

















tU Y tU YtU YtU YtU AtU B A&B Y (a)2012年上海崇明县高考模拟考试试卷高 三 物 理(考试时间120分钟,满分150分)第I 卷(共56分)考生注意:1.答第I 卷前,考生务必在试卷和答题卡上用蓝色或黑色的钢笔或圆珠笔清楚填写姓名、准考证号、校验码,并用2B 铅笔在答题卡上正确涂写准考证号和校验码。

2.第I 卷(1—20题)由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂写在答题卡上。

考生应将代表正确答案的小方格用2B 铅笔涂黑。






答案涂写在答题卡上) 1、随着能源危机的不断加剧,我们不但要合理节约常规能源,还要大力开发新能源,下列能源中属于新能源的是(A )石油(B )天然气(C )太阳能(D )煤炭2、铀裂变的产物之一氪90(9036Kr )是不稳定的,它经过一系列衰变最终成为稳定的锆90(9040Zr ),这些衰变是 (A )1次α衰变,6次β衰变 (B )4次β衰变(C )2次α衰变(D )2次α衰变,2次β衰变3、关于光的波粒二象性下列理解正确的是(A )当光子静止时有粒子性,光子传播时有波动性. (B )光是一种宏观粒子,但它按波的方式传播.(C )光子在空间各点出现的可能性大小(概率)可以用波动规律来描述. (D )大量光子出现的时候表现为粒子性,个别光子出现的时候表现为波动性.4、在某些电子电路中常使用如图所示的双线并绕闭合线圈,在同样情况下,这样的做法可以 (A )减少线圈的电阻大小 (B )增加线圈的电阻大小(C )增强线圈内磁场强度(D )减小线圈内磁场强度5、如图(a )所示为某一门电路符号及输入端A 、B 的电势随时间变 化关系的图像,则图(b)中能正确 反映该门电路输出端电势随时间33 E6、如图所示,两根可自由移动的靠得很近的平行长直导线,通以相反方向的电流,且12I I >,则两导线所受的安培力1F 和2F 的大小关系及其运动方向为 (A )12F F >,且相互靠近 (B )12F F <,且相互远离(C )12F F =,且相互靠近(D )12F F =,且相互远离7、一定质量的理想气体,从图示A 状态开始,经历了B 、C ,最后到D 状态,下列判断中正确的是 (A )A →B 温度升高,压强不变 (B )B →C 体积不变,压强增大 (C )C →D 分子平均动能减小(D )D 比A 点分子密度大8、如图所示的单摆,摆长为40l =cm ,摆球在0t =时刻从右侧最高点释放做简谐振动,则当1t =s 时,小球的运动情况是(A )向右加速(B )向右减速(C )向左加速 (D )向左减速二、单项选择题(共24分,每小题3分。



崇明县2011学年第一学期期末考试试卷高 三 化 学(考试时间120分钟,满分150分)可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 Na-23 Cl-35.5 Ca-40 Mn-55 Fe-56 Cu-64 Ba-137第I 卷(共66分)一、选择题(本题共10分,每小题2分,只有一个正确选项)1、联合国将2011年定为国际化学年,主题为化学——我们的生活,我们的未来。

下列叙述中不能体现这一主题的是 ( ) A .合成光纤,让通讯更快捷 B .合成药物,让人类更健康 C .环保涂料,让环境更宜居D .聚烯饭盒,让生活更便捷2、下列表示氮原子或氮分子的化学用语中正确的是 ( )A .氮分子的电子式:∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙N N B .氮原子电子排布式:1s 22s 22p 5C .氮分子的结构式: ∙∙∙∙≡N N D3、下列分子中所有原子都满足最外层为8电子结构的是 ( )A .SiCl 4B .H 2OC .BF 3D .PCl 54、下列关于“物质的量”、“摩尔”和“摩尔质量”的叙述中正确的是 ( )A .物质的摩尔质量等于其相对分子(原子)质量B .物质的量是一个基本的物理量,单位是摩尔C .0.12kg 12C 中所含的碳原子数为阿佛加德常数D .1mol 任何物质中都含有阿佛加德常数个原子5、化工生产要遵守三原则:充分利用原料、充分利用能量、保护环境。

下列不符合以上某原则的是 ( )A .煅烧硫铁矿使用沸腾炉B .制盐酸时将氢气在氯气中燃烧C .制硫酸时使用热交换器D .合成氨时氮气和氢气循环使用二、选择题(本题共36分,每小题3分,只有一个正确选项) 6、在常温下,纯水中存在电离平衡H 2OH ++OH -,如要使水的电离程度增大,并使溶液的pH 减小,应加入的物质是( ) A .Al 2(SO 4)3B .NaHSO 4C .Na 2CO 3D .HCl7、下列说法正确的是( )A .白磷分子呈正四面体,键角10928'︒,1mol 白磷含共价键6molB .臭氧分子呈直线型,等质量的臭氧和氧气所含的氧原子数相同C .S 8是分子晶体,8个硫原子在同一个平面上,摩尔质量为256gD .石墨晶体呈层状结构,每个碳原子只有3个价电子形成共价键8、下图为电解饱和食盐水的装置(阳离子交换膜只允许阳离子通过),下列叙述中正确的是( )A .b 电极上发生还原反应Cl 2H 2B .a 电极的材料为金属铁C .溶液A 为电解后的稀氯化钠残液D .溶液B 为NaCl 、NaClO 的混合液9除去氯气中的杂质 制取84消毒液检验二氧化硫中是否混有二氧化碳吸收氯化氢尾气10、在硫酸酸化的碘化钾溶液里加入过量的过氧化氢溶液,不久就有无色小气泡从溶液中逸出,且溶液呈棕色,下列叙述中错误的是( ) A .溶液里滴入淀粉溶液后显蓝色 B .反应时还有H 2O 2分解为H 2O 和O 2 C .离子方程式为:H 2O 2 +2I -+2H +→ I 2 +2H 2O D .离子方程式为:H 2O 2 +2I -→ I 2 +O 2↑+2H +11、曾引起台湾地区食品安全轩然大波的塑化剂的分子结构如下图所示:下列叙述中不正确的是 ( )A .该物质的分子式为C 24H 38O 4B .该物质属于酯类,不溶于水C .该物质能与溴水发生加成反应D .该物质发生水解反应,其生成的醇只有一种12、氯酸钾和亚硫酸氢钠起氧化还原反应生成Cl -和SO 24- 的速率如下图所示。



高三数学 共4页 第1页崇明县2011学年第一学期期末考试试卷高 三 数 学(考试时间120分钟,满分150分)考生注意:本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分,试卷包括试题与答题要求,所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。


一、填空题(每题4分,共56分)1、复数(13)z i i =-.(i 为虚数单位)的虚部是 .2、已知集合{}{}{}3,,1,2,2,1,2U x x x Z A B =<∈==-- ,则()U A C B = . 3、如果[)0,2απ∈,方程tan()x α+=4x π=,则α等于 .4、计算2222531lim(......)n n n n n →∞-+++= . 5、如果由矩阵1112m x m y m -⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫= ⎪⎪ ⎪+⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭表示的关于,x y 的二元一次方程组无解,则实数m = .6、如图所示:正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,异面直线1A B 与1B C 所成角的大小等于 .7、已知双曲线22221(0,0)x y a b a b-=>> 与抛物线28y x =有一个公共的焦点,且双曲线上的点到坐标原点的最短距离 为1,则该双曲线的标准方程是 . 8、在6x 的展开式中,3x 的系数等于 . 9、若()(0,1)x f x a a a =>≠ ,定义由右框图表示的运算 (函数1()f x -是函数()f x 的反函数),若输入2x =-时, 输出14y =,则输入18x =时,输出y = .10、已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,13a =,且当2,n n N *∈≥时1n S -是n a 与3-的等差中项,则数列{}n a 的通项n a = .11、已知ABC ∆的一个内角为120 ,并且三边长构成公差为4的等差数列,则三角形的面积等于 .12、已知盒中装有形状与大小完全相同的五个球,其中红色球3个,黄色球2个.若从中随机取出2个球,所取球颜色不同的概率等于 .(用分数表示)(第9题图)D 1C 1A 1 D ABC (第6题图)高三数学 共4页 第2页12343456745678910⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅13、观察右图从上而下,其中2012第一次出现在第 行,第 列.14、定义:对于定义域为D 的函数()f x ,如果存在t D ∈,使得(1)()(1)f t f t f +=+成立,称函数()f x 在D 上是“T ”函数。



崇明县2012年高考模拟考试试卷高 三 化 学相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 Na-23 Al-27 S-32 Cu-64 第I 卷(共66分)一、选择题(本题共10分,每小题2分,只有一个正确选项。



PM2.5来源广泛,下列不可能是PM2.5来源的是 ………………………………( ) A .风扬尘土B .汽车尾气C .餐饮油烟D .水力发电2、下列实验过程中,始终无明显现象的是 …………………………( )A .3NH 通入3AlCl 溶液中B .2Cl 通入NaBr 溶液中C .2SO 通入2CaCl 溶液中D .2H S 通入溴水中3、将铜丝烧热,迅速插入氢气中,发生反应:22CuO+H Cu+H O −−→△。

若用下列物质代替氢气进行上述实验:①一氧化碳、②稀硝酸、③稀盐酸、④乙醇,铜丝表面所观察到的现象、铜丝质量变化情况与上述实验完全相同的是 ……………………………( ) A .①②③B .①④C .①③④D .只有①4、下列有关化学用语表达正确的是 ……………………………………( )A .Cl -的最外层电子排布式:226261s 2s 2p 3s 3pB .聚丙烯的结构简式:[CH 2-CH 2-CH 2]nC .CH 2Br 2只能表示一种物质D .NH 3的电子式:H N H H∙∙∙∙∙∙ 5、下列溶液中能用来区别SO 2和CO 2气体的是……………………………………………( ) ①澄清的石灰水 ②氯水 ③酸性高锰酸钾溶液 ④氯化钡溶液 ⑤品红溶液A .①④⑤B .②③⑤C .①②③D .②③④二、选择题(本题共36分,每小题3分,只有一个正确选项。

) 6、根据以下三个热化学方程式:2H 2S(g)+3O 2(g) → 2SO 2(g)+2H 2O(1)+akJ 2H 2S(g)+O 2(g) → 2S(s)+2H 2O(1)+bkJ2H 2S(g)+O 2(g) → 2S(s)+2H 2O(g)+ckJ (a 、b 、c 均为正数)对a 、b 、c 三者大小关系的判断正确的是…………………………( ) A .a >b >cB .a >c >bC .c >b >aD .b >a >c7、常温下,下列各组离子在指定溶液中能大量共存的是 ……………………( )A .pH =1的溶液中:Fe 2+、NO 3-、SO 24-、Na +B .由水电离的c(H +)14110-=⨯mol/L 的溶液中:Ca 2+、K +、Cl -、HCO 3-C .c(H +)/c(OH -)1210=的溶液中:NH 4+、Al 3+、NO 3-、Cl -D .c(Fe 3+)0.1=mol/L 的溶液中:K +、ClO -、SO 24-、SCN -8、双氧水可作为采矿业废液的处理剂,如用来消除采矿废液中的氰化物,反应方程式如下:KCN +H 2O 2+H 2O → A +NH 3↑。





)第I卷(共105分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. At 5:30. B. At 5:00. C. At 4:30. D. At 4:00.2. A. She’s happy with driving to work. B. Ten miles is too short a distance.C. She lives too far from her working place.D. The road is good but the traffic isn’t.3. A. In a classroom. B. In a bookstore.C. In a library.D. In a department store.4. A. Paying a bill. B. Changing money. C. Counting money. D. Saving money.5. A. Boss and clerk. B. Doctor and patient.C. Teacher and student.D. Father and daughter.6. A. He should draft an outline. B. He should think about his ideas more.C. He should read the essay out.D. He should immediately write the essay.7. A. Curious. B. Enthusiastic.C. Fascinated.D. Uninterested.8. A. Pass the book. B. Listen to the woman.C. Take the book himself.D. Repeat his request.9. A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By car. D. By taxi.10. A. James is clever but very shy. B. James is smart but not qualified enough.C. James is qualified but very lazy.D. James is pitiful but interested in the job.Section BDirections:In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following report.11. A. By begging in the street every day.B.By bringing food from Wan Chenchen’s school.C. By selling paper boards and used plastic bottles.D.By relying on the money Wan Chenchen’s parents left.12. A. He is afraid of the surgery. B. He doesn’t want to be looked down upon.C. He has six fingers on his right hand.D. The government has given him much money.13. A. Independent. B. Intelligent. C. Naughty. D. Timid.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. They can make new friends. B. They can learn more about the world.C. They can know themselves better.D. They can make their own schedules.15. A. They become scientists. B. They cook for their new friends.C. They learn to ride a horse.D. They do a lot of shopping.16. A. Travelling alone is romantic.B. Travelling alone is a good way of travel.C. Travelling alone provides a good way to study.D. Travelling alone is scary and boring for some people.Section CDirections:In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25. Germs are everywhere, just waiting to enter your body and infect you ________ a cold, the flu orother sicknesses.A. toB. atC. fromD. with26. Each of them knew the probable purpose of ________ in standing there, and neither spoke.A. the otherB. anotherC. othersD. the others27. We can't act on your advice; _______, thank you for giving it.A. moreoverB. thereforeC. neverthelessD. instead28. One of the basic principles of wildlife protection involves _______ adequate natural food andshelter to maintain populations of each species in a given environment.A. providedB. providingC. to provideD. provide29. It was from the wallets of these poor people that cigarette makers are determined to make moneyby promoting goods ________ are labeled by the WHO as dangerous to health.A. whereB. whichC. whatD. as30. Wearing shoes _______ for the activity you are doing can help avoid some foot injuries to a largeextent.A. designB. designingC. designedD. to design31. It has been proved _______ eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against seriousillness in later life.A. ifB. becauseC. thatD. when32. I _______ to him because he phoned me shortly afterwards.A. needn’t have writtenB. might not have writtenC. couldn’t have writtenD. mustn’t have written33. The question to be discussed is _______ we can make our efforts rewarded.A. howB. ifC. whichD. what34. _______ the volunteers have to consider their own problems, they are still encouraged by thespirit.A. If onlyB. Even ifC. As long asD. As far as35. This scientist is known _______ on this problem for about ten years.A. to workB. to be workingC. to have been workingD. to have beenworked36. It was only when I reread his poems recently ________ I began to appreciate their beauty.A. thatB. whichC. whenD. so37. Smokers who regularly drink are nearly________ to suffer from lung cancer as are smokers whodon't drink, according to a new study in Cancer Research.A. twice likely asB. twice as likelyC. as twice likelyD. as likely as38. _______ different life today is from what it was fifty years ago!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a39. ________ thoroughly, the garden looked more beautiful than ever before.A. CleaningB. Having been cleanedC. Having it cleanedD. He had cleaned it40. ________ there is water nearby, make a special effort to breed fish.A. AlthoughB. UnlessC. WhereD. UntilSection BDirections:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only41 naturalists are born and not made. Although we were all brought up in the same way, my brothers and sisters soon 42 their pressed flowers and insects. Unlike them, I had no 43 for music and languages. I was not an early reader and I could not do mental arithmetic.Before World War I, we spent our summer holidays in Hungary. I have only the 44 memory of the house we lived in, of my room and my toys. Nor do I recall clearly the large family of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who gathered next door. But I do have a clear memory of the dogs, the farm animals, the local birds, and above all, the insects.I am a naturalist, not a scientist. I have a strong love for the natural world and my enthusiasm had led me into various investigations. I love discussing my favorite topics and enjoy burning the midnight oil reading about other people's observations and discoveries. Then something happens—that brings these observations together in my 45 mind. Suddenly you fancy you see the answer to the 46 , because it all seems to fit together. This has resulted in my publishing 300 papers and books, which some might honor with the 47 of scientific research.But curiosity, a keen eye, a good memory and enjoyment of the animal and plant world do not make a scientist: one of the outstanding and essential qualities 48 is self-discipline, a quality I lack. A scientist, up to point, can be made. A naturalist is 49 . If you can combine the two, you get the best of both worlds.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.It’s hardly surprising that weather is a favorite topic for so many people around the world. It 50 where we choose to live, what we wear, our moods, and perhaps even our national features.A sunny day can lessen the deepest 51 , while very bad weather can destroy homes and threaten lives.The human race has always tried to 52 the weather, especially in areas of the world where there are many changes. Two popular traditional ways of predicting weather use pine cones(松果) and seaweed(海草). When the air has a high level of humidity(湿度), there is a higher chance of rain. When the humidity is low, there is more chance of 53 weather. Pine cones and seaweed feels dry when the humidity is low, 54 high humidity has the opposite effect.Today’s methods of prediction increasingly depend on 55 . Satellites, balloons, ships, aircraft and weather centers with 56 equipments send data to computers. The data is then 57 , and the weather is predicted. However, 58 this system can not predict weather for longer than about a week.A recent study by an Australian scientist suggests that certain people may have a special 59 for predicting weather. However, it is 60 that these people could use their talent in another way, since the same group had a lot of success in predicting changes in another system—the stock market.It 61 that a study of weather may also enable scientists to predict the sudden 62 of a disease. An Ebola epidemic (a kind of disease) in Uganda in the year 2000 came after the same rare 63 conditions that had been present before a sudden spread of the disease 6 years earlier. Efforts to 64 the spread of air-borne diseases such as foot and mouth are also strongly dependent on favorable wind conditions.50. A. shows B. affects C. predicts D. introduces51. A. enjoyment B. sadness C. excitement D. laziness52. A. guess B. use C. change D. improve53. A. windy B. bad C. fine D. cold54. A. when B. while C. although D. as55. A. industry B. intelligence C. technology D. people56. A. monitoring B. predicting C. shaping D. moving57. A. used B. processed C. taught D. answered58. A. also B. still C. only D. even59. A. gift B. concern C. application D. liking60. A. necessary B. easy C. unique D. possible61. A. happens B. occurs C. appears D. estimates62. A. start B. shift C. cure D. crash63. A. living B. working C. health D. weather64. A. encourage B. quicken C. limit D. shortenSection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Being a victim of schoolyard violence can help pupils learn how to manage argument and develop their ability to get along with others, it was claimed.Helene Guldberg, associate lecturer in child development at the Open University, said trying to stop the “supposedly terrible dangers of bullying(欺负)” can do more harm than good. She insisted teachers should not break up “everyday playground argument”, saying chil dren should be left to deal with it themselves.In an on-line article, Dr. Guldberg said that bullying was “an experience that children need to develop”. But the comments were strongly criticized by anti-bullying campaigners.According to official figures, almost half of children claim they are bullied at school. One of the biggest studies of its kind by Ofsted showed 48 percent of young people had been orally or physically abused in the last year. It comes despite a number of government measures designed to crack down on the threats.Writing on a website, Dr. Guldberg said: “Teachers are increasingly taking the task of looking after children’s health and well-being rather than being allowed to get on with the task of educating them. Children are encouraged to assume their relationships with other children are damaging, and encouraged to look upon their classmates with suspicion.” She added: “If we treat children as if they cannot possibly cope with hurtful experiences, then we will likely to weaken their confidence and make them less likely to cope with difficult events in the future. In effect, we will prevent them from growing up.”The comments echo(附和) remarks made by teachers in recent years who claim the education system has been too focused on developin g children’s social skills at the expense of academic learning. But Sue Steel, national manager of the Anti-Bullying Alliance, said: “Children who are being bullied often find it difficult to tell anyone. Teachers can help by giving appropriate attention.”65. The underlined word “abused” in Para. 4 is similar in meaning to “_________”.A. criticizedB. attackedC. helpedD. judged66. Which of the following is TURE according to Helene Guldberg?A. Teachers should take the task of dealing with children’s argument.B. Children should be left to cope with their argument themselves.C. Children will gain their confidence if teachers manage their argument for them.D. Children can’t cope wit h difficult events after dealing with hurtful experiences themselves.67. Anti-bullying campaigners think that __________.A. teachers should help deal with children’s argument in a proper wayB. the government should take measures to stop children from being bulliedC. children will be prevented from growing up with too much school violenceD. teachers should develop children’s academic learning rather than social skills68. The passage mainly tells us that schoolyard violence is __________.A. difficult to get rid ofB. common among young peopleC. not necessarily bad for childrenD. harmful to children’s academic learning(B)69. If Jack wants to call his friend in Northern Ireland from London, he should dial ________.A. 0044 + area code (without 0) + local numberB. 048 + area code (without 0) + local numberC. area code (with 0) + local numberD. 00353 + the area code (without 0) + local number70. While travelling in Northern Ireland, you _________.A. can shop until 21:00 on ThursdaysB. needn’t leave a tip after receiving serviceC. can use American dollars to buy what you wantD. can draw money from banks from 9:00 to 16:30 every day71. Which of the following is TRUE according to the above Visitor Guide?A. A German needn’t a passport to travel in Northern Ireland.B. A visitor can dial 999 in emergency situations while in Northern Ireland.C. Any European can get healthcare in Northern Ireland at a reduced cost or free of charge.D. A visitor will be charged£3 for leaving luggage in Belfast Welcome Centre for 6 hours.(C)Lots of bacteria can grow in the seemingly unfriendly environment under glaciers(冰川), a region formerly considered free of much biology. This finding by glaciologists working in Switzerland could help solve some puzzles of the last ice age and point the way for finding life on other planets.Bacteria with odd lifestyles have been under increasing study lately, with most research focused on the species which prefer hot homes. The new study shifts attention to the other end of the thermometer(温度计). The exciting thing is the idea of pushing the window of acceptable bacterial environments a little bit farther open.Researchers have previously collected small numbers of bacteria from ice in Antarctica and Greenland, but they could not determine whether these were active bacteria or just frozen cells blown in by wind. In contrast, the earth beneath two Swiss glaciers harbors large colonies of bacteria —hundreds of millions of cells per gram—that appear to be growing at0℃.Scientists followed upon these findings by taking samples of ice, water, and earth at two mountain glaciers. They found that earth beneath the glaciers contained much larger populations of bacteria than did surface and inner part of ice. Those findings indicate that the bacteria were growing at the bottom of the glacier and are not something washed in while the scientists drilled through the ice.Looking at the bacteria under a microscope(显微镜), the researchers found that many were in the process of dividing, and healthy under the ice. The bacteria might break down minerals and plant remains originally buried beneath the glacier or later washed in by water going slowly through the ice, scientists say.“Some of the assumptions we have made in the past now must be seriously questioned,” say researchers. “If bacteria can live under glaciers o n Earth, why not on other planets? The new study points out in many ways that the bottoms of glaciers are probably quite good environments from the point of view of bacteria. So, maybe the bottom of the ice sheets on other planets would be a sensible place to try if you’re going to look for life on them.”72. What is special about the new study on bacteria?A. It focuses on the bacteria in hot environments.B. It opens the windows of the bacterial labs wider.C. It pays more attention to the bacteria in the thermometer.D. It changes scientists’ view about the environment bacteria exist in.73. Which of the following facts proves that bacteria under glaciers are alive?A. Water is going slowly through the ice.B. The drills used by scientists are free of bacteria.C. Many of the bacteria are in the process of dividing.D. The earth beneath the glacier contains more bacteria.74. From the passage we can learn that ________.A. bacteria disappear in the inner part of iceB. bacteria must be also alive on other planetsC. bacteria can grow in extreme weathersD. bacteria grow by breaking themselves down75. The passage is mainly about the possibility of the existence of life _________.A. under the seaB. in hot waterC. on other planetsD. under glaciers Section CDirections:Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.Many men are devoted to exercise to build up their bodies, but the phrase “use it or lose it” applies to more than just the muscle in our bodies—it also applies to our brains. Here are 5 tips that can help our brains stay sharp.76. _________It plays an important role in all cognitive activities, including reading, reasoning and mental calculation. There are several types of its work in the brain. Taken together, these are the cognitive skills we may notice most when they begin to fail. To keep a good memory, you need to train for it, which can be easier than you think. Listening to music is enjoyable. By choosing a song you don’t know and memorizing the lyrics, you improve your memory skills.77. _________It is necessary in nearly all daily tasks and it enables you to focus despite noise and to think about several things at once. We can improve the skill by simply changing our routines. Change your course to work or reorganize your desk—both will force your brain to wake up and pay attention again.78. _________It will increase your ability to recognize, remember and understand words. With regular practice, you can expand your knowledge of new words and more easily think of words to say because they will come to you more naturally. For example, if you usually only read the sports section, try reading a fe w business articles. You’ll learn new words, and by using them you can also exercise your brain.79. _________You can also exercise your brain by taking advantage of your environment. Try walking into a room and picking out five items and their locations. When you exit the room, try to remember all five items and where they are located. Too easy? Wait two hours and try to remember those items and their locations. Analyzing what you saw will force you to use your memory and train your brain to focus on your surroundings.80. _________It helps you make decisions, build up hypotheses and consider the possible consequences of your actions.Activities in which you must define a strategy to reach a desired outcome and calculate the right moves to reach the solution in the shortest possible time are actually fun activities you can do daily. For example, playing video games requires you to come up with a strategy so as to advance to the next level.Section DDirections:Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.In so many ways, cyberspace(网络空间) mirrors the real world. People ask for information, play games, and share hobby tips. Others buy and sell products. Still others look for friendship, or even love.Unlike the real world, however, your knowledge about a person is limited to words on acomputer screen. Identity and appearance mean very little in cyberspace. Rather, a person’s thoughts —or at least the thoughts they type—are what really count. So even the shyest person can become a chat-room star.Usually, this “faceless” communication doesn’t create problems. Identity doesn’t really matter when you’re in a chat room discussing politics or hobbies. In fact, this emphasis on the ideas themselves makes the Internet a great place for exciting conversation. Where else can so many people come together to chat about their interests?But some Internet users want more than just someone to chat with. They’re looking for serious love relationships. Is cyberspace a good place to find love? That answer depends on whom you ask. Some of these relationships actually succeed. Others fail miserably.Supporters of online relationships claim that the Internet allows couples to get to know each other intellectual ly first. Personal appearance doesn’t get in the way.But critics of online relationships argue that no one can truly know another person in cyberspace. Why? Because the Internet gives users a lot of control over how others view them. Internet users can ca refully craft their words to fit whatever image they want to give. And they don’t have to worry about what their “faceless” communication is doing for their image. In a sense, they’re not really themselves.All of this may be fine if the relationship stays in cyberspace. But not knowing a person is a big problem in a love relationship. With so many unknowns, it’s easy to let one’s imagination “fill in the blanks.” This inevitably leads to disappointment when couples meet in person. How someone imagines an online friend is often quite different than the real person.So, before looking for love in cyberspace, remember the advice of Internet pioneer Clifford Stoll: “Life in the real world is far richer than anything you’ll find on a computer screen.”(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)81. We learn about a person in cyberspace only through ______________________________.82. Why is the Internet a great place for exciting conversation?83. What makes online love relationship often fail?84. From the passage we can learn that the writer __________________________ looking for loveon the Internet.第Ⅱ卷(共45分)I. TranslationDirections:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1.请完成作业后再和你的朋友聊天。



2012届语文高考模拟试题及参考答案12012届语文高考模拟试题一(满分150分,考试时间150分钟)第I卷(选择题,共30分)一、(12分,每小题3分)1.下面各组词语中,加点字的注音全都正确的一组是A.思忖(cǔn)狡黠(xiá) 呜咽(yān)深恶痛绝(wú)B.金钏(chuàn) 城垣(yuán) 敌忾(kài) 穿凿附会(zuó)C.蜷缩(juàn) 什物(shí) 蛊惑(gǔ)暴殄天物(tiǎn)D.勒死(lēī)赧然(nǎn)穹顶(qióng) 义债填膺(yīng)2.下列各组词语中没有错别字的一组是A.贻误亲合力霄壤之别慷他人之慨B.逸事节骨眼青面獠牙邦以民为本C.过分满堂彩开源截流盲人骑瞎马D.惆怅大杂脍身败名裂弃之如敝屣3.下列各句中加点的熟语使用恰当的一句是A.听说这位气功大师能发功治病,今天我拜会了他一下,果不其然,他没有那么大的能耐。






C. 疫苗的研制是工程浩大的项目,耗时数年的潜心研究不可或缺,而且绝不是一个人的战斗,而是一场指向整个人类的战斗。

D. 朝夕相处,谁也不能发生矛盾,但一发生矛盾,就各执己见,争吵不休,互不通融,这其实是一种最愚蠢的见解。




崇明县2011学年第二学期终考试试卷高三化学(120分钟完卷,满分150分) 本试卷分为第I 卷和第II 卷两部分可能用到的相对原子质量: H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 Na-23 S-32 Fe-56第I 卷(共66分)一、选择题(本题共10分,每小题2分,只有一个正确选项)1、2010年上海世博实现了环保世博、生态世博目标,下列做法不符合这一目标的是( D )(A)推广和使用电动汽车 (B)利用太阳能作为能源(C)在停车场安装催化光解设施处理汽车尾气(D)把世博会期间产生的垃圾焚烧或深埋处理2、I 13153是日本核泄漏的元素之一,较大量接触对人体有害,所以不必“谈碘色变”。

I 13153在人类生活中还有着“天使”的一面,如控制剂量在医疗上有助于治疗多种甲状腺疾病。

下面对I 13153的叙述中错误..的是………………………………………………………( C ) (A)质子数与电子数均为53 (B)中子数与质子数之差为25 (C)电子数与中子数均为78 (D)质子数与中子数之和为131 3、下列有关化学用语错误..的是……………………………………………………………( D ) (A)次氯酸的结构式:H —O —Cl (B)CH 4 分子的比例模型:(C)丙烷分子的球棍模型: (D)CO 2的电子式:4、在灾区,为防止疾病传染,河水需处理后方可饮用,常用的处理方法有:①加热煮沸,②过滤,③投药消毒,④自然沉降。

较合理的顺序为……………………………( B ) (A)③②④② (B) ④②③① (C) ③①④② (D)④①③② 5、某种氟氯烃(以A 代替其化学式)可破坏臭氧层,其反应过程可表示为A+O 3→AO+O 2 ,AO+O→A+O 2 ,根据所学知识可知氟氯烃在反应中的作用是…………………( C ) (A)氧化剂 (B)还原剂 (C)催化剂 (D)稳定剂 二、选择题(本题共36分,每小题3分,只有一个正确选项) 6、下列事实不属于盐类水解应用的是……………………………………………………( D )(A)明矾和氯化铁晶体在生产中常作净水剂 (B)实验室通常使用热的纯碱溶液去除油污(C)实验室配制FeCl 3 溶液时加少量稀盐酸 (D)实验室制氢气时加 CuSO 4 加快反应速率7)(A)装置甲中的B 金属是原电池的负极 (B)装置乙中的C 金属是原电池的阴极 (C)装置丙中的D 金属是原电池的正极 (D)四种金属的活泼性顺序是D>A>B>C8、XY 是中学化学中常见的化合物,已知组成该物质的两种离子的电子层结构与Ne 相同。



崇明县2012年高考模拟考试试卷高三数学(理科)(考试时间120分钟,满分150分)考生注意:1. 每位考生应同时领到试卷与答题纸两份材料,所有解答必须写在答题纸上规定位置,写在试卷上或答题纸上非规定位置一律无效;2. 答卷前,考生务必将姓名、准考证号码等相关信息在答题纸上填写清楚;3. 本试卷共23道试题,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。

一、 填空题(本大题共14小题,每小题4分,满分56分,只需将结果写在答题纸上)1、已知a R ∈,若()()3232i ai i +--(i 为虚数单位)为纯虚数,则a 的值等于 .2、若3sin 5θ=-,则行列式cos sin sin cos θθθθ= .3、直线230ax y a ++=与直线()317x a y a +-=-平行,则实数a = .4、已知函数()1y fx -=是函数()()121x f x x -=≥的反函数,则()1f x -= .(要求写明自变量的 取值范围)5、已知全集U R =,22{20},{log 10}A x x x B x x =-<=+≥,则()U A C B ⋂= .6、如图所示的算法流程图中,若()()223,f x x g x x =+=,若输出()2h a a =,则a 的取值范围是 .7、在直角ABC ∆中,90C ∠=,30A ∠=,1BC =,D 为斜边AB 的中点,则AB CD ⋅=u u u r u u u r_________.8、某日用品按行业质量标准分成五个等级,等级系数X 依 次1,2,3,4,5.现从一批该日用品中抽取200件,对其等级 系数进行统计分析,得到频率f 的分布表如下:则在所抽取的200件日用品中,等级系数1X =的件数为 .9、若22nx ⎛⎫-⎝展开式的各项系数和为712-,则展开式中常数项等于 . 10、已知圆柱M 的底面圆半径与球O 的半径相同,若圆柱M 与球O 的表面积相等,则它们的体积之比V 圆柱:V 球= .(用数值作答) 11、若数列{}n a 满足()212n n a n N a *+=-∈,11a =,212a =,则()12lim n n aa a →∞++⋅⋅⋅+=________.12、在极坐标系中,已知点()42,,2,,3A B ππ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭C 是曲线2sin ρθ=上任意一点,则ABC ∆的面积的最小值等于 .13、某公司向市场投放三种新型产品,经调查发现第一种产品受欢迎的概率为45,第二,第三种产品受欢迎的概率分别为m ,n ,且不同种产品是否受欢迎相互独立,记ξ为公司向则 .14、给出定义:若1122m x m -<≤+(其中m 为整数),则m 叫做离实数x 最近的整数.记作{}x m =,在此基础上给出下列关于函数(){}f x x x =-的四个命题:①函数()y f x =的定义域为R ,值域为1[0,]2;②函数()y f x =在11[,]22-上是增函数;③函数()y f x =是周期函数,最小正周期为1;④函数()y f x =的图像关于直线()2kx k Z =∈对称.其中正确的命题的序号是 .二、 选择题(本大题共4小题,满分20分,每小题给出四个选项,其中有且只有一个结论是正确的,选对并将答题纸对应题号上的字母涂黑得5分,负责一律得零分)15、()()cos2cos sin 2sin sin ,f x x x x x x x R =+∈,则()f x 是…………………( ) A .最小正周期为π的奇函数 B .最小正周期为π的偶函数 C .最小正周期为2π的奇函数 D .最小正周期为2π的偶函数16、“1m <”是“函数()22f x x x m =++有零点”的…………………………………( ) A .充要条件 B .必要非充分条件 C ..充分非必要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件17、已知复数w 满足2w i =-(i 为虚数单位),复数52z w w=+-,则一个以z 为根的实系数一元二次方程是…………………………………………………………( ) A .26100x x ++= B .26100x x -+= C .26100x x +-= D .26100x x --=18、若已知曲线1C :()2210,0,8y x x y -=≥≥圆()222:31C x y -+=,斜率为()0k k >的直线l 与圆2C 相切,切点为A ,直线l 与曲线1C 相交于点B ,AB =,则直线AB 的斜率为……………………………………………………………………………………( )A .1B .12C D三、 解答题(本大题共5小题,满分74分。





)第I卷(共105分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. At 5:30. B. At 5:00. C. At 4:30. D. At 4:00.2. A. She’s happy with driving to work. B. Ten miles is too short a distance.C. She lives too far from her working place.D. The road is good but the traffic isn’t.3. A. In a classroom. B. In a bookstore.C. In a library.D. In a department store.4. A. Paying a bill. B. Changing money. C. Counting money. D. Saving money.5. A. B oss and clerk. B. Doctor and patient. C. Teacher and student. D. Father and daughter.6. A. He should draft an outline. B. He should think about his ideas more.C. He should read the essay out.D. He should immediately write the essay.7. A. Curious. B. Enthusiastic. C. Fascinated. D. Uninterested.8. A. Pass the book. B. Listen to the woman.C. Take the book himself.D. Repeat his request.9. A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By car. D. By taxi.10. A. James is clever but very shy. B. James is smart but not qualified enough.C. James is qualified but very lazy.D. James is pitiful but interested in the job. Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following report.11. A. By begging in the street every day.B. By bringing food from Wan Chenchen’s school.C. By selling paper boards and used plastic bottles.D. By relying on the money Wan C henchen’s parents left.12. A. He is afraid of the surgery. B. He doesn’t want to be looked down upon.C. He has six fingers on his right hand.D. The government has given him much money.13. A. Independent. B. Intelligent. C. Naughty. D. Timid.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. They can make new friends. B. They can learn more about the world.C. They can know themselves better.D. They can make their own schedules.15. A. They become scientists. B. They cook for their new friends.C. They learn to ride a horse.D. They do a lot of shopping.16. A. Travelling alone is romantic.B. Travelling alone is a good way of travel.C. Travelling alone provides a good way to study.D. Travelling alone is scary and boring for some people.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25. Germs are everywhere, just waiting to enter your body and infect you ________ a cold, the fluor other sicknesses.A. toB. atC. fromD. with26. Each of them knew the probable purpose of ________ in standing there, and neither spoke.A. the otherB. anotherC. othersD. the others27. We can't act on your advice; _______, thank you for giving it.A. moreoverB. thereforeC. neverthelessD. instead28. One of the basic principles of wildlife protection involves _______ adequate natural food andshelter to maintain populations of each species in a given environment.A. providedB. providingC. to provideD. provide29. It was from the wallets of these poor people that cigarette makers are determined to makemoney by promoting goods ________ are labeled by the WHO as dangerous to health.A. whereB. whichC. whatD. as30. Wearing shoes _______ for the activity you are doing can help avoid some foot injuries to alarge extent.A. designB. designingC. designedD. to design31. It has been proved _______ eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against seriousillness in later life.A. ifB. becauseC. thatD. when32. I _______ to him because he phoned me shortly afterwards.A. needn’t have writtenB. might not have writtenC. couldn’t have writtenD. mustn’t have written33. The question to be discussed is _______ we can make our efforts rewarded.A. howB. ifC. whichD. what34. _______ the volunteers have to consider their own problems, they are still encouraged by thespirit.A. If onlyB. Even ifC. As long asD. As far as35. This scientist is known _______ on this problem for about ten years.A. to workB. to be workingC. to have been workingD. to have been worked36. It was only when I reread his poems recently ________ I began to appreciate their beauty.A. thatB. whichC. whenD. so37. Smokers who regularly drink are nearly________ to suffer from lung cancer as are smokerswho don't drink, according to a new study in Cancer Research.A. twice likely asB. twice as likelyC. as twice likelyD. as likely as38. _______ different life today is from what it was fifty years ago!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a39. ________ thoroughly, the garden looked more beautiful than ever before.A. CleaningB. Having been cleanedC. Having it cleanedD. He had cleaned it40. ________ there is water nearby, make a special effort to breed fish.A. AlthoughB. UnlessC. WhereD. UntilSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can41 naturalists are born and not made. Although we were all brought up in the same way, my brothers and sisters soon 42 their pressed flowers and insects. Unlike them, I had no 43 for music and languages. I was not an early reader and I could not do mental arithmetic.Before World War I, we spent our summer holidays in Hungary. I have only the 44 memory of the house we lived in, of my room and my toys. Nor do I recall clearly the large family of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who gathered next door. But I do have a clear memory of the dogs, the farm animals, the local birds, and above all, the insects.I am a naturalist, not a scientist. I have a strong love for the natural world and my enthusiasm had led me into various investigations. I love discussing my favorite topics and enjoy burning the midnight oil reading about other people's observations and discoveries. Then something happens —that brings these observations together in my 45 mind. Suddenly you fancy you see the answer to the 46 , because it all seems to fit together. This has resulted in my publishing 300 papers and books, which some might honor with the 47 of scientific research.But curiosity, a keen eye, a good memory and enjoyment of the animal and plant world do not make a scientist: one of the outstanding and essential qualities 48 is self-discipline, a quality I lack. A scientist, up to point, can be made. A naturalist is 49 . If you can combine the two, you get the best of both worlds.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.It’s hardly surprising that weather is a favorite topic for so many people around the world. It50 where we choose to live, what we wear, our moods, and perhaps even our national features.A sunny day can lessen the deepest 51 , while very bad weather can destroy homes and threaten lives.The human race has always tried to 52 the weather, especially in areas of the world where there are many changes. Two popular traditional ways of predicting weather use pine cones(松果) and seaweed(海草). When the air has a high level of humidity(湿度), there is a higher chance of rain. When the humidity is low, there is more chance of 53 weather. Pine cones and seaweed feels dry when the humidity is low, 54 high humidity has the opposite effect.Today’s methods of prediction increasingly depend on 55 . Satellites, balloons, ships, aircraft and weather centers with 56 equipments send data to computers. The data is then 57 , and the weather is predicted. However, 58 this system can not predict weather for longer than about a week.A recent study by an Australian scientist suggests that certain people may have a special59 for predicting weather. However, it is 60 that these people could use their talent in another way, since the same group had a lot of success in predicting changes in another system—the stock market.It 61 that a study of weather may also enable scientists to predict the sudden 62 of a disease. An Ebola epidemic (a kind of disease) in Uganda in the year 2000 came after the same rare 63 conditions that had been present before a sudden spread of the disease 6 years earlier. Efforts to 64 the spread of air-borne diseases such as foot and mouth are also strongly dependent on favorable wind conditions.崇明县2012届高考模拟试卷高三英语共14页第3页50. A. shows B. affects C. predicts D. introduces51. A. enjoyment B. sadness C. excitement D. laziness52. A. guess B. use C. change D. improve53. A. windy B. bad C. fine D. cold54. A. when B. while C. although D. as55. A. industry B. intelligence C. technology D. people56. A. monitoring B. predicting C. shaping D. moving57. A. used B. processed C. taught D. answered58. A. also B. still C. only D. even59. A. gift B. concern C. application D. liking60. A. necessary B. easy C. unique D. possible61. A. happens B. occurs C. appears D. estimates62. A. start B. shift C. cure D. crash63. A. living B. working C. health D. weather64. A. encourage B. quicken C. limit D. shortenSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Being a victim of schoolyard violence can help pupils learn how to manage argument and develop their ability to get along with others, it was claimed.Helene Guldberg, associate lecturer in child development at the Open University, said trying to stop the “supposedly terrible dangers of bullying(欺负)” can do more harm than good.She insisted teachers should not break up “everyday playground argument”, saying children sho uld be left to deal with it themselves.In an on-line article, Dr. Guldberg said that bullying was “an experience that children need to develop”. But the comments were strongly criticized by anti-bullying campaigners.According to official figures, almost half of children claim they are bullied at school. One of the biggest studies of its kind by Ofsted showed 48 percent of young people had been orally or physically abused in the last year. It comes despite a number of government measures designed to crack down on the threats.Writing on a website, Dr. Guldberg said: “Teachers are increasingly taking the task of looking after children’s health and well-being rather than being allowed to get on with the task of educating them. Children are encouraged to assume their relationships with other children are damaging, and encouraged to look upon their classmates with suspicion.”She added: “If we treat children as if they cannot possibly cope with hurtful experiences, then we will likely to weaken their confidence and make them less likely to cope with difficult events in the future. In effect, we will prevent them from growing up.”The comments echo(附和) remarks made by teachers in recent years who claim the education system has been too focused on developing child ren’s social skills at the expense of academic learning. But Sue Steel, national manager of the Anti-Bullying Alliance, said: “Children who are being bullied often find it difficult to tell anyone. Teachers can help by giving appropriate attention.”65. Th e underlined word “abused” in Para. 4 is similar in meaning to “_________”.A. criticizedB. attackedC. helpedD. judged66. Which of the following is TURE according to Helene Guldberg?A. Teachers should take the task of dealing with children’s argument.B. Children should be left to cope with their argument themselves.C. Children will gain their confidence if teachers manage their argument for them.D. Children can’t cope with difficult events after dealing with hurtful experiences themselves.67. Anti-bullying campaigners think that __________.A. teachers should help deal with children’s argument in a proper wayB. the government should take measures to stop children from being bulliedC. children will be prevented from growing up with too much school violenceD. teachers should develop children’s academic learning rather than social skills68. The passage mainly tells us that schoolyard violence is __________.A. difficult to get rid ofB. common among young peopleC. not necessarily bad for childrenD. harmful to children’s academic learning(B)69. If Jack wants to call his friend in Northern Ireland from London, he should dial ________.A. 0044 + area code (without 0) + local numberB. 048 + area code (without 0) + local numberC. area code (with 0) + local numberD. 00353 + the area code (without 0) + local number崇明县2012届高考模拟试卷高三英语共14页第5页70. While travelling in Northern Ireland, you _________.A. can shop until 21:00 on ThursdaysB. needn’t leave a tip after receiving serviceC. can use American dollars to buy what you wantD. can draw money from banks from 9:00 to 16:30 every day71. Which of the following is TRUE according to the above Visitor Guide?A. A German needn’t a passport to travel in Northern Ireland.B. A visitor can dial 999 in emergency situations while in Northern Ireland.C. Any European can get healthcare in Northern Ireland at a reduced cost or free of charge.D. A visitor will be charged £3 for leaving luggage in Belfast Welcome Centre for 6 hours.(C)Lots of bacteria can grow in the seemingly unfriendly environment under glaciers(冰川), a region formerly considered free of much biology. This finding by glaciologists working in Switzerland could help solve some puzzles of the last ice age and point the way for finding life on other planets.Bacteria with odd lifestyles have been under increasing study lately, with most research focused on the species which prefer hot homes. The new study shifts attention to the other end of the thermometer(温度计). The exciting thing is the idea of pushing the window of acceptable bacterial environments a little bit farther open.Researchers have previously collected small numbers of bacteria from ice in Antarctica and Greenland, but they could not determine whether these were active bacteria or just frozen cells blown in by wind. In contrast, the earth beneath two Swiss glaciers harbors large colonies of bacteria—hundreds of millions of cells per gram—that appear to be growing at 0℃.Scientists followed upon these findings by taking samples of ice, water, and earth at two mountain glaciers. They found that earth beneath the glaciers contained much larger populations of bacteria than did surface and inner part of ice. Those findings indicate that the bacteria were growing at the bottom of the glacier and are not something washed in while the scientists drilled through the ice.Looking at the bacteria under a microscope(显微镜), the researchers found that many were in the process of dividing, and healthy under the ice. The bacteria might break down minerals and plant remains originally buried beneath the glacier or later washed in by water going slowly through the ice, scientists say.“Some of the assumptions we have made in the past now must be seriously questioned,” say researchers. “If bacteria can live under glaciers on Earth, why not on other planets? The new study points out in many ways that the bottoms of glaciers are probably quite good environments from the point of view of bacteria. So, maybe the bottom of the ice sheets on other planets would be a sensible place to try if you’re going to look for life on them.”72. What is special about the new study on bacteria?A. It focuses on the bacteria in hot environments.B. It opens the windows of the bacterial labs wider.C. It pays more attention to the bacteria in the thermometer.D. It changes scientists’ view about the environment bacteria exist in.73. Which of the following facts proves that bacteria under glaciers are alive?A. Water is going slowly through the ice.B. The drills used by scientists are free of bacteria.C. Many of the bacteria are in the process of dividing.D. The earth beneath the glacier contains more bacteria.74. From the passage we can learn that ________.A. bacteria disappear in the inner part of iceB. bacteria must be also alive on other planetsC. bacteria can grow in extreme weathersD. bacteria grow by breaking themselves down75. The passage is mainly about the possibility of the existence of life _________.A. under the seaB. in hot waterC. on other planetsD. under glaciersSection CDirections: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.Many men are devoted to exercise to build up their bodies, but the phrase “use it or lose it”applies to more than just the muscle in our bodies—it also applies to our brains. Here are 5 tips that can help our brains stay sharp.76. _________It plays an important role in all cognitive activities, including reading, reasoning and mental calculation. There are several types of its work in the brain. Taken together, these are the cognitive skills we may notice most when they begin to fail. To keep a good memory, you need to train for it, which can be easier than you think. Listening to music is enjoyable. By choosing a song you don’t know and memorizing the lyrics, you improve your memory skills.77. _________It is necessary in nearly all daily tasks and it enables you to focus despite noise and to think about several things at once. We can improve the skill by simply changing our routines. Change your course to work or reorganize your desk—both will force your brain to wake up and pay attention again.78. _________It will increase your ability to recognize, remember and understand words. With regular practice, you can expand your knowledge of new words and more easily think of words to say because they will come to you more naturally. For example, if you usually only read the sports section, try reading a few business articles. You’ll learn new words, and by using them you can also exercise your brain.79. _________You can also exercise your brain by taking advantage of your environment. Try walking into a room and picking out five items and their locations. When you exit the room, try to remember all five items and where they are located. Too easy? Wait two hours and try to remember those items and their locations. Analyzing what you saw will force you to use your memory and train your brain to focus on your surroundings.80. _________It helps you make decisions, build up hypotheses and consider the possible consequences of your actions.Activities in which you must define a strategy to reach a desired outcome and calculate the right moves to reach the solution in the shortest possible time are actually fun activities you can do daily. For example, playing video games requires you to come up with a strategy so as to advance to the next level.Section DDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.In so many ways, cyberspace(网络空间) mirrors the real world. People ask for information, play games, and share hobby tips. Others buy and sell products. Still others look for friendship, or even love.Unlike the real world, however, your knowledge about a person is limited to words on a computer screen. Identity and appearance mean very little in cyberspace. Rather, a person’s thoughts—or at least the thoughts they type—are what really count. So even the shyest person can become a chat-room star.崇明县2012届高考模拟试卷高三英语共14页第7页Usually, this “faceless”communication doesn’t create problems. Identity doesn’t really matter when you’re in a chat room discussing politics or hobbies. In fact, this emphasis on the ideas themselves makes the Internet a great place for exciting conversation. Where else can so many people come together to chat about their interests?But some Internet users want more than just someone to chat with. They’re looking for serious love relationships. Is cyberspace a good place to find love? That answer depends on whom you ask. Some of these relationships actually succeed. Others fail miserably.Supporters of online relationships claim that the Internet allows couples to get to know each other intellectually first. Personal appearance doesn’t get in the way.But critics of online relationships argue that no one can truly know another person in cyberspace. Why? Because the Internet gives users a lot of control over how others view them. Internet users can carefully craft their words to fit whatever image they want to give. And they don’t have to worry about what their “faceless” communication is doing for their image. In a sense, they’re not really themselves.All of this may be fine if the relationship stays in cyberspace. But not knowing a person is a big problem in a love relationship. With so many unknowns, it’s easy to let one’s imagination “fill in the blanks.” This inevitably leads to disappointment when couples meet in person. How someone imagines an online friend is often quite different than the real person.So, before looking for love in cyberspace, remember the advice of Internet pioneer Clifford Stoll: “Life in the real world is far richer than anything you’ll find on a computer screen.”(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)81. We learn about a person in cyberspace only through ______________________________.82. Why is the Internet a great place for exciting conversation?83. What makes online love relationship often fail?84. From the passage we can learn that the writer __________________________ looking forlove on the Internet.第Ⅱ卷(共45分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 请完成作业后再和你的朋友聊天。



第2题第5题上海市崇明县2012届高三第一学期期末测试(物理)本试卷分第I 卷和第II 卷两部分。




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) 1、1960年第11届国际计量大会通过了国际通用的国际单位制(SI ),规定了7个基本单位,其中力学基本单位有3个,压强的单位用力学基本单位可表示为………………………( ) A .N/m 2 B .cmHg C .kg/(m ·s 2) D .Pa2、如图所示是利用发波水槽观察到的水波衍射图像,从图像可知……(A .B 侧波是衍射波B .A 侧波速与B 侧波速相等C .减小挡板间距离,衍射波的波长将减小D .增大挡板间距离,衍射现象将更明显 3、汽车沿平直公路做加速度大小为0.5m/s 2的匀变速运动,那么 …( ) A .汽车在任意1 s 内的末速度等于初速度的0.5倍 B .汽车的初速度比前1秒内的末速度大0.5 m/s C .汽车每秒钟内速度变化0.5 m/s D .汽车每秒钟内加速度变化0.5 m/s 24、一个物体在竖直向上的12N 的拉力作用下,以2m/s 2的加速度向上作匀加速直线运动,如要使加速度增加为4m/s 2,空气阻力不计,此竖直拉力的大小应为………………………( ) A .14N B .24N C .16N D .18N 5、如图所示,AB 两物体叠放在一起,在粗糙水平面上向左做匀减速运动,运动过程中B 受到的摩擦力……………………( )A .方向向左,保持不变B .方向向右,保持不变C .方向向左,逐渐减小BA CDE第11题 cED .方向向右,逐渐减小;6、若单摆的摆长适当变大,摆球的质量由20g 增加为40g ,摆球离开平衡位置的最大角度不变,则单摆振动的………………………………………………………………………………( ) A .频率不变,振幅不变 B .频率变小,振幅变大 C .频率变小,振幅不变 D .频率变大,振幅变大7、如图所示,斜面静止在粗糙的水平地面上,一个物体恰能沿斜面匀速下滑。

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A&B Y崇明县2012年高考模拟考试试卷高三物理(考试时间120分钟,满分150分)第I卷(共56分)考生注意:1.答第I卷前,考生务必在试卷和答题卡上用蓝色或黑色的钢笔或圆珠笔清楚填写姓名、准考证号、校验码,并用2B铅笔在答题卡上正确涂写准考证号和校验码。








答案涂写在答题卡上)1、随着能源危机的不断加剧,我们不但要合理节约常规能源,还要大力开发新能源,下列能源中属于新能源的是(A)石油(B)天然气(C)太阳能(D)煤炭2、铀裂变的产物之一氪90(9036K r)是不稳定的,它经过一系列衰变最终成为稳定的锆90(9040Zr),这些衰变是(A)1次α衰变,6次β衰变(B)4次β衰变(C)2次α衰变(D)2次α衰变,2次β衰变3、关于光的波粒二象性下列理解正确的是(A)当光子静止时有粒子性,光子传播时有波动性.(B)光是一种宏观粒子,但它按波的方式传播.(C)光子在空间各点出现的可能性大小(概率)可以用波动规律来描述.(D)大量光子出现的时候表现为粒子性,个别光子出现的时候表现为波动性.4、在某些电子电路中常使用如图所示的双线并绕闭合线圈,在同样情况下,这样的做法可以(A)减少线圈的电阻大小(B)增加线圈的电阻大小(C)增强线圈内磁场强度(D)减小线圈内磁场强度5、如图(a)所示为某一门电路符号及输入端A、B的电势随时间变化关系的图像,则图(b)中能正确反映该门电路输出端电势随时间36、如图所示,两根可自由移动的靠得很近的平行长直导线,通以相反方向的电流,且12I I >,则两导线所受的安培力1F 和2F 的大小关系及其运动方向为 (A )12F F >,且相互靠近 (B )12F F <,且相互远离(C )12F F =,且相互靠近(D )12F F =,且相互远离7、一定质量的理想气体,从图示A 状态开始,经历了B 、C ,最后到D 状态,下列判断中正确的是 (A )A →B 温度升高,压强不变 (B )B →C 体积不变,压强增大 (C )C →D 分子平均动能减小(D )D 比A 点分子密度大 8、如图所示的单摆,摆长为40l =cm ,摆球在0t =时刻从右侧最高点释放做简谐振动,则当1t =s 时,小球的运动情况是 (A )向右加速 (B )向右减速 (C )向左加速(D )向左减速二、单项选择题(共24分,每小题3分。


答案涂写在答题卡上)9、同一音叉发出的声波同时在水和空气中传播,某时刻的波形曲线如图所示,以下判断正确的是 (A )a 的频率高,a 是水中是波形曲线 (B )b 的频率高,b 是水中是波形曲线 (C )a 的速度大,a 是水中是波形曲线(D )b 的速度大,b 是水中是波形曲线10、如图所示,M 能在水平光滑杆上自由滑动,滑杆连架装在转盘上.M 用绳跨过在圆心处的光滑滑轮与另一质量为m 的物体相连.当 转盘以角速度ω转动时,M 离轴距离为r ,且恰能保持稳定转动. 当转盘转速增至原来的2倍,调整r 使之达到新的稳定转动状态, 则滑块M (A )所受向心力变为原来的4倍 (B )线速度变为原来的12(C )半径r 变为原来的12(D )M 的角速度变为原来的1211、如图所示,电动势为E 、内阻为r 的电源与三个灯泡和三个电阻相接.只合上开关S 1,三个灯泡都能正1I2I(K)R 33常工作.如果再合上S 2,则下列表述正确的是 (A )电源消耗的总功率减小 (B )L 1上消耗的功率增大 (C )R 1上消耗的功率增大 (D )R 3上消耗的功率增大12、如图所示,虚线框内存在均匀变化的匀强磁场,三个电阻的阻值之比123R :R :R 1:2:3=,电路中导线的电阻不计.当S 1、S 2闭合,S 3 断开时,闭合回路中感应电流为I ;当S 2、S 3闭合,S 1断开时,闭 合回路中感应电流为5I ;当S 1、S 3闭合,S 2断开时,闭合回路中感 应电流为 (A )0(B )3I(C )6I(D )7I13、如图所示,一钢球系在弹性绳的一端.绳的另一端固定在天花板上.先把钢球托起,然后由静止释放.若弹性绳的伸长始终在弹性限度内,关于钢球的 加速度a 与速度v 分别随时间t 变化的图像,下列说法正确的是 (A )图B 表示a -t 图像,图A 表示v -t 图像 (B )图B 表示a -t 图像,图C 表示v -t 图像 (C )图D 表示a -t 图像,图C 表示v -t 图像 (D )图D 表示a -t 图像,图A 表示v -t 图像14、如图所示,木块B 上表面是水平的,当木块A 置于B 上,并与B 保持相对静止,一起沿固定的光滑斜面由静止开始下滑,在下滑过程中 (A )A 所受的合外力对A 不做功 (B )B 对A 做正功(C )B 对A 的摩擦力做负功 (D )A 对B 不做功15、如图所示,小球从静止开始沿光滑曲面轨道AB 滑下,从B 端水平飞出,撞击到一个与地面呈37θ=︒的斜面上,撞击点为C . 已知斜面上端与曲面末端B 相连.若AB 的高度差为h ,BC 间 的高度差为H ,则h 与H 的比值hH等于:(不计空气阻力,sin 370.6︒=,cos 370.8︒=)C DPPAB (A)34(B)43(C)49(D)9416、在某电场中,沿x轴上的电势分布如图所示.由图可以判断:(A)C点的电场可能为零(B)从A到D,电场强度先减小后增大(C)C点的电场方向一定从A指向D(D)某电荷从A移动到C电场力做正功,则从C移动到D电场力做负功三、多项选择题(共16分,每小题4分。



答案涂写在答题卡上)17、如图所示,木块m放在木板AB上,在木板的A端用一个竖直向上的力F使木板绕固定支点B逆时针缓慢转动.在此过程中,m与AB保持相对静止,则在m下滑之前(A)竖直向上的拉力F逐渐减小(B)拉力F的力矩逐渐减小(C)木板对木块m的作用力保持不变(D)木块m受到的摩擦力先减小后增大18、在如图所示的电路中,R1、R2、R3均为可变电阻.当开关S闭合后,两平行金属板MN中有一带电液滴正好处于静止状态.为使带电液滴向上加速运动,可采取的措施是(A)减小R1(B)增大R2(C)增大R3(D)减小MN间距19、如图示,相互垂直的固定绝缘光滑挡板PO,QO竖直放置在重力场中,a、b为两个带有同种电量的小球(可以近似看成点电荷),当用水平向左作用力F作用于b时,a、b紧靠挡板处于静止状态.现若稍改变F的大小,使b稍有向左移动一段小距离,则当a、b重新处于静止状态后(A)a、b间电场力增大(B)作用力F将减小(C)系统重力势能增加(D)系统的电势能将增加20、如图所示,物体放在轻弹簧上,沿竖直方向在A、B间做简谐运动.C、D是AB间的两点(未在图上标出),物体由C点运动到D点的过程中(方向未发生变化),弹簧的弹性势能减少了3.0J,物体的重力势能增加了1.0J.则在这段过程中(A)物体经过C点时的运动方向是指向平衡位置的(B)物体在C点的加速度一定比D点的加速度小(C)C点的位置一定在平衡位置的上面(D)物体在C、D两点加速度方向可能相反第II 卷(共94分)考生注意:1.第II 卷(21—33题)由人工阅卷。

考生应用蓝色或黑色的钢笔或圆珠笔将第II 卷所有试题的答案写在试卷上,用铅笔答题或将答案涂写在答题卡上一律不给分(作图可用铅笔)。






)21、体积为V 的油滴,滴在平静的水面上,扩展成面积为S 的单分子油膜,则该油滴的分子直径约为 .已知阿伏伽德罗常数为N A ,油的摩尔质量为M ,则一个油分子的质量为 .22、一行星绕恒星作圆周运动.由天文观测可得,其运动周期为T ,速度为v ,引力常量为G ,则恒星的质量为 ,行星运动的轨道半径为 . 23、如图所示,一根长为l 的轻杆悬于O 点并可绕O 点自由转动,在杆的下端和中点分别固定了一个质量均为m 的小球,开始时杆竖直.现用一水平恒力作 用在杆的下端,使杆偏离竖直方向.若水平恒力32F m g=,则轻杆转过角度为37︒时,小球A 的线速度 ,当杆偏离竖直方向的角度为 时, A 球的速度最大.(sin37°=0.6,cos37°=0.8)24、如图所示,电灯L 标有“4V 1W ”,滑动变阻器的总电阻为50Ω,当滑臂P 滑至某位置时,L 恰好正常发光,此时电流表示数为0.45 A ,由于 外电路发生故障,电灯L 突然熄灭,此时电流表示数变为0.5 A ,电压 表示数变为10 V ,若导线完好,电路中各处接触良好,则发生故障前, 滑动变阻器接入电路的阻值为 Ω,电源的电动势大小为 V .25、如图所示,质点O 从0t =时刻开始做简谐振动,图中OX 代表一弹性绳,14O A =m ,10AB BC ==m ,在第2s 内A 比B 多2次全振动,B 比C 多5次全振动,且已知在第2s 末波已传过C 点,则质点振动的频率是 Hz ,绳上的波速是 m/s.五、实验题(共24分。


)26、(5分)(多选)利用图中装置研究光的双缝干涉现象时,有下面几种说法,其中正确的是 (A )将屏移近双缝,干涉条纹间距变窄(B )将滤光片由蓝色的换成红色的,干涉条纹间距变宽(C )换一个两缝之间距离较大的双缝,干涉条纹间距变窄OXA B C(D )去掉滤光片后,干涉现象消失27、(6分)图示是某同学用来探究“小车的加速度与外力关系”的实验装置.将光电门固定在 轨道上的某点B ,用一个钩码通过滑轮拉 动小车,使小车从A 点由静止开始运动, 测出小车上挡光板通过光电门的时间t ∆.(1)若挡光板的宽度为d ,AB 间距离为l ,则小车的加速度a = .(2)该同学用不同重力的钩码拉小车,测出对应不同外力时的t ∆,然后经过数据分析,分析F 与t ∆的关系,从而得出了加速度与外力F 成正比的结论.在该实验中,下列哪些项是必须做到的(多选) (A )确保钩码的质量要与小车的质量差不多 (B )每次改变钩码,需要测量其质量(或重力) (C )开始前首先要测量小车的质量 (D )需要测出AB 间的距离(E )每次测量要保持小车从同一点静止出发 (F )不论轨道光滑与否,轨道一定要保持水平28、(7分)已知地面附近高度每升高12m ,大气压降低1mmHg 一微小变化,某实验小组巧妙地设计了如图所示的一个实验,在一个密闭的 玻璃瓶的塞子上插入一根两端开口且足够长的细玻璃管,瓶内有一定量的水 和空气.由于内外压强差,细玻璃管内水面a 将与瓶内有一定的高度差. (不计水面升降引起的瓶内空气体积的变化,水银的密度为13.6×103kg/m 3) (1)该小组成员选择瓶内装水而不装水银的主要原因是 .(2)现将玻璃瓶放置在地面上,记录下此时管内水面a 的位置,再将玻璃瓶放到离地1.2m 的讲台上时,则玻璃管内水面将 (上升,下降) mm ;(设温度保持不变) (3)小组成员想用此装置来测量高度.先将此装置放在温度为27℃、大气压为750mmHg 的A 处,测得水柱的高度204h =mm .然后将装置缓慢地平移另一高度的B 处,待稳定后发现水柱升高了40.8mm ,已知B 处比A 处的温度高1℃,则AB 间高度差为 m ;29、(6分)一个喷漆桶能够向外喷射不同速度的油漆雾滴,某同学决定测量雾滴的喷射速度,他采用如图1所示的装置,一个直径为40d =cm 的纸带环, 安放在一个可以按照不同转速转动的固定转台上,纸带环上刻有一条狭缝A ,在狭缝A 的正对面画一条标志线,如图1所示.在转台开始转动达到稳定转速时,向侧面同样开有狭缝B 的纸盒中喷射油漆雾滴,当狭缝A 转至与狭缝B 正对平行时,雾滴便通过狭缝A 在纸带的内侧面留下痕迹图1挡光板图2(若此过程转台转过不到一圈).将纸带从转台上取下来,展开平放,并与毫米刻度尺对齐,如图2所示.(1)设喷射到纸带上的油漆雾滴痕迹到标志线的距离为S ,则从图2可知,其中速度最大的雾滴到标志线的距离1S = cm ,速度最小的雾滴到标志线的距离2S = cm ;(2)如果转台转动的周期为T ,则这些雾滴喷射速度范围的计算表达式为0V = (用字母表示);(3)如果以纵坐标表示雾滴速度0V 、横坐 标表示雾滴距标志线距离的倒数1S,画出01V S-图线,如图3所示,则可知转台转动的周期为T =s .图30.8 π0.6 π0.4 π0.2 πS /1m -六、计算题(共50分)30、(10分)空间有一匀强电场,电场方向与纸面平行.一带正电,电量为q ,质量为m 的小球(重力不计),在恒定拉力F 的作用下沿虚线以速度0υ由M 匀速运动到N ,如图所示.已知力F 和M N 间夹角为θ,MN 间距离为L ,则: (1)匀强电场的电场强度大小为多少?并画出过M 点的等势线. (2)M N 两点的电势差为多少?(3)当带电小球到达N 点时,撤去外力F ,则小球回到过M 点的等势面时的动能为多少?31、(13分)如图甲所示,一根足够长的细杆与水平成37θ=︒固定,质量为1m =kg 的小球穿在细杆上静止于细杆底端O 点,今有水平向右的F 作用于小球上,经时间10.2t =s 后停止,小球沿细杆运动的部分v t -图像如图乙所示(取10g =m/s 2,sin 370.6︒=,cos 370.8︒=).试求:(1)小球在0~0.2 s 内的加速度1a 和0.2~0.4s 内的加速度2a ;(2)0~0.2 s 内水平作用力F 的大小.(3)撤去水平力后,小球经多长时间返回底部.32、(12分)U 形均匀玻璃管,右端封闭,左端开口处有一重力不计、可自由移动的活塞,中间的水银柱将空气分成A 、B 两部分,其 各部分的长度如图所示,活塞的截面积为5.0×10-5m 2.当时大气AB甲压强075p =cmHg 、气温087t =℃时,1cmHg 31.3310=⨯Pa .试求: (1)A 部分气体的压强.(2)保持气体温度不变,用细杆向下推活塞,至管内两边汞柱高度相等,此时A 部分气体压强?细杆对活塞的推力大小.(3)若不用外力推动活塞,而使两部分气体温度均下降到13t =-℃,活塞将移动的距离.33、(15分)如图所示,处于匀强磁场中的两根足够长、电阻不计的平行金属导轨相距1m ,导轨平面与水平面成37θ=︒角,上端连接阻值为2R =Ω的电阻.匀强磁场方向与导轨平面垂直,磁感应强度0.4B =T .质量为0.2kg 、电阻为1r =Ω的金属棒a b ,以初速度0v 从导轨底端向上滑行,金属棒a b 在安培力和一平行于导轨平面的外力F的共同作用下做匀变速直线运动,速度-时间图像如图所示.设金属棒与导轨垂直并保持良好接触,它们之间的动摩擦因数为0.25μ=.(10g =m/s 2,sin 370.6︒=,cos 370.8︒=),求:(1)金属棒产生的感应电动势的最大值和电阻R 消耗的最大功率? (2)当金属棒速度为向上3m/s 时施加在金属棒上外力F 的大小和方向? (3)请求出金属棒在整个运动过程中外力F 随时间t 变化的函数关系式.V /(m 6-2012崇明模拟卷答案一、选择题(1)每题2分,共16分二、选择题(2)每题3分,共24分四、填空题(每空2分,共20分) (21)、SV ,AN M (22)、GT V π23,π2VT (23)、56gl ,45º(24)、 20 , 12.5 (25)、10、20五、实验题(共24分) (26)、A B C (5分,部分答对得3分) (27)、①22)(2t l da ∆==(2分),② B E (4分,部分答对得2分)(28)、①水密度比水银小,同样压强变化时,高度差明显(2分,答到水的密度小便能得分)②上升(1分),1.36(2分);③ 5.4 (2分) (29)、①2.1, 2.9(2分,每空1分)②TSd 2π(2分);③1.6(2分)六、计算题、(共50分) 30、(共10分)(1)qF E qE F ==,(2分)(正确作图2(2)θθcos cos L qF EL U MN ==(3分)(3)θcos 212FL mvqU E E MNKN KM +=+=(3分)31、(共13分)(1)(4分)由图象可知,在0~2s 内:21121m/s 20=-=t a v v (1分)方向沿杆向上 (1分) 在2~4s 内:22232m/s 10-=-=t a v v (1分)负号表示方向沿杆向下 (1分)(2)(4分)有力时的上升过程,由受力分析和牛顿第二定律有:1sin )sin cos (cos ma mg F mg F =-+-θθθμθ................① (1分)F 停止后的上升阶段,有:2sin cos ma mg mg =--θθμ.................................② 5.0cos sin 2=-+=θθμg g a (2分)N mg mg ma F 60sin cos cos sin 1=-++=θμθθμθ(1分)(3)由图可知前0.2s 小球上升距离S 1=0.4m , (1分)停止拉力后,小球继续上升距离时间s a v t 4.022==(1分)上升距离m t v s 8.0222==总共上升距离m s s s 2.121=+= (1分)小球沿杆滑下是加速度23/2cos -sin s m g g a ==θμθ下滑时间s a s t 1.12.1233===(1分)所以撤销外力后,小球滑到底部所用时间s t t t 5.132=+= (1分)32、(共12分)(1)(2分)右端气体 p A =p 0+ρgh=(75+25)cmHg=100 cmHg (2分)(2)(4分)当两边汞柱高度相等时,右端气柱V A ´=17.5s ,p A 'V A '=p A V A ,(1分) 代人数据得p A ´=171.4cmHg ; (1分) 左端气柱p B ´=p A ´=171.4cmHg ,(1分) 活塞受力F +p 0S =p B ´S 得F =(p B ´-p 0)S =6.4N (1分)(3)(6分)左端气柱等压变化,T 1=360K ,V B =4s ,T 2=270K .21T V T V B B '=, (1分)代人数据得V B '=3s , 气柱长3cm . (1分) 设右端汞柱上升xcm ,则左侧汞柱下降xcm ,右端气柱p 1=100cmHg ,T 1=360K ,V A =30s ,T 2=270K ,V A '=(30-x )s ,p 2=(100-2x )cmHg . (1分)2211T V P T V P A A '= (1分)代人数据100×30/360=(100-2x )(30-x )/270,x 2-80x +375=0, 得x 1=5,x 2=75(不合题意舍去). (1分) ∴ 活塞下降距离s =6cm . (1分) 33、(共15分)(1)(4分)当速度最大时,感应电动势最大,R 上消耗功率最大。
