unit 9 confessions of a miseducated man


unit 9词汇_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区

unit 9词汇_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区

Unit9 Confessions of a Miseducated Man1. (para.1)in the nature ofsimilar to sth; a type of sth; in the style of sth与…类似;…之类;以…风格e.g.His speech was in the nature of apology.他的话也就是道歉★in the nature of things(in the way that things usually happen)理所当然的;自然的e.g. Of course, in the nature of things, and with a lot of drinking going on, people failed to notice.当然了,事出必然,酒酣之间人们没有注意到。

补充:against nature(not natural/moral)有违天性的,不道德的back to nature(to return to a simple kind of life in the country ,away from cities)回归自然,返璞归真★confession①a signed statement by someone in which they admit that they have committed a particular crime. 供状They forced him to sign a confession.他们强迫他签了供状。

②the act of admitting that you have done something that you are ashamed of or embarrassed about. 承认I have a confession to make.我要作个坦白。

③Your beliefs or feelings, you publicly tell people that this is what you believe or feel. (对信念、情感的) 表白Jane's confession of love.塔蒂安娜的爱的表白。

Unit 9教案 Confessions of a Miseducated Man教学文案

Unit 9教案 Confessions of a Miseducated Man教学文案

U n i t9教案C o n f e s s i o n s o f a M i s e d u c a t e d M a nUnit 9 Confessions of a Miseducated ManTeaching Aims:Students will be able to:1) Knowledge and SkillsDevelop reading skills-understand the main idea,structure of the text, and the skillsof reading for specific information-scanning; all but, not that…but that, rise to, wipe out, instruct sb. in, act on, respond to, etc.2) CultureLearn about relationship and globalization and education; tribalism, regionalism, racism; cultural differences and similarities; common concerns and issues of human being3) EmotionBe well aware of the similarities and differences in all kinds of cultures;Have a critical view of the ideas posed by the author towards “mis-educated”Warming-up Questions: --Understanding of the title1. What is a confession?-----It’s a formal statement that you’ve done sth. wrong or illegal;It’s a private statement to a priest about the bad things you’ve done;2. What’s the difference between being Miseducated and Uneducated?-----A miseducated person is one who has received formal education but is educated in a wrong way. An uneducated person is one who has received no formal school education.3. How do you predict the topic of the essay?4. How would you relate the issue of this essay to that of Another School Year—What For? and The Green Banana?About the Author—Norman Cousins (1915-1990)Some of his life history possibly related to the essay•Born in New Jersey, educated in and graduated from Columbia University Teachers College;•Editor of Saturday Review for 35 yrs;•Lifelong concerns include world peace, world governance, justice, human freedom, health, etc.; Proponent of world federalism and world government;What is world federalism?• World Federalism means having democratically accountable political institutions to deal with issues at the most appropriate level, according to the principle of subsidiary.In the book, Cousins expanded his arguments for world federalism and for a world no longer based on the supremacy of nationalism and other superficial differences as follows: “The new education must be less concerned with sophistication than compassion. It must recognize the hazards of tribalism. It must teach man the most difficult lesson of all—to look at someone anywhere in the world and be able to see the image of himself. The old emphasis upon superficial differences that separate peoples must give way to education for citizenship in the human community. ”Cf. Para. 7And he continued,“With such an education and with such self-understanding, it is possible that some nation or people may come forward with the vital inspiration that men need no less than food. Leadership on this higher level does not require mountains of gold or thundering propaganda. It is concerned with human destiny. Human destiny is the issue. People will respond.”Cf. Para. 11He concluded the book with:“War is an invention of the human mind. The human mind can invent peace with justice.”Background information:1.Globalization and education (全球化与教育)Generally speaking, globalization is the rapid increase in cross-border economic, social, and technological exchange. It is also defined as a process leading to greater interdependence and mutual awareness among economic, political and social units in the world. According to Rosenau, globalization can be described as the emergence of altered global structures and driven by a skill revolution, an organization explosion, and a continuous flow of ideas, money, goods, and people that is rendering long-standing territorial boundaries increasingly obsolete and fostering an extensivedecentralization of authority.Education systems can also be seen as the core of the globalization process. At present, governments are trying to compete on the global markets by placing thefocus of policy on education to produce the “human capital” most appealing to global competition. Rinne(瑞尼) emphasized that educational policy has become an ever more important part than economic, trade, labor and social policy in westerncountries.Genre: ArgumentationThe author’s view:1) To prepare oneself for this new world, we must all be re-educated because so far the education we’ve received only tells us the differences among peoples, which are superficial, one-sided, and misleading. Education about differences may be useful for tourists, but it is useless if we really want to understand other people.2) A proper education should tell us that there are more similarities than differences among peoples. The differences are insignificant whereas the similarities are essential and fundamental. These similarities mean that we have the same needs, face the same problems and poses the same potentialities to solve these problems. We can be equal members of the international community and learn to live happily together with mutual respect.3) Over-emphasis on differences can easily lead to racism, colonialism, and imperialism---all tribalism in its varied forms.Critical View:Para 4 “… that the principal significance of such differences was that they were largely without significance”.---Proper understanding of the differences is extremely important too. Without this, mutual respect is impossible. Differences don’t divide us. It is the wrong attitude toward our differences that turn us into bitter enemies.4) People can learn not only to accept, but also to treasure diversities. They can gradually realize that people can be different but equal. They can learn from each other and benefit from these differences. Without these differences, there would be no point of international communication.Critical view: Mis-educated--→ Half-educatedStructure Analysis:Part I (paras.1-4) In what way was I miseducated?The education I received concentrated on differences and ignored similarities.Part II (paras.5-7) Why was this education inadequate?An education in differences cannot meet the needs of the age we are living in.Part III (paras.8-10) What kind of education do we need?We need an education with emphasis on the common needs of humanity.Part IV (para. 11) What will this new education possibly bring about?A nation may come forward to play a leading role in humanity’s efforts to solve its problems.Text Analysis➢What marks the differences between the world in 1850 and the world now?➢Why is “Asia and Africa” the best place to apply the test?➢What does the author’s education teach him? Give examples.➢Why does he say that his education “protected me against surprise”?➢What does the education fail to teach him? Do you agree with him?Part I (1-4) In what way was I miseducated?Para 2 Question:1) What kind of test does the author suggest?2)Why is “Asia and Africa” the best place to apply the test?Language Focus1.Distinguish between “enough, sufficient, adequate.”adequate 表示足够的程度比enough, sufficient低,表示“刚够,刚好(only just enough)”。


It is an inevitable phenomenon in human history that’s been bringing the world closer through the exchange of goods and products, information, knowledge and culture. But over the last few decades, the pace of this global integration has become much faster and dramatic because of unprecedented advancements in technology, communications, science, transport and industry.
To be continued on the next page.
Unit 9—Confessions of a Miseducated Man
II. Take the Globalization Quiz
5. About forty countries today are poorer than they were twenty years ago. _____
global “consumer” culture? Will English eradicate all other languages? Will consumer values overwhelm people’s sense of community and social solidarity? Or, on the contrary, will a common culture lead the way to greater shared values and political unity?



Unit-教案-Confessions-of-a-Miseducat ed-Man————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:23Unit 9 Confessions of a Miseducated ManTeaching Aims:Students will be able to:1) Knowledge and SkillsDevelop reading skills-understand the main idea ,structure of the text , and the skills ofreading for specific information-scanning; all but, not that …but that, rise to, wipe out,instruct sb. in, act on, respond to, etc.2) CultureLearn about relationship and globalization and education; tribalism, regionalism, racism;cultural differences and similarities; common concerns and issues of human being3) EmotionBe well aware of the similarities and differences in all kinds of cultures;Have a critical view of the ideas posed by the author towards “mis-educated ”Warming-up Questions: --Understanding of the title1. What is a confession?-----It ’s a formal statement that you’ve done sth. wrong or illegal;It ’s a private statement to a pries t about the bad things you’ve done;2. What ’s the difference between being Miseducated and Uneducated? -----A miseducated person is one who has received formal education but is educated in awrong way. An uneducated person is one who has received no formal school education.3. How do you predict the topic of the essay?4. How would you relate the issue of this essay to that of Another School Year —What For ?and The Green Banana ?About the Author —Norman Cousins (1915-1990)Some of his life history possibly related to the essay•Born in New Jersey, educated in and graduated from Columbia University TeachersCollege;•Editor of Saturday Review for 35 yrs;•Lifelong concerns include world peace, world governance, justice, human freedom,health, etc.; Proponent of world federalism and world government;What is world federalism?• World Federalism means having democratically accountable political institutions todeal with issues at the most appropriate level, according to the principle of subsidiary.In the book, Cousins expanded his arguments for world federalism and for a world nolonger based on the supremacy of nationalism and other superficial differences asfollows:“The new education must be less concerned with sophistication than compassion . Itmust recognize the hazards of tribalism. It must teach man the most difficult lesson ofall —to look at someone anywhere in the world and be able to see the image of himself.The old emphasis upon superficial differences that separate peoples must give way toeducat ion for citizenship in the human community. ” Cf. Para. 74And he continued,“With such an education and with such self -understanding, it is possible that somenation or people may come forward with the vital inspiration that men need no less thanfood. Leadership on this higher level does not require mountains of gold or thundering propaganda. It is concerned with human destiny. Human destiny is the issue. People willrespond.”Cf. Para. 11He concluded the book with:“War is an invention of the human mind. The human mind can invent peace withjustice.”Background information:1. Globalization and education (全球化与教育)Generally speaking, globalization is the rapid increase in cross-bordereconomic, social, and technological exchange. It is also defined as a processleading to greater interdependence and mutual awareness among economic,political and social units in the world. According to Rosenau, globalization can bedescribed as the emergence of altered global structures and driven by a skillrevolution, an organization explosion, and a continuous flow of ideas, money,goods, and people that is rendering long-standing territorial boundariesincreasingly obsolete and fostering an extensive decentralization of authority.Education systems can also be seen as the core of the globalization process.At present, governments are trying to compete on the global markets by placingthe focus of policy on education to produce the “human capital ” most appealing toglobal competition. Rinne(瑞尼) emphasized that educational policy has becomean ever more important part than economic, trade, labor and social policy inwestern countries.Genre: ArgumentationThe author ’s view:1) To prepare oneself for this new world, we must all be re-educated because so far theeducation we ’ve received only tells us the differences among peoples, which aresuperficial, one-sided, and misleading. Education about differences may be useful fortourists, but it is useless if we really want to understand other people.2) A proper education should tell us that there are more similarities than differencesamong peoples. The differences are insignificant whereas the similarities are essentialand fundamental. These similarities mean that we have the same needs, face the sameproblems and poses the same potentialities to solve these problems. We can be equalmembers of the international community and learn to live happily together with mutualrespect.3) Over-emphasis on differences can easily lead to racism, colonialism, andimperialism---all tribalism in its varied forms.Critical View:Para 4 “… that the principal significance of such differences was that they were largelywithout significance ”.---Proper understanding of the differences is extremely important too. Without this,5mutual respect is impossible. Differences don ’t divide us. It is the wrong attitude towardour differences that turn us into bitter enemies.4) People can learn not only to accept, but also to treasure diversities. They can graduallyrealize that people can be different but equal. They can learn from each other and benefitfrom these differences. Without these differences, there would be no point ofinternational communication.Critical view: Mis-educated --→ Half-educatedStructure Analysis:Part I (paras.1-4) In what way was I miseducated?The education I received concentrated on differences and ignored similarities.Part II (paras.5-7) Why was this education inadequate?An education in differences cannot meet the needs of the age we are living in.Part III (paras.8-10) What kind of education do we need?We need an education with emphasis on the common needs of humanity.Part IV (para. 11) What will this new education possibly bring about?A nation may come forward to play a leading role in humanity ’s efforts to solve itsproblems.Text Analysis➢What marks the differences between the world in 1850 and the world now?➢Why is “Asia and Africa” the best place to apply the test?➢What does the author’s education te ach him? Give examples.➢Why does he say that his education “protected me against surprise”?➢What does the education fail to teach him? Do you agree with him?Part I (1-4) In what way was I miseducated?Para 2 Question:1) What kind of test does the author suggest?2) Why is “Asia and Africa” the best place to apply the test?Language Focus1. Distinguish between “enough, sufficient, adequate.”adequate 表示足够的程度比enough, sufficient 低,表示“刚够,刚好(only justenough )”。

unit 9 confessions of a miseducated man分析

unit 9 confessions of a miseducated man分析
Norman Cousins (June 24, 1915 – November 30, 1990)
Journalist Author Professor World peace advocate
He was one of the founders of public television in the U.S. and a former chairman of the Pulitzer Prize jury in literature. For 35 years he was editor of the Saturday Review of Literature ( later renamed Saturday Review) during which he wrote editorially on a wide range of topics relating to national and international issues. He was named “Author of the Year” by the Society of Authors and Journalists in 1980 and held honorary degrees in literature, science, and law from 49 colleges and universities. He carried out diplomatic missions abroad as personal emissary for Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson.
Belief in world governance: He believed that enduring world peace could only be achieved through effective world governance. Belief in world federalism: He argued for a world no longer based on the supremacy of nationalism and other superficial differences.

unit 9 confessions of a miseducated man(课堂PPT)

unit 9 confessions of a miseducated man(课堂PPT)

Part IV (paras.11)
What this new education may bring about.
These notes are in the nature of a confession.
in the nature of: kind of; similar to
helped support the medical care of 400 Japanese children orphaned by the atomic bomb;
with his wife, legally adopted one of the "Maidens";
helped create a program for the “35 Polish women who had been victims of Nazi medical experiments during the war”.
Norman Cousins (June 24, 1915 – November 30, 1990)
Journalist Author Professor World peace advocate
He was one of the founders of public television in the U.S. and a former chairman of the Pulitzer Prize jury in literature. For 35 years he was editor of the Saturday Review of Literature ( later renamed Saturday Review) during which he wrote editorially on a wide range of topics relating to national and international issues.


足够,质量上适当。 enough : 最普通用词,口语、书面语可用,较侧重分量或数量的足够,多指希望的满足。 sufficient : 正式用词,侧重数目或数量或程度(chéngdù)达到某一特定要求或需要
• Appreciation n.欣赏;鉴赏;C感E谢T(6g/ǎnTxOiè)E;F评L 估; 增值
1.The act of mentioning sb/sth. 提到(tídào);谈及;涉及;说到(或写 到)的事 2.The act of looking at sth for information 参考;查阅 ;查询 3.The recommend 推荐信;介绍信
to persist in working for world peace; to persist in unpopular political activities.
to last or endure tenaciously: E.g. :The legend of King
特许 • 词根: fac 1. =face,表示"脸,面"; 2. =do , make 表示"做,制作“ • 考研/CET6/CET4/GRE/TOEFL/IELTS
• Galaxy : n.星系; 银河系; 一群显赫的(出色的)人物(rénwù) GRE/TOEFL/IELTS/考研
Propaganda n. 宣传;宣传运动 (yùndòng);鼓吹


The respect for the mutual faculties
The respect for humanity The concern for human destiny
Paragraph one
These notes are in the nature of confession.
Байду номын сангаас
In the nature of : similar essentially ; similar in nature,
And the simplest reality of all was that the human community was one----greater than any of its parts, greater than the separateness imposed by the nations, greater than the different faiths and loyalties or the depth and color of varying cultures.
all but: almost
Wipe out Wipe out poverty Wipe out illiteracy Wipe out prejudice
wipe out a stain wipe out deficits wipe out a disgrace
It had failed to grasp and define that fact that beyond the differences are realities scarcely comprehended because of their simplicity.


Confession of a Miseducated Man
The theme of the passage
The theme of the passage
Cultural differences ---------------cultural similarities
The theme of the passage
The respect for the mutual faculties
The respect for humanity The concern for human destiny
I. Text Analysis
Structure of the Text
The old education focusing on cultural differences should give way to the new one emphasizing the
To prepare ourselves for this new world, we must all be re-educated so that we will be able to understand that there are more similarities than differences among peoples. The differences are superficial and insignificant whereas the similarities are essential and fundamental. Similarities will wipe out all the differences. These similarities enable all of us to be equal members in this global village and to live happily with mutual respect.



Text Analysis
Detailed Analysis
Part II: Main Idea
What time doe it possibly refer to in “at a time” at the end of para.4? What is “the idea” in the first sentence of para.5? What are the things “I had to forget” in para.5 ? When was possibly “only a few years ago”? What does “an education in differences of references” possibly mean?
Cf. Para. 11
He concluded the book with:
“War is an invention of the human mind. The human mind can invent peace with justice.”
Confessions of a Miseducated Man
with which we can recognize the fact that human life is a rare occurrence, that all peoples belong to one single human species with common capacities, and are united with their common needs. With such vital understanding we can work together for the common welfare and for the human destiny;

现代大学英语精读2Unit 9 confessions of a miseducated man PPT

现代大学英语精读2Unit 9 confessions of a miseducated man PPT

• inspiring鼓舞人心的 inspire鼓舞 inspired受鼓舞的 inspirational灵感的
• Issue:n.问题; (报刊的)期,号; 发行物; 流出vt.发行; 发布; 流出;vi.发行; 造成…
结果; 在…上挑起争论;
• Loyalty : n.忠诚,忠实; 忠心; 忠于…感情
• Mutuality:n.相互关系,相关
• mutual help互相帮助,mutual love相爱,mutual fund共同基金,mutual exclusion互斥
• 每个人都受两种教育,一种来自别人,另一种更重要的是来自自己。
•Norman Cousins was born in1915
in West Hoboken ,New Jersey .he died of heart diseases in 1990, in Los Angeles, California.
days in Graduation Gala.
1.(情势)不稳的,不确定的, 不保险的,危险的
n. 喜爱,优待,偏好,优先权
• a preference for sb./sth./doing sth. 对某人/物偏爱,偏爱做某事
4.派生词: Scarce adj. 缺乏的,不足的,稀少的 Scarcity n. 缺乏,不足,稀少



unit9confessionsofamiseducatedmanTest 9 Confessions of a Miseducated ManVocabulary&Grammar (1x30)1. Nola put herself in a ______position by swimming in the pool during the thunderstorm.A. precariousB. supremeC. comparativeD.gruesome2. His appreciation of Dickens,Heine, and other Europeans was pushed firmly into a subordinate place in his new______.A.prosperityB.perspectiveC.permissiveD.prospective3. An earlier era saw a surge in office______because of such revolutionary innovations as typewriters, carbon paper, and vertical file cabinets.A. technologyB. productivityC. conductivityD. manufacture4.When leaving the comfortably______environment of home,a person will naturally experience some stress and anxiety.A beautiful B. fix C. secure D. artificial5.The conflict between the two political groups that arose during the meeting was not ______; these groups have often opposed each other on these key issues.A. similarB.unusualC.uniqueD.singular6.One individual does not______much in the situation. We have to rely on the collective.A. relyB.countC.accountD.depend7.Environmentalists and philosophers point out that GNP is not an______ measure of the quality of life in a nation-it only measures the market value of the goods and services.A. accurateB.urgentC.adequateD. excessive8.His ______of the basic structures is good but his vocabulary is limited.A. holdB.gripC.graspD.seizure9.Before the train had come to a sandstill under the arched roof of the Bonneville depot, it was ______taken by assault.A.anything butB.all rightC.nothing butD.all but10.To call the music of another culture “primitive” is ______one’s own standards on a group that does not recognizethem.A. PuttingB. emphasizingC.forcingD.imposing11. Features such as height, weight, and skin color______from individual to individual and from face to face.A.changeB.varyC.alterD.convert12. A regard for the requester would often make one______yield to a request, without waiting for arguments to reason one into it.A. readilyB. reluctantlyC.unwillinglyD.reasonably13.______I saw him stagger on his legs like a drunken man, and then fall like a block to the ground.A. All alongB. All in allC. All at onceD.All over14. The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her______ attitude toward customers.A.ImpartialB. mildC.opposingD. hostile15.Becoming aware of our mother's age, not just in numbers of years but ______her psychological and physical state, often helps us to understand her better.A.in spite ofB. by means ofC. in favor ofD. in terms of16. Many people are stunned at how______the personalities of twins can be, even of those who look alike.A. identicalB. dissimilarC. contradictoryD.interchangeable17. In the______of human life the honors and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities in action.A. ringB. terraceC. arenaD. ground18. A few of the critics______the play, but in general they either disregarded or ridiculed it.A. mockedB. appreciatedC. criticizedD. discredited19. The benefits of the exchange program are______,with both countries acquiring new technical insights and manufacturing techniques.A. MutualB.applicableD.inclusive20. Business executives believe that holidays are vital to their______, according to a survey commissioned by a major hotel group.A. capacityB.welfareC.appearanceD.appreciation21. College students should often listen to English broadcasts______their ears.A. trainingB. trainC. to trainD. trained22. All these worries made it impossible for her______her work.A.concentrate onB. to concentrate onC. concentrating onD. that she concentrates on23. Grace advised us to withdraw______.A. so as to get not involvedB. as not to get involvedC. so as not to get involvedD. as to get not involved y24.______yesterday afternoon, a small flower pot fell from the balcony of a house, and knocked him unconscious.A. When he was walkingB. WalkingD. While walking25. The pressure______causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them undera constant emotional strain.A.to competeB. to be competed/doc/0b15845890.htmlpetingD.having competed26. One of the main problems in the city is______pollution.A. how can we do away withB. how to do away withC. that to do away withD. that how to do away with27.______that he doesn' t want to go to the party with us, ______ that he has to work on his paper for graduation.A. Not only… but als oB. Neither...norC.Either...orD.Not...but28.______ in Taiwan but also in Hong Kong.A. He is famous not only B Not only he is famousC. Not is he famous orD. He is not only famous29. ______, they always seem anxious to make more money.A. However people are richB. However rich are peopleC. However rich people areD. However are rich people30. It wasn't so much that I disliked her______ that I just wasn't interested in the whole business.A. RatherB.soC. thanD.asTranslation (2x10)1.这孩子差点儿没淹死,碰巧一个过路人把他救了起来。



Confessions of a miseducated Man接受了错误教育的人的自白Norman Cousins1 These notes are in the nature of a confession. It is the confession of a miseducated man.1,这些文字类似于一篇自白书,是一个接受了错误教育的人的自白。

2 I have become most aware of my lack of a proper education whenever I have had the chance to put it to the test. The test is a simple one: Am I prepared to live in and comprehend a world in which there are3 billion people? Not the world as it was in 1850 or 1900, for which my education might have been adequate, but the world today. And the best place to apply that test is outside the country-especially Asia or Africa.2,每当我有机会检验我所受过的教育时.我就充分地意识到我缺乏正确的教育。



3 Not that my education was a complete failure. It prepared me very well for a bird's-eye view of the world. It taught me how to recognize easily and instantly the things that make one place or one people different from another. Geography had instructed me in differences of terrain, resources, and productivity. Comparative culture had instructed me in the differences of background and group interests. Anthropology had instructed me in the differences of facial bone structure, skin color and general physical aspect. In short, my education protected me against surprise. I was not surprised at the fact that some people lived in mud huts and others in bamboo cottages; or that some used wood for fuel and others dung; or that some enjoyed music with a five-note scale and others with twelve; or that some people were vegetarian by religion and others by preference.3,我并不是说我接受的教育是一个彻底的失败。

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Test 9 Confessions of a Miseducated ManVocabulary&Grammar (1x30)1. Nola put herself in a ______position by swimming in the pool during the thunderstorm.A. precariousB. supremeC. comparativeD.gruesome2. His appreciation of Dickens,Heine, and other Europeans was pushed firmly into a subordinate place in his new______.A.prosperityB.perspectiveC.permissiveD.prospective3. An earlier era saw a surge in office______because of such revolutionary innovations as typewriters, carbon paper, and vertical file cabinets.A. technologyB. productivityC. conductivityD. manufacture4.When leaving the comfortably______environment of home, a person will naturally experience some stress and anxiety.A beautiful B. fix C. secure D. artificial5.The conflict between the two political groups that arose during the meeting was not ______; these groups have often opposed each other on these key issues.A. similarB.unusualC.uniqueD.singular6.One individual does not______much in the situation. We have to rely on the collective.A. relyB.countC.accountD.depend7.Environmentalists and philosophers point out that GNP is not an______ measure of the quality of life in a nation-it only measures the market value of the goods and services.A. accurateB.urgentC.adequateD. excessive8.His ______of the basic structures is good but his vocabulary is limited.A. holdB.gripC.graspD.seizure9.Before the train had come to a sandstill under the arched roof of the Bonneville depot, it was ______taken by assault.A.anything butB.all rightC.nothing butD.all but10.To call the music of another culture “primitive” is ______one’s own standards on a group that does not recognize them.A. PuttingB. emphasizingC.forcingD.imposing11. Features such as height, weight, and skin color______from individual to individual and from face to face.A.changeB.varyC.alterD.convert12. A regard for the requester would often make one______yield to a request, without waiting for arguments to reason one into it.A. readilyB. reluctantlyC.unwillinglyD.reasonably13.______I saw him stagger on his legs like a drunken man, and then fall like a block to the ground.A. All alongB. All in allC. All at onceD.All over14. The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her______ attitude toward customers.A.ImpartialB. mildC.opposingD. hostile15.Becoming aware of our mother's age, not just in numbers of years but ______her psychological and physical state, often helps us to understand her better.A.in spite ofB. by means ofC. in favor ofD. in terms of16. Many people are stunned at how______the personalities of twins can be, even of those who look alike.A. identicalB. dissimilarC. contradictoryD.interchangeable17. In the______of human life the honors and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities in action.A. ringB. terraceC. arenaD. ground18. A few of the critics______the play, but in general they either disregarded or ridiculed it.A. mockedB. appreciatedC. criticizedD. discredited19. The benefits of the exchange program are______,with both countries acquiring new technical insights and manufacturing techniques.A. MutualB.applicableC. promisingD.inclusive20. Business executives believe that holidays are vital to their______, according to a survey commissioned by a major hotel group.A. capacityB.welfareC.appearanceD.appreciation21. College students should often listen to English broadcasts______their ears.A. trainingB. trainC. to trainD. trained22. All these worries made it impossible for her______her work.A.concentrate onB. to concentrate onC. concentrating onD. that she concentrates on23. Grace advised us to withdraw______.A. so as to get not involvedB. as not to get involvedC. so as not to get involvedD. as to get not involved y24.______yesterday afternoon, a small flower pot fell from the balcony of a house, and knocked him unconscious.A. When he was walkingB. WalkingC. His walkingD. While walking25. The pressure______causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them undera constant emotional strain.A.to competeB. to be competedpetingD.having competed26. One of the main problems in the city is______pollution.A. how can we do away withB. how to do away withC. that to do away withD. that how to do away with27.______that he doesn' t want to go to the party with us, ______ that he has to work on his paper for graduation.A. Not only… but als oB. Neither...norC.Either...orD.Not...but28.______ in Taiwan but also in Hong Kong.A. He is famous not only B Not only he is famousC. Not is he famous orD. He is not only famous29. ______, they always seem anxious to make more money.A. However people are richB. However rich are peopleC. However rich people areD. However are rich people30. It wasn't so much that I disliked her______ that I just wasn't interested in the whole business.A. RatherB.soC. thanD.asTranslation (2x10)1.这孩子差点儿没淹死,碰巧一个过路人把他救了起来。
