


他们来做我们的设计人员 ,设计人 员必 须要 有丰 富的实践 经验才能出彩 ,刚从学校 出来只懂 书本 知识不了解我们 的 消费者需要什 么, 叫他们如何设计得 出畅销的服装呢? 你

适 龄青 年受 高 等教 育 的比例 从 19 9 1年 的 3 %上 升 到
1%, 3 从世界排名第 11 , 3 位 上升到了第 1 位 。 1 4
兴行动计划》 ,计划寅稀到 2 1 0 0年实现大学 E入学率达到
的那天 . 全家人之兴 奋 . 爷 当场 向我表 示婴 拿 出他的 爷
i%, 5 后来制 定“ 十五 ” 计划时 . 这个 目标被提 前 了 5 . 年 即
6 交友 如果没有离别 人就不能真正珍惜相聚的时刻; 如果没有离别 。 人间就再也没有重逢的喜悦。
后 却 遇 到 了不 少
的问题。家长们在 高 兴 之 余 也 不 会
想 到 他 们 的 子 女
在本刊记者的采访 过程中 ,在公共汽车上碰 到一 名戴 眼镜 的师傅说 : 记得《 人才市场报》 曾经举 行过一次 “ 如何看 待 大学生擦皮 鞋 、 两种就业 观念大碰撞 ” 的讨论 , 出的结 得 论是: 大学生甘做 擦鞋 匠, 这是就业 观念 的积极 转变 , 果 如 这样 的话 , 就业之路就要大大宽广起来 了! 然而 。 如果大量 大 学生都有这样 的观念 , 麻烦也 不会 小 : 国家花近 2 O年时 间栽 培一 个人 才, 这太不值得 了!更为重要 的是 , 因为许多 大 学生“ 力都不是 很好” 所 以很 有可能 他们擦 的皮鞋 比 视 。
近 几年来 , 校一再扩 招 。 高 高校 门槛一降再 降 ( 特别说 明: 今年 高校 已经开 始限招 )结果 是 圆了一 大批 高 中生 的 , 大学梦 。 而带 动了高校 、 从 普高 的繁 荣发展 。圆 了大学 梦的 同学 自然 是 高兴

GFI _216 - Final Guidance -CMC- Fermentation-2[1]

GFI _216 -  Final Guidance -CMC- Fermentation-2[1]

#216 Guidance for Industry Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls (CMC) Information — Fermentation-Derived Intermediates, Drug Substances, and RelatedDrug Products for Veterinary Medicinal Use Comments and suggestions regarding this guidance should be sent to the Division of Dockets Management (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. Comments can be submitted electronically on the Internet at. All written comments should be identified with the Docket No.FDA-2011-D-0112.For questions regarding this document, contact Michael J. Popek, Center for Veterinary Medicine, (HFV-144), Food and Drug Administration, 7500 Standish Place, Rockville, MD 20855, (240) 276-8269, e-mail: michael.popek@.Additional copies of this guidance document can be requested from the Communications Staff (HFV-12), Center for Veterinary Medicine, Food and Drug Administration, 7519 Standish Place, Rockville, MD 20855, and may be viewed on the Internet at/AnimalVeterinary/GuidanceComplianceEnforcement/GuidanceforIndustry/d efault.htm.U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesFood and Drug AdministrationCenter for Veterinary MedicineMarch 8, 2012TABLE OF CONTENTSI.INTRODUCTION (4)II.BACKGROUND (4)III.SCOPE (5)IV.INTERMEDIATES, DRUG SUBSTANCES, DRUG PRODUCTS (5)A.Identification of Manufacturing Facilities (6)B.Description of Manufacturing Process and Controls (6)1.Pharmaceutical Development Reports (6)2.Cell Growth (Propagation) and Harvest (6)3.Purification and Downstream Processing (7)4.Modification Reactions (If Applicable) (8)a.Chemical Modifications (8)b.Enzymatic Modifications (8)5. Reprocessing, Reworking, Recycling, Regeneration, and Salvaging (8)C.Control of Materials (8)1. Microorganism (8)2.Cell Bank System (9)a.Master Cell Bank (9)b.Working Cell Bank (9)3.Media Components (9)4.Solvents, Reagents, Auxiliary Materials (9)D.Control of Critical Steps and Intermediates (10)E.Non-Critical In-Process Controls (10)F.Process Validation and/or Evaluation (10)G.Characterization (10)1.Elucidation of Structure and other Characteristics (10)a.Structural Elucidation (11)b.Physicochemical Characterization (11)c.Biological Activity (11)2.Impurities (11)3.Degradation Products (13)H.Control of Intermediates, Drug Substances, and Drug Products (13)1.Specifications (13)2.Analytical Procedures (13)3.Validation of Analytical Procedures (14)4.Reference Standards or Materials (14)5.Batch Analyses (14)I.Container Closure System (14)beling (14)K.Stability Summary and Conclusions (15)1.Batch Selection for Stability Studies (15)2.Expiration Date versus Retest Date (15)3.Postapproval Stability Protocol and Commitment (16)4.Stability Data (16)Guidance for IndustryChemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls (CMC) Information — Fermentation-Derived Intermediates, Drug Substances, and Related Drug Products for Veterinary Medicinal UseThis will represent the Center’s current thinking on the topic. It does not create or confer any rights for or on any person and does not operate to bind FDA or the public. You can use an alternative approach if the approach satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations. If you want to discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA staff responsible for implementing this guidance. If you cannot identify the appropriate FDA staff, call the appropriate number listed on the title page of this guidance.I. INTRODUCTIONThis guidance provides recommendations on what documentation to submit to support the chemistry, manufacturing, and controls (CMC) information for fermentation-derived intermediates, drug substances, and related drug products for veterinary medicinal use. This information is filed to the Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) in a new animal drug application (NADA), conditional new animal drug application (CNADA), investigational new animal drug file (INAD), abbreviated new animal drug application (ANADA), generic investigational new animal drug file (JINAD), drug master file (DMF), or veterinary master file (VMF).FDA’s guidance documents, including this guidance, do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities. Instead, guidances describe the Agency’s current thinking on a topic and should be viewed only as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are cited. The use of the word should in Agency guidances means that something is suggested or recommended, but not required.II. BACKGROUNDFermentation processes are frequently used to manufacture intermediates, drug substances, and related drug products for veterinary medicinal use. Traditionally, most manufactured fermentation products were extracted from the media or cell mass and either further purified or molecularly modified to create another entity. Today, a variety of products are manufactured from fermentation processes, including:∙Biomass products (i.e., drug and cell mass constitute the product)∙Competitive exclusion products (i.e., the product consists of one or more microorganisms intended to exclude harmful bacteria, such as Salmonella, from colonizing)∙Biotech productsBacteriophage productsMicrobial systems can introduce manufacturing variability that can affect the purity and quality, and ultimately, the safety and effectiveness of a product, if not controlled. Even though fermentation is a common manufacturing practice, CVM currently provides no CMC guidance to pharmaceutical sponsors about fermentation-derived intermediates, drug substances, or related drug products.III. SCOPEFiling information for the CMC of a new animal drug application is described in 21 CFR 514. The first specific mention of CMC requirements for fermentation products occurs in 21 CFR 514.1(b)(4)(iii)(a-e) in the Component and Composition section. Most other required CMC information is described in 21 CFR 514.1(b)(5). This guidance provides recommendations for CMC information to support fermentation-derived intermediates, drug substances, and related drug products intended for veterinary use.The information in this guidance loosely follows the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) Common Technical Document (CTD). Due to the redundancy of information between fermentation-derived intermediates, drug substances, and drug products, sections were combined and are not specifically labeled in the CTD format (e.g. Description of Manufacturing Process and Process Controls (S.2.2)). In addition, some CTD sections may have been omitted as they are common to all intermediates, drug substances, and drug products (e.g. General Information), whether or not they relate to fermentation. CVM will accept quality related documents in CTD format.This guidance does not address postapproval changes associated with fermentation-derived products. Although the guidance addresses fermentation issues associated with semi-synthetic drug substances, it only provides limited information for some semi-synthetic steps post-fermentation. More detailed post-fermentation recommendations can be found in the CVM guidance for industry 169: Drug Substance Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Information. Additionally, this guidance does not address special characterization and control requirements for biomass, competitive exclusion, phage, and other fermentation-related products produced by microorganisms genetically engineered using recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology. Even though these products are not specifically covered, the underlying fermentation principles described in this document would be applicable to these products as well.SUBSTANCES, DRUG PRODUCTSIV. INTERMEDIATES,DRUGCMC information for fermentation-derived intermediates, drug substances, and related drug products can be provided directly in a NADA, CNADA, INAD, ANADA, or JINAD. Typically, the information for intermediates and drug substances are provided by reference to a DMF or a VMF.Master files provide an avenue for manufacturers to submit proprietary information to the Agency without submitting that information to the applicant. Master files can also be used by a drug sponsor as an organizational tool for different processes (e.g., to separate the process for drug substance manufacturing from the finished dosage form process). For the Agency to review aDMF or VMF, a letter of authorization (LOA) from the DMF or VMF holder should be submitted as part of the referencing submission provided by the applicant.The following describes information that should be provided in either a master file(s) or an application, depending on which is used.A. Identification of Manufacturing FacilitiesFacilities involved in the manufacture and/or testing (including contract manufacturers and testing laboratories) of fermentation-derived intermediates, drug substances, and related drug products should be identified. The name, address, and manufacturing responsibility operations/processes performed should be provided for each firm.B. Description of Manufacturing Process and ControlsA detailed description of the manufacturing process and process controls should be provided for intermediates, drug substances, and related drug products:∙Describe the entire process (including original inoculum, propagation, harvest, isolation/purification, and any modification reactions)∙Identify all process controlsFor drug products, a master batch record covering the entire process including original inoculum, propagation, harvest, isolation/purification, and any modification reactions should be provided. Recommendations for executed (completed) batch records are provided in CVM guidance for industry 42: Animal Drug Manufacturing Guidelines-Series of Four Guidelines (1994). CVM encourages the submission of executed batch records for lots of drug substance and drug product used in support of the application as they provide valuable detail and insight into the manufacturing process and proposed controls.1. Pharmaceutical Development ReportsSponsors are encouraged to provide pharmaceutical development reports (PDRs) that describe the scientific rationale for the chosen manufacturing process(es) and controls for fermentation-derived intermediates, drug substances, and related drug products. A sponsor’s ability to demonstrate process understanding can be factored into CVM’s risk-based decision making (e.g., Pre-Approval Inspection Decision Support System (PAIDSS)). Suggestions for PDRs can be found in ICH Q8: Pharmaceutical Development.2. Cell Growth (Propagation) and HarvestA description should be provided that includes a flow diagram illustrating each step in propagation from the original inoculum (e.g., cells from one or more vials of the working cell bank) through the last harvesting operation.∙All steps should be included along with the relevant information, such as the growth conditions and in-process tests performed (e.g., cell concentrations, volumes, pH,cultivation times, temperatures).∙Critical steps and intermediates for which specifications are established should be identified, along with sampling plans and testing time points.∙The flow diagram can be supplemented with information presented in tabular form, if appropriate.A narrative describing each manufacturing step in the process should accompany the flow diagram:∙Identify all process controls and the associated numeric ranges, limits, or acceptance criteria∙Highlight any process controls that are considered critical∙Identify the intended scale of the process. The amounts indicated should be representative of a maximum-sized production batch.We recommend the following be included in the narrative:∙ A description of the major equipment involved in each step∙ A description of inoculation and each step in propagation with growth conditions specified∙The composition of the media used at each step, including water quality and additives used∙The sterilization procedures for media (e.g. a batch sterilization process or continuous system)∙The equipment (e.g. fermentation vessel), feeds, and other materials added during the fermentation process∙Process parameters monitored and controls for critical steps and intermediates∙Procedures used to transfer material between steps∙Procedures used to minimize contamination by adventitious agents∙Process controls to confirm the effectiveness of the specific manufacturing steps used to inactivate and or remove adventitious agents∙Criteria for harvesting∙Criteria for rejecting/accepting a fermentation batch if contamination occurs∙The determination of yields∙Criteria for pooling more than one harvest, if applicable∙Storage conditions and time limits if the harvested crude fermentation product is held prior to further processing3. Purification and Downstream ProcessingThe description should include a flow diagram that illustrates and a narrative that describes all the steps involved in isolating and purifying the crude fermentation product to its final form, along with any relevant information (e.g., volumes, pH, temperatures, holding times). Critical steps and intermediates for which specifications are established should be identified, along with testing time points.The narrative describing each manufacturing step should accompany the flow diagram and should identify all process controls and the associated numeric ranges, limits, or acceptance criteria and include the following:∙Methods used in purification or separation of the crude fermentation product (e.g.precipitation, centrifugation, filtration) including major equipment (e.g. columns, membranes∙Process parameters monitored∙The in-process controls and analytical tests used to show identity, purity, and concentration and to evaluate levels of process- and product-related impurities ∙The determination of yields∙Precautions taken to prevent or control microbial contamination during purification∙Conditions for reuse and/or procedures for regeneration of columns, membranes, and adsorbents∙Storage conditions and time limits, if the purified fermentation product is held prior to further processingReactions (If Applicable)4. Modificationa. ChemicalModificat ionsWhen a product of fermentation is to be subjected to further molecular change through chemical means, a description of the synthetic steps should be included in the procedural narrative. Additionally, a flow diagram of the synthetic process should be provided. For more details, see CVM guidance for industry 169: Drug Substance: Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Information.Modificationsb. EnzymaticWhen the fermentation product is further modified using enzyme catalysts, the steps should be included in the flow diagram and detailed in the procedural narrative. Enzymatic reactions are considered chemical reactions since the conversion of substrate product involves breaking and forming chemical bonds. Thus, much of the information submitted in the manufacturing description should be the same as that submitted for chemical processes (drug substance). However, because enzymatic functionality requires carefully controlled conditions (e.g., pH, temperature, osmolarity), the description should contain detailed information on reaction controls and the optimum range of operation. Furthermore, the biological source of the enzyme should be provided along with a description of the enzyme’s preparation and information about its purity.5. Reprocessing, Reworking, Recycling, Regeneration, and SalvagingWhen appropriate, reprocessing, reworking, recycling, regeneration, and salvaging operations should be described. For more detail, see CVM guidance for industry 169: Drug Substance: Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Information.MaterialsC. ControlofA list of materials used in the manufacture of fermentation-derived intermediates, drug substances, and drug products should be provided (i.e., the microorganism, cell bank system, media components, solvents, reagents, auxiliary materials). Information pertaining to the quality and control of these materials should also be provided.Microorganism1.Information about the microorganism used for production (i.e., genus, species, and type strain) and known genotypic and phenotypic characteristics should be provided. Additionally, the origin of the source material (or isolate) should be identified or described.2. Cell Bank SystemBanka. MasterCellA brief description of the procedures used to generate the master cell bank (MCB) and the criteria used for qualification should be provided. The information should include:∙Method, reagents, and media used in preparation∙Date of preparation∙Process controls∙Storage conditions∙Procedures used in testing for relevant phenotypic and genotypic markers and determining culture purity∙Procedures used to ensure the absence of contamination from adventitious agents (e.g., microbial contamination and cross–contamination by other cell types) with tests andacceptance criteria specifiedb. Working Cell BankPreservation of the microbial purity of the MCB is an important factor in maintaining the production strain. Often a working cell bank (WCB) is created so that the MCB will be less likely to be compromised. Creation of a WCB occurs via the propagation of the MCB through defined culture conditions, and then aliquots of the resultant homogenous culture suspension are partitioned into individual storage containers of appropriate size for routine production purposes.A brief description of the procedures used to derive a WCB from the MCB and the criteria used for qualification should be provided. Information similar to that submitted for the MCB should also be submitted for the WCB.Components3. MediaA list of the media components used at each stage of the fermentation process should be included in the submission. Specifications should be provided for each component for verification that the material is of suitable quality for its intended purpose.∙If ruminant-based media components are used in the fermentation process, they should comply with the proposed BSE Medical Products Rule, issued on January 12, 2007 (72FR 1582).∙All animal-derived components should be identified and appropriate mitigation steps taken to prevent the transmission of adventitious agents.4. Solvents, Reagents, Auxiliary MaterialsA list of solvents, reagents, and other auxiliary materials used in the fermentation process should be provided. Specifications for each material should be included for verification that the materialis of suitable quality for its intended purpose. When water is used in the process, it should be of an appropriate quality for its intended use.D. Control of Critical Steps and IntermediatesAll critical process controls and their associated numeric ranges, limits, or acceptance criteria should be identified and justified and a brief description of the test provided. Furthermore, any experimental data to support the justification should be included.∙Good controls are essential during fermentation to ensure product consistency.∙End product testing alone is not adequate for demonstrating a fermentation process is under control.∙Manufacturing processes, including fermentation, should be controlled to ensure that the product meets previously identified quality attributes.All controls used in determining an isolated intermediate’s acceptability for downstream processing should be identified. When the intermediate represents the end of the fermentation process and the beginning of a synthetic scheme, the controls warranted are generally more extensive than those used for other types of intermediates. For more detail, see CVM guidance for industry 169: Drug Substance: Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Information.E. Non-Critical In-Process ControlsCVM encourages sponsors to identify and describe non-critical in-process controls conducted on a routine basis (e.g., carbohydrate burn rate, may affect yield, but won’t necessarily affect product quality). Although these controls may not directly demonstrate that a process produces a quality product, a description of the tests being conducted and why they are not critical, aid in demonstrating process understanding.F. Process Validation and/or EvaluationWhen a fermentation-derived intermediate, drug substance, or drug product is sterilized, the process validation information and data in support of the sterilization process(es) should be provided. Refer to CVM guidance for industry 48: For the Submission of Documentation for Sterilization Process Validation In Applications For Human And Veterinary Drug Products. Non-sterile process validation is conducted prior to commercial marketing. CVM may request that process validation protocols and data be submitted in support of manufacturing processes. Scale-up issues encountered during process validation and any modifications to the process to accommodate these issues must be reported through the appropriate postapproval submission process (see 21 CFR 514.8(b)).G. CharacterizationStructure and other Characteristicsof1. ElucidationConfirmation of the structure and characterization data for a fermentation-derived intermediate, drug substance, or drug product should be provided. When the fermentation product is a mixture of active components, isolation and purification of individual components for structural analysis and characterization may be appropriate.a. StructuralElucidationStructural confirmation using physical and chemical techniques (e.g., elemental analysis, mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy) should be provided for the intermediate or drug substance. Additionally, the data and details of its interpretation should be included. The amount of data warranted to support the elucidation of structure can vary depending on the complexity of the molecule. For USP labeled drug substances, structural confirmation can be accomplished by demonstrating conformance to a USP reference standard.Characterizationb. PhysicochemicalThe kind and extent of the physicochemical characterization information that should be provided depends on (1) the type of drug substance (e.g., semi-synthetic molecule, protein), (2) the type of dosage form in which the drug substance will be used, (3) the ability or tendency of the drug substance to occur in one or more solid state forms, and (4) the importance of the differences in physical characteristics of the different forms to the stability, dissolution, or bioavailability of the drug product. For more details on the type of information that should be submitted, see CVM guidance for industry 169: Drug Substance: Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Information, Draft Guidance.Activityc. BiologicalWhen a biological assay (e.g., antimicrobial activity for antibiotics) is used to assesspotency/strength of the intermediate or drug substance, biological activity data should be provided to complete the characterization profile. Data should be provided on the reference standard lot or other relevant lots to demonstrate the potency/strength of the intermediate, drug substance, or drug product.In some cases, the product of fermentation is a complex mixture of major and minor components that together make up a product’s biological activity. In evaluating the impurity profile for these fermentation products, efforts should be made to identify and characterize the active components (major and minor) that contribute to the product’s overall potency and distinguish them from impurities. This may not be practical or feasible in all cases. We recommend an applicant with related questions consult the appropriate review team for additional guidance.2. ImpuritiesInformation concerning impurities in the fermentation-derived intermediate, drug substance, or drug product should be provided (e.g., organic impurities, inorganic impurities, and residual solvents).∙Impurities may derive from the manufacturing process (e.g., residual media components, residual protein and nucleic acid derived from microbial cells, processing reagents,inorganic salts, filter aids, solvents), or they may be structurally related to the desiredfermentation product, but not share the same properties with respect to biological activity, efficacy, and safety (e.g., other microbial metabolites, precursors, by-products).∙Process related impurities derived from the fermentation and downstream processing should be minimized as much as possible through the use of a well-controlled andreproducible manufacturing process.Structurally related impurities should be identified, tracked, and controlled throughout the fermentation, isolation, and purification processes.A summary should be provided of the impurities most likely to arise during the fermentation, isolation, purification, and storage (e.g., holding time) of the intermediate, drug substance, or drug product. The summary should include impurity profiles (i.e., chromatograms), test results from representative batches, and results from forced degradation studies used to identify the potential impurities that may arise during storage. The impurities reported can be of known structure, partially characterized, or unidentified. Studies done in characterizing the structure of impurities should be summarized. Documentation should also be provided demonstrating that the analytical procedures used in quantifying impurities are properly validated or qualified.The specifications for fermentation-derived intermediate, drug substance, or drug products should include limits for impurities (i.e., organic impurities, inorganic impurities, and residual solvents). Additionally, a rationale for the inclusion or exclusion of impurities in the specifications should be presented. As appropriate, this rationale should include a discussion of the impurity profiles observed in batches used for clinical, safety, and stability testing, as well as batches representative of the proposed commercial process.Although relevant guidances (92: Impurities in New Veterinary Drug Substances, VICH GL10 (R) and 93: Impurities in New Veterinary Medical Products, VICH GL11(R)) on impurities did not address fermentation products, the principles described in these guidances are still applicable. Furthermore, levels for reporting, identifying, and qualifying organic impurities as described in these guidances are applicable to non-complex, well-characterized fermentation products.For complex fermentation products that are not well-characterized in terms of structure, physicochemical properties, biological activity, and purity, it is recommended that the levels for organic impurities be determined on a case-by-case basis.The acceptable levels for organic impurities will also depend on how the fermentation product is to be used. The levels will likely be less stringent for a drug substance or an intermediate that will be subjected to further modification and/or purification compared to that of a drug product that does not undergo further processing.For inorganic impurities and residual solvents, limits should generally be based on pharmacopeial standards (e.g., USP General Chapter <467> Residual Solvents) or known safety data. Additionally, the ICH guidance Q3C Impurities: Residual Solvents or the CVM guidance 100: Impurities: Residual Solvents in New Veterinary Medical Products, Active Substances, and Excipients, VICH GL18(R) should be consulted, as appropriate.For most fermentation products (e.g., antibiotics), it is expected that purification and downstream processing effectively remove process-related impurities, such as residual media components, residual protein and nucleic acid-derived from microbial cells, and other processing reagents. Thus, in most cases, limits need not be included in the specification for these impurities. However, when studies suggest that process-related impurities are not effectively removed from the purification process, these impurities should be controlled with limits in the specifications, as appropriate.Microbial impurities tests (e.g., for endotoxins) for drug products may be required based on the intended route of administration of the drug product in accordance with 21 CFR 514.1(5)(xi). In some instances when there is a safety concern, drug substances (e.g., gentamicin sulfate) may。


3. 有人想到了教育。中国人对教育的 重视甚至崇拜可谓世界闻名。所谓“万 般皆下品,唯有读书高”,“再穷不能 穷学校,再苦不能苦孩子”。 基础教育已经没有潜力可挖,只能打高 等教育、也就是大学的主意。
3.能上大学,一直是孩子和家长的共同 期待,是让孩子和家长特别觉得有面子 的事。 孩子要能考上大学,就是砸锅 卖铁,家长也干。
“到了2004年,各省高校几乎找不到不贷款 的学校了,找到了才奇怪了。” 邬大光说。
消极影响之二:高校教育质量滑坡 由于经费不足,高校教学资源出现全面 紧张,特别是教师队伍、教学设施、食 堂、学生宿舍等。 大学生就业难逐渐成为一个广为关注的 社会问题。
1.于是人们将目光开始转向国内市场, 而恰在此时我国经济出现通货紧缩的趋 势,投资减少,消费疲软,国内消费市 场增长并不迅速,导致经济增长缺乏原 动力。如何扩大内需,成为高层决策的 面临的重大课题。
2. 1999年,我国城乡居民储蓄存款余 额为59621亿元。表面看来,中国老百 姓不是没钱,而是舍不得花钱。怎样让 这些人心甘情愿地把钱掏出来花,从而 刺激消费、扩大内需,从而促进国家经 济增长呢?
(四)教育活动体现了自觉性和强制 性的统一 P46
(一)生物起源论 (二)心理起源论 (三)劳动起源论 (四)生活需要起源论
P48-49 P49 P49-50

























第10卷第3期广东工业大学学报(社会科学版) V o.l 10N o.32010年6月Journa l of G uangdong University of Techno l ogy(Social Sci ences Ed ition) J un .2010收稿日期:2009 12 24作者简介:陈伟民(1968 ),男,汉族,讲师,本科;主要研究方向:高等教育研究。

高校扩招:一把 双刃剑我国高校扩招10年回顾与认识陈伟民(广东工业大学招生办公室,广东广州,510006)摘 要:从1999年到2009年,我国高校的扩招走过了整整十个年头,教育也已经从之前的精英教育转向了大众化的教育。



关键词:高等院校 扩大招生 高等教育大众化 十年回顾中图分类号:G 640 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671 623X (2010)03 0013 04一、高校扩招回顾在20世纪90年代之前,中国大学生的学费、住宿费等是由国家负担。



在此背景之下,1998年11月,亚洲开发银行驻北京代表处首席经济学家汤敏,以个人名义向中央写信,提出 关于启动中国经济有效途径 扩大招生量一倍 的建议书。

他陈述5个理由支持大学扩招:其一,当时中国大学生数量远低于同等发展水平的国家;其二,1998年国企改革,大量下岗工人进入就业市场,如果大量年轻人参与竞争,就业将面临恶性局面;其三,国家提出保持经济增长8%目标,扩招前经济增长率为7 8%,急需扩大内需,教育被认为是老百姓需求最大的;其四,当时高校有能力消化扩招,平均一个教师仅带7个学生;最后也是最重要的,高等教育的普及事关中华民族的整体振兴。



D33 D A O B A教育Ma y.2006编辑:宁书林大学扩招,可以说是近年来中国“高招”改革中最高的一招了。




















十年扩招路漫漫投稿信箱 [文稿] greenchina@ [图片]greenchina@都市报调查了从1977年到1999年20多名状元的职业情况后发现,无一人能成为所在行业的领军人物,大多默默无闻,有的甚至成了全职太太。


















业 生 湮 辅 导 更 具 人 性 化 ,更 具 个 业生涯辅导 图分类号 : 4 G 文献标识码 : A
文章编号 : 6 3 9 9 (0 S 1 () 0 3 一 l 1 7 — 7 52 0 ) 2a 一 2 3 O
会 在 真 正 意 义 上 成 长起 来 。 2班级 职业 生涯辅 导 强调体 验 和感悟 所 谓 班 级 职 业 生 涯 辅 导 ,是 指 以 团体 2 职 业生涯规 划时个 人的 自身的问题 , 职 业 生 涯 辅 导 及 相 关 的 理 论 与 技 术 为 指 导 ,以解 决 学 生 成 长 中 的职 业 生 涯 规 划 等 每 个 人都 有 不 同 的情 况 ,大 学 生 对职 业 生 问题 为 目标 ,以 班 级 为单 位的 集 体 职 业 生 涯 的改 变是 个体 的 经验 不 断 改 组 与改 造 的 过 程 心 理 辅 导 活 动 是 解 决 个 体 自身 的 问 涯辅导活动 。 班 级 职 业 生 涯 辅 导 不 同 于 一 般 的班 级 题 ,它 需 要 以 个体 的 经 验 为 载 体 。 那 么 个 主 题 活动 与 团 体心 理 辅 导 。具 有一 定 关 联 人 的 自我 体 验 就 显 得 尤 为 重 要 。 我 们 认 为 ,对 学 生 有意 义的 自我 职 业 体 验 应 该包 与 区 别性 。 括 职 业 喜 好 体验 、价 值 体验 和 职 业 素 质体 班 级 活 动 、 团队 心 理 辅 导 与班 级职 业 生涯辅 导 的对 比 ,从内 涵上 讲 , 级 职业 生 验 。这 些 自我 体验 可 以 通过 在 职 业 生 涯辅 班 营 涯辅 导 同 心 理 团 队辅 导 更 相 近 ,所 不 同的 导 活 动 中创 设 一 定 的 情 境 , 造 一 定 的 氛 围 来 实现 。可 见 ,班 级职 业 生 涯 辅 导 是一 是 ,心 理 团 队 辅导 仅 仅 针 对 少 数 同 质或 异 质 的规 模 较 小 的 团体 ,辅 导 带 有 发展 性 或 种 自我 教 育活 动 ,它 没有 说 教 和 灌输 等显 矫治 性的 , 般需 要专 业人 员来 承担 ; 班 性 教 育 的痕 迹 ,但可 以通 过 学 生 自 己体 验 一 而 级职 业 生 涯辅 导 课 程是 以 “ ” 的 形式 对 和 感悟 ,潜 移 默 化地 影响 他们 的对 将 来 职 课 全班 进 行 职 业 生 涯 辅导 及人 生 探 索 ,可 以 业 的 认识 。 在课 堂 上进行 , 在课 堂以 外进行 , 在时 间和 2 3班级 职 业 生涯辅 导 以互 助 . 自助为 机 空 间 上 更 为 灵活 ,可 以 由受 过 一 定 培训 的 制 保 守 的 教 育 观 念 总 是 把 学 生 看 作 教 育 班主任来承担 。 的 对 象 , 业 生 涯 辅 导 则 提 倡 学生 是 教 育 职 的 主 体 。班 主 任 在进 行 职 业 生 涯辅 导 的 时 2 班级 职 业 生 涯 辅 导 的 特 点 2 1班级 职 业生 涯辅 导是 引导 学生 进行 自 候 应 该 积极 调 动 学生 自身 的 教 育资 源 。 辅 导 活 动 是一 种积 极 的 人 际 互 动过 程 ,同龄 我 探 索 的职 业 探 索 过 程 个 比 较 完 善 的 学 校 教 育 体 系应 该 教 伙 伴 有 共 同的 爱 好 、价 值观 和 文 化 背 景 , 给 学 生 三方 面 的 知 识 :关 于 自然 的 知 识 、 彼 此 之 间 容 易理 解和 沟 通 ,他 们 可 以 不加 坦 进行 心 与心 的 交流 , 这本 关 于 社 会 的知 识 和 关于 自己 的知 识 。 在 现 掩 饰 , 诚 直言 , 行 的 学 校课 程 教 育 中 ,前两 项 都 得 到 了 落 身也 是 对 自身职 业 素 质的 提 高 。 班 级职 业 实 , 独学 生对 自己了 解得 很少 , 惟 不知 道 自 生 涯 辅 导 活 动一 般都 有主 题 和 目标 ,它是 己真 正 需 要 些 什 么 ,造 成毕 业 时 的 工 作 期 依据 学 生 一 定 的 对 职 业 生 涯 的 认 识 制 定 容 望 值 普 遍 出 现 偏 差 。 班 级 的 职 业 生 涯 辅 导 的 , 易 为学 生接 受 ,形成 共识 。 作为集 体 学生 在辅 导活 动 中既是 受 助者 , 又 就 是 由 班 主 任 有 步 骤 的 进 行 引 导 ,让 学 生 的一 员 , 进 行 自我探索 , 认识 自我 、调 节 自我 。真 正 是 助 人者 。这 种 互 助 可 以 增 进 学 生 对 自 了解 自 己的 职 业 价 值观 、了解 自 己的 职 业 信 、 自尊 的体 验 ,从而 达 到 自助 。


了 多种报 刊 和 文 电汇集 这 些报 工作 、 政权建 设 、 军事 工作 、 财经 工 为工 作研 究 、政 策 研 究、学术 研 干 除 刊登 党 中央 文 电 、红 军八 路 作 、 U 农民土地政 策 、 运工 作等等 。 究 和理 论 研 究提 供 了大 量材 料 和 群
委通 讯 》《 、西北 真理 》 种 , 共 电 。9 7 以前各级 苏维埃 工农民 方 根 据工 作 需要 ,还汇 编 出版 了 等7 中 13年

局) 出版 有 《 北方 红 旗 》 《 、 出路 》 性 文 献 .以便 干 部和 群 众 携带 和 职 工 总 会 出 版 的 《 平 工 运 》 、 北 、
们 的高 度 重视 ,成 为 当前 学 者 一 信 息 化运 用在 经 济社 会 上 的 重要 历 低 大 专 以 上档 案 专业 人 员极
项重要 的研究课 题

意义 : 工作 不 积极 主动 . 作效 率 少 .后 续 教 育取 得 的档 案 专业 人 工

当前档 案 管理 人 员 面 临 低 , 务质 量 差 。 服 而且 档 案 管理 的 才 也 不多 . 体 素质 不 高 . 进 一 整 对
案 人 员思 想 观 念 也发 生 变 化 . 主 大 多数兼 职 或是临 时工 。而且 , 在 管理 观 念和 方 法仍 存 在 .不 适 应
地方 性 文 电汇 编 多 以刊 物 形 区和 本部 队 的 重要 文 电材 料 。除 众了解党 的方针政 策 、 解政府法 了 式 出现 .据 统计 .9 7 12 年至 13 年 了 以 刊物 形 式汇 编 出版 电 文 外 . 令很有益 处 97 十年内。 中共陕 西 省 委出版 有《 省 地 方 还 多 用 小 册 子 形 式 公 布 文 顺直 省 委 、河北 省 委 ( 括 北方 主 政 府 多以袖 珍 本形 式 公 布法 令 包 此 外 。抗 日战 争 以来 。各地 些 专题 性 文 电汇 集 。例如 北 平



大学扩招测试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 大学扩招是指:A. 增加大学的数量B. 增加大学生的数量C. 提高大学的教育质量D. 减少大学生的数量答案:B2. 大学扩招的主要目的是什么?A. 提高教育普及率B. 增加教育经费C. 减少失业人数D. 提高科研水平答案:A3. 以下哪项不是大学扩招可能带来的影响?A. 教育资源的紧张B. 教育质量的下降C. 学生就业的困难D. 教育经费的增加答案:D4. 大学扩招后,以下哪项措施不是解决教育资源紧张的有效方法?A. 增加教育投资B. 提高教师待遇C. 减少课程数量D. 优化课程设置答案:C5. 大学扩招对以下哪个群体的影响最大?A. 高中毕业生B. 大学教师C. 企业雇主D. 政府官员答案:A6. 大学扩招可能导致的直接后果是什么?A. 教育质量的提高B. 学生就业率的下降C. 教育成本的增加D. 教育体系的完善答案:B7. 以下哪项措施不是大学扩招后,提高教育质量的有效途径?A. 增加实践教学B. 减少理论教学C. 加强师资队伍建设D. 完善教学评价体系答案:B8. 大学扩招对以下哪个行业的影响最为显著?A. 教育行业B. 制造业C. 服务业D. 农业答案:A9. 大学扩招后,以下哪项不是政府应该采取的措施?A. 增加教育投入B. 减少对高等教育的监管C. 优化高等教育结构D. 促进产学研结合答案:B10. 大学扩招对以下哪个方面的影响是积极的?A. 社会稳定B. 经济增长C. 人口结构D. 环境质量答案:B二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 大学扩招可能带来的正面影响包括:A. 提高国民整体素质B. 促进社会经济发展C. 增加就业压力D. 改善教育结构答案:ABD2. 大学扩招后,以下哪些措施可以提高教育质量?A. 加强师资培训B. 增加实验室设备C. 减少课程数量D. 引入企业合作项目答案:ABD3. 大学扩招对以下哪些方面可能产生负面影响?A. 教育资源分配B. 学生就业市场C. 教育公平性D. 教育投资回报率答案:ABCD4. 为了应对大学扩招带来的挑战,以下哪些措施是必要的?A. 优化课程设置B. 增加教育经费C. 减少招生名额D. 改革教育评价体系答案:ABD5. 大学扩招对以下哪些群体可能产生积极影响?A. 高中毕业生B. 大学教师C. 企业雇主D. 政府官员答案:AB三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述大学扩招的背景及其必要性。



1.高校扩招后如何做好毕业生就业工作 [J], 郝志强
2.转变观念,按市场经济规律做好大学生就业工作—高校扩招后的几点思考 [J], 高菊生
3.关于高校扩招与毕业生就业工作的思考 [J], 黎明
4.高校扩招后毕业生就业工作的实践和思考 [J], 朱国平;胡玉东
5.高校扩招后毕业生就业工作的若干思考 [J], 黎明



佳文共赏:法制天下:为什么说扩招的这批大学生的命运是时代的误会(2014-04-06 07:14:59)晨雾 / 转贴1996年,《中央宣传部、司法部关于在公民中开展法制宣传教育的第三个五年规划》提出,法制宣传教育第三个五年规划从1996年开始实施,到2000年结束。









高三语文作文精品素材 最新时评 本科停止扩招,福兮祸兮

高三语文作文精品素材 最新时评 本科停止扩招,福兮祸兮



























1.高职单招r日渐火热背后的喜与忧 [J],
2.从高校扩招到技校热招的喜与忧 [J], 陈红彬
3.从高校扩招到技校热招的喜与忧 [J], 陈红彬
4.“技校热”为何遭遇“限招令” [J], 王陵
5.警惕“文化热”中的“文化炒作热”——我国近年“文化热”的喜与忧 [J], 谢维营




























- 1 -。










三、研究进度安排本研究计划分以下五个阶段进行:1. 文献综述(已完成)2. 问题意识的确定(已完成)3. 实证研究设计与问卷编制(预计2周)4. 数据的采集和整理(预计3周)5. 数据分析和研究报告的编写(预计2个月)四、预期成果本研究预计将分析高等教育扩招对阶层封闭性的影响,探究高等教育扩招对教育公平性和阶层流动性的效应,旨在为高等教育扩招政策的制定和实践提供参考和建议,为实现教育公平,促进国家现代化进程的顺利进行奠定基础。

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