Practical English Writing2
Practical Writing2毛明勇-研究生实用英语写作PPT教学课件

The complimentary close
To relatives or close friends: Yours, //With love, //With best wishes, //Yours affectionately, //Yours sincerely,
IV. Formats of English Letters
1. Personal Letters
a) Heading
b) Greeting
c) Body
d) Compliment
ary close (结
e) Signature
The Greeting
full block
indented form
Mingyong Mao
School of Foreign Languages
Chongqing Jiaotong University
Nan’an, Chongqing Municipality, 400074
➢ Letters will still play a major part in our communication, even though the technologybased communication means have become increasingly popular.
methods of sending information Letters telegram/telex fax email

1.《剑桥高级英语》(Cambridge Advanced English,简称CAE)这本教材重点关注英国英语,包含了各种语法和用法,以及听、说、读、写等各方面的练习。
2.《新概念英语》(New Concept English)这本教材分为四个层次,分别是《新概念英语》、《新概念英语辅导》、《进阶篇》和《大学英语四级》。
3.《牛津英语》(Oxford English)这本教材是由英国牛津大学出版社出版,也是世界上最著名的英语教材之一。
4.《实用英语读写教程》(Practical English Reading and Writing)该教材具有很高的实用价值,不仅仅关注英语的学习,还包含了各种常见场合下的英语应用技巧。
5.《大学英语》(College English)该教材侧重于大学英语,包含了词汇、语法、阅读、写作和听力等各个方面的内容。
English Practical Writing(II)

V. Conclusion We recommend that the Hong Kong Dafa Construction Group Corporation proceed immediately with the project in Haidian since we have heard that other private developers are interested in the site. We thus suggest the following steps: 1. that the Group should seek out investment partners; 2. that the Group should work out a Call for Bids and invite tenders as soon as possible. March 6, 1999 Zhao Feng Director of Construction Department, The AA Co. Ltd.
语言和风格 ( Language and Style) 报告的语言通常具备以下特点:
1. plain 2. factual 3. impersonal 4. direct 5. neutral
以下报告在格式上和文体上均较好地体现了英文报告的有关要 求。
Report On Proposed Construction Project in Beijing
To: City Mayor Mr. Wang Helin From: Mr. Peng Hong Subject: Possible site for a cement works Date: June 20, 2008 I. Introduction Entrusted by the municipal government, we have conducted a thorough investigation in the city area on the possible site for the construction of a cement works. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ II. Investigation The team made on-the-spot investigation and drew a map _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ III. Recommendation Based on the above investigation, we would like to _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

微信小程序实用英语作文Practical English Writing with WeChat Mini Program。
With the rapid development of technology, WeChat mini program has become a popular tool for people to access various services and information. Among them, practical English learning has become one of the most popular functions. In this essay, I will discuss how WeChat mini program can help us improve our English writing skills.First of all, WeChat mini program offers a wide range of English writing materials, including sample essays, vocabulary lists, and grammar rules. These materials are carefully selected and updated regularly, providing learners with a comprehensive and reliable source of English writing guidance. By reading and practicing with these materials, learners can gradually improve their writing skills and gain confidence in their ability to express themselves in English.Secondly, WeChat mini program provides a platform for learners to communicate and exchange ideas with other English learners. Learners can join English writing groups and participate in discussions, share their writing experiences and learn from others. Through these interactions, learners can not only improve their writing skills but also broaden their horizons and develop their critical thinking abilities.Moreover, WeChat mini program offers various writing tools and features that can help learners improve their writing efficiency and accuracy. For example, the program provides spelling and grammar checkers, which can help learners identify and correct their mistakes quickly and easily. It also provides word count and character count functions, which can help learners manage their writing time and meet the requirements of different writing tasks.In addition, WeChat mini program offers personalized learning plans and progress tracking features. Learners can set their own learning goals and track their progress through the program. This can help learners stay motivatedand focused on their learning goals, and can also help them identify their strengths and weaknesses in writing.In conclusion, WeChat mini program is a powerful tool for English learners to improve their writing skills. With its rich and diverse learning materials, interactive learning platform, efficient writing tools, and personalized learning plans, learners can achieve their English writing goals effectively and efficiently. Therefore, I highly recommend WeChat mini program to anyone who wants to improve their English writing skills.。
英语作文范文-应用文 (Practical Writing)写作

英语作文范文应用文 (Practical Writing)写作(一) 定义应用文是人们用来处理日常生活、工作和学习的一种简易通俗的文章。
(二) 种类应用文的种类很多,包括公文、书信、公约、批示以及单据等。
1. 书信英文书信的种类,大致分为社交信(Social Letters),家信(Family Letters),及商业信(Business Letters)三种。
一封英文书信主要由九个部分组成:(1) 信头(Heading):信头,即信端,是指写信人的地址和写信日期。
比较:中文写法中国福建省厦门市,361021集美大学606信箱英文写法P.O. Box 606Jimei UniversityXiamen, 361021Fujian ProvinceP.R. China中文书信的日期写于落款之后,而英文信函的日期位于信端之下,信内地址之上。
如2003年5月20日可写作:20 May 2003 (英式写法)May 20, 2003, 或May 20th, 2003 (美式写法)注意:月份应用英文写出,不以阿拉伯数字代替,因此,上例日期不可写成2003,5,20。
(2) 信内地址 (Inside Address)信内地址是指收信人的姓名和地址,写在信笺的左上角,从左边略低于写信日期的一、二行处顶格写起。
假如不知收信人的姓名,可用其职务或机构名称代替,如:Personnel Director(用职务)Boots the Chemist Ltd.16-18 Pulton RoadChiswickU.K.Office of Admissions(用机构)Fordham UniversityRose Hill CampusBronx, New York 10486U.S.A(3) 称呼(Salutation)称呼自成一行,从信纸的左边顶格写起。

Passage I
Different Attitudes to Gift Giving
New Practical English 1
Text-related Information
Customs About Gifts and Gift-giving and Receiving
If you receive a birth announcement from your friend or co-workers, this doesn’t mean that you have to send a gift. It is not compulsory. If you wish to, you may give one. The best gift for babies is baby blankets, clothes or toys.
New Practical English 1
Para.2 Japan is a gift giving country. It is not unusual in Japan to offer a gift to a person who is leaving or has been helpful. When people do that, the gifts tend to be substantial and expensive. However, at least in the
Even though is a conjunction, leading a concessive clause, so that a contrast is made between vary from country to country and universal.

议论文(Argumentation)是一种写作者就某个话题,某个问题,或某个事件发表自己 的看法,进行议论,分析,说明和论证,阐明自己的观点和主张的文体。议论文通过充分 的论证,影响读者的认知活动,说服读者就收作者的观点。社论,评论,书评,杂文对于 议论文的范畴。
论据是为论点服务的,是用来说明观点的事实或理论材料,在文章中起支持和 证明论点的作用。所以论据要典型真实,充分有力,针对性强,要与论点有本质的 内在联系。如果论据不真实,不充分,不能紧扣论点,就讲不清道理,没有说服力。
过程。论证要求论据充分,合情合理,使论据与论点之 间具有内在的逻辑关系。论点与论据游击联系起来,构
一篇完整的议论文应包含论点,论据和论证。因此,鲜明的论点,确凿的证据, 严密的论证是议论文的三个基本要素。论点是作者对讨论问题所持的简介和主张。 中心论点是议论文的基本观点,它是全文的主旨和核心,在文章中起主导作用。分 论点是说明中心论点的论据,是为论证中心论点服务的。议论文的论点应该是正确,
a.Advertisement give up-to-date information about products.
b.If there was no advertising, consumers would only know about goods in their local shop. c.Advertising helps to sell to a bigger market. Therefore, as more goods are sold they are cheaper. d.Advertisements provide revenue for news-papers, etc. Against a.Advertisements do not give information, but they try to persuade us to buy. b.They create a demand for goods that are not really needed.

英语应用文写作教程(共5篇)英语应用文写作教程(共5篇)篇一:《英语应用文写作教程2》A Course for Practical English Writing 《英语应用文写作教程》 Unit 1 English Letters Letter of Booking a Room Letter of Invitation Letter of Congratulations Letter of Appreciation Letter of Inquiry Letter of Reply Letter of Complaint Letter of Application Letter of Job Termination Letter of Remendation Letter of Introduction Letter of Application Unit 2 Posters Unit 3 Cards Name Cards Greeting CardsInvitation Cards Card to Accept an Invitation Card to Decline an Invitation ID Card Employee’ s Card S tudent’s ID Card Unit 4 Certificates Marriage Certificates Graduation Certificate Birth Certificate Doctor’s Certificate Retirement Certificate Unit 5 Messages Telephone Messages Note for Asking for Leave Note for Making an Appointment Message for Saying Good-bye Message on the Blackboard Unit 6 Announcements LostFound Notice of Engagement Person Missing Contributions Wanted Clerk Wanted Notice Notice for House Renting Marriage Wanted Unit 7 Bills and Forms Resume Note Form of Receipt I. O. U. Form Unit 8 Broadcast Announcements Broadcast Announcement of a Party Broadcast Announcement of Airlines Flight Broadcast Announcement on a Train Broadcast Announcement of an Urgency Weather Forecast Telephone AnnouncementUnit 9 Memos and Diaries Memo Business Memos Diaries Unit 10 Speeches Weling Speech Send-off Speech Opening Address Closing Address Unit 11 Notices Notice of a Meeting Notice of a Speech Notice of Some Activities Notice of a Visit Notice of a Holiday Notice of Employment Notice of a Decision Notice of Election Results Unit 12 Ads and InstructionsAdvertisements Instructions Unit 13 Contracts Business Contracts Employment Contracts Unit 14 Faxes andEmails E-mail Reply to an E-mail Fax Resume 图片已关闭显示,点此查看图片已关闭显示,点此查看图片已关闭显示,点此查看图片已关闭显示,点此查看图片已关闭显示,点此查看图片已关闭显示,点此查看篇二:英语应用文写作课程简介英语应用文写作(Practical English Writing)课程简介课程编号: 050249 学时:32 课程类型:任选课先修课程:英语应用文写作适用专业:非英语专业本科实验班、卓越班等本课程的培养目标为:通过实施过程式教学法使学生掌握应用文的写作方法,真正提高他们运用英语的能力。
Practical English Writing -Letters

Lecture SixPractical English Writing --LettersTeaching objectivesStudents will learn the basic information on:1.the structure of envelope;2.the structure of letters;3.the format of letters;4.types and features of different kinds of letters.Teaching ContentsI.信封的写法(The Structure of Envelope)在信封地址格式上,英语和汉语采用截然不同的方式,英语信封的惯例是收信人地址写在信封中间,具体写法是:第一行:对收信人的称谓及其名和姓;第二行寓所的房间号码、门牌号、所在街道名;第三行:城镇名、城市名、省名或州名及邮编;第四行:国名寄信人地址写在信封的左上角,和收信人地址的写法相似。
托人转交的信则写上C/O,意思是in care of,放在收信人下一行及转交人姓名之前。
II.书信的结构(The Structure of Letters)(1)信头(Heading)信头指的是写信人的单位名称和地址,位于第一页信纸的右上角,以便于收信人联系。
地址最后一行写日期,月份要用英文写,不要用数字代替,可采用标准的缩写式,如Aug., Oct.……,日期可用基数词1,2,3……或序数词1st,2nd, 3rd……;年份要写全,如2011。
日期的英国写法是日月年,如:22 Sep.,2011;美国写法是月日年,如:Sep.22,2011。
(2)信内地址(Inside Address)信内地址指的是收信人的名称和地址,位于第一张信纸的左上角,低于写信日期,和新风尚收信人姓名和地址的写法完全一样。
求职简历模板-英文简历resume 精品

Process of Writing:
第一步:介绍消息来源 介绍消息来源实际上是求职信的开篇交待句,它可使 求职信显得自然、顺畅;而不介绍消息来源,会使收 信人感到意外、突然,文章也缺乏过渡、照应,本文 消息来源可作如下介绍:
Dear manager,
I learned from the newspaper that your company wanted to hire an English translator.
I should require a commencing salary of 1000 Yuan a month.
第六步:请求答复联系 如果单位领导同意了你的求职要求,你必然要请他和你联 系,以便你及时做好准备,到用人单位应聘或报到。为准 确起见,请求答复联系时你还应当提供你的通讯地址、邮 政编码、电话号码、电子信箱等。本文答复联系的内容可 作如下介绍: If you agree with me, please write a letter to me or phone me. I live at No.1 Renmin Road, Suzhou city. My telephone number is 3654371.
下面就介绍一下写求职信的要点和注意事项,希望对 渴望找到一份理想工作的你有所帮助。
How to write a letter of application
The purpose of a letter of application is to help the applicant obtain the job he is interested in. It should state clearly what position the applicant wants, and should tell what his abilities are and what he has to offer. It should provide a quick, clear picture of the applicant's qualifications, accomplishment and aims. It should present the applicant to possible employees in the best light.

作文课英语二English Writing Class Two。
English writing is an essential skill that every student needs to master. Writing is not only a way to communicate with others but also a way to organize our thoughts and express ourselves. Therefore, taking a writing class is crucial for students who want to improve their writing skills.In an English writing class, students will learn various writing techniques, such as brainstorming, outlining, drafting, revising, and editing. They will also learn how to write different types of essays, including descriptive, narrative, persuasive, and expository essays. In addition, students will learn how to use proper grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary to make their writing more effective.One of the benefits of taking an English writing classis that it helps students to become more confident in their writing abilities. By practicing writing regularly and receiving feedback from their teachers and peers, students can identify their strengths and weaknesses and work on improving their writing skills. Moreover, writing classes can also help students to develop critical thinking skills, as they learn how to analyze and evaluate different sources of information.Another advantage of taking an English writing class is that it prepares students for college-level writing. In college, students are required to write various types of essays and research papers, and they need to be able to write clearly and effectively to succeed. By taking a writing class in high school, students can develop the skills they need to excel in college-level writing.In conclusion, an English writing class is an essential course for students who want to improve their writing skills. By learning different writing techniques and practicing regularly, students can become more confident and effective writers. Moreover, taking a writing class canalso prepare students for college-level writing and help them to develop critical thinking skills. Therefore, students should take advantage of the opportunity to take an English writing class and work on improving their writing abilities.。

练习英文书写的作文语文Practicing English WritingWriting is a fundamental skill that is essential for effective communication in the modern world. Whether it is for academic, professional, or personal purposes, the ability to express oneself clearly and concisely through the written word is a valuable asset. For non-native English speakers, developing proficiency in English writing can be particularly challenging, as it requires mastering the nuances of grammar, vocabulary, and style that are unique to the language.However, with dedicated practice and a willingness to learn, individuals can overcome these challenges and become confident and skilled English writers. In this essay, we will explore the importance of practicing English writing and discuss strategies for improving one's writing abilities.The Importance of Practicing English WritingProficiency in English writing is crucial for a variety of reasons. In the academic realm, strong writing skills are essential for success in coursework, research papers, and other written assignments. Employers in many industries also highly value candidates who can communicate effectively in writing, as it is often a key component of job responsibilities. Furthermore, in our increasingly globalized world, the ability to write in English can open up opportunities for international collaboration, travel, and personal growth.Beyond these practical considerations, the act of practicing English writing can also have cognitive and personal benefits. The process of organizing one's thoughts, selecting appropriate vocabulary, and constructing coherent sentences can enhance critical thinking, problem-solving, and attention to detail. Additionally, the sense of accomplishment and self-expression that comes with improvingone's writing skills can boost self-confidence and self-esteem.Strategies for Improving English Writing SkillsDeveloping proficiency in English writing is a gradual process that requires consistent practice and a willingness to learn from mistakes. Here are some strategies that can help individuals improve their writing skills:1. Read extensively: Reading a wide range of English-languagematerials, such as books, newspapers, and magazines, can expose individuals to diverse writing styles and vocabulary. This exposure can help writers internalize the conventions and patterns of the language, which can then be applied to their own writing.2. Practice writing regularly: Consistent practice is essential for improving writing skills. Individuals should set aside dedicated time each day or week to write, whether it is a journal entry, a short story, or a response to a writing prompt. The more one writes, the more comfortable and confident they will become.3. Focus on grammar and mechanics: Mastering the fundamentals of English grammar, such as sentence structure, verb tenses, and punctuation, is crucial for producing clear and well-structured writing. Individuals should study grammar rules and practice applying them in their writing.4. Expand vocabulary: A rich and varied vocabulary is essential for effective writing. Individuals should make a conscious effort to learn new words, their meanings, and how to use them appropriately in context.5. Seek feedback and revise: Having one's writing reviewed by others, such as teachers, peers, or professional editors, can provide valuable feedback on areas for improvement. Individuals should be open toconstructive criticism and use it to revise and refine their writing.6. Utilize writing resources: There are numerous online and offline resources available to help individuals improve their English writing skills, such as grammar guides, writing workshops, and online writing communities. Individuals should take advantage of these resources to supplement their practice and learning.7. Embrace the writing process: Effective writing is not a one-time event but rather a process that involves planning, drafting, revising, and editing. Individuals should be patient with themselves and understand that the journey to becoming a skilled writer is a continuous one.ConclusionPracticing English writing is a crucial skill that can bring numerous benefits, from academic and professional success to personal growth and self-expression. By adopting strategies such as reading extensively, practicing regularly, focusing on grammar and mechanics, expanding vocabulary, seeking feedback, and utilizing writing resources, individuals can steadily improve their writing abilities and become confident and effective communicators in the English language.。

新视野英语教程读写教程第二册电子教案学科英语教材《新视野英语教程2》课题Unit 1 班级课时 6 periods 时间课型New class教法讲授法练习法教具多媒体电脑投影仪教学目标1、掌握本单元教学中规定的单词和词组。
2、掌握there is (no) room for..., even so等句子结构的用法。
3、掌握应用文:Understanding and Writing Invitation Letters 写作技巧。
教学重点1、重点:New words and Expressions2、难点:Listening and Speaking教学过程主要教学内容Part One Section AI. New Words and Expressions1. tear down: v.pull down, especially violently; destroyWe have a theatre in town but we are to tear it down next year tomake room for the highway.2. golden: a.(1) of the color of goldDo you refer to the one that has a golden yellow flower, a browncenter and a strong stem?(2) made of goldThe medal was g olden, so it was sold for quite a lot of money.3. danger: n.the possibility of harm or lossA policeman could meet with danger any minute of his danger of: likely to be hurt or damaged byThe trees in the forest have been cut down in such great numbersthat the forest is i n danger of d isappearing.4. line of thinking /thought: a way or method of thinking aboutsomethingI worry about this line of thinking because it is not good forchildren.5. resident:n.a person who lives in a placeThis hotel serves meals to residents o nly.a. Living in a placeIn 1970 about one fifth of resident college and university students were women.6. inspect: vt. examine closely or in detail, especially in order to judgequality or correctness; make an official visit to judge the qualityYesterday a man from the local education committee came to inspect o ur school.7. inspector: official who inspect somethingThe tax inspector has a complete right to examine the company files.8. structure:n.(1) something formed of many parts, especially a building,The steel structure looks very strange among the small wooden houses.(2)the way in which parts are formed into a whole,Scientists now know quite a lot about the structure of the human brain.vt. Arrange into a whole form, in which each part is related to others It is difficult for me to understand why things are structure in sucha way in their family.9. claim:v.(1) declare to be true, stateOne should not claim to know what one doesn’t know.(2) ask for, take, or state that one should have something to whichone has a rightOn what grounds are you claiming compensation? You have to state reasons.n.(1)a statement that something that is true or realLots of people say that never read advertisements, but this claim is hard to believe.(2) a demand or request for something which one has a right to have,The workers have come out on strike in support of their pay claim.10. official record or listAll stores which sell guns must keep a register showing the details of each deal.v.put into an official record or list,registered.They made sure that each book was numbered andII. Sentence Structure1. They are using the earthquake as an excuse.Meaning: The reason that the building was damaged in an earthquakewas not a real one: McDonald’s managers are using it to hide the realreason for tearing down the building.2. There is no room for a drive-thru window, or for seating inside.Meaning: There is no space where people can buy food without gettingout of their car. Nor is there space for people to sit and eat inside.3. The building is still there, but boards cover the windows. Even so;people drive by to remember their McDonald’s.Meaning: Although the windows of the restaurant are covered withboards, people still stop by to visit their McDonald’s when driving past i 4. Taking pictures of a moment in history the restaurant is gone.Meaning: They take pictures to record a time in history before therestaurant is gone.III. Questions About the Text1. Where and when was the first McDonald’s built?2. Why does McDonald’s want to tear down the restaurant?3. Why do some people want to save the first McDonald’s?4. What is McDonald’s real purpose to tear down the restaurant?5. What is the author’s purpose of writing this article?Part Three Section CPractical Writing:Understanding and Writing Invitation LettersPart Four Listening and Speaking1. What do you think about...?2. How do you like...?3. I like /love it. /I hate it.4. It’s great. /it’s horrible.Part Five Summary1. New Expressions2. Sentence Structure3. Practical Writing4. Listening and SpeakingPart Six HomeworkP9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 20, 21.四、教学总结:1.本课A部分是关于麦当劳的文章,学生会比较感兴趣,由此可以多介绍英美国家的饮食,特别是快餐的情况。

《英语写作》课程教学大纲课程名称:大学英语写作(College English Writing)课程编号:课程性质:专业基础课学时:总学时68 理论课学时68 实验课学时0学分:考核方式:考试适用对象:英语本科专业前修课程:基础英语,语法建议开课学期:2个学期一、课程性质、目的与任务:英语专业写作课程是双语专业的一门极为重要的必修课程,也是培养交流能力的必修课程之一。

提高实践能力英语作文Improving Practical English SkillsIn today's globalized world, the importance of English as a second language cannot be overstated. It is not just asubject to be studied in school; it is a tool for communication, a gateway to knowledge, and a key to successin many fields. To truly master the language, one must focus on improving practical English skills. Here are somestrategies to achieve this:1. Engage in Conversations:The first step to improving practical English skills is to engage in conversations with native speakers or fellow learners. This can be done through language exchange programs, joining conversation clubs, or simply striking up a chat with someone new. The more you speak, the more comfortable you become with the language.2. Watch English Media:Watching English movies, TV shows, and YouTube videos can significantly improve your listening and speaking skills. It exposes you to different accents, slang, and colloquial expressions that are not found in textbooks.3. Read Widely:Reading books, newspapers, and articles in English is another effective way to enhance your vocabulary and comprehension.Choose materials that interest you to make the learning process enjoyable.4. Practice Writing:Writing essays, journal entries, or even social media postsin English can help you practice grammar, sentence structure, and expression. It also allows you to reflect on yourthoughts in a structured manner.5. Use Language Learning Apps:There are numerous apps available that offer interactive language learning experiences. These apps often include games, quizzes, and exercises that make learning fun and engaging.6. Set Realistic Goals:Setting achievable goals, such as learning a certain numberof new words per week or being able to hold a five-minute conversation, can motivate you to practice regularly.7. Immerse Yourself:If possible, immerse yourself in an English-speaking environment. This could be through travel, living abroad, or even creating an English-speaking bubble at home where youonly speak English for a set period each day.8. Seek Feedback:Don't be afraid to ask for feedback from teachers, friends,or language partners. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement.9. Learn from Mistakes:Every mistake is an opportunity to learn. Keep a journal of your errors and review them regularly to avoid repeating them.10. Stay Consistent:Consistency is key in language learning. Dedicate time each day to practice your English skills, even if it's just for a few minutes.By incorporating these strategies into your language learning routine, you can significantly enhance your practical English skills. Remember, the journey to fluency is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay patient, persistent, and enjoy the process of learning a new language.。

新编实用英语综合教程2第五版课件New Practical English Comprehensive Tutorial 2 Fifth Edition CoursewareIntroductionThe New Practical English Comprehensive Tutorial 2 Fifth Edition Courseware is designed to help learners improve their English language skills in a comprehensive and practical manner. This courseware covers a wide range of topics and language skills, including listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. It is suitable for learners of all levels, from beginner to advanced, and can be used both in the classroom and for self-study.FeaturesOne of the key features of this courseware is its focus on real-world English language use. The materials are designed to be practical and relevant to learners' daily lives, helping them to improve their communication skills in a variety of contexts. The courseware also includes a wide range of interactive activities and exercises, which help learners to practice and reinforce their language skills in a fun and engaging way.Another key feature of the courseware is its emphasis on task-based learning. Learners are encouraged to complete tasks and projects that require them to use their English language skills in real-life situations. This approach helps learners to develop their language proficiency in a meaningful and practical way, while also improving their ability to communicate effectively in English.ContentThe New Practical English Comprehensive Tutorial 2 Fifth Edition Courseware is divided into several units, each focusing on a specific language skill or topic. The units cover a wide range of themes, such as travel, technology, health, and culture, which are designed to be interesting and engaging for learners. Each unit includes a variety of listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities, as well as grammar and vocabulary exercises, which help learners to develop their language skills in a holistic way.In addition to the main units, the courseware also includes supplementary materials, such as revision exercises,self-assessment quizzes, and additional practice activities, which help learners to consolidate their learning and track their progress. The courseware also includes a comprehensive glossary of key terms and phrases, as well as audio and videorecordings, which provide additional support and practice for learners.ConclusionThe New Practical English Comprehensive Tutorial 2 Fifth Edition Courseware is a valuable resource for learners who want to improve their English language skills in a practical and comprehensive way. With its focus on real-world language use, task-based learning approach, and engaging content, this courseware provides learners with the tools and support they need to become confident and proficient English speakers. Whether used in the classroom or for self-study, this courseware is sure to help learners achieve their language learning goals.。

英语二作文书English Writing II。
English Writing II is a course that is designed to help students improve their writing skills in English. The course covers a variety of topics, including grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, and writing techniques. Through this course, students will learn how to write effective essays, reports, and other forms of written communication in English.One of the main goals of English Writing II is to help students develop their critical thinking skills. Students will be taught how to analyze and interpret information, and how to use this information to support their arguments and ideas. They will also learn how to identify and avoid common errors in writing, such as grammar and punctuation mistakes.Another important aspect of English Writing II is thefocus on writing for different audiences and purposes. Students will learn how to tailor their writing to specific audiences, such as academic or professional settings. They will also learn how to write for different purposes, suchas persuasion, information, or entertainment.Throughout the course, students will be given opportunities to practice their writing skills through a variety of assignments and exercises. These may include writing essays, reports, and research papers, as well as participating in group discussions and peer reviews. Students will also receive feedback and guidance from their instructor to help them improve their writing skills.Overall, English Writing II is an essential course for anyone who wants to improve their writing skills in English. Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply someone who wants to communicate more effectively in English, this course will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to succeed. So why wait? Enroll in English Writing II today and start improving your writing skills!。

which A chat show is a TV program in _________
famous people are asked questions about their lives and work.
New Practical English 2
whose The child _________ parents died in the air crash is living with his aunt now.
He talked cheerfully about the film and the actress who interested him.
There was little which could be done for the injured man.
New Practical English 2
will never be forgotten. 3. I’d like to see the employee who has put forward the valuable suggestion. 4. Could you tell me the reason why you refused the invitation to
Tom and his family are going to a French where restaurant _________ they had dinner a week ago.
that I have explained everything _________ I can to you.
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Writing Process: Topic Sentences
– B.
• 1st sentence: introduction or transition from the above paragraph to the present one. • 2nd or 3rd sentence: topic • the following sentences: supporting parts (developing the topic)
Writing Process: Outline
Writing Process: Outline
Writing Process: Outline
Writing Process: Outline
– Exercises – Write an outline for the following letters: – 1. It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Fuping Wang for his application to graduate studies in your school.
– The wool used in the manufacture undergoes a special patented process that prevents shrinkage and increases durability. The fact that we are the largest suppliers of woolen underwear in this country is in itself evidence of the good value of our products.
Writing Process: Outline
– Then organize the outline. – An outline is usually made up of three parts, following the Sets of Three principle:
• Introduction • Development • Conclusion.
Practical English Writing
• Xu Yangchun
• Department of • Chinese Language and Literature
Lecture Two Writing Process and Word Choice
– Outline planning – Topic sentence – Difference between words in style
• Development:
– Supporting fact 1: perfect cleaning art – Supporting fact 2: reasonable prices – Supporting fact 3: written guarantee
• Conclusion: offering service
Writing Process: Topic Sentence
– Topic sentence is usually placed up front, often in the first sentence of the paragraph. It is more general than the following sentences. – It conveys the idea that will be developed by the following sentences.
Writing Processes: Outline
– Mr. Wang is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with extremely high potentiality. He is not only quick at learning and good at solving difficult problems, but also with a logical mind that enables him to effectively analyze difficulties.
Writing Process: Outline
– Before writing an outline, we will have to think about how to write it. – The following points might help:
• Topic: purpose of writing----to explain, to persuade, to inquire, or to make a requirement? • Brainstorming: write down whatever you may think out of the topic. • Research: find materials for the ideas.
Writing Processes: Outline
– Reference Key: – Topic idea: countersignature of the sales confirmation – Development: key points concerned – Conclusion: expectation
Writing Processes: Outline
– We appreciate your cooperation and trust that the first partial shipment which is to be effected early month will turn out to your complete satisfaction.
– The prices we quoted in our letter of 2nd April leave us with only the smallest of margins; they are in fact lower than those of our competitors.
Writing Process: Topic Sentences
Writing Processes: Outline
– Mr. Wang has been my research assistant of the National Science Council's project "The United States and the United Nations' Financial Crisis: The Role of U.S. Congress" since September 1997. His major responsibilities include information collecting, analyzing and translating.
Writing Processes: Outline
– It is understood that a letter of credit in our favor covering the captioned merchandise will be established on or about the 25t usually have two positions: – A. in the first sentence; – B. in the second or third sentence.
Writing Process: Topic Sentences
– A.
• 1st sentence: topic • the following sentences: supporting parts (developing the topic)
• Introduction: topic idea • Development: facts to support the topic idea • Conclusion
Writing Process: Outline
– Example: a sales letter
• Topic idea: cleaning any type of carpet
Writing Processes: Outline
– Reference Key: – Topic idea: willing to recommend Mr. Fuping Wang – Development:
• supporting fact 1: reliability of the recommendation • supporting fact 2: Mr. Wang’s abilities
Writing Processes: Outline
– I am certain his diligence, coupled with a good competence and pleasant personality, will assure him of academic achievements in his future academic pursuits. I strongly recommend his admission without any reservation.
Writing Process: Topic Sentences
– Examples – (1) We have carefully considered your counterproposal of 10th April to our offer of woolen underwear, but very much regret that we cannot accept it.