Material data for injection moulders


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Journal of Materials Processing Technology187–188 (2007) 690–693Adaptive system for electrically driven thermoregulationof moulds for injection mouldingB.Nardin a,∗,B.ˇZagar a,∗,A.Glojek a,D.Kriˇz aj ba TECOS,Tool and Die Development Centre of Slovenia,Kidriˇc eva Cesta25,3000Celje,Sloveniab Faculty of Electrical Engineering,Ljubljana,SloveniaAbstractOne of the basic problems in the development and production process of moulds for injection moulding is the control of temperature con-ditions in the mould.Precise study of thermodynamic processes in moulds showed,that heat exchange can be manipulated by thermoelectrical means.Such system upgrades conventional cooling systems within the mould or can be a stand alone application for heat manipulation within it.In the paper,the authors will present results of the research project,which was carried out in three phases and its results are patented in A686\2006 patent.The testing stage,the prototype stage and the industrialization phase will be presented.The main results of the project were total and rapid on-line thermoregulation of the mould over the cycle time and overall influence on quality of plastic product with emphasis on deformation control.Presented application can present a milestone in thefield of mould temperature and product quality control during the injection moulding process.© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Keywords:Injection moulding;Mould cooling;Thermoelectric modules;FEM simulations1.Introduction,definition of problemDevelopment of technology of cooling moulds via thermo-electrical(TEM)means derives out of the industrial praxis and problems, design,tool making and exploitation of tools. Current cooling technologies have technological limitations. Their limitations can be located and predicted in advance with finite element analyses(FEA)simulation packages but not com-pletely avoided.Results of a diverse state of the art analyses revealed that all existing cooling systems do not provide con-trollable heat transfer capabilities adequate tofit into demand-ing technological windows of current polymer processing technologies.Polymer processing is nowadays limited(in term of short-ening the production cycle time and within that reducing costs) only with heat capacity manipulation capabilities.Other produc-tion optimization capabilities are already driven to mechanical and polymer processing limitations[3].∗Corresponding authors.Tel.:+3863490920;fax:+38634264612.E-mail processes in injection moulding plastic processingPlastic processing is based on heat transfer between plastic material and mould cavity.Within calculation of heat transfer one should consider two major facts:first is all used energy which is based onfirst law of thermodynamics—law of energy conservation[1],second is velocity of heat transfer.Basic task at heat transfer analyses is temperature calculation over time and its distribution inside studied system.That last depends on velocity of heat transfer between the system and surroundings and velocity of heat transfer inside the system.Heat transfer can be based as heat conduction,convection and radiation[1].1.2.Cooling timeComplete injection moulding process cycle comprises of mould closing phase,injection of melt into cavity,packing pres-sure phase for compensating shrinkage effect,cooling phase, mould opening phase and part ejection phase.In most cases,the longest time of all phases described above is cooling time.Cooling time in injection moulding process is defined as time needed to cool down the plastic part down to ejection temperature[1].0924-0136/$–see front matter© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2006.11.052B.Nardin et al./Journal of Materials Processing Technology 187–188 (2007) 690–693691Fig.1.Mould temperature variation across one cycle[2].The main aim of a cooling process is to lower additional cooling time which is theoretically needless;in praxis,it extends from45up to67%of the whole cycle time[1,4].From literature and experiments[1,4],it can be seen,that the mould temperature has enormous influence on the ejection time and therefore the cooling time(costs).Injection moulding process is a cyclic process where mould temperature varies as shown in Fig.1where temperature varies from average value through whole cycle time.2.Cooling technology for plastic injection mouldsAs it was already described,there are already several differ-ent technologies,enabling the users to cool the moulds[5].The most conventional is the method with the drilling technology, i.e.producing holes in the mould.Through these holes(cooling lines),the cooling media isflowing,removing the generated and accumulated heat from the mould[1,2].It is also very convenient to build in different materials,with different thermal conductiv-ity with the aim to enhance control over temperature conditions in the mould.Such approaches are so called passive approaches towards the mould temperature control.The challenging task is to make an active system,which can alter the thermal conditions,regarding to the desired aspects, like product quality or cycles time.One of such approaches is integrating thermal electrical modules(TEM),which can alter the thermal conditions in the mould,regarding the desired prop-erties.With such approach,the one can control the heat transfer with the time and space variable,what means,that the temper-ature can be regulated throughout the injection moulding cycle, independent of the position in the mould.The heat control is done by the control unit,where the input variables are received from the manual input or the input from the injection moulding simulation.With the output values,the control unit monitors the TEM module behaviour.2.1.Thermoelectric modules(TEM)For the needs of the thermal manipulation,the TEM module was integrated into mould.Interaction between the heat and elec-trical variables for heat exchange is based on the Peltier effect. The phenomenon of Peltier effect is well known,but it wasuntilFig.2.TEM block never used in the injection moulding applications.TEM module(see Fig.2)is a device composed of properly arranged pairs of P and N type semiconductors that are positioned between two ceramic plates forming the hot and the cold thermoelectric cooler sites.Power of a heat transfer can be easily controlled through the magnitude and the polarity of the supplied electric current.2.2.Application for mould coolingThe main idea of the application is inserting TEM module into walls of the mould cavity serving as a primary heat transfer unit.Such basic assembly can be seen in Fig.3.Secondary heat transfer is realized via conventionalfluid cooling system that allows heatflows in and out from mould cavity thermodynamic system.Device presented in Fig.3comprises of thermoelectric modules(A)that enable primarily heat transfer from or to tem-perature controllable surface of mould cavity(B).Secondary heat transfer is enabled via cooling channels(C)that deliver constant temperature conditions inside the mould.Thermoelec-tric modules(A)operate as heat pump and as such manipulate with heat derived to or from the mould byfluid cooling sys-tem(C).System for secondary heat manipulation with cooling channels work as heat exchanger.To reduce heat capacity of controllable area thermal insulation(D)is installed between the mould cavity(F)and the mould structure plates(E).Fig.3.Structure of TEM cooling assembly.692 B.Nardin et al./Journal of Materials ProcessingTechnology 187–188 (2007) 690–693Fig.4.Structure for temperature detection and regulation.The whole application consists of TEM modules,a temper-ature sensor and an electronic unit that controls the complete system.The system is described in Fig.4and comprises of an input unit(input interface)and a supply unit(unit for electronic and power electronic supply—H bridge unit).The input and supply units with the temperature sensor loop information are attached to a control unit that acts as an exe-cution unit trying to impose predefined temperate/time/position ing the Peltier effect,the unit can be used for heating or cooling purposes.The secondary heat removal is realized viafluid cooling media seen as heat exchanger in Fig.4.That unit is based on current cooling technologies and serves as a sink or a source of a heat.This enables complete control of processes in terms of temperature,time and position through the whole cycle. Furthermore,it allows various temperature/time/position pro-files within the cycle also for starting and ending procedures. Described technology can be used for various industrial and research purposes where precise temperature/time/position con-trol is required.The presented systems in Figs.3and4were analysed from the theoretical,as well as the practical point of view.The theoretical aspect was analysed by the FEM simulations,while the practical one by the development and the implementation of the prototype into real application testing.3.FEM analysis of mould coolingCurrent development of designing moulds for injection moulding comprises of several phases[3].Among them is also design and optimization of a cooling system.This is nowa-days performed by simulations using customized FEM packages (Moldflow[4])that can predict cooling system capabilities and especially its influence on plastic.With such simulations,mould designers gather information on product rheology and deforma-tion due to shrinkage as ell as production time cycle information.This thermal information is usually accurate but can still be unreliable in cases of insufficient rheological material informa-tion.For the high quality input for the thermal regulation of TEM,it is needed to get a picture about the temperature distri-bution during the cycle time and throughout the mould surface and throughout the mould thickness.Therefore,different process simulations areneeded.Fig.5.Cross-section of a prototype in FEM environment.3.1.Physical model,FEM analysisImplementation of FEM analyses into development project was done due to authors’long experiences with such packages [4]and possibility to perform different test in the virtual envi-ronment.Whole prototype cooling system was designed in FEM environment(see Fig.5)through which temperature distribution in each part of prototype cooling system and contacts between them were explored.For simulating physical properties inside a developed prototype,a simulation model was constructed using COMSOL Multiphysics software.Result was a FEM model identical to real prototype(see Fig.7)through which it was possible to compare and evaluate results.FEM model was explored in term of heat transfer physics taking into account two heat sources:a water exchanger with fluid physics and a thermoelectric module with heat transfer physics(only conduction and convection was analysed,radiation was ignored due to low relative temperature and therefore low impact on temperature).Boundary conditions for FEM analyses were set with the goal to achieve identical working conditions as in real test-ing.Surrounding air and the water exchanger were set at stable temperature of20◦C.Fig.6.Temperature distribution according to FEM analysis.B.Nardin et al./Journal of Materials Processing Technology 187–188 (2007) 690–693693Fig.7.Prototype in real environment.Results of the FEM analysis can be seen in Fig.6,i.e.temper-ature distribution through the simulation area shown in Fig.5. Fig.6represents steady state analysis which was very accurate in comparison to prototype tests.In order to simulate the time response also the transient simulation was performed,showing very positive results for future work.It was possible to achieve a temperature difference of200◦C in a short period of time(5s), what could cause several problems in the TEM structure.Those problems were solved by several solutions,such as adequate mounting,choosing appropriate TEM material and applying intelligent electronic regulation.boratory testingAs it was already described,the prototype was produced and tested(see Fig.7).The results are showing,that the set assump-tions were confirmed.With the TEM module it is possible to control the temperature distribution on different parts of the mould throughout the cycle time.With the laboratory tests,it was proven,that the heat manipulation can be practically regu-lated with TEM modules.The test were made in the laboratory, simulating the real industrial environment,with the injection moulding machine Krauss Maffei KM60C,temperature sen-sors,infrared cameras and the prototype TEM modules.The temperature response in1.8s varied form+5up to80◦C,what represents a wide area for the heat control within the injection moulding cycle.4.ConclusionsUse of thermoelectric module with its straightforward con-nection between the input and output relations represents a milestone in cooling applications.Its introduction into moulds for injection moulding with its problematic cooling construction and problematic processing of precise and high quality plastic parts represents high expectations.The authors were assuming that the use of the Peltier effect can be used for the temperature control in moulds for injection moulding.With the approach based on the simulation work and the real production of laboratory equipment proved,the assump-tions were confirmed.Simulation results showed a wide area of possible application of TEM module in the injection moulding process.With mentioned functionality of a temperature profile across cycle time,injection moulding process can be fully controlled. Industrial problems,such as uniform cooling of problematic A class surfaces and its consequence of plastic part appear-ance can be solved.Problems offilling thin long walls can be solved with overheating some surfaces at injection time.Further-more,with such application control over rheological properties of plastic materials can be gained.With the proper thermal regulation of TEM it was possible even to control the melt flow in the mould,during thefilling stage of the mould cav-ity.This is done with the appropriate temperature distribution of the mould(higher temperature on the thin walled parts of the product).With the application of TEM module,it is possible to signif-icantly reduce the cycle time in the injection moulding process. The limits of possible time reduction lies in the frame of10–25% of additional cooling time,describe in Section1.2.With the application of TEM module it is possible to actively control the warping of the product and to regulate the amount of product warpage in the way to achieve required product tol-erances.The presented TEM module cooling application for injection moulding process is a matter of priority note for the patent,held and owned by TECOS.References[1]I.ˇCati´c,Izmjena topline u kalupima za injekcijsko preˇs anje plastomera,Druˇs tvo plastiˇc ara i gumaraca,Zagreb,1985.[2]I.ˇCati´c,F.Johannaber,Injekcijsko preˇs anje polimera i ostalih materiala,Druˇs tvo za plastiku i gumu,Biblioteka polimerstvo,Zagreb,2004.[3]B.Nardin,K.Kuzman,Z.Kampuˇs,Injection moulding simulation resultsas an input to the injection moulding process,in:AFDM2002:The Sec-ond International Conference on Advanced Forming and Die Manufacturing Technology,Pusan,Korea,2002.[4]TECOS,Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre,Moldflow SimulationProjects1996–2006.[5]S.C.Chen,et al.,Rapid mold surface heating/cooling using electromag-netic induction technology:ANTEC2004,Conference CD-ROM,Chicago, Illinois,16–20May,2004.。

Agilent 1260 Infinity II Manual Preparative Inject

Agilent 1260 Infinity II Manual Preparative Inject

Agilent 1260 Infinity IIManual PreparativeInjectorTechnical NoteIn this note we describe how to install and use the 1260 Infinity II Manual Preparative Injector.ContentsInstalling the Manual Injector2Unpacking the Manual Injector2Install the Manual Injector3Flow Connections6Install Internal Reducers8Leak Drainage9Using the Manual Injector10Warnings and Cautions10Information on Injection Seal Material11Needles11Inject a Sample12Agilent TechnologiesInstalling the Manual InjectorUnpacking the Manual InjectorDamaged PackagingUpon receipt of your manual injector, inspect the shipping containers for any signs of damage. If the containers or cushioning material are damaged, save them until the contents have been checked for completeness and the manual injector has been mechanically checked. If the shipping container or cushioning material is damaged, notify the carrier and save the shipping material for the carriers inspection.Delivery ChecklistEnsure all parts and materials have been delivered with the manual injector. The delivery checklist is shown in Table1 on page2. Please report missing or damaged parts to your local Agilent Technologies sales and service office. Table1Delivery ChecklistDescription QuantityManual Injection Valve-Prep-Kit (5067-6717) 1Start cable (0100-1677) 1Manual Injector ERI Start-Cable (5188-8056) 1Ring stand, mounting bracket (1400-3166) 1Syringe, 25 mL PTFE removable Luer lock (5190-1544) 1Holder Manual Injector (G9328-00001) 1User Documentation (G9300-64500) 1Additionally, one or more loops can be ordered as an option.23Install the Manual Injector1Loosen the setscrews that hold the injector lever onto the manual injector assembly.2Slide off the manual injector lever assembly.3Depending on where the injector is installed, either push the holder onto the manual injector valve assembly, or push the ring stand mounting bracketonto the manual injector assembly.44Tighten the screws to fix the holder to the valve assembly.5Push the manual injector lever assembly on the valve assembly.6Tighten the setscrews to fix the injector lever assembly to the valveassembly.57Insert the t-nut of the holder into the guide conduct of the mounting plate and slide the holder into its desired position, or slide the ring stand mounting bracket onto the front pole of the column organizer.8Tighten the screws to fix the holder with the manual injector onto the mounting plate.The manual injector is ready to be connected to the flow path of the system.6Flow Connections Figure 1Vent CapillariesToxic, flammable and hazardous solvents, samples and reagentsThe handling of solvents, samples and reagents can hold healthand safety risks.➔When working with these substances observe appropriate safety procedures (for example by wearing goggles, safetygloves and protective clothing) as described in the materialhandling and safety data sheet supplied by the vendor, andfollow good laboratory practice.➔The volume of substances should be reduced to the minimumrequired for the analysis.➔Do not operate the instrument in an explosive atmosphere.Prevent siphoning➔The outlets of the two vent capillaries (ports 5 and 6) and the needle port must be at the same level to prevent siphoning(see Figure 1 on page 6).9HQW FDSLOODULHV DQG QHHGOH SRUW DW WKH VDPH OHYHO71Connect capillaries.Figure 2Flow connections (G1328D):DVWH:DVWH6DPSOH ORRS 3XPS &ROXPQInstall Internal ReducersInternal reducers (IZR) are used to adapt small capillaries to a valve with larger fittings. This helps optimizing a preparative system to low flow rates.Initial installation of an IZR1Remove the secondary nut and ferrule from the IZR body.2Screw the IZR body with the liner and primary ferrule into the valve port.Fingerthighten the IZR body.3Insert the tubing into the IZR body.4Push the tubing firmly to seat it properly in the valve port fitting. At the same time use a wrench to tighten the IZR body with 1/3 of a turn.5Remove the tubing from the IZR body.6Slide the secondary nut and secondary ferrule onto the tubing.7Insert the tubing/secondary nut/secondary ferrule assembly into the IZR body and screw it fingertight.8Push firmly on the tubing to seat it properly in the liner. At the same time use a wrench to tighten the secondary nut with 1/3 of a turn.8Remove an IZR1Remove the secondary nut, ferrule, and tubing.2Remove the IZR body, liner, and primary ferrule.Reinstallation of an IZR1Reinsert the IZR body, primary ferrule, and liner into the valve port fitting, and fingertighten the IZR body.2Use a wrench to tighten the IZR body 1/8 turn.3Reinsert the secondary nut, ferrule, and tubing into the IZR body, and screw the secondary nut in fingertight.4Use a wrench to tighten the secondary nut 1/8 turn.Leak DrainageLarge amounts of pressurized solventsExplosive and intoxication hazard➔Install the preparative manual injector in the preparativecolumn organizer.For details, see installation instructions for the Agilent InfinityLab LCSeries 1260 Infinity II Column Compartment.9Using the Manual InjectorWarnings and CautionsEjection of mobile phaseWhen using sample loops larger than 100µL, mobile phase maybe ejected from the needle port as the mobile phase in thesample loop decompresses.➔Please observe appropriate safety procedures (for example,goggles, safety gloves and protective clothing) as described inthe material handling and safety data sheet supplied by thesolvent vendor, especially when toxic or hazardous solventsare used.Splashing of solvent➔When using the Needle Port Cleaner, empty the syringe slowlyto prevent solvent from splashing back at you.➔Please observe appropriate safety procedures (for example,goggles, safety gloves and protective clothing) as described inthe material handling and safety data sheet supplied by thesolvent vendor, especially when toxic or hazardous solventsare used.Potential damage to the valve➔Rinse the valve with water after using buffer solutions toprevent crystals from forming, which can cause scratches onthe rotor seal.10Information on Injection Seal MaterialThe manual injector is supplied with a PEEK injection seal. PEEK is compatible with pH 0 – 14, incompatible with some concentrated mineral acids.NeedlesNeedle can damage valve➔Always use the correct needle size.Use needles with 0.028-inch outer diameter (22gauge)×2-inch long needle, without electro-taper, and with 90° point style (square tip).1112Inject a SampleFor the manual injector different sample injection methods exist:•Complete loop filling for highest possible precision:Use at least two to three times of the loop volume (for example 40 – 60μL of sample for a 20μL sample loop).•Partial loop filling if there is only little sample available:Use a maximum of half of the loop volume (for example 10μL of sample for a 20μL sample loop).1Turn the handle to the LOAD position.Preparations •Connect the injector to the system •Make sure the system is ready for use •Flush the injection valve and loop properly •Place a waste beaker below the valve •Set the injection source to Manual Injector and create an instrument method •Fill the syringe with the sample :DVWH:DVWH1HHGOH SRUW6DPSOH ORRS3XPS &ROXPQ132Insert the syringe with needle into the needle port.3Slowly push the syringe piston to load the sample onto the loop.Loop is filled with sample.NOTEYou should feel slight resistance as the needle passes through the needle seal before it stops against the stator face.NOTE To achieve higher precision over fill the loop (complete loop fillingmethod only).*G1328-90030**G1328-90030*G1328-90030Part Number:G1328-90030 Rev. C SD-29000152 Rev. CEdition: 10/2019Printed in Germany © Agilent Technologies, Inc 2017-2019Agilent Technologies, Inc Hewlett-Packard-Strasse 876337 Waldbronn, Germany 4Leave the syringe in the needle port and turn the handle to the INJECT position.The sample is in the flow path and is flushed towards the column.5Remove the syringe with needle from the needle port. :DVWH:DVWH1HHGOH SRUW 6DPSOH ORRS3XPS&ROXPQ。

Injection Moulding Product Application Activity Models

Injection Moulding Product Application Activity Models

Int J Adv Manuf Technol(2000)16:285–288©2000Springer-Verlag LondonLimitedInjection Moulding Product Application Activity ModelsY.LuoDepartment of Mechanical Engineering,North China University of Technology,Beijing,ChinaProduct modelling is a key technology in the CAD/CAM domain,STEP is an international standard for computer-interpreted representation and exchange of product data.The objective is to provide a neutral mechanism capable of describ-ing product data throughout the lifecycle of a product inde-pendent of any particular system.The nature of this description makes it suitable not only for neutralfile exchange,but also as a basis for improving and sharing product databases and archiving.The paper takes injection moulding as the object of research,presents the application activity models(AAMs)for injection moulding which covers the activities of the injection moulded product life cycle,analyses STEP-based modelling features,and concludes that an AAM-based injection moulded product model can satisfy the requirements of an integrated injection moulding system.Finally,the paper gives the total structure of the activity model for an injection moulded product model which is based on the AAM.Keywords:AAM;Product modelling;STEP1.IntroductionEnterprises face competition in the global market,so both product development cycles and product lifecycles must be shortened.It is important to improve product quality,shorten development time and reduce production time,etc.Many researchers and institutes have presented various manufacturing theories,but advanced manufacturing technology is not yet widely accepted.We consider that advanced manufacturing technologies(AMT)must be based on the traditional manufac-turing technologies,using all the recent advances,such as, computer technology,mechanical technology,systems engineer-ing and management technology,to try to obtain the most beneficial social and company result by integrated manufacture. The object of AMT is the establishment of an overall product model,so the designers,managers and manufacturers,etc.can Correspondence and offprint requests to:Dr Yan Luo,Departmentof Mechanical Engineering,Engineering College,North China University of Technology,Beijing10041,China.E-mail: ylluoȰ share data in the enterprise,and dynamic cooperation can be set up among enterprises.The key technology of product modelling is the determination of the research scope.A product model is the recognition and representation of shape,function,technology,manufacturing and management, etc.when designing an object,so the product model can completely present the data set for a product life cycle.STEP technology can satisfy the needs of product modelling.The paper analyses an injection moulding system using IDEF0as recommended by STEP,sets up an injection moulded product application activity model and gives the basis of the research for the injection moulded product model and the integrated injection moulded CAD/CAM system development.2.Research into AAMThe parts of ISO10303fall into one of the following series: description methods,integrated resources,application protocols, abstract suites,implementation methods and conformance test-ing.The series are described in ISO10303-1.The application protocol is taken from the STEP overviewing document,the official definition of an application protocol(AP)is,“A part of this international standard that describes the use of integrated resources satisfying the scope and information requirements for a specific application context”[1].Application protocols are standards that define the context,use,and kind of product data that STEP must contain for specific manufacturing purposes, such as design,process planning,simulation and manufacturing, in a product lifecycle.An AP has the following sections:A scope statement and application activity model specifying the limits and uses of the interaction.An application reference model that specifies the kind of data required to perform a particular function or process in terms that are appropriate and familiar to experts in the application area.An interpreted model that defines how the STEP concepts are used for the representation of the information specified in the application reference model.A set of conformance requirements,test purposes and an abstract test suite.286Y.LuoIt is obvious that a scope statement and application activity model must be specifiedfirst to define an AP.In this paper, we take injection moulding as the object of the research,and analyse the application scope and limits that establish the injection moulding application protocol.2.1AAM Modelling MethodsFunction modelling methods include IDEF0,IDEF3,and CIM-OSA function constructs.IDEF0[2]was selected by the authors to provide the context for the injection moulding reference model.IDEF0is the abbreviation for the ICAM Definition level0,which is based on a structural analysis and design technique.The IDEF0 methodology has been used to define the scope and the func-tionality of the manufacturing model.The scope has been simply defined as the function which“provides reliable manu-facturing information”,therefore an enterprise view of the manufacturing model is required by the top IDEF0diagram A-0,its scope defined,and the activity model for the infor-mation view developed.The functionality of the manufacturing model is expressed in terms of how the function of providing reliable manufacturing information can be achieved.The depth of the IDEF0will depend on the detail required to define a supporting activity.This is also closely related to the type of application that has to be supported.The most important result of this modelling activity is to identify the range of information that has to be represented.In an IDEF based project,this activity establishes a common understanding of concepts and terminology.2.2Research DevelopmentGu[3]extended feature-based modelling into a product model language that consists offive levels:the product model,unit level,part level,form-feature level and feature-boundary level. Shah and Mathew[4]discussed the Arizona State University Features Testbed that is a product model composed of multimo-dels including a feature model,geometric model,materials model,and tolerance model.Chan et al.[5]reported that product information exchange through a neutralfile was the method to be standardised in STEP.Wu et al.[6]presented an information model to integrate CAD and CAM applications for mechanical systems.Spooner et al.[7]developed a STEP compliant product database that can capture the geometric representation of a product.Qiao et al.[8]developed a com-puter-aided process planning system.So far the scope of research has been limited to some domains for example,CAD, and cannot represent all the stages of a product life cycle. Some STEP-based product models have not translated data by product model.2.3Requirements of AAMThe application activity model is provided to aid understanding of the scope and information requirements of the defined injection mould application protocol.The model is presented as a set of definitions of the activities and data and a set of activity diagrams.The AAM covers activities related to the injection mould product life cycle,other requirements are as follows:From the viewpoint of the system designer.AAM can be set up differently from various viewpoints.The paper seeks to establish an AAM that can satisfy a STEP-based product model and cover all the activities in a product life cycle.Use the IDEF0activity modelling format.The IDEF0language can easily describe the function model of a product and the static relationship of different elements from top down,and has a strict organisation and a well-conceived document mech-anism.2.4Reason for Selecting a Mould as an Example1.The mould is suited to one-off production,it requires ashort delivery date,high quality and low cost.This is suitable for product modelling.2.The price of the mould is high and there is a wide market.3.The design of the mould must reflect the user’s require-ments.There is a need for high collaboration in the process of design and manufacturing.4.There is a strict requirement for data exchange.Somecomplicated moulds cannot be designed if CAD/CAM tech-nology is not used.Injection moulding is a common process,so research on injec-tion moulding is representative.3.The Definitions of AAMThe following terms are used in the application activity dia-grams.Terms marked with an asterisk in the diagram and their definitions are outside the scope of the paper.Not all the definitions are listed here because of the length of paper. Following each term definition,in parentheses,is the location of the term in the diagram.For all activities the node number is given.For ICOMs,the node number of the highest level activity or activities with which it interacts is given,followed by the ICOM number designation for thenode.Fig.1.A-0injection mould system design.Injection Moulding Product AAMs287Fig.2.A0injection mould systemdesign.Fig.3.A3injection mould system design.ICOM number designations have the letter “I”for input,“C”for output,“O”for output,“M”for mechanism,followed by a number.By referring to any of the AAM diagrams,it can be seen that inputs are arrows entering an activity box,or node,at the lefthand side of the node.These are assigned numbers sequentially from top to bottom,for example,I1,I2.Controls are arrows entering the top of a node,and are numbered from left to right.Outputs are at the righthand side of a node,and are numbered from top to bottom.Mechanisms are arrows entering the bottom of a node,and are numbered from left to requirements (A0,I):requests come from the user,such as product type description,product quality request,product feature explanation,delivery date and time,CAD/CAM system request,output format request,highest cost ordered number.2.Original information (A0,I):describes the original infor-mation per design (including plastics and mould,and manufacturing).3.Injection moulding standards (A0,I):standards and specifi-cations related to injection moulding applications,forexample,design standard,manufacturing standard,cost specification and materials specification.Cost standard is a related specification in a product life cycle,materials speci-fication is the specification of various materials,including material quality and feature,etc.,manufacturing standard is related to manufacturing,design standard consists of design experience and limit to avoid redesign,part material is the specification of physical and chemical features.In addition,the term also involves experiences and standards for product simulation (e.g.stress and strain analysis,thermodynamics analysis and NC simulation).4.Rule (A0,C):rules in a product lifecycle,for example,design rules,manufacturing rules and various inspecting rules.5.System coordination (A0,C):coordination and management in a product life cycle,and establishment of a mechanism which will trace,control,and carry out long-term planning from the beginning of the product request to the product scrapping stage.6.Mould production estimation (A0,O):estimation of resources used which consists of actual and virtual resources to the end of the product life cycle,and presentation of result of estimation of use in the future.7.Participating people (A0,M):persons related to product activities in a product life cycle,which include analysing people,designers,process planning people,manufacturing people,and so on.8.Software platform (A0,M):various software resources in an injection moulding life cycle,for example,analysing software,injecting process simulation software,design software,and manufacturing software.9.Hardware platform (A0,M):different hardware platforms related on an injection moulding life cycle,such as design platform (station,drawing device,etc.),manufacturing plat-form (various cutting machines)and analysing,inspecting platform.There are many definitions in AAM.We give only the parts of these which are required for reading the following IDEF0diagrams.Fig.4.Injection mould manufacturing.288Y.Luo4.The AAM DiagramsThe application activity model is given in Figs.1to3.The graphical form of the application activity model is presented in the IDEF0activity modelling format.The paper has not developed the diagram to the end level.A-0:gives an overview of system and environment data.The paper considers the life cycle activities,up to the recycling stage when the mould is scrapped.So,the output of system is an estimation from which the next system designer can obtain the information required.Figure1describes A-0.A0:A-0is resolved intofive parts.Figure2describes A0. Prepare for injection mould system design,such as,request analysis,market research,function analysis and plastics design. It will prepare for injection mould design.Production of general information,consists of engineering information management,supporting information management and resources information management.It will produce the information related to injection mould design and manufacturing.Injection mould design,includes injection mould outline design, injection mould detailed information production and mould cost generating.Injection mould manufacture,for example,simulation and NC process production,gives the simulation information and manu-facturing result.Injection mould maintainance,it includes selling,use and safeguards,and will manage the stages from the beginning of selling a product to the resource recycling.Figures3and4give the descriptions of A2and A3.5.DiscussionSTEP-based product modelling requires a complete product expression in the product lifestyle.We researched the appli-cation reference model(ARM)after obtaining the AAM of the injection mould.The ARM is a graphical representation of the structure and construction of the application objects specified in the former definitions.The graphical form of ARM is presented in IDEF1X.The ARM is independent of any implementation method.Our object has been to develop the injection mould application protocol,so far we have defined the application reference model and part of the application interpreted model(AIM).6.ConclusionThe paper analyses the STEP-based modelling features,presents in detail the definition of the application activity model,and shows how AAM for injection moulding can cover the product activities in the life cycle.References1.“Industrial automation systems–exchange of product model data.Part1.Overview and Fundamental Principles”,National Institute of Standards and Technology,USA,1991.2.“IDEF0(ICAM Definition Language0),ICAM Architecture,part2,vol.4.Function Modeling Manual”,Report No.AFAWL-TR-81-4023,US Air Force Wright Aeronautical Labs,Wright-Pat-terson AFB,Ohio,June1981.3.P.Ga,“PML,product modeling language”,Computers in Indus-try,pp.265–277,1992.4.J.J.Shah and A.Mathew,“Experimental investigation of theSTEP form-feature information model”,Compute-Aided Design, 23(4),pp.282–296,1991.5.S.Chan,“An object-oriented implementation of STEP”,ACM/Siggraph Symp.Solid Modeling Foundations and CAD/CAM Applications,TX,USA,1991.6.J.K.Wu,T.H.Liu and G.W.Fischer,“PDES/STEP-basedinformation model for CAE and CAM integration”,International Journal of System Automation Research and Applications,pp.375–393,1992.7.D.L.Spooner,M.Hardwick and D.B.Sanderson,“Engineeringdata exchange in the ROSE system”,Proceedings5th IEEE Inter-national Symposium on Intelligent Control’90,IEEE,USA,pp.972–976,1993.8.L.H.Qiao,C.Zhang,T.H.Liu,H.P.Wang and G.W.Fischer,“A PDES/STEP based product data preparation procedure for computer-aided process planning”,Computers in Industry,21(1), pp.11–12,1993.9.T.Kjellberg and H.Schmekel,“Product modeling and information-integrated systems”,Annals CIRP,41(1),pp.201–204,1992. 10.“Industrial automation systems–exchange of product model data.Part21.STEPfile format”,National Institute of Standards and Technology,USA,1991.11.“Industrial automation systems–exchange of model data.Part11.Description Method,EXPRESS language”,National Instituteof Standards and Technology,USA,1991.12.“Industrial automation systems–exchange of product model data.Part41.Integrated generate resources fundamentals of product description and support”,National Institute of Standards and Tech-nology,USA,1991.13.“Industrial automation systems–exchange of product model data.Part42.Integrated generate resources geometric and topological representation”,National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA,1991.14.“Industrial automation system–exchange of product model data.Part43.Integrated generate resources representation structure”, National Institute of Standards and Technology,USA,1991. 15.“Industrial automation system–exchange of product modeldata.Part44.Integrated generate resources product structure configuration”,National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA,1991.16.“Industrial automation system–exchange of product model data.Part45.Integrated generate resources Materials”,National Institute of Standards and Technology,USA,1991.17.“Industrial automation system–exchange of product model data.Part47.Integrated generate resources tolerance”,National Institute of Standards and Technology,USA,1991.。



塑模设计中常见术语的英文翻译1.塑料成型模具:mould for plastics2.热塑性塑料模:mould for thermoplastics3.热固性塑料模:mould for thermosets4.压缩模:compression mould5.压注模:transfer mould6.注射模:injection mould7.热塑性塑料注射模:injection mould for thermoplastics 8.热固性塑料注射模:injection mould for thermosets 9.溢料压缩模:flash mould10.半溢料压缩模:semi-positive mould11.不溢料压缩模:positive mould12.移动式压缩模:portable compression mould13.移动式压注模:portable transfer mould14.固定式压缩模:fixed compression mould15.固定式压注模:fixed transfer mould16.无流道模:runnerless mould17.热流道模:hot runner mould18.绝热流道模:insulated runner mould19.温流道模:warm runner mould20.浇注系统:feed system21.主流道:sprue22.分流道:runner23.浇口:gate24.直接浇口:direct gate 25.环型浇口:ring gate26.盘型浇口:disk gate27.轮辐浇口:spoke.gate28.点浇口:pin-point.gate 29.侧浇口:edge.gate30.潜伏浇口:submarine gate 31.扇形浇口:fan gate32.护耳浇口:tab gate33.冷料穴:cold-slug well 34.浇口套:sprue bush35.浇口镶块:gating insert 36.分流锥:spreader37.流道板:runner plate38.热流道板:manifold block 39.温流道板:warm runner plate 40.二级喷嘴:secondary nozzle 41.热管;heat pipe42.阀式浇口:valve gate43.加料腔:loading chamber44.柱塞:force plunger45.溢料槽:flash groove46.排气槽:vent47.分型面:parting line48.定模:stationary mould 49.动模:movable mould50.上模:upper mould51.下模:lower mould52.型腔:cavity53.凹模:impression54.镶件:mold insert55.活动镶件:movable insert 56.拼块:splits57.凹模拼块:cavity splits 58.型芯拼块:core splits 59.型芯:core60.侧型芯:side core61.螺纹型芯:thread core 62.螺纹型环:thread ring 63.凸模:punch64.嵌件:insert65.定模座板:fixed clamp plate66.动模座板:moving clamp plate 67.上模座板:upper clamp plate 68.下模座板:lower clamp plate 69.凹模固定板:cavity-retainer plate 70.型芯固定板:core- retainer plate 71.凸模固定板:punch- retainer plate 72.模套:chase73.支承板:backing plate74.垫块:spacer75.支架:ejector housing76.支承柱:support pillar77.模板:mould plate78.斜销:angle pin79.滑块:slide80.侧型芯滑块:side core-slide81.滑块导板:slideguide strip82.楔紧块;heel block83.斜槽导板:finger guide plate 84.弯销:dog-leg cam85.斜滑块:angled-lift splits86.导柱:guide pillar87.带头导柱:guide pillar straight88.带肩导柱:guide pillar,shouldered89.推板导柱:ejector guide pillar90.导套:guide bush91.直导套:guide bush,straight92.带头导套:guide bush,head93.推板导套:ejector guide bush94.定位圈:locating ring95.锥形定位件:mould bases locating elements 96.复位杆:ejector plate return pin97.限位钉:stop pin98.限位块:stop block99.定距拉杆:length bolt100.定距拉板:puller plate101.推杆:ejector pin102.圆柱头推杆:ejector pin with cylindrical head 103.带肩推杆:shouldered ejector pin104.扁推杆:flat ejector pin105.推管:ejector sleeve106.推块:ejector pad107.推件板:stripper plate108.推杆固定板:ejector retainer plate109.推板:ejection plate110.连接推杆:ejector tie rod111.拉料杆:sprue puller112.推流道板:runner stripper plate113.冷却管道:cooling channel114.隔板:baffle115.加热板:heating plate116.隔热板:thermal insulation board117.模架:mould bases118.注射能力:shot capacity119.收缩率:shrinkage120.注射压力:injection pressure121.锁模力:clamping force/locking force122.成型压力:moulding pressure123.模内压力:internal mould pressure /cavity pressure 124.开模力:mould opening force125.脱模力:ejection force126.抽芯力:core-pulling distance127.闭合高度:mould shut height128.最大开距:maximum daylight /open daylight129.投影面积:projected area130.脱模斜度:draft131.脱模距:stripper distance。

Santoprene TPR45 datasheet

Santoprene TPR45 datasheet

TPE 45ANThermoplastic ElastomerProduct Data SheetA soft, colorable thermoplastic vulcanizate (TPV) in the thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) family. This material is shear-dependent and can be processed on conventional thermoplastics equipment for injection molding or extrusion. It is polyolefin based and completely recyclable.PropertyReferenced Test MethodTest UnitTypical ValueHardness 5 s* 15 sASTM D 2240 ISO 868Shore A45 49DensityISO 1183 / ASTM D 792 g/cm 30.98 Tensile strength at break** ISO 37 / ASTM D 412 MPa (psi) 2.7 (390)Elongation at break**ISO 37 / ASTM D 412% 180Values are for injection molded plaques, fan-gated, 102.0 mm x 152.0 mm x 2.0 mm (4.000" x 6.000" x 0.080")* Value is for injection molded plaque, side-gated, 82.6 mm x 117.5 mm x 3.0 mm (3.250" x 4.625" x 0.120") ** Physical properties are measured across the flow direction - ISO type 1, ASTM die CRev. 12/2003Page 1 of 2Innovative elastomeric solutionsfrom ExxonMobil ChemicalTPE 45ANPROCESSING STATEMENTDesiccant drying for 3 hours at 82°C (180°F) is recommended.TPE 45AN has a wide temperature processing window from 177 to 232°C (350 to 450°F) and is incompatible with acetal and PVC.For more information, please consult our Material Safety Data Sheet, Injection Molding Guide and Extrusion Guide.DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY AND LIABILITY: Although the information and recommendations set forth herein ("Information") are believed to be correct, ADVANCED ELASTOMER SYSTEMS, L.P., AND ITS AFFILIATES MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS ORWARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS THEREOF, OR OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OF ANY OTHER NATURE REGARDING INFORMATION,OR ANY PRODUCT, PROCESS OR EQUIPMENT OF ADVANCED ELASTOMER SYSTEMS, L.P., AND ITS AFFILIATES, OR OF ANY OTHER MANUFACTURER OR SUPPLIER MENTIONED HEREIN. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a recommendation to use any product, process, equipment or formulation in conflict with any patent. ADVANCED ELASTOMER SYSTEMS, L.P., AND ITS AFFILIATES MAKE NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, THAT THE USE THEREOF WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY PATENT. Persons receiving Information must make their own determination as to its suitability to their purposes prior to use. In no event will Advanced Elastomer Systems, L.P., or its affiliates be responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance upon Information or the products, processes or equipment to which Information refers.VISTAFLEX® is a registered trademark of ExxonMobil Chemical, licensed exclusively to Advanced Elastomer Systems, L.P.©Copyright 2003 Advanced Elastomer Systems, L.P.Page 2 of 2Advanced Elastomer Systems, L.P.An ExxonMobil Chemical Affiliate。



Vvect刚体初速度的矢量Delete source bitmap files--删除原位图文件Frame rate--帧速率A VI capture--动画捕捉A VI filename--动画文件名FLOW-3D (R) --FLOW-3D 简体中文版Interface version --接口版本Solver version--求解器版本Number of Processors--处理器数量Total Physical Memory (RAM) --物理内存总数(RAM) f3dtknux_license_file--授权许可文件Host Name--主机名F3D_VERSION --软件版本Operating System--操作系统Type--类型Porous--孔隙Porosity --孔隙率Lost foam--消失模Standard--标准Thermal conductivity--导热率Material name--材料名称Custom--自定义Surface area multiplier--面积倍增Unit system--系统单位Solid properties --固体属性Initial conditions--初始化条件Surface properties--表面属性Solids database--固体数据库Surface roughness--表面粗糙度Temperature--温度Temperature variables--温度变化Saturation temperature --饱和温度Units=CGS --单位=公制Solutal expansion coefficient --溶质膨胀系数Ratio of solute diffusion coefficient ---比溶质扩散系数Surface tension --表面张力Gas constant--气体常量Thermal conductivity --导热率Surface tension coeff--表面张力系数Critical solid fraction--关键凝固比率Solidus temperature--固相线温度Phase change--相变Material name --材料名称Thermal properties --热性质Custom --自定义Constant thinning rate--不断变薄率Units=SI -单位=国际单位制Partition coefficient--分隔系数Dielectric constant --介电常数Specific heat --比热Eutectic temperature --低共熔温度Coherent solid fraction --凝固Thermal expansion --热膨胀Unit System --系统单位Units=custom --单位=自定义Units=slugs --单位=斯勒格Reference temperature--起始温度Latent heat of vaporization--汽化潜热Reference solute concentration--参考溶质浓度Pure solvent melting temperature --熔点温度Liquidus temperature--液相温度Viscosity --黏度Solidification--凝固Vapor specific heat --蒸气比热Density--密度Temperature sensitivity--温度敏感性Saturation pressure --饱和压力Temperature shift --温度变化Compressibility --可压缩性Contact angle --接触角度Latent heat of fusion (fluid 1) --熔解潜热(流体1) New fluid database --新流体数据库Accommodation coefficient --调节系数Strain dependent thinning rate --应变黏度系数Constant thickening rate --不断增厚率added to materials database --添加到材料库cannot be added. --不能被添加Record already exists in materials database--在材料库已经存在该记录.New saved in materials database--新保存到材料库中.Could not find material DB--没有发现材料数据Add--添加Close--关闭Add Mesh Points --添加网点Direction --方向New Point --新的点Mesh Block --网格块2-D advanced options --2-D 高级选项Option--选项Add --添加Type--类型Component--组Cancel--取消Browse --浏览Source --来源File name--文件名Advanced --高级Numerics--数值运算Advanced options--高级选项sigma --表面张力系数Air entrainment --卷气Activate air entrainment model --激活卷气模型Surface tension coefficient --表面张力系数Dialog--对话框Remove mesh constrains--清除网格限制Size of all cells --全部单元尺寸Total Cells--单元总数Baffle options --隔板选项Baffle index --主隔板Baffle color--隔板颜色Hide selected baffles --隐藏选中的隔板Use contour color--使用轮廓颜色Selection method--择伐作业Boundary type --边界类型Specified pressure --规定压力Grid overlay --网格重叠Specified velocity --指定速度Electric potential--电位Stagnation pressure --滞止压力V olume flow rate --体积流量Z flow direction vector--Z 流向Y flow direction vector --Y 流向X flow direction vector--X 流向Electric charge--电荷Mesh Block--网格块Add to component --添加为元件Specific heat --比热Simulate--仿真Stop preprocessor--停止预处理Block distribution--块分配Porous--孔隙Component --组Scalars--标量Add to component --添加为元件Cell size --单元尺寸Render space dimensions --渲染面积Cell size is empty--单元尺寸为空Create mesh block (Cylindrical) --创建网格块(柱状)Total number of cells --单元数量Cylinder subcomponent --子气缸Add to component--添加为元件Radius --半径Setting the default workspace location is required. You can change the location at any time from the Preferences menu.--需要设置本地默认工作区位置.你可以随时通过菜单来改变位置。

injection moulding

injection moulding

INJECTION MOULDINGInjection moulding is a process of forming an article by forcing molten plastic material under pressure into a mould where it is cooled, solidified and subsequently released by opening the two halves of the mould.Injection moulding is used for the formation of intricate plastic parts with excellent dimensional accuracy. A large number of items associated with our daily life are produced by way of injection moulding. Typical product categories include housewares, toys, automotive parts, furniture, rigid packaging items, appliances and medical disposable syringes.Advantages of Injection Moulding♦Accuracy in weight of articles♦Choice of desired surface finish and colours♦Choice of ultimate strength of articles♦Faster production and lower rejection rates♦Faster start-up and shut down procedures♦Minimum wastage♦Stability of processing parameters♦Versatality in processing different raw materials♦Option in article sizes by changing the mould.♦Minimum post moulding operationsINJECTION MOULDING MACHINEMachine specifications:To determine suitability of moulding machines for making a particular product, the following machine specifications need to be checked:Maximum shot weight capacity of the machine should be more than the total weight of article/articles ( in case of multicavity mould) plus the runner system.Injection pressure should be sufficient to fill the cavities without any short shots.Clamping tonnage required to hold the mould in locked condition should be adequate (otherwise there will be flashes)Daylight opening of the machine should be higher than sum total of mould height, plus article neight, plus space required for removal of articles.Injection moulding cycleA typical sequence of operations from startup is as follows:1.Starting with an empty cylinder, raw material from the feed hoper falls onto the rear flightsof the screw which conveys material to the front of the cylinder. During its passage along the cylinder it is plasticised to a fluid state with the help of external heaters on the barrel. Some material may escape through the nozzle but the back pressure is generally sufficient to push the screw back in the cylinder and to provide a reservoir of fluid plastic in the front of the cylinder for injection.2.The mould closes and the cylinder moves forward units carriage until the nozzle is in contactwith the entrance of the mould.3.The screw is moved forward by the hydraulic cylinder at the rear of the machine and theinjection takes place.4.After a short interval ( the holding time), the screw rotates, creating some pressure in thebarrel, which offers it back against low pressure in the hydraulic cylinder, until the limit switch operates, stopping the rotation. This plasticises material ready for the next shot.5.The mould opens, the article is ejected and the mould closes again ready for the next cycle.6. Stages (2) to (5) repeat.Cycle of operationsMould release spray is sometimes used to remove the articles from the mould. Due to contours, ribs and undercuts, the article may get stuck up in the mould.Key features of Polypropylene♦Strength and light weight♦Good heat resistances♦Good surface finish and gloss of moulded parts♦Excellent environmental stress crack resistance♦Ability to form an integral hinge with good life♦Good chemical and stain resistance♦Available in a wide range of flow rates and various impact levels♦Better dimensional stability♦Significance of MW. MWD and Xylene SolublesMolecular Weight (melt flow)♦Polymers is processed as viscous fluids♦As polymer melt viscosity increases (or MFI decreases)♦Processing becomes more difficult♦End-use properties improve♦Therefore a balance of end-use properties with processability is highly desirable. Molecular Weight Distribution (MWD)Broad MWD♦Wider moulding window♦Higher stiffness♦Lower toughness♦Greater tendency for warpageBroad MWD♦Wider moulding window♦Lower stiffness♦Higher toughness♦Less tendency for warpage♦Good surface finishXylene SolublesLow molecular weight fraction containing certain amounts of static polypropyleneIt is not detrimental to properties of Polypropylene and so, kept at a minimum level. However, this low molecular weight fraction acts as lubricant and improves processability Ideal melt temperatures for PP resinsMelt Flow Rate MeltTemperature(deg. C.)1.0-1.52501.6-2.52402.6-4.02304.1-6.52206.6-10.521010.6-17.520017.6>190Note: These are ideal temperatures to achieve best properties, however this needs to be modified on product to product basis.Moulding thin sectionsHinge strength derived from moulded-in orientation and subsequent further orientation by flexing of the hinge soon after moulding.When property formed, the hinge will have virtually unlimited flex life, even at low temperatures.Factors affecting hinge strength♦Mould design♦Moulding conditions♦Melt flow♦ColourantHinge designGate position/Mould fillingSuitable gate away from hingeAvoid"Stop and GO" flow through hinge by locating gate so that major cavity completely fills before flow starts through the hinge.Correct gate location for shallow boxesMould coolingProvide ample cooling over hinge area. High melt temperatures due to shear heating through gate can lead to delaminationMould conditionsFlow of polymer melt through hinge should be rapid to promote orientation. Flow should be in a parallel stream through the hinge. "Stop and Go" flow will produce a layered hinge structure of limited flex life.For optimum flex life, the hinge should be flexed through its full arc while still retaining moulding heat.Melt flowIf properly moulded and flexed, virtually any injection moulding grade of PP will give acceptable flex life and strength.ColourantsHinge failures can occur due to improper dispersion and particle size of colourants/pigments. Moulding with nucleated gradesInjection pressure and hold on pressure should be minimum to avoid overpacking and achieving better clarity.Reduction in cycle time.In many cases, increase of melt temperatures by 10 to 15 deg. c. helps in eliminating bubbles. Processing clarified PPFor injection moulding, the following factors should be considered:A.Mould finish♦ A highly polished mould for thebest clarity♦Optical finish♦Draw finish(not recommended)B.Melt temperature♦Low melt temperature. Raise themelt temperature if bubbles areobserved. Usually 190 to 210 deg.c. is a good starting point♦C.♦Mouldtemperature♦Mould temperature should beadjusted to avoid condensation.Raise mould temperature slightly inconjection with melt temperature tosolve bubble problems.♦D.♦Injectionpressure/Speed♦Low pressure high speed mouldfilling is best for low haze."Packing" can cause haze and someloss of impact properties.Polypropylene grades:It is obvious from the points discussed so far that the properties of end products are decided by various parameters, viz.,♦Temperature, pressure, speed and time set on the machine♦Moulds♦Resin propertiesIn order to derive the properties of similar resins, ASTM has devised standards, wherein they are injection moulded under identical conditions and tested.The properties tested of various Repol homopolymer, random and co-polymer grades vis-à-vis some of the competitor grades are given in the following tables.PROPERTIES OF POLYPROPYLENE GRADESHomopolymersGrade MFI(g/10min.)XyleneSolubles(%)TYS(MPa)Elongation atYield(%)FlexuralModulus(MPa)IzodImpactStrength(J/m)HDT(deg.C.)SpiralFlow(cms)RepolH110MA11.0 4.036.01016502710437.0Resin A 10.0(2.7)35.012140030.0(24.2)97(35.0)Resin B10.0(2.8)35.012140030.)(28.2)97(38.0)RepolHo33MG3.34.034.511.5170040.010427.5Resin C 3.0(2.6)33.012.0140045.095(28.0)NOTE: Figures within brackets are values obtained at PARC.Random CopolymersGrade MFI(g/10min.)FlexuralModulus (MPa)IzodImapctStrength (J/M)HDT(deg.C)DSCMeltingTemp.(Deg.C)RepolR120MK12.0130060.090150ResinA9.013807490153Resin B11.0(1240)(67)(86)151Note: Figures within brackets are values obtained at PARC.Impact Co-polymers:Grade MFI(g/10min.)TYS(MPa)Elongation atYield(%)FlexuralModulus(Mpa)IzodImpactStrength(j/m)HDT(deg.C.)RepolH030MG3.026.510.0150011095ResinA9.024.012.0110011388RepolC015EG1.526.510.0120022595Resin B 1.523.012.010*******RepolC080MT18.023.07.010*******Resin C(10.2)25.87.512408892Repol12.024.010.012507095 B120MA13.026.012.011506890 ResinDRepol22.025.08.013008095 B220MNResin E26.627.2 6.1183076120 NOTE: Figures within brackets are values obtained .Application of Poly propylene HomopolymerHousewares *Closures *Industrial productsFurnitureRandom Co-polymersHousewares *Disposable medical syringesThinwall containers *Toothbrush handleImapct Co-polymerFurnitureLuggage shells *Industrial products *BatteriesAutomotive partsStorage bins *ThermowareLarge appliances(*) Applications where Polyethylene is also used..Comparison of different PolypropylenesRigidity:HP>RCP>PPCPClarity :RCP>HP>PPCPImpact Strength:PPCP>RCP>HPApplicationsHouseware:Homopolymer is used for hot fill applications. Generally preferred grade is Repol H110 MA. However, Homopolymer has lesser impact strength. Random Co-polymers are used where better gloss and clarity are desired. Air tight containers are made with tight fitting lids moulded out of LDPE/LLDPE.high Density Polyethylene is also used to mould houseware items like kitchen containers, mugs and buckets. Buckets made out of HDPE have better impact strength than those made out of Random Copolymer.Closures:Homopolymer has excellent integral hinge properties. Impact Co-polymers are used where enhanced impact properties are required. Flip top lids are made out of Polypropylene because of its hinge properties. Grades used will depend upon the number of impressions in the mould. Multi-cavity moulds need grades of higher flow. Controlled rheology grades of PP are effective in giving warpage free mouldings. When stress- is applied, like flexing at the hinge, the stressed area, i.e. hinge becomes white, when impact Co-polymer is used. This phenomenon is known as stress whitening.LDPE, LLDPE & HDPE are also used to mold closures. PP closures give good dimensional stability. LDPE/LLDPE is used if flexibility is required in lids.Furniture:Homopolymers form a major component of furniture mouldings. Homopolymers have high flexural modulus which help in imparting stiffness to furniture. This can further be enhanced with addition of mineral fillers like talc or calcium carbonate to the tune of 10 to 15%. To improve upon impact strength, Impact Copolymers are added. The blend ratio is determined keeping in view the end properties required for the furniture.Design also plays a significant part in determining the blend. Preferred Homopolymer grade is H110MA and Copolymer is B030MG or B120 MA.Disposable Syringes:Two piece syringes are made with Polypropylene barrel, either Homopolymer or Random Copolymer and plunger with built-in head, moulded out of High Density Polyethylene. Three piece syringes are made with both barrel and plunger of Polypropylene with a latex rubber bunge infront of plunger.H110MA & R120 MK are the respective Homopolymer ad Random Copolymer grades used, the moulds generally being multi-cavity. Both the grades are approved as per U.S Pharmacopea XXIII. The grades and additives incorporated in them also comply with FDA. Relene M60075 is used for plunger of two piece syringes.The syringes have to undergo theylene oxide, carbon dioxide mix or gamma sterilisation. The surface of the barrels are flame treated to make them conducive for printing.Thin wall containers:The containers have a wall thickness below 1.0 mm. High flow grades are used to mould multi-cavity containers. Controlled rheology grades help in getting warpage free mouldings. Random Copolymer gives good clarity and gloss. Polypropylene is used for hot fill applications, because of high melting point and HDT.High Density Polyethylene is used to mould thin wall containers, used for frozen food applciations, because of its better impact strength at low temperature. Brittleness temperature measured for HDPE is - 73 deg, Cent.Toothbrush handles:Three types of toothbrushes are generally manufactured:1.Low cost, where PPHP handles are used2.Medium cost, where RCP handles are used.3.High cost, where SAN handles are used.4.A new development is the spring back brushes where the handles are made of PP ImpactCopolymers or a combination of PP impact and Homopolymers.The following grades are used:PPHP:H110 MARCP:R120MKPPCP:C015EGLuggage Shells:Some of the manufacturers use HDPE of high stiffness and good impact strength for this application. Only after the introduction of samsonite luggage in India and the availability of PP. VIP has started moulding the luggage shells with PP.This market is now mostly dominated by PP Impact Copolymer. The raw material properties required of this grade are as follows:Medium to high imapct strengthLow blush (less stress whitening)Good stiffnessSometimes HDPe or LLDPE is added to PPCP to get low blush.Repol B030MG or B120 MA is used. Samsonite uses DSM grade Stamylan 75MR10. Generally preferred grade of HDPE is Ladene M 80064.Batteries:Polypropylene battery bodies with built-in separators and their covers with metal inserts are moulded with Impact Copolymer. Since the batteries are placed near the heat source, the Polypropylene grade used in this application is modified with a heat stabiliser additive.The preferred Impact Copolymer grade is Samsung BJ 500. The equivalent Repol grade is C080MT.Automotive Parts:Generally, automotive parts are moulded with PP Impact Copolymers or compounded PP Homo or Imapct Copymers. The Impact Copolymers require a good impact/stifness balance. TO enhance impact strength, EPDM is added to PPCP and melt compounded. These are used in aprts like bumpers. Parts with long flow paths and varying thicknesses require high flow grades. Controlled Rheology can be used to mould these parts without warpage.The following grades are used; depending on the properties desired:C015EGB030MGB120 MAB22MNStorage Bins:Bins are made with both HDPE and Impact Co-polymer. Perforated thin walled bins are moulded with PP Impact Copolymer of high flow grade. Polypropylene is preferred because of better ESCR properties.Thermoware:The inner container is made with PP Homopolymer and the outer with Homo or Impact Copolymer of 11.0 to 12.0 MFI. The top and bottom covers are made with Impact Copolymer of same grade.Appliances:Propylene Copolymers as such and compounded with additives are used extensively in appliances like washing machines, fans and refrigerators.PP Impact Copolymers of various MFI are used depending on the size and thickness of the product.Large products like twin-tub of washing machine require nucleated grades of PPCP, which have high stiffness and heat deflection temperature. Nucleation also shortens the moulding cycle time. Single tubs of automatic washing machines must have a beat stabilizer additive to withstand the heat given by hot water.Repol B220 MN has been accepted by M/s. Whirlpool, M/s. Godrej and M/s. BPL to mould large products.Industrial Products:Paint containers and lids are moulded with both HDPE and PPCP. UV stabilized grade of HDPE, Relene L 60075 is used, as the containers are subjected to exposure to sunlight in shops. It is advisable to add UV additive in the form of masterbatch to containers made out of PPCP also. Thin walled paint containers called "Bocans" are made out of high flow nucleated PPCP to withstand post moulding forming operations and stackability.Containers for packing grease are made out of PPCP because of better ESCR properties.Industrial valves, where chemicals are used as also pump parts, are made out of PP Homo or Impact Copolymer, depending upon the impact strength requirements. H110MA and B120MA are the respective grades of Homo and Impact Copolymers used..Moulding Problems and Suggested Remedies:Problem Possible Cause Suggested remedySink marks Material too hot Reduce cylindertemperatureInsufficient material shotinto cavityIncrease feedInsufficient dwell time Increase cylinder heatGate freezing off too early Increase mould temperaturePiece ejected too hot Increase dwell timeInsufficient effectivepressure in cavityIncrease mould temperatureIncrease cooling time inmouldIncrease pressureIncrease cylinder heatingIncrease mould temperatureVoids Gas developed by too hotmaterialReduce heatingCondensation of moistureon granulesPre-dryShrinkage due to delayed solidification of the core with respect to the outside surface in thick sections Increase pressure Increase mould temperatureSurface defects around gate Cold mouldHot mould Increase pressure Increase injection speed Increase mould temperature Cool mould near gateFlash formation Excessive injection pressure Reduce pressure, Checksprue runners and gatesMaterial too hot Reduce heatingMould faces out of line Realign mould facesInsufficient clamp pressure Increase clamp pressureForeign material of ace ofmouldClean mould facesRestriction to flow in one or Find and remove restrictionmore cavities on multi-cavity mouldPoor welds Flow marks Poor finish Material too coldInjection pressure too lowInadequate ventingDirty cavity surfaceMould temperature too lowExcessive use of mouldsurface lubricantIncrease heatingIncrease injection pressureGive enough ventingCleanIncrease mould temperatureUse of mould surfacelubricant not recommendedBrittleness Material cold Increase heatingMould cold Increase mould temperatureMaterial degraded(Yellow specks)Contamination Excessive regrind Decrease heatingCheck cylinder and hopper Reduce percentage of regrindWarping Moulded in stresses due to:(a)Material cold(b)(b) Overpacking invicinity of gate (a)Increase heating(b)(b) Check feed. Reduceinjection pressure andheating. Reduceinjection time.Part ejected too hot Increase cooling time Silver streaking Material cold Increase heatingMould cold Increase mould temperatureCondensation of moistureon mould Entrapped vapourDry and heat mouldPre-dry materialPolymer dripping from nozzle when mould is in the open position Degradation due tooverheating; polymerbecomes too fluid anddevelops gasNozzle too hotReduce temperaturesPurge cylinderReduce heat to nozzleBurn marks Improper venting Clean vents Gv:。



Injection moldingInjection molding (British English: moulding) is a manufacturing process for producing parts from both thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic materials. Material is fed into a heated barrel, mixed, and forced into a mold cavity where it cools and hardens to the configuration of the mold cavity.After a product is designed, usually by an industrial designer or an engineer, molds are made by a moldmaker (or toolmaker) from metal, usually either steel or aluminum, and precision-machined to form the features of the desired part. Injection molding is widely used for manufacturing a variety of parts, from the smallest component to entire body panels of cars.ApplicationsInjection molding is used to create many things such as wire spools, packaging, bottle caps, automotive dashboards, pocket combs, and most other plastic products available today. Injection molding is the most common method of part manufacturing. It is ideal for producing high volumes of the same object.Some advantages of injection molding are high production rates, repeatable high tolerances, the ability to use a wide range of materials, low labor cost, minimal scrap losses, and little need to finish parts after molding. Some disadvantages of this process are expensive equipment investment, potentially high running costs, and the need to design moldable parts.EquipmentPaper clip mold opened in molding machine; the nozzle is visible at rightMain article: Injection molding machineInjection molding machines consist of a material hopper, an injection ram or screw-type plunger, and a heating unit. They are also known as presses, they hold the molds in which the components are shaped. Presses are rated by tonnage, which expresses the amount of clamping force that the machine can exert. This force keeps the mold closed during the injection process. Tonnage can vary from less than 5 tons to 6000 tons, with the higher figures used in comparatively few manufacturingoperations. The total clamp force needed is determined by the projected area of the part being molded. This projected area is multiplied by a clamp force of from 2 to 8 tons for each square inch of the projected areas. As a rule of thumb, 4 or 5 tons/in2 can be used for most products. If the plastic material is very stiff, it will require more injection pressure to fill the mold, thus more clamp tonnage to hold the mold closed. The required force can also be determined by the material used and the size of the part, larger parts require higher clamping force.MoldMold or die are the common terms used to describe the tooling used to produce plastic parts in molding.Since molds have been expensive to manufacture, they were usually only used in mass production where thousands of parts were being produced. Typical molds are constructed from hardened steel, pre-hardened steel, aluminum, and/or beryllium-copper alloy. The choice of material to build a mold from is primarily one of economics; in general, steel molds cost more to construct, but their longer lifespan will offset the higher initial cost over a higher number of parts made before wearing out. Pre-hardened steel molds are less wear-resistant and are used for lower volume requirements or larger components. The typical steel hardness is 38-45 on the Rockwell-C scale. Hardened steel molds are heat treated after machining. These are by far the superior in terms of wear resistance and lifespan. Typical hardness ranges between 50 and 60 Rockwell-C (HRC). Aluminum molds can cost substantially less, and, when designed and machined with modern computerized equipment, can be economical for molding tens or even hundreds of thousands of parts. Beryllium copper is used in areas of the mold that require fast heat removal or areas that see the most shear heat generated. The molds can be manufactured either by CNC machining or by using Electrical Discharge Machining processes.Mold DesignStandard two plates tooling –core and cavity are inserts in a mold base – "Family mold" of 5 different partsThe mold consists of two primary components, the injection mold (A plate) and the ejector mold (B plate). Plastic resin enters the mold through a sprue in the injection mold, the sprue bushing is to seal tightly against the nozzle of the injection barrel of the molding machine and to allow molten plastic to flow from the barrel into the mold, also known as cavity The sprue bushing directs the molten plastic to the cavity images through channels that are machined into the faces of the A and B plates. These channels allow plastic to run along them, so they are referred to as runners.The molten plastic flows through the runner and enters one or more specialized gates and into the cavity geometry to form the desired part.The amount of resin required to fill the sprue, runner and cavities of a mold is a shot. Trapped air in the mold can escape through air vents that are ground into the parting line of the mold. If the trapped air is not allowed to escape, it is compressed by the pressure of the incoming material and is squeezed into the corners of the cavity, where it prevents filling and causes other defects as well. The air can become so compressed that it ignites and burns the surrounding plastic material. To allow for removal of the molded part from the mold, the mold features must not overhang one another in the direction that the mold opens, unless parts of the mold are designed to move from between such overhangs when the mold opens (utilizing components called Lifters).Sides of the part that appear parallel with the direction of draw (The axis of the cored position (hole) or insert is parallel to the up and down movement of the mold as it opens and closes)are typically angled slightly with (draft) to ease release of the part from the mold. Insufficient draft can cause deformation or damage. The draft required for mold release is primarily dependent on the depth of the cavity: the deeper the cavity, the more draft necessary. Shrinkage must also be taken into account when determining the draft required.If the skin is too thin, then the molded part will tend to shrink onto the cores that form them while cooling, and cling to those cores or part may warp, twist, blister or crack when the cavity is pulled away. The mold is usually designed so that the moldedpart reliably remains on the ejector (B) side of the mold when it opens, and draws the runner and the sprue out of the (A) side along with the parts. The part then falls freely when ejected from the (B) side. Tunnel gates, also known as submarine or mold gate, is located below the parting line or mold surface. The opening is machined into the surface of the mold on the parting line. The molded part is cut (by the mold) from the runner system on ejection from the mold. Ejector pins, also known as knockout pin, is a circular pin placed in either half of the mold (usually the ejector half), which pushes the finished molded product, or runner system out of a mold.The standard method of cooling is passing a coolant (usually water) through a series of holes drilled through the mold plates and connected by hoses to form a continueous pathway. The coolant absorbs heat from the mold (which has absorbed heat from the hot plastic) and keeps the mold at a proper temperature to solidify the plastic at the most efficient rate.To ease maintenance and venting, cavities and cores are divided into pieces, called inserts, and sub-assemblies, also called inserts, blocks, or chase blocks. By substituting interchangeable inserts, one mold may make several variations of the same part.More complex parts are formed using more complex molds. These may have sections called slides, that move into a cavity perpendicular to the draw direction, to form overhanging part features. When the mold is opened, the slides are pulled away from the plastic part by using st ationary “angle pins” on the stationary mold half. These pins enter a slot in the slides and cause the slides to move backward when the moving half of the mold opens. The part is then ejected and the mold closes. The closing action of the mold causes the slides to move forward along the angle pins.Some molds allow previously molded parts to be reinserted to allow a new plastic layer to form around the first part. This is often referred to as overmolding. This system can allow for production of one-piece tires and wheels.2-shot or multi-shot molds are designed to "overmold" within a single molding cycle and must be processed onspecialized injection molding machines with two or more injection units. This process is actually an injection molding process performed twice. In the first step, the base color material is molded into a basic shape. Then the second material is injection-molded into the remaining open spaces. That space is then filled during the second injection step with a material of a different color.A mold can produce several copies of the same parts in a single "shot". The number of "impressions" in the mold of that part is often incorrectly referred to as cavitation. A tool with one impression will often be called a single impression(cavity) mold.A mold with 2 or more cavities of the same parts will likely be referred to as multiple impression (cavity) mold.Some extremely high production volume molds (like those for bottle caps) can have over 128 cavities.In some cases multiple cavity tooling will mold a series of different parts in the same tool. Some toolmakers call these molds family molds as all the parts are related.Effects on the material propertiesThe mechanical properties of a part are usually little affected. Some parts can have internal stresses in them. This is one of the reasons why it's good to have uniform wall thickness when molding. One of the physical property changes is shrinkage. A permanent chemical property change is the material thermoset, which can't be remelted to be injected again.Tool MaterialsTool steel or beryllium-copper are often used. Mild steel, aluminum, nickel or epoxy are suitable only for prototype or very short production runs.Modern hard aluminum (7075 and 2024 alloys) with proper mold design, can easily make molds capable of 100,000 or more part life.Geometrical PossibilitiesThe most commonly used plastic molding process, injection molding, is used to create a large variety of products with different shapes and sizes. Most importantly, they can create products with complex geometry that many other processes cannot. There are a few precautions when designing something that willbe made using this process to reduce the risk of weak spots. First, streamline your product or keep the thickness relatively uniform. Second, try and keep your product between 2 to20 inches.The size of a part will depend on a number of factors (material, wall thickness, shape,process etc.). The initial raw material required may be measured in the form of granules, pellets or powders. Here are some ranges of the sizes.MachiningMolds are built through two main methods: standard machining and EDM. Standard Machining, in its conventional form, has historically been the method of building injection molds. With technological development, CNC machining became the predominant means of making more complex molds with more accurate mold details in less time than traditional methods.The electrical discharge machining (EDM) or spark erosion process has become widely used in mold making. As well as allowing the formation of shapes that are difficult to machine, the process allows pre-hardened molds to be shaped so that no heat treatment is required. Changes to a hardened mold by conventional drilling and milling normally require annealing to soften the mold, followed by heat treatment to harden it again. EDM is a simple process in which a shaped electrode, usually made of copper or graphite, is very slowly lowered onto the mold surface (over a period of many hours), which is immersed in paraffin oil. A voltage applied between tool and mold causes spark erosion of the mold surface in the inverse shape of the electrode.CostThe cost of manufacturing molds depends on a very large set of factors ranging from number of cavities, size of the parts (and therefore the mold), complexity of the pieces, expected tool longevity, surface finishes and many others. The initial cost is great, however the piece part cost is low, so with greater quantities the overall price decreases.Injection processSmall injection molder showing hopper, nozzle and die areaWith Injection Molding, granular plastic is fed by gravity from a hopper into a heated barrel. As the granules are slowly moved forward by a screw-type plunger, the plastic is forced into a heated chamber, where it is melted. As the plunger advances, the melted plastic is forced through a nozzle that rests against the mold, allowing it to enter the mold cavity through a gate and runner system. The mold remains cold so the plastic solidifies almost as soon as the mold is filled.Injection Molding CycleThe sequence of events during the injection mold of a plastic part is called the injection molding cycle. The cycle begins when the mold closes, followed by the injection of the polymer into the mold cavity. Once the cavity is filled, a holding pressure is maintained to compensate for material shrinkage. In the next step, the screw turns, feeding the next shot to the front screw.This causes the screw to retract as the next shot is prepared. Once the part is sufficiently cool, the mold opens and the part is ejected.Molding trialWhen filling a new or unfamiliar mold for the first time, where shot size for that mold is unknown, a technician/tool setter usually starts with a small shot weight and fills gradually until the mold is 95 to 99% full. Once this is achieved a small amount of holding pressure will be applied and holding time increased until gate freeze off (solidification time) has occurred. Gate solidification time is an important as it determines cycle time, which itself is an important issue in the economics of the production process. Holding pressure is increased until the parts are free of sinks and part weight has been achieved. Once the parts are good enough and have passed any specific criteria, a setting sheet is produced for people to follow in the future. The method to setup an unknown mold the first time can be supported by installing cavity pressure sensors. Measuring the cavity pressure as a function of time can provide a good indication of the filling profile of the cavity. Once the equipment is set to successfully create the molded part, modern monitoring systems can save a reference curve of the cavity pressure. With that it is possible toreproduce the same part quality on another molding machine within a short setup time.Tolerances and SurfacesMolding tolerance is a specified allowance on the deviation in parameters such as dimensions, weights, shapes, or angles, etc. To maximize control in setting tolerances there is usually a minimum and maximum limit on thickness, based on the process used.Injection molding typically is capable of tolerances equivalent to an IT Grade of about 9–14. The possible tolerance of a thermoplastic or a thermoset is ±0.008 to ±0.002 inches. Surface finishes of two to four microinches or better are can be obtained. Rough or pebbled surfaces are also possible.Lubrication and CoolingObviously, the mold must be cooled in order for the production to take place. Because of the heat capacity, inexpensiveness, and availability of water, water is used as the primary cooling agent. To cool the mold, water can be channeled through the mold to account for quick cooling times. Usually a colder mold is more efficient because this allows for faster cycle times. However, this is not always true because crystalline materials require the opposite: a warmer mold and lengthier cycle time.InsertsMetal inserts can be also be injection molded into the workpiece. For large volume parts the inserts are placed in the mold using automated machinery. An advantage of using automated components is that the smaller size of parts allows a mobile inspection system that can be used to examine multiple parts in a decreased amount of time. In addition to mounting inspection systems on automated components, multiple axial robots are also capable of removing parts from the mold and place them in latter systems that can be used to ensure quality of multiple parameters. The ability of automated components to decrease the cycle time of the processes allows for a greater output of quality parts.Specific instances of this increased efficiency include the removal of parts from the mold immediately after the parts are created and use in conjunction with vision systems. Theremoval of parts is achieved by using robots to grip the part once it has become free from the mold after in ejector pins have been raised. The robot then moves these parts into either a holding location or directly onto an inspection system, depending on the type of product and the general layout of the rest of the manufacturer's production facility. Visions systems mounted on robots are also an advancement that has greatly changed the way that quality control is performed in insert molded parts. A mobile robot is able to more precisely determine the accuracy of the metal component and inspect more locations in the same amount of time as a human inspector.注塑成型注射制模(Injection moldin)是一种生产由热塑性塑料或热固性塑料所构成的部件的过程。

Injection Parameter成型参数表

Injection Parameter成型参数表
熔胶终止Melt End Pos.:
炮筒温度Cylinder Temp.:
熔胶速度Melt Speed:
背压Back Pressure:

模具温度Mold Temperature:
材料Injection Material:
材料型号Brand &Type:

水口比例Rate of Recycled Material:
色母比例Rate of Color Batch:







热流道温度Hot runner℃
Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 4
Zone 5
Zone 6
Zone 7
Zone 8
Zone 9
Zone 10
Zone 11
Zone 12

Injection mould for plastic material

Injection mould for plastic material

专利名称:Injection mould for plastic material发明人:REIL, WILHELM申请号:EP90107968.1申请日:19900426公开号:EP0396969A2公开日:19901114专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:An injection mould with a mould part (9) for the injection moulding of plastic is described, having a support (3) for receiving the mould part (9), which has a surfacecontour construction for forming the injection mould cavity (5), at least one cooling space (14, 15) being provided for connection to coolant supply and drainage lines (2). Tosimplify such an injection mould, lower the cost of producing it and increase its service life, it is envisaged that the mould part (9) is designed as an insert which has the surface contour construction and is fitted detachably (10, 11) on the support (3) and is arranged with a large part of its surface in heat-conducting contact with the support (3) and that the cooling space (14, 15) is located in the support (3).申请人:TETRA ALFA HOLDINGS S.A.地址:70, AVENUE GENERAL-GUISAN; CH-1009 PULLY,Avenue Général-Guisan 70 1009 Pully CH国籍:CH代理机构:Weber, Dieter, Dr.更多信息请下载全文后查看。

Injection-mould with inductive heating, injection

Injection-mould with inductive heating, injection

专利名称:Injection-mould with inductive heating,injection moulding method, opticalinformation carrier and light guide plate发明人:Jäderberg, Jan,Olin, Stefan申请号:EP06124467.9申请日:20061121公开号:EP1925421A1公开日:20080528专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:An injection-moulding device is disclosed, comprising at least first (1) andsecond (3) mould parts, defining a mould cavity (4), wherein at least one of the mouldparts comprises heating means, for heating the mould part in the vicinity of a mould cavity surface, said heating means comprising an inductive coil (18) having a plurality of windings and being powered by an oscillator. The heating means further comprises a thin top member, which functions as a susceptor for electromagnetic energy emitted by the inductive coil, which is placed in grooves in a carrier member. An intermediate member is placed between the top member and the carrier member. The intermediate member does not function as a susceptor to any grater extent, but provides mechanical stability while allowing the heat generation to be concentrated to the top member.申请人:Thermal Cyclic Technologies TCTech i Stockholm AB地址:P.O. Box 67 16391 Spånga SE国籍:SE代理机构:Hjalmarsson, Magnus Axel更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:INJECTION MOULD AND METHOD FOR MAKING THE SAME发明人:PERSSON, Lars申请号:SE2002001855申请日:20021010公开号:WO03/031141P1公开日:20030417专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:An injection mould which comprises at least five modules aligned with each other. The five modules correspond to a first mould module and a second mould module to form a product cavity, a drive module for driving of slides, an engaging module adapted, by application of a force, to prevent dividing between the first and the second mould module when introducing product material into the product cavity, and an ejector module for ejecting a completed product from one of the first and the second mould module. The method for making injection moulds comprises the steps of receiving a product pattern, defining function holes and function recesses, and defining, separate from and parallel to the construction of function holes and function recesses, a product cavity and the parting plane of the mould. Moreover the method comprises the step of mechanically machining a plurality of modules essentially simultaneously.申请人:PERSSON, Lars地址:SE,SE国籍:SE,SE代理机构:AWAPATENT AB更多信息请下载全文后查看。



精密注射成型(Precision injection molding)Precision injection molding1. definition of precision injection moldingPrecision injection molding is relative to conventional injection molding. It means that the precision of molding products is very high, and it is difficult to achieve an injection molding method by using a universal injection machine and conventional injection molding process. With the rapid development of polymer materials, engineering materials occupy a certain position in the industry, because of its light weight, saving resources and energy, a lot of industrial product components has been replaced by engineering plastic parts, such as instrumentation, electronic and electrical, aerospace, communications, computers, cars, video recorders, watches industrial products are widely applied in precision plastic parts. Plastic products to replace the metal parts with high precision, the conventional injection molding products is difficult to do, because of the precision plastic parts size precision, stability, residual stress and other aspects have higher requirements, hence the concept of precision injection molding.2. precision requirements of precision injection moldingThe concept of precision injection molding, including two aspects: one is that is product geometric accuracy, accuracy of size and form; the two refers to the mechanical precision, it refers to the addition of geometric accuracy, according to the actual situation of the request, such as surface smoothness,transparency, stiffness, strength, internal stress. Precision plastic products can not be simply equated with metal parts instead of the precision, this is because the plastic products and raw materials and molding method and metal products have many different nature, to improve the accuracy of precision injection molding products with ordinary injection molding has many differences, so the precision injection molding precision standard own. The precision of precision injection products must be reasonable, and the accuracy of the products is too high, which will lead to difficulties in manufacturing moulds and equipment, increase costs, and the accuracy requirements are too low to meet the requirements. At present, there is no uniform standard for the size limit and precision grade of precision plastic parts internationally. The German standard is shown in table 1. The utility model reflects the actual situation of the production of precision plastic parts, takes into account the accuracy and the production cost of the plastic parts, and is easy to use.Table 1 German DIN 16901 precision plastic parts dimensional tolerances mmBasic sizeLess than or equal to 3> 3~6> 6~10> 10~15> 15~22> 22~30toleranceZero point zero six Zero point zero seven Zero point zero eight Zero point one zero Zero point one two Zero point one four Basic size> 30~40> 40~53> 53~70> 70~90> 90~120> 120~160toleranceZero point one sixZero point one eightZero point two oneZero point two fiveZero point three zeroZero Point Four Zero3. factors affecting precision injection moldingPrecision injection molding products not only require high precision, low warpage, excellent transfer, but also have excellent optical properties. Injection molding including plasticizing, injection and holding pressure and cooling process, so many factors affecting the quality of molding products and size precision injection, such as material selection, mold design and manufacturing, injection molding machine, injection molding process, the operator level and production management etc.. The main factors are molding shrinkage, mold design and injection equipment, etc..(1) forming shrinkageThe tolerances and geometric accuracy required for precision injection molding products are not satisfactory for any forming material. The materials used for precise injection molding should be high polymer materials with high mechanical strength, stable size, good creep resistance and wide range of environmental applications. In addition to requiring good flow and molding properties, they are also required to have stability in shape and size of the products they use to shape.Forming shrinkage is one of the important factors that affect the precision of precision injection molding products. Often appears because of shrinkage and expansion in the plastic molding process, and the actual contraction of each batch of raw materials, the rate fluctuates within a certain range, the selected makes the actual shrinkage and the mould design of raw materials in most cases in the process of forming the shrinkage is different, even the same mold, molten the material flow and material flow direction perpendicular to the direction of weld shrinkage is not the same.In order to improve the accuracy of plastic parts, raw materials manufacturers should strive to narrow the range of shrinkage of various materials. The main types of contraction are heat shrinkage, phase change shrinkage, orientation contraction, compression contraction 4 kinds.Heat shrinkage is the shrinkage of a polymer melt at high temperature and the die cavity during heating or cooling. It is the thermal physics characteristic of the molding material and the mold material. If the mold temperature is too high, will increase the shrinkage of products, therefore, the preciseinjection molding mold temperature should not be too high.Phase change shrinkage refers to the shrinkage of crystalline resins during crystallization, when the specific heat is reduced. The mold temperature is high, the crystallinity is high, the shrinkage rate is great, and the product density increases, the coefficient of linear expansion decreases, and the shrinkage decreases. Therefore, the actual shrinkage is determined by the combined effects of both.The directional contraction means that the molecular chain is oriented in the direction of flow when the material is melted and filled. When cooling, the macromolecule re crimp and restore the contraction in the direction of orientation. The degree of molecular orientation is related to injection pressure, injection speed, resin temperature and mold temperature, but mainly injection speed. Filling speed faster, stronger effects of molecular orientation.Compression contraction refers to the contraction of plastic at high pressure than the significant change in heat capacity. When the pressure is cancelled, the specific heat has a certain amount of recovery, which is called elastic recovery. When the temperature is constant, the pressure increases, the specific heat of molded products decreases, the density increases, the expansion coefficient decreases, and the shrinkage decreases significantly. When the product is removed from the mold, the volume of the product can be elastically restored to shrink the product.(2) die designThe common injection molding involves 4 aspects: material, art, machine and mould, and the precise injection mold is more important in precise injection molding. The prerequisite of guaranteeing the accuracy of the product is that the shrinkage of the raw material itself is small, and the final precision that the plastic parts can achieve is also related to the mold. If the mold precision is high enough, and the process conditions also is well controlled, then you can ignore the shrinkage rate, so the precision of products will be controlled only by the mold precision, so as to ensure that the product has high accuracy of reproduction. Therefore, the quality of mold design and manufacture determines the quality and yield of the product. Only by ensuring the accuracy of the die can the shrinkage of the product be effectively reduced and the accuracy of the product can be improved. Accordingly, the tolerances for die manufacture are formulated accordingly. The formulation of mold tolerance should be appropriate, because the processing tolerance of the die is too high, accordingly, the production cost is increased, and the difficulty of mould manufacture is increased; and the accuracy of the plastic parts is difficult to be guaranteed because the processing tolerance is too low. It is generally stipulated that the processing tolerance of the die is about 1/3 of the tolerance value of the corresponding plastic piece.(3) injection molding machine;The precision injection molding process features high injection pressure, quick injection speed and high temperature control accuracy. In order to satisfy these technologicalconditions, the performance of the injection molding machine also has higher requirements. The precision injection molding equipment has its unique features in technical parameters, control accuracy, hydraulic system and structure. Injection molding equipment is the key component of precision injection molding. The main function is to provide uniform melt material for precise injection molding. At the same time, the plasticizing part of the plasticizing component is required to have strong plasticizing ability, high degree of homogenization, high injection speed, high injection pressure and large driving torque of the screw, and stepless speed regulation can be realized. Precision injection molding machines are generally required to meet the following conditions:Technical parameters require large injection power, high injection pressure and quick injection speed;The control accuracy, multi-level feedback control, multilevel control including position, velocity, pressure, back pressure and screw speed, to ensure the precise control of injection speed, injection pressure, packing pressure, back pressure and screw speed and other parameters. The molding condition is stable, the repetition precision is high, and can carry on the accurate switching in the definite stroke position. Precision control also includes a cylinder and nozzle temperature using PID control, closed-loop device working oil temperature must be used for heating and cooling control, accurate temperature control of mould, precise control of clamping force and environmental temperature control etc.;The hydraulic system requires quick response,The hydraulic component has high sensitivity;The structure of precision injection molding machine requires high rigidity of die system, high efficiency of mould closing mechanism and strong plasticizing ability of plasticized parts.(4) forming processThe injection process is more complicated than other molding processes because of its non steady state. So far, a mathematical model describing the whole process has not been found. The main technological parameters such as pressure, temperature, speed, time and so on changed slightly, and the quality of the products changed accordingly. In order to resist the influence of various internal and external interference factors, and maintain the set of process parameters, precise injection requires that the injection machine has good comprehensive control performance. Through strict control of pressure, temperature, velocity and time parameters, which provide a certain number, the temperature of the molten material uniform plasticizing, filling a cavity for unsteady flow characteristics, pressure cooling condition is appropriate and stable, so as to obtain a stable and high quality precision products.Select the best molding process parameters can reduce the shrinkage of plastic products. The plastic shrinkage refers to reflect heat shrinkage, plastic elastic recovery, plasticdeformation, shrinkage and shrinkage after aging, is usually caused by absorption or molecular chain rearrangement, the specific performance of the linear shrinkage and volume shrinkage changes, common shrinkage value. Thermoplastic injection molding shrinkage rate fluctuations, especially for crystalline plastic injection products is more obvious, because the degree of crystallinity depends not only on the chemical structure, but also by the cooling process parameters (cooling rate, melt temperature, mold temperature and product thickness) the influence of size and precision control products the cavity is difficult to determine the mold design, so there is an urgent need to understand the influence of the injection molding process parameters of plastic shrinkage.The difference of the wall thickness of the workpiece is generally considered to be caused by two factors: one is the slight deformation of the die cavity caused by the high pressure melt; and the other is the elastic expansion of the material when the mold is opened up; two. Generally speaking, the quality of precision can better control the size precision, and the melt at higher mold temperature in low viscosity, so the viscosity gradient is small, in a screw back pressure, the quality of precision parts can be accurately controlled. However, for liquid crystalline polymers (LCP), it requires lower die temperatures precisely because LCP cools rapidly after cold. LCP has a low melting and thermal ordering structure, so there is a small change between the liquid crystalline transition and the solid crystalline transition. When fully cooled, the liquid solid transition is almost instantaneous. In the cooler mold, when the cavity is full, most of the material in the cavity and the gate have been solidified, so the compression stage isdifficult to supplement the melt, so the size of the workpiece is close to the size of the deformed cavity.(5) quality managementBecause of the higher precision requirements of precision injection molding, quality management is becoming more and more difficult. In order to maintain the stability of the precision injection, on the one hand, the injection molding machine is equipped with automatic monitoring system and automatic waste screening system, found that the machine running parameters exceeds the set value, the injection molding machine will be displayed on the screen, and timely alarm to notify the operator immediately adjust. The machine will stop automatically if it is not dealt with in time. At the same time, automated waste screening systems automatically separate parts that do not conform to process conditions, such as the automatic turnover structure of ARBURG company. Some companies are equipped with automatic inspection system, the manipulator will be placed on the balance of precision parts (the accuracy is + 0.11mg), observe the change of the weight of the product, by comparing the weight value weight measured value and qualified parts of the parts to determine whether or not qualified, qualified parts were sent to the packaging area, not qualified the parts are separated. This is one of the most advanced control methods in the world at present. But with this method, does not mean that artificial inspection does not need, and in order to ensure the quality of parts, operators should also regularly check the plastic parts, and found abnormalities, timely solution. In this way, the resulting plastic parts will have reliable quality assurance。



“Shear Thinning”
Injection molding 103~104
~ 1 sec-1 for PE
Comp. Molding 1~10
Viscous Heating
Rate of Heating = Rate of Viscous Work
P FvFvv2
For Die casting
R e310 3110 0 3110 3 300
* Source: /proc/plastic/injection/injection_process.htm
Viscous Shearing of Fluids
Tadmore and Gogos
Molding and Casting pp584 -610
Boothroyd Dewhurst
Design for Injection Molding pp 319 - 359
Kalpakjian see Ch 18 Injection molding case study;Washing machine augers; see on web page
Fountain Flow
* Source: /trp/inj/flw_froz.html ; ** Z. Tadmore and C. Gogos, “Principles of Polymer Processing”
Shrinkage distributions
Gate Location and Warping



最新复印机⼩端盖注塑模具设计(含全套cad图纸复印机⼩端盖注塑模具设计(含全套C A D图纸)复印机⼩端盖注塑模具设计摘要塑料⼯业是当今世界上增长最快的⼯业门类之⼀,⽽注射模具是其中发展较快的⼀种。




关键词:注射模具;注射成型⼯艺;模具设计;分型⾯Design of injection mould machine small end coverAbstractNowadays plastics industry is to increase one of the quickest industry category in the world, injection mould is to develop quicker among them , therefore studies the injection mould has very big meaning to knowing plastic product procedure of production and raising product quality.This paper is designed Copier small end cap injection mould , discussed the basal principle injection mould, especially One-surface injection mold design , Have introduced the molding handicraft injecting a mould detailedly、equipment Selection、feed system、Pulling mechanism and molding part design process, As well as demanded an explanation for mold manufacturing technology, Finally draw out the mould picture by CAD software.During this design, I can have a preliminary understanding of Injection mould, note the details, know Die structure and operating principle, Review of the professional knowledge of the four-year study .Key words: injection mould; injection mould process; mould designing;divides the profile⽬录1绪论 .................................Error! Bookmark not defined.1.1题⽬的背景和意义....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.1.2国内外模具⼯业的发展状况....................... Error! Bookmark not defined.1.3塑料模具发展⾛势........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.1.4课题研究的意义及主要研究内容............... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2复印机⼩端盖的⼯艺性分析..........Error! Bookmark not defined.2.1塑件的材料与结构分析................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.2.1.1塑件的体积及质量计算..................... Error! Bookmark not defined.2.1.2塑件的结构与材料............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.2.2塑件的尺⼨精度及表⾯质量........................ Error! Bookmark not defined.2.2.1塑件的尺⼨精度................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.2.2.2塑件的表⾯质量 (7)2.3 ⼯艺性分析.................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3注塑模具结构设计 ...................Error! Bookmark not defined.3.1分型⾯的确定................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.3.2浇⼝的确定.................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.3.3型腔数⽬的确定............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.3.4浇注系统设计................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.3.4.1主流道................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.3.4.2 分流道................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.3.4.3 浇⼝的设计......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.3.4.4 浇⼝套的形式及固定⽅式................. Error! Bookmark not defined.3.5成型零部件设计............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.3.5.1成型零部件结构设计......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.3.5.2成型零件⼯作尺⼨计算..................... Error! Bookmark not defined.3.6导向零件的设计.......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.93.7抽芯机构和顶出机构的设计 (21)3.7.1抽芯机构的设计 (21)3.7.2顶出机构的设计................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.3.8脱模结构的设计............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.3.8.1 脱模⼒的计算......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4冷却设计及排⽓系统.................Error! Bookmark not defined.4.1冷却⽔道热传⾯积....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.4.1.1塑料传给模具的热量....................... Error! Bookmark not defined.4.1.2冷却⽔的体积流量........................... Error! Bookmark not defined.4.1.3冷却⽔道热传⾯积........................... Error! Bookmark not defined.4.2排⽓系统的设计............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5注射机的选择及校核..................Error! Bookmark not defined.5.1选择注射机........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.5.2注射机的校核............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.5.2.1注射压⼒的校核................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.5.2.2 最⼤注射量的校核 (30)5.2.3锁模⼒的校核 (30)5.2.4 喷嘴尺⼨校核 (30)5.2.5注射机固定模板定位孔与模具定位圈的关系 (31)5.2.6模具外形尺⼨校核 (31)5.2.7模具的安装紧固 (31)5.3 本章⼩结 (31)6模具材料的选择......................Error! Bookmark not defined. 7模具装配图及制造⼯艺...............Error! Bookmark not defined.7.1模具装配图.................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.7.2模具制造⼯艺................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7模具可⾏性分析......................Error! Bookmark not defined.8.1本模具的特点................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.8.2市场效益及经济效益分析............................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 9结论 .................................Error! Bookmark not defined.致谢....................................Error! Bookmark not defined.参考⽂献 (39)毕业设计(论⽂)知识产权声明 (40)毕业设计(论⽂)独创性声明 (41)附录 (42)1 绪论1.1题⽬的背景和意义在现代⽣产中,模具是⽣产各种⼯业产品的重要⼯艺装备,它以其特定的形状通过⼀定的⽅式使原材料成型。



a member ofMETALINJECTIONMOULDINGBy developing an innovative manufacturing process to produce pre-alloyed powders more than10 years ago, Eurotungstene had revolutionized the Diamond tool sector. The pre-alloyed powders, whichhave been awarded the prestigious Medal of Merit by the European Powder Metallurgy Association, arenow largely consumed by Diamond tool manufacturers as a high-tech solution.As an innovative metal powders manufacturer, Eurotungstene has decided to offer its technological Know-How and its experience to the Metal Injection Moulding industry. By designing Microneex®, a range of micron-size pure and pre-alloyed powders < 5µm, Eurotungstene proposes a high-performance alternative to the atomized or blended powders for MiM.Highly improved mechanical properties, better sintering ability, better replication of small details, improved surface roughness, better shape retention are some of the significant advantages provided byEurotungstene powders.Microneex® product range :The strength of a leading groupEurotungstene is 100% part of the French Mining and Metallurgical group ERAMET, leader in each of itsthree sectors : Nickel, Manganese and Alloys. With 16 000 collaborators and a turnover above 4 billion euros, ERAMET brings support and stability to Eurotungstene’s operation and provides all the benefitassociated with the long-term vision of a major group.The highest quality standardEurotungstene is a company certified in 3 ways :• Quality (ISO 9001 certification)• Health & Safety (OHSAS 18001 certification)• Environment (ISO 14001 certification)Producing high-quality powders in a sustainable development process is a day-to-day commitment made by all Eurotungstene collaborators.High-Density alloysTungsten copper pseudo alloysElemental powdersWNi • WNiFe • WNiCuWCuHighly deagglomerated Tungsten powdersTungsten Carbide powdersFine Cobalt powdersPurityFisher sizeEurotungstene Poudres – 9, rue André Sibellas – BP152X – 38042 Grenoble cedex 09 – France Tel:+33(0)476705454–Fax:+33(0)241934824–E-mail:*****************************–Customer’swebsite:s.a.s au capital de 3 507 500€ – R.C Grenoble B325 538 973 – SIRET :325 538 973 00034 – code NAF 274M – T.V .A n° FR 76 325 538 973a member ofELEMENTAL POWDErS FOr METAL INJECTION MOULDING。



Injection moulding troubleshooter注塑的疑难问题This easy to use troubleshooting guide gives you initial advice for solving injection moulding difficulties. Please click on the name of your problem in the following list to view a detailed description include photograph and proposals for solution.这种易于使用的疑难问题解决指南,为您提供解决注塑方面各种难题的初步建议。

请在以下清单中点击您遇到的问题,查看具体描述(包括照片)以及关于解决方案的建议:Problem Short descriptionBlack specks 黑色斑点 Punctiform or lamellar deposits on the surface of the thermoplastic moulding.热塑性成型件表面上的点状或片状沉积物。

Charring streaks烧焦痕Charring streaks on the surface of the plastic moulding in the form of silvery or light brown to dark brown discolourations. 塑料成型件表面的炭化条纹,具体形态为银色或浅棕色至深棕色污点。

Cold slug 冷料痕Marks, usually close to the sprue, in the form of a comet's tail.斑纹,通常接近浇道,形状类似彗星的尾部。

Coloured streaks色差痕Differences in colour on the surface of moulded plastic parts.注塑部件表面的颜色差异。



Injection Mold Technical Terms之宇文皓月创作(一)模具专业基本用词 Professional Terms1.塑料—plastic, resin2.样件— sample3.钢料—steel4.注塑机—injectionmachine, press5.产品—part, product, moulding6.模具—mold, mould, toolA 简易模(样板模)—prototype moldB 量产用模具—productionmold7.三维造型(数模)—3D model, 3D data8.二维产品图—2D part drawing9.设计—design10.制造—manufacture, build up, construction11.检验—check, inspection12.丈量—measure, inspection13.修改—change, modify, correction14.工程更改—engineer change15.质量—quality16.数量—quantity17.基准—datum, reference牛角入水-rads gate(二)如何解析2D 产品图?How to read 2D part drawing?一.产品几何Geometry1.点—point2.线(边)—line, edge3.面faceA 正面—sideB 概况—surfaceC 外观面—appearance surface4.壁厚—wall thickness, stock thickness5.加强筋(骨位)—rib6.孔—hole7.细长的槽—slot8.柱位—boss9.角—cornerA 圆角—filletB 倒角—chamferC 尖角—sharpcorner10.斜度—angle, taper11. 凹槽—recess ,groove二.分模信息Splitting1.分型线—parting line (P/L), splitting line2.主分模方向—main direction, lineofdraw3.浇口设定—gating产品标识Part Identification1.产品名称—part name (P/N)2.产品编号+版本号—part number + revision (Rev.)3.型腔号—cavity number4.资料标识表记标帜—material symbol5.模具编号—mold number (no.)6.日期印—dating insert, date code7.循环印—cycling code8.公司标记—company logo三.技术要求Specification (Special Requirement)1.项目启动表 Kick-off sheet1)项目名称—program name, project name2)产品名称—part name, product name, part description3)产品编号—part number (P/N)4)客户模号—customer mold no.5)项目启动日期—kick off date,start date6)项目完成日期—due date,lead time7)内模件用钢—tool steel8)型腔数量—number of cavities9)数据文件编号—data file no.10)注塑资料—resin,plastic, raw material11)收缩率—shrink, shrinkage, shrink factor12)注塑机吨位—molding machine size, injection machine size 13)成型周期— cycle time14)型腔光洁度—cavity polish15)型芯光洁度—core polish16)皮纹(晒纹)—texture, grain17)拔模斜度—draft angle, removal taper18)注塑件颜色及光泽— molded color & gloss19)模具加工地—manufacturing facility20)热流道供应商—manifold manufacturer, manifold supplier 21)浇口位置—gate location / position22)浇口类型—gate type23)产品标识— stamp information, part identification 24)特殊要求—special instructions25)平安模数—safe steel2.产品质量及外观要求Part Quality & Appearance Requirement 1)尺寸及公差Dimension & Tolerance①重要尺寸—critical dimension, important dim., key dim.②理论尺寸—nominal dimension③实际尺寸— actual dimension④公差—tolerance⑤公差带—tolerance range⑥尺寸超差—dimension deviation⑦接受(合格)— accept, OK⑧拒绝(分歧格)— reject, refuse, obsolete, NG⑨让步接受— concession, special admit⑩返工—re-work2)产品缺陷(罕见的)Defects (normal)①缩水—sink mark, shrinkage②飞边,毛边—flash, burr③段差—mismatchdiscrepancy④银丝纹,蛇纹—snake marks, streak⑤弯曲,变形—warpage, distortion⑥打不饱(缺料)—short shot⑦熔接线—weld line⑧多胶— unwanted plastic⑨拉伤—damage3.产品外观Part Appearance①产品颜色—part color②产品光泽—gloss③皮纹粒度—grain4.经常使用词汇、词组及短语Normal Word, Short Sentence1)单边—per side2)双边—both sides3)加入,添加—add, incorporate4)去除,取消—remove, cancel5)满足…的要求,符合,与…要求一致—according to, conform to, satisfy, meet6)要求,需要—require, need, demand7)确认—be approve d, agreed by …8)允许—permit, allow9)在…范围之内—within10)不成以,不允许,禁止—free from,prevent, avoid11)…,除非有另指—… unless otherwise specified12)…或少于—…or less13)自动化运作—automatic operation14)未注尺寸(详细形状)见三维造型Non dimensioned contour (detailed shape) see 3D model.15)分型线上的飞边(披缝)或段差应小于…Burrs or discrepancy on the P/L shall be … or less.四.题目栏Title Block1.产品名称—part name2.图纸编号 + 版本号(索引号)—drawing no. + level (index) 3.一般公差—general tolerance(三)如何阅读制模尺度?How to read tooling standard?一.模具结构术语 Mold Construction TermsA.模架 Mold Base1.模架量化特征 Measurement Feature①长 X 宽 X 高— Length X Width X Height②模具高度尺寸(模厚)— stack height of mould③模具重量— total weight of mould, mould thickness2.定模底板— front plate, top clamping plate, clamp plate, clamping plate3.定模板— cavity plate, fixed mould plate, A – plate4.动模板— core plate, moving mould plate, B – plate5.浮动板—floating plate6.支撑板— support plate, backing plate7.间隔板,方铁— support blocks, rails, risers, spacer block 8.顶杆固定板— retaining plate, ejector retaining plate9.顶板— ejector plate,bottom clamping plate10.动模底板— back plate11.导柱— guide pillar, leader pin, guide pin12.导套— guide bush, leader pin bush13.复位杆— return pin, push-back pin14.弹簧— spring15.撑头— support pillar16.顶针板导柱、导套— ejection guide pin / bush17.垃圾钉— stop pin, stop button18.模脚— standing-off pillars19.标牌— plaque scutcheonB.成型零部件 moulding components20.型芯— core insert21.型腔— cavity insert22.镶针— core pin23.镶块— sub-insert, split24.滑块— slide, sliding split25.斜顶— lifter, angled-lift splitA 斜顶头— lifter headB 斜顶杆— lifterrod, lifter shaftC 斜顶连接块—— lifter couplingD 斜顶导向块——lifter guideE 斜顶导滑块——lifter Gib26.成型顶杆— moulding face pin, form pinC.浇注系统 Feed System1.塑料 Plastic27.主流道— sprue28.分流道 runner①主分流道—main runner②二级分流道—branch runner分流道断面形状 cross-sectional shape of runner①圆形—full round②半圆形—semicircular③梯形—trapezoidal29.浇口 gate经常使用浇口形式 normal gate type :①边沿浇口(J型浇口)—edge gate, J – gate②侧浇口—side gate③潜伏式浇口—sub-gate, cashew gate, subsurface gate,submarine gate潜顶针—subgate to pin④潜伏式二次浇口(隧道式浇口) —tunnel gate onto feeder post⑤点浇口—pin gate⑥直接浇口(主流道型浇口) —sprue gate, direct gate⑦护耳式浇口—tab gate30.模腔— impression31.冷料井— cold slug well32.热流道— hot runner2.模具零件 mold componentsa.定位圈— locating ring, location ring, register ringb.浇口套— sprue bushc.挡圈— stop ringd.浇口镶块— gate inserte.热流道板— manifoldf.热嘴— hot dropD.分型面及其锁紧、排气 Parting Surface, inter-locking & venting 1.分型线— parting line ( P/L )2.镶拼线— bodyline, joint line3.平 / 不服的分型面— flat / non – flat parting surface 4.封胶面— shut off surfaces, seal-off surfaces5.擦穿位— shut off6.碰穿位— kiss-off7.管位— parting line lock8.分型面的释放(避空) —relief of parting surface9.分型面的平衡—balancing of parting surface10.锁紧角度— locking angle11.锁紧力— clamping force12.锁模块— safety strap13.精定位— Interlock, die lock14.困气— air trap15.排气槽— vent, vent slot16.撬模坑 --- pry slot17.计数器--- shot counter/ cycle counterE.滑块机构 Slide1.驱动 Actuation①斜导柱—angle pin, horn pin, cam pin②弹簧—spring③油缸—hydraulic cylinder2.制动 Detention①滑块固定器— slide retainer②弹簧制动器— spring-loaded detention (plunger)③挡钉、挡板— stop pin, stop plate, slide stop3.导轨— gib, guide strip,center guide4.锁紧块(楔紧块)— heel block, locking heel, wedge block, chase block,slide driver5.耐磨片— wear plate, wear strip6.压板— retainer,gib7.螺钉— screw8.定位销— dowel pin9.行位扣—slide lock / slide retainer10.flat ejector pin 扁顶针F.斜顶机构 Lifter1.斜顶头—lifter head2.斜顶杆—lifter rod, lifter shaft3.斜顶固定块—lifter rod retainer4.斜顶导向块—lifter guide5.开口销—split pin6.固定板(压板)— retainer plate7.耐磨片—wear plate8.铜导套— bronze bushing9.导套固定板—bushing retainer10.衬套— spacer11.导轨— L – gib12.导轨---T-Gib13.滑动块— slide14.连接块—U-CouplingG.顶出系统 Ejection Systema) 基本词汇 Basic Wordi. 顶出行程— ejection strokeii. 模具开档—daylightiii. 粘模—stick oniv. 产品脱模—part is push off from, clear part of mould, separation of partb) 顶板机构 Ejector plate assemblyi. 顶板— ejector plateii. 顶板固定板— retaining plateiii. 推板— stripper plateiv. 推板导柱— ejector guide pinv. 推板导套— ejector guide bushvi. 撑头—support pillarvii. 限位块—stop block,stroke blockc) 复位机构 Return Systemi. 复位杆(回程杆)— return pin, push – back pinii. 垃圾钉—stop pin, stop buttoniii. 压簧—compressed springiv. 碟簧—a stack of “Belleville” washersv. 早复位机构—early return systemvi. 强制复位机构—positive return systemd) 顶出方法 Ejection Techniques1. 顶杆顶出—pin ejection2. 顶管顶出— sleeve ejection3. 顶块顶出— bar ejection4. 扁顶顶出— blade ejection5. 顶板顶出— stripper ejection6. 油缸顶出— hydraulic ejection7. 气顶— air ejection8. 阀门顶出—valve ejectione) 顶出元件 Ejection Elements1)拉料杆—sprue puller, sucker pin2)顶杆—ejector pin3)阶梯式顶杆— stepped ejector pin4)顶管— ejection sleeve,sleeve5)扁顶— ejector blade, slabbed off ejector pin6)顶块—stripper bar7)顶环—stripper ring8)推板—stripper plate9)加速顶— accelerated ejection10)直顶----straight lifter/EJECTOR BARf) 顶出辅助机构 Supplementary operating system1. 弹簧柱塞器—spring – loaded plunger2. 弹珠定位器— ball catch system3. 插销式锁扣— Latch – lock4. 尼龙拉杆装置— friction puller deviceg) 电器元件 Electric Components1. 压力传感器—pressure transducer2. 限位开关—limit switchF.冷却系统 Cooling System1.基本词汇 Basic Word1)温差—temperature variation2)水孔(水道)—waterlines, water-ways, flow-way, channel3)水路—cooling circuit4)水路示意图—water schematic, schematic circuit5)冷却液—coolant, coolant fluid6)内连接—interconnect7)外连接—external connection8)出口、入口—outlet、inlet9)漏水—water leakage2.水路分布 Circuits1)阶梯式水路— stepped system2)分隔板水路— baffled hole system3)斜孔式水路— angled hole system3.水路元件 Components1)闷头(螺塞、止水栓)—(threadless)brass pressure plug : female plug & male2)隔水片— baffle3)密封圈— O – ring4)快插水路接头—quick disconnect fitting, quick connection adaptor5)弯头— elbow6)偶合器(连接器、接头)— adaptor (including a plug & a socket)7)橡皮管— rubber hose8)分水板,集水块— water manifoldG.螺纹、螺纹孔 & 螺钉 Thread, thread hole & screw1.螺纹— thread2.管螺纹— pipe thread3.螺纹孔— screw hole, tapped hole4.起吊孔— handling hole, jack screw hole, eye bolt hole5.螺钉— screw6.内六角螺钉— socket headed cap screw (s.h.c.s.)7.沉头螺钉— flat headed cap screw (f.h.c.s)8.螺栓— bolt9.螺母— nut10.锁紧螺母— locknut11.螺纹尺度 Thread Standard①公制尺度— Metric②英制尺度— Imperial③英制管螺纹尺度— British Standard Pipe thread (BSP)④美制管螺纹尺度— NPT⑤美制粗螺纹尺度— United Coarse thread (UNC)⑥美制细螺纹尺度— United Fine thread (UNF)H.润滑 Lubrication1.润滑槽— grease groove2.加油管— grease line3.油杯— lubrication fittingg.丈量仪器 Measuring Instruments1.游标卡尺— vernier caliper2.千分尺— micrometer3.高度规— height gauge4.刻度规— dial gauge5.三坐标丈量仪(三次元)— Coordinate Measure Machine(CMM)6.塞规— pin gauge7.圆角量规— radii gauge8.轮廓投影机—profile projectorJ.注塑机参数 Injection Machine Parameter1.注塑机规格参数 Injection Machine Specification①锁紧类型 clamp typea.油缸— hydraulic b.肘杆式— toggle②垂直注塑机导柱间距— tie bar vertical clearance③水平注塑机导柱间距— tie bar horizontal clearance④台板尺寸—platen dim.⑤最小 / 最大模厚— mold height Min. / Max., Min. / Max. mold thickness⑥最小 / 最大注塑机开档— open daylight Min. / Max.⑦锁紧行程— clamp stroke⑧锁紧力—clamping force⑨顶出行程— ejector stroke⑩顶出力— ejector force2.试模工艺参数 Moulding Process Parameter, machine setting①时间 Timer(TM), seca.注塑(充填)时间— filling time, injection timeb.冷却时间— cooling timec.补缩时间— packing timed.保压时间— holding timee.成型周期— cycle time②速率、速度 Velocity, %、speed, in/seca.注塑(充填)速度— injection speedb.保压速率— hold pressure velocityc.螺杆转速— screw rotation speed③压力 Pressure(Prs.), psia.注塑压力— injection pressureb.保压压力— hold pressurec.回压(背压)— back pressure④温度 Temperature(Temp.), °Fa.注塑机喷嘴温度— nozzle temp.b.料筒前段、中段、后段温度— barrel front、middle、rear temp.c.模温— mould temp.d.料温— purged resin melt temp.e.空射料温— air shot melt temp.。



英文原文:P recision injection molding technology of progressusing precision injection molding machine to replace conventional injection molding machinePrecision injection molding machine generally larger injection power, in addition to such injection pressure and injection to meet the requirements in terms of speed, power itself will be on the injection products improve the accuracy of a certain role. Precision injection molding machine control systems generally have high control precision, it is requested by the products themselves. High accuracy can be guaranteed control of injection process parameters has good accuracy, precision products in order to avoid fluctuations due process parameters change. Therefore precision injection molding machine generally of the injection, injection pressure, injection rate and pressure-pressure, back-pressure and screw speed process parameters such as a multi-level feedback control. Precision Injection requirements of its modulus system has sufficient rigidity, accuracy or products will be a model for the elastic deformation decreased. Second-Die-Die of the system must be able to accurately control the size, or too large or too small a model of precision products will have an adverse impact. So in the design, it should be considered Die rigidity, stiffness, as well as a model system in order to accurately control the size of the precision products, especially flat-panel thin-wall products. When Die larger, must-oriented column deflection check. Precision injection molding machine also must be able to work in the hydraulic circuit precise temperature control, work to prevent the oil due to temperature changes caused viscosity and flow changes, further injection process parameters leading to fluctuations而使products would lose their accuracy.1. parts molding cycle time consistencyGeneral typical injection molding machine with three modes: manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic. As the influence of various factors, each of the previous two models molding cycle time may be different, it would affect the temperature and materials to die in the Liaodong stay, thereby affecting the accuracy of parts, in precision Molding should try to use the automatic mode.2. precision injection molding machine screw temperature control and the design of newInjection Molding Machine cylinder automatic thermostat on the cycle of opening and customs led to the Liaodong, melting material density and viscosity changes, thereby affecting the quality and dimensional accuracy of parts of the cyclical fluctuations in the injection molding machine nozzle close to Die Therefore, the temperature of the nozzle molded parts also have a significant impact on. Modern injection molding machine equipped with a special process control software to control temperature fluctuation, which is proportional integral differential (P ID) control. At least from the barrel temperature difference galvanic point perspective, the P ID parameter optimization can completely eliminate temperature fluctuations.To the quality and stability of the plastic parts, plastics injection molding machine unit is very important. To the plastics unit is an important standard to judge: injection volume, plastics rate, injection rate, the polymers in the plastics unit at the time.As the quality of plastic parts for the dimensional accuracy error of a very important impact, and it should be precise injection control of the injection molding machine. Improve measurement precision injection molding machine of the most effective ways is to use technology to achieve the smallest screw diameter, especially for the light parts especially. The measurement of the relative screw length and the overall length of screw smaller, in the plastics materials unit at the time also become shorter. Screw thread is similar to widening the materials can be avoided stay longer so that the screw and stable operation. Lo deep groove width than correspondingly smaller, which create a lot of engineering plastics parts of the small diameter screw particularly effective. Melt homogeneity and are not small compression ratio decreases, it is because from the very shallow groove Lo caused very strong result of the shear rate. Feeding the difficulty of the design, it must ensure that all aggregates can be fed into evenly. Considering the need to shorter cycles, plastics rate must also be big enough, in the design of the feed must be effectively resolved the contradiction between. In addition, if adopted by a two-stage injection screw to achieve precise control injection error, which requires the measurement of the melt through spherical valve detected by injection to injection molding machine in the Detroit injection molding machine.Before microprocessor controlled by the injection molding process can not be obtained through injection precision voltage comparator has been successfully resolved. V oltagecomparator allows Transmitter and other sensitive came with the very precise voltage signal passed, and when the set point appears to be following the true value of a timely signal immediately transmitted to the microprocessor control of the order, by order of the cycle of operational procedures Asynchronous from time to time through a direct transfer of the signal process to eliminate, greatly improving the control accuracy.precision molding technology1. In the mold injection-compression molding applications (ICM) technologyICM technology is the means to open a certain distance die under the conditions of the beginning injection, injection to a certain amount, the mold cavity beginning of the closure of the melt compression, injection mold completely closed at the termination, and then packing, cooling until the removal products. Through injection-compression molding of compression products to compaction, making products on the surface of uniform pressure distribution, the compaction products such size high accuracy and stability, small deformation. It is in the mould open circumstances melt into the cavity and, therefore, mobile channel, for the low pressure injection molding, and reduce or eliminate the pressure caused by the resin-molecular orientation of the stress and products, which improve products, dimensional stability. ICM technology and flexible control capability than the injection mould has greatly improved. Therefore use of this technology can produce more precision parts, especially the high-precision cylindrical-shaped parts.2. High-speed injection moldingHigh-speed injection molding method of filling melts faster rate than the traditional 10 to 100 times, melt in the mold cavity to produce high shear flow, decrease viscosity, injection speed, slow down plastic surface hardening, thus improving thin Forming products wall thickness limit, inhibit excessive molding pressure, as well as because of the low-voltage mobile mode, the products reduce stress. The thin-wall precision products, we can use the injection screw at the forward from the melt energy absorption in the screw after the cessation of movement through the expansion of high-speed melt full cavity to achieve.3. No-pressure injection moldingNo-pressure injection molding technology refers to the plastic melt high-speed, high-pressure filling into the mold, and then close in the nozzle needle to melt the plastic mold cavity products automatically compensate for different parts of the contract, such products can be greatly reduced warpage. However, this method requires prior estimate packing contraction added, hence the need for the injection of a higher cavity pressure value, and we need clamping force also high.4. Other Intelligent Control TechnologyPrecision injection molding processing conditions in the process of continuous monitoring and implementation of precise control is very important. With the development of computer technology, computerized injection molding has been widely used. Among them, statistical process control (SPC), P ID technology, fuzzy logic control (FCC), network control center (NNC) method and the processing model based on the reverse of the backbone network size control.Advantages1.High production rates. For example, a CD disk can be produced with a 10-12scycle in high melt flow index PC.2.Relatively low labor conent. One operator can frequently take care of two or moremachines, particularly if the moldings are unloaded automatically onto conveyors.3.Parts require little or no finishing. For example, flash can be minimized and moldscam be arramged to automatically separate runners and gates from the part itself.4.Very complex shapes can be formed. Advances in mold tooling are largelyresponsible.5.Flexibility of design ( finishes, colors, inserts, materials ). More than one materialcan be molded through co-injection. Foam core materials with solid skins areefficiently produced. Thermosetting plastics and fiber-reinforced shapes areinjection molded.6.Minimum scrap loss. Runners, gates, and scrap can usually be reground. Recycledthermoplastics can be injection molded.7.Close tolerances are obtainable. Modem microprocessor controls, fitted toprecision molds, and elaborate hydraufics, facilitate tolerances in the 0. 1% rangeon dimensions and weights ( but not without a high level of operational skills inconstant attendance).8.Makes best use of the unique attributes of polymers, such as flow ability, lightweight, transparency, and corrosion resistance. This is evident from the numberand variety of molded plastic products in everyday use.Disadvantages and Problems1.High investment in equipment and tools requires high production of expertise and good preventive maintenance can cause high startup andrunning costs.3.Quality is sometimes difficult to determine immediately. For example, plst-moldwarpage may render parts unusable because of dimensional changes that are not completed for weeks or months after molding.4.Attention is required on many details requiring a wide variety of skills andcross-disciplinary konwledge.5.Part design sometimes is not well suited to efficien molding.6.Lead time for mold desin, mold manufacture and debugging trials is sometimes verylong.ConclusionOn the high-precision plastic products, and high-performance requirements of the growing precision injection molding technology is the impetus for moving forward, people on the principle of precision injection molding, the constant deepening of understanding of precision injection molding technology is the basis for progress. With new materials, new processes and new equipment has emerged, particularly in the plastics processing computer is the wide application of the precision injection technology to create goodconditions. As long as a reasonable use of these technologies, we will be able to produce sophisticated products.中文对照:精密注射成型技术进展采用精密注塑成型机,以取代传统的注塑机精密注塑机注射功率一般较大,除了注射压力和注射速度满足要求外,电源本身将是提高注塑产品精度的以个重要角色。

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260-288 260 240-280 220-270 240-270 274-302 240-280 240-280 298-326
260- 287-316 250-270
243-287 282-293 245-265
制表人: 夏军伟 Material data for injection moulders
序号 原料名称
35 36 37 38 39 Xylex X7300 Xylex X8210 Xylex X8300 Xylex X7110
Lustran 446
类别 PC+聚酯 PC+聚酯 PC+聚酯 PC+聚酯 ABS
制表人: 夏军伟 Material data for injection moulders
序号 原料名称
72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 DU PONT Rynite FR530 NC010 Santoprene rubber 8211-55b100 Santoprene rubber 111-45
180-230 240 250-270 210 204-243 210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 230-240 230-240 230-240 240-250 240-250 230-250 230-250 230-250 243 238-254 245-260 260-282 271-282
Lexan 141R Makrolon 9415Z SAMSUNG HF1023
31 21 22 23 Xenoy 5220U Makroblend DP4-1368 Xenoy 6125
110-115 99 121
4-6 4 2-4
254-271 254-279 246-277
Drying Temp ℃ Drying Time hrs MELT TEMP Nozzle Temp℃ Front Temp℃ Middle Temp℃ ℃ ℃ ℃ 120 3-4 293-316 288-310 293-316 282-304 121 3-4 282-304 277-304 282-304 271-293 104-110 3-4 254-299 260-304 248-293 121 3-4 293-316 288-310 293-316 282-304 120 3 288-316 288-316 266-288 121 3-5 282-304 276-299 282-304 271-293 121 3-5 271-293 276-293 265-276 121 4 279-312 290-312 265-287 120 4 270-305 270-305 285-305 270-295 121 3-4 288-310 282-304 288-310 276-299 104-110 3-4 260-304 254-299 260-304 249-293 121 4 304-332 304-332 299-316 121 16 315-332 315-332 310-343 120 3-4 270-295 265-290 270-295 260-280 120 3-4 301-328 301-328 301-328 290-317 80 90-110 120 120 121 120 90-110 4-6 4-8 2-4 4-5 3-4 2-4 4-8 282-302 260-290 330-350 260-300 293-316 280-320 260-300 260-290 288-310 260-300 250-280 260-290 293-316 260-290 250-280 282-304 250-280
ABS 300SF ABS 320SF ABS 500SF ABS 510SF ABS 520SF ABS 550SF ABS 660SF ABS 680SF ABS T150 ABS T180 ABS 420 ABS 410 ABS 450SF ABS 400N ABS 400T ABS VGR10 ABS VGR20 ABS VGR30
3-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-3 2-4 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 4-10 3-4 3-4 3-4 4 2-16 4-6
180-230 200-240 255-280 205-245
180-230 200-240 255-280 210 218-260 210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 230-240 230-240 230-240 240-250 240-250 230-250 230-250 230-250 249 238-254
Lexan ML6339R Lexan 141 Calibre 201-10 Lexan 121R Lexan 123R Makrolon 2805 Makrolon 6455 LEXAN LF1520A LEXAN SP1210R CTI PC-30GF DSM Fiberfil F-50/10 LEXAN HF1110 PC LEXAN OQ Lubricomp RFL-4046 30%GF 15% Tetlon(聚四氟乙烯) SAMSUNG CF -1037 Makrolon DP1-1848
254-276 260-285 245-275
252-275 260-285 241-271
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 24 34
Cycoloy MC1300 Bayblend BAYER Bayblend T45 BAyblend FR90 BAYBLEND FR110 Cycoloy C1200 Bayblend T65 Bayblend T85 Cycoloy C1110HF
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Cycolac GPM5500 Magnum 4410 Lustran 446
Megol DP0 445 B205UV Hematite Grey
T-BLEND T-BLEND HTF8790/02 HTF8653/70
5594N-DV 7594N-DV
Megol Dpo445
Kraiburg TPE Desmopan 445
DRYFLEX DFG 7705 Thermolast TC5 SPA
Drying Temp ℃ Drying Time hrs MELT TEMP Nozzle Temp℃ Front Temp℃ Middle Temp℃ ℃ ℃ ℃ 65-80 3-5 250-290 250-290 250-290 65-75 3-5 245-265 245-265 240-260 65-75 3-5 245-265 245-265 240-260 65-80 3-5 250-270 250-270 250-270 76-87 2-4 218-260 204-243 204-243
180-230 220 230-245 204 204-243 190-210 190-210 190-210 190-210 190-210 190-210 190-210 190-210 190-210 190-210 210-220 210-220 210-220 220-230 220-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 237 232-243 235-250 260-282 271-282
Material data for injection moulders
序号 原料名称
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Lexan EXL1414
210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 210-230 230-240 230-240 230-240 240-250 240-250 230-250 230-250 230-250 270
280-300 245-255 270-290 260-285 271-282
Kraiburg TC8MGA81 TPE TC8MGA81 TPE HTF8725/48 TPE HTF8725/50 TPE HTF8725/51 TPE HTF8725/52
ESTANT 58271 BASF S85A15 BASF B90A Rtp 1299x98213 Kepitac Delrin P 500P NC010 GF5209 10FPS15BLK
PC Lexan 500