



13. 陈述性知识的表征形式不包括( A. 命题 B. 图式
2. 皮亚杰在其道德研究中采用的是( A.安德森认为心智技能形成过程中的起始状态是( A. 认知阶段 B. 联结阶段
3. “一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳”这种现象是( A. 刺激分化 B. 刺激泛化
C. 自动化阶段 )的归因。
18. 用“水下击靶”实验研究学习迁移的学者是( A. 桑代克 B. 贾德 C. 苛勒
19. 麦克利兰归纳的人的高层次需求不包括关于( A. 成就 A. 形式训练说 C. 经验类化说 得分 阅卷人 B. 权利 C. 亲和 20. 以官能心理学为基础建立起来的迁移理论是(
B. 相同要素说 D. 格式塔的关系理论
B. 内部、不稳定、可控 D. 外部、不稳定、不可控 ) B. 万般皆下品,惟有读书高 D. 为中华之崛起而读书
16. 下列哪种学习动机属于内部学习动机。 ( A. 读书是一种乐趣 C. 书中自有颜如玉,书中自有黄金屋 ) 17. 复述策略是一种( ) 。
5. “一题多解”的教学方式主要用于训练学生的哪种思维( A. 直觉思维 B. 发散思维 C. 动作思维
C. 刺激比较
15. 在维纳的归因理论中,努力程度是一个( A. 内部、稳定、不可控 C. 内部、稳定、可控
4. 赵明能够根据 A>B,B>C,则 A>C 的原理,推出 A、B、C 的关系。根据 皮亚杰的认知发展理论,赵明的认知发展处于( A. 感知运动 B. 前运算 C. 具体运算 )阶段。 D. 形式运算 ) 。
2016 年 月 日 题号 一 得分 2015-2016 学年第 2 学期 二 三 四 五 考室 总分 阅卷教师
7. 需要层次理论的提出者是( A. 马斯洛 8. 处在(









A. 6B. 3C. 42、放学回家,小红前面有5人,后面有7人,一共有()人。

A. 12B. 11C. 133、两篮鸡蛋,第一篮比第二篮多16个,从第一篮拿出()个到第二篮,两篮鸡蛋一样多。

A. 16B. 6C. 84、有7辆汽车,从左到右排成一排,从左边数警车排第4,从右边数警车排第()。

A. 4B. 3C. 115、哥哥给弟弟4支铅笔后,哥哥与弟弟的铅笔一样多了,原来哥哥比弟弟多()支铅笔。

A. 4B. 2C. 8三、想一想,你有几种办法使下面两行水果一样多,选择一种表示出来。






日照市卫生学校2014级第三学期护理专业《药物应用护理》期末考试题班级姓名学号成绩一、单项选择题()1、硫脲类抗甲状腺药物最严重的不良反应是A、中枢神经系统反应B、消化道反应C、粒细胞缺乏症D、再生障碍性贫血E、过敏反应( )2、患者女性,20岁。

在静滴去甲肾上腺素治疗神经性休克时,发现给药部位出现皮肤苍白,皮温下降,此时除更换注射部位.热敷外还可给予何种药物局部封闭治疗A.酚妥拉明 B.阿托品 C.多巴胺 D.普萘洛尔 E.麻黄碱()3、能使机体功能活动增强的药物作用称为()A.预防作用 B.治疗作用 C.兴奋作用 D.抑制作用 E.选择作用( )4、肌注阿托品治疗胃肠绞痛,出现口干现象称为A.副作用 B.毒性作用 C.治疗作用D.变态反应 E.超敏反应()5、治疗胆、肾绞痛最好选用A.哌替啶+阿托品 B。

罗通定+阿托品 C.氯丙嗪+阿托品D.氯丙嗪+哌替啶 E。

吗啡+阿托品( )6、治疗巴比妥类中毒时,下列哪项是错误的A。

酸化血液和尿液 B.静滴碳酸氢钠 C。


维持呼吸、循环和肾功能 E.必要时给呼吸兴奋药()7、强心苷治疗心力衰竭时的直接作用是A.增强心肌收缩力 B.减慢心率 C.利尿 D.降低心肌耗氧量 E.以上都不对( )8、药物未被吸收之前,在用药部位所出现的作用称为( )A.全身作用 B.选择作用 C.后遗效应D.局部作用 E.以上都不是()9、甲亢手术前准备可选用A、大剂量碘剂单用B、硫脲类单用C、小剂量碘剂单用D、硫脲类合用大剂量碘剂E、硫脲类合用小剂量碘剂( )10属于大环内酯类抗生素是A.红霉素 B.氨苄西林 C.林可霉素 D.利福平 E.苯唑西林( )11下列对氯丙嗪作用的叙述,哪项是错误的A.抗精神病作用 B.抗惊厥作用 C.增强中枢抑制药的作用D.镇吐作用 E.以上都不对()12、强心苷增强心肌收缩力的作用是使心肌细胞内A.[Ca2+]↑ B.[Ca2+]↓ C.[K+]↑ D.[K+]↓ E.以上都不是( )13、下列对选择作用的叙述,错误的是A.选择性是相对的 B.药物大小剂量无关C.是药物分类的依据 D.是临床选药的基 E.以上都不是( )14、应用强心苷期间严禁A.钠盐静滴 B.钾盐静滴 C.钙剂静滴 D.铁剂静滴 E.以上都不对()15、某人乘车外出时常出现眩晕、恶心、呕吐,可提前给予何药治疗A.东莨菪碱 B.山莨菪碱 C.阿托品D.新斯的明 E.肾上腺素( )16、药物的过敏反应与A.用药量大小有关 B.药物毒性大小有关C.用药时间有关 D.体质因素有关 E.以上都不对( )17、哌替啶比吗啡常用的原因是A.镇痛作用比吗啡强 B.成瘾性比吗啡小 C.无呼吸抑制作用D.有平滑肌解痉作用 E.显效快、作用时间长()18、金葡菌对青霉素产生耐药性的机制主要是通过A.产生灭活青霉素的β—内酰胺酶 B.产生蛋白水解酶 C.合成对氨苯甲酸D.细菌改变代谢途径 E.以上都不是( )19、下列不属于肾上腺素用途的是( )A.心跳骤停 B.过敏性休克 C.心源性哮喘D.局部止血 E.支气管哮喘()20、既有较强的解热镇痛和抗炎作用,又有明显的抗血小板聚集作用的药物是A.阿司匹林 B。



2014-2015八年级数学上册期末综合练习1姓名_____________总分__________________一.选择题(共12小题)1.(2014•吴中区一模)计算:a2•(﹣a)4=()A.a5B.a6C.a8D.a92.如果x2+2mx+9是一个完全平方式,则m的值是()A.3 B.±3 C.6D.±63.若(x﹣1)2=(x+7)(x﹣7),则的平方根是()A.5 B.±5 C.D.±4.下列各式可以分解因式的是()A.x2﹣(﹣y2)B.4x2+2xy+y2C.﹣x2+4y2D.x2﹣2xy﹣y25.已知正数a,b满足a3b+ab3﹣2a2b+2ab2=7ab﹣8,则a2﹣b2=()A.1 B.3C.5D.不能确定6.若多项式x2﹣ax﹣1可分解为(x﹣2)(x+b),则a+b的值为()A.2 B.1C.﹣2 D.﹣17.(2014•南通通州区一模)若正多边形的一个内角等于144°,则这个正多边形的边数是()A.9 B.10 C.11 D.128.(2012•玉林)如图,在菱形ABCD中,对角线AC,BD相交于点O,且AC≠BD,则图中全等三角形有()A.4对B.6对C.8对D.10对9.(2011•江苏模拟)如图,∠AOB和一条定长线段a,在∠AOB内找一点P,使P到OA,OB的距离都等于a,作法如下:(1)作OB的垂线段NH,使NH=a,H为垂足.(2)过N作NM∥OB.(3)作∠AOB的平分线OP,与NM交于P.(4)点P即为所求.其中(3)的依据是()A.17 B.17或22 C.20 D.2211.(2010•荆门)如图,坐标平面内一点A(2,﹣1),O为原点,P是x轴上的一个动点,如果以点P、O、A为顶点的三角形是等腰三角形,那么符合条件的动点P的个数为()A. 2 B.3C.4D.512.(2007•玉溪)如图,AE⊥AB且AE=AB,BC⊥CD且BC=CD,请按照图中所标注的数据,计算图中实线所围成的图形的面积S是()A.50 B.62 C.65 D.68二.填空题(共6小题)13.(2014•漳州模拟)已知a+b=2,则a2﹣b2+4b的值为_________.14.(2006•杭州)计算:(a3)2+a5的结果是_________.15.若2x3+x2﹣12x+k有一个因式为2x+1,则k为_________.16.(2014•思明区质检)一个多边形的每个外角都等于72°,则这个多边形的边数为_________.17.(2012•潍坊)如图所示,AB=DB,∠ABD=∠CBE,请你添加一个适当的条件_________,使△ABC≌△DBE.(只需添加一个即可)18.(2014•德阳)如图,直线a∥b,△ABC是等边三角形,点A在直线a上,边BC在直线b上,把△ABC沿BC方向平移BC的一半得到△A′B′C′(如图①);继续以上的平移得到图②,再继续以上的平移得到图③,…;请问在第100个图形中等边三角形的个数是_________.三.解答题(共8小题)19.运用乘法公式计算:(1)1997×2003;(2)(﹣3a+2b)(3a+2b);(3)(2b﹣3a)(﹣3a﹣2b).20.分解因式:(1);(2)a3﹣3a2﹣10a.21.如下图所示,△ABO的三个顶点的坐标分别为O(0,0),A(5,0),B(2,4).(1)求△OAB的面积;(2)若O,A两点的位置不变,P点在什么位置时,△OAP的面积是△OAB面积的2倍;(3)若B(2,4),O(0,0)不变,M点在x轴上,M点在什么位置时,△OBM的面积是△OAB面积的2倍.22.(2008•西城区一模)已知:如图,△ABC是等腰直角三角形,D为AB边上的一点,∠ACB=∠DCE=90°,DC=EC.求证:∠B=∠EAC.23.已知AB∥CD,BC平分∠ACD.求证:AC=AB.24.已知:a=2002x+2003,b=2002x+2004,c=2002x+2005,求多项式a2+b2+c2﹣ab﹣bc﹣ac的值.25.(2012•珠海)如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC,AD是高,AM是△ABC外角∠CAE的平分线.(1)用尺规作图方法,作∠ADC的平分线DN;(保留作图痕迹,不写作法和证明)(2)设DN与AM交于点F,判断△ADF的形状.(只写结果)26.(2014•海淀区一模)在△ABC中,AB=AC,将线段AC绕着点C逆时针旋转得到线段CD,旋转角为α,且0°<α<180°,连接AD、BD.(1)如图1,当∠BAC=100°,α=60°时,∠CBD 的大小为_________;(2)如图2,当∠BAC=100°,α=20°时,求∠CBD的大小;(3)已知∠BAC的大小为m(60°<m<120°),若∠CBD的大小与(2)中的结果相同,请直接写出α的大小.参考答案一.选择题(共12小题)1.解:原式=a2•a4=a2+4=a6,故选:B.2.解:∵x2+2mx+9是一个完全平方式,∴m=±3,故选:B.3. 解:∵(x﹣1)2=(x+7)(x﹣7),∴x2﹣2x+1=x2﹣49,解得x=25,∴==5,∴的平方根是±.故选D.4.解:A、原式=x2+y2,不符合平方差公式的特点;B、第一个数是2x,第二个数是y,积的项应是4xy,不符合完全平方公式的特点;C、正确;D、两个平方项应同号.故选C.5. 解:∵a3b+ab3﹣2a2b+2ab2=7ab﹣8,⇒ab(a2+b2)﹣2ab(a﹣b)=7ab﹣8,⇒ab(a2﹣2ab+b2)﹣2ab(a﹣b)+2a2b2﹣7ab+8=0,⇒ab(a﹣b)2﹣2ab(a﹣b)+2a2b2﹣7ab+8=0,⇒ab[(a﹣b)2﹣2(a﹣b)+1]+2(a2b2﹣4ab+4)=0,⇒ab(a﹣b﹣1)2+2(ab﹣2)2=0,∵a、b均为正数,∴ab>0,∴a﹣b﹣1=0,ab﹣2=0,即a﹣b=1,ab=2,解方程,解得a=2、b=1,a=﹣1、b=﹣2(不合题意,舍去),∴a2﹣b2=4﹣1=3.故选B.6.解:∵(x﹣2)(x+b)=x2+bx﹣2x﹣2b=x2+(b﹣2)x﹣2b=x2﹣ax﹣1,∴b﹣2=﹣a,﹣2b=﹣1,∴b=0.5,a=1.5,∴a+b=2.故选A.7.解:设这个正多边形是正n边形,根据题意得:(n﹣2)×180°÷n=144°,解得:n=10.故选:B.8. 解:图中全等三角形有:△ABO≌△ADO、△ABO≌△CDO,△ABO≌△CBO;△AOD≌△COD,△AOD≌△COB;△DOC≌△BOC;△ABD≌△CBD,△ABC≌△ADC,共8对.故选C.9.解:根据角平分线的性质,(3)的依据是到角的两边的距离相等的点在角平分线上,故选B.10.解:根据题意可知等腰三角形的三边可能是4,4,9或4,9,9∵4+4<9,故4,4,9不能构成三角形,应舍去4+9>9,故4,9,9能构成三角形∴它的周长是4+9+9=22故选D.11.解:如上图:①OA为等腰三角形底边,符合符合条件的动点P有一个;②OA为等腰三角形一条腰,符合符合条件的动点P有三个.综上所述,符合条件的点P的个数共4个.故选C.12.解:∵AE⊥AB且AE=AB,EF⊥FH,BG⊥FH⇒∠EAB=∠EFA=∠BGA=90°,∠EAF+∠BAG=90°,∠ABG+∠BAG=90°⇒∠EAF=∠ABG,∴AE=AB,∠EFA=∠AGB,∠EAF=∠ABG⇒△EFA≌△ABG ∴AF=BG,AG=EF.同理证得△BGC≌△DHC得GC=DH,CH=BG.故FH=FA+AG+GC+CH=3+6+4+3=16 故S=(6+4)×16﹣3×4﹣6×3=50.故选A.二.填空题(共6小题)13.(2014•漳州模拟)已知a+b=2,则a2﹣b2+4b的值为4.解:∵a+b=2,∴a2﹣b2+4b,=(a+b)(a﹣b)+4b,=2(a﹣b)+4b,=2a+2b,=2(a+b),=2×2,=4.14.(2006•杭州)计算:(a3)2+a5的结果是a6+a5.解:(a3)2+a5=a3×2+a5=a6+a5.15.若2x3+x2﹣12x+k有一个因式为2x+1,则k为﹣6.解:2x3+x2﹣12x+k=(2x+1)(x2﹣6),∴k=﹣6,16.(2014•思明区质检)一个多边形的每个外角都等于72°,则这个多边形的边数为5.解:多边形的边数是:360÷72=5.17.(2012•潍坊)如图所示,AB=DB,∠ABD=∠CBE,请你添加一个适当的条件∠BDE=∠BAC,使△ABC≌△DBE.(只需添加一个即可)解:∵∠ABD=∠CBE,∴∠ABD+∠ABE=∠CBE+∠ABE,即∠ABC=∠DBE,∵AB=DB,∴①用“角边角”,需添加∠BDE=∠BAC,②用“边角边”,需添加BE=BC,③用“角角边”,需添加∠ACB=∠DEB.故答案为:∠BDE=∠BAC或BE=BC或∠ACB=∠DEB.(写出一个即可)18.(2014•德阳)如图,直线a∥b,△ABC是等边三角形,点A在直线a上,边BC在直线b上,把△ABC沿BC方向平移BC的一半得到△A′B′C′(如图①);继续以上的平移得到图②,再继续以上的平移得到图③,…;请问在第100个图形中等边三角形的个数是400.解:如图①∵△ABC是等边三角形,∴AB=BC=AC,∵A′B′∥AB,BB′=B′C=BC,∴B′O=AB,CO=AC,∴△B′OC是等边三角形,同理阴影的三角形都是等边三角形.又观察图可得,第1个图形中大等边三角形有2个,小等边三角形有2个,第2个图形中大等边三角形有4个,小等边三角形有4个,第3个图形中大等边三角形有6个,小等边三角形有6个,…依次可得第n个图形中大等边三角形有2n个,小等边三角形有2n个.故第100个图形中等边三角形的个数是:2×100+2×100=400.三.解答题(共8小题)19.运用乘法公式计算:(1)1997×2003;(2)(﹣3a+2b)(3a+2b);(3)(2b﹣3a)(﹣3a﹣2b).解:(1)原式=(2000﹣3)×(2000+3)=20002﹣32=4000000﹣9=3999991;(2)原式=(2b)2﹣(3a)2=4b2﹣9a2;(3)原式=(﹣3a)2﹣(2b)2=9a2﹣4b2.20.分解因式:(1);(2)a3﹣3a2﹣10a.解:(1)x2y﹣8y,=y(x2﹣16),=y(x+4)(x﹣4);(2)a3﹣3a2﹣10a,=a(a2﹣3a﹣10),=a(a+2)(a﹣5).21.如下图所示,△ABO的三个顶点的坐标分别为O(0,0),A(5,0),B(2,4).(1)求△OAB的面积;(2)若O,A两点的位置不变,P点在什么位置时,△OAP的面积是△OAB面积的2倍;(3)若B(2,4),O(0,0)不变,M点在x轴上,M点在什么位置时,△OBM的面积是△OAB面积的2倍.解:(1)∵O(0,0),A(5,0),B(2,4),∴S△OAB =×5×4=10;(2)若△OAP的面积是△OAB面积的2倍,O,A两点的位置不变,则△OAP的高应是△OAB高的2倍,即△OAP的面积=△OAB面积×2=×5×(4×2),∴P点的纵坐标为8或﹣8,横坐标为任意实数;(3)若△OBM的面积是△OAB面积的2倍,且B(2,4),O(0,0)不变,则△OBM的底长是△OAB底长的2倍,即△OBM的面积=△OAB的面积×2=×(5×2)×4,∴M点的坐标是(10,0)或(﹣10,0).22.(2008•西城区一模)已知:如图,△ABC是等腰直角三角形,D为AB边上的一点,∠ACB=∠DCE=90°,DC=EC.求证:∠B=∠EAC.证明:∵△ABC是等腰直角三角形,∠ACB=90°,∴AC=CB.∵∠ACB=∠DCE=90°,∴∠ACE=90°﹣∠ACD=∠DCB.在△ACE和△BCD中,,∴△ACE≌△BCD(SAS).∴∠B=∠EAC(全等三角形的对应角相等)23.已知AB∥CD,BC平分∠ACD.求证:AC=AB.证明:∵AB∥CD,∴∠ABC=∠DCB,∵BC平分∠ACD,∴∠ACB=∠DCB,∴∠ABC=∠ACB,∴AC=AB.24.已知:a=2002x+2003,b=2002x+2004,c=2002x+2005,求多项式a2+b2+c2﹣ab﹣bc﹣ac的值.提示:(先求出b﹣a,c﹣a,c﹣b的值,再把所给式子整理为含(a﹣b)2,(b﹣c)2,(a﹣c)2的形式代入即可求出)解:∵a=2002x+2003,b=2002x+2004,c=2002x+2005,∴a﹣b=﹣1,b﹣c=﹣1,a﹣c=﹣2,∴a2+b2+c2﹣ab﹣bc﹣ca =(2a2+2b2+2c2﹣2ab﹣2bc﹣2ca)=[(a2﹣2ab+b2)+(b2﹣2bc+c2)+(a2﹣2ac+c2)]=[(a﹣b)2+(b﹣c)2+(a﹣c)2],=×(1+1+4),=3.25.(2012•珠海)如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC,AD是高,AM是△ABC外角∠CAE的平分线.(1)用尺规作图方法,作∠ADC的平分线DN;(保留作图痕迹,不写作法和证明)(2)设DN与AM交于点F,判断△ADF的形状.(只写结果)1)如图所示:(2)△ADF的形状是等腰直角三角形,理由是:∵AB=AC,AD⊥BC,∴∠BAD=∠CAD,∵AF平分∠EAC,∴∠EAF=∠FAC,∵∠FAD=∠FAC+∠DAC=∠EAC+∠BAC=×180°=90°,即△ADF是直角三角形,∵AB=AC,∴∠B=∠ACB,∵∠EAC=2∠EAF=∠B+∠ACB,∴∠EAF=∠B,∴AF∥BC,∴∠AFD=∠FDC,∵DF平分∠ADC,∴∠ADF=∠FDC=∠AFD,∴AD=AF,即直角三角形ADF是等腰直角三角形.26.(2014•海淀区一模)在△ABC中,AB=AC,将线段AC绕着点C逆时针旋转得到线段CD,旋转角为α,且0°<α<180°,连接AD、BD.(1)如图1,当∠BAC=100°,α=60°时,∠CBD 的大小为300;(2)如图2,当∠BAC=100°,α=20°时,求∠CBD的大小;(3)已知∠BAC的大小为m(60°<m<120°),若∠CBD的大小与(2)中的结果相同,请直接写出α的大小.解:(1)30°(2)如图作等边△AFC,连结DF、BF.∴AF=FC=AC,∠FAC=∠AFC=60°.∵∠BAC=100°,AB=AC,∴∠ABC=∠BCA=40°.∵∠ACD=20°,∴∠DCB=20°.∴∠DCB=∠FCB=20°.①∵AC=CD,AC=FC,∴DC=FC.②∵BC=BC,③∴由①②③,得△DCB≌△FCB,∴DB=BF,∠DBC=∠FBC.∵∠BAC=100°,∠FAC=60°,∴∠BAF=40°.∵∠ACD=20°,AC=CD,∴∠CAD=80°.∴∠DAF=20°.∴∠BAD=∠FAD=20°.④∵AB=AC,AC=AF,∴AB=AF.⑤∵AD=AD,⑥∴由④⑤⑥,得△DAB≌△DAF.∴FD=BD.∴FD=BD=FB.∴∠DBF=60°.∴∠CBD=30°.(3)由(1)知道,若∠BAC=100°,α=60°时,则∠CBD=30°;①由(1)可知,设∠α=60°时可得∠BAD=m﹣60°,∠ABC=∠ACB=90°﹣,∠ABD=90°﹣∠BAD=120°﹣,∠CBD=∠ABD﹣∠ABC=30°.②由(2)可知,翻折△BDC到△BD1C,则此时∠CBD1=30°,∠BCD=60°﹣∠ACB=﹣30°,∠α=∠ACB﹣∠BCD1=∠ACB﹣∠BCD=90°﹣﹣(﹣30°)=120°﹣m,③以C为圆心CD为半径画圆弧交BF延长线于D2,连接CD2,∠CDD2=∠CBD+∠BCD=30°+﹣30°=,∠DCD2=180°﹣2∠CDD2=180°﹣m∠α=60°+∠DCD2=240°﹣m.综上所述,α为60°或120°﹣m或240°﹣m时∠CBD=30°.。



2013-2014学年度第一学期高一级期末考试一.选择题(每小题5分,共50分,每小题只有一个选项是正确的) 1. 已知集合M ={x|x <3},N ={x |122x>},则M ∩N 等于( ) A ∅B {x |0<x <3}C {x |-1<x <3}D {x |1<x <3}2. 已知三条不重合的直线m 、n 、l 两个不重合的平面βα,,有下列命题 ①若αα//,,//m n n m 则⊂; ②若βαβα//,//,则且m l m l ⊥⊥; ③若βαββαα//,//,//,,则n m n m ⊂⊂;④若αββαβα⊥⊥⊂=⊥n m n n m 则,,,, ;其中正确的命题个数是( )A .1B .2C .3D .4 3. 如图,一个简单空间几何体的三视图中,其正视图与侧视图都是边长 为2的正三角形,俯视图轮廓为正方形,则其侧面积是( ) A .4. 函数()23xf x x =+的零点所在的一个区间是( )A .()2,1--B .()1,0-C .()0,1D .()1,25. 如图,在正方体ABCD-A 1B 1C 1D 1中,异面直线A 1B 和AD 1所成角的大小是( ) A. 30° B. 45° C.90° D.60°6. 已知函()()21,1,log ,1.a a x x f x x x --⎧⎪=⎨>⎪⎩≤若()f x 在(),-∞+∞上单调递增,则实数a 的取值范围为( ) A . ()1,2B . ()2,3C . (]2,3D . ()2,+∞7. 如图在正三棱锥A-BCD 中,E 、F 分别是AB 、BC 的中点,EF ⊥DE ,且BC =1,则正三棱锥A-BCD的体积是 ( )243D. 123C. 242B. 122.A8. 函数y =log 2(1-x )的图象是( )俯视图正视图 侧视图9. 已知)(x f 是定义在R 上的函数,且)2()(+=x f x f 恒成立,当)0,2(-∈x 时,2)(x x f =,则当[]3,2∈x 时,函数)(x f 的解析式为 ( )A .42-x B .42+x C .2)4(+x D . 2)4(-x10. 已知)91(log 2)(3≤≤+=x x x f ,则函数[])()(22x f x f y +=的最大值为( )A .6B .13C .22D .33二.填空题(每小题5分,共20分)11. 一个长方体的各顶点均在同一球的球面上,且一个顶点上的三条棱的长分别为1,2,3,则此球的表面积为 .12. 已知函数()()223f x x m x =+++是偶函数,则=m .13. 已知直二面角βα--l ,点A ∈α,AC ⊥l ,C 为垂足,B ∈β,BD ⊥l ,D 为垂足, 若AB=2,AC=BD=1则C,D 两点间的距离是_______14. 若函数2()log (2)(0,1)a f x x x a a =+>≠在区间102⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,恒有()0f x >,则()f x 的单调递增区间是三.解答题(本大题共6小题,共80分。



遂宁市2012年下期2014级期末考试高职英语试题一、听力部分(20X1.5分=30分)二、单项选择 (15X1分=15分)21.Some girls help the rooms clean.A. keepB. to cleanC. doD. Water22. John went to London the morning of March 12th.A. inB. onC. atD. of23. My sister with her friends tomorrow if it .A. is going to hike; won ’t rainB. is going to hike; doesn ’t rainC. is about to hike; won ’t rainD. is well to hike; doesn ’t rain24. Look ! The old woman as well as her two sons at a street corner.A.is going to standB. standC. is standingD. are standing25.Did your father his friend on the 5th of October?A.meetsB. meetedC. metD. meet26. ----Must I finish the maths exercises before school is over?---- No, you . You can do it tomorrow.A. mustn’tB. may notC. needn’tD. can’t27. You go out to play in the cold day.A. had betterB. had not betterC. had better notD. not had better28. The students are looking forward the Dead Sea of China in this summer.A. to visitB. visitC. visitingD. to visiting29. This is the place we have ever visited before.A. thereB. whereC. /D. in which30. Don’t talk about such thing of you are not sure.A. whichB. asC. thatD. what31. He succeeded in the examination, made his father very happy.A. whichB. itC. thatD. what32. The girl, is singing a song under the tree, is Tom’s sister.A. thatB. whichC. whomD. who33. He still remembers the day he knew his best friend.A. thatB. whenC. whichD. where34. This is the house Chairman Mao lived and worked.A. whereB. whichC. thatD. when35. we all know, a day and night is 24 hours.A. WhichB. ThatC. /D. As二、完型填空(20X1.5分=30分)Many Chinese students find it difficult to learn English, but not Chinese, because Chinese is their mother language. In fact Chinese is much more difficult to36 than English.Still some students in other countries can speak Chinese very 37 . If you don’t see them, you will take to them in Chinese. What 38 them successful?“For me, conversation is the most helpful. I try to speak in39 . If you only listen to what others speak , you will be good at 40 , but if you talk as much as you can, you will find you can speak 41 ,” says Jenny Brown, an English girl now 42 Chinese at Beijing University. 43 is interested in Chinese and its history. She thinks that to learn a language, one must try to know 44 about the country.Chinese is different from English, 45 we can use the same way in learning it. It is conversation.36. A. talk B. say C. learn D. know37. A. well B. good C. bad D. badly38. A. makes B. make C. let D. lets39. A. English B. Japan C. French D. Chinese40. A. listen B. talk C. listening D. talking41. A. good English B. good Chinese C. bad English D. Bad Chinese42. A. picking up B. catching up C. studying D. teaching43. A. He B. She C. Her D. His44. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything45. A. so B. and C. also D. butBMarc sat next to me when we were in Hill Junior School. He had a serious 46in communicating with people. One always had to guess what he was saying. 47 most of my classmates did not like to be with him because his hands and shirts were always 48 . I tried to let him know the importance of being clean by 49 him several times a day to wash his hands. But he just could not understand.One day, our teacher Miss West walked up to Marc. 50 saying anything, she took Marc to the washroom. Slowly, Miss West washed his 51 and told him that he should keep himself clean. She did that every day for one month. 52 , Marc understood.Miss West’s love has given me a good example to follow when I53 my job. I always remember to teach my students by showing them the right 54 to do things. And most important of all, I always remember to give them 55 to learn and to grow up46. A. question B. problem C. accident D. hobby47. A. Instead B. However C. Besides D. Except48. A. dirty B. clean C. new D. old49. A. talking B. saying C. speaking D. telling50. A. With B. Without C. After D. Above51. A. face B. feet C. shirts D. hands52. A. At last B. At first C. Such as D. So far53. A. did B. am doing C. have done D. am going to do54. A. ways B. answers C. time D. food55. A. more advice B. less advice C. more time D. less time四、阅读理解AThere was once a man called Mr. Flowers, and flowers were his only joy in life. He spent all his free time in one of his four glass-houses and grew flowers of every color, with long and difficult names, for competitions (比赛). He tried to grow a rose of a new color to win the silver cup (银杯) for the Rose of the Year.Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses were very near to a middle school. Boys of around thirteen of age were often tempted (引诱) to throw a stone or two at one of Mr. Flowers’ glass-houses. So Mr. Flowers did his best to be in or near his glass-houses at the beginning and end of the school day.But it was not always possible to be on watch at those times. Mr. Flowers had tried in many ways to protect his glass, but nothing that he had done had been useful. He had been to school to report to the headmaster; but this had not done any good. Hehad tried to drive away the boys that threw stones into his garden; but the boys could run faster than he could, and they laughed at him from far away. He had even picked up all the stones that he could find around his garden, so that the boys would have nothing to throw; but they soon found others.At last Mr. Flowers had a good idea. He put up a large notice (布告) made of good, strong wood, some meters away from the glass-houses. On it he had written the words: DO NOT THROW STONES AT THIS NOTICE. After this, Mr. Flowers had no further trouble; the boys were much more tempted to throw stones at the notice than at the glass-houses.56. It was Mr. Flowers’ hope to ________.A. build glass-houses in his free timeB. grow the Rose of the Year in a silver cupC. win a silver cup for growing a rose of a new colorD. grow a rose with the longest name57. Boys were often tempted to ________.A. throw stones at Mr. Flowers’ glass-houseB. throw stones at Mr. Flowers from their schoolC. be in or near by Mr. Flowers’ glass-housesD. play with Mr. Flowers near his glass-houses58. Mr. Flowers stayed in or near by his glass-houses _______.A. at times when school-boys were walking near themB. all the school day when there were no boys aboutC. where he could not be seen by the boys passingD. in his free time at the beginning and end of the school day59. Mr. Flowers had tried to ______ to protect his glass.A. be on watch in his free timeB. ask the headmaster for helpC. pick up all the stones around his gardenD. do all the above60. Mr. Flowers’ good idea was to ______.A. write some words on the glassB. put up a large notice to cover his glass-housesC. give the boys something else to throw stones atD. send for policemenBIn a small village in England about 150 years ago, a mail coach (邮车) was standing on the street. Around the coach many people were talking to one another about it.Mail coach did not come to that village so often in those days. People had to pay a lot of money to get a letter. The person who sent the letter did not have to pay. The person who got the letter had to pay the postage (邮资).“Here’s a letter for Miss Alice Brown,” said the mailman. Everyone turned to a girl of about eighteen who was standing by the coach. “I’m Alice Brown,” she said in a low voice. The mailman gave her the letter.Alice looked at the envelope(信封)for a minute, and then handed it back to the mailman.“I’m sorry I can’t take it,” she said. “I don’t have enough money to pay thepostage.”The people standing around were very sorry for the girl. They were silent for a while. Then a gentleman came up to the mailman and paid the postage for Alice’s letter.When the gentleman gave her the letter, she said with a smile, “Oh, thank you very much, sir. This letter is from the young man I’m going to marry. His name is Tom. He went to London to look for work. He has to get enough money for our marriage (结婚). I’ve waited a long time for this letter, but now don’t need it. I don’t have to open the envelope b ecause there is nothing inside.”“Really?” the gentleman said in surprise. “How do you know that?” “He told me that he would put some signs on the envelope. Look, sir, this cross in the corner means that he is well, and this circle means he has found wor k. That’s very good news.”The gentleman was Sir Rowland Hill. He did not forget Alice and her letter.“The postage to be paid by the receiver has to be changed,” he said to himself. He thought and thought for many years. At last he had a good plan.“The postage has to be much lower,” he said. “What about a penny (便士) for a letter? And the person who sends the letter pays the postage. He has to buy a stamp and put it on the envelope.”“A good idea!” people said when they heard of his plan.The Government decided to adopt (采纳) the plan. The first postage stamp was put out in 1840. It was called the “Penny Black”. It had a picture of the Queen on it.61.The first postage stamp was made ________.A. in EnglandB. in AmericaC. by AliceD. in 191062.The girl handed the letter back to the mailman because ______.A. she did not know whose letter it wasB. the letter had already told her what she wanted to knowC. she could not pay the postageD. the gentleman promised to pay the postage for her63.When the girl returned the letter to the mailman _____.A. the people around her felt sorry for herB. the people thought that the girl was too poorC. none of them wanted to pay the postage for herD. the people was angry with the girl64.Alice knew how Tom was getting from the signs on the envelope because ______.A. Tom had told her what the signs meant before leaving for LondonB. Alice was clever and could guess the meaning of the signsC. Alice had put the signs on the envelope herselfD. Tom had put the signs as Alice had told him to65.The idea of using stamps was found by ______.A. the governmentB. Sir Rowland HillC. Alice BrownD. TomANNOUNCEMENTS(1) HOUSE FOR SALE. Comfortable family home with a large garden on north side of town. Three bedrooms, living-room, kitchens, dining-room, bathroom. Offers over $35,000(2) ASSISTANT WANTED FOR BUSY RESTAURANT.Some evening and weekend work. All meals free.Ring 3320178(3) JOIN OUR FOOTBALL TEAM. Boys and girls wanted to play in local football team. Aged 9—13 Meets in Green Park on Friday at 3 p.m.(4) ROOM TO RENT(出租).Small room to rent in city center flat(公寓)above restaurant. Newly painted with modern furniture. Near main railway station. Buses pass front door. Phone 3322108Mr. Brown wants to live near his workplace. Mrs. Brown wants a house with four bedrooms. The Browns’ children don't care what t he house is like as long as the garden is big enough. Ann, their daughter has always wanted to work in a restaurant. She thinks it is an exciting place. It's hard work but she isn’t lazy. You have to work on Saturdays and Sundays, but you get other days of f. It’s not very well paid. But who cares about money?Tom is a middle school student. He is twelve years old. He stops school at half past three,so he has plenty of time to finish his homework.Jack, Mr. Brown's brother, is looking for a room to rent. He doesn't care what color the walls are or how old the furniture is. He is getting ready for his drawing. So the house must be quiet.66.Why didn't the Browns buy the house in Advertisement One?A. It was on the north side of town.B. There weren’t en ough bedrooms.C. There was no dining room.D. The garden was too big.67.Why does Ann want to get the job in the restaurant?A. It’s an easy job.B. The place is good and the food is free.C. She thinks it will be interesting.D. She can get long holidays.68.Why can't Tom play for the new football team ?A. He's not old enough.B. It’s in a different village.C. School stops too late.D. He has to do his homework.69.What's wrong with the room for Jack in Advertisement Four?A. It's too small.B. The walls are the wrong color.C. The man likes old furniture better.D. It's too noisy.70.What does the sentence “All meals free” mean?A. Assistants can have the meals at any time.B. Assistants can have the meals in the restaurant without paying money.C. Customers(顾客)can have the meals freely.D. Assistants need to pay for their meals.The law says that women should have the chance of doing the same jobs as men and earn the same as them.The reality is very different. Women lose because, 25 years after the Equal Pay Act, many of them still get paid less than men.They lose because they do lower-paid jobs which men just won’t consider. And they lose they are the ones who interrupt a career to have children.All this is reported in an independent study ordered by the Government’s women’s unite.The biggest proble m isn’t equal pay in work places such as factories. It is a sort of work women do.Make a list of low-paid of jobs_ then consider who does them.Try nurses, secretaries, cleaner, clerks, teachers in primary schools, dinner ladies, and child care helpers. Not a lot of men among that group, are there?Yet some of those jobs are really important. Surely no one would deny that about nurses and teachers, for a start.So why do we reward the people who do them so poorly? There can be only one answer--- because they are women.This is not going to be put right overnight. But the Government, which employs a lot of them,, and other bosses have to make a start.It is disgraceful(可耻的) that we have gone into the 21st Century still treating women like second-class citizens.71. Women should have the chance of doing the same jobs and be paid equally as men .A. after 25 yearsB. according to the lawC. as a result of the Equal Pay ActD. because women are as strong as men72. We can learn from the text what the problem really matters is ____.A. that the women interrupt a career to have childrenB. what sort of work women doC. because they are womenD. what an unfair pay women get in workplaces.73. Which of the followi ng best describes the writer’s idea?A. Women should get equal pay for equal work to that of men.B. Women should strengthen加强themselves.C. The Government ought to protect women against getting paid less than men.D. Some of the jobs that women do are of great importance.74. When the writer says “This is not going to be put right overnight”, he means ____.A. we must solve the problem very quickly.B. there is not completely fair thing all over the world.C. we need a long time to change the unfair reality.D. the problem that women lose will be solved soon.75. Which do you think would be the best title for this passage?A. Work to give women a fair pay deal.B. Time to change the situation.C. Equal work, equal pay.D. Should women be treated like second-class citizens?。


13.某货轮在航行中不幸遇险,发出呼救信号,我海军护卫舰在A处获悉后,测得该货轮在北偏东45º方向距离为10海里的C处,并测得货轮正沿北偏东105º的方向、以每小时9海里的速度向附近的小岛靠拢。我海 军护卫舰立即以每小时21海里的速度前去营救;则护卫舰靠近货轮所需的时间是小时.
14.设数列{an}为等差数列,数列{bn}为等比数列.若 , ,且 ,则
7.已知m,n是不重合的两条直线,α,β是不重合的两个平面.下列命题:①若α⊥β,m⊥α,则m∥β;②若m⊥α,m⊥β,则α∥β;③若m∥α,m⊥n,则n⊥α;④若m∥α,m β,则α∥β.其中所有真命题的序号是②.
8.已知 为锐角, 则 .
9.将函数f(x)=sin(3x+ )的图象向右平移 个单位长度,得到函数y=g(x)的图象,则函数y=g(x)在[ , ]上的最小值为- .
数列{bn}的公比为 .
在△ABC中,角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,且 = .
(1)求角 的值;
(2)若角 , 边上的中线 = ,求 的面积.
15.解析:(1)因为 ,由正弦定理
得 ,………2分
即 = sin(A+C).………………4分
15.(本小题满分14分)在△ABC中,角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,且 = .
(1)求角 的值;
(2)若角 , 边上的中线 = ,求 的面积.
如图,在三棱锥 中,点 分别是棱 的中点.
(1)求证: //平面 ;








(16分) 1.古诗文默写。

(6分)①足蒸暑土气, 。

(白居易《观刈麦》) ② ,凫雁满回塘。

(温庭筠《商山早行》) ③ ,只有香如故。

(陆游《卜算子〃咏梅》) ④锦江春色来天地, 。







(温馨提示:不能抄袭名人名言........)(2分) 我的格言: ②【师恩难忘】曾经的你,总觉得老师眼里没有自己。

可细细思量,初中近三年来,老师给予我们的关爱太多了,一个眼神、一句话语、一个手势……请捕捉下这一美好的瞬间,用文字将它表述出来,那将成为你永恒的记忆!(60..字.左右..)(3分) 例:这几天,我咳嗽得厉害。





(一) 渔家傲·秋思 范仲淹塞下秋来风景异,衡阳雁去无留意。


期末2014级试 化学

期末2014级试 化学

1安居育才中学初2014级期末模拟考试化学试卷 卷I测试时间:60分钟 总分:100分一、选择题(单项选择,每题2分,共46分) 1. 下列不属于...化学科学研究范畴的是 ( ) A .将废旧塑料变成汽车燃料 B .研制新型航空材料C .研制新药D .研究地壳板块结构及运动规律 2.下列叙述中,前者描述物质物理性质,后者描述化学变化的是( ) A.钢铁生锈 灯泡发光 B. 易熔化 煤燃烧C. 易生锈 食物腐败D. 燃烧 干冰升华 3.下列环节中不属于科学探究的是( )A 、提出问题B 、收集证据C 、交流反思D 、认真听讲 4.下列实验操作不当的是( )A.将烧碱放在已知质量的烧杯里用托盘天平称量B.将试管夹从试管底部往上套,夹在试管的中上部C.振荡试管时.用手紧握试管,拇指堵住试管口,上下晃动D.滴加液体时,滴瓶滴管的尖端不能触及已加过其它试剂的试管内壁5.在地震后的救援行动中,为了搜索埋在废墟中的幸存者,人们用了搜救犬,搜救犬能根据人体发出的气味发现幸存者。

试用化学观点从微粒的角度分析能发现幸存者的原因是( )A .分子很小B .分子在不停地运动C .分子间有间隙D .分子是由原子构成 6. 某同学读取量筒中液体体积时,俯视凹液面最低处,读数为10mL ,则液体实际体积( ) A. 10 mL B. 小于10mL C. 大于10 mL D. 无法估计 7. 称量某物质8.5g ,操作过程中发现指针向右偏,,应采取的措施( )A .减少砝码B .右移游码C .添加物质D .调节平衡螺母使天平平衡 8. 下列关于水的说法正确的是 ( )A.水的污染会引起土壤污染B.地球上淡水资源非常丰富C.过滤能够除去水中所有杂质D.水由氢气和氧气组成9、若不小心将实验室中的酒精和水混在一起,应以哪种方法分离较为恰当( ) A.沉淀 B.加明矾 C.蒸馏 D 过滤 10. 下列处理方法能够净化水的是 ( )①过滤 ②吸附 ③沉淀 ④蒸馏 ⑤蒸发 ⑥电解 A.①④⑥ B.①②④ C. ①②③④ D.①②③④⑤ 11.下列说法中有错误的是( )A .过滤操作可以除去水中的不溶物B .蒸馏水是净化程度较高的水C .锅炉用水硬度太高十分危险D .活性炭可以把硬水转化为软水 12.下列物质属于纯净物的是( )A 、生铁B 、矿泉水C 、碘酒D 、硝酸钾晶体13.保持水的化学性质的最小微粒是 ( )A. 氢分子B. 氢原子和氧原子C. 氧分子D. 水分子 14.构成物质的基本微粒有( )A. 分子B. 分子、原子C. 原子、离子D. 分子、原子、离子 15.关于分子、原子的说法正确的是( )A.同种分子化学性质相同B.原子是最小的粒子C.分子大、原子小D.在化学变化中分子可分,原子也可分 16.下列物质的用途主要由化学性质决定的是 ( ) A.干冰用作人工降雨剂 B.可燃冰用作燃料 C.活性炭除去冰箱中的异味 D.金刚石切割玻璃17.下列化学反应属于分解反应的是( )A 、食盐水 水+食盐B 、蜡烛+氧气 水+二氧化碳C 、氧化汞 汞+氧气D 、氢气+氧气 水 18.一般原子的原子核( )A .由电子和质子构成B 。



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2014年一年级数学期末试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪个数字是偶数?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 62. 1 + 1 等于多少?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 43. 下列哪个图形是正方形?A. 三角形B. 圆形C. 正方形D. 长方形4. 下列哪个数字是质数?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 85. 下列哪个数字是10的倍数?A. 9B. 10C. 11D. 12二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 2 + 2 = 4 ()2. 5是偶数()3. 1 > 2 ()4. 9是3的倍数()5. 7是质数()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 1 + 3 = __2. 4 2 = __3. 5 × 2 = __4. 8 ÷ 4 = __5. 10 % 3 = __四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请写出2的倍数,直到10。

2. 请写出3的倍数,直到10。

3. 请写出4的倍数,直到10。

4. 请写出5的倍数,直到10。

5. 请写出6的倍数,直到10。

五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 小明有3个苹果,小红给了小明2个苹果,请问小明现在有多少个苹果?2. 小华有5个橘子,他吃掉了2个橘子,请问小华现在有多少个橘子?3. 小刚有4个铅笔,他丢了1个铅笔,请问小刚现在有多少个铅笔?4. 小李有6个书本,他借给了小王2个书本,请问小李现在有多少个书本?5. 小赵有7个玩具,他送给了小芳3个玩具,请问小赵现在有多少个玩具?六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请分析一下,为什么2 + 3 = 5?2. 请分析一下,为什么4 2 = 2?七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请用画图工具画出一个正方形。

2. 请用画图工具画出一个圆形。

八、专业设计题(每题2分,共10分)1. 设计一个简单的加法计算器,能够输入两个数字并显示它们的和。

2. 设计一个简单的减法计算器,能够输入两个数字并显示它们的差。



2014年凯里一中七年级数学期末模拟试题1班级 姓名 家长签名 成绩一、单项选择题(共10题,每小题3分,满分30)1.在平面直角坐标系中,点(2,3)M -在 ( )A .第一象限B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限 2.1.414,π, ) A 、2个 B 、3个 C 、4个 D 、5个3.将一副三角板按如图所示的方式摆放在一起,则1∠的度数是 ( )A .55°B .65°C .75°D .85°4.下面调查中,适合采用全面调查的事件是( )A .对你所在的班级同学的身高情况的调查B .对我市食品安全情况的调查C .对某电视台收视率的调查D .对全国中学生心理健康现状的调查5.如图,若AB ∥DC ,那么 ( )A 、∠1=∠3B 、∠2=∠4C 、∠B=∠D D 、∠B=∠36、下列运算正确的是( )A 、932=-73x-2y-1=0A .x=1,y=1B .x=2,y=52C .x=0,y=-12D .x=2,y=1 8、若a ﹥b ,则下列式子一定成立的是( )。

A 、a +3﹥b +5,B 、a -9﹥b -9,C 、-10a ﹥-10b , D 、a 2c ﹥b 2c9、下列方程组是二元一次方程组的是( ) A .21141120 (2231)30x y x y y x x B C D x xy y x y x x y ⎧-=-=-⎧-=--=⎧⎧⎪⎨⎨⎨⎨==+=+⎩⎩⎩⎪+=⎩ 10、下列命题中,假命题是 ( ) 1B ACD EF A .平面内过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线垂直B .连接直线外一点与直线上各点的所有线段中,垂线段最短C .经过直线外一点有且只有一条直线与这条直线平行D .三角形两边之和小于第三边二、填空题(共6小题,每小题4分,满分24分)11.某烟花爆竹厂从20万件同类产品中随机抽取了100件进行质检,发现其中 有5件不合格,此次调查中样本容量是 .12.如图,CD AB ⊥,垂足为1130C ∠=,,则2∠= 度.13.如图所示,△DEF 是△ABC 沿水平方向向右平移后的对应图形,若∠B =31°,∠C =79°,则∠D 的度数是 度.14.将点A (-3,-2)先沿y 轴向上平移5个单位,再沿x 轴向左平移4个单位得到点A′,则点A′的坐标是 .15.如果方程+=6mx ny 有两个解11x y =⎧⎨=⎩ 和2-1x y =⎧⎨=⎩,则m = ,n = . 16、观察下列顺序排列的等式:1234111111113243546a a a a =-=-=-=-,,,,….试猜想第n 个等式(n 为正整数):n a =三、解答题(共3小题,每小题5,满分15分)17、解方程组:353()1x y x x y +=⎧⎨-+=⎩, ①. ② 18、求不等式组203(x-1)2(2-1)2x x -⎧⎨-<⎩≥的整数解.D B AC 1 219、如图,平行线AB、CD被直线AE所截,∠1=110°,求∠2,∠3,∠4的度数.四、解答题(共3小题,每小题8分,满分24分)20、根据图中所给出的条件,(1)写出所有互相平行的直线;(2)写出所有互相垂直的直线;(3)写出图中不等于40°、50°的角的度数(只写度数,不标角)21、如图,建立平面直角坐标系,使点B,C的坐标分别为B(-3,0),C(1,0),写出点A,F,D的坐标并指出它们所在的象限.22、射击比赛中,每位运动员有10次射击机会,每次射击最高可得10环.一次比赛中,某位运动员前7次射击共击中61环,如果他要打破89环的记录,第8次射击不能少于多少环?五、解答题(共3个小题,每小题9分,满分27分)23(9分)某校为了解九年级800名学生的体育综合素质,随机抽查了50名学生进行体育综合测试,所得成绩整理分成五组,并制成如下频数分布表和扇形统计图,请根据所提供的信息解答下列问题:频数分布表扇形统计图(1)频数分布表中的m =,n = ;(2)扇形统计图中,E组所对应的扇形圆心角的度数是;(3)请估计该校九年级的学生中,体育综合测试成绩不少于80分的大约有多少人?24(9分)我市某林场计划购买甲、乙两种树苗共800株,甲种树苗每株24元,乙种树苗每株30元.相关资料表明:甲、乙两种树苗的成活率分别为85%,90%.(1)若购买这两种树苗共用去21 000元,则甲、乙两种树苗各购买多少株?(2)若要使这批树苗的总成活率不低于88%,则乙种树苗至少购买多少株?25在平面直角坐标系中,设坐标的单位长度为1cm,整数点P从原点O出发,速度为1cm/s,且点P只能向上或向右运动,请回答下列问题:(2)当点P从点O出发10秒,可得到的整数点的个数是_______________个;(3)当点P从O出发________________秒时,可得到整数点(10,5)(4)当整点P(x,y)从点O出发20s时,当整点P(x,y)恰好满足方程y=2x-4,则整点P(x,y)的坐标是____________。




下列哪一种最正确的表述了这项原则内的理论()A、为了将质量控制问题产生的经济损失降到最低,所有带有测量成本的问题都应被更正B、大多数缺陷都是因一些占少数的可识别的问题引起的,因此改进的工作应集中于此C、为了达到零缺陷,所有的质量控制问题包括那些没有经济成本的问题都应被更正D、一般来说80%质控问题可通过成本收益分析进行判断更正,剩余的20%不值得花费成本去改进15、为了确定一个过程中是什么引起了大多数质量问题一个非常有用的工具是()A、因果分析B、流程图C、控制图D、帕累托图16、当一个过程处于控制之中,你想对此过程作什么()A、不应该调整该过程B、可以调整该过程达到连续改进C、为了连续改进质量应该不断调整该过程D、应该定期调整该过程17、鱼骨图可以帮助()A、了解过去的结果B、组织思维、激发思考C、确定过程是否失去控制D、对问题进行优先排序18、监控质量达标的直接责任由谁承担()A、委派到项目团队的项目工程师B、项目经理C、每位职能经理D、质量经理19、大多质量问题的起因是:()A、员工不关心B、员工缺乏激励C、管理层不重视D、规范有问题20、以下哪项是建立质量保证过程的主要目标()A、完整的检查表B、过程调整C、质量改进D、质量管理计划21、ISO 9000标准:()A、说明如何生产品B、规定实施质量系统的细节C、为质量系统提供框架D、提供最大过程要求保证为客户提供优质产品22、帕累托图可以帮助项目经理()A、关注最关键的问题改进质量B、关注激发思考C、了解想要达到的未来产出D、确定一个过程是否失去控制23、以下哪种质量改进方法最不可能产生积极的结果()A、持续改进B、加强检验C、统计质量控制D、客户跟踪过程24、质量保证包括:()A、质量系统的为了确保项目可能满足相关的质量标准而设计的活动B、监控项目结果的方法,以确定结果是否符合相关质量标准C、确认质量标准是否和项目相关并决定满足质量标准的途径D、为了保证项目满足相应需要所需的过程25、从控制图上的控制上下限可以了解:()A、客户的要求B、规范限制C、可接受的过程偏差幅度D、可接受的产品偏差幅度26、项目质量管理的主要目标是:()A、使用质量环保证质量B、达到ISO9000的要求C、满足项目需要D、教育员工质量的重要性27、下列哪项不是质量控制7种常用工具之一()A、帕雷托图B、因果关系图C、控制图D、甘特图28、从项目的角度来看,质量属性()A、决定执行组织对项目的支持效率B、即可为主观的亦可为客观的C、是产品的一些特殊特征,据此进行设计、构减、测试产品D、B和C29、在一个管道项目执行期间,管道分包商建议在不改变进度和成本的前提下升级某种材料,变更得到批准后,应在何处记当前变更()A、项目章程B、配置管理计划C、工作分解结构D、质量保证计划30、20/80规则和什么相关()A、验收抽样B、控制图C、散点图D、帕累托图31、以下哪项是满足客户实际需求的质量特征()A、符合规范B、适合使用C、安全性和环境D、高等级32、项目质量管理曾一度被人为只包括质量监督或者质量控制。



新疆巴州蒙古族高级中学2014-2015学年八年级语文上学期期末考试试题11.下列加点词语注音完全无误....的一项是( )(3分)A.绮.丽(qí)归咎.(jiù)匀称.(chân)风雪载.途(zǎi)B.萌.发(mãng) 藩.篱(fān) 荒谬.(miù) 气息奄奄.(yān)C.琐屑.(xiâ) 殷.红(yān) 追溯.(shù) 销声匿.迹(nì)D.赃.物(zhāng)箱箧.(qiâ) 奔丧.(sàng) 长途跋.涉(bá)2.下列词语书写完全无误....的一项是( )(3分)A.惶恐蹋败吊唁巧妙绝仑B.雄姿轩榭帷幕相安无事C.狼籍推祟嶙峋微不足道D.烦燥次第渴幕重峦叠障3.下列加点词语使用不恰当...的一项是( )(3分)A.无论老师和同学们怎样劝说,他仍然无动于衷....。




4.有关文学常识的表述不正确的一项是( )(3分)A.茅以升—《苏州园林》—说明文 B.鲁迅—《阿长与<山海经>》—散文C.孙犁—《芦花荡》—小说 D.雨果—法国—《巴黎圣母院》5.下列句子没有语病的一项是( )(3分)A.国际文化交流活动上,中国驻哥大使馆展示的中国文化获得众多关注,大放异彩。








2014级山东农业大学大二下学期期末生物信息学课后练习题及答案 第一章
1、什么是生物信息学? 2、列举5个在生物信息学发展史上有重意义的事件(技术发明或软件创 新)
3、生物信息学的研究内容都有哪些? 1. What is the bioinformatics? 2. Enumerate five significance events in the bioinformatics development. 3. What are the questions for bioinformatics to answer? 第二章 1、什么是一级数据库,什么是二级数据库 2、世界上三大核酸数据库分别叫什么,由什么机构进行维护,两个重 要的蛋白质数据库分别是什么,蛋白质三维结构数据库是什么,他们分 别由什么机构进行维护。
3、 什么是相似性(similarity)、同一性(identity)?他们的 关系?
答: 4、什么是点阵图(dot matrix)?作用与优点。 答:1.点阵图分析(Dot matrix analysis):是双序列比对的基本方
2005年, 新一代测序技术出现。(Nature, 2005)
3、生物信息学的研究内容都有哪些? 答:1.获取人和各种生物的完整基因组
2.发现新基因和新的单核苷酸多态性 3.基因组中非编码区信息结构分析 4.完整基因组的比较研究 5.功能基因组研究 6.生物大分子结构模拟与药物设计 7.生物信息学的发展与应用研究 第二章 生物信息学资源
列往往具有相似的结构与功能; 2、用于进化分析,是用系统发育方法构建进化树的初使步骤; 3、通过序列比对发现直系同源(Orthologs)与旁系同源(Paralogs)



高2014级物理期末考试必考题型分类------运动学编者:胡明会 班 小組 姓名题型一:位移,速度,加速度概念及相互关系( )1、描述物体运动状态变化快慢的物理量是A.速度 B 、速度变化量 C 、平均速度 D 、加速度( )2.皮球从3 m 高处自由落下,被地板竖直弹回,在距地面l m 高处被接住,则皮球通过的路程和位移的大小分别是A . 4m 、4mB .3m 、lmC . 4m 、2mD . 3m 、2m( )3.关于速度、加速度,物体受力,下列说法正确的是A .加速度是描述物体运动状态变化快慢的物理量B .物体受力不变时,其运动状态不变C .匀变速直线运动是速度变化量恒定的D .当物体速度为零时,加速度一定为零 ( )4、在田径运动会的100m 比赛中,测得某一运动员5s 末瞬时速度为10.3m/s ,10 s 末到达终点的瞬时速度为10.1m/s 。

则他在此比赛中的平均速度为A .10 m/sB .10.1 m/sC .10.2 m/sD .10.3 m/s( )5.一辆小汽车启动阶段,在5s 内速度从12m /s 增加到18m /s ,通过的位移是70m ,小汽车在5s 内的平均速度是A .14m /sB .15m /sC .16m /sD .18m /s( )6.甲乙两车在同一条平直公路上向东行驶,甲车的速度大于乙车的速度,下列说法正确的是A .以甲车为参考系,则乙车向东行驶B .以甲车为参考系,则乙车向西行驶C .以乙车为参考系,则甲车向东行驶D .以乙车为参考系,则甲车向西行驶 题型二:匀变速运动规律( )7.做变速直线运动的几个质点,在相同时间内位移最大的质点是A .加速度最大的质点B .平均速度最大的质C .末速度最大的质点D .初速度最大的质点 ( )8、由静止开始做匀加速直线运动的汽车,第2 s 内通过0.75m 的位移,则A .加速度为1.0 m/s2B .第1 s 末的速度是1.0 m/sC .第1 s 内通过的位移为0.25 mD .2 s 内通过的位移为2.0 m( )9.做加速直线运动的物体,依次通过A 、B 、C 三点,时间t AB =3t BC ,已知该物体在AB 段的平均速度大小为2m/s ,在BC 段的平均速度大小为4m/s ,那么,物体在AC 段的平均速度大小为A .2.5m/sB .3m/sC .3.33m/sD .3.5m/s( )10.一质点在x 轴上从x=0处开始运动,初速度v o >O ,加速度a<O ,经过一段时间t ,t<0v a,速度为v ,位移为s ,则 A.v >0,s<0 B .v <0,s<0 C .v >0,s>0 D .v <0,s>0 ( )11。



2014级练习题【1】有关种子的习题精选一.选择题1、种子的生命力比苔藓、蕨类植物产生的孢子强得多的主要原因是( )A、种子是生殖器官,孢子只是一个细胞B、种子的寿命长,孢子的寿命短C、种子耐贮藏,孢子如果不能萌发,则很快死去D、以上都是2、可以用碘液检测小麦种子中的营养成分及发生的颜色反应分别是( ) A、淀粉蓝色B、脂肪蓝色C、蛋白质红褐色3、花生油是烹调时常用的食用油,它主要来自花生种子的( ) A、胚根B、子叶C、胚乳D、胚芽4、果实的组成是( ) A、果皮与种皮B、种子与种皮C、果皮与种子D、果皮与子叶5、铁树属于( ) A、蕨类植物B、被子植物C、苔藓植物D、裸子植物6、用种子繁殖后代的植物是( ) A、海带B、侧柏C、卷柏D、葫芦藓7、下列关于孢子和种子的叙述,错误的是( ) A、孢子是一种生殖细胞B、苔藓植物能产生孢子C、种子是一种生殖器官D、产生孢子的植物也可以产生种子8、下列植物中,属于被子植物的是( ) ①刺槐②杨树③侧柏④云杉⑤水稻⑥玉米A、①②⑤⑥B、③④⑤⑥C、①②③④D、②③④⑤⑥9、下列几项中,共同特征最多的是( ) A、玉米和大豆B、大豆和水稻C、小麦和大豆D、水稻和玉米10、在解剖和观察种子的结构时胚根连接在哪个部位A、胚轴B、胚芽C、子叶D、胚根11、在种子结构中最主要的部分是A子叶B、胚根、胚轴、胚芽C、胚D、胚乳12、从种子的结构看我们食用的面粉主要是由小麦种子的哪部分加工而成A、胚B、子叶C、果实和种皮D、胚乳13、一粒种子能够萌发长成一棵参天大树在于种子的A、胚根B、胚芽C、胚轴D、胚14、现在地球上分布最广、种类最多的植物类群是( ) A、藻类植物B、苔藓植物C、裸子植物D、被子植物15、小明在山间的伯父家住了一段时间A、板栗B、玉米C、蕨菜D、银杏16.种子萌发的外部条件是()A.水分、空气和温度B.适当的水分、空气和适宜的温度C.土壤、空气和水D.水分、土壤、空气、阳光和适宜的温度17.种子萌发时,首先伸出种皮的是A.胚芽B.胚轴C.胚根D.子叶18.将颗粒饱满的种子分为甲、乙两组,在25-30℃温度下分别播种,甲组种在潮湿肥沃的土壤里,乙组种在潮湿贫瘠的土壤里,这两组种子的发芽状况是()A.甲先发芽B.乙先发芽C.同时发芽19.将经温水泡过的种子剥去种皮,放入5%的红墨水中染色15-20分钟.用清水冲洗干净。




(选择正确的一项)30分()1.跳 A.jump B.run()2.做 A.uncle B.make()3.母亲 A.father B.mother()4.这些 A.wonderful B.these()5.电脑 puter B.those()6.快的 A.moon B.fast()7.加拿大 A.Australia B.Canada()8.汉语 A.Chinese B.China()9.美国 A.U.K B.U.S()10.火车 A.red B.train()11.到达 A.year B.arrive()12.澳大利亚 A.Australia B.Canberra()13.到达 A.arrive B.speak()14.海滩 A.beach e()15.票 A.ticket B.city()16.旅行 A.afternoon B.trip()17.眼镜 A.clothes B.glasses()18.年轻的 A.young B.old()19.早上 A.evening B.morning()20.家庭 A.family B.Tuesday二.找出不同类的一项。

16分() 1. A.train B:bus C:coat () 2. A. Canada B. China C. Chinese () 3. A. sweater B. shirt C. clothes () 4. A. these B. those C. this() 5. A. nurse B. worker C. cook () 6. A:trip B:travel C:slow ()7. A:black B:red C:colour ()8. A:when B:far C:how三.选择题。

30分()1.May I go___ Beijing?A.to B.at C.in( ) 2.You are ___young__go,LiMing.A.too,to B.to,to C.to,too( )3.A train is __than a bus.A.fast B.faster C.slow( )4.They arrive ____6:00 ____the evening on January twenty-ninth.A.on,at B.in,on C.at,in( )5.___ you ready for a song?A.AreB.IsC.Am( )6.She___ to work on her bicycle.A.go B.goes C.going ( )7.When do you arrive __Beijing?A.for B.in C.at( )8.Canada is far____China.A.on B.from C.four( )9.The capital city ___Australia is Canberra.A.of B.off C./ ( )10_____do you go to work?A.When B.How C.How much( )11._____pairs of socks do you have?A.How many B.What C.How ( )12.___she a bue driver?A.Am B.Are C.Is( )13.I like ____ping-pong.A.play B.plays C.to play( )14..We like ___watch the animal __the zoo.A.to watch,in B.to watch,,at C.watch ,in( )15.This is ____animal.A.a B. / C.an四.从B栏中选出A栏的答案。

(2014新版)新目标9年级上提优训练——期末综合检测试题 1(含听力MP3及参考答案)

(2014新版)新目标9年级上提优训练——期末综合检测试题 1(含听力MP3及参考答案)

3. W: Excuse me. May I use your pen? Mine is broken. M: Certainly. This is a new one. Be careful with it. Q: What's wrong with the woman's pen? 4. W: Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office? M: It's not far from here. Go along the street until the second crossing, then you can see a tall white building on your right. It's the post office. Q: What color is the post office? 5. W: Hello, John. I hope you can come to my new house next Sunday. M: Sure. Thanks a lot. Q: When will John go to the woman's house?
5. What does the woman's sister like doing?
1. A. On the farm. C.In the library.
B. In the shop.
2. A. The man's father. B. The man's brother. C.The man's mother.
M: Hello, Golden Times Agency. Can I help you? W: I'd like some information about trips to Seattle. M: Yes, of course. What would you like to know? W: Well, how do you travel? M: We'll go there by plane. After arriving in Seattle, we'll travel by bus. W: And how many people are there in a group? M: Well, there are at least 20, with, of course, a driver, and a guide who will look after you. W: How long does it take to go there and come back? M: Well, it depends. We have five-day trips next spring and autumn, ten-day trip in summer. W: I'm interested in five-day trips next spring. Can you



江西应⽤技术学院2014级公共英语期末试卷A江西应⽤技术职业学院2014—2015-2学期2014级汽营1班;数控1班;软件1、2班英语期末考试卷(A)班级学号姓名得分Part I Vocabulary and Structure(20%)Section ADirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D(10*1 point =10 points):1. The teacher told us that this book was well worth________.A. readB. to readC. to be readD. reading2. No sooner had I got to the cinema _____the film began.A. thenB. afterC. thanD. when3. What you said just now is not the best approach ____this problem.A. forB. toC. ofD. against4. His pale face ____that he was badly ill.A. knewB. heldC. foundD. suggested5. To his surprise, the project______ to be harder than he had thought.A. looked up C. turned outB. came down D. went along6. It’s getting cold. You ___ put on more clothes.A. had toB. needC. would ratherD. had better7. This is the only book____ I found useful to my research.A. thatB. whichC. whomD. whose8. He sold his farm and ____he had enough money for his journey.A. whereasB. yetC. thusD. also9. The teacher laid a lot of ____on practice.A. emphasisB. attentionC. focusD. word10. Mrs. Green is_______ that she often gives candies to the children.A. so a nice ladyB. such a nice ladyC. a so nice ladyD. too nice a ladySection BDirections: There are also 10 incomplete sentences here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets (10*1 point =10 points):11. If you want to go to the concert,you’ll have to make a _________(reserve),or there will be no tickets.12. We must __________(sure)that it does not happen again.13. The total output of this factory___________ (double) since it was put into operation in 2006.14. ___________ (general) speaking, a graduate from a prestigious university is more likely to finda good job. 15. I spoke to him ___________ (concern) his behavior.16. Newspapers are expected to provide the___________ (late) news.17. The recent research ___________(carry)out at the University of Texas has shown that staying indoors may actually be more harmful to one’s health.18. Jack’s mother used to be a fashion ___________ (design).19. Most of the high school students who ___________________(interview)yesterday believed that they should continue with their education.20. We’ll make sure our home is as ______________ (security) as possible from now on.Part II Reading Comprehension(50%)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. (10*1 point =10 points)注:本部分单词不分⼤⼩写Today, it is not (21) _______ that people may lose their jobs, so now is perhaps the time to consider the (22) ________ of unemployment. What are the first feelings ? Well, losing a job, or not being able to find one, almost always (23) _______ sadness. If you’ve lost a job, the first feeling is often that of (24) ________. The days seem to be getting longer. Some people may have (25) _______ in sleeping and eating. Others may lose confidence in themselves. (26)________ all these problems, unemployment may bring good feelings, too. It’s nice to be able to lie in bed in the morning, spend more time with your family and (27) ______ , and have more time to think. It can be a (28) _______ for a fresh start. You can use the time to think what you really want to get from life and how best you can get it. Also you can use the time to plan how to find a new job, learn a new skill, or see if you can (29) ________ your own business and become a success. (30) ________, a new and better job is already waiting for you.(A) disappointment (B) necessarily (C) rare (D) discovers(E) experience (F) relatives (G) refine (H) reserves(I) run (J) despite (K) causes (L) difficulty(M) chance (N) option (O) possiblySection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a long passage with five statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. Each paragraph is marked with a letter.(5* 2 points=10 points)Understanding Chinese ParentsA).What Chinese parents understand is that nothing is fun until you’re good at it. To get good at anything you have to work, and children on their own never want to work, which is why it is crucial to override(不顾) their preferences. This often requires a strong will on the part of theparents because the child will resist; things are always hardest at the beginning, which is where Western parents tend to give up. But if done properly, the Chinese strategy produces a virtuous circle(良性循环). Practice, practice, practice is crucial for excellence; rote repetition(死记硬背) is not welcome in America. Once a child starts to excel at something —whether it’s math, piano or ballet —he or she gets praise, admiration and satisfaction. This builds confidence and makes the once not-fun activity fun. This in turn makes it easier for the parent to get the child to work even more.B).I think there are three big differences between the Chinese and Western parents.C).First, I’ve noticed that Western parents are extremely anxious about their children’s self-esteem. They worry about how their children will feel if they fail at something, and they constantly try to reassure their children about how good they are despite a mediocre(平庸的)performance on a test. In other words, Western parents are concerned about their children’s feelings. Chinese parents aren’t. They assume strength, not fragility, and as a result they behave very differently.D).Second, Chinese parents believe that their kids owe them everything. The reason for this is a little unclear, but it’s probably a combination of Confucian filial piety(孝顺)and the fact that the parents have sacrificed and done so much for their children. Anyway, the understanding is that Chinese children must spend their lives repaying their parents by obeying them and making them proud.E).Third, Chinese parents believe that they know what is best for their children and therefore do not respect all of their children’s own desires and preferences. That’s why Chinese daughters can’t have boyfriends in high school and why Chinese kids often can’t go camping.F).D on’t get me wrong: It’s not that Chinese parents don’t care about their children. Just the opposite. They would give up anything for their children.G).Western parents try to respect their children’s individuality, encouraging them to pursue their true passions, supporting their choices, and providing a favorable environment. By contrast, the Chinese believe that the best way to protect their children is by preparing them for the future, letting them see what they’re capable of, and arming them with skills, work habits and inner confidence that no one can ever take away.()31. Western parents try to show respect for their children’s choices, and provide them with an advantageous environment.()32. Chinese parents do n’t respect all of their children’s own desires and preferences because they believe that they know what is best for their children.()33. It is believed that Chinese children must take their lives to pay back their parents by complying with them and becoming their pride.()34. It’s important to reject the children’s preferences because they themselves refuse to work hard.()35. Western parents continuously try to remove their children’s doubts by saying they are very good, even though they have showed a low quality on a test.Section CDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice among the options provided. (10*2 points= 20 points) Passage 1If you live in a city in North America or Europe, you have probably never thought much about water. Whenever you need some, you turn on the tap(⽔龙头) and there it is. Millions of people in other parts of the world are not so lucky. They have trouble getting enough clean water for their basic needs. This situation may soon become common all around the world. Scientist believes that the lack of clean water may be one of the biggest issues in the twenty-first century.The reasons for this are clear. On the one hand, people are using more water than ever. Over the last fifty years, the population of the world has more than doubled. So has the demand for water. On the other hand, supplies of clean water are disappearing. Many sources of surface water are too polluted and unhealthy for use as drinking water. This has forced more and more people to drill wells so they can get clear water from underground.If the world does not want to go thirsty in the near future, scientists say, further pollution must be prevented. Around the world, government must make real changes in industry, agriculture, and waste disposal.36. According to the first paragraph, millions of people in the word have trouble in getting_______________A) Enough facilities to supply drinking water.B) Enough food for the increasing population.C) Enough clean water for their basic needs.D) Enough living space in the world.37. What has happened in the actual situation of water in the last 50 years?A) Reasons of using too much water have been found.B) Sources of surface water have become less polluted.C) Enough clean water can be obtained from underground.D) The demand for water has more than doubled.38. It is implied from the passage that underground water is now______________A) Still healthy for useB) Also seriously pollutedC) The only source of clean waterD) The only way to save the world from going thirsty39. What should be done to prevent the world from going thirsty in the future according to the writer?A) To develop more water industries.B) To cut down the world population.C) To stop the pollution of water.D) To make changes in the world economy.40. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A) European people are worrying about clean drinking water.B) Scientists think lack of clean water is a serious problem in the future.C) People prefer drinking underground water rather than surface water.D) Disposal of wastes has nothing to do with water pollution.Passage 2High-quality customer service is preached (宣扬) by many, but actually keeping customers happy is easier said than done. Shoppers seldom complain to the manager or owner of a retail store, but instead will warn their friends, relatives, co-workers, strangers—and anyone who will listen.Store managers are often the last to hear complaints, and often find out only when their regular customers decide to frequent their competitors, according to a study jointly conducted by Verde Group and Wharton School.“Storytelling hurts retailers and entertains consumers,”said Paula Courtney, President of the Verde Group. “The store loses the customer, but the shopper must also find a replacement.”On average, every unhappy customer will complain to at least four others, and will no longer visit the specific store. For every dissatisfied customer, a store will lose up to three more due to negative review. The resulting “snowball effect”can be disastrous to retailers.According to the research, shoppers who purchased clothing faced the most problems. Ranked second and third were grocery and electronics customers.The most common complaints include filled parking lots, cluttered (塞满了的) shelves, overloaded racks, out-of-stock goods, long check-out lines, and rude salespeople.During peak shopping hours, some retailers solved parking problems by getting moonlighting (业余兼职的) local police to work as parking assistants. Some hired flag wavers to direct customers to empty parking spaces. This guidance eliminated the need for customers to circle the parking lot endlessly, and avoided conflict between those eyeing the same parking space.Retailers can relieve the headaches by redesigning store layouts, pre-stocking sales goods, hiring speedy and experienced cashiers, and having sales representatives on hand to answer questions.Most importantly, salespeople should be diplomatic and polite with angry customers.“Retailers who’re responsive and friendly are more likely to smooth over issues than those who aren’t so friendly,”said Professor Stephen Hoch. “Maybe something as simple as a greeter at the store entrance would help.”Customers can also improve future shopping experiences by filing complaints to the retailer, instead of complaining to the rest of the world. Retailers are hard-pressed to improve when they have no idea what is wrong.41. Why are store managers often the last to hear complaints?A) Most customers won’t bother to complain even if they have had unhappy experiences.B) Customers would rather tell their unhappy experiences to people around them.C) Few customers believe the service will be improved.D) Customers have no easy access to store managers.42. What does Paula Courtney imply by saying “…the shopper must also find a replacement”(Line 2, Para. 4)A) New customers are bound to replace old ones.B) It is not likely the shopper can find the same products in other stores.C) Most stores provide the same kind of service.D) Not complaining to manager causes the shopper some trouble too.43. Shop owners often hire moonlighting police as parking assistants so that shoppers________.A) can stay longer browsing in the storeB) won’t have trouble parking their carsC) won’t have any worries about securityD) can find their cars easily after shopping44. What contributes most to smoothing over issues with customers?A) Manners of the salespeople.B) Hiring of efficient employeesC) Huge supply of goods for sale.D) Design of store layout.45. To achieve better shopping experiences, customers are advised to ________.A) exert pressure on stores to improve their serviceB) settle their conflicts with stores in a diplomatic wayC) voice their dissatisfaction to store managers directlyD) shop around and make comparisons between storesSection DDirections: After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (等同于) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letter in the brackets, numbered 46 through 50 (5*2 points =10 points):A – Unemployment benefitB -- Household electronic applianceC -- Certificate of originD -- Local area networkE -- Industrial heartlandF -- Consumption patternG -- Food additive H -- A repeat orderI -- Annual production J -- Multinational corporationK -- Mass media L -- Rare earthM –Delivery fee N- Service managerO -- Abstract painting P -- Plastic surgeryExamples;(L) 稀⼟(N) 服务经理46.( ) ⼯业中⼼区域( ) 局域⽹47.( ) 跨国公司( ) 失业救济⾦48.( ) 再次订购( ) 整形⼿术49.( ) 家⽤电器( ) 运费50.( ) ⾷品添加剂( ) ⼤众媒体Part III: IQ Test(5%)Directions: This part, composed of five questions, is to test your IQ ability.You are required to either choose the best answer from the given options or offer your own answer according to the questions. (5* 1 point=5 points)51. What number should logically replace the question mark?Answer:____________________________________( )52.I have a horse. Do you know what color it is?Tom said, “I guess it is not black.”Brian said, “It is either brown or grey.”Chris said, “I know it is brown.”I said, “At least one of you is right and at least one of you is wrong.”What is the color of my horse if the color is one of the above?A. blackB. brownC. grey53. At the end of a party 10 people shake hands with each other. How many handshakes will there be in total?Answer:____________________________________( ) 54. What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five:55. What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?Answer:____________________________________Part IV: Translation (5*2 points=10 points) (10%)Directions: Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. You should use the words or phrases provided in the bracket, otherwise you may lose one point accordingly.56.当今中国社会⾮常缺少蓝领⼯⼈。

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1.设全集U =R ,A ={x |x >0},B ={x |x >1},则A ∩U B =( B ).
A .{x |0≤x <1}
B .{x |0<x ≤1}
C .{x |x <0}
D .{x |x >1}
2.在长为10 的线段AB 上任取一点P ,并以线段AP 为边作正方形,这个正方形的面积介于25 与49 之间的概率为( B )
A .
B .
C .
D .
3.已知4sin 5
α=,并且α是第二象限的角,那么tan α的值等于( A ) A .43- B .34
- C .43 D .34 4.已知3tan =α,23παπ<
<,那么ααsin cos -的值是( B ). A .231+- B .231+- C .231- D . 2
31+ 5.下列四组函数中,表示同一函数的是( A ).
A .f (x )=|x |,g (x )=2x
B .f (x )=lg x 2,g (x )=2lg x
C .f (x )=1
-1-2x x ,g (x )=x +1 D .f (x )=1+x ·1-x ,g (x )=1-2x
6.样本1210,,,a a a 的平均数为a ,样本110,,b b 的平均数为b ,则样本11221010,,,,,,a b a b a b 的平均数为 ( B ) A. a b + B. ()12a + C. 2()a b + D. 110
()a b + 7.在样本的频率分布直方图中,共有11个小长方形,若中间一个小长立形的面积等于其他10个小长方形的面积的和的14
,且样本容量为160,则中间一组有频数为 ( A ) A. 32 B. 0.2 C. 40 D. 0.25
8.方程2x =2-x 的根所在区间是( D ).
A .(-1,0)
B .(2,3)
C .(1,2)
D .(0,1)
9.已知函数()sin(2)f x x ϕ=+的图象关于直线8x π=
对称,则ϕ可能是( C ) A .2π B .4π- C .4
π D .34π 10.设()f x 是定义域为R ,最小正周期为32π的函数,若cos ,(0)(),2sin ,(0)
x x f x x x ππ⎧-≤<⎪=⎨⎪≤<⎩ 则15()4
f π-等于( B ) A . 1 B
.2 C. 0
- 11.已知函数f (x )=⎩
⎨⎧0≤ 30log 2x x f x x ),+(>,,则f (-10)的值是( D ). A .-2 B .-1 C .0 D .1
12.奇函数f (x )在(-∞,0)上单调递增,若f (-1)=0,则不等式f (x )<0的解集是( A ).
A .(-∞,-1)∪(0,1)
B .(-∞,-1)∪(1,+∞)
C .(-1,0)∪(0,1)
D .(-1,0)∪(1,+∞)
13.函数y =2-log 2x 的定义域是 .[4,+∞).
14. 有5条长度分别为1,3,5,7,9的线段,从中任意取出3条,则所取3条线段可构成三角形的概率是
___________. 310
15. 执行如图1-1所示的程序框图,输出的S 值为
16. 在函数①y =cos|2x |,②y =|cos x |,③y =cos ⎝⎛⎭⎫2x +π6,④y =tan ⎝
⎛⎭⎫2x -π4中,最小正周期为π的所有函数为__________①②③
17.(12分) 已知函数f (x )=lg (3+x )+lg (3-x ).
(1)求函数f (x )的定义域;
(2)判断函数f (x )的奇偶性,并说明理由.
18. 已知1tan tan αα
,是关于x 的方程2230x kx k -+-=的两个实根, 且παπ2
<,求ααsin cos +的值. 19. 函数f (x )=3sin ⎝
⎛⎭⎫2x +π6的部分图像如图1-4所示.
(1)写出f (x )的最小正周期及图中x 0,y 0的值;
(2)求f (x )在区间⎣⎡⎦⎤-π2
20. 某企业有甲、乙两个研发小组,为了比较他们的研发水平,现随机抽取这两个小组往年研发新产
(a ,b ),(a ,b ),(a ,b ),(a ,b ),(a ,b ),(a ,b ),(a ,b ),(a ,b ),(a ,b ),(a ,b ),(a ,b ),(a ,b ),
(a ,b ),(a ,b ),(a ,b ).
其中a ,a 分别表示甲组研发成功和失败;b ,b 分别表示乙组研发成功和失败.
21. 设关于x 的函数22cos 2cos (21)y x a x a =--+的最小值为()f a , 试确定满足1()2
f a =
的a 的值,并对此时的a 值求y 的最大值。

22.设函数f (x )=ax 2+1bx +c
是奇函数(a ,b ,c 都是整数),且f (1)=2,f (2)<3. (1)求a ,b ,c 的值;
(2)当x <0,f (x )的单调性如何?用单调性定义证明你的结论.
17. (1)由⎩
⎨⎧0303>->+x x ,得-3<x <3, ∴ 函数f (x )的定义域为(-3,3).
(2)函数f (x )是偶函数,理由如下:
由(1)知,函数f (x )的定义域关于原点对称,
且f (-x )=lg (3-x )+lg (3+x )=f (x ),
∴ 函数f (x )为偶函数.
18. 解:21tan 31,2tan k k αα⋅=-=∴=±,而παπ2
73<<,则1tan 2,tan k αα+==
得tan 1α=,则sin cos 2
,cos sin αα∴+=。

19. .解:(1)f (x )的最小正周期为π.
x 0=7π6,y 0=3. (2)因为x ∈⎣⎡⎦⎤-π2,-π12,所以2x +π6∈⎣⎡⎦
⎤-5π6,0. 于是,当2x +π6
=0, 即x =-π12
时,f (x )取得最大值0; 当2x +π6=-π2
, 即x =-π3
时,f (x )取得最小值-3. 20.解:(1)甲组研发新产品的成绩为
其平均数为x 甲=1015=23
, 方差为s 2甲=115⎣⎡⎦⎤⎝⎛⎭⎫1-232×10+⎝⎛⎭⎫0-232×5=29
. 乙组研发新产品的成绩为
其平均数为x 乙=915=35
, 方差为s 2乙=115⎣⎡⎦⎤⎝⎛⎭⎫1-352×9+⎝⎛⎭⎫0-352×6=625
因为x 甲>x 乙,s 2甲<s 2乙,所以甲组的研发水平优于乙组.
(2)记E ={恰有一组研发成功}.
在所抽得的15个结果中,恰有一组研发成功的结果是(a ,b ),(a ,b ),(a ,b ),(a ,b ),(a ,b ),(a ,
b ),(a ,b ),
共7个,故事件E 发生的频率为715
. 将频率视为概率,即得所求概率为P (E )=715
. 21、解:令cos ,[1,1]x t t =∈-,则222(21)y t at a =--+,对称轴2a t =
, 当12a <-,即2a <-时,[1,1]-是函数y 的递增区间,min 112
y =≠; 当12
a >,即2a >时,[1,1]-是函数y 的递减区间,min 141,2y a =-+= 得18
a =,与2a >矛盾; 当112a -≤≤,即22a -≤≤时,22min 121,43022
a y a a a =---=++= 得1,a =-或3a =-,1a ∴=-,此时max 415y a =-+=。

22. (1)由f (x )=ax 2+1bx +c
是奇函数, 得f (-x )=-f (x )对定义域内x 恒成立,则
a (-x )2+1
b (-x )+
c =-ax 2+1bx +c
⇒-bx +c =-(bx +c )对定义域内x 恒成立,即c =0. 又⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ f (1)=2f (2)<3⇒⎩⎨⎧ a +1b =2 ①4a +12b <3 ②由①得a =2b -1代入②得2b -32b <0⇒0<b <32
,又a ,b ,c 是整数,得b =a =1.
(2)由(1)知,f (x )=x 2+1x =x +1x
, 当x <0,f (x )在(-∞,-1]上单调递增, f (x )在[-1,0)上单调递减.。
