Eight Chinese phonetic alphabet and the IPA table
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Eight Chinese phonet ic alphabet and t he IPA t able
fir s t sound [yīn píng] 阴平
high and level t one, t he fir s t of t he four t ones in m odern st andar d
Chinese pr onunciat ion
e.g : 开k ai心xin =happy
second sound [yáng píng] 阳平
r ising t one
e.g: 谁shui =who
third sound [zè shēng]仄声
oblique t ones
e.g 我wo =I
fourth sound [qùshēng] 去声
falling t one
e.g 爱ai=love
Single v owel t able (t he vowel is used alone or wit h only aft er t he con sonant)
Vowel 1
No t e:
①Pinyin som e abbr eviat ed form of t he conver sion should pay special att ention should be r est o r ed t o full fo rm. Such as: ui is uei abbr eviat ion, un is t he abbr eviat ion uen, ü in t he j, q, x and y aft er writing u.
②childr en m arkup: ɹ wr itt en in t he syllable at t he end, befor e t he
tr ansfer value.
③v owel phonet ic mnem onic strict style (only for which t he
corr esponding alphabet).
a Ther e ar e five of t he sam e phonem e: wit h [a]: ai, an, ia; wit h [Ą]: wit h or aft er t he consonant s alone; wit h [ɑ]: ang, iang, uang, ao, iao, ua; wit h [æ]: ian and and yan; wit h [ɐ]: child of;
o t he special st andar d m et hod: [uŋ]: ong; [yŋ]: iong;
e o
f t he sam e phonem e ar e four kinds: wit h [ɣ]: wit h or aft er t he
con sonant s alone; wit h [e]: ei, ui; wit h [ɛ]: ie, üe;
Wit h [ə]: en, eng, un, ueng, er;
i have t hr ee of t he sam e phonem e: The [ɿ]: wit h t he z, c, s lat er; wit h [ʅ]: wit h t he zh, ch, sh, r i aft er; use [i]: aft er with t he ot her consonant s.