Velocity Speed with direction!


初中全英文授课资料 Speed and velocity

初中全英文授课资料  Speed and velocity

Example 3
A car moves due east at 30 km/h for 45 min, turns around, andቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱmoves due west at 40 km/h for 60 minutes. What is the average velocity for the entire trip?
v = d , where t d = change in position (distance) t = time interval
Example 1
A family travels for 60 miles at 20 miles per hour on a dirt road, and then travels another 60 miles at 60 mph on the pavement in order to get home from a camping trip. What is the average speed for the entire trip? Plan: What do we need to know? What do we need to find first? Would drawing it out help?
Plan: in this case it is important to draw out what the car is doing in order to find the total displacement, since it moves in opposite direction.
Example 3 …..the plan
from the example: initially: 30 km/h for 45 minutes east. Find displacement 22.5 km[E] then: 40 km/h for 60 minutes west. Find displacement



以惊人的速度的英文短语1.Lightning speed2.Rapid-fire velocity3.Speed of light4.Swift as an arrow5.In the blink of an eye6.Faster than a speeding bullet7.Zooming past8.Hurricane velocity9.Swift and steady10.Fleet-footed11.High-octane pace12.Supersonic speed13.Blazing fast14.Rocketing ahead15.Expeditious momentum16.Speed demon17.Brisk and quick18.Turbocharged acceleration19.Hurrying at full tilt20.Swift like a cheetah21.The clock is ticking22.Lost track of time23.In the blink of an eye24.At the speed of light25.In a heartbeat26.In a flash27.In an instant28.In no time at all29.Time flies30.Faster than a speeding bullet31.As fast as lightning32.Like greased lightning33.Quick as a wink34.Swift as a deer35.Blazing fast36.Rapid fire37.Outrunning the wind38.Zooming ahead39.Rocketing forward40.Sprinting towards success41.Like lightning42.In the blink of an eye43.At breakneck speed44.With rocket speed45.In an instant46.In a flash47.As fast as a hare48.With the speed of light49.In double quick time50.At supersonic speed51.As swift as a cheetah52.Faster than the wind53.In warp speed54.With incredible velocity55.Rapid as a bullet56.Like a speeding bullet57.At an astonishing pace58.Swift as an arrow59.At an accelerated rate60.With unparalleled swiftness61.In the blink of an eye62.Time flies63.Like lightning64.Faster than a speeding bullet65.As quick as a flash66.At warp speed67.Like greased lightning68.In a split second69.In a flash of time70.As fast as a rocket71.With lightning speed72.In no time at all73.Quick as a wink74.With incredible velocity75.As swiftly as the wind76.Faster than the blink of an eye77.With lightning-like rapidity78.Quicker than a hiccup79.Like a bullet train80.As rapid as a cheetah。






FLUENT 软件操作界面中英文对照File 文件Grid 网格Models 模型 : solver 解算器Read 读取文件:scheme 方案 journal 日志profile 外形Write 保存文件Import:进入另一个运算程序Interpolate :窜改,插入Hardcopy : 复制,Batch options 一组选项Save layout 保存设计Pressure based 基于压力Density based 基于密度implicit 隐式, explicit 显示Space 空间:2D,axisymmetric(转动轴),axisymmetric swirl (漩涡转动轴);Time时间:steady 定常,unsteady 非定常Velocity formulation 制定速度:absolute绝对的; relative 相对的Gradient option 梯度选择:以单元作基础;以节点作基础;以单元作梯度的最小正方形。

Porous formulation 多孔的制定:superticial velocity 表面速度;physical velocity 物理速度;solver求解器Multiphase 多相 energy 能量方程Visous 湍流层流,流态选择Radiation 辐射Species 种类,形式(燃烧和化学反应)Discrete phase 离散局面Solidification & melting (凝固/熔化)Acoustics 声音学:broadband noise sources多频率噪音源models模型Materials 定义物质性质Phase 阶段,相Operating conditions 操作压力条件Boundary conditions 边界条件Periodic conditions 周期性条件Grid interfaces 两题边界的表面网格Dynamic mesh 动力学的网孔Mixing planes 混合飞机?混合翼面?Turbo topology 涡轮拓扑Injections 注射DTRM rays DTRM射线Custom field functions 常用函数Profiles 外观,Units 单位User-defined 用户自定义materials 材料Name 定义物质的名称 chemical formula 化学反应式 material type 物质类型(液体,固体)Fluent fluid materials 流动的物质 mixture 混合物order materials by 根据什么物质(名称/化学反应式)Fluent database 流体数据库 user-defined database 用户自定义数据库Propertles 物质性质从上往下分别是密度比热容导热系数粘滞系数Operating conditions操作条件操作压力设置:operating pressure操作压力reference pressure location 参考压力位置gravity 重力,地心引力gravitational Acceleration 重力加速度operating temperature 操作温度variable—density parameters 可变密度的参数specified operating density 确切的操作密度Boundary conditions边界条件设置Fluid定义流体Zone name区域名 material name 物质名 edit 编辑Porous zone 多空区域 laminar zone 薄层或者层状区域 source terms (源项?)Fixed values 固定值motion 运动rotation—axis origin旋转轴原点Rotation—axis direction 旋转轴方向Motion type 运动类型: stationary静止的; moving reference frame 移动参考框架; Moving mesh 移动网格Porous zone 多孔区Reaction 反应Source terms (源项)Fixed values 固定值velocity—inlet速度入口Momentum 动量 thermal 温度 radiation 辐射 species 种类DPM DPM模型(可用于模拟颗粒轨迹) multipahse 多项流UDS(User define scalar 是使用fluent求解额外变量的方法)Velocity specification method 速度规范方法: magnitude,normal to boundary 速度大小,速度垂直于边界;magnitude and direction 大小和方向;components 速度组成?Reference frame 参考系:absolute绝对的;Relative to adjacent cell zone 相对于邻近的单元区Velocity magnitude 速度的大小Turbulence 湍流Specification method 规范方法k and epsilon K—E方程:1 Turbulent kinetic energy湍流动能;2 turbulent dissipation rate 湍流耗散率Intensity and length scale 强度和尺寸: 1湍流强度 2 湍流尺度=0.07L(L为水力半径)intensity and viscosity rate强度和粘度率:1湍流强度2湍流年度率intensity and hydraulic diameter强度与水力直径:1湍流强度;2水力直径pressure-inlet压力入口Gauge total pressure 总压supersonic/initial gauge pressure 超音速/初始表压constant常数direction specification method 方向规范方法:1direction vector方向矢量;2 normal to boundary 垂直于边界mass—flow—inlet质量入口Mass flow specification method 质量流量规范方法:1 mass flow rate 质量流量;2 massFlux 质量通量 3mass flux with average mass flux 质量通量的平均通量supersonic/initial gauge pressure 超音速/初始表压direction specification method 方向规范方法:1direction vector方向矢量;2 normal to boundary 垂直于边界Reference frame 参考系:absolute绝对的;Relative to adjacent cell zone 相对于邻近的单元区pressure-outlet压力出口Gauge pressure表压backflow direction specification method 回流方向规范方法:1direction vector方向矢量;2 normal to boundary 垂直于边界;3 from neighboring cell 邻近单元Radial equilibrium pressure distribution 径向平衡压力分布Target mass flow rate 质量流量指向pressure-far—field压力远程Mach number 马赫数 x-component of flow direction X分量的流动方向outlet自由出流Flow rate weighting 流量比重inlet vent进口通风Loss coeffcient 损耗系数 1 constant 常数;2 piecewise—linear分段线性;3piecewise-polynomial 分段多项式;4 polynomial 多项式EditPolynomial Profile高次多项式型线Define 定义 in terms of 在一下方面 normal-velocity 正常速度 coefficients系数intake Fan进口风扇Pressure jump 压力跃 1 constant 常数;2 piecewise—linear分段线性;3piecewise—polynomial 分段多项式;4 polynomial 多项式exhaust fan排气扇对称边界(symmetry)周期性边界(periodic)Wall固壁边界adjicent cell zone相邻的单元区Wall motion 室壁运动:stationary wall 固定墙Shear condition 剪切条件: no slip 无滑;specified shear 指定的剪切;specularity coefficients 镜面放射系数 marangoni stress 马兰格尼压力?Wall roughness 壁面粗糙度:roughness height 粗糙高度 roughness constant粗糙常数Moving wall移动墙壁Translational 平移rotational 转动components 组成Solve/controls/solution 解决/控制/解决方案Equations 方程 under—relaxation factors 松弛因子: body forces 体积力Momentum动量 turbulent kinetic energy 湍流动能turbulent dissipation rate湍流耗散率Turbulent viscosity 湍流粘度 energy 能量Pressure-velocity coupling 压力速度耦合: simple ,simplec,plot和coupled是4种不同的算法。

Velocity, Speed, and Rates of Change 速度 导数

Velocity, Speed, and Rates of Change 速度 导数
marginal cost
113 6 112 15 11 103 6 102 15 10
770 550 $220
actual cost

Note that this is not a great approximation – Don’t let that bother you. Marginal cost is a linear approximation of a curved function. For large values it gives a good approximation of the cost of producing the next item.

Example 13:
Suppose it costs:
c x x3 6x2 15x c x 3x2 12x 15
to produce x stoves.
If you are currently producing 10 stoves, the 11th stove will cost approximately:
c 10 3 102 12 10 15
Note that this is not a great approximation – Don’t let that bother you. The actual cost is: C 11 C 10
300 120 15 $195
acc neg vel pos & decreasing acc zero vel pos & constant
acc neg vel neg & decreasing
acc zero vel neg & constant acc pos vel neg & increasing



1、vectors矢量:velocity(速度v)acceleration(加速度a)force(力f)displacement(位移),Vectors(向量)2、scalars标量:speed(速率)weight(重量)mass(质量)volume(体积)energy(能量)work(功)3、The unit of SI(国际标准单位):metre米,kilogram千克KG,second秒S,newton牛顿N,watt瓦特W,ampere安培A,joule焦耳J4、连线:length长度----metre(M米),mass质量----kilogram(KG千克),time时间----second(S秒),current电流----ampere(A安培),temperature温度----kelvin(K开尔文),amount物质的量----mole(MOL摩尔),charge电荷----coulomb(C库伦),force力----neton(N牛顿),energy能量----joule(J焦耳),resistance电阻----ohm(Ω欧姆)5、(√×)Average velocity is not necessarily the same as average speed.平均速度不等于平均速率。

6、概念Displacement位移is distance moved in a particular direction. metre (m).7、用点,他们的组合效果被称为合力。

8、The turning effect of a force is called a moment(力矩)9、On earth, everything feels the downward force of gravity。

This gravitational force is called weight.(重力)10、Near the Ether’s surface, the gravitational force on each kg is about 10 N:the gravitational field strength重力场强度is 10 N kg-1. This is represented by the symbol g.(g的概念)11、Work功is done whenever a force makes something move.12、Things have energy能if they can do work。


Glencoe Chapter 3
Describing Motion
Who Wins?????
Racer with the fastest speed? Racer with the shortest elapsed time? What is motion? What is speed? How is speed different from velocity?

Equation for acceleration
A position vector
to position of object
drawn from origin
Position Vectors
Another Position vector

We can use an x-y system,

X is horizontal movement Y is vertical movement
We can define upward as positive, which is standard. We can define to the right as positive However, you can choose any direction as either positive or negative, just make sure the opposite direction has an opposite sign.

Displacement is a vector quantity Is the distance and direction between two positions



1. A particle moves along the x axis. Its position as a function of time is given by x=6.0t+8.5t2, where t is inseconds and x is in meters. What is the acceleration as a function of time?Solution:We find the velocity and acceleration by differentiating x = (6.0 m/s)t + (8.5 m/s2)t2:v = d x/d t = (6.0 m/s) + (17 m/s2)t; a = d v/d t = 17 m/s2.2.A car traveling at 95km/h strikes a tree.The front end of the car compresses and the driver comes to rest aftertraveling 0.80m.What was the average acceleration of the driver during the collision?Solution:We find the average acceleration fromunknown.(b) The average acceleration isa av = ∆v/∆t = [(27.5 m/s)i– (– 18.0 m/s)j]/(8.00 s) = (3.44 m/s2)i + (2.25 m/s2)k.The magnitude is∣ a av∣ = [(3.44 m/s2)2 + (2.25 m/s2)2]1/2 = 4.11 m/s2.We find the direction fromtan θ = (2.25 m/s2)/(3.44 m/s2) = 0.654, which gives θ = 33.2° north of east.4.A ball is thrown horizontally from the roof of a building 9.0m tall and lands 8.5m from the base.v2 = v02 + 2a(x2–x1);0 = [(95 km/h)/(3.6 km/h)]2 + 2a(0.80 m), which gives a = – 4.4 ⨯ 102 m/s2.3.A car is moving with speed 18.0m/s due south at one moment and 27.5m/s due east 8.00s later. Over this timeinterval, determine (a)its average velocity,(b)its average acceleration(magnitude and direction for both),Solution:(a) Because we do not know the displacement over the given time interval, the average velocity isWhat was the ball’s initial speed?Solution:We choose a coordinate system with the origin at the release point,with x horizontal and y vertical, with the positive direction down.y= y0+ v0y t+ 1/2a y t2; 9.0 m= 0 + 0+ 1/2(9.80 m/s2)t2, whichgives t = 1.35 s.The horizontal motion will have constant velocity.We find the initial speed fromx = x0 + v0x t; 8.5 m = 0 + v0(1.35 s), which gives v0 = 6.3 m/s.5.What is the centripetal acceleration of a child 3.6m from the center of amerry-go-round?The child’s speed is 0.85m/s.Solution:The centripetal acceleration i sa R = v2/r = (0.85 m/s)2/(3.6 m) = 0.20 m/s2 ,direction: toward the center.6.Calculate the centripetal acceleration of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun.Assume the Earth’s orbit is a circleof radius 1.5×1011m.Solution:The centripetal acceleration of the Earth isa R= v2/r= (2πr/T)2/r= 4π2r/T2= 4π2(1.5 ⨯ 1011m)/(3.16 ⨯ 107 s)2= 5.9 ⨯ 10–3m/s2direction:toward the Sun.7.Huck Finn walks at a speed of 1.0m/s across his raft(that is,he walks perpendicular to the raft’s motion relative tothe shore).The raft is traveling down the Mississipppi River at a speed of 2.5m/s relative to the river bank.What isthe velocity(speed and direction)of Hack relative to the river bank? Solution:If v HR is the velocity of Huck with respect to the raft, v HB the velocity of Huckwith respect to the bank, and v RB the velocity of the raft with respect to the bank, then HB = v HR + v RB , as shown in the diagram. From the diagram we get v HB = (v HR 2 + v RB 2)1/2 = [(1.0 m/s)2 + (2.5 m/s)2]1/2 = 2.7 m/s . We find the angle fromtan θ = v HR /v RB = (1.0 m/s)/(2.5 m/s) = 0.40, which gives θ = 22° from the river bank .8.A boat can travel 2.20m/s in still water.(a)If the boat point its prow directly across a stream whose current is 1.2m/s,what is the velocity(magnitude and direction) of the boat relative to the shore?(b)What will be the position of the boat,relative to its point of origin,after 3.00s? Solution:(a ) If v BS is the velocity of the boat with respect to the shore,v BW the velocity of the boat with respect to the water, and v WS the velocity of the water with respect to the shore, then v BS = v BW + v WS , as shown in the diagram. From the diagram we get v BS = (v BW 2 + v WS 2)1/2 = [(2.20 m/s)2 + (1.20 m/s)2]1/2 = 2.51 m/s . We find the angle from tan θ = v BW /v WS = (2.20 m/s)/(1.20 m/s) = 1.83, which givesθ = 61.4° from the shore .(b ) Because the boat will move with constant velocity, the displacement will bed = v BS t = (2.51 m/s)(3.00 s) = 7.52 m at 61.4° to the shore .9.A 7.5kg bucket is lowered by a rope in which there is 63.0N of tension. What is the accelection of the bucket?Is it up or down? Solution:We write ∑F = m a from the force diagram for the bucket: y -component: F T – mg = ma ;63.0 N – (7.50 kg)(9.80 m/s 2) = (7.50 kg)a ,which gives a = – 1.40 m/s 2 (down).10.The two masses are each initially 1.8m above the ground,and the massless frictionless pulley is fixed 4.8m above the ground.What maximum height does the lighter object reach after the system is released?[Hint:First determine the acceleration of the lighter mass and then its velocity at the pulley.] Solution:Forces are drawn for each of the blocks. Because the string doesn’t stretch, the tension is the same at each end ofthe string, and the accelerations of the blocks have the same magnitude. Note that we take the positive direction in the direction of the acceleration for each block.We write ∑F = m a from the force diagram for each block: y -component (block 1): F T – m 1g = m 1a ;y -component (block 2): m 2g – F T = m 2a .By adding the equations, we find the acceleration:a = (m 2 – m 1)g /(m 1 + m 2)RBH RW Sv BWg+ y= (3.2 kg – 2.2 kg)(9.80 m/s 2)/(3.2 kg + 2.2 kg)= 1.81 m/s 2 for both blocks.For the motion of block 1 we take the origin at the ground and up positive. When block 2 hits the ground, we have v 12 = v 012 + 2a (y 1 – y 01) = 0 + 2(1.81 m/s 2) (3.60 m – 1.80 m), which givesv 1 = 2.56 m/s.Once block 2 hits the ground, F T → 0 and block 1 will have the downward acceleration of g .For this motion of block 1 up to the highest point reached, we have v 2 = v 12 + 2a (h – y 1)0 = (2.56 m/s)2 + 2(– 9.80 m/s 2) (h – 3.60 m), which gives h = 3.93m .11.The resistance of a packing material to a sharp object penetrating it is a force proportional to the fourth power of the penetration depth,x:F=kx 4i.Calculate the work done to force the sharp object a distance d. Solution:The resisting force opposes the penetration. If we assume no acceleration, the applied force must be equal to this inthe direction of the penetration. For a variable force, we find the work by integration:W =F ·ds =kx 4d x 0d =kx55d =kd 55. 12.The position of a 280-g object is given (in meters) by x=5.0t 3-8.0t 2-30t,where t is in seconds. Determine the net rate of work done on this object (a)at t=2.0s and (b) at t=4.0s.(c) What is the average net power input during the interval from t=0s to t=2.0s,and in the interval from t=2.0s to 4.0s? Solution:Because the rate of work is P = Fv and the applied force produces the acceleration, we find the velocity andacceleration as a function of time: x = (5.0 m/s 3)t 3 – (8.0 m/s 2)t 2 – (30 m/s)t ;v = d x /dt = (15.0 m/s 3)t 2 – (16.0 m/s 2)t – (30 m/s); a = d v /dt = (30.0 m/s 3)t – (16.0 m/s 2).Thus the rate of work is P = Fv = mav = m [(30.0 m/s 3)t – (16.0 m/s 2)][(15.0 m/s 3)t 2 – (16.0 m/s 2)t – (30 m/s)].(a ) At t = 2.0 s, we haveP = (0.280 kg )[(30.0 m/s 3)(2.0 s) – (16.0 m/s 2)][(15.0 m/s 3)(2.0 s)2 – (16.0 m/s 2)(2.0 s) – (30 m/s)]= – 25 W.Note that the negative sign means there are times when the applied force is opposite to the motion.(b ) At t = 4.0 s, we have P = (0.280 kg)[(30.0 m/s 3)(4.0 s) – (16.0 m/s 2)][(15.0 m/s 3)(4.0 s)2 – (16.0 m/s 2)(4.0 s) – (30 m/s)]= + 4.3 ⨯ 103 W .(c ) Over a time interval, the average net power produces the change in kinetic energy:P = W /∆t = ∆K /∆t = (1/2mv f 2 – 1/2mv i 2)/ ∆t = 1/2m (v f 2 – v i 2)/ ∆t . We find the velocities at the three times: v 0 = (15.0 m/s 3)(0)2 – (16.0 m/s 2)(0) – (30 m/s) = – 30 m/s; v 2 = (15.0 m/s 3)(2.0 s)2 – (16.0 m/s 2)(2.0 s) – (30 m/s) = – 2.0 m/s; v 4 = (15.0 m/s 3)(4.0 s)2 – (16.0 m/s 2)(4.0 s) – (30 m/s) = 146 m/s.From t = 0 to t = 2.0 s, we haveP = 1/2(0.280 kg)[(– 2.0 m/s)2 – (– 30 m/s)2]/(2.0 s – 0) = – 63 W .From t = 2.0 s to t = 4.0 s, we haveP = 1/2(0.280 kg)[(146 m/s)2 – (– 2.0 m/s)2]/(4.0 s – 2.0 s) = + 1.5 ⨯ 103 W .13.A ball of mass 0.540kg moving east (+x direction) with a speed of 3.9m/s collides head-on with a 0.320-kg ball at rest.If the collision is perfectly elastic,what be the speed and direction of each ball after the collision? Solution:For the elastic collision of the two balls, we use momentum conservation for this one-dimensional motion: m 1v 1 + m 2v 2 = m 1v 1' + m 2v 2';(0.540 kg)(3.90 m/s) + (0.320 kg)(0) = (0.540 kg)v 1' + (0.320 kg)v 2'. Because the collision is elastic, the relative speed does not change: v 1 – v 2 = – (v 1' – v 2'), or 3.90 m/s – 0 = v 2' – v 1'. Combining these two equations, we getv 1' = 0.998 m/s , and v 2' = 4.89 m/s .14.An 18-g rifle bullet traveling 180m/s buries itself in a 3.6-kg pendulum hanging on a 2.8-m-long string, which makes the pendulum swing upward in an arc. Determine the horizontal component of the pendulum ’s displacement. Solution:We let V be the speed of the block and bullet immediately after the collision and before the pendulum swings. For this perfectly inelastic collision, we use momentum conservation: mv + 0 = (M + m )V ;(0.018 kg)(180 m/s) = (0.018 kg + 3.6 kg)V ,which gives V = 0.896 m/s.Because the tension does no work, we can use energy conservation for the swing: 1/2(M + m )V 2 = (M + m )gh , or V 2 = 2gh ;(0.896 m/s)2 = 2(9.80 m/s 2)h , which gives h = 0.0409 m. We find the horizontal displacement from the triangle:L 2 = (L – h )2 + x 2;(2.8 m)2 = (2.8 m – 0.0409 m)2 + x 2, which gives x = 0.48 m .15.Calculate the moment of inertia of the array of point objects shown in the follows about(a) the vertical axis,and (b) the horizontal axis.Assume the objects are connected by very light rigid wires.About which axis would it be harder to accelerate this array?m=1.8kg and M=3.1kg.The array is rectangular and it is split through the middle by the horizontal axis. Solution:(a ) For the moment of inertia about the y -axis, we have I a = ∑m i R i 2 = md 12 + Md 12 + m (d 2 – d 1)2 + M (d 2 – d 1)2 = (1.8 kg)(0.50 m)2 + (3.1 kg)(0.50 m)2 +(1.8 kg)(1.00 m)2 + (3.1 kg)(1.00 m)2 = 6.1 kg · m 2.(b ) For the moment of inertia about the x -axis, all the massesare the same distance from the axis, so we haveI b = ∑m i R i 2 = (2m + 2M )(1/2h )2= [2(1.8 kg) + 2(3.1 kg)](0.25 m)2 = 0.61 kg · m 2.It will be harder to accelerate the array around the y -axis, because the moment of inertia is greaterMm +Mxy16.Derive the formula for the moment of inertia of a uniform thin rod of length l about an axis through itscenter,perpendicular to the rod. Solution:We select a differential element of the rod of length d x a distance x from the center of the rod. The element is equivalent to a point mass with a mass of d m = (M /l) d x .We integrate from x = – l/2 to x = l/2 to find the moment of inertia of the rod:/22223/23/2/22|()33212l l l l M M M l Ml I x dm x dx x ll l --=====⎰⎰17.A person of mass 55kg stands at the center of a rotating merry-go-round platform of radius 2.5m and moment ofinertia 6702kg m ⋅.The platform rotates without friction with an angular velocity of 2.0 rad/s.The personwalks radially to the edge of the platform.(a)Calculate the angular velocity when the person reaches the edge.(b)Compare the rotational kinetic energies of the system of platform plus person before and after the person ’s work.Solution: (a ) By walking to the edge, the moment of inertia of the person changes. Because the system ofperson and platform is isolated, angular momentum will be conserved: L = (I platform + I person1)ω1 = (I platform + I person2)ω2 ;[670 kg · m 2 + (55 kg)(0)2](2.0 rad/s) = [670 kg · m 2 + (55 kg)(2.5 m)2]ω2 , which givesω2 = 1.3 rad/s .(b ) For the kinetic energies, we have K 1 = 1/2(I platform + I person1)ω12 = 1/2(670 kg · m 2 + 0)(2.0 rad/s)2 = 1.34 ⨯ 103 J ;K 2 = 1/2(I platform + I person2)ω22 = 1/2[670 kg · m 2 + (55 kg)(2.5 m)2](1.32 rad/s)2 =8.8 ⨯ 102 J .Thus there is a loss of 4.6 ⨯ 102 J, a decrease of 34%.18.A thin uniform stick of mass M and length l is positioned vertically,with its tip on a frictionless table.It isreleased and allowed to slip and fall.Determine the speed of its center of mass just before it hits the table. Solution:Because there is no friction, the center of mass must fall straight down. The vertical velocity of the right end of the stick must always be zero. If ω is the angular velocity of the stick just before it hits the table, the velocity of the right end with respect to the center of mass will beω(l/2) up. Thus we haveω(l/2) – v CM = 0, or ω = 2v CM /l.The kinetic energy will be the translational energy of the center of mass and the rotational energy about the center of mass. With the reference level for potential energy at the ground, we use energy conservation to find the speed of the center of mass just before the stick hits the ground: K i + U i = K f + U f ;0 +1/2 Mgl = 1/2Mv CM 2 + 1/2(M l 2/12)ω2 + 0;1/2Mg l= 1/2Mv CM 2 + 1/2(M l 2/12)(2v CM /l)2 = 1/2(4Mv CM 2/3), which gives v CM = (3g l/4)1/2 . 19.Anelectronhasaninitialvelocity6021.510/v m s=⨯i.It enters a region where4(2.08.0)10/E i j N C =+⨯.(a)Determine the vector acceleration of the elecron as a function oftime.(b)How much time will elapse before it returns to its starting point? Solution:(a ) We find the acceleration produced by the electric field: q E = m a ;(– 1.60 ⨯ 10–19 C)[(2.0 ⨯ 104 N/C) i + (8.0 ⨯ 104 N/C) j ] = (9.11 ⨯ 10–31 kg)a , which gives a = – (3.5 ⨯ 1015 m/s 2) i – (1.41 ⨯ 1016 m/s 2) j . Because the field is constant, the acceleration is constant. (b ) We find the velocity fromv = v 0 + a t = (8.0 ⨯ 104 m/s) i + [– (3.5 ⨯ 1015 m/s 2) i – (1.41 ⨯ 1016 m/s 2) j ](1.0 ⨯ 10–9 s)= (– 3.43 ⨯ 106 m/s) i – (1.41 ⨯ 107 m/s) j .The direction of the electron is the direction of its velocity:tan θ = v y /v x = (– 1.41 ⨯ 107 m/s) /(– 3.43 ⨯ 106 m/s) = 4.11, or θ = – 104°.20.Two point charges,1 6.7Q C μ=- and2 1.3Q C μ=,are located between two oppositely chargedparallel plates,as followns.The two point charges are separated by a distance of x=0.34m.Assume that the electric field produced by the charged plates is unifrom and equal to 73,000/E N C =.Calculate the net electrostaticforce on 1Q and give its direction.Solution:We find the electric field at the location of Q 1 due to the plates and Q 2. For the field of Q 2 we have E 2 = kQ 2/x 2 = (9.0 ⨯ 109 N · m 2/C 2)(1.3 ⨯ 10–6 C)/(0.34 m)2= 1.01 ⨯ 105 N/C (left).The field from the plates is to the right, so we haveE net= E plates – E 2= 73,000 N/C – 1.01 ⨯ 105 N/C = – 2.8 ⨯ 104 N/C (left). For the force on Q 1 , we haveF 1 = Q 1E net = (– 6.7 ⨯ 10–6 C)(– 2.8 ⨯ 104 N/C) = + 0.19 N (right).21.A very long solid nonconducting cylinder of radius 0R and length L(0R L ≤) possesses a uniform volumecharge density 3(/)E C m ρ.Determine the electric field at points(a)outside the cylinder (0r R >) and (b) insidethe cylinder(0r R <).Do only for points far from the ends and for which r L ≤.Solution:From the symmetry of the charge distribution, for points far from the ends and not too far from the shell, we know that the electric field must be radial, away from the axis of thecylinder, with a magnitude independent of the direction.For a Gaussian surface we choose a cylinder of length l and radius r , centered on the axis. On the ends of this surface, the electric field is not constant but E and d A are perpendicular, so we have E · d A = 0. On the curved side, the field has a constant magnitude and E and d A are parallel, so we have E · d A = E d A .(a ) For the region where r > R 0 , the charge inside the Gaussian surface is Q = ρE πR 02l.For Gauss’s law we have0/enclosedendssideE dA E dA E dA QA Φ⋅=⋅+⋅=⎰⎰0 + E 2πr l= ρE πR 02l/Å0 , or E = ρE R 02/2Å0r ; r > R 0 .(b ) For the region where r < R 0 , the charge inside the Gaussian surface is Q = ρE πr 2l, so we have0/enclosedendssideE dA E dA E dA QA Φ⋅=⋅+⋅=⎰⎰0 + E 2πr l= ρE πr 2l/Å0 , or E = ρE r /2Å0; r < R 0 .22.Dry air will break down and generate a spark if the electric field exceeds about6310/N C ⨯.How muchcharge could be packed onto a green pea(diameter 0.75cm)before the pea spontaneously discharges? Solution:For a charged spherical surface, the radial electric field just outside the surface is E = σ/Å0 = Q /4πÅ0r 2;3 ⨯ 106 N/C = Q /4π(8.85 ⨯ 10–12 C 2/N · m 2)(0.375 ⨯ 10–2 m)2, which gives Q = 5 ⨯ 10–9 C = 5 nC . 23.A charge Q creates an electric potential of +125V at a distance of 15cm.What is Q? Solution:We find the charge from V = Q /4πÅ0r ;125 V = (9.0 ⨯ 109 N · m 2/C 2)Q /(15 ⨯ 10–2 m), which gives Q = 2.1 ⨯ 10–9 C = 2.1 nC .24.Two different dielectrics each fill half the space between the plates of a parallel-plate capacitor.Determine a formula for the capacitance in terms of 1K ,2K ,the area A of the plates,and the separation d.Solution:The potential difference must be the same on each half of the capacitor, so we can treat the system as two capacitors in parallel: C = C 1 + C 2 = [K 1Å0(1/2A )/d ] + [K 2Å0(1/2A )/d ] = (Å01/2A /d )(K 1 + K 2) = 1/2(K 1 + K 2)(Å0A /d )= Å0A (K 1 + K 2)/2d .25.Two different dielectrics fill the space between the plates of a parallel-plate capacitor .Determine a formula forthe capacitance in terms of 1K ,2K ,the area A,of the plates,and the separation 12/2d d d ==.Solution:If we think of a layer of equal and opposite charges on the interface between the two dielectrics, we see that they are in series. For the equivalent capacitance, we have 1/C = (1/C 1) + (1/C 2) = (1/2d /K 1Å0A ) + (1/2d /K 2Å0A ) = (d /2Å0A )[(1/K 1) + (1/K 2)]= (d /2Å0A )[(K 1 + K 2)/K 1K 2],which gives C = 2Å0AK 1K 2/d (K 1 + K 2).26.A proton moving with speed52.010/v m s =⨯ in a field-free fegion abruptly enters an essentiallyuniform magnetic field B=0.850T.If the proton enters the magnetic field region at a 45 angle.(a) at whatangle does it leave and (b)at what distance x does it exit from the field? Solution:(a ) Because the velocity is perpendicular to the magnetic field, the proton will travel in a circular arc. From the symmetry of the motion we see that the upper half is a mirror image of the lower half, so the exit angle is the same as the incident angle: 45°. (b ) The magnetic force provides the radial acceleration,so we have F = evB = mv 2/r , sor = mv /eB = (1.67 ⨯ 10–27 kg)(2.0 ⨯ 105 m/s)/(1.60 ⨯ 10–19 C)(0.850 T)= 2.46 ⨯ 10–3 m.Thus the distance x isx==3.5 ⨯ 10–3 m .27.Let two long parallel wires,a distance d apart,carry equal currents I in the same direction.One wire is at x=0,theother at x=d.Determine B between the wires as a function of x. Solution:Because the currents are in the same direction, between the wires the fields will be in opposite directions. For the net field we have B = B 1 – B 2 = [(μ0/4π)2I 1/x ]j – [(μ0/4π)2I 2/(d – x )]j = (μ0/4π)2I {[(d – x ) – x ]/x (d – x )}j= [(μ0/4π)2I (d – 2x )/x (d – x )]j .28. Let two long parallel wires,a distance d apart,carry equal currents I in the different direction.One wire is at x=0,the other at x=d.Determine B between the wires as a function of x. Solution:Because the currents are in opposite directions, between the wires the fields will be in the same direction. With I 1 = 2I 2 , for the net field we have B = B 1 + B 2 = – [(μ0/4π)2I 1/x ]j – [(μ0/4π)2I 2/(d – x )]j = – (μ0/4π)2I {[2(d – x ) + x ]/x (d – x )}j= – [(μ0/4π)2I (2d – x )/x (d – x )]j.dxxy29.The magnetic field perpendicular to a single 15.6-cm-diameter circular loop of copper wire decreases uniformly from 0.550T to zero.If the wire is 2.05mm in diameter,how much charge moves through the coil during this operation?Solution:For the resistance of the loop, we haveR = ρL/A = ρπD/(πd2 = 4ρD/d2.The induced emf iså = –∆ΦB/∆t = –(πD2∆B/∆t;so the induced current isI = å/R = – (πDd2/16ρ) ∆B/∆t.In the time ∆t the amount of charge that will pass a point isQ = I∆t= – (πDd2/16ρ) ∆B = – [π(0.156 m)(2.05 ⨯ 10–3 m)2/16(1.68 ⨯ 10–8Ω · m)](0 – 0.550 T) =4.21 C.30.How much energy is stored in a 400-mH inductor at an instant when the current is 9.0A?Solution:For the energy stored in the inductor we haveU = 1/2LI 2 = 1/2(0.400 H)(9.0 A)2 = 16 J.。









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Care ............................................. 105 Operation .................................... 103 CAUTION, Explanation of ............... ii CD Care .......................................... 100 CD Changer...................................... 99 CD Changer Error Messages ...... 102 CD Player Error Messages .......... 101 CD Player.......................................... 98 Ceiling Light..................................... 84 Certification Label ......................... 200 Chains ............................................. 172 Changing a Flat Tire ..................... 177 Changing Oil How to......................................... 151 When to....................................... 145 Charging System Indicator .... 54, 189
Indicators................................ 131 Shift Lever Positions ................. 131 Shift Lock Release..................... 134



精密位移台运动系统的技术参数介绍任何位移台都有6个自由度:3个分别沿着x、y、z 轴方向的平移自由度,另外3个则是围绕x、y、z 轴的旋转自由度(如图1)。

图1 右手坐标系显示6个方向的自由度此处描述的所有运动都是关于右手坐标系的,所有的运动都可以看成是由沿坐标轴方向的平动和绕坐标轴方向的转动的复合运动。



1. 分辨率Resolution分辨率是指移动系统可以分辨的最小位置增量,它不同于系统的最小控制增量。



电动平移台的分辨率可以用以下公式计算: 分辨率=电机驱动器细分数电机步距角螺杆导程×360例如:螺杆导程是4mm,电机的步距角是 1.8º,驱动器设置为20细分,则分辨率是0.001mm。

分辨率=0.001mm 021.83604=× (2)电动旋转台的角分辨率可以用以下公式计算: 角分辨率=传动比电机驱动器细分数步距角× 例如:电机的步距角是1.8º,传动比是180:1,驱动器设置为20细分,则角分辨率是0.0005º。

角分辨率=°=×0005.0180208.1 2. 灵敏度Sensitivity能产生一个输出运动的最小输入,通常用来表征手动位移台,也可以定义为输入驱动和输出运动的比值,这个术语经常和分辨率混淆。





航空英文词典Aeronautical English DictionaryAltitude: The vertical height of an aircraft above a given datum, usually sea level.Aircraft: A vehicle that is capable of flying through the air under its own power or through some other form of propulsion.Avionics: Electronic systems used on aircraft to control their flight, navigation, and communication.Autopilot: A device used to control an aircraft in level flight or during other routines such as take-off and landing.Balloon: An un-powered aircraft made of fabric or rubber.Blip: A brief echo on a radar display indicating the presence of an aircraft.Ceiling: The maximum altitude at which an aircraft can still fly safely.Chocks: Blocks of wood or metal placed under the wheels of an aircraft to prevent it from rolling.Cloud Base: The lowest altitude of any cloud layer.Cockpit: The compartment in an aircraft where the pilot and other crew members sit.Density Altitude: The air pressure adjusted altitude that takes into account temperature and humidity when calculating the lift and performance of an aircraft.Drone: An unmanned aircraft that is remotely piloted or follows a predetermined flight path.Drag: The resistance an object encounters when moving through the air.Elevator: A hinged surface located in the tail of an aircraft that is used to control pitch.Flight Level: The altitude that an aircraft is flying at relative to the standard atmosphere.Frequency: The number of times per second that a wave oscillates, measured in hertz (Hz).G-Force: A measure of acceleration which is expressed in multiples of the earth’s gravitational force.Glide Ratio: The ratio between the rate of descent and the horizontal speed of an aircraft.Gyrocopter: An aircraft with a rotor that allows it to take off and land vertically.Headwind: A wind that blows in the opposite direction to an aircraft's motion.ICAO Designator: A unique code used to designate specific airports and navigation aids.Jet Stream: A narrow band of strong winds found above 25,000 ft in the upper troposphere.Knot: A unit of speed that is equal to one nautical mile (1.15 statute miles) per hour.Lift: The upward force created by an aircraft's wings and other surfaces.Magnetic Heading: A direction expressed relative to the local magnetic North.Navigation: The process of plotting a course and determining an aircraft's position.Pitch: The rotation of an aircraft around its lateral axis.Radar: An electronic system used for locating aircraft, objects, and terrain.Roll: The rotation of an aircraft around its longitudinal axis.Synoptic Chart: A series of charts showing thedistribution of pressure, temperature, wind, and weather over a given region.Tailwind: A wind that blows in the same direction as an aircraft's motion.Transponder: An electronic device that emits anidentifying signal when queried by ground stations.Upper Limit: The maximum altitude at which an aircraft is permitted to fly.Velocity: The speed and direction of an aircraft's motion.Windshear: A sudden change in wind direction or strength, often caused by thunderstorms.Yaw: The rotation of an aircraft around its vertical axis.。



3.Instantaneous velocity
(1)Definition:velocity at sometime or some place is
named instantaneous velocity, in brief velocity.
x t
About 7.0×103
About 5.0×103
About 2.0×103 About 1.0×103
Military plne
About 300
passenger train
vehicle rabbit
Up to33 About 18
4、velocity—time graph(v-t)
Description of speed and moving direction—velocity
Q1. How can we compare their speed? A:compare distance in the same time. Q2. Any other method? A:compare time in the same distance. Q3. If time and distance are both different? A:compare distance in unit time.
(1)definition:ratio of displacement to time (2)formula:v x x2 x1
t t2 t1
unit:m/s km/h 1m/s=3.6 km/h (3)physical meaning:quantity that describes magnitude of speed and moving direction (4)vector or scalar:vector,not only magnitude, but also direction same with motion

卡梅伦液压数据手册(第 20 版)说明书

卡梅伦液压数据手册(第 20 版)说明书

☰ Hydraulics
⌂ Cameron Hydraulic Data ☰
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................ 1-3 Liquids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... .......................... 1-3
Viscosity etc.
Steam data....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
1 Liquid Flow.............................................................................. 1-4
Viscosity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... .......................... 1-5 Pumping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... .......................... 1-6 Volume-System Head Calculations-Suction Head. ........................... 1-6, 1-7 Suction Lift-Total Discharge Head-Velocity Head............................. 1-7, 1-8 Total Sys. Head-Pump Head-Pressure-Spec. Gravity. ...................... 1-9, 1-10 Net Positive Suction Head. .......................................................... 1-11 NPSH-Suction Head-Life; Examples:....................... ............... 1-11 to 1-16 NPSH-Hydrocarbon Corrections.................................................... 1-16 NPSH-Reciprocating Pumps. ....................................................... 1-17 Acceleration Head-Reciprocating Pumps. ........................................ 1-18 Entrance Losses-Specific Speed. .................................................. 1-19 Specific Speed-Impeller. .................................... ........................ 1-19 Specific Speed-Suction...................................... ................. 1-20, 1-21 Submergence.. . . . . . . . . ....................................... ................. 1-21, 1-22 Intake Design-Vertical Wet Pit Pumps....................................... 1-22, 1-27 Work Performed in Pumping. ............................... ........................ 1-27 Temperature Rise. . . . . . . ...................................... ........................ 1-28 Characteristic Curves. . ...................................... ........................ 1-29 Affinity Laws-Stepping Curves. ..................................................... 1-30 System Curves.. . . . . . . . ....................................... ........................ 1-31 Parallel and Series Operation. .............................. ................. 1-32, 1-33 Water Hammer. . . . . . . . . . ...................................... ........................ 1-34 Reciprocating Pumps-Performance. ............................................... 1-35 Recip. Pumps-Pulsation Analysis & System Piping...................... 1-36 to 1-45 Pump Drivers-Speed Torque Curves. ....................................... 1-45, 1-46 Engine Drivers-Impeller Profiles. ................................................... 1-47 Hydraulic Institute Charts.................................... ............... 1-48 to 1-52 Bibliography.. . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... ........................ 1-53



英汉对照工程常用词汇AN USUAL ENGLISH-CHINESE VOCABULLARY IN ENGINEERING DESIGN(全册)目录1.图面常用词汇 32.土建部份213.给排水部份614.气动部份865.电气部份966.暖通部份1261. 工程设计图面常用词汇CONCLISE ENGLISH OF DRAWING PACKAGE总论GENERAL图纸目录Drawing list标准图目录Standard drawing list典型图目录Typical drawing list标准、规范目录Standard and regulation list统一详图目录Uniform detail list标准图集Standard drawing collection设备清单Equipment list材料表Material list建筑物、构筑物一览表List of buildings and structures 施工进度表Schedule of construction建筑构件表List of architectural members管道及管件汇总表Summary of pipes and pipefittings楼面、屋面构造表Construction chart of floor androof各种管道数量表Bill of piping quantity预埋件明细表Schedule of embedded elements比例Scale无比例、不按比例Not to scale项目名称Project, item标题栏Caption of drawing, drawingheading图号Drawing no.(DWG NO.)张号Page序号No.编号Code型号Type规格Specification单位Unit图例Legend说明Notes备注Remarks由…设计Designed by…由…校对Checked by…由…审核Approved by…由…发行Issued by…专业Specialty总图Site plan土建Civil建筑Architecture结构Structure机械Mechanical给水排水Water supply and drainage暖通Heating, ventilation and airconditioning (HV AC)电气Electrical供电Power supply电照Lighting自控Automatic control通信Communication物理概念Physical concept长度Length宽度Width高度Height净高Clear height深度Depth面积Area体积V olume时间Time速度Speed, velocity温度Temperature湿度Humidity功率Power压力Pressure力Force公斤Kilogram( Kg)克Gram (g)吨Ton (t)米Meter (m)厘米Centimeter (cm)毫米Millimeter (mm)平方米Square meter (㎡)立方米Cubic meter (m3)秒Second (s)分Minute (m)时Hour (h)厚度Thickness直径Diameter半径Radius弯曲半径Curve radius内径Inside diameter外径Outside diameter圆形Circle, round方形Square矩形Rectangle矩形的Rectangular立方体Cube椭圆Ellipse重量Weight毛重Gross weight净重Net weight质量Quality数量Quantity自然条件Natural conditions气象Meteorology气象资料Meteorological data日照Sun shine年平均日照时数Yearly mean sun shine hours风级Wind class风向Wind direction风力Wind force风向标Weather cock逐月风向频率Monthly wind direction andfrequency最大(平均)风速Maximum (mean) wind velocity 主导风向Prevailing wind direction最大风速Maximum wind velocity台风Typhoon季节风Monsoon降雨资料Rainfall data降雨频率Rainfall frequency降雨强度Rainfall intensity降雨日数Number of rainy days最大(平均)降雨量Maximum (mean) rainfall年降雨量Annual rainfall极限降水量Maximum possible precipitation雨量Rain precipitation降雨面积Rain precipitation暴雨Rain area持续时间Rain storm降雨历时Duration暴雨历时Duration of rainfall年平均雷暴时数Duration of rain storm溢流周期Yearly mean lightning andthunder days年平均气温Overflow period年绝对最低气温Yearly absolute temperature, lowest年绝对最高气温Yearly absolute temperature,highest最冷月或最热月平均温度Mean temperature, coldest month or hottest month年、月、平均温度,最高、最低Temperature, yearly, monthly, mean, highest, lowest最高或最低绝对温度Absolute temperature, highest orlowest湿球温度Wet bulb thermometer湿球温度计Wet bulb thermometer干球温度Dry bulb temperature干球温度计Dry bulb thermometer干湿温差Psychometric chart冰冻期Frost period冰冻深度Frost penetration最大积雪深度Maximum snow penetration采暖地区Region with heating provision不采暖地区Region without heatingprovision采暖室外计算温度Calculating outdoor temperaturefor heating通风(冬季)室外计算温度Calculating outdoor temperature for ventilation (winter)绝对大气压Absolute atmospheric pressure 蒸发量Vaporization volume相对湿度Relative humidity建筑材料Building material水泥Cement水泥标号Cement grade硅酸盐水泥Portland cement矿渣硅酸盐水泥Portland slag cement灌浆水泥Grout cement快凝水泥Rapid setting cement防潮水泥Waterproof cement高强度水泥High-strength cement高标号水泥High-strength cement水泥沙浆强度Cement mortar strength水泥沙浆需水量Water demand of cement mortar砖Brick普通粘土砖Common clay brick实心砖Solid brick异形砖Special brick角砖Angle brick拱顶砖Key brick面砖Face brick勒脚砖Springer带槽砖Brick with groove空心砖Hollow brick承重空心砖Load-bearing hollow brick通风空心砖Ventilating brick耐火砖Fire brick高耐火砖High duty fire clay brick特级粘土耐火粘土砖Super-duty fire clay brick轻质耐火粘土砖Light weight fire clay brick工字钢底砖Clip tile (brick)矿渣砖Slag brick多孔砖Porous brick瓦Tile屋面瓦Roof tile石板瓦Slate陶土瓦Vitrified tile粘土瓦Clay shingle脊瓦Ridge tile斜沟瓦Vallay tile槽形瓦Grooved tile石棉瓦Asbestos tile方块毛石Square rubble条石、块石Block stone花岗石Granite花岗石饰面板Granite finishing plank大理石Marble大理石板Marble slab人造大理石Artificial marble预制水磨石Precast terrazzo砌块Block混凝土砌块Concrete block加气混凝土砌块Aerated concrete block实心砌块Solid block空心砌块Hollow block耐火砌块Refractory block衬里砌块Bushing block玻璃Glass光学玻璃Optical glass防眩光玻璃Anti-dazzle glass耐热玻璃Heat resisting glass隔声玻璃Sound proof glass平板玻璃Plate glass标准玻璃Standard glass抛光平板玻璃Polished plate glass中空玻璃Double glazing glass双层中空玻璃Glazing glass, insulating glass 浮法玻璃Float glass新釉面玻璃Neo-ceramic glass有机玻璃Organic glass钢化玻璃Armourplate glass强化玻璃Strengthened glass磨光玻璃Abrades glass, polished glass 毛玻璃Obscured glass, frosted glass 夹丝安全玻璃Wired glass无色玻璃White glass不透明玻璃Opaque glass漫射玻璃Diffusing glass波形玻璃Corrugated glass槽形玻璃Channel glass淬火玻璃Heat treated glass薄膜玻璃Film glass兰色玻璃Blue glass琥珀色玻璃Amber glass中性灰色滤光玻璃Neutral-tinted glass乳色玻璃Opalescent glass乳白玻璃Opal glass压花玻璃Patterned glass酸蚀刻玻璃Acid-etched glass大理石玻璃Marbled glass磨沙玻璃Ground glass雪花玻璃Alabaster glass玻璃纤维板Glass fiber board钢Steel碳素钢Carbon steel低(中、高)碳钢Low (medium, high) carbon steel 结构钢Structural steel高强度结构钢High-strength structural steel普通碳素结构钢Ordinary carbon structural steel 铸钢Cast steel耐酸钢Acid-resisting steel型钢Shaped steel圆钢Round steel bar热轧圆钢Hot rolled round steel扁钢Flat steel bar角钢Angle steel方钢Square steel槽钢Channel steel冷轧碳素钢板Cold rolled carbon steel plate波纹钢板Corrugated steel花纹钢板Reliefed steel plate不锈钢管Stainless steel pipe焊接钢管Welded steel pipe无缝钢管Seamless steel pipe镀锌钢管Galvanized steel pipe高强度钢丝High strength steel wire绑扎用钢丝Binding wire冷拨低碳钢丝Cold drawn mild steel wire钢筋Steel bar, steel reinforcement铸件管Cast iron pipe铸铁给水管Cast iron water pipe铸铁污水管Cast iron soil pipe铜Copper黄铜Brass铝Aluminum铅Lead锡Bin镍Nickel锌Zinc螺栓Bolt螺孔直径Diameter of bolt hole垫板Packing垫片Spacer锚固螺栓Anchor bolt现场安装螺栓Field bolt safety nut安全螺帽Safety nut地脚螺栓Holding-down bolt, ground bolt 调整螺栓Adjusting nut平头螺栓Cheese head bolt源头螺栓Botton head bolt夹紧螺栓Clinch bolt埋头螺栓Countersunk bolt防松螺帽Self-locking nut带销螺栓头Bolt head with feather柳钉Rivet螺丝Screw垫圈Washer平垫圈Flat washer弹簧垫圈Spring washer防松垫圈Lock washer胶合板Plywood纤维板Fiber board聚合物Polymer高分子化合物High-molecular compound树脂Resin环氧树脂Epoxy resin聚乙烯Polyethylene (PE)聚录乙烯Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)聚苯乙烯Polystyrene聚脂树脂Polyester resin聚丙烯Polyropylene发泡聚案脂Foamed polyurethane建筑及结构设计规范Code for architectural andstructural design施工及验收规范Code for construction andacceptance建筑抗震设计规范Building seismic design code建筑材料标准Standard for building materials 地基及基础规范Code for soil and foundation防火规范Fire-protection code卫生标准Sanitary standard电气设计及装置规范Code for electrical design andinstallation给排水规范Code for water supply anddrainage供暖及通风设计及装置Code for heating and ventilating规范design and installation工艺Technology工艺流程图Process flow chart运输流程图Transport flow chart加工图Process technology drawing工艺设备平面布置图Process equipment layout装配图Assembly drawing人流Person flow物流Goods flow产品大纲Product program生产线Production line生产能力Production capacity年生产量Annual yield, annual output工作制度Work system组织机构表Organization chart工艺对建筑的要求Process requirements onbuildings设计Design设计单位Designer用户Client大学University工厂Factory公司Company有限公司Company limited (Ltd)集团公司、总公司Corporation研究所Research institute设计文件Design document设计资料Design data设计任务书Design prospectus设计说明书Design instruction设计范围Design scope设计周期Design period设计程序Design procedure方案投标Scheme tender方案比较Scheme comparison审批Approval设计阶段Design stage可行性研究(报告)Feasibility study方案设计Initial design初步设计Preliminary design施工图设计Final design设计修改Design modification设计联络Design liaison合同Contract签定合同Sign contract协议、协定Agreement会议纪要Minutes of meeting施工单位Constructor承包单位Contractor供货单位Supplier施工监理Construction supervisor工地经理Site manager职务名称Title董事长﹑院长President总经理General manager总工程师General engineer主任、处长Department manager总设计师Chief designer项目经理Project manager主任工程师Chief engineer工程师Engineer图纸Drawing总平面图General plan布置图Layout工艺专业有关词汇Words concerning technology工艺Technology工艺过程Process工艺过程设计Process design设备平面布置Plant design工艺要求Technological level电子产品Electronic product半导体Semiconductor电子管Electron tube二级管Diode三级管Triode晶体管Transistor集成电路Integrated circuit (IC)大规模集成电路Large scale integration (ofcircuits) (LSI)超大规模集成电路Very large scale integration (ofcircuits) (VLSI)计算机Computer微型计算机Microcomputer微处理机Microprocessor个人计算机Personal computer计算机终端Terminal电子打字机Electronic type writer计算机打印机Computer printer机器人Robot电子游戏机Electronic gamer电视机Television彩色电视机Color TV黑白电视机Black and white TV显象管Kinescope彩色显象管Color kinescope; chromoscope 黑白显象管Monochrome picture tuve录机Radio cassette电子琴Electronic piano微波炉Microwave oven录象机Video recorder电传机Teleprinter传真机Facsimile printer电话单机Telephone电话交换机Telephone exchange光导纤维Optical fiber雷达Radar激光(器)Laser发射机Transmitter天线Antenna声纳(定位器)Sound radar剖面图放大图Section大样图、详图Enlarged detail安装图Installation drawing标准图(定型)Standard drawing示意图Schematic diagram流程图Flow diagram系统图System diagram原理图Principle diagram综合管道平面图General layout of piping system 屋面平面图Roof plan立面图、正视图Elevation侧、横、背、正面图Side, back, front elevation横、纵、局部剖面图Cross, longitudinal, part section 装配图Assembly drawing鸟澉图Bird’s eye view底图Transparent drawing草图Sketch表格和说明Table and instruction图纸目录List of drawings材料表List of material重复使用图纸目录List of repeat drawing说明Instruction建筑物构筑物明细表List of buildings and structures 建筑一览表Schedule of buildings建设单位Client子项工程名称Sub-project日期Date处室Department专业Specialty比例Scale图纸名称Name of drawing图号Drawing No.张数Page quantity张号Page No.编号Code序号Serial No.代号Mark名称Name型号规格Type and specification数量Quantity单位Unit备注Remark设计阶段Stage (of design)物理概念Physical concept长度Length宽度Width高度Height; altitude深度Depth面积Area时间Time速度Speed温度Temperature湿度Humidity功率Power压力Pressure力Force公斤Kilogram (Kg)克Gram (g)吨Ton (t)米Meter (m)厘米Centimeter (cm)毫米Millimeter (mm)平方米Square meter立方米Cubic meter秒Second分Minute时Hour厚度Thickness直径Diameter半径Radius外径Outside diameter内径Inside diameter圆形Circle方形Square立方体Cube椭圆Ellipse重量Weight毛重Gross weight净重Net weight质量Quality规范Regulation; handbook手册handbook设计规范,手册Regulation, handbook for design 施工安装规范,手册Regulation, handbook forconstruction and installation验收规范Regulation for acceptance消防规范Regulation for fire fighting环境保护Environment protection设备手册Handbook of equipment材料手册Handbook of material设计基础资料Basic data of design自然条件Natural condition气象Meteorology气候Climate风向Wind direction主导风Prevailing wind水位Water level地下水位Underground water level最大风速Maximum wind speed最高水位Highest water level最低水位Lowest water level冰冻日数Frost duration冰冻深度Frost penetration海拔Above sea level海拔高度Altitude标高Elevation level原地面标高Natural ground elevation设计地面标高Designed ground elevation地坪Ground level室外地坪标高Outdoor ground elevation室内地坪标高Indoor ground elevation室内外高差Difference of elevation betweenindoor and outdoor中心标高Center elevation雷暴日数Number of lightening days地形Topography经度Longitude纬度Latitude土壤Soil回填土Back filled earth相对湿度Relative humidity选厂基础资料Basic data for site selection选厂报告Report of site selection厂址调查Site investigation生产条件Condition of production生产流程Production process生产能力Production capacity班制Shift per day日班Day shift夜班Nightshift工作日Working day假日Vacation我院专业设置Specialist set up in EDRI工艺Technology无线电技术Radio technique机械Mechanical电化学Electro-chemistry元器件Electronic component电真空器件Electric vacuum component总图General plan土建Civil建筑Architecture结构Structure机械Mechanical暖通Heating, ventilation andair-conditioning (HV AC)给排水Water supply and drain气体动力Gas utility环境保护Environment protection非标准设计Design of non-standard product 电气Electrical供电Power supply电照Power distribution and lighting 自动控制Automatic control通信Communication一层First floor二层Second floor三层Third floor夹层Mezzanine技术夹层Technical floor走廊Corridor外廊Open corridor门廊Porch门厅Entrance hall前厅Lobby出口Exit入口Entrance楼梯间Staircase竖井Shaft电梯间Lift shaft电梯Lift; elevator自动扶梯Escalator办公室Office会议室Meeting room会客室,接待室Reception room展览室Display room休息室Lobby阅览室Reading room资料室Reference room实验室Laboratory医务室Clinic衣帽间Cloak room更衣室Locker room厂长室Director’s room经理室Manager’s room秘书室Secretary’s room会计室Counter’s room值班室Duty room助理室Assistant’s room总务室General affairs office小食堂Lunch room食堂Canteen厨房Kitchen餐厅Dining hall备餐间Food preparation room茶室Tea room咖啡室Coffee room酒吧Bar卧室Bed room起居室Living room客厅Parlor书房Study浴室Bathroom厕所Toilet男厕Men’s女厕Women’s工艺设备Production equipment车床Lathe磨床Grinder转床Driller冲床Puncher电锯Electric saw电梯Elevator电炉Electric furnace电弧炉Arc furnace电阻炉Electronic furnace of resistancetype烘箱,干燥机Drier起重机Crab吊车Crane电焊机Shot welder送风机Air-supply fan鼓风机Blast fan排风机Exhaust fan泵Pump扩散泵Diffusion pump装配线Assembly line生产线Production line生产车间Workshops车间Workshop辅助车间Auxiliary shop机械加工车间Machine shop锻工车间Blacksmith shop冲压车间Press shop焊接车间Welding shop电镀车间Electroplating shop钳工车间Fitter shop机修车间Machine repairing shop金工车间Smith shop装配车间Assembly shop;包装车间Packing shop工具间Packing shop维修间Tool room洁净室Maintenance room净化厂房Purification factory微波暗室Anechoic chamber磁屏暗室Magnetic shielding chamber 设计室Design room房间名称Room names底层Ground floor一层First floor公用建筑Public buildings俱乐部Club电影院Cinema礼堂Assembly hall火车站Railway station飞机场Airport汽车站Bus station游泳池Swimming pool运动场Sports ground体育馆Stadium图书馆Library招待所Hostel医院Hospital公寓Apartment宿舍Dormitory宿舍区Living quarters平房Single-story building公用设施Public utilities facilities电话站Exchange station计算机房Computer room空调机房Air conditioning room新风机室Fresh air room水泵房Water pump house压缩机房Compressor room控制室Control room工作平台Working platform空压站Air compressor station变电站Transformer station冷却塔Cooling tower洗涤塔Scrubber热交换站Heat exchanger station污水处理站Sewage treatment station氢氧(发生)站Hydrogen and oxygen(generation) station油库Fuel storage微波站Microwave station锅炉房Boiler house冷冻站Chiller station2. 土建部分总图专业常用词汇Words concerning general plan 厂区Factory area生活区Living area停车场Parking yard车库Garage自行车棚Bicycle shed大门Gate门房Gate house围墙Enclosure wall围栏Fence建筑红线Property line办公楼Office building科研楼Research building食堂Canteen水泵房Water pump station车间Workshop成品库Finished product store旗杆Flag pole广场Square绿化带Greenbelt喷泉Fountain雕塑Sculpture花园Garden道路Road桥Bridge公路Highway铁路Railway弯道Turn建筑面积Building area建筑占地面积Area occupied by building 空地Spare space十字路口Cross零点线Zero line斜坡Slope挖方Excavation老土Natural soil原土Original soil换土Earth shift室外管道Outdoor pipeline室外管沟Outdoor trench雨水明沟Rainwater channel排洪沟Flood trench下水道Sewer下水道检查井Sewer manhole明沟Open channel热力管沟Heating trench草坪Lawn树木,乔木Tree灌木Shrub花坛Flower bed防火距离Fire protection distance抗(地)震Aseismatic抗振动Anti-vibration防振动Vibration-proof防爆Explosion proof防酸Acid-proof防尘Dust-proof经济专业有关词汇Words concerning economy概算Budgetary estimate预算Budget决算Final accounts估算Estimation估价Cost estimate价、费、成本Cost价格Price成本核算Cost keeping投资Investment投资费、基建费Capital cost工程费Construction cost安装费Cost of installation不可预见费Unpredicted cost额外费用Extra cost设备费Cost of equipment单价Unit price出厂价格Factory price市场价格Market price运费Freight关税Customs duty兑换率Foreign exchange人民币Rate of exchange外汇人民币(RMB)外汇兑换卷Foreign exchange certificate美元U.S. dollar日元Japanese yen港元Hongkong dollar英镑Pound sterling西德马克DM法国法郎 F.F瑞士法郎S.F.荷兰盾H.FL卢布Ruble总图Site plan基址图Site plot总体规划图Master plan位置图Location map发展规划图Development planning长远规划图Long-term planning总平面图及竖向布置图Site plan and verticalarrangement土方工程图Earth-work drawing土方累计图Mass diagram土方累计曲线Mass curve围墙结构构造图Structural construction chart offence wall道路结构构造图Structural construction chart ofroad道路纵剖面图Road profile道路横剖面图Cross section of road室外管线平面图Outdoor pipeline plan道路和堆放场构造图Construction of road and storageyard工厂组成表Factory composition table工厂区划图Factory blocking地形图Topographical map工厂区,工业区Industrial district工业发展区Industrial development area生活区Residential area, living area商业区Commercial area厂区面积Site area建筑面积Floor area建筑占地面积Built-up area铺砌面积Paving area使用面积Usable floor area有效面积Effective floor space建筑总面积Total floor area建筑各层面积Floor space of each story容积率Building volume ratio利用系数,利用率Utilization factor方位,朝向Orientation结构面积Structural area通道面积Passage area道路及广场面积Area of roads and plaza建筑系数Building occupation coefficient 绿化系数Landscaping factor建筑密度Building density城市规划City planning住宅区方案Residential district planning住宅小区Living quarters总建筑基地面积Gross site area人行道Pedestrian-way行车道Traffic line露天堆放场Storage yard街道交叉处的转盘道Turnaround停车区Parking area停车道Parking lane围墙Fence wall钢丝网围墙Wire-net fence绿化地带Green belt草坪Lawn花坛Flower bed旗杆座Flag-pole stand预留发展地Space for furture extension边线,界线Border line建筑红线Red line安全距离Sfety distance防火间隔Fire break纵坐标Ordinate横坐标Abscissa基准点Datum mark水准基点Bench mark地区水准点Regional bench mark标高Level相对标高Relative elevation设计标高Designed elevation室外地面标高Elevation of ground室外道路标高Road level室外散水标高Outdoor water discharge level 室内地坪标高Elevation of indoor grade绝对标高Absolute altitude等高线Contour line道路纵剖面Profile of road道路横剖面Cross section of road道路交叉点标高Elevation of road intersection 高差Elevation difference土方Earth work土方工程量V olume of earthwork土方平衡表Earthwork balance sheet填土高度Height of filling余土Surplus earth缺土Earth to回填Backfill洼地Depression坡度Inclination坡道Ramp阶梯地面Terraced ground中整场地Site leveling运土Transported soil砂石移运Detritus transport人工填土Artificial fill台阶式挖土法Bench method台阶式挖掘Bench excavation平衡挖填Balance of cuts and fills借土挖方Borrow cut借土填方Borrow fill超挖Overbreak超填Overfill挡土板Lagging挡墙,板桩Bulkhead原状土样Undisturbed soil sample重塑土样Remolded sample爆破工程Explosion work管道Pipeline架空管道Overhead piping地下管道Underground piping管道系统Piping system埋管深度Pipe laying depth城市给水City water supply热力管道Heating pipe line工艺管道Process pipe line氧气管道Oxygen pipe line雨水明沟Rainwater channel下水道Sewer下水道检查井Sewer manhole明沟Ditch, open drain涵洞Culvert边沟Gutter截流井Catch basin给水井Feed well集水井Collecting well室外管沟Outdoor trench排洪沟Flood trench建筑Architecture建筑工程说明General notes建筑草图Architectural sketch建筑透视图Perspective室内装修表Room finish schedule建筑阴影(投影)图Architectural shades andshadows建筑渲染图Architectural rendering1号建筑一层平面布置图Fist floor plan, building No.1屋面平面图Roof plan1号建筑立面图Elevation, building No.11号建筑剖面图Section, building No.1A-A剖面图Section A-A门厅吊顶平面图Entrance hall suspend ceilingplan铝合金门窗,幕墙图Drawing of aluminium door,window and glazing curtain wall 1号建筑一层吊顶平面图Suspended ceiling plan, first wall 一层吊顶平面图Suspended ceiling plan电梯井道平面放大图Enlarged plan of elevator shaft 楼梯平面图Stair plan砖墙节点详图Brick wall joint detail统一建筑详图Uniform architectural details建筑构件表List of architectural components 1号建筑节点详图Joint detail, building No.1办公大楼Office building装配大楼Assembly building配变电站Substation, transformer station 冷冻站Chiller station纯水站Pure water station去离子水站Deionized water station动力站Utility station乙炔发生站Acetylene generation station压缩空气站Compressor station配气站Gas distribution station煤气发生站Gas generation station热力站Heat energy station液化厂油气站Liquefied petroleum gas station 氧气站Oxygen氮氧站Nitrogen-oxygen station冷却塔Cooling tower微波站Microwave station洗涤塔Scrubber污水处理站Sewage treatment station氢氧发生站Hydrogen and oxygen station锅炉房Boiler house热交换站Heat exchanger station走廊Corridor外廊Open corridor门廊Porch净化走道Purified corridor参观走道Viewing corridor服务走道Service corridor缓冲走道Buffer corridor门厅Entrance hall前厅Lobby出口Exit入口Entrance雇员入口Employee entrance行政人员入口Staff entrance办公室Office开敞式办公室Open office行政办公室Administration office经理办公室Manager office秘书办公室Secretary office助理办公室Assistant office人事办公室Personnel office财务办公室Financial office会计室Counter’s room总务室General affair office收发货办公室Receiving and shipping office 会议室Meeting room会客室Reception room展览室Demonstration room医务室Clinic值班室Duty room图书室Library资料室Information center数据中心Data center食堂Canteen厨房Kitchen餐厅Dining room备餐室Food preparation room茶室Tea room咖啡室Coffee room休息室Break room酒吧Bar洗手间Wash room盥洗室Toilet男厕所Men’s女厕所Women’s更衣室Changing room淋浴室Shower room保安中心Security center储存室Store开水间Kettle room实验室Laboratory产品开发实验室Development laboratory维修间Maintenance room仓库Store原材料仓库Raw material store成品仓库Finished product store备件存放间Parts store材料入检Incoming goods inspection发货区Shipping area化学品存放间Chemical store维修备件存放间Maintenance parts store水泵房Water pump room空调设备室Air handling units room电梯间Elevator room锅炉房Boiler room楼梯间Staircase room车间Workshop辅助车间Auxiliary workshop机械加工车间Mechanical process workshop 锻工车间Blacksmith shop冲压车间Press shop焊接车间Welding shop电镀车间Electroplating shop;钳工车间Fitter shop机修车间Machine repairing shop金工车间Smith shop装配车间Assembly shop包装车间Packing shop烧结车间Sintering shop工具间Tools room洁净室Clean room净化厂房Purified factory微波暗室Anechoic chamber拉丝区Drawing area耐火构造Fire resisting construction建筑耐火等级Fire resistance rating of building 饿抵抗能够耐火时限Rated fire-resistance duration耐火极限Limited of fire resistance开间Bay进深Depth柱网Column grid柱列轴线Axis of column row墙Wall外墙external wall内墙Internal wall隔墙Wall partition砖墙Brick wall空斗墙Row lock wall抹面墙Rendered wall空心墙Hollow wall混凝土砌块墙Concrete block wall承重墙Bearing wall非承重墙Non-bearing wall剪力墙Shear wall围护墙Cladding wall挡土墙Earth-retaining wall背墙Back wall胸墙Breast wall地龙墙Sleeper wall幕墙Curtain wall山墙Gable wall女儿墙Parapet砖压顶女儿墙Brick-cap parapet玻璃隔墙Glazed partition隔断Shower stall活动隔断Movable partition防火墙Fire proof wall抗震墙Earthquake resisting wall地面和楼面面层Ground and floor surface course 现浇混凝土楼面Cast-in-place concrete floor水泥沙浆楼面Cement mortar floor现浇水磨石楼面Cast-in-site terrazzo floor块料楼面Block flooring砖楼面Brick floor预制混凝土块楼面Precut concrete block floor预制水磨石楼面Precut terrazzo floor人造大理石楼面Manu marble block floor碎拼大理石楼面Filler broken-marble floor缸砖楼面Clinker floor马赛克楼面Mosaic tile floor镶嵌楼面Floor inlaid拼花楼面Mosaic pavement水泥花砖楼面Cement tile floor水泥压光Cement troweled塑料面Plastic floor纤维板楼面Hard board floor胶合板楼面Glued slab floor无缝楼面Jointless floor叠层楼面Laminated floor供形楼面Arched floor抗静电活动地板Anti-static movable floor活动地板支架Support of movable floor有吊顶的楼板Double floor人造石铺面Granolithic finish玻璃钢面Glassfiber floor拼花花岗岩Granite floor地砖Floor tile防滑砖Non-slip tile抗静电铝合金地面Anti-static aluminium alloy floor 地毯Carpet踢脚Skirting木踢脚Wooded skirtingPVC踢脚PVC skirting玻璃钢踢脚Fiber glass skirting水泥踢脚Cement skirting门Door木门Wooded door钢门Steel door钢丝网门Chain ink铁门Iron door玻璃门Glazed door组合门Composite door两面包铁皮门Door clad with sheet iron onboth sides内门Internal door外门External door大门Gate防火门Fire resisting door隔声门Sound proof door保温门Thermal insulation door冷藏门Cooler door太平门Emergency door安全门Exit door防爆门Explosion proof door防护门Protection door屏蔽门Shield door防射线门Rediation resisting door防风砂门Weather tight door密闭门Sealed door泄压门Pressure release door壁橱门Closet door引风门Ventilation door平开门Side hung door单开门Single action door双向门Double action door双扇门Double action door双扇对开门Double hinged door单开或双开弹簧门Single or double acting door 双开弹簧门Swing door推拉门Sliding door竖向推拉门Vertical sliding door隔栅推拉门Sliding grating door折门According door套叠门Telescoping door水平翻门Trap door卷门Rolling door转门Revolving door自动门Automatic door法式门French door固定门Fixed door夹板门Plywood door镶板门Paneled door平板玻璃门Plate glass door隔栅门Grille door百叶门Shutter door连窗门Door with side window空心门Hollow door窗Window木窗Wooded window钢窗Steel window铝合金窗Aluminium alloy window 塑料窗Plastic framed window纱窗Screen window供窗Arch window凸窗Bay window凹窗Bow window圆窗Round window方窗Square window多角窗Canted window无框格窗Sashless window防火窗Fire resisting window隔声窗Sound proof window保温窗Heat insulation window间隔窗Partition window防护窗Protection window安全窗Security window屏蔽窗Shield window防射线窗Rediation resisting window防风沙窗Weather tight window密闭窗Sealed window泄压窗Pressure release window换气窗Vent sash假窗Blank window陈列橱窗Display window扩散窗Diffuse window平开窗Side hung window右(左)开平窗Side hung right (left) handwindow内开平窗Inward opening window推拉窗Sliding window垂直推拉窗Vertically sliding window旋转窗Pivoted window自动开窗Automatic window折叠窗Folding window固定窗Fixed window单层窗Single window双层窗Double window三层窗Triple window山墙窗Gable window边窗Side light腰窗Fanlight带窗Continuous window子母扇窗Attached sash window组合窗Composite window落地窗French window带纱扇窗Window with screen sash固定百叶窗Louver window遮阳式窗Awning window卷帘百叶窗Rolling shutter天窗Skylight上框Head边框Jamb中横框Transom中竖框Mullion下框Sill窗框Sash frame上梃Top rail中梃Middle rail下梃Bottow rail边梃Stile风雨板Weather board挡风雨条Weather strip窗帘Window blind窗铁栅Window guard窗插梢Sash bolt拉手Handle铰链Hinge可拆铰链Loose joint窗开关调节器Window adjuster地弹簧Floor spring门弹弓Door closer-spring 门锁Door latch with lock 推拉门滑轨Sliding door rail门销Door bolt暗门锁Dormant bolt门锁Door lock单元门锁Unit lock磁卡门锁Card lock推拉把手Push and pull brace 门推板Push plate踢板Kick plate定门器Door stop闭门器Door closer弹子锁Night latch转轴Pivot门链条Door chain插锁Mortise lock钥匙孔板Key plate钥匙孔盖Key hole escutcheon 气窗联动开关Window gearing手动开关器Hand opener电动开关器Electric opener。

unity中velocity用法 -回复

unity中velocity用法 -回复












csharppublic Rigidbody rb;void Start(){rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();}void Update(){rb.velocity = new Vector3(2, 0, 0); 将物体的速度设置为(2, 0, 0) }在上面的例子中,我们首先在Start方法中获取物体上的Rigidbody组件,然后在Update方法中通过设置rb.velocity属性,将物体的速度设置为(2, 0, 0)。





S7-200 PLC脉冲输出MAP库文件的使用1概述S7--200提供了三种方式的开环运动控制:•脉宽调制(PWM)--内置于S7--200,用于速度、位置或占空比控制。








PTO 可以产生单段脉冲串或者多段脉冲串(使用脉冲包络)。

可以指定脉冲数和周期(以微秒或毫秒为增加量):•脉冲个数:1 到4,294,967,295•周期:10RS(100K)至U 65535As 或者2ms 至U 65535ms。

图1200系列的PLC的最大脉冲输出频率除CPU224XP以外均为20kHz°CPU224XP 可达100kHz。

如表1所示:2 MAP库的应用2.1MAP库的基本描述现在,200系列PLC本体PTO 提供了应用库MAP SERV Q0.0和MAP SERVQ0.1,分别用于Q0.0和Q0.1的脉冲串输出。




•两个边界限位开关,一个是正向限位开关(Fwd_Limit), 一个是反向限位开关(Rev_Limit)。

C_Pos的计数值格式为・绝对位置DINT ,所以其计数范围为(-2.147.483.648 to+2.147.483.647).ASmin以避免物件滑出轨道尽头。



全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:生活中的物体运动是怎样远动的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Motion of Everyday Objects: A Closer LookMovement surrounds us everywhere we go. From the cars zipping down the street to the laptop screen shifting as you scroll, objects in motion are inescapable parts of our daily lives.However, have you ever stopped to ponder the mechanics behind these movements? The principles that govern how things start, stop, and change direction? In this essay, I'll delve into the wondrous world of object motion, exploring the forces that propel our lives forward.To grasp motion fully, we must understand Newton's Three Laws of Motion – the fundamental rules that objects abide by as they move (or don't move) through space. The First Law states that an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will remain in motion, unless acted upon by an external force. This law explains why it's harder to get a heavy object moving from rest than to keep it moving once it's already in motion.The Second Law introduces the concept of acceleration, which occurs when a force acts upon a mass. The more force applied, the greater the acceleration. Conversely, increasing an object's mass while keeping the force constant results in less acceleration. This relationship governs many situations we encounter daily, like pushing a stroller or pedaling a bicycle.Finally, the Third Law decrees that for every action force, there is an equal and opposite reaction force. You experience this law when you jump off a diving board – your downwardforce is matched by the board pushing you upward with equal force, propelling you into the air.With Newton's Laws as our foundation, let's examine some common scenarios where object motion plays a role.Imagine a simple game of catch between friends. When you release the ball, it travels through the air following a parabolic trajectory governed by the forces acting upon it. Initially, the muscle force from your throwing arm imparts motion. As the ball flies, Earth's gravitational force continuously pulls it downward while air resistance slows its movement. Eventually, gravitational and resistive forces overcome the initial throwing force, causing the ball to drop back to the ground.Now think about driving a car. Stepping on the gas pedal feeds more fuel into the engine's cylinders, where combustion forces act on the pistons to spin the crankshaft. This spinning motion gets transferred through the drive train and differential into a rotating force on the wheels. As the rubber tires grip the road, frictional forces between them propel the car forward per Newton's Third Law. Braking engages the opposite process - the brake pads grip the disc rotors, producing frictional forces that slow the wheels' rotation.Even the simple act of walking exemplifies Newton's Laws beautifully. With each stride, you momentarily push backward against the ground, and the equal but opposite reaction force from the ground propels you forward. Shifting your weight initiates a falling motion that you continually catch yourself from by planting your leading foot and transferring momentum to your body's next step.Beyond these tangible examples, forces driving motion occur at scales both larger and smaller than we can readily perceive. Planetary bodies like Earth and the Moon are constantly accelerating toward each other due to the gravitational forces between their masses, yet they revolution around a shared center of mass rather than colliding. Meanwhile, at the atomic level, the nuclei of stable elements are perpetually vibrating due to the competing electromagnetic forces among their protons and neutrons.As I've shown, motion is a driving force that underpins our dynamic universe – from subatomic particles to galaxies spiraling across space. Each step we take, each ball we throw, each vehicle we pilot is governed by the intricate choreography of acceleration, force, mass, and momentum endlessly interacting.Developing a deeper understanding of these fundamental physics principles enhances our appreciation for the sheer elegance of the physical world around us. No longer are falling objects, orbiting satellites, or engines roaring to life just commonplace occurrences. Instead, we recognize them as tangible illustrations of the laws that orchestrate motion throughout the cosmos in all its resplendent glory.By opening our eyes to the hidden mechanics at work, a seemingly mundane toss of a baseball can transform into a breathtaking window onto the grand rules that shape reality itself. The next time you witness an object in motion, I encourage you to appreciate the remarkable science allowing that movement to unfold. After all, it's a phenomenon that quite literally keeps our world - and our lives - in motion.篇2The Motion of Objects in Everyday LifeHave you ever really thought about all the motions happening around you every single day? Just look around right now - everything you see is either moving or has moved at some point. Motion is everywhere! From the blinking of your eyes to the spinning of the Earth itself, nothing in this universe is evertruly still. As a student studying physics, I've come to appreciate just how amazing and complex the motions we witness daily really are.Let's start with something simple - tossing a ball straight up into the air. When you let go of the ball, it has an initial upward velocity determined by how strongly you threw it. As it rises, gravity acts on the ball, causing its upward velocity to steadily decrease until it reaches the highest point and stops moving upward entirely for an instant. At the peak of its trajectory, the ball has zero velocity for that split second before gravity reverses its direction and it begins accelerating back down towards the ground, increasing in downward velocity until it returns to your hand or hits the floor.This sequence demonstrates two of the fundamental ways objects can move - a change in position over time (the ball rising and falling), and a change in velocity over time (the ball speeding up and slowing down). These concepts of displacement and acceleration are key principles of motion that manifest in various ways all around us.Take a rolling toy car as another example. As it moves across the floor, the wheels allow a continuous rolling motion by undergoing simultaneous rotation and translation. The circularmotion of spinning wheels combines with a straight line translational shift to produce the overall curvilinear path of the car's movement. Depending on the surface, there are also frictional forces counteracting the motion and causing it to eventually come to a stop unless additional force is applied.On a larger scale, we can observe these same principles of kinetics at work in the movement of vehicles like cars, trains, airplanes, and more. The engine provides a driving force to accelerate the vehicle, while air resistance, friction from the wheels or turbulence, and other environmental factors act against the motion, requiring a net force to sustain or increase the velocity. Turning, braking, and changing speeds or directions all involve the fundamentals of force, acceleration, momentum, and energy transfers.Looking up towards the sky, we see even grander examples of motion in the orbits of planets, moons, asteroids, and manmade satellites. These bodies are constantly in motion, accelerating towards the Earth or sun due to the gravitational forces between them, yet moving fast enough tangentially that they miss the attractor and simply go into revolutionorbits. The laws of circular motion and gravitation allow us to preciselycalculate and predict the paths of these objects across vast distances.Speaking of vast distances, perhaps the most awe-inspiring example of motion on a cosmic scale is the general expansion of the universe itself. According to cosmological theories like the Big Bang, every single galaxy is continuously moving away from every other galaxy due to the initial release of radiant energy about 13.8 billion years ago. Light itself is a phenomenal example of motion, where massless photons travel at the maximum speed possible according to the laws of physics - a mindboggling 670 million miles per hour! The fact that we can observe light from stars and galaxies billions of light-years away is a sobering reminder of just how inconceivably large the observable universe is and how incredibly old its contents are.Of course, I would be remiss not to mention some of the more complex examples of motion we encounter routinely right here on Earth that really make you appreciate physics. The coordination of body movements required for activities like throwing a baseball, swinging a baseball bat, kicking a soccer ball, performing a pirouette in dance, or executing a flip on the gymnastics floor is staggering when you analyze the biomechanics involved. Muscles contract in precisely timedsequences, applying torques about joints that translate into rotational and translational motions of body segments at specific velocities and release angles to achieve the desired performance. World-class athletes make it look easy, but the calculations needed to optimize these motions are incredibly complex.Even just walking around normally involves an amazing dance of gravitational potential energy alternating with kinetic energy through the transfer of your weight with every stride. As you lean forward, your center of mass rises and you temporarily possess greater potential energy that is converted to kinetic energy as you step and fall forward in a controlled way. Your momentum is then transferred to the opposite foot as your body vaults over the grounded leg while you simultaneously push off with the rear leg. And this cycle continues fluidly stride after stride with little conscious thought required. The human body is a true marvel of mechanical engineering!In the end, after studying so many examples, what I've come to realize is that motion, in its many incarnations, is the driving force behind nearly every occurrence in the natural world. Objects at rest truly do tend to remain at rest, while objects in motion tend to remain in motion or change that motion only through the application of unbalanced forces. From thesubatomic scale of vibrating molecules to the cosmic scales of galaxy clusters, everything is in a constant state of kinetic interaction and energy exchange.Whether it's the rhythmic swinging of a pendulum or the regulated rotation of a motor's crankshaft, the transfer of angular momentum or the ballistic trajectory of a cannonball, visible wavelengths of radiant heat or the invisible yet pervasive vibrations of sound - motion is what allows the universe to perpetually evolve from its current state to the next in that great eternal dance of transformation we observe across all domains of physics. Even life itself is born from the ceaseless motion of cellular mechanisms catalyzing biochemical reactions. The world around us truly is one grand kinetic ballet.So the next time you see a leaf fluttering in the breeze or a star twinkling in the night sky, I encourage you to pause and appreciate the incredible atomic choreography giving rise to those humble motions. Look at the world through the lens of physics, and you'll gain an appreciation for how amazing and interconnected every movement truly is, no matter how small or large. After all, as Galileo once said, "The laws of nature are written in the language of mathematics...and the symbols are triangles, circles, and other geometric figures without whosehelp it is impossible to comprehend a single word." By studying the geometry of motion, we study the fundamental rules that govern the cosmos.篇3The Ubiquitous Dance of Motion in Our Daily LivesAs a student exploring the world of physics, I've come to realize that the motion of objects is a ubiquitous dance that permeates every aspect of our daily lives. From the moment we wake up to the moment we drift off to sleep, we are constantly surrounded by a symphony of objects in motion, each adhering to the fundamental laws that govern the universe.Let's start our journey with the most routine of activities –getting ready for the day. As I reach for my alarm clock to silence its incessant ringing, I'm greeted by the gentle descent of the snooze button, a prime example of the law of gravity at work. The button accelerates downward, its velocity increasing until it reaches its resting position. Meanwhile, my sleepy body rises from the bed, defying gravity's pull as I propel myself upward with the aid of muscular force.In the bathroom, the dance continues as water droplets cascade from the showerhead, tracing parabolic trajectoriesdictated by the combined effects of their initial velocity and the ever-present force of gravity. The steam billowing from the hot water adds another layer of complexity, with countless water vapor particles engaged in a frenzied random walk, their motion governed by the laws of thermodynamics.As I step out into the world, the symphony crescendos. The cars zipping by on the street exemplify the principles of linear motion, their velocities determined by the delicate interplay between the engine's power and the opposing forces of friction and air resistance. Pedestrians weave through the urban landscape, their paths a constant negotiation with the laws of kinematics, adjusting their velocities and directions to avoid collisions.Even the most mundane tasks, such as writing in my notebook, are choreographed by the laws of motion. The pen glides across the paper, its trajectory a result of the applied force and the paper's surface properties. The ink flows from the nib, its viscous nature dictating the rate at which it spreads across the fibers, forming the intricate shapes that we recognize as letters and words.In the classroom, the concepts of motion come to life in vivid demonstrations. A simple pendulum swing, once set in motion,oscillates back and forth, its period determined by the length of the string and the acceleration due to gravity. A rolling ball on an inclined plane accelerates, its velocity increasing as it converts potential energy into kinetic energy, painting a vivid picture of the principles of energy conservation.During my commute home, the world becomes a grand stage for the interplay of forces and motions. The rumbling subway train beneath my feet is propelled forward by the powerful rotational motion of its wheels, overcoming the friction of the rails through the application of immense torque. Above ground, birds gracefully navigate the air currents, their wing movements masterfully manipulating the aerodynamic forces that allow them to soar and maneuver with elegance.Even the act of preparing a meal is a testament to the intricacies of motion. As I chop vegetables, the knife slices through the fibrous flesh, its motion a delicate balance of applied force and the resistance of the material. The sizzling sounds of food searing in a hot pan are the audible manifestations of the rapid transfer of thermal energy, with molecules vibrating and colliding at ever-increasing velocities.In the evening, as I wind down and settle into my favorite chair, the gentle rocking motion of the chair itself is a reminderof the principles of harmonic motion. The chair oscillates back and forth, its period determined by the combined effects of its mass, the stiffness of the supporting structure, and the forces applied by my body's movements.As I gaze out the window, the twinkling stars in the night sky are living embodiments of the cosmic dance of motion. These celestial bodies follow intricate orbital paths, their trajectories governed by the immense gravitational forces exerted by larger cosmic entities, such as planets and galaxies. Even the light that reaches our eyes from these distant stars is a manifestal of the wave-particle duality of light, with photons exhibiting both wave-like and particle-like properties as they traverse the vast expanse of space.Finally, as I drift off to sleep, my dreams become a canvas for the boundless possibilities of motion. In the realm of the subconscious, the laws of physics are bent and reshaped, allowing for fantastical scenarios where objects defy gravity, accelerate to impossible speeds, or even transcend the boundaries of space and time.In conclusion, the motion of objects is not merely a topic confined to the pages of physics textbooks; it is a fundamental aspect of our existence, woven into the very fabric of our dailylives. From the smallest subatomic particles to the grandest celestial bodies, everything around us is engaged in an intricate dance, governed by the immutable laws that dictate how objects move and interact with one another.As a student of physics, it is my privilege and responsibility to unravel the mysteries of this dance, to quantify and describe the nuances of motion with mathematical precision. Yet, even as I delve deeper into the theoretical realms of kinematics, dynamics, and mechanics, I remain in awe of the sheer elegance and ubiquity of motion in our everyday existence. It is a reminder that the universe is a grand symphony, and we are all performers in this cosmic ballet, our movements choreographed by the fundamental principles that have shaped the cosmos since the dawn of time.。

Physics 2 - Speed^J velocity and acceleration (in class) [自动保存的]

Physics 2 - Speed^J velocity and acceleration  (in class) [自动保存的]

So if that’s speed, what is
Velocity :the speed of an object in a stated direction
Or velocity is speed in a given direction.
Velocity is 25m/s due west
1. The total distance travelled between two points 2. the total time taken to travAettltbetween these two points
Distance measured in metres (m) Time measuredA in seconds (s)
– it has size and direction
Exercise page 26 2.13-2.15
Deceleration (retardation)
Deceleration is negative acceleration – the object is slowing down. Eg. – 4m/s2
for a body near to the Earth is constant
Supplement • Distinguish between speed and velocity • Define and calculate acceleration using time taken change of velocity • Calculate speed from the gradient of a distance-time graph • Calculate acceleration from the gradient of a speed-time graph • Recognise linear motion for which the acceleration is constant • Recognise motion for which the acceleration is not constant • Understand deceleration as a negative acceleration • Describe qualitatively the motion of bodies falling in a uniform gravitational field with and without air resistance (including reference to terminal velocity)






速度英语说法:speed速度的相关短语:减速度deceleration ; retardation ; retarded velocity ; drag acceleration宇宙速度escape velocity ; cosmic velocity ; Escape Speed ; Second cosmic velocity切割速度 Cutting speed ; incise speed ; Cutting thickness ; Cut Speed四维速度 Four-velocity ; velocity ; speed ; Four-speed终端速度Terminal velocity ; Terminal Speed ; termining velocity初速度 initial velocity ; initial speed ; Vo ; muzzle velocity速度系数 velocity coefficient ; coefficient of velocity ; speed factor速度曲线velocity diagram ; velocity curve ; speed curve ; speed profile速度的英语例句:1. Basal metabolism is much lower for creatures in cold water.冷水中生物的基础代谢速度要低很多。

2. The camera combines rugged reliability with unequalled optical performance and speed.这款相机既坚固耐用,又有超凡的光学性能和快门速度。

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• The physics teacher walked a distance of 12 meters in 24 seconds; thus, her average speed was 0.50 m/s. • However, since her displacement is 0 meters, her average velocity is 0 m/s. Remember that the displacement refers to the change in position and the velocity is based upon this position change. In this case of the teacher's motion, there is a position change of 0 meters and thus an average velocity of 0 m/s.
Try These
• 1. The car is stopped. • 2. The speed of the car is decreasing. • 3. The car is coming back.
What is happening here?
What is happening here?
2. Uphill Line
• Slope of this line is POSITIVE. • If your speed is positive you are MOVING FORWARD.
3. Downhill Line
• Slope of this line is NEGATIVE. • If your speed is negative you are MOVING BACKWARD.
Hale Waihona Puke Velocity: Speed with direction!
Science 10
Uniform Motion
• Predicting the behaviour of moving objects can be very complex. Measuring and analyzing motion in the real world is a challenge, so scientists try to simplify their task. • Scientists try to model the behaviour of objects that move in almost straight lines at almost constant speed as uniform motion because this can be easily analyzed. • Uniform motion: motion at constant velocity, with no change in speed or direction.
So, if the slope of the position-time graph gives us velocity, and that the graph shows us uniform motion, then…
• There are only three possible shapes for the graphs to take.
• Velocity is a vector quantity which refers to "the rate at which an object changes its position."
V = d__ t
Describing the direction of velocity (v)
Distance Time Graphs
• The slope of a distance time graph will tell us the Velocity of the object. • There are 3 possible cases:
1. Horizontal Line
• Slope of this line is zero. • The speed is zero. • If your speed is zero you are NOT MOVING.
Velocity: position (Δdisplacement) vs. time graphs Consider a car moving with a constant, rightward (+) velocity of +10 m/s.
• If the position-time data for such a car were graphed, then the resulting graph would look like the graph at the right. Note that a motion described as a constant, positive velocity results in a line of constant and positive slope when plotted as a position-time graph. • This is uniform motion!!!
• The direction of the velocity vector is simply the same as the direction which an object is moving. • If the object is moving rightwards, then its velocity is described as being rightwards. • If an object is moving downwards, then its velocity is described as being downwards. • Example: So an airplane moving towards the west with a speed of 300 km/hr has a velocity of 300 km/hr, west. Note that speed has no direction (it is a scalar) and velocity is simply the speed with a direction.
The slope of a position-time graph is the velocity!!!!!
Calculating average velocity from a position-time graph:
• Examine the graph at the right which illustrates the motion of a car. Each section of the graph has a different slope representing individual velocities at that stage of the journey. They can easily be calculated by finding individual slopes of that section of the graph. The average velocity of the total graph or trip is found by using the beginning and end points.
Physics teacher walking in circles again…
• The physics teacher walks 4 meters East, 2 meters South, 4 meters West, and finally 2 meters North. The entire motion lasted for 24 seconds. Determine the average speed and the average velocity.
No motion, object is stationary
3. Uniform motion to the left (backward) t 2. Uniform motion to the right (forward) d d
t t
Pause & reflect:
• Sketch a position-time graph of each object listed below. Describe its slope as positive or negative, and as constant, increasing, or decreasing. • A) a stone at rest • B) a jogger moving steadily to the right • C) a bicycle moving to the left and slowing down • D) a rocket moving up at an increasing speed • E) a stone falling freely with increasing speed • F) a parachutist drifting down at a steady speed