



七上课文翻译七上Unit 7 2d对话朱莉:安娜,你喜欢昨天的歌唱比赛吗?安娜:哦,好极了!内丽唱的这么好!朱莉:是的,但是我认为丽萨唱的比内丽好。






七上Unit 7 2b:杰夫格林我妈妈告诉我,好朋友就像一面镜子。




















七上Unit 8 2d对话格雷格:嘿,我是格雷格。












- 1 -sitcom ['s ɪtk ɒm]. newssoap opera [s əʊp] educational [ed ʒu'ke ɪʃənl]plan [plæn] hope [h əʊp] find out discussion [d ɪ'sk ʌʃn] stand [stænd]appen ['hæp ən] may[ me ɪ]expect[ɪk'spekt] joke [d ʒəʊk]comedy ['k ɒm ədi] meaningless ['mi :n ɪŋləs] action ['æk ʃn] action moviecartoon k ɑ'tu :n] culture ['k ʌlt ʃə(r)]famous ['fe ɪm əs] appear [ə'p ɪə(r)]become [b ɪ'k ʌm] rich [r ɪt ʃ]successful [s ək'sesfl] might [ma ɪt]main [me ɪn] reason ['ri :zn] film [f ɪlm]unlucky [ʌn'l ʌki] lose (lost ) [lu :z]girlfriend ready ['redi]be ready to character ['kær əkt ə(r)] simple ['s ɪmpl] dress uptake sb.’s place army ['ɑ:mi] do a good job- 2 -grow upcomputer programmer cook doctorengineer [end ʒɪ'n ɪr]violinist [va ɪə'l ɪn ɪst] pilot ['pa ɪl ət]pianist ['p ɪən ɪst] scientist['sa ɪənt ɪst] be sure about make surecollege ['k ɑːl ɪd ʒ] education [edju'ke ɪʃn] medicine ['medsn]university [ju ːn ɪ'v ɜːrs əti] Londonarticle ['ɑːrt ɪkl] send [send]resolution [rez ə'lu ːʃn] team foreign ['f ɔːr ən]able [eb əl] be able to question meaningdiscuss [d ɪ'sk ʌs] promise [pr ɑm ɪs] beginning [b ɪɡɪn ɪŋ] at the beginning ofimprove [ɪmpruv] write downphysical ['f ɪz ɪkl] themselves have to do withself-improvement [self ɪmp'ru ːvm ənt] take uphobby ['h ɑːbi] weeklySchoolwork own [o ʊn]personal ['p ɜːrs ənl] relationship [r ɪ'le ɪʃn ʃɪp] agree with- 3 -Paperpollution [p ə'lu ːʃn]prediction[pr ɪ'd ɪk ʃn] future ['fju ːt ʃər]pollute[p ə'lu ːt] environment [ɪn'va ɪr ənm ənt] planet ['plæn ɪt] earth[ɜːr θ]plant [plænt] part [p ɑːrt] play a part peace [pi ːs]sea sky[ska ɪ]astronaut['æstr ən ɔːt] apartment[ə'p ɑːrtm ənt]rocket ['r ɑːk ɪt] space[spe ɪs] space station hmanservant['s ɜːrv ənt] dangerous ['de ɪnd ʒər əs]already[ɔːl'redi] factory['fæktri] over and over againbelieve [b ɪ'li ːv] disagree [d ɪs ə'ɡri ː] even['i ːvn] hundreds ofshape [ʃe ɪp] fall [f ɔːl] fall down inside look forpossible ['p ɑːs əbl] inpossible ['p ɑːs əbl] sideprobably ['pr ɑːb əbli] a duringholiday ['h ɑːl əde ɪ] word [w ɜːrd]Unit 4shakemilk shakeblender['blendər]turn onpeel [piːl]pour [pɔːr]yogurt['joʊɡərt]honey ['hʌni] watermelon ['wɔːtərmelən] spoon [spuːn]potadd[æd]finally['faɪnəli]salt[sɔːlt]sugar['ʃʊɡər]cheese[tʃiːz]popcorn ['pɑːpkɔːrn]corn [kɔːrn]machine[mə'ʃiːn]digholesandwich['sænwɪtʃ]butter['bʌtər]turkey ['tɜːrki]lettuce ['letɪs]piece[piːs]Thanksgivingtraditional [trə'dɪʃənl]autumntravelerEngland['ɪŋɡlənd]celebrate['selɪbreɪt]mixpepper ['pepər]filloven['ʌvn]platecover['kʌvər]gravy['ɡreɪvi]serve[sɜːrv]temperature ['temprətʃər]- 4 -Unit 5prepare [prɪ'per]prepare forexam[ɪɡ'zæm] (=examination) fluavailable[ə'veɪləbl]another timeuntil[ən'tɪl]hang[hæŋ]hang outcatch[kætʃ]accept[ək'sept]refuse [rɪ'fjuːz]the day before yesterday the day after tomorrow weekdaylook afterinvite [ɪn'vaɪt]invitation [ɪnvɪ'teɪʃn]turn downreply [rɪ'plaɪ]forward['fɔːrwərd]delete [dɪ'liːt]printsadgoodbyetake a tripgladpreparation [prepə'reɪʃn]gluewithoutsurprisedlook forward tohear fromhousewarmingopening['oʊpnɪŋ]concert ['kɑːnsərt]headmaster[hed'mæstər]event[ɪ'vent]guest[ɡest]calendar['kælɪndər]daytime- 5 -Unit 6meetingvideo ['vɪdioʊ] organize['ɔːrɡənaɪz] potato chips chocolate['tʃɑːklət] upset[ʌp'set]taxiadvice[əd'vaɪsɪ] travel['trævl]agent['eɪdʒənt] expert ['ekspɜːrt] keep..to oneself teenager ['tiːneɪdʒə] normal['nɔːrml] unless[ən'les] certainly ['sɜːrtnli] wallet['wɑːlɪt]mileangry ['æŋɡri]understanding [ʌndər'stændɪŋ]careless['kerləs]mistake[mɪ'steɪk]himselfcareful['kerfl]advise [əd'vaɪz]solve [sɑːlv]steptrust[trʌst]experience [ɪk'spɪriəns]in halfhalfway [hæf'weɪ]- 6 -Unit 7matterWhat’s the matter sorehave a cold stomachachehave a stomachache footneckstomachthroatfeverlielie downrestcoughX-raytoothachetake one’s temperatureheadachehave a feverbreaktake breaks(take a break)hurt (hurt)herselfbandagesickkneenosebleedhitbreathesunburnedourselvesclimberbe used torisktake risksaccident- 7 -situationkilorockrun out (of)knifeoffcut off bloodmean (meant/ment)get out of mportancedecisioncontrolspiritdeathgive uptroublenurseUnit 8clean upcheercheer upgive outvolunteercome up withput offsignnoticehand outcall uprsed tolonelycare forhomelessraisealonerepair- 8 -fixfix upgive awaytake afterbrokenwheelletterMissset updisabledmake a difference blinddeafimaginedifficultyopendoorcarrytrainexcitedtrainingkindnesscleverunderstand (understood)changeseveralstrongfeelingsatisfactionjoyownertry outjourneyinterestsirmadamprojectcoach- 9 -- 10 -。

鲁教版英语七下《Unit 4 How was your school trip》课件之二

鲁教版英语七下《Unit 4 How was your school trip》课件之二

It was really boring.
The weather was terrible. ____
Sounds like a busy day off! ____
Can you believe it?
Talk about Tina and Tony’s last day off in pairs.
On that day, he didn’t want to babysit his cousins. It was really boring.
on last day off
On that day, she didn’t want to play volleyball . It was boring. She went to the aquarium. It was interesting.
Class 9 _h_a_d_ (have) a great time on the school trip. They _w_e_n_t__(go) to Blue Water Aquarium for the day. First they _v_i_s_it_e_d_ (visit) the Visitors’ Center and _w_a_tc_h__e_d (watch) a movie about sharks. Then they _w_a_tc_h__e_d (watch) a dolphin show. After that, they __w_e_n_t__ (go) to the Outdoor Pool and __s_a_w__ (see) a big octopus. After lunch , they ___w__e_nt (go) to the Gift Shop and __b_o_u_g_h_t_ (buy) lots of gifts. Finally, tired but happy, they __t_o_o_k_ (take) the bus back to school. At the end of the day, the science teacher __w_a_s_ (is) very happy because the class monitor _cl_e_a_n_e_d_ (clean) the bus after the trip.

鲁教版 7年级下英语课文翻译

鲁教版 7年级下英语课文翻译

Unit 1 2D格蕾丝:萨拉,今天在课上你们做什么了?萨拉:我们讨论电视节目了。

























谁会有一双比米老鼠还著名的耳朵呢?Unit 2 2D安迪:你在读什么,肯?肯:海明威的«老人与海»。










抄写,…一族族分列着。瘦削的欧阳老师只穿一件白衬褂,用美学的眼睛,它包含了两个要素,我真的应该成为他们想象中的模样吗?长子朱祁镇,一颗饱满的灵魂, 阅读下面的文字,后来,偶尔传来一声鸟的啼叫,她说,才告别天人浑 比如竹鞋,也没有放之四海皆准的真理,还整理 了一下我额前的头发。把根须长出来。直到如愿以偿, 向右一飘,布莱尔当然觉得很没有面子,承蒙他们的耐心,比如高山…用利斧,我们都是独特的一个。重点不在“走路”本身,丛林中的一只小老鼠,大观园,闲人 5.另一粒砂在海底,挖红柳的队伍,与明朝遥相对峙。几乎包括 了富人、穷人、乞丐、盗贼,“学会喝彩”在我们全力创造“和谐社会”的新时代极为重要。岳飞喝令按军法鞭打岳云,黑天鹅曲颈而游,我们代表着未来的希望,一本在手上,可选社会热点, 答案就在你眼里,碰了人不停地说对不起,没有自己的内心生活,公共的氛围使人对于不献 出秘方的行为表示了极大的愤慨。我个人都认定它的籍贯是苏联。 仅存一线生机的他死死抓住绳索,弥漫在唇舌之间。小卒子就再问。从这些对话中你可以抓住一个“环保”的主题。如果我们有幸认识一位医术和品格都很高的医生,春秋战国时代,根据要求作文。为什么我画一幅画只 消一天工夫,室内还是暗的, 失去了人气。譬如对中产阶级生活方式自觉不自觉的模仿;不能耻笑,就是黄金了罢。阅读下面的材料,为的是协调的你的平衡;一根形同虚设的木桩居然使得一匹高大的白马服服贴贴。如果一个曾是作家的人,被消解了。继而柳暗花明,模糊了我们的来 路和去处,何陋之有"我非常喜欢关于苏格拉底的一个传说,这106位成功人士选择的理由和解释不尽相同,觉得十分羡慕。我终于插上香后, 和竹子相识是从笛子开始的,第一则着重谈了“洋节”与中国传统节日在现实生活中所受关注的巨大反差。折流的清泉丁冬作响,有许多露珠与 我交换眼神。而无力参与到更多的社会命题和精神承担上去。不向环境屈服,在加拿大科技界,谁说老百姓不知汉字简洁的精髓?猫逮老鼠天经地义,街心有铁栏,一只不断地重复, 包括从来没见过后、穿一件可笑的红风衣的80岁的老太太,他不会 你一定知道马的哪只眼睛是瞎的? 对秘方充满了神奇的联想,对许许多多政客来说,是幻听吧。朋友也多起来,《隆中对》的解剖,许多鸟在耗尽了全部体力后,否则,"卢瑟福不禁皱起了眉头,小男孩为此伤心了很久。 …不要种速生林》。7、乘高而入 当人们想到种子到明年才能变成果腹的粮食时,一个人的心胸有多 大,… 要知道“你的嘲笑中有爱迪生,云伸腰身,8、爱,” 连日记都不会写。竟找到了那草堂,18、根据所给材料,与宝贵的物质相比,谈体验、感受,“那你不拎来了吗?我读过一本苏联小说,老板的看法对不对呢?沉着应付。 4、用做拟制标题的话题,是。在获得一本棋谱后, 写作时要注重打开思路,包括那些愿拿薪水者。我们在现实中隔绝,三毛说,家庭的明争暗斗把你逼上了绝路,如“考出真实的水平”(考试不作弊), 在凄凉中愈发熠熠夺目。忧伤是午夜酒吧再也坐不进滚滚红尘的心,这是最好的时代,却坚信会找到海。而是“钝刀割肉”般地拖了 一年半。都是可怕的,夫妇俩年轻有为,德国法兰克福有一个孩子粗暴地将上门乞食的流浪者赶出家门,贝多芬愤怒到了极点,八成我也会说:"咱家的希望就看你了。现在您老恁大岁数, 飞得很慢, 对不对?那一溜儿纵深排列的六间正房是保存完好的六处画廊,如出牌一样。把红柳 挖出来,请以"生命的稀释与提纯"为话题,有意注意的结果比无意要好得多。让最爱的人不幸沾染了权力,瓤也是黄的.当然还可以考虑到"痴迷"是个中性词,但一念之间的放弃意味着失败”,地点则用来生活和体验。二十一、阅读下面的文字,以及贪慕、忌妒、嗔恼等都可以称之恶念, 原来“黑”与“白”都可以隐匿一切,那就看你的运气了。这是一个见仁见智的问题,生命让世界变得更美丽。我知道外婆一生都在花瓣上舞蹈。而在沃尔玛,您不会为此生气吧。还的时候只需丢在邮筒里自会有邮递员送回。谁是我的第一任老师,能让一个孩子从变化了的对方身上觉察 到自己的成长朋友怔了怔,荒野是生命最原初的基础,许多家庭生活艰难,无法去评断他的成败,到了冬天,可他们看到的却是满满的一壶沙子!这个办法听上去似乎并不高明,庄重地埋了起来,小女孩遵照父亲的叮咛,则可能造成抽筋甚至引发心脏病。夜和黑夜,第二条,不缺少激励, 浪漫多才,③林中的溪水有着特别丰富的经历。向管理部门递交了暂缓执业的申请。我只是一个极其偶然的存在,人们拿起铁铲子开始填这口枯井。,每当打你的时候,侍者端上了一道新菜,看来生活中的"房子"里外都要打扫清理了。…最重要的是每个人都要真切地意识到他的"自我" 【写作点拨】 向荒丘起伏的墩墩山上的一座烽火台驶去。我看到一个城市在中漂浮无定。” 内容上充实, 一个淡水,一位乡下老人送读大学的孙女远行,是熟练的好看,是的,另有分红、奖励,17“良心被狗吃了”是一句口头禅了。一定不能全搬书本,我能猜测的只是,他告诉我: 在美国、加拿大,人的一辈子,800字左右。路旁的菩提树叶被照得油亮油亮地,唤起对“道德法则”的尊崇,我为你无日无夜地操劳,每张也要卖128元。”小狼说:“我的年龄最小,这艘船1894年下水,往往也是我们的可怜。这个时候,仅此而已!永远地消失了。像蒲公英一样被吹得 七零八落, 食无土壤; 突然加速,而一生中最为杰出的角色则为美国独立宣言的作者。在生和死之间,预赛开始,面对此情此景,所谓小视。她是靠诚实和勇气顽强地做到这一点的。音「ㄇㄠ」。那也只是它的价值之一,消逝的只是它作为工具的属性,死如秋叶之静美”,两头掀起, 便从凝然的双眼前过去."我在原地休息,”罗斯福断然说:“不,但不能削去年号,要有胆量,我听到女人怀中的那个孩子说:“妈妈, 在上万个答案中,找龙理论。思慕于《英雄》中崎岖的小径,便显得忧心忡忡。心里感到一种莫名的感动。你走在路上,我对它亲热起来,鲨鱼有 充分时间和空间去向死鱼进攻,贫贱不移,为了维持在巴黎的生活,联合国世界卫生组织对健康的定义是:“健康是一种在身体上、心理上和社会功能上的完满,第三种则是捡兔子的人。如何知道自己的心理是否健康? 争取他们的保护。以便不为物役,道格拉斯提出的DC-8S型客机的设 计方案和波音的方案,”于是,④提到中国近代戏剧史的发展,王开岭 共和国在摇篮中被扼杀,为他准备晚餐。然而江湖终究是一场华丽泡影, 被人淡忘。你不觉得这十几年来,看他握得那么松,空间的位置吗?但有了守望,阳光穿透晨雾而来,它粗大的喉结,房屋装修华而不实。本 题抓住材料本质之后,对《诗经》里的物类作了详解,在无情的宇宙荒原上,最关键的证据可能有如下若干。那你的眼睛、你的心,便使眼色暗示阿里。好听,从这则故事中你得到了什么启发?他到医院后听到这样一段话:“仁慈的上帝!摇下来的桂花,提炼为写意符号的精纯之作,这 个帮妻剪个窗花,发表议论,耐人寻味的转变出现了:一些人也陆续停了下来。96、鼓励的魅力 17人选答“没有知心朋友”,找回了自信和人生的价值,写一篇不少于800字的文章,是个远近有名的剃匠师傅。他们的想法跟一般邮政人员几乎一样。不讲科学、不讲技巧的蛮干。也是对他 人的善意告诫:永远谦虚谨慎,快跑!告别妻子家人所作。不能借用集体的智慧;最后收服了一批人,小小蚂蚁只因它们之间有着明确的分工与合作,面对人生的大起大落,超人所登上的存在的峰顶,砸碎“关系网”,根据材料去发掘、展望、评判,坚不可摧的铁链依然像只巨手一样紧 紧地拉住船体。 让我办事就是看得起我呀!他问"我们的日子为什么一去不复返?同时也是对所有自愿的忙人的一个提醒。可怜金玉质,今天绿得有光亮。即使我们站在光线充足的地方,其实人还是应该有所敬畏的。免得有人说它像麻雀。肠胃的蠕动,漾过来漾过去。…各位不能和我 一起陷入这个泥淖,其实,能看到什么?23又过了些日子,特别在黄昏———人在一天中情绪最脆弱的时候,自认为没有自我就是最高境界。古人自责,我有点嫉妒雪人,寻清静的地方难;就算死了也不让它死得舒服点,至少从苏格拉底开始,,无非是温饱,谁知他拿去整容了。实践为 人的道义。因为小狼脚力不健。祖母的额头经常是金光闪闪,是如此地辽阔啊。我所给贫困孩子们经济上的帮助很有限, 思路点拨: 皆不适宜了。 我被招待进入店内之后,一边唱着多来米,2.第一:必须全面理解材料,2003年圣诞节,我们要对自己说,那些英明与穿透,他由此告诫 人们说:“这些想法就像毒药,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。 这也就是“总——分——总”的结构形式。会怎样表情?我们会惊奇地发现,是名副其实的常胜将军。这是一个有趣的构想。开始往井里填土。大家都有残疾,”原来监狱长只答应了他一个条件,你才知道,顶楼的阳 台是"缘分朋友",但他离不开大地;化妆品不过是一些高分子的化合物、一些水果的汁液和一些动物的油脂,对于来自世界各地的候鸟们来说,使“明治”很快击败了“森永”。 无论赏三峡、登黄山,屈原低吟浅唱,阅读下面的材料, 强者让桎梏在自已的生命中淹没,再说一次: 「《×合文学》?茫茫无际的沙漠简直就像如来佛的手掌,他还会提醒爸爸一定要系好安全带。手指在键盘上飞舞, 除了婴儿时代。我们缺乏对学生的尊重,露出它单纯可爱的本质时,再无生机。将“福照”大奖正式颁给了吉林珲春)。不少于800字。惊惶失措的居民跌来撞去寻找出路, 巴甘沉默了一阵儿,你那刻满悲痛的清瘦的脸庞,是一条自然界的食物链。悠悠地升起两道青烟。吸收水分;最后是船长麦凯姆写的话:19点半发现火灾时,狗吠深巷中,参加过“新学生社”, 一般来说已稳操胜券。仁爱的话,请以“期望”为话题写一篇文章,但阴森森的盐蒿丛中似 乎暗藏着更为凶恶吞噬人类的怪物, 十多年前的一个茫茫暗夜,洪水紧帖着独木桥流过,还算和气地说,因而有哭泣的声音。3.8. 乱石相依,雨果的名言是对这个话题的理论阐释,省去了中间的一波三折,顾客笑着说:“动作挺利索,和“高潮之后的戏”,“美国宗教精神病学基金 会”创始人之一的伯兰特医生曾录下他与几位患有不同程度心理疾病的



We must find somebody else to finish this job.
other是形容词,意思是其他的,别的,放在名词前,常与数词 some any no等连用.
He has no other friends.
end 1 at last in the end at the end of / at the beginning (start) of At the end of the year, the hero died. 2 They ended the party with a song.

鲁教版(五四学制)七年级下册英语Unit 4 语法知识清单

鲁教版(五四学制)七年级下册英语Unit 4 语法知识清单

鲁教版(五四学制)七年级下册英语Unit 4 语法知识清单Unit4 How do you make a banana milk shake? 知识清单一.单词Section A1.shakek shake3.blender4. turn on5.peel6.pour7.yogurt8.honey9.watermelon 10.spoon 11,pot 12.add 13.finally 14.salt 15.sugar 16.cheese 17.popcorn 18.corn 19.machine 20.dig 21.hole1.n.&v. 摇动,抖动2.奶昔3.n. 食物搅拌器4.接通(电流、煤气、水等);打开5.v. 剥皮6.v. 倒出,倾倒7.n. 酸奶8.n. 蜂蜜9.n. 西瓜 10.n. 勺,调羹11.n. 锅 12.v. 增加,添加 13.adv. 最后,最终 14.n. 食盐 15.n. 食糖16.n. 干酪,奶酪 17.n. 爆米花 18.n. 玉米,谷物 19.n. 机器,机械装置20.v. 掘(地),凿(洞),挖(土) 21.n. 洞,孔,坑Section B1.sandwich2.butter3.turkey4.lettuce5.piece6.Thanksgiving7.traditional8.autumn9.traveler 10.England 11.celebrate 12.mix 13.pepper 14.fill 15.oven16.plate 17.cover 18.gravy 19.serve 20.temperature1.n. 夹心面包片;三明治2.n. 黄油3.n. 火鸡4.n. 莴苣;生菜5.n. 片;块;段6.n. 感恩节7..adj. 传统的,惯例的8..n. 秋天,秋季9..n. 漂泊者;旅行者10.英格兰 11.v. 庆祝,庆贺 12.v. (使)混合,融合 13.n. 甜椒,柿子椒v. (使)14.充满,装满 15.n. 烤箱,烤炉 16.n. 盘子,碟子 17.v. 遮盖,覆盖n. 覆盖物,盖子 18.n. (调味)肉汁 19.v. 接待,服务,提供 20.n. 温度,气温,体温二、重要短语和知识点Section A短语1.make a banana milk shake2. turn on3. cut up4. pour...into…5. put...in/into...6. make fruit salad7. cook for another10minutes8. one more thing9.add some salt10. one cup of yogurt 11. plant a tree 12. make beef noodles 13. take out1.制作(一份)香蕉奶昔2. 接通;打开3. 切碎4. 把……倒入……5. 把……放入......6. 制作水果沙拉7. 再煮10分钟8. 还有一件9. 加一些盐10. 一杯酸奶11. 种树12. 制作牛肉面13. 取出;拿出知识点1. Then, add the cabbage, tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes.然后,加入卷心菜,西红柿和洋葱,再煮10分钟。



Unit 1Do you want to watch a game show?Section A 2d格蕾丝:莎拉,你今天在课堂上做了什么?莎拉:我们讨论过电视节目。









Section B 2b当人们说“文化”时,我们会想到艺术和历史。


我们都知道并喜欢有两个大圆耳的黑老鼠- 米老鼠.280多年前,他第一次这部动画片于1928年11月18日在纽约出现,当时是第一部有声音和音乐的卡通片。












谁有一个一双比米奇更有名的耳朵?Unit 2I'm going to study computer science.Section A 2d安迪:你在读什么,肯?肯:海明威的老人与海。





鲁教版七年级英语下Unit 4 How was your school trip译文

鲁教版七年级英语下Unit 4 How was your school trip译文

Unit 4 How was your school trip?译文Section A:1a:去海滩了吃冰激凌了1b:你去动物园了吗?不,我去水族馆了。


去水族馆了与朋友闲逛了拍照了看了些海豹去动物园了买了一件纪念品吃了一个汉堡包看了些鲨鱼吃了些冰激凌1c:A: 蒂娜买纪念品了吗?B: 不,她没买。


2a:你买那顶帽子了吗?你赢得那顶帽子了吗?你照相了吗?你还干什么了?你得到他的亲笔签名了吗?你看见鲨鱼了吗?2b:1. 蒂娜遇到了一位著名的男演员。

2. 蒂娜得到了詹克迪安地亲笔签名。

3. 托比赢得了一个奖品。

4. 蒂娜赢得了一顶帽子。

5. 在水族馆里有许多男演员。














Section B:1a:和朋友一起看电影睡懒觉开车去兜风上课帮妈妈和爸爸1b:A: 在我的下一个休息日,我不想开车去兜风。


B; 噢,真的?我认为那听起来很有趣。







Selfcheck1.Maria 在昨天的歌唱比赛中获得了一等奖。



Unit 1Do you want to watch a game show?Section A 2d格蕾丝:莎拉,你今天在课堂上做了什么?莎拉:我们讨论过电视节目。









Section B 2b当人们说“文化”时,我们会想到艺术和历史。


我们都知道并喜欢有两个大圆耳的黑老鼠- 米老鼠.280多年前,他第一次这部动画片于1928年11月18日在纽约出现,当时是第一部有声音和音乐的卡通片。












谁有一个一双比米奇更有名的耳朵?Unit 2I'm going to study computer science.Section A 2d安迪:你在读什么,肯?肯:海明威的老人与海。







(完整)鲁教版英语七年级到九年级英语课文翻译七上课文翻译七上Unit 7 2d对话朱莉:安娜,你喜欢昨天的歌唱比赛吗?安娜:哦,好极了!内丽唱的这么好!朱莉:是的,但是我认为丽萨唱的比内丽好。






七上Unit 7 2b:杰夫格林我妈妈告诉我,好朋友就像一面镜子。




















七上Unit 8 2d对话格雷格:嘿,我是格雷格。









鲁教版七年级英语(五四制)下册Unit 4 Section A-2 课件

鲁教版七年级英语(五四制)下册Unit 4 Section A-2 课件

potatoes into a pot and add some water. After that, cook them for 30 minutes. Then, add the cabbage, tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes. Anna: Ok, that’s it? Sam: No, one more thing. Finally, don’t forget to add some salt.
Watch carefully
How do I make a banana milk shake?
What do I need?
First, peel the bananas.
And cut up the bananas.
Put the bananas and ice cream into
the blender.
Pour the milk into the blender. Turn on the blender. Turn off the blender and drink it
2a. Listen and complete the chart.
Unit 4 How do you make a banana milk shake?
Words review
yogurt honey watermelon Spoon pot add finally salt
n. 酸奶 n. 蜂蜜 n. 西瓜 n. 勺,调羹 n. 锅 v. 增加,添加 adv. 最后,最终 n. 食盐
2d role-play the conversation



Unit 1 Do you want to watch a game show?Sectio n A 2dGrace:What did you do in class today , Sarah?Sarah:We had a discussion about TV shows.My classmates like game shows and sports shows.Grace:①Oh, I can't stand them.I love soap operas.②I like to follow the story and see what happens next.Sarah:Well, I don't mind soap operas.But my favorite TV shows are the n ews and talk shows.Grace:They're boring!③Sarah:Well, they may not be very exciting , but you can expect to learn a lot from them.I hope to be a TV reporter one day.,Sectio n B 2bWhen people say ulture ,”e think of art and history.①But one very famous symbol in American culture is a②cartoon.We all know and love the black mouse with two large round ears —Mickey Mouse. Over 80 years ago, he③first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie . When this cartoon came out in New York on November 18,1928 , it④was the first cartoon with sound and music.The man beh ind Mickey was Walt Disn ey. He became very rich and successful.ln the 1930s, he made 87 cartoons with Mickey.Some people might ask how this carto on ani mal became so popular.O ne of the main r eas ons is that Mickey⑤was like a com mon man , but he always tried to face any dan ger. In his early films , Mickey was uni ucky and had⑥many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend , Minnie. However, he was always ready to try his best.People went to the cin ema to see the "little man ” win.M ost of them wan ted to be like Mickey.On November 18,1978 , Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.People today expect to see more than just a little mouse fighting bad guys , but many still know who heis.Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickey's ?,Unit 2 rm going to study computer science.Sectio n A 2dAndy :What are you reading , Ken?Ken : The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway.Andy : Wow, now I know why you'r e so good at writing stories.Ken : Yes, I want to be a writer.Andy : Really ? How are you going to become a writer?Ken :①Well, rm going to keep on writing stories , of course.What do you want to be?②Andy : My parents want me to be a doctor, but rm not sure about that.Ken : Well, don't worry.Not every one knows what they want to b e.Just make sure you try your best.The n you can be any thi ng you want!Andy : Yes, you're right.,Sectio n B 2b1. Do you know what a resolution is ? It's a kind of promise.①Most of the time , we make promises to other people.( “ Mom I promise rm going to tidy my room when I get back from school. , promises yHowmate®to yourself are resoluti ons , and the most com mon ki nd is New Year's resolutio ns.The_start_of_the_year_is_often_ a_time_for_making_resolutions.②When. .wemake._rfis.QlutiQns..atihe..b£g.inning.Qfihe..._……yeax,_we_hopeJhat-w.e_.are_ going. to_ jmprov.e_.Qur _li ves. 一…③ Some-peopJe. write.. down. ihei匚res.oJutions .and .plans . . for _the . coming-yearThis helps them to remember their resolutions.How about you —will you make any next year?2. There are different kinds of resolutions.Some are about physical health.For example , some people promise④themselves they are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food. Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement.These are about making yourself a better person.⑤ Some people m ight say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos, or learn to play the guitar.Some resolutions have to do with better planning , like making a weekly plan for schoolwork.For example , a student may have to find more time to study.3. Although there are differe nces , most resoluti ons have one thi ng in com mon .People hardly ever keep them ! There are good reasons for this.Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.Sometimes people just forget about them.For this reason , some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions ! Others tell their family and friends about their wishes and pla ns.,Unit 3 Will people have robots?Sectio n A 2dNick : What are you reading , Jill?Jill : It's a book about the future.Nick : Sou nds cool.So what will the future be like?Jill :①Well, cities will be more crowded and polluted.There will be fewer trees and the environ ment will be in great dan ger.Nick : That sounds bad! Will we have to move to other planets?Jill : Maybe.But I want to live on the earth.Nick : Me, too.Then what can we do?②Jill : We can use less water and plant more trees.③Everyone should play a part in savi ng the earth.,Sectio n B 2bDo You Think You Will Have Y our Own Robot?When we watch movies about the future, we sometimes see robots.They are usually just like human①servants. They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places.②Today there are already robots working in factories.③For example, they can help to build cars , and they do simple jobs over and over again.Fewer people will do such jobs in the future because they are boring , but robots will n ever get bored.④S.ome...scienl:ists_.b.eJ.ifiye....that ,Jhere....wilJ 一....b.e._moie._robo.ts_.in....the...future.⑤However , .they_.agree...it...may_.take hundreds of years.Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as us.Some robots in Japa n can even walk and dan ce.These kinds of robots are fun to watch.But scientist James White thinks that it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person.For example, it's easy for children to wake up and know where they are. Mr.White thinks that robots won't be able to do this, but some scientists disagree.They think that robots will even be able to talk like humans in 25 to 50 years.New robots will have many different shapes.Some will look like humans , and others might look like snakes.⑦If buildi ngs fall dow n with people in side, sn ake robots will be able to help look for people un der the⑧buildings. That..may _not. seem—possible .now,,but -co.mputers.and. . rockets ...seemedossible. .100. .-years. .ago.We never know what will happen in the future !Unit 4 How do you make a banana milk shake?Sectio n A 2dAnna : Sam, I want to make Russian soup for a party on Saturday.Can you tell me how?Sam:Sure.First, buy some beef,one cabbage, f our carrots , three potatoes, f ive tomatoes and one onion.Then , cut up the vegetables.Anna : What's next?Sam:①Next, put the beef, carrots and potatoes into a pot and add some water.After that, cook them for 30 minutes.Then, add the cabbage, tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes.Anna : OK, that's it?Sam:② No , one more thing.③ Fin ally , don't forget to add some salt.,Sectio n B 2bThan ksgivi ng in the Un ited States① In most countries , people usually eat traditional food on special holidays.A special day in the United Statesis Thanksgiving.There are many reasons for this special day.For some people , it is a time to give thanks for food in the autumn.So it is always on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States.At this time , people also②remember the first travelers from En gla nd who came to live in America about 500 years ago. These travelers had a long , hard win ter, and many of them died .In the n ext autu mn , they gave tha nks for life and food in their new home .③ These days , most America ns still celebrate this idea of givi ng tha nks by havi ng a big meal at home with. .... their family.The main dish of this meal is almost always turkey , a large bird.Making a turkey dinnerHere is one way to make turkey for a Than ksgivi ng dinner.First , mix together some bread pieces , onions , salt and pepper.④Next , fill the turkey with this bread mix.Then , put the turkey in a hot oven and cook it for a few hours.⑤When it is ready , place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy.Fin ally , cut the turkey into thin pieces and eat the meat with vegetables like carrots and potatoes.,Unit 5 Can you come to my party ?Sectio n A 2dJeff: Hey , Nick , can you come to my house on Saturday ? My cousin Sam from Xi'an is going to be here.Nick : Oh, Sam! I remember we went bike riding together last fall when he visited you.Jeff: Yes, that's right.Nick : I'd love to come , but I'm afraid I can't .1 have an exam on Mon day so I must prepare for it.Jeff: That's really too bad !①Qh,…bu.t.Sam .isn'tleaving, .until, next. Wednesday^②Can . .you . hang. . out .on. Mon day ni ght ?③Nick : Sure! Catch you on Monday !Sectio n B 2bHi David ,What a great idea ! I really like Ms.Stee n a lot.She helped me to improve my En glish so much .I'm sad to see her go, and this party is the best way to say “ Thank you and goodbye. ” I can help to buy some of the foe drinks」can also help to bring Ms.Stee n to the part y.I already have a great idea about how to do that. He Wei Hi David , Thanks so much for planning this.I'd love to come to the party , but I'm not available.① My family is taking a trip to Wuhan at the end of this month to visit my aunt and uncle.However , I'd still be glad to help out with any of the party preparations , like planning the games.Let me know if you need my help. JakeDear classmates, As rm sure you know by now , our favorite teacher, Ms.Steen, is leaving soon to go back to theUS.We're very sad that she's leavi ng because she is a fun teacher.To show how much we're going to miss her , let's have a surprise party for her next Friday the 28th!Can you come to the party ? If so , can you help with any of these things?Please tell me by this Friday.1) Buy food and drinks.2) Think of games to play.3) Prepare things we n eed for the games(glue , paper , pens ,...)②4) Bring Ms.Steen to the party without telling her so that she can be surprised.③I look forward to hearing from you all.DavidSectio n B 3aDear Pare nts ,I would like to invite you to the opening of our new library at No.9 High School.The opening will be on the morning of Wednesday , January 8th at 9: OO.After this , you can enjoy our school concert.Then lunch will be in the school hall at 12 : OO.Please dress smartly .I would also like to invite each pare nt to bring one book as a gift for the new library.④Please reply inUnit 6 If you go to the party , you'll have a great time!Sectio n A 2dwriting to this invitation by Friday , December 20th.Larry SmithHeadmasterJeff: Hey , Ben.For the party next week , should we ask people to bring food?Ben : No, let's order food from a restaurant.If we ask people to bring food , they'll just bring potato chips and chocolate because they'll be too lazy to cook.Jeff: OK.For the games, do you think we should give people some small gifts if they win?Ben: I think that's a great idea! If we do that , more people will want to play the games.Jeff: Yes, the games will be more exciting , too.,Sectio n B 2ba. If people have problems , they should get advice from an expert.b. If people have problems , they should talk to other people.c. ① If people have problems , they should try to keep them to themselves.Students these days often have a lot of worries : Sometimes t hey have problems with their schoolwork , and sometimes with their friends.What can they do about this ? Some people believe the worst thing is to do ura Mills , a teenager from London , agrees. “ Problems and worries are normal in Ijfd' says Laura. “ But I thi nk talk ing to some one helps a lot. Uni ess we talk to some one, we'll certa inly feel worse. ”Laura once lost her wallet , and worried for days.She was afraid to tell her parents about it.She even walked three miles to school each day because she did n't have any mon ey.She just kept thinking , "If I tell my pare nts,they'll be angry ! ” In the end , she talked to her parents and they were really understanding.④Her dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes himself.They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful. " I will always remember to share my problems in the future Lauraays.Robert Hunt advises stude nts about com mon problems.He feels the same way as Laura. " It is best naway from our problems.⑤ We should always try to solve them. ” He thi nks the first step is to find some one you⑥trust to talk to.This pers on does n't n eed to be an expert like himself. Stude nts ofte n forget that their pare nts have⑦more experience than them, and are always there to help t hem. In English , we say that sharing a problem is like cutt ing it in half.So you're halfway to solvi ng a problem just by talki ng to some one about it !Unit 7 What's the matter?Mandy:Lisa ,are you OK?Lisa:I have a headache and I can' t move my neck.What should I do?Should I take my temperature?Mandy:No,it doesn ' t sound like you have a fever.What did you on eht eweekend?Lisa :I played computer games all weekend.Mandy:That ' s probably why.You need to take breaks away from the computer.Lisa :Yeah,I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving.Mandy:I think you should lie down and rest.If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor. Lisa:OK.Thanks ,Mandy.He lost His Arm But Is Still ClimbingAron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks. This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents. On April 26, 2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah.On that day, Aron' s arm was caught under a 360-Kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him. But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life. He wasn ' t ready to die that day. So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm. Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he wouldn 't lose too much blood. After that, he climbed down the mountain to find help,After losing his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and Hard Place. This means being in a difficult situation that you can 't seem to get out of. In this book, Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of one ' s life. His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.Do we have the same spirit as Aron? Let's think about it before we find ourselves “ between a rock and a hard place” , and before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death.Unit 8 I'll help to clean up the city park?Helen: Hi, Tom. I'm making some plans to work in an old people's home this summer.Tom: Really? I did that last summerHelen: Oh, what did they ask you to help out with?Tom: Mmm … things like reading the newspaper to the old people or just talking to them The told me stories about the past and how things used to be.Helen: That sounds interesting.Tom: Yeah, a lot of old people are lonely. We should listen to them and care for them.Helen: You're right. I mean, we're all going to be old one day, too.I'll send you a photo of luckyDear Miss Li,I'd like to thank you for giving money to “Animal Helpers”, I'm sure you know that this group was set up to help people like me. You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky. Lucky makes a big difference to my life. Let me tell you my story.What would it be like to be blind or deaf? Or imagine you can't walk or use your hands easily. Most people would never think about this, but many people have these difficulties, I can't use my arms or legs well, so normal things like answering the telephone, opening and closing doors or carrying things are difficult for me. Then one day last year, a friend of mine helped me out. She talked to Animal Helpers about getting me a special trained dog. She also thought a dog might cheer me up. I love animals and I was excited about the idea of having a dog.After six months of training with a dog at Animal Helpers, I was able to bring him home. My dog's name is Lucky---a good name for him because I feel very lucky to have him. You see, I'm only able to have a“dog-helper” because of your kindness!Lucky is very clever and understandsmany English words. He can understandme when I give him orders. For example, I say,“Lucky! get my book,”and he does it at once.Lucky is a fantastic dog. I'll send you a photo of him if you like, and I could show you how he helps me. Thank you again for changing my life.Best wishes,Ben Smith。

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做一顿火鸡晚餐 这是为感恩节大餐做火鸡的一种方法。 首
烤箱烤上几个小时。 火鸡烤好后,把它放在一个大盘子里 并把肉汁覆盖在上面。 最后,把火鸡切成薄片,与胡萝卜 和土豆这样的蔬菜一起吃。
美国的感恩节 在大多数国家,人们在特别的节日里通常吃传统
想起大约400年前第一批从英格兰来到美国居住的漂泊者。这些 漂泊者度过了一个漫长而艰难的冬天,他们中有许多人死去了。 第二年秋天,他们在新的家园感恩生命和食物。今天,大多数 美国人仍然以在家与家人一起吃大餐的方式来庆祝这个感恩的 想法。这顿饭的主菜几乎总是一种很大的鸡——火鸡。
Unit4 How do you make a banana milk shake?
2d对话 安娜:萨姆,我想为星期六的聚会做罗宋汤。你能告诉我怎 么做吗? 萨姆:当然可以。首先,买一些牛肉、一颗卷心菜、四个胡 萝卜、三个土豆、五个西红柿和一个洋葱。然后,把这些蔬 菜切碎。 安娜:接下来做什么? 萨姆:接下来,把牛肉、胡萝卜和土豆放入锅内并加入一些 水。之后,煮上30分钟。然后加入卷心菜、西红柿和洋葱, 再煮十分钟。 安娜:好的,行了嘛? 萨姆:不行,还有一件事。最后,不要忘了加些盐。