Hubble Space Telescope Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Fourteen Low-Redshift Quasars
The Hubble space telescope
• 它的位置在地球的大气层之上,因此影像不会受到大气湍 流的扰动,视相度绝佳又没有大气散射造成的背景光,还 能观测会被臭氧层吸收的紫外线
Successful launch in 1990, it made up for the inadequacy of the ground observation, helping astronomers solve many of the basic problem in the history of astronomy, makes the human to astrophysics have more understanding. Is one of the most important instrument in astronomy.
它于1990年成功发射,弥补了地面观测的不足, 帮助天文学家解决了许多天文学上的基本问题, 使得人类对天文物理有更多的认识。是天文史上 最重要的仪器之一。
• In November 2011, with the aid of the Hubble space telescope, astronomers first filmed around black holes exist distant plate structure. • 2011年11月,借助哈勃空间望远镜,天文 学家们首次拍摄到围绕遥远黑洞存在的盘 状构造。
The Hubble space telescope
• Foreign names • The Hubble Space Telescope • named • The astronomer Edwin Hubble
• The Hubble Space Telescope, is named after the astronomer Edwin Hubble, a Telescope in orbit around the earth
哈勃空间望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope,缩写为HST),是以天文学家爱德温·哈勃(Edwin Powell Hubble)为名,在轨道上环绕着地球的望远镜。
1. 哈勃太空望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope)哈勃太空望远镜是一颗位于地球轨道上的巡天望远镜,由美国航天局(NASA)与欧洲空间局(ESA)合作开发和运营。
2. 大型强子对撞机(Large Hadron Collider,LHC)大型强子对撞机是位于瑞士和法国边界的地下环形粒子加速器,由欧洲核子研究组织(CERN)建造和运营。
3. 非线性光学显微成像(Nonlinear Optical Microscopy)非线性光学显微成像是一种基于激光技术的高分辨率成像方法,被用于观察和研究微观天体、生物分子以及材料结构等领域。
4. 平面偏振光测量仪(Polarimeter)平面偏振光测量仪是一种用于测量光波偏振特性的实验装置。
• 它已经填补了地面 观测的缺口, 观测的缺口,帮助 天文学家解决了许 多根本上的问题, 多根本上的问题, 对天文物理有更多 的认识。 的认识。哈勃的哈 勃超深空视场是天 文学家曾获得的最 深入(最敏锐的) 深入(最敏锐的) 的光学影像。 的光学影像。
• 携带哈伯空间望远镜进入轨道的航天飞机升空 携带哈伯空间望远镜进入轨道的航天飞机升空 •在发射时,哈勃空间望远镜携带的仪器如下:
空 间 望 远 镜
• 科技名词定义
• 中文名称:哈勃空间望远镜 • 英文名称:Hubble space telescope;HST • 定 义:1990年4月24日发射的,设置在地球轨道上的,
通光口径2.4m的反射式天文望远镜。用于从紫外到近红 外(115—1 010nm) 探测宇宙目标。配备有光谱仪及高速 光度计等多种附属设备。由高增益天线通过中继卫星与地 面联系。计划工作15年。为纪念E.P.Hubble而得名。 •
• 广域和行星照相机
•暗天体照相机 暗天体照相机
• 戈达德高解析摄谱 仪
1993年 年 1997年2月 年 月 1999年12月 年 月 2002年3月 年 月
Hale Waihona Puke 所属学科:天文学(一级学科);天文仪器(二级学
–哈勃空间望远镜 哈勃空间望远镜 (Hubble Space Telescope, Telescope,缩写为 HST), ),是以天文学 HST),是以天文学 家爱德温· 家爱德温·哈勃 (Edwin Powell Hubble)为名, Hubble)为名,在 轨道上环绕着地球 的望远镜。 的望远镜。它的位 置在地球的大气层 之上, 之上,因此获得了 地基望远镜所没有 的好处的好处-影像不会受
哈勃空间望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope,HST)是哈勃太空望远镜,由美国宇航局(NASA) 、欧洲航天局(ESA) 共同发射,于1990年4月24日在升空,搭乘美国宇航局空间航行者号航天飞机把它送入轨道,它是历史上功能最强大的太空望远镜之一。
宇宙里至少有两万亿个星系,是人类此前预想的 10 倍
宇宙里至少有两万亿个星系,是人类此前预想的 10 倍只能在《好奇心日报()》发布,即使我们允许了也不许*本文本文只能在《好奇心日报(转载*无穷无尽的宇宙边界最近变得更加无穷无尽:人类目前所知道的星系数量是之前预想的大约 10 倍。
英国诺丁汉大学天体物理学家克里斯多夫·J·孔塞利切(Christopher J. Conselice)领导的一项研究发现,宇宙中至少有两万亿个星系,这一结果上周发表于《天文物理学杂志》(The Astrophysical Journal)。
他的团队分析了能够一直看到大约 130 亿年前的哈勃太空望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope)和其他远距离观测仪器所观测到的天空。
”在此之前人们认为,可观测的宇宙中大约有 2000 亿个星系。
这项研究还表明,即将于 2018 年发射的、功能更为强大的詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜(James Webb Space Telescope )具有极其重要的意义。
翻译 熊猫译社 刘清山题图来自 Business Insider© 2016 THE NEW YORK TIMES哈勃太空望远镜在“宇宙起源深空巡天”(Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey )计划中观测到的一幅具有数千个星系的画面。
高三英语天文观测设备单选题50题1. The astronomers in the Greenwich Observatory often use a large _____ to observe distant stars.A. microscopeB. telescopeC. binocularsD. magnifier答案:B。
2. Many important astronomical discoveries were made in the Yerkes Observatory. One of the key tools there is a powerful _____.A. spectrometerB. barometerC. telescopeD. altimeter答案:C。
解析:在叶凯士天文台 Yerkes Observatory)进行天文观测,关键的工具之一是望远镜 telescope)。
3. The Hubble Space Telescope has made remarkable contributions to astronomy. Which of the following best describes the function of a telescope?A. It measures the weight of celestial bodies.B. It collects and focuses light from distant objects.C. It changes the color of celestial bodies.D. It creates artificial stars.答案:B。
哈勃望远镜英文阅读理解The Hubble Space Telescope: A Window to the CosmosThe Hubble Space Telescope has been a groundbreaking achievement in the field of astronomy since its launch in 1990. This remarkable instrument has revolutionized our understanding of the universe, providing us with unprecedented insights into the celestial bodies and phenomena that lie beyond our planet. Through its powerful lens, the Hubble has captured breathtaking images and gathered invaluable data, shedding light on the mysteries of the cosmos.One of the Hubble's most significant contributions has been its ability to observe distant galaxies with unparalleled clarity. By peering deep into the universe, the telescope has allowed us to witness the evolution of these galactic structures over billions of years. This has enabled astronomers to study the formation and development of galaxies, as well as the role of dark matter and dark energy in shaping the large-scale structure of the universe.The Hubble has also been instrumental in the study of exoplanets, or planets orbiting stars other than our own Sun. Through its preciseobservations, the telescope has helped identify and characterize numerous exoplanets, providing valuable insights into their size, composition, and potential for supporting life. This knowledge has been crucial in the search for habitable worlds beyond our solar system, fueling our curiosity and the hope of one day discovering extraterrestrial life.In addition to its groundbreaking discoveries, the Hubble has also captivated the public's imagination with its breathtaking images of celestial objects. From colorful nebulae to distant galaxies, the Hubble's stunning visuals have not only advanced our scientific understanding but have also inspired awe and wonder in people around the world. These images have become iconic representations of the beauty and complexity of the universe, sparking the curiosity of both scientists and the general public.The Hubble's impact, however, extends beyond its scientific and visual achievements. The telescope has also played a significant role in the education and outreach of astronomy, inspiring and engaging people of all ages to explore the wonders of the cosmos. Through its educational programs and collaborations with schools and universities, the Hubble has brought the excitement of space exploration to classrooms and communities worldwide, fostering a greater appreciation for the scientific endeavor and the pursuit of knowledge.Moreover, the Hubble's success has paved the way for the development of even more advanced astronomical instruments, such as the James Webb Space Telescope, which was launched in 2021. These new telescopes, building upon the Hubble's legacy, will continue to push the boundaries of our understanding of the universe, unlocking even more secrets and mysteries.In conclusion, the Hubble Space Telescope has been a true marvel of human ingenuity and scientific exploration. Through its groundbreaking observations, the Hubble has revolutionized our understanding of the cosmos, from the formation of galaxies to the search for habitable exoplanets. Its stunning visuals have captivated the public's imagination, while its educational initiatives have inspired generations of scientists and space enthusiasts. As we look to the future, the Hubble's legacy will undoubtedly continue to shape the course of astronomy and our exploration of the universe.。
英语天文知识英语30题1. Which is the largest planet in the solar system?A. EarthB. JupiterC. MarsD. Venus答案:B。
选项A 地球Earth)不是最大的行星。
选项C 火星(Mars)体积较小。
选项D 金星 Venus)也不是最大的行星。
2. The star at the center of our solar system is called _.A. the MoonB. the SunC. SaturnD. Pluto答案:B。
我们太阳系的中心恒星被称为太阳(the Sun)。
选项 A 月亮(the Moon)不是恒星。
选项C 土星(Saturn)是行星。
选项D 冥王星 Pluto)是矮行星。
3. Which planet is known as the "Red Planet"?A. MercuryB. VenusC. MarsD. Neptune答案:C。
选项A 水星(Mercury)不是红色的。
选项B 金星(Venus)不是红色星球。
选项D 海王星Neptune)不是红色的。
4. How many planets are there in the solar system?A. 8B. 9C. 10D. 11答案:A。
太阳系中有8 颗行星。
5. Which planet is closest to the Sun?A. MercuryB. VenusC. EarthD. Mars答案:A。
选项B 金星Venus)距离太阳比水星远。
选项C 地球(Earth)距离太阳比水星远。
选项D 火星 Mars)距离太阳比水星远。
• 哈勃空间望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope,缩写为 HST),是以天文学家爱德 温·哈勃(Edwin Powell Hubble)为名,在轨道上环绕 着地球的望远镜。它的位置在 地球的大气层之上,因此获得 了地基望远镜所没有的好处影像不会受到大气湍流的扰动, 视相度绝佳又没有大气散射造 成的背景光,还能观测会被臭 氧层吸收的紫外线。于1990年 发射之后,已经成为天文史上 最重要的仪器。它已经填补了 地面观测的缺口,帮助天文学 家解决了许多根本上的问题, 对天文物理有更多的认识。哈 勃的哈勃超深空视场是天文学 家曾获得的最深入(最敏锐的) 的光学影像。
以凡高作品《星夜》命名的星夜图 锥形星云 人马座的三裂星云 距地球五千五百光年的天鹅星云中的完美风暴
被命名为蚂蚁星云的Mz3 距地球两千八百万光年的宽边帽星系 沙漏星云 被称为爱斯基摩星云的NGC 2392
猫 眼 星 云
宽边帽星系的照片堪称最令人惊叹之作。这个 外形极像一顶阔边帽的星系,距地球2800万光 年,横跨5万光年的距离,更有8000亿颗恒星。
哈勃望远镜的维修是极其 困难的: 为了成功完成 维修任务,宇航员必须在 布满太空碎片的轨道上工 作,同太空碎片相撞的风 险非常大。 其次,宇航员必须戴著厚 厚的太空手套进行操作,去 拧开一些很小的仪器螺丝 钉更换镜片和仪器. 想像 一下, 你要是戴上棉手套 去维修一个数码像机或者 一个钟表该有多难!
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Hubble Space Telescope
在1990年4月哈勃空间望 远镜发射升空的数星期后, 研究人员发现从哈勃空间 望远镜传回来的图片有严 重的问题,获得的的最佳 图像品质也远低于当初的 期望。因此,1993年, 奋进号执行了对哈勃空间 望远镜的第一次维修,此 后乘坐着“发现号”以及 “亚特兰蒂斯号”航天飞 机的宇航员又对哈勃望远 镜前后进行了四次维修, 将哈勃空间望远镜的寿命 延长至2013年后。
45 神舟13号返航与太空计划-2022年高考英语最新热点时文阅读
After orbiting Earth for six months, the three crew members of China’s Shenzhou XIII mission (使命) have departed from the Tiangong space station and returned to the mother planet on Saturday morning, ___1___ (finish) the nation’s longest manned spaceflight.Major General Zhai Zhigang, ___2___ was the mission commander, Senior Colonel Wang Yaping and Senior Colonel Ye Guangfu breathed fresh air for the first time ___3___ the half-year space journey as ground recovery personnel (全体职员) opened the hatch (舱门) of their reentry capsule (返回舱) at 10:03 am.Zhai and his crewmates spent 183 days in ___4___ orbit about 400 kilometers above the Earth since their Shenzhou XIII spacecraft ___5___ (launch) on Oct 16 by a Long March 2F carrier rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. They were the second inhabitants (居民) of China’s permanent space station named Tiangong.So far the crew ___6___ (set) a new record for China’s ___7___ (long) spaceflight, almost doubling the previous record of 92 days ___8___ (create) by their peers in the Shenzhou XII mission who travelled with Tiangong from mid-June to mid-September last year.In early February, the astronauts spent Spring Festival inside the orbiting station, becoming the first Chinese people ___9___ (celebrate) the country’s most important traditional festival in outer space. They appeared in a live broadcast gala (庆典) and sent their best ____10____ (wish) to Chinese people.02(2022·四川·石室中学三模)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。
强大的哈勃太空望远镜哈勃空间望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope,HST)是人类第一座太空望远镜,它总长度超过13米,质量为11吨多,主要运行在地球大气层外缘离地面约600千米的轨道上,大约每100分钟环绕地球一周。
哈勃空间望远镜的研究哈勃空间望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope)是由美国国家航空航天局(NASA)和欧洲航天局(ESA)合作建造和运行的一种大型光学望远镜。
全世界最大的望远镜导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《全世界最大的望远镜》的内容,具体内容:如果有人问是哪个?你是否能答得上来呢?世界最大望远镜哈勃空间望远镜(英语:Hubble Space Telescope,缩写:HST) 是以著名天文学家...如果有人问是哪个?你是否能答得上来呢?世界最大望远镜哈勃空间望远镜(英语:Hubble Space Telescope,缩写:HST) 是以著名天文学家、美国芝加哥大学天文学博士爱德温哈勃为名,在地球轨道上并且围绕地球的太空空间望远镜,它于1990年4月24日在美国肯尼迪航天中心由"发现者"号航天飞机成功发射。
哈勃太空望远镜拍到了蝴蝶状星云"Twin Jet Nebula",这一星云有两片闪闪发光的"彩虹翅膀",仿佛一只美丽的蝴蝶在展翅飞翔。
第十四讲 哈勃望远镜
第十四讲哈勃望远镜简介哈勃望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope)是由NASA和ESA合作研制建造的一颗太空望远镜,于1990年在太空中发射升空,是目前世界上最著名的天文观测设备之一。
太空望远镜的科研历程太空望远镜(Space Telescope)作为人类的科技创新成果之一,经历了漫长而艰辛的研发历程。
第二章:哈勃太空望远镜太空望远镜的代表作品非哈勃太空望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope)莫属。
例如,斯皮策太空望远镜(Spitzer Space Telescope)以红外观测为主,通过对宇宙中冷暗物质和行星系统的观测,为研究宇宙提供了重要的线索。
此外,查克拉太空望远镜(Chandra X-ray Observatory)专注于对X 射线源的观测,为天体物理学研究提供了重要的数据来源。
航天技术专业名词中英文对照表安全性safety拜科努尔发射场BafikOHyp KOCMogpOM备用着陆场alternate landing site舱外活动extravehicular activity测地卫星geodetic satellite测控通信网communication network for tracking, telemetering and control system测量飞机instrumentation aircraft超重医学hypergravity medicine乘员舱大气环境crew cabin atmosphere environment 冲压式发动机ramjet engine重复使用运载火箭reusable launch vehicle垂直起降火箭vertical lift off and vertical landing rocket 磁环境试验magnetism environment test单级入轨火箭single stage to orbit rocket单组元火箭发动机mono propellant rocket engine导航卫星navigation satellite导航卫星系统navigation satellite system “导航星”全球定位系统Navstar global positioning system,GPS 登月舱lunar module等效性原理的卫星试验satellite test of the equivalenceprinciple,STEP低轨道low earth orbit低轨道运载火箭low earth orbit launch vehicle 地面模拟飞行试验ground simulated flight test 地球辐射带radiation belts of earth 地球观测系统Earth Observing System,EOS 地球同步轨道geosynchronous orbit地球信息系统Earth Observation System Data and Information System,EOSDIS地球资源卫星earth resources satellite 地外文明extraterrestrialcivilization 电磁相容性试验electromagnetic compatibility test 电弧加热设备arc heater电火箭发动机electric rocket engine 动力学环境试验dynamics environment test 对地观测技术earth observation technique 多级入轨火箭multi-stage to-orbit rocket 俄罗斯航天测控网Russian spacecraft tracking, telemetering and control network俄罗斯全球导航卫星系统Russian global navigation satellite system,GLONASS发射操作launch operation反物质火箭antimatter rocket返回与再入return and reentry高超声速空气动力学hypersonic aerodynamics 跟踪与数据中继卫星tracking and data relay satellite 固体火箭solid propellant rocket固液火箭hybrid rocket光学跟踪测量系统optical tracking system轨道机动orbit maneuver轨道转移火箭orbit transfer rocket哈勃空间望远镜Hubble Space Telescope,HST海洋卫星seasat航天space flight航天测控网spacecraft tracking, telemetering and control network 航天测控系统spacecraft tracking, telemetering and control system 航天测控站space tracking, telemetering and control station 航天测量船spacecraft tracking, telemetering and control ship 航天测量数据处理系统space tracking and telemetering data processing system航天飞机space plane航天飞行训练模拟器space flight training simulator航天服spacesuit航天工效学space ergonomics航天环境医学space environmental medicine航天基础设施space infrastructure航天经济学space economics航天救生医学space lifesaving medicine航天控制中心space flying control center航天免疫功能与内分泌障碍space immune function and endocrinedecompensation航天器spacecraft航天器供配电系统spacecraft power system航天器回收系统spacecraft recovery system航天器结构系统structural system of spacecraft航天器热控系统spacecraft thermal control system航天器设计、制造与试验design, manufacture and test of spacecraft 航天器通信与测控系统spacecraft communication, telemetering, command and tracking system航天器推进系统spacecraft propulsion system 航天器信息管理系统spacecraft information management system 航天器有效载荷系统spacecraft payload system 航天器制导、导航与控制系统spacecraft guidance, navigation and control system航天食品space flight food航天适应与再适应space adaptation and readaptation 航天系统工程space system engineering 航天系统全寿命费用life cycle cost of space system 航天运输系统space transportation system 航天振动试验设备space dynamic test facility 核火箭发动机nuclear rocket engine 红外天文学infrared astronomy 化学火箭chemical rocket 回归轨道recursive orbit 火箭大型地面试验major ground testing of launch vehicle 火箭的发射轨道ascent trajectory of launch vehicle 火箭的可靠性保证reliability assurance of launch vehicle 火箭地面设备ground support system of launch vehicle火箭箭体结构rocket structure 火箭研制程序development program of launch vehicle 火箭研制与生产development and production of launch vehicle 火箭遥测telemetry of launch vehicle 火箭制导与控制系统guidance, navigation and control system of launch vehicle火星探索exploring Mars技术试验卫星technology experiment satellite 交会对接rendezvous and docking近临界点现象near critical point phenomena 进入entry酒泉卫星发射中心Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center 可靠性relibility 肯尼迪航天中心Kennedy Space Center 空间材料科学与加工space materials science and processing 空间蛋白质晶体生长protein crystal growth in space 空间地球科学space earth science 空间对地观测earth observation from space 空间法space law空间辐射生物学space radiation biology 空间环境模拟spaceenvironmental simulation 空间环境探测卫星space environmentexploration satellite 空间机器人space robot 空间救生艇spaceemergency boat 空间科学space science 空间目标监视系统space surveillance system 空间生命科学space life science 空间生物加工biology processing in space 空间碎片space debris 空间太阳能发电站space solar power station 空间探测space probe空间天气预报space weather forecast 空间天文学space astronomy 空间物理space physics 空间细胞培养cell cultivation in space 空间医学试验space medical experiment 空间应用space application 空间资源space resource 空天飞机aerospace plane 脉冲风洞impulse wind tunnel 美国航天测控网United States Spacecraft Tracking, Telemetering and Control Networks齐奥尔科夫斯基公式U U0 刀KOBCKOrO ① OpMy 刀a气动辅助变轨aero-assist changing orbit 气动热力学aerothermodynamics 气象卫星meteorological satellite 全球变化global change 热平衡试验thermal balancing test 热真空试验thermal vacuum test 人工重力artificial gravity 人造地球卫星artificial earth satellite 入轨injection三组元火箭发动机tri-propellant rocket engine 失重生理学weightlessness physiology 时间统一系统timing system 受控生态生命保障系统controlled ecological life support system 双组元火箭发动机bi-propellant rocket engine 太阳同步轨道sun-synchronous orbit 太阳系与日球探测solar system and heliosphere exploration 太阳耀斑solar flare太原卫星发射中心Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center 逃逸救生试验escape and rescue test天地往返运输系统earth to orbit and return transportation system 天空实验室Skylab天文卫星space astronomical satellite 停泊轨道parking orbit 通信卫星communications satellite 微波统一系统unified microwave system 微重力科学microgravity science 微重力流体力学microgravity fluid mechanics 微重力燃烧microgravity combustion 卫星星座Satellite constellation 卫星应用satellite application 无人航天器unmannedspacecraft无线电跟踪测量系统radio tracking system 西昌卫星发射中心Xichang Satellite Launch Center 吸气式火箭airbreathing rocket 星际火箭interplanetary rocket 行星际探测器interplanetary probe 行星探测exploring planet行星引力辅助变轨planetary gravity assist changing orbit 遥科学telescience应急着陆区emergency landing zone 应用卫星applied satellite 宇宙速度cosmic velocity 预警卫星early warning satellite 月球车lunar roving vehicle 月球探测lunar exploration 月球探测器lunar probe 月球站moon station 运货飞船cargo transportation capsule 运载火箭launch rocket 运载器launch vehicle 载人飞船manned capsule 载人航天manned space flight 载人航天器舱外活动系统extra-vehicular-activity system for manned space vehicle载人航天器发射manned space vehicle launch 载人航天器发射场launch complex for manned space vehicle 载人航天器环境控制与生命保障系统environ-mental control and life support system for mannedspacecraft载人航天器救生系统manned space vehicle escape and rescue system载人航天器居住系统habitation system for manned spacecraft 载人航天器仪表与照明系统instrumentation and lighting system for manned spacecraft侦察卫星reconnaissance satellite中国航天测控网China Spacecraft Tracking, Telemetering and Control Network重力生物学gravitational biology转移轨道transfer orbit着陆场landing site紫外天文学ultraviolet astronomy自由飞弹道靶free flight rangeX 射线天文学X-ray astronomy)Y 射线天文学Y -ray astronomy液体火箭liquid propellant rocket一次使用运载火箭expendable launch vehicle。
詹姆斯·韦伯空间望远镜近照赏析詹姆斯·韦伯空间望远镜(James Webb Space Telescope,JWST)已发射九个月有余,入轨后经半年多调试,七月份已正式开工,靓照不断,先看一张其在2022年9月27日发布的一张漩涡星系的照片(图1):图1漩涡星系(spiral galaxy IC5332)的照片此星系直径约六万六千光年(略大于银河系),距地球约两千九百万光年。
此照片由JWST的中红外相机(Mid-InfraRed Instrument,MIRI)在成像模式下拍摄。
此照片由JWST的近红外相机(Near-InfraRed Camera,NIRCam)拍摄,图2a约一千六百万像素,图2b第二张为其局部,约一百万像素。
NIRCam 中使用的焦平面器件为碲镉汞器件,工作温度为39K,响应波长约覆盖0.6-5微米,用滤光片按0.6-2.3微米和2.4-5微米分成两个通道成像,还具有其它四种观测模式。
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a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0610435v 1 13 O c t 2006Draft v2,February 4,2008Hubble Space Telescope Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Fourteen Low-RedshiftQuasars 1Rajib Ganguly 2,Michael S.Brotherton 2,Nahum Arav 3,Sara R.Heap 4,Lutz Wisotzki 5,Thomas L.Aldcroft 6,Danielle Alloin 7,8,Ehud Behar 9,Gabriela Canalizo 10,D.Michael Crenshaw 11,Martijn de Kool 12,Kenneth Chambers 13,Gerald Cecil 14,Eleni Chatzichristou 15,JohnEverett 16,17,Jack Gabel 3,C.Martin Gaskell 18,Emmanuel Galliano 19,Richard F.Green 20,Patrick B.Hall 21,Dean C.Hines 22,Vesa T.Junkkarinen 23,Jelle S.Kaastra 24,Mary Elizabeth Kaiser 25,Demosthenes Kazanas 4,Arieh Konigl 26,Kirk T.Korista 27,Gerard A.Kriss 28,Ari Laor 9,Karen M.Leighly 29,Smita Mathur 30,Patrick Ogle 31,Daniel Proga 32,Bassem Sabra 33,Ran Sivron 34,Stephanie Snedden 35,Randal Telfer 36,Marianne Vestergaard 37ABSTRACTWe present low-resolution ultraviolet spectra of14low redshift(z em 0.8)quasars observed with HST/STIS as part of a Snap project to understand the relationship between quasar outflows and luminosity.By design,all observations cover the C IV emission line.Nine of the quasars are from the Hamburg-ESO catalog,three are from the Palomar-Green catalog,and one is from the Parkes catalog.The sample contains a few interesting quasars including two broad absorption line(BAL)quasars(HE0143-3535,HE0436-2614),one quasar with a mini-BAL(HE1105-0746),and one quasar with associated narrow absorption(HE0409-5004).These BAL quasars are among the brightest known(though not the most luminous)since they lie at z em<0.8.We compare the properties of these BAL quasars to the z em<0.5Palomar-Green and z em>1.4 Large Bright Quasar samples.By design,our objects sample luminosities in between these two surveys,and our four absorbed objects are consistent with the v∼L0.62 relation derived by Laor&Brandt(2002).Another quasar,HE0441-2826,contains extremely weak emission lines and our spectrum is consistent with a simple power-law continuum.The quasar is radio-loud,but has a steep spectral index and a lobe-dominated morphology,which argues against it being a blazar.The unusual spectrum of this quasar resembles the spectra of the quasars PG1407+265,SDSS J1136+0242, and PKS1004+13for which several possible explanations have been entertained. Subject headings:quasars:absorption lines—quasars:emission lines—surveys1.IntroductionOutflows from active galactic nuclei(AGN)come in many observational classes.Seyfert galax-ies show blue shifted UV and X-ray absorption lines hundreds of km s−1wide(Crenshaw et al. 1999),while the UV troughs of quasar outflows can span tens of thousands of km s−1as manifested in broad absorption line(BAL)quasars(Lynds1967;Weymann et al.1985;Turnshek et al.1988). One of the current driving questions in the AGNfield is what is the connection,if any,between the intrinsic luminosity of an AGN and the kinematic properties of the outflow(e.g.,terminal velocity and velocity-width of the observed trough).Radiative acceleration,thought to be the principal driver of such outflows,predicts that the terminal velocity should scale as v∼L n where0.25<n<0.5(Arav,Li,&Begelman1994). Qualitatively,such a progression is likely to exist given the observed fact that outflow in Seyfert galaxies terminate at∼1000km s−1,while the BAL outflows extend out to∼30,000km s−1. However,the quantitative trend is unclear given the lack of objects in between these populations. From an analysis of∼56archived Hubble Space Telescope(HST)and International Ultraviolet Explorer(IUE)spectra of z<0.5quasars from the Palomar-Green survey,Laor&Brandt(2002) showed that such a trend may indeed exist.The soft X-ray weak(SXW,defined asαox<−2.0) quasars,which exhibit BALs in their UV spectra,show a relation of the form v∼L0.62±0.08.This is a higher power-law index than predicted and implies that the radiation-pressure force multiplier has a luminosity dependence(Laor&Brandt2002).The force multiplier(Castor,Ab-bott,&Klein1975)is factor that expresses the sum total effect of all lines and edges in transferring momentum from the incident spectrum of photons to the gas.The luminosity dependence of the force multiplier arises from a variety of sources like the dust content and ionization state of the gas(e.g.,Arav et al.1994;Murray et al.1995;Sulentic et al.2006).Indeed,considerations of accretion disk-winds by Murray et al.(1995)in both the context of the broad emission-lines and broad absorption-lines require the presence of shielding gas that prevents X-rays from over-ionizing the outflowing gas.More recent considerations of the force multiplier show that it is also sensitive to black-hole mass(Proga&Kallman2004),which then favors a steeper index than predicted by Arav et al.(1994).The Laor&Brandt(2002)index is also consistent with the prediction from Proga,Stone,&Drew(1998)for AGN with L/L Edd≥M−1max,where M max is the maximum value of the force multiplier.Another crucial issue is whether the fraction of objects that show intrinsic absorption is lumi-nosity dependent.Here we are facing a large gap between the established statistics for BAL quasars (see below)and the results from a biased sample of Seyferts which showed that10out of the avail-able17HST/UV spectra of Seyferts show intrinsic absorption(Crenshaw et al.1999).Kriss(2002)find a that a similar fraction of Seyferts(16/34)exhibit absorption in the O VIλλ1031.926,1037.617 doublet.At low-redshift,Ganguly et al.(2001)found about∼25%of quasars from the HST Quasar Absorption Line Key Project appear to show absorption at z abs∼z em(i.e.,“associated”absorp-tion),comparable to the study of Laor&Brandt(2002)for the z<0.5Palomar-Green quasars.However,it must be noted that not all absorption found near quasars is necessarily intrinsic,and moreover,not necessarily part of an outflow.A follow-up study of low-redshift quasars with associ-ated absorption showed that only∼30%were time-variable(Wise et al.2004).Furthermore,large statistical studies of absorption in quasars,like the HST Quasar Absorption Line Key Project,tend to be biased toward UV bright targets in order to obtain adequate signal-to-noise spectra.For high-redshift quasars(z>1.4)intrinsic absorption(usually BALs)has been studied in large samples using ground-based telescopes.The Large Bright Quasar Survey(Hewett et al.1995) members at these redshifts have M V=−26to−28and an intrinsic fraction of BAL quasars,in the redshift range1.5<z<3.0,of22±4%(Hewett&Foltz2003).The FIRST Bright Quasar Survey (White et al.2000;Becker et al.2001)members have M V=−26to−29and a BAL incidence of18%(Becker et al.2000).Vestergaard(2003)find that about25%of quasars show evidence for intrinsic,low-velocity C IV absorption from a careful consideration of possible contamination from intervening systems in a heterogenous,yet large,sample of moderate redshift(1.5<z<3.0) quasars.In addition,Richards(2001)find that,in C IV absorption systems observed toward z∼2.5 FIRST quasars at large velocity separations,as many as30%may be intrinsic to the background quasars.Such systems must clearly arise in a high-velocity outflow.The relationship between the velocity of AGN outflows and their intrinsic luminosity,as well as the fraction of objects that show outflows,are poorly known due to two simple selection effects. The vast majority of AGN outflows are identified by detecting absorption features associated with the C IVλλ1548.20,1550.77doublet.From ground-based observations this line is only observed in objects with redshift z>1.3and therefore the population observed tends to be the higher luminosity quasars,of which∼10%are BAL quasars.In order to observe objects with z<1.3 we must use space-based UV observatories.Only∼20of the UV brightest AGN which were observed with the HST(out of∼70)show evidence for outflows,compared with upwards of500 BAL quasars identified in ground-based observations.The statistics are especially poor for the luminosity range1044erg s−1to1045.5erg s−1(corresponding roughly to the absolute magnitude range−21.9 M V −25.6).Tofill in this dearth of data,we proposed an HST Snap project to obtain low-dispersion STIS UV spectra of intermediate-luminosity AGN.Unfortunately,the low efficiency of this program only yielded observations of fourteen objects out of200approved targets,and we present the data here. Several of the objects are of individual interest based on their absorption properties.In the next section(§2),we present the spectra obtained and discuss our data reduction.In§3,we present our results and compare them with those from other quasar samples.We briefly summarize our findings in§4.2.DataOur HST/STIS(Woodgate et al.1998;Kimble et al.1998)observations were carried out using the G230L grating and the52′′×0.5′′slit which provides spectra over the wavelength range1570-3180˚A at a dispersion of1.58˚A/pixel(and a2pixel per resolution element sampling rate).For these Snap observations,we used exposure times of900s with three exceptions..We used an exposure time of720s seconds for the quasars HE0354-5500,HE0436-2614,and PG1435-067.(These three quasars were part of the bright end of our initial list of200targets,defined as objects with B<16, and therefore did not require a full900s exposure.)We used the standard pipeline which provides fully reduced and calibrated spectra.According to the STIS Instrument Handbook(Kim-Quijano et al.2003),data reduced using the pipeline have the following calibration uncertainties:0.5-1.0pixels(0.79–1.58˚A)in absolute wavelength calibration,and4%(0.02dex)in absolute spectrophotometry.The S/N for our spectra were typically∼14per pixel at2000˚A and3000˚A.Figure1shows the spectra obtained for our program.The data are publicly available both at the Multi-mission Archive at Space Telescope(MAST:/index.html,fitsfiles only)and at the University of Wyoming AGN Research Group web site(/agn,both fits and asciifiles).3.Results3.1.Sample CharacteristicsTo characterize this sample and place it in context with larger samples of low-redshift quasars, we carried out power-lawfits to all spectra with the goal of computing UV spectral slopes and luminosities.Thefits were carried out using an arbitrary number of superposed Gaussian to mimic the contribution from emission lines.That is,wefit the following functional form to our spectra:Fλ=Fλo λσi 2 ,(1)where Fλois the normalizingflux at reference wavelengthλo,αis the spectral index,m is thenumber of emission-line components each with a relative strength w i,widthσi,and centered at wavelengthλi.The best-fit was determined using the Numerical Recipes Marquardt-Levenburg χ2-minimization routines(Press et al.1992),and optimal number of Gaussian components was determined using an F-test.In carrying out thefits,we omitted regions that were clearly,or potentially,affected by absorption(as subjectively determined by RG).The results of the power-law fits are listed in Table1and overlayed on the observed spectra in Figure1.For uniformity,we used a common(observer’s frame)reference wavelength,λo=1800˚A for allfits.Table1lists the quasarname(column1),quasar redshift(z,column2),continuumflux density at1800˚A(Fλo,column3),continuum power-law index(α,column4,with the sign convention Fλ∼λα),the luminosity at rest-frame wavelengthλr=3000˚A(Lλr,column5),and the C IV emission-line equivalent width for unabsorbed quasars(column6).We note that in a few cases(e.g,PG2233+134)where the spectra cover wavelengths redward of the Al III+C III]emission line,the continuumfit can be artificially elevated due to the presence of Fe II-III emission(Vestergaard&Wilkes2001).The observer-frameflux density at observed wavelengthλo was converted to rest-frame luminosity at rest-wavelengthλr via:λr Lλr =4πD L(z)2(1+z)λr Fλr(2)=4πD L(z)2(1+z)λr F′λr(1+z)=4πD L(z)2(1+z)λr F′λo λr(1+z)HE0436-2614,if there is significant asymmetry in the intrinsic emission-line profiles(e.g.,Wills et al.1993;Brotherton et al.1994;Richards et al.2002,and references therein),it is possible that ourfits do not fully recover the correct shape.Parameters such as balinicity index that depend on the power-lawfit only should not be affected by the systematics of trying to reproduce the emission-line profile.parison To Other SamplesFigure4shows a comparison of the quasar luminosities from this sample to z em<0.5quasars in the Bright Quasar Survey(BQS,Brandt,Laor,&Wills2000;Boroson&Green1992;Schmidt &Green1983)and z em>1.4broad absorption-line quasars from the Large Bright Quasar Survey (LBQS,Gallagher et al.2006;Hewett&Foltz2003;Hewett et al.1995).For the LBQS,we restrict the comparison of the luminosity distribution to the subsample of absorbed quasars from Gallagher et al.(2006)since this is the most interesting aspect of our initial survey.While the entire LBQS sample does extend down to z em=0.2,good ground-based spectroscopic observations of C IV spectral region are available only for z em>1.4where the UV doublet shifts into the optical band. The luminosities of our quasar sample lie in between these two surveys,though with some overlap with the low-redshift BQS.Figure5shows a comparison of our quasar spectral indices to several other samples:Palomar-Green quasars from Neugebauer et al.(1987),Large Bright Quasar Survey BAL quasars from Gallagher et al.(2006),quasars used in the FUSE composite by Scott et al.(2004),and quasars from Shang et al.(2005).In general,there is agreement between the comparison samples(and in particular between the Palomar-Green,absorbed LBQS,and Shang et al.(2005)samples),with a peak nearα∼−1.8.Scott et al.(2004)show a correlation between the spectral index and luminosity,with more luminous objects having bluer spectra.This correlation nicely explains the difference in shape between the FUSE composite and the EUV portion of the HST composite spectrum from Telfer et al.(2002).The spectral indices derived for the quasars in our samples tend to be redder than those samples,with a peak nearα∼−1.4,and an aforementioned mean of −1.14.One potential explanation for this is the effect of reddening.Galactic reddening is an unlikely explanation,as the largest color excess in our sample is E(B−V)=0.063toward PG1435−067, and HE1006−1211.Baskin&Laor(2005)note that quasars(particularly from the BQS)appear redder(as measured by a two-point spectral index between1549˚A and4861˚A)as more intrinsic C IV absorption is present,implying that intrinsic dust is present along sight-lines that also produce intrinsic C IV absorption.While intrinsic reddening may be important(Gaskell et al.2004;Gaskell &Benker2006),it is unlikely to be the source of reddening in our quasars,as our three reddest quasars(PG1552+085,HE1101-0959,and PG1435-067)do not show intrinsic C IV absorption. In addition,our quasars are generally redder than the LBQS BAL quasars from Gallagher et al. (2006),although this may arise from the luminosity effect described by Scott et al.(2004).Since one of our initial goals was to test the radiative-driving hypothesis for quasar winds,we show in Figure6a plot of the maximum velocity of absorption against luminosity for our absorbed quasars,the BQS quasars from Laor&Brandt(2002),and the LBQS BAL quasars from Gallagher et al.(2006).From a consideration of soft X-ray weak quasars in the BQS sample,Laor&Brandt (2002)reported an apparent envelope to the maximum velocity of absorption as a function of luminosity(specifically M V,but see also Gallagher et al.2006,for a plot versus2500˚A luminosity). We reproduce the Laor&Brandt(2002)plot,revised for a concordance cosmology,with the four quasars from this work also shown.The two BAL quasars from this sample,HE0143-3535and HE0436-2614,both seem to lie close to the(cosmology corrected)best-fit curve derived by Laor& Brandt(2002):v max=4100km s−1 νLν(2500˚A)of4579±165km s−1from the emission redshift of the quasar.The absorption-line system is also detected in H I Ly-α.The N Vλλ1238,1242and O VIλλ1031,1038doublets are in our wavelength range,but neither is detected.We do detect absorption from low-ionization species,C II,S II-III, the Lyman-βline,and possibly the Lyman limit.This implies that the gas is in a relatively low-ionization state(compared to other associated narrow absorption-line systems).Thus,it is possible that this system,while close in velocity,is not physically linked with the quasar central engine.HE0436-2614:This quasar is the second in the sample that hosts a BAL.The BAL absorption in this quasar in very strong.The wavelength range of our spectrum gives us coverage down to the O VIλλ1031,1038doublet.We detect broad absorption from C IV,Si IV,N V,H I Ly-α,P V, and O VI.The detection of P V,which has a low relative abundance,implies a combination of high column density in theflow and,perhaps,high metallicity(Hamann1998).In the C IV BAL profile, there appears to be a curious transition in the apparent strength of the absorption(whether from coverage fraction or column density effects)around v=−1.2×104km s−1where the emission line appears to terminate(Figure3).Redward of this velocity(i.e.,closer to the emission line),the absorption appears to be completely saturated with full coverage of both the continuum and broad emission-line regions.In the velocity range−1.5×104 v[km s−1] −1.2×104,the absorption appears to a have aflat bottom with a normalizedflux of∼0.31(in units of the continuum +emission-lineflux).In the velocity range−1.8×104 v[km s−1] −1.5×104,the profile is alsoflat-bottomed,but with a normalizedflux of∼0.38.Blueward of v∼−1.8×104km s−1, the absorption tapers off(either due to coverage fraction change or column density change)to no apparent absorption at∼−2.4×104km s−1.HE0441-2826:The spectrum of this quasar is peculiar.The C IV emission-line is very weak (∼10%of the continuum strength,the lowest of the sample),and the spectrum is consistent with a simple power-law with Galactic Fe II and Mg II absorption.[The redshift of the quasar is known from optical emission lines,so we are secure in the identification of this UV line as C IV.]In the rest-frame of the quasar,the spectrum covers the wavelength range1376–2726˚A.This range also covers the Si IVλλ1393,1402doublet,the Al IIIλλ1855,1863+C III]λ1909blend and some of the Fe II UV multiplet,but these are not significantly detected.The quasar is detected in the NRAO-VLA Sky Survey(Condon et al.1998)with a1.4GHzflux of147.8±4.5mJy,and a radio core fraction of∼0.24±0.01.The quasar is also listed in the Parkes-MIT-NRAO survey catalog(PMN J0443−2820)with a4.85GHzflux of56±11mJy.We conclude that the quasar has a radio-loudness(Kellermann et al.1994)of log R∗=1.6±0.2,and a radio spectral index ofβ=−0.78±0.16(Fν∼νβ).While a weak/absent emission lines may be indicative of a blazar,the marginal radio-loudness,steep radio spectral index,and lobe-dominated morphology seem to rule this out.Alternatively,this quasar could be in the class of unusual emission-line objects that includes the radio-quiet PG1407+265(z em=0.94;McDowell et al.1995),the radio-loud SDSS J1136+0242(z em=2.4917;Hall et al.2004),and possibly the intrinsic spectrum of the radio-loud BAL PKS1004+13(z em=0.24;Wills et al.1999).These objects have very weak/absent and highly-blueshifted high-ionization emission lines.HE1105-0746:Our spectrum of this quasar covers the rest-frame wavelength range1187–2350˚A, and the H I Ly-α+N V,Si IV,C IV,He II,and Al III+C III]emission lines are clearly visible. The C IV emission-line is well described by a single Gaussian,and part of the blue wing of the C IV emission-line of this quasar appears to be absorbed.This absorption lies above the continuum and therefore the quasar has a zero balnicity.However,the width of the absorption is broader than the C IV doublet separation,so this is an example of a so-called mini-BAL.While the absorption does not dip below the continuum,the maximum depth of the absorption is equal to the strength of the continuum.That is,this mini-BAL is consistent with saturated absorption of the continuum,and no absorption of the C IV broad emission line.This has been observed before in BALs(e.g.,Arav et al.1999).Curiously,we do not detect mini-BAL absorption in N V or Si IV.The lack of Si IV absorption may be an ionization effect.The lack of N V absorption may be due to a combination of the noisiness of the spectrum in the wavelength region and dilution by the strong H I Ly-αline if indeed the absorber does not occult the broad emission-line region.PG1552+085:Based on an IUE spectrum,Turnshek et al.(1997)claimed that this quasar was host to a BAL.However,a more recent analysis by Sulentic et al.(2006)of the HST/STIS-G230L spectrum presented here yield a balnicity index of≈0.The putative location of the C IV BAL through lies in a low signal-to-noise region of the spectrum and it is difficult to ascertain if the continuum blueward of the C IV broad emission-line is absorbed.4.SummaryWhile our initial survey was designed tofill in the statistical gap between luminous quasars and Seyfert galaxies to further understand the relationship between outflows and luminosity,the low-efficiency of the program did not make this feasible.Out of the approved list of200targets, only fourteen objects were observed.The observations of fourteen nearby bright AGN resulted in the discovery of a few interesting objects which merit further study:two new,bright BAL quasars, one new mini-BAL quasar,and one quasar with unusually weak emission lines.Our observations are in agreement with v max-luminosity relation reported by Laor&Brandt(2002),and do lie in between the BQS and LBQS samples.Support for this work was provided by NASA through grant number HST-GO-09507,from the Space Telescope Science Institute,which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy,Inc.,under NASA contract NAS5-26555.REFERENCESArav,N.,Becker,R.H.,Laurent-Muehleisen,S.A.,Gregg,M.D.,White,R.L.,Brotherton,M.S., &de Kool,M.1999,ApJ,524,566Arav,N.,Li,Z.-Y.,&Begelman,M.C.1994,ApJ,432,62Baskin,A.,&Laor,A.2005,MNRAS,356,1029Becker,R.H.,White,R.L.,Gregg,M.D.,Brotherton,M.S.,Laurent-Muehleisen,S.A.,&Arav, N.2000,ApJ,538,72Becker,R.H.,et al.2001,ApJS,135,227Boroson,T.A.,&Green,R.F.1992,ApJS,80,109Brandt,W.N.,Laor,A.,&Wills,B.J.2000,ApJ,528,637Brotherton,M.S.,Wills,B.J.,Steidel,C.C.,&Sargent,W.L.W.1994,ApJ,423,131 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four AGN that show intrinsic/associated absorption.From top to bottom,the AGN spectra are shown in order of decreasing maximum ejection velocity of absorption.The luminosity profiles are shown as a black histogram.The smooth curve around the C IV emission line is our assessment of the effective continuum level(i.e.,power-law continuum plus emission lines),with the shaded region indicating the1σuncertainty.The horizontal bars indicate wavelength regions that were omitted from thefit due to the presence of absorption.Fig.4.—We compare the luminosity distribution of quasars in our sample to that of the BQS and LBQS samples.Data for the BQS was taken from Laor &Brandt (2002).Data from the LBQS was taken from Gallagher et al.(2006).Fig. 5.—In the above panel,we show the distribution of UV spectral indices (F λ∼λα)for our sample.The histogram is normalized to unit area.We compare this distribution to other samples including:Palomar-Green quasars from Neugebauer et al.(1987),Large Bright Quasar Survey BAL quasars from Gallagher et al.(2006),quasars used in the FUSE composite by Scott et al.(2004),and quasars from Shang et al.(2005).。