Proteins associated with diseases show enhanced sequence correlation between charged residu
Chapter 52 - Acute and Chronic OsteomyelitisAnthony R BerendtCarl W NordenEPIDEMIOLOGYThe character of osteomyelitis changed with the advent of antibiotics, evolving from a disease of high mortality to a disease with high morbidity. Certain trends areapparent. Bone and joint tuberculosis has become less common in the developed world, although the advent of HIV-related diseasemay bring about a reversal in thattrend. An increasing number of chronic bone infections are now associated with trauma, surgery and joint replacement rather than being secondary to hematogenousspread.The epidemiology of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis has been detailed.[1]The incidence is higher in males, it varies among geographic areas (Fig. 52.1) and, insome areas, classical acute hematogenous infection is in long-term decline.[2]The male-to-female ratio increases with age from 1.25 in the 0- to 4-year age group to3.69 in the 13- to 19-year age group. There are substantially higher rates in Maori children from New Zealand and Aboriginal children from Western Australia comparedboth with white children living in the same areas and with children living in Europe. Although almost certainly socioeconomic in origin, these differences may also beinfluenced by host genetic factors.There is less clear information on the epidemiology of chronic osteomyelitis, with the exception of diabetic foot infections.[3]There are an estimated 11 million people inthe USA with diabetes; the majority of these have type 2 disease and hence are older adults. Some 3% of diabetic people developa foot ulcer annually and 10–30% ofpatients with an ulcer will eventually need an amputation. Of all amputations in people with diabetes, 60% are preceded by an infected ulcer. Foot problems have beenestimated to be responsible for 15% of the hospital admissions and 25% of the hospital bed usage among diabetic patients. The annual hospital costs for limbamputations that are related to diabetes amount to more than US$350 million. PATHOGENESIS AND PATHOLOGYMicrobial factorsAdhesion is the initial event in the localization of infection.[4]The initial loose adhesion to bone is potentially reversible. However, if the solid phase offers a configuration that is acceptable to the receptors of the micro-organisms, a more permanent adhesion occurs. Staphylococcus aureusstrains possess receptors forextracellular matrix components such as collagen, fibronectin, bone sialoprotein and osteopontin.[5][6]It is unclear which are crucial for the genesis of osteomyelitis, withconflicting data on the role of the collagen receptor. The fibronectin-binding proteins appear to play a role in attachment to,and invasion of, endothelial cells, eventsthat may be of relevance in the earliest stages of hematogenous seeding.[7]It is possible that trauma or injury may expose binding sites for strains of S. aureus.Following adhesion, firm attachment and adherent growth occurs. For staphylococci and some Gram-negative organisms, synthesis of an exocellular polysaccharide(glycocalyx) produces a 'biofilm', within which bacteria can form microcolonies (Fig. 52.2and Fig.52.3). Adherent growth confers phenotypic resistance to antibiotics,probably as a result of changes in cellular metabolism, and the glycocalyx may confer protection against phagocytes and complement.[8]Prostaglandins are potent bone resorption agents that enhance osteoclast activity and collagen synthesis. It was noted in studies of human bone, as well as in studiesof experimental osteomyelitis in animals, that increased production of prostaglandin E2 (the most potent prostenoid in the resorption of bone) was present.[9]Cytokines,in particular tumor necrosis factor, are also potent stimulators of osteoclast action. Finally, it has been recognized that molecules released from a number of thepathogens that cause osteomyelitis are potent stimulators of bone resorption, via cytokine release from monocytes and by stimulation of osteoclast formation.[10]PathologyAs in most organs, an insult to bone is followed by vascular and cellular responses. However, in bone this process is modified by the rigid nature of the bone, becausethe increased tissue pressure cannot be diffused into soft tissue. With increased intramedullary pressure, sinuses and capillaries are compressed in the marrow,producing infarction. At the infarction edge, there is reactive hyperemia, which is associated with increased osteoclastic activity. This in turn produces loss of bone andlocalized osteoporosis. An inflammatory process begins at the margin of the infarcted area and penetrates through the cortex into the subperiosteal area. Becausethere are few anchoring fibers in the periosteum of infants and children, the periosteum is readilystripped from the bone surface by the increased subperiostealpressure. This can result in disruption of the periosteal blood supply to the cortex, and this leads to cortical bone infarction, bone death and sequestrum formation. (Asequestrum is a macroscopic piece of dead bone that is retained within the overall bone structure.) Stripping from underlying bone is an osteogenic stimulus to theperiosteum, which responds by laying down new living bone. The end result is a shell of new bone around or above a dead segment, a response that preserves themechanical strength of the bone, even though parts of it are now dead.Classification systems for osteomyelitisThe most frequently used classification system is that of Waldvogel et al.[11]In this classification, infections are classified as hematogenous, secondary to a contiguousfocus of infection or related to vascular insufficiency. For chronic long bone osteomyelitis, a second classification system, developed by Cierney and Mader,[12]combines four stages of anatomic disease and three categories of physiologic host (Fig. 52.4). This classification is useful for describing severity and location ofinfection and for planning treatment, and it is amenable to study. The three categories of host are:¦ normal except for osteomyelitis¦ systemic or local compromise, and¦ treatment would be worse than the disease.572Figure 52-1 Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis in preschool children. Data from Gillespie.[1]Figure 52-2 Endosteum of bone showing staphylococci near the endosteal haversian canal.In-vitro incubation of bone chips with Staphylococcus aureusinterrupted at 48hours (scanning electromicrograph). From Norden CW, Gillespie WJ, Nade S. Infections in bones and joints. Blackwell Scientific Publications; 1994, with permission.Figure 52-3 Staphylococci enmeshed in glycocalyx near the haversian osteum.In-vitro incubation of bone chips with Staphylococcus aureusinterrupted at 48 hours (scanning electromicrograph). From Norden CW, Gillespie WJ, Nade S. Infections in bones and joints. Blackwell Scientific Publications; 1994, with permission.Figure 52-4 Anatomic classification of osteomyelitis in adult long bones. Adapted with permission from Mader JT, Calhoun J. Osteomyelitis. In: Mandel G, Bennet J, Dolin R, eds.Infectious diseases. New York: Churchill-Livingstone; 1995:1039–52.Causative agents of osteomyelitisIn acute hematogenous osteomyelitis in children, S. aureusaccounts for more than half of the organisms isolated.[13]The next most frequent group of isolates arestreptococci. In osteomyelitis or osteochondritis due to puncture wounds to the foot, Pseudomonas aeruginosais isolated frequently and is associated with the wearingof sneakers. The organism is found in the sole of the sneaker and is presumably carried into the foot by the puncturing nail.[14] Salmonellaspp., although an infrequentoverall cause, are strongly associated with sickle cell disease. In diabetic patients with foot infections, S. aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, enterococci, otherstreptococci and Corynebacteriumspp. are among the most frequent aerobic organisms that are isolated from bone. Anaerobic organisms are also frequently isolated,with Peptostreptococcusspp. being most common. Fungi, mycoplasma, mycobacteria, brucella, treponema, actinomycosis and parasites have also all been associatedwith osteomyelitis.573Pathogenesis of diabetic foot osteomyelitisThe pathogenesis of osteomyelitis in the diabetic foot is an important problem that merits additional consideration. Diabetic patients develop foot ulcers because of acombination of motor, sensory and autonomic neuropathy interacting with changes in the mechanical properties of the soft tissues of the foot. Motor neuropathy causesa high-arched foot with clawing of the toes, and this delivers excessive pressures to the metatarsal heads, the heel and the ends of the toes. Subluxation at the metatarsophalangeal joints not only brings the metatarsal head into a more prominent weight-bearing position but also causes the fibrous metatarsal pads to slip outfrom under the metatarsal heads. Sensory neuropathy reduces the response to pain, so that foreign bodies in the shoes are neglected, and clouds the recognition thatit is time to change an ill-fitting pair of shoes or rest the feet. Autonomic neuropathy is associated with excessive fissuringand cracking from dry, poorly lubricated skin,an ideal portal of entry. Nonenzymatic glycosylation of collagen leads to cross-linking, with increased stiffness.These factors together can readily lead to ulceration, which may lead down to a joint or bone. Loss of periosteum causes death of the superficial part of the cortex ofthe bone. Infection can track through the cortical bone into the medulla and spread rapidly up inside the long axis of the bone. Bone infarction and reaction to infectionthen proceeds just as in larger bones. Ischemia from peripheral vascular disease compounds the problem, as may diminished phagocyte function from poor glycemiccontrol.PREVENTIONThere is no known effective method of preventing the development of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis. There is also no proven effective means of preventing thedevelopment of osteomyelitis secondary to bacterial seeding from an infected focus, such as an intravenous catheter. Even with rapid removal of the catheter andtreatment for up to 6 weeks with an antimicrobial agent that is effective against the organism producing the bacteremia, osteomyelitis at a remote site has still beenshown to develop on occasion.[15]Antibiotic prophylaxis has been used successfully to prevent wound infections following surgery for noncompound hip fractures, and it has also been used successfullyin the placement of total hip and knee prostheses.[16]The end point of these studies has been wound infections, but it is reasonable to presume that a certain number ofpatients who develop wound infections could go on to develop infection of the underlying bone and, therefore, antibiotic prophylaxis may play some role in preventingosteomyelitis. In trauma of long bones, aggressive debridement of contaminated and devitalized tissue, with appropriate stabilization and soft tissue cover, has beenshown to reduce rates of infection.[17]Prevention of diabetic foot osteomyelitis involves prevention of ulceration. Patients should have an annual review of their feet with reference to pulses, protectivesensation, ulcers, callosities, evidence of infection, dermatophytosis and footwear. Those with a history of previous ulceration are at high risk of developing furtherulcers and need more frequent review from a trained podiatrist. Ulceration must be promptly treated with the aim of healing thesoft tissues to prevent the entry of newpathogens.CLINICAL FEATURESAcute hematogenous osteomyelitisEarly signs in children, particularly infants, are failure to move the affected extremity and pain on passive movement. These findings in an infant with an acute febrileillness should lead to suspicion of skeletal infection. Soft tissue changes of swelling, redness and heat occur late in osteomyelitis; if found early in the course of illness,one should suspect cellulitis. In older children, the diagnosis is often easier, but it may still be difficult to distinguish between bone and joint infection. Most radiographsdo not show evidence of infection until at least 10–14 days after the onset, but they may show soft tissue changes.In a large series, about 3% of children developed chronic infection as a complication.[13]However, most of these were associated with failure to treat adequately withantibiotics or with significant delays in treatment. Pathologic fractures are rare. If infection involves the growth plate, abnormal growth, resulting in either a shorter orlonger limb, can occur. In young children, infection can track out of the focus in the metaphysis into the joint, because the joint capsule inserts distal to the growth plate.In general, the outcome of acute osteomyelitis in pediatric patients is good, as long as patients are seen within 7–10 days of the onset of illness and treatment is begunand continued for at least 3 weeks.Subacute hematogenous osteomyelitisSome studies suggest that, in temperate zones at least, an increasing proportion of cases present with longer, more insidious histories of pain of more than 2-weekduration, with minimal functional impairment and without systemic illness. The diagnosis of osteomyelitis is generally made when radiology shows a suspicious lyticlesion in the metaphysis, which biopsy shows to be infective. Cultures are usually negative, but the patient responds well to curettage of the lesion andantistaphylococcal antibiotics. One series of such cases represented 7% of all cases of osteomyelitis seen in the reporting hospital over a 9-year period.[18]Chronic osteomyelitis in long bonesChronic osteomyelitis in long bones usually occurs as a result of trauma; less frequently it occurs as a complication of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis. Patientsusually report few systemic symptoms but are commonly troubled by persistent pain and drainage through sinus tracts. Following successful treatment, many patientscomment on the dramatic improvement in overall physical well-being, and some patients gain weight. The fundamental problem is the prolonged persistence of viablepathogens. The process involves the consequences of continuing necrosis, such as sequestrum and sinus formation, versus repair with new bone formation and scar (Fig 52.5and Fig 52.6).Figure 52-5 Chronic osteomyelitis.The patient is a 30-year-old man who was born in Pakistan and who, as a child, had chronic osteomyelitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Heis asymptomatic now except for occasional pain in the hip and a limp. The radiograph shows destruction of the femoral head and acetabulum, chronic changes in the femoral shaft and fusion of theright hip joint. Courtesy of Dr Joseph Mammone.574Figure 52-6 Chronic active osteomyelitis in the femur.This case of osteomyelitis was secondary to a fracture and open reduction and internal fixation 30 years before. Thisaxial, contrast-enhanced, fat-suppressed T1-weighted MRI scan shows cortical thickening and a focal intraosseous fluid collection with an enhancing rim, communicating via a sinus tract to the surfaceof the thigh (arrow).Potential complications of chronic osteomyelitis include septic arthritis if infection tracks into a joint, pathologic fracture, septicemia if a draining sinus becomes blockedand secondary amyloidosis, which is a rare occurrence (one series reported an incidence of about 1%).[19]A second rare complication, long recognized, is thedevelopment of squamous cell carcinoma in scar tissue. Again, the incidence is low (probably less than 1%) and those cases thathave been reported occurred after anaverage of 27 years of osteomyelitis with drainage. The clinical features that are characteristic of malignancy include increased pain, increased drainage, odor and amass. There was usually more radiographic evidence of bone destruction than is seen in patients with uncomplicated osteomyelitis.Vertebral osteomyelitisThe most typical presentation of vertebral osteomyelitis is back pain. The pain is increased by loading the spine and relieved by rest. The degree of pain may seem outof proportion to the examination; it is unusually severe, and night pain is an important feature. In about 10% of patients, symptoms may be present for less than 1 weekandFigure 52-7 Vertebral osteomyelitis.A sagittal, contrast-enhanced convential spin echo MRI scan (T1-weighted) demonstrates a posteriorly located epidural abscess at the L4–L5vertebral level with an enhancing rim and displacement of the nerve roots anteriorly. Courtesy of Dr Joseph Mammone.the illness appears more severe with fever, night sweats and other systemic signs of infection. In such patients, blood cultures are usually positive. The majority have asubacute presentation with symptoms of back pain that are present for anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 years before diagnosis. Generally, only about half of the patientsare febrile on initial evaluation.The major complications of vertebral osteomyelitis are neurologic symptoms, caused by retropulsion of disc material, an inflammatory mass or an associated epiduralabscess.[20]The classic clinical progression goes from spinal ache to root pain to weakness, followed by paralysis. Careful and repeated examination of patients withvertebral osteomyelitis is critical; if such symptoms begin, they should be investigated rapidly with radiologic studies, particularly magnetic resonance imaging (MRI; Fig52.7and Fig 52.8). Urgent surgical decompression is often needed.[21]Unfortunately, the neurologic complications of epidural abscess are not always reversible, so the goal of management should be detection at the earliest stage (Fig. 52.9).Bone infections that underlie pressure soresPatients with osteomyelitis beneath pressure sores are immobile, insensate at the pressure area or malnourished; they may be all of these things. Osteomyelitispresents as a failure of the patient to thrive, and a failure of the wound to heal, despite optimal nursing care and offloadingof the sore.[22]There may be pain, but it isoften not prominent. Systemic illness is ominous, implying the development of septicemia or the formation of an abscess. Depending on the degree of local sensoryimpairment and the location of the sore, underlying collections of pus can be very extensive. So too can be the extent of the wound, which may be deeply underminedand sloughy at presentation.Special patient populationsPatients undergoing hemodialysisIn patients undergoing hemodialysis who present with bony pain or fractures, there must be a high index of suspicion of bone infections. Bone biopsy is necessary tomake the diagnosis and to identify the infecting agent because the clinical signs, radiographic picture and symptoms can mimic those of renal osteodystrophy.[23]Theusual infecting organisms are staphylococci (either S. aureusor S. epidermidis) or P. aeruginosa. Figure 52-8 Vertebral osteomyelitis.A sagittal, turbo spin echo MRI scan (T2-weighted) from the same patient as the scan in Fig. 52.7. Courtesy of Dr Joseph Mammone.575Figure 52-9 Vertebral osteomyelitis.A myelogram showing posterior compression of the spinal cord by an inflammatory mass. Note the involvement of adjacent vertebral endplates andthe intervertebral disc. Courtesy of Dr Joseph Mammone.Intravenous drug usersAlthough septic arthritis is more common than osteomyelitis in intravenous drug users, the diagnosis must be suspected if bone pain is present. Pain and tendernessare common. In general, the organisms isolated from bone are S. aureus, streptococci or P. aeruginosa; P. aeruginosainfection is presumably due to the use ofnonsterile water for injecting drugs.Osteomyelitis in the diabetic footDiabetic patients rarely manifest a fever with foot infections. Systemic illness indicates severe disease and at a local level,there is usually some accompanyingnecrosis, gangrene, fasciitis, severeFigure 52-10 Osteomyelitis in a diabetic patient.Diabetic patient with osteomyelitis and destruction of proximal second phalanx and metatarsal as well as secondmetatarsal-phalangeal joint. Courtesy of Dr Joseph Mammone.cellulitis or significant swelling of the foot indicating a deep abscess. Most patients appear well, although with some worsening of glycemic control. Despite neuropathy,there is often some pain to accompany an ulcer, with signs of soft tissue infection, purulence, erythema, swelling and local warmth. Depending on the depth and extentof the ulceration, bone, cartilage, joint capsule or tendon may be visible in the wound. Callosities indicate chronic excessiveweight-loading on a particular area, and it isoften beneath these that tissue breakdown occurs. Hemorrhage beneath a callosity is often associated with tissue breakdown or infection. Feet of this kind are oftennot properly evaluated during admission of the patient to a general hospital (Fig. 52.10).[24]DIAGNOSISThe diagnosis of osteomyelitis requires clinical suspicion, a consistent history and physical examination, and supportive laboratory studies (both radiographic andmicrobiologic). Certain conditions mimic osteomyelitis, and these differential diagnoses are reviewed briefly below.Acute osteomyelitisThe diagnosis of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis is essentially a clinical one assisted by some of the studies discussed below. In the absence of a clear cause,limping or pain in an extremity should raise the suspicion of infection of bone. The sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein are frequently elevated in the presence ofosteomyelitis (in 96% and 89% of cases, respectively), but normal values do not exclude the diagnosis.[25]Blood cultures are positive in just over 50% of cases. Plainradiographs may show soft tissue swelling but are otherwise usually normal because it takes anywhere from 10 to 14 days to destroy 50% of the bone (which is theamount of destruction required to show up as a lesion on conventional radiography). Ultrasonography has been reported to be successful in detecting subperiosteal abscess in the presence of acute osteomyelitis; deep soft tissue swelling is the earliestsign of acute osteomyelitis, followed by periosteal elevation and a thin layer of periosteal fluid, which, in some cases, progresses to form a subperiosteal abscess.[26][27]These later stages were marked by cortical erosion; this sign generally appears only in patients who have had symptoms for morethan 1 week.Technetium bone scans are exquisitely sensitive and are generally positive before lesions appear on radiograph; however, false-negative bone scans have beenreported when the diagnosis of acute osteomyelitis has been confirmed by aspiration of pus. [28]The ultimate diagnostic test in acute osteomyelitis is growth of the infecting pathogen in cultures of purulent material obtained by needle aspiration from the painfulinfected area. Complex tests such as indium-labelled white blood cell scan, computerized tomography (CT) scanning and MRI have little place in the management ofacute hematogenous osteomyelitis unless for surgical planning or to confirm the diagnosis. In any even, treatment of the patient with suspected acute osteomyelitismust not wait for diagnostic imaging.Chronic osteomyelitisIn contrast to acute osteomyelitis, investigation and diagnosis can generally precede antibiotic therapy. Given a clinical suspicion of chronic osteomyelitis, the clinicianhas a plethora of diagnostic studies to choose from.[28]Unfortunately, none is perfect (Table 52.1). An algorithm is offered for the approach to suspectedosteomyelitisand its management (Fig. 52.11). In a nondiabetic patient, if the plain radiograph is positive for osteomyelitis, it is possible to proceed directly to bonebiopsy fordetermination of the infecting organism and its antimicrobial susceptibility. The features of rapidly progressive,576TABLE 52-1-- Tests for osteomyelitis.*TESTS FOR OSTEOMYELITISSensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Positive predictive value (%) Negative predictive value (%)Three-phase bone scan 95 33 53 90Gallium scan 81 69 71 80Indium-labeled white blood cell scan 88 85 86 87MRI 95 88 93 92Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values and negative predictive values of tests used to diagnose infection of bone.* Adapted from White et al.[30]Figure 52-11 Investigation and management of chronic osteomyelitis.mixed destructive and reparative bone responses are highly distinctive. If the radiograph is normal and osteomyelitis is suspected, one may go directly to a three-phasebone scan, a labelled white cell scan or MRI. Indeed, MRI is particularly valuable in that it shows the extent of infection inside the bone, the presence of soft tissueabnormalities, including abscesses and sinus tracts, and erosions or breaches of the cortex. Its very high sensitivity and specificity have made it the imaging modality ofchoice in osteomyelitis,[29]although577its value is reduced in patients who have present or past metal work (because of signal void from implants or metallosis) and in patients with recent surgery, whichcauses marrow edema in its own right.Ultimately, the procedure of choice is bone biopsy, often referred to as the gold standard for osteomyelitis. The test is easily done, but the rate of false-negative resultshave been reported in some series as being as high as 65%, probably because osteomyelitis has a patchy distribution in the bone. All specimens should be sent forboth histology and microbiology. In one well-done study, in which 16 biopsy specimens demonstrated histologic evidence of osteomyelitis, only eight were alsoculture-positive.[30]In the same study, if either histology or culture was considered a positive criterion for osteomyelitis, the positive predictive value was 100% and thenegative predictive value was 66%. Obviously, the larger the amount of bone sampled, the more biopsies taken and the better theimaging guidance, the more likelyone is to get a positive biopsy. Finally, it should be noted that, in diagnosing osteomyelitis, sinus tract cultures have little value and correlate poorly with the organismsfound in specimens taken in the operating room.[31]Therefore, the results of cultures of draining sinuses should not be relied on to identify the causative pathogen.Bone infections underlying pressure soresConfirming the diagnosis of osteomyelitis beneath a pressure sore can be difficult. Radiographic or nuclear imaging and soft tissue cultures can be abnormal in thearea of a pressure sore and may suggest osteomyelitis when none is present. Such misdiagnosis can lead to prolonged and potentially toxic courses of antimicrobialagents.A careful study of bone infections and pressure sores made several valuable points:[22]¦ the diagnosis of underlying bone infection should be considered whenever a pressure sore does not heal;¦ clinical evaluation of the depth of the sore or its duration is not helpful in determining whether bone infection is present;¦ failure of the sore to close after pressure is removed is helpful in determining whether there is underlying osteomyelitis;¦ nuclear scans are generally useful only if negative — the negative predictive value was high;¦ Gram-negative bacilli, anaerobes and streptococci are most often cultured from infected bone; and¦ bone biopsy histology and culture are the gold standard in diagnosing osteomyelitis —the procedure is rarely associated withcomplications. Biopsy must,however, be taken through uninvolved skin if done percutaneously, or after debridement of overlying tissue if at operation, to avoid culturing surface contaminants.Osteomyelitis in the diabetic footIn diabetic patients, the approach to diagnosing osteomyelitis in the foot (the usual site of the disease) is somewhat different. Conventional radiographs may bediagnostic if there is rapid progression of changes (e.g. over 2–3 weeks), but it can be extremely difficult to distinguish diabetic osteopathy from osteomyelitis. Becauseosteopathy will not respond to antimicrobial agents, this distinction is critical. Nuclear medicine scans are often difficult to interpret because there is soft tissue infectionand it is difficult to localize infection to bone as opposed to the soft tissue (Fig. 52.12and Fig.52.13). One of the simplest tests is to take a steel probe and insert itinto the ulcer; contact by the probe with bone has a high correlation with the presence of osteomyelitis.[32]。
Introduction to PhysiologyIntroductionPhysiology is the study of the functions of living matter. It is concerned with how an organism performs its varied activities: how it feeds, how it moves, how it adapts to changing circumstances, how it spawns new generations. The subject is vast and embraces the whole of life. The success of physiology in explaining how organisms perform their daily tasks is based on the notion that they are intricate and exquisite machines whose operation is governed by the laws of physics and chemistry.Although some processes are similar across the whole spectrum of biology—the replication of the genetic code for or example—many are specific to particular groups of organisms. For this reason it is necessary to divide the subject into various parts such as bacterial physiology, plant physiology, and animal physiology.To study how an animal works it is first necessary to know how it is built. A full appreciation of the physiology of an organism must therefore be based on a sound knowledge of its anatomy. Experiments can then be carried out to establish how particular parts perform their functions. Although there have been many important physiological investigations on human volunteers, the need for precise control over the experimental conditions has meant that much of our present physiological knowledge has been derived from studies on other animals such as frogs, rabbits, cats, and dogs. When it is clear that a specific physiological process has a common basis in a wide variety of animal species, it is reasonable to assume that the same principles will apply to humans. The knowledge gained from this approach has given us a great insight into human physiology and endowed us with a solid foundation for the effective treatment of many diseases.The building blocks of the body are the cells, which are grouped together to form tissues. The principal types of tissue are epithelial, connective, nervous, and muscular, each with its own characteristics. Many connective tissues have relatively few cells but have an extensive extracellular matrix. In contrast, smooth muscle consists of densely packed layers of muscle cells linked together via specific cell junctions. Organs such as the brain, the heart, the lungs, the intestines, and the liver are formed by the aggregation of different kinds of tissues. The organs are themselves parts of distinct physiological systems. The heart and blood vessels form the cardiovascular system; the lungs, trachea, and bronchi together with the chest wall and diaphragm form the respiratory system; the skeleton and skeletal muscles form the musculoskeletal system; the brain, spinal cord, autonomic nerves and ganglia, and peripheral somatic nerves form the nervous system, and so on.Cells differ widely in form and function but they all have certain common characteristics. Firstly, they are bounded by a limiting membrane, the plasma membrane. Secondly, they have the ability to break down large molecules to smaller ones to liberate energy for their activities.生理学简介介绍生理学是研究生物体功能的科学。
外泌体在结直肠癌中的作用包久兵;史良会【摘要】外泌体是细胞释放的细胞外囊泡,包含mRNA、miRNA、蛋白质和部分特定区域的DNA等,参与细胞间通讯,并涉及许多生物学和病理学过程.来源于结直肠癌(CRC)细胞的外泌体与肿瘤的发生、肿瘤细胞的存活、增殖、侵袭和转移有关.本文介绍了外泌体及其纯化,并对CRC来源的外泌体种类、作用及其机制进行了综述.【期刊名称】《沈阳医学院学报》【年(卷),期】2018(020)004【总页数】4页(P361-364)【关键词】外泌体;结直肠癌;侵袭与转移【作者】包久兵;史良会【作者单位】皖南医学院研究生院,安徽芜湖 241001;皖南医学院弋矶山医院胃肠外科【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R735.3结直肠癌(CRC)是我国最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,在肿瘤导致的死亡中居第5位[1],预计到2030年,全球CRC的发病率将增加60%[2]。
1 外泌体1.1 外泌体的产生外泌体是在内化过程中由质膜产生的。
首先,细胞通过内吞作用形成早期内涵体(early endosomes,EE),其逐渐变为晚期内涵体或多泡体(MVBs),MVBs膜内陷形成腔内囊泡(ILVs),MVBs与溶酶体膜融合可降解蛋白质,并且释放ILVs进入溶酶体,或者MVBs与质膜融合,ILVs被释放到细胞外环境中,称为外泌体[5]。
外泌体的大小在30~100 nm[6],40~100 nm[7],50~150 nm[8]不等。
Scientific Background Discoveries of Mechanisms for AutophagyThe 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is awarded to Yoshinori Ohsumi for his discoveries of mechanisms for autophagy. Macroautophagy (“self-eating”, hereafter referred to as autophagy) isan evolutionarily conserved process whereby the eukaryotic cell can recycle part of its own contentby sequestering a portion of the cytoplasm in a double-membrane vesicle that is delivered to the lysosome for digestion. Unlike other cellular degradation machineries, autophagy removes long-lived proteins, large macro-molecular complexes and organelles that have become obsolete or damaged. Autophagy mediates the digestion and recycling of non-essential parts of the cell during starvation and participates in a varietyof physiological processes where cellular components must be removed to leave space for new ones. In addition, autophagy is a key cellular process capable of clearing invading microorganisms and toxic protein aggregates, and therefore plays an important role during infection,in ageing and in the pathogenesis of many human diseases. Although autophagy was recognized already in the 1960’s, the mechanism and physiological relevance remained poorly understood for decades. The work of Yoshinori Ohsumi dramatically transformed the understanding of this vital cellular process. In 1993, Ohsumi published his seminal discovery of 15 genes of key importance for autophagy in budding yeast. In a series of elegant subsequent studies, he cloned several of these genes in yeast and mammalian cells and elucidated the function of the encoded proteins. Based on Yoshinori Ohsumi’s seminal discoveries, the importance of autophagyin human physiology and disease is now appreciated.The mystery of autophagyIn the early 1950’s, Christian de Duve was interested in the action of insulin and studied the intracellular localization of glucose-6-phosphatase using cell fractionation methods developed by Albert Claude. In a control experiment, he also followed the distribution of acid phosphatase, but failed to detect any enzymatic activity in freshly isolated liver fractions. Remarkably, the enzymatic activity reappeared if the fractions were stored for five days in a refrigerator1. It soon became clear that proteolytic enzymes were sequestered within a previously unknown membrane structure that de Duve named the lysosome1,2. Comparative electron microscopy of purified lysosome-rich liver fractions and sectioned liver identified the lysosome as a distinct cellular organelle3. Christian de Duve and Albert Claude, together with George Palade, were awarded the 1974 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discoveries concerning the structure and functional organization of the cell.Soon after the discovery of the lysosome, researchers found that portions of the cytoplasm are sequestered into membranous structures during normal kidney development in the mouse4. Similar structures containing a small amount of cytoplasm and mitochondria were observed in the proximal tubule cells of rat kidney during hydronephrosis5. The vacuoles were found to co-localize with acid-phosphatase-containing granules during the early stages of degeneration and the structures were shown to increase as degeneration progressed5. Membrane structures containing degenerating cytoplasm were also present in normal rat liver cells and their abundance increased dramatically following glucagon perfusion6 or exposure to toxic agents7. Recognizing that the structures had the capacity to digest parts of the intracellular content, Christian de Duve coined the term autophagy in 1963, and extensively discussed this concept in a review article published a few years later8. At that time, a compelling case for the existence of autophagy in mammalian cells was made based on results from electron microscopy studies8. Autophagy was known to occur at a low basal level, and to increase during differentiation and remodeling in a variety of tissues, including brain, intestine, kidney, lung, liver, prostate, skin and thyroid gland4,7-13. It was speculated that autophagy might be a mechanism for coping with metabolic stress in response to starvation6and that it might have roles in the pathogenesis of disease5. Furthermore, autophagy was shown to occur in a wide range of single cell eukaryotes and metazoa, e.g. amoeba, Euglena gracilis, Tetrahymena, insects and frogs8,14, pointing to a function conserved throughout evolution.During the following decades, advances in the field were limited. Nutrients and hormones were reported to influence autophagy; amino acid deprivation induced15, and insulin-stimulation suppressed16 autophagy in mammalian tissues. A small molecule, 3-methyladenine, was shown to inhibit autophagy17. One study using a combination of cell fractionation, autoradiography and electron microscopy provided evidence that the early stage of autophagy included the formation of a double-membrane structure, the phagophore,that extended around a portion of the cytoplasm and closed into a vesicle lacking hydrolytic enzymes, the autophagosome18 (Figure 1).Despite many indications that autophagy could be an important cellular process, its mechanism and regulation were not understood. Only a handful of laboratories were working on the problem, mainly using correlative or descriptive approaches and focusing on the late stages of autophagy, i.e. the steps just before or after fusion with the lysosome. We now know that the autophagosome is transient and only exists for ~10-20 minutes before fusing with the lysosome, making morphological and biochemical studies very difficult.Figure 1. Formation of the autophagosome. The phagophore extends to form a double-membrane autophagosome that engulfs cytoplasmic material. The autophagosome fuses with the lysosome, where the content is degraded.In the early 1990’s, almost 30 years after de Duve coined the term autophagy, the process remained a biological enigma. Molecular markers were not available and components of the autophagy machinery were elusive. Many fundamental questions remained unanswered: How was the autophagy process initiated? How was the autophagosome formed? How important was autophagy for cellular and organismal survival? Did autophagy have any role in human disease? Discovery of the autophagy machineryIn the early 1990’s Yoshinori Ohsumi, then an Assistant Professor at Tokyo University, decided to study autophagy using the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisae as a model system. The first question he addressed was whether autophagy exists in this unicellular organism. The yeast vacuole is the functional equivalent of the mammalian lysosome. Ohsumi reasoned that, if autophagy existed in yeast, inhibition of vacuolar enzymes would result in the accumulation of engulfed cytoplasmic components in the vacuole. To test this hypothesis, he developed yeast strains that lacked the vacuolar proteases proteinase A, proteinase B and carboxy-peptidase19. He found that autophagic bodies accumulated in the vacuole when the engineered yeast were grown in nutrient-deprived medium19, producing an abnormal vacuole that was visible under a light microscope. He had now identified a unique phenotype that could be used to discover genes that control the induction of autophagy. By inducing random mutations in yeast cells lacking vacuolar proteases, Ohsumi identified the first mutant that could not accumulate autophagic bodies in the vacuole20; he named this gene autophagy 1 (APG1). He then found that the APG1 mutant lost viability much quicker than wild-type yeast cells in nitrogen-deprived medium. As a second screen he used this more convenient phenotype and additional characterization to identify 75 recessive mutants that could be categorized into different complementation groups. In an article published in FEBS Letters in 1993, Ohsumi reported his discovery of as many as 15 genes that are essential for the activation of autophagy in eukaryotic cells20. He named the genes APG1-15. As new autophagy genes were identified in yeast and other species, a unified system of gene nomenclature using the ATG abbreviation was adopted21. This nomenclature will be used henceforth in the text.During the following years, Ohsumi cloned several ATG genes22-24and characterized the function of their protein products. Cloning of the ATG1gene revealed that it encodes a serine/threonine kinase, demonstrating a role for protein phosphorylation in autophagy24. Additional studies showed that Atg1 forms a complex with the product of the ATG13 gene, and that this interaction is regulated by the target of rapamycin (TOR) kinase23,25. TOR is active in cells grown under nutrient-rich conditions and hyper-phosphorylates Atg13, which prevents the formation of the Atg13:Atg1 complex. Conversely, when TOR is inactivated by starvation, dephosphorylated Atg13 binds Atg1 and autophagy is activated25. Subsequently, the active kinase was shown to be a pentameric complex26 that includes, in addition to Atg1 and Atg13, Atg17, Atg29 and Atg31. The assembly of this complex is a first step in a cascade of events needed for formation of the autophagosome.Figure 2. Regulation of autophagosome formation. Ohsumi studied the function of the proteins encoded by key autophagy genes. He delineated how stress signals initiate autophagy and the mechanism by which protein complexes promote distinct stages of autophagosome formation.The formation of the autophagosome involves the integral membrane protein Atg9, as well as a phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) complex26 composed of vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 34 (Vps34), Vps15, Atg6, and Atg14. This complex generates phosphatidylinositol-3 phosphate and additional Atg proteins are recruitedto the membrane of the phagophore. Extension of the phagophore to form the mature autophagosome involves two ubiquitin-like protein conjugation cascades (Figure 2).Studies on the localization of Atg8 showed that, while the protein was evenly distributed throughout the cytoplasm of growing yeast cells, in starved cells, Atg8 formed large aggregates that co-localized with autophagosomes and autophagic bodies27. Ohsumi made the surprising discovery that the membrane localization of Atg8 is dependent on two ubiquitin-like conjugation systems that act sequentially to promote the covalent binding of Atg8 to the membrane lipid phosphatidylethanolamine. The two systems share the same activating enzyme, Atg7. In the first conjugation event, Atg12 is activated by forming a thioester bond with a cysteine residue of Atg7, and then transferred to the conjugating enzyme Atg10 that catalyzes its covalent binding to the Atg5 protein26,28,29. Further work showed that the Atg12:Atg5 conjugate recruits Atg16 to form a tri-molecular complex that plays an essential role in autophagy by acting as the ligase of the second ubiquitin-like conjugation system30. In this second unique reaction, the C-terminal arginine of Atg8 is removed by Atg4, and mature Atg8 is subsequently activated by Atg7 for transfer to the Atg3 conjugating enzyme31. Finally, the two conjugation systems converge as the Atg12:Atg5:Atg16 ligase promotes the conjugation of Atg8 to phosphatidylethanolamine26,32.Lipidated Atg8 is a key driver of autophagosome elongation and fusion33,34. The two conjugation systems are highly conserved between yeast and mammals. A fluorescently tagged version of the mammalian homologue of yeast Atg8, called light chain 3 (LC3), is extensively used as a marker of autophagosome formation in mammalian systems35, 36.Ohsumi and colleagues were the first to identify mammalian homologues of the yeast ATG genes, which allowed studies on the function of autophagyin higher eukaryotes. Soon after, genetic studies revealed that mice lacking the Atg5gene are apparently normal at birth, but die during the first day of life due to inability to cope with the starvation that precedes feeding37. Studies of knockout mouse models lacking different components of the autophagy machinery have confirmed the importance of the process in a variety of mammalian tissues26,38.The pioneering studies by Ohsumi generated an enormous interest in autophagy. The field has become one of the most intensely studied areas of biomedical research, with a remarkable increase in the number of publications since the early 2000’s.Different types of autophagyFollowing the seminal discoveries of Ohsumi, different subtypes of autophagy can now be distinguished depending on the cargo that is degraded. The most extensively studied form of autophagy, macroautophagy, degrades large portions of the cytoplasm and cellular organelles. Non-selective autophagy occurs continuously, andis efficiently induced in response to stress, e.g.starvation. In addition, the selective autophagy of specific classes of substrates - protein aggregates, cytoplasmic organelles or invading viruses and bacteria - involves specific adaptors that recognize the cargo and targets it to Atg8/LC3 on the autophagosomal membrane39. Other forms of autophagy include microautophagy40, which involves the direct engulfment of cytoplasmic material via inward folding of the lysosomal membrane, and chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA). In CMA, proteins with specific recognition signals are directly translocated into the lysosome via binding to a chaperone complex41.Autophagy in health and diseaseInsights provided by the molecular characterizationof autophagy have been instrumental in advancing the understanding of this process and its involvement in cell physiology and a variety of pathological states (Figure 3). Autophagy was initially recognized as a cellular response to stress, but we now know that the system operates continuously at basal levels. Unlike the ubiquitin-proteasome system that preferentially degrades short-lived proteins, autophagy removes long-lived proteins and is the only process capable of destroying whole organelles, such as mitochondria, peroxisomes and the endoplasmic reticulum. Thus, autophagy plays an essential rolein the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. Moreover, autophagy participates in a variety of physiological processes, such as cell differentiation and embryogenesis that require the disposal of large portions of the cytoplasm. The rapid inductionof autophagy in response to different types of stress underlies its cytoprotective function and the capacity to counteract cell injury and many diseases associated with ageing.Because the deregulation of the autophagic flux is directly or indirectly involved in a broad spectrum of human diseases, autophagy is a particularly interesting target for therapeutic intervention. An important first insight into the role of autophagy in disease came from the observation that Beclin-1, the product of the BECN1gene, is mutated in a large proportion of human breast and ovarian cancers. BECN1 is a homolog of yeast ATG6 that regulates steps in the initiation of autophagy42. This finding generated substantial interest in the role of autophagy in cancer43.Misfolded proteins tend to form insoluble aggregates that are toxic to cells. To cope with this problem the cell depends on autophagy44. In fly and mouse models of neurodegenerative diseases, the activation of autophagy by inhibition of TOR kinase reduces the toxicity of protein aggregates45. Moreover, loss of autophagy in the mouse brain by the tissue-specific disruption of Atg5and Atg7 causes neurodegeneration46,47. Several autosomal recessive human diseases with impaired autophagy are characterized by brain malformations, developmental delay, intellectual disability, epilepsy, movement disorders and neurodegeneration48.Figure 3. Autophagy in health and disease. Autophagy is linked to physiological processes including embryogenesis and cell differentiation, adaptation to starvation and other types of stress, as well as pathological conditions including neurodegenerative diseases, cancer and infections.The capacity of autophagy to eliminate invading microorganisms, a phenomenon called xenophagy, underlies its key role in the activationof immune responses and the control of infectious diseases49,50. Viruses and intracellular bacteria have developed sophisticated strategies to circumvent this cellular defense. Additionally, microorganisms can exploit autophagy to sustain their own growth.ConclusionThe discovery of autophagy genes, and the elucidation of the molecular machinery for autophagy by Yoshinori Ohsumi have led to a new paradigm in the understanding of how the cell recycles its contents. 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Gutierrez, M.G., Master, S.S., Singh, S.B.,Taylor, G.A., Colombo, M.I., and Deretic, V.(2004) Autophagy is a defense mechanisminhibiting BCG and Mycobacterium tuberculosis survival in infected macrophages.Cell 119, 753–766.Nils-Göran Larsson, MD, PhDProfessor of Mitochondrial Genetics, Karolinska InstitutetAdjunct Member of the Nobel CommitteeMember of the Nobel AssemblyMaria G. Masucci, MD, PhDProfessor of Virology, Karolinska InstitutetAdjunct Member of the Nobel CommitteeMember of the Nobel AssemblyIllustration: Mattias Karlén*FootnotesAdditional information on previous Nobel Prize Laureates mentioned in this text can be found at/The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1974 to Albert Claude, Christian de Duve and George E. Palade “for their discoveries concerning the structural and functional organization of the cell”/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1974/claude-facts.html/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1974/duve-facts.html/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1974/palade-facts.htmlGlossary of Terms:Lysosome:an organelle in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells containing degradative enzymes enclosed in a membrane.Phagophore: a vesicle that is formed during the initial phases of macroautophagy. The phagophore is extended by the autophagy machinery to engulf cytoplasmiccomponents.Autophagosome:an organelle that encloses parts of the cytoplasm into a double membrane that fuses to the lysosome where its content is degraded. The autophagosome is thekey structure in macroautophagy.Selective autophagy: a type of macroautophagy that mediates the degradation of specific cytoplasmic components. Different forms of selective autophagy are called mitophagy(degrades mitochondria), ribophagy (degrades ribosomes), lipophagy (degradeslipid droplets) xenophagy (degrades invading microorganisms) etc.。
SOCS (suppressor of cytokine signaling)蛋白,作为细胞因子信号通路抑制蛋白的成员,目前认为该蛋白家族可以调节LIF(leukemia inhibitory factor)、G-CSF(granulocyte colony-stimulating factor)、IL-6(interleukin-6)、IL-10(interleukin-10)、IFN-λ(interferon-λ)等30多种细胞因子,而这些因子是机体抵抗入侵的外来病原体的主要免疫防御反应。
Shut downSOCS蛋白后,可以观察到细胞中病毒的复制能力下降,并且抗病毒因子OAS2、MX1、IL28、IL29在敲除了SOCS蛋白的细胞中的表达也会比正常的细胞中高,这些都间接证明了EV71会通过将SOCS蛋白升高以达到降低抗病毒因子的表达、帮助病毒的感染等目的。
纳米技术在我们生活中的哪些地方英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Nanotechnology: A Tiny Revolution in Our Daily LivesHave you ever wondered how our computers and phones can get smaller and more powerful each year? Or how certain fabrics can resist stains and wrinkles so effectively? The answer lies in the extraordinary world of nanotechnology – a field that manipulates matter at an unimaginably small scale, one billionth of a meter. While it may sound like something straight out of a science fiction novel, nanotechnology is already integrated into countless aspects of our everyday lives, revolutionizing industries and enhancing our quality of living in ways we often overlook.At its core, nanotechnology deals with the precise control and manipulation of materials at the nanoscale, which is approximately 1 to 100 nanometers. To put that into perspective, a single strand of human hair is around 80,000 nanometers wide! By operating at such minuscule dimensions, scientists canengineer materials with unique properties and functionalities that are simply not possible at larger scales.One of the most prevalent applications of nanotechnology is in the realm of electronics. The relentless pursuit of miniaturization and increased computing power has been driven by our ability to fabricate transistors and other components at the nanoscale. Modern microprocessors, for instance, contain billions of tiny transistors, each measuring just a few nanometers in size. This incredible feat of engineering has allowed us to carry powerful computers in our pockets and have access to vast amounts of information at our fingertips.Nanotechnology has also made significant strides in the field of medicine, offering promising solutions for early disease detection, targeted drug delivery, and advanced medical imaging techniques. Nanoparticles, which are incredibly small particles ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers in size, can be engineered to carry drugs directly to diseased cells, minimizing the harmful side effects associated with traditional treatments. Additionally, nanobiosensors are being developed to detect the presence of specific molecules in the body, enabling early diagnosis and more effective treatment of various diseases.Another area where nanotechnology has made a profound impact is in the world of materials science. By precisely manipulating the structure and composition of materials at the nanoscale, researchers have created innovative materials with remarkable properties. For instance, carbon nanotubes, which are cylindrical structures composed of carbon atoms, are incredibly strong and lightweight, making them ideal for applications ranging from aerospace engineering to sports equipment.Even in our clothing and textiles, nanotechnology has found its way. Certain fabrics now incorporate nanoparticles that repel water, stains, and wrinkles, ensuring our clothes stay fresh and clean for longer periods. This technology has been agame-changer in the fashion and apparel industry, offering consumers greater convenience and durability.Nanotechnology has also made significant strides in the field of energy production and storage. Researchers are developing nanomaterials that can enhance the efficiency of solar cells, allowing for more effective conversion of sunlight into electricity. Additionally, nanostructured materials are being explored for use in next-generation batteries, offering improved energy density and faster charging times.While the potential applications of nanotechnology are vast and exciting, it is essential to acknowledge and address the potential risks and ethical concerns associated with this emerging field. Nanoparticles, due to their incredibly small size, can potentially penetrate biological barriers and accumulate in living organisms, raising concerns about their potential toxicity and environmental impact. Furthermore, the unprecedented control over matter at the nanoscale raises ethical questions about the responsible development and use of these technologies.Despite these challenges, nanotechnology remains a fascinating and rapidly evolving field with the potential to reshape our world in profound ways. As students and future leaders, it is our responsibility to educate ourselves about this transformative technology and its implications. We must engage in open and informed discussions, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration among scientists, engineers, policymakers, and ethicists to ensure the responsible and sustainable development of nanotechnology.In conclusion, nanotechnology is no longer a concept confined to the realm of science fiction – it is a reality that permeates our daily lives in ways both visible and invisible. Fromthe electronics we use to the clothes we wear, this tiny revolution is reshaping industries and offering innovative solutions to some of the most pressing challenges we face. As we continue to explore and harness the vast potential of nanotechnology, we must do so with a deep sense of responsibility, ensuring that its benefits are maximized while mitigating potential risks. Embracing this transformative technology with open minds and ethical considerations will be crucial in shaping a future where nanotechnology enhances our quality of life in ways we can scarcely imagine.篇2Nanotechnology: The Tiny Revolution Changing EverythingYou may not realize it, but nanotechnology is all around us, quietly transforming our lives in countless ways. Thiscutting-edge field focuses on manipulating matter at the nanoscale - dealing with structures between 1 and 100 nanometers. To put that into perspective, a single strand of human DNA is around 2.5 nanometers wide. By harnessing nanotechnology, scientists and engineers can create new materials and products with vastly superior properties compared to their traditional counterparts.As a student, I find nanotechnology endlessly fascinating because it bridges the gap between different scientific disciplines like chemistry, physics, biology, and materials science. The potential applications seem to be limited only by our imagination. Let me take you on a tour through some of the areas where nanotechnology is already making an impact on our daily lives.Consumer ElectronicsOne of the most visible places you'll find nanotechnology is in the electronic gadgets we use every day. The microchips and processors that power our computers, smartphones, and gaming systems rely heavily on nanotechnology. By using nanocircuits and nanocomponents, manufacturers can pack more transistors onto a microchip, leading to greater computing power and energy efficiency.Nanotechnology also enables new display technologies like OLED (organic light-emitting diode) and quantum dot displays found in high-end TVs and monitors. These offer superior color reproduction, brightness, and contrast ratios compared to traditional LCDs. Quantum dots, which are semiconductor nanocrystals, can precisely emit light at specific wavelengths based on their size, enabling richer, more vibrant images.Medicine and HealthcareHowever, some of the most exciting and life-changing applications of nanotechnology are in the medical field. Nanomedicine promises to revolutionize the way we detect, treat, and potentially cure many diseases.Imagine nanorobots swimming through your bloodstream, detecting cancerous cells at an incredibly early stage and delivering targeted treatments directly to those cells while leaving healthy ones unharmed. This could allow for far more effective cancer therapies with fewer harsh side effects. Researchers are also investigating using nanoparticles to deliver drugs precisely to specific organs or across the blood-brain barrier.Nanotechnology-based diagnostic tools can provide quicker and more accurate disease detection from just tiny samples of blood or other biomarkers. For example, nanobiosensors can identify the presence of particular proteins or other molecules associated with diseases like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's long before clinical symptoms appear.The applications extend beyond treating diseases too. Nanomaterials are being used to develop more lifelike artificiallimbs and superior bone/joint replacements that are stronger, lighter, and integrated better with the body.Environment and EnergyAnother area where nanotechnology is poised to have a huge positive impact is the environment and energy sectors. Nanostructured catalysts and membranes can make industrial processes far more energy efficient by improving chemical reactions or separating specific molecules. For example, nanocatalysts could lead to cheaper and more eco-friendly production of hydrogen as a clean fuel source.Likewise, nanotechnology is central to developing better batteries and solar cells with higher storage capacities and energy conversion rates. Nanostructured electrodes and carbon nanotubes can significantly boost battery performance.Ultra-thin nanofilms and nanowires can capture a wider range of solar energy while using less material.Nanoengineered filters and remediation systems show great promise at filtering out toxic pollutants from air and water far more effectively than current methods. Self-cleaning surfaces using nanoscopic coatings that are dirt and water-resistant could lead to longer-lasting, lower maintenance buildings and vehicles.The Food IndustryYou might be surprised to learn that nanotechnology even has applications in the food we eat. An emerging field called "nanofoods" aims to engineer nanostructures that can make foods healthier, tastier, more sustainable, and longer-lasting.Nanoemulsions, for instance, can be used to reduce the amounts of oil, salt, sugar, and other unhealthy ingredients in foods without sacrificing taste and texture. Nanoencapsulation, meanwhile, allows nutrients, antioxidants, or flavors to be delivered in perfectly measured doses within foods.Nanocomposite coatings could extend the shelf life of perishable foods by providing better moisture and gas barriers. Nanoparticles added during food processing could even allow for interactive "smart" food packaging that lets you know when your food has truly spoiled.The Challenges AheadOf course, like any new and powerful technology, nanotechnology also raises some concerns and ethical questions around safety and regulation. As we engineer materials at tinier and tinier scales, their properties and interactions can change in unpredictable ways that may have unintended consequences onhuman health and the environment if not properly studied and contained.There are also concerns around "nanopollution" and the potential toxicity of some nanoparticles if they are able to cross biological barriers. Strict guidelines and responsible development overseen by international bodies and independent agencies will be necessary.Furthermore, the pace of innovation often outstrips our ability to fully understand the societal, ethical, and security implications of new technologies. Could nanotechnology be misused to create advanced weapons or invasive surveillance systems? How will nanotech impact the economy as entire industries are disrupted? These issues will require ongoing public discourse and governance frameworks.Looking to the FutureDespite these hurdles, the future of nanotechnology burns brighter than ever. As our ability to manipulate matter at the atomic and molecular scales grows more refined and sophisticated, I can hardly fathom what other "nano-revolutions" lie on the horizon.Perhaps self-healing materials and dirt-repellent clothes that never need washing will become commonplace. Or nanosensors embedded in our bodies and smart environments will be able to continuously monitor our health and warn us of any issues before they become serious. Nanoelectronics may push Moore's Law to its ultimate limits and yield hyper-efficient quantum computers that solve problems modern computers can't.Maybe one day, we'll even develop molecular machines and nanorobots that can literally rearrange molecules and reshape the physical world around us, allowing us to manufacture virtually any material from the atoms up. Far-fetched as that may sound, the foundations are already being laid in the amazing science happening in university and corporate labs around the globe.The nanotech revolution has only just begun. While invisible to the naked eye, I'm certain these infinitesimal innovations will cast a long and profound shadow that ripples across every facet of the human experience in the decades ahead. As a student, I feel incredibly fortunate to bear witness to the unleashing of nanotechnology's vast potential to reshape our world.篇3Nanotechnology in Our Daily LivesHave you ever stopped to think about how incredibly small a nanometer is? It's a billionth of a meter - just about the size of a few atoms lined up in a row. That's almost incomprehensibly tiny! Yet nanotechnology, which involves manipulating matter at the nanoscale level, is all around us and deeply integrated into many aspects of our modern lives. In this essay, I'll explore some of the ways nanotechnology impacts our daily routines and experiences.One area where nanotechnology is ubiquitous is in the electronics we rely on every single day. The transistors and processors in our computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones are made using nanotechnology that allows the components to be miniaturized down to the nanometer scale. This miniaturization is what enables the powerful computing capabilities and compact form factors of our devices. As another mind-blowing example, there are nanoparticles in the coatings of phone and TV screens that make them water-repellent and easier to keep clean!The field of medicine and healthcare is also being revolutionized by advances in nanotechnology. Nanoparticles are used as contrast agents for better medical imagingtechniques like MRIs and CT scans, allowing doctors to pinpoint tumors and deliver targeted cancer treatments with higher precision. Researchers are even developing nanorobots that could one day precisely diagnose and treat disease at the cellular level by traveling through the bloodstream. How incredible is that?Moving to our clothing and textiles, you might be surprised to learn that nanotechnology is woven right into the fabrics. Some dress shirts and pants incorporate nanoparticles that help repel stains and wrinkles, while active wear like athletic shoes and gym clothes utilize nanofibers to wick away moisture and prevent odors or bacteria buildup. These "nano-textiles" make our clothes more durable, comfortable and functional.And what about good old sunscreen? Most modern sunblocks take advantage of nanotechnology too. They contain nanoparticles of compounds like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide which act as more efficient UV blockers while being transparent so you don't end up looking pasty white. Being able to protect our skin from the sun's harmful rays while avoiding that classic white smear across the face - thanks nanotech!Another interesting application of nanotechnology is in the world of sports equipment. Golf balls utilize nanomaterials andnanocomposite materials to control factors like ball spin, trajectory, and energy transfer for greater distance. Similarly, the coatings on tennis balls incorporate nanoparticles to increase their durability and consistent bounce. Even automobile manufacturers are getting in on the action by using nanoceramics to put a protective and anti-scratch finish on the outer paint.I think one of the coolest areas where nanotechnology is making its mark is in environmental solutions and sustainability efforts. Advanced water filtration systems utilize nanomembranes with microscopic pores to remove toxic chemicals, bacteria, and salt from drinking water in a much more efficient and cost-effective way than traditional methods. Looking ahead, nanostructured photocatalysts may allow us to create self-cleaning surfaces that use light to break down dirt and organic materials. We're even seeing early applications of nanotechnology in fuel cells and solar panels to boost their energy generation capabilities.Of course, like any powerful technology, there are also ethical concerns around the implications of nanotechnology that we as a society need to carefully consider. Some experts worry about the potential toxicity of certain nanomaterials if they arereleased into the environment or inadvertently ingested by humans. There are also concerns about nanoscale machines being weaponized or used for unethical surveillance purposes if the technology falls into the wrong hands. It's a fascinating issue of balancing scientific advancement with social responsibility.In closing, I hope this essay has opened your eyes to some of the many domains where nanotechnology is quietly but powerfully at work in our daily lives, from our electronic gadgets and medical treatments to our clothing and sports gear. While it may operate on an almost inconceivably small scale, nanotechnology is truly a giant enabler of modern life and conveniences. As both a scientist and an ethicist in training, I'm excited to see how this incredible field continues to evolve and shape our future in the coming decades - responsibly harnessing the power of the ultra-small for huge benefits to humanity.。
疾病靶点英语The field of disease research has seen remarkable advancements in recent decades, with the identification of specific molecular targets playing a crucial role in the development of effective treatments. These disease targets, often referred to as "druggable targets," are biomolecules or cellular processes that can be modulated by therapeutic interventions to alleviate the symptoms or underlying causes of various health conditions.At the heart of this research lies the fundamental understanding that diseases are not merely a collection of symptoms but rather complex biological phenomena driven by intricate pathways and dysregulated mechanisms. By unraveling these intricate webs of molecular interactions, scientists can pinpoint the key players responsible for the onset and progression of diseases, thereby opening up new avenues for targeted therapies.One of the most extensively studied disease targets is the family of protein kinases. Protein kinases are enzymes that play a pivotal role in cellular signaling cascades, regulating a wide range ofphysiological processes, from cell growth and differentiation to metabolism and immune response. Aberrant kinase activity has been implicated in the development of numerous diseases, including cancer, autoimmune disorders, and neurodegenerative conditions. As a result, kinase inhibitors have become a mainstay in the pharmaceutical industry, with several FDA-approved drugs targeting specific kinases to disrupt the pathological signaling pathways.Another important class of disease targets are G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). These membrane-bound receptors are responsible for translating extracellular signals into intracellular responses, making them crucial players in a variety of physiological and pathological processes. GPCRs have been the focus of extensive research, as they are involved in the regulation of diverse functions, such as neurotransmission, hormone signaling, and immune system modulation. Targeting specific GPCR subtypes has led to the development of numerous therapeutic agents, including drugs for the treatment of neurological disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and metabolic conditions.In addition to proteins, genetic targets have also emerged as promising avenues for disease intervention. The rapid advancements in our understanding of the human genome and the role of genetic variations in disease predisposition have paved the way for the development of personalized medicine. By identifying specificgenetic mutations or dysregulated gene expression patterns associated with particular diseases, researchers can design targeted therapies that address the underlying genetic drivers of the condition.One notable example of a genetic target is the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, which are known to play a crucial role in DNA repair mechanisms. Mutations in these genes are strongly linked to an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer. The discovery of this genetic association has led to the development of targeted therapies, such as PARP inhibitors, which selectively target cancer cells harboring BRCA mutations, sparing healthy cells and reducing the adverse effects of traditional chemotherapy.Furthermore, the field of immunotherapy has seen a remarkable surge in recent years, with the identification of immune system-related targets becoming a key focus in the treatment of various diseases, particularly cancer. Immune checkpoint proteins, such as PD-1 and CTLA-4, have emerged as prime targets for immunotherapeutic interventions. These proteins act as natural "brakes" on the immune system, preventing an excessive or misdirected immune response. By blocking these checkpoint proteins, immunotherapies can unleash the power of the body's own immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells, leading to remarkable clinical outcomes in patients with previously intractablemalignancies.The identification of disease targets is not limited to the realm of pharmaceuticals; it also plays a crucial role in the development of diagnostic tools and biomarkers. By pinpointing specific molecules or cellular processes that are altered in the context of a particular disease, researchers can develop sensitive and accurate diagnostic assays to facilitate early detection and monitoring of disease progression. These disease-specific biomarkers can also serve as valuable tools for personalized medicine, allowing healthcare providers to tailor treatment strategies to the unique molecular profile of an individual patient.The pursuit of disease targets is an ongoing and dynamic field of research, with new discoveries and advancements continually expanding our understanding of the complex mechanisms underlying various health conditions. As our knowledge of the human body and its intricate biological networks continues to grow, the identification of novel disease targets will undoubtedly lead to the development of more effective, targeted, and personalized therapies, ultimately improving patient outcomes and transforming the landscape of healthcare.In conclusion, the identification of disease targets is a fundamental aspect of modern biomedical research, driving the development ofinnovative therapeutic strategies and diagnostic tools. By unraveling the molecular underpinnings of diseases, researchers can unlock new avenues for targeted interventions, paving the way for a future where personalized and precision medicine becomes the standard of care.。
2. What is the significance of the review?
It is now known that this pleiotropic hormone has profound effects on plasticity in the developing and adult brain.
Task Preparation 1
Fill in the following table using a key sentence.
Review Topic Many theories have been proposed to explain what
motivates human behavior.
These themes are: incorporation of the self-concept into traditional theories of motivation, the influence of rewards on motivation, the increasing importance of internal forces of motivation, autonomy and selfcontrol as sources ofmotivation, and narcissism as an essential component of motivation. Although the literature represents these themes in a variety of contexts, this paper will primarily focus on their application to self-motivation.
・综述・Claudin蛋白在紧密连接中的作用机制及与疾病的关系邢晓辉李力仙郭天林梁里昂贾玉龙刘龙【摘要】 Claudin蛋白是组成细胞间紧密连接的一种跨膜蛋白,它的功能主要是调节屏障结构的渗透性。
【关键词】紧密连接部; claudin;occludin;跨膜蛋白The effect mechanism of Claudin protein in tight junctions and the relationship with the disease XINGXiao-hui, LI Li-xian, GUO Tian-lin, LIANG Li-ang, JIA Yu-long, LIU Long. Department of Neurosurgery, the FirstAffiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150001, ChinaCorresponding author:LI Li-xian, Email: xingxiaohuixxh@【Abstract】Claudin proteins are composed of cells closely connection between a transmembrane protein,their function is mainly to adjust the permeability of barrier structure. The interactions between claudin proteinsand other tight junction proteins are necessary for the stability of the tight junctions. There are many mechanismsof claudin protein transcription and expression regulation, such as phosphorylation and phosphorylation. Manydiseases associated with the mutations of claudin protein, so far, we know about the claudin protein not only stay inthe tightly coupled components, more is the control mode and its relationship with diseases such as research. In thispaper, the authors make a review about the claudin protein structure and function way, and the relationshipbetween clinical disease and its outlook of future research.【Key words】Tight junctions; Claudin; Occludin; Transmembrane protein上皮细胞或内皮细胞间的屏障结构通过调节物质的跨膜运动,例如水、离子、蛋白质等,使膜产生极性并促进膜功能的正常发挥[1]。
纳米技术小练笔6篇好作文英文回答:Nanotechnology is a rapidly advancing field that involves manipulating matter at the atomic and molecular scale. It has the potential to revolutionize various industries, including medicine, electronics, and energy. One of the key advantages of nanotechnology is its ability to create materials and devices with enhanced properties and functionalities. For example, scientists have developed nanomaterials that are stronger and lighter thantraditional materials, such as carbon nanotubes that are used to reinforce tennis rackets. These nanomaterials have also been used to create flexible and transparent conductive films for touchscreens and solar cells.中文回答:纳米技术是一个快速发展的领域,涉及到在原子和分子尺度上操纵物质。
结果:142例M蛋白阳性患者男女比1.49:1,中位年龄为60. 0岁。
其中IgG型88例(62.0%),IgA型35例(24. 7%),IgM型9例(6.3%),单纯轻链型7例(4.9%),单纯重链型1例(0.7%),lgA与IgG双M蛋白型2例(1.4%)。
轻链分型中,《型占36.2%, \型占63. 8%。
疾病谱包括具有肾脏意义的单克隆免疫球蛋白血症(MGRS)78例(54. 9%),意义未明的单克隆免疫球蛋白血症(M GUS)39例(27. 5%),血液系统恶性肿瘤合并单克隆免疫球蛋甶血症(MG)25例(17.6%)。
血液系统恶 性肿瘤合并MG患者中位M蛋白浓度显著高于MGRS(4.25g/L ro2.4〇g/L,P= 0.0丨9)及MGUS患者(4.:25 g/L ra2.56 g/L,P=0.043)。
所有患者M蛋白浓度与血清钙(Ca)呈正相关,与血清总胆固醇(TC)、24h尿蛋甶定量呈负相关(P<0. 05)。
血液系统恶性肿瘤合并MG患者M蛋白浓度与血清肌酐、尿素氮(BUN)、以呈正相关,与血红蛋 白、血小板、TC呈负相关;MGRS患者M蛋白浓度与血清TC呈负相关(P<0.05)。
M蛋白浓度与部分实验室指标有一定的相关 性。
关键词单克隆免疫球蛋白血症肾脏疾病M蛋白浓度Clinical significance of M-protein concentration detection in patients with monoclonal immunoglobulinemiaZHANG Yiru'-2', LIU Feng2", TIAN Hong2, XU Feng2, LIANG Shaoshan, LIANG Dandan, YANG Xue2, YANG Fan, ZENG Caihong1'2'Southeast University School oj Medicine,Nanjing 210009,China2National Clinical Research Center o f Kidney Diseases, Jinling Hospital, Southeast University School o f Medicine, Nanjing 210016, China*ZHANG Yiru and LIU Feng are considered to be first authorsCorresponding author:ZENG Caihong(E-m ail:*********************)ABSTRACT Objective:To discuss the clinical significance of the M-protein concentration detection in patients with monoclonal immunoglobulinemia. Methodology : Data from monoclonal immunoglobulin cases screened in our laboratory for 8 months were used to assemble a cohort of 142 cases selected according to immunofixation interpretation. The serum protein electrophoresis and image analysis software were used to detecte the M-protein concentration.The clinical, laboratory and pathological characteristics of 142 patients with M-protein were analyzed comprehensively. Results :A total of 142 patients were included in the study.There were 85 males and 57 females with male predominance,with a median age of 60. 0 years.The M-proteins in that cohort were 62.0%IgG,24. 7% IgA,6. 3% IgM,4. 9% free light chain,0.1%heavy chain,1.4% IgG and IgA;K accounted for 36. 2% and X accounted for 63. 8% among the light chain types.Monoclonal gammopathyof renal significance ( MGRS) accounted for the highest proportion ( 53. 9%), monoclonal gammopathies of undeterminedDO] :10.3969/j.issn.l006-298X.2021.02.006[基金项目]国家“精准医学研究”重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0901202);国家自然科学基金面上项目(82070793)[作者单位]1东南大学医学院(南京,210009) ;2东部战区总医院国家肾脏疾病临床医学研究中心全军肾脏病研究所,张亦儒和刘丰为共同第一作者[通信作者]曾彩虹(E-mail:*********************)©2021年版权归《肾脏病与透析肾移植杂志》编辑部所有significance (MGUS, 27. 5%) , hematopoietic malignancies associated with monoclonal gammopathy (M G) (17.6%). Patients with hematopoietic malignancies associated with MG had a high medium M-protein concentration than those with MGRS (4. 25g/L vs.2. 40g/L, P = 0. 019) and MGUS (4.25g/L vs.2. 56 g/L, P = 0. 043 ) .The M-protein concentration was positively correlated with serum calcium,and negatively correlated with total serum cholesterol,24 hour urinary protein (P< 0. 05 ). In patients with hematopoietic malignancies associated with MG, M-protein concentration was positively correlated with serum creatinine, urea nitrogen and calcium, and negatively correlated with hemoglobin, platelets and total serum cholesterol;in patients with MGRS, it was negatively correlated with total serum cholesterol. Conclusion :In this research, patients with monoclonal immunoglobulinemia were mainly elderly men. Patients with hematopoietic malignancies associated with MG had the highest M-protein concentration. The M-protein concentration correlated with some laboratory results.Key words monoclonal immunoglobulinemia renal diseases M-protein concentration单克隆免疫球蛋白(M蛋白)是由单克隆B淋 巴细胞或浆细胞大量增殖产生的具有相同氨基酸顺 序和蛋白质结构的免疫球蛋白分子或其片段[1],常 见于多发性骨髓瘤(MM)、华氏巨球蛋白血症(WM)、系统性淀粉样变性、意义未明的单克隆丙种 球蛋白病(MGUS)等疾病。
枯草杆菌蛋白酶 水解蛋白质
枯草杆菌蛋白酶水解蛋白质英文回答:Bacillus subtilis protease is an enzyme that hydrolyzes proteins. It is produced by the bacterium Bacillus subtilis. This protease is known for its ability to break downproteins into smaller peptides or amino acids. It is commonly used in various industries, such as food processing, detergent manufacturing, and pharmaceutical production.The mechanism of action of Bacillus subtilis protease involves the cleavage of peptide bonds in proteins. It specifically targets the peptide bonds between amino acids, breaking them apart and releasing smaller peptide fragments. This process is known as proteolysis.One of the key characteristics of Bacillus subtilis protease is its broad substrate specificity. It can hydrolyze a wide range of proteins, including casein,gelatin, and collagen. This makes it suitable for various applications where protein degradation is required.The production of Bacillus subtilis protease can be achieved through fermentation. The bacterium is cultured in a nutrient-rich medium, and under optimal conditions, it produces and secretes the protease into the surrounding environment. The protease can then be extracted andpurified for further use.In addition to its industrial applications, Bacillus subtilis protease also has potential therapeutic uses. It has been studied for its ability to degrade harmful proteins associated with diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and cancer. By targeting and breaking down these proteins, it may help in the development of new treatments for these conditions.Overall, Bacillus subtilis protease is a versatile enzyme with a wide range of applications. Its ability to hydrolyze proteins makes it valuable in various industries, and its potential therapeutic uses make it an area ofongoing research.中文回答:枯草杆菌蛋白酶是一种水解蛋白质的酶。
最近几年医学成就英语作文Recent years have also seen rapid advances in biomedical technology, such as detecting cancer in saliva and growing new nerve tissue along the body's spinal cord with a shot. The world's newest biomedical technologies have blurred the line between biology and science, and their common goal is to help restore and improve the quality of human life and extend human lifespan.1, anti-rot microbial bacteriaBacteria that live on teeth convert sugars into lactic acid, which can erode enamel and cause tooth decay. A new strain, called SMaRT, has been developed by ONI BioPharma, a company based in Florida. It doesn't produce lactic acid, but it releases an antibiotic that kills these naturally corrosive bacteria. Dentists simply apply SmaRT to their teeth to prevent decay. Now in clinical trials, teeth coated with the anti-decay bacteria can stay healthy forever.2. Artificial lymph nodesScientists at the RIKEN Institute in Japan have developed artificial lymph nodes that generate immune cells to fight infection. Although they could one day replace diseased lymph nodes, for now they can only be used as tailor-made immune boosters. Doctors fill lymph nodes with special cells that are good at treating certain diseases, such as cancer and AIDS.3. Asthma sensorAsthma accounts for one in four EMERGENCY room visits in the United States, but a new sensor developed by scientists at the University of Pittsburgh could dramatically reduce the number of people treated for the condition. The sensor is a handheld device with a polymer coating of carbon nanotubes, 100,000 times thinner than the diameter of a human hair. In just one minute it can measure how much nitric oxide - a gas that forms in the lungs before an asthma attack - is exhaled.Saliva can detect cancerResearchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) have devised a test that can detect cancer simply by taking a saliva sample. Proteins associated with cancer cells respond to the device's color profile, and when the device detects the presence of cancer cells, it emits fluorescent lines that can be detected with a microscope. UCLA engineer Chih-Ming Ho stressed that a similar approach could be used to effectively diagnose a variety of diseases using saliva.5. Biological pacemakerElectronic pacemakers can save lives, but long-term use can cause wear and tear to the hardware and eventually render the device unusable. Researchers at several universities are working on a battery-free pacemaker that can be injected into damaged areas of the heart to express genes in stem cells. The pacemaker can better adapt to thephysiological conditions of patients. In tests, the biological pacemaker slowed the dogs' hearts until they were beating at a normal rate without any complications.。
2022-2023学年浙江大学附属中学高二下学期期中考试英语试卷1. AI makes our lives easier and better. Let’s see the amazing AI.Cool driverless busA bus door opens and you get on. Wait! Where is the driver? Here is a new kind of driverless bus called Apolong. It has 14 seats and doesn’t need a driver. The bus follows traffic rules. It stops as soon as it sees a stop light.Your close friendHi, everyone. I’m Xiaobing, a chatbot(聊天机器人). I speak like a 17-year-old girl. If you feel lonely, you can talk with me. I’m talented at singing, writing poems and telling stories. I want to be your friend!World’s first anchor(主播)Hey, look! The famous Chinese anchor Qiu Hao is reporting the news for us. But is “he” really Qiu Hao? The answer is “no”. This is the world’s first AI anchor. It looks and speaks just like a real person. It can work 24 hours and doesn’t make any mistakes. You might see it on TV soon.Popular AI artistThis beautiful painting was at an auction(拍卖) in 2020. The painting is worth about 3,000,000 yuan! But it is not a work by a famous painter, such as Vincent van Gogh. It was painted by an AI artist. Three Frenchmen created the AI artist. It studied over 15,000 paintings. In this way, it learned to paint.1. What do we know about Apolong?A.the bus door can’t open itself stops as soon as it sees a stop lightC.there are 24 seats in it doesn’t follow the traffic rules2. What can Xiaobing NOT do?A.sing with you if you feel your friend D.go out to play with you3. What can you learn from the passage?A.AI makes our lives harder and worse.B.Xiaobing is a 17-year-old girl.C.The painting is worth about 3,000,000 yuan at an auction.D.This new kind of driverless bus also needs a driver to control it.2. On March 11, 2011, 16-year-old Yuzuru Hanyu was skating at a local rink when the ice beneath him began cracking. He was experiencing 2011’s deadly Great East Japan Earthquake, which had a magnitude of 9.0 and killed at least 18,500 people. The event left him with a greater determination to make every day count.He was introduced to the world of figure skating at the age of 4. As he watched his sister skate, her coach suggested that the energetic little boy give skating a try. He loved the sport and entered his first competition at age 10. By the time he was 19, Hanyu had won two Olympic gold medals. This achievement made him the first Asian skater in the men’s singles category to be an Olympic champion.What sets Hanyu ap art from other competitive figure skaters? At 53 kilograms, he’s thin. But Hanyu is very strong and able to perfectly perform jumps and moves on the ice that others can only attempt. Hanyu’s performances feature long, smooth and high leg kicks. As he glide s effortlessly across the ice, he sometimes looks more like a ballet dancer than a figure skater.When people watch Hanyu perform, it’s clear how much he enjoys himself, and the audiences love him in return. After many performances, people in the crowd shower Hanyu with his loved Pooh Bears.There’s no denying Hanyu’s star power on the ice, but he’s admired off the ice as well. Since the deadly earthquake, Hanyu has helped raise funds for victims. Over the past 10 years, he has also personally given about US$300,000 to help rebuild the local ice rink in Sendai, Hanyu’s hometown. The little boy who started out at his neighborhood rink is now adored by people from around the globe.1. Why does the author mention the earthquake in Paragraph 1?A.To introduce the biggest earthquake. B.To list its serious damage to Japan.C.To show its influence on Hanyu. D.To encourage us to value our life.2. What can we learn about Hanyu?A.His parents discovered his talent early. B.He got the first gold medal at age ten.C.He was well known for high leg kicks. D.He got Pooh Bears as a prize in acompetition.3. Which of the following best describes Yuzuru Hanyu?A.Considerate and humorous. B.Gifted and generous.C.Ambitious and honest. D.Responsible and curious.4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?A.A Skater Giving a Hand to VictimsB.Figure Skating Becoming Popular in the WorldC.Yuzuru Hanyu — A Two-Time Olympic ChampionD.A Star on Ice Winning Hearts Around the World3. Feeling overloaded by your to-do list can certainly make you unhappy, but new research suggests that more free time might not be the elixir many of us dream it could be.In a new study released last week, researchers analyzed data from two large-scale (大规模) surveys about how Americans spend their time. Together, the surveys included more than 35,000 respondents. The researchers found that people with more free time generally had higher levels of subjective well-being — but only up to a point. People who had around two hours of free time a day generally reported they felt better than those who had less time. But people who had five or more hours of free time a day generally said they felt worse. So ultimately the free-time “sweet spot” might be two to three hours per day, the findings suggest.Part of finding this seemingly tricky “sweet spot” has to do with how people spend the extra time they have, the researchers behind the new study argue. They conducted several smaller online experiments. In one they asked participants to imagine having 3.5 to 7 free hours per day. They were asked to imagine spending that time doing “productive” things (like exercising) or to imagine doing “unproductive” activities (like watching TV). Study participants believed their w ell-being would suffer if they had a lot of free time during the day — but only if they used it unproductively. Though that experiment was hypothetical, which is one limitation of the new research, it’s certainly in line with other research showing that be ing in a state of “flow” can be good for people’s mental health.Of course, what feels “productive” is up to you. Many traditionally productive or purposeful activities can be easy and fun. Engaging in a bit of low-key cardio, like walking and jogging, can help burn stress. Free-time activities like reading or cooking are also known to put people in a state of flow.1. What does the underlined word “elixir” in paragraph 1 refer to?A.Magic solution.B.Physical power.C.Psychological test.D.Relaxed atmosphere.2. How did the researchers carry out the new study?A.By doing large-scale online surveys.B.By giving interviews and mental tests.C.By comparing respondents’ backgrounds.D.By conducting experiments and analyzing data.3. What is a distinct finding of the new research?A.Doing unproductive things leads to unhappiness.B.Being in a state of flow benefits people’s mental health.C.Man’s well-being is positively related to the free time they have.D.How people spend their free time affects their sense of well-being.4. What is the focus of the last paragraph?A.The importance of burning stress.B.Easy and fun activities to kill time.C.Further explanation of being productive.D.The benefits of engaging in free-time activities.4. When elderly people stay active, their brains have more of a class of proteins that enhances the connections between neurons (神经元) to maintain healthy cognition (认知), a UC San Francisco study has found.“Our work is the first that uses human data to show t hat synapse protein regulation (突触蛋白质调节) is related to physical activity and may drive the beneficial cognitive outcomes we see,” said Kaitlin Casaletto, PhD, an assistant professor of neurology and lead author on the study. The beneficial effects of physical activity on cognition have been shown in mice but have been much harder to demonstrate in people.The project tracked the late-life physical activity of elderly participants, who also agreed to donate their brains when they died. Maintaining the integrity of these connections between neurons may be vital to fighting against mental disorder, since the synapse is really the site where cognition happens. Physical activity—a readily available tool—may help boost this synaptic functioning.Casaletto found that elderly people who remained active had higher levels of proteins that facilitate the exchange of information between neurons. This result agreed with the earlier finding that people who had more of these proteins in their brains when they died were better able to maintain their cognition late in life.“It may be that physical activity generates a global sustaining effect, supporting the healthy function of proteins that facilitate synaptic transmission throughout the brain,” Casaletto said.The brains of most older adults store poisonous proteins that are the marks of mental illnesses, and the proteins can cause synapses and neurons to fall apart. “In older adults with higher levels of the proteins associated with synaptic integrity, this effect that leads to mental diseases appears to be weakened,” she said. “The study shows the potential importance of maintaining synaptic health to support the brain against mental diseases like Alzheimer’s.”1. What helps elderly people keep cognitive ability according to the study?A.Proteins produced during physical activity.B.Body tissues with healthy chemical substances.C.A certain connection between the brain regions.D.A type of neuron formed while they’re thinking.2. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A.Mental diseases may affect synaptic health.B.Low levels of proteins help to prevent Alzheimer’s.C.Synaptic integrity safeguards brains against mental illnesses.D.The brain can automatically break down the poisonous proteins.3. What’s the purpose of the text?A.To present a research result. B.To give practical advice.C.To tell an interesting story. D.To solve an academic problem.4. What can be the best title of the text?A.Breakthroughs Have Been Made in the Field of NeuronsB.Casaletto Makes Achievements in Studying Human BrainsC.Ways Are Created to Ensure the Physical Health of the OldD.Exercise Changes Brain Chemistry to Protect Aging Synapses5. The way we watch television has changed, as many of us no longer follow the old model of television. In the past, a new episode (集) of a show was released once a week. 1 People, therefore, have created a new term:binge-watching (狂欢式刷剧). It is used to describe the behavior of watching many episodes of a whole series in a row.2 In fact, a 2018 Morning Consult poll (民意调查) found that 60 percent of American adults who watched shows binge-watched. The percentage even increased among younger audiences. 3Of course, every new cultural behavior has its accompanying health consequences. What is binge-watching doing to our health? 4 They sent an 18-question survey to 926 adults who owned a television and at least one other device with a screen. They found that heavy screen time users averaged 17.5 hours of screen-use every day. They also reported that this group’s health condition was worse than light users.Interestingly, researchers also discovered a connection between binge-watching and greater stress. The result is surprising. 5 It might have been believed that people are turning to binge-watching to deal with anxiety and stress. However, that’s not the case. It could be the case that people will suffer from greater stress if watching more shows continuously.6. How to recognize cyber attacksCyber-attacks may sound like something that happens only in Hollywood movies. You _________a team of talented Hackers gathered around computer monitors trying to break into a secure bank or government server. In reality, cyber-attacks are much less exciting but no less _________.A/An_________attack involves a cyber-criminal sending out thousands or oven millions of links and flies. They assume that someone will_________ fall for their trap and open an infected file or page. Somebody always does. The best way to protect yourself is to learn how to _________cyber-attacks as well as how to prevent them from happening in the first place.Cyber-attacks can happen to anybody. It doesn’t matter who you are; cyber criminals can target you. While many often think of hacking victims as_________about digital security best practices, this isn’t always the case. Kickers are smart. True, there are plenty of apparent scams (骗局) like ‘the Nigerian Price" emails. But there are as many attacks that can fool even the skillful computer-users.Nowadays, cyber-criminals create fake websites and email addresses. You may think you are clicking a link to Dropbox (多宝箱) only to download malware onto your computer, _________may never know when you have visited the wrong site and downloaded a/an_______file. So, it’s up to you to be vigilant (警觉的) and protect yourself.So you need to lean to recognize the signs of cyber-attacks. First, recognize _________activity on your accounts or devices. ____________ some things may be obvious such as account password changes, others aren’t so easy to spot. Usually, hackers insert pieces of code into valid files and programs. And then, you might receive a file from a trusted sender whose mail has been__________. Sometimes, the data are even real, but the hacker may have inserted a few lines of code that can also infect your computer. You should take the time to check your “Task Manager” to get a sense of what____________are running. Check anything suspicious that’s __________in the background. That’s often the sign of malware.Other things to ____________for include: random device or internet slowdown; the software you don’t recognize; inability to access your account or unscheduled shutdowns and restarts.As with everything, ____________ is the best medicine. So, instead of waiting for cyber-attacks to hit you, recognize the signs to protect yourself.1.A.gather B.picture C.find D.establish2.A.dangerous B.worried C.cautious D.helpless3.A.historic B.typical C.potential D.specific4.A.halfway B.originally C.periodically D.eventually5.A.predict B.limit C.warn D.recognize6.A.fearless B.soundless C.clueless conclusion B.and C.but if .8.A.empty B.supervised C.tracked D.infected9.A.powerful B.suspicious C.specific D.frequent10.A.While B.Since C.If D.When11.A.guaranteed B.assessed C.leaked D.composed 12.A.mechanisms B.files C.programs D.commands 13.A.attacking B.chatting C.hiding D.running14.A.sum up out C.mark off D.turn down 15.A.strategy B.practice C.solution D.prevention7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
睡眠很重要 英文作文
睡眠很重要英语作文1Sleep is an essential part of our lives that often goes underestimated. It plays a crucial role in maintaining good health. A sufficient amount of sleep can enhance our immune system, making us less prone to falling ill. For instance, when we are well-rested, our bodies are better equipped to fight off viruses and bacteria, reducing the likelihood of catching a cold or flu.Moreover, sleep is vital for the growth and repair of our bodies. During sleep, various processes occur that help us recover from the day's activities. This is especially important for teenagers who are still growing.A good night's sleep promotes the development of muscles and bones, allowing us to reach our full potential physically.Lack of sleep, on the other hand, can have detrimental effects. It can lead to fatigue, poor concentration, and mood swings. Chronic sleep deprivation may even increase the risk of serious health problems such as heart disease and diabetes.In conclusion, we should all prioritize getting enough quality sleep to ensure a healthy and productive life. It is not just a luxury but a necessity for our overall well-being.2Sleep is of vital importance for our mental health. A good night's sleep is like a magic elixir that works wonders on our minds. It helps to relieve stress, which is a common problem in our daily lives. For instance, when we have a peaceful and deep sleep, our bodies and minds can relax fully. The next day, we wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face challenges with a positive attitude.Moreover, sleep plays a crucial role in improving our memory and concentration. Have you ever experienced forgetting something important because you were sleep deprived? When we get enough sleep, our brains can process and store information more effectively. This enables us to remember lessons learned at school or important details in our work.In conclusion, sleep is not just a period of rest; it is a key factor in maintaining a healthy mental state. We should all make sure to prioritize getting adequate sleep to enjoy its numerous benefits and lead a happier and more productive life.3Sleep is of vital importance for our overall well-being, yet many people underestimate its significance and suffer from insufficient sleep. Lack of sleep can have numerous detrimental effects on our lives.Firstly, it leads to fatigue. When we don't get enough sleep, our bodiesand minds become exhausted, making it difficult to perform even simple daily tasks with energy and enthusiasm. For example, students might struggle to concentrate in class and find it challenging to absorb new knowledge.Secondly, insufficient sleep can cause low mood. We may become irritable, anxious, or even depressed. This can negatively impact our relationships with others and our quality of life.Furthermore, it has a significant influence on our ability to learn and work efficiently. Employees who are sleep deprived are more prone to making mistakes and having reduced productivity.In conclusion, getting adequate sleep is not a luxury but a necessity for a healthy and fulfilling life. We should prioritize good sleep habits to avoid these harmful consequences.4Sleep is of paramount importance for our physical and mental well-being. To obtain quality sleep, several factors need to be taken into consideration. Firstly, maintaining a regular sleep schedule is crucial. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps regulate our body's internal clock. For instance, if you set your bedtime at 10 p.m. and wake up at 6 a.m., your body will adapt to this routine, making it easier for you to fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.Secondly, creating a comfortable sleep environment is essential. Aquiet, dark, and cool room can significantly enhance the quality of sleep. A comfortable mattress and pillows also contribute to a good night's rest.Moreover, it is highly recommended to avoid using electronic devices before going to bed. The blue light emitted by these devices can disrupt our sleep patterns. Instead, one could engage in relaxing activities such as reading a physical book or taking a warm bath.In conclusion, achieving a good night's sleep requires conscious efforts in maintaining regularity, creating the right environment, and avoiding distractions. By paying attention to these aspects, we can ensure that sleep becomes a source of rejuvenation and energy for our daily lives.5Sleep is an essential part of our lives, and its significance cannot be overstated. From a scientific perspective, sleep plays a crucial role in maintaining our physical and mental well-being.During sleep, the brain undergoes a process of cleaning and repair. It gets rid of accumulated toxins and waste products, which helps to keep our neural pathways functioning optimally. For example, a lack of sufficient sleep can lead to a buildup of proteins associated with neurodegenerative diseases.Different stages of sleep have specific effects on our bodies and minds. In the deep sleep stage, our body releases growth hormones that are vital for tissue repair and muscle growth. This stage also helps to strengthen ourimmune system, making us more resilient to diseases.The REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep stage is associated with dreaming and is important for memory consolidation and emotional processing. It helps us to integrate new information and experiences, and regulate our emotions.In conclusion, getting adequate and quality sleep is not just a matter of comfort; it is a biological necessity for our overall health and functioning. We should prioritize good sleep habits to ensure a healthy and productive life.。
• Introduction to Bioinformatics • Genomics • Proteomics • The Application of Bioinformatics in
Medicine • The Future Development of
The research field of bioinformatics
Summary: Research Field of Bioinformatics
Detailed description: The research fields of bioinformatics are very extensive, including genomics, proteomics, systems biology, evolutionary biology, epigenetics, etc. These fields of research all involve the acquisition, processing, analysis, and interpretation of biological data, as well as the role of these data in understanding biological processes and disease mechanisms.
pharmaceuticals. For example, in the field of medicine, genomics can be used to diagnose genetic diseases, predict drug responses, and personalize healthcare. In the field of agriculture, genomics can be used to improve crop and livestock varieties, increase yield and resistance.
2025高考英语一轮复习外刊阅读与词汇专练专题04 RNA破防了!我不是DNA的小弟!1. 精编外刊阅读2. 阅读理解专项3. 语法填空专项4. 课标高频词专练5. 外刊中的课标词【精编·外刊阅读】A primer on RNA, perhaps the most consequential molecule of all(文章来源:Economist)文中红色粗体为课标词,下面有专门的高频课标词训练和课标词梳理表格For years, students of cellbiology were taught that RNA wasmerely a humble assistant to DNAand proteins. DNA was seen as thelibrary of all knowledge and proteinsas the constructors of an organism.RNA was viewed as a messenger(信使), carrying DNA's plans tocell workshops and being part of theworkshop fabric. Biologists now realize that RNA has a far wider range of jobs in cells than earlier understood. It seems likely that RNA even precedes DNA and proteins as the original molecule(分子)of life.Thomas Cech's new book, "The Catalyst," describes how the view of RNA has changed. In the 1980s, Cech supported the idea that RNA molecules can act as enzymes(酶), challenging the belief that only proteins could be catalysts. In 1989, he shared the Nobel chemistry prize for discovering "ribozymes (核酶)". Dr Cech’s team found an "autocatalytic(自催化的)" rearrangement of an RNA molecule. This molecule, meant to bee part of a ribosome(核糖体), cut out an unnecessary part. This discovery challenged the belief that enzymes are always proteins.Similar discoveries by other labs quickly followed, revealing other types of ribozymes. RNA in ribosomes was discovered to be catalytic, not just structural. It is RNA, not the protein ponent, that adds amino(氨基) acids to a growing protein chain. This discovery excited scientists seeking life’s origin. RNA, which can both store information and catalyze(催化)reactions, may have been the earliest molecule of life. Early RNAbased organisms may have later evolved to use DNA for information storage and proteins for catalysis, with RNA linking these molecules.Since Dr Cech’s discovery, many types of RNA have been found, involved in gene regulation and protecting cells from viral infection. About half of medicines work by targeting germ RNA while leaving human RNA unaffected, which is a promising starting point for new drugs. RNA can silence disease causing genetic changes by pairing with and disabling RNA messengers from changed DNA sections. RNA messengers have been used to create covid vaccines and may be used against other diseases, including certain cancers.【原创阅读理解】1.What was RNA traditionally viewed as in cell biology?A. A primary molecule responsible for genetic inheritanceB. A secondary molecule assisting DNA and proteinsC. The main structural ponent of cells and tissuesD. An enzyme that catalyzes biochemical reactions2.How can the word "catalysts" be interpreted in the context of this passage?A. Things that slow down chemical reactions in cellsB. Proteins that support and maintain cell structuresC. Molecules that carry genetic information to cellsD. Substances that help speed up chemical reactions3.Why is RNA important in the study of life's origin?A. RNA's ability to act as both genetic material and an enzyme supports theories of early lifeB. RNA's stability and versatility make it essential for understanding early lifeC. RNA's simplicity pared to DNA and proteins suggests it was the first biological moleculeD. RNA's presence in early organisms underscores its evolutionary importance4.What does the article imply about the future possibilities for RNA in medicine?A. RNA will likely bee the main focus of genetic research, overshadowing DNAB. RNAbased therapies have the potential to revolutionize treatment for various diseasesC. RNA's role in cellular functions suggests it will replace proteins in many therapiesD. RNA applications are limited, but they show promise in specialized fields like oncology【原创语法填空】For years, students of cell biology were taught that RNA was merely an assistant to DNA and proteins. DNA ____1____ (consider) the library of all knowledge, and proteins were seen as the buildersof an organism. RNA was viewed as a messenger, ____2____ (carry) DNA's instructions to cell workshops. Biologists now realize that RNA performs a much ____3____ (wide) range of jobs in cells.Thomas Cech's book, "The Catalyst," highlights how perceptions of RNA have changed. In the 1980s, Cech proposed that RNA molecules can act as enzymes, challenging the belief that only proteins could be catalysts. In 1989, he won the Nobel Prize for discovering "ribozymes." His team identified____4____ "autocatalytic" RNA molecule ____5____ removed an unnecessary part to bee part of a ribosome.Other labs quickly made similar ____6____ (discovery), identifying more ribozymes. RNA in ribosomes was found to be catalytic, not just structural. It is RNA, not protein, ____7____ adds amino acids to a growing protein chain. RNA, capable of storing information and catalyzing reactions, may have been the earliest molecule of life. Early RNAbased organisms might have evolved to use DNA for information storage and proteins for catalysis, ____8____ RNA linking these molecules.About half of medicines work by targeting germ RNA while leaving human RNA unaffected. RNA messengers ____9____ (use) to create COVID19 vaccines and might be used against other diseases,____10____ (include) cancers.【原创·课标高频词训练】1.It is __________ (necessary) to provide further proof when the evidence is already overwhelming.2.Our current __________ (store) capabilities are insufficient for the volume of data we handle daily.3.The government's new __________ (regulate) on emissions has sparked controversy among carmanufacturers.4.Over millions of years, animals __________ (evolve) specialized traits to survive in their habitats.5.The campaign __________ (target) demographic includes young adults aged 1825.6.Scientists constantly __________ (seek) to understand the underlying causes of plex diseases.7.The study __________ (reveal) significant differences between the two groups.8.The temperature __________ (range) in this region can vary dramatically between day and night.9.The __________ (origin) manuscript of the novel is preserved in the national library.10.The mittee is __________ (mere) advisory and has no decisionmaking powers.11.Given the current circumstances, it is highly __________ (like) that the project will be delayed.12.The investigation __________ (involve) multiple agencies working collaboratively.13.Proper hygiene practices can significantly reduce the risk of __________ (infect).14.The project presents many __________ (challenge) to the team, requiring innovative solutions.15.The patient's __________ (react) to the medication was carefully monitored by the doctors.【梳理·外刊中的课标词】。
以下是10个双语例句:1. Rab蛋白在细胞内发挥重要作用,调节细胞膜的形状和位置。
Rab proteins play a crucial role in regulating cellular membrane shape and localization.2. Rab蛋白通过与其他蛋白质相互作用,将运输泡膜与目标膜进行融合。
Rab proteins interact with other proteins to mediate the fusion of transport vesicles with target membranes.3. Rab蛋白的活性受到GTP或GDP的水解状态的调节。
Theactivity of Rab proteins is regulated by the hydrolytic state of GTP or GDP.4. Rab蛋白的异常功能与多种疾病如神经退行性疾病和肿瘤相关。
Aberrant functioning of Rab proteins is associated withvarious diseases such as neurodegenerative disorders and tumors.5. Rab蛋白的序列和结构高度保守,表明其在进化中起到重要的角色。
The sequence and structure of Rab proteins are highly conserved, indicating their crucial role in evolution.6. Rab蛋白通过调节细胞内物质的运输和分配,维持细胞的正常代谢状态。
Rab proteins maintain the normal metabolic state of cells by regulating intracellular transport and distribution of substances.7. Rab蛋白的功能受到特定的脂质组分和其他蛋白质的调控。
蛋白质研究的进展英语作文Title: Advances in Protein Research。
In recent years, there have been significant advancements in the field of protein research, driven by technological innovations, interdisciplinary collaborations, and a deeper understanding of biological systems. Thisessay aims to explore some of the key developments inprotein research, highlighting their implications and potential applications.One area of notable progress is in the study of protein structures and dynamics. High-resolution techniques such as X-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) have revolutionized our ability to visualize protein structuresat atomic resolution. These methods have enabledresearchers to elucidate the three-dimensional arrangements of proteins, providing insights into their functions and interactions with other molecules.Moreover, advancements in computational modeling and simulation have complemented experimental approaches in studying protein dynamics. Molecular dynamics simulations, in particular, have emerged as powerful tools for investigating the conformational changes and dynamic behaviors of proteins over time scales ranging from picoseconds to milliseconds. By integrating experimental data with computational models, researchers can gain a comprehensive understanding of protein structure-function relationships.Another area of progress is in the design and engineering of proteins for various applications. Protein engineering techniques, such as directed evolution and rational design, have enabled the creation of novel proteins with tailored functions and properties. These engineered proteins have diverse applications, including biocatalysis, drug delivery, and biomaterials development. For example, engineered enzymes with enhanced catalytic activities are being used in industrial processes for the production of biofuels and pharmaceuticals.Furthermore, advances in protein therapeutics have revolutionized the treatment of various diseases. Monoclonal antibodies, in particular, have emerged as a major class of protein therapeutics for targeting specific disease targets, such as cancer and autoimmune disorders. Recent developments in antibody engineering, such as the generation of bispecific antibodies and antibody-drug conjugates, have expanded the therapeutic potential of these molecules, enabling more precise and effective treatment strategies.In addition to therapeutic applications, proteins are also being explored for their potential in diagnostic and imaging technologies. For instance, protein-based biosensors are being developed for the detection of biomarkers associated with disease states, offering rapid and sensitive diagnostic tools. Moreover, protein-based imaging probes are being utilized for non-invasive imaging of biological processes at the molecular level,facilitating early detection and monitoring of diseases.In conclusion, the field of protein research has witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years, driven by technological innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration. These advancements have not only deepened our understanding of protein structure and function but also expanded the applications of proteins in various fields, including therapeutics, diagnostics, and imaging. As researchers continue to unravel the complexities of proteins, the future holds great promise for further discoveries and innovations in this fascinating field.。
National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS)Antibiotics kill or inhibit the growth of susceptible bacteria. Sometimes one of the bacteria survives because it has the ability to neutralize or evade the effect of the antibiotic; that one bacteria can then multiply and replace all the bacteria that were killed off. Exposure to antibiotics therefore provides selective pressure, which makes the surviving bacteria more likely to be resistant. In addition, bacteria that were at one time susceptible to an antibiotic can acquire resistance through mutation of their genetic material or by acquiring pieces of DNA that code for the resistance properties from other bacteria. The DNA that codes for resistance can be grouped in a single easily transferable package. This means that bacteria can become resistant to many antimicrobial agents because of the transfer of one piece of DNA.抗生素杀死或抑制细菌生长的敏感。
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a rX iv:q -bio/456v1[q-bi o.BM]6Ma y24Proteins associated with diseases show enhanced sequencecorrelation between charged residues Ruxandra I.Dima and D.Thirumalai ∗Institute for Physical Science and Technology University of Maryland,College Park,MD 20742(accepted for Bioinformatics )(Dated:February 9,2008)AbstractMotivation:Function of proteins or a network of interacting proteins often involves com-munication between residues that are well separated in sequence.The classic example is the participation of distant residues in allosteric regulation.Bioinformatic and structural analysis methods have been introduced to infer residues that are correlated.Recently,increasing atten-tion has been paid to obtain the sequence properties that determine the tendency of disease related proteins(Aβpeptides,prion proteins,transthyretin etc.)to aggregate and formfibrils. Motivated in part by the need to identify sequence characteristics that indicate a tendency to aggregate,we introduce a general method that probes covariations in charged residues along the sequence in a given protein family.The method,which involves computing the Sequence(i,j)offinding a residue pair Correlation Entropy(SCE)using the quenched probability P skat a given sequence separation s k,allows us to classify protein families in terms of their SCE. Our general approach may be a useful way in obtaining evolutionary covariations of amino acid residues on a genome wide level.Results:We use a combination of SCE and clustering based on the principle component analysis to classify the protein families.From an analysis of839families,covering approximately500,000 sequences,wefind that proteins with relatively low values of SCE are predominantly associated(i,j)are clustered with various diseases.In several families,residues that give rise to peaks in P skin the three dimensional structure.For the class of proteins with low SCE values there are significant numbers of mixed charged-hydrophobic(CH)and charged-polar(CP)runs.Our findings suggest that low values of SCE and the presence of(CH)and/or(CP)may be indicative of disease association or tendency to aggregate.Our results lead to the hypothesis that functions of proteins with similar SCE values may be linked.The hypothesis is validated with a few anecdotal examples.The present results also lead to the prediction that the overall charge correlations in proteins affect the kinetics of amyloid formation–a feature that is common to all proteins implicated in neurodegenerative diseases.IntroductionThe classification of proteins based on their structures into families is useful not only inassigning distinct functions but also for examining the evolution of sequences with related func-tions.Because proteins in a family are descendants of the same ancestral protein,it is logical to postulate that the observed sequence differences are the result of evolutionary pressure which vary greatly across distinct organisms.Sequence variations are tempered by the requirements of native state stability and function.Destabilization of the folded state by mutations at one site can be compensated by mutations at distant or nearby sites(Lesk and Chothia,1980;Neher, 1994).Thus,it is important to study covariations of amino acids at distinct sites to decipher if there is communication between the two,especially as it pertains to function.Long-range communications between several residues(both along the sequence and across domains or inter-faces in protein complexes)are crucial for biological function.Thus,it might also be necessary to introduce methods to infer multi-site variations across sequences in order to understand a number of issues in proteomics.Correlations between amino acids in protein families have been probed using computational methods beginning with the classic works of Lesk and Chothia and Altschuh et al.(Lesk and Chothia,1980;Altschuh et al.1987).Several studies(Neher,1994;Taylor and Hatrick, 1994;Pollock and Taylor,1997)have discovered relationships between coordinated amino acid changes that occur during evolution and the corresponding structural alterations.The working hypothesis in these studies is that a mutation at a site that compromises the function is often compensated by a mutation at another site that is in proximity in the three dimensional struc-ture.The difficulty in validating the working hypothesis arises largely because multi-correlation effects,which are difficult to capture(Pollock and Taylor,1997),can be important in com-pensating a given mutation.Nevertheless,the computational methods that capture sequence covariations have provided insights in a number of areas of protein science(Landgraf et al.,2001; Pazos et al.,1997;Olmea et al.,1999;Fariselli and Casadio,1999;Lockless and Ranganathan, 1999;Lichtarge and Sowa,2002).To infer the functional importance of correlated mutations,it is crucial to include physico-chemical characteristics of amino acids(charge,volume of side-chains,hydrophobicity,etc.) to describe the positions in a multiple sequence alignment(MSA)(Lesk and Chothia,1980; Neher,1994).Based on a study of divergent evolution in a set of protein families with known folds(Chelvanayagam et al.,1997)it has been argued that only charged residues showdiscernible covariation at all evolutionary distances.With these observations in mind,we have investigated,using a new method,covariations among charged residues in839families.To obtain such correlations we introduce a function,the Sequence Correlation Entropy(SCE), that measures the extent to which two sites along a given sequence are coupled.The values of SCE for protein families show that families/functions are associated with specific patterns of charges.There is a relationship between the degree of correlation of charged amino acids and the disease associations of a family.Families with high degree of correlation between charged residues also have many significant mixed charged-hydrophobic/polar runs in the sequences. These significantfindings suggest that charges occur in well defined patterns.Furthermore, variations in charges along sequences occur often in a correlated fashion in the evolutionary process.System and MethodsSequence correlation function and the associated“entropy”:We introduce a general measure that probes correlation between specific residues that are separated by a given length for a database of sequences.Here we focus on charged residues(D and E are negatively charged, and K and R are positively charged).To measure the correlation along the sequence between two charged residues,i and j(i,jǫ{+,-}),we introduce the Sequence Correlation Entropy (SCE)S(i,j)=−I max(i,j)k=1P sk(i,j)ln(P sk(i,j))(1)where s k is the sequence separation between the residues,k labels the pairs(i,j),and I max(i,j) is the total number of sequence separations between residues i and j along the sequences of the family.We choose those pairs for which the locations of i and j are consecutive,or only those (i,j)pairs for which there is no identical pair located between them.The probability offinding residues i and j at s k in the MSA isP sk (i,j)=1n(l)(i,j)(2)where n seq(i,j)is the number of sequences in the MSA,n(l)(i,j)is the number of pairs of the type(i,j)in sequence l and n(l)(i,j)[s k]is the number of pairs of type(i,j)from sequence l at separation s k.This equation is meaningful only if the statistical ensemble contains at least onepair of type(i,j).Note that P sk (i,j)satisfies the normalization condition I max(i,j)k=1P sk(i,j)=1.Because the SCE uses a“quenched”sum(no preaveraging over all the sequences in the MSA)over the sequences of a given family,significant correlations,if present,can be gleaned.In contrast,in the mutual information function the equivalent of Eqn.(2)would ben seq(i,j)l=1n(l)(i,j)[s k]I max(i,j)provided N(i,j)≥I max(i,j).Otherwise,P(rand)s k(i,j)=1S(rand)(i,j)×100(4)where S(rand)(i,j)=−ln(P(rand)s k(i,j)).If¯S(i,j)=0it implies that amino acids i and j always occur at separation s k in all members of the family.A relatively small value of¯S(i,j)means that there is a preferred sequence separation s k for the(i,j)pair.Significant mixed runs of charged and hydrophobic/polar residues:Karlin et al.(Karlin,1995;Karlin et al.,2002)found that,infive eukaryotic genomes,multiple long runs of given types of amino acids occur in proteins associated with diseases.For example,multiple long runs of glutamine,alanine,and serine dominate in Drosophila melanogaster whereas in human sequences a preponderance of glutamate,proline,and leucine is found. Guided by thesefindings,we searched for significant mixed charged-hydrophobic(CH)or charged-polar(CP)runs.A mixed CH(CP)run is the longest possible segment of consecutive amino acids along the sequence such that thefirst and the last positions are occupied by charged amino acids while residues in between are either charged or hydrophobic(polar).If P random=(P+)n+(P−)n−(P H)n H L seq<10−3where P+,P−,P H are the percentage of+,-charged,hydrophobic(H)residues in the whole sequence,n+,n−and n H are the numbers of each such type of residue in the given run and L seq is the length of the sequence,then a CH run is significant.Significance for(CP)runs is similarly defiing the number of significant mixed CH runs(N run(CH))and CP runs(N run(CP))in each sequence in the MSA whose real length is at least half of the length of the alignment,we calculated the average number of significant mixed runs per sequence R run=N run(21,“HSP”),nucleic acids(DNA or RNA)binding proteins(152,“NA”),disease-related proteins(prions,other amyloidogenic proteins,cancer,allergens,toxins)(40,“Disease”),viral proteins(209,“Viruses”)including viral nucleocapsid proteins(26,“Capsid”)and“normal”proteins(595,“Normal”).The number of families is given in parenthesis.For example,the families from the“Disease”class represent the subset of all the families retrieved from Pfam with keyword“disease”which satisfy also the above mentioned criteria for statistical signifi-cance.The functions of the families are diverse enough that we can draw meaningful conclusions.ImplementationDisease associations based on clustering of sequence correlation entropy:The P[¯S(i,j)]distributions for the(+,+),(+,-)and(-,-)are broad(Fig.1(a)).Therefore any attempt to classify families based entirely on these distributions is bound to be arbitrary.A more reliable method is to use a clustering procedure to divide the families according to their ¯S(i,j)values.We start by constructing a839×3matrix with the rows representing the families and the columns corresponding to¯S(i,j)values.Inspired by the Principal Component Analysis (PCA)clustering procedure(Jolliffe,1986),we transformed the above matrix into the839×839 matrix of the euclidean distances between all pairs of families.An analysis of the eigenvalues of this matrix shows that thefirst4-5eigenvalues are much larger in magnitude than the others. Therefore,if there exists a tendency of the protein families to cluster then such a tendency will manifest itself in the behavior of the eigenvectors associated to the largest eigenvalues(because higher order eigenvectors are bound to remove structure from the data points).Indeed,the plot of the second eigenvector(EV2)versus thefirst eigenvector(EV1)(data not shown)reveals two clusters of data:one corresponding to positive values of EV2,the other corresponding to negative values of EV2.But the boundary between the two clusters is not well defined.A much better picture is provided by the plots of EV4versus EV1from Fig.(2(a))and EV4 versus EV2from Fig.(2(b)).Both graphs present three regions which we represent byfilled triangles,filled circles and stars.A mapping of the points from one graph to the other shows that the corresponding regions are populated by almost the same set of points.But because the number of points in the corresponding regions from the two graphs varies somewhat,we chooseto define the clusters based on Fig.(2(b)).This choice leads to a more balanced distribution of points in each cluster:the HC cluster contains210points,the MC cluster has361points, and the remaining268points are in the LC cluster.By mapping the points from the three clusters to families and their¯S(i,j)values,we can therefore classify the protein families in3 classes:(1)Highly Correlated(HC)families have at least two of the pairs satisfy the constraints ¯S(+,+)≤52%,¯S(+,−)≤42%,and¯S(−,−)≤50%.(2)If at least two of the pairs satisfy ¯S(+,+)=(53%−63%),¯S(+,−)=(43%−54%)and¯S(−,−)=(51%−60%)then the family is considered to have moderate correlation(MC).(3)When at least two of the pairs lie outside the range,we assume that there is little correlation(LC).Many protein families known to be associated with various diseases belong to the HC class (Table I).Examples of families belonging to the HC class are prions,Aβpeptide,theτprotein and Sup35(one of the Yeast prions)which are all known to aggregate and formfibrils. This result correlates well with thefindings of various studies of protein aggregation that for prions charged residues play a key role(Billeter et al.,1995).Our prediction supports the observation that mutations of charged residues drastically affect thefibrillization kinetics in a variety of proteins in which aggregation occurs from the unfolded state(Massi et al.,2002;Chiti et al.,2003).Other families with high degree of sequence correlation between charged amino acids represent proteins that cause diseases like viruses(HCV,Adeno-hexon,Vpu,Gag-p17), Androgen receptor(Kennedy disease),the lyme disease protein and P53(whose malfunctioning is linked to cancer).Proteins which bind nucleic acids(DNA and RNA which are highly charged) like DNA-polB,recA and IF3,together with proteins that are implicated in the response of the organism to environmental stress(PAL).The largest category of proteins represented in the HC class are those associated with various diseases(Table II).Families that belong to the MC class represent a mixture of structural proteins,enzymes,transport proteins and some disease-related proteins.Some examples are:Aerolysin(related to deep wound infections),aldedh(allergens), Alpha dh(electron transfer), and GCVof unusual sequence composition in disease related proteins.If the fraction of total number of charged residues in a sequence exceeds the typical23%observed in protein structures(Creighton, 1993),then one might expect it to belong to the HC putation of the sequence composition of charged residues in all839families shows no correlation between the observed fraction of charged residues and the associated value of¯S(i,j)(RID,unpublished).(b)To ascertain if ourfindings are a result of high sequence identity,we explored the relationship between the average sequence identity in a family(as presented in the Pfam entry)and its class based on¯S(i,j)values.The distributions of sequence identities for families belonging to the three classes show that families with similarities above90%belong to the HC class,while families with similarities below15%are most likely to belong to the LC class.This is exactly what one expects based on the Eqn.(1)and Eqn.(2).But, in general,there is no good correlation between the sequence similarity in a family and its class(Fig.1(b)).There is considerable variation in the sequence identities between families in both the HC and MC class(Fig.1(b)).Both these control calculations show that the values of SCE among charged residues may indeed be associated with the function of the protein.(c)To determine the significance of the¯S(i,j)values in the various families,a comparative analysis with a random dataset is required.For this,we built100,000sets each containing 1000sequences of length100.Each position in a sequence was assigned one of the20types of amino acids with equal probability.The corresponding distributions of¯S(i,j)values(data not shown)are narrow with averages corresponding to69%,57%and76%for¯S(+,+),¯S(+,−), and¯S(−,−)ing these data sets,the Pvalues for¯S(i,j)in the HC class are <10−5,which shows that the calculated¯S(i,j)values are very significant.More importantly, the link between¯S(i,j)and the tendency to aggregate is indeed meaningful.Specific sequence separations in charged residues may be preferred in proteins belonging to the HC class:Plots of P s(i,j)as a function of of s k for three of the families ink(i,j)which implies that the HC class show(Figs.3)that there is considerable structure in P skin these families there is distinct correlation among charged residues at preferred values of s k. Surprisingly,despite the similarity in the overall degree of correlation in prions and DNA-polBand HCV capsid proteins,the behavior of P s(i,j)in prions resembles more closely that of thekHCV capsid:in both cases there are a few peaks separated by deep valleys.On the other hand, (i,j)decays smoothly with the increase in s DNA-polB P skThe availability of a representative structure in these families allows us to map these high probability sequence correlations(Figs.3)and their occurrence in the structure.Mapping onto the NMR structure of the human prion protein(1QLX)of the positions that are involved in the pairs that correspond to the largest P s(i,j)(Fig.4(a))shows that these30positions(which arekmostly found in the3helices)are clustered almost entirely on one face of the three dimensional prion structure.In the prion family the localization of charged amino acids in the3D structure is reflected in the specific peaks in P s(i,j).A similar mapping of positions(selected on theksame basis as in prions)in DNA-polB on a structure from Thermococcous Gorgonarius(1TGO) shows that these positions are uniformly distributed on all faces of the structure.If the linear density of charges(number of charged residues divided by sequence length)is roughly uniform, (i,j)to decay smoothly without any structure.This is the case in DNA-polB we expect P skfamily(Figs.3).As a result wefind that,at the tertiary structure level,the charges are roughly uniformly distributed throughout the surface(Fig.4(b)).Could the observation of preferred sequence separation be anticipated from sequence entropy calculation alone?To answer this,we calculated S(i)=− N classα=1pα(i)lnpα(i)using four classes (N class=4)of amino acids(positively and negatively charged,polar,hydrophobic)and where pα(i)is the probability of observing amino acidαat site i in a MSA(pα(i)=1runs are found.In the HC class wefind that a significant number of proteins have R run(CH)> 3whereas the maximum value is R run(CH)<3for protein families belonging to the MC class (397members).In the LC class(338members)the number of significant mixed(CH)runs hardly exceeds2.Overall,about62%of families in HC class have R run(CH)>1.On the other hand only43%of the families in the MC class have R run(CH)>1whereas only about10%of families in the LC class have R run(CH)>1.The results for the distribution of R run(CP)show even more dramatic differences between the three classes.About21%of families in the HC class have R run(CP)>1,whereas only about2%of the MC class families have multiple(>1)significant mixed(CP)runs.Among the proteins in the LC class we do notfind any protein family with R run(CP)>1.The percentage of families with either R run(CH)>1or R run(CP)>1is69%,44%,and10%in the HC,MC, and LC class respectively.These results show that there is a significant correlation between the number of mixed charged runs and the SCE.Examples of families with R run(CH)>1are aldedh(Aldehyde dehydrogenase,aller-gens),Basic(myogenic Basic domain,DNA binding with bHLH motif),Bet I(pathogenesis-related protein Bet v I family,allergens),endotoxin(bacteria toxins),bZIPNnucleocapsid,Bunyanucleocapsid,DNA PB1(Influenza virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase subunit PB1),Hanta ncap(Paramyxovirus nucleocap-sid protein),RHD(cancer-related),Tropomyosin(allergens),TTL(breast cancer related), GroEL,HSP90,P53and actin.R run(CP)>1is found in Androgencapsid(Hepatits C virus nucleocapsid protein),Granin,Myc term,P53, Corona capsid(Astro virus nucleocapsid precursor),Artencapsid.We note that,in general,R run(CP)>1occurs only in families of proteins associated with diseases,while R run(CH)>1is found in both families of normal proteins and of proteins associated with diseases.Even more interestingly,this analysis reveals differences between disease-related proteins which might be the reflection of the corresponding disease mechanism: proteins found in allergens and toxins and the majority of proteins related to cancer have largeR run(CH)values and small R run(CP)values,while the protein related to Kennedy disease and some of the viral nucleocapsid proteins have large R run(CP)values and small R run(CH)values.A summary of the majorfindings is given in Table II.There are a number of lessons that can be gleaned from ourfindings:(1)Only about7%of all normal proteins have high correlation among charged residues compared to25%of all proteins.However,among the41“normal”protein families(that are in the HC class)28(68%)have at least one significant(CH)or(CP) run.(2)The largest percentage of proteins in the HC class is from viral nucleocapsid protein families.These proteins,which are involved in transcription,also have a number of significant (CH)or(CP)runs.(3)The families of proteins that bind to nucleic acids in the HC class have the highest percentage of combined(CH)and(CP)runs.Taken together these results show that,for all families,relatively low values of SCE are linked to the number of significant(CH) and/or(CP)runs.DiscussionComparison with other methods for extraction of sequence correlations:In the Methods section we noted that a quenched average over the sequences in the MSA can reveal novel correlations between residues(Eqn.(2)).To ascertain if similar inferences can be drawn using other methods we performed a Mutual Information Function(MIF)(Li,1990)analysis of pairs of charged residues in the various protein families.Wefirst determined the probability to find a charged residue(type C1)at a given position i in a MSA,P i(C1)=n seq p=1δ([i]−C1)n seq p=11(6)The MIF isMIF(C1,C2)=L F AM−1i=1L F AMj=(i+1)P ij(C1,C2)ln(P ij(C1,C2)Just as before,we need to factor out the effects of the length of each MSA,so we measured the quantity:MIF(C1,C2)MIF∗(C1,C2)=)and P(C1)=0.11).P(C1)P(C2)The lack of any discernible structure(which is indicative of correlations among the chosen residues)in the MIF∗(C1,C2)values is likely the result of pre-averaging over the sequences in the MSA.Our method,which does not use preaveraging(see Eqn.(2)),is therefore able to capture correlations that are not easily detected by the MIF approach.It is worth noting that MIF is suitable for many practical applications.A combination of methods might be required to obtain correlations between residues using sequence information alone.Plausible functional link among some families in the HC class:The class of proteins that gives the most clear and consistent signal(relatively low values of SCE and multiple signifi-cant(CH)and(CP)runs)is that associated with disease-related proteins like prions,viruses and P53.Sequence-level correlations could be the result of the constraints imposed on the evolution of the protein by its function in the ing these observations we tentatively hypothesize that protein families with high degree of charge correlations may have somewhat similar functions. If this hypothesis is valid,we can surmise that there may be some level of similarity between the actions of prions and those of nucleocapsid viral proteins.Similarly,the functions of prions and P53may be somewhat related.The function of prions is not known,but those of P53and nucleocapsid proteins are:they both bind DNA with nucleocapsid proteins playing a vital role in the transcription and replication of viral DNA/RNA.Our hypothesis would suggest that the cellular form of prions can also bind nucleic acids.Because prions resemble the HCV nucleo-capsid proteins even at the level of individual P s(i,j)(Figs.3)we propose that the functionkof prions could be similar to that of nucleocapsid proteins.There is experimental support to our inference that the functions of prions and nucle-ocapsid proteins may be similar.A series of studies(Sklaviadis et al.,1993;Cordeiro et al.,2001;Gabus et al.,2001a;Gabus et al.,2001b;Moscardini et al.,2002)have shownthat the prion protein has DNA strand transfer properties similar to viral nucleocapsid proteins.It has been postulated that in prions an unknown cofactor(“Protein X”)facilitates the dramatic conformational transition from the predominantlyα-helical structure to a state rich inβ-sheet.DNA strands could play the role of“protein X”in the conformational transition.Number of significant(CH)/(CP)runs and propensity for scrapie formation in prions are linked:Recent sequence and structural analysis(Kallberg et al.,2001;Dima and Thirumalai,2002)has suggested that elements of secondary structure in mammalian prions are frustrated.By frustration we mean that the secondary structure elements in the normal cellular form could be better accommodated by an alternative conformation.Avian prion sequences are not frustrated(Dima and Thirumalai,2002)which explains the lack of observation of the scrapie form in these species.Thesefindings are further corroborated here by the variations in the significant(CH)and(CP)runs(Table III)between these species.Despite the lack of significant differences(see Table III)in the amino acid composition(especially in charged and polar residues)among the various species,the chicken prion sequence as well as of the other avian species does not have significant mixed charged-hydrophobic/polar runs.However,(CH) and/or(CP)runs appear in all mammalian prions which are known to be associated with prion diseases.The absence of such runs might be one of the reasons for the lack of formation of the scrapie form of prions in avian species.Despite the deleterious effects of sequence correlations among charged residues in proteins associated with diseases,ourfindings suggest that charged amino acids must play an important role in the functions of these proteins.Viruses(like HIV and hepatitis C)have high degree of sequence correlations between charges.Blocking the repertoire of charges in viruses might impair of their capacity to induce and promote the associated disease.As a rule,protein families with high degree of sequence correlations also have a significant number of mixed charged-hydrophobic/polar runs.When charged residues appear correlated in a sequence then they are likely to be distributed in patches in the three dimensional structure.Given the potential link between high degree of charge correlation and disease it is not clear why these proteins have not evolved with more benign characteristics.Perhaps,thereare functional demands on this class of proteins that require multiple runs and significant charge correlations.The high degree of charge correlation and the presence of mixed(CH) and/or(CP)runs might be indicative of their role in protein-protein interactions or binding to DNA or RNA.It is also likely that the charge distributions may also be important in avoiding aggregation.As a corollary,wefind that the majority of“normal”proteins exhibit only moderate or weak sequence correlation between charges.The identification of correlated charged pairs in various families suggests that mutation of these residues can compromise their function.This prediction is amenable to experimental tests.Importance of charged residues in kinetics offibrillization:The factors that affect the amyloid deposition rates have not been fully elucidated.Only recently a systematic physical basis that relates sequence characteristics in disease-related proteins and amyloid formation has been explored(Chiti et al,2003).This study shows that the overall charge states greatly affectfibrillization kinetics.The deposition rate decreases as the overall charge of the disease related proteins increases.Similarly,we had argued(Thirumalai et al.,2003)both in prion proteins and Aβpeptides that the overall charge is relevant for polymerization.For example, the Aβ16−22peptide with the sequence KLVFFAE is a significant(CH)run.This peptide has been shown by using solid state NMR measurements to readily aggregate into amyloidfibrils organized into antiparallelβ-sheets(Balbach et al.,2000).Extensive Molecular Dynamics simulations in explicit solvent probing the dynamics of the assembly process for three Aβ16−22 peptides(Klimov&Thirumalai,2003)revealed that electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions play different roles in the formation of the antiparallelβ-sheet:the electrostatic interactions play a crucial role in the orientation of the peptides in the oligomer,while the hydrophobic interactions bind the peptides together.As a result,mutations at either the C-term end from a negatively charged residue to polar residues(E22G and E22Q)or at the middle hdrophobic positions(L17S/F19S/F20S)reduce considerably the stability of the oligomer.These studies provide additional support for our prediction that charged residues clustered into significant (CH)runs play an important part in the dynamics of protein aggregation.The prediction, based solely on bioinformatic analysis,that correlated mutations can inhibit amyloid formation can be experimentally tested.。