Camstar 4.5安装Hotfix45607补丁后InSiteFieldDictionary不可用解决方案
4.补丁需要.Net 4.0环境,如果无法运行,请到以下地址下载.Net 4.0
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by 玩家汉化Jason。
软件原理:官方刷机的原理是:识别手机固件--读取固件内容--使用相应的内容替换原有内容--更新完毕,而凤凰刷机的原理则是:识别手机(注意:是手机不是固件)--清空Nor Flash(固件存放芯片)--重写Nor Flash--刷机完毕。
教程分别使用pro e4.0的M060版本(SHooTERS破解)和proe5.0的M060版本(MAGNiTUDE)的安装来讲解,但实际上也适用于proe3.0的安装(根据破解组织的不同选择不同的安装方法)。
软件更新第 4 代 操作系统安装时间:在无现有数据的情况下,大约需要 20 分钟。
下列第 4 代显示器可通过无线方式或使用 U 盘和“约翰迪尔软件管理器”下载并安装最新软件包,可访问 ,在“软件更新”页获取软件包。
如果在第 4 代显示器上使用“在线显示器软件更新”,则通过无线方式下载软件的时间长短因蜂窝信号覆盖强度或无线互联网连接强度而异。
通过无线方式重新编程 -注:第 4 代操作系统软件更新将自动安装相应的第 4 代操作系统帮助文件。
机器应用软件更新机器应用软件位于第 4 代显示器菜单上的“机器设置”中。
机器应用软件更新需要由约翰迪尔经销商使用 Service ADVISOR™ 安装。
发布说明内容新功能和改进通用信息培训软件包版本第 4 代 操作系统10.16.1400-91第 4 代 操作系统帮助文件10.4.63-10AMS 应用程序10.16.1400-91新功能和改进屏幕操作手册 -• 在显示器上的“帮助中心”应用程序中,新增了第4 代显示器的《操作手册》。
导航 -• 驾驶员现在能在导航应用程序中创建“直线轨迹”和 “AB 曲线”的复制轨迹。
例如,轨迹“West”的复制轨迹的默认名称为 “West(1)”。
利用LabWindows CVI实时模块将台式计算机作为实时目标使用说明书
Using Desktop PCs as RT Targets with the LabWindows /CVI Real-Time Module The LabWindows/CVI Real-Time Module can execute applications on real-time (RT) targets running a real-time operating system, including a desktop PC converted to an RT system. This document describes the three methods you can use to configure a desktop PC as an RT target and contains information about installing software on the desktop PC.Note Refer to the Programmer Reference»Creating and Downloading DLLs to Real-Time Targets section of the LabWindows/CVI Help for more information about using LabWindows/CVI with RT targets.ContentsSystem Requirements (2)Configuring a Desktop PC Using a Utility USB Drive (2)Boot from the USB Drive (2)Format a Drive or Partition (3)Configuring a Desktop PC Using a Boot Disk (4)Configuring a Desktop PC Using a Format Disk (5)Installing Software (7)Resources (8)™™System RequirementsTo configure a desktop PC as an RT target, ensure that the PC meets thefollowing requirements:•Processor based on the x86 architecture.•Supported Ethernet chipset, the Ethernet device from the Real-TimeDeployment License Bundle for Standard PCs, or a supported Ethernetcard.•Formatted hard drive or boot partition on the desktop PC with theFAT32 file system.• 3.5 inch floppy drive or bootable USB port on the desktop PC.etspc for up-to-date information about supported hardware and the specific desktop PCspecifications that National Instruments recommends.Configuring a Desktop PC Using a Utility USB DriveYou can use a utility USB drive in the following ways:•Boot from the USB drive every time.•Use the USB drive to format the hard drive. After you format the harddrive, the RT target boots directly from the hard drive.Create a desktop PC utility USB drive using NI Measurement &Automation Explorer (MAX). Select Tools»RT Disk Utilities»CreateDesktop PC Utility USB Drive in MAX to create the utility USB drive. Boot from the USB DriveYou can use a utility USB drive to boot from the USB drive and launch theReal-Time Module software on the hard drive of the desktop PC. If there isno Real-Time Module software installed on the hard drive, the utility USBdrive boots the PC into safe mode, where you can install software.Complete the following steps to configure a desktop PC to boot using autility USB drive.1.If the desktop PC does not include a motherboard with a supportedEthernet chipset, install a supported Ethernet card or the Ethernetdevice included with the Real-Time Deployment License Bundle forStandard PCs in an available PCI slot of the PC.2.Connect a monitor and keyboard to the desktop PC to display andrespond to BIOS configuration utility prompts.Using Desktop PCs as RT © National Instruments Corporation 3Using Desktop PCs as RT TargetsNote National Instruments recommends that you remove from the desktop PC anyPCI boards not supported by the Real-Time Module to reduce the possibility of resource conflicts. For example, remove sound cards, SCSI adapters, and modems from the desktop PC.3.Turn on the desktop PC and access the BIOS configuration utility.Note BIOS configurations and configuration interfaces for desktop PCs vary among different manufacturers and system models. Consult the motherboard or system manual for information about accessing and configuring the BIOS settings of the desktop PC.4.Set the boot configuration to use a USB drive as the first boot device.5.Disable legacy USB support.6.Disable any unnecessary integrated peripherals that use an interruptrequest line (IRQ). For example, disable unused serial ports orintegrated sound on the desktop PC.7.Save the configuration changes and exit the BIOS configuration utility.8.Insert the utility USB drive into an empty USB port on the desktop PCand reboot the desktop PC.9.Select the Boot using software installed on the hard-disk optionfrom the utility USB drive menu. The desktop PC boots into thereal-time operating system or into safe mode. Refer to the InstallingSoftware section for information about installing the Real-TimeModule software on the hard drive if the PC boots into safe mode.Format a Drive or PartitionYou can use a utility USB drive to permanently install the Real-TimeModule software on the hard drive of the desktop PC. A format option ofthe utility USB drive resets a previously formatted and partitioned harddrive and installs files to the desktop PC to allow you to start the PC withouta boot disk or USB drive.Caution The format utility of the utility USB drive overwrites the hard drive boot sector and master boot record, erasing all pointers to data on the drive. If you have a dual-boot configuration, the changes to the master boot record remove the ability to boot into the secondary operating system.Complete the following steps to format the hard drive and configure adesktop PC using a utility USB drive.1.If the desktop PC does not include a motherboard with a supportedEthernet chipset, install a supported Ethernet card or the Ethernetdevice included with the Real-Time Deployment License Bundle forStandard PCsin an available PCI slot of the PC.Using Desktop PCs as RT Targets 2.Connect a monitor and keyboard to the desktop PC to display andrespond to BIOS configuration utility prompts.Note National Instruments recommends that you remove any PCI boards not supported by the Real-Time Module to reduce the possibility of resource conflicts. For example, remove sound cards, SCSI adapters, and modems from the desktop PC.3.Turn on the desktop PC and access the BIOS configuration utility.Note BIOS configurations and configuration interfaces for desktop PCs vary among different manufacturers and system models. Consult the motherboard or system manual for information about accessing and configuring the BIOS settings of the desktop PC.4.Set the boot configuration to use a USB drive as the first boot device. 5.Disable legacy USB support.6.Disable any unnecessary integrated peripherals that use an interruptrequest line (IRQ). For example, disable unused serial ports orintegrated sound on the desktop PC.7.Save the configuration changes and exit the BIOS configuration utility.8.Insert the utility USB drive into an empty USB port on the desktop PCand reboot the desktop PC.9.Select the Format hard disk option from the utility USB drive menuand follow the directions on the screen.10.Remove the utility USB drive and reboot the desktop PC to boot intothe real-time operating system. The desktop PC boots into safe modethe first time the system boots from the hard drive. Refer to theInstalling Software section for information about installing theReal-Time Module software on the hard drive if the PC boots intosafe mode.Configuring a Desktop PC Using a Boot DiskYou can use a boot disk to launch the Real-Time Module software that youinstall on the hard drive of a desktop PC. If there is no Real-Time Modulesoftware installed on the hard drive, the desktop PC boots into safe mode,where you can install software.Create a desktop PC boot disk using NI Measurement & AutomationExplorer (MAX). Select Tools»RT Disk Utilities»Create Desktop PCBoot Diskin MAX to create the desktop PC boot disk.© National Instruments Corporation 5Using Desktop PCs as RT TargetsComplete the following steps to configure a desktop PC using a boot disk.1.If the desktop PC does not include a motherboard with a supportedEthernet chipset, install a supported Ethernet card or the Ethernetdevice included with the Real-Time Deployment License Bundle forStandard PCs in an available PCI slot of the PC.2.Connect a monitor and keyboard to the desktop PC to display andrespond to BIOS configuration utility prompts.Note National Instruments recommends that you remove from the desktop PC anyPCI boards not supported by the Real-Time Module to reduce the possibility of resource conflicts. For example, remove sound cards, SCSI adapters, and modems from the desktop PC.3.Turn on the desktop PC and access the BIOS configuration utility.Note BIOS configurations and configuration interfaces for desktop PCs vary among different manufacturers and system models. Consult the motherboard or system manual for information about accessing and configuring the BIOS settings of the desktop PC.4.Set the boot configuration to use the floppy drive as the first boot device. 5.Disable legacy USB support. 6.Disable any unnecessary integrated peripherals that use an interruptrequest line (IRQ). For example, disable unused serial ports orintegrated sound on the desktop PC.7.Save the configuration changes and exit the BIOS configuration utility.8.Insert the desktop PC boot disk in the floppy drive and reboot thedesktop PC. The desktop PC boots into the real-time operating systemor into safe mode. Refer to the Installing Software section forinformation about installing the Real-Time Module software on the hard drive if the PC boots into safe mode.Configuring a Desktop PC Using a Format DiskYou can use a format disk to permanently install the Real-Time Modulesoftware on the hard drive of the desktop PC. A format disk resets apreviously formatted and partitioned hard drive and installs files to thedesktop PC to allow you to start the PC without a boot disk.Create a desktop PC format disk using NI Measurement & AutomationExplorer (MAX). Select Tools»RT Disk Utilities»Create Desktop PCFormat Hard Drive Diskin MAX to create the desktop PC format disk.Using Desktop PCs as RT Targets Caution A format disk overwrites the hard drive boot sector and master boot record, erasing all pointers to data on the drive. If you have a dual-boot configuration, the changes to the master boot record remove the ability to boot into the secondary operating system.Complete the following steps to configure a desktop PC using a formatdisk.1.If the desktop PC does not include a motherboard with a supportedEthernet chipset, install a supported Ethernet card or the Ethernetdevice included with the Real-Time Deployment License Bundle forStandard PCs in an available PCI slot of the PC.2.Connect a monitor and keyboard to the desktop PC to display andrespond to BIOS configuration utility and format prompts.Note National Instruments recommends that you remove from the desktop PC anyPCI boards not supported by the Real-Time Module to reduce the possibility of resource conflicts. For example, remove sound cards, SCSI adapters, and modems from the desktop PC.3.Turn on the desktop PC and access the BIOS configuration utility.Note BIOS configurations and configuration interfaces for desktop PCs vary among different manufacturers and system models. Consult the motherboard or system manual for information about accessing and configuring the BIOS settings of the desktop PC.4.Set the boot configuration to use the floppy drive as the first boot device. 5.Disable legacy USB support. 6.Disable any unnecessary integrated peripherals that use an interruptrequest line (IRQ). For example, disable unused serial ports orintegrated sound on the desktop PC.7.Save the configuration changes and exit the BIOS configuration utility.8.Insert the desktop PC format disk in the floppy drive and reboot the PC.9.Follow the directions that appear on the screen. 10.Remove the desktop PC format disk from the floppy drive and rebootthe desktop PC to boot into the real-time operating system. Thedesktop PC boots into safe mode the first time the system boots fromthe hard drive. Refer to the Installing Software section for informationabout installing the Real-Time Module software to the hard drive if thePC boots into safe mode.Installing SoftwareComplete the following steps to install software on the desktop PC.1.Boot the desktop PC into the real-time operating system. The desktopPC loads with the basic real-time operating system and a null IPaddress of MAX on another computer in the same subnet and expand theRemote Systems category. MAX lists the desktop PC as inthe Remote Systems category.3.Click on the entry to access the Network Settings tab.4.Enter a name for the RT target in the Name text box.5.Set the network configuration options of the RT target in theIP Settings section and click the Apply button. Refer to theConfiguring Network Settings book, accessible by browsing toMAX Remote Systems Help»LabVIEW Real-Time TargetConfiguration»Configuring Network Settings from the Contentstab of the MAX Help.6.Reboot the RT target. The RT target appears in the Remote Systemscategory with the assigned name.7.Expand the RT target in the Remote Systems category and select theSoftware category.8.Click the Add/Remove Software button in the toolbar to launch theLabVIEW Real-Time Software Wizard.9.Install the LabWindows/CVI Real-Time Module software and devicedrivers that you require on the RT target. Refer to the NI Web site at/info and enter the info code etspc for the latest informationabout supported software.© National Instruments Corporation7Using Desktop PCs as RT TargetsResources•Refer to the NI Web site at /info and enter the info codeetspc for more information about using desktop PCs as RT targets.•Refer to the CVIRTreadme.html file on the LabWindows/CVIReal-Time Module installation CD for information about known issuesregarding the use of desktop PCs as RT targets.•Refer to the LabWindows/CVI Help for more information aboutthe LabWindows/ Real-Time Module features. Access theLabWindows/CVI Help from LabWindows/CVI by selectingHelp»Contents.National Instruments, NI, , and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation.Refer to the Terms of Use section on /legal for more information about NationalInstruments trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or tradenames of their respective companies. For patents covering National Instruments products, refer to theappropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or/patents.© 2007National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.374709A-01Jul07。
安装说明~~~~~~~~1. 首先加载ISO DVD1 到DAEMON TOOL 进行安装, 在运行安装时,1)首先叫简选语言(选英语),2)叫你安装"rock star social club"(选安装), 接着就开始安装游戏, 在安装时会叫你安装xlive online做会员(不用理会),选下一项, 接着又叫你安"rockstar social club"做会员(不用理会)选下一项, 开始正式安装游戏.2. 在运行安装DVD1 时,到一半便会停下来,叫你载入disc2, 便加载ISO DVD2 接着安装下一半.3. 在运行安装DVD2 时会停下来,再叫你载入disc1, 便加载ISO DVD1 接着安装(安装的都是xlive,C+2005,DirtX这些软件)4. 在安装完之后, 会首次登入(游戏发布日)(不用理会)(选取消)5. 开启DVD1 内的文件,你会见到(Razor1911活页夹) 张里面的三个文件([1911.dll],[GTAIV],[LaunchGTAIV])覆盖到, 本机磁盘c\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand TheftAuto IV 这活页夹内(选全部取代)6. 开始游戏(用Grand Theft Auto IV 这个快捷方式来开始)另外的一个(Rockstar Games Social Club快捷方式是不用)7. 在开始游戏时, 会首次出现在画面(Rockstar Games Social Club) 输入Email 和Password 接着按(Login)接着会出现在画面(Could not connect to Rockstar Games Socail Club. Please check your network connection.) 按(Start in Offline Mode) 跟着会出现另一画面按(PLAY)8. 在进入华丽游戏画面不久, Xlive window 这时就出现, 任意选择几项,跟着用鼠标指针到画面左上角箭咀离开便可(真正开始游戏)9. *(记着请不要联机进行安装游戏)*10.*(如开始游戏时, 不能进入和出现这一句题事(RMN40(Error Code RMN40)), 原因是须要更新到Windows XP SP3解决方法, 进入本机磁盘c, 再进入WINDOWS 活页夹, 活页夹内有个档叫(regedit), 进入这档内一直去到HKEY-LOCAL-ACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows ,里面有个叫(CSDVerison)檔, 把(200) 改成(300)便可. (记着修改完,一定要从新开启计算机)。
StarCD软件安装教程一. 首先需要安装HummingBird Exceed软件,安装教程如下:打开HummingBird Exceed PowerSuite 2006文件夹,在打开其中的Setup文件夹,接着打开x86文件夹,双击其中的Exceed PowerSuite 2006.msi文件进行安装。
此时便完成了HummingBird Exceed软件的安装。
由于是破解软件,在第一次使用时需要输入序列号,此时打开Alcohol120安装文件夹中的readme.txt文件拷贝序列号双击桌面上生成的Alcohol 120%图标,点击注册在序列号后面的空白处,粘帖刚才的序列号,并点击确定。
三. 接下来安装StarCD软件当安装完Alcohol虚拟光驱软件后,双击“我的电脑”,可以发现多了一个“DVD驱动器”,在“DVD驱动器”上单击右键,载入镜像,点击打开,选择StarCD软件的安装镜像文件此时,在对话框中选择所有文件(*,*),找到STAR-CD 3.22.VCD文件,并单击打开按钮此时,STAR-CD 安装文件便被导入虚拟光驱,在“DVD驱动器”上单击右键,选择打开此时选择install.exe进行安装在弹出的对话框中单击“Install”此时选择确定此时,选择软件的安装路径,一般选择默认,不需要对其进行改动,按Next继续此时选择典型安装Typical[STAR-CD],按Next继续,此时,选择Local node locked(no FLEXlm server),按Next继续此时,选择软件所需要的插件MKS Toolkit的安装路径,一般选择默认路径,不需要对其进行改动,按Next继续在这一步中我们选择前面安装过的Hummingbird Exceed,并按Next继续此时,选择NO,不安装Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0,按Next继续此时,选择Yes,set StarWatch port,按Next继续此时,端口值6200,默认数值,按Next继续此处,选择第一项,Y es,configure for distributed parallel computation(可以创建网络共享,进行并行计算),按Next继续此时,选择软件所需要的另外一个插件MPICH.NT的安装路径,一般选择默认,不需要对其进行改动,按Next继续完成安装后,千万不要立刻单击Finish按钮,按单击之前需要进行授权文件的设置。
STSOFT STUDIO 世特软件(晋江)工作室 第-3-页 共-19 页
STSOFT 世特软件科技有限公司 世特软件(晋江)工作室 存档资料-PCB 软件使用
1.3 工具栏详细说明及快捷键操作
主工具栏及其常用用途 (快捷键为系统默认值,可以在软件菜单中的选项/常规选项/快捷键中更改该设置, 系统默认设置如下):
顺时针旋 顺时针旋转选中的对象
第 2 章 附录:参考资料 _____________________________________________________________12
2.1 附录 1:常用 PCB 板标准布线宽度参考表 ________________________________________________12 2.2 附录2:PCB 设计指南——PCB 布线 ___________________________________________________12 2.3 附录3:布线工程师谈 PCB 设计 _______________________________________________________14 2.4 附录 4:绘制 PCB 中的一些经验点滴 ____________________________________________________16 2.5 附录 5:热转印制板的详细过程 _________________________________________________________17 2.6 附录 6:快速腐蚀电路板的方法 _________________________________________________________19
LaserCAD 软件操作说明书
3.5.5 矩形 ................................................................... 17 3.5.6 椭圆 ................................................................... 17 3.5.7 贝塞尔曲线 ............................................................. 17 3.5.8 文本 ................................................................... 18 3.6 工具 ....................................................................... 18 3.6.1 阵列复制 ............................................................... 18 3.6.2 按图层选择对象 ......................................................... 18 3.6.3 水平翻转 ............................................................... 19 3.6.4 垂直翻转 ............................................................... 19 3.6.5 手动排序 ............................................................... 19 3.6.6 优化排序 ............................................................... 20 3.6.7 曲线光滑 ............................................................... 20 3.6.8 删除重叠线 ............................................................. 20 3.6.9 合并相连线 ............................................................. 21 3.6.10 编辑引入引出线 ........................................................ 21 3.6.11 自动生成引入引出线 .................................................... 21 3.6.12 位图反色 .............................................................. 22 3.6.13 位图挂网 .............................................................. 22 3.6.14 创建位图块 ............................................................ 23 3.6.15 创建位图轮廓线 ........................................................ 24 3.6.16 闭合检查 .............................................................. 24 3.6.17 平行偏移 .............................................................. 24 3.6.18 测量周长 .............................................................. 25 3.6.19 预算加工时间 .......................................................... 25 3.6.20 模拟加工输出 .......................................................... 25 3.7 设置 ....................................................................... 25 3.7.1 系统参数设置 ........................................................... 25 工作空间 ............................................................. 26 附加功能 ............................................................. 27 工艺参数 ............................................................. 29 厂家参数 ............................................................. 30 用户参数 ............................................................. 33 3.7.2 阵列加工参数 ........................................................... 35 3.7.3 图形相对位置 ........................................................... 35 3.7.4 恢复到默认参数 ......................................................... 36 3.8 视图 ....................................................................... 37 3.8.1 如何调出隐藏的工具栏 ................................................... 37 3.9 帮助 ....................................................................... 37 3.9.1 关于信息的修改与定制 ................................................... 37 3.9.2 软件图标的修改 ......................................................... 39 4.1 通过 USB 与板卡建立连接 ..................................................... 39 4.2 选择网络通信方式 ........................................................... 40 4.2.1 通过网络与板卡直连 ..................................................... 40 4.2.2 通过路由器与板卡连接 ................................................... 43 4.3 设置图层参数 ............................................................... 45 4.3.1 调整图层的加工顺序 ..................................................... 49 4.4 设备控制 ................................................................... 49 4.5 加载图形数据以及设备文档管理 ............................................... 49 4.5.1 启动加工以及相关控制 ................................................... 52 5.1 手动加载“AWCLASERCUT”工具条 ............................................... 53 5.2 显示被隐藏的“AWCLASERCUT”工具条 ........................................... 55 5.3 导入 DST/DSB 文件 ........................................................... 55 5.4 从 CORELDRAW 切换到通用版软件 ................................................ 56 6.1 手动加载“激光加工”菜单和“激光加工”工具条 ............................... 57 6.2 从 AUTOCAD 切换到通用版软件 ........................................AD 软件操作说明书
如何安装camtasia studio软件安装以及其他注意事项
2.打开→Camtasia Studio 8.3.0 build 1417汉化破解安装版
1.打开camtasia--左上角点击Record the screen
安装AdobeAcrobat7.0Professional出现警告20225安装Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional出现警告20225解决办法安装Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional出现警告 20225关于无法安装“pdffactroy”和“Adobe Acrobat”虚拟打印机的解决方法。
安装Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional出现了下面的问题:“警告20225。
Adobe Acrobat 7.0 安装程序无法创建新的key 目:Adobe PDF Converter。
Adobe PDF Printer可能不可用。
Adobe Acrobat 7.0 安装程序无法创建新的key目:Adobe PDF Converter。
Adobe PDF Printer可能不可用。
GetLastError: 系统找不到指定的文件”。
某些ghost版本的XP在安装pdffactroy和Adobe Acrobat时,会提示因为缺少某个模块而无法安装虚拟打印机,其原因不是因为print spooler服务没启动,也不是因为环境变量patch被其它软件更改。
(检验系统还原功能是否被精简掉的方法:在“服务”里启动或停止“system restore service”,如果提示缺少文件无法启动,就说明系统还原功能被精简掉了。
当系统还原功能成功安装之后,再安装pdffactroy和Adobe Acrobat虚拟打印机就能成功了。
该方法在“Ghost Windows XP Professional SP2 20061111 NTFS”版本上测试成功。
Howtofixsonyvegaserror2147163964How to fix sony vegas error 2147163964?Answer:ets have you install the SCS application to a newly created administrator profile. This will require uninstalling the software, creating a new user account, logging off the old user account and logging onto the newly created administrator account, then installing and activating the app on the new administrator account. This allows the software to make the necessary changes needed to the registry. Please consult the Help and Support Center in your Windows operating system for specific directions regarding creating a new user account with full administrator rights.Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features and uninstall the SCS software if it is currently installed.Now go to My Computer and browse to "C:\Program Files\Sony Setup" and delete the folders within.Next, it's time to create a new user account with administrative privileges. Go to Control Panel > User Accounts. Select "Add New User" and type in a new name for the new user account. When asked what permissions level to assign to the account, select Administrator.Then go to Start menu and choose "Logoff" or just restart the computer to switch users. Be sure to log into the new user account, reinstall the program, and register the application.Once the application is up and running you can log back to your normal user account. Now go to Control Panel > User Accounts and remove the test account from your computer.。
PC ARC INFO 4.0a更新说明书
What’s New for PC ARC/INFO 4.0aThis guide is for existing users of PC ARC/INFO Version 4.0. It describes the changes included in the PC ARC/INFO Version 4.0a patch. Version 4.0a is not a full release of PC ARC/INFO. Version 4.0 must be installed before installing Version 4.0a.Version 4.0a includes the following enhancements and fixes:COMPSMLIn Version 4.0, a new SML parameter was added to the &GETXY, &GETXYM and &GETXYP directives to allow a customized mouse menu to be displayed while obtaining coordinates from the screen. The COMPSML command would not recognize this parameter when you tried to compile your SML code. This has been corrected.Printing from the ‘Options’ menuThe ‘Print’ button under the ‘Options’ menu would not print the PC ARC/INFO graphic window if you were using Version 4.0 on a Win9x platform. This was also the case if you tried using the command line &WIN EXEC 10. Printing with Win9x is now working correctly.Edit boxesThe WIN DB command, allows you to create customized edit boxes for use in your applications. In previous Versions of PC ARC/INFO, only the top line of an edit box would be available for data entry. Data that was wider than that line would be hidden by the edges of the box. Now, if an edit box is created with 2 or more rows, it will automatically be converted to a multi-line edit box with word wrap. This is new with Version 40a.GENERATEIn Version 4.0, when you typed QUIT to exit the GENERATE command, you would be sent into the SML DEBUG mode. Quitting DEBUG would then end your PC ARC/INFO session. This has been fixed. Additionally the INPUT subcommand could not be used in an SML entered on the GENERATE command line. Input files can now be used. Finally, GENERATE no longer creates empty annotation files if annotation is not generated.LThe Grand Total of file sizes is now correctly positioned under the column of file sizes when using the command line ‘L –SGX’.Help for NTThe on-line HELP file for NT is now accessible.Shape converters: SHAPEARC / SHAPEAGF / SHAPEDXFSHAPEARC will now handle shape files having multiple parts in which one (or more) of its parts has zero points. These are technically illegal shape files, but some third party packages are writing them this way. Previously, SHAPEARC would not complete when this type of illegal file was encountered.Another illegal shape file is one with a zero area polygon shape. If, one of these is encountered by SHAPEAGF, it writes the first point of the shape as the label point.Additionally, shape files that require a feature to be split (i.e., lines with more than 500 points).are now properly converted by SHAPEARC, SHAPEAGF and SHAPEDXF.MIFSHAPEMIFSHAPE now handles character data in the form ‘nnnn-nnnn’ if this type of data is encountered in a MID file.ARCMIFThe Version header of the output MIF file has been changed to 450 instead of 300. Version 450 identifies the file as allowing more than 32K points per feature (which PC ARC/INFO can support). Additionally, the number of points per polygon allowed by ARCMIF has been increased to 200,000 to be consistent with the MIFSHAPE limits that were increased at Version 4.0 ofPC ARC/INFO.DXFARC – add INSERT subcommand to the documentation. Fix the way BLOCK and INSERT subcommands workPrevious documentation of the DXFARC command did not include the INSERT subcommand option or a description of how the ALL and BLOCK subcommands work with Insert entities. Please note the following documentation changes:Subcommand optionsALL - Converts all entities except for BLOCKS. This option is the default if no option is given. This is the same as specifying ARCS, POINTS, INSERTS, TEXTPOINT, TEXTANNO, ATPOINT and ATANNO for a single layer.INSERT - Converts Inserts as point features.BLOCKS - Performs the equivalent of exploding Blocks for all points, lines, or multi-point lines. Text entities contained within blocks will be converted if either TEXTANNO or TEXTPOINT is used. Attributes will be converted if either ATANNO or ATPOINT is used. Inserts will not be converted as point features. Note: If a Block contains text, and the text is to be included in a coverage containing other annotation (i.e., from ATANNO or TEXTANNO), the sequential order of annotation layers may not match the order displayed by DXFINFO. This is because DXFINFO does not expand Block entities.Special NotesThe BLOCK option converts block text to coverage annotation. The INSERT option ignores the text and converts text insertion points to coverage points. If both the BLOCK and INSERT options are entered for DXFARC, the BLOCK option takes precedence over the INSERT option when text is encountered.RELATEThe WKSP directory is where all temporary files and coverages for a session are kept. It is established under the directory specified by the WKSPDIR system variable or is created under‘C:\’ if WKSPDIR does not exist. However, the temporary files used by RELATE were being placed in the current directory and not the WKSP directory. This has been corrected.RELEDITPathnames with blank spaces in them can now be used in the RELEDIT edit box.SHOW ITEMSSome null characters were being appended to the end of the item name saved to an SML variable by the SHOW ITEMS command. Version 4.0a no longer does this.SHOW SELECT in ARCEDITThe Usage for SHOW SELECT in ARCEDIT is: SHOW SELECT n {1}‘n’ is the Internal ID of the ‘n’th feature of the selected set and {1} represents the number of SML variables that can be used to store the results. Although a coverage can contain up to 256K features, Version 4.0 was not allowing a value greater than 9,999 to be entered for ‘n’. This has been corrected.ITEMEDITPC ARC/INFO creates and displays database item names in upper case. In some cases, where database files were imported to PC ARC/INFO, some item names could contain lower case characters. In previous Versions of PC ARC/INFO, if one item name in a data file containing many items with lower case characters was altered, all item names were converted to upper case. This is no longer the case.UNIONThe UNION command has the following Usage:UNION [in_cover] [union_cover] [out_cover] {fuzzy_tolerance}The {fuzzy_tolerance} argument allows you to specify the minimum distance between arc coordinates in [out_cover]. However, in Version 4.0, this parameter was being ignored and the UNION command was always using the default {fuzzy_tolerance} value. This is now fixed.Blank spaces in Command Lines caused misleading error messagesA number of commands would display a cryptic SML error message if you entered an embedded blank in a command argument, in a number or in an item name. This is now fixed. A proper error message and the command Usage is displayed.Improved handling of coverages with too many featuresPC ARC/INFO supports coverages with up to 256K features. In Version 4.0, some ARC and ARCEDIT commands would improperly attempt to process coverages with too many features and they would exit with a cryptic error message. These commands now check for coverages with too many features before trying to process them and if a coverage with more than 256K features is identified, a correct error message is displayed in the text window.Improved handling of memoryIn certain circumstances memory was being overwritten when using FORMs with data files having more than 8,192 records and no selection sets were in use. This has been corrected. Additionally, dialog boxes were not properly releasing memory after drawing bitmaps on widgets or when the dialog box was being closed. This also has been fixed.ARCEDIT feature drawing when the Editcoverage and Backcoverage were the sameIn ARCEDIT, when the Editcoverage and Backcoverage were set to the same coverage and features were altered in the Editcoverage but not saved when the Editcoverage was removed, the DRAW command would continue to display the altered features until the Backcoverage was also removed from the ARCEDIT session. This has been corrected.COORDINATE – a Usage fixThe COORDINATE command specifies the mode of interactive coordinate entry for PC ARCEDIT commands that require coordinate input. All COORDINATE options remain unchanged except for the addition of COORDINATE DIGITIZER CURRENT.COORDINATE[CURSOR]COORDINATE[KEYBOARD]COORDINATE[DIGITIZER] {CURRENT / DEFAULT / cover}Previous documentation stated that the DEFAULT option was the default setting for COORDINATE DIGITIZER. The usage was stated as:COORDINATE [DIGITIZER] {cover / DEFAULT}In fact, the undocumented CURRENT option has been the default option for COORDINATE DIGITIZER.COORDINATE DIGITIZER CURRENT will use the current digitizer transformation rather than prompt you to digitize Tic locations. If there is no current digitizer transformation, it will work just like the DEFAULT option. This is mostly a documentation fix, unless you have been entering the keyword DEFAULT on the COORDINATE DIGITIZER command line and would rather have been using CURRENT. The CURRENT option is useful for switching between the CURSOR or KEYBOARD options and the DIGITIZER option without having to re-digitize the Tic locations. Specifying Tics by the $ID and $RECNO pseudo items in ARCEDITThe database file that stores TIC ID values and coordinates is not regarded by PC ARC/INFO as an attribute table and therefore does not contain recognized item names. However, specifying TICs by using the pseudo items $ID or $RECNO is permissible in ARCEDIT. $ID represents the User-ID of a TIC. $RECNO represents the record number of a TIC in the database file. These pseudo items can be used with all commands that accept logical expressions for selection (UNDELETE, SELECT, RESELECT etc.). For example:[ARCEDIT]EDITFEATURE TIC[ARCEDIT]SELECT FOR $ID > 101Line and Box rubberbanding with a digitizerWhen using a digitizer with ARCEDIT, the Line and Box command options now display rubberbanding.A new message box has been added to the ARCEDIT menuOnly one copy of a feature file can be open at a time. In Version 4.0, if you tried to establish an Edit Feature using the ARCEDIT menu and that feature was being used by another session or was Read Only, a warning message was generated but was only displayed in the text window. This has been fixed so the warning is also displayed in a Windows message box.PC ARC/INFO would sometimes stop processing when setting a MAPEXTENT or a MAPPOSITIONIn Version 4.0, it was possible to stop PC ARC/INFO if you issued a particular combination of commands in ARCEDIT. This happened most often with the IMAGE, BACKCOVERAGE, SELECT and MAPEXTENT commands. An “illegal operation” error would occur and the ARCEDIT session would quit. A similar problem would sometimes occur with the EDGEMATCH MAPPOSITION command. These anomalies have been corrected.。
CACStar 安装 v5 Dell C3765dnf说明书
CACStar™ Installation v5 Dell C3765dnf
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Turn off power to the C3765. Slide the assembly onto the left hand side of the C3765 so the USB connector on the CACStar is inserted into the USB socket on the front of the C3765. The CACStar will wrap around the left scanner post as shown below.
M3 x 10mm M4 x 40mm
M3 x 40mm
Turn on the C3765. Refer to the CACStar User’s Guide for configuration.
CACStar™ Installation v5 Dell C3765dnf
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At the rear of the C3765, remove the two mounting screws indicated by arrows in the following picture:
CACStar™ Installation v5 Dell t the CACStar Ethernet cable to the C3765 Ethernet port as shown below:
Installation of CACStar™ on a Dell C3765dnf MFD
The kit arrives assembled as shown in the photo below. The contents of the box includes the CACStar option, User’s Guide, and a bag containing 3 screws required for securing the CACStar option to the back of the printer. The bag contains an M3 x 10mm screw, an M3 x 40mm screw, and an M4 x 40mm screw. You will need a Phillips #1 screwdriver. If you wish to see an example of the installation process, go to YouTube at https:///watch?v=-SPu4-i4OBY for a 4 minute video.
图形操作终端安装手册 AKI-CDA-MOD-04T说明书
图形操作终端安装手册版A,07/2013AKI-CDA-MOD-04T4.3”Touchscreen HMI保留所有手册,在产品寿命期间将它们作为产品组件。
AKI-CDA-MOD-04T|目录1常规措施1.1关于本手册 (4)2安全防护措施2.1常规措施 (5)2.2UL和cUL安装: (5)2.3安装期间 (6)2.4使用期间 (6)2.5维修和维护 (6)2.6拆除和废弃处置 (7)2.7触摸屏中出现空气 (7)3安装3.1空间要求 (8)3.2安装过程 (9)3.2.1与控制器的连接 (10)3.2.2其他连接和外设 (10)4技术数据5耐化学性5.1金属外壳 (12)5.2触摸屏和涂层 (13)5.2.1Autoflex EBA180L (13)5.2.2触摸屏表面 (13)5.2.3Autoflex EBA180L (14)6操作面板图纸6.1连接器 (15)6.2通信端口 (15)6.3AKI-CDA-MOD-04T结构图 (16)7额外安装提示7.1操作面板接地 (17)7.2操作面板中的以太网连接 (18)7.3实现更好的EMC保护 (19)7.4环境温度 (20)7.5安全性 (21)7.6电流隔离 (22)7.7电缆和总线终端RS485 (22)AKI-CDA-MOD-04T|常规措施1常规措施1.1关于本手册所有Advanced Kollmorgen Interfaces的开发宗旨均是满足人机通信的需要。