionFig.1(D≤ 10mm 以下产品)Fig.2(D≥Φ12.5mm 以上产品)UTSERIESV-chip Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors尺寸SizeW(MM)P(MM)F(MM)A0(MM)B0(MM)T2(MM)S形状ApplicableΦ4*5.4128 5.5 4.5 4.5 5.8--Fig.1Φ5*5.41212 5.5 5.6 5.6 5.8--Φ6.3*5.416127.57.07.0 5.8--Φ6.3*7.716127.Φ6.3*10.216127.Φ8*6.516127.Φ8*10.2241611.58.78.711.0--Φ8*12.5241611.58.78.713.0--Φ10*10.2241611.510.710.711.0--Φ10*12.5241611.510.710.713.0--Φ12.5*13.5322413.714.Φ12.5*16.5322413.714.014.017.528.417.2.卷盘:ReelUTSERIESV-chip Aluminum Electrolytic CapacitorsA32.0∅50 Min.13±0.52317.3.包装数量:Package quantity规格Specification卷装数量Quantity/Reel盒装数量Quantity/BagA±0.3(MM)B±2(MM)Φ4*5.42000pcs20000pcs14382Φ5*5.41000pcs10000pcs14382Φ6.3*5.41000pcs10000pcs18382Φ6.3*7.71000pcs10000pcs18382Φ6.3*10.2700pcs7000pcs18382Φ8*6.51000pcs10000pcs18382Φ8*10.2500pcs5000pcs26382Φ8*12.5400pcs4000pcs26382Φ10*10.2500pcs5000pcs26382Φ10*12.5400pcs4000pcs26382Φ12.5*13.5200pcs1600pcs34382Φ12.5*16.5200pcs1600pcs34382Φ16*16.5125pcs250pcs46332Φ16*21.575pcs150pcs46332Φ18*16.5125pcs250pcs46332Φ18*21.575pcs150pcs46332Φ20*16.5100pcs200pcs46332Φ20*21.550pcs100pcs4633218.无铅回流焊接:Lead-free Reflow Soldering ConditionA.回流焊条件推荐:Recommended Conditions for Reflow Soldering:(1)应采用红外线及热风回流焊接,不宜采用汽相加热回流焊接;A thermal condition system such as infrared radiation(IR)or hot blast should beadopted,and vapor heat transfer systems(VPS)are not recommended.(2)推荐回流焊只进行一次,回流焊次数如果需要二次,必须相隔30分钟以上;Reflow soldering should be performed one time.If the capacitor has to be reflowedtwice,30minutes must be layout between each time.(3)无铅回流焊,请符合下述条件:For lead-free type reflow soldering,please observe proper conditions below: UT SERIES V-chip Aluminum Electrolytic CapacitorsB.表面安装推荐尺寸:Recommended Land Size(Unit:mm)尺寸Size X Y a尺寸SizeX Y aΦ4 1.6 2.6 1.0Φ12.5 3.0 6.0 4.0Φ5 1.6 3.0 1.4Φ16 3.27.0 6.0Φ6.3 1.6 3.5 1.9Φ18 3.28.0 6.0Φ8 2.5 3.5 3.0////Φ10 2.5 4.0 4.0////UT SERIES V-chip Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors19.引线原材料:The Raw Materials of Lead WireName MaterialPercentage TPCSFe 71.35%Cu 20%Sn8.65%20.电容器代码标志:Explanation of Part Number1234567891011121314Series Voltage (WV)Capacitance ( F)Cap.Tol.(%)Case Size Type/CodeSeries:产品系列Voltage:产品额定工作电压Capacitance:产品标称静电容量Cap.Tol:产品静电容量误差范围Case Size:产品外壳尺寸Type/Code:产品加工形状例如:Example:UT1V221M1010VG产品加工形状Type/Code :片式产品外壳尺寸Case Size :10*10.2产品静电容量误差范围Cap.Tol :±20%产品标称静电容量Capacitance:220μF 产品额定工作电压Voltage:35V 产品系列Series:UT21.结构:ConstructionUTSERIESV-chip Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors-底座Base plate 铝壳Aluminum case铝箔(阳极和阴极)Aluminum foil (Anode &cathode foil)电解纸Electrolytic paper电解液Electrolytic封口胶粒Rubber seal引出线Lead wire22.额定纹波电流的频率导数:Frequency Coefficient of Allowable Ripple CurrentFrequency 50Hz 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz ≥10kHz Coefficient0.701.001.171.361.5023.电气参数及料号:Electric parameter and Material number电气参数:Electric parameter料号:Material Number 24.片式铝电解电容器一般使用注意事项Application guideline for V-CHIP aluminum electolytic capacitors A)电路设计:Circuit Design1)充分考虑电容器使用和安装条件在产品目录的规定范围内.Please make sure the environmental and mounting conditions to which the capacitor will be exposed are within the conditions specified in catalogue.NOSerie sName (WV /uF)DΦ*LCap.tol.(%)120Hz 20℃DF (%)120Hz 20℃≤LC (uA)(2min)≤E ±0.5Allowable ripple current (mA rms)at 105 C,120HzESR 100KHz (Ω)20℃≤Remarks1UT 220UF35V 10*10.2±201677 5.0230//2UT 100UF80V 10*10.2±201480 5.0175//3UT 33UF100V10*10.2±201433 5.0136/////////////NO Series Name DΦ*L Material number Remarks1UT 220UF35V 10*10.2UT1V221M1010VG /2UT 100UF80V 10*10.2UT1K101M1010VG /3UT 33UF100V10*10.2UT2A330M1010VG///////2)工作温度和施加的纹波电流应在产品目录的规定范围内.Operating temperature and applied ripple shall be within specification.3)在设计电路时,应选择符合寿命要求的产品.Appropriate capacitors which comply with the life requirement of the products should be selected when designing the circuit.4)铝电解电容器是有极性的,不应加反向电压或交流电压。
钛牌号对照表2007-06-07 11:25中国美国俄罗斯TAD 碘化钛 Grade1 1号纯钛 BT1-00 工业纯钛TA1 工业纯钛 Grade2 2号纯钛 BT1-0 工业纯钛TA2 工业纯钛 Grade3 3号纯钛 OT4 -0 Ti-0.8Al-0.7SnTA3 工业纯钛 Grade4 4号纯钛 OT4 -1 Ti-2Al-1.5MnTA4 Ti-3Al Grade5Ti-6Al-4V OT4 Ti-3Al-1.5MnTA5 Ti-4Al-0.005B Grade6Ti-5Al-2.5V BT5 Ti-5AlTA6 Ti-5Al Grade7Ti-0.2Pd BT5 -1 Ti-5Al-2.5SnTA7 Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Grade9Ti-3Al-2.5V BT6 Ti-6Al-4VTA8 Ti-5Al-2.5Sn-3Cu-1.5Zr Grade10 Ti-11.5Mo-4.5Sn-6Zr BT6c Ti-6Al-4VTC1 Ti-2Al-1.5Mn Grade11 Ti-0.2Pd BT3 -1 Ti-6Al-1.5Cr-2.5Mo-0.5Fe-0.3SiTC2 Ti-3Al-1.5Mn Grade12Ti-0.3Mo-0.75Ni BT9 Ti-6.5Al-3.5Mo-0.3SiTC3 Ti-4Al-4V A-1Ti-5Al-2.5Sn BT/4 Ti-5Al-3Mo-1.5VTC4 Ti-6Al-4V A-3Ti-6Al-2Nb-1Ta BT16 Ti-2.8Al-5Mo-5VTC6 Ti-6Al-1.5Cr-2.5Mo-0.5Fe-0.3Si A-4 Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V BT18Ti-8Al-0.6Mo-11Zr-1NbTC7 Ti-6Al-0.6Cr-0.4Fe-0.4Si-0.01B AB-1 Ti-6Al-4V BT19Ti-3Al-5.5Mo-3.5V-5.5Cr-1ZrTC9 Ti-6.5Al-3.5Mo-2.5Sn-0.3Si AB-3 Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn BT20 Ti-6Al-1.5Mo-1.5VTC10 Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn-0.5Cu-0.5Fe AB-4 Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo BT22 Ti-5.5Al-5V-5Mo-1.5Cr-1.0Fe TC11 Ti-6Al-3.5Mo-1.5Zr-0.3Si AB-5Ti-3Al-2.5V ПT-3B Ti-4Al-2VTB2 Ti-5Mo-5V-3Cr-3Al B-1Ti-3Al-13V-11Cr ПT-7M Ti-2Al性能好、工艺性能好等优点,是较为理想的航天工程结构材料。
UL 62-2001软线和装置线FLEXIBLE CORD AND FIXTURE WIRE上海电缆研究所信息中心译前言A.本标准包含美国保险商实验所(UL)产品追踪服务时所涉及的产品的基本要求,这些产品受下列条文的限制,且处于本标准适用范围之内.这些要求是以可靠的工程原理,研究成果,试验数据和现场经验以及对制造,安装和使用的问题的评估为依据而制定的,这些依据来自向制造商,用户,检测机构以及其它具有专业经验的人员的咨询或从他们处获得的情报.上述对产品的要求可能由于经验的丰富和研究的深入而必须或有必要进行修订.B.满足本标准对产品的要求是制造商产品继续获得UL认证的条件之一.C.符合本标准条文的产品如果经检验和测试发现还具有其它有损于本标准预期的安全水平的性能,则不一定认为符合本标准.D.采用与本标准规定不同的材料成品产品或具有本标准规定不同的结构的产品.可按本标准要求的含义进行检验和测试,如果性能基本相同,则认为该产品符合本标准.E.UL按其宗旨履行职能时,不为制造商或任何一方承担或开脱责任.UL的意见和调查结果是代表一种充分考虑到(UL)标准制定时实际运行的必要限制和工艺水平的专业性鉴定,UL不对任何使用UL标准或以其为依据的用户承担责任.如果因使用,解释UL标准或以其为依据而造成损失包括重大损失,UL不承担任何责任和义务.F.本UL标准规定的许多试验本身具有一定的危险性,因此在做这些试验时应采取恰当的人员和设备防护措施.序言有效日期在1997年10月15日与1998年7月2日期间,新送交的产品可使用本标准的所有要求进行鉴定,或(如果提出书面省情的话)使用UL62第15版(1992)的要求进行鉴定.自1998年7月2日起,所有产品(包括那些以前经过UL鉴定的产品)必须符合本标准.导论1 范围1.1本标准适用于按NEC(美国国家电气规程)规定使用的装置线,起重机电缆和软线.1.2含一根或两根光纤构件的电梯电缆限于(见8.6)传输经鉴定对人体无害的光能.1.3本标准不适用于铠装软线或带接头的软线或装置线或任何种类布线装置(例如软线组件,电源线和圣诞树线或装置性照明线,这些导线适用其它标准),也不适用于600V以上任何类型的电线和软线.1.4本标准不适用任何光纤构件或光纤构件组合的光学或其它性能.见8.6.1.5如果一种包含新型或本标准要求不同的性能,特性,部件,材料或体系的产品有引起火灾,电击或人员伤亡的危险,应按相应的部件或成品的附加要求进行评估;这是保持产品达到本标准预期的安全水平所必需的.性能,特性,部件,材料或体系与本标准特定的要求或规定矛盾的产品,不能鉴定为符合本标准.如果认为合适,可按照本标准的制定,修改和实施方法建议和进行标准的修改.2 测量单位2.1本标准的各项要求除了以美国通用的英制单位表述外,还以各种公制单位(实用国际单位和惯用国际单位制)表述,以便于采用各种公制单位的国家使用本标准.无论使用以英制单位表述还是以公制单位表述的某项要求,应得出相同(虽然不一定严格等同)的结果.如果某项要求以公制单位表述,应采用以公制单位校准的试验设备.3 说明3.1如果本标准中某处使用”UL1581”一词,应参阅”电线,电缆和软线参考标准”(UL1581)的指定条目.3.2装置线是单芯导线,而起重机电缆和软线为两根或以上线芯的组合体.装置线具有实心导体,或7股绞合结构或软绞合结构;而软线永远具有软绞合结构.但除了金属导体以外,对于装置线的要求基本上与软线相同.3.3值得注意的是软线永远是绞合导线,但绞合导线不一定柔软,例如7股绞合装置线与具有更多股较细单线结构的导线相比,不算软线.结构总则4 材料4.1软线,起重机电缆或装置线采用的每种材料,应与该软线或导线采用的所有其它材料相容.4.2苯乙烯类TPE材料由于潜在的不相容性可能不适宜用于可能直接与PVC接触的软线,采用隔离层是防止直接接触的一种可以接受的方法.其它可能有的不相容的材料组合,尚未探知.5 任何SPT-2W,SPT-1W,XTW,时钟,CXTW,TPT或TST型软线(无论其动力线芯尺寸如何)或16.3.1.2和16.3.2.1所述的任何软线,均不得含有接地线芯;但任何其它软线只要其动力线芯为18AWG或更粗,就可采用一根或多根接地线芯.(尺寸见8.3,8.4,和8.7).接地线芯不可分裂.6 索引表6.1软线,起重机电缆或装置线应属于表6.1-6.21所示一种型号,在结构和试验性能等方面应满足适用于该型号的所有要求.6.2表6.1-6.21是装置线,起重机电缆或软线的结构细则和试验性能的索引表.6.3表中每栏用于检索特定型号电线或软线的相关要求,相应电线或软线型号的字母出现在该栏顶部.圆括号中的数字表示应查阅的本标准的条目号,方括号中数字表示UL1581条目号.表6.1热固性绝缘装置线b可采用挤出的尼龙或其它热塑性护层代替编织或绕包层,若研究表明其厚度,柔软性,额定温度和其它对于使用至关重要的结构特性可提供类似的保护的话.涂覆腊克或侵渍的玻璃丝编织可代替棉纱或人造丝使用.c.各种物理性能要求列于UL1581 47.1和索引表47.1.试验方法见UL1581 40.2.表6.2PVC绝缘装置线a见表6.3b 各种材料物理性能列于UL1581中47.1和索引表47.1.试验方法见UL158140.2.表6.3FEP和PTEE绝缘装置线a见表6.3b 可使用蜡克或清漆浸渍玻璃丝编织以外的护套,若研究表明其厚度,柔软性,额定温度和其它对于使用至关重要的结构特性可提供类似的保护的话.C 各种材料物理性能列于UL1581中47.1和索引表47.1.试验方法见UL158140.2.表6.4a见表6.3b 可使用蜡克或清漆浸渍玻璃丝编织以外的护套,若研究表明其厚度,柔软性,额定温度和其它对于使用至关重要的结构特性可提供类似的保护的话.C 各种材料物理性能列于UL1581中47.1和索引表47.1.试验方法见UL158140.2.b.只有动力线芯,接地线芯不允许(见5.1)c.剃须刀软线与TPT型导线相似,区别在于导体结构(见11.4),任选的导体隔离层(见图16.5和表16.7)和任选的接地的线芯极性识别(见65.1),它限用于连接50瓦以下手提式理发剪和剃须刀的工厂装配可拆卸和不可拆卸电源线.见74.1(d)d.各种材料的物理性能要求列于本标准表15.2和27.2.试验方法见UL1581中40.2.表6.6b.如果时钟软线绝缘是2.11类聚乙烯,温度极限是105℃(221℉)c.各种材料物理性能在标准的表15.2中给出,试验方法见UL1581中40.2.表6.7b.若单根导体绝缘的平均厚度至少为45mil或1.14mm,则最高电压为600V。
HAl67-2.5铝黄铜棒价格,图片冶韩金属周工:❶❸❽❶❻❶❻❻❸❹❸牌号:HAl67-2.5标准:GB/T 13808-1992特性及适用范围:HA167-2.5铝黄铜在冷态、热态下能良好的承受压力加工,耐磨性好,对海水的耐蚀性尚可,对腐蚀破裂敏感,纤焊和镀锡性能不好。
化学成份:铜Cu :66.0~68.0锡Sn :≤0.2锌Zn:余量铅Pb:≤0.5磷P:≤0.02铝Al:2.0~3.0铁Fe:≤0.6锰Mn:≤0.5锑Sb :≤0.05注:≤1.5(杂质)力学性能:抗拉强度σb (MPa):≥395伸长率δ10 (%):≥15注:棒材的纵向室温拉伸力学性能试样尺寸:直径10~75我司专业的合金铜制品生产、可供应铜及铜合金、铜镍合金、铬锆铜、铍青铜、锡青铜、无氧铜、铝青铜黄铜、铝黄铜、铅黄铜、锡黄铜、硅青铜、磷脱氧铜、钨铜等铜镍合金/白铜:铬锆铜:QZr0.2,QZr0.4, QCr0.5,,等铍青铜:QBe1.9,QBe2,C17200,C17300,C17500 ,C17510,CuNi2Be等白铜:B19,B30,BFe10-1-1, BFe5-1.5-0.5, BFe30-1-1, BMn3-12, BMn40-1.5, BMn43-0.5, BZn18-26, BZn15-20, BZn15-21-1.8, BZn15-24-1.5,BAl13-3, BAl6-1.5铅黄铜:HPb63-3,HPb63-0.1,HPb61-1,HPb59-1,HPb89-2, HPb66-0.5,等镍黄铜:HNi65-5,HNi56-3锡黄铜: HSn90-1, HSn70-1, HSn62-1, HSn60-1铝黄铜: HAl77-2, HAl67-2.5, HAl66-6-3-2,HAl61-4-3-1, HAl60-1-1,HAl59-3-2,锰黄铜:HMn62-3-3-0.7, HMn58-2, HMn57-3-1, HMn55-3-1铁黄铜: HFe59-1-1, HFe58-1-1硅黄铜:HSi80-3硅青铜: QSi3-1, QSi1-3, QSi3.5-3-1.5.锡青铜: QSn1.5-0.2, Qsn4-4-2.5,QSn4-3, QSn4-4-4, QSn6.5-0.1,QSn6.5-0.4, QSn7-0.2、QSn8-0.3、QSn10-1铝青铜: QAl5, QAl7,QAl9-2,Qal9-4,QAl9-5-1-1,QAl10-3-1.5,QAl10-4-4,QAl10-5-5,QAl11-6-6铜镍合金(白铜)C70400 C70600 C71000 C71500 C71640 C72200铜镍锌合金(锌白铜)C72500 C73200 C73500 C74000 C74500 C75200 C76200 C77000C75700 C76400 C77400 C79200供应规格:铜锭,铜棒,铜板,铜管,毛细管,铜带(卷材),丝材及块料,非标可定做我公司常备铜材现货规格:铜合金板材厚度(MM):0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.5 5.0,6.0,6.5,7.0,7.5,8,9,10,12,14,15,16,18,22,24,25,28,30,35,38,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,88,85,90至400厚。
NEMA 5-15R Connector
UL498,UL817,CSA Std C22.2
NEMA 5-15R Connector
UL498,UL817,CSA Std C22.2
3x18AWG: SPT-3
物理性质(Physical property):状态:固体密度(接近室温):19.25 g²cm−3熔点时液体密度:17.6 g²cm−3熔点:3695 K,3422 °C,6192 °F 沸点:5828 K,5555 °C,10031 °F 临界点:13892 K,MPa熔化热:35.3 kJ²mol−1汽化热:806.7 kJ²mol−1 原子性质(Atomic properties):氧化态:6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, −1, −2 (微酸性氧化物)电负性:2.36(鲍林标度)原子半径:139 pm共价半径:162±7 pm钨靶名称规格尺寸纯度钨丝(W)Φ0.2—1.0mm 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% 99.9995+%99.9999% 99.9999+%Φ1.0—3.0mm 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% 99.9995+%99.9999% 99.9999+%Φ3.0—6.0mm 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% 99.9995+%99.9999% 99.9999+%钨片(W)50*50*(0.2-1.5)mm 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% 99.999+%99.9999% 99.9999+%100*100*(0.2-1.5)mm 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% 99.999+%99.9999% 99.9999+%200*250*(0.2-1.5)mm 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% 99.999+%99.9999% 99.9999+%钨棒(W)Φ(10-152.4)*1000mm 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% 99.999+%99.9999% 99.9999+%Φ25.4*1000mm 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% 99.999+%99.9999% 99.9999+%Φ50.8*500mm 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% 99.999+%99.9999% 99.9999+%Φ76.2*200mm 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% 99.999+%99.9999% 99.9999+%Φ101.6*200mm 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% 99.999+%99.9999% 99.9999+%Φ127*200mm 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% 99.999+%99.9999% 99.9999+%Φ152.4*200mm 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% 99.999+%99.9999% 99.9999+%1-10mm 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% 99.999+%99.9999% 99.9999+%钨粒(W)Φ2*10mm 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% 99.999+%99.9999% 99.9999+%Φ3*3mm 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% 99.999+%99.9999% 99.9999+%Φ3*10mm 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% 99.999+%99.9999% 99.9999+%Φ6*6mm 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% 99.999+%99.9999% 99.9999+%Φ6*12mm 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% 99.999+%99.9999% 99.9999+%钨块(W)10-100mm 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% 99.999+%99.9999% 99.9999+%钨粉(W)0.5-75um 99.5% 99.9% 99.95% 99.99% 钛概况(Survey):钛是一种化学元素,化学符号Ti,原子序数22。
二、U型硅碳棒的应用1. 冶金行业:U型硅碳棒主要用于冶炼炉的保护罩和电极。
2. 化工行业:U型硅碳棒可以用于化工反应器的加热和冷却。
3. 建材行业:U型硅碳棒可用于建材窑炉的加热和保温。
4. 其他行业:U型硅碳棒还可以应用于玻璃、陶瓷、电子等行业。
三、U型硅碳棒的特点1. 耐高温:U型硅碳棒可以在高温环境下长时间使用,耐高温性能稳定。
2. 耐腐蚀:U型硅碳棒能够抵抗酸、碱、盐等化学物质的侵蚀,具有良好的耐腐蚀性能。
3. 导热性能好:U型硅碳棒具有良好的导热性能,可以快速传递热量。
4. 使用寿命长:由于其优异的耐高温和耐腐蚀性能,U型硅碳棒的使用寿命较长。
四、U型硅碳棒的维护与保养1. 在使用过程中,要避免U型硅碳棒受到冲击和振动,以免影响其使用寿命。
2. 定期清洁U型硅碳棒表面的灰尘和杂质,以保持其导热性能。
3. 如果发现U型硅碳棒表面有损坏或裂纹,应及时更换,以免影响其使用效果。
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Luminosity White Color LED67-235UWC/TR8 Features․Super luminosity white LED.․White SMT package.․Built in 3 LED chips.․Lead frame package with individual 6 pins.․Wide viewing angle.․Soldering methods: Reflow soldering.․High performance.․Pb-free.․The product itself will remain within RoHScompliant version.Descriptions․Due to the package design, 67-235 has wide viewingangle, low power consumption and high luminousintensity. This feature makes it ideal for light pipeor lighting application.Applications․Amusement equipment.․Information boards.․Flashlight for digital camera of cellular phone.․Lighting for small size device.Device Selection GuideChipEmitted Color Resin ColorMaterialClearWaterInGaN WhiteLuminosity White Color LED67-235UWC/TR8Notes: 1.All dimensions are in millimeters.2.Tolerances unspecified are ±0.1mm.Luminosity White Color LED67-235UWC/TR8Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25℃)Parameter SymbolRatingUnit Reverse Voltage*1 V R 5VPeak Forward Current (Duty 1/10 @1KHz) *1 I FP 100mAForward Current*1 I F 25mA Power Dissipation*1 Pd 100 mWOperating Temperature Topr -40 ~ +85 ℃Storage Temperature Tstg -40 ~ +90 ℃Electrostatic Discharge(HBM) *1 ESD 150 VSoldering Temperature Tsol Reflow Soldering : 260 ℃for 10 sec. Hand Soldering : 350 ℃for 3 sec.Notes:1. The value are based on 1 die performace2. The products are sensitive to static electricity and care must be fully taken when handlingproducts.Luminosity White Color LED67-235UWC/TR8 Electro-Optical Characteristics (Ta=25℃)Parameter SymbolMin.Typ.Max.UnitCondition2000 2500 ----- IF=20mA*2Luminous Intensity*1 Iv----- 7000*3----- mcd I FP=100mA*2(Duty 1/10 @400ms)Viewing Angle*2 2θ1/2----- 120 ----- deg I F=20mA*2----- 3.5 4.0 I F=20mA*2Forward Voltage*2 VF-----4.3*3----- V I FP=100mA*2(Duty 1/10 @400ms)Reverse Current*1 IR ----------50 μA V R=5VNotes:1.When three LED dies are operated simultaneously.2.For each die.3.The value only for reference.Luminosity White Color LED67-235UWC/TR8 Color RanksRank A0 Rank B2 x 0.280 0.2640.283 0.296x 0.2960.287 0.3300.330 y 0.248 0.2670.305 0.276y 0.2760.295 0.3390.318C0Rank RankB1x 0.287 0.2830.330 0.330x 0.3300.330 0.3610.356 y 0.295 0.3050.360 0.339y 0.3180.360 0.3850.351Luminosity White Color LED67-235UWC/TR8Typical Electro-Optical Characteristics Curves203050407550110100R e l a t i v e l u m i n o u s i n t e n s i t y (%)Ambient Temperature Ta (°C)F o r w a r d C u r r e n t FI (m A )R e l a t i v e l u m i n o u s i n t e n s i t y (%)Spectrum DistributionForward Current vs.Luminosity White Color LED67-235UWC/TR8Label ExplanationCAT: Luminous Intensity Rank HUE: Dom. Wavelength Rank REF: Forward Voltage RankReel DimensionsNote: Tolerance unless mentioned is ±0.1mm; Unit = mmLuminosity White Color LEDLuminosity White Color LED67-235UWC/TR8Reliability Test Items and ConditionsThe reliability of products shall be satisfied with items listed below. Confidence level :90% LTPD :10%No. Items Test Condition Test Hours/Cycles SampleSize Ac/Re1 Reflow SolderingTemp. : 260±5℃℃Min. 5sec.6 min22 PCS.0/12 Temperature CycleH : +100 15min ℃∫ 5 min L : -40 15min ℃300 Cycles22 PCS.0/13 Thermal Shock H : +100 5min ℃∫ 10 sec L : -10 5min ℃ 300 Cycles22 PCS.0/14 High Temperature Storage Temp. : 100℃ 1000 Hrs. 22 PCS. 0/15 Low Temperature Storage Temp. : -40℃ 1000 Hrs. 22 PCS. 0/16 DC Operating Life I F = 20 mA 1000 Hrs. 22 PCS. 0/17 High Temperature / HighHumidity85/ 85%RH ℃1000 Hrs.22 PCS.0/1Luminosity White Color LED67-235UWC/TR8Precautions for Use1. Over-current-proofCustomer must apply resistors for protection; otherwise slight voltage shift will cause big current change (Burn out will happen). 2. Storage2.1 Do not open moisture proof bag before the products are ready to use.2.2 Before opening the package: The LEDs should be kept at 30 or less and 90%RH or less. ℃ 2.3 After opening the package: The LED's floor life is 1 year under 30 or less and 60% RH or ℃less. If unused LEDs remain, it should be stored in moisture proof packages.2.4 If the moisture absorbent material (silica gel) has faded away or the LEDs have exceeded the storage time, baking treatment should be performed using the following conditions. Baking treatment: 60±5for 24 hours.℃ 3. Soldering Condition3.1 Pb-free solder temperature profile3.2 Reflow soldering should not be done more than two times. 3.3 When soldering, do not put stress on the LEDs during heating. 3.4 After soldering, do not warp the circuit board.1~5 °C / Sec.元器件交易网EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.Technical Data Sheet - Preliminary Luminosity White Color LED67-235UWC/TR84. Soldering Iron Each terminal is to go to the tip of soldering iron temperature less than 350℃ for 3 seconds within once in less than the soldering iron capacity 25W. Leave two seconds and more intervals, and do soldering of each terminal. Be careful because the damage of the product is often started at the time of the hand solder. 5. Repairing Repair should not be done after the LEDs have been soldered. When repairing is unavoidable, a double-head soldering iron should be used (as below figure). It should be confirmed beforehand whether the characteristics of the LEDs will or will not be damaged by repairing.EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Office: No 25, Lane 76, Sec 3, Chung Yang Rd, Tucheng, Taipei 236, Taiwan, R.O.CTel: 886-2-2267-2000, 2267-9936 Fax: 886-2267-6244, 2267-6189, 2267-6306 Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. Device No.: DSE-675-001 Prepared date: 02-June-2007Rev. 1.1Page: 11 of 11Prepared by: Ray Yuan。