Computer applications in Mathematics-Lect8

普林斯顿大学具有两个和数学相关的专业,一个属于Departmentof Mathematics,另一个在Programin Applied and Computational Mathematics下。
“Our GraduateProgram (Department of Mathematics) is unique from the other top mathematicsinstitutions in the U.S. in that it emphasizes, from thestart, independent research. Each year, we have extremely motivatedand talented students among our new Ph.D. candidates who, we are proud tosay, will become the next generation of leading researchers in theirfields. ”而另外一个Programin Applied and Computational Mathematics(PACM)是一个跨学科和跨部门的项目,主要研究方向为数学及其在科学和工程领域的应用,包括数值分析和其他计算方法。

Computer Science Journal Rankings(Not official, for reference only.)AREA: Artificial IntelligencePremium:Artificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence ReviewComputational LinguisticsIEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine IntlIEEE Trans on Robotics and AutomationIEEE Trans on Image ProcessingJournal of AI ResearchNeural ComputationMachine LearningIntl Jnl of Computer VisionLeading:ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information ProcessingAI MagazineAnnals of Mathematics and AIApplied Artificial IntelligenceApplied IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence in MedicineAutonomous Agents and Multi-Agent SystemsComputational IntelligenceComplex SystemsComputer Speech and LanguageComputer Support for Collaborative Learning (CSCL)Computer Vision and Image UnderstandingConnection ScienceCVGIP: Graphical Models & Image ProcessingCVGIP: Image UnderstandingExpert Systems with Applications: An Intl JnlIEEE Trans on Neural NetworksIEEE Transaction on Speech and Audio ProcIEEE Trans on Systems, Man, & Cybernetics, Part A & BIntl Jnl on Artificial Intelligence ToolsJnl of Experimental & Theoretical AIJournal of East Asian LinguisticsKnowledge Engineering ReviewMachine TranslationNeural NetworksNetwork Computing in Neural SystemsPattern Analysis and ApplicationsPattern RecognitionNeurocomputingUser Modelling & User-Adapted Interaction: an Intl Jnl Reputable:Communications of COLIPSComputer Processing of Chinese & Oriental Languages Computers and Artificial IntelligenceCybernetics and SystemsEngineering Intelligent Systems for EE and CSExpert SystemsEvolutionary ComputationIntelligent Instruments & ComputersIntl Jnl for AI in EngineeringIntl Jnl of Applied Expert SystemsIntl Jnl of Approximate ReasoningIntl Jnl of Intelligent SystemsIntl Jnl of Neural SystemsIntl Jnl of Pattern Recognition & AIIntl Journal of Document Analysis and RecognitionIEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemsJournal of Intelligent and Fuzzy SystemsKnowledge Acquisition JnlKnowledge-Based SystemsKybernetikaNatural Language EngineeringNeural Computing & ApplicationsNetwork SocietyNeural Processing LettersPattern Recognition LettersIEE Proceedings: Vision, Image and Signal ProcSpeech CommunicationsJournal of Neural Network ComputingMinds and Machines: Jnl for AI, Philosopy and Cog. Sc Intl Jnl of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and KBSHeuristics: Jnl of Knowledge EngineeringEngineering Applications of AIJnl. of Japanese Soc. of AIAustralian Jnl of Intelligent Information Proc SysIntelligent Data AnalysisImage and Vision ComputingJournal of Artificial Neural NetworksNeural, Parallel and Scientific ComputationsRoboticaOthers:AIAA JournalCanadian Artificial IntelligenceJournal of Advanced RoboticsJournal of Artificial Intelligence in EducationJournal of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Automation, and Manufacturing Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks and ComplexJournal of Computational AcousticsJournal of Computational NeuroscienceJournal of Computational VisionJournal of Card. ImagingJournal of CyberneticsJournal of Cybernetics and Information ScienceJournal of Design Automation of Embedded SystemsJournal of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering SystemsJournal of Intelligent Robotic Systems: Theory and ApplicationsJournal of Systems Automation: Research and ApplicationsJournal of Automation and Remote ControlJournal of Intelligent Automation & Soft ComputingJournal of Intelligent Control and SystemsJournal of Intelligent and Robotic SystemsJournal of Intelligent ManufacturingJournal of Intelligent Systems EngineeringJournal of Intelligence SystemJournal of Intelligent TechnologyJournal of Literary and Linguistic ComputingJournal of Machine Vision and ApplicationsJournal of Man-Machine StudiesJournal on Neural and Mass-Parallel Computing and Information Systems Journal of Robotics and MechatronicsJournal of Robotic SystemsJournal of Robotics and Autonomous SystemsJournal of Robotics ResearchJournal of the Robotics Society of JapanJournal of Computational NeurologyInternational Journal of LexicographyJournal of intelligent ComputingInternational Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting Finance and Management International Journal of Speech TechnologyEngineering Design and Automation JournalInternational Journal of Machine Tools & ManufacturingInternational Journal of Corpus LinguisticsJournal of Chinese Information ProcessingAREA: Algorithms, Theory and Related AreasPremium:AlgorithmicaComputational ComplexityDiscrete & Computational GeometryIEEE Trans on Information TheoryInformation & ComputationJnl of AlgorithmsJnl of Computer and System SciencesJnl of the Association for Computing MachinerySIAM Jnl on ComputingMathematics of ORLeading:Acta InformaticaChicago Journal of Theoretical Computer ScienceComputational Logic (TOCL)Designs, Codes and CryptographyJnl of Symbolic ComputationJournal of Automated ReasoningJournal of Graph Algorithms and ApplicationsJournal of ComplexityJournal of CryptologyJOTA - J. of Optimization: Theory and ApplicationsMathematics of ComputationMathematical ProgrammingOptimization: A J. of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research ORSA Journal of ComputingNordic J of Computing (BIT)SIAM Journal on OptimizationRandom Structures & AlgorithmsTheoretical Computer ScienceReputable:Applicable Algebra in Eng., Comm., and ComputingApplied Maths and ComputationBIT: Computer Science and Numerical MathematicsBulletin of the European Assoc. for Theoretical CSComputational and Applied MathsComputers & Mathematics With ApplicationsCombinatorics, Probability & ComputingEuropean Journal of ORJournal of Computer and System Sciences InternationalIntl Jnl of Foundations of Computer ScienceOthers:Problem Solving TechnologiesJournal of Algebraic CombinatoricsJournal of Combinatorial DesignsJournal of Combinatorial OptimizationJournal of Experimental AlgorithmicsJournal of Electronic ImagingIntl J. for Numerical Methods in EngineeringSIAM Journal of Algorithms and Discrete MethodsSIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete MethodsSIAM Journal on Numerical AnalysisSIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and ApplicationsNaval Journal of Operations ResearchJournal of SchedulingElectronic Journal of CombinatoricsJournal of Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing Journal of Mathematical Structures in Computer ScienceInternational Journal on Mathematical and Computer Models Journal of Global OptimizationJournal of Computational Statistics and Data AnalysisAREA: Hardware and ArchitecturePremium:IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems IIEEE Trans on ComputersIntegration: The VLSI JnlVLSI DesignLeading:IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems IIJnl of Microcomputer ApplicationsMicroprocessing and Microprogramming Reputable:Computer DesignDigital ProcessesElectronics Letters,EUROMICRO JnlJnl of Circuits, Systems and ComputersJnl of Electronics, Information and SystemsMicroprocessors and MicrosystemsSupercomputerIEEE Journal on Computer Architectures for Intelligent Machines Others:Signal ProcessingTechnical Journal of Digital Equipment CorporationThe Linux JournalIBM Application System/400 Technology JournalJournal of System ArchitectureNEC Technical JournalInternational Journal of Computer Aided VLSI DesignMRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor ResearchStandards and Interface JournalInternational Journal of Mini and MicrocomputersJournal of Microelectronic Systems IntegrationUser Modeling and User-Adapted InteractionThe X Resource: A Practical Journal of the X Window SystemHewlett-Packard JournalAREA: DatabasesPremium:ACM Trans on Database SystemsIEEE Trans on Knowledge & Data EngineeringJnl of Intell. Info Systems: Integrating AI and DB TechVLDB Intl JnlDistributed and Parallel DatabasesLeading:Data & Knowledge EngineeringInformation systemsJnl of Systems IntegrationJnl. of Data Mining & Knowledge DiscoveryIntl Jnl of Computer & Information SciencesIntl Jnl of Cooperative Information SystemsIntl Jnl of Intelligent & Cooperative Info. SystemsIntl Jnl of Geographic Information SystemsJournal of Information Processing and CyberneticsGeoinformaticaJournal on Digital LibrariesJournal of the American Society for Information ScienceJournal of Intelligent Information Systems Reputable:Data EngineeringKnowledge and Information SystemsAdvances in Engineering SoftwareInformation & Software TechnologyData BaseData Base ManagementDatabase and Network JournalJournal of Data WarehousingJournal of Combinatorics, Information and System SciencesInternational Journal of Information TechnologyTransactions of Information Processing Society of JapanSIGMOD RecordIEICE Data EngineeringOthers:Journal of Computing Information ScienceJournal of Information Science and EngineeringEuropean Journal of Information SystemsJournal of Databases ManagementDatabase for Advances in Information SystemsData ManagementDatamationGovernment Data SystemsJournal of Database AdministrationJournal of the Association for Education Data SystemsInformation Processing and ManagementJournal of Information Science: Principles and PracticeDatabase Programming and DesignScandinavian Journal of Information SystemAREA: Programming Languages and Software Engineering Premium:ACM Trans on Programming Languages & SystemsAnnals of Software EngineeringIEEE Trans on Software EngineeringJnl of Functional ProgrammingACM Trans on S/W Eng and MethodologyFormal Methods in System DesignLeading:The Jnl of Logic ProgrammingIEE Procs - SoftwareJnl of Software Maintenance: Research and PracticeHigher-Order and Symbolic Computation (previously known as LISP and Symbolic Computation)Software: Practice and ExperienceJnl of Functional and Logic ProgrammingThe Constraints JournalJournal of Logic and ComputationJournal of Programming LanguagesEmpirical Software EngineeringAutomated Software EngineeringFormal Aspects of ComputingObject-Oriented SystemsTheory and Practice of Object SystemsJournal of Object-Oriented ProgrammingIEEE Transactions on ReliabilityFuture Generations Computer Systems: FGCSReputable:Programming and Computer SoftwareScience of Computer ProgrammingJnl of Systems and SoftwareIntl Jnl on Software Engineering and Knowledge EngNew Generation ComputingSoftware Quality JournalSoftware Testing, Verification and ReliabilityComputer LanguagesRequirements Engineering JournalIEE Software Engineering JournalOthers:Journal of the Interest Group in Pure and Applied LogicNotre Dame Journal of Formal LogicJournal of Computer and Software EngineeringJournal of Structured ProgrammingInternational Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer Chinese Journal of Advanced Software ResearchJournal of Computing Systems in EngineeringJournal of Symbolic LogicProject Management JournalInternational Journal of Reliability, Quality, and SafetyJournal for Applied Nonclassical LogicThe Journal of Defense Software EngineeringComputer & Control Engineering JournalJournal of Logic, Language and InformationComputer Systems Engineering JournalJournal of Automata, Languages and CombinatoricsThe C Users JournalInformation Design JournalJava Developer's JournalC++ JournalFortran JournalJournal of Scientific ProgrammingLogic Journal of the IGPLJournal of Philosophical LogicJournal of Quality TechnologyInternational Journal of Technology ManagementSoftware Process Modeling and TechnologyJournal of Computers and TranslationJournal of C Language TranslationJournal of Electronic TestingSoftware Engineering NotesAREA: Software TechnologyPremium:ACM Trans on GraphicsACM Trans on Modeling & Computer SimulationComputer Aided Geometric DesignComputer-Aided DesignIEEE Trans on CAD of Integrated Circuits & SystemsIEEE Trans on Visualization and Computer GraphicsSIAM Jnl on Scientific and Statistical ComputingMultimedia SystemsPerformance EvaluationJournal of Visual Communication and Image Representation Leading:Computers & EducationACM Trans on Mathematical SoftwareHypermediaIntl Jnl of Modelling & SimulationIntl Jnl of Shape ModellingIntl Jnl on Computational Geometry & AppsSimulation & GamesSimulation & GamingVisual ComputerComputational Geometry - Theory and ApplicationsSimulationMultimedia Tools & ApplicationsIntl Jnl in Computer SimulationIntegrated Computer-Aided EngineeringInformation RetrievalReputable:Computer Graphics Forum: Jnl of the Europ As. for CGComputer & GraphicsIntl Jnl of Applied Software TechnologyJnl of Computational and Applied MathematicsMathematical and Computer ModellingMathematics and Computers in SimulationInternational Journal of Computer MathematicsSimulation Practice and TheoryThe New Review of Hypermedia & Multimedia: Apps & ResTrans of the Intl Assoc for Math and Comps in SimulnComputer Simulation: Modeling & AnalysisTrans of the Society for Computer SimulationJournal of Visual Languages and ComputingEngineering ComputationsSoftware - Concepts and ToolsJournal of Visualization and Computer AnimationThe International Journal of The Eurographics Association Others:Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer EngineeringJournal of Digital ImagingJournal of Concurrent Engineering: Applications and ResearchDigital Technical JournalInterface Journal of New Music ResearchSPIE Journal of Electronic ImagingThe Journal of Electronic CommerceJournal of Graphics ToolsInternational Journal of Information Processing and Management Journal of Library AutomationThe Journal of Computer Game DesignJournal of DocumentationVirtual Prototyping JournalJournal of Computing and Information TechnologySIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.Journal of Computer Aided SurgeryJournal of Computer-Aided Molecular DesignJournal of the Virtual Reality SocietyJournal of Virtual Reality Research, Development and Applications Journal of Computational and Graphical StatisticsAREA: System TechnologyPremium:IEEE Trans on CommunicationsJnl of Parallel and Distributed ComputingACM Trans on Computer SystemsIEEE/ACM Trans on NetworkingACM Trans on Information SystemsIEEE Trans on Parallel and Distributed SystemsDistributed ComputingIEEE Jnl on Selected Areas in CommunicationInternational Journal of Parallel ProgrammingComputer Networks (Previously "& ISDN Networks")Real-time SystemsLeading:NetworksInternet Research - Electronic Networking Applications and Policy Computer CommunicationsJnl of Computer CommunicationsJnl of Network and Computer ApplicationsParallel ComputingMobile Networks and ApplicationsJnl of High Speed NetworksWireless NetworksQueueing SystemsThe Intl Jnl of Supercomputer ApplicationsConcurrency - Practice and ExperienceIEEE Journal of Internet ComputingACM Transactions on Information and System Security Reputable:Computers & SecurityIEE Proc. - CommunicationsIEICE Trans on Fundamentals of Elec., Comm., and Comp.IEICE Trans on CommunicationsMobile Computing and Communicatons ReviewDistributed Systems Engineering JnlIntl Jnl of High Speed ComputingWorld Wide Web JournalElectronic NetworkingIntl Jnl of Communication SystemsSignal Processing: Image CommunicationTelecommunication SystemsInternational Journal of Systems ScienceJournal of CryptographyInternet Security JournalJournal of Networks and Systems ManagementInternational Journal of Wireless Information NetworksAn Interactive Journal of Mobile ComputingOthers:Information & Systems TechnologyJnl of Computer SecurityParallel Processing LettersIBM Systems JournalThe International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking USENIX Computing Systems JournalAT&T Technical JournalJournal of Internetworking: Research and ExperienceFujitsu Scientific and Technical JournalComputer Music JournalJournal of Computer-based InstructionICL Technical JournalInternational Journal of Imaging Systems and TechnologyInternational Journal of Digital and Analog Communication SystemJournal of Supercomputer Application of High Performance ComputingJournal of Decision Support SystemsJournal of Computer Research and DevelopmentBritish Telecommunications Technology JournalThe Journal of Interactive Media and EducationInternational Journal of Time-Critical Computing SystemsInternational. Journal of CAD/ CAM & Comp. GraphicsEducational Communication and Technology JournalThe International Journal on the Development and Application of Standards for Computers, Data Communications and InterfacesJournal of Electronic PublishingWeb JournalMicrosoft Systems JournalJournal of Data & Computer CommunicationJournal of SupercomputingJournal of Imaging TechnologyINESC Journal on Junior Activities in Science and Technology The Journal of Electronic Data InterchangeISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote SensingInternational Journal of CIMInternational Journal of Circuit Theory and ApplicationsJournal of Digital SystemsIVHS JournalJournal Design Automation and Fault Tolerant ComputingJournal of the American Voice I/O SocietyJournal of the Communications Research LabInternational Journal of Construction information Technology Journal of Computer Communication ReviewReal-Time Imaging JournalJournal of Lightwave TechnologyJournal of Advanced Automation TechnologyJournal of Technology TransferTI Technical JournalJournal of Imaging Science and TechnologyJournal of Mathematical Imaging and VisionThe journal of the Interactive Multimedia AssociationTransputer Communication JournalBell System Technical JournalJournal of Combinatorial DesignsJournal of Combinatorial OptimizationJournal of Reliable ComputingJournal of Digital Library ResearchAREA: General Computer Science and Related Journals Premium:Jnl of the American Medical Informatics Assoc (JAMIA)Journal of Combinatorial Theory (A & B)CombinatoricaSIAM Jnl on Discrete MathematicsOperations ResearchLeading:Communications of the ACMACM Computing SurveysProcs of the IEEEInformation Processing LettersIBM Journal of R & DComputers in Biomedical ResearchMethods of Information in MedicineMedical Decision MakingInternational Journal of General SystemsAdaptive BehaviorDiscrete Applied MathematicsDiscrete MathematicsJournal of Computational BiologyJournal of Molecular BiologyBioinformaticsReputable:Computer JournalComputer Applications in the BioSciences: CABIOS ComputingFuzzy Sets and SystemsIBS Computing QuarterlyInformation SciencesIntl Jnl of Computer Applications in TechnologyIntl Jnl of Computer System Science & EngineeringMedical InformaticsInternational Journal of Medical InformaticsJnl of Computer Science and TechnologyJnl of Computing and InformationJnl of Information ProcessingAustralian Computer JnlJournal on Universal Computer ScienceIEICE Trans on Infomation and SystemsComputer Methods and Programs in BiomedicineComputers in Biology and MedicineFinite Fields and their ApplicationsInstructional Science。
2024 mpacca考试大纲pdf

2024 mpacca考试大纲pdf引言概述:MPACCA(Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Computer Applications)考试是一项全面评估学生在数学、物理、化学和计算机应用方面知识和能力的考试。
本文将通过引言概述、正文内容和总结三个部分,详细介绍2024 MPACCA考试大纲的内容和重点。
正文内容:1. 数学(Mathematics)1.1 数学基础知识- 数字和运算:包括整数、分数、小数、百分数的运算规则和性质。
- 代数和方程:包括代数表达式、方程和不等式的解法和应用。
- 几何和测量:包括平面图形、三角形、圆和体积的性质和计算方法。
1.2 函数和图像- 函数的概念和性质:包括定义域、值域、图像、反函数等。
- 常见函数类型:包括线性函数、二次函数、指数函数、对数函数等。
- 图像的分析和应用:包括函数图像的平移、伸缩和反转等变换。
1.3 微积分基础- 极限和连续性:包括极限的定义、计算和性质,以及连续函数的概念。
- 导数和微分:包括导数的定义、计算和应用,以及微分的概念和计算方法。
- 积分和定积分:包括积分的定义、计算和应用,以及定积分的概念和计算方法。
2. 物理(Physics)2.1 物理基础知识- 运动学:包括位移、速度、加速度等基本概念和运动规律。
- 力学:包括牛顿定律、动量、功和能量等基本概念和定律。
- 热学:包括温度、热量、热传导等基本概念和热力学定律。
2.2 电磁学- 电学基础:包括电荷、电场、电势等基本概念和库仑定律。
- 磁学基础:包括磁场、磁感应强度等基本概念和安培定律。
- 电磁感应和电磁波:包括法拉第电磁感应定律和电磁波的特性和传播规律。
2.3 光学和波动- 光学基础:包括光的传播、反射、折射等基本概念和光学定律。
- 波动基础:包括波的传播、干涉、衍射等基本概念和波动定律。

MathematiciansMathematicians are professionals who engage inthe study of mathematics. Mathematicians continue to promote the development and application of mathematical knowledge through publishing papers, teaching, and participating in research projects.Mathematicians use tools such as symbols, formulas, and models to describe and solve a variety of mathematical problems, such as algebra, geometry, topology, and probability theory. Their work is not only basic research, but also provides support for applied mathematics, such as in physics, engineering, and computer science.Mathematicians need to possess good logical thinking ability, creativity, and patience. They need to constantly explore new concepts and methods in the field of mathematics. Their work requires a deep understanding of a large amount of mathematical knowledge, so they need to undergo long-term learning and practice.Famous mathematicians include Euler, Gauss, Newton, Mobius, Poincare, etc. Their work has played an important role in the development of mathematical disciplines and the progress of modern technology.As future mathematicians, we need to study diligently, explore new ideas and methods in the field of mathematics, and contribute to the development of mathematical disciplines and social progress in our future research work.数学家的职业生涯数学家是从事以数学领域为主要研究对象的专业人士,数学家的职业生涯从学生时代开始,到最后可以成为权威,分享了解数学领域中新的思想和技术。

Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation
9,060 2,147 12,329
0.008660 0.005070 0.017780 0.001960 0.012640 0.016660 0.041770 0.020120 0.000760 0.008740 0.000900 0.004490 0.002400 0.009950 0.004570 0.015210 0.019680 0.001340 0.015760 0.013550 0.002100 0.006410 0.007300 0.007490 0.018340 0.002950 0.000890 0.010070 0.000900 0.006910 0.001820 0.016410 0.004000 0.015090 0.016100 0.004330 0.007850 0.012280 0.007550 0.000920 0.008740 0.003890 0.020410 0.002440 0.009630 0.005990

介绍数学的英语Mathematics is the study of numbers, shapes, patterns, and their relationships. It is a field that deals with logical reasoning and problem-solving using numerical calculations, measurements, and mathematical models. Math is used extensively in various disciplines such as physics, engineering, finance, computer science, and many more.Here are 27 bilingual example sentences related to mathematics:1.数学是一门需要逻辑推理和问题解决的学科。
Mathematics is a discipline that requires logical reasoning and problem-solving.2.数学是一种描述和量化现实世界的语言。
Mathematics is a language that describes and quantifies the real world.3.我们使用数学来解决实际生活中的各种问题。
We use mathematics to solve various problems in everyday life.4.算数是数学的一个重要分支,涉及基本的加减乘除运算。
Arithmetic is an important branch of mathematics that involves basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.5.代数是研究数之间关系和未知量的分支。


计算数学中比较著名的期刊介绍陈荣亮以下是计算数学中比较著名的部分期刊,本人总结出来供从事计算数学工作的同行们交流,学习.(我的链接中还有几个可以直接下载论文的期刊链接,非常不错哦:>)以刊物名首词字母排序Applied Mathematics and Computation《应用数学和计算》美国ISSN:0096-3003,1975年创刊,全年33期,Elsevier Science 出版社出版,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2002年影响因子0.436。
Applied Numerical Mathematics《应用数值数学》荷兰ISSN:0168-9274,1985年创刊,全年16期,Elsevier Science 出版社出版,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2002年影响因子0.504。
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis《应用和计算谐波分析》美国ISSN:1063-5203,1993年创刊,全年6期,Elsevier Science 出版社出版,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2003年影响因子1.586。
Advances in Computational Mathematics《计算数学进展》荷兰ISSN:1019-7168,1993年创刊,全年8期,Kluwer Acdemic出版社出版,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2003年影响因子0.926。
Approximation Theory and Its Applications《逼近理论及其应用》荷兰ISSN:1000-9221,1984年创刊,全年4期,Kluwer Acdemic出版社出版,中国南京大学编辑的国际性英文刊物。

重要数学期刊网址ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 美国计算机学会数学软件学报 Advanced Robotics 高级机器人学/Advances in Applied Mathematics 应用数学Advances in Applied Probability 应用概率论进展/~apt/Advances in Computational Mathematics 计算数学进展http://www.wkap.nlAdvances in Mathematics 数学进展Algebra Colloquium 代数学讨论会Algebras and Representation Theory 代数和表示理论http://www.wkap.nlAmerican Mathematical Monthly 美国数学月刊/pubs/monthly.jan.toc.html American Statistician 美国统计员/Annals of Applied Probability 应用概率论年报 of Global Analysis and Geometry 整体分析与几何学年报http://www.wkap.nlAnnals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 人工智能论题年报http://www.wkap.nlAnnals of Operations Research 运筹学研究年报http://www.wkap.nlAnnals of Probability 概率论年报 of Pure and Applied Logic 抽象和应用逻辑年报http://www.elsevier.nlAnnals of Statistics 统计学年报 of The Institute of Statistical Mathematics 统计数学学会年报 Applicable Algebra in Engineering Communication and Computing 代数在工程通信与计算中的应用Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 调和分析应用和计算 Applied Categorical Structures 应用范畴结构http://www.wkap.nlApplied Mathematical Modelling 应用数学建模http://www.elsevier.nlApplied Mathematics and Computation 应用数学与计算http://www.elsevier.nlApplied Mathematics and Optimization 应用数学与最优化Applied Mathematics Letters 应用数学快报http://www.elsevier.nlArchive for History of Exact Sciences 科学史档案Archive for Mathematical Logic 数理逻辑档案Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 理性力学和分析档案Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 工程计算方法档案 Analysis 渐近线分析http://www.iospress.nlAutonomous Robots 机器人http://www.wkap.nlBritish Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology 英国数学与统计心理学杂志Bulletin of The American Mathematical Society 美国数学会快报/Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 伦敦数学会快报/~lms Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 变分法与偏微分方程Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B 中国数学分析年报B辑 Combinatorics Probability & Computing 组合概率与计算Combustion Theory and Modelling 燃烧理论建模Communications in Algebra 代数通讯Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 当代数学通讯 Communications in Mathematical Physics 数学物理学通讯S Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 工程数值方法通讯Communications in Partial Differential Equations 偏微分方程通讯 Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 统计通讯–模拟与计算Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 统计通讯- 理论与方法Communications in Visual Mathematics 可视数学通讯/news/cvm.html Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 纯数学与应用数学通讯Computational Geometry-Theory and Applications 计算几何- 理论与应用http://www.elsevier.nlComputational Optimization and Applications 优化计算与应用 Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 统计计算与数据分析http://www.elsevier.nlComputer Aided Geometric Design 计算机辅助几何设计http://www.elsevier.nlComputer Physics Communications 计算机物理通讯http://www.elsevier.nlComputers & Mathematics with Applications 计算机与数学应用http://www.elsevier.nlComputers & Operations Research 计算机与运筹学研究http://www.elsevier.nlConcurrent Engineering-Research and Applications 共点工程- 研究与应用Conformal Geometry and Dynamics 投影几何与力学/ertDecision Support Systems 决策支持系统http://www.elsevier.nlDesigns Codes and Cryptography 编码设计与密码系统http://www.wkap.nlDifferential Equations 微分方程gopher://:6200Differential Geometry and Its Applications 微分几何及其应用http://www.elsevier.nlDiscrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 离散与连续动力系统/~journal/Discrete Applied Mathematics 应用离散数学http://www.elsevier.nlDiscrete Computational Geometry 离散计算几何学Discrete Event Dynamic Systems-Theory and Applications 离散事件动态系统- 理论和应用http://www.wkap.nlDiscrete Mathematics 离散数学http://www.elsevier.nlDynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems-Series A-Mathematical Analysis 连续和不连续及脉冲系统力学系统- 系列A - 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Computer TechnologyJournal,2020.[10]. Engineering; Study Findings from Beijing Jiaotong University Provide New Insights into Engineering (Analyzing Software Rejuvenation Techniques In a Virtualized System: Service Provider and User Views)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[11]. Soft Computing; Data on Soft Computing Reported by Researchers at Sakarya University (An exponential jerk system, its fractional-order form with dynamical analysis and engineering application)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[12]. Engineering; Studies from Henan University Yield New Data on Engineering (Extracting Phrases As Software Features From Overlapping Sentence Clusters In Product Descriptions)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[13]. Engineering; Data from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Provide New Insights into Engineering (A Systematic Study to Improve the Requirements Engineering Process in the Domain of Global Software Development)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[14]. Soft Computing; Investigators at Air Force Engineering University Report Findings in Soft Computing (Evidential model for intuitionistic fuzzy multi-attribute group decision making)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[15]. Engineering; Researchers from COMSATS University Islamabad Describe Findings in Engineering (A Deep CNN Ensemble Framework for Efficient DDoS Attack Detection in Software Defined Networks)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[16]Pedro Delgado-Pérez,Francisco Chicano. An Experimental and Practical Study on the Equivalent Mutant Connection: An Evolutionary Approach[J]. Information and Software Technology,2020.[17]Koehler Leman Julia,Weitzner Brian D,Renfrew P Douglas,Lewis Steven M,Moretti Rocco,Watkins Andrew M,Mulligan Vikram Khipple,Lyskov Sergey,Adolf-Bryfogle Jared,Labonte Jason W,Krys Justyna,Bystroff Christopher,Schief William,Gront Dominik,Schueler-Furman Ora,Baker David,Bradley Philip,Dunbrack Roland,Kortemme Tanja,Leaver-Fay Andrew,Strauss Charlie E M,Meiler Jens,Kuhlman Brian,Gray Jeffrey J,Bonneau Richard. Better together: Elements of successful scientific software development in a distributed collaborative community.[J]. PLoS computational biology,2020,16(5).[18]. Mathematics; Data on Mathematics Reported by Researchers at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology (Algorithms Based on COPRAS and Aggregation Operators with New Information Measures for Possibility Intuitionistic Fuzzy SoftDecision-Making)[J]. Journal of Mathematics,2020.[19]. Engineering - Medical and Biological Engineering; Reports from Heriot-Watt University Describe Recent Advances in Medical and Biological Engineering (A Novel Palpation-based Method for Tumor Nodule Quantification In Soft Tissue-computational Framework and Experimental Validation)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[20]. Engineering - Industrial Engineering; Studies from Xi'an Jiaotong University Have Provided New Data on Industrial Engineering (Dc Voltage Control Strategy of Three-terminal Medium-voltage Power Electronic Transformer-based Soft Normally Open Points)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[21]. Engineering; Reports from Hohai University Add New Data to Findings in Engineering (Soft Error Resilience of Deep Residual Networks for Object Recognition)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[22]. Engineering - Mechanical Engineering; Study Data from K.N. Toosi University of Technology Update Understanding of Mechanical Engineering (Coupled Directional Dilation-Damage Approach to Model the Cyclic-Undrained Response of Soft Clay under Pure Principal Stress Axes Rotation)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[23]. Soft Computing; Researchers from Abes Engineering College Report Details of New Studies and Findings in the Area of Soft Computing (An intelligent personalized web blog searching technique using fuzzy-based feedback recurrent neural network)[J]. Network Weekly News,2020.[24]. Engineering; Studies from University of Alexandria in the Area of Engineering Reported (Software Defined Network-Based Management for Enhanced 5G Network Services)[J]. Network Weekly News,2020.[25]. Soft Computing; Data on Soft Computing Discussed by Researchers at Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering [A metaheuristic optimization model for spectral allocation in cognitive networks based on ant colony algorithm (M-ACO)][J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[26]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Complutense University Madrid Reports Findings in Software Engineering (Recolibry Suite: a Set of Intelligent Tools for the Development of Recommender Systems)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[27]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Data on Software Engineering Reported by Researchers at Gautam Buddha University (A novel quality prediction model for component based software system using ACO-NM optimized extreme learning machine)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[28]. Soft Computing; New Soft Computing Study Findings Recently Were Reported by Researchers at University College of Engineering (A novel QIM-DCT based fusion approach for classification of remote sensing images via PSO and SVM models)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[29]Morshedloo Fatemeh,Khoshfetrat Ali Baradar,Kazemi Davoud,Ahmadian Mehri. Gelatin improves peroxidase-mediated alginate hydrogel characteristics as a potential injectable hydrogel for soft tissue engineering applications.[J]. Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials,2020.[30]Jung-Chieh Lee,Chung-Yang Chen. Exploring the team dynamic learning process in software process tailoring performance[J]. Journal of Enterprise Information Management,2020,33(3).[31]. Soft Computing; Study Results from Velammal Engineering College in the Area of Soft Computing Reported (Efficient routing in UASN during the thermohaline environment condition to improve the propagation delay and throughput)[J]. Mathematics Week,2020.[32]. Soft Matter; Findings from School of Materials Science and Engineering Provide New Insights into Soft Matter (A practical guide to active colloids: choosing synthetic model systems for soft matter physics research)[J]. Physics Week,2020.[33]Julio César Puche-Regaliza,Alfredo Jiménez,Pablo Arranz-Val. Diagnosis of Software Projects Based on the Viable System Model[J]. Systemic Practice and Action Research,2020,33(1).[34]Meinert Edward,Milne-Ives Madison,Surodina Svitlana,Lam Ching. Agile requirements engineering and software planning for a digital health platform to engage the effects of isolation caused by social distancing: A case study and feasibility study protocol.[J]. JMIR public health and surveillance,2020.[35]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Studies Conducted at Shandong Jianzhu University on Civil Engineering Recently Published (Seismic Response Analysis and Control of Frame Structures with Soft First Storey under Near-Fault Ground Motions)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.软件工程英文参考文献二:[36]Chao-ze Lu,Guo-sun Zeng,Ying-jie Xie. Bigraph specification of software architecture and evolution analysis in mobile computing environment[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems,2020,108.[37]Ompal Singh, Saurabh Panwar, P. K. Kapur.. Determining SoftwareTime-to-Market and Testing Stop Time when Release Time is a Change-Point[J]. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences,2020,5(2).[38]Ayushi Verma,Neetu Sardana,Sangeeta Lal. Developer Recommendation for Stack Exchange Software Engineering Q&A Website based on K-Means clustering and Developer Social Network Metric[J]. Procedia Computer Science,2020,167.[39]Jagdeep Singh,Sachin Bagga,Ranjodh Kaur. Software-based Prediction of Liver Disease with Feature Selection and Classification Techniques[J]. Procedia Computer Science,2020,167.[40]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Studies from Concordia University Update Current Data on Software Engineering (On the impact of using trivial packages: an empirical case study on npm and PyPI)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[41]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Study Findings from University of Alberta Broaden Understanding of Software Engineering (Building the perfect game - an empirical study of game modifications)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[42]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Investigators at National Research Council (CNR) Detail Findings in Software Engineering [A Framework for Quantitative Modeling and Analysis of Highly (Re)Configurable Systems][J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[43]. Engineering - Knowledge Engineering; Data from University of Paris Saclay Provide New Insights into Knowledge Engineering (Dynamic monitoring of software use with recurrent neural networks)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[44]. Engineering - Circuits Research; Findings from Federal University Santa Maria Yields New Data on Circuits Research (A New Cpfsk Demodulation Approach for Software Defined Radio)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[45]. Soft Computing; Investigators from Lovely Professional University Release New Data on Soft Computing (An intensify Harris Hawks optimizer for numerical and engineering optimization problems)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[46]. GlobalLogic Inc.; GlobalLogic Acquires Meelogic Consulting AG, a European Healthcare and Automotive-Focused Software Engineering Services Firm[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[47]. Engineering - Circuits and Systems Research; Data on Circuits and Systems Research Described by Researchers at Northeastern University (Softcharge: Software Defined Multi-device Wireless Charging Over Large Surfaces)[J]. TelecommunicationsWeekly,2020.[48]. Soft Computing; Researchers from Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering Report on Findings in Soft Computing (Dynamic Histogram Equalization for contrast enhancement for digital images)[J]. Technology News Focus,2020.[49]Mohamed Ellithey Barghoth,Akram Salah,Manal A. Ismail. A Comprehensive Software Project Management Framework[J]. Journal of Computer and Communications,2020,08(03).[50]. Soft Computing; Researchers from Air Force Engineering University Describe Findings in Soft Computing (Random orthocenter strategy in interior search algorithm and its engineering application)[J]. Journal of Mathematics,2020.[51]. Soft Computing; Study Findings on Soft Computing Are Outlined in Reports from Department of Mechanical Engineering (Constrained design optimization of selected mechanical system components using Rao algorithms)[J]. Mathematics Week,2020.[52]Iqbal Javed,Ahmad Rodina B,Khan Muzafar,Fazal-E-Amin,Alyahya Sultan,Nizam Nasir Mohd Hairul,Akhunzada Adnan,Shoaib Muhammad. Requirements engineering issues causing software development outsourcing failure.[J]. PloS one,2020,15(4).[53]Raymond C.Z. Cohen,Simon M. Harrison,Paul W. Cleary. Dive Mechanic: Bringing 3D virtual experimentation using biomechanical modelling to elite level diving with the Workspace workflow engine[J]. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,2020,175.[54]Emelie Engstr?m,Margaret-Anne Storey,Per Runeson,Martin H?st,Maria Teresa Baldassarre. How software engineering research aligns with design science: a review[J]. Empirical Software Engineering,2020(prepublish).[55]Christian Lettner,Michael Moser,Josef Pichler. An integrated approach for power transformer modeling and manufacturing[J]. Procedia Manufacturing,2020,42.[56]. Engineering - Mechanical Engineering; New Findings from Leibniz University Hannover Update Understanding of Mechanical Engineering (A finite element for soft tissue deformation based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[57]. Science - Social Science; Studies from University of Burgos Yield New Information about Social Science (Diagnosis of Software Projects Based on the Viable System Model)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[58]. Technology - Powder Technology; Investigators at Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH Discuss Findings in Powder Technology [Extended Validation and Verification of Xps/avl-fire (Tm), a Computational Cfd-dem Software Platform][J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[59]Guadalupe-Isaura Trujillo-Tzanahua,Ulises Juárez-Martínez,Alberto-Alfonso Aguilar-Lasserre,María-Karen Cortés-Verdín,Catherine Azzaro-Pantel. Multiple software product lines to configure applications of internet of things[J]. IET Software,2020,14(2).[60]Eduardo Juárez,Rocio Aldeco-Pérez,Jose.Manuel Velázquez. Academic approach to transform organisations: one engineer at a time[J]. IET Software,2020,14(2).[61]Dennys García-López,Marco Segura-Morales,Edson Loza-Aguirre. Improving the quality and quantity of functional and non-functional requirements obtained during requirements elicitation stage for the development of e-commerce mobile applications: an alternative reference process model[J]. IET Software,2020,14(2).[62]. Guest Editorial: Software Engineering Applications to Solve Organisations Issues[J]. IET Software,2020,14(2).[63]?,?. Engine Control Unit ? ? ?[J]. ,2020,47(4).[64]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Study Data from Nanjing University Update Understanding of Software Engineering (Identifying Failure-causing Schemas In the Presence of Multiple Faults)[J]. Mathematics Week,2020.[65]. Energy - Renewable Energy; Researchers from Institute of Electrical Engineering Detail New Studies and Findings in the Area of Renewable Energy (A Local Control Strategy for Distributed Energy Fluctuation Suppression Based on Soft Open Point)[J]. Journal of Mathematics,2020.[66]Ahmed Zeraoui,Mahfoud Benzerzour,Walid Maherzi,Raid Mansi,Nor-Edine Abriak. New software for the optimization of the formulation and the treatment of dredged sediments for utilization in civil engineering[J]. Journal of Soils and Sediments,2020(prepublish).[67]. Engineering - Concurrent Engineering; Reports from Delhi Technological University Add New Data to Findings in Concurrent Engineering (Systematic literature review of sentiment analysis on Twitter using soft computing techniques)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[68]. Engineering; New Findings from Future University in Egypt in the Area of Engineering Reported (Decision support system for optimum soft clay improvementtechnique for highway construction projects)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[69]Erica Mour?o,Jo?o Felipe Pimentel,Leonardo Murta,Marcos Kalinowski,Emilia Mendes,Claes Wohlin. On the performance of hybrid search strategies for systematic literature reviews in software engineering[J]. Information and Software Technology,2020,123.[70]. Soft Computing; Researchers from Anna University Discuss Findings in Soft Computing (A novel fuzzy mechanism for risk assessment in software projects)[J]. News of Science,2020.软件工程英文参考文献三:[71]. Software and Systems Research; New Software and Systems Research Study Results from Chalmers University of Technology Described (Why and How To Balance Alignment and Diversity of Requirements Engineering Practices In Automotive)[J]. Journal of Transportation,2020.[72]Anupama Kaushik,Devendra Kr. Tayal,Kalpana Yadav. A Comparative Analysis on Effort Estimation for Agile and Non-agile Software Projects Using DBN-ALO[J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,2020,45(6).[73]Subhrata Das,Adarsh Anand,Mohini Agarwal,Mangey Ram. Release Time Problem Incorporating the Effect of Imperfect Debugging and Fault Generation: An Analysis for Multi-Upgraded Software System[J]. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering,2020,27(02).[74]Saerom Lee,Hyunmi Baek,Sehwan Oh. The role of openness in open collaboration:A focus on open‐source software development projects[J]. ETRI Journal,2020,42(2).[75]. Soft Computing; Study Results from Computer Science and Engineering Broaden Understanding of Soft Computing (Efficient attribute selection technique for leukaemia prediction using microarray gene data)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[76]. Engineering - Computational Engineering; Findings from University of Cincinnati in the Area of Computational Engineering Described (Exploratory Metamorphic Testing for Scientific Software)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[77]. Organizational and End User Computing; Data from Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology Advance Knowledge in Organizational and End User Computing (A Contingent Approach to Facilitating Conflict Resolution in Software Development Outsourcing Projects)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[78]. Soft Computing; Findings from Department of Industrial Engineering in the Area of Soft Computing Reported (Analysis of fuzzy supply chain performance based on different buyback contract configurations)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[79]Hana Mkaouar,Bechir Zalila,Jér?me Hugues,Mohamed Jmaiel. A formal approach to AADL model-based software engineering[J]. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer,2020,22(5).[80]Riesch Michael,Nguyen Tien Dat,Jirauschek Christian. bertha: Project skeleton for scientific software.[J]. PloS one,2020,15(3).[81]. Computers; Findings from Department of Computer Sciences and Engineering Reveals New Findings on Computers (An assessment of software defined networking approach in surveillance using sparse optimization algorithm)[J]. Telecommunications Weekly,2020.[82]Luigi Ranghetti,Mirco Boschetti,Francesco Nutini,Lorenzo Busetto. “sen2r”: An R toolbox for automatically downloading and preprocessing Sentinel-2 satellite data[J]. Computers and Geosciences,2020,139.[83]Mathie Najberg,Muhammad Haji Mansor,Théodore Taillé,Céline Bouré,Rodolfo Molina-Pe?a,Frank Boury,José Luis Cenis,Emmanuel Garcion,Carmen Alvarez-Lorenzo. Aerogel sponges of silk fibroin, hyaluronic acid and heparin for soft tissue engineering: Composition-properties relationship[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers,2020,237.[84]Isonkobong Udousoro. Effective Requirement Engineering Process Model in Software Engineering[J]. Software Engineering,2020,8(1).[85]. Soft Computing; Research Conducted at Department of Computer Sciences and Engineering Has Updated Our Knowledge about Soft Computing [Hyperparameter tuning in convolutional neural networks for domain adaptation in sentiment classification (HTCNN-DASC)][J]. Network Weekly News,2020.[86]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Data on Software Engineering Discussed by Researchers at Universita della Svizzera italiana (Investigating Types and Survivability of Performance Bugs In Mobile Apps)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[87]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Findings from Nanjing University Broaden Understanding of Software Engineering (Boosting Crash-inducing Change Localization With Rank-performance-based Feature Subset Selection)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[88]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Study Data from Queen's University Belfast Update Knowledge of Software Engineering (Practical relevance of software engineering research: synthesizing the community's voice)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[89]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Researchers from Concordia University Detail New Studies and Findings in the Area of Software Engineering (MSRBot: Using bots to answer questions from software repositories)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[90]Anonymous. DBTA LIVE[J]. Database Trends and Applications,2020,34(2).[91]Tachanun KANGWANTRAKOOL,Kobkrit VIRIYAYUDHAKORN,Thanaruk THEERAMUNKONG. Software Development Effort Estimation from Unstructured Software Project Description by Sequence Models[J]. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,2020,E103.D(4).[92]Reza Mohammadi,Reza Javidan,Negar Rikhtegar,Manijeh Keshtgari. An intelligent multicast traffic engineering method over software defined networks[J]. Journal of High Speed Networks,2020,26(1).[93]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Hohai University Researchers Detail New Studies and Findings in the Area of Civil Engineering (An Experimental Study on Settlement due to the Mutual Embedding of Miscellaneous Fill and Soft Soil)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[94]. Engineering - Biomechanical Engineering; Researchers from Washington University St. Louis Detail New Studies and Findings in the Area of Biomechanical Engineering (Estimation of Anisotropic Material Properties of Soft Tissue By Mri of Ultrasound-induced Shear Waves)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[95]. Engineering - Rock Engineering; Reports from University of Alicante Add New Data to Findings in Rock Engineering (Evaluation of Strength and Deformability of Soft Sedimentary Rocks In Dry and Saturated Conditions Through Needle Penetration and Point Load Tests: a Comparative ...)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[96]. Computers; Study Findings from Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering Broaden Understanding of Computers [Improved energy efficient design in software defined wireless electroencephalography sensor networks (WESN) using distributed ...][J]. Network Weekly News,2020.[97]Mouro Erica,Pimentel Joo Felipe,Murta Leonardo,Kalinowski Marcos,Mendes Emilia,Wohlin Claes. On the Performance of Hybrid Search Strategies for Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering[J]. Information and SoftwareTechnology,2020(prepublish).[98]Osuna Enrique,Rodrguez Luis-Felipe,Gutierrez-Garcia J. Octavio,Castro LuisA.. Development of computational models of emotions: A software engineering perspective[J]. Cognitive Systems Research,2020,60(C).[99]Sharifzadeh Bahador,Kalbasi Rasool,Jahangiri Mehdi,Toghraie Davood,Karimipour Arash. Computer modeling of pulsatile blood flow in elastic artery using a software program for application in biomedical engineering[J]. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,2020.[100]Shen Xiaoning,Guo Yinan,Li Aimin. Cooperative coevolution with an improved resource allocation for large-scale multi-objective software project scheduling[J]. Applied Soft Computing,2020,88(C).[101]Jung Jaesoon,Kook Junghwan,Goo Seongyeol,Wang Semyung. Corrigendum to Sound transmission analysis of plate structures using the finite element method and elementary radiator approach with radiator error index [Advances in Engineering Software 112 (2017 115][J]. Advances in Engineering Software,2020,140(C).[102]Zhang Chenyi,Pang Jun. Preface for the special issue of the 12th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE 2018[J]. Science of Computer Programming,2020,187(C).[103]Karras Oliver,Schneider Kurt,Fricker Samuel A.. Representing software project vision by means of video: A quality model for vision videos[J]. Journal of Systems and Software,2020,162(C).[104]Sutanto Juliana,Jiang Qiqi,Tan Chuan-Hoo. The contingent role of interproject connectedness in cultivating open source software projects[J]. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems,2020(prepublish).[105]Weiner Iddo,Feldman Yael,Shahar Noam,Yacoby Iftach,Tuller Tamir. CSO A sequence optimization software for engineering chloroplast expression in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii[J]. Algal Research,2020,46(C).以上就是关于软件工程英文参考文献的分享,希望对你有所帮助。

控制类外文期刊SCI,EI比较好投的有哪些作者: yanwei123456 发布日期: 2007-12-05控制类的SCI的都很难发,除非内容很好!如果不错就试试SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization.作者: mqlong 发布日期: 2007-12-05你研究具体哪方面?可以交流一下。
作者: Hongtan 发布日期: 2007-12-05International Journal of systems science, Internatioanl Journal of control, 应该要好中一点,atuomatica,IEEE AC, systems and control letters一般比较难中作者: ertuo104 发布日期: 2007-12-05ddfdd作者: qpl001 发布日期: 2007-12-05我现在主要做智能控制,研究随机梯度及投影算法有一段时间,研究了一种他们的快速收敛的方法,想发到国外的期刊上,速度快一点的作者: yanwei123456 发布日期: 2007-12-05建议找计算数学类的,applied numerical mathematics, Journal of computational and applied mathematics, applied mathematics and computation等等!不过现在数学类(包括控制类的)没有很快的,一般都得小半年才有审稿意见!系统与控制类投稿期刊整理AI MagazineAmerican Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) PublicationsApplied Mathematical ModellingApplied Mathematics and ComputationArtificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence in EngineeringAutomatic control and computer sciences. 0146-4116Automatica. 0005-1098Automation and control. 0110-6295Automation and remote control. 0005-1179Chemical Design Automation NewsComputational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics Computational Statistics & Data AnalysisComputer Aided Geometric DesignComputer-Aided DesignComputers & Electrical EngineeringComputers & GraphicsComputers & Mathematics with Applications Computers in EngineeringComputers in IndustryControl ApplicationsControl Engineering PracticeControl, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations. Computing & control engineering journal.Control and instrumentation. 0010-8022Control engineering. 0010-8049Data & Knowledge EngineeringDecision Support SystemsDiscrete Applied MathematicsDiscrete MathematicsEcological ModellingEngineering Analysis with Boundary Elements Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Expert Systems with ApplicationsElectronic Journal of Linear Algebra: Germany Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra: Israel Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra: Portugal Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra: USA Electronic Transactions On Numerical Analysis Future Generation Computer SystemsFuzzy Sets and SystemsIEE Computing & Control Engineering JournalIEE Proc. Control theory and applications 0143-7054 IEEE Control Systems MagazineIEEE Robotics and Automation MagazineIEEE Trans. Control Systems Technology. 1063-6536 IEEE SpectrumIEEE Transactions on Automatic ControlIEEE Transactions on Robotics and AutomationIFAC PublicationsImage and Vision ComputingIndustrial and Systems Control EngineeringInformation SystemsInstrumentation & control systemsInternational journal of adaptive control and signal processing. International journal of control.Information and Software TechnologyIntegration, the VLSI JournalInteracting with ComputersInternational journal of robotics & automation.International journal of systems automation, research & applications.Journal of Computational and Applied MathematicsJournal of Systems ArchitectureJournal of Systems and SoftwareJournal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and ControlJournal of Dynamical and Control Systems:IsraelJournal of Dynamical and Control Systems:USAJournal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation, and ControlJournal of Process ControlJournal of Robotics and Autonomous systemsJournal of automation and information sciences.Knowledge-Based SystemsLinear Algebra and Its ApplicationsMathematics and Computers in SimulationMathematics and Computers in Simulation with Applied Numerical Math. Microprocessors and MicrosystemsMathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems:Netherlands Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems:USAMechatronicsModeling, Identification, and ControlNeural NetworksNeurocomputingParallel ComputingPattern RecognitionPattern Recognition LettersPerformance EvaluationRobotics and Autonomous SystemsSIAM Journal on Control and OptimizationSimulation Practice and TheorySystems and Control LettersTransactions of ASME. J. dynamic systems, measurement & control.SCI、EI收录的自动控制类期刊。

运用作比较列数字分类别的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Comparing and Categorizing NumbersAs a student, I've come to realize that numbers are more than just digits on a page – they hold immense power and significance in our world. From the smallest fractions to the largest astronomical figures, numbers shape our understanding of reality and inform our decision-making processes. In this essay, I will explore the fascinating realm of numbers, comparing and categorizing them based on various criteria.MagnitudeOne of the most apparent ways to categorize numbers is by their magnitude, or size. Let's start with the smallest and work our way up:A. Small NumbersIntegers from 0 to 9 (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)These are the building blocks of all larger numbers.B. Double-Digit NumbersIntegers from 10 to 99 (10, 11, 12, ..., 98, 99)Commonly used in everyday contexts like counting and simple arithmetic.C. Triple-Digit NumbersIntegers from 100 to 999 (100, 101, 102, ..., 998, 999)Often encountered in measurements, prices, and larger calculations.D. Four and More DigitsIntegers with four or more digits (1,000, 10,000, 100,000, and so on)Used to represent larger quantities, populations, distances, and other significant values.As the magnitude of numbers increases, our ability to comprehend them becomes more abstract and challenging.Numerical PropertiesNumbers can also be categorized based on their inherent properties and characteristics:A. Prime NumbersIntegers greater than 1 that are divisible only by 1 and themselves (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, ...)Prime numbers are fundamental in various mathematical fields, including cryptography and number theory.B. Composite NumbersIntegers greater than 1 that are not prime (4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, ...)Composite numbers are the product of two or more prime factors.C. Even NumbersIntegers divisible by 2 (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ...)Even numbers are often associated with concepts of balance and symmetry.D. Odd NumbersIntegers not divisible by 2 (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, ...)Odd numbers are intriguing in their own right, with unique properties and patterns.E. Fibonacci NumbersA sequence where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ...)This sequence appears frequently in nature and has applications in fields like computer science and biology.These properties reveal the rich tapestry of patterns and relationships that exist within the world of numbers.Number SystemsNumbers can also be categorized based on the system in which they are represented:A. Decimal SystemThe most commonly used number system, based on powers of 10 (0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 9, 10, 11, ...)Familiar to most people and used in everyday calculations and measurements.B. Binary SystemA base-2 number system using only 0 and 1 (0, 1, 10, 11, 100, 101, ...)Fundamental in computer science and digital electronics.C. Hexadecimal SystemA base-16 number system using digits 0-9 and letters A-F (0, 1, 2, ..., 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, 10, 11, ...)Widely used in computer programming and digital color representation.D. Other SystemsNumbers can be represented in various other bases, such as base-8 (octal) and base-16 (hexadecimal).These systems have specialized applications in fields like computer science and mathematics.Understanding different number systems is crucial for working with computers, data encoding, and advanced mathematics.Numerical OperationsNumbers can also be categorized based on the operations that can be performed on them:A. AdditionCombining two or more numbers to find their sum (2 + 3 = 5, 5 + 7 = 12, ...)Addition is one of the most fundamental operations in arithmetic.B. SubtractionFinding the difference between two numbers (8 - 3 = 5, 15 - 9 = 6, ...)Subtraction is the inverse operation of addition.C. MultiplicationRepeated addition of a number (3 x 4 = 12, 5 x 6 = 30, ...)Multiplication is a powerful tool for working with larger numbers and finding areas, volumes, and other quantities.D. DivisionSplitting a number into equal parts (12 ÷ 3 = 4, 25 ÷ 5 = 5, ...)Division is the inverse operation of multiplication and is essential for ratios, proportions, and fractions.E. ExponentiationRaising a number to a power (2^3 = 8, 5^2 = 25, ...)Exponentiation is used to represent growth, decay, and other non-linear processes.F. RootsFinding the value that, when raised to a particular power, produces a given number (√9 = 3, ∛27 = 3, ...)Roots are closely related to exponentiation and have applications in equations and geometry.These operations form the backbone of mathematical calculations and problem-solving, enabling us to manipulate and work with numbers in diverse ways.In conclusion, numbers are more than just digits – they are a language that helps us understand and navigate the complexities of our world. By comparing and categorizing numbers based on their magnitude, properties, systems, and operations, we gain a deeper appreciation for the richness and diversity of the numerical realm. As students, mastering the art of working with numbers is not only essential for academic success but also equips us with valuable skills for life, enabling us to make informed decisions, solve problems, and uncover the patterns that underlie our universe.篇2Numerical Nirvana: Navigating the Realms of Integers, Reals, and BeyondAs a student of mathematics, I find myself constantly immersed in a world of numbers, each category offering its own unique quirks and characteristics. From the familiar realm of integers to the vast expanse of real numbers and beyond, the numerical universe is a captivating tapestry woven with patterns, relationships, and mysteries waiting to be unraveled.Integers: The Fundamental Building BlocksLet us begin our journey with the integers, the most fundamental and familiar of numerical categories. These whole numbers, both positive and negative, form the backbone of arithmetic operations and serve as the foundation upon which more complex numerical structures are built.Positive integers, those cheerful fellows marching onward from 1, 2, 3, and so on, represent the natural counting order we learned from a tender age. They are the solid bricks that construct the edifice of mathematics, allowing us to quantify and enumerate the world around us. Negative integers, on the other hand, introduce us to the concept of opposites and provide a means to represent deficits, debts, and temperatures below freezing.The beauty of integers lies in their simplicity and their capacity to be manipulated through the four fundamentaloperations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division (with a few caveats for division by zero, of course). These operations form the bedrock of numerical reasoning, enabling us to solve intricate problems and uncover patterns that govern the behavior of numbers.Rational Numbers: Fractions and RatiosAs we venture beyond the confines of integers, we encounter the realm of rational numbers, a realm where fractions and ratios reign supreme. These numbers, expressed as the quotient of two integers, introduce us to the concept of divisibility and open up new avenues for representing quantities that cannot be expressed as whole numbers.Fractions, with their numerators and denominators, offer a glimpse into the world of proportions and ratios, allowing us to conceptualize and manipulate parts of a whole. They enable us to divide quantities into equal or unequal shares, facilitating concepts like fair distribution and equitable representation.Rational numbers also play a crucial role in measurement, allowing us to express lengths, weights, and volumes with precision. They are the language of recipes, construction blueprints, and countless other applications where exactitude is paramount.Real Numbers: The Continuous SpectrumAs we traverse further into the numerical realm, we encounter the real numbers, a vast and continuous spectrum that encompasses not only integers and rational numbers but also the enigmatic irrational numbers, such as pi (π) and the square root of 2.Irrational numbers defy simple expression as a ratio of integers, their decimal representations extending infinitely without repeating patterns. They introduce us to the concept of infinity and challenge our intuitive understanding of numbers, forcing us to grapple with the idea of quantities that cannot be fully captured by our familiar notation systems.Real numbers are the language of calculus, allowing us to model and analyze the behavior of continuously varying quantities, such as motion, growth, and change. They enable us to describe the curvature of a coastline, the trajectory of a projectile, and the intricate patterns found in nature with unparalleled precision.Complex Numbers: Embracing the ImaginaryJust when we thought we had explored the depths of the numerical universe, we stumble upon the complex numbers, arealm where the imaginary becomes tangible and the boundaries between reality and abstraction blur.Complex numbers introduce us to the enigmatic concept of the imaginary unit, represented by the symbol i, where i^2 = -1. This seemingly contradictory notion opens up a new dimension in mathematics, enabling us to represent and manipulate quantities that cannot be expressed using real numbers alone.Complex numbers find their applications in fields such as electrical engineering, quantum mechanics, and signal processing, where they provide a powerful tool for modeling and analyzing phenomena that involve oscillations, waves, and rotations.The journey through these numerical categories is a testament to the richness and diversity of mathematics. Each realm builds upon the foundations laid by its predecessors, introducing new concepts, operations, and applications that expand our understanding of the world around us.As we navigate these realms, we are reminded of the beauty and elegance that lie at the heart of mathematics. Numbers are not merely abstract constructs; they are the language in which the universe speaks, revealing its secrets through patterns,relationships, and interconnections that transcend the boundaries of individual disciplines.Whether we are solving equations, modeling physical phenomena, or exploring the depths of theoretical mathematics, our journey through the numerical realms is a constant reminder of the human mind's remarkable capacity for abstraction and its insatiable quest for knowledge and understanding.So, let us embrace the numerical nirvana that surrounds us, for within its intricate tapestry lies the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe and pushing the boundaries of human knowledge ever further.篇3Categorizing and Comparing: A Student's Guide to Numerical MasteryAs a student, I've come to realize that numbers are an integral part of our lives, whether we're dealing with grades, statistics, or even something as simple as keeping track of our daily expenses. However, simply knowing the numbers is not enough; we need to understand how to organize and compare them effectively. That's where the art of categorization and the use of comparatives come into play. In this essay, I'll share myinsights and experiences on how these techniques have helped me navigate the world of numbers with greater ease and understanding.Let's start with categorization. Imagine you have a list of numbers representing the ages of students in your class. Without any organization, it's just a jumbled mess of digits that may not make much sense. However, by categorizing these numbers, you can start to see patterns and trends emerge. For instance, you could group the ages into ranges, such as 15-18, 19-22, and 23+. Suddenly, you have a clearer picture of the age distribution in your class, and you can make more informed decisions or observations based on this information.But categorization doesn't stop there. You can also use it to sort data based on various criteria, such as gender, academic performance, or extracurricular activities. This approach allows you to identify potential correlations or disparities that may not be immediately apparent from the raw numbers alone.Now, let's move on to the use of comparatives. As students, we're often faced with the task of analyzing and interpreting data, whether it's test scores, research findings, or historical trends. Comparatives are an essential tool in this process,enabling us to understand relationships between different sets of numbers or data points.For example, let's say you're studying the economic growth rates of various countries over the past decade. By using comparatives such as "higher than," "lower than," or "equal to," you can quickly identify which countries have experienced the most growth, which ones have stagnated, and which ones have fallen behind. This not only helps you grasp the overall trends but also allows you to formulate hypotheses about the potential reasons behind these differences.Comparatives also come in handy when you're evaluating your own academic performance. Instead of simply looking at your raw scores, you can compare them to the class average, the top score, or your previous performance. This way, you can gauge your progress more accurately and identify areas where you need to improve.But the power of comparatives extends beyond just numbers. They can also be used to describe qualitative aspects of your studies or life experiences. For instance, you might say that a particular course was "more challenging than" others, or that a particular extracurricular activity was "less time-consuming than" another. By using comparatives in this way, you caneffectively communicate your perceptions and experiences to others, painting a vivid picture that goes beyond mere numerical data.Of course, mastering the art of categorization and the use of comparatives takes practice and patience. As a student, I've had my fair share of struggles and triumphs in this regard. There have been times when I've struggled to find the right categories or comparatives to accurately represent a particular set of data or situation. However, through pers。

二分法的英文解释The binary search algorithm is a fundamental concept in computer science and mathematics. It is a powerful and efficient technique used to locate a specific item within a sorted collection of data. In this article, we will delve into the details of the binary search algorithm, exploring its mechanics, applications, and complexities.At its core, the binary search algorithm operates by repeatedly dividing the search interval in half. It begins by comparing the target value with the middle element of the array. If the target value matches the middle element, the search is complete, and the index of the element is returned. If the target value is less than the middle element, the search continues in the lower half of the array. Conversely, if the target value is greater than the middle element, the search proceeds in the upper half of the array. This process is repeated until the target value is found or until the search interval is empty.One of the key requirements for the binary search algorithm to work is that the data collection must be sorted in ascending order. This prerequisite enables the algorithm to exploit the properties of the sorted array, significantly reducing the search space with each iteration. By systematically eliminating half of the remaining elements at each step, binary search achieves a logarithmic time complexity of O(log n), where n is the number of elements in the array. This efficiency makes binary search particularly suitable for large datasets where linear search algorithms would be impractical.The binary search algorithm finds its applications in various domains, including but not limited to:1. Searching: Binary search is commonly used to quickly locate elements in sorted arrays or lists. Its efficiency makes it indispensable for tasks such as searching phone directories, dictionaries, or databases.2. Sorting: While binary search itself is not a sorting algorithm, it can be combined with sorting algorithms like merge sort or quicksort to efficiently search for elements in sorted arrays.3. Computer Science: Binary search serves as a foundational concept in computer science education, providing students with a fundamental understanding of algorithm design and analysis.4. Game Development: Binary search is utilized in game development for tasks such as collision detection, pathfinding, and AI decision-making.Despite its efficiency and versatility, binary search does have certain limitations. One significant constraint is that the data collection must be sorted beforehand, which can incur additional preprocessing overhead. Additionally, binary search is not well-suited for dynamic datasets that frequently change, as maintaining the sorted order becomes non-trivial.In conclusion, the binary search algorithm is a powerful tool for efficiently locating elements within sorted arrays. Its logarithmic time complexity and widespread applications make it a fundamental concept in computer science and mathematics. By dividing the search space in half with each iteration, binary search demonstrates the elegance and efficiency of algorithmic design. Whether used in searching, sorting, or other computational tasks, the binary search algorithm remains a cornerstone of algorithmic problem-solving.。

计算机类SCI分区数据WoS四区(cs.whu)序号刊名1 AEU-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS2 JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS3 International Journal of Network Management4 ETRI JOURNAL5 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING6 Journal of Web Semantics7 R Journal8 Security and Communication Networks9 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS10 QUEUEING SYSTEMS11 INFORMATICA12 Frontiers of Computer Science13 IET Information Security14 Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks15 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY16 Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces17 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES18 MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROSYSTEMS19 ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS20 ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation21 ACTA INFORMATICA22 CONCURRENT ENGINEERING-RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS23 INTEGRATION-THE VLSI JOURNAL24 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COOPERATIVE INFORMATION SYSTEMS25 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PATTERN RECOGNITION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE26 International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies27 COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE28 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY29 WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS30 JOURNAL OF VISUALIZATION31 Radioengineering32 IEEE TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY MAGAZINE33 ADVANCED ROBOTICS34 IETE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH35 Semiconductors and Semimetals36 China Communications37 International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition38 International Journal of Humanoid Robotics39 TRANSPORTATION JOURNAL40 Journal of Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video Technology41 AI EDAM-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN ANALYSIS AND MANUFAC42 IET Computer Vision43 Journal of the Society for Information Display44 Intelligent Service Robotics45 SIGMOD RECORD46 CONNECTION SCIENCE47 INDUSTRIAL ROBOT-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL48 Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika49 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON DESIGN AUTOMATION OF ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS50 JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND APPLICATIONS51 Mobile Information Systems52 Journal of Applied Logic53 Computer Science and Information Systems54 IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS55 Statistical Analysis and Data Mining56 Computers and Concrete57 AI MAGAZINE58 KYBERNETES59 Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments60 ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE61 Advances in Mathematics of Communications62 Information Retrieval Journal63 Advances in Computers64 Research in Transportation Economics65 International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools66 Natural Computing67 MODELING IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL68 Intelligent Data Analysis69 Journal of Simulation70 IEEE AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS MAGAZINE71 Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE C-Computers & Electronics72 Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory73 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS AND MECHANICS74 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM INFORMATION75 ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS76 Journal of Organizational and End User Computing77 New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia78 JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL COMPUTATION AND SIMULATION79 JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC IMAGING80 Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures81 PRESENCE-TELEOPERATORS AND VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS82 INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS83 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RF AND MICROWAVE COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING84 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ACOUSTICS85 Language Resources and Evaluation86 MICROELECTRONICS INTERNATIONAL87 ALGORITHMICA88 IET Software89 Current Computer-Aided Drug Design90 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS91 MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE92 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS93 CIRCUIT WORLD94 International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining95 DISCRETE & COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY96 International Arab Journal of Information Technology97 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE98 SIMULATION-TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION INTERNAT99 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GAME THEORY100 COMPUTER JOURNAL101 DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY102 Journal of Public Transportation103 Transportation Letters-The International Journal of Transportation Research 104 International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing105 THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE106 JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE107 Journal of Cellular Automata108 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION109 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming110 ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECOLOGICAL STATISTICS111 FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE112 Translator113 JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING114 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS115 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION116 CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES117 APPLICABLE ALGEBRA IN ENGINEERING COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTING118 International Journal of Web Services Research119 Logical Methods in Computer Science120 NEW GENERATION COMPUTING121 AI COMMUNICATIONS122 APPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE123 ANNALS OF PURE AND APPLIED LOGIC124 JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC TESTING-THEORY AND APPLICATIONS125 RENDICONTI DEL SEMINARIO MATEMATICO DELLA UNIVERSITA DI PADOVA126 THEORY OF COMPUTING SYSTEMS127 INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION AND SOFT COMPUTING128 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras129 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANALYSIS UND IHRE ANWENDUNGEN130 Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis131 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS132 Asian Journal of Communication133 International Journal of Sensor Networks134 Analysis and Mathematical Physics135 IEEE Latin America Transactions136 VIRTUAL REALITY137 Scientific Programming138 Journal of Noncommutative Geometry139 ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING140 Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering141 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL MODELLING-ELECTRONIC NETWORKS DEVICES AN 142 International Communication Gazette143 European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research144 Applications of Mathematics145 International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics146 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS147 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory148 Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport149 Malaysian Journal of Computer Science150 DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL151 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS152 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND MATHEMATICAL MODELLING153 Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering154 Problems of Information Transmission155 Journal of Web Engineering156 JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL COMPUTING AND ELECTRONIC COMMERCE157 Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences158 JOURNAL OF MICROWAVE POWER AND ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY159 LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL160 STOCHASTIC ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS161 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING162 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SOCIOLOGY163 Differential and Integral Equations164 ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing 165 Chinese Journal of Communication166 NETWORK-COMPUTATION IN NEURAL SYSTEMS167 Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems168 RAIRO-THEORETICAL INFORMATICS AND APPLICATIONS169 Journal of Systems Science & Complexity170 PROGRAM-ELECTRONIC LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS171 COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY-THEORY AND APPLICATIONS172 INFINITE DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS QUANTUM PROBABILITY AND RELATED TOPICS173 Journal of Logic Language and Information174 Annals of Combinatorics175 ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS176 Pacific Journal of Optimization177 Mathematical Control and Related Fields178 Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications179 Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics180 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology181 IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering182 DESIGN AUTOMATION FOR EMBEDDED SYSTEMS183 ELECTROMAGNETICS184 IET Computers and Digital Techniques185 Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science186 MINDS AND MACHINES187 CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS188 Econometrics Journal189 Numerical Mathematics-Theory Methods and Applications190 IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS191 ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage192 Journal of Grey System193 Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial194 DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY AND ITS APPLICATIONS195 Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics196 JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS197 COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS198 COMPEL-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR COMPUTATION AND MATHEMATICS IN ELECTRI 199 Homology Homotopy and Applications200 JAPAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS201 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEMS SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL202 Social Semiotics203 Journal of Electrical Engineering-Elektrotechnicky Casopis204 JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS205 INFORMACIJE MIDEM-JOURNAL OF MICROELECTRONICS ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND MAT 206 Annals of Functional Analysis207 Information Technology and Control208 Discrete Optimization209 Continuum-Journal of Media & Cultural Studies210 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING211 Journal of Transportation Safety & Security212 Revista de la Union Matematica Argentina213 International Journal of Wavelets Multiresolution and Information Processin 214 FREQUENZ215 Fixed Point Theory216 JOURNAL OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT217 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SPEECH218 INTEGRATED FERROELECTRICS219 Milan Journal of Mathematics220 IEICE Electronics Express221 Computational Methods and Function Theory222 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems223 Journal of Function Spaces224 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS AND ITS APPLICATIONS225 Communication Culture & Critique226 Text & Talk227 ACTA MATHEMATICA SINICA-ENGLISH SERIES228 JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY AND ELECTRONICS229 APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL ELECTROMAGNETICS SOCIETY JOURNAL230 Statistics and Its Interface231 COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY232 JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY233 MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS234 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics235 Journal of Mathematics and Music236 Revista Internacional de Metodos Numericos para Calculo y Diseno en Ingenie 237 East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics238 NATURAL RESOURCE MODELING239 COMPUTER ANIMATION AND VIRTUAL WORLDS240 MATHEMATICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES241 Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta-Seria Matematica 242 Journal of Mass Media Ethics243 Theory and Applications of Categories244 Mathematics and Financial Economics245 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica246 JAVNOST-THE PUBLIC247 IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS248 COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL249 Journal of Numerical Mathematics250 Funkcialaj Ekvacioj-Serio Internacia251 Neural Network World252 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE253 Automatika254 KYBERNETIKA255 TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS256 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING EDUCATION257 JOURNAL OF MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC AND SOFT COMPUTING258 Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology259 PMM JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS260 COMPUTER SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING261 Media International Australia262 ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM263 CMC-Computers Materials & Continua264 ACM SIGPLAN NOTICES265 Advances in Difference Equations266 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Electrical Engine 267 Rhetoric Society Quarterly268 Glasnik Matematicki269 NARRATIVE INQUIRY270 Mathematical Communications271 ARCHIVE FOR HISTORY OF EXACT SCIENCES272 JOURNAL OF APPLIED COMMUNICATION RESEARCH273 Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche274 Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research275 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING 276 DYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS277 Mathematical Population Studies278 University Politehnica of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin-Series A-Applied Ma 279 IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUT 280 UTILITAS MATHEMATICA281 HISTORIA MATHEMATICA282 MICROWAVE JOURNAL283 CRYPTOLOGIA284 Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities Series B285 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica-English Series286 PROGRAMMING AND COMPUTER SOFTWARE287 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal288 International Journal of Transport Economics289 JOURNAL OF MEDIA ECONOMICS290 Electronics and Communications in Japan291 FUJITSU SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL JOURNAL292 INFOR293 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN294 African Journalism Studies295 Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap296 Journal of African Media Studies297 ICGA JOURNAL298 Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly299 Light & Engineering300 EPE Journal301 SOLID STATE TECHNOLOGY302 Journal of the Institute of Telecommunications Professionals303 Traitement du Signal304 ELECTRONICS WORLD305 Road & Transport Research306 IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems引用次数影响因子eigenFactorScore 1506 1.1470.00259826 1.130.00268225 1.1180.000261153 1.1160.00199354 1.0790.000471091 1.0750.00154422 1.0750.002561095 1.0670.002551474 1.0660.002631335 1.060.00221398 1.0560.00071405 1.0390.00113355 1.0370.00082311 1.0340.000683216 1.0320.00826197 1.0310.00048260 1.0290.00039691 1.0250.00111406 1.010.0019363810.0010278310.0003749810.000350410.0007724610.0001511650.9940.001513580.9760.001096280.9640.000949110.9560.0021335080.9510.007044170.950.0008911340.9450.001912590.9430.0003915720.920.002442950.9090.000334380.9090.000287350.9030.001784610.9020.000525580.90.000644640.8970.000216800.8930.001555770.8850.000584870.8780.0011510280.8770.00151340.8750.0003513140.8750.001413580.8670.000279300.8630.000897700.8590.001266140.850.0011615580.850.002752610.8490.000362830.8380.000733920.8370.00093 17340.8270.00279 3750.8270.00196 4040.8130.00085 12310.8120.00113 7850.8110.00071 2620.8090.00033 8330.8070.00113 2540.80.00168 9270.7910.00103 3510.7890.00048 6690.7810.00166 4220.7780.00063 6630.7780.00084 3530.7750.00031 8220.7720.00113 3610.7720.00063 8860.7710.00099 3230.770.00081 3640.7690.00031 9620.7690.00137 8180.7660.00162 8530.7650.00137 1380.7595.00E-05 1410.7580.00018 19260.7570.00654 18130.7540.00261 1610.7530.00029 16520.750.00054 36180.7480.00625 5970.7460.00106 4540.740.00067 4400.7380.00104 1940.7370.00029 19870.7350.00516 2280.7330.0004 3860.7320.00052 51150.7310.00754 5620.730.00145 12450.7290.00109 2260.7270.00024 2190.7270.00019 17270.7240.00645 5020.7240.0003 3350.7230.00176 12930.720.00137 13120.7130.00235 32140.7110.00301 13590.7110.00349 5440.710.00063 1860.7060.00048 3480.7050.00064 73280.6980.01629 10670.6960.001127860.6880.00125 17110.6870.0028 2360.6860.00028 4050.6770.00081 7300.6750.00073 3320.6740.00046 14080.670.0028 3700.6670.00099 1340.6670.00024 5070.6610.00337 3510.6570.0003 3620.6540.00098 5880.6520.00049 11180.6470.0037 3710.6470.00055 4130.6460.00131 6630.6450.0029 3390.6440.00041 4020.6430.00078 3650.6430.00081 5790.6420.00151 6830.6410.00128 3470.6380.00057 3050.6350.00038 620.6320.00082 10060.6310.00102 3640.6280.00031 3430.6270.00047 2080.6250.00235 13240.6230.00216 880.6220.00016 3820.6220.00065 4860.6220.00103 3610.6190.00061 3240.6180.00058 1730.6090.00048 5730.6090.00097 2980.6050.00209 3230.60.00042 890.68.00E-05 4550.5970.00124 11650.5970.00354 2060.5970.00047 3360.5950.00038 6580.5810.00081 1060.580.00019 2670.5790.00023 6860.5780.00107 4490.5750.00025 3730.5750.0015 7600.5730.00199120.5620 1290.5620.00043 6380.5620.00024 2760.560.00063 2100.5580.00067 5590.5560.00106 3300.5560.00037 7710.5480.00163 8420.5480.00142 2480.5480.00036 4010.5440.0022 18450.5430.01147 3490.5430.00127 1040.5420.00125 840.5290.00056 8250.5290.00152 7680.5250.00183 4890.5170.00076 1390.5160.00035 4100.5160.00058 2310.5150.00049 2750.5150.00073 3580.5140.00045 5290.5130.00075 7910.5130.00287 1900.5090.00091 10750.5030.00156 900.50.00019 3560.50.0002 1440.50.00028 5980.4970.00346 4200.4970.00073 6020.4890.00428 3380.4880.00053 7110.4870.00121 2470.4860.00149 3170.4860.00078 3620.4840.00051 3440.4840.00072 4170.4830.00043 5880.4810.00075 950.4780.00016 1370.4770.00098 1630.4750.00031 4580.4690.00161 4960.4680.00091 6340.4680.00089 930.4650.00034 870.4640.00046 3270.4630.00053 2070.4620.000259130.4570.00109 2670.4570.0012 9790.4560.00189 2500.4550.00111 5690.4520.00119 1500.4510.00068 18410.450.00144 2090.4480.00071 2970.4480.00083 14430.4460.0042 9350.4460.00076 4810.4440.00099 4210.4440.00201 6360.4410.00124 5780.4410.00194 3450.4390.00074 8600.4360.00318 530.4350.00011 840.4310.00017 600.4260.00037 3530.4260.0006 3670.4240.00099 7510.4230.00131 1440.4220.00052 2430.4190.00037 3030.4190.00145 1630.4150.00129 3440.4150.00079 1910.4130.00033 14480.4110.00196 4020.4050.00018 2760.4050.00163 5040.3940.00125 2510.3940.00023 6160.390.00185 1590.380.00041 8080.3790.00125 19520.3770.00551 1520.3750.0001 3320.3650.00087 1080.3650.0002 18640.3570.00117 1550.3480.00015 2640.3460.00068 3750.3430.00142 3150.3390.00093 25410.3350.0032 8490.3350.00233 220.333 5.00E-05 2040.3330.0003 2560.3280.000496920.3080.00072 150.30 1030.2990.00019 3450.2990.00054 2640.2980.00052 1700.2860.00021 1840.2790.00034 13810.2740.00196 4820.2610.00082 2210.2580.00028 3960.2580.00063 1600.2563.00E-05 1740.2470.00049 5380.2420.00106 1140.230.00017 6990.2280.00079 1890.220.00021 1870.2170.00017 1670.2020.00036 1730.1910.00022 3800.1890.00025 3980.1880.00033 120.1712.00E-05 420.1717.00E-05 660.1540.00018 630.1520.00028 2410.1490.00141 410.1183.00E-05 1010.0910.00011 1620.0820.000170.0780 720.0281.00E-05 450.0262.00E-05 1150.0210.00014 7-999.999 1.00E-05。

数学知识用到了类推的方法Mathematics often relies on the method of induction to prove certain concepts or properties. The process of mathematical induction involves proving that a statement holds for the base case, and then showing that if it holds for a certain case, it also holds for the next case. This method is essential in establishing the validity of various mathematical principles and theories.数学经常依赖归纳法来证明某些概念或性质。
One aspect of mathematical induction that makes it a powerful tool is its ability to generalize patterns and relationships. By demonstrating that a certain property holds for an initial case and then showing that it holds for all subsequent cases, induction allows mathematicians to make strong generalizations about a wide range of mathematical concepts.数学归纳法的一个方面使其成为一个强大的工具,就是它能够推广模式和关系。

数学与应用数学专业英语English:Mathematics and Applied Mathematics is a field of study that focuses on the mathematical principles and their practical applications. Students in this major will study a wide range of mathematical topics including calculus, algebra, differential equations, probability, and statistics. They will also learn how to apply these mathematical concepts to solve real-world problems in fields such as engineering, economics, physics, and computer science. This major requires strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as proficiency in computer programming and data analysis. Graduates with a degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics have a wide range of career opportunities, including roles in finance, research, teaching, and data analysis.中文翻译:数学与应用数学是一门致力于数学原理及其实际应用的研究领域。

Social Survey
业 数学模型 Mathematical Model
2 36 6、9/3周 冯国灿
任 Digital Image Processing
选 课
程 Stochastic Processes
3 54 4 72
挖掘 修 Modern
3 54
Cultivation and
Basis of Law
Contemporary History of 2 36
A China
公 共 必
类 毛泽东思想和中国特色社 课 会主义理论体系概论 程 Introduction of Mao Zedong
修 Thought and the Theoretical
课程类别 公共必修课 公共选修课 专业必修课 专业选修课
学分数 35 20 62 38
25% 学生须在限选课
毕业总学分 (实践教学 学分)
155 (16)
程中至少选修1几何与代数、概率统计、 常微分方程、复变函数、实变函数、泛函分析、代数学、 微分几何、偏微分方程、高级语言程序设计、数据结构与 算法、数值分析等。 六、专业特色课程: 国家及省级精品课程:数学分析 校级重点课程:几何与代数、概率论 校级精品课程:偏微分方程、现代常微分方程 七、专业课程设置及教学计划(见附表一) 八、辅修、双专业、双学位教学计划(见下文)
开闭运算 英语

开闭运算英语The open and close operations are fundamental concepts in various fields, including computer science, mathematics, and even everyday life. These operations, which involve the inclusion or exclusion of elements within a set or a system, have far-reaching implications and applications. In this essay, we will delve into the intricacies of open and close operations, exploring their definitions, properties, and their significance in different contexts.At the core of open and close operations lies the notion of set theory.A set is a collection of distinct elements, and the open and close operations are used to determine the membership of an element within a set. The open operation, denoted by the symbol (∪), is the union of two or more sets, where the resulting set contains all the elements that belong to at least one of the original sets. Conversely, the close operation, denoted by the symbol (∩), is the intersection of two or more sets, where the resulting set contains only the elements that belong to all the original sets.These operations can be visualized using Venn diagrams, whichprovide a graphical representation of the relationships between sets. In a Venn diagram, the open operation is depicted as the union of two or more overlapping circles, while the close operation is represented by the intersection of those circles.The properties of open and close operations are crucial in understanding their behavior and applications. Some of the fundamental properties include:1. Commutativity: The order of the sets in an open or close operation does not affect the result. For example, A ∪ B = B ∪ A and A ∩ B = B ∩ A.2. Associativity: Open and close operations can be performed in any order without changing the final result. For instance, (A ∪ B)∪ C = A ∪ (B ∪ C) and (A ∩ B) ∩ C = A ∩ (B ∩ C).3. Distributivity: The open operation distributes over the close operation, and vice versa. This means that A ∪ (B ∩ C) = (A ∪ B) ∩ (A ∪ C) and A ∩ (B ∪ C) = (A ∩ B) ∪ (A ∩ C).4. Identity elements: The empty set (∅) is the identity element for the close operation, while the universal set (U) is the identity element for the open operation. This means that A ∩ ∅ = ∅ and A ∪ U = U.These properties, along with the complementary nature of open and close operations, form the foundation for various applications and problem-solving techniques in diverse fields.In computer science, open and close operations are extensively used in the design and analysis of algorithms, data structures, and logical circuits. For example, in Boolean algebra, the open and close operations correspond to the logical OR and AND operations, respectively, which are fundamental to digital logic and computer hardware. These operations are also crucial in the field of set theory, where they are used to manipulate and analyze sets of data, such as in database management and information retrieval.In mathematics, open and close operations are essential in the study of topology, where they are used to define the concepts of open and closed sets. These sets, in turn, are fundamental to the understanding of continuity, convergence, and other important topological properties. Additionally, open and close operations are employed in the analysis of functions, particularly in the context of limits and differentiation.In everyday life, open and close operations can be observed in various contexts. For instance, the opening and closing of a door or a window can be viewed as an open and close operation, where the door or window represents the set, and its state (open or closed)determines the membership of the set. Similarly, the turning on and off of a light switch, the locking and unlocking of a padlock, and the inclusion or exclusion of items in a shopping cart can all be considered as examples of open and close operations.Furthermore, the open and close operations have implications in decision-making processes, where the inclusion or exclusion of certain factors can lead to different outcomes. In problem-solving, these operations can be used to explore different scenarios, weigh the pros and cons, and arrive at the most suitable solution.In conclusion, the open and close operations are fundamental concepts with far-reaching applications across various disciplines. From computer science and mathematics to everyday life, these operations play a crucial role in understanding and manipulating sets, making decisions, and solving complex problems. By grasping the properties and the significance of open and close operations, we can enhance our analytical and problem-solving abilities, leading to more informed and effective decision-making.。

数学的重要性英语作文The Importance of MathematicsMathematics is a fundamental discipline that underpins many aspects of our daily lives and the world around us. It is a language that allows us to understand and describe the patterns, structures, and relationships that exist in the physical and abstract realms. From the intricate designs of nature to the complex algorithms that power modern technology, mathematics plays a crucial role in shaping our understanding and enabling our progress as a society.One of the primary reasons why mathematics is so important is its universal applicability. Mathematics is not just a subject to be studied in the classroom; it is a tool that can be applied to a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, economics, finance, and even the arts. For example, in the field of science, mathematics is used to model and predict natural phenomena, from the behavior of subatomic particles to the movements of celestial bodies. In engineering, mathematics is used to design and analyze complex systems, from bridges and buildings to computer algorithms and telecommunications networks.Moreover, the study of mathematics itself is valuable for the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Mathematics requires the ability to think logically, analyze problems, and devise creative solutions. These skills are not only valuable in the classroom but also in the workplace and in everyday life. By learning mathematics, individuals develop the ability to break down complex problems, identify patterns, and apply logical reasoning to arrive at solutions.Furthermore, mathematics is deeply intertwined with the advancement of technology. Many of the technological innovations that have transformed our world, from the creation of the internet to the development of artificial intelligence, are rooted in mathematical principles and algorithms. As technology continues to evolve, the demand for individuals with strong mathematical skills is only going to increase, as they will be essential for driving further technological progress and innovation.Beyond its practical applications, mathematics also has a deep and rich history, with contributions from thinkers and scholars spanning centuries and cultures. The study of mathematics has played a crucial role in the development of human civilization, from the ancient Egyptians and Greeks to the modern-day pioneers of mathematics. By engaging with the history and philosophy of mathematics, students can gain a deeper appreciation for the intellectual andcultural significance of this discipline.In conclusion, the importance of mathematics cannot be overstated. It is a fundamental language that underpins our understanding of the world, drives technological progress, and develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Whether one is pursuing a career in science, engineering, finance, or any other field, a strong foundation in mathematics is essential for success. As we continue to navigate an increasingly complex and data-driven world, the importance of mathematics will only continue to grow, making it a vital subject for individuals and societies to prioritize and cultivate.。
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13MAA160 Computer Applications in Mathematics
Week 8 Lecture (Maple 6): Turning
algorithms into programs
6.1 Lecture overview
6.1.1 Objectives
* To present simple algorithms to perform important mathematical
* To demonstrate by example how algorithms can be turned into
computer programs.
6.1.2 Commands (old and new)
Command so far covered:
* Maple packages: with, plots (1), LinearAlgebra (2).
* Functions and numbers: ":=", ?, common functions, Digits, evalf, Float, Pi, restart, "->", piecewise, subs, unapply, rand, abs.
* Basic Plotting: plot, plot3d, animate (1), contourplot (1), display (1), implicitplot (1).
* Algebra: expand, factor, simplify, convert, combine, solve, fsolve.
* Calculus: diff, implicitdiff, int, series, sum.
* Sets: union, intersect, minus.
* Linear Algebra: "<,>", Matrix, Norm (2), DotProduct (2), CrossProduct
(2), Multiply (2), Determinant (2), MatrixInverse (2).
* Output commands: print, printf.
* Loops: for (from, to, do, od), while (do, od).
* Conditional Statements: if (then, else, elif, fi).
* Commenting commands: #.
* Procedures: proc (local, end proc), return, error.
New commands:
* None.
> > > >
> restart;6.2 Root finding
The Maple commands solve and fsolve are used to find solutions of algebraic equations. If solve doesn't work then we have to use fsolve (often with the plot command) to find approximate values to the roots.
Three basic methods for finding roots will be demonstrated in this Lecture:
1) Bisection
2) A "simple" fixed-point method
3) The Newton-Raphson method
The function used in the examples is
f(x) = exp(-x) - x
We want to find x such that f(x) =0
There is a root at x* ≈ 0.5, .... and using fsolve :
.... is the correct answer to 10 decimal places.
6.2.1 Bisection method
6.2.2 The "simple" fixed-point method
6.2.3 The Newton-Raphson (fixed-point) method
6.3 Numerical Integration
6.3.1 Numerical integration using Maple
6.3.2 The (left) Riemann Sum method。