



直流仿真主要用于分析电路的直流工作点,可以得到电路中各元件的电压和电流值。例如,在模拟电路中, 可以通过直流仿真得到放大器的静态工作点。
交流仿真主要用于分析电路的频率响应,可以得到电路的幅频特性和相频特性。例如,在滤波器设计中,可 以通过交流仿真得到滤波器的频率响应曲线。
通过菜单栏或工具栏中的新建选项来 创建一个新的PSpice项目。
通过菜单栏或工具栏中的保存选项来 保存当前项目文件和电路图等。
用户可以选择将当前项目另存为其他 格式或版本的文件。
通过专业讲师的讲解,深入了解软件功能 。
与其他用户交流使用心得,分享经验技巧 。
提供软件安装、使用、故障排查等方面的专 业支持。
检查文件路径是否正确、文件是否损坏、软件 版本是否兼容等。



第二章PSPICE使用本章通过对一个共射极放大电路的仿真分析,学习PSpice软件的使用方法,掌握PSpice 软件分析电子电路的基本过程。

使用PSpice软件的步骤是:第一步:通过电路图编辑程序(Schematics Editor程序)输入编辑电路图;第二步:在电路图编辑程序中设置电路的分析方式和参数;第三步:运行电路仿真分析程序(PSpice程序);第四步:运行图形后处理程序(Probe程序)查看输出图形或查看电路输出文件。

第一节认识Schematics电路图编辑程序一、启动Schematics程序PSpice软件7.1版本是Windows应用程序,因此,应先启动Windows操作系统,Windows 操作系统可以是Windows 3.x 或Windows 95或Windows 98,本书都是在Windows 98操作系统下完成的,并且假定读者已掌握Windows 98操作系统的使用,如果读者尚没有掌握Windows 98操作系统的使用,应先了解Windows 98操作系统;如果读者使用的是Windows 3.x 或Windows 95操作系统,则在Windows系统操作上会略有不同,但PSpice显示的内容都是一样的,相信不应该出现什么大的困难。



假定已经安装了PSpice软件的7.1版本,并且已经启动了Windows 98操作系统,则启动Schematics电路图编辑程序有三种方法:1. 选择开始菜单上的程序组>>MicroSim Eval 7.1程序组>>Schamatics程序项。





PSpice的基本功能- 电路仿真:通过输入电路原理图和元件参数,PSpice可以对电路进行仿真分析,以评估电路的性能和行为。

- 波形分析:PSpice可以生成电路中各个节点电压和电流的波形图,以帮助理解电路运行情况。

- 参数扫描:PSpice可以对电路中的元件参数进行扫描,以评估元件参数对电路性能的影响。

- 优化分析:PSpice可以通过自动化搜索算法优化电路参数,以达到用户定义的目标。

仿真步骤1. 绘制电路原理图:使用PSpice提供的元件库绘制电路原理图,设置元件参数和连接关系。

2. 设置仿真选项:设置仿真类型和仿真参数,如直流分析、交流分析、变化频率分析等。

3. 运行仿真:通过点击仿真按钮或执行仿真命令,PSpice开始进行仿真计算。

4. 分析仿真结果:根据仿真结果生成的波形图和数据表格,分析电路的性能和行为。

电路控制描述- 电源控制:通过设置电源的电压或电流源来控制电路中的电压和电流。

- 开关控制:通过激活或关闭开关元件, 来控制电路中的电压或电流流动。

- 反馈控制:通过将电路输出信号与输入信号进行比较,并根据差异调整电路参数,实现对电路的控制。

示例下面是一个简单的PSpice仿真和电路控制的示例:* 这是一个简单的RC电路R1 N1 N2 1kC1 N2 N3 1uV1 N1 0 DC 10R2 N3 0 10k.tran 0.1ms 10ms.end通过上述示例,我们可以:1. 进行直流分析,评估电路的直流稳态行为。

2. 进行时间域分析,查看电路中各个节点的电压随时间的变化。

3. 通过改变元件参数、调整输入电压或通过反馈控制等方式,控制电路的行为和性能。




OrCAD PSpice 培训教材深圳光映计算机软件有限公司培训目标:熟悉PSpice的仿真功能,熟练掌握各种仿真参数的设置方法,综合观测并分析仿真结果,熟练输出分析结果,能够综合运用各种仿真对电路进行分析,学会修改模型参数。


1、新建Project时应选择Analog or Mixed-signal Circuit2、调用的器件必须有PSpice模型首先,调用OrCAD软件本身提供的模型库,这些库文件存储的路径为Capture\Library\pspice,此路径中的所有器件都有提供PSpice 模型,可以直接调用。

其次,若使用自己的器件,必须保证*.olb、*.lib两个文件同时存在,而且器件属性中必须包含PSpice Template属性。







三、仿真参数设置1、PSpice能够仿真的类型在OrCAD PSpice中,可以分析的类型有以下8种,每一种分析类型的定义如下:直流分析:当电路中某一参数(称为自变量)在一定范围内变化时,对自变量的每一个取值,计算电路的直流偏置特性(称为输出变量)。
















PSPICE 6.0以上版本全部采用菜单式结构,只要熟悉Windows操作系统就很容易学,利用鼠标和热键一起操作,既提高了工作效率,又缩短了设计周期。






第一讲 电路仿真软件PSPICE

第一讲 电路仿真软件PSPICE

电路仿真软件PSPICE > PSPICE9.1简介
OrCAD PSpice A/D在整个OrCAD设计环境中负责电路 的仿真和验证工作。 它可以当作一个软件的电路面包板,用户在上面建立电 路模型和设置激励信号后,可根据要求来测试设计的电路。 如果仿真结果顺利通过检测,就可以进入后续的Layout Plus的程序,进行印刷电路板(PCB)的设计;或者进入 Express程序,进行可编程逻辑阵列(PLD)的设计。
电路仿真软件PSPICE > PSPICE9.1简介
PSpice的基本程序项 • • • • • • 电路原理图输入程序Schematics 电路仿真程序Pspice 输出结果绘图程序Probe 激励源编辑程序Stimulus Editor 模型参数提取程序Parts 优化设置程序Optimizer
电路仿真软件PSPICE > PSPICE9.1简介
设计管理Design Manager
具有强大的文件管理能力。它将一个设计中 所有的输入输出文件以及电路图等文件当作一个 整体进行处理。
电路仿真软件PSPICE > 分析功能介绍
直流分析 交流分析 瞬态分析 统计分析
电路仿真软件PSPICE > 分析功能介绍
电路仿真软件PSPICE > PSPICE9.1简介
在当前的电子系统以及集成电路的设计过 程中,以电 子计算机辅助设计(CAD Computer Aidid Design)为基础 的电子设计自动化(EDA Electronics Design Automation) 技术已经成为必不可少的工具之一。
0V 0Hz 1.0KHz V(2)





在优化过程中,需要评估 电路的性能指标,如功耗、 速度、稳定性等。
根据实际需求和电路特点, 可以采用不同的设计技巧 来提高电路性能,如布线 优化、元件匹配等。
利用PSPICE可以模拟和分析各种逻辑门电路的特性,如AND、 OR、NOT等,以及其输入输出关系和传输特性。
对于时序电路,如触发器和寄存器等,PSPICE可以用于仿真其时 序行为和性能参数,如建立时间和保持时间。
通过PSPICE仿真,可以对数字信号处理器的算法和结构进行模拟 和分析,以评估其性能和优化设计。
扩展对无线连接和通信模块的仿真能力,以适 应物联网设备间的复杂通信需求。
提供云端存储和计算资源,实现设计数据和 仿真结果的共享与协同。

OrCAD_PSpice_Tutorial Orcad仿真原理图创建指导手册

OrCAD_PSpice_Tutorial Orcad仿真原理图创建指导手册

OrCAD Flow Tutorial, Product Version 16.02Creating a schematic designThis chapter consists of the following sections:ObjectiveDesign exampleCreating a design in CaptureProcessing a designSummaryWhat's nextRecommended readingObjectiveTo create a schematic design in OrCAD Capture. In this chapter, you will be introduced to basic design steps, such as placing a part, connecting parts using wires, adding ports, generating parts, and so on.The steps for preparing your design for simulation using PSpice and for taking your design for placement and routing to OrCAD Layout or OrCAD PCB Editor are also covered in this chapter.Design exampleIn this chapter, you will create a full adder design in OrCAD Capture. The full adder design covered in this tutorial is a complex hierarchical design that has two hierarchical blocks referringto the same half adder design.Duration:40 minutesCreating a design in CaptureGuidelinesWhen creating a new circuit design in OrCAD Capture, it is recommended that you follow the guidelines listed below.1.Avoid spaces in pathnames and filenames. This is necessary to get your design intodownstream products, such as SPECCTRA for OrCAD.2.Avoid using special characters for naming nets, nodes, projects, or libraries. While namingnets, use of illegal characters listed below might cause the netlister to fail.? (question mark)@ (at symbol)~ (telda)#(hash)& (ampersand)% (percent sign)" (quotation marks)! (exclamation mark)( )(parenthesis)< (smaller than)= (equal)> (greater than)[ ](square parenthesis),* (asterisk)Creating a projectTo create a new project, we will use Capture's Project Wizard. The Project Wizard provides you with the framework for creating any kind of project.unch Capture.2.From the File menu, choose New > Project.3.In the New Project dialog box, specify the project name as FullAdd.4.To specify the project type, select Analog or Mixed A/D.Note: An Analog or Mixed A/D project can easily be simulated using PSpice. It alsoensures that your design flows smoothly into OrCAD Layout for your board design.5.Specify the location where you want the project files to be created and click OK.6.In the Create PSpice Project dialog box, select the Create a blank project option button.Note: When you create a blank project, the project can be simulated in PSpice, butlibraries are not configured by default. When you base your project on an existing project, the new project has same configured libraries.7.Click OK to create the FullAdd project with the above specifications.In case you already have a schematic design file (.dsn) that you want tosimulate using PSpice, you need to create an Analog or Mixed A/D project usingthe File > New > Project command and then add your design to it.The FullAdd project is created. In the Project Manager window, a design file, fulladd.dsn, is created. Below the design file, a schematic folder with the name SCHEMATIC1 is created. This folder has a schematic page named PAGE1.Renaming the schematic folder and the schematic pageYou will now modify the design to change the name of both the schematic folder and the schematic page, to HALFADD.1.In the Project Manager window, right-click on SCHEMA TIC1.2.From the pop-up menu, select Rename.3.In the Rename Schematic dialog box, specify the name as HALFADD.4.Similarly, right-click on PAGE1 and from the pop-up menu select Rename.5.In the Rename Page dialog box, specify the page name as HALFADD and click OK. After renaming of the schematic folder and the schematic page, the directory structure in the Project Manager window should be to similar to the figure below.Using a design templateBefore you start with the design creation process in OrCAD Capture, you can specify the default characteristics of your project using the design template. A design template can be used to specify default fonts, page size, title block, grid references and so on. To set up a design template in OrCAD Capture, use the Design Template dialog box.- To open the Design Template dialog box, from the Options drop-down menu choose Design Template.To know more about setting up the design template, see OrCAD Capture User's Guide. Creating a flat designIn this section, we will create a simple flat half adder design with X and Y as inputs and SUM and CARRY as outputs.Adding partsTo add parts to your design:1.From the Place menu in Capture, select Part.2.In the Place Part dialog box, first select the library from which the part is to be added andthen instantiate the part on the schematic page.The gates shown in Figure 2-1 are available in the 7400.OLB.Use the Part Search button in the Place Part dialog box, to search the library towhich the required part belongs.To add 7400.OLB to the project, select the Add Library button.3.Browse to <install_dir>/tools/capture/library/pspice/7400.olb.Select 7400.OLB and click Open.The 7400 library appears in the Libraries list box.4.From the Part List, select 7408 and click OK.5.Place three instances of the AND gate, 7408, on the schematic page as shown in the figure below.6.Right-click and select End Mode.7.Similarly, place an OR gate (7432) and two NOT gates (7404) as shown in the figurebelow.Connecting partsAfter placing the required parts on the schematic page, you need to connect the parts.1.From the Place menu, choose Wire.The pointer changes to a crosshair.2.Draw the wire from the output of the AND gate, U2A, to the one of the inputs of the ORgate, U1B. To start drawing the wire, click the connection point of the output pin, pin3, on the AND gate.3.Drag the cursor to input pin, pin4, of the OR gate (7432) and click on the pin to end thewire.Clicking on any valid connection point ends a wire.4.Similarly, add wires to the design until all parts are connected as shown in the figurebelow.5.To stop wiring, right-click and select End Wire. The pointer changes to the default arrow. Adding portsTo add input and output ports to the design, complete the following sequence of steps:1.From the Place menu in Capture, select Hierarchical Port.The Place Hierarchical Port dialog box appears.Note: Alternatively, you can select the Place port button from the Tool Palette.2.From the Libraries list box, select CAPSYM.3.First add input ports. From the Symbols list, select PORTRIGHT-R and click OK.4.Place two instances of the port as shown in the figure below5.Right-click and select End Mode.6.To rename the ports to indicate input signals X and Y, double-click the port name.7.In the Display Properties dialog box, change the value of the Name property to X and clickOK.Note: You can also use the Property Editor to edit the property values of a component. To know the details, see OrCAD Capture User's Guide.8.Similarly, change the name of the second port to Y.Note: You cannot use the Place Part dialog box for placing ports, because ports inCAPSYM.OLB are only symbols and not parts. Only parts are listed in the Place Partdialog box.9.Add two output ports as shown in the figure below. To do this, select PORTLEFT-L fromthe CAPSYM library.10.Rename the ports to SUM and CARRY, respectively.11.Save the design.The half adder design is ready. The next step is to create a full adder design that will use the half adder design.Creating a hierarchical designIn Capture, you can create hierarchical designs using one of the following methods:Bottom-up methodTop-down methodAnother method of creating a hierarchical design is to create parts or symbols for the designs at the lowest level, and save the symbols in a user-defined library. You can later add the user-defined library in your projects and use these symbols in the schematic. For example, you can create a part for the half adder design and then instead of hierarchical blocks, use this part in the schematic. To know more about this approach, see Generating parts for a schematic.In this section, we will create the full adder hierarchical design. The half adder design created in the Creating a flat design section will be used as the lowest level design.Bottom-up methodWhen you create a hierarchical design using the bottom-up methodology, you need to follow these steps.Create the lowest-level design.Create higher-level designs that instantiate the lower-level designs in the form ofhierarchical blocks.In this section, we will create a full adder design using bottom-up methodology. The steps involved are:1.Creating a project in Capture. To view the steps, see Creating a project.2.Creating the lowest-level design. In the full adder design example, the lowest-level designis the half adder design. To go through the steps for creating the half adder design, seeCreating a flat design.3.Creating the higher-level design. Create a schematic for the full adder design that uses thehalf adder design created in the previous step. To go through the steps, see Creating thefull adder design.Creating the full adder design1.In the Project Manager window, right-click on fulladd.dsn and select New Schematic.2.In the New Schematic dialog box, specify the name of the new schematic folder asFULLADD and click OK.In the Project Manager window, the FULLADD folder appears below fulladd.dsn.3.Save the design.4.To make the full adder circuit as the root design (high-level design), right-click onFULLADD and from the pop-up menu select Make Root.The FULLADD folder moves up and a forward slash appears in the folder.5.Right-click on FULLADD and select New Page.6.In the New Page in schematic: FULLADD dialog box, specify the page name as FULLADD and click OK.A new page, FULLADD, gets added below the schematic folder FULLADD.7.Double-click the FULLADD page to open it for editing.8.From the Place menu, choose Hierarchical Block.9.In the Place Hierarchical Block dialog box, specify the reference as HALFADD_A1.10.Specify the Implementation Type as Schematic View.11.Specify the Implementation name as HALFADD and click OK.The cursor changes to a crosshair.12.Draw a rectangle on the schematic page.A hierarchical block with input and output ports is drawn on the page.13.If required, resize the block. Also, reposition the input and output ports on the block. Note: To verify if the hierarchical block is correct, right-click on the block and select Descend Hierarchy. The half adder design you created earlier should appear.14.Place another instance of the hierarchical block on the schematic page.a.Select the hierarchical block.b.From the Edit menu, choose Copy.c.From the Edit menu, choose Paste.d.Place the instance of the block at the desired location.Note: Alternatively, you can use the <CTRL>+<C> and <CTRL>+<V> keys to copy-paste the block.15.By default, the reference designator for the second hierarchical block is HALFADD_A2. Double-click on the reference designator, and change the reference value the Place Part dialog box, add an OR gate (7432) to the schematic. (See Figure 2-2.)17.To connect the blocks, add wires to the circuit. From the Place menu, choose Wire.18.Draw wires from all four ports on each of the hierarchical blocks.19.Add wires until all the connections are made as shown in the figure below.20.Add stimulus to the design. In the Place Part dialog box, use the Add Library button to add SOURCSTM.OLB to the design.This library is located at <install_dir>/tools/capture/library/pspice.21.From the Part List, select DigStim1 and click OK.The symbol gets attached to the cursor.22.Place the symbol at three input ports: port X of the HALFADD_A1, port X and Y of HALFADD_B1.23.Right-click on the schematic and select End Mode.24.Specify the value of the Implementation property as Carry, X, and Y, respectively. See Figure 2-2.25.Select the Place Port button, to add an output port, CARRY_OUT, to the output of the OR gate. (See Figure 2-2.)26.From the list of libraries, select CAPSYM.27.From the list of symbols, select PORTLEFT-L and click OK.28.Place the output port as shown in the Figure 2-2.29.Double-click the port name and change the port to CARRY_OUT.30.Save the design.We have only added digital components to the design so far. We will now add a bipolar junction transistor to the SUM port of the HALFADD_A1 block.1.Select the Place Part tool button.2.In the Place Part dialog box, select the Add Library button.3.Select ANALOG.OLB and BIPOLAR.OLB and click Open.4.From the part list, add resistor R. Place this resistor on the schematic and connected oneend of the resistor to the SUM port of HALFADD_A1. See Figure 2-3.5.From the BIPOLAR.OLB, select Q2N2222 and place it on the schematic. See Figure 2-3.plete the circuit by adding a collector resistance, Collector V oltage, and ground. SeeFigure 2-3.Adding Collector Voltagea.To add the voltage, add the SOURCE.OLB library to the project.b.From the Part List select VDC and click OK.c.Place the voltage source on the schematic. See Figure 2-3.d.By default, the source is of 0 volts. Using the Property Editor, change it to a voltagesource of 5V. To do this, double-click the voltage source.e.In the Property Editor window, change the value of the DC parameter to 5.f.Save and close the Property Editor window.Adding Grounda.To add ground, select the Place ground button.b.In the Place Ground dialog box, select the SOURCE library.c.From the part list, select 0 and click OK.d.Place the ground symbol on the schematic. See Figure 2-3.You must use the 0 ground part from the SOURCE.OLB part library. Youcan use any other ground part only if you change its name to 0.7.Add a connector CON2 to the circuit. To do this, add a Capture library,CONNECTOR.OLB to the project.CONNECTOR.OLB is located at <install_dir>/tools/capture/library.You have successfully created the full adder hierarchical design using the bottom-up methodology. As the components used in this design are from the PSpice library, you can simulate this design using PSpice.Top-down methodWhen you create a hierarchical design using the top-down methodology, use the followingsequence of steps:Create the top-level design using functional blocks, the inputs and outputs of which are known.Create a schematic design for the functional block used in the top-level design.This section provides an overview of the steps to be followed for creating a full adder using top-down methodology.1.Create a FullAdd project.To view the steps, see Creating a project.2.Create the top-level design, using the following steps:a.From the Place menu, choose Hierarchical Block.Note: Alternatively, you can select the Place hierarchical block buttonfrom the Tool Palette.b.In the Place Hierarchical Block dialog box, specify the reference as HALFADD_A1,Implementation Type as Schematic View, Implementation name as HALFADD,and click OK.See step 9 to step 11 in the Bottom-up method section.c.Draw the hierarchical block as required.Note that unlike the hierarchical block drawn in the bottom-up methodology, thehierarchical block in the top-down methodology does not have port informationattached to it.d.Select the hierarchical block and then from the Place menu, choose HierarchicalPins.e.In the Place Hierarchical Pin dialog box, specify the pin name as X, Type as Input,and Width as Scalar and click OK.f.Place the pin as shown in the figure below.g.Similarly, add another input pin Y and two output pins, SUM and CARRY, as shown in the figure below.h.Place another hierarchical block with the Implementation Type as HALFADD. The easiest way to do this is to copy the existing hierarchical block and paste it on the schematic page.By default, the reference value of the second hierarchical block is HALFADD_A2. Change this value to HALFADD_B1.Complete the full adder circuit by adding ports, wires, and stimuli. See The full adder circuit.Save the design.3.Draw the lowest-level design using the steps listed below. For the full adder design example, the lowest-level design is a half adder circuit.a.To draw the half adder design, right-click on any one of the HALFADD hierarchicalblock.b.From the pop-up menu, select Descend Hierarchy.c.The New Page in Schematic: 'HALFADD' dialog box appears.Specify the page name as HALFADD and click OK.A new schematic pages appears with two input ports, X and Y, and two output ports, SUM and CARRY.You can now draw the half adder circuit on this schematic page using the steps covered in the Creating a flat design. Also see Figure 2-1.In the Project Manager window, a new schematic folder HALFADD gets added belowfulladd.dsn.Generating parts for a schematicInstead of creating a hierarchical block for the half adder design, you can generate a part for the half adder design and then reuse the part in any design as and when required.In this section of the tutorial, we will generate a part for the half adder circuit that you created in the Creating a flat design section of this chapter.To generate a part from a circuit, complete the following steps.1.In the Project Manager window, select the HALFADD folder.2.From the Tools menu, choose Generate Part.3.In the Generate Part dialog box, specify the location of the design file that contains thecircuit for which the part is to be made.For this design example, specify the location of fulladd.dsn.4.In the Netlist/source file type drop-down list box, specify the source type as CaptureSchematic Design.5.In the Part Name text box, specify the name of the part that is to be created, as HALFADD.6.Specify the name and the location of the library that will contain this new part beingcreated. For the current design example, specify the library name as fulladd.olb.7.If you want the source schematic to be saved along with the new part, select the Copyschematic to library check box. For this design, select the check box.8.Ensure that the Create new part option is selected.9.To specify the schematic folder that contains the design for which the part is to be made,select HALFADD from the Source Schematic name drop-down list box.10.Click OK to generate the HalfAdd part.A new library, fulladd.olb, is generated and is visible under the Outputs folder in the Project Manager window. The new library also gets added in the Place part dialog box. You can now use the Place part dialog box to add the half adder part in any design.Navigating through a hierarchical designTo navigate to the lower levels of the hierarchy, right-click a hierarchical block and choose Descend Hierarchy.Similarly, to move up the hierarchy, right-click and select Ascend Hierarchy.The Ascend Hierarchy and Descend Hierarchy menu options are also available in the View drop-down menu.While working with hierarchical designs, you can make changes to the hierarchical blocks aswell as to the designs at the lowest level.To keep the various hierarchical levels updated with the changes, you can use the Synchronize options available in the View drop-down menu.Select Synchronize Up when you have made changes in the lowest-level design and want these changes to be reflected higher up in the hierarchy.Select Synchronize Across when you have made changes in a hierarchical block and want the changes to be reflected across all instances of the block.Select Synchronize Down when you have made changes in a hierarchical block and want these changes to be reflected in the lowest-level design.Processing a designAfter you have created your schematic design, you may need to process your design by adding information for tasks such as, simulation, synthesis, and board layout. This section covers some of the tasks that you can perform in OrCAD Capture while processing your design.Adding part referencesTo be able to take your schematic design to Layout or PCB Editor for packaging, you need to ensure that all the components in the design are uniquely identified with part references. In OrCAD Capture you can assign references either manually or by using the Annotate command. In the full adder design, annotation is not required at this stage because by default, unique part references are attached to all the components. This is so because by default, Capture adds part reference to all the components placed on the schematic page. If required, you can disable this feature by following the steps listed below.1.From the Options menu, choose Preferences.2.In the Preferences dialog box, select the Miscellaneous tab.3.In the Auto Reference section, clear the Automatically reference placed parts check box.4.Click OK to save these settings.In case the components in your design do not have unique part references attached to them, you must run the Annotate command.To assign unique part references to the components in the FULLADD design using the Annotate command, complete the following steps:1.In the Project Manager window, select the fulladd.dsn file.2.From the Tools drop-down menu, choose Annotate.Note: Alternatively, you can click the Annotate button on the toolbar.3.In the Packaging tab of the Annotate dialog box, specify whether you want the completedesign or only a part of the design to be updated. Select the Update entire design option button.4.In the Actions section, select the Incremental reference update option button.Note: To know about other available options, see the dialog box help.5.The full adder design is a complex hierarchical design. So choose the Update Occurrenceoption button.Note: When you select the Update Occurrence option, you may receive a warningmessage. Ignore this message because for all complex hierarchical designs, the occurrence mode is the preferred mode.6.For the rest of the options, accept default values and click OK to save your settings.The Undo Warning message box appears.7.Click Yes.A message box stating that the annotation will be done appears.8.Click OK.Your design is annotated and saved. You can view the value of updated cross reference designators on the schematic page.If you select the Annotate command after generating the Layout or PCBEditor netlist, you will receive an error message stating that annotating atthis stage may cause the board to go out of sync with the schematic design.This may cause further backannotation problems.Creating a cross reference reportUsing Capture, you can create cross reference reports for all the parts in your design. A cross reference report contains information, such as part name, part reference, and the library from which the part was selected.To generate a cross reference report using Capture:1.From the Tools menu choose Cross References.Alternatively, you can choose the cross reference parts button from the toolbar.2.In the Cross Reference Parts dialog box, ensure that the Cross reference entire designoption button is selected.Note: If you want to generate the cross reference report for a particular schematic folder, select the schematic folder before opening the Cross Reference Parts dialog box, and then select the cross reference selection option button.3.In the Mode section, select the Use Occurrences option button.Note: Ignore the warning that is displayed when you select the Use Occurrences mode.For complex hierarchical designs, you must always use the occurrence mode.4.Specify the report that you want to be generated.5.In case you want the report to be displayed automatically, select the View Output checkbox.6.Click OK to generate the report.A sample output report is shown below.Generating a bill of materialsAfter you have finalized your design, you can use Capture to generate a bill of materials (BOM).A bill of materials is a composite list of all the elements you need for your PCB design. Using Capture, you can generate a BOM report for electrical and as well as non-electrical parts, such as screws. A standard BOM report includes the item, quantity, part reference, and part value.To generate a BOM report:1.In the Project Manager window, select fulladd.dsn.2.From the Tools menu, select Bill of Materials.3.To generate a BOM report for the complete design, ensure that the Process entire designoption button is selected.4.For a complex hierarchical designs, the preferred mode is the occurrence mode. Therefore,select the Use Occurrences option button.Note: In case you receive a warning stating that it is not the preferred mode, ignore the warning.5.Specify the name of the BOM report to be generated. For the current design, accept thedefault name, FULLADD.BOM.Note: By default, the report is named as designname.BOM.6.Click OK.The BOM report is generated. A sample report is shown below:Getting your design ready for simulationTo be able to simulate your design using PSpice, you must have the connectivity information and the simulation settings for the analysis type to be done on the circuit design.The simulation setting information is provided by a simulation profile (*.SIM). This section covers the steps to be followed in Capture for creating a simulation profile.Note: To know more details about getting your design ready for simulation using PSpice, see Chapter 3, Preparing a design for simulation of the PSpice User's Guide.Creating a simulation profile from scratchTo create a new simulation profile to be used for transient analysis, complete the following steps:1.From the PSpice menu in Capture, choose New Simulation Profile.2.In the New Simulation dialog box, specify the name of the new simulation profile asTRAN.3.In the Inherit From text box, ensure that none is selected and click Create.The Simulation Setting dialog box appears with the Analysis tab selected.4.In the Analysis type drop-down list box, Time Domain (Transient) is selected by default.Accept the default setting.5.Specify the options required for running a transient analysis. In the Run to time text box,specify the time as 100u.6.Click OK to save your modifications and to close the dialog box.You can now run transient analysis on the circuit. Note that the Simulation Setting dialog box also provides you with the options for running advanced analysis, such as Monte Carlo (Worst Case) analysis, Parametric analysis and Temperature analysis. You may choose to run these as and when required.Note: To know details about each option in the Simulation Settings dialog box, click the Help button in the dialog box.Creating a simulation profile from an existing profileYou can create a new simulation profile from an existing simulation profile. This section covers the steps for creating a new simulation profile, SWEEP, from an existing simulation profile, named TRAN.1.From the PSpice menu, choose New Simulation Profile.2.In the New Simulation dialog box, specify the profile name as SWEEP.3.In the Inherit From drop-down list box, select FULLADD-TRAN.4.Click the Create button.The Simulation Settings dialog box appears with the general settings inherited from the existing simulation profile. You can now modify the settings as required and run PSpice to simulate your circuit.Adding Layout-specific propertiesTo be able to take your design to OrCAD Layout or OrCAD PCB Editor for placement and routing, you need to add the footprint information for each of the components in your design. By default, some footprint information is available with all the components from the PSpice-compatible libraries located at <install_dir>/tools/capture/library/pspice. However, these footprints are not valid. You need to change these values to valid footprint values. You can add footprint information either at the schematic design stage in OrCAD Capture or during the board design stage in OrCAD Layout. In this section, you will learn to add footprint information to the design components during the schematic design stage.To add footprint information to the OR gate, 7432, in the FULLADD schematic page, complete the following steps.。



(11)运行仿真程序PSpice A/D
(11)运行仿真程序PSpice A/D
| 工作总结 | 商务报告 | 项目展示| 商务展示 |


图 16-9 分析运行窗口
图 16-10 PSpice 分析电路出错显示 若在 Analysis=>Probe Setup...中选定 Automatically Run Probe After Simulation, 在分析无误后自动进入 Probe 图形后处理器,显示观察波形。
图 16-5 电阻 R1 属性表
(2) 单击属性项 VALUE=1K,属性名 VALUE 和值 1K 分别出现在 Name 和 Value 文本框 中。
(3)将 Value 文本框中 1K 改为 100,并单击[Save Attr],保存新属性。单击[OK]确 认退出。
方法二:单独修改 R1 的各属性值。
(2)在[Schematics]中,选择 Analysis=>Run Probe。
(1)利用 Probe 中的波形跟踪命令 Add Trace 输入待观测的变量名或变量的函数名 来查看。在 Probe 窗口,选择 Trace=>Add,可以打开波形跟踪对话框。单击变量名列 表中的某变量名,使该变量名出现在 Trace Command 中,单击[OK],该变量的波形将 出现在窗口中;
图 16-3 电路原理图 1). 从符号库中提取元器件符号或端口符号 先开启[Schematic],点选[Draw/Get New Part],或单击工具栏上的取元件图标,即可 打开如图 16-4 对话框。该对话框列出了全局符号库中的所有符号。可以在 Part Name 文本框中键入需要的元件符号,对于不熟悉的元件也可以通过符号名列表的滚动条浏 览。单击[<<Basic]按钮可以选择是否显示符号图形。
图 16-8 分析参数设置对话框






Pspice是由电子设计自动化公司(Electronic Design Automation Corporation)推出的一款电路仿真软件,它具有用户友好的操作界面和强大的仿真功能,可以对各种类型的电路进行精确的建模和仿真。




















P S P I C E仿真目录介绍: (3)新建PSpice仿真 (4)新建项目 (4)放置元器件并连接 (4)生成网表 (6)指定分析和仿真类型 (7)Simulation Profile设置: (8)开始仿真 (8)参量扫描 (11)Pspice模型相关 (13)PSpice模型选择 (13)查看PSpice模型 (13)PSpice模型的建立 (14)介绍:PSpice是一种强大的通用模拟混合模式电路仿真器,可以用于验证电路设计并且预知电路行为,这对于集成电路特别重要。






默认温度为300K电路可以包含下面的元件:●Independent and dependent voltage and current sources 独立和非独立的电压、电流源●Resistors 电阻●Capacitors 电容●Inductors 电感●Mutual inductors 互感器●Transmission lines 传输线●Operational amplifiers 运算放大器●Switches 开关●Diodes 二极管●Bipolar transistors 双极型晶体管●MOS transistors 金属氧化物场效应晶体管●JFET 结型场效应晶体管●MESFET 金属半导体场效应晶体管●Digital gates 数字门●其他元件 (见用户手册)。

新建PSpice仿真新建项目如图 1所示,打开OrCAD Capture CIS Lite Edition,创建新项目:File > New > project。



电路通用分析程序PSPICE简介PSPICE是由SPICE(Simulation Program with Intergrated Circuit Emphasis)发展而来的用于微机系列的通用电路分析程序。






4、蒙特卡洛(Monte Carlo)分析和最坏情况(Worst Case)分析:蒙特卡罗分析是分析电路元器件参数在它们各自的容差(容许误差)范围内,以某种分布规律随机变化时电流特性的变化情况,这些特性包括直流、交流或瞬态特性。


即在PSPICE 提供的绘图编辑器中画出电路图,并将其存为扩展名为sch的图形文件(计算机自动生成扩展名)。









2 应用范例
分析图1.2单级交流放大电路,了解利用PSPICE软 件进行电路模拟分析的全过程以及输入、输出格式。
1. 画电路图及节点编号 电路图及节点编号如图1.2所示。 2.建立模拟输入文件 模拟输入文件如下: (1)AC AMPLIFIERCHARACTERICSANALYSIS (2)* OP,AC,NOISE,TRAN,TEMPANALYSIS
PSPICE的输出格式包括表格方式和曲线方式。表 格方式以文本方式显示或打印输出结果。曲线方式有 两种:①用字元符号代点的低解析度图形方式;②高 解析度图形方式。命令格式如下:
.PRINT [DC][AC][TRAN]<opvar> .PLOT[DC][AC][TRAN]<opvar> .PROBE[<opvar>] 说明:.PRINT、.PLOT、.PROBE分别是打印、低 解析度图形输出和高解析度图形输出命令;[DC]、 [AC]、[TRAN]是分析类型选项;<opvar>是输出 变量,可以是某节点的电压、电流变量,也可以是计 算变量或函数变量。PROBE命令后面若不指定节点变 量[<opvar>],则进行全部节点变量分析。
1.000E+00 1.095E-01. .*
. ..
1.585E+00 1.697E-01. . * . . .
2.512E+00 2.555E-01. . * . . .
3.981E+00 3.629E-01. . * . . .
6.310E+00 4.703E-01. . * . . .
产生 数据文 件 显示 分析结 果



PSPICE Student 9.1 TutorialX. XiongRevised from: /~lbihn/english313/tutorial/This tutorial will guide you through the creation and analysis of a simple MOSFET circuit in PSPICE. The circuit diagram below is what you will build in PSPICE. In the analysis we will be finding the I D current and the V DS voltage at the given values of V DD and V GS.Directions:All notes are in green and all dialog box titles are in purple. Menu names are in red and text boxes inside dialog boxes are in orange.Step 1. Starting a new projectStarting a new project in PSPICE by following these simple steps:unch PSpice “Capture Student” by left-clicking your mouse on “Start—PSpice Student—Capture Student”. PSpice Capture will launch and you see the following interface. No projects will load automatically.2. From the File menu in Capture choose New → Project. A dialog box will pop up.3. In the New Project dialog box, create a name for your project. You can use any name you like. It’s recommended that you use a name which can help you recall this project. For example, we will use “Simple NMOS” as the project name here. Also select the type of project as “Analog or Mixed A/D”, choose a location to store your Pspice files. (You can create a folder in your computer hard drive, and click “Browse” to point to the directory you created. All your Spice files will be saved in this directory.)4. After clicking OK, the Create PSPICE Project dialog box will pop up. It will ask you to choose which type of project you want to create.5. Once you have clicked OK in the Create PSPICE Project dialog box, the schematic window will open and you are ready to begin adding libraries.Step 2. Adding librariesIf you are using PSPICE for the first time on your computer or you are using a lab computer, the parts libraries will need to be added. Different libraries are needed for different types of circuits, so we will focus on the libraries containing the parts we need.1. The first step in adding libraries can be done in one of two ways:a. Go to the Place menu and choose Part...b. From the icon bar on the right of the Capture window click the icon shown below. There are many useful icons in the right icon bar. Please point your mouse to each of these icons and the function of the pointed icon will be displayed. Please try to point all these icons separately to get familiar with them. They are short-cuts to menu paths and they can be very useful in our circuit design. For example, some useful icons include Select, Place part, Place wire, Place net alias, Place power, Place ground, Place off-page connector, etc. If the icon bar does not appear in the right side, just left click anywhere in the schematic window and the icon bar will appear.2.The Place Part dialog box will appear and you will have the option to add libraries.3.Library files have the extension .olb. If this type of file does not appear in the BrowseFile dialog box, in the Look in: drop down menu you will need to go to: C -> Program Files -> OrCAD_Demo -> Capture -> Library -> Pspice, After you have reached this location, the Browse File dialog box should look like the one below.4. Please select all the available libraries: Left click on first library “abm”, then press your “shift” key and simultaneously click on the last library “special”, you will be able to select all the libraries as shown below. All the selected libraries will be in blue shade. Then click “Open”.NOTE: We will only use a few libraries.1). Analog and analog_p libraries: they are analog libraries. Actually they are very similarto each other. Analog contains analog parts such as resistor R, capacitor C, conductance L,etc. The different between the resistors in each library is very simple. The resistors in the analog_p library use a 1 and 2 at each end of the resistor to show the positive and negativeends of the resistor (1 for postive, 2 for negative). This isn't shown on the resistors in the analog library.2). Breakout library: This includes MOS transistors (PMOS, NMOS), bi-polar transistor (NPN, PNP), etc.3). Source library: This includes power sources, such as DC voltage Vdc, AC voltage Vac,Sin wave voltage VSIN, etc.4.You will also need to add a library to use grounds in your circuit. Pspice must have thisground in order for proper simulation. Otherwise it will give error result. Select theGround button from the icon bar on the right.5.The Place Ground dialog box will look like the one below if you are using PSPICE forthe first time on your computer or if you are using a lab computer. Once you choose the Add Library... button, go to the same location as we did above to add part libraries and add the source library.Please note that you only need to add library for the first time. In the future, you will not need toadd the library anymore.Step 3. Inserting partsNow we will insert parts to construct our circuit. We design our circuit in 3 substeps:1). First insert all the parts without considering their values (for example, the resistance value of a resistor, etc.).2). After all the parts are inserted, we will make the necessary rotations for the parts, and move the parts to appropriate locations.3). Then we will make all the necessary wire connections.4). Finally, we will set the values for all the parts.In this circuit, we need to insert two DC voltage sources, one resistor, and one NMOS.1. Get to the Place Part dialog box by using Place->Part from the menu or using the Place Part button on the icon bar.2. All of the libraries will be highlighted. Click on the SOURCE library first in the Libraries box. In the Part List, scroll down to VDC and highlight it. The dialog box should look like the one below.3. After clicking OK, you will be on the Schematic screen. Once you click the mouse on the Schematic screen, a DC voltage source will be inserted. Move the mouse and insert a second one. You should have something similar to what is shown below on your Schematic screen.After you finish placing two DC voltage source, you need to right click mouse and select (by left-click) “End mode”. Alternatively, you can just press the “Esc” key in your keyboard, then the red part in dotted rectangle will disappear. That is, you finish inserting the part of “DC voltage source”. Then you can continue to insert other parts or perform other operations.Note: If you placed extra DC voltage source, you can first right click to select “End mode”, then click “Select” icon on top right corner, then left click on the extra part to select it, and press “delete”key to delete it. You can also easily left click to select a part and drag it to anywhere in the schematic design.4. Follow the procedure to get to the Place Part dialog box again. This time highlight ANALOG_P in the Libraries box and highlight r in the Part List box. The dialog box should look like the one below.5. Click OK in the Place Part dialog box and then click once on the Schematic screen to insert a resistor.NOTE: Do not click more than once on the Schematic screen or you will have more than one resistor.6. Go to the Place Part dialog box one more time. Highlight BREAKOUT in the Libraries box and highlight MbreakN3 in the Part List box. The dialog box should look like the one below.7. After clicking OK, click only once on the Schematic screen because we only want to insert one NMOS.8. Select the Place Ground button from the icon bar.In the Place Ground dialog box, highlight (left click to select) CAPSYM under Libraries and highlight GND under the Symbol box. Then left click on the “Name”bar to change the name from “GND” to “0”. You must change the name “GND” to “0”to indicate that this is the reference ground voltage (“0” node) of the circuit. Otherwise this “GND” node may stay at a voltage level other than 0V. Spice needs this “0” node in simulation. Otherwise it will cause error. The Place Ground dialog box should look like the one below.9. Click OK and click once on the Schematic screen. Click “Select” icon in the right icon bar. On your Schematic screen you should have all of the parts shown below.Step 4. Wiring the circuitThe most difficult part of wiring the circuit is to make sure the polarity of the parts is correct. There are different ways to go about wiring the circuit, so feel free to try something different than what I show here. Just make sure that the direction of the sources in your schematic is the same as it is in mine.1. First of all, you need to rotate some parts if it is required. For example, in our circuit we need to rotate resistor R1. In “Selecting” mode, left click to select (highlight)the resistor so a dashed line appears around the entire part. It should look like this:We need to rotate the resistor, which can be done in one of three ways. The easiest is to hold down CTRL and hit R. This will rotate the resistor 90 degrees. The second method is to select Rotate from the Edit menu. The last method is to right click on the resistor while it is highlighted and select Rotate. Rotate the resistor until it is vertical with the 1 at the top and the 2 at the bottom (3 rotations or 270 degrees).2. Then you need to move the parts to appropriate locations in the schematic design. Click “Select”icon to enter “selecting” mode. Then left click on any part you want to move, and drag it to the right location and release the mouse button. This can move the part to anywhere in the design. For example, if the NMOS is the center of the circuit, you will want to position it between all of the parts. Also move the resistor to position it directly above the NMOS.3. Now we are going to make all the wire connections. Select the Place Wire button from the icon bar or go the the Place menu and select Wire. You can left click your mouse on a point to start a wire in that point, then left click your mouse on another point to draw a wire to connect both points. If you don’t want more wires, right click your mouse to select “End wire”. If you draw extra wire connections, you can also select and delete them just like you select and delete extra parts. Use wire to connect the resistor and NMOS as shown below.4. After all the wire connections are finished, now we are ready to set the values for all the parts. Select the numerical value of the resistor, labeled 1k (as shown below). Double-click on the numericalvalue (1k) and the Display Properties dialog box will open. 1k will be displayed in the Value box. Change the value of “1k” to “2k” in the Value box of the Display Properties dialog box, as shown below.Note: If you wish, you can also change the name of the parts in a similar way. For example, if you wish to change the name of resistor R1 into “Rin”, you can double click on the name “R1” region, and the “Display Properties” interface will pop up. In the “Name: Part Reference” section, you can change the name from “R1” to “Rin”. However, this is just an example. Here we will still keep the name as“R1”.6.Position all of your parts in a similar way to the one shown below. Pay attention to the uppervoltage source's polarity as you rotate it. The + should be toward the resistor, not away fromit. This will require three rotations.7.Next connect the wires as we did above and follow the diagram below to connect the ground tothe circuit.8.We want to set the values of the V1 and V2 voltage sources to the values shown on the circuitdiagram. The value of V1 is 7V and the value of V2 is 10V. Change these values exactly as we changed the resistor values. Double click on the voltage value and the “Display Properties”interface will pop up. Then you can change the voltage value. Before clicking OK in the Display Properties dialog box, be sure that the Vdc label is still after the number in the Value box. For example, V1 should be “7Vdc” instead of “7V” or “7”, as shown in following figure.9.Now we can name some nodes which we are interested in. This is helpful if you wish toobserve the voltage or current on these nodes. For example, we can name input and output nodes, etc. Here we wish to name the nodes of gate, drain and source of transistor M1 as Gm1, Dm1 and Sm1, separately. First left click on the “Place net alias” icon in right icon bar. The “Place Net Alias” interface will pop up. Input “Gm1” in “Alias” line, as shown below.Then click “OK”, and left click the node of the gate of transistor M1 (the node you wish to name it). Your net alias of “Gm1”will be placed. Repeat the similar process to name other nodes (drain and source of transistor M1 as Dm1 and Sm1 separately). Finally your design should look like:Step 5. Setting the parametersAs you have learned in class, the MOSFET has special parameters. The parameters we need to set are SPICE parameters for NMOS and PMOS, as well as the width (W) and length (L) of each transistor. We will learn how to set all of these parameters. Assume we need to set the size of MOS transistor M1 as W = 10µm, and L = 1µm.1.First we will set the width (W) and length (L) of the MOS transistor M1. Highlight (Select)theNMOS in the same way we did to rotate parts in Step #4. That is, make sure the “Select”button on right panel is clicked, the left click on NMOS transistor to select (its color will change to red and a rectangle will surround it). Then right click on NMOS transistor and select “Edit Properties”. Alternatively, you can double-click on the NMOS and the Property Editor dialog box will open.2.Left click on the scrolling bar on the bottom and drag it to the right until you see L in the firstrow. Click in the box underneath it, corresponding to the row labeled SCHEMATIC1:PAGE1:M1. Type 1e-6 in the box (for 1µm). Continue scrolling to the right until you see W in first row. Type 10e-6 in the box below (for 10µm). Your Property Editor box should look like the one below. Please note W is located at right most volumn. You may need to scroll the scrolling bar to the rightmost to see it.NOTE: Before closing the Property Editor dialog box, be sure to click Apply. This will not close the dialog box, but it will ensure that the values you entered for the NMOS length and width are saved. After you have clicked Apply, you can use the X in the upper right hand corner to close the dialog box like you would close a program.2. Now we are going to input the SPICE parameters for NMOS and PMOS transistor models. Highlight (left click to select it) the NMOS transistor, then Go to the Edit menu and select PSpice Model. Thefollowing dialog box will open.3.Delete the line of:.model Mbreakn NMOSThen copy and paste following SPICE NMOS model parameter (You may also use other model parameters):* 1 um Level 3 models** Don't forget the .options scale=1u if using an Lmin of 1* 1<Ldrawn<200 10<Wdrawn<10000 Vdd=5V.MODEL Mbreakn NMOS LEVEL = 3+ TOX = 200E-10 NSUB = 1E17 GAMMA = 0.5+ PHI = 0.7 VTO = 0.8 DELTA = 3.0+ UO = 650 ETA = 3.0E-6 THETA = 0.1+ KP = 120E-6 VMAX = 1E5 KAPPA = 0.3+ RSH = 0 NFS = 1E12 TPG = 1+ XJ = 500E-9 LD = 100E-9+ CGDO = 200E-12 CGSO = 200E-12 CGBO = 1E-10+ CJ = 400E-6 PB = 1 MJ = 0.5+ CJSW = 300E-12 MJSW = 0.5Then press menu “File—Save” to save it. Be sure to save your model after you have saved, the asterisk after Mbreakn will disappear and your Model Editordialog box will look like the one below.* 1 um Level 3 models** Don't forget the .options scale=1u if using an Lmin of 1* 1<Ldrawn<200 10<Wdrawn<10000 Vdd=5V.MODEL Mbreakp PMOS LEVEL = 3+ TOX = 200E-10 NSUB = 1E17 GAMMA = 0.6+ PHI = 0.7 VTO = -0.9 DELTA = 0.1+ UO = 250 ETA = 0 THETA = 0.1+ KP = 40E-6 VMAX = 5E4 KAPPA = 1+ RSH = 0 NFS = 1E12 TPG = -1 + XJ = 500E-9 LD = 100E-9+ CGDO = 200E-12 CGSO = 200E-12 CGBO = 1E-10 + CJ = 400E-6 PB = 1 MJ = 0.5 + CJSW = 300E-12 MJSW = 0.54. Once you have saved, close the Model Editor dialog box by choosing File -> Exit.The circuit is now created and the part parameters have been set. You're ready to move on!!Step 6. Running the analysisIn this step, we will create a new PSPICE simulation and run the analysis.1. Under the PSpice menu choose New Simulation Profile. The New Simulation dialog box will open up. In this box type a name for your simulation. It is good practice to use the same name for your simulation as you used for your project.2. Click Create and the Simulation Settings dialog box will open. For our analysis, we want to doa Time Domain (Transient). All of the settings in the dialog box will be correct as long as the type of analysis is correct. In this simulation, we would like to set the total simulation time (TSTOP)to be 10ms, and the maximum step size as 0.01ms. We can change the settings and the Analysis tab of the Simulation Settings dialog box should look like the one below.3. Click OK and you will return to the schematic. The next step is to run the simulation. This can be done by choosing Run from the PSpice menu, or by hitting F11, or by choosing the Play button from the icon bar at the top of the screen.4. The PSPICE analysis window will open. Now you are ready to analyze the output file to determine the I D current and V DS voltage.Step 7. Analyzing the output fileIn the output file we will find the nodes necessary to make plots of the current and voltage.1. In the PSPICE window, under View select Output File. This will display your output file. Scroll through the output file until you find a list similar to the following.2. Under View choose Simulation Results. This will take you back to the screen where we can plot. The following window will open.our values. Under Trace select Add Trace4.We want to view the current across the resistor. Generally, I(part_name) means the currentflowing through the part_name, V(node_name) means the voltage level on the node_name.Click on I(R1) and it will appear in the Trace Expression box. This is the I D current(drain current of transistor M1). I(R1) is the current flowing through resistor R1. Select OK and we will return to the simulation results. In the simulation results screen, a straight light displaying the current will be plotted.5.Now we will add one more plot of V DS voltage in the same window. Click on menu Plot—AddPlot to Window, a new blank plot will appear in the same window. Please note that V DS=V(Dm1)-V(Sm1), where Dm1 and Sm1 are the drain and source node names we defined before using “Place net alias” function. Under the Trace menu select Add Trace. In the Add Traces dialog box, first click on “V(Dm1)”, then click on the “-“ sign under “Analog Operations and Functions”, then click on “V(Sm1)”. Now “V(D1)-V(Sm1)” should appear in Trace Expression region. Click OK and you will return to the simulation results.You should get following plots for “V(Dm1)-V(Sm1)” and “I(R1)”.5. A straight line depicting the voltage has been displayed on the simulation results screen. To find exact numbers we return to the Capture window containing the schematic.6.Under the PSpice menu in Capture, select Bias Points -> Enable Bias Current Display.Alternatively you can click on the icon of “Enable Bias Voltage Display” on the top icon bar,as shown below.7.If you want to observe the exact values of all the node voltages, you can return to the PSpicemenu and select Bias Points -> Enable Bias Voltage Display. Alternatively, you can click onthe icon of “Enable Bias Voltage Display” on the top icon bar, as shown below.The voltages on all the nodes will be displayed in maroon as shown below. We see that the V DS voltage is approximately equal to 1.501V.We have finished building the circuit, running it, and solving it. You can use different types of analyses to see when the NMOS changes regions. The best way to learn more about PSPICE is to try out its different functions.。

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9.2Simulation programTest and Refine your design before evertouching a piece of hardware.利用元件符號編輯器,可以產生符號元件庫(.slb)和模擬資料庫(.lib),由這兩個資料庫檔案才能建立電路圖,功能的電路圖編輯器,呼叫符號元件庫和模型資料庫中的元件即可以建立電路檔案(.sch).Extract Netlist,Pspice 所需的檔案.als),把上面檔案送入Pspice 電路模擬器,(.dat)功能產生圖形,提供使用者分析.Stimulus EditorProbe1.4 Stimulus Editor•A part is a basic circuit element, such as a resistor or power source. Each part is associated with a part name and is stored in a library.Analysis/Setup/Bias Point DetailAnalysis/Display Result on Schematic/Enable•Connections are made primarily by wire segments Analysis/Setup/Bias Point DetailAnalysis/Display Result on Schematic/Enable•References are unique names for parts. Unlike the generic part names (such as VDC and R),references are different for each instance of the Analysis/Setup/Bias Point DetailAnalysis/Display Result on Schematic/Enable•Values give the magnitude of each part instance. As an option, a name can be associated with each Analysis/Setup/Bias Point DetailAnalysis/Display Result on Schematic/EnableAnalysis/Display Result on Schematic/EnableSelect File/New/Project :OrcadType project name and locationOrcadIn the Part box , type name of thecomponent e.g.OPA1013E /BB.Click OK icon.Part Browers Advanced windows is shown below.Add library:Click Add Library and select library file (.olb)Part Search:Click Part Search,Select Library Path and Type Part Name:比例代號3.4.Changing the Part Reference of acomponent:change the Part Reference of aWiring :3.6.Adding a Current Source :3.7.Adding a Voltage Source :3.8.Changing the settings for current /3.9.指數波形電源VEXP (Exponential delay voltage source) V1=?, V2=?, TD1=?, TC1=?, TD2=?, TC2=?is used to connect one part to another Grounding the circuitTo ground the circuit, must place a symbol called “0”.•Adding a marker to a nodeVoltage and current markers are used to probe the voltage or current.After simulation, PSPICE automatically plot the results.Adding Probes :Voltage marker Select PSpice/Markers/Voltage level or clickvoltage marker icon to place the voltage marker.Current marker Select PSpice/Markers/Current into pin orVoltage Differential marker Advanced markercan be displayed using these functions.Analysis Setup Select PSpice/Edit Simulation Profile or click on the simulation profile to set simulation.Simulation Settings window will display.Analysis SetupDC currents and voltages are automatically calculated. It is default.4.1DC Analysis(Bias Point Detail)4.2 Transient Analysis (Transient)Transient analysisdetermines the output withrespect to time.4.3 DC SweepSecondary Sweep……time. The output is with respect to the source being是指輸入變數在某個範圍內, 以遞增或遞減方式, 計算電路的直流分析.Determines the output affected from the tolerances of the components.4.5 Monte Carlo/Worst Case Analysis5. RUNNING SIMULATIONAfter simulation, the DC values of voltage and current can be 6. Viewing ResultsMicroSim Probe is the waveform analyzer for Pspice manipulate the waveform data produced by circuit6.4Change Axis SettingsSelect Plot/Axis settings or double-click on the axis to change the axis settings.6.5 Add a LabelsSelect Plot/Label to add label. cursor will display.7.3. Off-page Connector blocks or parts and the schematicSelect Place/Off-page Connector,or click off-page icon.7.4. Hierarchical Designe 0s0.4s1.2s 1.6s2.0sV (bl oc k1:vc c )-1.0V0V1.0VTi m e 0s0.4s0.8s1.2s1.6s2.0sV (bl oc k1:vc c )-1.0V0V1.0V8.1. Copy to clipboard0s-1.0V0V-1.0V0V1.0VSelect Edit/CopySelect text label of the trace you want to copy.(use CTRL to select more than one traces)F5RedrawC Center the view at the pointer's current position H Mirror horizontally 9. Short-Cut keyCTRL+A Select All SHIFT+A Ascend hierarchy SHIFT+D Descend hierarchyB Place bus E Place bus entry Example 1Select Place/Ground and select “0”symbol in “SOURCE”Select PSpice/NewSimulation profile to createAfter simulation, the DC values of voltage and currentcan be displayed using these functions.Increment Value to –10, +10In order to simulate the circuit with the DC input voltagefrom -10 Volts to 10 Volts with a voltage increment of 0.1 Volts.add the positive terminalPSpice/Edit Simulation Profileto run simulation.Probe Window will automatically MicroSim Probe.Select DB( ) from function or macro window and then selectVPWLFor a transient type analysis, one of possible input source is VPWL (Piecewise Linear Voltage Source).and select “VPWL”in “SOURCE”library. Double-click VPWL(V3).Change DC to 0, change AC to 0, and then changeV1 = 0vV2 = 1vV3 = 1vV4 = 0vV5 = 0vPSpice/Edit Simulation Profile to setup analysis. AndTransient.Change Print Step and Final Time to 1ms and 10ms.Measuring Impedance Active CircuitStep sizeSensitivity AnaylsisR1↑èV(test) ↑, R2, R3↑èV(test) ↓R2 > R3 more sensitive to change9.schPeak Rectifierthe waveform.10.sch11.sch13.sch TransformerBias Point AnalysisDC Sweep AnalysisTransient AnalysisPlace a VSTIM symbolfrom SOURCSTM.olb.Click Y to update schematic.VAC Setting Simulation, RUN Simulation.the VDB marker.Parametric Analysis Select Plot/Add Y AxisDouble-Click PARAM,Click NEW,In Name Box, type Rval,Select Trace/Add Trace.In the Trace Expression text box, type the following: Vdb(Out)@1 Vdb(Out)@21Click OK.Monte Carlo Analysis Click on Rbreak-X and Select Edit/Pspice Model R=1 LOT=10% DEV=10%C=1 LOT=10% DEV=10%Analysis Fourier AnalysisInverterExample4VPULSE28.schClockExample5DigClock30.schPlace DIGSTIM34.schUsing Editor to create .stl fileSelect Pspice/Edit Simulation Profile, Select Stimulus tab Browse the .stl fileClick Add to DesignWorst Case AnalysisTiming Mode = Worst-Case [Min/Max]Flip-flip Initialization = All XNo library, ERROR occurs.11. 12. Electronic Workbench13. Library Book IntroductionIntroduction to PSpice using OrCAD for circuits and electronics/ Muhammad H. Rashid.TK454 .R385 2004Schematic capture with Cadence PSpice/ Marc E. Herniter.TK7866 .H438 2003。
