As-5、[As 5M]-、[As5MAs5]2- (M=Ti, Zr, Hf)的结构和芳香性
无机化学课后习题参考答案大全【优秀】(文档可以直接使用,也可根据实际需要修订后使用,可编辑推荐下载)无机化学课后习题参考答案大全第一章原子结构与元素周期系 (1)第二章分子结构 (4)第三章晶体结构 (6)第4章酸碱平衡 (9)第五章化学热力学基础 (15)第六章化学平衡常数 (16)第七章化学动力学基础 (23)第八章水溶液 (29)第9章配合物 (32)第十章沉淀平衡 (34)第11章电化学基础 (39)第12章配位平衡 (43)第13章卤素 (44)第14章氧族元素 (46)第15章氮磷砷 (48)第16章碳硅硼 (51)第17章S区金属(碱金属与碱土金属) (55)第18章过渡元素(一) (58)第18章过渡元素(二) (63)第19章镧系与锕系金属 (66)第一章原子结构与元素周期系1-1:区分下列概念(1) 质量数和相对原子质量(2) 连续光谱和线状光谱(3) 定态、基态和激发态(4) 顺磁性和逆磁性(5) 波长、波数和频率(6) 经典力学轨道和波动力学轨道(7) 电子的粒性与波性(8) 核电荷和有效核电荷答:(1) 质量数:指同位数原子核中质子数和中子数之和, 是接近同位素量的整数。
相对原子质量:符号为Ar,被定义为元素的平均原子质量与核素12C 原子质量的1/12 之比,代替“原子量”概念(后者已被废弃);量纲为1(注意相对概念)。
(2) 连续光谱: 波长连续分布的光谱。
(3) 定态是由固定轨道延伸出来的一个概念。
主量子数为1 的定态叫基态,其余的定态都是激发态。
第一章微型计算机基础习题一1. 简述微型计算机系统的组成。
2. 简述计算机软件的分类及操作系统的作用。
3. 将下列十进制数转换成二进制数:(1) 49;(2)73.8125; (3) 79.754. 将二进制数变换成十六进制数:(1)101101B;(2)1101001011B;(3)1111111111111101B;(4)100000010101B;(5)1111111B;(6)10000000001B5. 将十六进制数变换成二进制数和十进制数:(1)FAH;(2)5BH;(3)78A1H;(4)FFFFH; (5) 34.2AH;(6)B8.93H6. 将下列十进制数转换成十六进制数:(1)39;(2)299.34375;(3)54.56257. 将下列二进制数转换成十进制数:(1)10110.101B;(2)10010010.001B;(3)11010.1101B8. 计算(按原进制运算):(1)10001101B+11010B;(2)10111B+11100101B;(3)1011110B-1110B;(4)124AH+78FH;(5)5673H+123H;(6)1000H-F5CH;9. 已知a=1011B,b=11001B,c=100110B, 按二进制完成下列运算,并用十进制运算检查计算结果:(1)a+b;(2)c-a-b;(3)a·b;(4)c/b10. 已知a=00111000B, b=11000111B, 计算下列逻辑运算:(1)a AND b;(2)a OR b;(3)a XOR b;(4)NOT a11. 设机器字长为8位,写出下列各数的原码和补码:(1)+1010101B;(2)-1010101B;(3)+1111111B;(4)-1111111B;(5)+1000000B;(6)-1000000B12. 写出下列十进制数的二进制补码表示(设机器字长为8位):(1)15;(2)-1;(3)117;(4)0;(4)-15;(5)127;(6)-128;(7)8013. 设机器字长为8位,先将下列各数表示成二进制补码,然后按补码进行运算,并用十进制数运算进行检验:(1)87-73;(2)87+(-73);(3)87-(-73);(4)(-87)+73;(5)(-87)-73;(6)(-87)-(-73);14. 已知a,b,c,d为二进制补码:a=00110010B, b=01001010B, c=11101001B, d=10111010B, 计算:(1)a+b;(2)a+c;(3)c+b;(4)c+d;(5)a-b;(6)c-a;(7)d-c;(8)a+d-c15. 设下列四组为8位二进制补码表示的十六进制数,计算a+b和a-b,并判断其结果是否溢出:(1)a=37H, b=57H; (2)a=0B7H, b=0D7H;(3)a=0F7H, b=0D7H; (4)a=37H, b=0C7H16. 求下列组合BCD数的二进制和十六进制表示形式:(1)3251(2)12907(3)ABCD(4)abcd17. 将下列算式中的十进制数表示成组合BCD码进行运算,并用加6/减6修正其结果:(1)38+42;(2)56+77;(3)99+88;(4)34+69;(5)38-42;(6)77-56;(7)15-76;(8)89-2318. 将下列字符串表示成相应的ASCII码(用十六进制数表示):(1)Example 1;(2)Jinan University;(3)-108.652;(4)How are you?;(5)Computer(6)Internet Web19. 将下列字符串表示成相应的ASCII码(用十六进制数表示):(1)Hello(2)123<CR>456;(注:<CR>表示回车)(3)ASCII;(4)The number is 2315[参考答案]3.解:(1)49=0011 0001B (2)73.8125=0100 1001.1101B(3)79.75=0100 1111.11B5. 解:(1)FAH=1111 1010B=250D (2)5BH=0101 1011B=91D(3)78A1H=0111 1000 1010 0001B=30881D(4)FFFFH=1111 1111 1111 1111B=65535D7. 解:(1)10110.101B=22.625 (2)10010010.001B=146.0625(3)11010.1101B=26.81259. 解:a=1011B=11, b=11001B=25, c=100110B=38(1)a+b=100100B=36 (2)c-a-b=10B=2(3)a·b=100010011B=275 (4)c/b=1……1101B(=13)11. 解:(1)+1010101B 原码01010101B 补码01010101B(2)-1010101B 原码11010101B 补码10101011B(3)+1111111B 原码01111111B 补码01111111B(4)-1111111B 原码11111111B 补码10000001B(5)+1000000B 原码 01000000B 补码01000000B(6)-1000000B 原码 11000000B 补码11000000B13. 解:按补码表示+87=0101 0111B;+73=0100 1001B;-87=1010 1001B;-73=1011 0111B(1)87-73=0101 0111B-0100 1001B=1110B=14(2)87+(-73)=0101 0111B+1011 0111B=[1]0000 1110B=14(舍去进位)(3)87-(-73)=0101 0111B-1011 0111B=[-1]1010 0000B=-96(溢出)(4)(-87)+73=1010 1001B+0100 1001B=1111 0010B=-14(5)(-87)-73=1010 1001B-0100 1001B=[-1]0110 0000B=96(溢出)(6)(-87)-(-73)=1010 1001B-1011 0111B=1111 0010B=-1415. 解:(1)a=37H, b=57H; a+b=8EH; a-b=[-1]E0H=-32(2)a=0B7H, b=0D7H; a+b=[1]8EH=-114; a-b=[-1]E0H=-32(3)a=0F7H, b=0D7H; a+b=[1]CEH=-50; a-b=20H=32(4)a=37H, b=0C7H; a+b=FEH=-2; a-b=[-1]70H=11217. 解:(1)将38、42表示成组合BCD码:38H、42H,然后按二进制进行运算,并根据运算过程中的AF,CF进行加6/减6修正。
微型计算机系统是微型计算机配置相应的系统软件,应用软件及外部设备等.1-3写出下列机器数的真值:(1)01101110 (2)10001101(3)01011001 (4)11001110答案:(1)+110 (2)-13(原码) -114(反码)-115(补码)(3)+89 (4)-78(原码)-49(反码)-50(补码)1-4写出下列二进制数的原码、反码和补码(设字长为8位):(1)+010111 (2)+101011(3)-101000 (4)-111111答案:(1)[x]原=00010111 [x]反= 00010111 [x]补= 00010111(2)[x]原=00101011 [x]反= 00101011 [x]补= 00101011(3)[x]原=10101000 [x]反= 11010111 [x]补= 11011000(4)[x]原=10111111 [x]反= 11000000 [x]补=110000011-5 当下列各二进制数分别代表原码,反码,和补码时,其等效的十进制数值为多少?(1)00001110 表示原码14,反码14,表示补码为14(2)11111111 表示原码-127,反码-0,表示补码为-1(3)10000000 表示原码-0,反码-127,表示补码为-128(4)10000001 表示原码-1,反码-126,表示补码为-1271-6 已知x1=+0010100,y1=+0100001,x2=-0010100,y2=-0100001,试计算下列各式。
ISA S5.2中文版
目录CONTENTS 1 简介23 符号表示4 开/关逻辑输入符号5 模拟输入符号5.1 变送器5.2 温度测量6 逻辑数据处理模块6.1 ET逻辑数据模块6.2 OU逻辑数据模块6.3 XOR 逻辑数据模块6.4 延时DI6.5 延时DT6.6 PO脉冲输出6.7 寄存器6.8 计时器7 数字数据处理模块7.1 计算模块7.2 控制模块7.3 临界点模块7.4 复位模块7.5 选择模块7.6 变量速度限制模块8 显示模块8.1 变量显示模块8.2 逻辑变量显示模块8.3 报警显示模块8.4 变量记录模块9 操作人员控制模块9.1 HS控制模块9.2 HIC控制模块10 直联和/ 或互联符号11 开-关逻辑输出符号12 模拟输出符号1 简介这个符号表示方法是用来明确表示数字控制系统的所有处理过程。
这两个数字在使用上的某些一致性(按部件重组) 。
功能块所使用的符号符合ISA标准:ISA-S5.1 仪表符号和标识ISA-S5.2 过程操作的二进制逻辑图∙ 23 符号表示这种符号体系包括几种符号系列:−开-关逻辑输入符号(见第4章)−模拟输入符号(见第5 章)−逻辑数据处理模块(见第6 章)−数据处理模块(见第7 章)−显示模块(见第8 章)−操作员控制模块(见第9 章)−直联和/ 或互联符号(见第10 章)−开-关逻辑输出符号(见第11 章)−模拟输出符号(见第12 章)4 逻辑输入符号 4.1 符号说明U S Y Y X X X ZU 根据标准ISA -S5.1表1,测量变量的标记字母:注意:第一个字母后面可跟修饰标记字母(例:D 表示有差异的)。
ASD535_DB- 译文 纯中文
ASD 535 有四种类型: • ASD 535-1 用于 1 根采样管和 1 个感烟探测器,无排烟浓度
• ASD 535-2 用于 2 根采样管和 2 个感烟探测器,无排烟浓度 指示器;
• ASD 535-3 用于 1 根采样管和 1 个感烟探测器,有排烟浓度 指示器;
• ASD 535-4 用于 2 根采样管和 2 个感烟探测器,有排烟浓度 指示器。
ASD 535
从生产编号和 SW 版本 01.01.01
T 131 192 E,第 8.5.3 节。 • 开关设置 F =操作软件版本(固件),详情请见 T 131 192 E,
第 7.3.6 节。 • 按钮“UP” =组件配置(A11 至 C32、W01 至 W48、X01 至
X03),参加“编程”。 • 开关设置 V =气流值(气流速度),详情请见 T 131 192 E,第
• SLM 35
• RIM 35
含 5 个继电器的继电器接口模块(最大 2 台)
• MCM 35
• 其他
ASD 535 可通过零电势转换触点连接更高级别的 FACP。
安装 SLM 35 SecuriLine®模块后,理想情况下,ASD 535 吸气式感 烟探测器可通过环形电路与 SecuriPro®和整合的火警系统连接。因
平面五元环As5 -阴离子簇芳香性的理论研究
子 簇 异 构 体 , 中 最 稳 定 构 型是 具 有 D 对 称 性 的平 面五 元 环 结 构 。最 稳 定 的 As一 构 内 电 子 离 域 其 结 和 多 中 心 向 心 键 的 存 在 使 得 A 示 出 特 殊 的 稳 定 性 , 以 作 为 实 验 合 成 的 候 选 分 子 。分 子 轨 道 s一显 可
列簇 状 阳 离 子 和 阴 离 子, 如 As 、 As一、
1 计 算 方 法 Байду номын сангаас
采用 目前 普 遍 使 用 的密 度 泛 函计 算 方 法
( 3 YP和 B P 1 进 行 计 算 , 3 YP 是 结 BL 3 W9 ) BL 合 L P相 关 函数 的 B c e三 参 数 杂 化 密 度 泛 Y ek
子簇 进行 理论 计 算 、 子 轨 道 ( 分 MO) 析 表 明 分 平面 五 元 环 结 构 的 As一离 子 具 有 芳 香 性 的
特征 。
们 对 芳香 性 理 论 的研 究 在 不 断深 化 , 香 性 判 芳 据 的研 究也 将不 断推 陈 出新 。 砷 元素 原子 能 自身组 成单 键或 双键 的化 合 物, : 如 双胂 R As As 2 胂 烯 R = As 2 — R 和 As R 等 。进 一步 的研 究 表 明 , 元 素 可 以生 成一 系 砷
芳香 性是 有机 化学 发展 过程 中形 成 的重要 概念, 是专 门用 来描 述 苯 或 具有 类 苯 结 构 化合 物 的特殊 性质 。如 今芳 香性 的概 念 已经成 功地 从 传统 的有 机分 子 扩 展 到 杂原 子 体 系 、 机金 有 属化 合物 以及 全金 属 体 系 _ ] 化学 家 提 出 了 1。 很 多芳 香 性 的判 断 标 准 , 这些 标 准 基 本上 是 利 用 芳 香 性 的特 性 从 能 量 、 磁性 和 几 何 结 构这 三 个 方 面来 判定物 质 的芳香 性 。随着 量 子理论 的
第四章 AT89s52指令系统
第四章 AT89S52指令系统
• 例4-11 • MOV R0,#06H ;06H→ (R0) • MOVX A,@R0 ;((R0))→ (A) • 例4-12 MOV DPTR,#0EFFFH;0EFFFH→ (DPTR0) MOVX A, @DPTR;((DPTR0))→ (A)
• (1002H)=19H
• (1003H)=4DH
第四章 AT89S52指令(系1统008H)=31H
4.DW(Define Word)定义双 字节数据伪指令
• 格式: Yn
[标号:] DW Y1,Y2,Y3,……,
• 该伪指令与DB伪指令的不同之处是,DW定义
第四章 AT89S52指令系统
• 变址间接寻址指令由基址寄存器和变址寄存器组成, 16位寄存器DPTR(数据指针)或PC(程序计数器)作为 基址寄存器,8位累加器A作为变址寄存器。
• 基址寄存器内容和变址寄存器内容相加形成新的16 位地址,该地址即为操作数的存储地址。这是一种 独特的寻址方式,A中的内容可以随程序的运行动 态变化,所以可以实现动态寻址。
• 也可写成
MOV A, 90H ;(90H)→ (A)
第四章 AT89S52指令系统
• MOV 0A0H , #20H ; #20H→(P2)
• MOV A, 0A0H;直接寻址,(P2) → (A)
• MOV R0, #0A0H
• MOV @R0, #40H ;#40H→(0A0)
Designation:A555/A555M–05Standard Specification forGeneral Requirements for Stainless Steel Wire and Wire Rods1This standard is issued under thefixed designation A555/A555M;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope*1.1This specification covers general requirements that shall apply to stainless wire and wire rods.Wire rods are a semifinished product intended primarily for the manufacture of wire.Wire is intended primarily for cold forming,including coiling,stranding,weaving,heading and machining as covered under the latest revision of each of the following ASTM specifications:A313/A313M,A368,A478,A492,A493, A580/A580M and A581/A581M.1.2In case of conflicting requirements,the individual ma-terial specification and this general requirement specification shall prevail in the order named.1.3General requirements forflat products other than wire are covered in Specification A480/A480M.1.4General requirements for bar and billet products are covered in Specification A484/A484M.1.5The values stated in inch-pound units or SI(metric) units are to be regarded separately as standard;within the text and tables,the SI units are shown in brackets([]).The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents;therefore,each system must be used independent of the bining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specification.1.6Unless the order specifies the applicable metric specifi-cation designation,the material shall be furnished in the inch-pound units.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2A262Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranu-lar Attack in Austenitic Stainless SteelsA313/A313M Specification for Stainless Steel Spring WireA368Specification for Stainless Steel Wire StrandA370Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel ProductsA478Specification for Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Weaving and Knitting WireA480/A480M Specification for General Requirements for Flat-Rolled Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Plate, Sheet,and StripA484/A484M Specification for General Requirements for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Bars,Billets,and Forgings A492Specification for Stainless Steel Rope WireA493Specification for Stainless Steel Wire and Wire Rods for Cold Heading and Cold ForgingA580/A580M Specification for Stainless Steel WireA581/A581M Specification for Free-Machining Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Wire and Wire RodsA700Practices for Packaging,Marking,and Loading Methods for Steel Products for Domestic ShipmentA751Test Methods,Practices,and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel ProductsE112Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size 2.2Federal Standard:3Fed.Std.No.123Marking for Shipment(Civil Agencies) 2.3Military Standards:3MIL-STD-129Marking for Shipment and StorageMIL-STD-163Preservation of Steel Products for Domestic Shipment2.4Other Standard:4Primary Metals Bar Code Standard1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01on Steel, Stainless Steel,and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.17on Flat-Rolled and Wrought Stainless Steel.Current edition approved Sept.1,2005.Published September2005.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2002as A555/A555M–97 (2002).2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.3Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk,DODSSP,Bldg.4, Section D,700Robbins Ave.,Philadelphia,PA19111-5098.4Available from Automotive Industry Action Group(AIAG),26200Lahser Rd., Suite200,Southfield,MI48034.*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.3.Terminology3.1Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1bar—wire that has been straightened and cut(see Specification A484/A484M).However,a straightened and cut small diameter product is often called straightened and cut wire.3.1.2wire—as covered by this specification and the speci-fications itemized in1.1,is any round or shaped cold-reduced product,in coils only,produced by cold-finishing coiled wire rod.3.1.3wire rods—semifinished product intended primarily for the manufacture of wire.They are hot rolled generally to an approximate round cross section in continuous length coils.4.Materials and Manufacture4.1The material may be furnished in one of the conditions detailed in the applicable material specification,that is,an-nealed,bright annealed,cold worked,or as otherwise specified on the purchase order.4.2A variety offinishes,coatings,and lubricants are avail-able.The particular type used is dependent upon the specific end use.Unless otherwise specified,thefinish,coating,and lubricant will be furnished as required by the individual material specification or purchase order.5.Chemical Composition5.1Heat or Cast Analysis—The chemical analysis of each heat shall be determined in accordance with the applicable material specification and Test Methods,Practices,and Termi-nology A751.5.1.1The analysis of each heat shall be made from a test sample taken during the pouring of the melt,or from the in-process product later in the manufacturingflow.5.1.2The heat analysis shall conform to the chemical requirements for each of the specified elements for the grade ordered,as listed in the applicable product specification.5.1.3All commercial metals contain small amounts of elements other than those which are specified.It is neither practical nor necessary to specify limits for unspecified ele-ments,whether intentionally added unspecified elements,re-sidual elements,or trace elements,that can be present.The producer is permitted to analyze for unspecified elements and is permitted to report such analyses.The presence of an unspecified element and the reporting of an analysis for that element shall not be a basis for rejection unless the presence of that element causes the loss of a property typically expected for that metal for the type and quality ordered.5.1.4The purchaser is permitted to require in the purchase order a maximum limit for an individual element not specified in the product specification.Such a requirement for an element not listed in the product specification,when acknowledged in the order acceptance,shall be treated as a specified element, with determination of chemical analysis and reporting of that analysis.5.1.5The purchaser is permitted to make the requirements for any element more stringent,that is,require higher mini-mums for elements having minimum requirements or ranges with minimum requirements,or requiring lower maximums for elements having specified maximums,or ranges with maxi-mums.The purchaser is not permitted to make chemical requirements less stringent.5.1.6Analysis limits shall be established for specific elements rather than groups of elements,including but not limited to“all others,”“rare earths,”and“balance,”unless all elements in such a group are similar in technical effect and are associated in typical methods of chemical analysis.5.2Product Analysis—When required,a product analysis shall be determined in accordance with Test Methods,Prac-tices,and Terminology A751.The chemical composition thus determined shall conform to the tolerances shown in Table1.5.3The steel shall not contain an unspecified element for the ordered grade to the extent that the steel conforms to the requirements of another grade in the referencing product specification,and any of the product specifications within the scope of this general specification,for which that element hasa specified minimum.6.Permissible Variations in Dimensions6.1Unless otherwise specified in the purchase order,the product shall conform to the permissible variations in dimen-sions as specified in Tables2-5of this specification.7.Workmanship,Finish,and Appearance7.1The material shall be of uniform quality consistent with good manufacturing and inspection practices.Imperfections that may be present shall be of such a nature or degree,for the type and quality ordered,that they will not adversely affect the forming,machining,or fabrication offinished parts.8.Lot Size8.1A lot for product analysis shall consist of all wire made from the same heat.8.2For other tests required by the product specification,a lot shall consist of all product of the same size,same heat,and produced under the same processing conditions.All austenitic, ferritic,and free-machining stainless steels,as well as marten-sitic grades when annealed to Condition A and precipitation or age hardening grades when solution treated,may be heat treated in more than one charge in the same furnace or in several furnaces,utilizing controlled processing and equipment (see appendix).However,when heat treating martensitic stain-less steels to Condition T or H and when age hardening the precipitation hardening stainless steels,a lot shall consist of the same size,same heat,and the same heat treat charge in a batch-type furnace or under the same conditions in a continu-ous furnace.9.Number of Tests and Retests9.1Unless otherwise specified in the product specification, one sample per heat shall be selected for chemical analysis and one mechanical test sample shall be selected from each lot of wire.All tests shall conform to the chemical and mechanical requirements of the material specification.9.2One intergranular corrosion test,when required,and one grain size test,when required,shall be made from each lot.It is often convenient to obtain test material from the specimen selected for mechanicaltesting.9.3If any test specimen shows imperfections that may affect the test results,it may be discarded and another specimen substituted.9.4If the results of any test lot are not in conformance with the requirements of this specification and the applicable product specification,a retest sample of two specimens may be tested to replace each failed specimen of the original sample.If one of the retest specimens fails,the lot shall be rejected.TABLE 1Product Analysis TolerancesN OTE —This table specifies tolerances over the maximum limits or under the minimum limits of the chemical requirements of the applicable material specification (see 1.1);it does not apply to heat analysis.Element Upper Limit or Maximum of Specified Range,%Tolerances over the Maximum (Upper Limit)or Under the Minimum (LowerLimit)ElementUpper Limit or Maximum of Specified Range,%Tolerances over the Maximum (Upper Limit)or Under the Minimum (LowerLimit)Carbonto 0.010,incl0.002Cobaltover 0.05to 0.50,incl 0.01over 0.010to 0.030,incl 0.005over 0.50to 2.00,incl 0.02over 0.030to 0.20,incl 0.01over 2.00to 5.00,incl 0.05over 0.20to 0.60,incl 0.02over 5.00to 10.00,incl 0.10over 0.60to 1.20,incl 0.03over 10.00to 15.00,incl 0.15over 15.00to 22.00,incl 0.20Manganeseto 1.00,incl0.03over 22.00to 30.00,incl0.25over 1.00to 3.00,incl 0.04over 3.00to 6.00,incl 0.05Columbium to 1.50,incl0.05over 6.00to 10.00,incl 0.06+over 1.50to 5.00,incl 0.10over 10.00to 15.00,incl 0.10tantalum over 5.000.15over 15.00to 20.00,incl 0.15Phosphorus to 0.040,inclover 0.040to 0.20,incl 0.0050.010Tantalum to 0.10,incl 0.02Sulfurto 0.040,inclover 0.040to 0.20,incl over 0.20to 0.50,incl0.0050.0100.020Copperto 0.50,incl over 0.50to 1.00,incl 0.030.05over 1.00to 3.00,incl over 3.00to 5.00,incl over 5.00to10.00,incl0.100.150.20Silicon to 1.00,inclover 1.00to 3.00,incl 0.050.10Chromiumover 4.00to 10.00,incl over 10.00to 15.00,incl over 15.00to 20.00,incl over 20.00to 30.00,incl to 0.15,inclover 0.15to 0.50,incl −0.005,+0.010.05over 0.50to 2.00,incl over 2.00to 5.00,incl over 5.00to 10.00,incl 1.00,incl0.03Nitrogento 0.02,incl 0.005over 1.00to 5.00,incl 0.07over 0.02to 0.19,incl 0.01over 5.00to 10.00,incl 0.10over 0.19to 0.25,incl 0.02over 10.00to 20.00,incl 0.15over 0.25to 0.35,incl 0.03over 20.00to 30.00,incl 0.20over 0.35to0.45,incl0.04over 30.00to 40.00,incl 0.25over 40.000.30Tungstento 1.00,incl0.03over 1.00to 2.00,incl 0.05Molybdenumover 0.20to 0.60,incl 0.03over 2.00to 5.00,incl 0.07over 0.60to 2.00,incl 0.05over 5.00to 10.00,incl 0.10over 2.00to 7.00,incl 0.10over 10.00to20.00,incl 0.15over 7.00to 15.00,incl 0.15over15.00to 30.00,incl0.20Vanadiumto 0.50,incl0.03over 0.50to 1.50,incl0.05Titaniumto 1.00,inclover 1.00to 3.00,incl over all 0.0310.Retreatment10.1Where failure of any lot is due to inadequate heat treatment,the material may be reheat treated and resubmitted for test.11.Test Methods11.1The properties enumerated in applicable specifications shall be determined in accordance with the following ASTM methods:11.1.1Chemical Analysis—Test Methods,Practices,and Terminology A751.11.1.2Tension Test—Test Methods and Definitions A370.11.1.3Intergranular Corrosion(when required)—PracticeE of Practices A262.11.1.4Grain Size(when required)—Test Methods E112.12.Inspection12.1For Civilian Procurement—Inspection of the material shall be as agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier as part of the purchase contract.12.2For Government Procurement—Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order:(1)the seller is responsible for the performance of all inspection and test requirements in this specification,(2)the seller may use his own or other suitable facilities for the performance of the inspection and testing,and(3)the purchaser shall have the right to perform any of the inspection and tests set forth in this specification.The manufacturer shall afford the purchaser’s inspector all reasonable facilities necessary to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with the inspec-tion.Inspection by the purchaser shall not interfere unneces-sarily with the manufacturer.13.Rejection and Rehearing13.1Material that fails to conform to the requirements of this specification may be rejected.Rejection should be reported to the producer or supplier promptly,preferably in writing.In case of dissatisfaction with the results of the test,the producer or supplier may make claim for a rehearing.14.Certification14.1A certified report of the test results shall be furnished at the time of shipment.The report shall include the ASTM designation,year date,and revision letter,if any.14.2A document printed from or used in electronic form from an electronic data interchange(EDI)transmission shall be regarded as having the same validity as a counterpart printed in the certifiers’facility.The content of the EDI transmitted document must meet the requirements of the invoked ASTM standard(s)and conform to any existing EDI agreement be-tween the purchaser and the supplier.Notwithstanding theTABLE2Permissible Variations in Size of Hot Finished RoundWire RodsSpecified Size, in.[mm]Permissible Variations SpecifiedSize,in.[mm]Out-of-Round,Ain.[mm] Over Underunder1⁄4[6.35]0.008[0.20]0.008[0.20]0.011[0.28] 1⁄4[6.35]to7⁄16[10]0.006[0.15]0.006[0.15]0.009[0.23] over7⁄16[10]to5⁄8[16]0.007[0.18]0.007[0.18]0.010[0.25] over5⁄8[16]to7⁄8[22]0.008[0.20]0.008[0.20]0.012[0.30] over7⁄8[22]to1-1⁄8[28]0.010[0.25]0.010[0.25]0.015[0.38] over1-1⁄8[28]to1-3⁄8[34]0.012[0.30]0.012[0.30]0.018[0.45] A Out-of-round is the difference between the maximum and minimum diameters of the wire rod measured at the same cross section.TABLE3Permissible Variations in Diameter and Out-of-Roundfor Round Wire A,B,C,DSpecified Diameter,in.[mm]Diameter Tolerances,in.[mm] Over Under1.000[25.00]and over0.0025[0.06]0.0025[0.06] Under1.000[25.00]to0.500[13.00]0.002[0.05]0.002[0.05]Under0.5000[13.00]to0.3125[8.00]incl0.0015[0.04]0.0015[0.04]Under0.3125[8.00]to0.0440[1.00]incl0.001[0.03]0.001[0.03]Under0.0440[1.00]to0.0330[0.80]incl0.0008[0.02]0.0008[0.02]Under0.0330[0.80]to0.0240[0.60]incl0.0005[0.015]0.0005[0.015]Under0.0240[0.60]to0.0120[0.30]incl0.0004[0.010]0.0004[0.010]Under0.0120[0.30]to0.0080[0.20]incl0.0003[0.008]0.0003[0.008]Under0.0080[0.20]to0.0048[0.12]incl0.0002[0.005]0.0002[0.005]Under0.0048[0.12]to0.0030[0.08]incl0.0001[0.003]0.0001[0.003]A The maximum out-of-round for round wire is one half of the total size tolerance given in this table.B When it is necessary to heat treat or heat treat and pickle after coldfinishing, size tolerances are double those shown above for sizes0.024in.[0.60mm]and over.C Size tolerances have not been evolved for wire produced by cold rolling.D These tolerances apply to small diameter straightened and cut wire(sizes below approximately1⁄16in.).Refer to Table5in Specification A484/A484M for bars(greater than approximately1⁄16in.).TABLE4Permissible Variations in Size for Drawn Wire inHexagons,Octagons,and Squares ASpecified Size B in.[mm]Size Tolerance,in.[mm] Over Under1.000[25.00]and over00.005[0.12] Under1.000[25.00]to0.500[13.00]incl00.004[0.10] Under1⁄2[13.00]to5⁄16[8.00]incl00.003[0.08] Under5⁄16[8.00]to1⁄8[3.00]incl00.002[0.05]A When it is necessary to heat treat or heat treat and pickle after coldfinishing, size tolerances are double those shown above.B Distance acrossflats.TABLE5Permissible Variations in Thickness and Width for FlatWireWidth,in.[mm]Permissible Variations in Width,Over andUnder,in.[mm]AFor Thicknesses1⁄4in.[6.5mm]andUnderFor ThicknessesOver1⁄4in.[6.5mm]1⁄16[1.50]to3⁄8[9.0]0.005[0.12]0.005[0.12] over3⁄8[9.0]to1.0[25.00]0.004[0.10]0.004[0.10] over1.0[25.00]0.006[0.15]0.004[0.10] Thickness,in.[mm]Permissible Variations in Thickness,Overand Under,in.[mm]AUp to0.029[0.70],incl0.001[0.03]Over0.029[1.70]to0.035[1.00],incl0.0015[0.04]Over0.035[1.00]0.002[0.05]A When it is necessary to heat treat or heat treat and pickle after coldfinishing, size tolerances are double those shown in the table.absence of a signature,the organization submitting the EDI transmission is responsible for the content of the report. 15.Identification of Material15.1For Civilian Procurement—Each lift,bundle,or box shall be marked using durable tags(metal,plastic,or equiva-lent)showing heat number,type,condition,product specifica-tion number,and size.15.2For ernment Procurement—In addition to any requirements specified in the contract or order,marking shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-129for military agencies and in accordance with Fed.Std.No.123for civil agencies.16.Preparation for Delivery16.1Unless otherwise specified,the wire shall be packaged and loaded in accordance with Practices A700.16.2When specified in the contract or order,and for direct procurement by or direct shipment to the Government,when Level A is specified,preservation,packaging,and packing shall be in accordance with the Level A requirements of MIL-STD-163.17.Keywords17.1general delivery requirements;stainless steel wire; stainless steel wire rodsANNEX(Mandatory Information)A1.REQUIREMENTS FOR THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW MATERIALSA1.1New materials may be proposed for inclusion in specifications referencing this specification subject to the following conditions:A1.1.1Application for the addition of a new grade to a specification shall be made to the chairman of the subcommit-tee which has jurisdiction over that specification.A1.1.2The application shall be accompanied by a statement from at least one user indicating that there is a need for the new grade to be included in the applicable specification.A1.1.3The application shall be accompanied by test data as required by the applicable specification.Test data from a minimum of three test lots,as defined by the specification,each from a different heat,shall be furnished.A1.1.4The application shall provide recommendations for all requirements appearing in the applicable specification.A1.1.5The application shall state whether the new grade is covered by patent.APPENDIXES(Nonmandatory Information)X1.RATIONALE REGARDING DEFINITION OF LOT FOR MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND CORROSION TESTINGX1.1It is generally recognized that material described as a lot must be“produced under the same processing conditions,”which means the same manufacturing order number,same size, same heat,same heat treating procedure,and same subsequent processing.Under those conditions,single samples can be selected to be representative of the total lot,with at least one sample for each20000pounds of material.X1.2Following the principle described in X1.1generally requires that the producer control each of several furnace loads constituting the same lot so thatX1.2.1Set point temperature and process tolerance match, X1.2.2Time at temperature for all thermal treatment shall match within10%,X1.2.3All furnaces used be similar in size and meet the uniformity requirements of a documented furnace quality assurance program,andX1.2.4The quench systems are the same with respect to volume,type of quenchant,and circulation rate.X1.2.5Further,it would be expected that grouped loads be handled within a relatively short time period,and that hardness testing be performed on at least one sample per charge.X1.3The old definition of a lot for mechanical testing based on simply the words“same size,heat,and heat treatment charge in a batch furnace”assumes that heat treating is the only process affecting properties.This kind of definition ignores the effects of other processing,prior to and subsequent to heat treating.Moreover,it assumes that each heat treat batch will be uniform and unique rather than reproducible.In reality,heat treating is a process which can be controlled easily throughout a batch and from batch to batch,with the net result that multiple batches can be considered part of a single lot if equipment and processing parameters meet the mandates of X1.1and X1.2.X1.4The sampling specified for mechanical properties isnot a statistical sampling plan.Therefore,it provides onlytypical data.Assurance of uniformity within the lot can beobtained only by the producer adequately controlling the processing parameters.X2.BAR CODINGX2.1Bar coding to identify steel is not specifically ad-dressed in Committee A01specifimittee A01 endorses the AIAG Bar Code Standard for primary metals for steel products and proposes that this bar coding standard be considered as a possible auxiliary method of identification.SUMMARY OF CHANGESCommittee A01has identified the location of selected changes made to this standard since the last issue, A555/A555M–97(2002),that may impact the use of this standard.(Approved Sept.1,2005.)(1)Revised Section5to address chemical requirements asapplicable to different categories of elements.ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the riskof infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standardsand should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959, United States.Individual reprints(single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the aboveaddress or at610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@(e-mail);or through the ASTM website().。
As5 -、[As5M] -、[As5MAs5] 2-(M=Ti,Zr,Hf)的结构和芳香性
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(2)已知(BX)= 6035H,(CX)=0F0FH。
(1)MOV CL,20H[BX][SI]
(2)MOV [BP][DI],CX
(3)LEA BX,20H[BX][SI]
➢ Dizziness [ dIzInIs] ➢ Vertigo [5vE:ti^Eu] feeling as if everything
was turning round disorder of inner ear or
vestibular center or CNS (dysequillibrium) ➢ Dizziness ≠ Vertigo
Ascites in Cirrhosis
脐疝 umbilical hernia
➢ Jaundice ➢ [5dVC:ndis] ➢ Ictero➢ [ik5terik]
➢ Cyanosis ➢ [7saiE5nEusis] ➢ Cyano➢ [7saiE5nEusis]
➢ Purpura 紫癜 ➢ [5pE:pjurE] ➢ Petechia ? ➢ [pi5ti:kiE]
Dilation [dai5leiFEn] -ectasis [9brCNkI`ektEsIs]
Bronchiectasis ?
Narrowness [5nArEu] Stenosis [sti5nEusis]
➢ Atherosis – ➢ [7AWE5rEusis]
fac➢ Thanaso(t)o➢ [W neizEu] ➢ 安乐死 ➢ euthanasia ➢ [7ju:WE5neiziE]
➢ Neoplasm [5ni(:)EuplAzEm]
➢ oncology[CN5kClEdVi, Cn-]
➢ Diarrhea ➢ [7daiE5riE]
BTL5-A C E1_-M-_ _ _ _-SF-F_ _ 用户手册说明书
BTL5-A/C/E1_-M-_ _ _ _-SF-F_ _User's Guideenglish1 41.1 4Validity1.2 4Symbols and conventionsScope of delivery1.3 41.4 4Approvals and markingsAbbreviations1.5 42 52.1 5Intended use2.2 5General safety notes for the position measuring system2.3 5Meaning of the warnings2.4 5Disposal3 6Construction3.1 63.2 6Function4 7Installing the transducer4.1 74.2 9Electrical connection4.3 9Shielding and cable routing5 015.1 0Starting up the system 1Operating notes 15.2 06 116.1 1Accuracy 1Ambient conditions 16.2 16.3 1Supply voltage (external) 16.4 1Outputs 16.5 1Dimensions, weights 17 217.1 float 12BTL-S-3112-4ZTri-clamp BAM MC-XA-006-D38 17.2 27.3 2Seal BAM SE-XA-002-D38 17.4 2Welded port AD-XA-003-D38 18 319 419.1 4Converting units of length 19.2 4Part label 1english34englishValidity1.1This guide describes the construction, function and setting options for the BTL5 Micropulse Transducer with analog interface. It applies to the typesBTL5-A/C/E1_-M_ _ _ _-SF-F_ _ (see Ordering code on page 13).The guide is intended for qualified technical personnel. Read this guide before installing and operating the transducer.Symbols and conventions1.2 Individual handling instructions are indicated by a preceding triangle.Handling instruction 1►Handling sequences are numbered consecutively:Handling instruction 11. Handling instruction 22. Note, tipThis symbol indicates general notes.Scope of delivery1.3BTL5 transducer –Condensed guide–Floats must be ordered separately (see Accessories, page 12).Approvals and markings1.43-A sanitary standard no. 74-03:This product has authorization number 1486 and only corresponds to thespecifications from 3-A SSI Inc. if used in conjunction with a BTL-S-3112-4Z float and the cotter pin included in the scope of delivery for the float.UL approval File no.E227256US patent 5 923 164The US patent was awarded in connection with this product.The CE Mark verifies that our products meet the requirements of EU Directive 2004/108/EC (EMC Directive)entsprechen.The transducer meets the requirements of the following generic standards:EN 61000-6-2 (noise immunity) –EN 61000-6-4 (emission) –Emission tests:RF emission–EN 55016-2-3Group 1,Class A and BNoise immunity tests:Static electricity (ESD)–EN 61000-4-2Severity level 3Electromagnetic fields (RFI)–EN 61000-4-3Severity level 3Electrical fast transients (burst)–EN 61000-4-4Severity level 3Surge–EN 61000-4-5Severity level 2Conducted interference induced by–high-frequency fieldsEN 61000-4-6Severity level 3Magnetic fields–EN 61000-4-8Severity level 4More detailed information on the guidelines, approvals, and standards is included in the declaration of conformity.Abbreviations1.53-A SSI 3-A Sanitary Standards, IncorporatedEHEDG European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group FDAU.S. Food and Drug Administration1Intended use2.1The BTL5 Micropulse Transducer, together with a machine controller (e.g. PLC), comprises a displacement measurement system. It is intended to be installed into a machine or system. Flawless function in accordance with the specifications in the technical data is ensured only when using original BALLUFF accessories, and use of any other components will void the warranty.NoteCompliance with the 3-A SSI specifications isonly attained through the use of thecomponents listed under accessories(see page 12).Opening the transducer or non-approved use are not permitted and will result in the loss of warranty and liability claims against the manufacturer.General safety notes for the position2.2measuring systemInstallation and startup may only be performed by trained specialists with basic electrical knowledge. Specialists are those who can recognize possible hazards and institute the appropriate safety measures due to their professional training, knowledge, and experience, as well as their understanding of the relevant regulations pertaining to the work to be done.The operator is responsible for ensuring that local safety regulations are observed.In particular, the operator must take steps to ensure that a defect in the position measuring system will not result in hazards to persons or equipment.If defects and unresolvable faults occur in the transducer, take it out of service and secure against unauthorized use.Meaning of the warnings2.3Always observe the warnings in these instructions and the measures described to avoid hazards.The warnings used here contain various signal words and are structured as follows:SIGNAL WORDHazard type and sourceConsequences if not complied withMeasures to avoid hazardsfThe individual signal words mean:Disposal2.4Observe the national regulations for disposal.25english1) Not included Fig. 3-1: BTL5...-SF-F... transducer, constructionConstruction3.1Electrical connection:The electrical connection is made via a cable and permanent (see Ordering code onpage 13).BTL housing:Stainless steel housing containing the processing electronics.Float: Defines the position to be measured on the waveguide. Floats must be ordered separately (see Accessories on page 12).Nominal length: Defines the travel/length range available. Rods with various nominal stroke lengths from 70 mm to 2500 mm are available depending on the model.Function3.2The BTL5 transducer contains the waveguide which is protected by an outer stainless steel tube (rod). A float is moved along the waveguide. This float also rises and falls with the level of the liquid whose position is to be determined.The float defines the position to be measured on the waveguide.An internally generated INIT pulse interacts with the magnetic field of the float to generate a torsional wave in the waveguide which propagates at ultrasonic speed.The component of the torsional wave which arrives at the end of the waveguide is absorbed in the damping zone to prevent reflection. The component of the torsional wave which arrives at the beginning of the waveguide is converted by a coil into an electrical signal. The travel time of the wave is used to calculate the position. Depending on the version, this information is made available as a voltage or current with rising or falling gradient.36english 7english Installing the transducer4.1For holding the transducer and float we recommend non-magnetizable material.Installing the floatInstall the float (accessory) taking the orientation into1. account (raised markings on top, see Figures 4-1 and 4-2).Secure the float using the cotter pin provided in the2. scope of delivery, without placing any mechanical loads on the outer rod. Guide the cotter pin through the holeuntil it engages (see Figure 4-3).Fig. 4-1:Installing the floatFig. 4-2: Raised markings on floatInserting the cotter pinFig. 4-3: 48englishInstalling the transducerNOTICEInterference in functionImproper installation can compromise the function of the transducer and result in increased wear.Only vertical mounting is permitted!f The flange surface of the transducer must make fullf contact with the mounting surface and be perfectly sealed through the use of a seal and tri-clamp.Mounting must be done in a manner where the outerf rod cannot touch the container wall. Deflection of the outer rod to the side, e.g. through flow currents, must be prevented by suitable brackets.Insert suitable seal (see Figure 4-4).1. Place the transducer on the mounting surface, so it2. makes full contact and perfectly seals the hole (see Figure 4-5).Fasten the transducer with a 1 1/2" tri-clamp (see3.Figure 4-6).Fig. 4-4: Inserting the sealMounting surfaceFig. 4-5:Installing the BTLFig. 4-6: Fastening the BTL with a 1 1/2" tri-clamp4 9english Electrical connection4.2The electrical connection is permanent and made using a cable (F_ _). The connection assignments depend on therespective model (see Tab. 4-1).Connection assignmentsTab. 4-1: Shielding and cable routing4.3 Defined ground!The transducer and the control cabinet must be at the same ground potential.ShieldingTo ensure electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), observe the following:Connect the transducer and controller using a shielded–cable.Shielding: Copper filament braided, at least 85% coverage.On the transducer side, the cable shielding is–connected to the housing. Ground the cable shielding on the controller side (connect with the protection ground).Magnetic fieldsThe transducer system is a magnetostrictive system.Ensure that there is sufficient distance between thetransducer and between the holding cylinder and strong, external magnetic fields.4Cable routingDo not route the cable between the transducer, controller, and power supply near high voltage cables (inductive straynoise is possible).Cable lengthTab. 4-2: 1)Prerequisite: Construction, shielding and routing preclude the effect of any external noise fields.Bending radius for fixed cableThe bending radius for a fixed cable must be at least five times the cable diameter.55.1Starting up the system Array Check connections for tightness and correct polarity.1.Replace damaged connections.Turn on the system.2.Check measured values (especially after replacing the3.transducer or after repair by the manufacturer).Operating notes5.2–Check the function of the transducer and all associatedcomponents on a regular basis.Observe the directives of the FDA und 3-A SSI for –monitoring hygiene and cleaning of the device, as wellas the instructions for operation and maintenance ofthe entire system.–It is possible to clean the device during the process.Take the position measuring system out of operation –whenever there is a malfunction.Secure the system against unauthorized use.–10englishAccuracy6.1The specifications are typical values at 24 V DC and room temperature, with a nominal length of 500 mm in conjunction with the BTL-S-3112-4Z float.The BTL is ready immediately, full accuracy after warm-up phase.ReproducibilityCurrent0.6 µAMinimum0.05 mmSampling rate fStandard500 HzNon-linearity at≤ 500 mm±250 µm> 500 mm±0.05% FS Temperature coefficient(nominal length = 500 mm,float in the middle ofmeasuring range)≤ 40 ppm/KAmbient conditions6.2Operating temperature1)−10°C to +85°CProcess temperature2)−20°C to +130°C Storage temperature−20°C to +100°C Relative humidity< 90%, non-condensing Pressure rating (BTL outerrod)≤ 300 barPressure rating (limited byfloat)≤ 4 barDegree of protection perIEC 60529 (when attached)IP 671) Operating temperature: maximum permissible operating temperature at the BTL housing.2) Process temperature: maximum permissible temperature of the rod below the flange (with contact with the media).Certain production processes require e.g. sterilization at 120°C–130°C for 0.5–1 hour.Supply voltage (external)6.3Voltage, stabilizedBTL5-A/C/E1...20 to 28 V DCRipple≤ 0.5 V ppCurrent draw≤ 150 mAInrush current≤ 3 A/0.5 msReverse polarity protection InstalledOvervoltage protection36 VDielectric strength GND to housing 500 V DCOutputs6.4BTL5-A...Output voltage0 to10 V and 10 to 0 VLoad current≤ 5 mABTL5-C...Output current0 to 20 mA and 20 to 0 mALoad resistance≤ 500 OhmsBTL5-E...Output current 4 to 20 mA and 20 to 4 mALoad resistance≤ 500 OhmsDimensions, weights6.5Diameter of outer rod10.2 mmNominal length≤ 2500 mmWeight (depends on length)Approx. 2 kg/mHousing material Stainless steel 1.4404Outer rod material Stainless steel 1.4404Outer rod wall thickness 2 mmYoung's modulus Approx. 200 kN/mm2Housing mounting 1 1/2" tri-clamp as perSSI 3A standard 74-03 andseal BAM SE-XA-002-D38(see accessories onpage 12)611english12englishAccessories are not included in the scope of delivery and must be ordered separately.Float BTL-S-3112-4Z7.1Ø 31Ø 11.769ImpressionFig. 7-1: Float BTL-S-3112-4ZWeight 30 gHousing 1.4404 stainless steel Electrolytic polishing Operating temperature−20°C to 130°CIncluded in the scope of delivery for the float:Float–Instructions–Cotter pin (spring pin 2x30)–Fig. 7-2: Spring pin 2x307Tri-clamp BAM MC-XA-006-D387.2Fig. 7-3:BAM MC-XA-006-D38Material USA ASTM 316 (1.4401)Seal BAM SE-XA-002-D387.3Fig. 7-4: BAM SE-XA-002-D38Material PolytetrafluorethyleneWelded port AD-XA-003-D387.4Fig. 7-5: BAM AD-XA-003-D38MaterialSt. no. w. 1.4435 BN2 (Fe < 0.5%) acc. to EB 100888BTL5 - E 1 7 - M0500 - SF - F05 Micropulse transducerInterface:A = Analog interface, voltage output 0 to 10 VC = Analog interface, current output 0 to 20 mAE = Analog interface, current output 4 to 20 mASupply voltage:1 = 24 V DCOutput gradient:0 = Rising (C_0 = 0 to 20 mA, E_0 = 4 to 20 mA)1 = Rising + falling (A_1 = 10 to 0 V and 0 to 10 V)7 = Falling (C_7 = 20 to 0 mA, E_7 = 20 to 4 mA)Nominal stroke (4-digit):M0500 = Metric specification in mm, nominal length 500 mmConstruction:SF = Plug-in flangeFastening: 1 1/2" tri-clampElectrical connection:F05 = Teflon cable, radial outlet 5 menglish13Converting units of length 9.11 mm = 0.0393700787 inchesConversion table mm to inches Tab. 9-1:1 inch = 25.4 mmConversion table inches to mm Tab. 9-2:Part label9.2Fig. 9-1:TypeSerial number BTL5 part label9Ordering code14english。
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4.9.1 4.9.2
30 days @ 85°C 1000h, 2000h, 8000h @85°C
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Load capacitance CL Adjustment tolerance Frequency stability Frequency stability over temperature range operating temperature range (steady state) long term (aging) Resonance resistance Rr max Motional capacitance C1 Static capacitance C0 Drive level Insulation resistance Storage temperature range Enclosure (see drawing) Can height Flange width SMD configuration marking
微型专题---------------- 克难解疑箱准高豉一、核外电子排布规律的应用【例1】现有部分元素的原子结构特点如表:X L 层电子数是K 层电子数的3倍Y 核外电子层数等于原子序数Z L 层电子数是K 层和M 层电子数之和 W最外层电子数是次外层电子数的2.5倍(1) 画出 W 原子的结构示意图: ______________________________________________________ 。
(2) 元素X 与元素Z 相比,非金属性较强的是 ___________________________________________ (填 元素名称),写出一个能表示 X 、Z 非金属性强弱关系的化学方程式:第1章 原子结构与元素周期律微型专题重点突破(一)1 •学会粒h 嵯m 离厲半隹大小的比较.会判悔I 元夷窑属性、非会困性的强團=2-覘据“位一构TT 之间的关系.学泪悴答元素 捋断趙的方袪。
¥习目标/4£心第L.庄观群识与删EKE 折;JMJH F 结樹认识元素的性 J6,宠眩t 结构虫定性质“的规念"2.证据推理与模型认知:根据元素周朗誤和元素間 配津建立拐笑知识应用的思■堆模舉。
(3) 元素X和元素Y以原子个数比1 :1化合形成化合物Q元素W和元素Y化合形成化合物M 且Q 和M的电子总数相等。
以液态M为还原剂,Q为氧化剂,发生反应最终生成无毒的、在自然界中稳定存在的物质,写出该反应的化学方程式:考点原子结构与核外电子排布题点核外电子排布与应用答案⑴⑵氧2fS+ Q===2H0+ 2S J (其他合理答案亦可)(3) N 2H+ 2fO2===Nf + 4H2O解析X元素原子的L层电子数是K层电子数的3倍,根据核外电子排布规律,可知L层为6 个电子,所以X为氧元素;Y元素原子的核外电子层数等于原子序数,Y只能是氢元素;Z元素原子的L层电子数是K层和M层电子数之和,L层有8个电子,则其M层电子数为6,所以Z是硫元素;W元素原子的最外层电子数是次外层电子数的 2.5倍,其次外层只能是K层,有2个电子,所以W为氮元素。
液晶显示窗口 现场开/关旋钮 控制方式设置旋钮
SDA 制造的 AS 电动阀门执行器适用于各种类型的电动阀门,如闸阀、球阀、蝶阀、风门、闸板等。 执行器与阀门通过联轴器实现传动,AS 执行器的输出接口符合国际标准。
在不安装第二级减速箱的情况下,AS00-AS35 电动阀门执行器最大可输出 2000N·m 的转矩,或 330kN 的推力。所有 AS 执行器都提供推力型或非推力型联轴器,提供顶部安装手轮,AS30、32、35 可 选带减速器的侧面安装的手轮。
注:1. 虚线表示执行器外盖的拆卸空间;
2. ○△ 表示将安装联轴器的面,执行器通过联轴器来驱动阀门,SDA 提供多种联轴器供用户选择。
AS 系列电动阀门执行器 选型手册
AS20/AS25 执行器
手动/电动切换手柄 电动机
液晶显示窗口 现场开/关旋钮 控制方式设置旋钮
注:1. 虚线表示执行器外盖的拆卸空间;
2. ○△ 表示将安装联轴器的面,执行器通过联轴器来驱动阀门,SDA 提供多种联轴器供用户选择。
AS 系列电动阀门执行器 选型手册
AS10/AS15 执行器
手动/电动切换手柄 电动机
液晶显示窗口 现场开/关旋钮 控制方式设置旋钮
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T 8529-1997
IIBT6 (Iห้องสมุดไป่ตู้C)
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2020-2021年新教材高一必修第一册知识讲学卓越讲义(新人教版)第一章运动的描述第2节时间位移一、知识点归纳知识点一时刻与时间间隔1.时间间隔与时刻的关系(1)我们日常生活中说的“时间”有时指的是时刻,有时指的是时间间隔,需要根据实际问题来判断是时间间隔还是时刻.(2)当时间轴上的两个点无限靠近时,它们之间的时间间隔就会趋于零,时间间隔就趋于时刻了.(3)同一时刻表示方法可能不同,如“第5 s末”“5 s末”“第6 s初”指的均是同一时刻,在时间轴上均为“5 s”这一点.注意关键字词的使用,如“初”“末”“时”一般表示时刻,而“内”“用”“经过”“历时”一般表示时间间隔.(4)关于时间间隔的测量,生活中一般用各种钟表来计时,在实验室里和运动场上常用停表计时.知识点二 三种坐标系的比较M 点位置坐标:x =2 mN 点位置坐标:x =3 m ,y =4 mP 点位置坐标:x =3 m ,y =4 m ,z =2 m知识点三 位移和路程的区别与联系物体由A 点运动到B 点,弧AB ︵的长度即为物体的路程物体由A 点运动到B 点,有向线段AB 的大小和方向表示物体的位移的大小和方向(1)都是描述物体运动的空间特征知识点五位移—时间(xt)图像1.xt图像的物理意义:xt图像反映了物体的位移随时间的变化关系,图像上的某一点表示运动物体在某时刻所处的位置或相对于坐标原点的位移.2.xt图像的应用(1)位移—时间图像不是物体的运动轨迹.(2)位移—时间图像只能描述直线运动,不能描述曲线运动.知识点六实验:练习使用打点计时器1.实验步骤(1)把电磁打点计时器固定在桌子上,让纸带穿过限位孔,压在复写纸下.(2)把电磁打点计时器的两个接线柱用导线分别与电源的正负接线柱相连接.(3)打开电源开关,用手水平拉动纸带,纸带上就打下了许多小点.(4)取下纸带,关闭电源,从能看得清的某个点数起,数一数纸带上共有多少个点,如果有n个点,那么点的间隔数为(n-1),纸带的运动时间t=0.02×(n-1) s.(5)用刻度尺测量从开始计数的一点到最后一点间的距离x.(6)在纸带上找出连续的6个点,分别标上A、B、C、D、E、F,用刻度尺量出相邻两个点之间的距离x1、x2、x3、x4、x5,把数据填入下表.附表格:(1)实验前,应将打点计时器固定好,以免拉动纸带时晃动,并先轻轻试拉纸带,应无明显的阻滞现象.(2)使用打点计时器打点时,应先接通电源,待打点计时器打点稳定后,再拉动纸带.(3)手拉动纸带时速度应适中,以防点迹太密或太疏.(4)使用电火花计时器时,应注意把纸带正确穿好,墨粉纸盘位于纸带上方,使用电磁打点计时器时,应让纸带穿过限位孔,压在复写纸下面.(5)打点计时器不能连续工作太长时间,打完点后应立即关闭电源.(6)对纸带进行测量时,不要分段测量各段的位移,正确的做法是一次测量完毕(可先统一测量出各个测量点到起始测量点O之间的距离).读数时应估读到毫米的下一位.二、题型分析题型一关于时间间隔与时刻的关系【例1】2019年10月1日,为了纪念中华人民共和国成立70周年,我国在北京天安门广场举行了盛大的阅兵式.关于阅兵的组织实施,下列选项涉及时间间隔的是()A.9月3日10:00,李克强宣布纪念大会开始B.9月3日10:23,高亢嘹亮的检阅号角响起,总书记开始检阅部队C.阅兵按照机动进入、列队、阅兵式、分列式、疏散回撤5个步骤组织实施,阅兵式和分列式时间大约70分钟D.阅兵式上,有三个“70”特别醒目:鸣放礼炮70响、10个英模方队共打出70面旗、空中护旗方队采取“70”纪念字样编队飞行【答案】C【解析】关于时刻和时间间隔,一定要抓住最主要的问题.时刻对应时间轴上的一个点;而时间间隔则对应时间轴上的一段.A选项中“10:00”、B选项中“10:23”,都对应时间轴上的一个点,即时刻;而“70 min”指的是所经历的时间,它对应时间轴上的一段,即时间间隔;在D选项中的“70”既不是时刻也不是时间间隔,因此C正确.【方法总结】解答此类问题,首先要注意时刻和时间间隔分别对应于时间轴上的一个点和一条线段,其次要特别注意:第n s末就是第(n+1) s初;n s内不等于第n s内,n s内指的是从0~n s末共n s的时间,而第n s内指的是从(n-1) s末至n s末共1 s的时间.【变式1】(2019-2020学年·天津武清高一期末)2019年1月6日早8时,天空上演“日偏食”罕见现象,我国可见地主要集中在中东部地区,北方大部地区可见“带食日出”现象持续了约2小时.据悉,2019年全球内有3次日食发生,在我国可以观察到的有2次,今天就是其中之一,下一次得等到12月26日了.下列说法正确的是( )A .“6日早8时”是时间间隔B .“约2小时”是时刻C .研究日偏食时,可以把太阳当做质点D .研究地球绕太阳做圆周运动时,可以把地球当做质点 【答案】D.【解析】:“6日早8时”是时刻,“约2小时”是时间间隔,故A 、B 错误;研究日偏食时,要考虑太阳的大小,故不能把太阳当做质点,故C 错误;研究地球绕太阳做圆周运动时,地球的直径远小于轨道半径,故可以把地球当做质点,故D 正确.题型二 曲线运动中位移和路程的计算【例1】一个人晨练,按如图所示做半径为R 的中国古代的八卦图运动,中央的“S”部分是两个直径为R 的半圆.他从A 点出发沿曲线ABCOADC 行进.求:(1)他从A 点第一次走到O 点时的位移的大小和方向; (2)他从A 点第一次走到D 点时的位移和路程.【思路点拨】:℃路程是运动轨迹的长度,而位移为始末位置间的有向线段. ℃求位移时要求出位移的大小和方向.【答案】(1)R 由北指向南 (2)2R ,方向为东偏南45° 2.5πR【解析】(1)从A 点第一次走到O 点时的位移的大小等于线段AO 的长度,即x 1=R .位移的方向为由北指向南.(2)从A 点第一次走到D 点时的位移的大小等于线段AD 的长度,即x 2=2R .位移的方向为东偏南45°.从A 点第一次走到D 点时的路程等于整个运动轨迹的长度,即s =34×2πR +2π×R2=2.5πR .【方法总结】位移的两种计算方法(1)几何法:根据位移的定义先画出有向线段,再根据几何知识计算.(2)坐标法:写出初末位置坐标,位移即为末位置坐标减初位置坐标,结果中的正负号表示位移方向. 【变式2】如图所示,自行车的车轮半径为R ,车轮沿直线无滑动地滚动,当气门芯由轮子的正上方第一次运动到轮子的正下方时,气门芯位移的大小为 ( )A .πRB .2RC.2πR D.4+π2R【答案】D【解析】如图所示气门芯由轮子的正上方第一次运动到轮子的正下方的过程中,初、末位置之间的距离,也就是位移大小为x =(2R)2+(πR)2=4+π2R,因此选项D正确,其他选项均错误.题型三直线运动中位移和路程的计算【例3】(多选)某一运动质点沿一直线做往返运动,如图所示,x OA=x AB=x CO=x DC=1 m,O点为x轴上的原点,且质点由A点出发,向x轴的正方向运动至B点再返回沿x轴的负方向运动,以下说法正确的是()A.质点在A→B→C的时间内发生的位移为2 m,方向沿x轴正方向,路程为4 mB.质点在B→D的时间内发生的位移为-4 m,方向沿x轴负方向,路程为4 mC.当质点到达D点时,其位置可用D点的坐标-2 m表示D.当质点到达D点时,相对于A点的位移为-3 m【答案】BCD【解析】由于x AC=-2 m,因此质点在A→B→C的时间内,位移大小为2 m,位移方向为A到C,沿x轴负方向,所以位移为-2 m,路程为4 m,A错误;在B→D的时间内,质点经过的路程为4 m,位移方向由B指向D,与正方向相反,沿x轴负方向,所以位移为-4 m,路程为4 m,B正确;当质点到达D点时,位置在原点的左侧,坐标为-2 m,C正确;当质点到达D点时,在A点左侧3 m处,规定向右为正方向,所以相对于A点的位移为-3 m,D正确.【方法总结】1.直线运动位移的计算物体做直线运动时,它的位移可通过初、末位置的坐标值计算.如图所示,在t1~t2时间内,物体从位置x A 移动到位置x B,发生的位移Δx=x B-x A.对于甲图,Δx=3 m;对于乙图,Δx=-5 m.甲乙2.直线运动位移的方向在直线运动中,位移的方向一般用正负号来表示.如图甲所示,Δx>0,表示位移的方向沿x轴正方向;如图乙所示,Δx<0,表示位移的方向沿x轴负方向.这样就可以用一个带正负号的数值,把直线运动中位移矢量的大小和方向表示出来了.【变式3】一质点在x轴上运动,各个时刻的位置坐标如下表:(1)该质点前2 s(2)该质点第3 s内的位移的大小是__________,方向________.(3)该质点前5 s的总位移的大小是__________,方向________.【答案】(1)6 m沿x轴负方向(2)3 m沿x轴正方向(3)4 m沿x轴正方向【解析】(1)前2 s的位移Δx1=x2-x0=-4 m-2 m=-6 m,即位移的大小为6 m,方向沿x轴负方向.(2)第3 s内的位移Δx2=x3-x2=-1 m-(-4) m=3 m,即位移的大小为3 m,方向沿x轴正方向.(3)前5 s的总位移Δx3=x5-x0=6 m-2 m=4 m,即位移的大小为4 m,方向沿x轴正方向.题型四对矢量和标量的理解【例4】(多选)物体做直线运动时可以用坐标轴上的坐标表示物体的位置,用坐标的变化量Δx表示物体的位移.如图所示,一个物体从A运动到C,它的位移Δx1=-4 m-5 m=-9 m,从C运动到B,它的位移为Δx2=1 m-(-4 m)=5 m.下列说法中正确的是()A.A到C的位移大于C到B的位移,因为负号表示位移的方向,不表示大小B.C到B的位移大于A到C的位移,因为正数大于负数C.因为位移是矢量,所以这两个矢量的大小无法比较D.物体由A到B的合位移Δx=Δx1+Δx2【答案】AD【解析】位移是矢量,比较位移的大小时,只需比较数值,不要带正、负号,选项B、C错误,A正确;因Δx1=x C-x A,Δx2=x B-x C,所以物体由A到B的合位移Δx=x B-x A=Δx1+Δx2,选项D正确.【方法总结】矢量、标量的大小比较(1)矢量的正、负只表示方向,不代表大小,比较矢量大小时只看其绝对值.(2)比较两个标量大小时,有的比较绝对值,如电荷量,有的比较代数值,如温度.【变式4】下列关于矢量和标量的说法中正确的是()A.选定正方向,做直线运动的甲、乙两物体的位移x甲=3 m,x乙=-5 m,则x甲>x乙B.甲、乙两运动物体的位移大小均为50 m,这两个物体的位移必定相同C.温度计读数有正有负,所以温度是矢量D.温度计读数的正负号表示温度高低,不表示方向,温度是标量【答案】D【解析】直线运动中位移的正负号表示方向,不表示大小,故选项A错误;两个矢量大小相等、方向相同时,它们才相同,故选项B错误;温度是标量,温度的正负号表示温度的高低,故选项C错误,D正确.题型五位移—时间(xt)图像的理解与应用【例5】某一做直线运动的物体的图像如图所示,根据图像求:(1)物体距出发点的最远距离;(2)前4 s内物体的位移;(3)前4 s内物体通过的路程.【答案】(1)4 m(2)-2 m(3)10 m【解析】(1)物体距出发点最远的距离x m=4 m.(2)前4 s内物体的位移x=x2-x1=(-2-0) m=-2 m.(3)前4 s内物体通过的路程s=s1+s2+s3=4 m+4 m+2 m=10 m.【变式5】.一质点的x t图像如图所示,求它在前2 s内和前4 s内的位移.【答案】-5 m-10 m【解析】前2 s内的位移x=x2-x1=0-5 m=-5 m前4 s内的位移x=x3-x1=-5 m-5 m=-10 m.题型六关于打点计时器的使用【例6】(多选)关于打点计时器的原理和使用方法,下列说法中正确的是()A.打点计时器应接交流电源,交流频率通常为50 HzB.如果纸带上相邻两个计数点之间有四个点,则相邻两个计数点间的时间间隔是0.08 sC.如果打点计时器在纸带上打下的点先密集后稀疏,则说明纸带的速度由小变大D.电磁打点计时器接在220 V电源上,电火花计时器接在6 V电源上【答案】AC【解析】打点计时器使用交流电,电磁打点计时器使用6 V以下的低压交流电源;电火花计时器使用220 V 交流电源,相邻两计数点的时间间隔是0.1 s.【变式6】(1)在做用打点计时器测速度的实验时,要用到打点计时器,打点计时器是一种计时仪器,其电源频率为50 Hz,常用的“电磁打点计时器”使用的电压是________V的________(选填“直流电”或“交流电”),它每隔________s打一个点.(2)接通打点计时器电源和让纸带开始运动,这两个操作之间的时间顺序关系是________.A.先接通电源,再让纸带运动B .先让纸带运动,再接通电源C .让纸带运动的同时接通电源D .先让纸带运动或先接通电源都可以(3)用打点计时器测定物体的速度,当电源频率低于50 Hz 时,如果仍按50 Hz 的时间间隔打一个点计算,则测出的速度数值将比物体的真实数值________. 【答案】:(1)4~6 交流电 0.02 (2)A (3)偏大【解析】:(1)电磁打点计时器的工作电压是6 V 以下的交流电,一般是4~6 V .打点间隔为交流电的频率的倒数,当电源的频率是50 Hz 时,打点周期是0.02 s.(2)使用打点计时器时,应先接通电源,让打点计时器工作,再让纸带运动使打点计时器在上面打出点迹,故A 项正确.(3)当交流电的频率低于50 Hz 时,打点计时器打一次点的时间间隔t 将大于0.02 s ,利用公式v =Δx Δt 计算时,t 取0.02 s 时比真实值偏小,因此测出的速度将比真实值偏大.三、课堂检测1.为庆祝元旦,某校高一和高二学生组织了一场足球比赛,下列关于比赛的表述中涉及的计时数据,指时间间隔的是( )A .比赛于2019年1月1日下午2点30分开始B .开场20秒时,红队率先进球C .比赛第30分钟,蓝队换人D .整场比赛共踢了90分钟 【答案】D【解析】2019年1月1日下午2点30分是比赛开始的时刻,开场20秒时是红队进球的时刻,比赛第30分钟是蓝队换人的时刻,因此选项A 、B 、C 中的计时数据都是指时刻;90分钟是整场比赛所用的时间,是时间间隔,因此选项D 正确.2.(多选)关于矢量和标量,下列说法中正确的是( )A .矢量是既有大小又有方向的物理量B .标量只有大小没有方向C .-10 m 的位移比5 m 的位移小D .-10 ℃的温度比5 ℃的温度低 【答案】ABD【解析】由矢量和标量的概念可知A 、B 均正确;-10 m 的位移大小为10 m ,比5 m 的位移大,C 错误;温度是标量,-10 ℃的温度比5 ℃的温度低,所以D 正确. 3.(多选)下列关于位移与路程的说法中正确的是( ) A .出租车收费标准为2.00元/km ,“km”指的是位移 B .一个标准操场是400 m ,“400 m”指的是路程 C .从学校到家约2 km 的行程,“2 km”指的是路程 D .田径比赛中的200 m 比赛,“200 m”指的是位移 【答案】BC【解析】出租车收费标准是按路程制定的,A错误;一个标准操场是400 m,“400 m”指最内侧跑道的周长,指路程,田径比赛中的200 m比赛跑道是弯曲的,“200 m”指的是路程,B正确,D错误;从学校到家的行程指的是路径的长度,“2 km”指的是路程,C正确.4.(2019-2020学年·天津河北高一模拟)如图所示,在距墙1 m的A点,小球以某一速度冲向与墙壁固定的弹簧,将弹簧压缩到最短是到达距墙0.2 m的B点,然后又被弹回至距墙1.5 m的C点静止,则从A点到C 点的过程中,小球的位移大小和路程分别是()A.0.5 m、1.3 m B.0.8 m、1.3 mC.0.8 m、1.5 m D.0.5 m、2.1 m【答案】D.【解析】:位移的大小等于初末位置的距离,可知位移的大小等于AC的距离,即为1.5 m-1 m=0.5 m;路程等于运动轨迹的长度,可知s=(1+1.5-2×0.2) m=2.1 m,故D正确,A、B、C错误.5.(多选)使用打点计时器时应注意()A.无论使用电磁打点计时器还是电火花计时器,都应该把纸带穿过限位孔,再把套在轴上的复写纸压在纸带上面B.使用打点计时器时应先接通电源,再拉动纸带C.使用打点计时器时,拉动纸带的方向应与限位孔平行D.打点计时器只能连续工作很短的时间,打点完成后要立即关闭电源【答案】BCD.【解析】:电磁打点计时器需要复写纸,电火花计时器不需要复写纸,A错;实验时应先接通电源,再拉动纸带,可在纸带上打出更多的点,纸带的利用率更高,B对;拉动纸带的方向与限位孔平行可减小摩擦,C 对;打点计时器不能长时间连续工作,D对.6.明明同学讲了一个龟兔赛跑的故事,按照明明讲的故事情节,聪聪画出了如图所示的兔子和乌龟的位移—时间图像,请依照图像并结合物理学规律判断下列描述正确的是()A.兔子和乌龟是在同时从同地出发的B.兔子和乌龟在比赛途中相遇过一次C.乌龟做的是匀速直线运动,兔子是沿着折线跑的D.乌龟先通过预定位置到达终点【答案】D【解析】由图读出,兔子和乌龟是从同地在不同时刻出发的,兔子在乌龟出发后t1时间出发,故A错误.在t2和t4两个时刻,兔子和乌龟位移相同,两者相遇,说明兔子和乌龟在比赛途中相遇过两次,故B错误.乌龟做的是匀速直线运动,兔子先做匀速直线运动,在t3~t5时间内静止,t5时刻以后又沿原方向做匀速直线运动,兔子不是沿着折线跑的,故C错误.由图看出,t6时刻乌龟到达终点,而兔子还没有到达终点,说明乌龟先通过预定位移到达终点,故D正确.7.(多选)(2019-2020学年·江西抚州高一期中)钓鱼岛自古就是我国固有领土,它到温州市直线距离为356 km,若某天我国海监船为维护我国对钓鱼岛主权,早上8:00从温州出发去钓鱼岛巡航,历时8小时20分钟到达钓鱼岛,航行了480 km,下列说法中正确的是()A.8小时20分是指时刻B.8:00是指时刻C.该海监船位移为356 km,路程为480 km D.由于海监船比较大,所以不可能将它看做质点【答案】BC.【解析】:历时8小时20分,用了一段时间,为时间间隔,故A错误;8:00出发,指的是一个时间点,因此为时刻,故B正确;位移是从初位置到末位置的有向线段,为356 km;路程为轨迹的实际长度,为480 km,故C正确;该海监船在海上航行时,确定位置时其大小可以忽略不计,故可以将该海监船看成质点,故D错误.8.如图所示,一辆汽车在马路上行驶,t=0时,汽车在十字路口中心的左侧20 m处;过了2 s,汽车正好到达十字路口的中心;再过3 s,汽车行驶到了十字路口中心右侧30 m处.如果把这条马路抽象为一条坐标轴x,十字路口中心定为坐标轴的原点,向右为x轴的正方向.(1)试将汽车在三个观测时刻的位置坐标填入下表:(2)求前2 s内、后3 s【答案】(1)-20 m030 m(2)20 m30 m50 m方向都与x轴正方向相同【解析】(1)马路演化为坐标轴,因为向右为x轴的正方向,所以,在坐标轴上原点左侧的点的坐标为负值,原点右侧的点的坐标为正值,即:x1=-20 m,x2=0,x3=30 m.(2)前2 s内的位移Δx1=x2-x1=0-(-20 m)=20 m后3 s内的位移Δx2=x3-x2=30 m-0=30 m这5 s内的位移Δx=x3-x1=30 m-(-20 m)=50 m上述位移Δx1、Δx2和Δx都是矢量,大小分别为20 m、30 m和50 m,方向都向右,即与x轴正方向相同.四、课后提升作业一、单项选择题1.如图所示的时间轴,下列关于时刻和时间间隔的说法中正确的是()A.t2表示时刻,称为第2 s末或第3 s初,也可以称为2 s 内B.t2~t3表示时间间隔,称为第3 s内C.t0~t2表示时间间隔,称为最初2 s 内或第2 s内D.t n-1~t n表示时间间隔,称为第(n-1) s内【答案】B.【解析】:在时间轴上,t2是第2 s末或第3 s初,是时刻,而2 s内是时间间隔,故A错;t2~t3表示第3 s 内,是时间间隔,故B对;t0~t2表示时间间隔,称为最初2 s内,是指2 s的时间间隔,而第2 s内是指第2个1 s的时间间隔,二者不同,故C错;t n-1~t n表示时间间隔,应为第n s内,故D错.2.电磁打点计时器是一种使用交流电源的计时仪器,根据打点计时器打出的纸带,不经计算,通过测量可以从纸带上直接得到的物理量是()A.时间间隔B.位移C.平均速度D.瞬时速度【答案】B.【解析】:时间间隔可以通过数纸带上所打点的个数经过计算得出,位移可以通过测量纸带上所打点之间的距离得出,而平均速度或者瞬时速度都是依据实验数据通过计算得出,故应选B.3.(多选)物体做直线运动时可以用坐标轴上的坐标表示物体的位置,用坐标的变化量Δx表示物体的位移.如图所示,一个物体从A运动到C,它的位移Δx1=-4 m-5 m=-9 m,从C运动到B,它的位移为Δx2=1 m-(-4 m)=5 m.下列说法中正确的是()A.A到C的位移大于C到B的位移,因为负号表示位移的方向,不表示大小B.C到B的位移大于A到C的位移,因为正数大于负数C.因为位移是矢量,所以这两个矢量的大小无法比较D.物体由A到B的合位移Δx=Δx1+Δx2【答案】AD【解析】位移是矢量,比较位移的大小时,只需比较数值,不要带正负号,选项B、C错误,A正确;因Δx1=x C-x A,Δx2=x B-x C,所以物体由A到B的合位移Δx=x B-x A=Δx1+Δx2,选项D正确.4.(2019-2020学年·深圳高一检测)一个人沿着半径是40 m 的圆形喷水池边散步,当他走了3圈半时,他的位移大小和经过的路程约是( )A .879 m ,879 mB .80 m ,879 mC .80 m ,80 mD .879 m ,80 m【答案】B.【解析】:此人的位移大小等于圆形喷水池的直径80 m .他经过的路程约是3.5×2×40×3.14 m≈879 m ,故选项B 正确.5.关于高铁从铜仁开往贵阳的下列叙述中指“时间”的是( )A .上午9时10分,高铁从铜仁站出发B .高铁在10时整车头到达某信号灯标C .高铁在10时22分到达贵阳站D .高铁在凯里站停车3分钟【答案】D【解析】“上午9时10分”是指开车出发的时刻,选项A 错误;“10时整”是指车头到达某信号灯标的时刻,选项B 错误;“10时22分”是指高铁到达贵阳站的时刻,选项C 错误;“3分钟”是指高铁在凯里站停车的时间,选项D 正确.6.(2019-2020学年·惠阳高一检测)如图所示,物体沿两个半径为R 的圆弧由A 到C ,则它的位移和路程分别为( )A.5π2R ,方向由A 指向C ;10RB.5π2R ,方向由A 指向C ;5π2R C.10R ,方向由A 指向C ;5π2R D.10R ,方向由C 指向A ;5π2R 【答案】C.【解析】:从A 到C 的直线距离l =(3R )2+R 2=10R ,所以位移为10R ,方向由A 指向C ;从A 到C的路径长度为52πR ,所以路程为52πR . 7.(2019-2020学年·重庆高一月考)某质点向东运动12 m ,又向西运动20 m ,又向北运动6 m ,则它运动的路程和位移大小分别是( )A .14 m ,10 mB .38 m ,10 mC .14 m ,6 mD .38 m ,6 m【答案】B.【解析】:如图所示可以知道路程为12 m +20 m +6 m =38 m ,位移大小为虚线长度:x =62+82 m =10 m.8.(2019-2020学年·德州高一检测)北京正负电子对撞机的核心部分是使电子加速的环形室.若一电子在环形室里做半径为R 的圆周运动,转了3圈又回到原位置,则电子在此运动过程中位移的最大值和路程的最大值分别为( )A .2πR ,2πRB .2R ,2RC .2R ,6πRD .2πR ,2R 【答案】C.【解析】:位移的最大值为圆周直径2R ,路程最大值为3圈圆周长度6πR ,故C 正确.9.一质点在x 轴上运动,各时刻位置坐标如表所示,若物体从第2 s 初到第3 s 末发生的位移的大小为x 1,在第4 s 内发生的位移大小为x 2,则对这两段时间内的位移大小和方向描述正确的是( )A.x 1>x 2,方向相同12C .x 1<x 2,方向相反D .x 1>x 2,方向相反【答案】A【解析】由位移等于坐标变化可知,从第2 s 初到第3 s 末发生的位移为Δx 1=-1 m -4 m =-5 m .第4 s 内位移为Δx 2=-2 m -(-1)m =-1 m ,故A 正确.10.如图所示,一小球在光滑的V 形槽中由A 点释放,经B 点(与B 点碰撞所用时间不计)到达与A 点等高的C 点,设A 点的高度为1 m ,则全过程中小球通过的路程和位移大小分别为( )A.23 3 m ,233 m B.23 3 m ,43 3 m C.43 3 m ,233 m D.43 3 m,1 m 【答案】C【解析】路程大小为2h sin 60°=43 3 m ,位移大小为2h tan 60°=233 m ,故选项C 正确. 二、多项选择题11.关于时刻和时间间隔,下列说法正确的是( )A .某学校每周一早上6时10分升国旗,这里的“6时10分”指的是时刻B .高速摄像机拍摄子弹穿过苹果瞬间的照片,曝光时间为10-6 s ,这里的“10-6 s”指的是时刻C .中央电视台每晚新闻联播开始的时间是19时,这里的“19时”指的是时间间隔D.第4 s内指的是第3 s末到第4 s末这段时间间隔【答案】AD.【解析】:6时10分指时刻,选项A正确;10-6 s虽然很短,但指的是时间间隔,选项B错误;新闻联播开始于19时,指的是时刻,选项C错误;画时间轴可看出选项D正确.12.(多选)下列有关矢量、标量的说法正确的是()A.位移、时间都是标量B.位移是矢量,时间是标量C.物体先向东运动3 m,再向北运动2 m,物体的总位移是5 mD.物体先向东运动3 s,再向北运动2 s,物体的总运动时间是5 s【答案】BD【解析】位移是矢量,时间是标量,故A错误,B正确.物体先向东运动3 m,再向北运动2 m,物体的总位移是x=32+22m=13 m,故C错误.物体先向东运动3 s,再向北运动2 s,物体的总运动时间是t =3 s+2 s=5 s,故D正确.13.(2019-2020学年·浙江高一月考)港珠澳大桥全长49.968公里,2018年10 月24日9点正式通车,这座大桥的开通使得香港到珠海和澳门车程仅需要30分钟.下列说法不正确的是()A.30分钟是指时刻B.24日9点是指时间C.49.968公里是指路程D.49.968公里是指位移【答案】ABD.【解析】:30分钟为开车的时间间隔,故A错误;2018年10月24日9点是时刻,故B错误;运动轨迹的长度为路程,故“49.968公里”是路程,故C正确,D错误.14.(2019-2020学年·攀枝花高一检测)我国第24颗北斗导航卫星成功送入太空预定轨道,这标志着我国北斗卫星导航系统工程建设又迈出重要一步,北斗卫星导航系统将免费提供定位、测速和授时服务,定位精度10 m,测速精度0.2 m/s.以下说法正确的是()A.北斗导航卫星定位提供的是被测物体的位移B.北斗导航卫星定位提供的是被测物体的位置C.北斗导航卫星授时服务提供的是时间间隔D.北斗导航卫星授时服务提供的是时刻【答案】BD.【解析】:由位置、位移、时间间隔、时刻的定义可知,北斗导航卫星定位提供的是一个点,是位置,不是位置的变化,A错误,B正确;北斗导航卫星授时服务提供的是时刻,C错误,D正确.。
3.2设(DS)=6000H,(ES)=2000H,(SS)=1500H,(Si)=00A0H,(BX)=0800H ,(BP)=1200H ,数据变量VAR 为0050H. 请分别指出下列各条指令源操作数的寻址方式?它的物理地址是多少?(1) MOV AX,BX (2) MOV DL,80H(3) MOV AX, V AR (4) MOV AX,V AR[BX][SI](5) MOV AL, ‘B' (6) MOV DI, ES: [BX](7) MOV DX,[BP] (8) MOV BX ,20H[BX]解:(1)寄存器寻址。
因源操作数是寄存器,故寄存器BX 就是操作数的地址.(2)立即寻址。
操作数80H 存放于代码段中指令码MOV 之后。
( 4)基址一变址一相对寻址.操作数的物理地址 =(DS) × 16+ (SI)+ (BX) +VAR= 60000H + 00A0H +0800H +0050H =608F0H(5)立即寻址(6) 寄存器间接寻址 .操作数的物理地址 = (ES) × 16+ (BX)= 20000H + 0800H = 20800H(7) 寄存器间接寻址。
操作数的物理地址 = (SS) × 16+ (BP)= 15000H + 1200H= 16200H(8) 寄存器相对寻址.操作数的物理地址= (DS) × 16+ (BX) + 20H= 60000H +0800H +20H= 60820H3.3 假设 (DS)= 212AH,(CS)= 0200H,(IP)= 1200H,(BX)= 0500H, 位移量 DATA=40H ,(217A0H) =2300H ,(217E0H)=0400H , (217E2H) =9000H 试确定下列转移指令的转移地址 .(1) JMP BX(2) JMP WORD PTR[BX] (3) JMP DWORD PTR[BX+DA TA]解: 转移指令分为段内转移和段间转移, 根据其寻址方式的不同, 又有段内的直接转移 和间接转移, 以及段间的直接转移和间接转移地址。
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0.188 -23208.66009
0.200 -22405.81921
0.203 -22405.80868
0.196 -22408.13969
0.199 -22408.12718
lX—M: distance between the center of ring and metal atom
(Nimag) in parentheses, and relative energies (Er) of the As5-, [As5M]-, [As5MAs5]2- (M=Ti, Zr, Hf) species at B3LYP level
System As5[As5Ti]-
May [Article]
物理化学学报(Wuli Huaxue Xuebao) Acta Phys. 鄄Chim. Sin., 2008, 24(5):755-759
As5-、[As5M]-、[As5MAs5]2-(M=Ti, Zr, Hf)的结构和芳香性
dissected NICS of these species were computed to discuss the NICS contributions of the 滓 bonds, 仔 bonds, lone pairs,
(1College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Zhaoqing University, Zhaoqing 526061, Guangdong Province, P. R. China; 2 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sun Yat鄄Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, P. R. China)
[As5HfAs5]2- (D5h), the aromaticity mainly owed to the effects of the As—Hf bonds.
Key Words: Nucleus independent chemical shifts; Aromaticity; Sandwich complex
等进行了系统的理论研究. 理论上, [Al4]2-[12,13]、[N4]2-[14,15] 以及[P4]2- [16]以及 B6C2- [17]也可以作为配体与过渡金 属形成夹心型配合物. 上述研究中[7-17], 所得配合物的
基态结构均为重叠型或者交错型的, 分别具有 D5h 和D5d的点群对称性. 芳香性的As-5(D5h)[18]有六个仔电 子, 理论上也能与过渡金属形成夹心型配合物, 为此,
Sym. D5h C5v C2v C2v C5v C2v C2v C5v C2v C2v D5h D5d D5h D5d D5h D5d
State 1A1忆 1A1 1A1 1A1 1A1 1A1 1A1 1A1 1A1 1A1 1A1忆 1A1g 1A1忆 1A1g 1A1忆 1A1g
Received: December 24, 2007; Revised: January 31, 2008; Published on Web: March 17, 2008. 鄢Corresponding author. Email: ceszhcy@; Tel:+8620鄄84110523
李志伟 1 赵存元 2,鄢 陈六平 2
(1 肇庆学院化学化工学院, 广东 肇庆 526061; 2 中山大学化学与化学工程学院, 广州 510275)
摘要: 用密度泛函理论(DFT)研究了 As5-、[As5M]-和[As5MAs5]2- (M=Ti, Zr, Hf)的结构、频率、能量以及芳香性, 详细讨论了体系中不同类型的键和电子如化学键、孤对电子、核电子等对总的核独立化学位移(NICS)的影响. 结 果表明, As5-、[As5M]-和[As5MAs5]2-的基态结构分别具有 D5h、C5v 和 D5h 对称性, 而且都具有芳香性. As5-(D5h)的芳 香性主要来源于 As—As 仔 键和 As—As 滓 键的作用. [As5M]-(C5v)中各种 As—M 键的 NICS 分割值占主要优势, 其 次是 As—As 之间形成的 滓 键. [As5TiAs5]2-(D5h)中, As—As 仔 键的作用占主要优势. [As5ZrAs5]2-(D5h)中, As—As 仔 键 对体系总的 NICS 贡献相对减小, 而 As—Zr 键的作用增强. [As5HfAs5]2-(D5h)的芳香性主要来自 As—Hf 键的作用.
影响, 用分割 NICS 的方法进行了详细的芳香性研
1 计算方法
究. 全部计算工作都在 Gaussian 03[21]程序包中进行.
[As5M]-、[As5MAs5]2-(M=Ti, Zr, Hf)进行结构优化和
频率计算, 其中 As 和 Ti 原子用 6鄄311G(d)基组, Zr
图1 As-5、[As5M]-、[As5MAs5]2-(M=Ti, Zr, Hf)的几何构型 Fig.1 Geometric configurations of As5-, [As5M]-, and
[As5MAs5]2-(M=Ti, Zr, Hf) species at B3LYP level Numeral 6 denotes the metal M atoms and the rest denotes the As atoms.
由图 1 和表 1 可知, As5-的基态结构是个平面五元环 (D5h) (图 1a), 相邻 As 原子之间的键长为 0.234 nm, 没有虚频, 是个稳定结构. [As5M]-(M=Ti, Zr, Hf)的基
表 1 As5-、[As5M]-、[As5MAs5]2-(M=Ti, Zr, Hf)的各种构型的键长、总能量以及零点能(虚频数目) Table 1 The bond lengths(l), total energies (E), zero鄄point energies(EZ) and the number of imaginary frequency
仅与 仔 体系有关, 也与其它的化学键、孤对电子、核 电子等有关, 因此, 将总的 NICS 值分割成各种类型 的键、电子等的贡献[5,6], 有助于增加人们对芳香性起 源的理解. 近年来, 由于在基础研究、催化、材料科 学等各个领域的重要应用, 以二茂铁及其类似物为 代表的金属茂的研究引起了人们广泛的关注[7 . -11]
2 结果与讨论
2.1 结 构
和 Hf 原子用 lanl2dz 基组. 然后又在相同的理论水 平上, 利用 GIAO[20]方法计算了分子中不同空间位
优化后的三种体系 As5-、[As5M]-、[As5MAs5]2-的 几何构型如图 1 所示, 结构、能量参数如表 1 所示.
置的 NICS, 研究它们的芳香性. 为考察分子中不同 类型的键和电子如 仔 键、滓 键和孤对电子、核电子等 对 NICS 值的贡献, 进而研究它们对体系芳香性的
芳香性最初用于描述具有 4n+2仔 电子和化学 结构稳定性的环状平面共轭分子, 现在, 芳香性的 概念已经超越了传统限制[1,2]. 芳香性的判断标准有 很多, 核独立化学位移(NICS)[3,4]是个简单而有效的 判断指标, 可以通过量子化学计算而得. NICS 值为 负表示有芳香性, 为正意味着反芳香性. 而 NICS 不
关键词: 核独立化学位移; 芳香性; 夹心型配合物 中图分类号: O641
Structures and Aromaticities of As5-, [As5M]-, and [As5MAs5]2-(M=Ti, Zr, Hf)
LI Zhi鄄Wei1 ZHAO Cun鄄Yuan2,鄢 CHEN Liu鄄Ping2
EZ(a.u.) (Nimag) 0.004388(0) 0.005593(0) 0.005078(0) 0.004264(3) 0.005138(0) 0.004810(0) 0.004922(2) 0.004754(0) 0.004586(0) 0.004029(3) 0.010722(0) 0.010452(1) 0.010238(0) 0.010057(1) 0.009936(0) 0.009775(1)
and core electrons of As and M atoms. The calculations showed that the ground states of As5-, [As5M]-, and [As5MAs5]2-
were in D5h, C5v, and D5h symmetries, respectively, and they were aromatic with negative NICS values. The dissected NICS indicated that the aromaticity of As5-(D5h) mainly arised from the contributions of As—As 仔 and As—As 滓 bonds, and the total NICS of [As5M]-(C5v) were dominated by the contributions of As—M bonds with the As—As 滓 bond followed. The total NICS of [As5TiAs5]2-(D5h) arised mainly from the As—As 仔 bonds, and in the [As5ZrAs5]2-(D5h), the contribution of the As—As 仔 bonds reduced while the contribution of the As—Zr bond increased relatively. In the