The westward intrusion of south Pacific water at the western tip of the New Guinea Island




南太平洋是一片广阔的海洋原野The South Pacific is a vast ocean wilderness.它的水域充满生命...Its waters are teeming with life.....也就是珊瑚礁吸引的生物多样性.....from tropical coral reefs that attract the great variety...大多数生物生活在稍冷的水域里 the cooler, temperate waters that attract the great numbers.这是为什么世界上最大的捕食所So why is it that in the midst of all this richness也需要努力才能the world's largest predators can struggle在这片无尽的深蓝中生存?To survive in this...endless blue?在南太平洋中带来的求生故事Nothing brings home the challenges of survivingin the South Pacific better没有比白鲸记更好的than the epic true story that inspired Moby Dick.1821年2月23日,人们发现一艘救生艇On 23rd February 1821, a lifeboat was found drifting在东太平洋随波逐流in the eastern Pacific.[吱吱咯咯的声音]CREAKING在上面有两个美国的捕鲸人,In it lay two American whalemen,奄奄一息.Barely alive.[虚弱的咳嗽声]FEEBLE COUGHING他们的船被一只巨大的抹香鲸击沉Their whale ship had been sunk by an enormous sperm whale.经过三个月的挣扎For a staggering three months, these shipwrecked mariners had sailed这些捕鲸人穿过了4,500英里这或许是地球上最荒凉的区域across 4,500 miles of what may be the loneliest region on Earth.对这些水手而言,南太平洋已经是一个炼狱For these sailors, the South Pacific had become a living hell.什么让他们活着成为一个如此大的挑战?So what is it about this ocean that makes survival here such a challenge? 在所有的大洋之中,太平洋是已知最大的Of all the oceans, the Pacific is by far the largest,占了地球三分之一的表面积.Stretching almost a third of the way round the globe.它是如此的广阔以至于南太平洋的It's so huge that the current in the South Pacific洋流几年才能环绕它一周takes several years to complete just one cycle.[声呐敲击声]SONAR-TYPE PINGING[快速的咔嗒声]FAST CLICKING在一个如此广阔的大洋里In an ocean this vast,许多动物不得不长途跋涉以生存many animals have to travel huge distances to survive.没有什么比抹香鲸,None more so than the sperm whale,在地球上最伟大的旅行家之一游得更远one of the greatest voyagers on the planet.每年,数以千计的公抹香鲸Every year, thousands of bull sperm whales,有些是从南极洲,来到这里繁殖some from as far as Antarctica, come to the tropics to breed. CLICKINGCLICKING那里寒冷的水域哺育他们15年After 15 years away, fattening themselves up in colder climes, 他们现在足够强壮去争取配偶they are now back and big enough to compete for a mate.这里温暖的海水是理想的育儿地These warm, equatorial waters make ideal nurseries.仅仅一周,这些刚出生的小鲸已经重达一吨At just a week old, this white calf already weighs over a tonne. 在以后的六年它会呆在它妈妈身边For the next six years he will stay by his mother's side,在这片广阔的海洋中嬉戏,而虎鲸relaxing in these tropical waters where killer whales,他们唯一的天敌,很少出现在这里his only natural predator, are rarely found.但是也是在这片广阔平静的大洋But it was in these peaceful stretches of ocean200年前that, 200 years ago,鲸鱼遇到了捕鲸人whales met whalemen.在19世纪,鲸油In the 19th century, oil from the whales' massive heads非常值钱could make great fortunes.捕鲸人首先将目标锁定幼鲸Whalemen targeted the calves first,知道其它的鲸鱼会过来救援knowing the rest of the pod would soon come to their aid...然后进入鱼叉的射程内and into the range of the harpoons.但是只有一艘船时,鲸鱼会复仇But for one ship, the whales got their revenge.没有任何征兆,巨大的力量集中了87英尺长的Essex Without warning, a huge bull rammed the hull of the 87-foot Essex. CRASHINGCRASHING几天内,破损的船沉入深海Within days, the broken ship was lost to the deep.他们的船沉没了,With their ship gone,21位生还者记载3条划艇上the 21 survivors squeezed into three whaleboats,也就是他们的救生艇.Which now became their lifeboats.这些人抢出能用的东西,The men salvaged what they could,但是对于面前的困境这些装备不堪一击but they were woefully ill-equipped for the trials that lay ahead. Essex号幸存者处于未知的水域The survivors of the Essex were in virtually unexplored waters,他们在在南美洲西部2000公里的赤道上2,000 miles west of South America on the equator,几乎是离所有的陆地最远的地方almost as far from land as it's possible to be.他们将会发现They were about to find out在南太平洋生存是多么的困难just how challenging survival in the South Pacific can be.受季风影响他们不能向东直行Unable to sail directly east because of the prevailing winds,他们被迫向南进入南太平洋they were forced south and into the area of the South Pacific从那时起人们知道了那里是片荒凉的水域.Known then as the Desolate Region.一片巨大的,没有海图的和澳洲大陆一样大的海域A vast, uncharted, windless ocean the size of Australia.这片美丽的蓝色水域是世界上最纯净的These beautiful blue waters are the clearest in the world.但其实是片水中的荒漠But they are a watery desert,清澈的蓝色是因为这里几乎没有浮游生物clear and blue because there is so little plankton,所有海洋食物链的关键.The key to all marine food chains.浮游生物需要养分,但几乎所有的养分都在深海Plankton need nutrients, but most nutrients are locked in the deep,几乎不可能接温跃层(海水温度突变曾)denied access to the surface by a layer of water called the thermocline, 也就是200米深度.Around 200 metres down.也有极少数的生命在表层的庇护下存在The little life that does exist at the surface seeks shelter,尽管那里是没有营养的表层no matter how superficial it may be.整个生态系统建立在漂浮物上In time, whole communities build on the flotsam.Barnacle larvae(寄生虫)随着Barnacle larvae settle,捕食者安家along with miniature predators.襞鱼科.Frogfish.在一片漂浮的绳子上,On just a piece of drifting rope,微小的生物会度过他们的一生.Tiny creatures may spend their entire lives.三个星期后,船难的生还者Three weeks on, the shipwreck survivors处于这片未知海域的中心地带were in the heart of the Desolate Region,并且深感绝望.And in deep despair.在航海日志中,一位船员写到In the boat's log, one of the survivors wrote,致命的口渴"The violence of raving thirst随时可以致人与死地"has no parallel in the catalogue of human calamities."他们几乎用光定额They had almost run out of rations,然而尽管是经验丰富的水手and despite being experienced sailors,也没有办法捉到一条鱼failed to catch a single fish.但是那太平洋也有富足But there are pockets of richness in the South Pacific.其中一项对Essex的船员是熟知的One was well known to the crew of the Essex也是他们能得到的,就是季风and would have been in their reach, but for the prevailing winds.在距离南美海岸700英里的地方Lying over 700 miles off the coast of South America是加拉帕克斯群岛are the Galapagos Islands.与广阔的海洋不同,洋流环绕这里大约100个岛屿Unlike the open ocean, the seas surrounding these 100 or so islands 充满生命are bursting with life,还有很多令人惊奇的发现with many creatures you wouldn't expect to find像这些海狮in tropical seas, like these sea lions.尽管在赤道附近Despite sitting on the equator,加拉帕克斯群岛周围的海水是凉的the waters around the Galapagos are cooled因为从南极过来的寒流by currents flowing all the way from Antarctica.也正是因为如此这里拥有It is this that allows the Galapagos to be home世界上唯一的热带企鹅to the world's only tropical penguin.热带鱼类夜也生活在这里Tropical fish live here, too.多谢寒流带来的营养物质,Thanks to the nutrients carried by the cool current,这里才有如此繁茂的生命there is an abundance of life.不像开阔的海洋Unlike the open ocean,这里富含浮游生物,养育的大量的鱼类.The water here is rich in plankton, feeding huge shoals of fish...甚至巨大的manta也来了..and even giant manta rays.每一头海狮每天需要6公斤的鱼Each sea lion needs over 6kg of fish a day.有这样的鱼群,应该不是太难With shoals this size, it shouldn't be too difficult.但是从鱼群中锁定一条却很难But it's not easy picking one fish out of the crowd.鱼也知道在鱼群里是安全的,因此对海狮来说The fish know there's safety in numbers, so for the sea lions计策就是将鱼群分成越来越小的部分the trick is to snip the shoal into smaller and smaller balls.终于,一条鱼从里面分离出来,这是海狮期待已久的Finally, a fish breaks for cover. It's what the sea lions have been waiting for. 暗礁的裂缝似乎是它的庇护所Crevices in the reef might seem to offer shelter.但对海狮来说没有问题But that's no problem for the sea lions,他能轻松将它从裂缝惊吓出来who simply scare them out with bubbles.海狮不攻击后,鱼群重组With the sea lions distracted, the fish regroup然后追逐再次开始and the chase starts all over again.加拉帕克斯的富饶The riches of the Galapagos对Essex号幸存者来说是仅存在想像中的were something the survivors of the Essex could only fantasise about.一个月的严酷考验,而且还在未知区域漂流One month into their ordeal, and still adrift in the Desolate Region,他们逐渐饿坏了they were slowly starving.水手们不知道的是无尽的海洋还隐藏这秘密What the sailors didn't know was that the endless blue hides a secret.晚上,大片看似空旷的海洋变化了At dusk, huge areas of otherwise empty ocean are transformed.乌贼从深海游上来寻找食物Squid shoot up from the depths to feed near the surface.吃惊的是,海里面乌贼要比鱼多Surprisingly, there are more squid in the ocean than fish...他们占了地球上海洋生物的大部分..and they take part in the greatest migration of animals on the Earth.每天晚上,深海生物Every night, a world of creatures从海底游上来尽是浮游生物rise up from the depths to dine on the small amounts of surface plankton. 深海生物是我们星球生长相最奇怪的生物They are among the strangest-looking life forms on our planet.在这个漆黑的世界,有些是透明的In this dark world, some are see-through,也许是为了伪装perhaps for camouflage.有些创造光线去交流活着引诱猎物Some create their own light to communicate or lure in their prey.其他来自不同的联盟Others form inexplicable alliances.这只幼小的拖鞋龙虾This young slipper lobster可能用这个作为浮力帮助.May be using this jelly as a buoyancy aid.一些大海的流浪汉或许能提供帮助Some of these ocean vagrants may offer protection,像这个位虾做的like this pyrosome is doing for the shrimp.在世界上最深的海洋In the world's deepest ocean,平均深度超过2.5英里averaging over two-and-a-half miles deep,新的物种正不断被发现new species are constantly being discovered.像这种海马,从来没有被拍摄到Like this seahorse, never filmed before.黎明时,这些微小生物At dawn, these little-known creatures撤退到深海以求安全retreat into the safety of the abyss.CLICKINGCLICKING但是有些掠食者能随着他们下潜But there are some predators that can follow them down.短鳍鲸是出色的深海潜水者.Short-finned pilot whales are accomplished deep-sea divers.离开无营养的表层Leaving the barren upper layers behind,他们能潜下半英里深they can swim over half a mile down而且用他们的声纳追踪乌贼.And use their sonar to track the huge shoals of squid.[咔嗒声]CLICKING但是他们也被追踪But they too are being tracked.FAST CLICKINGFAST CLICKING海洋中三米长的whitetip鲨鱼Oceanic whitetip sharks, three metres long,视大海为温暖的家and completely at home in the open ocean.他们不能潜到足够深的地方捕食乌贼They may not be able to dive deep enough to catch the squid themselves... 但这不能阻止他们为食物游荡..but that won't stop them hanging around for scraps.或许在追踪抹香鲸幼仔Or maybe they're sizing up the calf.这一只,被成年鲸鱼看护的很好This one, however, is well guardedby the bulls.CLICKINGCLICKING但是在无尽的海洋里,发现一餐的机会如此的低But in the endless blue, where the odds of finding a meal are so low,以至于最不可能的机会也值得一试even the slimmest opportunity is worth a try.或许这就是为什么人们认为Perhaps this is why the oceanic whitetip白鳍鲨对遇难水手遭的攻击is thought to be responsible比太平洋里其他鲨鱼更多for more attacks on shipwrecked sailors比太平洋里其他鲨鱼更多than any other shark in the Pacific.Essex 号的生还者人有鲨鱼摆布The survivors of the Essex were at the mercy of sharks.就和一个水手写的As one sailor wrote,我们的努力起初是将他们当做猎物,"Our utmost efforts, which were at first directed to kill him for prey, 到最后变成了自卫"became, in the end, self-defence."现在,更多的,他们需要陆地Now, more than ever, they needed the salvation of land. SQUAWKINGSQUAWKING海鸟通常是看到陆地的希望Seabirds would have been a ray of hope.然而热带的鸟能连续在海上飞一个月While tropic birds can survive at sea for months on end,其他的,像军舰鸟,每天晚上会栖息地others, like frigate birds, return to roost every night,会是陆地的信号so are a sure sign of nearby land.有太阳,星辰和地磁场的指引,Guided by the sun, stars and the Earth's magnetic field,海鸟能穿越数千英里的毫无特征的海洋seabirds navigate over thousands of miles of featureless ocean.他们必须回到陆地繁殖They must all return to land to breed,通常是一丁点大的地方often on little more than dots of sand,这让他们的技术更令人印象深刻which makes their navigational skills even more impressive.最伟大的海洋流浪者,有两米宽的翼展The greatest ocean wanderer, with its two-metre wingspan,是信天翁is the albatross.为他们的子孙寻找足够的食物To find enough food for its oversized offspring,这些信天翁可能已经飞行了6000英里this black-footed albatross may have travelled a staggering 6,000 miles 在广阔的大海上寻找乌贼和鱼群across the open ocean looking for hotspots of squid and fish. BEAKS CLATTERBEAKS CLATTERSQUAWKINGSQUAWKING信天翁的巢The albatross nest在夏威夷小岛的浅滩上on the tiny Hawaiian islands of French Frigate Shoals.这个小岛只有半英里长This island may be only half a mile long,但它为大约30万海鸟提供栖息地but it provides a base for around 300,000 seabirds. CHEEPINGCHEEPINGCHEEPINGCHEEPING在海洋中寻找食物是如此的困难With food so hard to come by in the open ocean,新生的小鸟更容易捉到newly hatched sooty tern chicks are easy pickings对大一些的军舰鸟来说for the larger frigate birds.连续数小时,他们巡视巢穴For hours on end, they survey the nesting grounds...等待机会袭击..waiting for a chance to strike.SQUAWKINGSQUAWKING一位母亲试着保护无助的幼鸟A mother tries desperately to protect her helpless chick. CHEEPINGCHEEPINGSQUAWKINGSQUAWKING但是不受保护的既已收到伤害But an unguarded chick is desperately vulnerable.这就是军舰鸟等待的It's what the frigate has been waiting for.FRENZIED SQUAWKINGFRENZIED SQUAWKINGCHEEPINGCHEEPINGSQUAWKING AND CHEEPINGSQUAWKING AND CHEEPINGCHEEPINGCHEEPING难怪Essex号人员称他们为天生战争鸟No wonder the crew of the Essex called them the "man of war" birds. SQUAWKINGSQUAWKING两周来,军舰鸟持续他们无情的攻击For two weeks, the frigate birds keep up their relentless aerial assault 知道这些小鸟足够大能够躲开until finally the sooty tern chicks are old enough to get away.热带岛屿对生命有明显的吸引力Tropical islands are an obvious magnet for life.但是原因却是在水下But things are just as busy underwater.深海洋流与这些岛屿碰撞Deep currents collide with these islands,将矿物质从深海带上来forcing small but vital amounts of nutrients up from the depths.五十米深处,sea fans 第一个受益At 50 metres deep, sea fans are amongst the first to benefit.更靠近表面,珊瑚礁有日光帮助他们生长Closer to the surface, corals have sunlight to help them grow.多亏最小的营养物And thanks to the smallest trickle of nutrients,一个荒凉的沙漠能开出绿洲之花a barren desert can bloom into an underwater oasis...支持的生物多样性超过其他任何海域..supporting a greater variety of life than any other ocean habitat.这些珊瑚礁吸引绿海龟These coral reefs are a magnet for green turtles,提供大还不能提供的offering a service not available in the open ocean...珊瑚鱼类的清洁a good clean-up by a shoal of tangs.这个工作远比化妆有意义This work-over is far from cosmetic.在去除寄生虫的同时As well as removing parasites, 清洁出去藻类让海龟自由的游泳the cleaning stops the build-up of algae, so the turtle can swim freely.海龟同时也感觉舒服But it's also got to feel good!这些海龟航行These turtles navigate their way1000英里来穿越无边际的大海across 1,000 miles of featureless ocean来到这个孤立的小岛to reach these tiny, isolated islands.或许他们用超强的嗅觉Perhaps they use their super-charged sense of smell感受洋流带来的陆地的味道to detect the traces of land in the ocean currents.也或许想海鸟一样他们有磁场感应Or maybe, like the seabirds, they too have an internal magnetic compass. 但是无论如何人他们做到了,他们准备筑巢时But however they do it, when they're ready to nest,雌海龟回到她们出生的那个海滩the females return to the very same beach on which they were born.她们来时,其他正准备离开Just as she arrives, others are preparing to leave.这些七个月大的信天翁幼鸟These seven-month-old black-footed albatross chicks已经从父母那里独立have recently been abandoned by their parents.现在,受饥饿驱使,他们开始飞行And now, driven by hunger, it's their time to get airborne.不幸的是,空间有限Unfortunately, with space at a premium,可使用的空间更少there is little room for manoeuvre,他们不得不在水上进行第一次飞行and they must make their maiden flights over water.但这不是游泳的场所But this is no place for a paddle.虎鲸Tiger sharks.一群虎鲸,每只都超过三米长A dozen sharks, each over three metres long,已经穿越数百经历参加这次宴会have crossed hundreds of miles of ocean to attend this annual feast.惊异的,这些捕食者在同一天到到达Uncannily, these fearsome predators often arrive on the same day 也就是幼鸟飞行的那天as the first chicks take to the air.没有什么力量能将这些幼鸟置于如此境地Nothing could have prepared these chicks for such an encounter. 然而,尽管看似不动的靶子Yet, despite looking like sitting ducks,没有经验的鲨鱼也无从下口inexperienced sharks find them hard to sink their teeth into.在食物如此难获得的大洋中In an ocean where food is so hard to come by,鲨鱼们不能放弃这些(食物)the sharks can't afford to keep missing.他们必须尽快提高技能They must quickly perfect their technique.对这些信天翁的幼鸟For these albatross chicks,从鲨鱼嘴中逃脱似乎是不可能running the gauntlet of sharks may seem an impossible challenge, 但是为了在大洋里生存大量的鸟做到了but the vast majority make it to a life in the open ocean.斑点般的陆地对海难生还者也很重要Specks of land were just as vital to our shipwrecked survivors.他们并不容易被发现Not that they were easy to find.太平洋只有1%的面积是陆地Only 1% of the Pacific is land.在12月20日,水手们到达Pitcairn岛On 20th December, the sailors arrived on the Pitcairn Islands,距离他们遇难的地方超过两千英里over 2,000 miles from where they were first shipwrecked.他们描述那里为“我们眼前的一个天堂”Described by them as "a paradise before our very eyes",快要饿死的水手开始寻找野生食物the starving sailors quickly set to work on the island's wildlife. THUMPING AND GRUNTINGTHUMPING AND GRUNTING但是好时间并不长But the good times were not to last.在一周之内他们吃光了海鸟Within a week, they had eaten all its seabirds. 留下三名成员在岛上留守Leaving three of their group behind on this now impoverished island,其他的人选择到海上再次寻找陆地the others chose to take their chances back at sea.他们本可以顺风到附近的社会岛They could have ridden the prevailing winds to the nearby Society Islands, 但是他们害怕食人族but they were terrified of cannibals.相反的,他们去了东方Instead, they struck out east,到距离2500英里的南美洲海岸to the distant shores of South America, 2,500 miles away...并且重新进入那片位置海域..and back into the dreaded Desolate Region.公抹香鲸也从事史诗般的太平洋航行Bull sperm whales also undertake epic voyages across the Pacific.要长成这么大To reach such a gargantuan size,雄性必须离开在回归线的家庭young bulls must leave their family groups in the tropics去寻找充足的食物and go in search of richer pickings.[喷气声]SNORTING因此他们去较高维度的海洋And so they head for the temperate seas of the higher latitudes.穿越数千英里的海洋Crossing thousands of miles of ocean, many voyage很多到了最重要的食物所在地南太平洋的to one of the greatest feeding grounds in the South Pacific...新西兰New Zealand.它的两个主要岛屿相距1000英里Its two main islands span almost 1,000 miles,并且向南航行and journeying south,水温变得冰冷its coastal waters become progressively cooler天气变差.And weather-beaten.在南纬40度,凛冽的西风At 40 degrees latitude, severe westerly winds也就是“咆哮的四十度”拍打海岸known as the Roaring Forties blast the coastline.正是恶劣的气候使这片冰冷的水域里Yet it is the foul weather that produces the abundance of life量的生命孕育了大.Found in these cold waters.风暴搅动洋流Storm-churning and colliding currents提取深海中的营养unlock the deep's great reserve of nutrients并将它们送至表面and send them to the surface.在这种温度的海里,森林般海草取代了珊瑚礁In these temperate seas, corals are replaced by forests of seaweed.夏天,巨大的海藻能半天内长大一尺In the summer, giant kelp can grow a staggering foot and a half a day. 这里不支持珊瑚礁里被发现的(生物)These waters may not support the diversity found in coral reefs,但是却有更多的鱼but they boast a far greater volume of animals.大量的鱼意味着大量的捕食者And a lot of fish means a lot of fish-eaters.在Kaikoura 海岸的Dusky海豚Dusky dolphins off the coast of Kaikoura在新西兰南岛是如此容易获得食物in New Zealand's South Island are so well fed他们能够形成上千的种群that they can form superpods a thousand strong.吱嘎声SQUEAKING尖锐蜂鸣声SQUEAKY BUZZING微弱嗡嗡声CLICKING AND BUZZING喷气声SNORTING从出生地离开后After their epic journey from the tropics,幼小的公抹香鲸成功到达the young bull sperm whales have finally made it.抹香鲸比其他任何鲸潜的更深Sperm whales dive deeper than any other whale. 他们为丰富的食物而来They are drawn here by the fabulous wealth of deep-sea creatures... 尽管巨型乌贼even the giant squid that lurk潜伏在广阔水面下的深谷中in the depths of a vast underwater canyon.为了在如此深的水下呆一个小时To dive so deep and remain there for over an hour,鲸鱼需要十分钟吸如空气whales must spend around ten minutes filling their lungs并且血里的氧气and blood with oxygen...和毛海豹的一样多..much to the interest of a passing fur seal.这些小鲸鱼会在这片营养丰富的These young bulls will now spend another 15 years bulking up海里度过15年in the nutrient-rich seas.当他们变成30吨的巨人的时候Only when they have become 30-tonne giants成为世界最大的掠食者will the largest predators on Earth才会回到热带寻找配偶finally return to the tropics to compete for a mate.200年前,太平洋的另一边上200 years ago, on the other side of the South Pacific,我们的捕鲸人的旅程正要结束the journey of our whalemen was coming to an end.在抹香鲸袭击的94天后94 days after the ship was scuttled by a sperm whale,他们在距智利400英里的地方one of the whale boats was finally spotted发现了一艘捕鲸船400 miles off the coast of Chile.只有Pollard船长和Ramsdell还活着Only Captain Pollard and Ramsdell remained,依靠吃他们同伴的尸体gnawing on the bones of their dead shipmates.索具声RIGGING CREAKS17天前,在他们最困难的时候17 days earlier, in their darkest hour,他们在抽签幸免并且吃了其他人they had drawn lots, executed and eaten them.划水声WATER SLOSHING这是三艘船漂泊最远的Of the three boats that were cast adrift,这两个人也变成了食人族two resorted to cannibalism.一艘再也没有音信One was never seen again.这些水手们的事迹证明在这片巨大又荒凉的海中Navigating and surviving in this vast, remote wilderness航行生存几乎是不可能的had proved almost impossible for these experienced sailors.有时,终极的大海旅行者也需要帮助And at times, even the ultimate ocean travellers need help.自然的港口是水手的安全天堂Natural harbours may be safe havens for sailors,但是对迁移的鲸来说确实死亡圈套but for the migratory whales, they can be death traps.WAVES CRASHINGWAVES CRASHING12头公抹香鲸孤立无援A pod of 12 bull sperm whales has become fatally stranded.难道是因为一头鲸的失误导致他们陷于困境困境?Was this stranding caused by one whale making a navigational error? 没有人知道答案No-one knows.鲸的社群关系如此紧密But with social bonds so strong,其他的鲸无法帮助只能跟着the other whales can't help but follow.SNORTINGSNORTING鲸还活着One whale is still alive,但是没有水支持它巨大的体重but without sufficient water to support his incredible bulk,它的内脏会被压碎his internal organs will be crushed.像这样,几天后就会死Left like this, he will die within days. 幸运的是,我们对抹香鲸的态度Thankfully, our attitude to sperm whales已经由开发变为保护has changed from exploitation to conservation.一支救援队试图用A rescue team tries to dislodge him他们船只造成的波浪推走它with waves from the bow of their boat.但是他虚弱发软状况恶化But he's held fast.暴晒的皮肤起泡了His sunburnt skin quickly blisters.RUMBLINGRUMBLING唯一的选择就是用网了The only option left is to use nets.最后他终于获救了At last he's free.极度虚弱,他被护送出港口Badly weakened, he's chaperoned towards the harbour entrance.但是他还没有脱离危险But he's not out of trouble yet.首先,他必须躲避前方的岩石First, he must negotiate the rocky heads of the bay.INDISTINCT TWO-WAY RADIO CONVERSATION他脆弱的皮肤被严重划伤His sensitive skin, never designed to touch rock, is badly lacerated. 他做到了He's through,安全的重返无尽的海洋and back into the safety of the endless blue.抹香鲸的故事也证明在这片极端海域The sperm whales' story sums up the difficulties of surviving生存的困难in this world of extremes.他们的成功归功于特殊的技能They succeed, thanks to their great stamina and extraordinary design. 但有时,鲸鱼也要应付But at times, even the whales struggle to cope with the challenges这片大洋的挑战of this vast ocean.虎鲸Tiger sharks.他们是太平洋里最伟大的掠食者之一They're one of the Pacific's most formidable predators.目标是拍摄他们在水上和水下的捕猎镜头The goal was to film them hunting from above and below the water.这是摄影队伍的最大挑战This proved to be the team's greatest filming challenge.要拍着这样的镜头,摄影队航行800英里To film this behaviour, the team sailed 800 miles到达夏威夷的French Frigate Shoals岛链to one of the remotest islands in the Hawaiian chain - French Frigate Shoals. 这样,我们还要面对On this route, we should just pass...时间的挑战The timing was critical.一年只有两个星期(能拍摄这样的画面)For just two weeks a year,12头虎鲸聚集在这个小岛a dozen tiger sharks gather round this tiny island准备捕食信天翁幼鸟ready for the albatross chicks' maiden flights.为了不打扰鸟的栖息地So as not to disturb the bird colony,脚手架远离海岸安放a scaffold tower was erected offshore在虎鲸的骚动的中央in the middle of the shark-infested lagoon.这个小的拍摄平台是组员基座的顶端This small filming platform was going to be the topside crew's base在以后十天for the next ten days...令人期待的新手摄影师-John Aitchisona daunting prospect for landlubber cameraman John Aitchison.当接近这里的时候极易感到害怕It's pretty scary being out here when they're really close.平台随着波浪晃动The platform wobbles when the waves hit it,我也想像如果我落下会发生什么and I wonder what would happen if I fell in.从这点上讲From this vantage point,Mark Brownlow 直接潜水producer Mark Brownlow was able to spot the sharks拍摄鲨鱼and direct the dive team to the action.尽管经验丰富Although experienced,摄影师不可避免的产生忧虑cameraman Richard Woolocombe was understandably anxious.我从来没和虎鲸一起潜水I have never dived with tiger sharks.从何另一方面能见到虎鲸我也很兴奋And I'm incredibly excited on the one hand to see tiger sharks,也有些无奈,毕竟他们的危险时出了名是but also somewhat reticent, knowing they have such a dangerous reputation. 因此鲨鱼专家Doug Perrine被请来帮助他So shark expert and photographer Doug Perrine was hired to watch his back. 在一个手里有一台照相机And in one hand, I'll have an aluminium camera housing,在另一只手里,我有这个高科技击鲨警棍and in another hand, I'll have this hi-tech shark billy.这样也只能给鲨鱼一点点信号And then it's just a matter of giving them a little poke让他们知道你还活着并且能够自卫to let them know that you're alive and capable of defending yourself.拍摄的那一刻来临The moment of truth had arrived.水面上右侧80码处的鸟Bird on the water, 80 yards to the right.现在要和虎鲸一起游了It was time to swim with tiger sharks.从船上跳下去Pulling the boat up at a respectful distance from the bird,潜水员最后要从水下接近虎鲸the divers' final approach was from underwater.为防止后面的鲨鱼攻击To stop any surprise attacks from a shark beneath them,他们在海底they hugged the sea bed.但是鸟远远离去But the bird was long gone.他们等待虎鲸出现They waited back-to-back for a tiger shark to show.没有(虎鲸出现)。



The Gold Rush淘金热
(GOLD RUSH,英语里意为对金子的向往)淘金热是美国西进 运动的产物,也是其中极为重要的一个环节。对美国18-19世 纪的经济开发,农业扩张,交通革命,工商业发展具有重要的 意义。
It began on January 24, 1848, when gold was discovered by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill, in Coloma, California, a foreman working for Sacramento pioneer John Sutter, found shiny metal in the tailrace of a lumber mill Marshall was building for Sutter on the American River.
• 1836年3月2日,德克萨斯人举行全体代表 大会,宣布脱离墨西哥,成立“孤星共和 国”
(得克萨斯共和国) • In 1845 it joined the United States as
the 28th state, which led to the War between Mexico and America in 1846.
Stage 1
It took Americans a century and a half to expand as far west as the Appalachian Mountains, a few hundred miles from the Atlantic coast.
Stage 2
★老西部(old west)——大西洋滨海平原的西边是瀑布线(Fall line),河流和瀑布湍急。在殖民 地时期,这里是英属殖民地的西部边疆,也称为老西部。



关于南美洲地形的作文英语South America, the fourth largest continent, is a land of striking contrasts and diverse topography. From the soaring peaks of the Andes to the vast expanses of the Amazon rainforest, the continent's landscape is a testament to the power of nature and its ability to shape the world around us.The Andes, a mountain range that runs the length of the western coast of South America, is one of the mostsignificant geographical features on the continent. Stretching over 7,000 kilometers, the Andes is home to Aconcagua, the highest peak outside of Asia, which stands at an impressive 6,960 meters above sea level. The range not only serves as a natural barrier but also plays a crucialrole in the climate and water supply of the region.Moving eastward from the Andes, one encounters the Amazon Basin, which covers a staggering 40% of South America's total area. The Amazon rainforest, often referred to as the "lungs of the Earth," is the largest tropical rainforest on the planet. It is a biodiversity hotspot, hosting an estimated 400 billion individual trees and more than 16,000 species of plants. The Amazon is also home to a rich array of wildlife, including jaguars, sloths, and countless species of birds, insects, and reptiles.South America's topography also includes the vast grasslands of the Pampas in Argentina, which are essential foragriculture and livestock. The Gran Chaco, a semi-arid region that spans across Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia, is another significant feature, known for its unique flora and fauna.The continent's northern edge is lined with a series of deserts, such as the Atacama in Chile, which is one of the driest places on Earth. In contrast, the southern tip of South America boasts the stunning glacial landscapes of Patagonia, where the Perito Moreno Glacier is a popular attraction for tourists and adventurers alike.The Orinoco River basin in the north and the Paraná River system in the south are vital water sources that support a variety of ecosystems and human settlements. These river systems are not only geographical features but also lifelines for the people and wildlife that depend on them.In conclusion, South America's topography is a complex and varied landscape that has been shaped by millions of years of geological activity. From the towering Andes to the lush Amazon, the continent's geography is as diverse as its cultures and peoples. Understanding the topography of South America is essential for appreciating the natural beauty and ecological importance of this remarkable continent.。



介绍库克的英语作文Captain James Cook was one of the most renowned and celebrated explorers in history. Born in 1728 in the English village of Marton, Cook would go on to make groundbreaking voyages of discovery that would expand human knowledge of the world and cement his legacy as a pioneering navigator and cartographer.Cook's early life was marked by humble beginnings. The son of a farm worker, he received a basic education before taking up work as a merchant navy apprentice at the age of 18. It was during this time that Cook developed a keen interest in navigation and cartography, skills that would prove invaluable in his future explorations.In 1755, Cook joined the Royal Navy, and his talents quickly earned him promotion to ship's master. He put these skills to use surveying the treacherous waters of Newfoundland and Labrador, producing some of the most accurate maps of the region to date. This work caught the attention of the Admiralty, who selected Cook to lead a scientific expedition to the South Pacific in 1768.The voyage of the HMS Endeavour, as it was known, had multiple objectives. The primary goal was to observe the transit of Venus across the sun, an event that would provide valuable data for calculating the distance between the Earth and the sun. Additionally, Cook was tasked with searching for the hypothetical southern continent known as Terra Australis.Sailing from England in August 1768, Cook's expedition made its first landfall in Brazil, before crossing the Atlantic and rounding Cape Horn at the southern tip of South America. The Endeavour then sailed westward across the Pacific, making stops in Tahiti, New Zealand, and the east coast of Australia, which Cook named "New South Wales."It was on the Australian leg of the voyage that Cook made one of his most significant discoveries. Navigating the treacherous waters of the Great Barrier Reef, Cook's ship struck a submerged coral reef, sustaining significant damage. Forced to beach the Endeavour for repairs, Cook and his crew took the opportunity to explore the surrounding area, becoming the first Europeans to set foot on the eastern coast of Australia.After successfully making the necessary repairs, Cook continued his exploration of the region, charting the coastline and making valuable observations of the local flora and fauna. When the Endeavour finallyreturned to England in 1771, Cook's expedition had made a wealth of scientific discoveries, and his maps and charts were recognized as the most accurate and detailed representations of the areas he had explored.Cook's success on the Endeavour voyage led to his being selected to lead two further expeditions of discovery. The first, from 1772 to 1775, saw Cook circumnavigate Antarctica, becoming the first explorer to cross the Antarctic Circle. The second, from 1776 to 1779, was focused on the search for the elusive Northwest Passage, a potential sea route connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.Tragically, Cook's final voyage ended in his death at the hands of native Hawaiians in 1779. While attempting to kidnap the Hawaiian king as leverage to recover a stolen ship's boat, Cook was attacked and killed by a group of warriors. Despite this untimely end, Cook's legacy as one of history's greatest explorers was secure.Cook's voyages of discovery had a profound impact on the world's understanding of geography and the natural world. His meticulous charting of coastlines and detailed observations of flora and fauna contributed immensely to the scientific knowledge of the time. Additionally, Cook's encounters with indigenous peoples, while not always peaceful, provided valuable insights into diverse cultures and ways of life.Perhaps most importantly, Cook's voyages laid the groundwork for future exploration and colonization of the Pacific region by European powers. His maps and charts were invaluable resources for subsequent explorers and settlers, and his discoveries paved the way for the establishment of colonies and trade routes that would shape the geopolitical landscape of the region for centuries to come.In the annals of exploration, few figures loom as large as Captain James Cook. His voyages of discovery, his scientific contributions, and his enduring legacy as a pioneering navigator and cartographer have cemented his place as one of the most celebrated and influential explorers in history. Though his life was cut short, Cook's impact on the world is undeniable, and his name will continue to be revered by scholars and adventurers alike.。



环太平洋英语作文The Pacific Rim is a region of immense diversity and immense potential. Stretching from the western coast of the Americas to the eastern coast of Asia, it is a tapestry of cultures, economies, and landscapes that has captivated the world's attention for centuries. As a region that is home to some of the world's largest and most dynamic economies, the Pacific Rim is a hub of global trade and commerce, a melting pot of ideas and innovations, and a testament to the power of international cooperation and collaboration.At the heart of the Pacific Rim lies the Pacific Ocean, a vast expanse of water that has long been a source of both challenge and opportunity for the peoples who live along its shores. From the ancient seafaring cultures of Polynesia and Micronesia to the modern industrial powerhouses of Japan and South Korea, the Pacific Ocean has shaped the history, the economies, and the very identities of the nations that surround it.One of the defining features of the Pacific Rim is its diversity. The region is home to a wide range of cultures, languages, and traditions,each with its own unique history and heritage. From the indigenous peoples of the Americas to the ancient civilizations of Asia, the Pacific Rim is a tapestry of human experience that is both rich and complex.This diversity is also reflected in the region's economies, which range from the highly industrialized and technologically advanced to the more agrarian and resource-based. Countries like the United States, China, and Japan are global economic powerhouses, driving innovation and shaping the course of international trade. Meanwhile, smaller nations like Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia are emerging as important players in the global marketplace, leveraging their natural resources and strategic geographic locations to carve out a niche for themselves.One of the key factors that has contributed to the success of the Pacific Rim is the region's commitment to international cooperation and collaboration. Countries in the region have long recognized the importance of working together to address shared challenges and capitalize on shared opportunities. This has led to the development of a number of regional organizations and initiatives, such as the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which have played a crucial role in promoting economic integration, facilitating trade, and fostering cultural exchange.At the same time, the Pacific Rim is also a region that faces a number of significant challenges. Climate change, for example, is a pressing issue that threatens the livelihoods of millions of people who live in low-lying coastal regions or depend on the ocean's resources for their survival. The region is also grappling with issues of political instability, social inequality, and environmental degradation, all of which have the potential to undermine the region's long-term prosperity and stability.Despite these challenges, however, the Pacific Rim remains a region of immense promise and potential. With its vast natural resources, its dynamic economies, and its diverse cultural heritage, the Pacific Rim is poised to play a central role in shaping the future of the global economy and the world at large.One of the key ways in which the Pacific Rim is contributing to this future is through its commitment to innovation and technological advancement. Countries in the region have long been at the forefront of cutting-edge research and development, with a particular focus on fields like renewable energy, biotechnology, and artificial intelligence. This has led to the emergence of a number of thriving tech hubs and innovation clusters, from Silicon Valley in the United States to Shenzhen in China, that are driving the global economy forward.At the same time, the Pacific Rim is also playing a crucial role in addressing some of the world's most pressing social and environmental challenges. From the development of sustainable agricultural practices to the promotion of renewable energy solutions, countries in the region are working to find innovative ways to tackle issues like food security, climate change, and resource scarcity.Ultimately, the Pacific Rim is a region that is defined by its diversity, its dynamism, and its unwavering commitment to progress and innovation. Whether it is through the promotion of international cooperation, the development of cutting-edge technologies, or the pursuit of sustainable development, the Pacific Rim is poised to play a central role in shaping the future of the global economy and the world at large.As we look to the future, it is clear that the Pacific Rim will continue to be a region of immense importance and influence. With its vast natural resources, its dynamic economies, and its diverse cultural heritage, the Pacific Rim is a region that is brimming with promise and potential. By working together to address the challenges that lie ahead, the countries of the Pacific Rim can help to build a more prosperous, more sustainable, and more equitable world for all.。



Little House in the Big Woods (1932) Farmer Boy (1933) Little House on the Prairie (1935) On the Banks of Plum Creek (1937) By the Shores of Silver Lake (1939) The Long Winter (1940) Little Town on the Prairie (1941) Those Happy Golden Years (1943)
Picture of a Little House in the Big woods
II. Author
Laura Ingalls Wilder was born in Pepin, Wisconsin, in Feb. 7,1867. Her early life was spent constantly moving from place to place. They traveled through thick woods, over barren prairies, through the swollen Mississippi, and over icy waters all in their covered wagon. They moved from Missouri, to Kansas, to Wisconsin, to Minnesota, to Iowa and finally settled in De Smet, South Dakota, where her father claimed a homestead(家宅). When Laura started writing her classic “Little House” book series in 1932,

BBC纪录片 南太平洋 第一集 摘录 The South Pacific EP01汇总

BBC纪录片 南太平洋 第一集 摘录 The South Pacific EP01汇总
In El Nino These conditions are not constant. In El Nino years, when currents reverse, warm waters replace cold,fish populations crash and then, stuck on Galapagos, penguins and sea lions starve.
■ Anuta island
Anuta island is home to perhaps the most remote community of people on the planet
Anuta island is Just one-sixth of a square mile in area. It is so small, that no matter where you are, the sound of the waves is ever present. Life on Anuta has changed little since these people's ancestors arrived here nearly 400 years ago. About 300 people live on this island and they have a strong community spirit.
■ Pentecost island
The locals are in celebratory mood.
Strange rituals
Having a head for heights is only the start. Forest vines are tied around his ankles. They will be his lifeline. For centuries, Pentecost men have been leaping head first from wooden scaffolds with only forest vines to break their fall, a tradition that inspired modern bungee jumping.

South Pacific南太平洋环境现状与治理措施 英文论文

South Pacific南太平洋环境现状与治理措施 英文论文

题目(中)南太平洋物种与生态环境以及危机应对措施分析(英)South Pacific: An Analysis of the Ecosystem And Measures to the Eco-crisis姓名与学号平帆 3120100152指导教师曹龙年级与专业2012级应用生物大类所在学院求是学院South Pacific: An Analysis of the Ecosystem andMeasures to the Eco-crisisPING Fan(Zhejiang University, College of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Hangzhou)Abstract: The South Pacific is located in the southern hemisphere, which has more than two thousand islands and one-quarter of the sea on the earth. Island animal’s origin, breeding, and migration, is accompanied by the establishment and improvement of marine ecosystems. The South Pacific owns an abundant diversity of species and developed marine industry. It provides a valuable resource for human beings. But now, overfishing, greenhouse effect and all kinds of crisis happened in the south Pacific. Human-beings will come up with a series of measures to turn it around, making the sustainable development works in the south Pacific.Key words: South Pacific; Marine Community; Greenhouse Effect1.IntroductionThe South Pacific, this broad ocean still remains little known after Captain Cook’s epic voyages in 1768. The turquoise seas and islands look like heaven on Earth. In the vast water, isolated islands harbor life that’s scarcely seen on the land. Nevertheless, the South Pacific also has a tough side like erupting volcanic islands, tremendous storms, and etc. Thanks to those destructive forces over the ocean, life is able to spread to the remote islands and thousands of ecosystems are built up to succeed.Compared to lands and offshores, the South Pacific seems to be healthier ocean. Due to little or no protection, however, this natural treasure store is put into the hardest position because of the greenhouse effect, overfishing, climate changes, leading to the crisis of marine ecosystem consequently. For the South Pacific, 21st century can be its critical time unless the human beings take action to mitigate these series of problems. Accordingly, people should take multiple and effective measures to preserve the South Pacific.2.Overview of the South Pacific2.1GeographyThe South Pacific is in the south of the Pacific Ocean, mostly locating at the latitude around 60 degrees south. The total area of the South Pacific is about 7100 km2 and water storage accounts for 25% of the total. Apart from Australia and New Zealand, there are 27 countries and areas in the South Pacific, including Papua New Guinea, Fiji, and Tonga. The countries and areas consist of 2,000 islands, only 1% (550,000 km2) of the South Pacific area. The population has reached up to 7,500,000 [1]. (Data, 2010)2.2GeologyLying in the south Circum-Pacific seismic belt [2], the South Pacific is teemed with all sorts of volcanic islands, such as Hawaii Archipelago, Solomon Islands, generated by submarine volcanic activities.Hawaii Archipelago was created by a great mantle plume under the seabed of the Pacific plate [3]. This volcanic chain starts east from Hawaii Island and ends up north in the Meiji seamounts [4], and it still remains the most active geologic areas on the earth.Figure1Model diagram of the Hawaiian mantle plume. Primary and secondary rock types are colour coded as follows: red, eclogite representing recycled oceanic crust; blue, peridotite; yellow, reaction (secondary) pyroxenite produced by infiltration of eclogite- derived melt into peridotite; white and red, eclogitic restite; black dots, melts; violet, magma pathways, conduits and small magma chambers. Recycled material is concentrated in the plume centre. The seismic low-velocity zone observed previously in the depth range 170–130km corresponds to significant melting of eclogite. This melt disappears at lower pressures because it separates from eclogite and is consumed by reaction with peridotite to produce secondary pyroxenite. Mixing of melts probably takes place at shallowcrustal levels in smallmagmabodies rather thanin the mantle or in large stable magma chambers [4].60 miles under the seabed, lava is pushed by the extremely high pressure from the core of earth to the surface. The moving speed of lava is usually no less than 100m/h [5]. Though the cover is cooled down by the sea water, molten lava can erupt out of the sea when the pressure is high enough, finally forming the new lands.In the meanwhile, the ancient volcanoes keep erupting above the sea level. When the ongoinglava spreads to edges of the island, the deep, freezing ocean currents are confronted with the boiling lava (1,000-1,300℃) and then lava rapidly cools down with the releasing vapor and bursting. In the past 25 years, Hawaii’s lava has forged almost 2,500km2 of new land [6]. Very soon, this rigid land will possess its own terrene life garden.2.3ClimateMost of the South Pacific belongs to warm water. The average temperature of the surface is between 28-29℃[7]. The occasional cold currents, deriving from the polar area, make the sea water around New Zealand the colder one. The subtropical high and cold high pressure control different waters of the different areas, so the most powerful and destructive waves, tornadoes and storms appear in the South Pacific.At 40 degree latitude, the Roaring Forties blast the coastline. Yet it is the foul weather that produce the abundance of life [8]. The waves sparked by storms run 3,000 miles, unlocking the deep’s reserve of nutrients and sending them to the surface by washing out the islands, which provides a possibility of food and life. Cyclones, forming in the ocean and reaching the diameter of 600 miles, are able to recreate the islands [9]. Remarkably, all kinds of the plants and animals are carried to isolate islands from thousands miles away. Each South Pacific island has its own unique set of creatures owing to the evil power of climate.3.Species Profile in the South PacificThe diversity of creatures in the South Pacific are influenced by unique geography and climate conditions. Lists of examples help explain the species and ecology situation.3.1The Origin and Evolution of the Species on IslandsThere are thousands of islands in the South Pacific, many of which are unbelievably remote. Even the closer neighbors can be hundreds of miles away. The ocean is a giant moat stretching to the horizon in every direction, cutting off the communication of species between islands. Surprisingly, no matter how far or small an island is, animals and plants have conquered the massive ocean barrier to reach these specks of land. Many of species came from New Guinea and then spread to the whole area. As the conquerors, they are provided with great opportunities to develop all types of ecosystem.On the little island in Vanuatu lives the largest terrestrial invertebrate on Earth: Robber Crab. The biggest one can weigh up to 4kg and have a leg span of 1m [10]. Robber crabs are probably the few animals in the world able to break into a coconut for the reward of a meal rich in protein [10]. That is why they are also called Coconut Crabs. With so few creatures making it to the remote islands, the giant crustaceans seem to have filled a niche normally taken by medium-sized mammals. Maybe that is why robber crabs have grown so big. How did these crabs get to so many of the South Pacific’s most isolated islands? The female crabs carries the thousands of egg s, also the answer. Millions of eggs will be laid into the sea by the female crabs [11]. The eggs will hatch in the water immediately. Thus, the larvae have to find a new land in 50 days.For most of animal castaways like robber crabs, finding new land through water way in this vastoceans is a chance in a million. But if the total population is incredibly large, they still get the very chance to become Columbia to the New World.Occasionally, the blowing in the wind replaces the current to be the free-rider. Thermal updrafts can carry the spores 30,000 feet into the jet stream, then throwing them onto the remote islands. Large insects or even all the creatures can be sucked up into the sky by cyclones with the speed in excess of 100mph. When the storm subsides, 87% of species will drop into the ocean but a very few will land on the ground and from these survivors, the succession of the new community will go on. For instance, the ancestors of Hawaii’s fruit flies are carried and then abandoned on Hawaii, for 30 million years, on the back of cyclones. They attract females with elaborate courtship rituals [12], which differs from the other species of fruit flies. Since that first settler, they have evolved into nearly 1,000 species. Most of the Hawaii fruit flies develop the ability to undergo the 10th sea wind and rains.Flying also plays a pivotal role in reaching new islands. Sooty terns, one of the most successful travelers, can stay in the air for 4 years [13] without landing. But to breed, they must return to nesting sites on remote islands, introducing new life conveniently. Sticky or barbed seeds fasten on their feathers and hitch rides across oceans. On some islands, 75% of plant arrived with the birds, even in the stomachs of which. Plus, the seafood those birds bring back to the islands is turned into nutrient, rich guano [14], plant fertilizer. Combining two factors, the rigid islands are likely to transform into the paradise of the creatures.To sum up, quite a lot of the plants and animals on the islands of the South Pacific were from the outside, after selected by ocean currents and storms. When settled down, they adapted to the harsh environment and evolved into new species. Furthermore, some of the new species can reform the original landscape and environmental conditions. Then, after passive migrations to the other remote islands, they realize the communication between the South Pacific’s islands, in the case that promotes the diversity and abundance of the species. It is not hard to see that the whole chain will be devastated if any part of it is broken by human activity.3.2The Migration and Subsistence of the Species in OceanPlankton is key to all marine food chains. The nutrients that plankton need are locked in the deep, denied access to the surface by a layer of water call the thermocline, around 200m down[15]. The little life that exists at the surface seeks shelter no matter how superficial it may be. In time, whole marine communities build on the flotsam. A huge amount of the plankton feed lot of fish and squid. Surprisingly, there are more squid in the ocean than fish and they take part in the greatest migration of animals on the earth [16].For instance, despite sitting on the equator, the water around the Galapagos are cooled by currents flowing all the way from Antarctica. Thanks to the nutrients carried by the cool current, the water here is rich in plankton, feed huge shoals of fish. So many fish may be followed by predators.In the marine community [17], large marine mammals and fish are above the small fish and squids.Short-finned pilot whales are one of the predators [18]. They can use their sonar to track the huge shoals of squid, leaving the barren upper layers far behind. Tiger sharks somehow can capture sea birds like albatross chicks [19] when those chicks make their maiden flights over the water.Tropical islands are a magnet for marine life. But the bonus lies underwater because of the deep current colliding with islands to force small but vital amounts of nutrients up from the depths. At 50m deep, sea fans are the first to benefit [20]. Corals have sunlight to help them grow closer to the surface. Due to the smallest trickle of nutrients, the coral community become another vital one in the marine ecosystem, which supports a great variety of life than any other ocean habitat [21].Every year, thousands of sperm whales gather in the South Pacific to breed [22]. It is reported that the calf weigh one ton just 10 days after their birth. To avoid the predators, tiger sharks, sperm whales come to the warm sea to breed the offspring. However, the whale hunters change everything.Accordingly, the marine community is a system that transforms the light into the chemical energy by plankton or sea plants, or ingest the inorganic nutrients in seawater to support the primary consumer and carnivorous marine mammals and fish (secondary consumer), finally leading to biological bodies processed by decomposer. Thanks to these groups, the stability of the South Pacific’s environment can be formed and maintained in long term.4.Crisis of the Species and EnvironmentThe ocean is a place that waits for us to explore and its huge resource reserve arouses the attention from all the countries. Because of limitations of human cognition about the ocean and self-interests drive, the environment of the South Pacific deteriorate rapidly in recent decades.4.1OverfishingOver 60% of the world’s fish catch comes fro m the South Pacific [23], optimal fishing not only provides human kinds with the food containing massive animal protein, fat, but also contributes a lot to the development of the ocean industry and economy. However, overfishing brings about a devastating blows to the South Pacific. Humpback whales were hunted so relentlessly during the last century that their numbers crashed by 90% [24].Figure 2 Global trends in the state of world marine sigh stocks, 1974-2011(FAO, 2014)A leading group of ecologists [25] recently predicted than in just 40 years, seafood will be off the menu. Four different tuna species are fished with 4 million tons per year and increasing four times every ten years, including skipjack, yellow-fin tuna. Fishing for export is now big business in the tropical Pacific, with tuna alone accounting for 30 times [26] more fish than all the fish caught by subsistence fishermen. This commercial fishing is the chief factors leading to a catastrophe of fish. The res toration of the marine animal’s amount is limited. For example, as the top predators of the marine community, sharks dwarf in the number. In French Polynesia, the number of grey reef sharks have declined in these years [27]. Oceanic whitetip, may once have been the richest animal on the earth, now may have decreased by a staggering 99% in last 50 years.4.2Greenhouse EffectIt is wide acknowledged that the greenhouse contributes to the sea level rise in the global scale. According to the rate of the sea level rise given by CU [28], the satellite data shoe a linear trend of 3.2±0.4mm/yr.Figure 3 2014_rel4Global Mean Sea Level Time Series (seasonal signals removed) by CU Sea Level Research Group,University pf Colorado (Edited: 2014-05-23) [28].Those whose houses are built in the low land of the islands become the first ‘ecological r efugee’. Tuvalu’s nine atolls and islands are the land to 12,000 people, nowhere is higher than 5m above sea level. In 2006, the population of islands experienced their highest tides [29], with the seawater poisoning the soil and groundwater, which threatens the Tuvalu’s people. Their contribution to global warming is tiny, but its impact on them is destructive. Without immediate implements, the whole nation may have to be evacuated. By 2200, Stefan Rahmsdorf demonstrate that the rise of the sea level can come to 1.5m-3.5m [30]. By that time, Papua New Guinea, Maldives, Kiribati, including Tuvalu would have been the ruins undersea.Figure 4Changes in key global climate parameters since1973, compared with the scenarios of the IPCC(shown asdashed lines and gray ranges).(Top)Monthly carbondioxide concentration and its trend line at Mauna Loa,Hawaii (blue), up to January 2007, from Scripps incollaboration with NOAA. ppm, parts per million. (Middle)Annual global- mean land and ocean combined surfacetemperature from GISS (red) and the Hadley Centre/Climatic Research Unit (blue) up to 2006, with their trends.(Bottom) Sea-level data based primarily on tide gauges(annual, red) and from satellite altimeter (3-month dataspacing, blue, up to mid- 2006) and their trends. All trendsare nonlinear trend lines and are computed with anembedding period of 11 years and a minimum roughnesscriterion at the end (6), except for the satellite altimeterwhere a linear trend was used because of the short- nessof the series. For temperature and sea level, data areshown as deviations from the trend line value in 1990, thebase year of the IPCC scenarios [30].More than that, greenhouse effect give rise to the amount of the dissolved carbon dioxide. It is slowly turning the sea more acidic, making it harder for sea animals, such as sea butterflies and some plankton, to build up their calcium shells. Eventually, it breaks the whole marine food chain and the fish catch will drop. Consequently, it will lead to a worldwide malnutrition.4.3OthersCoral reef, known as the ‘rainforest in the ocean’[31], benefits people with various sea products and is the key position in maintaining the diversity of the marine species. Due to the ocean acidification, the coral reefs in the South Pacific is shrinking year by year and the some fish is losing their habitats.The amount of birds also decreases because of the inappropriate fishing techniques. Long-line fishing with excessive hooks result in catching of the fish-aimed predators. In addition, less fish issure to influence the birds like albatross [32]. Thousands of adult black-footed albatross are caught each year on fishing lines. 19 of the world’s 22 species of albatross[33]are endangered or vulnerable to extinction thanks to long-line fishing.Figure 5 Effect of the occurrence and spatial extent of long-line fisheries on the probability of decli ne (expressed as a percentage of the initial abundance) for the populations of six islands (a–e) and for the entire metapopulation (f). The lines in each panel indicate without long-line fishery (continuous line), with fishery affecting only Apotres (dashed line) and with fishery affecting all Crozet Islands (dotted line). The distance to Apotres and the initial population size of each island are indicated above each panel.5.Measures5.1International Conservation GroupsIn the 1970s, a campaign to ‘Save the Whale’ made the headlines around the world, arousing the global attention, and led to an unprecedented agreement to protect the world’s whales. The idea is promoted by Greenpeace [34]. Greenpeace are trying to monitor the human activities in the high sea pockets they are patrolling. Though regulated by international treaty, the boats from China, America and the European Union are free. By documenting their illegal catches, Greenpeace highlight the reasons to declare more marine reserves.5.2Marine ReservesComing to the preservation of wild animals in the ocean, the marine reserves are younger comparing to the land. Less than 1% of the Pacific Ocean is protected. It is divided into separate fishing zones. Beyond these are called ‘high sea’, where ove rfishing and contamination happens frequently.Figure 6 Pacific map showing the territorial waters (EEZ) of Pacific countries and three areas of international waters (1, 2, 3). Greenpeace is campaigning for these ocean areas to become designated as the first marine reserves in international waters. This would protect tuna spawning areas and migration routes, seamounts and close a loophole that allows tuna pirates from operating in these areas and stealing tuna from the Pacific.Therefore, it is necessary to set up the marine reserves in laws and enlarge the personal fishing areas. In terms of the economic principle called ‘the tragedy of the commons’[35], there are too many free riders competing with each other in the public areas of the South Pacific. Overfishing and contamination is provoked by ambiguously defined property rights. Only under the negotiations between countries to redefine the property rights if the fishing areas and formulate the laws and rules can we put an end to the tragedy of the commons fundamentally.5.3TourismThe humpback whales mentioned above recently have made a comeback, surging from 5,000 to 60,000. Today, these whales are met by boats loaded not with harpoons, but numerous tourists.5.4Sustainable Fishing TechniquesIn Fiji, the villagers of Moturiki Islands use a traditional fishing technique known as a fish drive, they work together to scare the fish off the reef and into an ever-smaller corral. The birds near New Zealand benefit from a law that demonstrates all long-line fishing vessels must use bird-friendly methods. Therefore, many of the fishermen there choose to set lines at night, when the albatross are resting. And their ‘tori’ lines also a re effective at scaring birds away from the dangerous hooks.5.5Coral GardeningConsidering the importance of the coral community in the marine ecosystem, Fiji, biologists are working with local fishermen to bring the fish back by replanting the coral reefs repeatedly [36]. The coral gardeners safeguard the reef, looking for the ones that need more space for growing. They will give the uprooted corals a concrete disc to start fresh. Given the sunlight, plenty of nutrients and the right temperature, the corals will branch out within 6 months. In two years, a single coral can multiply into 50 or more. If replicated, coral gardening help restore reefs throughout the South Pacific.5.6AwarenessWhen those measures mentioned above, people are greeted with lots of scientific and green thoughts about the protection. For example, sharks are caught mostly for satisfying the eager from the oriental taste. In fact, fin-soup is exaggerated in its nutritional value. In study, it is tested that the total sugar, acid mucopolysaccharide, essential amino-acid are all lower in the fin-soup compared with sea cucumber [37]. If it is wide known by people, the need for shark fins drop with the decline of the shark fishing.6.ConclusionIn conclusion, the South Pacific is the earth's most precious treasure of the biodiversity, including precious biological resources, thus maintaining the stability of marine ecosystem. In recent years, as a result of natural factors and human activities, the South Pacific faced with unprecedented threats to biodiversity and ecosystem. Therefore, we need to take a variety of measures with science and technology to protect the fragile paradise, the South Pacific.Reference[1] Crocombe R. The South Pacific[M]. Suva: University of the South Pacific, 2001.[2] Duda S J. Secular seismic energy release in the circum-Pacific belt[J]. Tectonophysics, 1965, 2(5): 409-452.[3] Hauri E H. 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El Nino The cold Humboldt Current of the Pacific Ocean flows toward the equator along the coasts of Ecuador and Peru in South America.When the current approaches the equator,the westward-flowing trade winds cause nutrient-rich cold water along the coast to rise from deeper depths to more shallow ones.This upwelling of water has economic repercussions.Fishing,especially for anchovies,is a major local industry. Every year during the months of December and January,a weak,warm countercurrent replaces the normally cold coastal waters.Without the upwelling of nutrients from below to feed the fish,fishing comes to a standstill.Fishers in this region have known the phenomenon for hundreds of years.In fact,this is the time of year they traditionally set aside to tend to their equipment and await the return of cold water.The residents of the region have given this phenomenon the name of El Nino,which is Spanish for“the child”,because it occurs at about the time of the celebration of birth of the Christ child. While the warm-water countercurrent usually lasts for two months or less,there are occasions when the disruption to the normal flow lasts for many months.In these situations,water temperatures are raised not just along the coast,but for thousands of kilometers offshore.Over the last few decades,the term El Nino has come to be used to describe these exceptionally strong episodes and not the annual event.During the past 60 years,at least ten El Ninos have been observed.Not only do El Ninos affect the temperature of the equatorial Pacific,but the strongest of them impact global weather. The processes that interact to produce an El Nino involve conditions all across the Pacific,not just in the waters off South America.Over 60 years ago,Sir Gilbert Walker,a British scientist,discovered a connection between surface pressure readings at weather stations on the eastern and western sides of the Pacific.He noted that a rise in atmospheric pressure in the eastern Pacific is usually accompanied by a fall in pressure in the western Pacific and vice versa.He called this seesaw pattern the Southern Oscillation.It was later realized that there is a close link between El Nino and the Southern Oscillation.In fact,the link between the two is so great that they are often referred to jointly as ENSO(El Nino-Southern Oscillation). During a typical year,the eastern Pacific has a higher pressure than the western Pacific does.This east-to-west pressure gradient enhances the trade winds over the equatorial waters.This results in a warm surface current that moves east to west at the equator.The western Pacific develops a thick,warm layer of water while the eastern Pacific has the cold Humboldt Current enhanced by upwelling.However,in other yearsthe Southern Oscillation,for unknown reasons,swings in the opposite direction,dramatically changing the usual conditions described above,with pressure increasing in the western Pacific and decreasing in the eastern Pacific.This change in the pressure gradient causes the trade winds to weaken or,in some cases,to reverse.This then causes the warm water in the western Pacific to flow eastward,increasing sea-surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific.The eastward shift signals the beginning of an El Nino. Scientists try to document as many past El Nino events as possible by piecing together bits of historical evidence,such as sea-surface temperature records,daily observations of atmospheric pressure and rainfall,fisheries’records from South America,and the writings of Spanish colonists dating back to the fifteenth century.From such historical evidence we know that El Ninos have occurred as far back as records go.[■]It would seem that they are becoming more frequent.[■]Records indicate that during the sixteenth century,an El Nino occurred on average every six years.[■]Evidence gathered over the past few decades indicates that El Ninos are now occurring on average a little over every two years.[■]Even more alarming is the fact that they appear to be getting stronger.The 1997-1998 El Nino brought copious and damaging rainfall to the southern United States,from California to Florida.Snowstorms in the northeast portion of the United States were more frequent and intense than in most years. Paragraph 1 The cold Humboldt Current of the Pacific Ocean flows toward the equator along the coasts of Ecuador and Peru in South America.When the current approaches the equator,the westward-flowing trade winds cause nutrient-rich cold water along the coast to rise from deeper depths to more shallow ones.This upwelling of water has economic repercussions.Fishing,especially for anchovies,is a major local industry. 1.The word“approaches”in the passage is closest in meaning to A.nears B.crosses C.travels along D.leaves 2.According to paragraph 1,what happens when the Humboldt Current interacts with westward flowing trade winds? A.Anchovies from southern waters are carried northward.。



The Enchanting Circumnavigation of theAtlantic OceanThe vast and majestic Atlantic Ocean, stretching fromthe icy reaches of the North Pole to the warmth of the Equator and beyond to the frosty South Pole, is a realm of endless wonders. Spanning across multiple continents, it is a testament to the interconnectedness of our world, anatural highway connecting diverse cultures and ecosystems. Circumnavigating this colossal ocean is an adventure that offers a glimpse into the depths of the marine world, the rich tapestry of human history, and the boundless beauty of nature.Embarking on this journey from the bustling city of New York, one is immediately transported to a different world. The ship cuts through the waves, heading west, towards the horizon where the land fades into the distance. The sea isa canvas upon which the sun paints its golden hues, and the sky above is a dome of ever-changing hues. As the shipplows through the waves, the rhythm of the ocean becomes a symphony that fills the air, a song of travel and discovery.The first leg of the journey takes us through the Caribbean, a region rich in history and culture. Here, the clear blue waters are dotted with islands that hold the secrets of ancient civilizations and the melodies of native languages. It is as if time has stood still in these places, preserving the essence of each culture in their architecture, art, and traditions.As we sail further west, the landscape transforms intoa different realm. The Amazon River, the mightiest in the world, empties its rich waters into the Atlantic, carrying with it the essence of the rainforest. Here, the oceanteems with life, from the smallest microorganisms to the majestic whales that migrate thousands of miles to feed and breed.Crossing the equator, we enter a realm of contrasts.The dry, desolate coasts of South America give way to the lush, green islands of the African continent. Here, the ocean plays a dual role: it is both a barrier and a connector. It separates nations and cultures, but it also acts as a highway for trade and migration, binding Africato the rest of the world.As we near the end of our journey, the cold waters of the North Atlantic greet us. Here, the icebergs float like sentinels, keeping watch over the seabed that lies beneath. The air is crisp and clean, and the sky is a deep, infinite blue. It is as if nature has put on a show to bid us farewell, as we near the final destination of our circumnavigation.Circumnavigating the Atlantic Ocean is not just a trip across water; it is a journey through time, culture, and natural beauty. It is an experience that humbles us in the grandeur of our planet and reminds us of the infinite possibilities that lie ahead. As the ship docks at itsfinal destination, we are left with a sense of wonder and a desire to explore more of the world that lies beyond the horizon.In conclusion, the Atlantic Ocean, with its vast expanse and diverse landscapes, offers an unparalleled adventure for those who seek to explore its depths and understand the interconnectedness of our world. From the bustling cities of the Americas to the serene islands of the Caribbean, from the lush rainforests of South Americato the deserts of Africa, and from the icy waters of the North Atlantic to the Equatorial warmth, the Atlantic Ocean is a true testament to the beauty and diversity of our planet.。



太平洋英文作文The Pacific Ocean covers an area of approximately 63 million square miles, making it the largest and deepest of the world's five oceans. Its immense size and diverse ecosystems have captivated the human imagination for centuries, inspiring countless explorers, scientists, and artists to uncover its secrets and marvel at its grandeur.At its heart lies a vast expanse of seemingly endless blue, dotted with countless islands and archipelagos that have long been home to vibrant cultures and unique biodiversity. From the rugged coasts of the Americas to the lush tropical paradises of Polynesia, the Pacific Ocean has been a source of sustenance, adventure, and wonder for countless generations.Yet the Pacific is more than just a vast body of water it is a dynamic and ever-changing system that plays a crucial role in shaping the Earth's climate and supporting a delicate balance of life. Its powerful currents, driven by the interplay of wind, temperature, and salinity, transport heat, nutrients, and organisms across vast distances, influencing weather patterns, ocean ecosystems, and even the distribution of human settlements.The Pacific's diverse array of marine life is truly awe-inspiring. From the towering kelp forests of the West Coast to the vibrant coral reefs of the South Pacific, the ocean teems with a dizzying array of species, each one adapted to the unique conditions of its environment. Whales, sharks, sea turtles, and countless species of fish and invertebrates call the Pacific home, their lives intertwined in a complex web of predator-prey relationships and symbiotic interactions.Beyond its natural wonders, the Pacific Ocean has also been the stage for some of the most significant events in human history. The great voyages of exploration, from Magellan's circumnavigation to the heroic journeys of Captain Cook, have left an indelible mark on our understanding of the world and our place within it. The Pacific has also been the site of pivotal military conflicts, from the epic battles of World War II to the ongoing tensions between global superpowers vying for influence in the region.Yet even as we marvel at the Pacific's grandeur and celebrate its role in our collective history, we must also confront the growing threats that loom over its future. Climate change, overfishing, pollution, and the degradation of fragile ecosystems all pose serious challenges to the long-term health and sustainability of the Pacific Ocean. As stewards of this precious resource, it is our responsibility to take action and protect the Pacific for generations to come.Through scientific research, conservation efforts, and a deep appreciation for the ocean's intrinsic value, we can work to ensure that the Pacific continues to inspire and sustain us for centuries to come. Whether we are drawn to its pristine beaches, its vibrant marine life, or its rich cultural heritage, the Pacific Ocean remains a source of endless fascination and wonder a testament to the incredible power and beauty of our natural world.。



环太平洋简介不超过一百字英文版The Pacific Ring of Fire is a horseshoe-shaped region surroundingthe Pacific Ocean, known for its high seismic and volcanic activity. It spans from the west coast of North and South America to Japan, Indonesia, and the Philippines. This region experiences frequent earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions, creating a dynamic and often dangerous geological landscape.环太平洋火环是一个环绕太平洋的马蹄形地区,以其高地震和火山活动而闻名。



One of the most active volcanic chains in the world, the Ring of Fireis home to over 450 active and dormant volcanoes. The constant movement of tectonic plates in this region causes magma to rise to the surface, resulting in volcanic activity. The eruption of these volcanoes can have devastating effects on local communities, leading to loss of life and destruction of property.作为世界上最活跃的火山链之一,火环际拥有450多座活跃和休眠火山。



环太平洋的英语作文English:The Pacific Ring of Fire, also known as the circum-Pacific belt, is a region around the Pacific Ocean where tectonic plates meet, resulting in a high level of seismic and volcanic activity. This area is home to approximately 75% of the world's active and dormant volcanoes, as well as 90% of the world's earthquakes. The Ring of Fire stretches from the west coast of the Americas, through Alaska and down to the southern tip of South America, across the Pacific to Japan, Southeast Asia, and New Zealand, and up through the islands of the western Pacific to Alaska. The constant movement of the Earth's plates in this region leads to the creation of mountain ranges, deep ocean trenches, and volcanic arcs. The Ring of Fire is not only a geological hotspot but also a cultural and environmental one, as it affects millions of people living in the region through natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.中文翻译:环太平洋火环,也被称为环太平洋带,是太平洋地区的一个地质构造带,地壳板块在这里相互碰撞,导致地震和火山活动频繁。



太平洋英语简介The Pacific Ocean 太平洋The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the Earth's oceanic divisions. It extends from the Arctic in the north to the Southern Ocean in the south, bounded by Asia and Australia in the west, and the Americas in the east. At 165.25 million square kilometres (63.8 million square miles) in area, this largest division of the World Ocean –and, in turn, the hydrosphere –covers about 46% of the Earth's water surface and about one-third of its total surface. The equator subdivides it into the North Pacific Ocean and South Pacific Ocean, with two exceptions: the Galápagos and Gilbert Islands, while straddling the equator, are deemed wholly within the South Pacific. The Mariana Trench in the western North Pacific is the deepest point in the Pacific and in the world, reaching a depth of 10,911 metres (35,797 ft).The Pacific Ocean was sighted by Europeans early in the 16th century, first by the Spanish explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa who crossed the Isthmus of Panama in 1513 and named it Mar del Sur (South Sea). Its current name was given by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan during the Spanish expedition of world circumnavigation in 1521, who encountered calm seas during the journey and called it Tepre Pacificum in Latin, meaning "pacific" or "peaceful sea".。



有关太平洋的英文介绍English: The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest of Earth's oceanic divisions. It extends from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Southern Ocean in the south and is bounded by Asia and Australia in the west and the Americas in the east. The Pacific covers an area of about million square kilometers, or about 46% of the world's water surface, making it larger than all of Earth's land area combined. The ocean's name was coined by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan during the Spanish circumnavigation of the world in 1521, as he encountered unusually calm waters. The Pacific is home to a diverse range of marine life, including whales, dolphins, sharks, and countless species of fish. It also contains numerous islands and archipelagos, such as Hawaii, the Galapagos Islands, and the Mariana Islands, each with its own unique ecosystems and cultures.中文翻译: 太平洋是地球上最大、最深的海洋区域。



关于介绍不同国家有不同的风俗的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Discovering the World's Diverse CustomsAs a student, I've always been fascinated by the rich tapestry of cultures and traditions that make up our world. From the vibrant festivals of India to the ancient rituals of indigenous tribes in the Amazon, each society has its own unique set of customs and practices that have been passed down through generations. In this essay, I'll take you on a journey to explore some of the most intriguing and remarkable customs from different corners of the globe.Let's start our adventure in Japan, a country renowned for its deep-rooted traditions and unwavering respect for etiquette. One of the most iconic customs in Japanese culture is the tea ceremony, or "chanoyu." This intricate ritual involves the preparation and presentation of matcha (powdered green tea) in a highly choreographed manner. Every gesture, from the way the tea is whisked to the arrangement of the utensils, carries profound symbolic meaning. The tea ceremony is not merelyabout drinking tea; it's a celebration of harmony, discipline, and the appreciation of beauty in the most mundane of tasks.Traversing across the globe, we find ourselves in Morocco, where the concept of hospitality takes on a whole new meaning. In this North African nation, the tradition of welcoming guests is elevated to an art form. Moroccans believe that by extending warm hospitality to visitors, they are honoring the teachings of their faith and demonstrating their generosity. Upon arrival, guests are typically greeted with the pouring of scented water over their hands, a symbolic gesture of purification and respect. They are then ushered into the home and served mint tea, accompanied by an array of delectable sweets and pastries.In the heart of sub-Saharan Africa, the Maasai tribe of Kenya and Tanzania has preserved a way of life that has remained largely unchanged for centuries. One of their most remarkable customs is the practice of "adumu," or jumping dance. During this ritual, young Maasai men gather in a circle and take turns leaping vertically into the air, their bodies adorned with vibrant beads and their faces painted with ochre. The adumu is not merely a dance; it's a rite of passage, a test of strength and endurance, and a celebration of Maasai manhood.Crossing the Atlantic, we arrive in Brazil, a country that pulses with infectious energy and a rich cultural heritage. One of the most captivating customs in Brazil is the "Círio de Nazaré," a religious festival that takes place annually in the city of Belém. During this event, millions of devotees clad in vibrant blue and white garments flock to the streets, carrying a massive wooden statue of Our Lady of Nazareth through the city. The procession is accompanied by lively music, dance, and a palpable sense of devotion that pervades the air.In the remote highlands of Peru, the Quechua people have preserved a fascinating tradition known as the "Inti Raymi," or the Festival of the Sun. This ancient celebration, dating back to the Inca Empire, is held on the winter solstice and honors the sun god, Inti. During the festivities, elaborate rituals and ceremonies are performed, including the sacrificing of a llama and the symbolic "marriage" between the Inca ruler and the sun. The Inti Raymi is a powerful reminder of the enduring connection between the Quechua people and the natural world.Crossing vast oceans and continents, we find ourselves in the picturesque islands of Samoa in the South Pacific. Here, the concept of "fa'a Samoa," or the Samoan way of life, is deeply ingrained in every aspect of society. One of the most strikingcustoms is the intricate practice of tattooing, known as "tatau." For Samoans, these intricate patterns, etched into the skin using traditional tools and methods, are not mere decorations; they are indelible markers of identity, status, and cultural heritage.As we conclude our global journey, it's impossible not to be humbled by the incredible diversity of customs and traditions that exist across the world. Each custom, no matter how seemingly strange or foreign, carries within it a wealth of history, symbolism, and cultural significance. By embracing and understanding these practices, we not only gain a deeper appreciation for the richness of human experiences but also foster a sense of interconnectedness that transcends borders and boundaries.In an increasingly globalized world, it's more important than ever to celebrate and preserve these unique customs. They serve as living repositories of our collective human heritage, reminding us of the extraordinary tapestry of cultures that have shaped our world. As a student, I am grateful for the opportunity to explore and learn from these diverse traditions, for they have broadened my perspectives and deepened my respect for the multitude of ways in which people live, love, and find meaning in this world we share.篇2The World is a Kaleidoscope of CustomsOne of the most fascinating aspects of our world is the incredible diversity of cultures and traditions that exists. Every country, every region, every community has its own unique set of customs and practices that have been passed down through generations. As a student keen on learning about the world around me, I find the study of different cultural customs to be both enlightening and deeply enriching.Let's start our journey in Asia, a continent brimming with ancient civilizations and rich cultural heritages. In India, for example, one of the most widely celebrated customs is the vibrant festival of Holi, also known as the "Festival of Colors." During this Hindu celebration, people take to the streets, throwing brilliantly colored powders and water at each other, symbolizing the arrival of spring and the triumph of good over evil. The air is filled with laughter, music, and a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues, creating a truly mesmerizing spectacle.Across the vast expanse of Asia, we find equally captivating customs. In Japan, the intricate art of gift-wrapping, known as Tsutsumu, is a cherished tradition. The act of meticulouslyfolding and wrapping a present is considered an expression of respect and appreciation for the recipient. The Japanese even hold annual competitions to showcase their remarkablegift-wrapping skills, with judges evaluating the precision, creativity, and overall aesthetic appeal of each beautifully wrapped package.Moving westward, we encounter the Middle Eastern region, where hospitality and generosity are deeply ingrained in the cultural fabric. In many Arab countries, the practice of offering coffee or tea to guests is an ancient custom steeped in tradition. It is a ritual that symbolizes warmth, respect, and a genuine desire to make visitors feel welcomed and valued. The pouring and serving of these beverages is often accompanied by intricate gestures and etiquette, elevating a simple act of hospitality into a cultural artform.Across the Mediterranean, in the sun-drenched landscapes of Greece, we find the custom of "philoxenia," which translates to "friend to the stranger." This age-old tradition embodies the Greek spirit of hospitality, where welcoming guests, even strangers, into one's home is considered a sacred duty. Families take great pride in offering their visitors the best food, drinks,and accommodations, creating an atmosphere of warmth and camaraderie that transcends cultural boundaries.Venturing into Europe, we encounter a rich tapestry of customs and traditions that have been woven into the fabric of daily life over centuries. In the Netherlands, for instance, the celebration of King's Day is a vibrant and joyous occasion. On April 27th, the entire country erupts in a sea of orange, with street markets, parties, and festivals taking place in every town and city. It is a day of national unity, where the Dutch people come together to celebrate their monarchy and their shared cultural identity.Across the Atlantic, in the vast and diverse continent of Africa, we find a wealth of customs that reflect the continent's rich history and cultural diversity. In many African communities, the practice of oral storytelling is a revered tradition that has been passed down through generations. Elders gather around fires, regaling audiences with ancient tales, fables, and myths that convey valuable life lessons, cultural values, and historical accounts. These storytelling sessions are not merely entertainment; they are a means of preserving and passing on the collective wisdom and heritage of a people.In South America, the vibrant and colorful traditions of the indigenous populations have been woven into the fabric of modern-day customs. In Peru, for example, the ancient Incan practice of weaving intricate textiles has endured for centuries. Peruvian weavers continue to create stunning tapestries and garments using traditional techniques and natural dyes, preserving a craft that is not only beautiful but also deeply rooted in cultural identity and ancestral knowledge.As we traverse the globe, we encounter countless other captivating customs and traditions, each one a unique reflection of the richness and diversity of human cultures. From the intricate body art practices of the Māori people in New Zealand to the vibrant Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico, the world is a veritable kaleidoscope of customs waiting to be explored and appreciated.Studying and understanding these diverse cultural practices is not merely an academic exercise; it is a journey ofself-discovery and personal growth. By immersing ourselves in the customs and traditions of others, we gain a deeper appreciation for the tapestry of human experiences that make up our world. We learn to embrace differences, to challenge ourown preconceptions, and to recognize the inherent beauty and wisdom that exists within every culture.Moreover, the preservation and celebration of cultural customs play a crucial role in maintaining the richness and diversity of our global heritage. These traditions serve as living connections to our ancestors, reminding us of the stories, values, and struggles that have shaped our collective identities over generations. By embracing and protecting these customs, we ensure that the tapestry of human culture remains vibrant and intact, a testament to the resilience and creativity of our species.As a student of the world, I am constantly in awe of the incredible tapestry of customs and traditions that adorn our planet. Each one is a unique and precious thread, woven together to create a breathtakingly beautiful and intricate whole. It is my hope that through education, open-mindedness, and a genuine appreciation for diversity, we can continue to celebrate and protect these cultural treasures, ensuring that the kaleidoscope of human customs remains as vivid and captivating for generations to come.篇3Different Strokes for Different Folks: A Look at Cultural Customs Around the WorldWhen I was little, I remember being utterly fascinated by my Japanese aunt's house. She took off her shoes at the door, knelt at a low table to eat, and drank tea in a ritualistic ceremony that looked almost like a dance. At the time, it all seemed so exotic and strange to me. Of course, now I understand that these were simply customs deeply rooted in Japanese culture. The more I've learned about the world, the more I've come to appreciate how different cultures have incredibly diverse traditions and norms.From greetings to garments, meals to marriages, the customs that comprise the fabric of daily life can vary wildly from country to country. Exploring some of these divergent practices provides a window into the rich tapestry of human diversity. While cataloguing every single cultural nuance would be an impossible task, examining a few key examples reveals just how remarkable our global cultural variation truly is.Let's start with greetings, often the first cultural interaction we have with others. In many Western nations like the United States, a handshake is common form of greeting between casual acquaintances and in professional settings. But did you know that in Tibet, sticking out one's tongue can actually be a warmhello? It's considered a friendly gesture intended to show that you don't harbor ill intentions. How's that for a contrast?In many Arab countries, greetings are warm embraces between men, with lifting up onto the toes seen as a sign of enthusiasm and closeness during the hug. In Mongolia, locals put their underside of their chin against the other person's underside of chin as a greeting. With over 200 countries in the world, the diversity of how we simply say "hello" is dizzying.But greetings are only the start. Clothing customs around the world run the entire spectrum as well. In parts of rural India and Africa, going topless or even fully nude can be considered totally acceptable in some contexts. Meanwhile, inultra-conservative Muslim nations, women are often expected to cover themselves from head to toe in public. And in Japan, you'll commonly see businessmen wearing mundane Western suits by day, only to change into traditional robes after work.Global norms around meals are just as diverse. In the West, we typically eat off of individual plates with forks, knives, and spoons. But in parts of the Middle East, East Africa, and South Asia, a large shared platter is the norm, with everyone eating communally with their hands. In Korea, having an admirable "food shout" (loudly expressing your enjoyment through gruntsand shouts while eating) is considered deeply complementary to the chef.Perhaps most eye-opening of all are the vastly different marriage customs we see globally. In Sri Lanka, it's traditional for the bride to walk purposefully in a figurative circle around her new husband at the ceremony, literally circling her life partner. In France, married women traditionally kept their maiden names after marriage, only recently adopting their husbands' last names in the 1990s. And in Armenia, after the ceremony, parents used to ceremoniously break a plate over the newlyweds' heads to symbolize the shattering of their former unmarried identities.Of course, these are just brief peeks into the immense depth of cultural diversity that blankets our planet. From Finland's tradition of saunas to Japan's beloved cherry blossom festivals, the rabbit hole of global customs goes endlessly deeper. Wherever you go in the world, you'll stumble upon new cultural zeitgeists utterly unlike your own.It's remarkable to consider how, despite our common humanity, cultural evolution led to such wonderful idiosyncrasies sprouting up in different societies. If you take anything away from this whirlwind tour, let it be a profound respect and appreciation for that diversity. The world's customs make it sucha fascinatingly rich tapestry, with different cultural threads weaving contrasting colors and textures into the same vibrant work of art.As a student being exposed to the world's array of cultures, I'm constantly in awe. What looks bizarre or silly from the outside is often deeply meaningful to insiders. Keeping an open mind and striving to understand where customs come from is key to bridging cultural divides. After all, a tradition I find strange today could take on profound significance to me tomorrow given the right education and perspective.So next time you travel or simply interact with someone from a wildly different background, try suspending your preconceptions. Ask respectful questions to understand their cultural context. The world has a brilliant rainbow of customs waiting to be truly appreciated by all. A little cross-cultural understanding and empathy go a long way in bringing that vibrant diversity to life.。



西洋的景色英语作文Title: The Enchanting Scenery of the Western World。

The Western world boasts a myriad of enchanting landscapes that captivate the soul and inspire awe in those who behold them. From the majestic mountains of the Rockies to the serene coastlines of the Mediterranean, each vista tells a story of nature's grandeur and human ingenuity. In this essay, we embark on a journey to explore the diverse and breathtaking scenery of the Western world.Let us begin our expedition in the heart of Europe, where the Swiss Alps stand tall and proud, their snow-capped peaks piercing the sky. The alpine meadows, adorned with colorful wildflowers, present a picturesque sight that has inspired poets and artists for centuries. As we traverse the winding mountain roads, we are greeted by quaint villages nestled among the slopes, their wooden chalets exuding charm and coziness.Continuing our journey westward, we arrive at the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Here, the azure waters gently lap against rugged cliffs, creating a mesmerizing contrast of colors. The Amalfi Coast in Italy, with its dramatic cliffs and cascading vineyards, is a testament to nature's artistic prowess. Further along the coast, the French Riviera beckons with its glamorous beaches and charming seaside towns, where the rich and famous come to see and be seen.Venturing across the Atlantic Ocean, we find ourselves in the vast wilderness of North America. The Rocky Mountains stretch across the western horizon, their towering peaks reaching towards the heavens. As we hike through pristine forests and alpine meadows, we encounter cascading waterfalls and crystal-clear lakes that reflect the beauty of the surrounding landscape. In the southwestern United States, the red rock formations of Arizona's Grand Canyon and Utah's Bryce Canyon leave us in awe of the earth's geological wonders.No exploration of the Western world would be completewithout a visit to the majestic landscapes of Canada's Banff and Jasper National Parks. Here, emerald lakes are framed by towering mountains, creating postcard-perfect scenes at every turn. Whether we're kayaking on Lake Louise or hiking through fields of wildflowers, the sheer magnitude of the Canadian Rockies never fails to impress.As our journey draws to a close, we reflect on the myriad wonders we have encountered in the Western world. From the snow-capped peaks of the Swiss Alps to the rugged coastlines of the Mediterranean, each landscape has left an indelible mark on our hearts and minds. As travelers, we are privileged to witness the beauty of nature in all its splendor, and we carry with us the memories of these breathtaking vistas wherever we go.。



太平角英文介绍【中英文实用版】Pacific Jiao, an alluring coastal gem located in Qingdao, China, is a prime destination that captivates visitors with its stunning landscape and rich history.This picturesque cape, with its unique geological formation, offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.太平角,位于中国青岛的一颗迷人的海滨明珠,以其独特的地理形态和丰富的历史底蕴,成为吸引游客的绝佳胜地。


Perched on the eastern edge of the Shandong Peninsula, Pacific Jiao boasts breathtaking vistas of the vast ocean, where the sky meets the sea in a symphony of blue.The area is graced with lush greenery, rocky cliffs, and pristine beaches, creating a captivating blend of natural beauty.太平角坐落在山东半岛的东部边缘,拥有壮观的海景,天海一色,构成了一幅动人的蓝色交响曲。


Once a strategic military area, the cape has witnessed the city"s historical evolution.T oday, it has transformed into a serene park, where locals and tourists alike can enjoy leisurely strolls, appreciate the magnificent architecture from the German colonial era, and explore the remains of historical fortifications.曾经作为战略要地的岬角,见证了城市的历史变迁。

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