2160064 计算机控制技术(中英文)(2011)
外语课程12学分(必修:英语读写译+英语口语+英语听力,选修:翻译、商务英语、英美文化、影视欣赏 说 四选一,西方文化、实用英语写作、英美文学、中国文化四选一,1为普通课程、2为提高课程);文化素质 明 教育课程14学分(必修6学分,选修8学分,其中:“法律、经管、社会”、“环境、心理、健康”、“文学 、历史、哲学”和艺术课程各2学分)。
3 3 3
课 程 类 别
课 程 性 质
学 分 22 10 2 2 2 2 2 10 3 3 2 2 10 2 2 2 2 2 12
总 学 时
授 课 学 时
实 验 学 时
上 机 学 时
实 践 第一学年 学 1 2 时
各学期周学时分配 第二学年 第三学年 第四学年 短 1 2短 1 2短 1 2
课 程 类 别 课 程 性 质
学 分 4
总 学 时
授 课 学 时
实 验 学 时
上 机 学 时
实 践 第一学年 学 1 2 时
各学期周学时分配 第二学年 第三学年 第四学年 短 1 2短 1 2短 1 2
体育 必 体育 训 练 与 健 康 类 军事 必 军事理论1 必 集中军事训练1 健康教育 必 健康教育 小 计 4080001 5100057 5100058
3 3.5 2 5 4.5 2 1.5 11.5 3.5 3.5 2.5 2 11.5 4 3 2 2.5 11.5 3.5 3 2 3 33 9 3 3 3
3 24 12 20 16 16 4 4 3 2 24 4 3 2
1. 工程知识:具有从事本专业相 1.3 掌握控制系统建模、分析和综合
关的数学、自然科学、工程基础 的基本方法,具有能够解决复杂工 L
和专业知识,并能够用于解决自 程问题的基本能力。
2. 问题分析:能够应用数学、自
够根据问题设计实验,并对实验 4.2 能够运用自动化专业理论,对实
结果进行综合分析,通过信息综 验过程和实验数据分析结果,通过 L
课程教学目标 教学目标 1、2、3
教学目标 4、5
教学目标 6
教学目标 4、5
教学目标 4
知识模 块
然科学和工程科学的基本原理, 2.2 能运用数学、自然科学和相关工
识别、表达、并通过文献研究分 程知识,对自动控制领域复杂工程 H 问题进行能控、能观测及稳定性分
析自动控制领域的复杂工程问 析,并给出结论。
3. 设计/开发解决方案:能够针
对自动控制领域复杂工程问题 3.1 能够根据本行业的特定需求,清 设计解决方案,设计满足特定需 晰描述自动控制系统的设计任务,
必修 《计算机程序设计(c/c++)》、《单片微型计算机原理及应用A》、《信号 与系统B》、《自动控制理论》 计算机控制技术是研究控制系统的重要手段之一,是自动控制理论的后续 课程,在专业课程体系中占有非常重要的地位,是自动化专业本科生必修 专业课。该课程主要研究如何将计算机技术和自动控制理论应用于生产过 程,并设计出所需要的计算机控制系统。课程教学内容主要以主流机型 ISA/PCI总线工业控制机为控制核心,系统阐述计算机控制系统的设计技 术与工程实现方法。
《Technology of Computer Control》IntroductionCourse code:80053003Course name:Technology of Computer ControlCredit: 3.5The semester to teaches: 8th semesterThe objects: Measurement and Control Technology Instrument Required Course in Advance:Automatic control principle, Microcomputer principleCourse Master:Gao Zhifeng、Lecturer、MasterCourse Introduction:"Technology of Computer Control " is observes and controls the specialty which technical and instrument specialized important limits elects to take as an elective the curriculum.This curricula mainly teach the control system the mathematical model and between the transfer function, the run-on time signal and the digital signal transformation, the linear separate control system mathematics description method, the computer control system classics control theory and modern control theory design method and so on. Through this curriculum study, causes the student to grasp the electric circuit the basic concept and the law, the fundamental theorem and the basic analysis method, and prepares the essential test process and survey signal knowledge for the following curriculum. In the teaching process, needs to place the key point strengthens the student theoretical analysis and in the solution question comprehensive thought method training. But thoroughly understood and grasps each concept and the method request reliably, will cause the student to profit life-long.Practice course:" Technology of Computer Control " experimental curriculum may open reaches 12 experimental projects much, the main purpose is trains the student to test ability and the actual skill.The experiment is for the consolidated student's computer control theory knowledge, the enhancement basic experiment skill, enhances begins ability; Simultaneously raises the thought method which the student innovates, for carries on the new domain exploration and the scientific research builds the good practice foundation.Curriculum inspection:Test result = usually result ×30% + end of the period result ×70%.Usually the result includes: Work, experiment and so on.The end of the period result adopts the closed-book examination.Assigns the teaching material:《计算机控制技术》,熊静琪主编,北京:电子工业出版社,2003年。
Computer Control TechnologyA :The Application of ComputerComputer take over the job s which used to be exclusive for humans with special skill and knowledge, for example, controlling productive process, manipulating machines, inspecting products quality, managing production plans, administering inventory, etc., all on an automatic scale with high efficiency and accuracy. In NC(Numerical control) systems, PID control systems, servo control systems, group control systems, optimal control and adaptive control systems, computer as a central control unit take all relevant calculations involved in the automatic control process and schedule all other working units in the system. The CIMS (computer Integrated Manufacturing System) contains not only a production control system but also production planning and management systems aiming at the integration of factory automation (FA) and an office automation (OA), constituting a computer network for a whole company. The HIMS (Human Integrated Manufacturing System) is a form of high-level computer control. Virtual reality technology is used to create virtual space for human operators through the use of high-performance computer and specific software.Virtually computer simulation is based on mathematical models representing the nature of the object under study or examination. The mathematical model comprises a series of equations that depict the inherent process of the object in mathematical terms.A computer simulation program includes algorithms that are derived from those equations. Many computer simulation system have been developed and proved to be cost-effective, because using computer simulation programs, engineers can accomplish iterative process each time by inputting different schemes and parameters into their computer models rather than building many different real model.The controller in a robot is mostly a computer –from microprocessors to minicomputers. NC (Numeric Control) and SC( Servo Control) are widely used. They are re-programmable to produce sequences of instructions for all movements and actions to be taken by the robot, in accordance with the program. For example, acontroller sends a series of pulses to a step motor in a joint of a robot arm to rotate it a certain angle exactly as program requires. When all joints driven in the same way, the robot arm reach the designed position and attitude, and it end effector performs its jobs as the controller instructs it. The accuracy of movement is determined by the controller itself.CAD is software that can help engineering in their designs for new products building, print circuit boards, civil works like bridge and airports, relieving them from the tedious, back=breaking and time consuming jobs like drafting and drawing. When embarking on their designs, engineers frequently make reference into various manuals listed in which are details of structure, parts, materials and auxiliary materials ready for designs‟choice for their designs. CAD products incorporate the content of all these manuals into a series of libraries in the software product, providing the engineers with information, for instance, names, dimensions, functions, performance, specifications, shapes, color, manufacturers, prices of the machine parts, components, tools, materials, etc. all necessary for engineering design.CAM is a software helping engineers to analyze a product or a project, and give advice for manufacturing it or constructing it. Data, diagrams, tables, etc. showing its shape, dimension, structure, fabrication and the material is made from are input as the software requires. Then it will give out suggestions about its manufacturing, for instance, machine procedure, machine tools and facilities to be used, technical parameters like allowance for finish, machining accuracy, as well as special processings.Artificial intelligence (AI) is a subdivision of computer science. Its purpose is to develop theory and method to create “intelligent” computer programs that work in a human-like way, rather than subjecting human user to the stereotyped computer-dominated working style. In a sense of analogy, human intelligence is added to computer programs which then exhibit more extensive ability, for example, thinking and reasoning, acquiring knowledge and applying it to solving more complex and difficult problems that present computer can‟t.Expert systems are the most successful example of AI. An expert system orientedto a specific profession works like a human expert of that field and provides advice to solving the problem proposed by the user. Expertise is derived and organized in its knowledge base ready for the user to retrieve. Today, many expert system have been commercially available and, and more are under development.B:Computer Structure and FunctionThe CPU reads and interprets the instructions, reads the data required by each instruction, executes the action required by the instruction, and stores the results back in memory. One of the action that is required of the CPU is to read data from or write data to an external device. This is carried out using the input/output system.The memory of computer consists of a set of sequentially numbered locations. Each location is a register in which binary information can be stored. The …number‟ of location is called its address. The lowest address is 0. The manufacturer defines a word length for the processor that is an integral number of locations long. In each word the bits can represent either data or instructions. For the Intel 8086/87 and Motorala MC68000 microprocessors, a word is 16 bits long, but each memory location has only 8 bits and thus two 8-bit location must be accessed to obtain each data word.In order to use the contents of memory, the processor must fetch the contents of the right location. To carry out a fetch, the processor place (enables) the binary-coded address of the desired location onto the address line of the external processor bus. The memory then allows the contents of the addressed memory location to be read by the processor. The process of fetching the contents of a memory location does not alter the contents of that location.In a real instruction set there are many more instructions. There is also a much larger number of memory locations in which to store instructions and data. In order to increase the number of memory locations, the address fields and hence the instructions must be longer than 16 bits if we use the same approach. There are a number of way to increase the addressing range of the microprocessor without increasing the instruction length: variable instruction field, multiword instructions,multiple addressing mode, variable instruction length. We will not discuss them in detail.The bus is the most important communication system in a computer system. Under control of the CPU, a data source device and data destination device are “enabled”onto (equivalent to being connected to ) the bus wires for a short transmission. The internal processor bus described in Sec.XX is connected to the external processor bus by a set of bus buffers located on the microprocessor integrated circuit.C: Fundamentals of Computer and NetworksThe operating system must ensure correct operation of the computer system. To prevent user programs from interfering with the proper operation of the system, the hardware was modified to create two modes: user mode and monitor mode. Various instructions( such as I/O instructions and halt instruction) are privileged and can only be executed in monitor mode. The memory in which the monitor resides must also be protected from modification by the user. A timer prevents infinite loops. Once these changes (dual mode, privileged instructions, memory protection, timer interrupt) have been made to the basic computer architecture, it is possible to write a correct operating system.Although the physical separation of the communicating computers may vary considerably from one type of application to another, or, at the heart of any computer, the communication network is the data communication facility which may be a PSDN, a private LAN, or perhaps a number of such networks interconnected together. However, irrespective of the type of data communication facility, an amount of hardware and software is required within each attached computer to handle the appropriate network-dependent protocols. Typically, these are concerned with the establishment of a communication channel access the network and with the control of flow of messages across this channel. The provision of such facilities is only part of the network requirement, however, since in many applications the communicating computer may be of different types. This means that they may use differentprogramming languages and more importantly, different forms of data representation interface between user(application) programs, normally referred to as application processes or APs, and the underlying communication services may be different. For example, one computer may be a small single-user computer, while another may be a large multi-user system.D: Interface to External Signals and DevicesAutonomous external devices and signals having no bus-compatible signals and no temporal relationship with the system bus signal cannot be connected to the system bus directly. Communication with the system bus is accomplished via an input/output interface. The main purpose of an input/output interface are converting the transfer of data between the processor and independent outside devices, and converting data between a modality recognized by the processor. Other functions of interface may be to provide electric isolation, amplification, noise rejection, temporary data storage, or data format conversion.E: Fundamentals of Single-Chip MicrocomputersROM is usually for the permanent, non-volatile storage of an applications program. Many microcomputers and microcontrollers are intended for high-volume applications and hence the economical manufacture of the device requires that the contents of the program memory be committed permanently during the manufacture of the chips. Clearly, this implies a rigorous approach to ROM code development since changes cannot be made after manufacture. This development process may involve emulation using a sophisticated development system with a hardware emulation capability as well as the use of powerful software tools.Some manufacturers provide additional ROM options by including in their range devices with (or intended for use with ) user programmable memory. The simplest of these is usually a device which can operate in a microprocessor mode by using some of the input/output lines as an address and data bus for accessing external memory. This type of device can behave functionally as the single-chip microcomputer from which it is derived albeit with restricted I/O and modified external circuit. The use ofthese ROMless devices is common even in production circuits where the volume does not justify the development costs of custom on-chip ROM, there can still be a significant saving in I/O and other chips compared to a conventional microprocessor based circuit. More exact replacement for ROM devices can be obtained in the form of variants with piggy-back EPROM (Erasable Programmable ROM) sockets or devices with EPROM instead of ROM. These devices are naturally more expensive than the equivalent ROM device, but do provide complete circuit equivalents. EPROM based devices are also extremely attractive for low-volume applications where they provide the advantages of a single-chip device, in terms of on-chip I/O. etc, with the convenience of flexible user programmability.Serial communication with terminal devices is a common means of providing a link using a small number of lines. This sort of communication can also be exploited for interfacing special function chips or linking several microcomputers together. Both the common asynchronous and synchronous communication schemes require protocols that provide framing (start and stop) information. This can be implemented as a hardware facility or UART relieving processor(and applications programmer) of this low-level, time-consuming, detail. It is merely necessary to select a baud-rate and possibly other options (number of stop bits, parity, etc.) and load (or read from) the serial transmitter (receiver) buffer. Serialization of the data in the appropriate format is then handled by the hardware circuit.计算机控制技术A :计算机的应用计算机取代了过去是需要人的特殊技巧和知识的工作。
课程编号:305239课程名称:计算机控制技术C英文名称:Computer Controling Technology C学分:3学分总学时:48学时先修课程:电路、电子技术基础、自动控制原理、微机原理及应用、单片机原理及应用开课部门:电气工程与信息工程学院课程内容:本课程主要阐述计算机控制系统的基本设计方法。
选课对象:自动化、电气工程及其自动化专业学生《计算机控制技术C》教学大纲(Computer Controling Technology C)撰写人:王君刘仲民审核人:潘峥嵘骆东松一、大纲说明本大纲根据自动化专业2010年培养计划制订。
《计算机控制技术》(机械工业出版社范立南、李雪飞)习题参考答案第1章1.填空题(1)闭环控制系统,开环控制系统(2)实时数据采集,实时决策控制,实时控制输出(3)计算机,生产过程(4)模拟量输入通道,数字量输入通道,模拟量输出通道,数字量输出通道(5)系统软件,应用软件2.选择题(1) A (2)B (3)C (4) A (5)B3.简答题(1)将闭坏白动控制系统中的模拟控制器和和比较坏节用计算机來代替,再加上A/D转换器、D/A转换器等器件,就构成了计算机控制系统,其基木框图如图所示。
I 计算机计算机控制系统由计算机(通常称为工业控制机)和牛产过程两大部分纽成。
集散控制系统:又称分布式控制系统,具冇通用性强、系统组态灵活,控制功能完善、数据处理方便,显示操作集屮,调试方便,运行安全可靠,捉高牛产自动化水平和管理水平, 提高劳动生产率等优点。
《计算机控制技术课程设计》课程教学大纲课程编号:sk079211课程名称:计算机控制技术英文名称:Computer Control Technology课程类型:实践教学课程要求:必修学时/学分:2周/2适用专业:自动化一、课程性质与任务单计算机控制技术课程设计是自动化专业本科生的必修实践教学课程。
《计算机控制技术》1.计算机控制系统(Computer Control System ,简称CCS)是应用计算机参与控制并借助一些辅助部件与被控对象相联系,以获得一定控制目的而构成的系统。
4.常用的计算机输入/输出通道分为四类,即模拟量输入通道、模拟量输出通道、数字量(开关量)输入通道和数字量(开关量)输出通道5.模拟量输入通道(简称AI 通道),用来将测量仪表测得的被控对象各种参数的模拟信号,变换成数字量输入计算机。
6.数字量输入通道(简称DI 通道),用来接收和反应被控对象状态的开关量或数字信号。
10.接口电路的功能:①总线驱动②数据缓冲与锁存③中断管理或提供状态信息④I/O 地址译17.在控制系统中,对被控量的检测往往采用各种类型的测量变送器,当它们的输出信号为0 - 10 mA 或4 -20 mA 的电流信号时,一般是采用电阻分压法把现场传送来的电流信号转换为电压信号,以下是两种变换电路。
①无源I/V 变换 ②有源I/V 变换18.由于机械触点的弹性振动,按键在按下时不会马上稳定地接通而在弹起时也不能一下子完全地断开,因而在按键闭合和断开的瞬间均会出现一连串的抖动,这称为按键的抖动干扰。
19.按键的抖动会造成按一次键产生的开关状态被CPU 误读几次。
为了使CPU 能正确地读取按键状态,必须在按键闭合或断开时,消除产生的前沿或后沿抖动,去抖动的方法有硬件方法和软件方法两种。
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天津大学《计算机控制技术》课程教学大纲课程代码:2160064 课程名称:计算机控制技术 学 时: 32 学 分: 2学时分配: 授课:24 上机: 实验:8 实践: 实践(周):授课学院: 计算机学院适用专业: 计算机科学与技术专业先修课程: 电路与电子技术、计算机组成原理、C语言、高等数学、积分变换、数学模型一.课程的性质与目的《计算机控制技术》课程跨越多个学科方向,包括数学相关内容、控制理论和技术、电子技术和计算机技术等,是一门理论基础扎实、知识面宽广、应用性强、对学生水平要求较高的课程。
二.教学基本要求1复习并掌握高等数学、组成原理、电子技术等先修课程;2 掌握控制系统的整体框架和系统结构;3 掌握基于控制系统思路分析研究对象,如何建立物理现实与抽象描述的对应关系方法;4 掌握解析式建立方法,从工程角度理解和掌握拉氏变换,学习和掌握方框图的使用;5 掌握应用系统搭建的的基本框架和基本方法,明确引入Z变换的意义,掌握PID控制方法,了解复杂控制系统架构;6 通过实验实际完成一个综合系统的控制实现。
四.学时分配教学内容 授课 上机 实验 实践 实践(周) 第一章 2第二章 2第三章 2第四章 2第五章 2第六章 2第七章 2第八章 2第九章 4第十章 2第十一章 2实验一 2实验二 3实验三 3总计: 24 8五.评价与考核方式课堂出勤、回答提问、实验和作业等平时成绩占20% ,课程考试占80%。
六.教材与主要参考资料[1] 计算机控制技术,熊静琪,电子工业出版社,2000[2] 计算机控制系统,何克忠,清华大学出版社,2002[3] 计算机控制技术,余人杰,西安交通大学出版社,2001[4] 现代计算机控制系统,冯勇,哈尔滨工业大学出版社,1999[5] 动态系统的反馈控制,Genef.Frank,电子工业出版社,2004[6] 自动控制原理,哈尔滨理工大学精品课程,/zdkz/[7] 自动控制原理,西北工业大学精品课程,[8] SMART嵌入式实验指导,广州致远有限公司技术文档制定人:审核人:批准人:批准日期:年月日TU Syllabus for Computer Control TechnologyCode:2160064 Title: Computer controltechnology Semester Hours: 32Credits:2Semester Hour Structure Lecture : 24 Computer Lab : Experiment :8 Practice :Practice (Week):Offered by: School of computer science and technologyfor: Computer science and technologyPrerequisite: Higher mathematics, c programming, computer principles1. Objective1 Review and master mathematics, composition theory, electronic technology and etc course;2 master control system of the overall framework and system architecture;3 master control system of thought based on analysis of the object, how to build an abstract description of physical reality ;4 master the analytic establishments, from an engineering perspective to understand and master the Laplace transform, to learn and master the use of block diagram;5 master the basic application framework and the basic method, be clear with the significance of the introduction of Z transform, master PID control method to understand the complex control system architecture;6 Performed the experiment and achieve an integrated system control.2. Course DescriptionThis course includes mathematics-related content, control theory and control technology, electronic technology and computer technology. This course need a solid theoretical foundation and broad knowledge supporting, The students of this course require to have a higher level ability. Today’s control technology is used in the military field, aerospace field, industrial production, modern agriculture, social and economic fields. The course will be divided into two parts, theoretical andexperimental, theoretical part of the Control Science and Technology will introduce the most basic, most important, the most mature part of the classic. Experimental section will be completed using the embedded platform atthe Institute. Through this course, students will be more familiar with the foundation of the courses early and can deeply understood the foundation course and know how to using them. The students can also broaden their knowledge and at thetoolsto analyze andtheoreticalenhance thesame timeuse ofsolve complex external systems.3. TopicsChapter I: Background and overall a general introduction to the basic situation ofthe course, background and course content, based on the tank control system gives the control system logic of the overall framework and system components.Chapter II: mathematical model and Laplace transform, to explain the mathematical model for the analysis of the controlled object and the establishment of methods to explain the theory of Laplace transform methods;Chapter III: Application of Laplace transform and transfer function and block diagram to explain the control of the basic theory and analysis, including Laplace transform of differential equations, transfer functions and block diagram of the establishment and use of basic methods such as control system analysis;Chapter IV: Analog and digital signal conversion, introducedcomputer-controlled analog-digital signal converter used in the theory and basic principles, including the A / D and D / A conversion principles and techniques;Chapter Five: Analysis of input and output channels for the interface between the controlled object and the computer part, by the classical circuit analysis, to enable students to master the circuit used in the control system;Chapter VI: Description and analysis of discrete-time systems, Z transform to explain the principles, methods and the use of differential equations instance;Chapter VII: Z transform in-depth to explain the Z transform caused by the pulse transfer function, the open-loop closed-loop transfer function, Z transformation of the block diagram;Chapter VIII: control performance descriptions, data acquisition and processing, analytical description explaining the basic indicator control systems, the principles of digital processing and basic algorithms;Chapter IX: PID control, explain the continuous system of proportional control, proportional integral control, PID control;Chapter X: complex control system, described cascade control, ratio control, feedforward control, and integration of complex control a variety of control methods;Chapter XI: Advanced Control Technology, Mason introduced the formula, the principle method for time domain analysis, root locus analysis, state space.Experiment I: a simple closed-loop control based on the embedded platform, performed a platform through software and hardware design for a simple motor speed control;Experiment II: PID control algorithm based on the embedded platform, performed the design of platform through software and hardware, using the integrated infrared, serial and other rich interface in the platform for PID control;Experiment III: complex control, based on the embedded platform, performed the design of platform through hardware and software, using the comprehensive infrared, serial and stepper motor drive module in the platform for more complex control system.4. Semester Hour StructureTopics Lecture ComputerLab.ExperimentPracticePractice (Week)Chapter I 2 Chapter II 2 Chapter III 2 Chapter IV 2 Chapter V 2 Chapter VI 2 Chapter VII 2 Chapter VIII 2 Chapter IX 4 Chapter X 2 Chapter XI 2 Experiment I 2 Experiment II 3 Experiment III:3Sum: 24 85. GradingClassroom attendance, answer questions, experiments and operations, andothernormal scores account for 20%, 80% Examination.6. Text-Book & Additional Readings[1] computer control technology, Jingqi Xiong ,Electronics Industry Press, 2000[2] computer control system, Kezhong He, Tsinghua University Press, 2002 [3] computer control technology, Renjie Xu, Xian Jiaotong university Press, 2001 [4] Modern computer control system, Yong Feng, harbin Institute of Technology Press,1999[5] Feedback control of dynamic system, Genef.Frank, Electronic Industry Press, 2004[6] Principles of Automatic control, Harbin Institute of Technology Quality Course,/zdkz/[7] Principles of Automatic control, Northwestern Polytechnical University Quality course, [8] SMART embedded test guide, Co.Ltd Zhiyuan technical documentationConstitutor:Reviewer:Authorizor:Date:。