



高英1、2、4、5、9单元课后简答题解析Give brief answers to the following questions, using your own words as much as possible.1.What is a bazaar? Can you name some of the Middle Eastern countries in which such bazaars are likely to be found?Bazaar is a market in a Middle-Eastern country where all kinds of goods are sold. In Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, we are likely to find such bazaars. all the markets in the bazaar. What kind of economy do you think they represent? Give facts to support your view.Cloth-market, copper-smiths' market, carpet-market, spice-market, food-market, dye-market, pottery-market, carpenters' market, the place to make linseed oil. They represent a handicraft economy as indicated by the gateway of aged brick and stone at the entrance, the donkeys carrying goods in the road, the earthen floor and the mud-brick walls in the cloth-market, the bellows to blow a fire and the way to make kitchenware in the copper-smiths' market, and especially in the place to make the linseed oil, the dust of centuries, the crushing of linseed into pulp with camels and stone wheels, the huge ramshackle apparatus made of beams, ropes and pulleys, and at last the operation of the machine.3.Could a blind man know which part of the bazaar he was in? How?Sure. He might identify which part of the bazaar he is in by defining the different sounds and the smells that he can catch. If it is silent, he must be in the cloth-market. If there is a tinkling and banging and clashing, it is indicative of the copper-smiths' market. The spice-market gives a pungent and exotic smell. While in the food market, he can catch the smell of food. Then the creaking of the beam, the squeaking and rumbling of the grinding wheels, and the occasional grunts and sighs of the camels may combine to tell him that it is the place to make the linseed oil.4.Why is the cloth market "muted"?First the floor is made of earth and has been beaten hard by countless feet and deadens the sound of footsteps so that the vaulted mudbrick walls and roof have little sound to echo. Second, the shop-owners all speak in slow measured tones and the customers are overwhelmed by the general atmosphere there, so they follow suit.5.What scene do you find most picturesque in the bazaar? Why?The copper-smiths' market. There we can see dancing light when light from numerous lamps and braziers is reflected by the polished copper. The continuous and harmonious flickering of light makes it a dreamy land, a fairyland.6.Can you guess the writer's occupation, and perhaps, his nationality? The writer must be an American journalist or reporter.7.What do you think was the aim of the visit?The aim of the visit, I think, was to gather information about Hiroshima today.8.What thoughts were on his mind? Were there other visitors from abroad? Did they share his views? How do you know?A lot of sad thoughts were on his mind. There were other visitors from abroad who didn't share his views. The first paragraph shows this to us clearly.9.What was his attitude towards Hiroshima?He felt a sense of guilt.10.Were the Japanese preoccupied with the same thoughts as the writer was?The Japanese were not preoccupied with the same thought as the writer was.11.Was Hiroshima in any way different from other Japanese cities? Hiroshima was different from other Japanese cities in that it was destroyed by an atomic bomb on August 6, 1945.12.The bomb was dropped on Hiroshima in August 1945. How has the city been rebuilt since then?Since then, it has been rebuilt with hard work and with the help of education, science and technology.13.Even in this short description one may find some of the problem ofJapan, or at least, of Hiroshima. Can you say what they are?One is an obvious conflict between western influences and the traditional customs. Another is that the impact of the 1945 bomb attack is still felt or seen till now.14.Why didn't the writer ask the patients of the atomic ward the questions he had prepared in advance?Because he thought it was unnecessary to do so since the answers were obvious after his talk with the patients.15.What was the answer he read in every eye?The answer was the Hiroshima was not the liveliest city in Japan.16.In real life what kind of woman is the mother?In real life the mother was a large, big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands.17.What kind of woman would Dee like her mother to be?Dee likes her mother to have a slender figure and a fair skin, glistening hair and a quick and witty tongue.18.How does the mother act when she meets a strange white man? When she meets a strange white man, she always avoids looking him in the eye and is ready to go away.19.What kind of girl is Maggie?Maggie is an innocent, timid and kind-hearted girl.20.Why do you think colored people asked fewer questions in 1927?Because they were more seriously looked down upon by white men at that time, and they were not as awaken as they are today.21.Why does the mother say Dee will never bring her friends to visit them? What does this tell about Dee? Give other instances to prove your point.Because Dee doesn't like her friends to see the poor state her family is in, which she thinks is shameful. This tells us that Dee is somewhat a snob. Another instance to prove this is that she wants nice things.22.Why did Dee want the quilt so much?Because it was old and stitched by hand instead of by machine, she could use them for decoration showing to the people she was associated with.23.Why did Maggie want the quilt?Maggie wanted the quilt because she could remember her grandma better, who taught her to do needle work.24.Why did Dee visit her mother and sister?Because she wanted to get some valuable heritages of her family, mainly out of her vanity.25.What is the mother's feeling toward Dee? How is it changed in the course of the story?At first the mother liked Dee because of her beauty, taste, and education. But with the development of the story, her love was transferred to adislike because of Dee's egotism, which was obviously revealed when she insisted on taking the quilts while her sister Maggie gave up keeping it willingly to satisfy her desire.26.What is implied by the subtitle:"for your grandmama"?It's implied that the story is written in honor of the grandma mentioned in it and that the ordinary old thing may be something precious for the young.27.When and how did the Germans attack the Soviet Union?Germany attacked Russia on an enormous front by air on Sunday, June 22.28.What was Churchill's reaction to the news of Hitler's invasion of Russia? Why?He was not surprised at the news, because he had thought that the Germans would attack the Soviet Union.29.Why did Churchill side with the Soviet Union since he had always been an avowed enemy of communism?Because he had only one purpose, the destruction of Hitler, who he thought was the worst in the world.30.What policy did Churchill declare Britain would pursue?The policy that Churchill declared Britain would pursue was to destroy Hitler and wipe off every single trace of the Nazi regime.31.What, according to Churchill, was Hitler's motive in invading Russia?Do you agree with him?According to Churchill, Hitler's invasion of Russia served as the first step for his invasion of Britain, thus controlling of the Western Hemisphere.32.Why is Mark Twain one of America's best-loved authors?Because his literary works such as two novels about Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer are loved by Americans, who imagine he was adventurous, patriotic, romantic and humorous.33.Give a brief account of Mark Twain's experience before he became a writer.Before he became a writer, he worked as a tramp printer, river pilot, Confederate guerrilla, prospector and reporter. He had done various jobs.34.Why did the author adopt "Mark Twain" as his pen name?He adopted his pen name from the cry heard in his steamboat days, signaling two fathoms of water.35.When did Mark Twain become a pilot on a steamboat? How long did he stay there? What did he learn there? What effect did this experience have on his writing?He became a pilot on a steamboat in 1857 and stayed there for four and a half years. There he learned a lot about human nature and gained a keen perception of the human race. This experience immenselyenriched his writing.36.Why did Twain leave the river country? What did he do then?He left the river country because the development of railroad reduced the number of steamboat pilots and the Civil War began, which stopped commerce. Then he became a Confederate guerrilla.37.What story did he write that made him known as "the wild humorist of the Pacific slope"?The celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County.38.Why did the book, the Innocents Abroad, become an instant best seller?Because it was a book centered on satirizing Europe and the Holy Land, arousing intense interest among Americans.39.Why is Tom Sawyer as sure to be studied in American schools today as is the Declaration of Independence?Because it is a classic tale of American boyhood describing Tom's mischievous daring, ingenuity, and the sweet innocence of his affection for Becky Thatcher.40.Why did Twain become bitter late in life?Personal tragedy in the death of his loved ones made him become bitter late in life, including the deaths of his father, brother, eldest daughter, son and his wife.。



高级英语第三版第一册课后英译汉答案Unit1Paraphrase:1. We’re 23 feet above sea level.2. The house has been here since 1915, andno hurricane has ever caused any damage to it .3. We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much dam age.4. Water got into the generator and put it out. It stopped producing electricity, so the ligh ts also went out.5. Everybody goes out through the back door and runs to the cars!6. The electrical systems in the car (the battery for the starter) had been put out by water.7. As John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt bec ause he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee inland.8. Oh God, please help us to get through this storm safely9. Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimm er and finally stopped.10. Janis displayed the fear caused by the hurricanerather late.1. 每架飞机起飞之前必须经过严格的检查。

高级英语1 第三版课后答案 句子理解和翻译 paraphrase translation

高级英语1 第三版课后答案 句子理解和翻译 paraphrase translation

第一课Face to face with Hurricane Camille1.We’re elevated 23 feet.We’re 23 feet above sea level.2.The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has bothered it.The house has been here since 1915, andno hurricane has ever caused any damage to it.3.We can batten down and ride it out.We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage.4.The generator was doused, and the lights went out.Water got into the generator and put it out. It stopped producing electricity, so the lights also went out.5.Everybody out the back door to the cars!Everybody goes out through the back door and runs to the cars!6.The electrical systems had been killed by water.The electrical systems in the car (the battery for the starter) had been put out by water.7.John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt.As John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee inland.8.Get us through this mess, will you?Oh God, please help us to get through this storm safely9.She carried on alone for a few bars; then her voice trailed away.Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and finally stopped.10.Janis had just one delayed reaction.Janis displayed the fear caused by the hurricane rather late.1.Each and every plane must be checked out thoroughly before taking off.每架飞机起飞之前必须经过严格的检查。



EXERCISES 1I . Give brief answers to the following questions, using your own words as much as possible:1) What is a bazaar? Can you name some of the Middle Eastern countries in which such bazaars are likely to be found?2) Name all the markets in the bazaar. What kind of economy do you think they represent? Give facts to support your view.3) Could a blind man know which part of the bazaar he was in? How?4) Why is the cloth-market "muted"?5) What scene do you find most picturesque in the bazaar? Why?I . Paraphrase:1) little donkeys thread their way among the throngs of people2) Then as you penetrate deeper into the bazaar, the noise of the entrance fades away, and you come to the muted cloth-market.3) they narrow down their choice and begin the really serious business of beating the price down4) he will price the item high, and yield little in the bargaining5) As you approach it, a tinkling and banging and clashing begins to impinge on your earIII. Translate the following into Chinese:1) The one I am thinking of particularly is entered by a Gothic-arched gateway of aged brick and stone. You pass from the heat and glare of a big, open square into a cool, dark cavern which extends as far as the eye can see, losing itself in the shadowy distance.2) It is a point of honour with the customer not to let the shop- keeper guess what it is she really likes and wants until the last moment.3) The seller, on the other hand, makes a point of protesting that the price he is charging is depriving him of all profit, and that he is sacrificing this because of his personal regard for the customer.4) The pole is attached at the one end to an upright post around which it can revolve, and at the other to a blind-folded camel, which walks constantly in a circle, providing the motive power to turn the stone wheel.5) The machine is operated by one man, who shovels the linseed pulp into a stone vat, climbs up nimbly to a dizzy height to fasten ropes, and then throws his weight on to a great beam made out of a tree trunk to set the ropes and pulleys in motion. Ancient girders creak and groan,ropes tighten and then a trickle of oil oozes down a stone runnel into a used petrol can. Quickly the trickle becomes a flood of glistening linseed oil as the beam sinks earthwards, taut and protesting, its creaks blending with the squeaking and rumbling of the grinding-wheels and the occasional grunts and sighs of the camels.IV . Explain how the following nouns are formed. Give examples to illustrate the different ways of compounding nouns.1) gateway, courtyard2) godsend, sunset3) scarecrow, grindstone4) hardboard, highlight5) outcome, inflow6) breakthrough, blackoutV .Make two sentences with each of the following words, using different parts of speech indicated in the brackets.1) thread (n. v. ) 5) live (adj. v. )2) round (adv. v. ) 6) tower(n. v. )3) narrow (adj. v. ) 7) dwarf(n. v. )4) price (n. v. )VI. Pick out from the text the words used to describe-1) light and heat2) sound and movement3) smell and colourVII. Explain how the meaning of the following sentences is affected when the italicized words are replaced with the words in brackets. Pay attention to the shades of meaning of the words.1) the heat and glare of a big, open square (brightness)2) the din of stall-holders crying their wares (noise, sound)3) the muted cloth-market (quiet, silent)4) a trestle table for display (exhibition)5) the sound grows louder and more distinct (clearer)6) a huge leather bellows (large)7) carpets with varied textures (different)8) the spice-market with its pungent and exotic smells (strange)9) a doorway gives a glimpse of a sunlit courtyard (bright)10) three massive stone wheels (big, great)11) a camel, which walks constantly (endlessly)12) a used petrol can (old)Ⅷ. Replace the italicized words with simple, everyday words:1) and of would-be purchasers arguing and bargaining( )2)the spice-market with its pungent and exotic smells( )3) overwhelmed by the sepulchral atmosphere ( )4) the seller makes a point of protesting ( )5) to impinge on your ears ( )6) with its profusion of rich colours ( )7) the most sumptuous dinner ( )8) the great bales of merchandise ( )9) its creaks blending with the squeaking and tumbling of the grinding-wheels ( )IX. Study the two models:Model 1) There is the carpet-market, with its profusion of rich colour.Model 2) There is the food-market, Where you can buy everything you need for the most sumptuous dinner.Now use either model to describe each of the following in one sentence :1) the cloth-market, with or where...2) the copper-smiths' market, with or where...3) the carpet-market, where...4) the spice-market, where...5) the food-market, with...6) a sunlit courtyard, with...X. Translate the following into English(using the following words or expressions: to attach, as far as the eye can see, con-ceivable, to lose ...in, to engrave, to make a point of, what it is, to follow suit, to takea hand, to fade away):1)一条蜿蜒的小路淹没在树荫深处。



5 Speech on Hitler's Invasion of the U.S.S.R.1)我现在的目标只有一个,即消灭希特勒。








1)This is true of the rural area as well as of the urban area.2)He was counting on their support.3)I don't remember his exact words, but I'm sure he did say something to that effect.4)Churchill said, "Tell Stalin that Britain has but one desire --to crush Hitler.5)Only 9% of the population in that country remains illiterate.6)This leaves them no choice but to rely on his efforts.7)The guests were overwhelmed by the warm reception.8)They overwhelmed the enemy by a surprise attack.9)Their difficulty is our difficulty just as we view their victory as our own victory.10)It is clear that German fascists were trying to put the people in that region under their domination.9Mark Twain-----Mirror of America1)He was obssessed with fear of poverty.2)Dongting Lake teems with fish and shrimps.3)Tom was every bit as intelligent as the top boy in his class.4)He is an acquaintance of mine, but not a friend.5)Under pressure, he had no other choice but quit office.6)In the end he succumbed to her persuasion and decided to change his original plan.7)Many children succumbed to small pox then.8)Much to his horror, he found the cabin flooded.9)The kids did extremely well in their exam, to the great satisfaction of both parents and teachers.10)That's Peter all over.11)Not until midnight did the surgeon finish the operation.12)The history course has acquainted me with ancient civilizations.13)The old writer shaped the folktale into a film scenario.14)The dauntless revolutionary spirit of the Chinese people finds full expression in the new play.。



Lesson 11) Little donkeys thread their way among the throngs of people.little donkeys went in and out among the people and from one side to another2) Then as you penetrate deeper into the bazaar, the noise of the entrance fades away, and you come to the muted cloth-market.Then as you pass through a big crowd to go deeper into the market, the noise of the entrance gradually disappear, and you come to the much quieter cloth-market.3) they narrow down their choice and begin the really serious business of beating the price downthey drop some of items that they don't really want and begin to bargain seriously for a low price.4) he will price the item high, and yield little in the bargainingHe will ask for a high price for the item and refuse to cut down the price by any significant amount.5) As you approach it, a tinkling and banging and clashing begins to impinge on your earAs you get near it, a variety of sounds begin to strike your ear.X.1)一条蜿蜒的小路淹没在树荫深处A zig-zag path loses itself in the shadowy distance of the woods.2)集市上有许多小摊子,出售的货物应有尽有At the bazaar there are many stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold.3) 我真不知道到底是什么事让他如此生气。



⾼级英语1第三版课后答案句⼦理解和翻译paraphrasetranslation第⼀课Face to face with Hurricane Camille1.We’re elevated 23 feet.We’re 23 feet above sea level.2.The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has bothered it.The house has been here since 1915, andno hurricane has ever caused any damage to it.3.We can batten down and ride it out.We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage.4.The generator was doused, and the lights went out.Water got into the generator and put it out. It stopped producing electricity, so the lights also went out.5.Everybody out the back door to the cars!Everybody goes out through the back door and runs to the cars!6.The electrical systems had been killed by water.The electrical systems in the car (the battery for the starter) had been put out by water.7.John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt.As John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee inland.8.Get us through this mess, will you?Oh God, please help us to get through this storm safely9.She carried on alone for a few bars; then her voice trailed away.Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and finally stopped.10.Janis had just one delayed reaction.Janis displayed the fear caused by the hurricane rather late.1.Each and every plane must be checked out thoroughly before taking off.每架飞机起飞之前必须经过严格的检查。




A winding path loses itself in the shadowy distance of the woods.2.集市上有许多小摊子,出售的货物应有尽有。

At the bazaar there are many stands where goods of every conceivable kind are sold.3.我真不知道到底是什么事让他如此生气。

I really don't know what it is that has made him so furious.4.新出土的铜花瓶造型优美,刻有精细、复杂的传统图案。

The newly excavated bronze vase is pleasing in form and engraved with delicate and intricate traditional designs.5.在山的那边是一望无际的大草原。

Beyond the mountains there is a vast grassland which extends as far as the eye can see.6.他们决定买那座带有车库的房子。

They decided to buy the house with a garage attached.7.教师们坚持对学生严格要求。

The teachers make a point of being strict with the students.8.这个小女孩非常喜欢她的父亲。

This little girl is very much attached to her father.9.为实现四个现代化,我们认为有必要学习外国的先进科学技术。

In order to achieve the four modernizations, we make a point oflearning from the advanced science and technology of other countries.10.黄昏临近时,天渐渐地暗下来了。



高级英语第三版第一册课后英译汉答案Unit1Paraphrase:1.We’re23feet above sea level.2.The house has been here since1915,andno hurricane has ever caused any damage to it.3.We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage.4.Water got into the generator and put it out.It stopped producing electricity,so the lights also went out.5.Everybody goes out through the back door and runs to the cars!6.The electrical systems in the car(the battery for the starter)had been put out by w ater.7.As John watched the water inch its way up the steps,he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee i nland.8.Oh God,please help us to get through this storm safely9.Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew di mmer and finally stopped.10.Janis displayed the fear caused by the hurricanerather late.1.每架飞机起飞之前必须经过严格的检查。



The Middle Eastern bazaar takes you back hundreds --- even thousands --- of years. The one I am thinking of particularly is entered by a Gothic - arched gateway of aged brick and stone. You pass from the heat and glare of a big, open square into a cool, dark cavernwhich extends as far as the eye can see, losing itself in the shadowy distance. Little donkeys with harmoniously tinkling bells thread their way among the throngsof people entering and leaving the bazaar. The roadway is about twelve feet wide, but it is narrowed every few yards by little stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold. The din of the stall-holder; crying their wares, of donkey-boys and porters clearing a way for themselves by shouting vigorously, and of would-be purchasers arguing and bargaining is continuous and makes you dizzy.中东的集市仿佛把你带回到了几百年、甚至几千年前的时代。

高英1部分翻译 答案

高英1部分翻译 答案

第二课:1. 礼堂里一个人都没有,会议一定是延期了。

There is not a soul in the hall. The meeting must have been put off.2. 那座现代建筑看上去很像个飞碟。

That modern construction looks very much like a flying saucer.3. 四川话和湖北话在北方人听起来很相似,有时难以区别。

Sichuan dialect sounds much the same as Hubei dialect. It is sometimes difficult to tell one from the other.4. 一看见纪念碑就想起了在战斗中死去的好友。

The very sight of the monument reminds me of my good friend who was killed in the battle5. 他陷人沉思之中,没有理会同伴们在谈些什么。

He was so deep in thought that he was oblivious of what his friends were talking about.6. 他干的事与她毫无关系。

What he did had nothing to do with her.7. 她睡不着觉,女儿的病使她心事重重。

She couldn't fall asleep as her daughter's illness was very much on her mind.8. 这件事长期以来一直让我放心不下。

I have had the matter on my mind for a long time.9. 他喜欢这些聚会,喜欢与年轻人交往并就各种问题交换意见。

He loves such gatherings at which he rubs shoulders with young people and exchanges opinions with them on various subjects.10. 几分钟以后大家才领悟他话中的含意。



上册L1 Rock SuperstarsB.Translate the following into Chinese:1.他说:“贾格尔拿着装有半加仑水的罐子沿着舞台前沿跑动,把水洒到前几排狂热的观众身上。








F. Translate the following into EnglishRock music began in America in the late 1950’s. It was not only a new musical form, but a debating forum for the American youth to express their ideas of the world and life. In this forum, the stars sang out the attitudes of the youth towards civil rights, war arid peace, the disaffection of their society, and a range of emotions between love and hate. All in all, in this forum, the American youth redefined the beliefs and feelings of their society. The typical representatives of the early rock music were Elvis Presley, singer and poet Bob Dylan, the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones and so on. They were the culture heroes whom the young people worshipped. L2 Four Choices for Young PeoplsB.1.很显然他所说的代表了许多同龄人的想法。



Lesson 11.每架飞机起飞之前必须经过严格的检查。

(check out)Each and every airplane must be checked out thoroughly before taking off.2. 居民坚决反对在附近建立垃圾焚烧因为他们担心工厂排放的气体会污染周围的空气The residents were firmly against the construction of a waste incineration plant in their neighborhood because they were deeply concerned about the air pollution emitted by the plant.3. 在这个地区,生态工程的投资额高达数十亿。

(mount to )In this area, investment in ecological projects mounted up to billions of yuan.4. 干枯的河道里布满了大大小小的石块。

The dry riverbed was strewn with rocks of all sizes.5. 虽然战争给这个国家造成巨大的损失,但当地的文化传统并没有亡。

Although war caused great losses to this country, its local cultural traditions did not perish.6. 为了建筑现代化的高楼大厦,许多古老的、具有民族特色的建筑都被拆毁了。

To make space for modern high rises, a lot of ancient buildings with ethnic cultural features had to be demolished.7. 在地震中多数质量差的房子的主体结构都散架了。



Unit11 Every plane must be checked out strictly before taking off.2 The residents were firmly opposed to the construction of a waste incineration plant in their neighborhood, because they were deeply concerned about the plant’s emissions polluti ng the air.3 Investment in ecological projects in this area mounted up to billions of yuan.4 The dry river was strewn with rocks of all sizes .5 Although the war caused great losses to this country, it’s cultural traditions did not perish .6 To build modern high-rises buildings, many ancient buildings with ethnic cultural features had to be demolished.7 In the earthquake, the main structures of most of the poor-quality houses disintegrated.8 His wonderful dream vanished into the air despite his hard efforts to achieve his goals.Unit21.There is no one in the hall. The meeting must have been put off.2.That modern building looks very much like a flying saucer.3.Sichuan dialect sounds much the same as Hubei dialect to the northerner. It’s sometimes difficult to distinguish one from the other.4.The very sight of the monument reminds me of my good friend who was killed in the war.5.He was so deep in thought that he was oblivious of what his friends were talking about.6.What he did had nothing to do with her.7.She could not fall asleep as her daughter’s illness was very much on her mind.8.I have had the matter on my mind for a long time.9.He loves these gatherings, because he loves to rub shoulders with young people and exchange opinions on all kinds of questions.10.It was after a few minutes that his words sank in.11.The soil smells of fresh grass.12.Could you spare me a few minutes?13.Could you spare me a ticket?14.That elderly grey-haired man is a coppersmith by trade.1.其次,因为我当时喉咙哽咽一心想着那些悲伤地场景,那与一个日本铁路官员会说什么毫不相干。



advance)14. 因她比人在英上更有,因此她易Translation (1)地获得了份工作。


真憾她放弃了她的教15. 就我的肺病我求医生能我些忠告,她位。

(ability, abandon )我不要抽烟。

(advise)2.每次我看到他的候,他是心于他的功16. 今年,我本能够出一周的去度假。




(afford)(access)17. 因为上了数,他的健康开始衰败。



(age) (accessible)5.Tom 在告会上自告勇琴我伴奏。


(Only, go ahead)6.一些学生常把老和家的看作耳,19.我祖父很有活力,比我年人更活。


(take⋯account of)他的双眼是因快而炯炯有神。

(alive)7.班昨天 Jack 上到,今日又20.据我所知,只有她能回答个,因此我他做功作慢。

(accuse, blame)想与她独。

(only, alone)8.他于多年前养成抽烟的坏,因此在的Translation (2)健康愈来愈差。




(adapt)(await, wait)10.在开学典礼上,校代表全校致迎辞。



(adjust) 3.我常困地域的人召募款。




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A winding path loses itself in the shadowy distance of the woods.2.集市上有许多小摊子,出售的货物应有尽有。

At the bazaar there are many stands where goods of every conceivable kind are sold.3.我真不知道到底是什么事让他如此生气。

I really don't know what it is that has made him so furious.4.新出土的铜花瓶造型优美,刻有精细、复杂的传统图案。

The newly excavated bronze vase is pleasing in form and engraved with delicate and intricate traditional designs.5.在山的那边是一望无际的大草原。

Beyond the mountains there is a vast grassland which extends as far as the eye can see.6.他们决定买那座带有车库的房子。

They decided to buy the house with a garage attached.7.教师们坚持对学生严格要求。

The teachers make a point of being strict with the students.8.这个小女孩非常喜欢她的父亲。

This little girl is very much attached to her father.9.为实现四个现代化,我们认为有必要学习外国的先进科学技术。

In order to achieve the four modernizations, we make a point oflearning from the advanced science and technology of other countries.10.黄昏临近时,天渐渐地暗下来了。

As dusk fell, daylight faded away.11.徒工仔细地观察他的师傅,然后照着干。

The apprentice watched his master carefully and then followed suit. 12.吃完饭弗兰克常常帮助洗餐具。

Frank often took a hand in the washing-up after dinner.13.礼堂里一个人都没有,会议一定是延期了。

There is even not a soul in the hall. The meeting must have been put off.14.那本书看上去很像个盒子。

That book looks very much like a box.15.四川话和湖北话很相似,有时难以区别。

Sichuan dialect sounds so much the same as Hubei dialect that it is sometimes difficult to tell one from the other.16.一看见纪念碑就想起了在战斗中死去的好友。

The very sight of the monument reminds me of my good friend who was killed in the battle.17.他陷入沉思之中,没有理会同伴们在谈些什么。

He was deep in thought, so he was oblivious of what his friends were talking about.18.他干的事与她毫无关系。

What he did had nothing to do with her.19.她睡不着觉,女儿的病使她心事重重。

She couldn't fall asleep because her daughter's illness was very much on her mind.20.这件事长期以来一直使我放心不下。

I've had the matter on my mind for a long time.21.他喜欢这些聚会,喜欢与年轻人交往并就各种问题交换意见。

He loves such kind of gatherings at which he rubs shoulders with young people and exchanges opinions with them on various subjects. 22.大家在几分钟以后才领悟到他话中的含意。

It was only after a few minutes that his words sank in.23.土壤散发着青草的气味。

The soil smells of fresh grass.24.我可以占用你几分钟时间吗?Could you spare me several minutes?25.你能匀出一张票子给我吗?Could you spare me a ticket?26.那个灰头发上了年纪的人是铜匠。

The elderly grey-haired man is a coppersmith by trade.27.一场大火把贫民区三百多座房子夷为平地。

A big fire burned more than 300 houses to the ground in the slum.28.只要你为人正直,不怕失去什么,那你对任何人都不会畏惧。

As long as you are upright and not afraid of losing anything, you can look anyone in the eyes.29.尽管发了水灾,今年的农业生产损失并不严重。

Despite the flood, the losses in agricultural production this year were not that serious.30.这件衬衣与裙子的颜色和式样都不相配。

This blouse doesn't match either the color or the style of the skirt.31.咱们一边喝咖啡一边谈这件事吧。

Let's talk about the matter over a cup of coffee.32.我怎么也不能想象你能做出不光彩的事来。

I can't imagine you doing disgraceful things.33.他无法想象为什么人们反对他的看法。

He couldn't imagine why people were opposed to his opinions.34.这位官员在下汽车时碰到两个恐怖分子。

Stepping out of the car, the official was confronted with two terrorists.35.只要我们坚持这些原则,我们就会成功。

As long as we stick to these principles, we are sure to succeed.36.这个消息使她大为震惊,但她很快就镇定了下来。

She was extremely shocked at the news, but she soon recomposed herself.37.这段引文的来源很难查找到。

It is very difficult to trace this quotation to its source.38.他们的生活方式可以追溯到一千多年前他们的祖先所开创的古老传统。

Their way of life could be traced to the ancient traditions passed down to them by their ancestors over a thousand years ago.39.这对农村和城市都一样适用。

This is true of the rural area as well as urban area.40.他指望他们给予支持。

He was counting on their help.41.我记不得他是怎么说的,但我肯定他讲话的大意是那样的。

I don't remember his exact words, but I'm sure he did say something to that effect.42.丘吉尔说:“告诉斯大林,英国只有一个愿望——打败希特勒。

”Churchill said, "Tell Stalin that Britain has but one desire—to defeat Hitler."43.在那个国家只剩下百分之九的人是文盲。

All but 9% of the population in that country remains illiterate.44.他们别无选择,只好依靠他的努力了。

They didn't have any other choice but to rely on his efforts.45.客人们对受到的热情接待感到过意不去。

The guests were overwhelmed by the warm reception.46.他们用出奇不意的进攻打垮了敌人。

They overwhelmed the enemy by a sudden and unexpected attack.47.他们的困难就是我们的困难,正如我们把他们的胜利看作是我们自己的胜利一样。

Their difficulty is ours just as we view their victory as our own.48.很清楚,德国法西斯企图使那个地区的人民屈服于他们的统治。

It is clear that German fascists tried to subjugate the people in that region.49.对贫困的担心使他忧虑重重。

He was obsessed with fear of poverty.50.洞庭湖盛产鱼虾。
