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Comparison of the Chemical Components of Cordate Pinellia Tuber and Its Processed Products HAO Jie,ZHAO Yun-li,FAN Rong-hua,SU Chang,YU Zhi-guo(School of Pharmacy,Shenyang Pharmaceutical University,Shenyang 110016,China)
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE:To study the change of the chemical components of Cordate Pinellia Tuber and its processed products. METHODS:The processed products of Cordate Pinellia Tuber were prepared using different methods. The main components of Cordate Pinellia Tuber and its processed products were determined and the fingerprint chromatogram of Cordate Pinellia Tuber and its processed products were compared. RESULTS:In the order of alkaloid content:raw Cordate Pinellia Tuber>rhizome Cordate Pinellia Tuber>Cordate Pinellia Tuber treated with alum>Cordate Pinellia Tuber treated with alum and ginger. In the order of uridine content:raw Cordate Pinellia Tuber>Cordate Pinellia Tuber treated with alum>Cordate Pinellia Tuber treated with alum and ginger>rhizome Cordate Pinellia Tuber. In the order of adenosine content:raw Cordate Pinellia Tuber>Cordate Pinellia Tuber treated with alum and ginger>Cordate Pinellia Tuber treated with alum>rhizome Cordate Pinellia Tuber. Compared with raw Cordate Pinellia Tuber,the main peaks of fingerprint chromatogram of processed products of Cordate Pinellia Tuber varied after processed. Peak height of fingerprint chromatogram decreased to some extent. CONCLUSION:After processed,the change of chemical components of Cordate Pinellia Tuber has been found. The content of uridine,adenosine and total alkaloid in Cordate Pinellia Tuber decrease to some extent. KEY WORDS Cordate Pinellia Tuber;Process;Total alkaloids;Uridine;Adenosine;Fingerprint chromatogram
1 仪器与试药
LC-10ATvp 型高效液相色谱(HPLC)仪(日本岛津公司); ANASTAR 型色谱工作站(天津奥特赛恩斯仪器有限公司); N2010 型色谱数据处理系统(浙江大学智达信息工程有限公
郝 杰*,赵云丽,范荣华,苏 畅,于治国(# 沈阳药科大学药学院,沈阳市 110016)
中图分类号 R284.2;R283.1
文献标识码 A
文章编号 1பைடு நூலகம்01-0408(2011)03-0231-03
摘 要 目的:研究滴水珠炮制前、后化学成分的变化。方法:采用不同方法对滴水珠生品进行炮制,对其主要成分进行含量测 定,并对生品和炮制品的指纹图谱进行比较。结果:生物碱含量高低顺序为生品>法制品>白矾制品>姜制品;尿苷含量高低顺 序为生品>白矾制品>姜制品>法制品;腺苷含量高低顺序为生品>姜制品>白矾制品>法制品。炮制品的指纹图谱与生品比 较,主峰数目有所变化,峰高有不同程度的减小。结论:滴水珠药材经炮制后化学成分有变化,总生物碱、尿苷和腺苷的含量均有 所降低。 关键词 滴水珠;炮制;总生物碱;尿苷;腺苷;指纹图谱
滴水珠(Cordate Pinellia Tuber)为天南星科半夏属草本植 物心叶半夏 Pinellia cordata N. E. Br.的干燥块茎[1],味辛,性 温,有小毒,归心、肝、胃经。其具有解毒消肿、散瘀止痛之功 效,用于治疗毒蛇咬伤、乳痈、肿毒、深部脓肿、瘰疬、头痛、胃 痛、腰痛、跌打损伤等证 。 [2] 由于半夏属植物辛、温,有毒,对 眼、咽喉、肠胃等黏膜有强烈刺激,临床多采用其炮制品,从而 减低毒性、缓和药性[3]。目前,关于半夏属药材的含量测定已 有报道[4~7],但关于药材经炮制后其成分变化研究较少。本课 题组经研究发现,市售滴水珠药材存在甘草炮制品。因此,本 文采用 2005 年版《中国药典》关于半夏药材的炮制法[8],对滴水 珠生品进行炮制,并研究其炮制前、后化学成分的变化,以为 滴水珠药材的合理应用提供依据。