2012.MD simulation of carbon nanotube pullout behavior and its use
单壁碳纳米管储氢的统计理论模型张帆【摘要】Hydrogen energy is an environmentally friendly and renewable energy source. The development and application of hydrogen energy will bring great changes for the structure of energy sources from the long view. Carbon nanotubes were reported to be very promising materials for storing hydrogen form some research finding, which has been a hot spot in the applied research field of studying nano materials. Although many experimental results for hydrogen storage in carbon nanotubes were reported, corresponding theoretical investigation of adsorption mechanisms have almost not developed and it is difficult to find the theoretical equation of hydrogen storage quantity in particular. In this paper, statistical theory model on the basis of interaction between hydrogen molecules and carbon atoms was presented, and the formula of hydrogen storage quantity was obtained, which is almost in agree with the experiment value. The conclusion can provide theoretical reference for studying hydrogen storage in carbon nanotubes.%氢能是一种洁净的可再生的能源,从长远的观点看,氢能的发展与利用能够使能源结构发生重大变化。
The Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes
The Physical Properties of CarbonNanotubesCarbon nanotubes (CNTs) are one of the most fascinating materials developed in the past few decades. They are cylindrical nanostructures composed of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal pattern. CNTs have unique properties, including high strength and stiffness, small size, exceptional electrical conductivity, and thermal conductivity. These properties make them preferable for numerous applications in several fields, including electronics, materials science, aerospace, and biotechnology.Structure of carbon nanotubesCarbon nanotubes have two primary structural types: single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) and multi-walled nanotubes (MWNTs). SWNTs consist of a single rolled sheet, while MWNTs contain multiple rolled sheets. The diameter of SWNTs ranges from 0.4to 2 nm, while MWNTs have diameters ranging from 2 to 100 nm. The length of CNTs is usually several micrometers, but they can be longer.Thanks to their small dimensions and tubular structure, CNTs have a high aspect ratio, which means that their length is much greater than their diameter. This aspect ratio gives CNTs their unique mechanical properties. They are exceptionally strong and stiff, with a Young's modulus three to four times higher than that of steel. Moreover, CNTs are quite resilient, and their deformation before failure is much more elevated than conventional materials, making them perfect for use in new structural materials.Electrical properties of carbon nanotubesOne of the most remarkable properties of CNTs is their electrical conductivity. They have excellent electrical properties, which means they can conduct electricity even better than copper. SWNTs are metallic or semiconducting depending on their chiral angle, while MWNTs are usually metallic.SWNTs have particular band structures, and their electrical properties depend heavily on their atomic structure. The electronic properties of CNTs make them ideal for use in electronic applications, such as field-effect transistors, diodes, and sensors. CNTs have the potential to improve the performance of transistors and other electronic devices significantly.Thermal properties of carbon nanotubesCNTs also have exceptional thermal conductivity, making them useful in thermal management materials. The thermal conductivity of CNTs is approximately seven times higher than that of copper. Moreover, CNTs are excellent heat conductors at the nanoscale, which gives them the potential to improve the efficiency of thermal management materials in electronic devices.Other physical properties of carbon nanotubesIn addition to their excellent mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties, CNTs also exhibit some other unique physical properties that make them advantageous for several applications. They are lightweight and can be dispersed in solvents, allowing them to be used in coatings, composites, and other materials.Furthermore, because of their nanoscale dimensions, CNTs have a high surface area-to-volume ratio, which makes them an effective adsorbent for gas and liquid molecules. This property makes CNTs promising candidates for gas storage and separation, as well as water purification.ConclusionCNTs are exceptional materials that have unique physical properties that lend themselves to several applications. They are lightweight, strong, stiff, and excellent electrical and thermal conductors, making them preferable for use in several fields, including electronics, materials science, and aerospace. Their physical properties make CNTs promising candidates for improving the performance of electronic devices, structural materials, and energy storage systems.。
The properties of carbon nanotubes
The properties of carbon nanotubesCarbon nanotubes (CNTs) have emerged as one of the most promising materials in the world of nanotechnology. Since their discovery in the early 1990s, they have been the subject of intense research due to their extraordinary physical and mechanical properties. CNTs are cylindrical structures made of carbon atoms, which are arranged in a honeycomb lattice. They can be single-walled or multi-walled, depending on the number of layers of carbon atoms.CNTs have many unique properties, including high tensile strength, thermal conductivity, and electrical conductivity. These properties make them suitable for a wide range of applications, from electronics to energy storage. In this article, we will explore the properties of CNTs in more detail.Tensile StrengthOne of the most remarkable properties of CNTs is their incredible tensile strength. In fact, CNTs are the strongest materials known to man. They are up to 100 times stronger than steel, yet only a fraction of the weight. This makes them ideal for use in materials that require high strength and low weight. For example, CNTs could be used to make stronger and lighter aircraft engines and components.Thermal ConductivityCNTs also have a high thermal conductivity, which makes them excellent heat conductors. This means that CNTs can quickly transfer heat from one point to another. This makes them ideal for use in heat sinks, which are used to dissipate heat from electronic devices. Additionally, CNTs can be used to improve the efficiency of energy storage devices, such as batteries and supercapacitors.Electrical ConductivityCNTs are also excellent electrical conductors, which makes them ideal for use in electronics. They have a very high current carrying capacity, which means they can carrya large amount of electricity without overheating. Additionally, they have a low resistance, which means that electrical signals can travel through them quickly and efficiently. CNTs could be used to make faster and more efficient computer chips, as well as more durable electronic components.Chemical StabilityCNTs are also very chemically stable, meaning they are resistant to chemical reactions. This is due to the strong covalent bonds between the carbon atoms in the honeycomb lattice. This property makes CNTs ideal for use in environments with harsh chemicals, such as in the oil and gas industry. They could be used to make stronger and more durable pipes and other components that are needed in these environments.ConclusionIn conclusion, CNTs have many unique and fascinating properties that make them ideal for a wide range of applications. From their incredible tensile strength to their high thermal and electrical conductivity, CNTs are proving to be one of the most promising materials in the world of nanotechnology. As research continues, it is likely that we will discover even more amazing properties of CNTs that could revolutionize the way we live and work.。
Material Sciences 材料科学, 2020, 10(12), 952-956Published Online December 2020 in Hans. /journal/mshttps:///10.12677/ms.2020.1012114碳纳米管(CNT)纯化研究进展王白雪1,蒋姝1,陈顺才1,黄承洪21重庆轻工职业学院,重庆2重庆科技学院,重庆收稿日期:2020年11月16日;录用日期:2020年12月14日;发布日期:2020年12月21日摘要碳纳米管自被发现以来,由于其独特的分子结构与电化学特性,有望在物理、化学、生物等领域获得巨大的应用,而引起广泛的重视。
关键词碳纳米管,纯化Research Progress of Single Wall CarbonNanotubes (CNT) PurificationBaixue Wang1, Shu Jiang1, Shuncai Chen1, Chenghong Huang21Chongqing Light Industry Polytechnic College, Chongqing2Chongqing University of Science and Technology, ChongqingReceived: Nov. 16th, 2020; accepted: Dec. 14th, 2020; published: Dec. 21st, 2020AbstractCarbon nanotubes are taken more seriously importance since it was found as it has unique struc-ture and electrochemical characteristics. But, it usually carried impurities, which attributed to the inherent fabrication method of large-scale production. So, it is difficult to obtain unadulterated王白雪等CNT. This paper mainly reviews the progress of the purification of CNT by many methods including oxidation process, handling of acid, treatment of polymers and porphyrin supermolecules, etc. It aims to offer references for related researchers.KeywordsCarbon Nanotubes (CNT), PurificationThis work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0)./licenses/by/4.0/1. 引言碳纳米管(Carbon nanotubes, CNTs)被发现以来就成为业界研究的热点[1]。
Chemical modification of carbon nanotube for improvement of field emission property
Accelarated PublicationChemical modification of carbon nanotube for improvement of field emission propertySunwoo Lee a ,Tetsuji Oda a ,Paik-Kyun Shin b,*,Boong-Joo Lee caElectronic Engineering,The University of Tokyo,113-8656Hongo,Tokyo,JapanbSchool of Electrical Engineering,Inha University,#253Yonghyun-Dong,Nam-Gu,Incheon Metropolitan City 402-751,Republic of Korea cElectronic Engineering,Namseoul University,21Maeju-ri,Seounghwan-Eup,Cheonan City,Choongnam 330-707,Republic of Koreaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 17November 2008Received in revised form 31December 2008Accepted 17February 2009Available online 25February 2009Keywords:Chemical modification Carbon nanotube CNTField emission Tunnelinga b s t r a c tIn the present work,chemical modification of carbon nanotube was proposed for improvement of field emission property.Multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)were grown vertically on silicon substrate using catalytic chemical vapor deposition.Tips of grown MWCNTs were chemically modified using oxy-gen plasma,nitric acid,and hydrofluoric acid.Surface state and morphology of the chemically modified CNTs were T tips were opened and defects working as trap sites were generated on the CNT surface by the chemical modification process leading to improvement of field emission property.We suggest that two main factors determining the field enhancement factor are geometric factor and surface state of the CNT tips.Ó2009Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionCarbon nanotubes (CNTs)have attracted much attention be-cause of their unique electrical properties and their potential appli-cations [1,2].Large aspect ratios of CNTs with high chemical stability,thermal conductivity,and high mechanical strength are advantageous for applications to the field emitter [3].Since CNTs are grown directly on a substrate by CVD,the CNT emitter can be fabricated simply.Many researchers have devoted efforts to the artificial control of alignment,number density,and aspect ratio of CNTs [4–7].Although it is essential for FED application to eluci-date the correlation between the structural properties and field electron emission properties of CNTs,systematic experiments on the field emission property regarding the change of surface state of CNTs by chemical modification have not been carried out Ts having strong covalent bonds are very stable against to chemical attacks.Breaking these strong covalent bonds and chang-ing surface state would be expected to change the CNT’s physical property as well as chemical property [8,9].As field emission behavior takes place at the tip of the CNT,one could control the field emission property by changing the structure and surface state of the CNT tips.In this study,the correlation between the field emission prop-erty and structural property or surface state of CNTs was investi-gated as a function of the chemical modification.Although the field emission properties of CNTs were improved with increasing the aspect ratio of the CNT,the field enhancement factor obtained from the Fowler–Nordheim plot was found to be much larger than that obtained from the geometric factors.These results suggest that the field emission from CNTs is strongly influenced by the sur-face states induced by surface defects and attached functional groups,rather than by their geometric factors.2.ExperimentalIn our experiment,the nickel catalyst films were prepared by sputtering method on silicon substrate using low power and long time (at 10W for 1h)to minimize size and distribution of the nick-el catalyst particles.MWCNTs used in this work were grown in a thermal CVD system with C 2H 2source gas and Ar carrier gas with a flow rate of 30/100sccm at 700°C on the nickel catalyst.The CNTs were chemically modified by oxygen plasma,nitric acid (HNO 3),and hydrofluoric acid (HF).The modified samples were named as O 2–CNT,HNO 3–CNT,and HF–CNT,respectively.The oxygen plasma treatment was done with a gas flow rate of O 2:Ar =20:200sccm at 500°C for 5min.The HNO 3treatment was done in 20vol%HNO 3solution at room temperature for 1h,and the samples was subsequently rinsed in distilled water,and dried at room temperature for 1h.The HF treatment was done in 20vol%HF solution at room temperature for 1h,and the sample was rinsed and dried.0167-9317/$-see front matter Ó2009Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.mee.2009.02.021*Corresponding author.Tel.:+82328607393;fax:+82328635822.E-mail address:shinsensor@inha.ac.kr (P.-K.Shin).Microelectronic Engineering 86(2009)2110–2113Contents lists available at ScienceDirectMicroelectronic Engineeringjournal homepage:www.else v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /m eeThe field emission characteristics of the grown CNT film was measured by digital multimeter in a vacuum chamber with a base pressure of 1.5Â10À8Torr.A flat parallel diode type configuration was used in the setup as shown in Fig.1.Both electrodes were glass plated with a conductive indium tin oxide (ITO)coating,and the cathode contained the grown CNT film.The distance between the anode and the CNT film surface was 100l m as separated by spacers.The surface morphology and internal structure of the CNTs were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM)and trans-mission electron microscopy (TEM).3.Results and discussionsSEM images and TEM images (right side of each image)of the as-grown CNTs and the chemically modified CNTs are shown in Ts grown in this work are bamboo type multi-wall carbon nanotubes,which are vertically aligned to the substrate.The length of chemically modified CNTs is slightly shorter than that of as-grown CNTs due to the chemical etching during the chemical mod-ification processes.In case of the HNO 3–CNT,length was drastically reduced,because CNTs were partly delaminated and remained CNTs were fallen down during the chemical modification process.Tip of as-grown CNT is typically closed,while those of chemi-cally modified CNTs are opened as shown in Fig.2(right side of each image).The most parts of CNT consist of stable hexagonal car-bon structure,while the tip of CNT has pentagonal structure to close the tube end [10].The pentagonal carbon structure is easily broken by the chemical attack relative to the hexagonal structure [11].Relatively weak bonds at the CNT tip might be broken and opened by the chemical modification.Since the bond breaking might be started from the outer shell of the MWCNT used in this work and propagated into the inner shell,the shape of CNT tips be-came sharp.Furthermore,the chemical modification process might result in changing the surface state by the bond breaking as well as the structural change.In order to confirm the above mentioned surface state change,X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)using the monochrome Al Ka X-ray was carried out.Wide scan spectra for as-grown and chemically modified CNTs are shown in Fig.3.In all cases,carbon peak (C1s,284.5eV)and oxygen peak (O1s,530eV)are observed [12].The oxygen peak stronger than that of the as-grown CNT film for the O 2–CNT,the weak nitrogen peak for HNO 3–CNT,and fluo-rine peak for HF–CNT are observed.This result correspondstoFig.1.Schematic drawing of the setup for measurement of the field emissioncurrent.Fig.2.SEM (left)and TEM (right)images of as-grown and chemically modified CNTs.S.Lee et al./Microelectronic Engineering 86(2009)2110–21132111the previous TEM results that the chemical modification processes could change the surface states of the CNT tips.The chemical modification dependence on the field emission property was investigated.Fig.4a shows emission current density as a function of applied electric field for the as-grown CNTs and the chemically modified CNTs.It is found that the chemically modified CNTs exhibit a better field emission property than that for the as-grown CNTs.If we define the threshold electric field (E th )as the ap-plied electric field that produces an emission current of 1mA/cm 2,it can be clearly seen from Fig.4b that threshold electric field is chemical modification dependent.The Fowler–Nordheim (F–N)equation can be described as,J ¼1:56Â10À6ðb E Þ2/exp À6:83Â109/3=2b E!;where J (A/cm 2)is the emission current density,E (V/l m)is theapplied electric field,b is the field enhancement factor,and /(eV)is the work function of the emitter [13].The experimental value b can be estimated on the basis of the slope of the F–N plot as shown in Fig.4c.Although there is no distinguishable difference in geo-metric factors such as diameter and length of each CNTs,the field emission property for chemically modified CNTs is better than that for as-grown CNTs.We estimated the field enhancement factors for each CNTs using geometric factors from SEM images and the FN plot of the experimental field emission data.The field enhance-ment factor estimated from the FN plot (b $1000s)was two or-ders greater than that estimated from the geometric factors (b $10s).This result implies that the field enhancement factor estimated from the F–N plot includes another factor for the improvement of field emission.Another factor affecting field emis-sion more dominantly might be correlated with the surface state of the CNT tips.TEM results and XPS results strongly imply that defects working as trap sites might be on the CNT surfaces.As shown in Fig.4c,there are two different kinds of tunneling mechanism from the slope of J /E 2vs.1/E plots.The slope at low field regime is quite dif-ferent from that at high field regime.Trap sites play a dominant role in tunneling mechanism at lower field than FN tunneling re-gime,so called trap assisted tunneling (TAT)[14].Tunneling gov-erned by TAT mechanism at low field regime affect the threshold electric field,and is related to trap sites on CNT tips.The tunneling model is based on a two-step tunneling process via traps on CNT surface which incorporates energy loss by phonon emission [15].Fig.4d shows the basic two-step process of an electron tunneling from a region with higher Fermi energy (the cathode)to a region with lower Fermi energy (the anode).Electrons could be emitted at relatively low electric field with an aid of trap sites.Finally,we suggest that two main factors determining the field enhance-ment factor are geometric factor and surface state.Therefore gen-eration of trap sites on CNT surface is strongly required to improve the field emission property,as well as the geometricfactor.Fig.3.XPS wide scan spectra of the as-grown CNTs and the chemically modified CNTs.Since some parts of CNTs are delaminated during HNO 3chemical modification process as shown in Fig.2c,strong oxygen and silicon signals are detected from the naturally oxidized Si substrate.2112S.Lee et al./Microelectronic Engineering 86(2009)2110–21134.SummaryWe have found that CNT tips were opened and defects working as trap sites were generated on the CNT surface by the chemical modification process leading to improvement of field emission property.Trap sites play a dominant role in tunneling mechanism at lower field than FN tunneling regime.We found that another factor affecting the field emission might be correlated with the sur-face state of the CNT tips.Therefore generation of trap sites on CNT surface is strongly required to improve the field emission property,as well as the geometric factor.References[1]W.A.de Heer,A.Chatelain,D.Ugarte,Science 270(1995)1179.[2]B.I.Yakobson,R.E.Smalley,Am.Sci.85(1997)324.[3]T.W.Ebbesen,Carbon Nanotubes,CRC Press,Boca Raton,FL,1997.[4]M.Chhowalla,K.B.K.Teo,C.Ducati,N.L.Rupesinghe,G.A.J.Amaratunga,A.C.Ferrari,D.Roy,J.Robertson,ne,J.Appl.Phys.90(2001)5308.[5]Y.Y.Wei,G.Eres,V.I.Merkulov,D.H.Lowndes,Appl.Phys.Lett.78(2001)1394.[6]V.I.Merkulov,D.H.Lowndes,Y.Y.Wei,G.Eres,E.Voelkl,Appl.Phys.Lett.76(2000)3555.[7]M.Katayama,K.-Y.Lee,S.Honda,T.Hirao,K.Oura,Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.43(2004)L774.[8]W.K.Hong,H.C.Shin,S.H.Tsai,et al.,Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.39(2000)L925.[9]U.D.Weglikowska,J.M.Benoit,P.W.Chiu,et 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关键词:碳纳米管;结构;合成;单壁碳纳米管;多壁碳纳米管中图分类号:O6文献标识码:A陈展虹:碳纳米管结构概述前言1959年,美国著名物理学家、诺贝尔物理学奖获得者F e y nem an 曾经预言:“如果我们对物体微小规模上的排列加以某种控制的话,我们就能使物体得到大量的异乎寻常的特性,就会看到材料的性能产生丰富的变化”。
1996年10月瑞典皇家科学院宣布,两名美国人Sm alle y 和Curl 以及一名英国人K roto 因发现C 60而荣获诺贝尔化学奖。
碳纳米管(Carbon nanotube )是1991年由日本电子公司(NEC )的饭岛博士(S.I i j im a )在高分子透射电镜下观察C 60结构时发现的[2]。
碳纳米管在结构上与C 60同属一类,其强度比钢高出100倍,但重量只有钢的1/6。
随着C 60的出现,其同族物如C 70、C 76和C 84等也先后被发现,如今又发现碳纳米管,这说明C 60及其同族物,应作为碳的第三种稳定存在的晶体结构。
因此,晶形碳有金刚石、石墨、富勒碳(巴基球以C 60为代表、碳纳米管、巴基葱)三类。
Carbon Nanotubes碳纳米管精彩介绍
Connect two graphite rods to a power supply, place them millimeters apart, and throw switch. At 100 amps, carbon vaporizes in a hot plasma.
Can produce SWNT and MWNTs with few structural defects
Carbon Nanotubes
By Bryan Sequeira Bertug Kaleli Murshed Alam Farooq Akbar Zac Lochner
What are Carbon Nanotubes ?
Carbon nanotubes are fullerene-related structures which consist of graphene cylinders closed at either end with caps containing pentagonal rings
Arc discharge method
Chemical vapor deposition
Place substrate in oven, heat to 600 C, and slowly add a carbon-bearing gas such as methane. As gas decomposes it frees up carbon atoms, which recombine in the form of NTs
Tubes tend to be short with random sizes and directions
NTs are usually MWNTs and often riddled with defects
石墨烯纳米片电场增强因子的模拟计算与对比李智军;张晖;范玉锋;薛河【摘要】Graphene nano flake (GNF) features properties of electron emission due to its one-dimensional sharp edge. Field enhancement factor β is an important parameter for emission evaluation, which is usually obtained by F-N curve measurement. In this paper, the field enhancement at the end of a single GNF vertical to the plate was calculated with the software of Electron Beam Simulation (EBS). By polynomial regression and fit of the calculation data, an empirical expression was drawn. The effects of the height and edge curvature of the GNF on β were investigated. The efficient range of the GNF as a good emitter was studied. By comparing the GNT the CNT with the similar size, it was proved feasibility of the proposed model and calculation.%石墨烯纳米片特殊的一维刀口状尖端赋予了其优异的电子场发射性能,而电场增强因子β是评价场发射性能的最重要参数,主要采用测定F-N曲线的实验方法进行推算,建立了形状为矩形薄片十半圆圆柱的石墨烯纳米片模型,竖直立于平行平板二极管的阴极上,利用电子束模拟软件EBS (Electron Beam Simulation)模拟计算了场发射装置的两极间的电场分布,由此决定石墨烯纳米片尖端的电场增强系数.研究了高度和顶端曲率半径变化对石墨烯纳米片电场增强因子的影响,根据计算数值拟合了电场增强系数的经验公式,提供了受形状控制的电场增强因子的数值范围,还与同尺寸的碳纳米管进行了比较,证实了本文的模型和计算模拟方法有效、可信.【期刊名称】《中北大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2012(033)002【总页数】5页(P207-210,215)【关键词】石墨烯纳米片;电场增强因子;数值模拟;场发射【作者】李智军;张晖;范玉锋;薛河【作者单位】西安科技大学机械工程学院,陕西西安710054;西安交通大学理学院,教育部非平衡物质与量子调控重点实验室,陕西西安710049;西安交通大学电子与信息工程学院,陕西西安710049;西安科技大学机械工程学院,陕西西安710054【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O462石墨烯是指碳原子间通过 sp3杂化共价键结合的一个单层的两维碳晶体,是块体石墨的基本构成单元.2004年,英国曼彻斯特大学的科学家A.Geim用一种微机械剥离法剥离并观察到独立的石墨烯[1].尽管这种单层石墨烯的制备具有一定的偶然性和随机性,但打破了两维单层原子晶体结构不能独立存在的热力学传统观念,随着对其特异性能的实验证实[2-3],引发了目前的两维石墨纳米材料的研究热潮[4].因维度的不同,两维石墨烯性能具有许多独特的性质,如零静止质量的狄拉克费米子系统,双极性超导电流的电场效应,完美的电子隧穿效应,安德森局域化的弱化现象,从不消失的电导率以及半整数霍尔效应等,使两维石墨烯纳米材料不仅有重要的理论研究价值,而且在计算机芯片、纳米器件、复合材料、电极材料、生物医药等领域具有广泛而深刻的应用前景.石墨烯纳米片(Graphene Nano Flake,GNF)特殊的刀口状外形具有很高的电场增强因子,预测石墨烯电场增强因子数量级为几千,这使得电子会在较低的阈值场强下发射,因此石墨烯是一种优良的冷场发射电极材料,其优异性能可望超过碳纳米管,对解决目前碳纳米管发射不稳定、寿命短、均匀性差等制约着场发射材料发展难题提供了选择[5].目前,研究石墨烯的场发射行为的方法主要靠实验测算.G.Eda[6]等用扦插法制取了厚度为5~ 10 nm的石墨烯纳米片,然后通过旋转提拉制备成石墨烯纳米片和高分子的复合材料薄膜,实验测定这种薄膜场发射的阈值场强为4 V/μ m,设定石墨烯纳米的功函数为 5 eV时,求出场增强因子为 1200.A.Malesevic[7]等在钛和硅基板上用微波等离子体辅助化学气相沉积法竖直生长几层石墨烯纳米片(FLG),厚约 2 nm,宽几微米.同样,通过测试 V-A曲线,由 F-N公式拟合出电场增强系数为 3000.到目前为止,石墨烯纳米片的场发射研究都是针对薄膜,它包含了大量的单片石墨烯纳米片,主要得到 V-A特性曲线.这种曲线基本上不能提供相关物理本质的任何信息,其原因是:①薄膜场发射并不是由统计平均的石墨烯纳米片决定,而是由薄膜中个别特殊的单片石墨烯纳米片决定,发射点位置不明;② 薄膜中石墨烯纳米片单片之间的结构、性质差别很大;③石墨烯纳米片也可能有吸附物,这也显著影响场发射,并造成假象.因此,从薄膜测量结果很难获得两维石墨烯纳米材料场发射的定量结果.为了探索两维石墨烯纳米片的物理参数和场发射之间的关系及其机理,研究单片石墨烯纳米片的场发射是十分必要的.在石墨烯纳米片场发射性能的研究中,仅依靠实验的方法,不仅成本高、实验周期长,而且过于复杂,要取出一片石墨烯纳米片测试更是实验技术难以实现的.场增强因子的测试结果还受多种因素影响,如尺寸,石墨烯片密度,生长的均匀性,结构的晶化类型和程度及尖端的实际功函数等.因此,若能从理论上弄清电场增强因子与上述因素的具体关系,就可为实验制备石墨烯纳米材料寻找到更多可能提高场发射性能的方法.本文利用电子束模拟软件 EBS(Electron Beam Simulation)模拟计算了单石墨烯纳米片的电场增强因子.将石墨烯纳米片模拟为矩形薄片+半圆圆柱,直立于平行的阴极平板上,并施加单向电场.计算石墨烯纳米片宽度为1μ m时不同厚度和高度下的电场增强因子,研究高度和厚度变化对石墨烯纳米片电场增强因子的影响规律,还与同尺寸的碳纳米管进行了比较,为分析模拟计算和实验测试数据之间差别原因以及找出石墨烯纳米片电场增强的物理本质提供理论基础.1 石墨烯纳米片及场发射装置模型依据石墨烯纳米片的实际生长情况和获得的数据,作出如下设定,如图 1所示.图1 石墨烯纳米片场发射装置示意图Fig.1 Setup of field emission of a single GN F1)满足平板电极条件(即平板无限大),二极管平板电极间距 d=2000 nm,阴极电压 0 V,阳极电压 1 V.2)碳纳米片形状采用矩形薄片+半圆圆柱的典型结构,高度 h=200~ 500 nm,半圆圆柱半径r=5~50 nm,宽度固定 W=1000 nm,见图 2.图2 石墨烯纳米片尺寸关系Fig.2 A model of a single GNF3)碳纳米管形状则模拟为圆柱+半球模型,h=200~500 nm,管头部半径 r=5~ 50 nm,具体结构如图 3所示.图3 碳纳米管尺寸关系Fig.3 A model of a single carbon nanotube在以上石墨烯纳米片和场发射装置的模型下,使用电子束模拟软件 EBS,对石墨烯纳米片的电场增强因子进行模拟计算,同时还计算了人们比较熟悉的碳纳米管的电场增强因子,用于比较,以加深对石墨烯纳米片的场发射物理本质的理解.EBS是一套 3维粒子模拟软件,主要步骤包括:划分空间网格,建立三维几何结构,计算电场分布.其中电场分布是利用逐次超松弛迭代方法,根据泊松方程或拉普拉斯方程计算出来.求出石墨烯纳米片或碳纳米管顶端的电场强度 ETIP后,得到电场增强因子U式中:ENORM AL是平行电极间的平均电场强度,等于V/d.2 计算结果与讨论计算模拟的石墨烯纳米片尺度参照实验生长的实际情况,兼顾网格细分程度及计算效率.令石墨烯纳米片的宽度保持不变,为w=1μ m,改变高度和厚度.高度的变化范围是 h=200~500 nm,而厚度则从 r=5 nm变化到 50 nm,即h/r的范围是 100~10.图 4是计算出的石墨烯纳米片电场增强因子U随 h及 r的变化规律.在设定的参数变化范围内,U均随高度 h和厚度 r的增加而增加,但厚度的影响要远大于高度的影响,接近一个数量级.当高度为 500 nm,厚度为5 nm,即高厚比 h/r=100时,U 等于 6.而当高度为 200 nm,厚度为 50 nm,即 h/r=4时,U仅为2.6.图4 石墨烯纳米片 U随 r和 h的变化规律Fig.4 Uof a single GNF as a function of r and h图5 单根碳纳米管 U随 r和 h的变化规律Fig.5 Uof a single carbon nano tube as a function of r and h为了进一步理解石墨烯纳米片的电场增强因子的数值,这里还计算了人们十分熟悉的单根碳纳米管的电场增强因子,以作比较,且计算方法和过程完全相同,如图5所示.相同的直径(厚度)和高度的情况下,石墨烯纳米片的电场增强因子不如碳纳米管的大.同样在高度为 500 nm和半径(厚度)为 5 nm时,碳纳米管 U是39.8,而石墨烯纳米片是 6,且它们的影响规律也不同.对于碳纳米管来说,直径和高度对电场增强因子的影响基本相同,受两者的变化均快速增大.尽管模拟计算考虑了石墨烯纳米片的实际尺寸,但受计算效率的制约,还是不尽相同.实际的问题尺度要跨越至少 2个数量级,即石墨烯纳米片的实际高度会生长到μm 量级,甚至到10μ m.因此,为了验证计算模拟和方法的正确性和有效性,并能够用文献的实验数据进行验证,根据计算模拟的数据点进行拟合,进而外推至更大的h/r比.图 6和图 7分别为石墨烯纳米片和碳纳米管的拟合曲线,变量为高厚(径)比 h/r,函数是电场增强系数U.图6 石墨烯纳米片U随 h/r之比的变化及其拟合曲线Fig.6 Uof a single GN F as a function of h/r and its fitting curve图7 单根碳纳米管U随 h/r之比的变化及其拟合曲线Fig.7 Uof a single carbon nanotube as a function of h/r and its fitting curv e石墨烯纳米片拟合出的经验公式为作为对比,拟合的碳纳米管的U经验公式为参照有关实验中所合成的碳纳米管数据,取r=0.01μ m,h=6μ m,将这些值代入式(2),求得电场增强因子U=1007.4,与文献 [8]及实验中[9]F-N拟合结果吻合的较好,说明本文的模型和计算模拟方法是有效、可信的.利用式(1)和(2)分别把石墨烯纳米片和碳纳米管在大范围变化的高 /厚(径)变化规律进行了计算,如图 8所示.电场增强因子随高 /厚比呈 3次方抛物线规律增长,碳纳米管始终大于石墨烯纳米片.但随着 h/r的增加,它们之间的差距缩小,当 h/r=100时,碳纳米管 U=41.9,石墨烯纳米片 U=5.8,相差 6倍;当 h/r=800时,碳纳米管U=2653,石墨烯纳米片U=1481,差缩小了不到 1倍.这样的石墨烯纳米片已经具备了很好的场发射性能.图8 利用拟合曲线外推的电场增强因子随 h/r比的变化Fig.8 Uas a function of h/r by polynomial regression and fit of the calculation data场发射性能的指标不仅包括场增强因子,还包括开启电压、阈值电压、发射电流密度及物理化学性能等.与碳纳米管相比,石墨烯纳米片在导电性、传热能力、机械强度、总发射电流等方面胜出.因此,石墨烯纳米片是很有前途的新型场发射阴极材料.3 结论建立了形状为矩形薄片+半圆圆柱的石墨烯纳米片模型,利用电子束模拟软件 EBS模拟计算了石墨烯纳米片尖端的电场增强因子.根据计算模拟的数据点进行拟合,得出石墨烯纳米片电场增强因子的经验公式,模型和计算模拟方法有效可信.电场增强因子随高 /厚比呈 3次方抛物线规律增长,尽管碳纳米管始终大于石墨烯纳米片,但随着 h/r的增加,它们之间的差距缩小.当h/r=800时,石墨烯纳米片U已达1481.综合比较,石墨烯纳米片是有潜力的场发射阴极材料选材.参考文献:[1]Novoselov K S.Electric field effect in atomically thin carbonfilm[J].Science,2004,306:666-669.[2]Novoselov K S,Geim A K,Morozov S V,et al.Two-dimensional gas of massless Dirac fermions in graphene[J].Nature,2005,438:197-200.[3]Zhang Y.Experimental observation of the quantum hall effect and berry′s phase in graphene[J].Nature,2005,438:201-204.[4]Geim A K,Novoselov K S.The rise of graphene[J].Nature Materials,2007,6:183-191.[5]潘金艳,朱长纯.提高碳纳米管阴极膜场发射特性的研究[J].功能材料与器件学报 ,2008,14(6):1001.Pan J Y,Zhu C C. 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中科大 Materials Studio 培训教程 1(包你学会!)
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Reflex-Pattern √ √ √ Processing and
Powder Diffraction
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Conformers Discover DMol3 DPD Equilibria Forcite Gaussian GULP
Reflex-Powder Indexing
Reflex-Powder Refinement
Reflex Plus
Phys. Rev. B, 2003, 67, 245404
实例6. Study of the Effect of Alloying on the Surface Reactivity of Catalysts
The CASTEP simulations resulted in the following :
一、Nature上的关于碳纳米管的文章:1. “Enhanced Electrochemical Performance of Carbon Nanotube-Based Micro-Supercap acitors” (2017年)这篇文章报道了一种基于碳纳米管的微型超级电容器,通过控制碳纳米管的结构和形貌,实现了超高的电容性能。
2. “Bioinspired Carbon Nanotube Transistors with Cytoskeleton-like Scaffolds”(2018年)本研究根据生物启发,通过制备具有细胞骨架类似结构的碳纳米管晶体,并将其应用于场效应晶体管中。
3. “Carbon Nanotubes as High-Performance Anode Materials for Sodium-Ion Batteries”(2019年)这篇文章探讨了碳纳米管作为钠离子电池高性能负极材料的潜力。
The pressure response of CNF aerogels
Highly conductive and stretchable conductors
[1] H. W. Liang, L. Wang, P. Y. Chen, H. T. Lin, L. F. Chen, D. He, S. H. Yu, Adv Mater 2010, 22, 4691-4695. [2] W.-J. Z. Hai-Wei Liang, Yi-Ni Ma,Xiang Cao,Qing-Fang Guan,Wei-Ping Xu,and Shu-Hong Yu*, 2011. [3] H.-W. Liang, Q.-F. Guan, Z. Zhu, L.-T. Song, H.-B. Yao, X. Lei, S.-H. Yu, NPG Asia Materials 2012, 4, e19. [4] H. W. Liang, Q. F. Guan, L. F. Chen, Z. Zhu, W. J. Zhang, S. H. Yu, Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2012, 51, 5101-5105. [5] H. S. Qian, S. H. Yu , J. Y. Gong, L. B. Luo, L. F. Fei, Langmuir 2006, 22, 3830.
Some significant advantages:
1) Direct scaleup from 30mL to 12L just by using a large autoclave and without changing reactant concentrations and reaction time;
Materials Science of Carbon Nanotubes
Materials Science of Carbon NanotubesCarbon nanotubes (CNTs) are cylindrical structures made of carbon atoms that are around a nanometer in diameter and several micrometers in length. With their unique properties, CNTs have emerged as an exciting material in the field of materials science. They possess excellent mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties, which make them an ideal candidate for various applications.Mechanical PropertiesCNTs are extremely strong and stiff, much stronger than most materials known today. This is attributed to the high tensile strength of carbon-carbon bonds in the tube structure. The Young's modulus of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) is estimated to be around 1 TPa, which is more than 100 times higher than that of steel.Moreover, CNTs have high flexibility due to their tube structure, giving them the ability to withstand bending without breaking. This property makes CNTs an ideal candidate for making nanocomposites, which can enhance the mechanical properties of other materials.Electrical PropertiesDue to their unique atomic structure, CNTs possess excellent electrical conductivity. The conductivity of a metallic SWCNT is comparable to that of copper, while that of a semiconductor SWCNT is similar to that of silicon.Furthermore, the electrical properties of CNTs can be precisely controlled by modifying their diameter, chirality, and doping. The small size of CNTs also makes them a promising material for the development of nanoelectronics, where miniaturization is crucial for device performance.Thermal PropertiesCNTs also exhibit excellent thermal conductivity, which is attributed to their one-dimensional structure, low defects, and high aspect ratio. The thermal conductivity ofCNTs can be as high as 6000 W/mK, which is higher than that of any other material known today.Moreover, the thermal conductivity of CNTs is direction-dependent, with the highest thermal conductivity observed along the tube axis. This property makes CNTs an ideal candidate for applications in thermal management, such as heat spreaders, sensors, and energy conversion devices.ApplicationsCNTs have potential applications in many fields, including nanoelectronics, energy storage, aerospace, and biomedicine. In nanoelectronics, CNTs can be integrated into transistors, interconnects, and sensors to develop high-performance devices with low power consumption. In energy storage, CNTs can be used as electrodes in supercapacitors and batteries to enhance their energy density and power density.In the aerospace industry, CNTs can be incorporated into composites to enhance the mechanical and thermal properties of materials, making them suitable for high-performance applications. In biomedicine, CNTs can be used for drug delivery, imaging, and tissue engineering, thanks to their biocompatibility and small size.ConclusionIn conclusion, carbon nanotubes are a unique material with excellent properties that make them ideal for numerous applications in various fields. The versatility of CNTs can be attributed to their mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties, which can be precisely controlled by modifying their atomic structure. With ongoing research and development, CNTs are expected to continue to drive innovation in materials science and various other fields.。
Introduction of Carbon Nanotube
• Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are allotropes of carbon(同素异形体) (graphite 石墨,diamond钻石, Fullerene)with a cylindrical nanostructure. Nanotubes have been constructed with lengthto-diameter ratio of up to 28,000,000:1,which is significantly larger than any other material.(novel properties)
• Since then the discovery has led to new research in polymers, semiconductors, and other various areas.
• Nobel Prize to their finders in 1996
After the IUPAC nomenclature the C60 has the following name:
• The worldwide enthusiasm came unexpectedly in 1991, after the catalyst-free formation of nearly perfect concentric multiwall carbon nanotubes (c-MWNTs) was reported as by-products of the formation of fullerenes by the electric-arc technique.
Carbon nanotube based pressure sensor forflexible electronicsHye-Mi So a,Jin Woo Sim b,Jinhyeong Kwon c,Jongju Yun d,Seunghyun Baik d,Won Seok Chang a,*a Department of Nano Mechanics,Nanomechanical Systems Research Division,Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials,Daejeon305-343,Republic ofKoreab Advanced Nano Technology Ltd.,Seoul132-710,Republic of Koreac Department of Mechanical Engineering,Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,Daejeon305-701,Republic of Koread SKKU Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology(SAINT),Department of Energy Science and School of Mechanical Engineering,Sungkyunkwan University,Suwon,Gyeonggi-do440-746,Republic of Korea1.IntroductionNovel biocompatible pressure sensors have been activelypursued toward the development of artificial electronic skinapplications[1–3].These also have been widely recognized asessential elements for the realization of artificial intelligencedevices that facilitate human interaction such as interactiveelectronics or robot systems with human-like epidermal sensors.Artificial electronic skins generally involve large arrays of pixelpressure sensors on aflexible and stretchable substrate with thegoal of achieving a high sensitivity to small pressure differentialsduring gentle contact.Lipomi et al.described a skin-likeflexiblestretchable pressure sensor formed by spraying single-walledcarbon nanotubes(SWNTs)onto a thin layer of silicone[4].In theirreport,the SWNTs sprayed onto the silicon substrate naturallyformed nanoscale bundles and aligned along the direction of thestretching motion during substrate stretching.Although this skinwas less sensitive than other skin-like devices[5],Lipomi et al.demonstrated the detection of both pressure and strain whilemaintaining the skin transparency and stretchability.Suh et al.developed a prototype‘flexible electronic sensor’that relied oninterlocking hairs to sense objects through static attraction[6].Despite many recent advances,most sensing elements are basedon passive matrix circuitry.Carbon nanotubes exhibit exceptional mechanical properties,including a high elastic modulus and a high strength that is100times the strength of steel[7,8].Several extensive reports havecharacterized the mechanical and electrical properties of CNT-reinforced polymers and pristine CNTs[9–13].Freestandingfilmscontaining vertically aligned CNTs exhibit super-compressiblefoam-like behavior[12],whereas ultra-long CNT blocks can act aspressure or strain sensors,exhibiting reversible electrical conduc-tivities and a compressive strain response[13].Here,we describe aflexible pressure sensor prepared using VACNTs embedded in aPDMS support matrix.The VACNTs in the PDMS matrix weredeformable and maintained their structuralflexibility uponrepeated compression due to the high elasticity of the PDMSand VACNTs.A single-walled carbon nanotubefield-effecttransistor(SWNT-FET)with an ion gel gate dielectric layer wasfabricated and combined with the pressure sensor in a proof-of-concept device.2.Experimental2.1.Preparation of VACNT blockVertically aligned multi-walled CNTs were grown on rigidsubstrates via chemical vapor deposition methods[14].An Fe/AlMaterials Research Bulletin48(2013)5036–5039A R T I C L E I N F OArticle history:Received25January2013Received in revised form24April2013Accepted9July2013Available online18July2013Keywords:A.NanostructuresB.Vapor depositionC.Electrical propertiesD.MicrostructureA B S T R A C TA pressure sensor was developed based on an arrangement of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes(VACNTs)supported by a polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS)matrix.The VACNTs embedded in the PDMSmatrix were structurallyflexible and provided repeated sensing operation due to the high elasticities ofboth the polymer and the carbon nanotubes(CNTs).The conductance increased in the presence of aloading pressure,which compressed the material and induced contact between neighboring CNTs,thereby producing a dense current path and better CNT/metal contacts.To achieveflexible functionalelectronics,VACNTs based pressure sensor was integrated withfield-effect transistor,which isfabricated using sprayed semiconducting carbon nanotubes on plastic substrate.ß2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.*Corresponding author.Tel.:+82428687134;fax:+82428687884.E-mail addresses:************.kr,******************(W.S.Chang).Contents lists available at ScienceDirectMaterials Research Bulletinj o u rn a l h om e p a g e:w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m/l o c a t e/m a t r e s b u0025-5408/$–see front matterß2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.materresbull.2013.07.022catalyst layer was deposited by e-beam evaporation.VACNTs were grown on the catalyst-deposited substrate at7508C in a furnace under a mixedflow of C2H4,Ar,and H2.The reactor was then slowly cooled to room temperature under an Ar atmosphere.The VACNTs were embedded in the PDMS matrix prepared by mixing PDMS(Sylgard184from Dow Corning)with the crosslinker in a10:1base to crosslinker mass ratio.The mixture was degassed under vacuum,diluted with hexane,and poured onto the VACNT substrate.After curing in an oven at908C for2h,the PDMS-VACNT block was peel away from the Si substrate.The bottom and top surfaces of the VACNTs were treated with O2plasma before metallization to provide good contacts between the CNTs and the metal.A5/50nm Cr/Au layer was then deposited to form the electrical contact.2.2.Fabrication of SWNT-FETChannel materials composed of semiconductive SWNTs(S-SWNTs)with a99%purity(NanoIntegris Inc.)were prepared on a polyethylene-naphthalate(PEN)substrate using the spray method to prepare aflexible SWNT-FET.The S-SWNT suspension was directly sprayed onto the substrate with the781S spray valve systems(Nordson,USA),which have a spray gun moving in the x-axis.During the process,the substrate was kept at808C to accelerate the drying of the mist on the surface.Finally,the sample was rinsed with DI water to remove the surfactant and dried in N2gas.By controlling the spraying conditions such as air pressure, nozzle diameter,and moving speed of nozzle,as well as the number of coated layers and the concentration of the suspension, the density of the S-SWNTfilms could be optimized.Onto the sprayed SWNTs were deposited the source and drain electrodes by conventional photolithography and thermal evaporation of Cr and Au.All SWNTs were removed,except within the channel region,by applying O2plasma treatment.The oxygen plasma process with a power of100W was carried out at300mTorr for10s under the flow of O260sccm.The channel length and width were5m m and 10m m,respectively.An ion gel dielectric layer was prepared using a mixture comprising PS-PMMA-PS triblock copolymer,the1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([EMIM][TFSI])ionic liquid,and dichloromethane,prepared in a ratio of3:7:90(wt%/wt%/wt%).The mixed solution was then dropped onto the channel region.Finally,a Ag paste gate electrode was applied to the ion gel dielectric layer.The electrical properties of the FETs were measured using an Agilent E5262A source measurement unit at room temperature.3.Results and discussionFig.1shows photographic and SEM images of the vertically aligned multi-walled CNTs.The dense arrays of VACNTs formed over the entire substrate and often assumed twisted or tangled configurations involving neighboring nanotubes.The synthesized CNTs reached uniform lengths of over5mm,with diameters ranging between30and50nm.The pressure response of the VACNTs was examined using piezoelectric actuators and a strain gauge-type load cell(Kyowa Electric Instruments,LTS-50GA).The pressure response was measured based on changes in the resistance between the top and bottom electrodes of the CNTs in a VACNT block as a function of the mechanical pressure.The area of the pressure-sensitive region was1mm2.The pressure response of the VACNT block is shown in Fig.2.As shown therein,the resistance decreased as the loading pressure was applied.As the pressure approached zero,the resistance nearly retraced itself.The hysteresis behavior of sensor structure in Fig.2is thought that it comes from residual strain of CNT and PDMS after the compression,which has been usually reported in the previous results about compression test of porous structures like PDMS[15,16].Similar characteristic curve were also observed in repeated compression tests.The conductance of the VACNT block could be reproducibly modulated within23%of the resting resistance.The induced pressure built wide contact area among neighboring CNTs and between CNTs and metal electrodes.It produced denser current paths than those observed among the free-standing CNTs at the same density without pressure.This effect increased the conduc-tance of the VACNT block.However PDMS around VACNT block showed highly resistant characteristic to the pressure more than 200kPa,which gave the saturated conductance of sensor partas Fig.1.(a)Photograph of VACNTs on a Si substrate;(b)SEM images of VACNTs.The inset shows a high-magnification image highlighting the CNT alignment.612182430Weight(g)Displacement (µm)Pressure (kPa)Resistance(Ω)Fig.2.Electrical resistance versus pressure for a VACNT block.H.-M.So et al./Materials Research Bulletin48(2013)5036–50395037shown in Fig.2.From these results,it is expected that the pressure sensitivity could be adjusted by controlling the length of the VACNTs and the hardness of the PDMS.We fabricated a SWNT-FET using an ion gel as a gate dielectric layer,and we measured the electrical properties using a semiconductor analyzer at room temperature.As a SWNT field-effect transistor,we prepared a S-SWNT film on a flexible substrate using the spray method.The spray method used in this study facilitated the formation of a uniform deposition layer on the polymer substrate,and the application method could be readily scaled to large area at low temperatures.The high degree of uniformity in the sprayed SWNT networks was critical to achieving high-performance large-scale electronics.The average diameter,length,and density of the sprayed SWNTs on the PEN substrate were 1.8nm,1m m,and 1.7SWNTs/m m 2,respectively.The ion gel gate dielectrics,first introduced by the Frisbie group [17],consisted of a polymer matrix swollen with an ionic liquid.Unlike conventional dielectrics,such as SiO 2,ion gels have a large capacitance that enables transistors to operate at low voltages.The specific capacitance of an ion gel usually ranges from 1to 40m F/cm 2[18,19].The output and transfer characteristics of ion gel-gated SWNT-FETs are shown in Fig.3.The ion gel gated SWNT-FETs exhibited p-type behavior,under a gate voltage below 2V,and on/off current ratios of 103.The field-effect mobility,m FE ,could be estimated using Eq.(1)[20].m FE ¼L 2CV ds dI ds dV g ¼L ln ½2ðh þr Þ=r 2p ee 0V ds dI dsdV g;(1)where L is the channel length,h is the thickness of the ion gel,r isthe SWNT radius,e 0is the permittivity of a vacuum,and e is theI d (µA )Vds (V)I d (µA )Vg (V)(a)(b)Fig.3.Electrical properties of the SWNT-FETs on a PEN substrate.(a)Output characteristics of the device.A top gate voltage between 0V and À1V was applied in À0.25Vsteps.(b)Transfer characteristics of the device.Fig.4.(a)Photograph and (b)schematic diagram of a CNT-based pressure sensor and an SWNT-FET integrated element.(c)Output and (d)transfer characteristics of SWNT-FETs at zero pressure or at a pressure of 170kPa.H.-M.So et al./Materials Research Bulletin 48(2013)5036–50395038dielectric constant of the embedding ion gel(e=12)[21].The estimatedfield effect mobility was98cm2/V s at a bias voltage of V ds=0.5V.We fabricated aflexible pressure-sensor device by connecting a VACNT block device to a SWNT-FET,as shown in Fig.4.The VACNT block was connected to the drain electrode of the SWNT-FET. Under an external pressure,the conductance of the VACNT block changed,which modulated the SWNT-FET characteristics.The gate and drain bias of a FET could potentially be used for the addressing of word and bit lines in the context of a sensor array matrix.The integrated sensor and transistor could potentially employ active-matrix circuitry,which is advantageous over passive-matrix circuitry in that it maintains its state unless an active switching device induces a change.Typical changes in the drain current in response to changes in the voltage induced by an applied pressure are shown in Fig.4(c,d).A maximum pressure of170kPa,applied to the CNT block,increased the source-drain current I ds of the SWNT-FETs.This increased conductance arose from the conduc-tance change exhibited by the VACNT block under the applied pressure.Despite the small change in resistance of CNT block under pressure,the source-drain current of the SWNT-FET increased greatly.The increase is caused by the conductance change of the CNT block as well as by the resistance change at the interface between metal and CNTs during locally applied pressure.In our device,the VACNT block effectively served as a variable resistor in series with the SWNT-FET.The performance of a SWNT-FET used in this work showed the possibility of the low-power,active-matrix backplane of theflexible pressure-sensor application.4.ConclusionsIn conclusion,we fabricated a pressure sensor based onflexible VACNTs embedded in a support matrix and connected to a SWNT-FET.The pressure on the VACNT block produced an increase in the conductance of the CNTs because the VACNTs formed better contacts among the neighboring CNTs,which formed denser current paths and better CNT/metal contacts under pressure.In an integrated device,the VACNT pressure sensor and SWNT-FET yielded an increase in the source-drain current I ds of the SWNT-FET under pressure.The CNT block used for pressure sensing may be reduced in size and fabricated in an array in order to prepare an active matrix system that can mimic the tactile sensing functions of a human epidermal system.The active channel materials described in here,which display a high on/off ratio and a low operation voltage,may improve the performance of an integrated sensor system.AcknowledgementsThis work was partially supported by a grant(Code No.2011-0032064)from the Center for Advanced Soft Electronics under the Global Frontier Program,and a grant-in-aid for Nano Material Technology Development Program(Green Nano Technology Development Program)through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF)funded by the Ministry of Education,Science and Technology.References[1]J.A.Rogers,T.Someya,Y.Huang,Science327(2010)1603–1607.[2]J.J.Boland,Nat.Mater.9(2010)790–792.[3]M.Ramuz,B.C.-K.Tee,J.B.-H.Tok,Z.Bao,Adv.Mater.24(2012)3223–3227.[4]D.J.Lipomi,M.Vosqueritchian,B.C.-K.Tee,S.L.Hellstrom,J.A.Lee,C.H.Fox,Z.Bao,Nat.Nanotechnol.6(2011)788–792.[5]S.C.B.Mannsfeld,B.C.-K.Tee,R.M.Stoltenberg,C.V.H.-H.Chen,S.Barman,B.V.O.Muir,A.N.Sokolov,C.Reese,Z.Bao,Nat.Mater.9(2010)859–864.[6]C.Pang,G.-Y.Lee,T.-i.Kim,S.M.Kim,H.N.Kim,S.-H.Ahn,K.-Y.Suh,Nat.Mater.11(2012)795–801.[7]E.T.Thostensona,Z.Renb,T.-W.Chou,Compos.Sci.Technol.61(2001)1899–1912.[8]M.R.Falvo,G.J.Clary,R.M.Taylor II,V.Chi,F.P.Brooks Jr.,S.Washburn,R.Superfine,Nature389(1997)582–584.[9]J.F.Despres,E.Deguerre,fdi,Carbon33(1995)87–89.[10]M.M.J.Treacy,T.W.Ebbesen,J.M.Gibson,Nature381(1996)678–680.[11]N.G.Chopra,L.X.Benedic,V.H.Crespi,M.L.Cohen,S.G.Louie,A.Zettle,Nature377(1995)135–138.[12]A.Cao,P.L.Dickrell,W.G.Sawyer,M.N.Ghasemi-Nejhad,P.M.Ajayan,Science310(2005)1307–1310.[13]V.L.Pushparaj,L.Ci,S.Sreekala,A.Kumar,S.Kesapragada,D.Gall,O.Nalamasu,P.M.Ajayan,J.Suhr,Appl.Phys.Lett.91(2007)153116.[14]H.Kim,C.Lee,J.Choi,K.Y.Chun,Y.Kim,S.Baik,J.Kor.Phys.Soc.54(2009)1006–1010.[15]P.Slobodian,P.Riha,A.Lengalova,P.Saha,J.Mater.Sci.46(2011)3186–3190.[16]R.L.D.Whitby,S.V.Mikhalovsky,V.M.Gun’ko,Carbon48(2010)145–152.[17]J.Lee,M.J.Panzer,Y.He,T.P.Lodge,C.D.Frisbie,J.Am.Chem.Soc.129(2007)4532–4533.[18]J.Lee,L.G.Kaake,J.H.Cho,X.Y.Zhu,T.P.Lodge,C.D.Frisbie,J.Phys.Chem.C113(2009)8972–8981.[19]J.H.Cho,J.Lee,Y.Xia,B.S.Kim,T.P.Lodge,C.D.Frisbie,Nat.Mater.7(2008)900–906.[20]R.Martel,T.Schmidt,H.R.Shea,T.Hertel,Ph.Avouris,Appl.Phys.Lett.73(1998)2447–2449.[21]I.Krossing,J.M.Slattery,C.Daguenet,P.J.Dyson,A.Oleinikova,H.Weinga¨rtner,J.Am.Chem.Soc.128(2006)13427–13434.H.-M.So et al./Materials Research Bulletin48(2013)5036–50395039。
lammps势函数pcff -回复
lammps势函数pcff -回复LAMMPS势函数PCFF:构建模拟分子体系的有力工具引言:计算机模拟是研究复杂物质行为的重要方法之一,其中分子动力学模拟(Molecular Dynamics, MD)在近几十年来得到了广泛的应用。
一、LAMMPS简介:LAMMPS(Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator)是一款用于分子动力学模拟的开源软件包,它使用粒子法来模拟原子、分子和大分子体系的运动。
二、PCFF势函数概述:PCFF(Perturbed Chain-Forming Fluids)势函数是LAMMPS中一种经验函数,主要用于有机、无机和混合体系的模拟。
三、PCFF势函数的形式:1. 势能项:PCFF势函数包括键角势能、键长势能、键扭转势能、库伦相互作用和范德华力等多个项。
2. 势函数申请:在使用LAMMPS进行分子动力学模拟之前,需要首先在输入文件中定义物质的分子结构和参数。
四、PCFF势函数的模拟应用:1. 高分子材料:PCFF势函数可以用于模拟高分子材料(如聚合物),以研究其力学性质、热学性质和结构演化等。
2. 溶液体系:PCFF势函数可以模拟溶液中的分子相互作用,从而研究溶剂对溶质的溶解行为。
1.概述 2.现阶段发展状况 3.展望
1.概述(ɡài shù)
无 机膜 是 以无机 材料 为 分离介 质制成 的具有分离功 能的渗 透膜 。
特点:具 有化 学稳 定 性好 、耐高 温 、 孔径分 布 窄和 分离 效率高 等特 点 , 可用 于气体分离等。
应用:主要涉及 液 相分 离 与 净 化 , 气 体分 离 与净 化和膜反应 器 3 个 方面 。
原理: 筛分(shāi fēn)原理,吸附原理等。
Байду номын сангаас 2.现阶段发展(fāzhǎn)状 况
最新趋势:一是 在多孔 膜研究方 面,纳 滤膜 、气体 分 离膜 和渗 透汽化 膜; 二是多组 分 复合膜 研究 ; 三是膜改性。
Nano Today (2012) xxx,xx-xxx
图1 碳纳米管薄膜制备(zhìbèi)模型图 碳纳米管具有高长径比、大比表面积、纳米级内径等特点,可是水分子在其孔道内顺 利通过。将碳纳米管制备成功能化的膜材料(cáiliào),可以更好地被用于吸附水中的重金属、 氟化物、三氧化二砷和有毒有机物等。
图2 季铵盐改性制备(zhìbèi)带正电荷的纳米过滤膜
图3 硫酸改性制备带负电荷的纳米(nàmǐ)过滤膜
Science,2011,334, 72-75
Kumar Varoon.Dispersible Exfoliated Zeolite Nanosheets and Their Application as a Selective Membrane .
谢谢 ! (xiè xie)
基于有效介质理论碳纤维的介电常数计算秦思良;王庆国;曲兆明;雷忆三【摘要】The permittivity of carbon fibers in different composites is calculated and discussed by using M-G equations, Bruggeman equations and generalized M-G equation. Results show that for high draw ratio fibers, all the three equations can calculate out the permittivity with the same numerical level and variation trend. Generalized M-G equation and M-G equation have a similar result but Bruggemaris result is smaller. All three equations become invalidation when fibers' concentration reaches its percolation threshold, which means that all three equations are useful at low concentration.%采用M-G方程、Bruggeman方程和广义M-G方程计算了复合材料内碳纤维的介电常数.结果表明:当纤维长径比较大时,3个方程均可以计算出碳纤维的介电常数,并且数量级和趋势保持一致;广义M-G和M-G方程的计算结果较为一致,而Bruggeman方程则小于其余两者的计算结果;当碳纤维浓度上升至渗流浓度附近时,3个方程计算结果均出现一定程度的偏离,表明3个方程均适用于低浓度情况.【期刊名称】《河北科技大学学报》【年(卷),期】2012(033)004【总页数】4页(P309-312)【关键词】M-G方程;Bruggeman方程;广义M-G方程;介电常数;碳纤维【作者】秦思良;王庆国;曲兆明;雷忆三【作者单位】军械工程学院静电与电磁防护研究所,河北石家庄050003;军械工程学院静电与电磁防护研究所,河北石家庄050003;军械工程学院静电与电磁防护研究所,河北石家庄050003;中国电子科技集团第33研究所,山西太原030006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM153+.5近年来随着电子器件的广泛应用,空间电磁环境变得日益复杂,人们对于高效电磁防护材料的需求日益迫切[1-3]。
碳纳米管受介电泳作用三维运动仿真王小冲;安立宝;龚亮;陈琰【摘要】Based on the dielectrophoretic force arising from the polarization of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in the dielectric fluid under an alternating current electric field and the viscous resistance from the fluid , force and motion models for CNTs under dielectrophoresis (DEP) are established . Simulation is conducted on the translational and rotational motion of CNTs . Three‐dimensional trajectories and a distribution region of initial points from where a CNT can be successfully assembled onto the electrode gap are obtained . By calculating the DEP force and translational velocity of a CNT during assembly , we know that the nearer the CNT to the electrode gap , the greater the DEP force and CNT velocity , and that the maximal DEP force and CNT velocity can be respectively of orders 10‐9 N and 105 μm/s . The results of simulation provide guidance for DEP assembly of CNTs .%利用溶于介电液中的碳纳米管在外加交变电场作用下极化产生介电泳力和液体粘滞阻力的共同作用,建立了碳纳米管受力和运动模型;对碳纳米管的运动过程进行了仿真,得到了碳纳米管从特定初始点开始的三维运动轨迹和可以实现组装的碳纳米管初始点分布区域。
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MD simulation of carbon nanotube pullout behavior and its use in determining mode I delamination toughnessLin Yang a ,b ,Liyong Tong b ,Xiaodong He a ,⇑a Centre for Composite Materials and Structures,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150080,ChinabSchool of Aerospace,Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering,The University of Sydney,NSW 2006,Australiaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 31August 2011Received in revised form 7November 2011Accepted 10December 2011Available online 15January 2012Keywords:Carbon nanotube Molecular dynamics Traction law Pullout behaviora b s t r a c tThis study presents a multi scale approach of understanding the influence of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWNT)on delamination toughness.Molecular dynamic (MD)simulation was used to investigate the influence of diameter and length of a MWNT and the boundary and loading conditions on its pullout behav-ior from polymer matrix.Numerical results reveal that the MWNT experiences non-uniform stretching and necking prior to the movement of its embedded end and pullout,and the force–displacement curve features with four distinct regions.A quadruple-linear model was proposed via a parametric study and validated by comparing with existing experimental result,and then used as a traction law in deriving the formula for determining the enhancement in mode I delamination toughness due to MWNT presence.Ó2011Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionDelamination in fiber-reinforced laminated composites has been identified as an important limiting factor in practical struc-tural applications.To enhance the delamination toughness and other poor through-the-thickness properties,various techniques,such as weaving,pinning,and stitching,have been attempted to place additional fiber tows of microscale in the thickness direction [1].Recently,carbon nanotubes (CNTs)have been used as nano-scale reinforcement entities,nanopins or stitches,by joining car-bon nanotubes (CNTs)to a fiber or ply in order to use their super properties to enhance the interfacial strength or out-of-plane resin toughness between two adjacent fibers or plies [2–7].The chemical vapor deposition (CVD)method was used to grow well-aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs)of 60l m long on the 2D woven SiC fabric,and two such fabrics were then laminated to-gether to form MWNT reinforced laminated adjacent plies [2].The three-point bending test and DCB test results show a remarkable improvement in mode I delamination toughness [2].An alternative approach is the chemical modification to connect CNTs onto a car-bon fiber surface.Amido link and denderimer (macromolecule)link that connects CNTs onto a carbon fiber graphite sheet have been successfully realized [3].Fig.1depicts a scanning electron microscopy (SEM)micrograph of a carbon fiber surface with CNTs connected via denderimer (macromolecule)[3,4].It was shown inthe microdroplet experiment that the addition of the chemically-connected CNTs can lead to a noticeable improvement in the fiber’s interfacial shearing strength [3,8].Similar to a pin or stitch in a DCB test,a CNT can play the role of bridging the two delaminated or cracked surfaces with one end being connected to the SiC fiber and the other embedded in resin [2].This CNT bridging mechanism can be schematically illustrated in Fig.2,and the axial tensile force in a CNT together with its end displacement play a role of retarding crack propagation and absorbing deformation energy.The relationship between the axial pull force and its associated end displacement for an embedded CNT as schematically depicted in Fig.2c is often referred to as a traction law,and determination of this relationship is important in assessing the role of CNTs in affecting the interfacial shear strength and delamination toughness in CNT reinforced 3D carbon fiber composite materials [5–7].The interface between CNT and polymer could be controlled by non-bond forces or cross-links or a combination of both.For the first case,only non-bond forces,comprising of Coulombic electrostatic force and van der Waals force,exist between a non-chemically-mod-ified CNT and its surrounding polymer in composites.The TEM graphs [10,18]show that some CNTs pulled out from polymer have smooth surface,which indicates that the cross-links number be-tween CNT and polymer could be very low.For the second case,a chemical modification of the CNTs can achieve an enhanced compat-ibility to composite material via cross-links between CNT and ma-trix.In this case,CNTs coated with a polymer sheath are protruded from the composite fracture surface,indicating the adherence of the polymer to the nanotube based on the TEM images [11,23–25].0927-0256/$-see front matter Ó2011Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/matsci.2011.12.014Corresponding author.E-mail address:xdhe@ (X.D.He).In fact,the adherence between CNT and polymer is strong enough to transfer the sliding mechanism of a CNT from its polymeric matrix to case of the polymer sheath being broken from resin matrix.The TEM images show that the CNTs coated with polymer sheaths could be entirely pulled out relatively easily,and thus leading to that the CNT pulling force is less than the CNT’s strength.As the distributionCNT-polymer cross-links can be random,this research focuses non-bond interaction of a non-chemically-modified CNT sliding ranging from440nm to600nm.This range is nearly equal to the length of the empty cylindrical hole(160nm)left after the MWNT’s partial pullout which represents the MWNT’s embedded end movement distance.It should be noted that the force-distance curve ranges from530nm to600nm drops back to contacting force with Kaptonfilm level which means the MWNT pulling force is low and ignorable.Cooper et al.[9]observed that the bending of the WMNTs before pullout is typically<6°.For the TEM images case,the MWNT crossing the hole in epoxy matrix is about 240nm,which,by multiplying sine(6°),is equal to25nm repre-senting the MWNT’s stretch elongation when considering bending. This distance is nearly the same as the SPM tip’s movement range from440nm to475nm during which the pulling force is slightly larger than contacting force with Kaptonfilm andfluctuating.As there are limited works studying the interaction between a CNT and polymer molecules by employing MD simulation,in this study a MD simulation approach was adopted to investigate the influences of various parameters on the interaction between a CNT and its surrounding resin molecules in a pullout process as schematically shown in Fig.2d.In the limited works available in the literature[13–15],used were relatively smaller molecular units containing shorter CNT and without considering the influences of pulling velocity,MWNT diameter and length in a uniform extrac-tion process.This study focuses on investigating MWNT’s extrac-tion with different pulling speeds,MWNT diameters and lengths.A simplified traction law was then established based on the MD re-1.An SEM image showing denderimer treated CNTs connected onto carbonfiber surface[4].of modelling the CNT bridging role:(a)interlaminar crack bridged by CNTs;(b)the crack tip where CNTs connect the upper leg and theyields pull-out of a CNT;and(d)a MD model.Science55(2012)356–364357side view of the overall model;(b)cross-sectional view of the model;(c)three-walled CNT;(d)rein matrixE pot¼E with-bondþE non-bondð1Þwhere E with-bond can be further decomposed intofive items,E bond, E angle,E dihedral,E improper,E coupling,and E non-bond comprises of two items:the Coulumbic electrostatic interaction energy E elec and the van der Waals’energy E vdw,which are[16]E non-bond¼E elecþE vdwð2Þwhere detail expressions of E ,E,E,E,E,to polymerize a three-dimensional network epoxy resin.We use the same method in[15]to form cross-links between epoxy resin and curing agent,the cross-links expanded in all directions in resin matrix.To ensure a reasonable molecular configuration,atoms are assumed to achieve equilibrium in4000time steps(1fs per time step)to simulate the curing process.After this equilibrium process, the epoxy resin molecules distribute uniformly around the MWNT as shown in Fig.3b.There is obviously an annular vacancy aroundDeformation configurations of three-walled CNT pull-out from polymer matrix of the stretching stage(a–d)and the extraction stageL.Yang et al./Computational Materials Science55(2012)356–364359360L.Yang et al./Computational Materials Science55(2012)356–3643.Basic observationsThis section presents the MD simulation results for a three-walled carbon nanotube being pulled out from an EPON862epoxy resin.These results were obtained using the following baseline parameters:MWCT embedded length=100Å,MWCNT external ra-dius=10.764Å,loading rate=0.2Å/fs,radius of the boundary cylin-der=24Å.In12,000simulation steps(0.08fs per time step),the MWNT segment were completely pulled out from the epoxy resin.3.1.MWNT’s deformation and axial force distributionFig.4depicts the MWNT’s deformations at the selected eight time steps.It is noted that the entire MWNT extraction process can be divided into two stages,i.e.,stage one featured with pro-gressive development of stretching,necking,and debonding until reaching full MWNT’s length(see Fig.4a–d),and stage two com-menced with sliding movement and then diameter enlargement of the MWNT’s embedded end(see Fig.4e–h).In stage one,as shown in Fig.4a–d,starting from the loading end,a portion of the MWNT is stretched,yielding necking due toPoisson’s contraction,and a combined stretching and necking in turn causes its debonding from epoxy resin.This continues until the entire MWNT is debonded.The MWNT elongation,necking and debonding from the matrix were observed in the TEM images of crack propagation in the MWNT–polystyrene thinfilms with some gaps between a MWNT and matrix when the MWNT was ex-tracted by the fracture surface[10].The phenomenon of MWNT shrinking was observed in the MWNT tensile tests[19].As shown in Fig.5b–d,the pulling force at the loading end increases quickly to its peak prior to debonding and then decreases gradually as deb-onding propagates along the MWNT.The axial force in the MWNT is positive but not uniformly distributed,and its undulation is be-lieved to be caused by the progressive debonding of MWNT from its surrounding resin via overcoming the Columbic electrostatic interaction force and van der Waals force[13].This oscillation re-flects the occurrence of unevenly debonding which creates stress waves transmitting along the MWNT’s longitudinal direction in the extracted segment in Fig.4b–d.In stage two,as shown in Fig.4e–h,the diameter near the embedded end of the MWNT enlarges remarkably compared to the reduced value.This is due to the creation of a segment in com-pression because the embedded end moves to the loading end at a rate faster than speed of MWNT exiting the epoxy resin.Fig.5e–h shows that there exists a segment of the embedded MWNT that is in compression with a compressive force of7l N at6000time step. The enlarged diameter in the embedded segment subsequently creates additional resistance to the pullout,which yields a sharp increase in the axial tensile force at the loading end as shown in Fig.5f and g.This MWNT compression and diameter enlargement phenomenon was observed in a TEM image of the buckled and compressed region of an MWNT[11].As shown in Fig.5e–g,the length of MWNT segment in tension reduces from approximately 140Åat4500time steps to90Åat7000time steps,and the axial force at the loading end increases from0.65l N to2.76l N.Fig.4e–h also shows that the embedded end exhibits a bubble shape,which indicates the inner walls move slower than the out-most one.This observation illustrates viscosity between the move-ments of neighboring walls.This phenomenon of relative slippage between the walls in a MWNT was observed in a high-resolution image of a MWNT pullout[18].Fig.6depicts the variation of the distance between cross sec-tions A and B near the embedded end of the MWNT as marked in Fig.3a.Fig.6shows that the segment length between cross sec-tions A and B experiences a small change up to3700time step,then varies from13Åto19Åfrom3700to4600time steps.This segment is in compression4600–9100time steps leading to en-larged diameter,and intension after9100time steps.The segment experiences a nominal strain of46%,possible due to MWNT’s super plastic phenomenon[20].3.2.Force–displacement curveFig.7depicts two curves of the axial force versus displacement of the MWNT at the loading end plotted as original MD and smoothed results.The axial force is defined by multiplying the average stress with the MWNT cross-sectional area at cross section near the loading region show in Fig.3a.The original MD simulation curve exhibits a noticeable oscillation range,which is similar to the measured behaviors[9].In Fig.7,the smoothed curve was deter-mined by averaging10–20fore-and-aft points.In Fig.7,there are four characteristic points with force labeled as F1,F2,F3,and F4(the displacements related to F1,F2,F3,F4can be denoted as d1,d2,d3and d4).The eight hollow diamond markers reflect sequentially the forces and displacements at the selected eight time steps in Figs.4and5.As shown in Fig.7,the axial force jumps to a value(F1)then decreases gradually and settles to F2 (about three fourths of F1)at the end of stage one(see Fig.5d).L.Yang et al./Computational Materials Science55(2012)356–364361When entering stage two,the axial force increases steeply to a peak(F3)(see Fig.5f)and then decreases to zero(F4)gradually. The subsequent axial force is small and negligible and maybe due to stress balance along the MWNT’s axial direction.This is sim-ilar to the observation reported in the force–displacement curve [9].Fig.8depicts the influence of the radius of the boundary cylin-drical surface on the axial force–displacement curves with the ra-dius being20Å,23Åand26Å,respectively.The radius of the boundary surface together with the external radius of the MWNT can be used to calculate the area density of carbon nanotube, namely,22.7%,17.2%and13.5%for the selected boundary radii with the three-walled MWNT.For the simulated cases,it is noted that the radius of the boundary cylinder has a notable effect on F4only.It is noted that the axial force–displacement curve at the load-ing end can be described approximately by four straight line seg-ment of with seven characteristic factors(F1,d1),(F2,d2),(F3,d3) and(F4=0,d4).This simplified force-curve with seven parameters can be used as a traction law for characterizing the influence of MWNT on mode I delamination or fracture toughness[5,6].These seven parameters can be determined experimentally by using measured force–displacement curves or numerically by using MD simulations.Hence the next section investigates the influences of the length and external diameter of a MWNT as well as the pulling rate at the loading end on these seven parameters.4.Parametric study and a traction law4.1.Influence of pull rateTo understand the effect of the pull rate at the loading end,MD simulations were performed for a three-walled MWNT at different rates,namely,0.02,0.04,0.06,0.08,0.10,0.12,0.14,0.16,0.18, 0.20Å/fs,respectively.Fig.9depicts the pullout force versus dis-placement curves predicted for ten different pulling rates.It is evident that the pulling rate has a significant effect on the load–displacement curves.Although the topological shape of the curves are similar and can be described by the idealized four segment model with seven parameters,the actual values of all the parameters are quite different.It is noted that the higher the pulling rate,the larger the characteristic forces and displacement.This trend is similar to that identified in previous research,e.g.[21,22],which reported that the rupture force increases with the pulling rate ranging from0.0002 to0.05nm/ps in the MD simulations of pulling individual lipid mol-ecules from a phospholipid membrane in the liquid–crystalline phase.It was also noted that the local viscosity due to local friction is a contributing factor to the difference of the measured rupture forces and the slowest MD simulation results.The MD results show that F2is about two thirds of F1and F4is zero and the ratios d1/d4,d2/d4and d3/d4are approximately0.02,0.5 and0.75respectively.This indicates that the influences of pulling rate on the force–displacement curves can be characterized by its effect on the three parameters:F1,F3and d4.By using curvefitting, these three parameters can be expressed in terms of the non-dimensionalised pulling rates considered.4.2.Influence of MWNT lengthMD simulations were conducted for two-walled MWNTs with different lengths of10nm,28nm,42nm,56nm,72nm.The pulling rate at the loading end is0.2Å/fs.Fig.10depicts the influence of MWNT length on the force–displacement curves.As shown in Fig.10,F1and F2remain nearly the same for all different lengths of the MWNTs,whereas F3increases with the length.Through curvefit-ting,F3and d4can be expressed in terms of the MWNT’s length. 4.3.Influence of MWNT radiusTwo-,four-,five-and six-walled MWNTs of nearly100Ålong were simulated with a pulling rate of0.2Å/fs in the same way as that of the three-walled MWNT model.It should be noted that160180200362L.Yang et al./Computational Materials Science55(2012)356–364the radii boundary for the two-,four-,five-andare 16,26,30and 34Å,respectively.This 23.1%,26.6%and 29.4%MWNT area density.Fig.11depicts the force–displacement four-,five-and six-walled MWNTs.It is noted external radius has a significant influence on ment curves,and in particular F 1and F 3Fig.11also reveals that,except for the d 4is nearly the same for all cases,which means has minimal effect on d 4.Hence only two need to be curved fitted by using the smoothed 4.4.Traction law and mode I fracture toughnessFrom the above parametric study and the equations,we propose the following parameters (F 0=d 0=0),(F 1,d 1),(F 2,d 2),(F 3,d 3)an idealized quadruple-linear model for the epoxy system:F 1¼0:78ÂðR Â0:219À1:11ÞÂ6:56V F 2¼0:52ÂðR Â0:219À1:11ÞÂ6:56VF 3¼0:5ÂðÀ4:2þ0:65R ÞÂð4:1V þ107:3V 2À291:7V 3ÞÂð0:83þ0:00052L Þð3Þwhere the unit of length and radius of the MWNT is Å.As the ratios d 1/d 4,d 2/d 4,d 3/d 4can approximated as 0.02,0.5,0.75,respectively,and the d 4is only proportional to the loading rate and the MWNT length.The displacements of the MWNT,d 1,d 2,d 3and d 4,are given byd 1¼0:17VL d 2¼4:31VL d 3¼6:47VL d 4¼8:62VL ð4ÞThe area beneath the force–displacement curve represents the additional fracture toughness offered by a MWNT.When the MWNTs are distributed evenly along the length of the saturated bridging zone,the additional mode I fracture toughness D G con-tributed by MWNTs across the width of the DCB specimen can be determined by [7]:D G ¼2SZdF ðd Þd d ¼2SE MWNT%2ÂS Âf 2:8VL ½ðR Â0:219À1:11ÞÂ6:56Vþ1:08VL ðÀ4:2þ0:65R ÞÂð4:1V þ107:3V 2À291:7V 3ÞÂð0:83þ0:00052L Þgð5Þwhere S is the number of MWNTs per unit length.The above equa-tion is important as it relates the MD simulation determined trac-tion law to the increment of the mode I fracture toughness in a standard DCB specimen.The area beneath the full traction law curve plays an important role in capturing the contribution of bridging MWNT between two cracked parison with experimental resultIn this section,we compare the proposed traction law,i.e.,four-line force–displacement curve,with the experimental results re-ported in [9].Cooper et al.[9]conducted an experiment of detaching nanotubes from an epoxy by using a SPM tip and reported the mea-sured force-distance curve for a MWNT of 8.2nm in diameter and 484nm in length.The maximum diameter and length of the MWNT in the MD simulation is 4.16nm and 72nm,respectively,so Eqs.(1)and (2)were used in this prediction.From Fig.3in Ref.[9],it is noted that d 4measures about 60nm (440nm to 500nm)between the mo-ment of the SPM tip coming in contact with the CNT and that of CNT being pulled out.As for Eq.(4),the MD simulation velocity is chosen as 0.015Å/fs corresponding to the real experimental speed.The SPM tip speed was not given in Ref.[9],but is believed to be on the order of magnitude of l m/s.As the MD simulation velocity is a virtual velocity and its corresponding real velocity could be influenced by different factors,e.g.,such as test setup,crack propagation speed and data acquisition method.If we assume the SPM tip speed in [9]is 1l m/s,Eqs.(3)and (4)can be useful in MWNT reinforced com-posite delamination analysis.From Eqs.(3)and (4),we can deter-mine that F 1=0.6l N,F 2=0.4l N and F 3=3.2l N;and d 1=1.2nm,d 2=31.3nm,d 3=47.0nm and d 4=62.6nm.Fig.12compares the predicted idealized force–displacement curve with the measured one from Cooper et al.[9]in the range of 440nm to 530nm in which the friction force with Kapton film (about 2.6l N)was subtracted.A broad agreement exists between the two curves although there are differences in actual values.One reason could be due to difference in epoxy systems,i.e.,EPON 862epoxy resin reacted with DETDA cur-ing agent was used in the MD model and Araldite LY564with hard-ener HY560was used in the experiment [9].6.ConclusionThe present simulation reveals that the MWNT extraction con-sists of two stages.In the simulation,the MWNT’s progressive stretching,necking and debonding phenomena have been noted prior to the movement of the end embedded in resin.The pulling force versus displacement curve is characterized by four distinct pairs of forces and displacements.The influence of the radius andparisons of the pull force–displacement curves between present prediction and the experimental measurement [9].L.Yanglength of MWNT and pulling rate were studied and then curved-fit-ted to obtain two equations describing the proposed quadruple-linear traction law.The proposed quadruple-linear traction law is then validated by comparing favorably with existing experimental result.By using the MD based quad-linear traction law,a simple formula was developed to estimate the increase in mode I energy release rate due to presence of MWNTs.AcknowledgementsThe authors are grateful to thefinancial support of the China Scholarship Council to Lin Yang during his study at the University of Sydney.This work wasfinancially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC,Grant2009-90916008,2011-11002042)and Key Laboratory Opening Funding of National Key Laboratory for Advanced Composites in Special Environment(HIT.KLOF.2009038).The authors also wish to thank Lei Mei of HIT for her work in preparing carbonfiber with con-nected carbon nanotubes.Appendix AE with-bond can be further decomposed intofive items(E bond,E angle, E hideral,E improper,E coupling)and they are given by[7]:E with-bond¼E bondþE angleþE dihedralþE improperþE couplingðA:1ÞE bond¼Xb½k2ðbÀb0Þ2þk3ðbÀb0Þ3þk4ðbÀb0Þ4 ðA:2ÞE angle¼Xh½k2ðhÀh0Þ2þk3ðhÀh0Þ3þk4ðhÀh0Þ4 ðA:3ÞE dihedral¼X/½k1ð1Àcos/Þ2þk2ð1Àcos2/Þ3þk3ð1Àcos3/Þ4 ðA:4ÞE improper¼Xvk v v2ðA:5ÞE coupling¼Xb Xb0kbb0ðbÀb0Þðb0Àb0ÞþXbXhk b hðbÀb0ÞðhÀh0ÞþXb X/k b/ðbÀb0ÞðF1b/ðcos/ÞþF2b/ðcos2/ÞþF3b/ðcos3/ÞþXh X/k b/ðhÀh0ÞðF1h/ðcos/ÞþF2h/ðcos2/ÞþF3h/ðcos3/ÞþXh Xh0k hh0ðhÀh0Þðh0Àh0ÞþXhX/XhðhÀh0ÞÂðh0Àh00Þcos/ðA:6Þwhere b is the bond length,h is the bond angle,u is the dihedral an-gle,v is the out-of-plane angle;b0,h0,u0and v0are the equilibriumbond length,bond angle,dihedral angle,and out-of-plane angle;k iand k a b are the quadratic,cubic and quartic forcefield and couplingparameters.The E non-bond is composed of two items,the Coulumbic electro-static interaction energy E elec and the var der Waals energy E vdw,E vdw¼Xe2dr ij9À3dr ij6"#for r<r c1ðA:7ÞE coul¼Xi;jqiqjr ijfor r<r c2ðA:8Þwhere e is the negative of minimum van der Waals energy,d is thedistance parameter.The r ij is the distance between atoms i and j,r c1and r c2are the cut-off distance for var der Waals energy E vdW andColumbic electrostatic interaction energy E elec,and q i and q j arethe charges on the two atoms.References[1]L.Tong,A.P.Mouritz,M.K.Bannister,3D Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites,Elsevier Science Ltd.,Oxford,UK,2002.[2]V.P.Veedu,A.Cao,X.Li,et al.,Nat.Mater.5(2006)457–462.[3]X.D.He,F.H.Zhang,R.Wang,et al.,Carbon45(13)(2007)2559–2563.[4]Mei.L,X.D.He,Y.Li,et al.,Mater.Lett.64(2010)2505–2508.[5]E.J.Garcia,B.L.Wardle,A.J.Hart,Compos.Part A–Appl.Sci.Manuf.39(2008)1065–1070.[6]L.Tong,X.Sun,P.Tan,pos.Mater.42(1)(2008)5–23.[7]J.Blanco,E.J.Garcia,R.G.De Villoria,et al.,pos.Mater.43(8)(2009)825–841.[8]F.H.Zhang,Study on Carbon Nanotube/Carbon Fiber 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