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work on 继续工作,从事dream of 梦想

turn out 结果(是)

use up 用完,用尽

be satisfied with 对---表示满意

take a look at 看一看

what if--- 如果---将会怎样the other way around 相反

burn down 烧毁

relate to 与---有关

for once 就这一次

look up to 尊敬

go against 违背

be covered with 由---覆盖

in fact 事实上

think of 考虑,认为

keep out 使---不进入

be made of/from 由---制成

pull down 推倒,拆毁

set aside 不理会,节省


You are twenty years old and a promising student.

He is also intelligent and patient.


There is no doubt---.

What is your idea?

Have you thought about---?


What is your opinion?

I don’t think we should choose---.


I’d rather---.

I prefer something that---.

What I like is ---.

I’m much more interested in it.

I wouldn’t feel happy if ---

I’m not very interested in ---

I don’t get very excited about ---

I can’t stand---


1. point

* n. 尖;作用,意义

There’s no point in doing something. 做某事没有意义。

There’s no point in lying. I’ll find out anyway.


I can’t see any point in going there, when we can just call instead.


There’s no point in quarrelling with each other.


There’s no need to do sth 没必要做某事

There’s no way doing 没法做某事

There’s no sense in doing 没道理做某事

It is no good/use doing 做---没用/没好处

There is no need for you to buy the book. 你没必要买那本书。

It is no good/use complaining. 怨天尤人是没有用的。

* v. 指着,朝向

He pointed to the green hill and smiled.他指着青山笑了。

The needle of a compass points to the north.罗盘针指向北方。

He pointed out the finest picture to me.他把最好的图画指给我看。

2. engage

* vt. 订婚

engage sb. to sb. 使某人与某人订婚

be engaged to sb. 与某人订婚(状态)

get engaged to sb. 与某人订婚(动作)

Mary engaged herself to a Frenchman.

= Mary was engaged to a Frenchman.


They have been engaged for six months.他们订婚已经六个月了。

He got engaged last month.他上个月订婚了。

* 忙于 be engaged in

Please wait a minute; he is engaged now.请稍等,他正有事呢。

He was engaged in his homework.他忙着写作业。

The line is busy/engaged, please wait for a short while.电话占线,请等一会儿。

be busy with sth./ be busy (in) doing sth.

He was busy making phone calls.他忙着打电话。

* 雇佣,聘用

He engaged my sister as his secretary.他雇佣我妹妹当秘书。

3. seek (sought, sought)

* v. 寻找,探索,追求

We should seek truth from facts.我们应该实事求是。

They were trying to seek shelter from the rain.他们在寻找避雨的地方。

The reason is not far to seek.道理很显然。

* 征求,请求

seek sth. (from sb.) = ask sb. for sth.

He sought his doctor’s advice.他征求医生的意见。

You must seek permission from the manager.

= You must ask the manager for permission.


* 试图,设法 seek to do sth.

They are seeking to mislead us.他们竭力误导我们。

They sought to kill him.他们企图杀死他。

seek sb./sth. out 找出或找到某人

seek after/for 寻找,探索

seek one's fortune 寻找致富及成功之道

4. similar

* adj. 相似的,类似的

We have similar hobbies.我们有类似的爱好。

Those who share similar interest can be friends.有共同兴趣的人能成为朋友。

* A is similar to B in --- A和B在---方面相似

in a similar way 与---相似的方式

similar terms 同类项

Your views on education are similar to mine.你的教育观点和我类似。

My wife and I have similar tastes in music.我妻子和我在音乐方面有相似的爱好。

Gold is similar in color to brass.金和黄铜的颜色相似。


similarly adv. 相似地

similarity n. 相似之处

Are there any similarities between the two brothers?这两兄弟有任何相似之处吗?


Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. _____, our minds are developed by learning.

A. Probably

B. Likely

C. Similarly

D. Generally

答案 C

分析句中将our minds与our bodies进行类比,因此应选similarly 相似地,类似地。
