********************************************** 中国联通2012年室外型开关电源设备集中采购技术规范书**********************************************中国联合网络通信有限公司2011年11月中国联合网络通信有限公司目录第一章总则 (1)第一节概述 (1)第二节对投标方文件的要求 (1)第三节对投标方的其它要求 (2)第二章技术要求 (4)第一节设备规格要求 (4)第二节设备主要技术要求 (8)第三章备件 (15)第四章测试及验收 (15)第五章产品质量抽检 (15)第六章服务要求 (16)1第一章总则1、本文件为中国联通2012年室外型开关电源设备(室外型基站用)集中采购招标文件的技术规范书。
(1)YD/T1436-2006室外型通信电源系统(2)GB 4943 一2001 信息技术设备的安全(3)YD/T282 一2000 通信设备可靠性通用试验方法(4)YD/T944 通信电源设备的防雷技术要求和测试方法(5)YD/T 1058-2007通信用高频开关电源系统(6)YD/T 731-2008通信用高频开关整流器(7)YD5098-2005通信局(站)防雷与接地工程设计规范2、投标方负责提供设备及所有附件的供应、运输,在开通、调试及验收直至交付使用的过程中提供免费技术指导、人员培训以及设备的保修。
YAV 16AD+多功能采集卡技术手册DAM7632D
说明序号版本号编写人编写日期支持对象应用时间特别说明1 1.0齐非2014.01YAV16AD+采集卡2016.012 2.0樊春晖2016.01YAV16AD+采集卡2017.013 3.0郑先科2017.01YAV16AD+采集卡2017.084 4.0郑冉2017.08YAV16AD+采集卡2017.08目录0.快速上手 (1)产品包装内容 (1)应用软件 (1)接口定义 (1)⏹端子描述 (1)⏹通信 (2)⏹温度参数 (2)1.产品概述 (2)技术指标 (2)⏹模拟信号输入 (3)⏹数字信号输入 (4)⏹数字信号输出 (4)⏹通信总线 (4)⏹供电 (4)⏹温度参数 (5)硬件特点 (5)原理框图 (5)采集卡指示灯 (6)机械规格 (6)2.采集卡信号接线 (8)AI模拟量接线 (8)DI数字量接线 (8)DO数字量接线 (9)3.模拟量输入功能 (9)模拟量输入 (9)输入采样原理 (10)输入接线 (10)采样值计算 (11)⏹无符号整型 (11)⏹ADC数据类型 (12)⏹模拟量值 (12)4.数字量输入功能 (12)数字输入原理 (12)DI高低电平/无源触点输入 (13)5.数字量输出功能 (14)输出原理 (14)DO高低电平输出 (14)6.通信协议 (15)Modbus通信 (15)加载流程...............................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
备案号:Q/**** *************企业标准Q/**** 028—2011代替 Q/**** 028-2008 矿用隔爆型(可逆)真空电磁起动器2011-09-15发布2011-10-14实施*************公司发布Q/**** 028—2011目次前言 (II)1 范围 (1)2 规范性引用文件 (1)3 型号含义与基本参数 (1)4 技术要求 (2)5 试验方法 (7)6 检验规则 (8)7 标志、包装、运输及贮存 (9)IQ/**** 028—2011II 前言本标准是依据GB3836.1-2010《爆炸性环境第1部分:设备通用要求》、GB3836.2-2010《爆炸性环境第2部分:由隔爆外壳“d”保护的设备》、GB14048.1-2006《低压开关设备和控制设备第1部分:总则》并参照MT111-2011《矿用隔爆型低压交流真空电磁起动器》而编写的。
本标准的编写格式以GB/T1.1-2009 《标准化工作导则第1部分:标准的结构和编写》为依据。
本标准主要起草人:***、***本标准代替标准的历次版本发布情况:Q/**** 028-2008Q/**** 028—2011 矿用隔爆型(可逆)真空电磁起动器1 范围本标准规定了矿用隔爆型(可逆)真空电磁起动器(以下简称起动器)的基本参数、技术要求、试验方法与检验规则以及标志、包装、运输和贮存等内容。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。
覆冰在线监测装置技术规范书目录1 范围 (2)2 规范性引用文件 (2)3 术语和定义 (4)4 终端配置要求 (5)5 功能要求 (5)6 技术要求 (6)7 试验要求 (10)范围本规范规定了输电线路覆冰监测终端的基本功能、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、安装调试、验收及包装储运要求等。
GB 2314—2008电力金具通用技术条件GB 2887—2000 电子计算站场地通用规范GB 4208—2008 外壳防护等级(IP代码)GB 50545—2010 110kV~750kV架空输电线路设计规范GB/T 191—2008 包装储运图示标志GB/T 379—2005 电气控制设备GB/T 2317.2—2008 电力金具试验方法第2部分:电晕和无线电干扰试验GB/T 2317.4—2008 电力金具试验方法第4部分:验收规则GB/T 2423.1—2008 电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验A:低温GB/T 2423.2—2008 电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验B:高温GB/T 2423.4—2008 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程试验Db:交变湿热(12h+12h循环)GB/T 2423.10—2008 电工电子产品环境试验第二部分:试验方法试验Fc和导则:振动(正弦)GB/T 3047.1—1995 高度进制为20mm的面板架和柜的基本尺寸系列GB/T 3873—1983 通信设备产品包装通用技术条件GB/T 6388—1986 运输包装收发货标志GB/T 6587.6—1986 电子测量仪器运输试验GB/T 6593 电子测量仪器质量检验规则GB/T 7027—2002 信息分类和编码的基本原则与方法GB/T 9361—1988 计算站场地安全要求GB/T 9535—1998 地面用晶体硅光伏组件设计鉴定和定型GB/T 9969—2008 工业产品使用说明书总则GB/T 11463—1989 电子测量仪器可靠性试验GB/T 14436 工业产品保证文件总则GB/T 15464 仪器仪表包装通用技术规范GB/T 15844.1—1995 移动通信调频无线电话机通用技术条件GB/T 16611—1996 数传电台通用规范GB/T 16723—1996 信息技术提供OSI无连接方式运输服务的协议GB/T 16927.1 高电压试验技术第一部分:一般试验要求GB/T 17179.1—2008 提供无连接方式网络服务的协议第1部分:协议规范GB/T 17626.2-2006 电磁兼容试验和测量技术静电放电抗扰度试验GB/T 17626.4-2008 电磁兼容试验和测量技术电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度试验GB/T 17626.5-2008 电磁兼容试验和测量技术浪涌(冲击)抗扰度试验GB/T 17626.6-2008 电磁兼容试验和测量技术射频场感应的传导骚扰抗扰度GB/T 17626.8-2006 电磁兼容试验和测量技术工频磁场抗扰度试验GB/T 17626.9—1998 电磁兼容试验和测量技术脉冲磁场抗扰度试验GB/T 17626.12-1998 电磁兼容试验和测量技术振荡波抗扰度试验GB/T 19064—2003 家用太阳能光伏电源系统技术条件和实验方法DL/T 548—1994 电力系统通信站防雷运行管理规程DL/T 741—2010 架空送电线路运行规程DL/T 1098—2009 间隔棒技术条件和试验方法DL/T 5092—1999 110kV ~ 500kV 架空送电线路设计技术规程DL/T 5154—2002 架空送电线路杆塔结构设计技术规定DL/T 5219—2005 架空送电线路基础设计技术规定QX/T 1—2000 Ⅱ型自动气象站QJ/T 815.2—1994 产品公路运输加速模拟试验方法YD/T 799—2002 通信用阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池技术要求和检验方法YD/T 1028—1999 800MHz CDMA数字蜂窝移动通信系统设备总技术规范:移动台部分YD/T 1214—2002 900/1800MHz TDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网通用分组无线业务(GPRS)设备技术规范:移动台JIG 97—2001 测角仪检定规程JJG 455—2000 工作测力仪检定规程JB/T 5750—1991 气象仪器防盐雾、防潮湿、防霉菌工艺技术要求GA/T 70—94 中华人民共和国公共安全行业标准GA/T 75—94 安全防范工程程序与要求GA/T 367—2001 视频安防监控系统技术要求2术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本规范。
ASTM B162-99镍板、薄板及带材
Designation:B162–99Standard Specification forNickel Plate,Sheet,and Strip1This standard is issued under thefixed designation B162;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope1.1This specification2covers rolled nickel(UNS N02200)and low-carbon nickel(UNS N02201)*plate,sheet,and strip.1.2The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas the standard.The other values given are for informationonly.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:B160Specification for Nickel Rod and Bar3B880General Requirements for Chemical Check Analysisof Nickel,Nickel Alloys,and Cobalt Alloys3E8Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials4E10Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materi-als4E18Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness and RockwellSuperficial Hardness of Metallic Materials4E29Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data toDetermine Conformance with Specifications5E39Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Nickel6E112Test Methods for Determining the Average Grain Size4E140Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals4F155Test Method for Temper of Strip and Sheet Metals for Electronic Devices(Spring-Back Method)73.Terminology3.1Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1The terms given in Table1shall apply.4.Ordering Information4.1It is the responsibility of the purchaser to specify all requirements that are necessary for the safe and satisfactory performance of material ordered under this specification. Examples of such requirements include,but are not limited to, the following:4.1.1Alloy—Name and UNS number.(See Table2.)4.1.2ASTM designation,including year of issue.4.1.3Condition(See6.1,6.2,and Appendix X1.)4.1.4Finish(See Appendix X1.)4.1.5Dimensions—Thickness,width,and length.4.1.6Quantity.4.1.7Optional Requirements: and Strip—Whether to be furnished in coil,in cut straight lengths,or in random straight lengths.—Whether to be furnished with commercial slit edge,square edge,or round edge.—Whether to be furnished speciallyflattened (see7.7.2);also how plate is to be cut(see7.2.1and7.3.2).4.1.8Fabrication Details—Not mandatory but helpful to the manufacturer. or Brazing—Process to be employed.—Whether material is to be hot-formed.1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B-2on Nonferrous Metals and Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B02.07on Refined Nickel and Cobalt and Their Alloys.Current edition approved May10,1999.Published June1999.Originally published as B162–st previous edition B162–93a{1.2For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications,see related Specifi-cation SB-162in Section II of that Code.*New designation established in accordance with ASTM E527and SAE J1086, Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys(UNS).3Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol02.04.4Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol03.01.5Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol14.02.6Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol03.05.7Discontinued—See1983Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol10.04.TABLE1Product DescriptionProduct Thickness,in.(mm)Width,in.(mm)Hot-rolled plate A3⁄16and over(Table5andTable6)(Table8)BHot-rolled sheet A0.018to0.250(0.46to6.4),incl(Table7)(Table10)Cold-rolled sheet C0.018to0.250(0.46to6.4),incl(Table7)(Table10)Cold-rolled strip C0.005to0.250(0.13to6.4),incl(Table7)(Table10)A Material3⁄16to1⁄4in.(4.8to6.4mm),incl,in thickness may be furnished assheet or plate provided the material meets the specification requirements for the condition ordered.B Hot-rolled plate,in widths10in.(254mm)and under,may be furnished ashot-finished rectangles with sheared or cut edges in accordance with Specification B160,provided the mechanical property requirements of this specification are met.C Material under48in.(1219mm)in width may be furnished as sheet or stripprovided the material meets the specification requirements for the condition ordered.1Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.4.1.9Certification —State if certification or a report of test results is required (see Section 15).4.1.10Samples for Product (Check)Analysis —Whether samples for product (check)analysis should be furnished (see5.2).4.1.11Purchaser Inspection —If the purchaser wishes to witness tests or inspection of material at the place of manu-facture,the purchase order must so state indicating which tests or inspections are to be witnessed (see Section 13).5.Chemical Compositions5.1The material shall conform to the requirements as to chemical composition prescribed in Table 2.5.2If a product (check)analysis is performed by the purchaser,the material shall be done per ASTM B 880and the material shall conform to the product (check)analysis varia-tions defined in Table 1of ASTM B 880.6.Mechanical and Other Requirements6.1Mechanical Properties —The material shall conform to the requirements for mechanical properties prescribed in Table 3.6.2Deep-Drawing and Spinning Quality Sheet and Strip —The material shall conform to the requirements for grain size and hardness properties prescribed in Table mechanical properties of Table 3do not apply to deep-drawing and spinning quality sheet and strip.7.Dimensions and Permissible Variations7.1Thickness and Weight :7.1.1Plate —For plate up to 2in.(50.8mm),inclusive,in thickness,the permissible variation under the specified thick-ness and permissible excess in overweight shall not exceed the amounts prescribed in Table 5.TABLE 2Chemical RequirementsElementComposition,%Nickel (UNS N02200)Low-Carbon Nickel (UNS N02201)Nickel,A min 99.099.0Copper,max 0.250.25Iron,max0.400.40Manganese,max 0.350.35Carbon,max 0.15...Carbon,max ...0.02Silicon,max 0.350.35Sulfur,max0.010.01AElement shall be determined arithmetically by difference.TABLE 3Mechanical Properties for Plate,Sheet,and Strip (All Thicknesses and Sizes Unless Otherwise Indicated)Condition (Temper)Tensile Strength,min,psi(MPa)Yield A Strength (0.2%offset),min,psi (MPa)Elongation in 2in.or 50mm,or 4D ,min,%Rockwell Hardness(B Scale)B ,CNickel (UNS N02200)Hot-Rolled PlateAnnealed As-rolled D ,E 55000(380)55000(380)15000(100)20000(135)4030......Nickel (UNS N02200)Hot-Rolled SheetAnnealed 55000(380)15000(100)40F ...Nickel (UNS N02200)Cold-Rolled SheetAnnealed 55000(380)15000(100)40F ...Quarter-hard .........70to 80Half-hard .........79to 86Hard90000(620)70000(480)2...Nickel (UNS N02200)Cold-Rolled StripAnnealed 55000(380)G15000(100)40F ,G ...Skin-hard (64)to 70Quarter-hard .........70to 80Half-hard.........79to 86Three-quarter-hard ...... (85)to 91Hard90000(620)G70000(480)2G ...Spring temper .........95min Low-Carbon Nickel (UNS N02201)Hot-Rolled PlateAnnealed As-rolled D ,E 50000(345)50000(345)12000(80)12000(80)4030......Low-Carbon Nickel (UNS N02201)Hot-Rolled SheetAnnealed 50000(345)12000(80)40F ...Low-Carbon Nickel (UNS N02201)Cold-Rolled SheetAnnealed 50000(345)12000(80)40F ...Low-Carbon Nickel (UNS N02201)Cold-Rolled StripAnnealed50000(345)G12000(80)40F ,G...A Yield strength requirements do not apply to material under 0.020in.(0.51mm)in thickness.BFor Rockwell or equivalent hardness conversions see Hardness Conversion Tables E 140.CCaution should be observed in using the Rockwell test on thin material,as the results may be affected by specimen thickness.For thicknesses under 0.050in.(1.3mm),the use of the Rockwell superficial or the Vickers hardness test is suggested.DAs-rolled plate may be given a stress-relieving heat treatment subsequent to final rolling.EAs-rolled plate specified “suitable for hot forming”shall be furnished from heats of known good hot-malleability characteristics (see X1.2.2).There are no applicable tensile or hardness requirements for such material.FSheet and strip 0.010to 0.049in.(0.25to 1.2mm),inclusive,in thickness shall have an elongation of 30%minimum.Sheet and strip 0.050to 0.109in.(1.3to 2.7mm),inclusive,in thickness shall have an elongation of 35%minimum.GNot applicable for thickness under 0.010in.(0.25mm). use with Table 5,plate shall be assumed to weigh 0.321lb/in.3(8.89g/cm 3).7.1.2Plate —For plate over 2in.(50.8mm)in thickness,the permissible variations over the specified thickness shall not exceed the amounts prescribed in Table and Strip —The permissible variations in thick-ness of sheet and strip shall be as prescribed in Table 7.The thickness of strip and sheet shall be measured with the micrometer spindle 3⁄8in.(9.5mm)or more from either edge for material 1in.(25.4mm)or over in width and at any place on the strip under width.7.2Width and Diameter :7.2.1Plate —The permissible variations in width of rectan-gular plates and diameter of circular plates shall be as prescribed in Table 8and Table and Strip —The permissible variations in width for sheet and strip shall be as prescribed in Table 10.7.3Length :TABLE 4Grain Size and Hardness for Cold-Rolled,Deep-Drawing,and Spinning Quality Sheet and StripThickness,in.(mm)Calculated Diameter of Average Grain Section,maxCorresponding ASTMMicro-Grain Size No.Rockwell B A ,BHardness,maxmm in.Nickel (UNS N02200)Sheet C (56in.(1420mm)Wide and Under)0.050(1.3)and lessOver 0.050to 0.250(1.3to 6.4),incl 0.1100.1200.00430.0047 3.53.06464Nickel (UNS N02200)Strip (12in.(305mm)Wide and Under)D0.005E to 0.010(0.13to 0.25),incl 0.0250.00107.5F 70F Over 0.010to 0.024(0.25to 0.61),incl 0.0650.0026 5.068Over 0.024to 0.125(0.61to 3.2),incl 0.1100.0043 3.564Low-Carbon Nickel (UNS N02201)Strip (12in.(305mm)Wide and Under)D0.005E to 0.010(0.13to 0.25),incl 0.0300.00127.0F 66F Over 0.010to 0.024(0.25to 0.61),incl 0.0750.0030 4.564Over 0.024to 0.125(0.61to 3.2),incl0.1100.0043 3.564A For Rockwell or equivalent hardness conversions see Hardness Conversion Tables E 140.BCaution should be observed in using the Rockwell test on thin material,as the results may be affected by specimen thickness.For thicknesses under 0.050in.(1.3mm),the use of the Rockwell superficial or the Vickers hardness test is suggested.CThere are no applicable grain size requirements for low-carbon nickel (UNS N02201)sheet.The hardness of low-carbon nickel (UNS N02201)sheet shall be not over Rockwell B64,or equivalent.DSheet requirements in Table 4apply to strip thicknesses over 0.125in.(3.2mm),and for all thicknesses of strip over 12in.(305mm)in width.EFor ductility evaluations for strip under 0.005in.(0.13mm)in thickness,the spring-back test,such as that described in Test Method F 155,is often used and the manufacturer should be consulted.FAccurate grain size and hardness determinations are difficult to make on strip under 0.005in.(0.13mm)in thickness and are not recommended.TABLE 5Permissible Variations in Thickness and Overweight of Rectangular PlatesN OTE 1—All plates shall be ordered to thickness and not to weight per square foot.No plates shall vary more than 0.01in.(0.25mm)under the thickness ordered,and the overweight of each lot A in each shipment shall not exceed the amount given in the table.Spot grinding is permitted to remove surface imperfections,such spots not to exceed 0.01in.(0.25mm)under the specified thickness.Specified Thickness,in.(mm)Permissible Excess in Average Weight,B ,C per Square Foot of Plates for Widths Given in Inches (millimetres)Expressed in Percentage of Nominal WeightsUnder 48(1220)48to 60(1220to 1520),excl 60to 72(1520to 1830),excl 72to 84(1830to 2130),excl 84to 96(2130to 2440),excl 96to 108(2440to 2740),excl 108to 120(2740to 3050),excl 120to 132(3050to 3350),excl 132to 144(3350to 3660),excl 144to 160(3660to 4070),incl 3⁄16to 5⁄16(4.8to 7.9),excl 9.010.512.013.515.016.518.0.........5⁄16to 3⁄8(7.9to 9.5),excl⁄8to 7⁄16(9.5to 11.1),excl⁄16to 1⁄2(11.1to 12.7),excl⁄2to 5⁄8(12.7to 15.9),excl 5.0⁄8to 3⁄4(15.9to 19.0),excl 4.5 5.5⁄4to 1(19.0to 25.4),excl 4.0 4.5 5.5 2(25.4to 50.8),incl4. The term “lot”applied to this table means all of the plates of each group width and each group thickness.BThe permissible overweight for lots of circular and sketch plates shall be 25%greater than the amounts given in this table.CThe weight of individual plates shall not exceed the nominal weight by more than 11⁄4times the amount given in the table and Footnote B .TABLE 6Permissible Variations in Thickness for Rectangular Plates Over 2in.(50.8mm)in ThicknessN OTE 1—Permissible variation under specified thickness,0.01in.(0.25mm).Specified Thickness,in.(mm)Permissible Variations,in.(mm),over Specified Thickness for Widths Given,in.(mm)To 36(915),excl36to 60(915to 1520),excl 60to 84(1520to 2130),excl 84to 120(2130to 3050),excl 120to 132(3050to 3350),excl 132(3350)and overOver 2to 3(51.0to 76.0),excl 1⁄16(1.6)3⁄32(2.4)7⁄64(2.8)1⁄8(3.2)1⁄8(3.2)9⁄64(3.6)3to 4(76.0to 102.0),incl5⁄64(2.0)3⁄32(2.4)7⁄64(2.8)1⁄8(3.2)1⁄8(3.2)9⁄64(3.6)7.3.1Sheet and strip of all sizes may be ordered to cut lengths,in which case a variation of 1⁄8in.(3.2mm)over the specified length shall be permitted.7.3.2Permissible variations in length of rectangular plate shall be as prescribed in Table 11.7.4Straightness :7.4.1The edgewise curvature (depth of chord)of flat sheet,strip,and plate shall not exceed 0.05in.multiplied by the length in feet (0.04mm multiplied by the length in centime-tres).7.4.2Straightness for coiled material is subject to agree-ment between the manufacturer and the purchaser.7.5Edges :7.5.1When finished edges of strip are specified in the contract or order,the following descriptions shall apply: strip shall be supplied with finished edges,with sharp,square corners,and without bevel or rounding. strip shall be supplied with finished edges,semicircular in form,and the diameter of the circle forming the edge being equal to the strip thickness. no description of any required form of strip edge is given,it shall be understood that edges such as those resulting from slitting or shearing will be acceptable. shall have sheared or slit edges. shall have sheared or cut (machined,abrasive-cut,powder-cut,or inert-arc-cut)edges,as specified.7.6Squareness (Sheet)—For sheets of all thicknesses,the angle between adjacent sides shall be 9060.15°(1⁄ 24in.)(1.6mm in 610mm).7.7Flatness :7.7.1There shall be no flatness requirements for “deep drawing quality,”“spinning quality,”or “as rolled,”sheet and strip (see X1.4).7.7.2Standard flatness tolerances for plate shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table 12.“Specially flattened”plate,when so specified,shall have permissible variations in flatness as agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.8.Workmanship,Finish,and Appearance8.1The material shall be uniform in quality and temper,smooth,commercially straight or flat,and free of injurious imperfections.8.2Sheet,Strip,and Plate —Sheet,strip,and plate supplied in the conditions and finishes as listed in the appendix may be ground or machined to remove surface imperfections,provided such removal does not reduce the material below the minimum specified dimensions.Surface eliminated depressions shall be faired smoothly into the surrounding material.The removal of a surface imperfection shall be verified by the method origi-nally used to detect the imperfection.9.Sampling9.1Lot —Definition:9.1.1A lot for chemical analysis shall consist of one heat.9.1.2A lot for mechanical properties,hardness,and grain size testing shall consist of all material from the same heat,nominal thickness,and condition. material cannot be identified by heat,a lot shall consist of not more than 500lb (227kg)of material in the same thickness and condition,except for plates weighing over 500lb,in which case only one specimen shall be taken.TABLE 7Permissible Variations in Thickness of Sheet and Strip (Permissible Variations,Plus and Minus,in Thickness,in.(mm),forWidths Given in in.(mm))Specified Thickness,in.(mm)Sheet AHot-RolledCold-Rolled48(1220)and UnderOver 48to 60(1220to 1520),incl48(1220)and UnderOver 48to 60(1220to 1520),incl0.018to 0.025(0.46to 0.64),incl0.003(0.08)0.004(0.10)0.002(0.05)0.003(0.08)Over 0.025to 0.034(0.64to 0.86),incl 0.004(0.10)0.005(0.13)0.003(0.08)0.004(0.10)Over 0.034to 0.043(0.86to 1.1),incl 0.005(0.13)0.006(0.15)0.004(0.10)0.005(0.13)Over 0.043to 0.056(1.1to 1.4),incl 0.005(0.13)0.006(0.15)0.004(0.10)0.005(0.13)Over 0.056to 0.070(1.4to 1.8),incl 0.006(0.15)0.007(0.18)0.005(0.13)0.006(0.15)Over 0.070to 0.078(1.8to 2.0),incl 0.007(0.18)0.008(0.20)0.006(0.15)0.007(0.18)Over 0.078to 0.093(2.0to 2.4),incl 0.008(0.20)0.009(0.23)0.007(0.18)0.008(0.20)Over 0.093to 0.109(2.4to 2.8),incl 0.009(0.23)0.010(0.25)0.007(0.18)0.009(0.23)Over 0.109to 0.125(2.8to 3.2),incl 0.010(0.25)0.012(0.30)0.008(0.20)0.010(0.25)Over 0.125to 0.140(3.2to 3.6),incl 0.012(0.30)0.014(0.36)0.008(0.20)0.010(0.25)Over 0.140to 0.171(3.6to 4.3),incl 0.014(0.36)0.016(0.41)0.009(0.23)0.012(0.30)Over 0.171to 0.187(4.3to 4.8),incl 0.015(0.38)0.017(0.43)0.010(0.25)0.013(0.33)Over 0.187to 0.218(4.8to 5.5),incl 0.017(0.43)0.019(0.48)0.011(0.28)0.015(0.38)Over 0.218to 0.234(5.5to 5.9),incl 0.018(0.46)0.020(0.51)0.012(0.30)0.016(0.41)Over 0.234to 0.250(5.9to 6.4),incl0.020(0.51)0.022(0.56)0.013(0.33)0.018(0.46)Cold-Rolled Strip A ,BSpecified Thickness,in.(mm)Widths 12in.(305mm)and under,6Up to 0.050(1.3),incl0.0015(0.04)Over 0.050to 0.093(1.3to 2.4),incl 0.0025(0.06)Over 0.093to 0.125(2.4to 3.2),incl0.004(0.11)A Measured 3⁄8in.(9.5mm)or more from either edge except for strip under 1in.(25.4mm)in width which is measured at any place.BStandard sheet tolerances apply for thicknesses over 0.125in.(3.2mm)and for all thicknesses of strip over 12in.(305mm)wide.9.2Test Material Selection:9.2.1Chemical Analysis—Representative samples shall be taken during pouring or subsequent processing. shall be wholly the respon-sibility of the purchaser.9.2.2Mechanical Properties,Hardness,and Grain Size—Samples of the material to provide test specimens for mechani-cal properties,hardness,and grain size shall be taken from such locations in each lot as to be representative of that lot. (Hardness and grain size required only on the products as specified in Table3and Table4.)10.Number of Tests10.1Chemical Analysis—One test per lot.10.2Mechanical Properties—One test per lot.10.3Hardness—One test per lot.(Required only as speci-fied in Table3and Table4.)10.4Grain Size—One test per lot.(Required only as speci-fied in Table4.)11.Specimen Preparation11.1Tension test specimens shall be taken from material in thefinal condition(temper)and tested transverse to the direction of rolling when width will permit.11.2Tension test specimens shall be any of the standard or subsize specimens shown in Test Methods E8.11.3In the event of disagreement,referee specimens shall be as follows:11.3.1Full thickness of the material,machined to the form and dimensions shown for the sheet-type specimen in Test Methods E8for material under1⁄2in.(12.7mm)in thickness.11.3.2The largest possible round specimen shown in Test Methods E8for material1⁄2in.(12.7mm)and over.12.Test Methods12.1Determine the chemical composition,mechanical,and other properties of the material as enumerated in this specifi-cation,in case of disagreement,in accordance with the following methods:Test ASTM DesignationChemical analysis E39Tension E8Brinell hardness E10Rockwell hardness E18Hardness conversion E140Grain size E112Rounding procedure E29Spring-back F155TABLE8Permissible Variations in Width A of Sheared,Plasma-Torch-Cut,and Abrasive-Cut Rectangular Plate B,CSpecified ThicknessPermissible Variations in Widths for Widths Given in in.(mm)Up to30(760),inclOver30to72(760to1830),inclOver72to108(1830to2740),inclOver108to144(2740to3660),inclOver144to160(3660to4070),incl+−+−+−+−+−InchesSheared:D3⁄16to5⁄16,excl3⁄161⁄81⁄41⁄83⁄81⁄81⁄21⁄8...... 5⁄16to1⁄2,excl1⁄41⁄83⁄81⁄83⁄81⁄81⁄21⁄85⁄81⁄8 1⁄2to3⁄4,excl3⁄81⁄83⁄81⁄81⁄21⁄85⁄81⁄83⁄41⁄8 3⁄4to1,excl1⁄21⁄81⁄21⁄85⁄81⁄83⁄41⁄87⁄81⁄8 1to11⁄4,incl5⁄81⁄85⁄81⁄83⁄41⁄87⁄81⁄811⁄8 Abrasive-cut:E,F3⁄16to11⁄4,incl1⁄81⁄81⁄81⁄81⁄81⁄81⁄81⁄81⁄81⁄8 Over11⁄4to23⁄4,incl3⁄161⁄83⁄161⁄83⁄161⁄83⁄161⁄83⁄161⁄8 Plasma-torch-cut:G3⁄16to2,excl 2to3,incl 1⁄25⁄81⁄25⁄81⁄25⁄81⁄25⁄81⁄25⁄8MillimetresSheared:D4.8to7.9,excl 7.9to12.7,excl,excl9.5 3.29.5 3.212.7 3.215.9 3.219.0 3.219.0to25.4,excl 25.4to31.8,incl Abrasive-cut:E,F 12.715.,incl 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 Over31.8to69.8,incl 4.8 3.2 4.8 3.2 4.8 3.2 4.8 3.2 4.8 3.2 Plasma-torch-cut:G4.8to50.8,excl 50.8to76.2,incl 12.715.912.715.912.715.912.715.912.715.9A Permissible variations in width for powder-cut or inert-arc-cut plate shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.B Permissible variations in machined,powder-cut,or inert-arc-cut circular plate shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.C Permissible variations in plasma-torch-cut sketch plates shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.D The minimum sheared width is10in.(254mm)for material3⁄4in.(19.0mm)and under in thickness and20in.(508mm)for material over3⁄4in.(19.0mm)in thickness.E The minimum abrasive-cut width is2in.(50.8mm)and increases to4in.(101.6mm)for thicker plates.F These tolerances are applicable to lengths of240in.(6100mm),max.For lengths over240in.(6100mm),an additional1⁄16in.(1.6mm)is permitted,both plus and minus.G The tolerance spread shown for plasma-torch-cutting may be obtained all on the minus side,or divided between the plus and minus side if so specified by thepurchaser.12.2The measurement of the average grain size may be carried out by the planimetric method,the comparison method,or the intercept method described in Test Methods E 112.In case of dispute,the “referee”method for determining the average grain size shall be the planimetric method.12.3For purposes of determining compliance with the specified limits for requirements of the properties listed in the following table,an observed value or a calculated value shall be rounded as indicated,in accordance with the rounding method of Practice E 29.TABLE 9Permissible Variations in Diameter for Circular PlatesSheared PlateSpecified Diameter,in.(mm)Permissible Variations Over Specified Diameterfor Thickness Given in in.(mm)ATo 3⁄8(9.5),incl20to 32(508to 813),excl 1⁄4(6.4)32to 84(813to 2130),excl 5⁄16(7.9)84to 108(2130to 2740),excl 3⁄8(9.5)108to 140(2740to 3580),incl7⁄16(11.1)Plasma-Torch-Cut Plate BSpecified Diameter,in.(mm)Permissible Variations in Specified Diameter for Thickness Given in in.(mm)CThickness max,in.(mm)3⁄16to 2(4.76to 50.8),excl2to 3(50.8to 76.2),incl +−+−19to 20(483to 508),excl 3(76.2)1⁄2(12.7)05⁄8(15.9)020to 22(508to 559),excl 23⁄4(69.8)1⁄2(12.7)05⁄8(15.9)022to 24(559to 610),excl 21⁄2(63.5)1⁄2(12.7)05⁄8(15.9)024to 28(610to 711),excl 21⁄4(57.3)1⁄2(12.7)05⁄8(15.9)028to 32(711to 812),excl 2(50.8)1⁄2(12.7)05⁄8(15.9)032to 34(812to 864),excl 13⁄4(44.5)1⁄2(12.7)0......34to 38(864to 965),excl 11⁄2(38.1)1⁄2(12.7)0......38to 40(965to 1020),excl 11⁄4(31.8)1⁄2(12.7)0 (40)to 140(1020to 3560),incl 3(76.2)1⁄2(12.7)5⁄8(15.9)A No permissible variations under.BPermissible variations in plasma-torch-cut sketch plates shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.CThe tolerance spread shown may also be obtained all on the minus side or divided between the plus and minus sides if so specified by the purchaser.TABLE 10Permissible Variations in Width of Sheet and StripSpecified Thickness,in.(mm)Specified Width,in.(mm)Permissible Variations in Specified Width,in.(mm)+−SheetUp to 0.250(6.4)all 0.125(3.2)0StripAUnder 0.075(1.9)up to 12(305),incl 0.007(0.18)0.007(0.18)over12to 48(305to 1219),incl 0.062(1.6)00.075to 0.100(1.9to 2.5),inclup to 12(305),incl 0.009(0.23)0.009(0.23)over12to 48(305to 1219),incl 0.062(1.6)0Over 0.100to 0.125(2.5to 3.2),inclup to 12(305),incl 0.012(0.30)0.012(0.30)over12to 48(305to 1219),incl 0.062(1.6)0Over 0.125to 0.160(3.2to 4.1),inclup to 12(305),incl 0.016(0.41)0.016(0.41)over12to 48(305to 1219),incl 0.062(1.6)0Over 0.160to 0.187(4.1to 4.7),inclup to 12(305),incl 0.020(0.51)0.020(0.51)over12to 48(305to 1219),incl 0.062(1.6)0Over 0.187to 0.250(4.7to 6.4),inclup to 12(305),incl 0.062(1.6)0.062(1.6)over12to 48(305to 1219),incl0.062(1.6)0.062(1.6)ARolled-round or square-edge strip in thicknesses of 0.071to 0.125in.(1.8to 3.2mm),inclusive,in widths 3in.(76.2mm)and under,shall have permissible width variations of 60.005in.(60.130mm).Permissible variations for other sizes shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturer and thepurchaser.TestRounded Unit for ObservedOr Calculated ValueChemical composition,hardness,and tolerances (when expressed in decimals)nearest unit in the last right hand place of figures of the specified limit.If twochoices are possible,as when the digits dropped are exactly a 5,or a 5followed only by zeros,choose the one ending in an even digit,with zero defined as an even digit.Tensile strength and yield strength nearest 1000psi (6.9MPa)Elongation nearest 1%Grain Size:0.0024in.(0.060mm)or larger nearest multiple of 0.0002in.(0.005mm)less than 0.0024in.(0.060mm)nearest multiple of 0.0001in.(0.002mm)13.Inspection13.1Inspection of the material shall be as agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier as part of the purchase contract.14.Rejection and Rehearing14.1Material that fails to conform to the requirements of this specification may be rejected.Rejection should be reported to the producer or supplier promptly and in writing.In case of dissatisfaction with the results of the test,the producer or supplier may make claim for a rehearing.15.Certification15.1When specified in the purchase order or contract,a manufacturer’s certification shall be furnished to the purchaser stating that material has been manufactured,tested,and in-spected in accordance with this specification,and that the test results on representative samples meet specification require-ments.When specified in the purchase order or contract,a report of the test results shall be furnished.16.Product Marking16.1Each plate,sheet,or strip shall be marked on one face with the specification number,alloy,condition (temper),heat number,manufacturer’s identification,and size.The markings shall not have a deleterious effect on the material or its performance and shall be sufficiently stable to withstand normal handling.16.2When applicable,each bundle or shipping container shall be marked with the name of the material,condition (temper),this specification number,alloy,size,consignor and consignee address,contract or order number,and such other information as may be defined in the contract or order.TABLE 11Permissible Variations in Length A of Sheared,Plasma Torch-Cut,B and Abrasive-Cut Rectangular Plate CSpecified ThicknessPermissible Variation in Length for Lengths Given,in.(mm)Up to 60(1520),incl Over 60to 96(1520to 2440),incl Over 96to 120(2440to 3050),incl Over 120to 240(3050to 6096),incl Over 240to 360(6096to 9144),incl Over 360to 450(9144to 11430),incl Over 450to 540(11430to 13716),incl Over 540(13716)+−+−+−+−+−+−+−+−InchesSheared:D3⁄16to 5⁄16,excl 3⁄161⁄81⁄41⁄83⁄81⁄81⁄21⁄85⁄81⁄83⁄41⁄87⁄81⁄8......5⁄16to 1⁄2,excl 3⁄81⁄81⁄21⁄81⁄21⁄81⁄21⁄85⁄81⁄83⁄41⁄87⁄81⁄811⁄81⁄2to 3⁄4,excl 1⁄21⁄81⁄21⁄85⁄81⁄85⁄81⁄83⁄41⁄87⁄81⁄811⁄81⁄813⁄81⁄83⁄4to 1,excl 5⁄81⁄85⁄81⁄85⁄81⁄83⁄41⁄87⁄81⁄811⁄81⁄813⁄81⁄815⁄81⁄81to 11⁄4,incl 3⁄41⁄83⁄41⁄83⁄41⁄87⁄81⁄811⁄81⁄813⁄81⁄815⁄81⁄8......Abrasive-cut:E3⁄16to 11⁄4,inclOver 11⁄4to 23⁄4,incl 1⁄83⁄161⁄81⁄81⁄83⁄161⁄81⁄81⁄83⁄161⁄81⁄81⁄83⁄161⁄81⁄81⁄83⁄161⁄81⁄81⁄83⁄161⁄81⁄8........................Plasma-torch-cut:F3⁄16to 2,excl 2to 3,incl1⁄25⁄8001⁄25⁄8001⁄25⁄8001⁄25⁄8001⁄25⁄8001⁄25⁄8001⁄25⁄8001⁄25⁄800MillimetresSheared:D4.8to 7.9,excl 4.8 3.2 6.4 3.29.5 3.212.7 3.215.9 3.219.0 3.222.2 3.2......7.9to 12.7,excl 9.5 3.212.7 3.212.7 3.212.7 3.215.9 3.219.0 3.222.2 3.225.4 3.212.7to 19.0,excl 12.7 3.212.7 3.215.9 3.215.9 3.219.0 3.222.2 3.228.6 3.234.9 3.219.0to 25.4,excl 15.9 3.215.9 3.215.9 3.219.0 3.222.2 3.228.6 3.234.9 3.241.2 3.225.4to 31.8,incl 19.0 3.219.0 3.219.0 3.222.2 3.228.6 3.234.9 3.241.2 3.2......Abrasive-cut:E4.8to 31.8,inclOver 31.8to 69.9,incl 3.24.8 3.23.2 3.24.8 3.23.2 3.24.8 3.23.2 3.24.8 3.23.2 3.24.8 3.23.2 3.24.8 3.23.2........................Plasma-torch-cut:F4.8to 50.8,excl 50.8to 76.2,incl12.715.90012.715.90012.715.90012.715.90012.715.90012.715.90012.715.90012.715.900A Permissible variations in length for powder-cut or inert-arc-cut plate shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.BThe tolerance spread shown for plasma-torch-cutting may be obtained all on the minus side,or divided between the plus and minus sides if so specified by the purchaser.CPermissible variations in machined,powder-cut or inert-arc-cut circular plate shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.DThe minimum sheared length is 10in.(254mm).EAbrasive cut applicable to a maximum length of 144to 400in.(3658to 10160mm)depending on the thickness and width ordered.FThe tolerance spread shown for plasma-torch-cut sketch plates shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturer and thepurchaser.。
电动摩托车和电动轻便摩托车驱动用电机及其控制器1 范围本文件规定了电动摩托车和电动轻便摩托车驱动用电机(包括含减速器的电机)及其控制器的产品型号编制、要求、试验方法、检验规则及对标志、包装、运输和贮存的要求。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的内容通过文中的规范性引用而构成本文件必不可少的条款。
GB 191-2008 包装储运图标标志(ISO 780:1997,EQV)GB 755 旋转电机定额和性能GB/T 1184 形状和位置公差未注公差值GB/T 2423.5-2019 电工电子产品基本环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验Ea和导则:冲击(IEC 60068-2-27:1987,IDT)GB/T 2423.10-2019 电工电子产品基本环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验Fc和导则:振动(正弦)(IEC 60068-2-6:1982,IDT)GB/T 2423.17-2008 电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验Ka:盐雾GB 4208 外壳防护等级(IP代码)GB/T 4942.1 旋转电机整体结构的防护分级(IP代码)分级GB/T 5171.21-2016 小功率电动机第21部分:通用试验方法GB/T 10069.1-2006 旋转电机噪声测定方法及限值第1部分:旋转电机噪声测定方法(ISO 1680:1999,MOD)GB/T 10069.3-2008 旋转电机噪声测定方法及限值第3部分:噪声限值GB/T 13202-2015 摩托车轮辋系列(ISO 4249-3:1990,EQV)GB/T 18387 电动车辆的电磁场辐射强度的限值和测量方法宽带9kHz~30MHzGB/T 18488.1 电动汽车用电机系统第1部分:技术条件GB/T 18488.2 电动汽车用电机系统第2部分:试验方法GB/T 34660 道路车辆电磁兼容性要求和试验方法ISO 11898.1-2015 Road Vehicle - Controller Area Network (CAN) Part 1: Data link layer and physical signaling(2004)ISO 11898.2-2016 Road Vehicle - Controller Area Network (CAN) Part 2: High-speed medium access unit(2004)ISO 14229.2 Road vehicles - Unified diagnostic services (UDS) Part 2: Session layer servicesISO 15765.2 道路车辆—控制局域网络诊断第2部分:网络层服务T/CSAE 43-2015 电动汽车CAN总线测试规范T/CSAE 42-2015 电动汽车CAN总线故障诊断服务规范3 术语和定义3.1一体轮 wheel with the outer shell of motor integrated轮毂和电机外壳做成一个整体的摩托车主动轮。
技术参数PE conductive bagThe black PE conductive bag is blown molede from LDPE,cavitation agent and super conductive carbon black by special machinery.This bag has good electrostatic discharge perf-ormance and mechanical performance.The electric charges accumulated on the bag and its inside work pieces can be well discharged from the bag.Besides,the bag has good conductivity and light-proof performance,capable to pack light-sensitive components or products with special packaging requirements.With a surface resistance of ≤106&,it ma inly applies to military industry,aviation,network communication,light-sensitiveequipment,apparatus.instrument、、、、Technical parameters。
中国移动通信有限公司2011年定向双极化天线集中采购技术规范书中国移动通信有限公司2011年7月目录一总则............................................................................... 二技术投标书的内容、顺序及基本要求 ................................................... 三采购清单........................................................................... 四规范性引用文件..................................................................... 五天线主要技术指标及要求.............................................................5.1术语和定义......................................................................5.2天线的性能要求..................................................................5.2.1电性能要求..................................................................5.2.2机械性能指标及环境条件要求..................................................一般结构要求......................................................................天线面板要求......................................................................天线安装组件要求..................................................................天线防雷要求......................................................................天线支架调整范围..................................................................重量..............................................................................风速要求..........................................................................温度..............................................................................摄冰..............................................................................其他 ...........................................................................接头型式 .......................................................................5.3天线材料和制作工艺要求..........................................................5.3.1外罩........................................................................5.3.2反射板......................................................................5.3.3辐射单元....................................................................压铸振子..........................................................................钣金冲压振子......................................................................贴片振子..........................................................................PCB振子.........................................................................5.3.4馈电网络....................................................................同轴馈电网络......................................................................空气微带线和带状线馈电网络........................................................5.3.5同轴连接器..................................................................外观..............................................................................尺寸..............................................................................互换性............................................................................接触电阻..........................................................................绝缘电阻..........................................................................电压驻波比........................................................................三阶交调..........................................................................耐压..............................................................................拔出力............................................................................机械耐久性 .....................................................................加紧装置抗电缆拉伸的能力........................................................外导体材料 .....................................................................内导体材料 .....................................................................5.3.6安装件......................................................................5.3.7焊接要求....................................................................5.3.8塑料支撑件..................................................................5.3.9外标签......................................................................设计要求....................................................................5.4可靠性要求......................................................................5.5天线的检验规则..................................................................5.5.1型式检验....................................................................5.5.2出厂检验....................................................................5.6标志、包装、运输和贮存..........................................................5.6.1标志........................................................................产品标志..........................................................................外包装标志........................................................................5.6.2包装........................................................................5.6.3运输........................................................................5.6.4贮存........................................................................ 六供货及验收.........................................................................6.1供货能力........................................................................6.2合同设备验收.................................................................... 七售后服务...........................................................................7.1保修............................................................................7.2技术服务........................................................................ 八技术资料和技术培训.................................................................8.1技术资料........................................................................8.2技术培训........................................................................ 九质量管理与保障体系................................................................. 一零附件一、测试方法................................................................10.1概述..........................................................................10.2增益测量......................................................................10.3方向图圆度(全向天线)、半功率波束宽度、前后比、交叉极化比的测量..............10.4天线电下倾角测量..............................................................10.5驻波比测量....................................................................10.6隔离度测量....................................................................10.7交调测量......................................................................10.8功率容限测量..................................................................10.9一般结构要求试验方法..........................................................10.10环境试验方法.................................................................. 一一附件二、产品检测判定标准.........................................................11.1电气指标检测要求..............................................................11.2环境试验及其他检测要求........................................................一总则本技术规范书是中国移动通信有限公司(以下简称买方)对基站用定向双极化天线产品供应商(以下简称卖方)提出的技术要求,作为卖方制定技术投标书的依据。
10x20x1,镀锡,带绝缘套,640A,长2m,截面200mm2¥1,976.8000 01064
适用5mm厚矩形母线,连接16-120mm2,最大440A¥24.8900 01068
适用20x5-30x10,2T和3T形母线,开口空间55x28,适用最大1600A/2000A¥372.5200 01069
系统盖罩组件,4线,一左一右,适用盖板01599和01555¥134.0800 01137
3,4,5线,适用3x(12-30x10mm)和2x(12-20x5mm)母线¥101.9000 01138
适用ISO-柜体VMS¥94.3800 01139
6x13x0.5,无镀层,带绝缘套,237A,长2m,截面39mm2¥369.3000 01050
3x9x0.8,无镀层,带绝缘套,162A,长2m,截面21.6mm2¥296.4000 01054
适用01495/01500¥36.6500 01056
带通气栅,3线带电缆或4线,290x1100¥354.4900 01011
供支撑封闭装置或槽边框使用,适用01495和01485¥45.6500 01017
适用01017和01495的组合体,封盖母线末端¥24.2100 01019
适用01017和01495或01485的组合体,封盖母线末端¥30.7600 01020
We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical design and may do so without further notice. Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay-Telefunken products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay-Telefunken against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal damage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use. Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, Germany Telephone: 49 ( 0 ) 7131 67 2831, Fax number: 49 ( 0 ) 7131 67 2423
Vishay Telefunken
rf – Differential Forward Resistance (W ) 1000
L47Q/BHI扭曲向列型液晶显示器件系列详细规范河北冀雅电子有限公司 发布前言本标准适用于扭曲向列型液晶显示器件,本标准修订的依据是GB/T12851-1991《仪器、仪表用扭曲向列型液晶显示器件空白详细规范》,并符合GB/T12848-1991《扭曲向列型液晶显示器件总规范》的要求。
本标准代替Q/BHI 003-1998《扭曲向列型液晶显示器件系列详细规范》,并对以下内容作了修订:——试验条件和检验要求中,A组检验要求AQL值修改为重缺陷0.15,轻缺陷0.65;——对本标准的附录A中黑点、封口浅、装饰线等检查项目进行了加严处理,以满足用户要求。
本标准所代替标准的历次版本发布情况为:——Q/BHI 002-1996、Q/BHI 003-1998。
扭曲向列型液晶显示器件系列详细规范6 工作条件和典型特性(非检验用)按显示器件的设计要求,选定下列工作条件和特性。
6.1 工作条件工作电压=(按用户要求)V工作频率=(按用户要求,用户无要求时按128)Hz占空比按用户要求偏压比按用户要求6.2 典型特性最小标称最大单位对比度见注1 见注1 ——视角25 ————度阈值电压(见注2) V th×95%V th——V饱和电压(见注2) ——V sat V sat×110%V上升时间——200 250 ms最低工作温度下的上升时间————见注3 ms下降时间——250 300 ms最低工作温度下的下降时间————见注4 ms功耗电流————全显示面积(mm )×0.015μA有效显示区域尺寸见图纸mm注 1:最小 标称占空比1~1/8 5 8占空比1/8~1/16(含1/8) 3 5注 2:阈值电压Nb N b V V OP th 2)2(1-+-⨯= 饱和电压Nb N b V Vsat OP 21+-⨯=式中:N —— 占空比 b —— 偏压比V op ——工作电压,单位为V V th ——阈值电压,单位为V V sat ——饱和电压,单位为 V注 3:最低工作温度下的上升时间特性温度 最小 标称 最大 0℃ --- --- 800ms -10℃ --- --- 1000 ms -20℃ --- --- 1300ms -30℃ --- --- 1500ms注 4:最低工作温度下的下降时间特性温度 最小 标称 最大 0℃ --- --- 1000ms -10℃ --- --- 1200 ms -20℃ --- --- 1600ms -30℃ --- --- 2000ms7 标志7.1 产品型号产品型号由下述5个部分组成: J × × - × (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 该5部分内容表达见表1。
JEWEL HILL ELECTRONIC CO.,LTDJEWEL HILL ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD.SPECIFICATIONS FORLCD MODULEModule No. GB162HOffice Address: Rm. 518,5/F., 101 Shangbu Industrial District,HuaqiangNorthRoad, Shenzhen, ChinaTEL : (86)-755-83362489 83617492FAX: (86)-755-83286396 83365871E-mail: sales@jhlcd@Website: TABLE OF CONTENTSLCM NUMBER SYSTEM (2)1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION (3)2. FEATURES (3)3. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION (3)4. MECHANICAL DIMENSION (4)5. MAXIMUM RATINGS (5)6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (5)7. MODULE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION (6)8. ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS (12)9. RELIABILITY (16)10. PRECAUTIONS FOR USING LCD MODULES (17)11. USING LCD MODULES (19)12. REVISION HISTORY (21)SAMPLE APPROVED REPORT (22)LCM Number SystemNUMBER OF CHAR. PER LINE F: FSTN; X: OTHER VERSION NUMBER: V00~V99IC TYPE:VIEWING DIRECTION:TEMPERATURE RANGE:BACKLIGHT TYPE:SERIAL NUMBER: A~ZGRAPHIC MODULEs: NUMBER OF COMMONs GRAPHIC MODULEs:NUMBER OF SEGMENTs COB & SMT LCMBACKLIGHT COLOR:CHARACTER MODULEs:CHARACTER MODULEs: NUMBER OF LINE G: REFLECTIVE,NONE BACKLIGHT A: TRANSFLECTIVE, EL BACKLIGHT B: TRANSMISSIVE, EL BACKLIGHT C: TRANSFLECTIVE, LED BACKLIGHT D: TRANSMISSIVE, LED BACKLIGHT E: TRANSFLECTIVE, CCFL BACKLIGHT F: TRANSMISSIVE, CCFL BACKLIGHT A: AMBER; B: BLUE; Y: YELLOW-GREEN R: RED; W: WHITE; O: THER COLOR N: NORMAL TEMPERATURE RANGE U: UPPER(12:00); D: DOWN(6:00)L: LEFT(9:00); R: RIGHT(3:00);A: BONDING IC, WITH CONTROLLER B: BONDING IC, WITHOUT CONTROLLER C: SMT IC, WITH CONTROLLER D: SMT IC, WITHOUT CONTROLLER O: OTHER TYPEW: BLACK-WHITE; O: OTHER G: GRAY; Y: YELLOW-GREEN; B: BLUE; LCD COLOR MODE:N: TN; H: HTN; S: STN LCD TYPE:S: SUPER WIDE TEMPERATURE RANGE W: WIDE TEMPERATURE RANGEM: MIDDLE TEMPERATURE RANGE1. GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe GB162H is a 16C x 2L Character LCD module. It has a STN panel composed of 80 segments and16 commons. The LCM can be easily accessed by micro-controller via parallel interface.2. FEATURESTransflective and positiveDisplay ModeSTN(Yellow - Green) moduleDisplay Format Character 16C x 2LInput Data 8/4-bit parallel data input from MPUMultiplexing Ratio 1/16 DutyBiasBias 1/5Viewing Direction 6 O’clockBacklight LED3. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONItem Specifications Unit Dimensional outline 84.0 x 44.0 x 12.7(max) mmResolution 80segs x 16coms dotsActive area 56.21(W) x 11.5(H) mmChar. pitch 3.55(W) x 5.94(H) mmChar. size 2.96(W) x 5.56(L) mmDots pitch 0.6 (W)×0.7(H) mmDots size 0. 56(W)×0.66(H) mm4. MECHANICAL DIMENSION5. MAXIMUM RATINGSItem Symbol Min Max Unit NoteV DD - V ss -0.3 7.0 V Supply voltage V LCD -0.3 13.0 V Input Voltage V IN -0.3 V DD +0.3 VOperating temperature T OPR 0 +50 Storage temperature T STR -10 +60Humidity --- --- 90 %RH6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSItem SymbolCondition Min. Typ. Max. UnitSupply Voltage Logic V DD---2.73.3 5.5 VH level V IH 0.8V DD --- V DDInput VoltageL levelV IL --- V SS --- 0.2V DDVCurrent Consumption(LCD DRIVER)I DDV DD =3.3V;V LCD =4.7V,T amb =25 ;--- --- 5.0 mALCD Driving Voltage V LCDBias=1/5V LCD =V DD -V 5--- 4.7 --- VCurrent Consumption (With LED BackLight)I LEDV LED =4.2V,T amb =25 ;--- --- 300 mA7. MODULE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION7.1. PIN DESCRIPTIONPin No. Symbol Description1 VSSPower supply for Ground S2 VDDPower supply for positive3 VOVLCD negative voltage regulation4 RSData/Command register selection; “H”: Data; “L”: Command5 R/WRead/write selection signal,”H”: Read;”L”: Write6 ERead/write Enable signal input pin7 DB08 DB19 DB210 DB38-bit bi-directional data bus11 DB412 DB513 DB614 DB715 LEDAPower supply voltage for backlight positive(4.2V)16 LEDKPower supply voltage for backlight negative(0V)7.2 TIMING CHARACTERISTICS1. SYSTEM BUS READ/WRITE CHARACTERISTIC7.3 APPLICATION OF LCMReference circuitCircuit Block Diagram7.4 TABLE OF COMMAND7.5 CHARACTER GENERATOR ROM8. ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSItem Symbol Condition Temp Min Typ. Max UnitsNote4.6 4.9 ---25 4.4 4.7 5.0 LCD driving voltageV LCD = = 050 4.2 4.5 4.8 V NOTE1Rise Time (Tr) --- --- -- Decay Time (Tf)0 --- ---- --- Rise Time (Tr) --- 225 340Decay Time (Tf) 25 --- 240 360Rise Time (Tr) --- --- -- Response TimeDecay Time (Tf)= = 0 50 --- --- --msec NOTE2Contrast Ratio Cr= = 0 255 10 --- --- NOTE4Viewing AngleRange( = 0°)(6”) = 90°(3”) =180°(12”) =270°(9”)(25 ) CR ≥245 35 20 35DegNOTE3z For panel only․Electro-Optical Characteristics Measuring Equipment(DMS501)SystemIllumination (D65)․Note 1. Definition of Driving Voltage( Vlcd) :․Note 3. Definition of Viewing Angle and :․Note 4. Definition of Contrast ratio( CR) :Brightness of Non-selected Segment (B2)Brightness of Selected Segment (B1)CR =V,maxCR,maxDriving VoltageB r i gh t n e s s (%)Brightness Curve forSelected Segment0%=90 =270Viewing Direction 6 O’clock DirectionNormal :9. RELIABILITY9.1. MTBFThe LCD module shall be designed to meet a minimum MTBF value of 50000 hours with normal. (25°C in the room without sunlight)9.2. TESTSNO. ITEM CONDITION CRITERION1 High Temperature Operating 50 120Hrs2 Low Temperature Operating 0 120Hrs3High Temperature/Humidity Non-Operating50 ,90%RH ,120 Hrs4 High TemperatureNon-Operating60 120Hrs5 Low TemperatureNon-Operating-10 120Hrs6 Temperature CyclingNon-Operating0 (30Min )↔ 50 (30Min)10 CYCLESNo Defect OfOperational Function InRoom Temperature AreAllowable.IDD of LCM inPre-and post-test shouldfollow specificationNotes: Judgments should be mode after exposure in room temperature for two hours.10. PRECAUTIONS FOR USING LCD MODULES10.1. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS(1) The display panel is made of glass. Do not subject it to a mechanical shock or impact by droppingit.(2) If the display panel is damaged and the liquid crystal substance leaks out, be sure not to get any inyour mouth. If the substance contacts your skin or clothes, wash it off using soap and water.(3) Do not apply excessive force to the display surface or the adjoining areas since this may cause thecolor tone to vary.(4) The polarizer covering the display surface of the LCD module is soft and easily scratched. Handlethis polarizer carefully.(5) If the display surface becomes contaminated, breathe on the surface and gently wipe it with a softdry cloth. If it is heavily contaminated, moisten a cloth with one of the following solvents: - Isopropyl alcohol- Ethyl alcohol(6) Solvents other than those above mentioned may damage the polarizer.Especially, do not use the following:- Water- Ketone- Aromatic solvents(7) Extra care to minimize corrosion of the electrode. Water droplets, moisture condensation or acurrent flow in a high-humidity environment accelerates corrosion of the electrode.(8) Install the LCD Module by using the mounting holes. When mounting the LCD Module, makesure it is free of twisting, warping and distortion. In particular, do not forcibly pull or bend the I/Ocable or the backlight cable.(9) Do not attempt to disassemble or process the LCD Module.(10) NC terminal should be open. Do not connect anything.(11) If the logic circuit power is off, do not apply the input signals.(12) To prevent destruction of the elements by static electricity, be careful to maintain an optimumwork environment.- Be sure to ground the body when handling he LCD Module.- Tools required for assembling, such as soldering irons, must be properly grounded.-To reduce the amount of static electricity generated, do not conduct assembling and other workunder dry conditions.-The LCD Module is coated with a film to protect the display surface. Exercise care when peeling off this protective film since static electricity may be generated.10.2. STORAGE CONDITIONSWhen storing, avoid the LCD module to be exposed to direct sunlight of fluorescent lamps. For stability, to keep it away form high temperature and high humidity environment (The best condition is : 23±5°C, 45±20%RH). ESD protection is necessary for long-term storage also.10.3. OTHERSLiquid crystals solidify under low temperature (below the storage temperature range) leading to defective orientation or the generation of air bubbles (black or white). Air bubbles may also be generated if the module is subject to a low temperature.If the LCD Module have been operating for a long time showing the same display patterns the display patterns may remain on the screen as ghost images and a slight contrast irregularity may also appear.A normal operating status can be recovered by suspending use for some time. It should be noted that this phenomenon does not adversely affect performance reliability.To minimize the performance degradation of the LCD Module resulting from destruction caused by static electricity etc. exercise care to avoid holding the following sections when handling the modules.- Exposed area of the printed circuit board.- Terminal electrode sections.11. Using LCD modules11.1 LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULESLCD is composed of glass and polarizer. Pay attention to the following items when handling.(1) Please keep the temperature within specified range for use and storage. Polarization degradation,bubble generation or polarizer peel-off may occur with high temperature and high humidity.(2) Do not touch, push or rub the exposed polarizers with anything harder than a HB pencil lead (glass,tweezers, etc).(3) N-hexane is recommended for cleaning the adhesives used to attach front/rear polarizers andreflectors made of organic substances, which will be damaged by chemicals such as acetone, toluene, toluene, ethanol and isopropyl alcohol.(4) When the display surface becomes dusty, wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other soft materiallike chamois soaked in petroleum ether. Do not scrub hard to avoid damaging the display surface.(5) Wipe off saliva or water drops immediately, contact with water over a long period of time maycause deformation or color fading.(6) Avoid contacting oil and fats.(7) Condensation on the surface and contact with terminals due to cold will damage, stain orpolarizers. After products are tested at low temperature they must be warmed up in a container before coming is contacting with room temperature air.(8) Do not put or attach anything on the display area to avoid leaving marks on.(9) Do not touch the display with bare hands. This will stain the display area and degrade insulationbetween terminals (some cosmetics are determinate to the polarizers).(10)As glass is fragile, it tends to become or chipped during handling especially on the edges. Pleaseavoid dropping or jarring.11.2 INSTALLING LCD MODULEAttend to the following items when installing the LCM.(1) Cover the surface with a transparent protective plate to protect the polarizer and LC cell.(2) When assembling the LCM into other equipment, the spacer to the bit between the LCM and thefitting plate should have enough height to avoid causing stress to the module surface, refer to the individual specifications for measurements. The measurement tolerance should be ±0.1mm.11.3 ELECTRO-STATIC DISCHARGE CONTROLSince this module uses a CMOS LSI, the same careful attention should be paid for electrostatic discharge as for an ordinary CMOS IC.(1) Make certain that you are grounded when handing LCM.(2) Before removing LCM from its packing case or incorporating it into a set, be sure the module andyour body have the same electric potential.(3) When soldering the terminal of LCM, make certain the AC power source for the soldering irondoes not leak.(4) When using an electric screwdriver to attach LCM, the screwdriver should be of groundpotentiality to minimize as much as possible any transmission of electromagnetic waves produced sparks coming from the commutator of the motor.(5) As far as possible, make the electric potential of your work clothes and that of the workbenches tothe ground potential.(6) To reduce the generation of electro-static discharge, be careful that the air in the work is not toodried. A relative humidity of 50%-60% is recommended.11.4 PRECAUTIONS FOR OPERATION(1) Viewing angle varies with the change of liquid crystal driving voltage (Vo). Adjust Vo to showthe best contrast.(2) Driving the LCD in the voltage above the limit will shorten its lifetime.(3) Response time is greatly delayed at temperature below the operating temperature range. However,this does not mean the LCD will be out of the order. It will recover when it returns to the specified temperature range.(4) If the display area is pushed hard during operation, the display will become abnormal. However, itwill return to normal if it is turned off and then on.(5) Condensation on terminals can cause an electrochemical reaction disrupting the terminal circuit.Therefore, this product must be used and stored within the specified condition of 23±5°C, 45±20%RH.(6) When turning the power on, input each signal after the positive/negative voltage becomes stable.11.5 SAFETY(1) It is recommended to crush damaged or unnecessary LCDs into pieces and wash them off withsolvents such as acetone and ethanol, which should later be burned.(2) If any liquid leaks out of a damaged glass cell and comes in contact with the hands, wash offthoroughly with soap and water.12. REVISION HISTORYrecord Date Version Reviseversion 06-06-101.0 OriginalSAMPLE APPROVED REPORT。
企业产品标准备案资料二00九年企 业 标 准 备 案 单(企业盖章)标 准名称JYQ系列浮游细菌采样器标准代号Q/320584FBR002-2009单位名称吴江市华宇净化设备有限公司被代替标准编号Q/320584FBR002-2006单位地址吴江市同里镇屯村邱舍开发区企业代码703696657法人代表高正经济类型有限公司执行证号02295电 话63330285邮 编215216联 系人高正标准审查日期(复审日期)复审结果行政(行业)主管部门或专业标准化技术委员会意见:盖章年 月日企业领导审批意见:批准日期:2009年07月01日批准人标准化资格证书号标准化行政主管部门备案注册登记号:2009年07月01日企业标准批准书各车间、科室:我企业生产的产品企业标准已经评审,现予批准。
标准号:Q/320584FBR002-2009标准名:JYQ系列浮游细菌采样器发布日期:2009-07-01实施日期:2009-07-10企业名称:吴江市华宇净化设备有限公司法人代表:高正二00九年七月Q/FBR吴江市华宇净化设备有限公司企业标准Q/320584FBR002-2009代替:Q/320584FBR002-2006 JYQ型浮游细菌采样器2009-07-01发布 2009-07-10实施吴江市华宇净化设备有限公司发 布Q/320584FBR002-2009前 言本标准是按GB/T1.1-2000《标准化工作导则第1部分:标准的结构和编写规则》编写,其技术要求、试验方法是有关国家标准、行业标准相一致。
本标准有效期为三年Q/320584FBR002-2009JYQ型浮游细菌采样器1. 范围本标准规定了JYQ型浮游细菌采样器(以下简称采样器)的技术要求,试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输、存储等。
钢芯铝绞线(500kV项目)标准技术标书编号:2011060520112101中国南方电网有限责任公司2011年06月目录1 总则 (1)2 工作范围 (1)2.1 工程概况 (1)2.2 范围和界限 (1)2.3 服务范围 (2)3 应遵循的主要标准 (3)4使用条件 (3)4.1 正常使用条件 (3)4.2特殊使用条件 (4)5 技术要求 (5)5.1 导线主要技术参数 (5)5.2 材料 (5)5.3 结构尺寸 (5)5.4 表面 (6)5.5 绞制 (6)5.6 接头 (6)5.7 线密度——单位长度质量 (7)5.8 导线拉断力 (7)5.9 直流电阻 (7)6 试验要求 (7)6.1 试验分类 (8)6.2 试样数量 (8)6.3 试样长度 (8)6.4 型式试验 (8)6.5 抽样试验 (9)6.6 检验 (10)6.7 接收或拒收 (10)7 技术文件要求 (11)7.1生产进度表 (11)7.2 文件和图纸 (11)8 监造、包装、运输、安装及质量保证 (12)8.1监造 (12)8.2包装和标志 (12)8.3运输 (13)8.4 安装指导 (13)8.5 质量保证 (13)9设备技术参数和性能要求响应表 (13)10备品备件及专用工具 (37)10.1必备的备品备件、专用工具和仪器仪表 (37)10.2推荐的备品备件、专用工具和仪器仪表 (38)11主要材料及元器件来源 (38)12技术差异表 (38)13投标方需说明的其它问题 (39)1 总则1.1 本标书适用于中国南方电网公司 (项目单位填写)电网建设工程项目采购的钢芯铝绞线(500kV项目),它提出了该设备的使用条件、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志及包装等方面的技术要求。
上述表 1中的数据可知, 除人体全部 浸没在水中外, 在最不利情况下对人没有 危险的特低电压限值为 16 , V 只有在个别 情况下才会超出50 。 V 而前述标准却把这 个限值单一地设定为50 以作为保护电器 V 的动作电压。 显然, 这种设定在很多情况 下对于人体都具有不安全隐患。
58 }. 气往甫 2006年 第1期
流设定值对应着有关标准中所规定的对人 体没有伤害的通电时间一接触电流限值数 据,这个标准便是国家的基础标准 GB/
另外, 在商场中销售的属于工 类器具 的家庭沐浴用电热水器, 由于其自 身的电 路又加设了动作电流不大于30m , A 动作时 或者加设了 T13870. 1 《 电流通过人体的效应 第一部 间不大于0. 15的漏电保护器, 分: 常用部分》 。被它规定的在工频电 能够使人体承受电压不大于12 的所谓的 V 防电墙” 在该类保护下, , 只要器具接地 压情况下对人体没有伤害的通电时间一接 “ 触电流限值如表 2 所述: 在这个标准中, 牢靠,使用这种热水器是安全的。 还列举了人体在触电情况下所表现出的总 表2 工频触电的通电时间— 接触电流限值 阻抗的典型数据,如表 3 所示。 在考虑人体的触电安全时, 必须从最 ) 10 00 通电持续时间 / ms 坏的情况入手,因此在采用人体总阻抗 l0 接触电流限值 / mA 时,必须采用表 3 中对应于接触电压为 表 3 大面积接触情况下的人体总阻抗 (最大值) 220V电压下的5% 人数的总阻抗, 他们中的 最大值为1000 Q , V 除以这个阻抗值, 用50 人体总阻抗在以下百分数列时不超过的值 / 0 接触电压 / V 得通过这些人中的电流,最小也有 50m A, 人数的 9 % 5 人数的 5% 人数的 50% 今叹 在该电流值的情况下, 对人体没有危险的 ~J 6 10 0 17 5 0 3 2 50 ~O 、 通电时间,由表2 可知, 必须小于0. 15才 J 4 37 5 145 0 2625 勺l l 行, 但前述保护电器都把这种时间设定为 苦J 350 0 12 50 2 20 0
香巴赫熏蒸仪1 范围本标准规定了香巴赫熏蒸仪的技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输、贮存等方面的内容。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的,凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。
凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件,如下:—GB/T 191-2008 包装储运图示标志—GB/T 2423.1-2008 电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验A:低温—GB/T 2423.2-2008 电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验B:高温—GB/T 2423.3-2016 电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验Ca:恒定湿热试验—GB/T 2423.5-2019 电工电子产品环境试验第 2部分:试验方法试验 Ea和导则:冲击—GB/T 2423.6 电工电子产品环境试验第 2部分:试验方法试验 Eb和导则:碰撞—GB/T 2423.10-2019 电工电子产品环境试验第 2部分: 试验方法试验 Fc: 振动(正弦)—GB/T 2828.1-2012 计数抽样检验程序第1部分:按接收质量限(AQL)检索的逐批检验抽样计划—GB/T 4214.1-2017 声学家用电器及类似用途器具噪声测试方法第1部分:通用要求—GB 4343.1-2018 家用电器、电动工具和类似器具的电磁兼容要求第1部分:发射—GB 4706.1-2005 家用和类似用途电器的安全第 1 部分:通用要求—GB 4706.10-2005 家用和类似用途电器的安全按摩器具的特殊要求—GB/T 5296.2-2016 消费品使用说明第2部分:家用和类似用途电器—GB/T 17626.2-2018 电磁兼容试验和测量技术静电放电抗扰度试验—GB/T 26125-2011 电子电气产品六种限用物质(铅、汞、镉、六价铬、多溴联苯和多溴二苯醚)的测定—GB/T 26572-2011 电子电气产品中限用物质的限量要求—GB/T 4857.2-2005运输包装件基本试验第2部分:温湿度调节处理—GB/T 4857.5运输包装件跌落试验3 术语与定义3.1 香巴赫熏蒸仪具备中医传统熏炙技术与经络脉冲技术的功能,通过湿蒸、干蒸、光波、脉冲对足底、腰部、手掌心乃至全身的刺激来加速气血循环和新陈代谢,行气通络,是一种科学、安全、方便的产品。
中国食物与营养 2024,30(1):19-23Food and Nutrition in China《麦片》(QB/T 2762—2023)行业标准解读高鹏1*,李洋1*,屠振华2,康颖3,冯霖2(1中轻食品工业管理中心,北京100833;2食品行业生产力促进中心,北京100015;3中国眼镜协会,北京100053)摘要:目的:为了全面规范麦片产业发展,2023年4月21日,工业和信息化部批准发布QB/T 2762 — 2023《麦片》行业标准,并于2023年11月1日实施。
近年来,营养健康食品产业作为一种实现食品产业转型升级发展的战略性新兴产业发展模式,得到了国家高度关注和支持,相继出台了《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》《中国食物与营养发展纲要(2014—2020年)》[4]《国民营养计划(2017—2030年)》《关于促进食品工业健康发展的指导意见》[5]《全国农产品加工业与农村一二三产业融合发展规划(2016 —2020年)》等一系列重要政策和文件,鼓励和引导其发展。
《国务院办公厅关于印发消费品标准和质量提升规划(2016 —2020年)的通知》[6]中明确要求,要加大对方便食品、速冻食品、焙烤食品和现代生物发酵食品等新产品标准的研制力度。
庄旺公司地面井下设备参数绞车房矿井提升机执行标准号GB、T20961 Q/XFSB005产品型号JK-2*1.5 减速器传动比卷筒直径2m 最大提升速度m/s卷筒宽度 1.5m 电动机额定转速r/min钢丝绳最大静张力62KN 电动机额定功率KW钢丝绳最大直径24mm 机器质量(不计电器)21200kg第一层钢丝绳缠绕长度350m 产品编号110第二层钢丝绳缠绕长度650m 制造日期2011年6月第三层钢丝绳缠绕长度1025m 煤安证编号MCH030041山西新富升机器制造有限公司绕线转子三相异步电动机型号YR315M2-8 功率132KW 编号03757转速729r/min 频率50HZ 工作制S1 防护等级ZP23 定子350V 274A △接法F级绝缘转子392V 211A Y接法F级绝缘标准编号JB、T5269-2007 重量1200kg 制造日期2011.5山西电机制造有限公司液压站型号TH1190 最高工作压力≤6.3mpa编号11021 最大输出流量14/Lmin电机型号Y100L1-4-2.2kw 电机电压380V/660V制造日期2011年4月油箱储油量500L山西新富升机器制造有限公司行星齿轮减速器型号ZZL710 额定输出扭矩125000N/min 传动比20最高输入转速100r/min 重量3976kg出厂编号064 制造日期2011年3月山西新富升机器制造有限公司深度指示器标记指针最大行程外形尺寸(mm)提升长度(mm)长宽高1450 998 794 2730 7251450 500 400 24331200 500 400 2163编号254 生产日期2011年4月山西新富升机器制造有限公司CZT操作台执行标准JB/T4263-2000额定电压AC380V 额定频率50HZ额定电流50A 防护等级IP30出厂编号B0024 出厂日期2011年3月天津市瑞克来电气设备制造有限公司LCG控制柜执行标准JB/T4263-2000额定电压380V 频率50HZ额定电流300A 防护等级IP30编号B0021 出厂日期2011年3月,天津市瑞克来电气设备制造有限公司BPG变频柜执行标准JB/T4263-2000额定电压380V 频率50HZ额定电流50A 防护等级IP30编号B0022 出厂日期2011年3月天津市瑞克来电气设备制造有限公司Z DG控制柜执行标准JB/T4263-2000额定电压380V 频率50HZ电流200A 防护等级IP30编号B0023 出厂日期2011年3月天津市瑞克来电气设备制造有限公司空压机房螺杆空气压缩机型号规格DSR-250A 排气量32.5 m³/min额定/最大排气压力0.7mpa 电机功率185KW机组输入比功率7.38KW(m³/min)许可证号XK06-010-00121 机体编号JZ1029028 净重3700kg 外形尺寸(长×宽×高)2540×1650×1860mm 出厂编号1105467 出厂日期2011年6月德斯兰压缩机(上海)有限公司螺杆空气压缩机型号规格DSR-250A 排气量32.5 m³/min额定/最大排气压力0.7mpa 电机功率185KW机组输入比功率7.38KW(m³/min)许可证号XK06-010-00121 机体编号JZ1003001 净重3700kg 外形尺寸(长×宽×高)2540×1650×1860mm 出厂编号1105467 出厂日期2011年6月德斯兰压缩机(上海)有限公司煤水分离器型号HK-50 规格9000×3000×3000mm处理能力50 m³/h出厂编号201106014出厂日期2011年6月江苏环兴环保有限公司煤水分离器型号HK-50 规格9000×3000×3000mm 处理能力50 m³/h出厂编号201106013出厂日期2011年6月江苏环兴环保有限公司储气罐产品型号6/0.8设计压力0.84m 许可证号TS2231040-2011产品编号11ALA186 工作压力0.8mpa制造许可级别D1、D2 主体材料Q345R 试验压力1.05mpa 产品标准GB150容器净重1060kg 设计温度110℃工作介质压缩空气制造日期2011年6月容积6 m³容器类别1类设备代码21703104020119428储气罐产品型号6/0.8设计压力0.84m 许可证号TS2231040-2011产品编号11ALA186 工作压力0.8mpa制造许可级别D1、D2 主体材料Q345R 试验压力1.05mpa 产品标准GB150容器净重1060kg 设计温度110℃工作介质压缩空气制造日期2011年6月容积6 m³容器类别1类设备代码21703104020119429上海申江压力容器有限公司过滤器型号GJ250-120 规格φ2520×4006mm处理水量50 m³/h 工作压力0.2-0.4mpa工作温度常温出厂编号201106011出厂日期2011年6月江苏环兴环保有限公司加药装置型号JY1.0/2 外形尺寸2000×1500×2100mm 加药量25-50mg/L 加药类型PAC计量泵型号GM0090/2台搅拌机功率0.55KW出厂编号201106015 出厂日期2011年6月江苏环兴环保有限公司加药装置型号JY1.0/2 外形尺寸2000×1500×2100mm 加药量2-5mg/L 加药类型PAM计量泵型号GM0330/1台搅拌机功率0.55KW出厂编号201106016 出厂日期2011年6月江苏环兴环保有限公司煤库1.MY-0.38/0.66 3×50+1×16 石桥处(经煤库绕道)煤库2.QBZ-120/1140(660) 1140/660V. 120A ExdI上海防爆站频率50HZ 170/100KW 防爆证20P21668煤安证MADU40136 XK06-014-00084 产品编号09111100 重量130kg 出厂日期2009.11 泥浆泵电光防爆电气公司3.QBZ-80/1140(660) 1140/660V 80A上海防爆站频率50HZ 100/65KW 防爆证2042375煤安证20043768 生产许可证XK06-014-00084产品编号09071580 重量120kg 电光防爆电气公司潜水泵4.QBZ-80 ExdI 1140V/27A 功率40KW 重量100kg煤安证MAD070359 660V/47A 功率40KW防爆证1072870生产许可证XK06-123-00142产品编号160201 出厂日期2008.55.QBZ-80/1140(660)1140V/27A 功率40KW 重量100kg 煤安证20043768 660V/47A 功率40KW防爆证2042375生产许可证XK06-123-00142 产品编号09071571 出厂日期2009.7浙江浦东矿用设备有限公司水泵房1.MYPT-3×50+3×25/3 550m2.①KBG-250/10Y矿用隔爆型移动变电站用高压真空开关额定电压10KV 额定电流250A 额定短路开断电流12.5KA产品编号10251105264 出厂日期2011.5防爆证10925060煤安证MAD090283生产许可证XK06-014-0054重量710kg 泰安众诚矿山自动化有限公司②矿用隔爆型移动变电站KBSG2Y9-630/10 630KV绝缘水平L1(60)AC(402) 3x相频率502HZ产品标准GB8286-2005 产品代码IDB.720.412短路阻抗3.83%冷却方式ANAN防爆证11021256煤安证MAC060369生产许可证XK06-123-00732重量4860kg 出厂序号11009 出厂日期2011.5 山西嘉龙③BXB-800/1140(660)Y矿用隔爆型移动变电站低压侧保护箱1140/660V 800A 重量270kg产品编号110811050655 防爆证1102968U煤安证MAC070352生产许可证XK06-014-00054出厂日期2011.5泰安众诚矿山自动化有限公司3.①KBG-250/10Y 产品编号10251105263 630KV绝缘水平L1(60)AC(402) 3x相频率502HZ产品标准GB8286-2005 产品代码IDB.720.412短路阻抗3.83%冷却方式ANAN防爆证11021256煤安证MAC060369生产许可证XK06-123-00732重量4860kg 出厂序号11009 出厂日期2011.5 山西嘉龙②BXB-800/1140(660)Y产品编号110811050650低压侧保护箱1140/660V 800A 重量270kg 防爆证1102968U煤安证MAC070352生产许可证XK06-014-00054出厂日期2011.5泰安众诚矿山自动化有限公司4.MYP3×95+1×35煤安证MIA030225江苏上上5.矿用隔爆型兼本质安全型真空馈电开关KJZ5-630/11409660) 防爆证2082857煤安证MAD080594 生产许可证XK06-014-005851140v630A 频率50HZ出厂编号1012121重量350kg河南省济源市华宇矿业电器有限公司6. 矿用隔爆型交流真空软启动器QBR-400/1140/660防爆证2062525煤安证MAD060071生产许可证XK06-014-00585 额定电压1140V额定电流400A重量380kg出厂编号11033出厂日期2011.3济源市华宇矿业电器有限公司7.KJ25-630出厂编号1012123 防爆证2062525 煤安证MAD060071 生产许可证XK06-014-00585 额定电压1140V额定电流400A重量380kg出厂编号11033出厂日期2011.3济源市华宇矿业电器有限公司8.QBR-400/1140/660出厂编号1103310防爆证2062525 煤安证MAD060071 生产许可证XK06-014-00585 额定电压1140V额定电流400A重量380kg出厂编号11033出厂日期2011.3济源市华宇矿业电器有限公司9. QBR-400/1140/660出厂编号1103309防爆证2062525 煤安证MAD060071 生产许可证XK06-014-00585额定电压1140V额定电流400A重量380kg出厂编号11033出厂日期2011.3济源市华宇矿业电器有限公司10.KJZ5-630出厂编号1012122防爆证2062525煤安证MAD060071 生产许可证XK06-014-00585 额定电压1140V 额定电流400A 重量380kg出厂日期2011.3济源市华宇矿业电器有限公司11. 矿用隔爆型照明信号综保ZBZ-4.0M1140/660V工作电流3.5/6.9/17.4A 4KV A防爆证2062692煤安证MAE060034生产许可证XK06-014-00204 重量115kg接线方式Y/Δ/Δ出厂编号1105013出厂日期2011.5浙江荣欣防爆电器有限公司12.多级离心泵型号MD155-30×10 扬程300m轴功率164.4KW功率77%出厂编号0374煤安证MBB030058流量155m³/h气蚀余量3.5m转速1480r/min 出厂日期2011.4兴城市水泵制造有限公司13.煤矿井下用隔爆型三相异步电动机YBK2315-4编号003 功率200KW 6600/1140V Δ/Y接IP55 cosφ0.89转速1485r/min 208/120A 频率50HZ F级绝缘标准编号Q/LM06-2008工作制S1防爆证CGEx0.8336煤安证MAI090033 出厂日期2011.414.MDI55-3×10 无牌15.YBK2315L2-4编号004功率200KW 6600/1140V Δ/Y 接IP55 cosφ0.89转速1485r/min 208/120A 频率50HZ F级绝缘标准编号Q/LM06-2008工作制S1防爆证CGEx0.8336煤安证MAI090033 出厂日期2011.416.MD155-30×10编号0373功率200KW 6600/1140V Δ/Y接IP55 cosφ0.89转速1485r/min 208/120A 频率50HZ F级绝缘标准编号Q/LM06-2008工作制S1防爆证CGEx0.8336煤安证MAI090033 出厂日期2011.417.YBK2 315L2-4编号005功率200KW 6600/1140V Δ/Y 接IP55 cosφ0.89转速1485r/min 208/120A 频率50HZ F级绝缘标准编号Q/LM06-2008工作制S1防爆证CGEx0.8336煤安证MAI090033 出厂日期2011.418.矿业本安型电话机KTH-11防爆标志dibI关联设备HDK额定电流≤20mA额定电压DC24/48振铃电压≤40V振铃电流≤30mA编号防爆证8050329煤安证20030921出厂日期浙江腾达防爆电器有限公司19.MY 3×16=1×10 上上电缆20.矿业隔爆型可逆真空电磁启动器QBZ-120/1140(660)V防爆证1092313煤安证MAD090250生产许可证XK06-123-00142 重量120KG出厂编号15038出厂日期2009.7浙江沛东矿业设备有限公司21. 25绞车无牌22.绞车用隔爆型三相异步电动机YBJ-25-4 380/660功率25KW 48.0/27.7A转速1480r/min Y/ΔPl 50HZ F级绝缘IP44 S1防爆证20721613 72dB(A)生产许可证xk06-121-00083 煤安证MAI070620标准编号QZ/320206JMGW04 出厂编号0803902无锡南方防爆电机有限公司23.矿业隔爆型声光组合电铃BAL2G-36 127/150 127V 0.35A煤安证920250防爆证2972112出厂编号重量16kg沈阳防爆电器厂24.隔爆型控制按钮LA81-1.2.3 127V 6A煤安证P28434 防爆证2992025 中国煤炭物产日中天防爆电器厂25.矿用隔爆型接线盒BHD2-25/660/380-3T防爆证1082381煤安证MNF050007生产许可证xk06-121-00142 浙江浦东26.电机YBJ-25-4 功率25KW 660/1140 转速1480r/minIP54 工作制S1 25.3A/14.6A 81Db(A) F级绝缘标准编号JB8672-1997 出厂编号4076防爆证20921171煤安证MAI090363出厂日期2010.4无锡市帕埃纳几点制造有限公司采区水泵房1.高压铠装电缆MYJV22 8.7/15 3×70 800m2.PJG-100/10Y矿用隔爆型兼本安型永磁高压真空配电装置防爆证20821237 煤安证MAB080253 生产许可证XK06-014-00585电压10KV电流100A开断电流12.5KA 电流互感器一次额定电流100A出厂日期2010.1 重量915kg 出厂编号1001602河南济源华宇3.①矿用隔爆型移动变电站用高压开关KBGZ-400/10Y额定电压10KV额定电流400A防爆证CMExC1092233U煤安证MAD060031 重量460kg 出厂日期2009.12.11出厂编号095126 外形尺寸1265×835×939太原市平阳煤矿机械厂太原市平阳煤矿机械厂②矿用隔爆型移动变电站KBSG2Y9-1250/10电压1250V 绝缘材料耐热等级H 防爆证CMExG1062185 绝缘水平L1(60)SC(28)/AC(4.2)3相重量7820kg站8570kg 产品标准GB8286/1996 短路阻抗4.18%冷却方式ANAN 产品代号IDB.720.318.1 煤安证200610273出厂序号09026出厂日期2009.12 山西嘉龙③BXD-1000/1140(660)Y微机型电压1140/660V电流1000A 煤安证MAC070016防爆证CMExC1072377U重量190kg出厂日期2009.2.22出厂编号092207外形尺寸825×513×715太原市平阳煤矿机械厂4.MYP 3×95+1×V35 煤安证MAI0302255.KBSG9-315/10电压315KV A 产品标准GB8286-1996 2005 产品代号IDB.720.306 绝缘材料耐压等级H绝缘水平L1(60)AC(28)/AC(4.2) 防爆证CMExC1062181 重量1490kg 3相短路阻抗4.09%冷却方式ANAN煤安证MAC060390 总重28107kg 出厂序号06010 出厂日期2006.10 山西嘉龙6.KJZ5-630 出厂编号1005034电压315KV A 产品标准GB8286-1996 2005产品代号IDB.720.306 绝缘材料耐压等级H绝缘水平L1(60)AC(28)/AC(4.2) 防爆证CMExC1062181 重量1490kg 3相短路阻抗4.09%冷却方式ANAN煤安证MAC060390 总重28107kg 出厂日期2006.10 山西嘉龙7. KJZ5-630 出厂编号1005037电压315KV A 产品标准GB8286-1996 2005产品代号IDB.720.306 绝缘材料耐压等级H绝缘水平L1(60)AC(28)/AC(4.2) 防爆证CMExC1062181 重量1490kg 3相短路阻抗4.09%冷却方式ANAN煤安证MAC060390 总重28107kg 出厂日期2006.10 山西嘉龙8.矿用隔爆型兼本安型真空启动器QJR10-400/1140(660)Z电压1140/660V 电流400A 最大功率300KW本安参数≤21.7V≤128mA防爆证2062963 煤安证1001003 出厂日期2010.1 浙江荣兴防爆电器有限公司9.QJR10-400/1140(660)Z 电压1140/660V 电流400A功率300KW 本安电压18V本安电流45mA防爆证2062932煤安证MAB070047生产许可证XK06-014-00204 重量450kg 出厂编号100114 出厂日期2010.1浙江荣兴防爆电器有限公司10.QJR10-400/11409660)Z 出厂编号100112 电压1140/660V 电流400A 功率300KW本安电压18V本安电流45mA重量450kg 出厂日期2010.1 防爆证2062932煤安证MAB070047生产许可证XK06-014-00204 11.KJZ5-400/1140(660) 防爆证2082876煤安证MAD080592 生产许可证XK06-014-00585 电压660V 电流400A出厂编号1006236 重量250kg 出厂日期2010.6河南济源华宇矿业电器有限公司12.QBZ80 380V/80A 功率40KW 660V47A 功率40KW重量100kg 防爆证1072870 煤安证MAD070359生产许可证XK06-123-00142出厂编号161742出厂日期2008.3浙江浦东矿用设备有限公司13.QBZ-120/660(380) 电压660功率100电压380功率60 防爆证208221605生产许可证XK06-014-00585煤安证MAD080710出厂编号1003400重量125kg出厂日期2010.3济源华宇15.ZBZ-4.0M 出厂编号1105012 出厂日期2011.5 电压660功率100电压380功率60 防爆证208221605生产许可证XK06-014-00585煤安证MAD080710济源华宇1.KJZ5-400/1140(660) 防爆证2082876煤安证MAD080592 生产许可证XK06-123-00399电流400A电压1140V重量250kg 出厂编号023 出厂日期2009.5 河南济源华宇2.QJZ-400/1140(660)Y防爆证2072814煤安证MAD070430 生产许可证XK06-123-00399电流400A电压1140V本安最高开路电压15.5V本安最高大短路电流50mA出厂编号0907001 重量250kg 出厂日期2009.6 济源华宇3.QJZ-400/1140(660) 煤安证MAD070430防爆证21021034 生产许可证XK06-014-00585电压1140V电流400A重量250kg 本安最高开路电压15.5V本安最高大短路电流50mA出厂编号1104243 出厂日期2011.4 河南济源华宇4.矿用三相异步电动机YBK2-355M2-4电压660/1140Vcosφ0.90F级绝缘工作制S1 Δ/Y 255.7/147.6A转速1458r/min IP55 重量1580kg 出厂编号1001006 防爆证2082828煤安证MAI080351生产许可证XK06-014-00169 标准编号Q/320206JMGW12-2007 出厂日期2010.1无锡南方6.QJZ-200/1140(660) 煤安证MAD070428防爆证21021034 生产许可证XK06-014-00585本安最高开路电压15.5V本安最高大短路电流50mA电压1140V电流200A重量250kg出厂日期2011.6 济源华宇喷雾站用7.QJZ-200/1140(660) 出厂编号1106017 煤安证MAD070428 防爆证21021034生产许可证XK06-014-00585本安最高开路电压15.5V本安最高大短路电流50mA电压1140V电流200A重量250kg出厂日期2011.6 济源华宇喷雾站用8.QX250/16A清水箱公称压力mPa 公称流量250L/min公称容积1600L 工作介质中性清水出厂编号1100 出厂日期2011 无锡煤矿机械有限公司BPW250/6.3喷雾泵公称压力6.3mPa 电机功率37KW公称流量250L/min煤安证MDC060032出厂编号11057出厂日期2011.2 无锡煤矿机械有限公司10.BPW 250/6.3 喷雾泵出厂编号1075511..YBK2 225S-4 660/1140V 功率37KW Δ/Y转速1480r/min IP 55 cosφ0.87 40.3/23.3A工作制S1重量340kg 煤安证MDI030064 防爆证2082820出厂编号1012053 标准编号Q/320206JMGW/Z-2007生产许可证XK06-014-00169 出厂日期2010.12 无锡南方12.YBK2-225S-4 出厂编号1101053 功率37KW Δ/Y 转速1480r/min IP 55 cosφ0.87 40.3/23.3A工作制S1重量340kg 煤安证MDI030064 防爆证2082820 标准编号Q/320206JMGW/Z-2007 出厂日期2010.12生产许可证XK06-014-00169 无锡南方中央变电所1.DJG-200/10Y 矿用隔爆型兼本安型永磁机构高压真空配电装置防爆证20821237 煤安证MAB080253电压10KV电流200A 生产许可证XK06-014-00585 开断电流12.75A 重量915kg 电流互感器一次额定电200A 出厂日期2011.5 出厂编号1105562 济源市华宇2.PBG-400/10Z 矿用隔爆型智能高压真空配电装置防爆证2042105煤安证20040983电压10KV电流400A生产许可证XK06-123-00399 开断电流12.5KA重量800kg 电流互感器电流100A出厂日期2006.10出厂编号32381济源市华宇3.PJG-200/10Y 出厂编号10056274.PJG-100/10Y 防爆证20821237 煤安证MAB080253生产许可证XK06-014-00585 电压10K电流100A重量915kg 出厂编号0907579 出厂日期2009.6 河南省济源市华宇5.PJG-100/10Y 出厂编号1001604 防爆证20821237 煤安证MAB080253 生产许可证XK06-014-00585 电压10K电流100A重量915kg 出厂日期2009.6 河南省济源市华宇6.PBG40-10Y永磁机构高压真空配电装置电压10KV电流400A防爆证2072377煤安证MAB080124XK06-014-00097 出厂编号154 出厂日期2009.4重量850kg 济源市远东煤炭电器有限公司7.PBG-300/10矿用隔爆型高压真空配电装置防爆证2092407煤安证MAB060001电压10KV电流300A 生产许可证XK06-123-00399出厂编号0907579重量915kg 出厂日期2009.6 河南省济源市华宇8.PJG-300/10Y 防爆证20821237 煤安证MAB080253 生产许可证XK06-014-00585 电压10KV 电流300A 12.5KA一次300A重量91kg出厂编号1004522河南省济源市华宇9.PJG-300/10Y 出厂编号1005628 防爆证20821237 煤安证MAB080253生产许可证XK06-014-00585 电压10KV 电流300A 12.5KA一次300A重量91kg出厂编号1004522河南省济源市华宇10.PJG-200/10Y 出厂编号10025626 防爆证20821237 煤安证MAB080253 生产许可证XK06-014-00585电压10KV 电流300A 12.5KA一次300A重量91kg 河南省济源市华宇11.PBG 40-10Y 出厂编号155 防爆证20821237 煤安证MAB080253 生产许可证XK06-014-00585电压10KV 电流300A 12.5KA一次300A重量91kg 河南省济源市华宇12.PJG-150/10Y河南省济源市华宇13.PJG-200/10Y 出厂编号1105561 河南省济源市华宇14.①BXB1-1140Y电压1140V电流1000A 防爆证20621886 煤安证20063105 产品合格证XK06-123-00042 出厂日期2009.5 济源市煤炭高压开关有限公司②KSG2Y9-2500/10 电压2500KV A 绝缘材料耐热等级H绝缘水平L1(60)AC(28)/AC94.2)产品标准GB8286-1996 产品代号IDB.720.322.1 短路阻抗5.49%冷却方式ANAN 重量12460kg 站13210kg 出厂序号09021 出厂日期2009.8 山西嘉龙③PJG-400/10Y电压10KV短路400A本安电路最大短路电流35mA 本安电路最高开路电压16.8V 防爆证20621865煤安证200613122 生产许可证XK06-123-00142出厂编号0904012 出厂日期2009.4 济源市煤炭16.矿用隔爆型干式变压器KBSG9-315/10 电压315KV A 产品标准GB8286-1996 产品代号IDB.720.306.2短路阻抗4.09%绝缘耐热等级H 防爆证1062187绝缘水平L1(60)AC(28)/AC(5) 煤安证200610278 重量1490kg 总重2810kg 出厂序号06010 出厂日期2006.10山西嘉龙17. ①KBG2Y-630/10 630KV A 250A 12.5KV A防爆证1092506U 煤安证MAD090283 重量710kg产品合格证XK06-014-00054 出厂编号10251103088出厂日期2011.3 泰安市众诚矿山自动化有限公司②KBSG2Y9-630/10 630KV A 绝缘材料耐热等级H绝缘水平L1(60)AC(28)/AC(4.2) 防爆证11021256煤安证MAC060369 重量4860kg 站5485kg产品标准GB826-2005 产品代号IDB.720.412短路阻抗3.93%冷却方式ANAN 出厂序号11006出厂日期2011.6 山西嘉龙③BXB-800/1140(660)Y 电压11409660)V 电流800A重量270kg 防爆证10721728U 煤安证MAC070352产品合格证XK06-014-00054 产品编号811020172出厂日期2011.2 安市众诚矿山自动化有限公司18.KBGZ-100/10(6)Y2 电压10KV 电流100A防爆证10721180U 煤安证MAB080201 重量150kg生产许可证XK06-014-00096 出厂编号17006出厂日期2008.12 四平市一开电气设备制造有限公司②KNSGZY9-630/10 630KV A 绝缘材料耐热等级H绝缘水平L1(600AC(28)/AC(4.2) 防爆证1062188煤安证200610276 重量4550kg 总重5170kg产品标准GB8286-1996 产品代号IDB.720.312短路阻抗3.68%冷却方式ANAN 出厂序号08068出厂日期2008.12 山西嘉龙③BXB-630/1140(660)YZ 电压1140/660V 电流630A防爆证10721181U 煤安证MAB080080 重量270kg生产工作XK06-014-00096 出厂编号13006出厂日期2008.2 四平市一开电气设备制造有限公司19. ①. KBG-200/10(6)FY 矿用隔爆型共同负荷开关电压10KV电流200A 最大开断电流400A 防爆证1042361U 煤安证20042280 重量320/300kg 出厂日期2006.3四平市四开电气设备有限公司②KBSG9-315/10 产品标准GB8286-1996产品代码IDB.720.306.2 315KV A 绝缘材料耐热等级H 绝缘水平L1(60)AC928)/AC(5) 防爆证1062181煤安证200610278 重量1490kg 总重2810kg短路阻抗4.16%冷却方式ANAN 出厂序号03004出厂日期2006.9 山西嘉龙20KJZ5-630/1140(660) 防爆证2082875煤安证MADA080594 生产许可证XK06-014-00585电压1140V电流630A 重量350kg 出厂编号1005023 出厂日期2010.5 河南省济源市华宇21.KGZ5-400/1140(660)防爆证2082876 煤安证MAD080592 生产许可证XK06-014-00585 电压1140V 电流400A出厂编号1005056 重量250kg 出厂日期2010.5河南省济源市华宇矿业电器有限公司22.KJZ5-400/1140(660) 出厂编号100505323.KJZ5-400/1140(660) 出厂编号100505524. KJZ5-400/1140(660) 出厂编号100505425. KJZ5-400/1140(660) 出厂编号100503226. KJZ5-400/1140(660) 出厂编号100501927. KJZ5-400/1140(660) 出厂编号100505728. KJZ5-400/1140(660) 出厂编号100502029. KJZ5-400/1140(660) 出厂编号100202130 KJZ5-400/1140(660) 出厂编号100503031.KJZ5-400/1140(660) 出厂编号091215632. KJZ5-400/1140(660) 出厂编号100502233. KJZ5-400/1140(660) 出厂编号100501834.KJZ5-200/1140(660) 防爆证2082876 煤安证MAD080589 生产许可证XK06-014-00585 电压660 电流20A35.KJZ5-200/1140(660) 编号10623336.KJZ5-200/1140(660) 编号106230绞车房1.KJZ5-400/1140(660) 防爆证2082876 煤安证MAD080592 生产许可证XK06-014-0058 电压1140V 电流400A出厂编号1104231 重量250kg 出厂日期2011.4济源市华宇2.QBZ-120N 电流120A 电压660/380V 防爆证32575煤安证20041404 生产工作XK06-123-468 出厂日期2007.7 剑飞电器有限公司3.QBZ-80电压380V电流80A电压660V电流47A功率40KW 重量100kg 防爆证1072870 煤安证MAD070359生产许可证XK06-123-10142 出厂编号167806出厂日期2008.6 浙江浦东矿用设备有限公司4.ZBZ-4.0/660(380)Z ZDExP矿用隔爆型煤电站综保4.0KV A 660(380)/133V Y(Δ)/Δ 3.50(6.08)/17.36A 重量25kg 防爆证CMExC1072633 煤安证MAE070026生产许可证XK06-123-00138 出厂编号000674 出厂日期2007.8 浙江振达防爆电器设备有限公司5.JYB-40×1.25S 运输绞车慢速时基准层上钢丝绳静张力80KN 电机功率55KW 基准层上钢丝绳速度0.52m/s 容绳量m快速时基准层上钢丝绳静张力40KN 钢丝绳直径22mm 基准层上钢丝绳速度 1.25m/s 重量5500kg煤安证MCH080086 出厂编号07 规格3141×1510×2232 出厂日期2008.11 徐州苏煤矿山设备有限公司6.YBK2-280M-6 660/1140V F级绝缘功率55KW转速990r/min Δ/Y接法cosφ0.86 工作制S1 60.5/35A 出厂编号0886 IP55 出厂日期2008.10标准编号Q1320206MGW12/2007防爆证2082824 生产合格证XK06-014-00169 无锡南方7.齿轮油泵No 08 07 电流139A GBW-F306-AIP合肥案源液压件有限公司8.YBK2100L1-4 电压660V 电流2.9A 功率2.2KW转速1420r/min cosφ0.81 F Y接法重量46kg标准编号JB/T 7565.1-2004 IP55 防爆证CNEx08.0744X 煤安证MAI030076 生产许可证XK06-014-00169出厂编号0907003 无锡南方防爆电机有限公司9.斜井跑车防护装置用声光监控器泰安市瑞科10.QBZ-120/1140(660)N 1140/660V 功率160/100KW 防爆证1092313 煤安证MAD090250 重量125kg生产许可证XK06-123-00142 出厂编号150371出厂日期2009.7 浙江浦东11.JD-1(11.4)12.YBJ11.4-4 功率11.4KW转速1460r/min 660/1140V Δ/Y接法IP54 转速1460r/min 13.5/7.6A 绝缘材料耐压等级F 工作制S1 81Db(A)编号9751 防爆证20921169 标准编号JB8672-1997出厂日期2010.3 无锡帕埃纳13.QBZ-120/660(380)N 660/380V 功率60KW防爆证20021606 煤安证MAD080707生产许可证XK06-014-00585 14.YBJ11.4 功率11.4KW 电压660/1140V 电流12.9/7.5A转速1460r/min F级IP55Δ/Y接法防爆证20921064工作制S4 LW82dB(A)重量148kg 出厂编号1683生产许可证XK06-014-00793 标准编号JB8672-1992出厂日期2011.3 无锡月亮电机有限公司15.JD-1(11.4)调度绞车二车场1.KJZ5-400/1140(660) 防爆证2082876 煤安证MAD080592 生产许可证XK06-123-00399 电压1140V 电流400A出厂编号0907053 重量250kg 出厂日期2009.6河南省济源市华宇矿业电器有限公司2.QJZ-200/1149660)N 矿用隔爆型兼本安真空启动器防爆证1072633 煤安证MAE070026 出厂编号000706 生产许可证XK06-014-000585 电流200A 电压1140V本安最高开路电压15.5V本安最大短路电流50mA 重量250kg 出厂日期2011.4 济源市华宇矿业电器有限公司3.ZBZ-4.0/1140(380)Z(原BZZ) 煤电站综综保4.0KV A660(380)/133V 3.50/6.08/17.36A Y/ΔY(Δ) Δ接法重量125kg 防爆证1072633 煤安证MAE070026生产许可证XK06-123-00138 出厂编号000706 出厂日期2007.6 浙江振达防爆电器有限公司4.JD-4(55)型调度绞车基准层上钢丝绳静张力40KN 基准层上钢丝绳速度≥1.25m/s容绳量850m 钢丝绳直径21.5mm 电动机功率55KW 重量3800kg 外形尺寸2500×1985×1425 煤安证20020482-2006出厂日期2009.6 出厂编号21 徐州苏煤矿山设备有限公司5.电机煤安证MAI080907 生产许可证XK06-121-00183无锡月亮电机有限公司6.隔爆型电力液压推动器YT180/12 行程12.mm额定推力1800N 电压660/1140V 功率400W 0.40/0.23A 绝缘B级防爆证20721464 煤安证MCK070013 IP44 出厂编号903733C-3 出厂日期2009.3焦作市制动器有限公司采区皮带1.KJZ5-630/1140(660) 防爆证2082875 煤安证MAD080594 生产许可证XK06-014-00585 电压1140V 电流630A出厂编号1005029 重量350kg 出厂日期2010.5河南省济源市华宇矿业电器有限公司2.QJZ-400/1140(660)Y矿用隔爆型兼本安型真空永磁启动器防爆证2072814 煤安证MAD070430 电压660V 电流400A 生产许可证XK06-014-00585 本安最高开路电压15.5V本安最大短路电流50mA 出厂编号1003323 重量250kg 出厂日期2010.3 河南省济源市华宇3.QJZ-400/1140(660)Y 防爆证2072814 煤安证MAD070430 生产许可证XK06-123-00399 电流400A 电压1140V15.5V 50mA 重量250kg 出厂编号0907010出厂日期2009.6 济源市华宇4.QBZ-80/1140(660) 电压1140(660)V 电流80A功率100(65)KW 防爆证2042375 煤安证20043768生产许可证XK06-014-00084 重量120kg 出厂编号0902030 出厂日期2009.2 电光防爆电气有限公司5.127V综保出厂编号910021 同上中央变电所6.QBZ-80/1140(660) 出厂编号0903414 绞车用7.QBZ-80 浙江浦东8. QBZ-80 浙江欧阳50102回风顺槽1.KJZ5-400/1140(660) 防爆证2082876 煤安证080592生产许可证XK06-014-00585 电压10KV 电流100A出厂编号1012129 重量250kg 出厂日期2010.12河南省济源市华宇2.QBZ-2×120/1140(660)SF 煤矿风机用隔爆型双电源电磁启动器煤安证MAD08059 防爆证2082877生产许可证XK06-014-00585 电压1140V 电流120A功率175KW 出厂编号1107026 重量350kg出厂日期2011.7 河南省济源市华宇3.矿用隔爆型照明信号综保装置ZBZ-4.0M 1140/660V3.5/6.9/17.4A 4KV A 防爆证2062692 Y/Δ/Δ煤安证MAE060034 重量115kg 出厂编号105011生产许可证XK06-014-00204 出厂日期2011.5浙江荣兴4.ZYL-270/170架柱式液压回转钻机泵站380/660V功率11KW 26.6/13.1A 压力14MPa 转速1460r/min 46L/min 油箱80L 重量260kg 出厂编号636煤安证MED040031 出厂日期2010.7 石家庄万达液压机5.FBDNo2×30 供风量720m³/min6.QBZ-80/1140(660) 电压1140/660V 电流80A防爆证2042375 煤安证20043768 重量120kg功率100(65)KW 生产许可证XK06-014-00084 产品编号09071516出厂日期2009.6 电光防爆电器有限公司水泵用7.QBZ-80/1140(660) 电压1140/660V 电流80A防爆证2042375 煤安证20043768 重量120kg功率100(65)KW 生产许可证XK06-014-00084 产品编号09071576 除尘风机8.QBZ-120/1140(660) 电压1140/660V 电流120A防爆证20921688 煤安证MAD040136 功率170(1000KW 生产许可证XK06-014-00084 产品编号09111091出厂日期2009.11 电光防爆电器有限公司3部溜子9.矿用湿式除尘风机KCS-300D-1 执行标准MT159-2005 电机型号YBF2-180M-4 功率18.5KW 转速1470r/min处理风量300m³/min 除尘效率≥99%电压660/1140V电流21.1/12.2A 供水压力≥0.4MPa 液气比≤0.06L/ m³生产许可证XK06-014-00293 防爆证32007722煤安证MDC070037 摩擦火花证20072446 出厂编号11061 出厂日期2011.6.26 山西泰山矿山机械10.QBZ-120/660(380) 电压660V/380V 功率100/60KW 生产许可证XK06-014-00585 防爆证20821605 重量125kg 煤安证MAD080710 出厂编号1005198 出厂日期2010.5 济源市华宇50102运输顺槽1.ZDY-620煤矿用坑道转载机开孔直径87/115mm煤安证200701422 钻进泻度150M 电机功率15KW电压380/660V 电流30.1/10.7A 转速1460r/min 绝缘等级F 输出转速820r/min 起拔力30KN 钻孔倾角0º——90 º适应煤岩坚固系数f≤8 额定工作压力13MPa推进行程850mm 外形尺寸210×380×355 重量980kg 出厂编号090277 出厂日期09.2 重庆平山矿山机电设备有限公司2.掘进电机YBUD-150/80-4/8 标准编号QJ/FDJ2081-2008功率150/80KW IP55工作制S1 电压1140/660V Y/Δ接法冷却水压≤3MPa 冷却水量≥1.5m³/h 绝缘等级H电流90/59/156/102A 冷却水温≤30ºC 转速1480/735r/min 重量2627kg 出厂编号55 防爆证10721050抚顺煤矿电机制造3.EBZ150A悬臂式掘进机规格9.34×2.9×1.65m 机重42T 截割范围5.4×4.8m 生产能力4.2m³/min 截割功率150/80KW AC1140/660V 总机功率236KW 煤安证MEB070004产品编号467 出厂日期2011.5 佳木斯煤矿机械4.矿用隔爆兼本安组合开关KXJ4-236/11409660)E-4电压1140/660V 防爆证2082665 控制电压DC24V额定功率236K额定电流146/253A V/I 14V/0.86A 12V/1A 规格1852×643×736mm C。
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GB/T 191 包装储运图示标志(ISO 780-1997,MOD )GB 电力变压器第11部分干式变压器(IEC 726-82,EQV)GB 1207 电磁式电压互感器(IEC 60044-2: 2003, MOD )GB 1208 电流互感器 (IEC . MOD)GB 1984 高压交流断路器(IEC 62271-100: 2001, MOD)GB 1985 高压交流隔离开关和接地开关(IEC 62271-102: 2002, MOD)GB/T 11022 高压开关设备和控制设备标准的共用技术要求GB 3804 ~高压交流负荷开关(IEC 60265-1-1998 ,MOD)GB 3906 ~交流金属封闭开关设备和控制设备(IEC 62271-200-2003,MOD )GB 4208 外壳防护等级(IP代码)(IEC 60529-2001,IDT)GB/T 电气设备用图形符号第2部分:图形符号(IDT IEC 60417 DB:2007)GB/T 7354 局部放电测量(IEC 60270-2000,IDT)GB/T 10228 干式电力变压器技术参数和要求GB/T 11022 高压开关设备和控制设备标准的共用技术要求GB 11032 交流无间隙金属氧化物避雷器(IEC 60099-4-2006,MOD)GB/T 12022 工业六氟化硫(IEC 376,376A,GB/T 挤包绝缘电力电缆及附件试验要求(IEC 60502-4-2005,MOD)GB 交流高压熔断器:限流式熔断器(IEC 60282-1-2005 ,MOD)GB 16926 高压交流负荷开关熔断器组合电器(IEC 6227-105-2002 ,MOD)GB 50150 电气装置安装工程电气设备交接试验标准DL/T 402 高压交流断路器订货技术条件(IEC 62271-100-2001,MOD)DL/T 403 高压真空断路器订货技术条件DL/T 404 ~交流金属封闭开关设备和控制设备(IEC 62271一200-2003,MOD)DL/T 486 高压交流隔离开关和接地开关(IEC 62271-102-2002,MOD)DL 538 高压带电显示装置(IEC 61958- 2000-11,MOD )DL/T 593 高压开关设备和控制设备标准的共用技术要求(IEC 60694-2002,MOD)DL/T 621 交流电气装置的接地DL/T 728 气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备订货技术导则(IEC 815-1986,IEC 859-1986) DL/T 791 户内交流充气式开关柜选用导则JB/T 额定电压26/35kV及以下电力电缆附件基本技术要求SD 318 高压开关柜闭锁装置技术条件Q/GDW 741 配电网技术改造设备选型和配置原则Q/GDW 742 配电网施工检修工艺规范国家电网公司十八项电网重大反事故措施(修订版)国家电网公司交流高压断路器技术标准、交流隔离开关和接地开关技术标准国家电网公司关于印发《预防12kV~交流高压开关柜事故补充措施》的通知国家电网公司关于印发《预防交流高压开关柜人身伤害事故措施》的通知国家电网公司物资采购标准高海拔外绝缘配置技术规范电力设备(交流部分)监造大纲电网设备及材料质量管控重点措施2技术参数和性能要求环网柜技术参数环网柜技术参数见技术参数特性表。
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JEWEL HILL ELECTRONIC CO.,LTDJEWEL HILL ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD.SPECIFICATIONS FORLCD MODULEModule No. GB162GOffice Address: Rm. 518,5/F., 101 Shangbu Industrial District,HuaqiangNorthRoad, Shenzhen, ChinaTEL : (86)-755-83362489 83617492FAX: (86)-755-83286396 83365871E-mail: sales@jhlcd@Website: TABLE OF CONTENTSLCM NUMBER SYSTEM (2)1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION (3)2. FEATURES (3)3. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION (3)4. MECHANICAL DIMENSION (4)5. MAXIMUM RATINGS (5)6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (5)7. MODULE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION (6)8. ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS (12)9. RELIABILITY (16)10. PRECAUTIONS FOR USING LCD MODULES (17)11. USING LCD MODULES (19)12. REVISION HISTORY (21)SAMPLE APPROVED REPORT (22)LCM Number SystemNUMBER OF CHAR. PER LINE F: FSTN; X: OTHER VERSION NUMBER: V00~V99IC TYPE:VIEWING DIRECTION:TEMPERATURE RANGE:BACKLIGHT TYPE:SERIAL NUMBER: A~ZGRAPHIC MODULEs: NUMBER OF COMMONs GRAPHIC MODULEs:NUMBER OF SEGMENTs COB & SMT LCMBACKLIGHT COLOR:CHARACTER MODULEs:CHARACTER MODULEs: NUMBER OF LINE G: REFLECTIVE,NONE BACKLIGHT A: TRANSFLECTIVE, EL BACKLIGHT B: TRANSMISSIVE, EL BACKLIGHT C: TRANSFLECTIVE, LED BACKLIGHT D: TRANSMISSIVE, LED BACKLIGHT E: TRANSFLECTIVE, CCFL BACKLIGHT F: TRANSMISSIVE, CCFL BACKLIGHT A: AMBER; B: BLUE; Y: YELLOW-GREEN R: RED; W: WHITE; O: THER COLOR N: NORMAL TEMPERATURE RANGE U: UPPER(12:00); D: DOWN(6:00)L: LEFT(9:00); R: RIGHT(3:00);A: BONDING IC, WITH CONTROLLER B: BONDING IC, WITHOUT CONTROLLER C: SMT IC, WITH CONTROLLER D: SMT IC, WITHOUT CONTROLLER O: OTHER TYPEW: BLACK-WHITE; O: OTHER G: GRAY; Y: YELLOW-GREEN; B: BLUE; LCD COLOR MODE:N: TN; H: HTN; S: STN LCD TYPE:S: SUPER WIDE TEMPERATURE RANGE W: WIDE TEMPERATURE RANGEM: MIDDLE TEMPERATURE RANGE1. GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe GB162G is a 16C x 2L Character LCD module. It has a STN panel composed of 80 segments and16 commons. The LCM can be easily accessed by micro-controller via parallel interface.2. FEATURESTransflective and positiveDisplay ModeSTN(Yellow - Green) moduleDisplay Format Character 16C x 2LInput Data 8/4-bit parallel data input from MPUMultiplexing Ratio 1/16 DutyBiasBias 1/5Viewing Direction 6 O’clockBacklight LED3. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONItem Specifications Unit Dimensional outline 80.0 x 36.0 x 12.7(max) mmResolution 80segs x 16coms dotsActive area 57.7(W) x 9.4(H) mmChar. pitch 3.65(W) x 5.05(H) mmChar. pitch 2.95(W) x 4.35(H) mmDots pitch 0.6 (W)×0.55(H) mmDots size 0. 55(W)×0.5(H) mm4. MECHANICAL DIMENSION5. MAXIMUM RATINGSItem Symbol Min Max Unit NoteV DD - V ss -0.3 7.0 V Supply voltage V LCD -0.3 13.0 V Input Voltage V IN -0.3 V DD +0.3 VOperating temperature T OPR -10 +60 Storage temperature T STR -20 +70Humidity --- --- 90 %RH6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSItem SymbolCondition Min. Typ. Max. UnitSupply Voltage Logic V DD---2.73.0 5.5 VH level V IH 0.8V DD --- V DDInput VoltageL levelV IL --- V SS --- 0.2V DDVCurrent Consumption(LCD DRIVER)I DDV DD =3.0V;V LCD =4.7V,T amb =25 ;--- --- 5.0 mALCD Driving Voltage V LCDBias=1/5V LCD =V DD -V 5--- 4.7 --- VCurrent Consumption (With LED BackLight)I LEDV LED =4.2V,T amb =25 ;--- --- 300 mA7. MODULE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION7.1. PIN DESCRIPTIONPin No. Symbol Description1 VSSPower supply for Ground2 VDDPower supply for positive3 VOVLCD voltage regulation terminal4 RSData/Command register selection; “H”: Data; “L”: Command5 R/WRead/write selection signal, ”H”: Read; ”L”: Write6 ERead/write Enable signal input terminal7 DB08 DB19 DB210 DB38-bit bi-directional data bus11 DB412 DB513 DB614 DB715 LED+Power supply voltage for backlight positive16 LED-Power supply voltage for backlight negative7.2 TIMING CHARACTERISTICS1. SYSTEM BUS CHARACTERISTIC7.3 APPLICATION OF LCMReference circuitCircuit Block Diagram7.4 TABLE OF COMMAND7.5 CHARACTER GENERATOR ROM8. ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSItem Symbol Condition Temp Min Typ. Max UnitsNote0 --- 4.9 ---25 4.2 4.7 5.0 LCD driving voltageV LCD = = 0 BIAS=1/550 --- 4.5 --- V NOTE1Rise Time (Tr) --- --- -- Decay Time (Tf)0 --- ---- --- Rise Time (Tr) --- 225 340Decay Time (Tf) 25 --- 240 360Rise Time (Tr) --- --- -- Response TimeDecay Time (Tf)= = 0 50 --- --- --msec NOTE2Contrast Ratio Cr= = 0 255 10 --- --- NOTE4Viewing AngleRange( = 0°)(6”) = 90°(3”) =180°(12”) =270°(9”)(25 ) CR ≥245 25 20 30DegNOTE3z For panel only․Electro-Optical Characteristics Measuring Equipment(DMS501)SystemIllumination (D65)․Note 1. Definition of Driving Voltage( Vlcd) :․Note 3. Definition of Viewing Angle and :․Note 4. Definition of Contrast ratio( CR) :Brightness of Non-selected Segment (B2)Brightness of Selected Segment (B1)CR =V,maxCR,maxDriving VoltageB r i gh t n e s s (%)Brightness Curve forSelected Segment0%=90 =270Viewing Direction 6 O’clock DirectionNormal :9. RELIABILITY9.1. MTBFThe LCD module shall be designed to meet a minimum MTBF value of 50000 hours with normal. (25°C in the room without sunlight)9.2. TESTSNO. ITEM CONDITION CRITERION1 High Temperature Operating 60 120Hrs2 Low Temperature Operating -10 120Hrs3High Temperature/Humidity Non-Operating60 ,90%RH ,120 Hrs4 High TemperatureNon-Operating70 120Hrs5 Low TemperatureNon-Operating-20 120Hrs6 Temperature CyclingNon-Operating-10 (30Min )↔ 60 (30Min)10 CYCLESNo Defect OfOperational Function InRoom Temperature AreAllowable.IDD of LCM inPre-and post-test shouldfollow specificationNotes: Judgments should be mode after exposure in room temperature for two hours.10. PRECAUTIONS FOR USING LCD MODULES10.1. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS(1) The display panel is made of glass. Do not subject it to a mechanical shock or impact by droppingit.(2) If the display panel is damaged and the liquid crystal substance leaks out, be sure not to get any inyour mouth. If the substance contacts your skin or clothes, wash it off using soap and water.(3) Do not apply excessive force to the display surface or the adjoining areas since this may cause thecolor tone to vary.(4) The polarizer covering the display surface of the LCD module is soft and easily scratched. Handlethis polarizer carefully.(5) If the display surface becomes contaminated, breathe on the surface and gently wipe it with a softdry cloth. If it is heavily contaminated, moisten a cloth with one of the following solvents: - Isopropyl alcohol- Ethyl alcohol(6) Solvents other than those above mentioned may damage the polarizer.Especially, do not use the following:- Water- Ketone- Aromatic solvents(7) Extra care to minimize corrosion of the electrode. Water droplets, moisture condensation or acurrent flow in a high-humidity environment accelerates corrosion of the electrode.(8) Install the LCD Module by using the mounting holes. When mounting the LCD Module, makesure it is free of twisting, warping and distortion. In particular, do not forcibly pull or bend the I/Ocable or the backlight cable.(9) Do not attempt to disassemble or process the LCD Module.(10) NC terminal should be open. Do not connect anything.(11) If the logic circuit power is off, do not apply the input signals.(12) To prevent destruction of the elements by static electricity, be careful to maintain an optimumwork environment.- Be sure to ground the body when handling he LCD Module.- Tools required for assembling, such as soldering irons, must be properly grounded.-To reduce the amount of static electricity generated, do not conduct assembling and other workunder dry conditions.-The LCD Module is coated with a film to protect the display surface. Exercise care when peeling off this protective film since static electricity may be generated.10.2. STORAGE CONDITIONSWhen storing, avoid the LCD module to be exposed to direct sunlight of fluorescent lamps. For stability, to keep it away form high temperature and high humidity environment (The best condition is : 23±5°C, 45±20%RH). ESD protection is necessary for long-term storage also.10.3. OTHERSLiquid crystals solidify under low temperature (below the storage temperature range) leading to defective orientation or the generation of air bubbles (black or white). Air bubbles may also be generated if the module is subject to a low temperature.If the LCD Module have been operating for a long time showing the same display patterns the display patterns may remain on the screen as ghost images and a slight contrast irregularity may also appear.A normal operating status can be recovered by suspending use for some time. It should be noted that this phenomenon does not adversely affect performance reliability.To minimize the performance degradation of the LCD Module resulting from destruction caused by static electricity etc. exercise care to avoid holding the following sections when handling the modules.- Exposed area of the printed circuit board.- Terminal electrode sections.11. Using LCD modules11.1 LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULESLCD is composed of glass and polarizer. Pay attention to the following items when handling.(1) Please keep the temperature within specified range for use and storage. Polarization degradation,bubble generation or polarizer peel-off may occur with high temperature and high humidity.(2) Do not touch, push or rub the exposed polarizers with anything harder than a HB pencil lead (glass,tweezers, etc).(3) N-hexane is recommended for cleaning the adhesives used to attach front/rear polarizers andreflectors made of organic substances, which will be damaged by chemicals such as acetone, toluene, toluene, ethanol and isopropyl alcohol.(4) When the display surface becomes dusty, wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other soft materiallike chamois soaked in petroleum ether. Do not scrub hard to avoid damaging the display surface.(5) Wipe off saliva or water drops immediately, contact with water over a long period of time maycause deformation or color fading.(6) Avoid contacting oil and fats.(7) Condensation on the surface and contact with terminals due to cold will damage, stain orpolarizers. After products are tested at low temperature they must be warmed up in a container before coming is contacting with room temperature air.(8) Do not put or attach anything on the display area to avoid leaving marks on.(9) Do not touch the display with bare hands. This will stain the display area and degrade insulationbetween terminals (some cosmetics are determinate to the polarizers).(10)As glass is fragile, it tends to become or chipped during handling especially on the edges. Pleaseavoid dropping or jarring.11.2 INSTALLING LCD MODULEAttend to the following items when installing the LCM.(1) Cover the surface with a transparent protective plate to protect the polarizer and LC cell.(2) When assembling the LCM into other equipment, the spacer to the bit between the LCM and thefitting plate should have enough height to avoid causing stress to the module surface, refer to the individual specifications for measurements. The measurement tolerance should be ±0.1mm.11.3 ELECTRO-STATIC DISCHARGE CONTROLSince this module uses a CMOS LSI, the same careful attention should be paid for electrostatic discharge as for an ordinary CMOS IC.(1) Make certain that you are grounded when handing LCM.(2) Before removing LCM from its packing case or incorporating it into a set, be sure the module andyour body have the same electric potential.(3) When soldering the terminal of LCM, make certain the AC power source for the soldering irondoes not leak.(4) When using an electric screwdriver to attach LCM, the screwdriver should be of groundpotentiality to minimize as much as possible any transmission of electromagnetic waves produced sparks coming from the commutator of the motor.(5) As far as possible, make the electric potential of your work clothes and that of the workbenches tothe ground potential.(6) To reduce the generation of electro-static discharge, be careful that the air in the work is not toodried. A relative humidity of 50%-60% is recommended.11.4 PRECAUTIONS FOR OPERATION(1) Viewing angle varies with the change of liquid crystal driving voltage (Vo). Adjust Vo to showthe best contrast.(2) Driving the LCD in the voltage above the limit will shorten its lifetime.(3) Response time is greatly delayed at temperature below the operating temperature range. However,this does not mean the LCD will be out of the order. It will recover when it returns to the specified temperature range.(4) If the display area is pushed hard during operation, the display will become abnormal. However, itwill return to normal if it is turned off and then on.(5) Condensation on terminals can cause an electrochemical reaction disrupting the terminal circuit.Therefore, this product must be used and stored within the specified condition of 23±5°C, 45±20%RH.(6) When turning the power on, input each signal after the positive/negative voltage becomes stable.11.5 SAFETY(1) It is recommended to crush damaged or unnecessary LCDs into pieces and wash them off withsolvents such as acetone and ethanol, which should later be burned.(2) If any liquid leaks out of a damaged glass cell and comes in contact with the hands, wash offthoroughly with soap and water.12. REVISION HISTORYrecord Date Version Reviseversion 06-06-131.0 OriginalSAMPLE APPROVED REPORT。