中山大学的试题不偏、不怪,80% 的题型都和专八的题型一致。
651 661 661 658 668 662 663 658 664 674 651 670 680 671 647 667 659 667 646 672 680 656 659 670 647 665 673 669 666 660 667 667 659 668
642 648 645 645 645 644 644 642 642 660 642 655 661 661 641 644 642 644 642 670 671 646 646 648 643 643 657 654 650 650 650 661 647 653
645 651 655 644 644 648 643 655 666 633 656 655 660 637 657 658 650 640 660 671 644 650 653 635 660 664 660 653 660 657 660 656 661
611 636 630 629 629 635 627 626 651 628 639 648 655 611 630 612 630 628 656 661 626 632 628 620 628 642 636 637 633 637 647 632 649
国际政治 工商管理类2
历史学 经济学类 社会学类 法语 哲学 汉语言文学 地理科学类 地质学类 工商管理类 口腔医学 逻辑学 外国语言文学类 预防医学 经济学类2 化学类 大气科学类
环境科学与工程类 经济学类 旅游管理类 软件工程 计算机类 生物科学类 数学类 微电子科学与工程 药学 软件工程(移动信息工程) 临床医学 临床医学(八年制) 医学检验技术 注1:以上表格统计分数不包含特殊类型招生及政策性加分 注2:我校从2011年开始实行大类招生
目 录2003年中山大学外国语学院352基础英语考研真题及详解2004年中山大学外国语学院352基础英语考研真题及详解2005年中山大学外国语学院352基础英语考研真题及详解2006年中山大学外国语学院348基础英语考研真题及详解2007年中山大学外国语学院738基础英语考研真题及详解2008年中山大学外国语学院616基础英语考研真题及详解2009年中山大学外国语学院628基础英语考研真题及详解2010年中山大学外国语学院622基础英语考研真题及详解2011年中山大学外国语学院632基础英语考研真题及详解2012年中山大学外国语学院632基础英语考研真题及详解2013年中山大学外国语学院637基础英语考研真题及详解2014年中山大学外国语学院638基础英语考研真题及详解2015年中山大学外国语学院638基础英语考研真题及详解2016年中山大学外国语学院637基础英语考研真题及详解2017年中山大学外国语学院638基础英语考研真题及详解2018年中山大学外国语学院638基础英语考研真题及详解2003年中山大学外国语学院352基础英语考研真题及详解Ⅰ. Reading (30%)Green Wave Washes Over Mainstream Shopping Research in Britain has shown that “green consumers” continue to flourish as a significant group among shoppers. This suggests that politicians who claim environmentalism is yesterday’s issue may be seriously misjudging the public mood.A report from Mintel, the market research organization, says that despite recession and financial pressures, more people than ever want to buy environmentally friendly products and a “green wave” has swept through consumerism, taking in people previously untouched by environmental concerns. The recently published report also predicts that the process will repeat itself with “ethical” concerns, involving issues such as fair trade with the Third World and the social record of businesses. Companies will have to be more honest and open in response to this mood.Mintel’s survey, based on nearly 1,000 consumers, found that the proportion who look for green products and are prepared to pay more for them has climbed from 53 percent in 1990 to around 60 percent in 1994. On average, they will pay 13 percent more for such products, although this percentage is higher among women, managerial and professional groups and those aged 35 to 44.Between 1990 and 1994 the proportion of consumers claiming to be unaware of or unconcerned about green issues fell from 18 to 10 percent but the number of green spender among older people and manual workers has risen substantially. Regions such as Scotland have also caught up with the south of England in their environmental concerns. According to Mintel, the image of green consumerism as associated in the past with the more eccentric members of society has virtually disappeared. The consumer research manager for Mintel, Angela Hughes, said it had become firmly established as a mainstream market. She explained that as far as the average person is concerned environmentalism has not “gone off the boil”. In fact, it has spread across a much wider range of consumer groups, ages and occupations.Mintel’s 1994 survey found that 13 percent of consumers are “very dark green”, nearly always buying environmentally friendly products, 28 percent are “dark green”, trying “as far as possible” to buy such products, and 21 percent are “pale green” tending to buy green products if they see them. Another 26 percent are “armchair greens”; they said they care about environmental issues but their concern does not affect their spending habits. Only 10 percent say they do not care about green issues.Four in ten people are “ethical spenders”, buying goods which do not, for example, involve dealings with oppressive regimes. This figure is the same as in 1990, although the number of “armchair ethicals” has risen from 28 to 35 percent and only 22 percent say they are, unconcerned now, against 30 percent in 1990. Hughes claims that in the twenty-first century, consumers will be encouraged to think more about the entire history of the products and services they buy, including the policies of the companies that provide them and that this will require a greater degree of honesty with consumers.Among green consumers, animal testing is the top issue—48 percent said they would be deterred from buying a product if it had been tested on animals—followed by concerns regarding irresponsible selling, the ozone layer, river and sea pollution, forest destruction, recycling and factor farming. However, concern for specific issues is lower than in 1990, suggesting that many consumers feel that Government and business have taken on the environmental agenda.Questions 1-6Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer of the passage? In your answer booklet write YES, NO, or NOT GIVEN for each statement.1. The research findings report commercial rather than political trends.2. Being financially better off has made shoppers more sensitive to buying ‘green’.3. The majority of shoppers are prepared to pay more for the benefit of the environment according to the research findings.4. Consumers’ green shopping habits are influenced by Mintel’s findings.5. Mintel has limited their investigation to professional and managerial groups.6. Mintel undertakes market surveys on an annual basis.【答案与解析】1. YES(文章通篇没有多提政治,除了第一段“politicians claims environmentalism is yesterday’s issue”,本文更多的是从消费者的角度来讨论这一问题的。
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2015年中山大学翻译硕士英语真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. V ocabulary 2. Reading Comprehension 3. WritingV ocabulary1.In 1976 Sarah Caldwell became______at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City.A.she was the first woman to conductB.the first woman conductorC.the woman was first conductingD.the woman conducts first正确答案:B解析:句意:1976年Sarah Caldwell成为第一个在纽约大都会歌剧院演出的女性指挥家。
2.When______to dough and heated, carbon dioxide is released, causing the dough to rise.A.is added baking powderB.added baking powder isC.is baking powder addedD.baking powder is added正确答案:D解析:句意:当把烘烤用粉加到面团里加热的时候,会释放出二氧化碳,使得面团涨开。
when引导状语从句,语序应该为正常语序,因而A,C错误;B 项语序混乱。
这里明显应该用被动形式,而且有固定结构add to,所以应该选D。
3.Bubbles, flaws, and other irregularities diffuse the light that passes through stained glass, ______the glass sparkle.A.which makingB.and makingC.makingD.to making正确答案:C解析:句意:气泡、裂纹和其他的不规则情况会使光线穿过受损的玻璃时发散开,使得玻璃闪闪发光。
1/12【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 12015年中山大学考研指导育明教育,创始于2006年,由北京大学、中国人民大学、中央财经大学、北京外国语大学的教授投资创办,并有北京大学、武汉大学、中国人民大学、北京师范大学复旦大学、中央财经大学、等知名高校的博士和硕士加盟,是一个最具权威的全国范围内的考研考博辅导机构。
500中山医学院(电话:87331474)100071000生物学方向(03)(1)101思想政治理论(2)201英语一(3)679基础医学综合或680生物综合(B)(4)908生物化学(B)复试专业课:F5001生理学方向(05)(1)101思想政治理论(2)201英语一(3)679基础医学综合或680生物综合(B)(4)908生物化学(B)或909免疫学或910病理生理学复试专业课:F5002医学微生物学或F5016分子生物学方向(06)(1)101思想政治理论(2)201英语一(3)679基础医学综合或680生物综合(B)(4)908生物化学(B)或911生理学复试专业课:F5001生理学或F5004人体解剖学或F5016分子生物学方向23的说明:心血管医学在生物学、基础医学、药学等一级学科下共招收硕士生20名,考生根据本科背景选报心血管医学A、B、C 及相应考试科目。
详细说明及导师介绍请见2/12【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 2方向(07)(1)101思想政治理论(2)201英语一(3)679基础医学综合或680生物综合(B)(4)908生物化学(B)复试专业课:F5006医学遗传学方向(09)(1)101思想政治理论(2)201英语一(3)679基础医学综合或680生物综合(B)(4)908生物化学(B)复试专业课:F5005细胞生物学方向(10)(1)101思想政治理论(2)201英语一(3)679基础医学综合或680生物综合(B)(4)911生理学复试专业课:F5003生物化学与分子生物学方向(23)(1)101思想政治理论(2)201英语一(3)679基础医学综合或680生物综合(B)(4)911生理学复试专业课:F5003生物化学与分子生物学http://zssom.sysu.ed/“研究生教育-招生信息”处03生理学05微生物学06神经生物学07遗传学09细胞生物学10生物化学与分子生物学23心血管医学A077700生物医学工程(1)101思想政治理论3/12【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 3(2)201英语一(3)602高等数学(B)(4)912专业基础(数据结构)复试专业课:F5014微机技术及其应用(含单片机C 语言或VC++编程)或F5015微机技术及其应用(加试计算机综合程序设计)69不分方向100100基础医学(1)101思想政治理论(2)201英语一(3)306西医综合复试专业课:方向(01):F5004人体解剖学或F5011组织学与胚胎学方向(02):F5007免疫学方向(03):F5002医学微生物学或F5009病原生物学(寄生虫学)方向(04):F5001生理学或F5003生物化学与分子生物学或F5008病理生理学方向(05):F5010法医学方向(20):F5012干细胞与组织工程方向(21):F5002医学微生物学或F5003生物化学或F5006医学遗传学或F5016分子生物学方向(23):病理学或F5008病理生理学方向23的说明:心血管医学在生物学、基础医学、药学等一级学科下共招收硕士生20名,考生根据本科背景选报心血管医学A、B、C 及相应考试科目。
最高分 644 646 646 650 638 636 644 648 645 661 638 640 647 644 641 641 637 645 638 641 647 633 650 652 648 633
理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科 理科
国际政治 工商管理类 经济学类 历史学 经济学类
旅游管理类 人类学 社会学类 德语 法语 日语 英语 哲学 公共管理类 汉语言文学 图书情报与档案管理类 新闻传播学类 城乡规划 地理科学类 水文与水资源工程
地质学类 法学 外国语言文学类 交通工程 理论与应用力学 能源与动力工程 生物医学工程 卫生检验与检疫 预防医学 工商管理类
地球科学与地质工 程学院 法学院 翻译学院 工学院 工学院 工学院 工学院 公共卫生学院 公共卫生学院 管理学院 管理学院 光华口腔医学院 国际商学院 国际商学院 海洋学院 化学与化学工程学 院 环境科学与工程学 院 环境科学与工程学 院 历史学系 岭南学院 岭南学院 旅游学院 旅游学院 软件学院 社会学与人类学学 院 生命科学学院 数据科学与计算机 学院 数学与计算科学学 院 微电子学院 物理科学与工程技 术学院 物理科学与工程技 术学院 物理科学与工程技 术学院 心理学系 信息科学与技术学 院
临床医学 临床医学(八年制)
管理学院 国际商学院 历史学系 岭南学院 社会学与人类学学 院 外国语学院 外国语学院 国际关系学院 政治与公共事务管 理学院 中国语言文学系 资讯管理学院 地理科学与规划学 院 翻译学院 工学院 工学院 公共卫生学院 光华口腔医学院 海洋学院 化学与化学工程学 院 环境科学与工程学 院 环境科学与工程学 院 岭南学院 岭南学院 旅游学院 软件学院 生命科学学院 数据科学与计算机 学院 数学与计算科学学 院 微电子学院 物理科学与工程技 术学院 物理科学与工程技 术学院 药学院 移动信息工程学院 中法核工程与技术 学院 中山医学院 中山医学院
2011年中山大学英语专业(基础英语)真题试卷(总分:78.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、阅读理解(总题数:3,分数:40.00)For an infant just beginning to interact with the surrounding world, it is imperative that he quickly become proficient in his native language. While developing a vocabulary and the ability to communicate using it are obviously important steps in this process, an infant must first be able to learn from the various streams of audible communication around him. To that end, during the course of even the first few months of development, an infant will begin to absorb the rhythmic patterns and sequences of sounds that characterize his language, and will begin to differentiate between the meanings of various pitch and stress changes. However, it is important to recognize that such learning does not take place in a vacuum. Infants must confront these language acquisition challenges in an environment where, quite frequently, several streams of communication or noise are occurring simultaneously. In other words, infants must not only learn how to segment individual speech streams into their component words, but they must also be able to distinguish between concurrent streams of sound. Consider, for example, an infant being spoken to by his mother. Before he can leam from the slight differences of his mother"s speech, he must first separate that speech from the sounds of the dishwasher, the family dog, the bus stopping on the street outside, and, quite possibly, background noise in the form of speech; a newscaster on the television down the hall or siblings playing in an adjacent room. How exactly do infants wade through such a murky conglomeration of audible stimuli? While most infants are capable of separating out two different voices despite the presence of additional, competing streams of sound, this capability is predicated upon several specific conditions. First, infants are better able to learn from a particular speech stream when that voice is louder than any of. the competing streams of background speech; when two voices are of equal amplitude, infants typically demonstrate little preference towards one stream or the other. Most likely, equally loud competing voice streams, for the infant, become combined into a single stream that necessarily contains unfamiliar patterns and sounds that can quite easily induce confusion. Secondly, an infant is more likely to attend to a particular voice stream if it is perceived as more familiar than another stream. When an infant, for example, is presented with a voice stream spoken by his mother and a background stream delivered by an unfamiliar voice, usually he can easily separate out her voice from the distraction of the background stream. By using these simple yet important cues an infant can become quite adept at concentrating on a single stream of communication and, therefore, capable of more quickly learning the invaluable characteristics and rules of his native language.(分数:10.00)(1).Which of the following best conveys the main idea of Paragraph 1 ?(分数:2.00)A.Infants are fully aware of their environments.B.Infants have natural talent to develop vocabulary.C.Infants are able to take in information from the environment.D.Infants like rhythmic patterns and sequences of sounds.(2).The phrase "predicated upon several specific conditions"(Para. 4)is used by the author to suggest that______.(分数:2.00)A.most infants have trouble separating out simultaneous streams of speechB.infants can only learn when they are comfortable in their surroundingsC.only in rare instances do these required conditions occurD.infants are not always able to learn from their surrounding environment(3).The author uses the word "necessarily"(Line 4 of Para. 5)in order to suggest that______.(分数:2.00)A.an individual stream understandably changes character when mixed with anotherB.even adults can have trouble distinguishing between streams of equal volumeC.infants always combine separate streams into a single soundD.it is inevitable that two streams of speech are more confusing than one(4).Before an infant can learn from the slight differences of his mother"s speech, he must first______.(分数:2.00)A.understand his father"s communication streamB.be able to distinguish between his mother"s voice from that of the background noiseC.absorb the sounds of dishwasher and petsD.learn something about his language from the television voice(5).The example in the last paragraph is used to illustrate how______.(分数:2.00)A.an infant who spends little time with his parents would probably have trouble with language acquisitionB.an infant in constant vocal interaction with his parents could experience accelerated language acquisitionC.the complexity of an infant"s native language is not a factor in determining whether that language will be easily acquiredD.infants with particularly attentive parents are more likely to acquire language skills more quicklyWhen I accepted a volunteer position as a social worker at a domestic violence shelter in a developing nation, I imagined the position for which my university experience had prepared me.I envisioned conducting intake interviews and traipsing around from organization to organization seeking the legal, psychological, and financial support that the women would need to rebuild their lives. When I arrived, I felt as if I already had months of experience, experience garnered in the hypothetical situations I had invented and subsequently resolved single-handedly and seamlessly. I felt thoroughly prepared to tackle head-on the situation I assumed was waiting for me. I arrived full of zeal, knocking at the shelter"s door. Within moments, my reality made a sharp break from that which I had anticipated. The coordinator explained that the shelter"s need for financial self-sufficiency had become obvious and acute. To address this, the center was planning to open a bakery. I immediately enthused about the project, making many references to the small enterprise case studies I had researched at the university. In response to my impassioned reply, the coordinator declared me in charge of the bakery and left in order to " get out of my way. " At that moment, I was as prepared to bake bread as I was to run for political office. The bigger problem, however, was that I was completely unfamiliar with the for-profit business models necessary to run the bakery. I was out of my depth in a foreign river with only my coordinator"s confidence to keep me afloat. They say that necessity is the mother of invention. I soon found that it is also the mother of initiative. I began finding recipes and appropriating the expertise of friends. With their help making bread, balancing books, printing pamphlets and making contacts, the bakery was soon running smoothly and successfully. After a short time it became a significant source of income for the house. In addition to funds, baking bread provided a natural environment in which to work with and get to know the women of the shelter. Kneading dough side by side, I shared in the camaraderie of the kitchen, treated to stories about their children and the towns and jobs they had had to leave behind to ensure their safety. Baking helped me develop strong relationships with the women and advanced my understanding of their situations. It also improved the women"s self-esteem. Their ability to master a new skill gave them confidence in themselves, and the fact that the bakery contributed to the upkeep of the house gave the women, many of them newly single, a sense of pride and the conviction that they had the capability to support themselves. Baking gave me the opportunity to work in a capacity I had not at all anticipated, but one that proved very successful. I became a more sensitive and skillful social worker, capable of makinga mean seven-grain loaf. Learning to bake gave me as much newfound self-confidence as it gave the women, and I found that sometimes quality social work can be as simple as kneading dough.(分数:14.00)(1).The primary purpose of the passage is to show how the author______.(分数:2.00)A.was shocked by the discrepancy between her earlier ideas about her work and the reality she facedB.discovered a talent her overly-focused mind had never allowed her to exploreC.broadened how she defined the scope of her workD.developed her abilities to orchestrate a for-profit business enterprise(2).In Line 5 of Para. 1 "garnered" most nearly means______.(分数:2.00)A.exchangedB.collectedC.requiredD.enriched(3).The statement that the author arrived "full of zeal"(Line 1 of Para. 2)indicates that she was______.(分数:2.00)A.anxious and insecureB.eager and interestedC.confident but uninformedD.cheerful but exhausted(4).The author was initially enthusiastic about the idea of the bakery because she______.(分数:2.00)A.considered it from a theoretical point of viewB.hoped to obtain a leadership position in the bakeryC.wanted to demonstrate her baking knowledge to her new coordinatorD.believed it would be a good way to build the women"s self-esteem(5).The comparison in Lines 6 -7 of Para. 2("At that moment...political office")demonstrates the author"s belief that______.(分数:2.00)A.it was unfair of the coordinator to ask the author to run the bakeryB.social workers should not be involved in either baking or politicsC.she was unqualified for a job baking breadD.similar skills were involved in both baking and politics(6).Lines 7 -8 of Para. 2("The bigger...bakery")suggest that the author believed that______.(分数:2.00)A.learning the necessary business practices would be a more daunting challenge than learning to bake breadB.good business practices are more important to running a successful bakery than is the quality of the breadC.her coordinator"s confidence in for-profit business models was misplacedD.for-profit business models are significantly more complex than the non-profit models with which she was familiar(7).The last sentence("Learning...dough")indicates that the author______.(分数:2.00)cked self-confidence just as much as the women with whom she workedB.found that performing social work is surprisingly easy with no educationC.underestimated her own ability to learn new skillsD.derived a benefit from her work while helping othersThough he would one day be considered an innovator and founding father of the artistic movement known as Impressionism, Claude Monet(1840-1926)began his career as a fairly traditional representational artist. His painting gradually changed, however, as he became interested in lightand how it affects perception—an interest that led him to attempt to paint light itself rather than the objects off of which light reflected. Monet also rejected the tradition of painting in a dedicated studio, and left the confines of his dusty room to paint outside. Many of his friends and fellow artists, including Pisarro, Renoir and Cezanne, were also interested in working alfresco and joined him in painting outdoors. This group, the core of the movement that would later be classified as Impressionism, made it a common practice to paint the same scene many times in a day to explore the changes in the light, using small patches of color rather than the large brush strokes and blended color that had characterized artistic technique until that time. The Impressionists were thus attempting to evoke a mood rather than document a specific scene or event, as had been the aim of earlier painters. This move away from representation was also effected by a technological development, as photography became more affordable and popular. Before the development of photography, painting was the primary means of documenting the marriages, births, and business successes of the wealthy. Photographers soon took over much of this role because photographs were faster, more accurate, and less expensive than paintings. This freed the Impressionists to find new roles for their medium and encouraged the public to think about painting in a new way. It was no longer just a means of recording significant events; it now reflected an artist"s unique vision of a scene or moment. Today, Impressionism enjoys a privileged position with many art historians and critics, although this was certainly not always the case. As the movement was developing, most critics were at best uninterested and often appalled by the work. Even the name of the movement was originally a derisive critique. A critic who, like most of his colleagues, prized realism in paintings, declared the movement "Impressionism" after the name of the painting Impression: A Sunrise, by Monet. The critic considered the Impressionists" works unfinished—only an impression, rather than a complete painting. It is safe to say that such a critic would be in the minority today, however. Impressionist paintings are now some of the most prized works in the art world. Museums and individuals pay huge sums to add these works to their collections, and the reproductions of the artworks are among the most popular fine art posters sold.(分数:16.00)(1).The primary purpose of the passage is to______.(分数:2.00)A.condemn the critics who prevented the Impressionists from exhibiting their workB.contrast Monet"s work with that of Pisarro, Renoir, and CezanneC.describe the primary characteristics of Monet"s paintingsD.explain the origins of Impressionism and Monet"s role in the movement(2).According to the passage, the Impressionists did all of the following EXCEPT______.(分数:2.00)A.paint the same scene at different times of the dayB.paint the light reflected by objectsC.receive acclaim from their contemporariesD.reconsider the role of painting in society(3).In Line 10 of Para. 1, the author most likely mentions "patches of color" to describe______.(分数:2.00)A.the light that the Impressionists encountered when they worked outdoorsB.a shortcoming of traditional paintingsC.a distinguishing characteristic of modern paintersD.an innovative technique used by Impressionist painters(4).The discussion of photography(Para. 2)serves as______.(分数:2.00)A.a description of an innovation that affected the development of ImpressionismB.the most important context in which to understand ImpressionismC.a demonstration of its similarities to paintingD.a demonstration of the public"s dislike of Impressionism(5).The author of the passage would most likely describe the medium of photography as______.(分数:2.00)A.expensiveB.preciseC.falseD.inconsistent(6).In Para. 3 "a derisive critique" most nearly means that the criticism was made in a(n)______way.(分数:2.00)A.carelessB.constructiveC.exaggeratingD.mocking(7).The "critic" mentioned in Line 5 of Para. 3 would most likely agree that______.(分数:2.00)A.Impressionist paintings are inferior because they fail to clearly represent their subjectsB.Impressionism now enjoys a much more prestigious place in the art world than it once didC.Monet"s Impression; A Sunrise was a highly influential workD.the use of photography to document important events freed painters to explore other roles(8).In Line 8 of Para. 3 "prized" most nearly means______.(分数:2.00)A.awardedB.discoveredC.valuedD.decorated二、句子改错(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.Correct the mistakes in the following sentences: underline the wrong parts and put the correct ones in the brackets. If there is no error, use a √ or write "No error" on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)My parents, my younger sister, and me were delighted to see how much my cousin had grown since we last visited his family in the summer.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.We spent a most enjoyable afternoon sitting on the grass, watching for unusual shaped cloud formation.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.Beside the dusty road sets a pond, which serves as a breeding ground for several species of the noisiest animals such as fogs.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.The other students and she felt unprepared when tested on facts not learned in class.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.Working two jobs is common among struggling actors, the majority of them work in restaurants that allow them flexible hours to audition.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.Food produced without pesticides poses fewer danger and promotes easier digestion than that produced through traditional agriculture.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.When Shirin Abadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, many of her colleagues praised her exceptional efforts for democracy and human rights in Iran.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.Concerned about the coming game on Saturday, each of the team members spent most of the week practicing their plays.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________9.Even the San Francisco Earthquake in the spring of 1906 leveled many buildings, it was the subsequent series of fires that destroyed most of the city.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.Studies indicate that the environments in schools where there are fewer adults on staff is often not conducive to learning.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 写作11.Here"s a description of a company manager"s personal experience in his job: " I"ve been working in and with international companies for more than a decade, often specifically brought in to help solve cross-cultural communication or management challenges, or to fix disfunctional internal corporate cultures. So my ear has become attuned to the " us versus they " clues. They never listen. They just don"t understand. We are right, they are wrong. " The British poet RudyardKipling(1865-1936)also expressed his understanding of cultural differences by means of a poem "We and They". The following box contains the beginning and the end stanzas excerpted from the poem. Now read the following two stanzas, and then write an argumentation of about 400 words onthe topic: " Why are " They" always wrong?". 2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________四、英译汉(总题数:1,分数:2.00)12.Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points) The period of Chinese scientific activity did not begin until the first years of the Republic. The older reformers only introduced a book knowledge of the sciences, without fully understanding their intellectual significance, without adequate equipment for laboratory work, and without adequately trained leaders to organize the studies and researches. Most of the textbooks on science were translated by men who admired science most sincerely but who had only a very superficial book knowledge of the subjects in the Japanese schools, and never did real laboratory work or undertook field expeditions. The schools were beginning to have classroom experiments in physics and chemistry, and botanical and zoological specimens; but they were as bookish as the textbooks, and were useless for the training of scientific workers.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________五、汉译英(总题数:1,分数:2.00)13.Translate the following passage into English. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points) 徐志摩在《吸烟与文化》中深情地写道:“我在康桥的日子可真是幸福,生怕这辈子再也得不到那样甜蜜的机会了。
博士研究生入学考试英语试卷第一部分基础英语试题Part I: Grammar & Vocabulary (15%)Directions: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence and then mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET 1.1. The governor was ___ by the public for misusing his power for personal interests.[A] sneaked [B] praised [C] flailed [D] rebuked2. He ___ at his watch before he left the office.[A] glanced[B] glimpsed [C] glared [D] scribbled3. A recent poll shows that, while 81 percent of college students are eligible for some form of financial aid, only 63 percent of these students are __________ such aid.[A] complaining about [B] recipients of[C] dissatisfied with [D] turned down for4. The ____ landlord refused to return the security deposit, claiming falsely that the tenant had damaged the apartment.[A] unscrupulous [B] resplendent [C] divine [D] deceased5. Moby Dick, now regarded as a great work of American literature, was virtually ____ when itwas first published, and it was not until many years later that Melville’s achievements were ____.[A] renowned ... relegated [B] notorious ... justified[C] hailed ... understood [D] ignored ... recognized6. He refused to _____ that he was defeated.[A] burlesque [B] conceive [C] acknowledge [D] probe7. The people stood ______ at the beautiful picture.[A] glaring [B] gazing [C] peeping [D] gasping8. The judge is committed to maintaining a _____ of impartiality.[A] stance [B] motto [C] pretense [D] commotion9. Dell quit dealing in souped-up versions of other companies’products, and started designing,_______ and marketing his own.[A] fashioning [B] assembling [C] pruning [D] slashing10. This law ______ the number of accidents caused by children running across the road whenthey get off the bus.[A] intends reducing [B] intends to be reduced[C] is intended to reduce [D] is intended reducing11. By the time you arrive in London, we_____in Europe for two weeks.[A] shall stay [B] have stayed [C] will have stayed [D] have been staying12. Without facts, we cannot form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factual knowledge_____ our thinking.[A] which to be based on [B] which to base upon[C] upon which to base [D] to which to be based13. The little man was _____ one meter fifty high.[A] almost more than [B] hardly more than[C] nearly more than [D] as much as14. The young applicant is under great ___ at the thought of up-coming job interview.[A] comprehension[B] apprehension[C] miscomprehension [D] concern15. The successful launch of the Special Olympic Games has demonstrated that ___ Shanghai iswell on its way to become one of the most internalized metropolises worldwide.[A] imperceptibly [B] conceivably [C] deceivably [D] imaginatively16. I would rather ______ trouble and hardship like that than ____ by others.[A] had….take care of [B] have…taken care of[C] had…taken care of [D] have …be taken care of17. One difficulty _______ the components of economic movements lies in the fact that thosecomponents are not completely independent of one another.[A] of isolation [B] in isolating [C] will isolate [D] to isolate18. Interest on short-term government debt soared to an almost unimaginable 210%, which _____a total collapse of investor confidence.[A] amounts to [B] equals to [C] is added up to [D] reaches to19. It’s a general practice for small factories to _____ mor e workers during times of prosperity,and lay off some when recession hits.[A] take in [B] take over [C] take on [D] take up20. To ______ freedom against tyranny, our fathers laid down these rules.[A] ensure [B] guarantee [C] assure [D] fulfill21. Merdine is her own woman, with an identity from her mother's.[A] discrete [B] distinctive [C] distinct [D] discreet22. She gave him back the money she'd stolen for the sake of her .[A] conscientious [B] consciousness[C] conscious [D] conscience23. They had the attempt to Anderson to the presidency.[A] evolve [B] elevate [C] evoke [D] evince24. I’m afraid our food stock will be ___ before long.[A] put up [B] stayed up [C] saved up [D] used up25. Mr. Morrison has a great ___ for anything that is oriental and exotic[A] vision [B] emotion [C] contribution [D] passion26. The subways and buses tend to be ___ during the rush hours.[A] overcrowded [B] overwhelmed[C] overshadowed [D] overgrown27. Every ___ has been taken to evacuate the stranded sailors from Hurricane Betty.[A] pleasure [B] measure[C] pressure [D] leisure28. We were greatly surprised by the way things were done here.[A] what [B] in which[C] as [D] which29. I __________ to call on you, but was prevented from doing so.[A] meant [B] has meant [C] was meaning [D] had meant30. When it comes __________ his wife with the housework, John never grumbles.[A] to help [B] and helps [C] to helping [D] to have helpedPart II: Reading Comprehension (20%).Direction: There are 2 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C], and [D]. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.Three Yale University professors agreed in a panel discussion tonight that the automobile was what one of them called “Public Health Enemy No.1 in this country.” Besides polluting the air and congesting the cities, cars are involved in more than half the disabling accidents, and they cause heart disease “because we don’t walk anywhere anymore,” said Dr. H. Richard Weinerman, professor of medicine and public health. Dr. Weinerman’s sharp criticism of automobile came in a discussion of human environment on Yale Reports, a radio program broadcast by Station WTIC in Hartford, Connecticut. The program opened a three-part series on “Staying Alive.” “For the first time in human history, the problem of man’s survival has to do with his c ontrol of man-made dangers,” Dr. Weinerman said. “Before this, the problem had been the control of natural dangers.”Relating many of these dangers of the automobile, Arthur W. Galston, a professor of biology, said it was possible to make a kerosene-burnin g car that would “lessen smog by a very large factor.” But he expressed doubt that Americans were willing to give up moving about the countryside at 90miles an hour in a large vehicle. “America seems wedded to the motor car - every family has to have at l east two, and one has to be a convertible with 300 horsepower,” Professor Galston continued. “Is this the way of life that we choose because we cherish these values?”For Paul B. Sears, professor of conservation, part of the blame lies with “a society that regards profit as a supreme value, under the false idea that anything that’s technically possible is, therefore, ethically justified.” Professor Sears also called the country’s dependence on its modern automobile “lousy economics” because of the large horsepower used simply “moving one person to work.” But he agreed that Americans have painted themselves into a corner by allowing the national economy to become so reliant on the automobile industry.According to Dr. Weinerman, automobiles, not the factories, are responsible for two-thirds of the smog in American cities, and the smog presents the possibility of a whole new kind of epidemic, not due to one germ, but due to polluted environment. “Within another five to ten years, it’s possible to have an epidemic of lung cancer in a city like Los Angeles. This is a new phenomenon in health concern,” he said.The solution, he continued, is “not to find a less dangerous fuel, but a different system of inner-city transportation. Because of the increasing use of cars, public transportation has been allowed to wither and degenerate, so that if you can’t walk to where you want to go, you have to have a car in most cities,” he asserted. This, in turn, Dr. Weinerman contended, is responsible for the “arteriosclerosis” of public roads, for the blight of the inner city and for the middle-class movement to the suburbs.31. The main idea of this article is that _______.[A] Americans are too attached to their cars.[B] American cars run too fast and consume too much fuel.[C] the automobile industry has caused all this to happen.[D] automobiles endanger both the environment and people.32. In paragraph 2, Professor Galston implies that _______.[A] people are more interested in fast automobiles than in their health.[B] kerosene-burning cars would pollute the environment more seriously thangasoline-burning engines do.[C] Americans feel more closely connected to their cars than to the environment.[D] it is not right for every family to have at least two cars.33. In paragraph 3, Professor Sears implies that _______.[A] technology is always good for people.[B] technology is not always good for people.[C] financial profit is more important than technological advancement.[D] technological advancement will improve financial profit.34. It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that _______.[A] a fuel less dangerous than gasoline must be found.[B] people should get rid of their cars and take the bus to work.[C] public transportation should be improved so that people can become less dependent upontheir cars for inner-city transportation.[D] the only solution to this problem is to build more high ways and more subways.35. Dr. Weinerman would probably agree that _______, if public transportation were improved.[A] the inner city might improve[B] the middle class would move to the suburbs[C] public roads would get worse[D] there would still be an urgent need to build more highwaysPassage TwoQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.The Food and Drug Administration said on Wednesday that it is trying to track down as many as 386 piglets that may have been genetically engineered and wrongfully sold into the U.S. food supply.The focus of the FDA investigation is on pigs raised by researchers at the University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign. They engineered the animals with two genes: one is a cow gene that increases milk production in the sow; the other, a synthetic gene, makes the milk easier for piglets to digest. The goal was to raise bigger pigs faster.There has been no evidence that either genetically altered plants or animals actually trigger human illness, but critics warn that potential side effects remain unknown. University officials say their tests showed the piglets were not born with the altered genes, but FDA rules require even the offspring of genetically engineered animals to be destroyed so they won’t get into the food supply.The FDA, in a quickly arranged news conference on Wednesday prompted by inquiries by USA TODAY, said the University of Illinois would face possible sanctions and fines for selling the piglets to a livestock broker, who in turn sold them to processing plants.Both the FDA and the university say the pigs that entered the market do not pose a risk to consumers. But the investigation follows action by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in December to fine a Texas company that contaminated 500,000 bushels of soybeans with corn that had been genetically altered to produce a vaccine for pigs.Critics see such cases as evidence of the need for more government oversight of a burgeoning(新兴的)area of scientific research. “This is a small incident, but it’s incidents like this that could destroy consumer confidence and export confidence,” says Stephanie Childs of the Grocery Manufact urers of America. “We already have Europe shaky on biotech. The countries to which we export are going to look at this.”The University of Illinois says it tested the DNA of every piglet eight times to make sure that the animal hadn’t inherited the genetic engineering of its mother. Those piglets that did were put back into the study. Those that didn’t were sold to the pig broker. “Any pig that was tested negative for the genes since 1999 has been sent off to market,” says Charles Zukoski, vice chancellor f or research.But FDA deputy commissioner Lester Crawford says that under the terms of the university’s agreement with the FDA, the researchers were forbidden to remove the piglets without FDA approval. “The University of Illinois failed to check with FDA t o see whether or not the animals could be sold on the open market. And they were not to be used under any circumstance for food.”The FDA is responsible for regulating and overseeing transgenic animals because such genetic manipulation is considered an unapproved animal drug.36. The 386 piglets wrongfully sold into food supply are from ________.[A] Europe[B] an American research organization[C] a meat processing plant[D] an animal farm37. The purpose of the transgenic engineering research is to ________.[A] get pigs of larger size in a shorter time[B] make sows produce more milk[C] make cows produce more milk[D] make pigs grow more lean meat38. The 4th paragraph shows that the University of Illinois ________.[A] was criticized by the FDA[B] is in great trouble[C] is required by the FDA to call back the sold piglets[D] may have to pay the penalty39. The FDA declares that the wrongfully sold piglets ________.[A] may have side effects on consumers[B] may be harmful to consumers[C] are safe to consumers[D] may cause human illness40. It can be inferred from this passage that ________.[A] all the offspring have their mothers’ genetic engineering[B] part of the offspring have their mothers’ genetic engineering[C] none of the offspring have their mothers’ genetic engineering[D] half of the offspring have their mothers’ genetic engineeringPart III: English Writing (15%)DIRECTIONS: For this part, you are going to write a short essay on the title. You should write about 250 words and write your essay on the ANSWER SHEET 2.Title:How to handle psychological pressure in today’s competitive lifeNOTES:Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instruction may result in a loss of marks.第二部分专业英语试题Part I. Reading comprehensionThere are altogether 12 sections. Please choose from the items given under each question the best one as your answer. 2 marks for each question with a total of 40 marks.Note:You should answer questions to 5 sections only,one of which should be the section corresponding to the major you are applying for and the other 4 sections can be selected at your will. 每名考生最多回答5节下的选择题,其中必须有一节与考生所报专业对应,其余4节考生可以任选。
I. Phrase Translation1.寻租行为: rent-seeking (behavior)2.全国人民代表: the National People's Congress3.标普500指数:S&P 500,Standard & Poor's 500 index4.知青:Educated youth5.蓝筹股:blue chip (stock)6. “苍蝇” “老虎” 一起打:cracking down on both tigers and flies;To tackle corruption, the Party must crack down on the “flies” at the bottom and the “tigers” higher up.7.需求曲线: demand curve8.紧缩政策: deflation policy9.哥本哈根计划:Copenhagen Accord (《哥本哈根协议》主要是就各国二氧化碳的排放量问题,签署协议,根据各国的GDP大小减少二氧化碳的排放量。
)10.海上丝绸之路:Maritime Silk Road11.金砖五国:BRICS,(Brazil、Russia、India and China)12.附加费: surcharge13.出口配额: export quotas14.东南亚国家联盟: the Association of Southeast Asian Nation15.增值税: value-added tax1.IPO: 首次公开募股(Initial Public Offerings)2. Muslim Brotherhood: 穆斯林兄弟会3. OTC Drug: 非处方药(Over-The-Counter Drug)4. Universal Suffrage: 普选,普选权5. Hedge Fund: 对冲基金6. Bilateralism: 双边主义7. Air Force One: 空军一号(美国总统的专用座机)8. CPI: 居民消费价格指数Consumer Price Index9. Kyoto Protocol: 京都议定书10. Air Defense Identification Zone: 防空识别区11. Occupy Central: 占领中环12. Liaison Office: 联络处;联络办公室13. Implicit Cost: 隐性成本14. Heal a Breach: 消除分歧15. Oil-for-Food: 石油换食品PART II TRANSLATION [120 MIN] (2x60=120 POINTS)SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH [60 MIN]Translate the following text into English. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.主席先生:2000年以来,联合国确立的千年发展目标,为实现人类生存和发展作出了重要贡献,然而全球发展道路依然漫长。
2021年中山大学考研真题汇总【828040238】中山大学历年考研真题211翻译硕士英语(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题240英语(单考)(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题241英语(二外)(2019年)中山大学历年考研真题242俄语(二外)(2019-2018年)标题为括号为中山大学考研群中山大学历年考研真题308护理综合(2019年-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题331社会工作原理(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题334新闻与传播专业综合能力(2019-2015年)中山大学历年考研真题338生物化学(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题346体育综合(2019)中山大学历年考研真题347心理学专业综合(2019-2015年)中山大学历年考研真题348文博综合(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题349药学综合(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题352口腔综合(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题353卫生综合(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题354汉语基础(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题357英语翻译基础(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题431金融学综合(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题432统计学(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题434国际商务专业基础(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题435保险专业基础(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题437社会工作实务(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题440新闻与传播专业基础(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题445汉语国际教育基础(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题448汉语写作与百科知识(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题601高等数学(A)(2019-2015年)中山大学历年考研真题602高等数学(B)(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题603数学二(单考)(2019-2017)中山大学历年考研真题604高等数学(单考)(2019年,2016-2015年)中山大学历年考研真题610民俗学概论(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题611文学评论写作(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题612语言学概论(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题613现代汉语与语言学概论(2019-2015年,2011年) 中山大学历年考研真题614文献释读(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题615文学基础(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题616作品评论(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题617非物质文化遗产学(2019-2016年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题619历史学基础(A)(2019-2015年)中山大学历年考研真题620西方哲学史(2019-2015年)中山大学历年考研真题621一元微积分(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题622逻辑哲学与逻辑史基础知识(2019-2015年)中山大学历年考研真题623中西哲学史(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题624中国美学(2019-2015年)中山大学历年考研真题625中外哲学史基础知识(2019-2015年)中山大学历年考研真题626法学理论A卷(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题627法律史A卷(2019-2015年)中山大学历年考研真题628宪法与行政法学A卷(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题629刑法学A卷(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题630民商法学A卷(2019-2015年)中山大学历年考研真题631诉讼法学A卷(2019-2015年)中山大学历年考研真题632经济法学A卷(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题633环境与资源保护法学A卷(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题635立法学A卷(2019-2017年)中山大学历年考研真题636政治学理论(2019-2015年)中山大学历年考研真题637公共管理学(2019-2015年)中山大学历年考研真题638基础英语(2019-2015年)中山大学历年考研真题639基础法语(2019-2015年)中山大学历年考研真题640基础德语(2019-2015年)中山大学历年考研真题641基础日语(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题643新闻与传播学基础(2019-2017)中山大学历年考研真题644视觉传播学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题645信息管理基础(2019-2015年)中山大学历年考研真题646综合英语(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题647社会学理论(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题648人口理论(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题649人类学概论(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题651考古学基础(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题654政治学原理(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题655马克思主义基本原理(含经典著作)(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题656心理学研究方法(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题657化学(A)(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题658岩石学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题660第四纪地质学(2019-2017)中山大学历年考研真题661构造地质学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题662生物化学(一)(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题663药分综合(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题664数学分析(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题665综合化学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题666药学综合A(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题667生物综合(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题669化学综合(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题670区域分析与规划(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题671分析化学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题673海洋生态学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题674生物化学(二)(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题675普通地质学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题676生物化学与分子生物学(2019-2017)中山大学历年考研真题677基础医学综合(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题678生物医学综合(2019-2017)中山大学历年考研真题679数学分析与高等代数(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题680口腔医学综合(2019-2017)中山大学历年考研真题681国际关系史(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题682数学分析(A)(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题687基础中医综合(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题688宗教学概论(单考)(2019-2018)中山大学历年考研真题690心理学研究方法(单考)(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题801微观经济学与宏观经济学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题802运筹学(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题803民间文学概论(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题805汉语语言学基础(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题806古汉语与古文字(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题807中国古代文学与批评(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题808中国现当代文学(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题809世界文学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题810戏曲与民俗(2019-2016,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题811马克思主义哲学(包括马哲原理和原著)(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题813逻辑学概论(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题814伦理学基础知识(2019-2018)中山大学历年考研真题815宗教理论(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题816科学哲学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题817法学理论B卷(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题818法律史B卷(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题819交通工程学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题819宪法与行政法学B卷(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题820刑法学B卷(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题821民商法学B卷(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题822诉讼法学B卷(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题823经济法学B卷(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题824环境与资源保护法学B卷(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题825国际法学B卷(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题826立法学B卷(2019-2017)中山大学历年考研真题827政治学研究方法(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题828政治学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题829公共管理研究方法(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题830微观经济学与金融经济学(2019-2017)中山大学历年考研真题831运筹学与管理信息系统(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题832微观经济学与管理学(2019-2015年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题833英语语言文学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题834法语语言文学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题835德语语言文学(2019-2017)中山大学历年考研真题836日语语言文学(2019-2017)中山大学历年考研真题837外国语言学及应用语言学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题838新闻与传播实务及研究方法(2019-2017)中山大学历年考研真题839设计学(2019-2018年,2015-2016年,2011年)中山大学历年考研真题840信息资源组织(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题841英语写作与百科知识(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题842社会研究方法与社会统计学(2019-2018)中山大学历年考研真题843人口统计学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题844人类学理论与方法(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题845民俗学理论与方法(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题850中共党史(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题851专业综合基础(当代中国马克思主义、思政)(2019-2015) 中山大学历年考研真题852普通心理学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题853材料化学(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题854高分子材料(2019-2017)中山大学历年考研真题855材料物理(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题857化学(B)(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题862地球科学概论(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题863细胞生物学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题865遗传学(2019年,2016-2015年)中山大学历年考研真题867高等代数(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题868有机化学(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题869地理学基础(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题870人文地理学理论与方法(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题871遥感与地理信息系统(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题873全球卫星定位原理(2019-2017)中山大学历年考研真题874环境工程导论(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题875环境学导论(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题876旅游学概论(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题877经济学(含微观和宏观经济学)(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题879海洋学导论(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题880自然地理学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题881环境科学(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题882海洋化学(2019年,2017年,2015年)中山大学历年考研真题883细胞生物学(一)(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题884岩石学(A)(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题889-细胞生物学(二)(2019-2018)中山大学历年考研真题890国际政治学(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题891高等代数(A)(2019-2017)中山大学历年考研真题893普通物理B(2019-2018)中山大学历年考研真题894理论力学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题901大气科学基础(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题902普通物理(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题903光学(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题904微机原理与应用(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题908化工原理(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题909工科化学(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题910光学原理(2019-2017)中山大学历年考研真题911信号与系统(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题912普通物理A(2019-2017)中山大学历年考研真题913电子技术(数字和模拟)(2019-2015) 中山大学历年考研真题915水文学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题916工程热力学(2019-2016)中山大学历年考研真题921有机化学(B)(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题922生物化学(A)(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题923信号与系统(B)(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题924普通化学(2019-2015)中山大学历年考研真题925仪器分析(2019-2018)中山大学历年考研真题926佛学思想史(单考)(2019-2018)中山大学历年考研真题930大气科学基础(单考)(2019-2017) 中山大学历年考研真题931土力学与基础工程(2019-2015)。
2015年中山大学英语翻译基础真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 词语翻译 2. 英汉互译词语翻译英译汉1.IPO正确答案:首次公开募股(Initial Public Offerings)2.Muslim Brotherhood正确答案:穆斯林兄弟会3.OTC Drug正确答案:非处方药(over—the-counter drug)4.Universal Suffrage正确答案:普选权5.Hedge Fund正确答案:对冲基金6.Bilateralism正确答案:双边主义7.Air Force One正确答案:空军一号8.CPI正确答案:居民消费价格指数(Consumer Price Index)9.Kyoto Protocol正确答案:《京都议定书》10.Air Defense Identification Zone正确答案:防空识别区11.Occupy Central正确答案:占领中环12.Liaison Office正确答案:联络处;联络办公室13.Implicit Cost正确答案:隐性成本14.Heal a Breach正确答案:消除分歧15.Oil-for-Food正确答案:石油换食品汉译英16.寻租行为正确答案:rent-seeking17.全国人民代表大会正确答案:the National People’s Congress18.标普500指数正确答案:Standard&Poor’s 500 index(S&P 500 index) 19.知青正确答案:educated youth20.蓝筹股正确答案:blue chip21.“苍蝇”“老虎”一起打正确答案:targeting both “ tigers” of high rank and lowly “flies”22.需求曲线正确答案:demand curve23.紧缩政策正确答案:deflation policy24.哥本哈根计划正确答案:The Copenhagen Accord(《哥本哈根协议》) 25.海上丝绸之路正确答案:Maritime Silk Road26.金砖五国正确答案:BRICS(Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) 27.附加费正确答案:surcharge28.出口配额正确答案:export quotas29.东南亚国家联盟正确答案:ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations) 30.增值税正确答案:value-added tax英汉互译英译汉31.I’ve never been more aware of the limitations of language than when I try to describe beauty. Language can create its own loveliness, of course, but it cannot deliver to us the radiance we apprehend in the world, any more than a photograph can capture the stunning swiftness of a hawk or the withering power of a supernova. Eva’s wedding album holds only a faint glimmer of the wedding itself. All that pictures or words can do is gesture beyond themselves toward the fleeting glory that stirs our hearts. So I keep gesturing.”All nature is meant to make us think of paradise,”Thomas Merton observed. Because the Creation puts on a nonstop show, beauty is free and inexhaustible, but we need training in order to perceive more than the most obvious kinds. Even 15 billion years or so after the Big Bang, echoes of that event still linger in the form of background radiation, only a few degrees above absolute zero. Just so, I believe , the experience of beauty is an echo of the order and power that permeate the universe. To measure background radiation, we need subtle instruments; to measure beauty, we need alert intelligence and our five keen senses.(Note; supernova 超新星; the Big Bang 宇宙大爆炸; background radiation 背景辐射)正确答案:直到用语言描绘美,我才深感语言的贫乏与无奈。
[考研类试卷]2013年中山大学英语专业(基础英语)真题试卷一、阅读理解0 The swimming sky of oceanic expanse in Van Gogh's The Starry Night; the human figure born of marble by the careful hands of Rodin; the graceful, ethereal figure of Degas's ballerina; all communicate both emotion and essence in a world where aesthetic reigns supreme. Art has forever been humankind's tool for expressing the ineffable, a form of communication when words fail or are wholly inadequate. Art challenges the artist by constructing a world in which opposing forces— impulse and control, emotion and thought, ideation and actuality—must cooperate to produce a piece of art. The artist must wrestle an almost untamable creative force for control in order to grant space to its expression. The process of facing and governing this force while conveying it to others makes artistic creation an especially valuable therapeutic tool for the emotionally disturbed.The process of creation and the created product are equally valuable parts of therapeutic art. Creating art requires balancing two aspects of personality that are, in the case of the emotionally disturbed person, especially irreconcilable. Like all artists, the emotionally disturbed person must learn to control and harness the dangerous, unpredictable forces of creation while remaining sufficiently unrestrictive to allow its expression. Balancing these forces in a constructive way while granting full play to both is an important ability to master, one that art therapy teaches particularly well.The emotionally disturbed artist's goal is not the perfect expression of an aesthetic ideal. Yet communicating the mind's content and having it recognized by others is intensely valuable to the disturbed artist's healing. Taking ideas out of the isolation imposed by the mind and reproducing them in a form that can be shared and understood by others releases those ideas from the mind and removes from them some of their power. Using the brush where the pen and voice fail allows others, like the therapist, to recognize, understand, and begin to deconstruct the mind's content.Artistic creation allows emotionally disturbed people to communicate ideas they are unable to express in words, and it provides therapists with an otherwise unobtainable window into the mind. Examination of their artistic pieces reveals an inner world that the self of the disturbed person cannot express another way. Art then becomes a new therapeutic medium through which to understand and address the complex issues that threaten and haunt the disturbed person, and in which to free them.1 The primary purpose of the passage is to______.(A)prove that art therapy has made significant strides in recent decades(B)demonstrate how art therapy can transform nonfunctioning individuals into productive members of society(C)show how art therapy can be beneficial for emotionally disturbed people(D)describe the methods by which artwork can be interpreted by a therapist2 In Line 5 , Paragraph3 "the brush" is used primarily to signify______.(A)the wide variety of artistic equipment(B)the author's preference for art over written communication(C)the process of painting(D)artistic creation3 The passage suggests that the main reason a therapist might use art to work with emotionally disturbed people is that art therapy can______.(A)allow them to address ideas or emotions in a nonverbal way(B)share their innermost thoughts with the public(C)broaden the scope of their social interaction(D)encourage them to cooperate with others4 The author suggests that artwork functions as "window"(Line 2, Paragraph 4)because artwork______.(A)is transparent(B)stifles communication(C)can be extremely fragile(D)allows access to thoughts5 The author's conclusion would be most directly supported by additional information proving that______.(A)art therapists are better able to evaluate the quality of art than regular therapists (B)individuals involved in art programs have more control over their emotions(C)there is a documented connection between creativity and attention span(D)painting relieves some symptoms of arthritis5 Since time immemorial, countless scholars have asked the question: What is beauty? As philosophers engage in weighty discourses, designers update the latest fashions, and artists create their masterpieces, what is considered beautiful changes at an alarming pace. Fifty years ago, the full-figured Marilyn Monroe embodied the American aesthetic value; today, a legion of Hollywood actresses vastly different in appearance from Marilyn's have taken her place. However, aesthetic values not only differ from generation to generation, but do so along cultural lines as well. The conventions that govern painting and music vary greatly from East to West. Often, what is considered disgusting to one civilization is the pinnacle of aesthetic appeal in another. Thus, when left to the sphere of human design, the search for an absolute definition of beauty remains an elusive one at best.As fundamental physicists, my colleagues and I like to believe that we are involved in a search for a beauty that does not remain uninfluenced by definition; The beauty that we search for is not that which is laid down through the work of people and subject to short-term tastes, but rather that which has been established by Nature. Those not involved with physics tend to think of it as a precise and predictive science—certainly not a field of study fit for the contemplation of the beautiful. Yet, one of physics's greatest gifts is that it allows its students to look past extrinsic appearances into a more overwhelming beauty. As a human being, I am captivated by the visual appeal of a wave crashing on the beach. As a physicist, however, I possess the ability to be captivated by the much deeper beauty of the physical laws that govern such a phenomenon. Where the nonphysicist sees a lovely but inexplicable event, the well-schooled physicist is able to perceive a brilliant design.In truth, since the day that Albert Einstein first proposed the notion that there might be one overarching physical theory that governs the universe, aesthetics has become adriving force in modern physics. What Einstein and we, as his intellectual descendants, have discovered is this;Nature, at its most fundamental level, is beautifully constructed. The remarkable simplicity of the laws that govern the universe is, at times, nothing short of breathtaking. And at every step, as new discoveries and technologies allow us to examine the physical world on deeper and deeper levels, we find that the beauty itself becomes more profound. As Einstein himself said, it would seem more likely that we should find ourselves living in a " chaotic world, in no way graspable through thinking. " Yet here we are, closer than ever to a full understanding of the universe's beautiful clockwork.6 The author mentions Marilyn Monroe in Paragraph 1 in order to______.(A)provide an example of today's standards of beauty(B)discuss her abilities as an actress(C)demonstrate how susceptible aesthetics are to change(D)illustrate that the standard definition of beauty remains constant7 The author's assertion in Lines 7-8, Paragraph 1("what is considered disgusting...in another")suggests that______.(A)cultures are destined to clash(B)many civilizations are prone to disgusting behavior(C)different societies are tied together by an appreciation for physics(D)it is nearly impossible to say what is truly beautiful8 As used in Line 3 Paragraph 2, the phrase "laid down" most nearly means______. (A)rested(B)slept(C)created(D)set9 In the course of outlining the various gifts of physics, the author cites all of the following EXCEPT______.(A)the ability to look for a beauty that is unchanging(B)appreciating the visual beauty of a wave crashing(C)understanding both extrinsic and intrinsic beauty(D)seeing a deeper design in natural events10 In the third paragraph, Albert Einstein's proposal of an "overarching physical theory" suggests that______.(A)the author believes that there is beauty in simplicity(B)the universe is infinitely complex(C)aesthetics has no place in physics(D)the physical world will never be understood rationally11 The author quotes Albert Einstein in Lines 7 - 8 , Paragraph 3 in order to______. (A)detail the way physical laws affect chaos(B)emphasize the scope of Einstein's influence(C)suggest that Einstein might have doubted the beauty of physics(D)stress just how remarkable the order of the universe really is12 The purpose of this passage is to______.(A)discuss the way various cultures assess beauty(B)explain the beauty that is unmasked through an understanding of physics(C)demonstrate the way concepts of beauty change over time(D)finding new relevance for different physical laws12 For eighty years Thomas's family had grown corn on its hundred-acre plot. In his grandfather's day, even in his father's, wheat and timothy were also sown to help feed cattle and pigs. While there had been no animals on the land in Thomas's time, Thomas's father spoke at length about those days, when he himself had been a child. Back then, Thomas's father had dedicated every one of his free hours to taking care of the farm; grinding chop, cleaning up after the animals, mending fences, and performing innumerable other taxing chores. Later, it was just corn, sold to some big company out East that his father said paid them a little less every year. It wasn't about the money though; his father would have made do just enough to keep things going. His concern was family and tradition, the agricultural way of life.During harvest, Thomas would ride on the enormous thresher with his father. In the cabin, above the green sea parting before them, he would listen as his father explained the significance of a life dedicated to agriculture. As Thomas nibbbled on a lunch packed by his mother, his father expounded upon his philosophy that a man must not be separated from the land that provides for him, that the land was very important. He would say, time and again, "A man isn't a man without land to call his own. "He was not an uneducated man, Thomas's father. He had completed high school and probably could have gone to college if he wanted, but he was a man of the earth, and his spirit was tied to the soil. Agriculture was not his profession; it was his passion, one that he tried to seed in the hearts of his three boys. Thomas's two older brothers had little time for farmwork, however. What chores they were not forced to do went undone or were done by Thomas; their energies were focused on cars, dating, and dance halls.Even at a young age, Thomas was able to see in his father's eyes the older man's secret despair. The land that had been in his family for three generations was not valued by the fourth. Not even little Tommy, who always rode in the cabin with him and helped out as much as he was able, would stay and tend the fields. The world had grown too large, and there were too many distractions to lure young men from their homes. Boys these days did not realize they had a home until it was too late.Sitting on the hood of his jeep, Thomas gazed out over dozens of acres of orange survey stakes that covered what was once his family's farm. The house, barn, and silos were all gone, replaced by construction trailers and heavy equipment. The town that layjust five miles up the road had grown into a city, consuming land like a hungry beast. Thomas's father had been the last farmer left in the county, holding out long after the farm became unprofitable. He farmed after his sons left and his wife died; he farmed until his last breath, on principle.Now a highway and several shopping malls were going to take his place, Thomas thought. His brothers both said it was inevitable, that progress cannot be halted. They argued that if the family did not sell the land, the city would claim eminent domain and take it from them for a fraction of what they could get by selling it. Thomas did not feel he had any right to disagree. After all, he had chosen to leave the farm as well, to pursue his education. Though he didn't stand in their way, and though his profit from the lucrative sale was equal to his brothers', Thomas was sure he felt something that they could not. The money didn't matter much to him; he had enough to get by. It was something about the land. Now that he had finally found his way back to it, he was losing it. He was losing his home.13 Which is NOT CORRECT about the farm in Thomas's father's day?(A)Corn, wheat and timothy grown on the farm were sold for profit.(B)Cattle and pigs were raised on the farm.(C)Thomas's father could make both ends meet.(D)Thomas's father spent a lot of time doing farm chores.14 In Line 6 Paragraph 1 the word "taxing" most nearly means______.(A)monetary(B)expensive(C)rejuvenating(D)tiring15 Based on the passage, a thresher(Line 1 , Paragraph 2)is most likely used to______. (A)mend fences(B)harvest crops(C)construct shopping malls(D)plant seeds16 Thomas's father's statement in the last line of Paragraph 2 primarily shows the father to be______.(A)discouraged because he is getting less money for his corn each year(B)overwhelmed by the number of tedious chores he must complete each day(C)convinced that his life as a farmer is worthwhile(D)pleased that his youngest son is with him as he threshes the corn17 The most likely cause of the "secret despair"(Line 1, Paragraph 4)that Thomas sees in his father's eyes is his father's______.(A)sadness that his sons would not care for the family farm in the same way that he had(B)disappointment that Thomas didn't help as much as he could have with the farm chores(C)worry about his sons' preoccupation with cars, dating, and dancing(D)regret that he didn't attend college even though he could have done so18 The description of Thomas's brothers' interest in the last two sentences of Paragraph 3 highlights______.(A)the difference between the brothers as young men and as adults(B)the reasons that Thomas performed the brothers' neglected chores(C)the gap between the brothers' values and those of their father(D)the considerable conflict between the brothers and their father19 An important function of Paragraph 5 is to______.(A)establish that the narrative to this point has been a flashback(B)contrast Thomas's current life with his past life(C)summarize the plot(D)foreshadow Thomas's future20 The last sentence of the passage suggests that Thomas feels______.(A)excited anticipation(B)regretful nostalgia(C)overwhelming despair(D)unaccustomed relief二、句子改错21 Correct the mistakes in the following sentences: underline the wrong parts and put the correct ones in the brackets. If there is no error, use a √ or write "No error" on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)For the last decade, American restaurants were serving larger portions, a trend which nutritionists believe has contributed to an increase in obesity.22 Bill is the captain on the football team, but the soccer coach allows his players to take turns acting as captain.23 We were surprised to find volunteers from the local high school to be as helpful and efficient as those we had trained to assist in earlier emergencies.24 Many countries, including the United States, has signed treaties that address the problem of the warming of the earth's atmosphere.25 The botanical garden program familiarizes children with names of different flowers, teaches them the conventions of naming plants, and they have the opportunity to learn skills used by gardeners.26 As the mayor of the city, he had a presence that was comforting to his constituents, who had supported him since he first ran for city council.27 Concerned by the patient's chest pains and breathing difficulty, the nursing student was quick to realize that these symptoms were consistent to those of a heart attack.28 Fans of downhill skiing respected the decision by the judges that athletes which take performance-enhancing drugs while training would be disqualified from the competition.29 The human resources department is using online advertisements to recruit new employees because applicants can respond to this more quickly than to print ones.30 One would have difficulty determining which factor contributes more to the success of a great writer—talent or hard work.三、写作31 Consider carefully the issue discussed in the following paragraph, and then write an essay that answers the question posed in the task.Human beings can attain a worthy and harmonious life if only they are able to rid themselves, within the limits of human nature, of the striving for the wish fulfillment of material kinds. The goal is to raise the spiritual values of society.—Albert EinsteinAssignment: You are required to write an essay of about at least <u>400 words</u> in which you answer the question "<u>Is the desire for ' wish fulfillment of material kinds' a good or a bad thing?</u>" and discuss your point of view on this issue. Support your position logically with examples from literature, the arts, history, politics, science and technology, current events, or your experience or observation.Marks will be awarded for Content, Organization, Grammar, and Appropriateness. Failure to follow the instruction will result in a loss of marks.四、英译汉32 Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)Carrara, shut in by the great hills, is a very picturesque town in Italy. Few tourists stay there; and the people are nearly all connected, in one way or another, with the mining of marble. There are also villages among the caves, where the workmen live. It contains a beautiful little Theatre, newly built; and it is an interesting custom there, to form the chorus of laborers in the marble mines, who are self-taught and sing by ear. I heard them in a comic opera, and in an act of "Norma" ; and they performed remarkably well; unlike the common people of Italy generally, who(with some exceptions among the Neapolitans)sing terribly out of tune, and have very disagreeable singing voices.Neapolitans: 那不勒斯人五、汉译英33 Translate the following passage into English. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)青花瓷(blue—and-white porcelain)能在中国瓷坛独占鳌头,主要因为它与中国人长期追求的文化和美学精神相契合,这就是平淡天真、自然从容。
2007年中山大学英语专业(基础英语)真题试卷(总分:80.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、阅读理解(总题数:4,分数:40.00)Scholars often fail to see that music played an important role in the preservation of African culture in the United States. They correctly note that slavery stripped some cultural elements from Black people—their political and economic systems—but they underestimate the significance of music in sustaining other African cultural values. African music, unlike the music of some other cultures, was based on a total vision of life in which music was not an isolated social domain. In African culture, music was pervasive, serving not only religion, but all phases of life, including birth, death, work and play. The methods that a community devises to perpetuate itself come into being to preserve aspects of the cultural legacy that community perceives as essential. Music, like art in general, was so inextricably a part of African culture that it becamea crucial means of preserving the culture during and after the dislocations of slavery.(分数:8.00)(1).The primary purpose of the passage is to______.(分数:2.00)A.analyze the impact that slavery had on African political and economic systemsB.Review the attempt of recent scholarship to study the influence of African music on other musicC.Correct the failure of some scholarship to appreciate the significance of music in African cultureD.Survey the ways by which people attempt to preserve their culture against the effects of oppression(2).In para. 1, line 5 the phrase "isolated social domain" refers to______.(分数:2.00)A.African music in relation to contemporary culture as a wholeB.Music as it may be perceived in non-African culturesC.Feature of African music that aided in transmitting African cultural valuesD.An aspect of the African cultural legacy(3).Which of the following statements concerning the function of African music can be inferred from the passage?(分数:2.00)A.It preserved cultural values because it was thoroughly integrated into the lives of the people.B.It was more important in the development of African religious life than in other areas of culture.C.It was developed in response to the loss of political and economic systems.D.Its pervasiveness in African culture hindered its effectiveness in minimizing the impact of slavery.(4).According to the author, scholars would err in drawing which of the following conclusions?I. Slavery stripped the slaves of their political and economic systems. II. African music was similar to all other traditions of music in that it originated in a total vision of life. III. Music was a crucial part of the African cultural legacy.(分数:2.00)A.I onlyB.II onlyC.I and II onlyD.I, II, and IIIOur task will be simpler if we begin with some stories written long before anyone worried very much about cleaning out the rhetorical imparities from the house of fiction. The stories in Boccancio"s Decameron, for example, seem extremely simple—perhaps even simple-minded and inept —if we ask of them the questions which many modern stories invite us to ask. It is bad enoughthat the characters are what we call two-dimensional, with no revealed depths of any kind; what is much worse, the "point of view" of the narrator shifts among them with a total disregard for the kind of technical focus or consistency generally admired today. But if we read these stories in their own terms, we soon discover a splendid and complex skill underlying the simplicity of the effect.(分数:8.00)(1).The primary purpose of the passage is to______.(分数:2.00)A.refute a belief about modern stories generally held by peopleB.show that the stories in Decameron are inferior to modern storiesC.suggest a way to reread pre-modern storiesD.re-interpret Boccaccio"s Decameron(2).In presenting the argument, the author does which of the following?(分数:2.00)A.Make an enumerationB.Present a paradoxC.Make a comparisonD.Give an analogy(3).Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?(分数:2.00)A.The stories in Decameron are full of two-dimensional characters.B.Pre-modern stories such as Decameron do not use any narrative techniques.C.Modern stories try to avoid more than one "point of view".D.Stories in Decamron depict characters in a superficial way.(4).It can be inferred from the passage that______.(分数:2.00)A.modern stories are generally more interesting than earlier stories because they can reveal the characters in depthsB.telling a story from more than one perspective is considered a rhetorical impurity by modern story writersC.Unlike modern stories, earlier stories generally do not invite readers to ask "questions of themD.The stories in Decameron are simple-mindedWe all accept that killing is in general wrong, but virtually all of us also recognize certain exception—that is, concede that there can be instances in which killing is permissible. In addition to accepting the obvious permissibility of killing microbes and plants(except then this is objectionable for either instrumental or impersonal reasons)most people believe that it can be permissible in a variety of circumstances to kill animals, and also that it can be permissible to kill other human beings in self-defense and in appropriate conditions in war. There are four distinct categories into which we may sort most or all instances of killing for which there may be a reasonable justification. Perhaps the most contentious category consists of cases in which killing would simply promote the greater good—for example, a case in which killing one person would prevent the killing, or the deaths, or the deaths, of a much greater number of people. The second category consists of cases in which an individual has done something that has lowered the moral barriers to harming him, or compromised his status as inviolable, or made him liable to action that might result in his death. Cases in which killing might be thought to be justified for this sort of reason include killing in self defense, killing in war, and killing as a mode of punishment. The third category of possibly permissible killing consists of cases in which the metaphysical or moral status of the individual killed is uncertain or controversial. Among those beings whose nature arguably entails a moral status inferior to our own are animals, human embryos and fetuses, newborn infants, congenitally severely retarded human beings, human beings who have suffered severe brain damage or dementia, and human beings who have been in irreversible coma. These are beings that are in one way or another "at the margins". The fourth and final category comprises cases in which death would not be harm to an individual but instead a benefit. In manysuch cases, the individual for whom death would be a benefit also desires to die and may request to be killed or helped to die. The practical issues that arise under this heading are suicide, assisted suicide and euthanasia.(分数:10.00)(1).The passage states that______.(分数:2.00)A.killing microbes and plants is generally not considered morally wrongB.most people think it alright to assist other people to commit suicideC.killing animals are morally more objectionable than killing plantsD.though killing human beings is immoral, sometimes it is necessary(2).The phrase "at the margins" in the last line of the fourth paragraph means:______.(分数:2.00)A.in dangerB.morally insignificantC.with an obscure moral statusD.in a helpless condition(3).According to the passage,______.(分数:2.00)A.it is permissible to kill one person if it can prevent the deaths of a much greater number of peopleB.killing in war is not morally wrongC.killing newborn babies might be morally justifiable.D.euthanasia is morally right because it benefits the individual involved(4).Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?(分数:2.00)A.Fetuses and newborn babies are considered to be morally inferior to ordinary human beings.B.Killing in self-defense might be permissible because the life of the person who attacks is no longer inviolable.C.Capital punishment is justifiable as a means of punishment.D.It is morally wrong to kill human beings who have been in irreversible coma.(5).Which of the following serves as the best title for the passage?(分数:2.00)A.Why Is Killing ImmoralB.The Morality of KillingC.Justifiable KillingsD.Problems of KillingPicture-taking is a technique both for annexing the objective world and for expressing the singular self. Photographs depict objective realities that already exist, though only the camera can disclose them. And they depict an individual photographer"s temperament discovering itself through the camera"s cropping of reality. That is, photography has two antithetical ideals: in the first, photography is about the world and the photographer is a mere observer who counts for little; but in the second, photography is the instrument of intrepid, questing subjectivity and photographer is all. These conflicting ideals arise from a fundamental uneasiness on the part of both photographers and viewers of photographs toward the aggressive component in "taking" a picture. Accordingly, the ideal of a photographer as observer is attractive because it implicitly denies that picture-taking is an aggressive act. The issue, of course, is not so clear-cut. What photographers do cannot be characterized as simply predatory or as simply and essentially, benevolent. As a consequence, one ideal of picture-taking or the other is always being rediscovered and championed. An important result of the coexistence of these two ideals is a recurrent ambivalence toward photography"s means. Whatever the claims that photography might make to be a form of personal expression on a par with painting, its originality is inextricably linked to be a form of a machine. The steady growth of these powers has made possible the extraordinary in formativeness and imaginative formal beauty of many photographs, like Harold Edgerton"s high-speed photographs of a bullet hitting its target or of the swirls and eddies of a tennisstroke. But as cameras become mere sophisticated, more armed, preferring to submit themselves to the limits imposed by premodern camera technology because a cruder, less high powered machine is thought to give more interesting or emotive results, to leave more room for creative accident. For example, it has been virtually a point of honor for many photographers, including Walker Evans and Cartiec-Bresson, to refuse to use modem equipment. These photographers have come to doubt the value of the camera as an instrument of "fast seeing". Cartiec-Bresson, in fact, claims that the modern camera may see too fast. This ambivalence toward photographic means determines trends in taste. The cult of the future(of faster and faster seeing)alternates over time with the wish to return to a purer past—when images had a handmade quality. This nostalgia for some pristine state of the photographic enterprise is currently wide-spread and underlies the present-dry enthusiasm for daguerreotypes and the work of forgotten nineteenth-century provincial photographers. Photographers and viewers of photographs, it seems, need periodically to resist their own knowingness.(分数:14.00)(1).According to the passage, interest among photographers in each of photography"s two ideals can be described as______.(分数:2.00)A.rapidly changingB.cyclically recurringC.steadily growingD.unrelated to change in technology(2).The author is primarily concerned with______.(分数:2.00)A.establishing new technical standards for contemporary photographyB.analyzing the influence of photographic ideals on picture-takingC.tracing the development of camera technology in the twentieth centuryD.describing how photographers" individual temperaments are reflected in their work(3).The passage states all of the following about photographs EXCEPT______.(分数:2.00)A.they can convey informationB.they can depict the photographer"s temperamentC.they can posses great formal beautyD.they can change the viewers sensibilities(4).The author mentions the work of Harold Edgerton in order to provide an example of______.(分数:2.00)A.how a controlled ambivalence toward photography"s means can produce outstanding picturesB.How the content of photographs has changed from the nineteenth century to the twentiethC.The popularity of high-speed photography in the twentieth centuryD.The relationship between photographic originality and technology(5).The passage suggests that photographers such as Walker Evans prefer old-fashioned techniques and equipment because these photographers______.(分数:2.00)A.dislike the dependence of photographic effectiveness on the powers of a machineB.strive for intense formal beauty in their photographsC.like the discipline that comes from self-imposed limitationD.need to feel armed by technology(6).According to the passage, the two antithetical ideals of photography differ primarily in the______.(分数:2.00)A.value that each pieces on the beauty of the finished productB.degree of technical knowledge that each requires of the photographerC.extent of the power that each requires of the photographers" equipmentD.way in which each defines the role of the photographer(7).Which of the following statements would be most likely to begin the paragraph immediately following the passage?(分数:2.00)A.Photographers, as a result of their heightened awareness of time, are constantly trying to capture events and actions that are fleetingB.Thus the cult of the future, worship of machines and speed, is firmly established in spite of efforts to the contrary by some photographers.C.The rejection of technical knowledge, however, can never be complete and photography cannot for any length of.time pretend that it has no weapons.D.The point of honor involved in rejecting complex equipment is, however, of no significance to the viewer of a photograph.二、句子改错(总题数:1,分数:20.00)Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Underline the wrong parts and put the correct ones in the brackets.(10%)(分数:20.00)(1).Virginia Hamilton who has won consistent praise for her novels about Black children.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (2).When overall exports exceed imports, a country said to have a trade surplus.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (3).Not woman held a presidential cabinet position in the United States until 1933, when Frances Perkins became Secretary of Labor.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (4).Different species of octopuses may measure anywhere from two inches over thirty feet in length.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (5).Luminescence refers to the emission of light by means another than heat.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (6).Industrial buyers are responsible for supplying the goods and services that an organization required for its operations.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (7).Instructors at the school of American Ballet first examine a young applicant"s instep to see whether it is pliant and shows promising of good arch.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (8).Historians have never reached some general agreement about the precise causes of the Civil War in the United States.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (9).A leading Canadian feminist and author, Nellie McClung, struggled relentlessly in the early twentieth century to win politically and legal rights for Canadian women(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (10).Although they are in different countries, Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan are close neighbors and cooperate on numerous matters of mutually interest.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 写作1.Thomas Alva Edison once said, "Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." On the basis of this statement, you are required to write an essay of about 400 words on the relationship between opportunity and success. In the first part of your writing you should introduce your argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the final part, you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or summary. Marks will be awarded for Content, Organization, Grammar and Appropriateness. Failure to follow the instruction will result in a loss of marks.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________四、英译汉(总题数:1,分数:2.00)2.Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.(20%) Discipline and Punish(1975)is a genealogical study of the development of the "gentler" modern way of imprisoning criminals rather than torturing or killing them. While recognizing the element of genuinely enlightened reform, Foucault particularly emphasizes how such reform also becomes a vehicle of more effective control: "to punish less, perhaps; but certainly to punish better". He further argues that the new mode of punishment becomes the model for control of an entire society, with factories, hospitals and schools modeled on the modern prison. We should not, however, think that the deployment of this model was due to the explicit decisions of some central controlling agency. In typically genealogical fashion, Foucault"s analysis shows how techniques and institutions, developed for different and often quite innocuous purposes converged to create the modern system of disciplinary power.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________五、汉译英(总题数:1,分数:2.00)3.Translate the following passage into English. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.(20%) 宗教和巫术不只是解释事物并帮助人们实现种种目标。
目 录2011年四川大学外国语学院638基础英语真题及详解2010年四川大学外国语学院638基础英语真题及详解2009年四川大学外国语学院638基础英语真题及详解2008年四川大学外国语学院638基础英语真题及详解2007年四川大学外国语学院638基础英语真题及详解2011年四川大学外国语学院638基础英语真题及详解Part One Reading Comprehension (40 points)I. Cloze Test (10 points)Choose one of the four answers marked A, B, C, D to complete the article. Write your answer on the answer sheet. Be sure that the number of the answers in agreement with the number of the blanks.Today, the world wide web can be used both to (1) information and to make it (2) to others. Information (3) on web pages is viewed by (4) of browser. The sources of information linked in this way can be located on any computer (5) is also part of the web. Each information source (6) to an indefinite member of other web pages. Hypertext and hyperlinks allow users acting as receivers of information to (7) from one source of information to another, (8) for themselves which information they wish to (9) to their browser and which links they want to (10) . The addresses of web pages can be found by using the many hundreds of general and specialized search engines which provide (11) to databases which hold information on them. Once a web pages has been found, hyperlinks may point (12) other places (13) interest on the web. Addresses of web pages also (14) in other more conventional media, such as magazines, newspapers and television programs, and on posters.Web pages, in their (15) , facilitate access to information made available by other (16) of media of example, collections held in librariesor programs broadcast on television.Most web pages offer interactive opportunities which go (17) merely allowing visitors freedom as to when and how they visit a page and where they might choose to go next. Feedback can be kept formal via a questionnaire which can be filled (18) , or informal by providing an address for e-mail or even by (19) a digital guest book for comments left for other users to read. Although all web pages are protected so that unauthorized visitors cannot make unsolicited changes to them, it is also possible to (20) access to pages on the internet to those holding a password.1. A. believe B. retrieve C. perceive D. conceive2. A. available B. obtainable C. achievable D. amicable3. A. displayed B. displaying C. displayable D. is displayed4. A. medium B. vehicle C. agent D. means5. A. what B. that C. which D. it6. A. maybe linked B. may be linked C. may is linked D. may linked7. A. wonder B. wander C. stray D. ramble8. A. deciding B. decided C. decide D. to decided9. A. transition B. transmit C. transform D. transfer10. A. flip B. slip C. skip D. skim11. A. success B. access C. assess D. possess12. A. about B. on C. at D. to13. A. on B. of C. in D. at14. A. to appear B. appeared C. appearing D. appear15. A. sequence B. order C. turn D. switch16. A. modes B. forums C. shapes D. forms17. A. beyond B. over C. against D. further18. A. up B. out C. with D. over19. A. install B. installed C. installing D. installs a20. A. constrain B. confine C. restrict D. limit【答案与解析】1.B retrieve 检索; 恢复; 重新得到。