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一、发展状况 Status
5、组织海上风电特许权招标,为海上风电规模化发展进行有益探索 Concession Projects: Lessons and Experiences for future large scaled
江苏四个海上特许权招标项目总规模100万千瓦,为今后大规模发展海上风电制定电价政策及管 理机制进行有益探索。其中,江苏滨海近海30万kW电价为0.7370元/kW.h,射阳近海30万kW电价为 0.7047元/kW.h, 东台潮间带20万kW电价为0.6235元/kW.h,大丰潮间带20万kW电价为0.6396元/kW.h。
The Review and Prospect of Offshore Wind Development in China
主要内容 Contents
中国海上风电发展状况 Offshore Wind Development Status
中国海上风电开发建设管理流程 Offshore Wind Development Regulatory Requirements in Project Approval and Construction Management
z 开发建设方面:以五大电源企业、中广核、国华、三峡为主,加上地方能源投资企业,开发建设 了大小不一的海上风电项目,并积极推进一批大型海上风电项目预可研、可研阶段的前期工作。
The Giant 5 Electric Power Companies, CGNPC, Guohua, Three Gorges Company and some local investment companies formulate the developer group of offshore wind projects, of which the pre=feasibility studies and feasibility studies are finished.
experience of main contractor in offshore wind projects construction.
9 中交第一、二、四航务局等有以主要设备参与海上风电施工经验。 China Communication Construction 1st, 2nd and 4th companies have the experience of sub-contractor in
一、发展状况 Status
z 勘测设计方面:华东院、中南院、西北院和上海院,从规划到前期、施工,配备了专业队伍,加 强了科技投入研究,参与了标准技术制定,具备了海上风电专业勘测设计能力。
HYDROCHINA Huadong, HYDROCHINA Zhongnan, HYDROCHINA Xibei and Shanghai Design institute are the main actors in offshore wind project design and consulting. They have greatly involved in the offshore wind project development by attending the technical standards discussion and R&D projects.
9 将要出台《海上风电开发建设管理实施细则》(国家能源局和海洋局联合制定) <The Detailed Management Rules for Offshore Wind Project Development> is going to
be published by NEA and NOA soon.
9 5~50米水深、70米高度风电可装机容量约5亿千瓦。 500GW potential in 70m height and 5~50m water depth;
一、发展状况 Status
2、开发建设了一批海上风电示范项目,为今后大规模发展海上风电积累经验 Experiences gained by some pilot offshore wind project
一、发展状况 Status
z技术方面 Technical Issues
9 制定了4项标准:包括规划、预可研、可研、施工组织设计 4 technical standards have been published covering planning, pre-feasibility study,
feasibility study and construction design.
9 正在编制7项标准:包括风能资源测量及海洋水文观测、风电机组地基基础、防腐蚀、工程概算 定额、设计概算编制规定及费用标准、安全预评价、安全验收评价
7 technical standards will be published soon including wind resource and oceanic condition monitoring and assessment, offshore wind turbine foundation, corrosion, project norm, cost estimation, safety assessment, safety acceptance.
The total capacity of 4 concession project in Jiangsu is 1GW. The concessionconstruction is the necessary method to a suitable management and feed-in-tariff scheme. The awarded feed-in-tariff are: 0.7370 RMB/kW.h for Binhai 300MW project, 0.7047 RMB/kW.h for Sheyang 300MW project, 0.6235 RMB/kW.h for Dongtai 200MW project, 0.6396 RMB/kW.h for Dafeng 200MW project 。
Regulatory Requirements
1 、海上风电需要考虑因素(技术+管理) The factors (technical and management)
台风、盐雾、覆冰,空中航道(起落附近)、雷 达影响范围 Typhoon, salty air, ice, aircraft navigation, radar, etc
专业队伍的初步建立和形成,将有力推进全国海上风电开发建设。 All these stakeholders have built up their preliminary capacity and thus promote the healthy development of offshore projects.
华锐3MW,金风1.5MW和2.5MW,上海电气2MW,明阳1.5MW和3MW,海装2MW,三一电气2MW,联合 动力1.5MW,远景能源1.5MW等8个厂家共54台机组有海上风电运行业绩。
Now Sinovel 3MW, Goldwind 1.5MW/2.5MW, SEC 2MW, Mingyang 1.5MW/3MW, CSIC 2MW, Sanyi 2MW, UP 1.5MW and Envision 1.5MW added up to totally 54 wind turbines from 8 different manufactures.
根据中国气象局风能资源详查初步成果: According to the preliminary offshore wind resource survey of CMA:
9 5~25米水深、50米高度风电可装机容量约2亿千瓦; 200GW potential in 50m height and 5~25m water depth;
z 施工方面。目前有10多家施工单位介入海上风电施工,其中: Now more than 10 construction companies are involved in the offshore wind projects:
9 中交第三航务局、南通海洋水建等有承担海上风电施工经验。 China Communication Construction 3rd company and Nantong Oceanic Construction company have the
offshore wind projects construction.
9 中海洋石油、江苏电建、江苏海建、天津港航、上海电建、上海港务、水电八局、中铁大桥、三一、葛洲坝、 道达重工等单位,有的海洋施工比较熟悉,有的具有大型海上施工设备,有的加强海上施工技术研究。
CNNOP, Jiangsu Electric Construction, Jiangsu Oceanic Construction, Tianjin Harbor Constrction, Shanghai Electric Constrction, Shanghai Harbor, SinoHydro 8th company, Sanyi,Gezhouba group and Daoda also have rich experience in marine projects.
一、发展状况 Status
中国海上风电历年新增和累计装机容量变化图 The annual newly installed and cumulative capacity of offshore wind in China
一、发展状况 Status
一、发展状况 Status
3、培养了一批专业队伍,为国家开发建设海上风电打下较坚实基础 Capacity building for the future solid development of offshore wind projects
中国海上风电发展前景展望 Offshore Wind Development Prospect
结束语 End
一、发展状况 Status
Abundant offshore wind resources provides possibility of large scale offshore wind projects development
一、发展状况 Status
4、初步建立了海上风电标准体系,规范和指导海上风电开发建设 The Technical Standards Frame, Insure the solid wind development
z 管理方面 Management Issues
9 出台了《海上风电开发建设管理暂行办法》 (国能新能 [2010]29号,2010年1月22日国家能 源局和海洋局联合发布) <Temporary Management Method for Offshore Wind Project Development> has been published by NEA and NOA in 2010.
目前,已建海上风电装机142.5MW,初步具备了海上风电设计、施工及设备制造的能力。其 中:
The cumulative installed offshore capacity added up to 142.5MW and preliminary experiences of design, construction and offshore wind turbine manufacturing are gained.