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Shopen, Timothy, ed. 1985(2007) Language typology and syntactic description. 3 vols. Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press.
二十世纪六十年代,Chomsky早期句法理论对意义的忽视引 发学者们语义角度的语法思考。
有代表性的是菲尔墨和切夫: re, Charles. 1968. The case for case, in Universals in
Linguistic Theory, ed. by Emmon Bach and Robert T. Harms. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York. ———. 1977. The case for case reopened, in Syntax and semantics, Vol.8, ed. by P. Cole and J. M. Sadock. Chafe, Wallace. 1970. Meaning and Structure of Language. University of Chicago Press.
Helsuvo; 7. Sentences as combinations of clauses. Robert E. Longacre.
Volume 3, Grammatical categories and the lexicon
1985 Part I. The Word 1. Typological distinctions in word formation. Stephen R. Anderson; 2. Lexicalization patterns: semantic structure in lexical forms. Leonard Talmy; Part II. Grammatical Categories 3. Inflectional morphology. Stephen R. Anderson; 4. Tense, aspect, and mood. Sandra Chung and Alan Timberlake; 5. Deixis. Stephen R. Anderson and Edward L. Keenan; Part III. Derivational Morphology 6. Causative verb formation and other verb–deriving morphology. Bernard Comrie; 7. Lexical nominalization. Bernard Comrie; 2007 1. Typological distinctions in word formation. Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald; 2. Lexical typologies. Leonard Talmy; 3. Inflectional morphology. Balthasar Bickel and Johanna Nichols; 4. Gender and noun classes. Greville G. Corbett; 5. Aspect, tense, mood. Alan Timberlake; 6. Lexical nominalization. Bernard Comrie.
Volume 1, Clause Structure 1985 1. Parts-of-speech systems. Paul Schachter; 2. The major functions of the noun phrase. Avery Andrews; 3. Speech act distinctions in syntax. Jerrold M. Sadock and Arnold M. Zwicky; 4. Negation. John R. Payne; 5. Passive in the world’s languages. Edward L. Keenan; 6. Information packaging in the clause. William A. Foley and Robert D. Van Valin, Jr.. 2007 1. Parts-of-speech systems. Paul Schachter and Timothy Shopen; 2. Word Order. Matthew S. Dryer; 3. The major functions of the noun phrase. Avery D. Andrews; 4. Clause types. Matthew S. Dryer; 5. Speech act distinctions in grammar. Ekkehard K?nig and Peter Siemund; 6. Passive in the world’s languages. Edward L. Keenan and Matthew S. Dryer; 7. A typology of information packaging in the clause. William A. Foley.
Fillmore的格语法的提出,使语言的比较比以前有了更广阔的 天地:过去的类型研究只能简单地把语言归入几个大致的类 别,而各个语言里的语法成分难以比较;格语法给人们提供 了相同语法功能在不同语言里边不同表现形式的比较基础, 从七十年代开始,称之为“共性与类型”的研究方法,成为 功能语法的主要工作兴趣。这一时期,举凡语法关系问题, 格标记系统问题,时体问题,致使结构问题,条件从句、关 系从句问题,形容词问题,等等,都成了跨语言比较的重要 课题。
Volume 2, Complex Constructions 1985 1. Complex phrases and complex sentences. John R. Payne; 2. Complementation. Michael Noonan; 3. Relative clauses. Edward L. Keenan; 4. Adverbial clauses. Sandra A. Thompson and Robert E. Longacre; 5. Sentences as combinations of clauses. Robert E. Longacre. 2007 1. Co-ordination. Martin Haspelmath; 2. Complementation. Michael Noonan; 3. Noun phrase structure. Matthew S. Dryer; 4. Relative clauses. Avery D. Andrews; 5. Adverbial clauses. Sandra A. Thompson, Robert E. Longacre and Shin Ja. J. Hwang; 6. Discourse structure. Elise Karkkainen, Marja-Leena Sorjonen and Marja-Liisa