Effect of iodine intake on thyroid diseases in China
186第11卷 第9期 2009 年 9 月辽宁中医药大学学报JOURNAL OF LIAONING UNIVERSITY OF TCMVol. 11 No. 9 Sep .,2009大鼠成年后给予结直肠扩张(CRD)的诱发刺激,大鼠的痛觉反应就会增强。
而本实验则基于Al.Chaer 内脏敏感动物模型为基础,利用4周龄成年雄性SD 大鼠给予连续三周的直肠刺激。
本文则选用4周龄的成年大鼠作为模型对象,来假设成年大鼠在给予一定的直肠球囊扩张刺激下也可以造成肠敏感,由AWR 评分和腹壁肌电活动所得出的数据表明,这种假设是正确的,即成年大鼠也能在一定的直肠球囊扩张刺激下造成肠敏感。
内脏敏感性增高,是胃肠运动紊乱、腹痛及症状多样化的原因,它被认为是IBS 的主要病理生理机制[8]。
本实验结果表明,与空白对照组、直肠内非球囊扩张刺激组相比,直肠内球囊扩张刺激组大鼠的腹部抬高和背部拱起容量阈值显著降低;20、40、60 mL 扩容下腹壁肌电活动明显增强。
从中医角度来讲,腹泻型IBS 的临床表现与特征,属于中医“泄泻”范畴。
便秘型IBS 的临床表现与特征,属于中医“便秘”范畴。
西黄胶囊联合碘 131治疗分化型甲状腺癌颈部淋巴结转移的临床效果摘要:目的:探讨在分化型甲状腺癌(DTC)颈部淋巴结转移治疗中,采取西黄胶囊联合碘131治疗方案的临床效果。
关键词:西黄胶囊;碘131;分化型甲状腺癌;颈部淋巴结转移Clinical effect of Xihuang capsule combined with iodine 131 in the treatment of cervical lymph node metastasis of differentiated thyroidcancerAbstract: Objective: To investigate the clinical effect of Xihuang capsule combined with iodine 131 in the treatment of cervical lymph node metastasis of differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). Methods: 60 patients with cervical lymph node metastasis diagnosed by DTC in our hospital were randomly pided into control group and observation group.30 patients in each group were treated with single iodine 131 and Xihuang capsule combined with iodine 131 respectively. The size changes of metastatic lymph nodes before and after treatment were compared between the two groups. Results: the size of metastatic lymph nodes in the control group and the observation group were (1.14 ±0.45) cm and (1.01 ± 0.25) cm respectively, with significantdifference (P<0.05). Conclusion: Xihuang capsule combined with iodine 131 can effectively shorten the neck lymph node metastasis of DTC.Key words: Xihuang capsule; Iodine 131; Differentiated thyroid carcinoma; Cervical lymph node metastasis甲状腺癌是一种临床中非常多见的肿瘤疾病,有着多种不同病理分型,其中甲状腺滤泡癌、甲状腺乳头癌最为多见,又统称为分化型甲状腺癌(DTC)。
每周只需注射一次,3个月即可轻松减掉10斤肥肉能让你管住嘴的减肥神药真的来了 临床大发现
不光有效,还很安全!这项研究的通讯作者,来自英国利兹大学的John Blundell 教授表示,“索马鲁肽的作用是非常令人惊讶的,我们在12周内就观察到了其他减肥药物需要6个月才能达到的效果。
”[2] John Blundell教授索马鲁肽(Semaglutide)本身是一款针对2型糖尿病的降糖药,主要成分为胰高血糖素样肽-1(GLP-1)类似物。
高碘(Tg碘化-抗原效力增强-T细胞增殖) 感染(Yersinia)
自身免疫因素:辅助T细胞1型免疫(Th1) TgAb,TPO-Ab,TSB-Ab, Fas,ADCC(抗体依赖性细
Teng W, Shan Z, Teng X, et al.Effect of iodine intake on thyroid diseases in China. N Engl J Med. 2006, 354(26):2783-93.
桥本甲状腺炎 Hashimoto Thyroiditis
郑州大学第一附属医院内分泌科 孙良阁
一、概述 二、诊断思路 三、治疗措施 四、预后 五、最新进展和展望
指甲状腺组织发生变性、渗出、坏死、增生等炎性病理改 变而导致的一系列临床病症
1.Hahsimoto H (1912) Zur Kenntniss der lymphomatösen Vernderung der Shilddrüse (Struma lymphomatosa). Arch Llin Chir 97:219–248
2.Simmonds M (1913) Über lympnatische Herde in der Schilddrüsse. Virchows Arch Pathol Anat Physiol 211:73–89 3.Heineke (1914) Die chronische Thyreoiditis. Dtsch Z Chir 129:189–220
HT是导致甲减的最常见病因,每年5%递增 女性多见,女性:男性 9-10:1(15~20倍) 好发于30-50岁,产后、儿童 流行率:2~3%(国外),0.4-1.5%(中国) 发病率:0.8/1000(男),3.5/1000(女)。150/100 000(美国)0-0.5%(中国) 高碘地区发病率增高 占甲状腺疾病的20-25% 以上数字按甲减计,若亚临床计,女性可达 1/30~1/10,且年龄越大,发病率越高
2019,14(8):2109-2112.)2**阿地力江・ ,周文婷,艾尼瓦尔•吾买尔•糖原合基金项目"017年 市卫生计生委青年人才科技项目(编号:QN201725)作者简介:刘晖,女,硕士,副主任医师*通信作者:吴薇,女,硕士,副主任医师激酶3激与 茨海默病中的 西北药学杂志,2019,34(6):838844.)3*任,苏志强,沈翠茹•轻型脑卒中后认知功能障碍的相关研究进展)*.卒中与神经疾病,2019,26 (3): 367-370)4* Nurcan Yurtsever Kum,Yavuz F Ylmaz,Seren G Gur gen etal E f ectsofparenteralpapaverineandpiracetamadministration on cochlea following acoustic trauma)*. Noise Health 2018 20(93):47-52()5*张露,白强黎,辜超(艮杏合前列地尔治疗血管性痴呆的临床研究)*.现代药物与临床,2019,34(7): 1984-1987()16* Wei Zhang $Linjing Shi $Hao Zhang $et al(E f ect of al-prostadil on serum level of miRNA-155in uremicpa-tients )J *(Zhong Nan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban $ 2015 40(7):735-741()17* Khaled Habas $Lijun Shang(Alterations in interce l ularadhesion molecule1 (ICAM-1) andvascularce l adhe- sion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) in human endothelial ce l s )J *(TissueCe l 2018 54:139-143()8*周兴盛,高山,王京娥,等(半认知功能障碍脑梗死患者血清可溶性细胞间黏附分子1水平与认知功能损害的关系)*.广西医学 2019,41(17)=2171-21732190.)9* Shan Wang,Xiaowei Zhang,Liuyu Zhai,et al Atorvasta-tina t enuatescognitive deficitsand neuroinflammation induced by A "1-42 involving modulation of TLR4/TRAF6/NF-k B pathway [J *. J Mol Neurosci , 2018, 64(3):363-373()0*郑乃智,王敏,赵娟,等.淀粉样蛋白与癫痼合并阿尔茨海默病大鼠模型的神经网络和病理学相关性研究)*.中国临床神经科学201927(3):252-25 8.(收稿日期"020-05-16)优思弗辅助阿拓莫兰治疗婴儿胆汁淤积症的效果刘 晖】,徐 岳2,吴 薇3*(1.南通大学附属常州儿童医院消化感染科,常州2130032南通大学附属常州儿童医院儿童内镜中心,常州 213003 '.南通大学附属常州儿童医院新生儿科,常州213003)摘要:目的分析优思弗辅助阿拓莫兰对婴儿胆汁淤积症(IC )临床症状与肝功能的改善效果@及毒性和不良反应发生情况9(响°方法 选取78例IC 婴儿,按照入院ID 采用随机数字表法均分为对照组和观察组,每组39例"除了针对原发病9治疗外, 对照组给予优思弗和门冬氨酸钾钱治疗,观察组给予优思弗辅助阿拓莫兰治疗,疗程为14 d "分析2组患儿在治疗过程中9临 床症状评分、临床治疗效果、肝功能指标[谷丙转氨酶(ALT )、总胆红素(TBIL )、直接胆红素(DBIL )、总胆汁酸(TBA )、1-谷氨酰移酶(1-GGT )、谷草酶(AST )和碱 酶(ALP )]、肝纤4项[透明质酸(HA )、4(LN )、m 型前胶9 (PC ,)及N 型胶原(c.)]水平以及毒性和不良反应发生情况°结果 治疗14 d 后,观察组患儿9临床总有效率(89.74 %)明显高于对照组(71. 79%),3<0.05"治疗前,2组患儿9各项临床症状评分、肝功指标比较差异无统计学•义(3>0. 05);治疗14d 后,2 组患儿9各项临床症状评分均明显降低(3<0.05),且观察组9各项临床症状评分均明显低于对照组(3<0.05) 治疗7,14 d 后,2组患儿9肝功指标ALT 、ALP 、AST 、TBIL 、DBIL 、TBA 和r-GGT 水平均明显降低,且观察组9以上各项肝功指标水平均明 显低于对照组(3<0. 05) 治疗14d 后,2组患儿9 LN 水平比较差异无统计学•义(3>0. 05);组患儿9 HA 、PC ,及c .水平均明显降低,且观察组9 HA 、PC ,和c .水平低于对照组(3<0.05) 观察组患儿9毒性和不良反应发生率为12.82%,明显低于对照组9 33. 33 %(3<0.05) 结论 优思弗辅助阿拓莫兰治疗IC 患儿9临床效果明显,可有效恢复肝功能,改善临床症状,且毒性和不良反应低°关键词:阿拓莫兰;优思弗;婴儿胆汁淤积症;肝功能;毒性和不良反应DOI :10. 3969/j. issn. 1004-2407. 2021. 01. 027中图分类号:R985文献标志码:A 文章编号=1004-2407(2021)01-0126-05Clinical effect of Yousifu-assisted atomolan in the treatment of infantile cholestasssLIU Hui 】,XU Yue 2 ,WU Wei 3* (1. Department of Digestive Infection , Affiliated Changzhou Children's Hospital of Nantong Un--versity,Changzhou 213003 ,China 2 Pediatric Endoscopy Center , Affiliated Changzhou Children's Hospital of Nantong Univers--ty,Changzhou 213003 , China ; 3. Department of Neonatology, Affiliated Changzhou Children z s Hospital of Nantong University, Changzhou213003$China )Abstract : To analyze the effect of Yousifu-assisted atomolan on the clinical symptoms, liver function improvement andtoxicity and adverse reactions of infantile cholestasis (IC ).78 infants with IC were randomly divided into control groupand observat-on group accord-ng to the random number table of adm-ss-on ID 39 cases-n each group. In add-t on to the treatmentfor the primary disease,the control group was given the treatment of Yousifu and magnesium asparate potassium ,and the observa-tion group was given Yisifu-assisted atomolan.The course of treatment was14 d.The clinical symptom score,clinical treatment effect,liver function index[alanine aminotransferase(ALT),total bilirubin(TBIL),direct bilirubin(DBIL),total bile acid (TBA),■/-glutamyltransferase(y-GGT),aspartate aminotransferase(AST),alkaline phosphatase(ALP)),4items of liver fiber [hyaluronic acid(HA),laminin(LN),procollagen,(PC,)and collagen.(c.)and toxicity and adverse reactions were analyzed.After14d of treatment,the total clinical effective rate of the observation group was89.74%,which was significantly higher than that of the control group(71.79%)(P<0.05).Before treatment,there was no significant difference in clinical symptom scores and liver function indexes between the2groups(P〉0.05).After14d of treatment,the clinical symptom scores of the2groups were significantly lower(P<0.05),the clinical symptom scores of the observation group were significantly lower than the control group(P<0.05).After7d and14d of treatment,the liver function indexes of ALT,ALP,AST,TBIL, DBIL,TBA and r-GGT were significantly lower in the2groups,the above indicators of liver function in the observation group were significantly lower in the control group(P<0.05).After14d of treatment,there was no significant difference in LN level between the2groups(P〉0.05),while the levels of HA,PC,and c.in the2groups were significantly lower,the levels of HA,PC,and c.in the observation group were lower than those in the control group(P<0.05).The incidence of toxicity and adverse reactions in the observation group was12.82%,which was significantly lower than that in the control group(33.33%)(P <0.05).The clinical effect of Yousifu-assisted atomolan in the treatment of children with IC is obvious,it can effectively restore liver function,improve clinical symptoms,and shows low toxicity and adverse reactions.Key words:atomolan;Yousifu;infantile cholestasis;liver function;toxicity and adverse reactions婴儿胆汁淤积症(IC)是由于婴儿胆汁生成障碍或/和胆汁流动障碍所致的一种疾病,又名胆汁淤积综合征,是新生儿或婴儿常见的病症。
【期刊名称】《中国循环杂志》【年(卷),期】2015(000)008【总页数】3页(P819-821)【关键词】碘;对比剂;甲状腺【作者】司海龙(综述);秦勤(审校)【作者单位】300382 天津市,天津市胸科医院心内科;300382 天津市,天津市胸科医院心内科【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R54进入21世纪以来,随着冠心病与肿瘤等疾病的发病人群不断增长,增强CT检查与微创介入手术的应用日益普遍,更多的患者需要体内注射含碘对比剂。
1.1 人体对碘的基础需要量碘是甲状腺合成甲状腺激素的必需元素,人体每日对碘的基础需要量约65 μg。
正常状态下,细胞外液碘离子总量约为150 μg,而甲状腺内以甲状腺素和碘化酪氨酸形式储存的有机碘高达8~10 mg。
65 μg碘离子可供甲状腺合成约100 μg甲状腺素(T4)。
%Iodine is a key element in the synthesis of thyroid hormones and maintaining the normal physiological function. The iodine excess can lead to hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and autoimmune thyroid diseases. Individuals have different susceptibility to iodine excess. Excessive oxidative stress and secondary immune response may be the potential mechanisms of thyrotoxicity induced by iodine excess. This review updates the epidemiological results of iodine excess, and recommended intake standards, which may be involved in iodine excess and the regulatory mechanisms and pathogenesis in body to counteract iodine excess.【期刊名称】《天津医药》【年(卷),期】2016(044)011【总页数】4页(P1322-1325)【关键词】碘;甲状腺素;促甲状腺素;碘过量;流行病学;参考值;致病机制;氧化应激;免疫反应【作者】冯艳妮;姚小梅【作者单位】天津医科大学基础医学院生理与病理生理学系邮编300070;天津医科大学基础医学院生理与病理生理学系邮编300070【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R335.2;R581碘是合成甲状腺激素所必需的微量元素,适宜的碘摄入量是维持甲状腺功能和正常生命活动的基础。
亚急性甲状腺炎 (ST)
亚急性甲状腺炎 (subacute thyroiditis)
又名: 亚急性肉芽肿性甲状腺炎 (假)巨细胞甲状腺炎 De Quervain甲状腺炎 等
自行恢复 最常见的甲状腺疼痛疾病 由甲状腺的病毒感染或病毒感染后情况引发 特征 全身炎症反应 短暂疼痛的破坏性甲状腺组织损伤 永久性甲状腺功能减退症 5%-15%
1、急性起病。 2、甲状腺肿大、疼痛,局部发热、触痛。 3、有时伴耳、下颌或头枕部放射痛。 4、可有声嘶、呼吸不畅、吞咽困难。 5、可有畏寒、寒战、发热、心动过速等全身症状。
白细胞升高、伴核左移,血培养可阳性, 血沉增快。 摄碘率、甲状腺功能正常。 细针穿刺可吸出脓液。
糖皮质激素 适用于病情较重者 可迅速(24-48h内)缓解疼痛 改善甲状腺毒症症状 不能预防持久甲减的发生
糖皮质激素 初始泼尼松30-40 mg/日 维持1-2周 缓慢减少剂量 总疗程不少于6-8周 过快减量 过早停药 使病情反复
1.甲状腺肿瘤 腺瘤、囊肿、甲状腺癌急性出血等情况。 甲状腺癌一般患者年龄较大,穿刺细胞培养阴性, 抗生素治疗无效,甲状腺活检可明确。
1、一般对症处理包括卧床休息、补液、退热等。 2、局部对症处理原则为早期冷敷,晚期热敷。 3、根据药敏,予以有效抗生素、抗真菌药物。 4、必要时外科切开引流。
放射性碘摄取率持续降低,提示炎 症反应继续,应延长使用糖皮质激 素 停药或减量过程中反复者,仍可使 用糖皮质激素
牛羊猪等动物的甲状腺组织压片 T3、 T4 不精确、不稳定 人体甲状腺释放到血液中的激素T3:T4为1:9, 而甲状腺片为12:11。口服T3吸收可高95%, 而T4只有40%。且人体T3池度小,服用甲状 腺片易引起总T3的稳、易控制 明显、稳定 长(半衰期为190小时) 安全性高,几乎无副作用
• 术后随访甲状腺功能,注意及时替代治疗
中医中药在HT治疗方面积累了丰富的临床 经验,有一定的实用价值
刘晓云, 段宇, 刘超. 桥本甲状腺炎免疫治疗的研究进展[J]. 医学综述,2006,12(6):344-346
• 原理:应用糖皮质激素局部注射的方法, 抑制甲状腺内部的免疫炎症反应 • 方法:每次每侧甲状腺叶内部注射地塞米 松5mg,每周1-2次,连续5-10次为一疗程, 可2-3个疗程 • 优点:操作简便、副作用小、避免全身糖 皮质激素应用的副作用
• 典型的HT病例诊断并不困难,临床不典型 病例容易漏诊或误诊 • Fisher于1975年提出5项指标诊断方案
①甲状腺弥漫性肿大,质坚韧,表面不平或有结节 ②TGAb或TPOAb阳性 ③TSH 升高 ④甲状腺扫描有不规则浓聚或稀疏 ⑤过氯酸钾排泌试验阳性 5 项中有2 项者可拟诊为HT ,具有4 项者可确诊
目前尚无法根治 纠正继发的甲状腺功能异常和缩小显著肿大的甲状 腺 一般轻度弥漫性甲状腺肿又无明显压迫症状,不伴有 甲状腺功能异常者勿需特殊治疗,可随诊观察 对甲状腺肿大明显并伴有压迫症状者,采用L-T4制 剂治疗可减轻甲状腺肿 如有甲减者,则需采用TH替代治疗 一般不宜手术治疗,除非考虑恶性可能或解除压迫
一、概述 二、诊断思路 三、治疗措施 四、预后 五、最新进展和展望
病因治疗 属于自身免疫性疾病 一般不主张全身应用糖皮质激素等免疫抑
制药物 可局部使用(见后)
合并临床甲减者 • 药物:干甲状腺片、优甲乐® • 剂量:干甲状腺片20-80mg,
目前尚无法根治 纠正继发的甲状腺功能异常和缩小显著肿大的甲状
腺 一般轻度弥漫性甲状腺肿又无明显压迫症状,不伴
有甲状腺功能异常者勿需特殊治疗,可随诊观察 对甲状腺肿大明显并伴有压迫症状者,采用L-T4制
剂治疗可减轻甲状腺肿 如有甲减者,则需采用TH替代治疗 一般不宜手术治疗,除非考虑恶性可能或解除压迫
Teng W, Shan Z, Teng X, et al.Effect of iodine intake on thyroid diseases in China. N Engl J Med. 2006, 354(26):2783-93.
• 遗传因素:HLA • 环境因素:高碘 • 自身免疫因素:Fas,ADCC
• 发病隐匿,早期无特殊表现 • 颈部增粗的表现:咽部不适、局部压迫等 • 甲状腺功能异常的表现:
甲亢:心慌、出汗等 甲减:怕冷、乏力、皮肤干燥、胸闷、心包积液等
• 特殊表现:桥本脑病、不孕等 • 合并症:淋巴瘤、其他自身免疫疾病等
• 甲状腺功能:20%甲减,5%甲亢,余可正常 • 自身抗体: TPoAb, TgAb • 甲状腺超声:甲状腺肿大呈弥漫性病变,
chronic autoimmune thyroiditis
无痛性甲状腺炎 painless thyroiditis
产后甲状腺炎 postpartum thyroiditis
3型自身免疫 3A甲状腺功能亢进的
然后经常出现暂时性甲减。但患者也可 表现为暂时性甲减而没有之前的甲状腺 毒症。抗Tg和TPO抗体存在。
甲状腺功能亢进或甲状腺功能正常而TSH被 抑制,有刺激型TSH受体抗体(TRAb)存在,
• 幼年型甲减:
– 起病于青春期发育前儿童;
• 成年型甲减:
– 起病于成年人,重者称粘液性水肿( myxedema),更严重者粘液性水肿性昏迷
• 自身免疫性 • 药物性 • 甲状腺手术后 • 放射碘治疗后 • 特发性 • 垂体或下丘脑肿瘤手术后 • 先天性
* 调节:TRH-TSH-T3、T4
甲状腺激素的生理 合成
60μg碘于甲状腺激素生物合成, 其中50μg来自膳食,10μg来自激素
转化,碘通过碘泵从循环中经主动转运定位 于甲状腺细胞。
甲状腺分泌的T4及T3都结合于血清蛋白而循 环,发挥生理效应的甲状腺激素主要是FT3和FT4, 正常血液中虽然总T4的浓度远高于总T3(50~ 100:1),但FT4与FT3之比仅5~10:1,生物活性T3 为T4的3~5倍。
T4与TBG亲和力高,结合紧密,而T3与TBG的亲和力 低,结合疏松,故T3易进入组织发挥生物效应。
• TPOAb通过抗体介导的细胞毒(ADCC) 作用和补体 介导的细胞毒作用影响甲状腺激素的合成。
The etiology of thyroid diseases
Genetic factors
Family inheritance
Thyroid diseases have a certain degree of familial clustering, which may be related to genetic inheritance.
Other potential factors
Certain autoimmune diseases may lead to thyroid diseases, such as Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
Medication and treatment
Overview of thyroid diseases
The physiological function of the thyroid gland
Maintaining metabolic balance: Hormones secreted by the thyroid gland can regulate the body's metabolism, maintain energy balance, and maintain body temperature.
As age increases, the incidence of thyroid diseases also gradually increases.
Women are more prone to thyroid diseases than men, especially hypothyroidism and thyroid nodules.
海豚的食物英语作文英文回答:Dolphins, with their playful nature and remarkable intelligence, have captured the hearts of many. As apex predators, their diet plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems. The diverse range of prey species that dolphins consume is a testament to their adaptability and the vibrant habitats they inhabit.Fish.Fish constitute the primary component of the dolphin's diet. They target a wide variety of fish species, including herring, mackerel, sardines, and anchovies. Dolphins employ various hunting techniques to capture their prey. Some species, such as bottlenose dolphins, use echolocation to locate schools of fish and then herd them into a tight formation known as a "bait ball." Once the bait ball is formed, the dolphins take turns charging through it,stunning or killing the fish with their powerful jaws.Cephalopods.Cephalopods, which include squid, octopus, and cuttlefish, are another important food source for dolphins. Dolphins often hunt cephalopods at night when their prey is most active. They use their keen eyesight and echolocation abilities to locate the elusive creatures. Dolphins may employ a variety of techniques to capture cephalopods, including biting, ramming, and stunning them with their tails.Crustaceans.Crustaceans, such as shrimp, crabs, and lobsters, also form a part of the dolphin's diet. Dolphins typicallytarget smaller crustacean species and use their sensitive snouts to locate them in the sediment. They may use their powerful jaws to crush the shells of their prey or simply swallow them whole.Marine Mammals.Some dolphin species, particularly killer whales, have a more varied diet that includes other marine mammals. Killer whales are known to hunt seals, sea lions, and even other dolphins. They employ sophisticated hunting strategies, such as breaching out of the water to stuntheir prey and working together to corner and attack their targets.Nutritional Requirements.The nutritional requirements of dolphins vary depending on their size, species, and activity level. Fish provide essential proteins, fats, and vitamins. Cephalopods contribute to their iodine intake, which is important for thyroid function. Crustaceans provide calcium and other minerals. Marine mammals are a rich source of energy and fat.Ecological Impact.The feeding habits of dolphins have a significant impact on marine ecosystems. By consuming large quantities of fish, they help control fish populations and prevent overgrazing of marine vegetation. Dolphins also play a role in nutrient cycling by transporting nutrients from prey to higher trophic levels.中文回答:海豚的食物。
茶多酚和碘的化学反应英文回答:Tea polyphenols are a group of chemical compounds found in tea leaves. They are known for their antioxidant properties and have been studied for their potential health benefits. Iodine, on the other hand, is a chemical element that is essential for the production of thyroid hormones in the body.Tea polyphenols and iodine do not undergo a direct chemical reaction when combined. However, there are some indirect interactions between the two.One example is the effect of tea polyphenols on iodine absorption in the body. Studies have shown that excessive consumption of tea, particularly green tea, can inhibit the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland. This is because tea polyphenols can bind to iodine, forming complexes that are not easily absorbed by the body. As a result, excessivetea consumption can lead to iodine deficiency and potentially affect thyroid function.Another example is the potential protective effect of tea polyphenols against iodine-induced oxidative stress. Iodine, when present in excessive amounts, can generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the body, leading to oxidative damage to cells and tissues. Tea polyphenols, with their antioxidant properties, can scavenge these ROS and protect against oxidative stress.In addition to these indirect interactions, tea polyphenols and iodine can also have independent effects on health. Tea polyphenols have been studied for their potential anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and cardiovascular benefits. Iodine, on the other hand, is crucial for proper thyroid function and plays a role in metabolism, growth, and development.It is important to note that the effects of tea polyphenols and iodine can vary depending on individual factors such as age, gender, and overall health. It isalways recommended to consume tea and iodine-containing foods in moderation and consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.中文回答:茶多酚是一类存在于茶叶中的化合物。
【参考文献】1 孟家眉1神经内科临床新进展1北京:北京出版社,1994,125-127.2 闫乐京.UK、rtpA静脉溶栓治疗急性脑梗死的临床疗效对比分析1中华医学研究杂志,2004,4(3):25313 张玲如,王立.中风现代诊疗.南京:江苏科学技术出版社,2001,104-10514 贺茂林,陈清棠.急性脑梗死的溶栓治疗时间窗及病理生理1中国危重病急救医学,2000,12(5):315-317.5 张苏明,毛春,方思羽,等.影响超早期溶栓治疗脑梗死疗效因素的研究1同济医科大学学报,2000,29(4):34716缪金寿.249例急性脑梗死早期溶栓治疗分析1浙江临床医学,2001,3(2):95-9617 宋吉运,张镛,战金山,等1尿激酶颈动脉溶栓与静脉溶栓治疗急性脑梗死患者疗效比较1中国危重病急救医学,2000,12(5):28718贺茂林,陈清棠,王朝霞,等1尿激酶静脉溶栓治疗6h内急性颈动脉系统脑梗死初步临床观察.卒中与神经疾病,1999,6(4):20219张淑琴.神经内科学进展.长春:长春出版社,2001,109110 韦联星.急性缺血性脑卒中的溶栓治疗1广西医学,2003,25(3):403-404111 柯行娆,廖小平,欧阳锋,等1超选择性动脉溶栓与静脉溶栓治疗急性脑梗死的临床对照研究1北京医学,2001,23(3): 1541(编辑:石岚)胺碘酮对甲状腺功能影响的研究进展何卫华【中图分类号】R972+.2 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】1684-2030(2007)03-0219-03胺碘酮(amiodarone,Am)最早于1961年由Labze实验室合成,最初是作为冠状动脉扩张剂问世。
胰岛素抵抗/高胰 岛素血症伴有 高血压 、血脂异 常 、糖 耐量减 低 的状况称为 x综合征 ,其 后又有 死亡 四重 奏 、胰 岛素抵 抗综 合 征 、代谢综合征 等命 名 。代 谢 综合 征 由世 界卫生 组 织 (WHO) 于 1998年正式命 名 ,并 于 1999年确立 诊断标准 。后来 随着 人们对 MS认识 的深化 ,其概念 及诊断标 准也 经历 了不断修 订 和完善 。 目前认为 MS主要 由内脏性肥胖 、胰 岛素 抵抗 、糖 代谢 紊乱 、脂代谢异常及 高血压 等构成 ,还 可能 存在 血管 内皮 功能 紊乱 、微炎症 、高血凝状态 、血 栓前状 态及高尿酸血症 等异 常。
diseases in Chinal J 1.N Engl J Med,2006,354(26):2783.2793. [16]Wang S,wuY,Zuo Z,et a1.The efect of vitamin D supplementation on
山yroid autoantibody levels in the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis:a
MS的发病机制与慢性炎症 、下丘脑.垂体一肾上腺轴 功能失 调 、自主神经功能紊 乱 、氧化应 激 、肾素一血 管紧 张素一醛 固酮 系 统(RAAS)激活等多种 因素相关 。生殖 期延 长可 明显 降低 女性 MS的患病率 ,绝经后 女性维 生素 D缺 乏是 MS的独立 危险因素 ,紧张 、焦虑 、抑郁等不 良情 绪状态可增 加 MS患病 率且影响 其 预 后… ,而旅 行 等 心 境 调 节 方 式 则 可 降低 其 患 病 率 [12]。
一 、 代 谢 综 合 征 的概 念
高热量饮食及 长期静 坐等 不 良生 活 习惯使 MS成为 影 响 世界大多数 国家和 地 区人群 健 康 的公 共卫 生 问题 ,其患 病 率 已达29.2% ~43.6% ,并 呈 增 长 趋 势 。其 发 病 与染 色体 lq21~lq25、3q27、2q12.1~2q13、3q26.1~3q29等 的基 因组 成 有关 ,DNA 甲基 化 、组蛋 白修 饰 、微 小 RNA 的转 B3亚 基 基 因 的过 度 表 达 等 也 参 与 其 发 病 。
检测甲状腺相关激素在常见甲状腺病鉴别诊断中的重要意义摘要】目的研究五种甲状腺相关激素(TSH FT3 FT4 Anti-TG Anti-TPO)在甲亢,甲减,和桥本氏甲状腺炎中升高和降低的规律,从而用于临床常见甲状腺疾病的鉴别诊断中。
方法用化学发光免疫分析仪动态检测20例甲亢患者,20例甲减患者,20例桥本氏甲状腺炎患者,还有20正常健康人群的TSH FT3 FT4 Anti-TG Anti-TPO 的值,监测其在这三种病当中的结果变化规律。
结果 FT3,FT4,反应甲状腺功能的状态,甲亢时增高,甲减时降低,一般平行变化。
Anti-TG,和Anti-TPO 在桥本氏甲状腺炎中的检出率高达80-90%。
结论检测甲状腺相关激素对甲状腺常见疾病的鉴别诊断有重要意义【关键词】常见甲状腺病甲亢甲减桥本氏甲状腺炎 TSH FT3 FT4 Anti-TG Anti-TPO【中图分类号】R446 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1752(2013)32-0243-02甲状腺的生理功能主要为促进三大营养物质代谢,调节生长发育,提高组织的耗氧量,促进能量代谢,增加产热和提高基础代谢。
1.资料与方法1.1 资料选取20例经临床确诊的甲亢患者,20例甲减患者,20例桥本氏甲状腺炎患者,以及20例正常对照人群,随机动态监测上诉甲功五项。
一、基本情况姓名 性别 出生年月张万起 男 196302专业技术职务 行政职务招生专业教授 公共卫生学院副院长 营养与食品卫生学招生类型 所在单位 科学学位(博)\科学学位(硕)\专业学位(硕) 公共卫生学院最后学历及学位毕业院校 毕业时间 所学专业 所获学位南开大学 200207 生物高分子 理学博士E-mail(常用邮箱)科学研究主要方向(限20字以内)硕士研究生网报时将根据此研究方向选择导师*****************.cn微量元素营养与人群健康、食品安全研究 二、目前承担科研课题情况(在研项目)项目名称(级别最高3-5项) 项目来源 本人排名 本人可支配经费(万)项目起止时间1.孕期碘摄入量对母子健康影响及不同孕期碘需要量的研究》国家自然基金重点项目主持 290 201401-201812 2. Study on Effects of Excess Iodineand the Tolerable Upper Intake levelof Iodine for ChildrenNestlé Foundation主持 18.85 美元 201309-2016083.碘过量对儿童健康的危害及其安全摄入量的研究国家自然基金项目 主持 95 201301-2016124.碘过量致甲状腺相关疾病的易感人群遗传特征研究教育部博士点基金(博导类) 主持 12 201201-2014125.《天津市不同人群碘风险评估及敏感人群的防治》天津市科委科技支撑项目 主持 100 201404-201703三、发表论文论著情况(近三年)题目 刊物或出版社 本人排名 发表时间收录情况(SCI、EI)1.Sang Z, Chen W, Shen J,Tan L, ZhaoN, Liu H, Wen S,Wei W, Zhang G, Zhang W(Corresponding Author). Long-TermExposure to Excessive Iodine from Water Is Associated with Thyroid Dysfunction in Children. The Journal of Nutrition.2013,143(12):2038-43. 5Y IF = 4.6862.Tan L, Sang ZN, Shen J, Wu YT, Yao ZX, Zhang JX, Zhao N, Zhang WQ(Corresponding Author). Seleniumsupplementation alleviates autoimmune thyroiditis by regulating expression of TH1/TH2 cytokines. Biomed Environ Sci.2013 Nov;26(11):920-5. 5Y IF = 1.2183.Sang Z, Wang PP, Yao Z, Shen J, Halfyard B, Tan L, Zhao N, Wu Y, Gao S, Tan J, Liu J, Chen Z, Zhang W(Corresponding Author). Exploration of the safe upper level of iodine intake in euthyroid Chinese adults: arandomized double-blind trial. Am J Clin Nutr, 2012, 95(2):367-373. IF=6. 669, 5Y IF=7.3664.Sang Z, Wei W, Zhao N, Zhang G, Chen W, Liu H, Shen J, Liu J, Yan Y, Zhang W(Corresponding Author). Thyroiddysfunction during late gestation is associated with excessive iodine intake in pregnant women.J Clin Endocrinol Metab.2012 Aug;97(8):E1363-9. IF= 5.967, 5Y IF =6.3745.Yao X, Li M, He J, Zhang G, Wang M, Ma J, Sun Y, Zhang W, Li L(Corresponding Author). Effect of early acute highconcentrations of iodide exposure on mitochondrial superoxide production in FRTL cells.Free Radic Biol Med.2012 ,52:1343-1352. IF=5.423, 5Y IF = 5.7696.Burk RF, Hill K., Motley1 A., Winfrey V., Kurokawa S., MitchellS., Zhang W. Selenoprotein P and apolipoprotein Ereceptor-2 interact at the blood-brain barrier and within the brain to protect against neurodegeneration.The FASEBJournal. 2014. 28(1) S.374.6 5Y IF = 6.2227.李任佳,赵小玲,王尚,靳海民,陈伟强, 张万起(通讯作者). EGCG 对体外应激海马神经元的保护作用及其机制探讨. 营养学报, 2013,35(3):288-2968.张万起,陈雯. 碘. 营养学报, 2013,35(3):220-2219.靳海民,赵小玲,王涛,李任佳,陈伟强,张万起(通讯作者). 表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯对束缚应激大鼠行为学表现的影响. 营养学报, 2013,35(2):167-17110.张琪,陈雯,赵越,陈利琴,沈钧,张万起(通讯作者). 单胺类神经递质在碘致甲状腺功能减退症发病过程中的含量变化. 营养学报, 2013,35(5):467-47011.任秀利,桑仲娜,沈钧,刘华,魏薇,张桂芹,陈雯,张万起(通讯作者). 高水碘地区学龄儿童、成人及孕妇的碘营养状况调查. 卫生研究,2013,42(6) 966-969.12.赵越,陈雯,张琪,沈钧,陈利琴,桑仲娜,张万起(通讯作者). 高碘致甲状腺功能减退症患者血浆中去甲肾上腺素和5-羟吲哚乙酸含量变化. 中华预防医学杂志, 2013, 47(6): 573-57413.李海强, 桑仲娜, 谭龙, 赵娜, 魏薇张桂芹, 刘华, 温松臣, 张万起(通讯作者). 河北部分高水碘地区居民甲状腺功能及血脂水平调查. 卫生研究,2012,41(4):536-54214.陈雯, 赵娜, 魏薇, 张桂芹, 谭龙, 张万起(通讯作者). 碘的安全摄入量范围研究进展. 生命科学, 2012,24(8)909-916.15.陈雯, 桑仲娜, 刘华, 沈钧, 赵娜, 谭龙, 魏薇, 张桂芹, 温松臣, 张万起(通讯作者). 河北部分高水碘地区儿童甲状腺功能异常情况调查. 中华预防医学杂志, 2012, 46(2): 148-151.16.张桂芹, 桑仲娜, 刘华, 张淑芬, 魏薇, 赵娜, 谭龙, 张万起(通讯作者). 高碘地区孕妇碘营养状况与新生儿甲状腺功能的调查.中华预防医学,2012,46(3):225-227.17.张桂芹,桑仲娜,魏薇,赵娜,谭龙,张万起(通讯作者). 碘充足地区孕妇碘水平及新生儿甲状腺功能分析. 中国公共卫生2012,28 (3): 268-269.18.魏薇, 刘华, 张淑芬, 桑仲娜, 张桂芹, 赵娜, 谭龙, 张万起(通讯作者). 高碘地区孕妇与新生儿甲状腺功能关系的研究. 中国地方病学杂志, 2012, 31(1): 37-39.四、主要业绩(200字以内)早期参加完成国家自然基金项目《国人铝日允许摄入量研究》、卫生部课题《铝与衰老关系的研究》、天津科委课题《早期防治老年病理性精神退化的研究》,获得多项省部级奖励。
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T h e ne w engl a nd jou r na l o f medicine2783Effect of Iodine Intake on Thyroid Diseases in ChinaWeiping Teng, M.D., Zhongyan Shan, Ph.D., Xiaochun Teng, M.D., Haixia Guan, Ph.D., Yushu Li, Ph.D., Di Teng, M.D., Ying Jin, M.D., Xiaohui Yu, M.D., Chenling Fan, M.D., Wei Chong, Ph.D., Fan Yang, M.D.,Hong Dai, M.D., Yang Yu, M.D., Jia Li, M.D., Yanyan Chen, M.D.,Dong Zhao, M.D., Xiaoguang Shi, M.D., Fengnan Hu, Ph.D., Jinyuan Mao, M.D., Xiaolan Gu, M.D., Rong Yang, M.D., Yajie Tong, M.D., Weibo Wang, Ph.D.,Tianshu Gao, Ph.D., and Chenyang Li, Ph.D.From the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism (W.T., Z.S., H.G., Y.J., F.H.) and the Institute of Endocrinology (X.T., Y.L., D.T., X.Y., C.F., W.C., F.Y., H.D., Y.Y., J.L., Y.C., D.Z., X.S., J.M., X.G., R.Y., Y.T., W.W., T.G., C.L.), First Affiliated Hospital, China Medical University, Shengyang, China. Address reprint requests to Dr. Weiping Teng at the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, First Affiliated Hospital, China Medical University, No. 155 Nanjing Bei St., Heping District, Shengyang, China, or at twpendocrine@ .N Engl J Med 2006;354:2783-93.Copyright © 2006 Massachusetts Medical Society.ABSTR ACTBackgroundIodine is an essential component of thyroid hormones; either low or high intake may lead to thyroid disease. We observed an increase in the prevalence of overt hypothy-roidism, subclinical hypothyroidism, and autoimmune thyroiditis with increasing iodine intake in China in cohorts from three regions with different levels of iodine intake: mildly deficient (median urinary iodine excretion, 84 μg per liter), more than adequate (median, 243 μg per liter), and excessive (median, 651 μg per liter). Partici-pants enrolled in a baseline study in 1999, and during the five-year follow-up through 2004, we examined the effect of regional differences in iodine intake on the incidence of thyroid disease.MethodsOf the 3761 unselected subjects who were enrolled at baseline, 3018 (80.2 percent) participated in this follow-up study. Levels of thyroid hormones and thyroid autoan-tibodies in serum, and iodine in urine, were measured and B-mode ultrasonography of the thyroid was performed at baseline and follow-up.ResultsAmong subjects with mildly deficient iodine intake, those with more than adequate intake, and those with excessive intake, the cumulative incidence of overt hypothy-roidism was 0.2 percent, 0.5 percent, and 0.3 percent, respectively; that of subclinical hypothyroidism, 0.2 percent, 2.6 percent, and 2.9 percent, respectively; and that of autoimmune thyroiditis, 0.2 percent, 1.0 percent, and 1.3 percent, respectively. Among subjects with euthyroidism and antithyroid antibodies at baseline, the five-year inci-dence of elevated serum thyrotropin levels was greater among those with more than adequate or excessive iodine intake than among those with mildly deficient iodine intake. A baseline serum thyrotropin level of 1.0 to 1.9 mIU per liter was associated with the lowest subsequent incidence of abnormal thyroid function.ConclusionsMore than adequate or excessive iodine intake may lead to hypothyroidism and auto-immune thyroiditis.n engl j med 354;26 june 29, 2006T h e ne w engl a nd jou r na l o f medicinen engl j med 354;26 june 29, 20062784Salt has been iodized throu ghou t China since 1996, and as a result, iodine in-take has increased countrywide. Data from the Ministry of Health of China indicate that the median urinary iodine excretion — a surrogate measure for iodine intake — increased from 165 μg per liter in 1995 to 330 μg per liter in 1997 and stabilized at a similar level (306 μg per liter) in 1999.1 In fact, according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Na-tions Children’s Fund, and the International Coun-cil for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders,2 after iodization measures were instituted, the levels of iodine intake of some residents of China were more than adequate (median urinary iodine excretion, 200 to 299 μg per liter) or excessive (median uri-nary iodine excretion, >300 μg per liter). During the same period, we have observed increasing num-bers of patients with thyroid disorders.In order to understand the effect of increased iodine intake on thyroid health, a project to inves-tigate iodine-induced thyroid diseases was initiated in 1999 in cohorts in three regions with different levels of iodine intake.3-6 Median urinary iodine excretion was 84 μg per liter in Panshan, a region with mildly deficient iodine intake; 243 μg per liter in Zhangwu, a region with more than adequate iodine intake; and 651 μg per liter in Huanghua, a region of excessive iodine intake. In 1999 (at baseline), the prevalence of overt hypothyroidism was 0.3 percent, 0.9 percent, and 2.0 percent in the regions with mildly deficient, more than adequate, and excessive levels of iodine intake, respectively. The prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism was 0.9 percent in Panshan, 2.9 percent in Zhangwu, and 6.1 percent in Huangha, and the prevalence of autoimmune thyroiditis was 0.5, 1.7, and 2.8 per-cent, respectively. The prevalences of all three thy-roid diseases appeared to increase as the iodine intake rose. We conducted a five-year follow-up study to evaluate the effect of persistent regional differences in iodine intake on the incidences of these thyroid diseases and to report changes from baseline in the three regions studied.MethodsSubjectsIn 1999, three representative communities with different levels of iodine intake were chosen for study, as previously described.4 These three regions included Panshan, a county in northeastern Chi-na in which the local inhabitants traditionally con-sumed locally produced salt (iodine content, less than 3.4 mg per kilogram) and thus had a long-term mild deficiency in iodine intake. Residents of Zhangwu — another county in northeastern China — had mildly deficient levels of iodine in-take before 1995, but the intake increased after salt iodization was instituted, so that the iodine intake of local inhabitants had been more than adequate since 1996. Data from the Endemic De-partment of Liaoning Province show that the mean urinary iodine excretion in the 1980s and 1990s was between 70 and 90 μg per gram of creatinine among residents in both Panshan and Zhangwu until 1996 but that it had increased in Zhangwu after 1996.7 Huanghua, a county close to the Bo Hai Sea, is a region in which residents have exces-sive iodine intake owing to the high iodine con-tent in the drinking water8 (96 to 228 μg per liter; mean urinary iodine excretion from the 1970s to 1980s, 509 to 757 μg per gram of creatinine). In the baseline study, home visits were made in each of the three regions to all 16,287 inhab-itants who were older than 13 years of age and who had been living in the community for more than 10 years. An oral questionnaire was admin-istered to each person. The questionnaire elicited personal information and data on the economic status of the family, eating habits, type of salt used, amount of salt ingested per day, and the personal or family history of thyroid diseases (in-cluding time of diagnosis and therapy undertak-en). Among those receiving home visits, 3761 participated in the baseline study (1103 in Pan-shan, 1584 in Zhangwu, and 1074 in Huanghua). Pregnant women and women receiving oral con-traceptives were excluded. Both palpation and B-mode ultrasonography of the thyroid were per-formed, and samples of urine and blood were ob-tained from each subject after an overnight fast.The follow-up study used the same protocol as the baseline study and included 3018 of the 3761 original subjects (80.2 percent): 884 of the 1103 subjects in Panshan (80.1 percent), 1270 of the 1584 subjects in Zhangwu (80.2 percent), and 864 of the 1074 subjects in Huanghua (80.4 percent).Research protocols were approved by the med-ical ethics committee of China Medical University. All subjects provided written informed consent after the research protocols were carefully ex-plained to them.effect of iodine intake on thyroid diseases in chinan engl j med 354;26 june 29, 20062785AssaysBoth the baseline and follow-up studies used the same assay methods and assay kits. The labora-tory instrumentation and personnel were also the same at baseline and follow-up.Serum levels of thyrotropin, thyroid peroxidase antibody, thyroglobulin antibody, and thyroglob-ulin were measured in all subjects. Serum levels of free thyroxine, free triiodothyronine, and thy-rotropin receptor antibody were measured in sub-jects with abnormal serum thyrotropin levels (less than 0.3 mIU per liter or greater than 4.8 mIU per liter). The chemiluminescence immunoassay for thyrotropin, thyroid peroxidase antibody, thy-roglobulin antibody, thyroglobulin, free thyrox-ine, and free triiodothyronine was from Diagnostic Products Corporation, and the radioreceptor assay for thyrotropin receptor antibody was from Dia-sorin.The reference range for the serum thyrotropin level (0.3 to 4.8 mIU per liter) was derived from 2.5th to 97.5th percentile values for the 2503 sub-jects without known clinical thyroid disease, without a family history of thyroid disease, with-out antithyroid antibodies, and without goiter or nodules on B-mode ultrasonography in the threecohorts. The limit of detection of serum thyrotro-pin was 0.002 mIU per liter. At follow-up, the in-traassay and interassay coefficients of variation for serum variables were between 1.2 and 9.4 percent. Thirty blood samples tested at baseline were retested in 2004 for each thyroid hormone and for antithyroid antibodies, and the interassay coefficients of variation were less than 9 percent.Urinary iodine excretion was determined in all subjects at baseline and follow-up with the use of the colorimetric ceric ion–arsenious acid ash method, based on the Sandell–Kolthoff re-action.9 Thyroid ultrasonography was also per-formed 10 by trained observers using the same equipment (model SA600 with 7.5-MHz linear transducers, Medsion) in both studies. Goiter was defined as a thyroid volume exceeding 19.4 ml for women and 25.6 ml for men. This definition was derived from the mean (+2 SD) thyroid volume in 392 subjects without thyroid disease, without a family history of thyroid disease, without anti-thyroid antibodies, and without goiter or nodules on B-mode ultrasonography from one region (me-dian urinary iodine excretion, 126 μg per liter [25th to 75th percentile, 112 to 188]). The diagnosticcriteria for thyroid diseases are listed in Table 1.* The reference range for free thyroxine (T 4) is 10.3 to 24.5 pmol per liter; for free triiodothyronine (T 3), 2.3 to 6.3 pmol per liter; for thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPOAb), 7 to 50 IU per milliliter; for thyroglobulin antibody (TgAb), 10 to 40 IU per milliliter; and for thyrotropin receptor antibody (TRAb), ≤2 IU per liter. To convert values for free T 4 to nano-grams per deciliter, multiply by 12.87.T h e ne w engl a nd jou r na l o f medicinen engl j med 354;26 june 29, 20062786Statistical AnalysisAll statistical analyses were performed with SPSS software (version 11.5). Comparison of the propor-tions for the three cohorts was performed with the use of the chi-square test (α = 0.05); if the null hypothesis was rejected, then pairwise compari-sons were performed (α = 0.0125). Analysis of vari-ance (by means of the Student–Newman–Keuls test) was used to compare the mean ages among the cohorts. Serum thyroglobulin values were com-pared among the three cohorts with the use of the Student–Newman–Keuls test after logarith-mic transformation, because the data had a log-normal distribution rather than a normal distri-bution. Risk factors were analyzed with the use of logistic regression. The level of significance was set at 5 percent for the Student–Newman–Keuls test and logistic regression.R esultsSubjectsLevels of urinary iodine excretion and salt intake at baseline and follow-up were stable in each co-hort (Table 2). Except for their different levels of iodine intake, the three cohorts were similar in age and sex, economic status, and health care received. Iodine intake was also essentially the same at base-line and at follow-up.Serum ThyroglobulinSerum thyroglobulin values were not available for subjects with high levels of thyroglobulin antibody (≥40 IU per milliliter). Values were thus available for 3335 subjects in 1999 (990 in Panshan, 1435 in Zhangwu, and 910 in Huanghua) and 2679 sub-jects in 2004 (795 in Panshan, 1132 in Zhangwu, and 752 in Huanghua). Serum thyroglobulin lev-els differed significantly among the three cohorts both in 1999 (F = 11.7, P<0.001) and in 2004 (F = 24.6, P<0.001). The levels also differed significantly be-tween the cohorts in 1999 (Panshan vs. Zhang-wu, P<0.001; Panshan vs. Huanghua, P = 0.007; and Zhangwu vs. Huanghua, P = 0.002) and in 2004 (Panshan vs. Zhangwu, P<0.001; Panshan vs. Huan-ghua, P<0.001; and Zhangwu vs. Huanghua, P = 0.008).HypothyroidismDuring the follow-up period, 11 subjects received a diagnosis of overt hypothyroidism, 7 of whom (64 percent) were considered to have autoimmune thyroiditis. The prevalence of the disease at base-line differed significantly for all comparisons (among all three cohorts, χ2 = 15.2, P<0.001; Pan-shan vs. Zhangwu, χ2 = 4.5, P = 0.04; Panshan vs. Huanghua, χ2 = 14.1, P<0.001; and Zhangwu vs. Huanghua, χ2 = 4.9, P = 0.03). I n addition, 60 sub-jects received a diagnosis of subclinical hypothy-roidism; 20 of these subjects (33 percent) had high levels (≥50 IU per milliliter) of thyroid peroxidase antibody. The prevalence of the disease differed significantly among the cohorts (all three cohorts, χ2 = 47.1, P<0.001; Panshan vs. Zhangwu, χ2 = 12.7, P<0.001; Panshan vs. Huanghua, χ2 = 43.3, P<0.001; and Zhangwu vs. Huanghua, χ2 = 15.9, P<0.001). The cumulative incidence of subclinical hypothy-roidism was significantly higher in Zhangwu (with iodine intake that was more than adequate) and Huanghua (with excessive intake) than in Panshan (with mildly deficient intake) (all three cohorts, χ2 = 20.1, P<0.001; Panshan vs. Zhangwu, χ2 = 18.3, P<0.001; Panshan vs. Huanghua, χ2 = 20.4, P<0.001; and Zhangwu vs. Huanghua, χ2 = 0.17, P = 0.68) (Table 3).Of the 121 subjects who received a diagnosis of subclinical hypothyroidism in 1999, 100 (82.6 per-cent) participated in the 2004 follow-up study; none had received thyroxine therapy during this period. Of these 100 subjects, 29 (29.0 percent) had persistent subclinical hypothyroidism (3 of 7 in Panshan [42.9 percent], 17 of 42 in Zhangwu [40.5 percent], and 9 of 51 in Huanghua [17.6 percent]). There were more cases of persistent hypothyroid-ism in Zhangwu than in Huanghua (P = 0.02). Five of the 100 subjects with subclinical hypothyroid-ism in 1999 had overt hypothyroidism in 2004 (4 of 42 in Zhangwu [9.5 percent] and 1 of 51 in Huanghua [2.0 percent]). The remaining 66 sub-jects had become euthyroid by 2004.Logistic-regression analysis indicated that a se-rum thyrotropin level above 6 mIU per liter (odds ratio, 3.4; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.1 to 10.5), high levels of antithyroid antibody (thyroid peroxidase antibody ≥50 IU per milliliter or thyro-globulin antibody ≥40 IU per milliliter) (odds ra-tio, 5.3; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.8 to 15.7), and a shift in iodine intake from mildly deficient to more than adequate (odds ratio, 8.0; 95 percent confidence interval, 2.5 to 25.4) were risk factors for continued subclinical hypothyroidism. Sep-arate logistic analysis showed that a serum thyro-tropin level greater than 2 mIU per liter (odds ra-tio, 6.6; 95 percent confidence interval, 3.1 to 14.1), high antithyroid antibody levels (odds ratio, 3.0; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.6 to 5.6), a shift ineffect of iodine intake on thyroid diseases in chinan engl j med 354;26 june 29, 20062787iodine intake from mildly deficient to more than adequate (odds ratio, 10.7; 95 percent con-fidence interval, 1.4 to 79.7), and excessive io-dine intake (odds ratio, 9.1; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.2 to 69.7) were risk factors for sub-clinical hypothyroidism at follow-up among sub-jects with normal thyroid function at baseline.Autoimmune Thyroiditis and Thyroid AutoantibodiesThe prevalence of autoimmune thyroiditis differed significantly among the three cohorts (χ2 = 18.4, P<0.001) and between Panshan (mildly deficient in-take) and Zhangwu (more than adequate intake) (χ2 = 8.7, P = 0.003) and Huanghua (excessive intake) (χ2 = 18.8, P<0.001) but not between Zhangwu and Huanghua (χ2 = 3.6, P = 0.06). The cumulative in-cidence of autoimmune thyroiditis differed signifi-cantly among the three cohorts (χ2 = 6.3, P = 0.04) and was significantly higher in Zhangwu (1.0 per-cent of subjects who participated in the follow-up) and Huanghua (1.3 percent) than in Panshan (0.2 percent) (Panshan vs. Zhangwu, χ2 = 4.8, P = 0.03; Panshan vs. Huanghua, χ2 = 6.5, P = 0.01; Zhang-wu vs. Huanghua, χ2 = 0.29, P = 0.59) (Table 3). In contrast, no significant difference was found in the cumulative incidence of high levels of thy-roid peroxidase antibody and thyroglobulin anti-body among the three cohorts (Table 3).The prevalence of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis dif-fered significantly among the three cohorts (χ2 = 7.4, P = 0.03) and between Panshan and Huanghua (χ2 = 7.6, P = 0.006) but not between Zhangwu and Panshan (χ2 = 3.7, P = 0.06) or Huanghua (χ2 = 1.2, P = 0.29). The prevalence of atrophic thyroiditis dif-fered significantly among the three cohorts (χ2 = 11.7, P = 0.003) and between Panshan and Zhangwu (χ2 = 5.3, P = 0.02) and Panshan and Huan-ghua (χ2 = 11.7, P = 0.001) but not between Zhang-wu and Huanghua (χ2 = 2.5, P = 0.11).* Plus–minus values are means ±SD. Data for 1999 are from Yang et al.4 and Li et al.11† Values were obtained for reference in 60 schoolchildren 8 to 10 years of age.T h e ne w engl a nd jou r na l o f medicinen engl j med 354;26 june 29, 20062788Among the 213 subjects with euthyroidism who had high levels of thyroid peroxidase antibody in 1999, 184 (86.4 percent) participated in the 2004 follow-up. Of these, 146 (79.3 percent) continued to have high levels (47 of 56 in Panshan [83.9 per-cent], 67 of 79 in Zhangwu [84.8 percent], and 32 of 49 in Huanghua [65.3 percent]), with the rate of continued euthyroidism significantly higher in Panshan and Zhangwu than in Huanghua (P = 0.03 and P = 0.01, respectively). In addition, the high-er the level of thyroid peroxidase antibody, the higher the percentage of subjects with continued euthyroidism (54.8 percent of subjects with a level of 50 to <100 IU per milliliter, 80.5 percent with a level of 100 to <500 IU per milliliter, and 93.9 percent with a level 500 IU per milliliter or above). The same trend was found in those with high lev-els of thyroglobulin antibody.The cumulative incidence of supranormal lev-els of thyrotropin (greater than 4.8 mIU per liter) among subjects with euthyroidism who also had high levels of either thyroid peroxidase antibody or thyroglobulin antibody increased with increas-ing iodine intake in all three cohorts (Fig. 1). The cumulative incidence among subjects with high levels of thyroid peroxidase antibody differed significantly among the three cohorts (χ2 = 9.3, P = 0.01) and between Panshan and Huanghua (χ2 = 8.3, P = 0.004) but not between Zhangwu and either Panshan (χ2 = 1.2, P = 0.26) or Huanghua (χ2 = 3.4, P = 0.07). The cumulative incidence amongsubjects with high levels of thyroglobulin antibodyeffect of iodine intake on thyroid diseases in chinan engl j med 354;26 june 29, 20062789differed significantly among the three cohorts (χ2 = 7.2, P = 0.03) and between Panshan and Huang-hua (χ2 = 5.8, P = 0.02) and Zhangwu (χ2 = 4.6, P = 0.04) but not between Zhangwu and Huang-hua (χ2 = 0.8, P = 0.36).HyperthyroidismThere were no significant differences in the cumu-lative incidence of either overt hyperthyroidism or Graves’ disease among the three cohorts (Table 3). Graves’ disease was the main cause of overt hyper-thyroidism, accounting for 58.3 percent of cases in Panshan, 58.3 percent in Zhangwu, and 71.4 percent in Huanghua.The prevalence of subclinical hyperthyroidism differed significantly among the three cohorts(χ2 = 19.2, P<0.001) and between Huanghua and Panshan (χ2 = 15.5, P<0.001) and Zhangwu (χ2 = 18.5, P<0.001) but not between Panshan and Zhangwu (χ2 = 0.07, P = 0.79). Of 115 subjects with subclinical hyperthyroidism at baseline, 92 (80.0 percent) participated in the follow-up in 2004, and none had received treatment for the disease. At follow-up, 5 (5.4 percent) had overt hyperthy-roidism, 18 (19.6 percent) continued to have sub-clinical hyperthyroidism, and 66 (71.7 percent) had become euthyroid. There was no significant difference in these proportions among the three cohorts.Logistic-regression analysis indicated that a thyrotropin level below 0.3 mIU per liter (odds ra-tio, 5.7; 95 percent confidence interval, 2.1 to 15.0),* The prevalence was calculated at baseline (1999); incidence is the cumulative incidence between 1999 and 2004. The total numbers of cases on which prevalence and incidence percentages for all thyroid disease except goiter or nodule were based are 1103 and 884 for Panshan, 1584 and 1270 for Zhangwu, and 1074 and 864 for Huanghua, respectively. The total numbers of cases on which prevalence and incidence percentages for goiter and nodule were based are 815 and 678 for Panshan, 1514 and 1204 for Zhangwu, and 1056 and 826 for Huanghua, respectively. TPOAb denotes thyroid peroxidase antibody, and TgAb thyroglobulin antibody.† Prevalence data are from Shan et al.3‡ Prevalence data are from Yang et al.4§ Prevalence data are from Li et al.12¶ Prevalence data are from Hu et al.13T h e ne w engl a nd jou r na l o f medicinen engl j med 354;26 june 29, 20062790a high level of thyroid peroxidase antibody (odds ratio, 3.8; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.7 to 8.8), and the presence of any kind of goiter (odds ratio, 3.1; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.4 to 6.8) were risk factors for overt hyperthyroidism.GoiterThe prevalence of diffuse goiter differed signifi-cantly for all comparisons (among all three co-horts, χ2 = 91.7, P<0.001; Panshan vs. Zhangwu, χ2 = 14.0, P<0.001; Panshan vs. Huanghua, χ2 = 94.9, P<0.001; and Zhangwu vs. Huanghua, χ2 = 49.3, P<0.001). The cumulative incidence of diffuse goi-ter also differed significantly for all comparisons (among all three cohorts, χ2 = 8.1, P = 0.01; Panshan vs. Zhangwu, χ2 = 6.1, P = 0.01; Panshan vs. Huang-hua, χ2 = 0.02, P = 0.89; and Zhangwu vs. Huang-hua, χ2 = 6.0, P = 0.01), with a higher incidence in Panshan and Huanghua than in Zhangwu. In con-trast, the cumulative incidence of nodular goiter decreased with increasing iodine intake and dif-fered significantly for all comparisons (among all three cohorts, χ2 = 26.8, P<0.001; Panshan vs. Zhangwu, χ2 = 10.4, P = 0.001; Panshan vs. Huang-hua, χ2 = 24.4, P<0.001; and Zhangwu vs. Huang-hua, χ2 = 6.2, P = 0.01).The prevalence of a single nodule in the thyroid gland differed significantly among the three co-horts (χ2 = 21.5, P<0.001) and between Huanghua and Panshan (χ2 = 9.7, P = 0.002) and Zhangwu (χ2 = 8.9, P = 0.003) but not between Panshan and Zhangwu (χ2 = 0.24, P = 0.63). The prevalence of multiple nodules differed significantly for all comparisons (among all three cohorts, χ2 = 38.7, P<0.001; Panshan vs. Zhangwu, χ2 = 7.5, P = 0.006; Panshan vs. Huanghua, χ2 = 7.6, P = 0.006; and Zhangwu vs. Huanghua, χ2 = 38.5, P<0.001). No significant differences among cohorts were found in the cumulative incidence of either single or multiple nodules (Table 3).Logistic-regression analysis showed that female sex (odds ratio, 2.7; 95 percent confidence inter-val, 1.7 to 4.4), mildly deficient iodine intake (odds ratio, 1.8; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.3 to 2.6), excessive iodine intake (odds ratio, 1.5; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.0 to 2.1), and high levels of thyroid autoantibodies (odds ratio, 1.7; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.1 to 2.5) were the risk factors for goiter in normal subjects.Of the 418 subjects with diffuse goiter at base-line, 344 (82.3 percent) participated in the follow-up. Of these 344, 128 (37.2 percent) still had dif-fuse goiter: 53 of 132 (40.2 percent) in Panshan, 59 of 170 (34.7 percent) in Zhangwu, and 16 of 42 (38.1 percent) in Huanghua. Twenty-eight of the 344 subjects (8.1 percent) had nodular goiter: 16 of 132 (12.1 percent) in Panshan, 9 of 170 (5.3 percent) in Zhangwu, and 3 of 42 (7.1 percent) in Huanghua. Significantly more subjects had nodular goiter in the region in which intake was deficient (Panshan) than in the region in which intake was more than adequate (Zhang-wu) (P = 0.03). Thyroid size reverted to normal in 123 of the 344 subjects (35.8 percent): 48 of 132 (36.4 percent) in Panshan, 70 of 170 (41.2 per-cent) in Zhangwu, and 5 of 42 (11.9 percent) in Huanghua. Nodular goiter reverted to normal in significantly more subjects in Panshan and Zhang-wu than in Huanghua during the follow-up pe-riod (P = 0.003 and P<0.001, respectively). Of the 108 subjects who initially had nodular goiter, 88 (81.5 percent) participated in the follow-up; 61 (69.3 percent) still had nodular goiter in 2004: 20 of 25 (80.0 percent) in Panshan, 28 of 44 (63.6 percent) in Zhangwu, and 13 of 19 (68.4 percent) in Huanghua.effect of iodine intake on thyroid diseases in chinan engl j med 354;26 june 29, 20062791Thyroid CancerNo cases of thyroid cancer were identified in Pan-shan or Zhangwu at baseline; however, 10 subjects (1 man and 9 women) were found to have papil-lary thyroid carcinoma in Huanghua, the region with excessive intake of iodine.14 Between 1999 and 2004, 13 cases of papillary thyroid cancer were di-agnosed in Huanghua (in 2 men and 11 women) but none were diagnosed in the other two regions.Follow-Up Interval for Measuring ThyrotropinFollow-up data were obtained for 2727 subjects who had normal thyrotropin levels at baseline. At follow-up, 68 of these subjects (2.5 percent) had a serum thyrotropin level below 0.3 mIU per liter (20 subjects had overt hyperthyroidism, and 48 had subclinical hyperthyroidism); 64 (2.3 percent) had a serum thyrotropin level above 4.8 mIU per liter (5 had overt hypothyroidism, and 59 had subclini-cal hypothyroidism). Figure 2 shows the cumula-tive incidence of abnormal serum thyrotropin levels plotted against baseline thyrotropin levels. These data suggest that an increase in serum thy-rotropin above 1.9 mIU per liter is associated with an increased incidence of subsequent supranor-mal thyrotropin level and that a decrease in se-rum thyrotropin level below 1.0 mIU per liter is associated with an increased incidence of subse-quent subnormal thyrotropin level (Fig. 2). Thus, persons with baseline thyrotropin levels above 1.0 mIU per liter but below 1.9 mIU per liter may have the lowest incidence of abnormal thyrotropin levels five years later.DiscussionOur results suggest a link between increased io-dine intake and hypothyroidism. Similar results were reported in small-scale comparative epide-miologic studies by Laurberg et al.15 and Szabolcs et al.16 No significant difference in the cumula-tive incidence of overt hypothyroidism was ob-served among the three cohorts. This finding may relate to the short interval between the baseline and follow-up studies and the long latency period for hypothyroidism. As compared with regions such as Panshan, in which inhabitants have a mildly deficient long-term intake of iodine, there appears to be a higher incidence of both overt and subclinical hypothyroidism in regions such as Zhangwu, where iodine intake increased from be-ing mildly deficient before salt iodization to more than adequate afterward. Moreover, the highest。