Physica A Statistical Mechanics and its Applications


上海大学2010 -2011 年度研究生特种奖学金候选人

上海大学2010 -2011 年度研究生特种奖学金候选人

1(硕士) 10720105
2(硕士) 09721884
3(硕士) 09721980
1.Electronic band gap and transport in Fibonacci quasi-periodic graphene superlattice,(1),APPLIED 光华一等 PHYSICS LETTERS,Accepted,SCI:0003-6951,IF=3.820. 1.One-pot self-assembly of multifunctional mesoporous nanoprobes with magnetic nanoparticles 1.2007-2008学年,南航第二届本科生学 and hydrophobic upconversion 术论坛二等奖。 光华一等 nanocrystals,(1),Journal of Materials 2.2007-2008学年,南航优秀大学生创新 Chemistry,Accepted,SCI,IF=5.099. 基金(项目负责人)。 2.《近红外稀土荧光在功能材料领域的研究进展》,第 1.Chirality- and curvature- dependent bending 光华一等 stiffness of single layer graphene,(1),applied physics letter,Accepted,sci,IF=3.819. 1.2009-2010年度,上海大学优秀学生。 1.Finite Dimensional Approximation to Global 2.2010-2011年度,上海大学优秀党员。 Minimizers in Functional Spaces with R3.2010-2011年度,上海大学理学院第五 convergence,(1),Applied Mathematics And 届研究生创新基金《不连续全局优化问题 Mechanics,2011,32(1):107-118,SCI,IF=0.514. 的R-收敛变测度理论和方法》。 1.High repetition rate femtosecond laser irradiation-induced elements redistribution in Ag-doped glass,(2)(Tutor First),Appl Phys B,103:663–667(2011),SCI,IF=2.24. 1.2010,研究生创新基金。 2.Effect of spherical aberration on temperature distribution inside glass by irradiation of a high repetition rate femtosecond pulse laser,(2)(Tutor First),Chinese Physics 1.A novel nitrite sensor based on graphene/polypyrrole/chitosan nanocomposite,(1),Analyst,136,SCI,IF=3.918. 2.A novel nonenzymatic hydrogen peroxide sensor based on LaNi0.5Ti0.5O3/CoFe2O4,(1),Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,89,SCI,IF=2.78. Ni0.5Ti0.5O3/CoFe2O4-based sensor for sensitiv e determination,(1),Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry,Accept,SCI,IF=2.234.

Physica A Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Physica A Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

International Journal of Project Management , Volume 28, Issue 3,April 2010, Pages 285-295Paul Bowen, Peter Edwards, Keith Cattell, Ian JayShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase85Dynamics of R&D networked relationships and mergers and acquisitions in the smart card field Original ResearchArticleResearch Policy , Volume 38, Issue 9, November 2009,Pages 1453-1467 Zouhaïer M’ChirguiClose preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesAbstract | Figures/Tables | ReferencesAbstractThis paper analyzes how the structure and the evolution of inter-firmagreements have shaped the development of the smart card industry. The aimis to establish a closer connection between the evolution of inter-firmagreements in the smart card industry and the patterns of change of technologyand demand in this new high-tech industry. Based on a proprietary databasecovering both collaborative agreements and mergers and acquisitions (M&As)occurring in this industry over the period 1992–2006, we find that the evolutionof technology and market demand shapes the dynamics of R&D networks andPurchaseM&As are likely to change the industry structure. We also find that a small group of producers – first-movers – still control the industry and technological trajectories. Their position arises not for oligopolistic reasons of marketstructure, but for technological and organizational reasons.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Theoretical background3. The smart card industry: delineating the boundaries and identifying the actors3.1. Defining the smart card3.2. The differentiated market(s)3.3. The actors3.4. The smart card oligopoly: a dual market structure4. Research methods4.1. Methodology4.2. SCIFA database5. Trends in inter-firm agreements and emergence of networks in the smart cardindustry6. The structure of the network6.1. Network evolution6.2. Major players and centrality7. ConclusionAcknowledgementsReferences86The role of industrial maintenance in the maquiladoraindustry: An empirical analysis Original Research ArticleInternational Journal of Production Economics, Volume 114,Issue 1, July 2008, Pages 298-307Shad DowlatshahiClose preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchaseAbstract | Figures/Tables | ReferencesAbstractThis study explored the role of industrial maintenance in the maquiladora industry. The maquiladora industry is a manufacturing system that utilizes the Mexican workforce and foreign investment and technology on the border region between the United States and Mexico. The issues related to industrial maintenance were studied through a survey instrument and 11 in-depth and extensive field interviews with experts of eight maquiladora industries in El Paso, TX and Juarez, Mexico. Based on an 86% response rate (with 131 usable questionnaires) and four major survey questions, statistical analyses were performed. The survey questions included: collaboration between the maintenance and other functional areas, likely sources of maintenance problems (equipment, personnel, and management), major common losses of maintenance problems, and the role of ISO certification in maintenance. Finally, additional insights and assessment of the results were provided.Article Outline1. Introduction1.1. Review of literature2. Evolution of and various approaches to maintenance3. Historical, operational characteristics and the importance of the maquiladora industry4. Research design4.1. Data collection4.2. The interviews with maquiladora managers5. Analyses of results5.1. Statistical analysis for question 15.2. Statistical analysis for question 25.3. Statistical analysis for question 3 5.4. Statistical Analysis for question 46.Conclusions and assessmentReferences87 A variable P value rolling Grey forecasting model forTaiwan semiconductor industry production OriginalResearch ArticleTechnological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 72,Issue 5, June 2005, Pages 623-640Shih-Chi Chang, Hsien-Che Lai, Hsiao-Cheng YuClose preview | Related articles |Related reference work articlesAbstract | Figures/Tables | ReferencesAbstractThe semiconductor industry plays an important role in Taiwan's economy. In thispaper, we constructed a rolling Grey forecasting model (RGM) to predictTaiwan's annual semiconductor production. The univariate Grey forecastingmodel (GM) makes forecast of a time series of data without considering possible correlation with any leading indicators. Interestingly, within the RGM there is aconstant, P value, which was customarily set to 0.5. We hypothesized thatmaking the P value a variable of time could generate more accurate forecasts. Itwas expected that the annual semiconductor production in Taiwan should beclosely tied with U.S. demand. Hence, we let the P value be determined by theyearly percent change in real gross domestic product (GDP) by U.S.manufacturing industry. This variable P value RGM generated better forecaststhan the fixed P value RGM. Nevertheless, the yearly percent change in realGDP by U.S. manufacturing industry is reported after a year ends. It cannotserve as a leading indicator for the same year's U.S. demand. We found out thatthe correlation between the yearly survey of anticipated industrial productiongrowth rates in Taiwan and the yearly percent changes in real GDP by U.S. manufacturing industry has a correlation coefficient of 0.96. Therefore, we usedPurchasethe former to determine the P value in the RGM, which generated very accurate forecasts. Article Outline1.Introduction2. The semiconductor industry in Taiwan3. Rolling GM (1,1)4. Forecast Taiwan semiconductor production with RGM (1,1)5. Forecast Taiwan semiconductor production with variable P value RGM (1,1)6. ConclusionsAppendix A. AppendixA.1. 1998 Production forecast for the semiconductor industry under different PvaluesA.2. 1999 Production forecast for the semiconductor industry under different PvaluesA.3. 2000 Production forecast for the semiconductor industry under different PvaluesA.4. 2001 Production forecast for the semiconductor industry under different PvaluesA.5. 2002 Production forecast for the semiconductor industry under different PvaluesReferencesVitae88 Energy demand estimation of South Korea using artificial neural network Original Research ArticleEnergy Policy , Volume 37, Issue 10, October 2009, Pages4049-4054Zong Woo Geem, William E. Roper Close preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesAbstract | Figures/Tables | ReferencesPurchaseAbstractBecause South Korea's industries depend heavily on imported energy sources (fifth largest importer of oil and second largest importer of liquefied natural gas in the world), the accurate estimating of its energy demand is critical in energy policy-making. This research proposes an artificial neural network model (a structure with feed-forward multilayer perceptron, error back-propagation algorithm, momentum process, and scaled data) to efficiently estimate the energy demand for South Korea. The model has four independent variables, such as gross domestic product (GDP), population, import, and export amounts. The data are obtained from diverse local and international sources. The proposed model better estimated energy demand than a linear regression model (a structure with multiple linear variables and least square method) or an exponential model (a structure with mixed integer variables, branch and bound method, and Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) method) in terms of root mean squared error (RMSE). The model also forecasted better than the other two models in terms of RMSE without any over-fitting problem. Further testing with four scenarios based upon reliable source data showed unanticipated results. Instead of growing permanently, the energy demands peaked at certain points, and then decreased gradually. This trend is quite different from the results by regression or exponential model.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Artificial neural network model3. Case study of South Korea4. Results of linear regression model5. Results of exponential model6. Results of ANN model7. Validation of the ANN model8.Future estimation with different scenarios9. ConclusionsReferences89 Catching up through developing innovation capability: evidence from China's telecom-equipmentindustry Original Research ArticleTechnovation , Volume 26, Issue 3, March 2006,Pages359-368 Peilei FanShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase90 Optimization of material and production to develop fluoroelastomer inflatable seals for sodium cooled fastbreeder reactor Original Research ArticleNuclear Engineering and Design , In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 16 February 2011N.K. Sinha, Baldev RajShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase Research highlights► Production of thin fluoroelastomer profiles by cold feed extrusion and continuous cure involving microwave and hot air heating. ► Use of peroxide curing in air during production . ► Use offluoroelastomers based on advanced polymer architecture (APA) for the production of profiles. ► Use of the profiles in inflatable seals for critical application of Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor. ► Tailoring of material formulation by synchronized optimization of material and production technologies to ensure that the produced seal ensures significant gains in terms of performance and safety in reactor under synergistic influences of temperature, radiation, air and sodium aerosol.91 The dynamic transfer batch-size decision for thin film transistor –liquid crystal display array manufacturing by artificialneural-network Original Research ArticleComputers & Industrial。



2.7 欧洲各国的城市中的邮局、餐馆、加油站等数量(可看做维持“城市”这个生物体所需的资 源和能量)与城市人口成幂律关系 Christian Kuhnerta. A., Helbinga, D., & Westc, G. B. (2006). Scaling laws in urban supply networks. Physica A, 363, 96–103.
1.4 鱼鸟等动物、浮游植物和陆生植物,新陈代谢率与体积成幂律关系。 Brown, J. H., Gillooly, J. F., Allen, A. P., Savage, V. M., & West, G. B. (2008). Toward a metabolic theory of ecology.
3. 语言学
3.1 某名著中的不重复字数,PNAS 上不同的关键词数,NIHI 被确认的人数,PNAS 被引用的不同 文章数,都与时间成幂律关系 Lu, L., Zhang, Z. K., & Zhou, T. (2010). Zipf's Law Leads to Heaps' Law: Analyzing Their Relation in Finite-Size Systems. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1002.3861.
1.6 植物的密度和躯干直径之间存在幂律关系 Enquist, B., West, G., Charnov, E., & Brown, J. (1999). Allometric scaling of production and life-history variation in vascular plants. Nature, 401, 907–911.







1. 牛顿第二定律牛顿第二定律是描述受力与加速度之间关系的一个基本定律。

牛顿第二定律的数学表达式如下:F = m * a其中,F代表受力的大小,m代表物体的质量,a代表物体的加速度。


2. 受力的方向与加速度的方向除了受力的大小,受力的方向也会对物体的加速度产生影响。




3. 重力与加速度重力是一种普遍存在的力,它是地球或其他物体对物体吸引的力。


例如,一个质量为m的物体在重力下自由下落,其受力可以表示为:F = m * g其中,g代表重力加速度。

由于重力的方向与物体自由下落的方向相反,因此加速度可表示为:a = -g这意味着物体的加速度方向与重力方向相反,大小与重力加速度的大小相等。

4. 多个力的合成与加速度当物体受到多个力的作用时,我们可以将这些力进行合成,得到物体的合力。





5. 实例分析为了更好地理解受力与加速度的关系,考虑以下实例:一个小球以初速度v0沿水平方向滑动,遇到一段沿斜面倾角为θ的斜面。

忽略空气阻力的影响,我们可以得到以下结论:- 沿斜面方向的重力分力:mg * sin(θ)- 垂直斜面方向的重力分力:mg * cos(θ)由于小球在水平方向上没有受到其他水平力的作用,因此只有沿斜面方向上的重力分力在水平方向上产生加速度。






关键词:攻击策略;社团划分;复杂网络;级联抗毁性;网络模型中图分类号: TP393;N945.1文献标志码:A6 结语级联故障普遍存在现实网络中,研究网络的攻击策略对网络抗毁性的影响对于有效打击敌方网络,指导我方网络建设提高网络抗毁性具有重要意义。







1 Complexity 3.514
2 PLoS one 3.057
3 Nonlinear Dynamics 3.0
4 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2.834
26 Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications 1.176
27 Nonlinear Analysis- Theory Methods and Applications 1.125
28 Nonlinear Analysis-Modelling and Contr 2.392
6 Physical Review E 2.252
7 Chaos 2.049
8 EPL 1.963
9 Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 1.785
10 Chaos Solitons & Fractals 1.611
29 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 0.580
30 Journal of Biological Dynamics 1.147
Applied Mathematics and Computing 1.345
32 Applied Mathematical Modelling 2.291
33 Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 0.468
34 Journal of Vibration and Control 1.643






关键词:金融科技 众筹 区块链 P2P借贷 监管沙盒 大数据● 汤依婷 肖锋一、金融科技的起源和定义金融科技最早于1972年由Bettinger提出,该作者认为金融科技是将银行的金融业务和现代管理信息技术结合的产物。



Arneretal (2015)[3]将金融科技演变分为三个阶段,前两个阶段是金融和技术的单独发展,然后是金融数字化。







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[1-50]《电力系统研究》Electric Power Systems Research (Switzerland)刊载发电、输配电以及电力应用方面的原始论文。


《IEEE电力系统汇刊》IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS (USA) 刊载电力系统包括发电和输配电系统的技术条件、规划、分析、可靠性、运行以及经济性方面的论文。

平均3个月的审稿周期《IEEE 智能电网汇刊》IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid《英国电气工程师学会志:发电、输电与配电》IEE PROCEEDINGS-GENERATION TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION (England)《国际电力与能源系统杂志》International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (England)主要发表电力与能源系统的理论和应用问题的论文、评论和会议报告,涉及发电和电网规划、电网理论、大小型系统动力、系统控制中心、联机控制等。

EUROPEAN TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL POWER (2013年更名为International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems)投稿回复比较慢,审稿周期不详。






吴江,1978年生,浙江东阳人,武汉大学信息管理学院副教授,硕士生导师,武汉大学珞珈青年学者,湖北省楚天学子,信息系统与电子商务系副主任;清华大学模式识别与智能系统专业硕士、华中科技大学管理科学与工程博士、瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学(ETH, Zurich)社会计算研究中心博士后、美国卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)计算学院访问学者、美国圣塔菲研究所(Santa Fe Institute)访问学者。





研究方向社会网络计算、网络信息计量、社会计算、社会化商务、社会建模仿真、科学学研究开设课程管理信息系统、社会网络分析、Java程序设计、网络企业管理、社会网络计算、网络信息计量学术专著吴江,社会网络的动态分析与仿真实验——理论与应用,武汉大学出版社,2012.10期刊论文1. Yan Xu, Bin Hu, Jiang Wu*, Jianhua Zhang (2014), Nonlinear analysis on the cooperation of strategic alliances using stochastic catastrophe theory, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 400:100-108.2. Jiang Wu, Xiu-Hao Ding (2013), Author Name Disambiguation in Scientific Collaboration and Mobility Cases, Scientometrics, 96(3): 683-697.3. Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Yu Zhang (2013), Maximizing the Performance of Advertisements Diffusion: A Simulation Study of the Dynamics of Viral Advertising in Social Networks, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International,89(8): 921-934.4. Jiang Wu (2013), Investigating the Universal Distributions of Normalized Indicators and Developing Field-Independent Index, Journal of Informetrics, 7(1), 63-71.5. Jiang Wu (2013), Geographical knowledge diffusion and spatial diversity citation rank, Scientometrics, 94(1): 181-201.6. Hou Zhu, Bin Hu, Jiang Wu, Xiaolin Hu (2013). Adaptation of Cultural Norms after Merger and Acquisition Based on Heterogeneous Agent-Based Relative-Agreement Model. Simulation: Society of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 89(12):1523-1537.7. Jiang Wu, Hou Zhu, Menglin Yin, Xin Luo (2012), A Review for the Validation of Social Simulation on Artificial Social Organization, International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems, 4(2), 22-41.8. Camille Roth, Jiang Wu, Sergi Lozano (2012), Assessing impact and quality from local dynamics of citation networks, Journal of Informetrics, 6(1): 111-120.9. Jiang Wu, Sergi Lozano, Dirk Helbing (2011), Empirical Study of Growth Dynamics in Real Career H-index Sequences, Journal of Informetrics,5(4), 489-497.10. Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Yu Zhang, Steve Hall, Catherine Spence, Kathleen M. Carley (2009), An Agent based Simulation Study for Exploring Organizational Adaptation, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International,85(6), 397-413.11. Yu Zhang, Jiang Wu, Bin Hu (2009), A History Sensitive Diffusion Network: Preliminary Model and Simulation, International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems, 14(1), 87-96.12. Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Jinlong Zhang (2008), Multi-agent Simulation of Group Behavior in E-Government Policy Decision, Journal of Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, 16(10), 1571-1587.13. 吴江(2012),基于互联网信息的国内移动商务战略联盟网络分析,情报学杂志,31(9), 175-180.14. 吴江,胡斌,张金隆(2011),开源软件开发者和源代码管理的协调性网络分析实证研究,科研管理, 32(8):133-141.15. 吴江,胡斌,鲁耀斌(2010), 实证驱动的信息系统扩散与组织互动模拟研究, 管理科学学报,(10), 22-32.16. 吴江,胡斌, 刘天印(2009),交互记忆系统影响人群与工作交互的模拟研究,管理科学, 22(1): 48-58.17. 吴江,胡斌(2009),信息化与群体行为互动的多智能体模拟, 系统工程学报, 24(2): 218-225.科研项目(主持)国家自科面上项目,创新2.0超网络中知识流动和群集交互的协同研究(主持)国家自科青年基金,基于贝叶斯网络和演化博弈的社会化媒体信息传播建模与模拟(主持)武汉大学校内自主科研项目,网络嵌入视角的互联网企业生态系统研究(主持)博士后特别资助,数据驱动的信息传播建模和仿真以及在社会化营销中的应用(主持)博士后面上基金,基于社会网络移动商务联盟组织生态性研究(参与)欧盟第七框架项目,QLectives互联网群体协作机制研究(参与)国家自科面上项目,基于系统模拟、心理学和突变论的企业管理组织性能测试研究(参与)国家自科面上项目,基于集成模拟理论与方法的人群-工作互动机制研究(参与)国家自然科学基金重点课题,移动商务的基础理论与技术方法联系方法Email: jiangw@。



分数布朗运动下的亚式期权定价研究的开题报告1. 研究背景和意义:亚式期权是金融衍生品中常见的一种,其标的资产价格的基准是一段时间内的平均值,因此相对于欧式期权,其更加适用于价格变动的波动较为平稳的市场。



2. 研究内容和思路:本文将从以下几个方面展开研究:(1)亚式期权的基本模型和定价公式:本部分将介绍亚式期权的基本特征、类型以及在传统布朗运动下的定价公式,并且说明其存在的局限性。




3. 预期研究成果:(1)建立适用于分数布朗运动下亚式期权定价的数学模型,并且得到其定价公式。



4. 研究方法:本文主要采用数理统计方法和金融衍生品定价理论研究方法。




5. 参考文献:[1]Schneider Christian, Weron Rafal. Ito and Stratonovich interpretation of fractional Brownian motion[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2006, 362(2): 225-236.[2]Hosking Jonathan R M. Fractional differencing[J]. Biometrika, 1981, 68(1): 165-176.[3]李胜利, 李军. 基于GARCH模型的亚式期权定价研究[J]. 数学的实践与认识, 2018, 48(5): 143-153.[4]张丽, 王林. 基于分数布朗运动的亚式期权定价方法研究[J]. 统计研究, 2016, 33(3): 1-12.。

物理期刊-接收相对难易 影响因子一审周期

物理期刊-接收相对难易 影响因子一审周期

物理期刊----接收相对难易、影响因子、一审周期全名影响因子* 接收投稿难易一审周期japanese journal of applied physics part 1-regular papers short notes & review papers 1.309 容易超快,一般1-2周journal of physics-condensed matter 1.9 容易超快,一般1-2周acta physica sinica 1.165 容易超快,一般1-2周nuclear instruments & methods in physics research section a-accelerators spectrometers detectors and associated equipment 1.019 容易超快,一般1-2周colloids and surfaces a-physicochemical and engineeringaspects 1.926 容易超快,一般1-2周physica e-low-dimensional systems &nanostructures 1.23 容易很快,2-3周physica a-statistical mechanics and itsapplications 1.441 容易很快,2-3周journal of physics and chemistry of solids 1.103 容易很快,2-3周materials chemistry and physics 1.799 容易很快,2-3周applied physics a-materials science & processing 1.884 容易很快,2-3周sensors and actuators a-physical 1.724 容易很快,2-3周physics of fluids 1.738 容易较快,2-4周european physical journal b 1.568 容易较快,2-4周physica status solidi b-basic research 1.166 容易较快,2-4周chemical physics 1.961 容易较快,2-4周journal of mathematical physics 1.085 容易较快,2-4周modern physics letters a 1.334 容易较快,2-4周metallurgical and materials transactions a-physical metallurgy and materials science 1.389 容易较快,2-4周annales geophysicae 1.66 容易较快,2-4周annales geophysicae 1.66 容易较快,2-4周journal of low temperature physics 1.034 容易较快,2-4周physica d-nonlinear phenomena 1.926 容易一般,3-6周journal of polymer science part b-polymer physics 1.586 容易一般,3-6周european physical journal d 1.397 容易一般,3-6周geophysics 1.349 容易一般,3-6周nuclear physics a 1.959 容易一般,3-6周astrophysics and space science 1.283 容易一般,3-6周molecular physics 1.478 容易一般,3-6周tectonophysics 1.677 容易一般,3-6周journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrialphysics 1.667 容易一般,3-6周journal of statistical physics 1.621 容易一般,3-6周international journal of modern physics d 1.968 容易一般,3-6周physics and chemistry of the earth 1.138 容易一般,3-8周current applied physics 1.526 容易一般,3-8周proceedings of the royal society of london series a-mathematical physical and engineering sciences 1.705 容易一般,3-8周proceedings of the royal society of london series a-mathematical physical and engineering sciences 1.705 容易一般,3-8周journal of physical organic chemistry 1.415 容易偏慢,4-8周perception & psychophysics 1.424 容易偏慢,4-8周american family physician 1.94 容易偏慢,4-8周european physical journal e 1.943 容易偏慢,4-8周american journal of physical medicine &rehabilitation 1.695 容易偏慢,4-8周canadian family physician 1.06 容易偏慢,4-8周physical review special topics-accelerators andbeams 1.551 较易偏慢,4-8周pure and applied geophysics 1.004 容易偏慢,4-8周progress of theoretical physics 1.661 较易偏慢,4-8周contributions to plasma physics 1.25 容易较慢,6周-12周zeitschrift fur physikalische chemie-international journal of research in physical chemistry & chemical physics 1.447 容易较慢,6周-12周astronomy letters-a journal of astronomy and spaceastrophysics 1.005 容易较慢,6周-12周nonlinear processes in geophysics 1.022 容易较慢,6周-12周journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy 1.895 较易较慢,6周-12周infrared physics & technology 1.037 容易较慢,6周-12周journal of biochemical and biophysical methods 1.994 较易较慢,6周-12周international journal of geometric methods in modernphysics 1.464 容易较慢,6周-12周fortschritte der physik-progress of physics 1.309 容易较慢,6周-12周meteorology and atmospheric physics 1.034 容易较慢,6周-12周physics and chemistry of minerals 1.524 较易较慢,6周-12周radiation and environmental biophysics 1.787 较易较慢,6周-12周topics in applied physics 1.51 较易 12周以上或约稿journal of applied geophysics 1.333 容易 12周以上或约稿magnetic resonance materials in physics biology andmedicine 1.844 较易 12周以上或约稿reviews in mathematical physics 1.258 容易 12周以上或约稿physics of particles and nuclei 1.015 容易 12周以上或约稿physics of particles and nuclei 1.015 容易 12周以上或约稿journal of aging and physical activity 1.66 较易 12周以上或约稿geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics 1.56 较易 12周以上或约稿geografiska annaler series a-physical geography 1.042 容易 12周以上或约稿advances in physical organic chemistry 1.833 较易 12周以上或约稿chinese physics 1.68 较易 12周以上或约稿applied physics letters 3.726 较易超快,一般1-2周journal of applied physics 2.201 容易超快,一般1-2周physical review letters 7.18 较难超快,一般1-2周The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (ACSPublications) 3.396 较易超快,一般1-2周journal of geophysical research-atmospheres 3.147 较易超快,一般1-2周journal of chemical physics 3.149 较易超快,一般1-2周physical review a 2.908 容易超快,一般1-2周astrophysical journal 6.331 较难超快,一般1-2周The Journal of Physical Chemistry B (ACSPublications) 4.189 较易超快,一般1-2周biochemical and biophysical researchcommunications 2.648 容易超快,一般1-2周journal of physical chemistry a 2.871 容易超快,一般1-2周journal of physics d-applied physics 2.104 容易超快,一般1-2周geophysical research letters 2.959 容易超快,一般1-2周physics letters a 2.174 容易超快,一般1-2周chemical physics letters 2.169 容易超快,一般1-2周biophysical journal 4.683 较易超快,一般1-2周physics letters b 4.034 较易超快,一般1-2周physical review c 3.124 较易超快,一般1-2周europhysics letters 2.203 容易超快,一般1-2周europhysics letters 2.203 容易超快,一般1-2周physics of plasmas 2.427 容易超快,一般1-2周physical chemistry chemical physics 4.064 较易很快,2-3周new journal of physics 3.44 较易很快,2-3周international journal of radiation oncology biologyphysics 4.639 较易很快,2-3周medical physics 3.871 较易很快,2-3周journal of the physical society of japan 2.058 容易很快,2-3周physics in medicine and biology 2.784 容易很快,2-3周journal of physics b-atomic molecular and opticalphysics 2.089 容易很快,2-3周atmospheric chemistry and physics 4.927 较易较快,2-4周journal of physics g-nuclear and particle physics 5.27 较applied physics b-lasers and optics 2.167 容易较快,2-4周journal of computational physics 2.279 容易较快,2-4周archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 2.159 容易较快,2-4周nuclear physics b 4.158 较易较快,2-4周JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS 6.389 较难较快,2-4周geophysical journal international 2.219 容易较快,2-4周journal of the optical society of america b-opticalphysics 2.181 容易较快,2-4周archives of biochemistry and biophysics 2.626 容易较快,2-4周european physical journal c 2.805 容易较快,2-4周philosophical transactions of the royal society of london seriesa-mathematical physical and engineering sciences 2.282 容易一般,3-6周philosophical transactions of the royal society of london seriesa-mathematical physical and engineering sciences 2.282 容易一般,3-6周geochemistry geophysics geosystems 2.979 容易一般,3-6周biochimica et biophysica acta-biomembranes 4.18 较易一般,3-6周biochimica et biophysica acta-proteins andproteomics 2.233 容易一般,3-6周macromolecular chemistry and physics 2.202 容易一般,3-6周biochimica et biophysica acta-molecular cellresearch 4.893 较易一般,3-6周communications in mathematical physics 2.075 容易一般,3-6周plasma physics and controlled fusion 2.299 容易一般,3-6周solar physics 2.774 容易一般,3-6周computer physics communications 2.12 容易一般,3-8周biochimica et biophysica acta-bioenergetics 4.447 较易一般,3-8周journal of the mechanics and physics of solids 3.467 较journal of physical oceanography 2.375 容易一般,3-8周biochimica et biophysica acta-general subjects 2.713 容易一般,3-8周medical engineering & physics 2.216 容易一般,3-8周nature physics 16.821 很难一般,3-8周european physical journal a 2.015 容易一般,3-8周laser physics letters 3.779 较易一般,3-8周astrophysical journal supplement series 13.99 很难偏慢,4-8周american journal of physical anthropology 2.353 容易偏慢,4-8周european biophysics journal with biophysicsletters 2.409 容易偏慢,4-8周physics of the earth and planetary interiors 2.353 容易偏慢,4-8周annals of physics 3.171 较易偏慢,4-8周biophysical chemistry 2.362 容易偏慢,4-8周physical therapy 2.19 容易偏慢,4-8周biochimica et biophysica acta-molecular basis ofdisease 4.579 一般较慢,6周-12周astroparticle physics 3.388 一般较慢,6周-12周chemistry and physics of lipids 2.647 较易较慢,6周-12周biochimica et biophysica acta-molecular and cell biology oflipids 4.564 一般较慢,6周-12周physics-uspekhi 2.471 较易较慢,6周-12周progress in biophysics & molecular biology 6.388 较难较慢,6周-12周progress in particle and nuclear physics 3.86 一般较慢,6周-12周tellus series b-chemical and physicalmeteorology 2.356 较易较慢,6周-12周physics reports-review section of physicsletters 18.522 多是约稿可能是约稿,周期不定physical biology 3.137 一般 12周以上或约稿physics today 3.674 一般 12周以上或约稿reviews of modern physics 33.985 多是约稿可能是约稿,周期不定reports on progress in physics 12.09 很难可能是约稿,周期不定cell biochemistry and biophysics 2.257 较易 12周以上或约稿progress in physical geography 3.014 一般 12周以上或约稿annual review of physical chemistry 14.688 约稿形式可能是约稿,周期不定biochimica et biophysica acta-reviews on cancer 10.283 多是约稿可能是约稿,周期不定reviews of geophysics 7.114 较难可能是约稿,周期不定contemporary physics 2.073 较易 12周以上或约稿journal of physical and chemical reference data 2.424 较易 12周以上或约稿international reviews in physical chemistry 6.892 较难可能是约稿,周期不定advances in geophysics 2.1 较易 12周以上或约稿surveys in geophysics 2.733 较易 12周以上或约稿annual review of astronomy and astrophysics 25.826 约稿形式可能是约稿,周期不定astronomy and astrophysics review 7.5 较难可能是约稿,周期不定advances in physics 15.826 很难可能是约稿,周期不定quarterly reviews of biophysics 12.188 多是约稿可能是约稿,周期不定annual review of biophysics and biomolecularstructure 17.049 约稿形式 12周以上或约稿速度快并且容易中的材料类SCI期刊(更新中)推荐:1. Journal of alloy and compounds 影响因子IF 1点多,1个月给消息,容易中,现在几乎成为中国人的专刊了,哈哈;2. applied surface science 影响因子IF 1点多,发表容易,3. Materials Letter 1.7 速度快,快报一般都要求有新意(当然,新意太高可以投APL了)4. Materials & Design 影响因子不到1,很快,快点一个月就接受的!适合特别想要文章毕业或者评奖学金的。





马国丰 - 同济大学经济与管理学院

马国丰 - 同济大学经济与管理学院

研究与教学领域 项目管理、城市规划与管理
工作经历 教学经历 2004 年~至今 同济大学经济与管理学院,教师
海外经历 2010 年 11 月-2011 年 11 月 访问学者(博士后项目) 南加州大学
科学研究 研究项目 贺州市发展和改革委员会, 贺州市信都镇、仁义镇空间发展战略规划,2014,项目负责人 贺州市发展和改革委员会,贺州市贺街镇空间发展战略规划,2014,项目负责人

江苏省丰县规划局,江苏省丰县新区重要道路与节点城市设计,2008 年,项目负责人 山东省宁津县建设局,宁津县城市水系景观及周边区域综合规划与设计,2008 年,项目负责人 浙江省嘉善建设局,浙江省嘉善县城住房建设规划,2008 年,项目负责人 教育部人文社科青年基金(07JC630020),“基于 TOC 的项目进度管理的柔性价值”, 2007 年,主持人

重庆市交通委员会项目,“高速公路建设工程质量损失成本管理系统研究”, 2007 年,主持 人

教育部博士点新教师基金 (20070247027) ,“基于 TOC 的项目进度管理的柔性研究”, 20培养优秀青年教师科研专项基金(tju-07022), “关键链项目管理中的进度 柔性研究”, 2007 年,主持人

Fei Ding, Ma Guofeng. Application of Computer Graphics and Video Technology(CGVT) in urban subjects Education,2009(3) ,Proceedings of 2009 First International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science Shang Shanshan, Ma Guofeng. the research on quality failure cost management system of highway construction project,2008.12,2008 International Conference of Production and Operation Management (ICPOM’08) 马国丰 ; 严勇 ; 尤建新 ; 顾凌赟.关键链项目进度计划的鲁棒优化研究.《系统管理学 报》,2014.9



中国法律论文参考文献一、中国法律论文期刊参考文献[1].中国法律近代化道路选择的误读与驳正——兼谈英美法与中国法律近代化研究的意义.《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2013年6期.李栋.漆晓昱.[2].从司法的技术观照到司法的理想建构——中国法律方法论深度研究展开的一个基本转向.《求是学刊》.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2012年6期.王国龙.[3].试论社会转型时期中国法律哲学建构的三个维度.《学习与探索》.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2010年6期.杨晓畅.[4].梁启超与中国法律史学的开新.《云南社会科学》.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2009年1期.张雷.[5].转型中国法律现代化的共时性逻辑——基于一种主体性哲学发展的思考.《江汉论坛》.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2015年3期.郑智航.[6].法治中国背景下的法律方法论研究2014年中国法律方法论研究学术报告.《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2015年3期.孙光宁.焦宝乾.[7].论西方传统社会对中国法律的误读以西方比较法学研究为视角.《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》.2014年6期.顾华详.[8].跨文化解读中的知识与权力——《中国丛报》与战争前的中国法律形象.《西南民族大学学报(人文社科版)》.被北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》收录PKU.被南京大学《核心期刊目录》收录CSSCI.2011年5期.张振明.二、中国法律论文参考文献学位论文类[1].中国法:走在想象与真实之间——启蒙运动之前欧洲传教士笔下的中国法律.作者:刘泓呈.民族法学民族大学2011(学位年度)[2].中国法律现代化与中国的领导.作者:张兆亮.马克思主义基本原理山东农业大学2011(学位年度)[3].中国法律词汇的语义演进.作者:吴颖颖.外国语言学与应用语言学西南政法大学2012(学位年度)[4].中国法律英译中存在的难点及对策——以《中华人民共和国合同法》英译为例.作者:厉艳.翻译学(口译)苏州大学2012(学位年度)[5].GATS框架下中国法律服务贸易法律问题研究.被引次数:1作者:王继红.国际法学西北大学2008(学位年度)[6].“法律”与“社会”的共谋——对瞿同祖《中国法律与中国社会》的解读.作者:王冀.法理学西南政法大学2007(学位年度)[7].文化精神与法律生命——梁漱溟新儒家法律思想研究.作者:尹华广.法学理论重庆大学2014(学位年度)[8].高层次应用型法律人才培养模式探究——中国法律硕士(JM)教育的改革与发展.被引次数:2作者:王璟.高等教育学南京理工大学2012(学位年度)[9].家族观念对中国法律的影响——以亲子关系视角.作者:吴燕.法学理论河北经贸大学2012(学位年度)[10].中国法律英语测试与国际法律英语测试真实性对比研究.作者:邬丽丽.外国语言学与应用语言学重庆大学2013(学位年度)三、相关中国法律论文外文参考文献[1]EmpiricaldistributionsofChinesestockreturnsatdifferentmicrosco pictimescales.GuGFChenWZhouWX《Physica,A.Statisticalmechanicsanditsapplications》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.200823[2]Zipf'slawforChinesecities:Rollingsampleregressions.Peng,G.《Physica,A.Statisticalmechanicsanditsapplications》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.201018[3]Multiscalerelationanalysisofpowerlawdistributionandcorrelation intheChinesestockmarket.HonglinYangShouChenYanYang《Kybernetes:TheInternationalJournalofSystems&Cybernetics》,被EI 收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20129[4]DistributionofChinesenames.Huang,D.W.《Physica,A.Statisticalmechanicsanditsapplications》,被EI 收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20136[5]PowerlawandmultiscalingpropertiesoftheChinesestockmarket. Bai,MYZhu,HB《Physica,A.Statisticalmechanicsanditsapplications》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20109[6]EmpiricaldistributionsofChinesestockreturnsatdifferentmicrosco pictimescales.Gu,GFChen,WZhou,WX《Physica,A.Statisticalmechanicsanditsapplications》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20082/3[7]FittingChinesesyllabletocharactermappingspectrumbythebetarankf unction.Li,W.《Physica,A.Statisticalmechanicsanditsapplications》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.20124[8]EnglishandChineselanguagesasweightedcomplexnetworks.Sheng,LLi,CG《Physica,A.Statisticalmechanicsanditsapplications》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.200912[9]GSKadmitsexecutivesatChineseunitbrokethelaw. TheChemicalEngineerGroup《TheChemicalEngineer》,被EI收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.2013TN.866[10]Relaxationdynamicsofaftershocksafterlargevolatilityshocksinth eSSECindex.MuGHZhouWX《Physica,A.Statisticalmechanicsanditsapplications》,被EI 收录EI.被SCI收录SCI.200821四、中国法律论文专著参考文献[1]中国法律传统的现代转换及其命运——中国法律现代化的道路.曹全来,2009中国法律史学会成立30周年纪念大学暨2009’年会[2]刍议中国法律法典化的价值和意义.张小军,2007中外法律体系比较国际学术研讨会[3]中国法律的传统与固有国情.张晋藩,2011中国社会科学论坛(2011)——首届中美学术高层论坛[4]中国法律心理科学研究三十年.罗大华,2009首届中国法学名家论坛[5]中国法律“看不见中国”与三十年代变法以全国司法会议为例.江照信,2008社会转型与法律变革国际学术研讨会[6]探讨法律与社会互动的范例.刘广安,2008社会转型与法律变革国际学术研讨会[7]从依附于人到自主发展——中国法律的发展道路之一.邱本,2009新中国法治建设与法学发展60年理论研讨会[8]中国法律史学史的里程碑——纪念中国法律史学会成立30周年.邱远猷,2009中国法律史学会成立30周年纪念大学暨2009’年会[9]董必武与法律实践比较及分析二十世纪前七十年中国法律与政治关系的样本分析.周舟,2011中国法学会董必武法学思想研究会2011董必武学术研讨会[10]纳米比亚和中国:走在刑事司法的法治道路上.乔恩斯·尼古拉斯·郝恩,2010第二届中非合作论坛——法律论坛。

physica review a, 2020影响因子

physica review a, 2020影响因子

physica review a, 2020影响因子《Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications》是一本由Elsevier 出版的物理学期刊。






然而,我们可以回顾一下《Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications》在过去几年的影响因子数据,以了解其在学术界的影响力。




《Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications》是一个涵盖了统计力学及其应用领域的期刊。









总的来说,《Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications》是一个在统计力学及其应用领域具有重要影响力的期刊。



530小型微型计算机系统2021 年based on mathematical morphology [ J ]. Knowledge-Based Sys­tems,2018,155 :54-65.[15 ] Zhang Kai. A three-way c-means algorithm[ J]. Applied Soft Com­puting Journal ,2019,82 : 1 -11.[16] Yu Hui,Chen Lu-yuan,Yao Jing-tao,et al. A three-way clusteringmethod based on an improved DBSCAN algorithm[ J]. Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,2019,535: 1-14.[17] Zhao Ke-qin. Decision making algorithm based on set pair analysisfor use when facing multiple uncertain attributes[ J]. CAAL Trans­actions on Intelligent Systems,2010,5(1) :41-50.[18] Zhao Ke-qin. The application of uncertainty systems theory of setpair analysis (SPU) in the artificial intelligence [ J ]. CAAL Trans­actions on Intelligent Systems,2006,1 (2) : 16-25.[19] Zhang Chun-ying,Wang Li-ya,Li Ming-xia,et al. Model of three-waydecision based on the space of set pair information granule and its ap­plication [J ]. Journal of Communications ,2016,37(Z1) : 15-24.[20 ] Coxeter H S M, Klee Victor. An upper bound for the number of e-qual nonoverlaping spheres that can touch another of the same size[J]. Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, 1963,7 :53-71.[21 ] Su Ting, Yu Hong. Three-way decision clustering algorithm for in­complete data based on q-nearest neighbors [ J ]. Journal of Fron­tiers of Computer Science and Technology, 2016,10(6) : 875-883. [22] Yang Lin,Hou Kai-yan. A method of incomplete data three-wayclustering based on density peaks [ J ]. AIP Conference Proceed­ings,2018,1967( 1) :l-7.[23 ] MacQueen J. Some methods for classification and analysis of multi­variate observations[C]//Proceedings of the Fifth Berkeley Sym­posium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, 1967, 1:281- 297.附中文参考文献:[13]于洪.三支聚类分析[J].数码设计,2016,5(l):31-35.[17]赵克勤.基于集对分析的不确定性多属性决策模型与算法[J].智能系统学报,2010,5(1) :41-50.[18]赵克勤.集对分析的不确定性系统理论在A I中的应用[J].智能系统学报,2006,1(2): 16-25.[19]张春英,王立亚,李明霞,等.基于集对信息粒空间的三支决策模型及应用[J].通信学报,2016,37(Z l):15-24.[21]苏婷,于洪.基于q近邻的不完备数据三支决策聚类方法[J]•计算机科学与探索,2016,10(6) :875*S83.《小型微型计算机系统》征订启事《小型微型计算机系统》创刊于1980年,由中国科学院主管,中国科学院沈阳计算技术研究所主办,中国计算机 学会会刊(月刊),国内外公开发行.《小型微型计算机系统》内容涵盖计算机学科各领域,包括:计算机科学理论、体系结构、数据库理论、计算机网络 与信息安全、人工智能与算法、服务计算、计算机图形与图像等.收录情况:中文核心期刊;中国学术期刊文摘(中英文版);中国科学引文数据库(C S C D)来源期刊;英国《科学文 摘》(丨N S P E C);美国《剑桥科学文摘(自然科学)》C S A(N S);Cambridge Scientific Abstracts(Natural Science)等.《小型微型计算机系统》(月刊),国内外公开发行,大16开,224页,每期定价40元,全年定价480元,全国各地 邮局均可订阅.国内邮发代号:8-108国外发行代号:M349国内统一连续出版物号:CN21-1106/TP国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN1000-1220编辑部地址:沈阳市浑南区南屏东路16号《小型微型计算机系统》编辑部邮政编码:110168电话*************E-mail:xwjxt@网址:。



科技视界Science &Technology Vision科技视界1空巢老人心理健康现状心理健康是指能以积极主动有效的心理活动,正常和稳定的心理心态,无论是对自然、社会、和自己保持良好的适应能力,有较好的自我控制情绪能力和排除各种外界干扰能力。












车流波动理论1. 引言车流波动是指路上车辆数量的变动情况,具有周期性和随机性。



2. 基本概念2.1 车流密度车流密度是指在一个单位时间内通过某一路段的平均车辆数量。



2.2 车速车速是指车辆在运行过程中的平均速度。



2.3 车流量车流量是指在一个单位时间内通过某一路段的车辆总数。



3. 车流波动的原因车流波动的发生和演变是由多种因素综合影响的结果。







4. 车流波动的数学模型为了更准确地描述和预测车流波动的规律,研究人员提出了多种数学模型。

下面介绍几种常见的车流波动数学模型:4.1 随机波动模型随机波动模型是基于车流波动的随机性特点进行建模的。



4.2 周期性波动模型周期性波动模型是基于车流波动具有一定周期性的特点进行建模的。








具体来说,主要包括以下几个方面:1. 分析车辆路径优化问题的研究现状和重要性;2. 探讨车辆路径优化中的影响因素及其作用;3. 统计分析车辆行驶数据,针对实际问题提出车辆路径优化算法;4. 通过仿真实验验证车辆路径优化算法的有效性和可行性;5. 提出未来进一步研究方向,为城市交通的智能化、高效化和可持续发展提供参考。


具体来说,主要包括以下内容:1. 对现有的车辆路径优化算法进行综述和分析,总结其优点和不足之处;2. 采用数学建模的方法,分析车辆路径优化中的影响因素;3. 提出一种基于深度学习的车辆路径规划算法,通过学习大量车辆行驶数据,优化路径规划结果;4. 通过场景模拟和实际测试,评估所提出算法的效果和可行性,与其他常用算法进行对比;5. 在以上研究基础上,结合实际应用场景,提出未来车辆路径规划的发展方向并进行展望。


具体来说,主要包括以下几个环节:1. 对车辆路径优化问题进行建模和理论分析,探讨各种影响因素的内在联系;2. 对大规模的车辆行驶数据进行分析和处理,提取有用的信息;3. 采用深度学习的方法,对车辆路径进行学习和优化;4. 基于仿真软件,进行大规模场景的仿真测试,并与其他常用算法进行对比;5. 实际测试并对所提出算法进行改进和优化。

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International Journal of Project Management , Volume 28, Issue 3,April 2010, Pages 285-295Paul Bowen, Peter Edwards, Keith Cattell, Ian JayShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase85Dynamics of R&D networked relationships and mergers and acquisitions in the smart card field Original ResearchArticleResearch Policy , Volume 38, Issue 9, November 2009,Pages 1453-1467 Zouhaïer M’ChirguiClose preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesAbstract | Figures/Tables | ReferencesAbstractThis paper analyzes how the structure and the evolution of inter-firmagreements have shaped the development of the smart card industry. The aimis to establish a closer connection between the evolution of inter-firmagreements in the smart card industry and the patterns of change of technologyand demand in this new high-tech industry. Based on a proprietary databasecovering both collaborative agreements and mergers and acquisitions (M&As)occurring in this industry over the period 1992–2006, we find that the evolutionof technology and market demand shapes the dynamics of R&D networks andPurchaseM&As are likely to change the industry structure. We also find that a small group of producers – first-movers – still control the industry and technological trajectories. Their position arises not for oligopolistic reasons of marketstructure, but for technological and organizational reasons.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Theoretical background3. The smart card industry: delineating the boundaries and identifying the actors3.1. Defining the smart card3.2. The differentiated market(s)3.3. The actors3.4. The smart card oligopoly: a dual market structure4. Research methods4.1. Methodology4.2. SCIFA database5. Trends in inter-firm agreements and emergence of networks in the smart cardindustry6. The structure of the network6.1. Network evolution6.2. Major players and centrality7. ConclusionAcknowledgementsReferences86The role of industrial maintenance in the maquiladoraindustry: An empirical analysis Original Research ArticleInternational Journal of Production Economics, Volume 114,Issue 1, July 2008, Pages 298-307Shad DowlatshahiClose preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchaseAbstract | Figures/Tables | ReferencesAbstractThis study explored the role of industrial maintenance in the maquiladora industry. The maquiladora industry is a manufacturing system that utilizes the Mexican workforce and foreign investment and technology on the border region between the United States and Mexico. The issues related to industrial maintenance were studied through a survey instrument and 11 in-depth and extensive field interviews with experts of eight maquiladora industries in El Paso, TX and Juarez, Mexico. Based on an 86% response rate (with 131 usable questionnaires) and four major survey questions, statistical analyses were performed. The survey questions included: collaboration between the maintenance and other functional areas, likely sources of maintenance problems (equipment, personnel, and management), major common losses of maintenance problems, and the role of ISO certification in maintenance. Finally, additional insights and assessment of the results were provided.Article Outline1. Introduction1.1. Review of literature2. Evolution of and various approaches to maintenance3. Historical, operational characteristics and the importance of the maquiladora industry4. Research design4.1. Data collection4.2. The interviews with maquiladora managers5. Analyses of results5.1. Statistical analysis for question 15.2. Statistical analysis for question 25.3. Statistical analysis for question 3 5.4. Statistical Analysis for question 46.Conclusions and assessmentReferences87 A variable P value rolling Grey forecasting model forTaiwan semiconductor industry production OriginalResearch ArticleTechnological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 72,Issue 5, June 2005, Pages 623-640Shih-Chi Chang, Hsien-Che Lai, Hsiao-Cheng YuClose preview | Related articles |Related reference work articlesAbstract | Figures/Tables | ReferencesAbstractThe semiconductor industry plays an important role in Taiwan's economy. In thispaper, we constructed a rolling Grey forecasting model (RGM) to predictTaiwan's annual semiconductor production. The univariate Grey forecastingmodel (GM) makes forecast of a time series of data without considering possible correlation with any leading indicators. Interestingly, within the RGM there is aconstant, P value, which was customarily set to 0.5. We hypothesized thatmaking the P value a variable of time could generate more accurate forecasts. Itwas expected that the annual semiconductor production in Taiwan should beclosely tied with U.S. demand. Hence, we let the P value be determined by theyearly percent change in real gross domestic product (GDP) by U.S.manufacturing industry. This variable P value RGM generated better forecaststhan the fixed P value RGM. Nevertheless, the yearly percent change in realGDP by U.S. manufacturing industry is reported after a year ends. It cannotserve as a leading indicator for the same year's U.S. demand. We found out thatthe correlation between the yearly survey of anticipated industrial productiongrowth rates in Taiwan and the yearly percent changes in real GDP by U.S. manufacturing industry has a correlation coefficient of 0.96. Therefore, we usedPurchasethe former to determine the P value in the RGM, which generated very accurate forecasts. Article Outline1.Introduction2. The semiconductor industry in Taiwan3. Rolling GM (1,1)4. Forecast Taiwan semiconductor production with RGM (1,1)5. Forecast Taiwan semiconductor production with variable P value RGM (1,1)6. ConclusionsAppendix A. AppendixA.1. 1998 Production forecast for the semiconductor industry under different PvaluesA.2. 1999 Production forecast for the semiconductor industry under different PvaluesA.3. 2000 Production forecast for the semiconductor industry under different PvaluesA.4. 2001 Production forecast for the semiconductor industry under different PvaluesA.5. 2002 Production forecast for the semiconductor industry under different PvaluesReferencesVitae88 Energy demand estimation of South Korea using artificial neural network Original Research ArticleEnergy Policy , Volume 37, Issue 10, October 2009, Pages4049-4054Zong Woo Geem, William E. Roper Close preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesAbstract | Figures/Tables | ReferencesPurchaseAbstractBecause South Korea's industries depend heavily on imported energy sources (fifth largest importer of oil and second largest importer of liquefied natural gas in the world), the accurate estimating of its energy demand is critical in energy policy-making. This research proposes an artificial neural network model (a structure with feed-forward multilayer perceptron, error back-propagation algorithm, momentum process, and scaled data) to efficiently estimate the energy demand for South Korea. The model has four independent variables, such as gross domestic product (GDP), population, import, and export amounts. The data are obtained from diverse local and international sources. The proposed model better estimated energy demand than a linear regression model (a structure with multiple linear variables and least square method) or an exponential model (a structure with mixed integer variables, branch and bound method, and Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) method) in terms of root mean squared error (RMSE). The model also forecasted better than the other two models in terms of RMSE without any over-fitting problem. Further testing with four scenarios based upon reliable source data showed unanticipated results. Instead of growing permanently, the energy demands peaked at certain points, and then decreased gradually. This trend is quite different from the results by regression or exponential model.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Artificial neural network model3. Case study of South Korea4. Results of linear regression model5. Results of exponential model6. Results of ANN model7. Validation of the ANN model8.Future estimation with different scenarios9. ConclusionsReferences89 Catching up through developing innovation capability: evidence from China's telecom-equipmentindustry Original Research ArticleTechnovation , Volume 26, Issue 3, March 2006,Pages359-368 Peilei FanShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase90 Optimization of material and production to develop fluoroelastomer inflatable seals for sodium cooled fastbreeder reactor Original Research ArticleNuclear Engineering and Design , In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 16 February 2011N.K. 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