



农行模拟考试题及答案一、单选题(每题1分,共10分)1. 农业银行的全称是什么?A. 中国农业发展银行B. 中国农业银行C. 中国农村信用合作社D. 中国农村商业银行答案:B2. 以下哪项不是农业银行的主要业务?A. 存款业务B. 贷款业务C. 保险业务D. 国际结算业务答案:C3. 农业银行的核心价值观是什么?A. 客户至上B. 诚信立行C. 创新驱动D. 所有选项都是答案:D4. 农业银行的总部设在哪里?A. 北京B. 上海C. 广州D. 深圳答案:A5. 以下哪个不是农业银行的企业文化?A. 以人为本B. 客户至上C. 利润最大化D. 持续创新答案:C6. 农业银行的官方网站域名是什么?A. B. C. D. 答案:C7. 农业银行的成立时间是?A. 1951年B. 1979年C. 1984年D. 1996年答案:A8. 农业银行的口号是什么?A. 服务三农,建设新农村B. 服务社会,建设美好家园C. 服务客户,共创未来D. 服务经济,促进发展答案:C9. 以下哪个不是农业银行的业务板块?A. 零售银行B. 公司银行C. 投资银行D. 农业保险答案:D10. 农业银行的愿景是什么?A. 成为全球领先的商业银行B. 成为国内领先的商业银行C. 成为国际知名的商业银行D. 成为国内国际知名的商业银行答案:D二、多选题(每题2分,共10分)11. 农业银行的业务范围包括以下哪些?A. 个人业务B. 公司业务C. 国际业务D. 投资银行业务答案:ABCD12. 农业银行提供的个人业务包括以下哪些?A. 储蓄存款B. 个人贷款C. 信用卡服务D. 理财产品答案:ABCD13. 农业银行的公司业务包括以下哪些?A. 企业贷款B. 企业存款C. 企业理财D. 企业投资咨询答案:ABCD14. 农业银行的国际业务包括以下哪些?A. 外汇存款B. 外汇贷款C. 国际结算D. 外汇理财答案:ABCD15. 农业银行的企业文化包括以下哪些?A. 以人为本B. 客户至上C. 诚信立行D. 持续创新答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)16. 农业银行是中国四大国有商业银行之一。











农行模拟考试题及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共20分)1. 农业银行的全称是什么?A. 中国农业发展银行B. 中国农业银行C. 中国农村商业银行D. 中国农业合作银行答案:B2. 农业银行的行徽是什么颜色?A. 绿色B. 蓝色C. 红色D. 黄色答案:A3. 农业银行的核心价值观是什么?A. 诚信立业,稳健行远B. 客户至上,服务为本C. 创新驱动,科技引领D. 以人为本,和谐发展答案:A4. 农业银行的使命是什么?A. 服务三农,造福社会B. 服务客户,创造价值C. 服务国家,贡献社会D. 服务大众,成就梦想答案:A5. 农业银行的愿景是什么?A. 建设国际一流商业银行B. 建设国内一流商业银行C. 建设全球一流商业银行D. 建设国内领先商业银行答案:A6. 农业银行的发展战略是什么?A. 一体两翼B. 双轮驱动C. 三大战略D. 四轮驱动答案:C7. 农业银行的三大战略是什么?A. 乡村振兴、数字化转型、绿色金融B. 乡村振兴、数字化转型、普惠金融C. 乡村振兴、绿色金融、普惠金融D. 绿色金融、数字化转型、普惠金融答案:A8. 农业银行的数字化转型战略是什么?A. 智慧银行B. 数字银行C. 互联网银行D. 移动银行答案:A9. 农业银行的绿色金融战略是什么?A. 绿色银行B. 低碳银行C. 环保银行D. 清洁银行答案:A10. 农业银行的普惠金融战略是什么?A. 普惠银行B. 便民银行C. 惠民银行D. 利民银行答案:A二、多选题(每题3分,共15分)11. 农业银行的主要业务包括哪些?A. 存款业务B. 贷款业务C. 支付结算业务D. 国际业务答案:ABCD12. 农业银行的三农金融服务包括哪些?A. 农村金融服务B. 农业金融服务C. 农民金融服务D. 农村电商服务答案:ABC13. 农业银行的数字化转型战略包括哪些方面?A. 智慧银行B. 数字银行C. 互联网银行D. 移动银行答案:ABCD14. 农业银行的绿色金融战略包括哪些方面?A. 绿色信贷B. 绿色债券C. 绿色基金D. 绿色保险答案:ABCD15. 农业银行的普惠金融战略包括哪些方面?A. 普惠信贷B. 普惠支付C. 普惠理财D. 普惠保险答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)16. 农业银行是中国四大国有商业银行之一。




以下信息仅供参考1. 我国⼈民币的主币是: A 元 B ⾓ C 分 D 厘 (答案:A ) 2. 按复利计算,年利率为5%的100元贷款,经过两年后产⽣的利息是: A 5元 B 10元 C 10.25元 D 20元 (答案:C ) 3. 以下关于汇率的说法中错误的是: A 汇率是两种货币之间的相对价格 B 汇率的直接标价法可以表⽰为1单位外币等于多少本币 C 我国的汇率报价⼀般采⽤直接标价法 D 我国的汇率报价⼀般采⽤间接标价法 (答案:D ) 4. ⾹港联系汇率制度是将⾹港本地货币与哪种货币挂钩? A 英镑 B ⽇元 C 美元 D 欧元 (答案:C ) 5.我国的三家政策性银⾏是: A 中国⼈民银⾏国家开发银⾏中国农业发展银⾏ B 中国进出⼝银⾏国家开发银⾏中国农业发展银⾏ C 国家开发银⾏中国农业银⾏中国进出⼝银⾏ D 中国农业发展银⾏国家开发银⾏中国邮政储蓄银⾏ (答案:B ) 6. 下列哪⼀项不属于商业银⾏的“三性”原则? A 安全性 B流动性C 盈利性 D政策性 (答案:D ) 7. 以下不属于⾦融衍⽣品的是: A 股票 B 远期 C 期货 D 期权 (答案:A ) 8. 下列哪家机构不属于我国成⽴的⾦融资产管理公司? A 东⽅ B信达 C华融 D光⼤ (答案:D ) 9. 我国于2003年初组建的银⾏业监管机构是: A 中国⼈民银⾏ B 中国银监会 C 中国证监会 D 中国保监会 (答案:B ) 10. 在国际银⾏监管有重要意义的1988年《巴塞尔协议》规定,银⾏的总资本充⾜率不能低于: A 4% B 6% C 8% D 10% (答案:C )11. ⽬前世界上的证券交易所是: A 纽约股票交易所 B 伦敦股票交易所 C 东京股票交易所 D⾹港股票交易所 (答案:A ) 12. 股票市场上常常会被提到的“IPO”的意思是: A ⾸次公开发⾏,即公司第⼀次公募股票 B 公司第⼀次私募股票 C 已有股票的公司再次公募股票 D 已有股票的公司再次私募股票 (答案:A ) 13. H股是指: A 在我国国内发⾏、供国内投资者⽤⼈民币购买的普通股票 B 在我国国内发⾏、以外币买卖的特种普通股票 C 我国境内注册的公司在⾹港发⾏并在⾹港联合交易所上市的普通股票 D 我国境内注册的公司在新加坡发⾏并在新加坡股票交易所上市的普通股票 (答案:C ) 14. 下列属于⾹港股票市场价格指数的是: A 道琼斯⼯业指数 B 标准普尔股价指数 C ⽇经指数 D 恒⽣指数 (答案:D ) 15. 下列哪⼀项不属于债券的基本特点? A 偿还性 B 风险性 C 收益性 D 流动性 (答案:B ) 16. 下列关于债券的说法中错误的是: A 债券代表所有权关系 B 债券代表债权债务关系 C 债券持有者是债权⼈ D 债券发⾏⼈到期须偿还本⾦和利息 (答案:A ) 17. 按照发⾏⼈不同,债券可分为: A 政府债券、⾦融债券 B 政府债券、公司债券 C ⾦融债券、公司债券 D 政府债券、⾦融债券、公司债券 (答案:D ) 18. 下列哪种债券利率⼀般会成为整个⾦融市场利率体系的基准利率? A 企业债券 B 公司债券 C ⾦融债券 D国债 (答案:D ) 19. 下列关于国债的说法中错误的是: A 国债是中央政府发⾏的债券 B 国债是风险最低的债券 C 国债利率⼀般⾼于相同期限的其他债券 D 国债可以作为中央银⾏公开市场操作⼯具 (答案:C )20. 以标准普尔公司的债券信⽤评级为例,下列哪个评级的信⽤等级? A:A B:AA C:BB D:CC (答案:B )21. 下列关于封闭式基⾦的说法中错误的是: A 封闭式基⾦的规模和存续期是既定的 B 投资者在基⾦存续期内不能向基⾦公司赎回资⾦ C 投资者可以在⼆级市场上转让基⾦单位 D 基⾦转让价格⼀定等于基⾦单位净值 (答案:D ) 22. 下列哪⼀项不属于开放式基⾦的特点? A 没有固定规模 B ⽆固定存续期限 C 投资者可随时赎回 D 全部资⾦⽤于长期投资 (答案:D ) 23. 以下列哪⼀项为标的物的期货属于⾦融期货: A ⽟⽶ B 股票 C 铜 D ⽯油 (答案:B ) 24. 我国证券市场的主要监管机构是: A 中国银监会 B 中国证监会 C 中国保监会 D 中国财政部 (答案:B ) 25. 可以喻为社会经济“急救箱”,能对整个社会起保障作⽤的⾦融体系是: A 银⾏体系 B 证券市场 C 保险体系 D ⾦融衍⽣品市场 (答案:C ) 26. 根据保险标的的不同,保险可以划分为: A 财产保险和⼈⾝保险 B 原保险和再保险 C 个⼈保险和团体保险 D ⾃愿保险和强制保险 (答案:A ) 27. 以各种财产物资和有关利益为保险标的的⼀种保险是: A 商业保险 B 社会保险 C 财产保险 D ⼈⾝保险 (答案:C ) 28. 下列哪⼀项不属于财产保险: A 团体⽕灾保险 B 机动车辆保险 C 建筑⼯程保险 D 健康保险 (答案:D ) 29. 以⼈的寿命和⾝体为保险标的的⼀种保险是: A 商业保险 B 社会保险 C 财产保险 D ⼈⾝保险 (答案:D ) 30. 当劳动者达到国家规定的退休年龄后,为解决他们的基本⽣活⽽建⽴的社会保险制度:  A 健康保险 B ⼈寿保险 C ⼈⾝意外伤害保险 D 养⽼保险 (答案:D )31. 社会保险不包括下列哪⼀项: A 养⽼保险 B 失业保险 C 医疗保险 D ⼈寿保险 (答案:D ) 32. 保险公司的资⾦不能投资于: A 银⾏存款 B 买卖政府债券 C 投资基⾦ D 设⽴证券经营机构 (答案:D ) 33. ⽬前,我国保险⾏业专门的监管机构是: A 中国⼈民银⾏ B 中国银监会 C 中国证监会 D 中国保监会 (答案:D ) 34. 理财应具备⼏项基本原则,以下中不正确的是: A ⾼收益低风险 B 量⼊为出,量⼒⽽⾏ C 做⾜功课,不盲⽬投资 D 控制欲望,不可贪婪 (答案:A ) 35. 房贷“三⼀定律”指的是,每⽉的房贷⾦额不超过家庭当⽉总收⼊的: A 三倍 B 三分之⼀ C ⼀倍 D ⼆分之⼀ (答案:B ) 36. 在下列⼈的⽣命周期中,证券投资应最少的是: A 单⾝期 B 家庭成长期 C 家庭成熟期 D 退休期 (答案:D ) 37. 下列投资渠道中,安全性的是: A 储蓄存款 B 股票投资 C 投资基⾦ D 期货投资 (答案:A ) 38. 在下列投资品种中,风险的是: A 国债 B 企业债 C 股票 D 期货 (答案:D ) 39. 下列投资渠道中,流动性的是: A 活期储蓄 B 证券投资 C 集合理财产品 D 不动产投资 (答案:A ) 40. ⼀般⽽⾔,蓝筹股是指: A 成交量⼤、买卖活跃、价格波动幅度较⼤但⼀般不会暴涨暴跌的股票 B 有长期稳定盈余记录、定期分红派息、信誉良好或者发展潜⼒巨⼤、未来成长性好的公司股票 C 价格频繁变动且变动幅度⼤的股票 D 公司销售额和利润增长迅速,快于整个经济发展速度的股票 (答案:B )41. 主要投资于短期债券、债券回购和银⾏同业存款等风险低、收益稳定的短期资⾦市场的基⾦是: A 股票基⾦ B 债券基⾦ C 货币市场基⾦ D 混合基⾦ (答案:C ) 42. 下列不属于货币市场基⾦主要投资领域的是: A 股票 B 短期债券 C 债券回购 D 银⾏同业存款 (答案:A ) 43. 利息与活期储蓄相⽐有⼀定优越性,但可以随时⽀取的⼈民币储蓄存款是: A 定期储蓄 B 定活两便储蓄 C 零存整取储蓄 D 教育储蓄 (答案:B ) 44. ⽬前,可以免征利息税的⼈民币储蓄存款是: A 定期储蓄 B 定活两便储蓄 C 零存整取储蓄 D 教育储蓄 (答案:D ) 45. 对其他利率有决定性的影响,当它发⽣变动时,其他利率也会跟着变动的利率是: A 活期存款利率 B 定期存款利率 C 基准利率 D 名义利率 (答案:C ) 46. ⽬前,⾦融机构可以灵活设置贷款利率⽔平,条件是不低于中央银⾏发布的贷款基准利率的⼀定幅度,这种利率管理⽅式称为 A 存款利率的上限管理 B 存款利率的下限管理 C 贷款利率的上限管理 D 贷款利率的下限管理 (答案:D ) 47. 银⾏执⾏的存贷款利率即名义利率扣除通货膨胀(涨价)以后算出的利率,叫做: A 活期存款利率 B 定期存款利率 C 基准利率 D 实际利率 (答案:D ) 48. 贷款⼈向借款⼈发放的⽤于购买⾃⽤住房和城镇居民修建⾃⽤住房的贷款是: A 个⼈住房贷款 B 个⼈汽车贷款 C 个⼈耐⽤消费品贷款 D 国家助学贷款 (答案:A ) 49. ⽬前我国个⼈住房贷款最长期限为: A 10年 B 20年 C 30年 D 40年 (答案:C ) 50. ⽬前我国国家助学贷款的贷款对象是: A ⼩学⽣ B 初中⽣ C ⾼中⽣ D ⾼校经济困难学⽣ (答案:D )中国建设银⾏总⾏招聘考试笔试真题(附答案)建⾏总⾏的笔试共155道题,70道专业题,15道英语,70综合测试(类似于公务员⾏测),考试时间180分钟,时间基本上是充分的。







A.700 B.500C.300 D.2005、当金融体系与构造发生大量深刻变化旳时候,就是()创新。



A.15 B.20 C.25 D.358、派生存款旳产生只能在()形成。


A.商业银行B.金融机构C.财政部D.中央银行10、中国第一家现代银行是()A 汇丰银行B花旗银行C英格兰银行D丽如银行11、( )膨胀是引起财政赤字和银行信用膨胀旳重要原因A消费需求B投资需求C社会总储蓄D社会总需求12、银行持有旳流动性很强旳短期有价证券是商业银行经营中旳( )A第一道防线B第二道防线C 第三道防线D 第四道防线13、银行在大都市设置总行,在本市及国内外各地普遍设置分支行旳制度是( ). A单一银行制B总分行制C持股企业制D连锁银行制14、著名国际金融专家特里芬提出确实定一国国际储备量旳指标是各国旳外汇储备应大体相称于一国()个月旳进口额。



农行招聘测试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 农行的全称是:A. 中国农业银行B. 中国建设银行C. 中国工商银行D. 中国银行答案:A2. 农行的总部设在:A. 北京B. 上海C. 广州D. 深圳答案:A3. 农行的主要业务不包括:A. 存款B. 贷款C. 保险D. 证券答案:D4. 农行的口号是:A. 服务三农B. 服务社会C. 服务人民D. 服务企业5. 农行的核心价值观是:A. 诚信、创新、卓越B. 诚信、务实、卓越C. 诚信、创新、高效D. 诚信、务实、高效答案:A6. 农行的成立时间是:A. 1951年B. 1961年C. 1971年D. 1981年答案:A7. 农行的行徽是:A. 金色的麦穗B. 红色的梅花C. 绿色的竹子D. 蓝色的海洋答案:A8. 农行的企业文化核心是:A. 以人为本B. 以客户为中心C. 以市场为导向D. 以效益为目标答案:B9. 农行的发展战略是:B. 现代化C. 信息化D. 综合化答案:D10. 农行的社会责任是:A. 支持农业发展B. 支持工业发展C. 支持教育事业D. 支持环保事业答案:A二、多项选择题(每题5分,共20分)1. 农行提供的服务包括:A. 个人业务B. 企业业务C. 国际业务D. 电子银行答案:ABCD2. 农行的业务特点包括:A. 覆盖面广B. 服务项目多C. 服务质量高D. 创新能力强答案:ABCD3. 农行的企业文化包括:A. 诚信B. 创新C. 务实D. 高效答案:ABCD4. 农行的社会责任包括:A. 支持农业B. 支持教育C. 支持环保D. 支持扶贫答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)1. 农行是中国四大国有商业银行之一。

(对)2. 农行的业务只限于国内。

(错)3. 农行的口号是“服务三农”。

(对)4. 农行的核心价值观是“诚信、创新、卓越”。

(对)5. 农行的总部设在上海。

(错)6. 农行的行徽是蓝色的海洋。




2.下面哪些是属于中国人民银行职责范围( ABCDE)A.发布与履行其职责相关命令和规章B.发行人民币,管理人民币流通C.监督管理黄金市场D.负责金融业统计、调查、分析和预测E.从事有关国际金融活动3.下列属于银监会监管理念是( ABDE )A.管风险B.提高透明度C.管机构D.管法人E、管内控4.银监会监管目标是监管者追求基本目标(B )B(错)银监会监管目标是监管者追求最终效果或最终状态1、审慎有效监管,保护存款人和消费者利益;2、增进市场信心;3、通过宣传教育工作和相关信息批露,增进公众对现代金融了解;4、努力减少金融犯罪5.下列属于市场准入有( ABD )A.机构准入B.业务准入C.法人准入D.高级管理人员准入E.技术准入6.下列属于中国银行业协会会员单位有( ABCEF )A.政策性银行B.商业银行C.中国邮政储蓄银。

D.农村资金互助社E.中央国债登记结算有限责任公司F.资产管理公司G、农村商业银行、农村合作银行、农村信用联合社(不包括村镇银行与农村资金互助社);准单位包括各省银行业协会7.中国银行业协会执行机构是会员大会(B )B(错)中国银行业协会最高权力机构为会员大会,会员大会执行机构是理事会,对会员大会负责8、下列属于银行金融机构是(ABEF)非银行金融机构包括金融资产管理公司、信托公司、企业集团财务公司、金融租赁公司、汽车金融公司、货币经纪公司A、中国进出口银行B、村镇银行C、资产管理公司D、汽车金融公司E、交通银行F、农村信用联合社H、金融租赁公司9、国家开发银行所承担任务是(B)A、农业政策性贷款B、国家重点建设项目融资C、支持进出口贸易D、支持国家开发项目融资10、中国农业发展银行可以办理保险代理等中间业务(A)A(对) B(错)11、按照一行一策原则,推进政策性银行改革,首先应该先推进(A)改革A、国家开发银行B、中国进出口银行C、中国农业发展银行D、中国银。














农行模拟考试题及答案一、单选题1. 中国农业银行的英文缩写是什么?A. ABCB. ICBCB. CCBD. BOC答案:A2. 以下哪个不是中国农业银行的服务项目?A. 存款B. 贷款C. 保险D. 手机维修答案:D3. 中国农业银行的核心价值观是什么?A. 诚信、务实、创新、共赢B. 创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享C. 客户至上、服务至上D. 效率优先、效益优先答案:A二、多选题1. 中国农业银行的业务范围包括以下哪些方面?A. 个人业务B. 企业业务C. 国际业务D. 政府业务答案:A, B, C2. 以下哪些是银行风险管理的基本原则?A. 风险识别B. 风险评估C. 风险控制D. 风险转移答案:A, B, C, D三、判断题1. 中国农业银行是国有商业银行。

()答案:正确2. 中国农业银行不提供在线银行服务。

()答案:错误3. 中国农业银行的业务不包括外汇业务。

()答案:错误四、简答题1. 请简述中国农业银行的发展历程。



2. 请列举中国农业银行的几种主要服务。




答案:开设企业账户的基本流程包括:1. 客户携带企业营业执照、组织机构代码证、税务登记证等相关证件到农行营业网点。

2. 填写企业账户开立申请表,并提交相关证件的复印件。

3. 银行工作人员审核客户提交的资料,确认无误后,进行账户开立。

4. 客户设置账户密码,并领取账户相关凭证。

5. 企业账户开立成功后,客户即可使用该账户进行日常的收支结算。




A. 存款、贷款、汇款
B. 投资、保险、基金
C. 证券、期货、外汇
D. 房产、旅游、餐饮
A. 诚实守信
B. 廉洁自律
C. 唯利是图
D. 勤勉尽职

A. 网上银行
B. 手机银行
C. 电话银行
D. 自助银行








2023年农业银行招聘考试真题(5茜分'-100分时间120分钟)一、单选题(每题只有一个正确答案,答错、不答或多答均不得分)1. ()是标志客观实在的哲学范畴。


A. 意识B. 矛盾C. 联系D. 物质【答案】: D2.2009年6月1日,法国航空公司一架从里约热内卢飞往巴黎的空客A330客机在大西洋上空坠落,研究人员借助“黑匣子”还原了本次事故真相。

以下对“黑匣子”的描述正确的是:()A. 最早使用“黑匣子”的是民航客机B. 只安装在飞机头部C. 具有抗强冲击、抗穿透性能D. 外观颜色一般是黑色【答案】: C3. 下列属千农业著作的是()。

A. 《九章算术》B. 《伤寒杂病论》C. 《本草纲目》D. 《齐民要术》【答案】: D4.甲男和乙女结婚两年后在双方父母出资帮助下,购买了一套房产,该房产登记在甲名下,如今打算离婚,请问该如何分割这套房产?A. 归甲B. 归乙1 / 13C. 按照女多男少的比例分割D. 按照各自父母的出资份额比例分割【答案】:D5.下列不是描写秋天景色的诗旬是:A. 一年好景君须记,最是橙黄橘绿时B. 杨花榆荚无才思,惟解漫天作雪飞C. 停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红千二月花D. 试上高楼清入骨,岂如春色喉人狂【答案】:B6.手机客户身份识别卡的英文缩写是()。

A.SIMB. U SBC.SVPD. V PN【答案】:A7. "画蛇添足“常用来比喻做了多余的事,非但没有益处,反而不合适。


A. 蛇的身上有很多鳞片,这些鳞片都曾经是蛇的脚,在进化过程中逐渐演变成了鳞片B. 蛇的身上有很多鳞片,这些鳞片既是蛇的盔甲起保护作用,也是它的脚,能配合肌肉推动身体向前爬行C. 蛇不需要脚,所以进化过程中没有出现脚D. 蛇曾经有脚,但在进化过程中因为妨碍爬行,就自然衰退了【答案】:B8.作为资本的货币和作为流通手段的货币的根本区别在千()A. 能否买到商品B. 能否买到生产资料.C. 能否带来剩余价值D. 能否买到生活资料【答案】:C9. 下列哪个成语与秦始皇有关?()2 I 13A. 三顾茅庐B. 图穷匕见C. 奇货可居D. 指鹿为马【答案】:B10. 关千我国农村三级卫生服务网络,下列说法正确的是()。

中国农业银行招聘考试试题及答案 (2)

中国农业银行招聘考试试题及答案 (2)

中国农业银行招聘考试试题及答案1.自1984年1月1日起,中国人民银行开始专门行使中央银行的职能,所承担的工商信贷和储蓄业务职能转交至(C)A 中国银行B 交通银行C 工商银行D 建设银。

2.下面哪些是属于中国人民银行的职责范围( ABCDE)A.发布与履行其职责相关的命令和规章B.发行人民币,管理人民币流通C.监督管理黄金市场D.负责金融业的统计、调查、分析和预测E.从事有关的国际金融活动3.下列属于银监会的监管理念的是( ABDE )A.管风险B.提高透明度C.管机构D.管法人E、管内控4.银监会的监管目标是监管者追求的基本目标(B )B(错) 银监会的监管目标是监管者追求的最终效果或最终状态1、审慎有效监管,保护存款人和消费者利益;2、增进市场信心;3、通过宣传教育工作和相关信息批露,增进公众对现代金融了解;4、努力减少金融犯罪5.下列属于市场准入的有( ABD )A.机构准入B.业务准入C.法人准入D.高级管理人员准入E.技术准入6.下列属于中国银行业协会的会员单位的有( ABCEF )A.政策性银行B.商业银行C.中国邮政储蓄银。

D.农村资金互助社E.中央国债登记结算有限责任公司F.资产管理公司G、农村商业银行、农村合作银行、农村信用联合社(不包括村镇银行与农村资金互助社);准单位包括各省银行业协会7.中国银行业协会的执行机构是会员大会(B )B(错) 中国银行业协会的最高权力机构为会员大会,会员大会的执行机构是理事会,对会员大会负责8、下列属于银行金融机构的是(ABEF)非银行金融机构包括金融资产管理公司、信托公司、企业集团财务公司、金融租赁公司、汽车金融公司、货币经纪公司A、中国进出口银行B、村镇银行C、资产管理公司D、汽车金融公司E、交通银行F、农村信用联合社H、金融租赁公司9、国家开发银行所承担的任务是(B)A、农业政策性贷款B、国家重点建设项目融资C、支持进出口贸易D、支持国家开发项目融资10、中国农业发展银行可以办理保险代理等中间业务(A)A(对) B(错)11、按照一行一策原则,推进政策性银行改革,首先应该先推进(A)改革A、国家开发银行B、中国进出口银行C、中国农业发展银行D、中国银。



银行系统招聘考试职业能力测验(中国农业银行)模拟试卷7(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 言语理解与表达 2. 数学能力 3. 判断推理 5. 材料分析言语理解与表达1.20世纪40年代,美国的大众媒介处于垄断地位。
















银行校园招聘考试全真模拟试卷(一)一、单项选择1.不构成我国政策性金融机构资金来源旳是( )A.财政拨款B.金融债券C.开户企业存款D.社会公众存款2.商业银行经营和组织存款旳首要原则是( )A.存款合理竞争原则B.存贷挂钩原则C.准时清偿原则D.存款成本最低原则3.后付年金是指一系列在一定期限内每期等额旳收付款项一般发生旳每期()。








A. 3.96%B. 12%C. 8.04%D. 45%7.()是指息税前利润旳变动率相称于销售量变动率旳倍数,或者说息税前利润伴随销售量旳变动而发生变动旳程度。


A. 35B. 40.C. 45D. 509.某企业股票旳贝他系数e为1.2,无风险利率Rf为10%,市场组合旳期望收益率E(RM)为12%,则该企业一般股留存收益旳资本成本Ke为()。

A. 2%B. 11.2%C. 12.4%D. 12%10.在确定经济订货批量时,如下()表述是对旳旳。






一、文化素质类试题1. 简述中国古代四大发明之一的造纸术的发明历程及其对人类社会的影响。

2. 请解释习近平总书记提出的“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念。

3. 按照国家标准,请给出一份中华人民共和国国旗的规格与标准颜色。

二、金融知识类试题1. 请解释什么是存款准备金制度,以及其对商业银行的影响。

2. 请简述商业银行的主要业务范围,包括但不限于存款、贷款、外汇等。

3. 根据中国人民银行的规定,请说明个人外汇购汇额度和使用范围。

三、英语能力类试题阅读理解:Insurance is an important part of our daily lives. It guarantees that in case of accidents or damages, there will be financial support. However, some people don't know how to buy insurance. For those who are new to this topic, the following guidelines will be helpful.Firstly, you need to determine what kind of insurance you need based on your own situation. For example, if you have a car, car insurance is necessary. If you have a pet, you may consider getting pet insurance. It is important to realize that different types of insurance cover different aspects of life.Secondly, you need to compare insurance policies from different companies. Compare the coverage, premium, deductibles, and other terms and conditions. This will help you make an informed decision and select the most suitable policy.Thirdly, make sure to read the policy carefully before signing any contracts. Pay attention to the coverage limit, exclusions, and payment schedule. If there are any unclear terms, don't hesitate to ask the insurance agent for clarification.In conclusion, buying insurance requires careful consideration and comparison. By following the steps above, you can ensure that you have the right insurance to protect yourself and your assets.四、逻辑推理类试题1. 若有甲、乙、丙三位候选人参加选举,唯一一位候选人是女性,且甲、乙两位候选人均表示支持环境保护,那么以下哪个陈述是正确的?A. 乙是唯一一位女性候选人。


12.解答客户业务咨询,禁止说“不知道”、“不清楚”、“不归我管”等带“不”字 的语言,对于确实不知道或办不了的问题,应该按照( )的要求去处理。
A.柜面服务技巧实用手册 B.中国农业银行服务准则 C.首问负责制 D.业务制度 【答案】C
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圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台
圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台

第一部分 综合知识(参考时限:50 分钟)
一、时事(共 10 题) 略。(本部分可在考前复习)
二、行业相关知识(共 50 题) 11.传统商业银行的基本职能是( )。 A.信用中介和流通中介 B.信用中介和支付中介 C.流动中介和支付中介 D.支付中介和信用创造 【答案】B
18.(多项选择题)投资在经济学中是指居民和企业实际想要有的投资,下列各项 中,属于经济学中投资的有( )。
A.企业增加一笔存货 B.建造一座住宅 C.企业购买一台计算机 D.购买股票进行投资 【答案】ABC
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圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台

20.信用的基本特征是( )。 A.无条件的价值单方面让渡 B.以偿还为条件的价值单方面转移 C.无偿的赠与或援助 D.平等的价值交换 【答案】B
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圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台

【解析】信用在经济范畴里是指借贷行为。这种经济行为的形式特征是以收回为条 件的付出,或以归还为义务的取得;而且贷者之所以贷出,是因为有权取得利息,借者 之所以可能借入,是因为承担了支付利息的义务。
21.一般来说,Pentium/200/256M 中“200”的含义是( )。 A.总线为 200 位 B.主频为 200MHz C.硬盘容量为 200M D.字长为 200 位 【答案】B 【解析】主频,即微机的时钟频率,它是指 CPU 在单位时间(秒)内平均要“动 作”的次数,通常主频以兆赫(MHz)为单位,如主频 100 MHz 表示 CPU 每秒钟发 出 1 亿个左右工作脉冲,主频越高,运算速度越快。Pentium/200/256M 微机中的 “200”含义是主频为 200MHz,256M 指的是机器的内存。
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Part I英语知识部分Part I1,Vocabulary and Structurel. The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at chemist's.A) each B) some C) certain D) any2. You cannot be careful when you drive a car.A) very B) so C) too D) enough3. In general, the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth of the total for living expenses.A) acceptable B) available C) advisable D) applicable4- Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to, the color of his skin.A) with the exception of C) by virtue ofB) in the light of D) regardless 0f5. Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full .A) capacity B) strength C) length D) possibility6. l hate people who the end of a film that you haven’t seen before.A) reveal B) rewrite C) revise D) reverse7, He's watching TV? He's to be cleaning his room.A) know B) supposed C) regarded D) considered8. The old couple decided to a boy and a girl though they had three children of their own.A) adapt B) bring C) receive D) adopt9. The government is trying to do something to better understanding between the two countries.A) raise B) promote C) heighten D) increase10. The newspaper did not mention the of the damage caused by the fire.A) range B) level C) extent D) quantity11. The soldier was of running away when the enemy attacked.A) scolded B) charged C) accused D) punished12. Had he worked harder, he the exams.A) must have got through C) would get throughB) would have got through D) could get through13. Only under special circumstances to take make-up tests.A) are freshmen permitted C) permitted are freshmenB) freshmen are permitted D) are permitted freshmen14. I had just started back for the house to change my clothes I heard voices.A) as B) when C) after D) while15. It seems oil from this pipe for some time. We'll have to take the machine apart to put it right.A) had leaked B) is leaking C) leaked D) has been leaking16. When he arrived, he found the aged and the sick at home.A) none but B) none other than C) nothing but D) no other than17. The pressure causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional strain.A) to compete B) competing C) to be competed D) having competed18. Your hair wants . You had better have it done tomorrow.A) cut B) to cut C) cutting D) being cut19. As teachers we should concern ourselves with what is said, not what we think .A) ought to be said B) must say C) have to be said D) need to say20. Once environmental damage , it takes many years for the system to recover.A) has done B) is to do C) does D) is done21. Studies show that the things that contribute most to a sense of happiness cannot be bought,a good family life, friendship and work satisfaction.A) as for B) in view of C) in case of D) such as22. He will agree to do what you require him,A) of B) from C) to D) for23. The mere fact most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.A) what B) which C) that D) why24.John seems a nice person. , I don’t trust him.A) Even though B) Even so C) Therefore D) Though25. I don’t think it advisable that Tim to the job since he has no experience.A) is assigned C) be assignedB) will be assigned D) has been assigned26. a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poorA) Other things being equal C) To be equal to other thingsB) Were other things equal D) Other things to be equal27 that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much better.A) For B) Now C) Since D) Despite28. The man in the corner confessed to a lie to the manager of the company.A) have told B) be told C) being told D) having told29. By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular children as Coca-Cola.A) for B) in C) to D) with30. Because Edgar was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he his opinion.A) struck at B) strove for C) stuck to D) stood for31. Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used late for his lecture.A) to have students B) for students' beingC) for students to be D) to students' being32. You should have been more patient that customer; I'm sure that selling him the watch was a possibility.A) of B) with C) for D) at33. Neither of the young men who had applied for a position in the university .A) has been accepted B) have been acceptedC) was accepted D) were accepted34. This box is too heavy, . give me a hand?A) would you mind B) would you pleaseC) will you like to D) will you please to35. he works hard, I don't mind when he finishes the experiment.A) As soon as B) As well as C) So far as D) So long as36. As early as 1647 Ohio made a decision that free, tax-supported schools must be established in every town 50 households or more.A) having B) to have C) to have had D) having had37. People appreciate with him because he has a good sense of humor.A) to work B) to have worked C) working D) having worked38. The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he himself.A) injure B) had injured C) injured D) would injure39. We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to yield . any military threat.A) up B) to C) in D) at40. Although he knew little about the large amount of work done in the field, he succeeded______ other more well-informed experimenters failed.A) which B) that C) what D) where2,完型填空练习题Every human being has unique arrangement of skin on his fingers and this arrangement is unchangeable. Scientists and experts have proved the 1 of finger-prints and discovered that no 2 similar pattern is 3 from parents to children, 4 nobody knows why this is the 5 .The ridge 6 on a person’ finger doesn’t change7 growth and is not affected by 8 injuries. Burns, cuts and other damages to the 9 part of the skin will be replaced 10 by a new one which bears the reproduction of the 11 pattern. It is only when the inner skin is injured that the arrangement will be 12 Some criminals make use of this to 13 their own finger-prints 14 this is a dangerous and rare step to 15 .Finger-prints can be made very easily with a printer’s ink. They can be recorded easily. With special method, 16 can be achieved successfully within a short time. 17 the simplicity and economy of this system, finger-print have often been used as a method of solving criminal cases. A 8 man may deny the charge but this may be 19 . His finger-prints can prove who he is even his 20 has been changed by age or accident.41. A. uselessness B. quantity C. magnitude D. uniqueness42. A. naturally B. exactly C. especially D. particularly43. A. passed on B. passed away C. passed out D. passed off44. A. if B. when C. though D. as45. A. reason B. cause C. ground D. case46. A. construction B. structure C. location D. position47. A. with B. because of C. until D. under48. A. grave B. severe C. substantial D. superficial49. A. outside B. outward C. inner D. outer50. A. in time B. on time C. at times D. behind time51. A. original B. different C. definite D. customary52. A. restored B. hurt C. destroyed D. restricted53. A. diminish B. dispose C. undermine D. remove54. A. and B. but C. when D. if55. A. make B. take C. do D. adapt56. A. realization B. detection C. identification D. investigation57. A. In spite of B. Irrespective of C. Because of D. In case of58. A. suspected B. doubted C. distrusted D. doubtful59. A. out of case B. in vain C. at random D. in question60. A. look B. expression C. appearance D. sight3,完型填空练习题A Good Couple Supports Each OtherRodney Mace, 35, is married with two young children, and is a part-time teacher of architectural history, “I am constantly surprised by other people’s surprise, when they come to the house and see me cleaning a floor or hanging out the washing. Their eyes open wide at the sight of it! Much of the comment comes from men. But I am even more surprised at the number of women who comment too.”His wife Jane, an Oxford graduate in modern languages, has a demanding full-time job. She is director of the Cambridge House literacy scheme for adults in South London. Her working week involves several evenings and Saturdays, and at these times her husband is in sole charge of home and family. Apart from this, they share household jobs and employ achild-minder for the afternoons. This enables him to teach two days a week and to do what he considers his principal work: writing. He has written several books and spends much of his time in British Museum Reading Room, cycling there from his home in Brixton.People ask the Maces if they think their children miss them. One can argue that satisfied parents generally have satisfied children, but in any case the Maces are careful to reserve time and energy to play with their children. “An d they have now developed relationships with other adults and children.”Previously, Rodney Mace worked full-time and Jane only part-time. Then 18 months ago, the director of the literacy scheme left. “It seems to me that Jane was very well suited to do this job. She was very doubtful about it. But I urged her to apply. She did and she got it.” Jane Mace confirms that she needed this encouragement, as so many women initially do,Did his male ego(自我,自己)suffer from the change-over? Nothing like that occurred. But he still seems amazed at the way it changed his thinking. “I felt that we were finally going to be partners. I felt enormous relief, I wasn’t avoiding responsibility, but changing it. Our relationship is so much better now. It has been a change for the good for both of us – in every aspect, I think it is fundamental that the woman works. The idea of equal partnership is an illusion if one partner doesn’t work.”61.The article is about a couple whose married life is happier because___.A.they have a truly equal partnershipB.the husband enjoy staying at homeC.they earn more moneyD.the wife has a full-time job62.Jane finally decided to apply for her present job because____.A.she thought she had better qualification than othersB.her husband persuaded her toC.it was very well paidD.some of her friends encouraged her to63.It is implied the passage that____.A.The Maces believe a good career is even more important than their family lifeB.Rodney’s children are quite happy with their position in the familyC.Even capable women sometimes need encouragement from their familiesD.The practice of sharing household jobs between husband and wife is commonplace in London64.We can infer from this passage that a changeover of roles in the family ____.A.is quite necessary in modern lifeB.is probably based on some practical reasonsC.aims solely at a complete emancipation of womenD.shows women are not necessarily inferior to men65.Which of the following statements is true?A.Most Englishmen think that a husband should do more housework than a wife.B.In London the traditional idea about the sex role at home has been completely changed.C.Many Englishmen and Englishwomen still take it for granted that women are mainly in charge of home andfamily.D.English people believe that men should take more responsibilities for housework.2013银行招聘考试复习资料更多资料可加QQ:1301684460 淘宝店:Mary Katherine Goddard and Declaration of IndependenceIf you look closely at some of the early copies of the Declaration of Independence, beyond the flourished signature of John Hancock and the other 55 men who signed it, you will also find the name of one woman, Mary Katherine Goddard. It was she, a Baltimore printer, who published the first official copies of the Declaration, the first copies that included the names of its signers and therefore heralded(宣布,预示)the support of all thirteen colonies.Mary Goddard first got into printing at the age of twenty-four when her brother opened a printing shop in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1762. When her proceeded to get into trouble with his partners and creditors, it was Mary Goddard and her mother who were left to run the shop. In 1765 they began publishing The Providence Gazette, a weekly newspaper. Similar problems seemed to follow her brother as he opened businesses in Philadelphia and again in Baltimore. Each time Ms. Goddard was brought in to run the newspapers. After starting Baltimore’s first newspaper, The Maryland Journal, in 1773, her brother went broke trying to organize a colonial postal service. While he was in debtor’s prison, Mary Katherine Goddard’s name appeared in the newspaper’s masthead (报头) for the first time.When the Continental Congress fled there from Philadelphia in 1776, it commissioned Ms. Goddard to print the first official version of the Declaration of Independence in January 1777. After printing the documents, she herself paid the post riders to deliver the Declaration throughout the colonies.During the American Revolution, Mary Goddard continued to publish Baltimore’s only newspaper, which one historian claimed was “second to none among the colonies.” She was also the city’s postmaster from 1775 to 1789 --- appointed by Benjamin Franklin –and is considered to be the first woman to hold a federal position.66.With which of the following subjects is the passage mainly concerned?A.The accomplishment of a female publisher.B.The weaknesses of the newspaper industry.C.The rights of a female publisher.D.The publishing system in colonial America.67.Mary Goddard’s name appears on the Declaration of Independence because____.A.She helped write the original documentB.She published the documentC.She paid to have the document printedD.Her brother was in prison68.According to the passage, Mary Goddard first became involved in publishing when she ____.A.was appointed by Benjamin FranklinB.signed the Declaration of IndependenceC.took over her brother’s printing shopD.moved to Baltimore69.The word “there” in paragraph 3 refers to____.A.the coloniesB.the print shopC.BaltimoreD.Providence70.It can be inferred from the passage that Mary Goddard was ____.A.an accomplished businesswomanB.extremely wealthyC. a member of the Continental CongressD. a famous writerTeach Your Child to WonderChildren start out as natural scientists, instinctively eager to investigate the world around them. Helping them enjoy science can be easy, there’s no need for a lot of scientific terms or expensive lab equipment. You only have to share your children’s curiosity. Firstly, listen to their questions. I once visited a classroom of seven-year-olds to talk about science as a career. The children asked me “textbook questions” about schooling, salary and whether I liked my job. When I finished answering, we sat facing one another in science. Finally I said, “Now that we’re finished with your lists, do you have questions of your own about science?”After a long pause, a boy raised his hand, “have you ever seen a grasshopper eat? When I try eating leaves like that, I got a stomachache. Why? ”This began a series of questions that lasted nearly two hours.Secondly, give them time to think. Studies over the past three decades have shown that, after asking a question, adults typically w ait only one second or less for a response, no time for a child to think. When adults increase their “wait time” to three seconds or more, children respond with more logical, complete and creative answers.Thirdly, watch your language. Once you have a ch ild engaged in a science discussion, don’t jump in with “That’s right” or “Very good.” These words work well when it comes to encouraging good behavior. But in talking about science, quick praise can signal that discussion is over. Instead, keep things goi ng by saying, “That’s interesting” or “I’d never thought of it that way before,” or coming up with more questions or ideas.Never urge a child to “Think”. It doesn’t make sense, children are always thinking, without your telling them to. What’s more, this can turn a conversation into a performance. The child will try to find the answer you want, in as few as possible, so he will be a smaller target for your disapproval.Lastly, show, don’t tell. Real-life impressions of nature are far more impressive than any lesson children can extract from a book or a television program. Let children look at their fingertips through a magnifying glass, and they’ll understand why you want them to wash before dinner. Rather than saying that water evaporates, set a pot of water to boil and let them watch the water level drop.71.In order to arouse children’s interest, the most important things for adults to do is ___.A.to encourage them by saying “That’s right frequently ”B.to share their curiosityC.to explain difficult phrases about scienceD.to offer their children lad devices72.The word “instinctively” in the first line can be replaced by ____.A.activelyB.passionatelyC.impulsivelyD.interestingly73.According to the passage, children can give more logical, complete and creative answers n science discussion if adults____.A.give them some hintsB.encourage them by giving them prizeC.urge them to thinkD.wait at least for three seconds after a question74.According to the fifth and sixth paragraphs, we may infer that ___.A.to praise does good to a child engaged in a science discussionB. a child will not think unless you urge him to do soC.more questions or ideas can keep science discussion going wellD.parents’ language can not affect a child’s performance75.The author mentions all of the following techniques for adults to share with their children’s curiosity except thatadults should_____.A.tell their children stories instead of reciting factsB.offer their children the chance to see things for themselvesC.be patient enough when their children answer questionsD.encourage their children to ask questions of their ownPoverty in Different CountriesIn the United States during 1992, any family of four with an annual cash income of less than $ 14, 335 (before taxes) was considered poor. The dollar amount was called the poverty line, an economic measuring rod devised in 1964. The line was set at three times the amount needed to provide the cheapest nutritionally balanced diet. The poverty line is adjusted annually for inflation.While the poverty line in the United States was more than $ 14, 000, the average annual per-person income in Bangladesh was $ 200, in Ethiopia $ 130, in Haiti $340, and In Mali 4 265. Anyone in those nations with an income of $ 14, 000 would be considered wealthy. During the Great Depression in the United States, when half the population was considered poor, a family with an income at the 1992 poverty line could afford to buy a house, a car, clothing and food.The reality of poverty varies with location and social and political conditions. Poverty basically means a lack of, or an insufficient amount of, the three primary physical needs--- food, clothing, and shelter. But for poverty to be recognized, it must exist alongside prosperity. Before the discovery of the New World, the American Indians would not have considered themselves poor, though they lived with only the bare necessities and a few handmade artifacts(人工制品).The severity of poverty varies, depending on the economic vitality of the nation in which it occurs. In the modern industrialized societies of Western Europe, North America, and Japan, there are many government services provided to ease poverty --- including free medical care and subsidized housing. The homeless of New York City and Los Angeles can usually find some shelter and a mission offering free meals.76.You would be considered poor in America if ____.A.You are out of a job.B.You earn less than three times the amount needed to provide the cheapest diet.C.You earn less than $ 14, 335 (before taxes) per year.D.The amount of money you earn is below the current poverty line.77.The average annual cash income per person before taxes in the USA in 1992 was ____.A. more than $ 14, 000B. $200C.$14,335D. about $3,58078.The purpose of the example of the American Indians given in the 3rd paragraph is to show that poverty is ____.A. absoluteB. non-existentC.relativeD. never recognized79.Free medical care and subsidized housing most probably exist in ___ to relieve the poor and the needy.A. BangladeshB. HaitiC.CanadaD. India80.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. From 1929 to 1933, 50% of the American population lived in poverty.B. Where there is prosperity, there is poverty.C.Poverty basically refers to a lack of clothing, housing and food.D.Anyone with an annual income around the 1992 American poverty line would be considered wealthy.DNAEach living cell contained the message EAT, GROW, SPLIT, AND PASS THIS MESSAGE ALONG. But how could cells understand a message> they couldn’t read or write, so what form could these instructions take? For a long time this question baffled (使困惑)scientists, and they worked hard to figure out how the messages of life were passed from generation to generation.Then in 1953, four scientists solved the mystery. James Waston and Francis Crick, helped by the work of Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin, figured out the structure if a super-molecule(超分子)called DNA (short for deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸的缩略),which contains the cell messages. The three men became world famous and won the Nobel Prize, which is one of the highest honors a scientist can be awarded. But Rosalind Franklin died before people realized how important her work was.Because DNA is too small to be seen under a microscope, the scientists had to figure out how the molecules that made DNA were fitted together. They discovered that the DNA molecule looked like a twisted rope ladder (扭曲的绳梯), which they called a double helix(双螺旋). The “rope” and “steps” of the DNA, they said, were made of four kinds of nucleotide (核甘)bases hooked together in special ways that could carry the coed messages of life.DNA is in the middle of all living cells. It acts as a memory and control for all growth and reproduction. Each “step” in the twisted ladder is a coded “word” of instructions telling the cell how to build itself up step by step, and when to split in two.When a cell divides, the DNA “unzip”(解开拉练) into two strands (串),one for each new cells. Each DNA strand contains the full message, and immediately starts building itself back to a double helix by using the chemicals “eaten” by the cells. Soon each cell in the new generation has a full DNA molecule inside it, just like the one in its parent cell. Then the process of growth and division starts all over again.81. Which of the following statements is not true?A. Each living cell can take instructions.B. The DNA molecule is a twisted rope ladder.C. DNA acts as a memory and control center for all growth and reproduction.D. DNA gave the first living cells the ability to split and started the amazing story of life.82. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.A. Rosalind Franklin won the Nobel Prize for her work on DNAB. People did not solve the mystery of DNA until the year 1853C. The discovery of DNA has exerted a profound influence on scientific worldD. Maurice Wilkins died before people realized how important his work was83. According to the passage, the DNA molecule turns out to be ____.A. a twisted rope ladderB. “steps”C. coded “words”D. four kinds of nucleotide bases84. The phrase “the coded messages of life” in the third paragraph can be best replaced by _____.A. the instructions to eat, grow, split and to pass this message alongB. the process of cell growth and cell divisionC. the instructions to build itself upD. the instructions to split itself in two85. In the final analysis, a double helix signifies____.A. the chemicals “eaten” by the cellB. the structure of a super-molecule called deoxyribonucleic acidC. the two strands, one for each new cellD. the parent cell and the body cellsWater PollutionWater problem in the future will become more intense and more complex. Our increasing population will tremendously increase urban wasters, primarily sewage. On the other hand, increasing demands for water will decrease substantially the amount of water available for building wasters. Rapidly expanding industries which involve more and more complex chemical processes will produce larger volume of liquid wasters, and many of these will contain chemicals which are noxious. To feed our rapidly expanding population, agriculture will have to be intensified. This will involve ever-increasing quantities of agricultural chemicals. From this, it is apparent that drastic steps must be taken immediately to develop corrective measures for the pollution problem.There are two ways by which this pollution problem can be dwindled. The first relates to the treatment of wastes to decrease their pollution hazard. This involves the processing of solid wasters “prior to” disposal and the treatment of liquid wasters, or effluents, to permit the reuse of the water or minimize pollution upon final disposal.A second approach is to develop an economic use for all or a part of the wastes. Farm manure is spread in fields as a nutrient or organic supplement. Effluents from sewage disposal plants are used in some areas both for irrigation and for the nutrients contained. Effluents from other processing plants may also be used as a supplemental source of water. Many industries, such as meat and poultry processing plants, are currently converting former waste products into marketable byproducts. Other industries are exploring potential; economic uses for their waste products.86. The purpose of this passage is _____.A. to acquaint the reader with water pollution problemsB. to alert the reader the dwindling water supplyC. to explain industrial uses of waterD. to demonstrate various uses of water87. Which of the following points is NOT included in the passage?A. Expanding industries need larger volume of water.B. Demands for water will go up along with the expanding population.C. Intensive cultivation of land requires more and more chemicals.D. Industrial development includes the simplification of complex chemical processing.88. The word “prior to” in Paragraph 2 probably mean____.A. duringB. afterC. beforeD. beyond89. The reader can conclude that_____.A. Countries of the world will work together on pollution problems.B. Some industries are now making economic use of wastesC. Byproducts from wastes lead to a more prosperous marketplaceD. Science is making great progress on increasing water supplies90. The author gives substance to the passage through the use of ____.A. interviews with authorities in the field of water controlsB. definitions which clarify important termsC. opinions and personal observationsD. strong arguments and persuasionsJob and DreamMy father was foreman of s sugar-cane plantation in Rio piedras, puerto Rico. My first job was to drive the oxen that plowed the cane fields. I would walk behind an ox, guiding him with a broomstick. For $1 a day, I worked eight hours straight, with no food breaks.It was very tedious work, but it prepared me for life and taught me many lasting lessons. Because the plan tation owners were always watching us, I had to be on time every day and work as hard as I could. I’ve never been late for any job since. I also learned about being respectful and loyal to the people you work for. More important, I earned my pay; it never entered my mind to day I was sick just because I didn’t want to work.I was only six years old, but I was doing a man’s job. our family needed every dollar we could make because my father never earned more than $18 a week. our home was a three-room wood shack with a dirt floor and no toilet. Nothing made me prouder than bringing home money to help my mother, father, two brothers and three sisters. This gave me self-esteem, one of the most important things a person can have.When I was seven, I got work at a golf course near our house. My job was to stand down the fairway and spot the balls as they landed so the golfers could find them. Losing a ball meant you were fired, so I never miss one. Some nights I would lie in bed and dream of making thousands of dollars playing golf and being able to buy a bicycle.The more I dreamed, the more I thought, why not? I made my first golf club out of guava limb and a piece of pipe. Then I hammered an empty tin can into the shape of a ball. And finally I dug two small holes in the ground and hit the ball back and forth. I practiced with the same devotion and intensity I learned working in the field –except now I was driving golf balls with club, not oxen with a broomstick.91. What was the writer’s firs t job?A. to stand down the fairway at a golf course.B. To spot the balls as they landed so the golfers could find them.C. To drive the oxen that plowed the cane fields.。
