现代英语词汇学概论8 Meaning and Context


词汇学 第八章

词汇学 第八章

Teaching Focus
Types of meaning: extra-linguistic context and linguistic context Role of context: elimination of ambiguity, indication of referents and provision of clues for inferring word-meaning
The meaning of a polysemant may be influenced by the structure in which it occurs.
8.2 The Role of C源自ntextElimination of Ambiguity
Ambiguity often arises due to polysemy and homonymy. 1. Compare the meaning of “run” in each of the following sentences. John ran the egg and spoon race. John ran the egg and spoon race and got second place. Ambiguity caused by grammatical structure.
The fish is ready to eat. I like Mary better than Jean. Flying planes can be dangerous. 鸡不吃了。
Indication of Referents
A large number of deictic words such as now/there, here/there, this/that, are often used to refer directly to the personal, temporal or locational characteristics of the situation. Without clear context, the reference can be very confusing. Provision of Clues for Inference of Word Meaning

英语词汇学chapter8 Meaning and Context

英语词汇学chapter8 Meaning and Context
Chapter VIII
• Two types of contexts • The vital role of context in determination of
word meaning • Suggested Ways for the Correct
• Lexical context
– the lexemes that co-occur with the word in question. The meaning of the word is affected or determined by the neighboring lexemes.
– Linguistic context – Non-linguistic context
• Three functions (role) of context
– Eliminating ambiguity – Conveying emotional overtones – Indicating referents
In a narrow sense, it refers to the words, clauses, sentences in which a word appears. This is called linguistic context or co-text. In a broad sense, it includes the physical situation where a word is employed. This is called extralinguistic or non-linguistic context.



English Lexicology(英语词汇学)Lexicology: is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and meanings of words.Chapter 1--Basic concepts of words and vocabularyWord: A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function. (1)a minimal free form of a language (2)a sound unity (3)a unit of meaning (4)a form that can function alone in a sentenceSound and meaning: almost arbitrary, “no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself”Sound and form:不统一的四个原因(1)the English alphabet was adopted from the Romans, which does not have a separate letter to represent each other(2)the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years(3)some of the difference were creates by the early scribes(4)the borrowings is an important channel of enriching the English vocabulary词汇Vocabulary: all the words in a language make up its vocabulary词语分类Classification of English Words:1.By use frequency: basic word stock & non basic vocabulary基本词汇的特征:1)All-National character(全民通用性most important)2)Stability3)Productivity(多产性) 4)Polysemy(多义性)5)Collocability(可搭配性)没有上述特征的词:(1)Terminology(术语) (2)Jargon(行话)(3)slang(俚语)(4)Argot(暗语)(5)Dialectal words (6)Archaisms(古语) (7) Neologisms(新词语):Neologisms2.By notion: content words实词 & functional words虚词3.By origin: native words & borrowed wordsNative words(本族语词): Two other features:(1)neutral in style (2)frequent in useBorrowed words/Loan words: words taken over from foreign languages.(80% of modern EV)1) denizens(同化词,融入英语): (shirt from skyrta(ON))2) aliens(非同化词/外来词,可以看出源头): kowtow3) translation loans(译借词):按其他语言方式组成英语long time no see / tofu4) semantic loans(借义词):they are not borrowed withreference to the form,but their meanings are borrowed pioneer本指开拓者,先引申为先锋。

词汇学 第八章 meaning and context

词汇学 第八章  meaning and context

B. Extra-linguisitc context
1.)Situational context(情景语境) In different situations (time, place, etc.), the same utterance may have different meanings. [OR: The meaning of a word is determined by the speech situation in which the word used. ]
Chapter VIII.
speaker:李倩 12级英本4班
1.Two Types of Contexts
A. Linguistic context
1.Lexical context 2.Grammatical
1.Situation context 2.Cultural context
Gull Chinese : 鸥 English : 笨人,易受骗之人
Differences of word meaning due to cultural differences.
1.She placed the money on the table.
2.What’s your birth place?
I made (“earned”) 10,000 yuan a month.
2.Grammatical context
get + n.
meaning “to receive”
I got a letter today.

英语词汇学课件chapter 8 Meaning and Context

英语词汇学课件chapter 8 Meaning and Context
Homonymy is another cause of ambiguity as two separate lexemes share the same form, e.g.
(1) They saw her duck. (2) The ball was attractive.
Grammatical structure can also lead to ambiguity, e.g.
Chapter 8
Meaning and Context
Context refers to the words around a word, phrase etc., often used for helping to explain the meaning of the word, phrase, etc.
(2) become + pron. /n (used as object), meaning ‘suit, befit’, e.g. 1) This sort of behavior hardly becomes a person in your position. 2) Sarcasm doesn’t become you.
Context is of great importance for the understanding of word-meaning because the meaning is influenced immediately by the whole speech situation as well. Meaning lives in context and the context throws light on meaning. This chapter will discuss the relationship between meaning and context and the ways in which context affects the meaning of words.



1.Motivation 分类:onomatopoeic motivation拟声理据, morphological motivation形态理据, semantic motivation语义理据, etymological motivation词源理据.2. Types of meaning:grammatical ~ & lexical ~; conceptual ~& associative ~(connotative~, stylistic~, affective ~, collocative ~,)Associative meaning : 1) associative meaning is the secondary meaning supplemented to the conceptual meaning. 2)It differs from the conceptual meaning in that it is open-ended and indeterminated. 3)It is liable to the influence of such factors as culture , experience, religion, geographical region, class background,education, etc. 4)Associative meaning comprises four types : connotative, stylistic, affective, and collocative.3. Polysemy is a common feature peculiar to all natural language that one word has two or more senses or meanings. Diachronic approach is an approach to polysemy which studies how a word derived its different meanings from its primary meaning in the course of time.4.同形同音异义关系Homonymy is one of the features of words that a word is different in meaning fromanother, but either identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in sound or spelling with the other Homonyms generally fall into three classes: perfect homonyms (same name); homographs (same spelling) and homophones (some sound). Perfect homonyms are those words identical both in sound and spelling, but different in meaning, e.g. bear /bea/ (n) a large heavy animal; bear /bea/ (v) to put up with. Homographs are the words identical only in spelling but different in sound and meaning, e.g. saw / / (v) to scatter seeds; sow /sau/ (n) female adult pig. Homophones refer to the words identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaning, e.g. dear /dia/ (n) a loved person;deer /dia/ (n) a kind of animal.5. 同形同音异义词与多义词的区别Perfect homonyms and polysemants are fully identical with regard to spelling and pronunciation. This creates the problem of differentiation. The fundamental difference between homonyms and polysemants lies in the fact that the former refers to different words which happen to share the same form and the latter is the one and same word which has several distinguishable meanings. One important criterion is to see their etymology, i.e. homonyms are from different sources whereas a polysemant is from the same source which has acquired different meanings in the course of development. The second principal consideration is semantic relatedness. The various meanings of a polysemant are correlated and connected to one central meaning to a greater or lesser degree, e. g. neck (See 6.1 Polysemy) . On the other hand, meanings of different homonyms have nothing to do with one another. In dictionaries, a polysemant has its meanings all listed under one headword whereas homonyms are listed as separate entries.6. 同义关系Synonyms are words which share the same or nearly the same meaning with each other but different in sound and spelling. There are absolute synonyms and relative synonyms which result from borrowing, dialects and regional English, figurative and euphemistic use of words, coincidence with idiomatic expressions. There exists the difference between or among synonyms in terms of their denotation, connotation or application. Absolute synonyms or complete synonyms are words which are identical in meaning in all its aspects. Relative synonyms or near-synonyms are similar or nearly the same in denotation, but embrace different shades of meaning or different degrees of a given quality. Sources of Synonyms1) Borrowing 2)Dialects and regional English 3) Figurative and euphemistic use of words 4) Coincidence with idiomatic expressions如何区分同义词?1Difference in denotation2 Difference in connotation 3 Difference in application7.What are the characteristics of antonyms?1) Antonyms are classified on the basis of semantic opposition 2) A word which has more than one meaning can have more than one antonym. 3) Antonyms differ in semantic inclusion. 4) Contrary terms are gradable antonyms, differing in degree of intenisty, so each has its own corresponding opposite.8.上下义关系:Hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion. That is, the meaningof a more specific word is included in that of another more general word. Superordinates refer to some general words; subordinates denote those more specific words. Hyponymy can be described in terms of tree-like graphs, with higher-order superordinates above the lower subordinates. But their status either as superordinate or subordinate is relative to other terms. For example, horse, dog, pig are subordinates in relation to animal, but superordinates of mare, hound and boar, Animal itself becomes a subordinate of creature. And creature in turn becomes9.词义变化的种类There are five types of meaning, changes: extension, narrowing, degradation,elevation, and transfer among which extension and narrowing are the most common. Changes in meaning can be accounted for from extra-linguistic factors (historical reason, class reason, and psychological reason) and intra-linguistic factors (shortening, the influx of borrowing, and analogy).10.词义的扩大Extension is a process by which a word with a specialized sense is generalized to covera broader or less词义的缩小Narrowing is a process by which a word of wider meaning acquires a specialized sense;词义的升格Elevation is a process by which a word moves from a derogatory or neutral sense to a neutral and/or appreciative sense;词义的降格Degradation is a process by which a word of reputation slides into a pejorative use,;11.词义的转移Transfer is a process by which a word denoting one thing changes to refer to a differentbut related thing. Paper serves as an example. This word formerly denoted an African plant papyrus, which was once used to make paper. In modern times, paper is made from rags, wood, straw and the like, but the product has retained the same name. There is associated transfer. There are other kinds of transfer, such as, concrete to abstract, abstract to concrete and transfer of sensation. 12.语境的种类:非语言语境。



张韵斐著《现代英语词汇学概论》——解析第一部分Chapter Ⅰ英语词汇的概论(A general survey of English vocabulary)Bloomfield 1933 中对词的定义是,每个单词都是最小的自由词。


首先,不是所有的单词都可以独立出现,如the ,a ,my 这些单词单独出现则没有具体意义。













第二部分Chapter Ⅱ到Chapter Ⅳ英语词汇的形态结构和词的构词(Morphological structure of English words and word-formation )(一)词素(Morphemes)单词是有词素(morphemes)构成的。



如:nation 是一个词素,national有nation+al 两个词素。



Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabula ry(练习1)I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1.Morphology is the branch of grammar which studies the structure or forms of words,primarily through the use of _________construct.A. wordB. formC. morphemeD. root2.________ is traditionally used for the study of the origins and history of the form and meaning of words.A. SemanticsB. LinguisticsC. EtymologyD. Stylistics3.Modern English is derived from the language of early ______ tribes.A. GreekB. RomanC. ItalianD. Germanic4. Semantics is the study of meaning of different _________ levels: lexis, syntax, utterance, discourse, etc.A. linguisticB. grammaticalC. arbitraryD. semantic5.Stylistics is the study of style . It is concerned with the user’s choices of linguistic elements in a particular________ for special effectsA. situationB. contextC. timeD. place6.Lexicography shares with lexicology the same problems: the form , meaning, origins and usages of words, but they have a _______ difference.A . spelling B. semantic C. pronunciation D. pragmatic7. Terminology consists of _______ terms used in particular disciplines and academic areas.A. technicalB. artisticC. differentD. academic8. __________refers to the specialized vocabularies by which members of particular arts, sciences, trades, and professions communicate among themselves.A. SlangB. JargonC. Dialectal wordsD. Argot9 ._________ belongs to the sub-standard language, a category that seems to stand between the standard general words including informal ones available to everyone and in-group words.A. JargonB. ArgotC. Dialectal wordsD. Slang10. Argot generally refers to the jargon of _______.Its use is confined to the sub-cultural groups and outsiders can hardly understand it.A. workersB. criminalsC. any personD. policeman11.________ are words used only by speakers of the dialect in question.A. ArgotB. SlangC. JargonD. Dialectal words12. Archaisms are words or forms that were once in _________use but are now restricted only to specialized or limited use.A. commonB. littleC. slightD. great13. Neologisms are newly-created words or expressions, or words that have taken on ______meanings.A. newB. oldC. badD. good14. Content words denote clear notions and thus are known as_________ words. They include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and numerals.A. functionalB. notionalC. emptyD. formal15. Functional words do not have notions of their own. Therefore, they are also called _______words. Prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliaries and articles belong to this category.A. contentB. notionalC. emptyD. newII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.16.Lexicology is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and _____of words.17.English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the ______ structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantics, relations, _____development, formation and ______.18.English lexicology embraces other academic disciplines, such as morphology,______,etymology, stylistics, ________.19.There are generally two approaches to the study of words , namely synchronic and _______.nguage study involves the study of speech sounds, grammar and_______.I. 1. A2.C3.D4.A5.B6.D7.A8.B9.D10.B11.D12.A13.A14.B15.CII.16.meanings17.morphological, historical, usages 18. semantics, lexicography19.diachronic20. vocabularyChapter 2 The Development of the English Vocabulary and Chapter 3 Word Formation I(练习2)I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1.It is assumed that the world has approximately 3,000( some put it 5,000)languages, which canbe grouped into the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and grammar.A. 500B. 4000C. 300D. 20002.The prehistoric Indo-European parent language is thought to be a highly ______language.A. inflectedB. derivedC. developedD. analyzed3.After the _________, the Germanic tribes called Angles ,Saxons, and Jutes came in greatnumbers.A. GreeksB. IndiansC. RomansD. French4.The introduction of ________had a great impact on the English vocabulary.A. HinduismB. ChristianityC. BuddhismD. Islamism5.In the 9th century the land was invaded again by Norwegian and Danish V ikings. With theinvaders, many ________words came into the English language.A. GreekB. RomanC. CelticD. Scandinavian6.It is estimated that at least ______ words of Scandinavian origin have survived in modernEnglish.A. 500B. 800C. 1000 .D. 9007.The Normans invaded England from France in 1066. The Norman Conquest started acontinual flow of ______ words into English.A. FrenchB. GreekC. RomanD. Latin8.By the end of the _______century , English gradually came back into the schools, the lawcourts, and government and regained social status.A. 12thB. 13thC. 14thD.15th9.As a result , Celtic made only a ________contribution to the English vocabulary.A. smallB. bigC. greatD. smaller10. The Balto-Slavic comprises such modern languages as Prussian, Lithuanian, Polish, Czech,Bulgarian, Slovenian and _______.A. GreekB. RomanC. IndianD. Russian11.In the Indo-Iranian we have Persian , Bengali, Hindi, Romany, the last three of which arederived from the dead language.A. SanskritB. LatinC. RomanD. Greek12.Greek is the modern language derived from _______.A. LatinB. HellenicC. Indian D . Germanic13.The five Roamance languages , namely, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian allbelong to the Italic through an intermediate language called _______.A. SanskritB. LatinC. CelticD. Anglo-Saxon14.The ________family consists of the four Northern European Languages: Norwegian,Icelandic, Danish and Swedish, which are generally known as Scandinavian languages.A. GermanicB. Indo-EuropeanC. AlbanianD. Hellenic15.By the end of the _______century , virtually all of the people who held political or socialpower and many of those in powerful Church positions were of Norman French origin.A. 10thB.11thC.12thD. 13thII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.16.Now people generally refer to Anglo-Saxon as _______.17.. If we say that Old English was a language of full endings , Middle English was one of______.18.It can be concluded that English has evoked from a synthetic language (Old English) to thepresent _____ language.19.The surviving languages accordingly fall into eight princ ipal groups , which can be groupedinto an Eastern set: Balto-Slavic , Indo-Iranian ,Armenian and Albanian; a Western set :Celtic, Italic, Hellenic, _______.20.It is necessary to subdivide Modern English into Early (1500-1700)and _____ ModernEnglish.I. 1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.A8.B 9.A10.D 11.A12.B 13.B14.A 15.BII.16.Old English 17. Leveled endings 18. analytic 19. Germanicte(1700-up to the present )Chapter 3 The Development of the English V ocabulary and Chapter 4 Word Formation II(练习3)I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1.The prefixes in the words of ir resistible, non classical and a political are called _______.A.reversative prefixesB. negative prefixesC. pejorative prefixesD. locative prefixes2.The prefixes contained in the following words are called ______: pseudo-friend, mal practice,mis trust.A. reversative prefixedB. negative prefixesC. pejorative prefixesD. locative prefixes3.The prefixed contained in un wrap, de-compose and dis allow are _________.A. reversative prefixedB. negative prefixesC. pejorative prefixesD. locative prefixes4.The prefixes in words extra-strong, overweight and arch bishop are _____ .A . negative prefixes B. prefixes of degree or size C. pejorative prefixes D. locative prefixes5.The prefixes in words bi lingual ,uni form and hemis phere are ________.A. number prefixesB. prefixes of degree or sizeC. pejorative prefixesD. locativeprefixes6.________ are contained in words trans-world, intra-party and fore head.A.Prefixes of orientation and attitudeB. Prefixes of time and orderC. Locative prefixesD. Prefixes of degree or size7. Rugby ,afghan and champagne are words coming from ________.s of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. tradenames8. Omega,Xerox and orlon are words from _________.s of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. tradenames9.Ex-student, fore tell and post-election contain________.A.negative prefixesB. prefixes of degree or sizeC. prefixes of time and orderD. locative prefixes2.Mackintosh, bloomers and cherub are from _______A. names of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. tradenames3.The prefixes in words new-Nazi, autobiography and pan-European are ________.A.negative prefixesB. prefixes of degree or sizeC. prefixes of time and orderD. miscellaneous prefixes4.The prefixes in words anti-government , pro student and contra flow are _____-.A.prefixes of degree or sizeB. prefixes of orientation and attitudeC. prefixes of time and orderD. miscellaneous prefixes5.Utopia ,odyssey and Babbit are words from ________.s of booksB. names of placesC. names of peopleD. tradenames6.The suffixes in words clockwise, homewards are ______.A. noun suffixesB. verb suffixesC. adverb suffixesD. adjective suffixes7.The suffixes in words height en, symbol ize are ________.A. noun suffixesB. verb suffixesC. adverb suffixesD. adjective suffixesII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.16. Affixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to stem. This process is also known as_____.pounding , also called ________, is the formation of new words by joining two or more stems . Words formed in this way are called _________.18. __________ is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class.19. _________ is the formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word . Words formed in this way are called blends or _____words.20 A common way of making a word is to shorten a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using what remains instead. This is called _______.Key to exercises :1. B2. C3. A4. B5. A6.C7.B8.D9.C 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.A14.C 15.B II. 16. derivation position, compounds 18. Conversion 19. Blending(pormanteau) 20.clippingChapter 5 Word Meaning (练习4)I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1.A word is the combination of form and ________.A. spellingB. writingC. meaningD. denoting2._______is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the humanmind.A. ReferenceB. ConceptC. SenseD. Context3.Sense denotes the relationships _______the language.A. outsideB. withC. beyondD. inside4. Most English words can be said to be ________.A. non-motivatedB. motivatedC. connectedD. related5.Trumpet is a(n) _______motivated word.A. morphologicallyB. semanticallyC. onomatopoeicallyD. etymologically1.Hopeless is a ______motivated word.A. morphologicallyB. onomatopoeicallyC. semanticallyD. etymologically2.In the sentence ‘ He is fond of pen ’ , pen is a ______ motivated word.A. morphologicallyB. onomatopoeicallyC. semanticallyD. etymologically3.Walkman is a _______motivated word.A. onomatopoeicallyB. morphologicallyC. semanticallyD. etymologically4.Functional words possess strong _____ whereas content words have both meanings, andlexical meaning in particular.A. grammatical meaningB. conceptual meaningC. associative meaningD. arbitrary meaning10._______is unstable, varying considerably according to culture, historical period, and the experience of the individual.A.Stylistic meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Collocative meaningD. Affective meaning11.Affective meaning indicates the speaker’s _______towards the person or thing in question.A. feeling .B. likingC. attitudeD. understanding12. _________ are affective words as they are expressions of emotions such as oh, dear me, alas.A. PrepositionsB. InterjectionsC. ExclamationsD. Explanations13. It is noticeable that _______overlaps with stylistic and affective meanings because in a sense both stylistic and affective meanings are revealed by means of collocations.A.conceptual meaningB. grammatical meaningC. lexical meaningD. collocative meaning14.In the same language, the same concept can be expressed in ______.A. only one wordB. two wordsC. more than threeD. different words15.Reference is the relationship between language and the ______.A. speakersB. listenersC. worldD. specific countryII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.1.In modern English one may find some words whose sounds suggest their ______pounds and derived words are ______ words and the meanings of many are the sum totalof the morphemes combined.3._______ refers to the mental associations suggested by the conceptual meaning of a word.4.The meanings of many words often relate directly to their ______. In other words the historyof the word explains the meaning of the word.5.Lexical meaning itself has two components : conceptual meaning and _________.Key to exercises:I. 1. C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.A7.C 8.D 9.A10.B 11.C 12.B 13.D 14.D15.CII.16. meanings 17.multi-morphemic 18.Semantic motivation 19.origins 20.associative meaningChapter 6 Sense Relations and Semantic Field (练习5)I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1.Polysemy is a common feature peculiar to ______.A. English onlyB. Chinese onlyC. all natural languagesD. some natural languages2.From the ______ point of view, polysemy is assumed to be the result of growth anddevelopment of the semantic structure of one and same word .A. linguisticB. diachronicC. synchronicD. traditional3._______ is a semantic process in which the primary meaning stands at the center and thesecondary meanings proceed out of it in every direction like rayes.A Radiation B. Concatenation C. Derivation D. Inflection4. _________ is the semantic process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually away from its first sense by successive shifts until, in many cases, there is not a sign of connection between the sense that is finally developed and that which the term had at the beginning.A. DerivationB. RadiationC. InflectionD. Concatenation5.One important criterion to differentiate homonyms from polysemants is to see their ______.A. spellingB. pronunciationC. etymologyD. usage6. ________refer to one of two or more words in the English language which have the same or very nearly the same essential meaning.A. PolysemantsB. SynonymsC. AntonymsD. Hyponyms7. The sense relation between the two words tulip and flower is _______.A. hyponymyB. synonymyC. polysemyD. antonymy8. _________ are words identical only in spelling but different in sound and meaning, e.g. bow/bau/; bow/beu/.A. HomophonesB. HomographsC. Perfect homonymsD. Antonyms9. The antonyms: male and female are ______.A. contradictory termsB. contrary termsC. relative termsD. connected terms1.The antonyms big and small are ______.A. contradictory termsB. contrary termsC. relative termsD. connected terms2.The antonyms husband and wife are ______.A. contradictory termsB. contrary termsC. relative termsD. connected termsposition and compounding in lexicology are words of _______.A. absolute synonymsB. relative synonymsC. relative antonymsD. contrary antonyms4.As homonyms are identical in sound or spelling, particularly ______, they are often employedin a conversation to create puns for desired effect of humor, sarcasm or ridicule.A. homographsB. homophonesC. absolute homonymsD. antonyms5.From the diachronic point of view, when the word was created, it was endowed with only onemeaning . The first meaning is called ______.A. primary meaningB. derived meaningC. central meaningD. basic meaning6.Synchronically, the basic meaning of a word is the core of word-meaning called_______.A. primary meaningB. derived meaningC. central meaningD. secondary meaningII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.7.One important criterion for differentiation of homonyms from polysemants is to see their ____,the second principal consideration is ________.8.In dictionaries, a polysemant has its meanings all listed under one ______whereas homonymsare listed as separate ______.9.The differences between synonyms boil down to three areas : _______, connotation ,and_____.10.Hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion. That is, the meaning of a morespecific word is included in that of another more general word. The general words are called the _____terms and the more specific words are called the _____ terms.11.The massive word store of a language like English can be conceived of as composed arounda number of meaning areas. Some large, such as ‘philosophy’ or ‘emotions’, other smaller,such as ‘kinship’ or ‘color’. V iewing the t otal meaning in this way is the basis of ______.Key to exercises :I. 1. C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C6.B 7.A8.B 9.A10.B 11.C 12.A13.B 14. A15.CII.16. etymology, semantic relatedness 17.headword, entries 18.denotation, application19. superordinate, subordinate 20.field theoryChapter 7 Changes in Word Meaning and Chapter 8 Meaning and Context (练习6)I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the onethat would best complete the statement.1.The original meaning of manuscript is ________.A.any author’s writingB. handwritingC. any author’s worksD. a piece ofpaper2.The original meaning of barn is ______.A. a place for storing only barleyB. a storeroomC. a restroomD. a bathroom3.The extended meaning of journal is ______A. daily paperB. any paperC. magazinesD. periodical4.In Shakespearean line ‘rats and mice and such small dee r’, deer obviously designates‘_____’ in general.A. a doeB.. animalC. a deerlike animalD. buck5.The original meaning of wife is _______.A. a married womanB. a young womanC. womanD. widowed woman6.The meaning of meat changed by mode of _______.A. extensionB. narrowingC. elevationD. degradation7.The meaning of fond changed by mode of _______.A. extensionB. narrowingC. elevationD. degradation8.The original meaning of minister is ______.A. head of a ministryB. a tutorC.a farmerD. servant9.The original meaning of success is ______.A.resultB. progressC. eventD. incident10.The meaning of churl changed by mode of _______.A. elevationB. extensionC. degradationD. narrowing11.The original meaning of knave is _______.A. elevationB. extensionC. degradationD. narrowing12.The original meaning of silly is ______.A. sadB. jealousC. happyD. cold13.Loud colours belongs to ______.A.transfer of sensationsB. transfer between abstract and concrete meaningsC.transfer from objective to subjectiveD. transfer from subjective to objective14. Dreadful and hateful belong to _______.A. transfer from subjective to objectiveB. transfer of sensationC. transfer fromobjective to subjective D. transfer between abstract and concrete meanings15. The meaning of picture changed by modes of _____.A. extensionB. narrowingC. degradationD. elevationplete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book .16. V ocabulary is the most unstable element of a language as it is undergoing constant changesboth in form and _____.17. Word-meaning changes by modes of extension, narrowing, degradation, ____and trandfer.Of these, extension and _______are by far the most common.18. Linguistic context can be subdivided into lexical context and ______.19. The extra-linguistic context may extend to embrace the entire _____,which may also affectthe meaning of words .20.Ambiguity often arises due to polysemy and _____.Key to exercises :I. 1.B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. A10. C 11. D 12. C 13.A14. A15. AII.16. content 17. elevation , narrowing 18. grammatical context 19. cultural background 20.homonymyChapter 9 English Idioms (练习7 )I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1.Jack of all trades is an idiom ________.A. nominal in natureB. adjectival in natureC. verbal in natureD. adverbial in nature2.Let the dog see the rabbit is an idiom ________.A. nominal in natureB. adjectival in natureC. verbal in natureD. adverbial in nature3.How are you is a(n) __________.A.idiom nominal in natureB. idiom verbal in natureB.idiom adjective in nature D. sentence idiom4.tooth and nail is an idiom ________.A. nominal in natureB. adjectival in natureC. verbal in natureD. adverbial in nature5.Beyond the pale is an idiom _________.A. nominal in natureB. adjectival in natureC. verbal in natureD. adverbial in nature6.Play fast and loose shows the feature of ________.A. repetitionB. reiterationC. juxtapositionD. rhyme7.Spend money like water is an example of _________.A.metaphor B. simile C. metonymy D. synecdoche8.The salt of the earth is an example of _______.A. simileB. metaphorC. metonymyD. synecdoche9. From cradle to grave is an example of _________.A. simileB. metaphorC. synecdocheD. metonymy10.Fall into good hands is an example of _________.A. simileB. metaphorC. synecdocheD. metonymy11.The pot calls the cattle black is an example of _______.A.metaphorB. personificationC. synecdocheD. euphemism12.Powder one’s nose is an example of _________.A. personificationB. euphemismC. synecdocheD. hyperbold13.A world of trouble is an example of ________.A. euphemismB. personificationC. hyperboleD. metonymy14.Chop and change shows the feature of __________.A. rhymeB. repetitionC. reiterationD. repetition15.By hook and by crook is an example of ________.A. alliterationB. rhymeC. reiterationD. repetitionII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.16.In a broad sense , idioms may include colloquialisms, _____, slang expressions, proverbs, etc.17.As far as sentence types are concerned, they embrace declarative, interrogative, ________andexclamative sentences.18.In terms of complexity they can be further divided into simple, compound and _____sentences.19.Apart from the stylistic features , idioms manifest apparent rhetorical coloring in such respectsas of phonetic manipulation, lexical manipulation and ______.20.When idioms are used in actual context, they do experience _______changes such as differentforms of verbs, agreement of personal pronouns and number and so on.Key to exercises:I.1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.B II. 16. catchphrases 17. imperative 18. complex 19. figures of speech 20. grammatical Chapter 10 English Dictionaries (练习8)I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one thatwould best complete the statement and the letter in the bracket.1.The dictionary that contains information on all branches of knowledge or treatscomprehensively a particular branch of knowledge usually in articles arrangedalphabetically is called __________.A. lexiconB. concordanceC. yearbookD. encyclopaedia2.A reference book listing alphabetically arranged along with information about theirforms, pronunciations, functions, etymologies, meanings, and syntactical and idiomaticuses is called ______.A. encyclopaediaB. dictionaryC. glossaryD. concordance3.A collection of textual glosses or terms limited to a special area of knowledge or usage iscalled ______.A. encyclopaediaB. dictionaryC. glossaryD. lexicon4.An alphabetical index of the principal words in a book ir the works of an author with theimmediate contexts is called ________.A. glossaryB. lexiconC. gazetteerD. concordance5.A book containing an alphabetical arrangement of the words in a language and theirdefinitions is called __________.A. concordanceB. lexiconC. glossaryD. encyclopaedia6.A book of words or of information about a particular field or set of concepts, especially abook of words and their synonyms is called_____.A. lexiconB. handbookC. thesaurusD. manual7.A book capable of being conveniently carried ad a ready reference is called _____.A. thesaurusB. yearbookC. handbookD. gazetteer8.A book that is conveniently handled, especially handbook is called _____>A. manualB. thesaurusC. yearbookD. gazetteer9.A book published yearly as a report or summary of statistics or facts is called _____.A.manualB. handbookC. thesaurusD. yearbook10.A geographical dictionary is called ______.A. yearbookB. gazetteerC. manualD. lexicon11.A Table Alphabetical by Robert Cawdrey was published in _____.A. 1523B. 1600C. 1604D.162312.The English Dictionary by Henry Cokeram was published in _____.A. 1623B. 1775C. 1828D. 192813.Universal Etymological English Dictionary by Nathan Bailley was published in____.A. 1623B. 1721C. 1775D. 182814.A Dictionary of the English Language by Sam Johnson was published in ______.A. 1721B. 1735C. 1775D. 182815.The American Dictionary of the English language by Noah Webster was published in____ .A. 1775B. 1785C. 1800D. 1828plete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book .III.16. The dominant sense of the word dictionary by English-speaking people is a book which presents ______order the words of English , with information as to their spelling,pronunciation , meaning, usage, rules of grammar, and in some, their etymology.17. Dictionary is closely related to ______, which deals with the same problems: the form, meaning, usage and origins of vocabulary units.18. The target population of monolingual dictionaries are general _______or second language and foreign learners who have reached the intermediate and advanced stages.19. Linguistic dictionaries aim at ______ and explaining their usages in the language,.。
















2.The entire cultural background against which a word, or an utterance or a speech event has to be set.
Eg.Pansant, farmer ,farm worker农民
The regulations weremade(enacted) to protect children.
Wemade(had) a good breakfast before leaving.
My fathermade(earned)10000 yuan a year.
The train wasmaking(travelling at a speed ) 70 miles an hour.
‘‘Get going! Start!’’
get +n. + infinitive =to cause to do
I’ll get him to repair my watch.
3.Verbal context文本语境
Verbal context :In addition to lexical, and grammatical context, the verbal context, in its broadest sense, may cover an entire passage, or even an entire book, and in some cases even the entire social or cultural setting ,as start in the beginning of the chapter.
8.1 Two types of Contexts



















英语词汇学 第八章

英语词汇学 第八章
Chapter 8
Meaning and context
8.1 Types of Context 语境的类型
❖ In a narrow sense, it refers to the words, clauses, sentences in which a word appears. This is known as linguistic context which may cover a paragraph, a whole chapter and even the entire book. 从狭义上讲,语境是指一个词所 在的词群、从句和句群环境,这称为语言语境, 可 以包括一个段落,一个章节,甚至整个一本书。
❖ 3) Example.举例 ❖ In some cases, instead of giving a formal
❖ 2) Explanation. 诠释 ❖ If the concept is complicated and must
involve technical terms in its definition, the author might explain the idea in simple words. That is, he might make a restatement in known words. 如果概念很复杂,而且在其定义中必须涉及 术语,作者应用简单词汇来解释这个概念。 也就是说,他应用常见的单词来重新陈述 。
8.1.1 Extra-linguistic Context非语言语境
❖ When we talk about context, we usually think of linguistic context , hardly aware of the non- linguistic context situation, which can often exercise greater influence on the meaning of words than we realize. 当我们谈到语境时,我们通常 想到语言语境,很少意识到非语言语境,非 语言语境对词义施加的影响比我们想象的要 大。

英语词汇学chapter 8 social meaning

英语词汇学chapter 8 social meaning
It’s deuced kind of you. Deuced: extremely
More examples:
ere (before);
albeit (although) thither( there)
theretofore (up to that time)
save (except) perchance ( perhaps)
arson felony
(language of science)
hole speed force
orifice/cavity velocity intensity
(language of advertising) account:雇佣广告公司为其商品等 作广告的公司和人。 ad:指报刊或杂志上的印刷性广告 以区别于播送、电视广告。 campaign:指形式不同,内容相似 的某一商品的系列广告。 CPM:指某一广告在某一媒介上传播 至每一千人或一千户家庭,刊登广 告人所花的费用。
Other features of language tell us something of the social relationship between the speaker and hearer; we have a scale of status usage, for example, descending from formal and literary English at one end to colloquial, familiar, and eventually slang English at the other.
Status (polite, colloquial, slang, etc. )























英语词汇学chapter8 Meaning and Context

英语词汇学chapter8 Meaning and Context
• 他对上级下达的任务,常常是应付了事,置若罔闻。 • 这类事情不好应付,得想个万全之策才行。
• Indicating referents (表明指示物)
– In conversation, in order to avoid repetition, pronouns (I, you, he, this, that)are often used instead of a noun or noun phrase. contexts can help identify the referents of pronouns.
• Verbal context in its broad sense
– In addition to lexical and grammatical context, the verbal context, in its broad sense, may cover an entire passage, or even an entire book, and even in some cases the entire social or cultural setting.
The grammatical structure of context alone, however, although indicative of the differences in the meanings of word in various structures, is not sufficient to indicate all the individual meanings of a given word.
In a narrow sense, it refers to the words, clauses, sentences in which a word appears. This is called linguistic context or co-text. In a broad sense, it includes the physical situation where a word is employed. This is called extralinguistic or non-linguistic context.

词汇学第八章meaning and context

词汇学第八章meaning and context
VIபைடு நூலகம்I
Meaning and Context
Suggested Ways for the Correct Comprehension of Word Meaning
Context’s Restriction to meaing
1. This bike is good for twenty dollars·(高质量,符合标准的) 2. He is rich, so he is good for another one thousand dollars. (赞同) 3. The old man is good for another thirty-minute walk. (健康的,强健的) 4. This ticket of yours is not good for tonight.
• Having or showing experience ,knowledge, good judgment, prudence • 智慧的,聪明的(literally meaning intelligent; bright; clever) • A wise man ( T) • A wise boy ( F)
• 出处:《史记》
古意:坚持正义、宁死不屈的品质。 今意:气节是一个人的思想面貌和道德品 质的最实在的最集中的表现和反映,是一 个人的价值观、人生观、世界观的最明显 的最直接的反应。
integrity;moral courage;fine quality
他铅笔盒里有五支笔 。
·铅笔 pencil ·画笔 painting brush ·钢笔 pen / fountain pan ·鸭嘴笔 drawing pen / ruling pen ·圆珠笔 ball-point pen ·毛笔 writing brush ·蜡笔 (wax) crayon ·粉笔 chalk



Teaching Focus
Types of meaning: extra-linguistic context and linguistic context Role of context: elimination of ambiguity, indication of referents and provision of clues for inferring word-meaning
Linguistic Context
Lexical context The lexemes that co-occur with the wood in question. The meaning of the word is often affected and defined by the neighboring lexemes. Grammatical context
8.1 Types of Context
Extra-linguistic Context
The context of situation: stating the meaning of a word in terms of the speech situation in which the word is used The entire cultural background Compare the following terms in English and Chinese A trade union Landlord Weekend
Teaching Objectives
Help students understand two types of contexts, the relationship between meaning and context and the way in which context affects the meaning of words, and how to make use of the context.



张韵斐著《现代英语词汇学概论》——解析第一部分Chapter Ⅰ英语词汇的概论(A general survey of English vocabulary)Bloomfield 1933 中对词的定义是,每个单词都是最小的自由词。


首先,不是所有的单词都可以独立出现,如the ,a ,my 这些单词单独出现则没有具体意义。













第二部分Chapter Ⅱ到Chapter Ⅳ英语词汇的形态结构和词的构词(Morphological structure of English words and word-formation )(一)词素(Morphemes)单词是有词素(morphemes)构成的。



如:nation 是一个词素,national有nation+al 两个词素。

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The meaning of make is affected by the grammatical structures. This is called grammatical context. Grammatical context is the grammatical structures in which a particular linguistic item is used.

[47] The ball was good. 1) dancing party 2) round object Revised: The ball was good. I never danced like this before. The ball was good. I used it for a long time.
8.1.2 Linguistic Context

figure 1) a half-length figure (像) 2) a historical figure (人物) 3) double figure (数字) 4) figure of speech (词格)
8.1.2 Linguistic Context
8.1.1 Extra-linguistic Context

广场(square) 1) a large flat area without buildings 2) a large building (亚贸广场;武广) 城(city) 1) a large town with more than 300,000 residents 2) 家俱城;书城

8.1.1 Extra-linguistic Context

weekend (length of time) 1) one day (1980s) 2) one day and half (1995) 3) two days (1996) 4) two days and half (some places)
8.2.1 Elimination of Ambiguity

He is a hard businessman. hard: 1) hard-working 2) difficult He is a hard businessman to deal with.
8.2.1 Elimination of Ambiguity
8.2.2 Indication of referents

This is the book I mentioned to you the other day. Now there is nothing we can do. Without context there is no way to tell what “this” refers to or the exact time “now” stands for.
8.2.3 Provision of Clues for Inferring Word-meaning

Perhaps the most startling theory to come out of kinesics, the study of body movement, was suggested by Professor Bird-whistell. 身势学 (definition)
8.2.3 Provision of Clues for Inferring Word-meaning

The hints (context clues) might help the readers to grasp the concept or understand the idea. Context clues vary a great deal. There are six or seven major context clues.
8.2.1 Elimination of Ambiguity

Grammatical structure can also lead to ambiguity, e.g. The fish is ready to eat. I like Mary better than Jean. (1)I like Mary better than Jean likes M. (2) I like Mary better than I like Jean.
8.2.1 Elimination of Ambiguity

Revised: He took Vanity Fair from a
wooden shelf and said “This is the book I mentioned to you the other day.”
8.2.1 Elimination of Ambiguity
8.1.1 Extra-linguistic Context

weekend (days for rest) Sunday and Monday (华师分校) Monday and Tuesday (some factories) one day of a week (private enterprise)

Revised: Water continued to rise and the whole family were driven to the attic (顶楼、阁楼) of the house. There was no other place to go. “Now there is nothing we can do,” said the father helplessly.
8.2.1 Elimination of Ambiguity

The shooting of the hunter was horrible. (1) The hunter shot something in a horrible way. (2) The hunter was shot in a horrible way.
Chgapter 8
Meaning and Context
Types of context
Role of context
extra-linguistic contest
elimination of ambiguity
linguistic context
indication of referents

(before 1949) (1950s-1960s) (1980s) (1990s) (2000)
8.1.2 Linguistic Context

Linguistic context is the linguistic enviornment, in which a linguistic unit is used. A linguistic unit can be a phrase, a clause, a sentence, a paragraph, a passage, a chapter in a book or even a book.
8.2.3 Provision of Clues for Inferring Word-meaning
Many United Nations employees are polyglots. Mary, for example, speaks five languages. (example)
8.2.3 Provision of Clues for Inferring Word-meaning

Context may prove extremely valuable in guessing the meanings of new words. In many cases, when a new word (thought to be) appears for the first time, the author generally manages to give hints.
inference of word-meaning
Meaning and Context

Context is very important. As most words are polysemic, without context there is no way to determine the meaning of a word. Meaning is defined in context.
8.1 Types of Context

8.1.1 Extra-linguistic Context
Extra-linguistic context is context beyond language, but physical situation, in which language is used: the people, time, place, and even the whole cultural background, e.g.
8.1.1 Extra-linguistic Context

landlord (地主; 房东) exploiter of peasants (negative) one who has house to let (positive)
8.1.1 Extra-linguistic Context
8.2 The Role of Context