



The Celts

The Celtic race of people arrived from Europe to Ireland between 800-100 BC. Ireland became a Celtic country. It was from this tribal people that the modern Irish language came from and Irish identity is founded upon.
The republic of Ireland
Green: Catholic Irishmen White: Protestant Irishmen Orange: friendship between Catholics and Protestants
National Flag
National Emblem

Christianity began to arrive in Ireland from about 431AD onwards. The Celts adopted the new religion. St. Patrick is credited with bringing the religion to Ireland and St. Patricks day is celebrated on March 17th every year.
1. Early History
7,000 BC, hunter-gathers 6th century BC, Celts 5th century BC, Erainn 4th century BC, Gaels 432, St. Patrick 9th century Vikings 17th century, English control 1800, Act of Union (联合法 案)


arties & Group) 共有8个政党: 1. 共和党:现第一执政党,自1932年成立以 来,一直是众议院的第一大党。 2. 进步民主党:现第二执政党。 3. 统一党(Fine Gael):第二大党。 4. 工党(Labour Party):第三大党,是爱尔 兰最早的政党。 另外还有工人党(Workers’ Party)、绿党 等。
爱尔兰位于欧洲西部的 爱尔兰岛中南部。面积7 0282平方公里。西濒 大西洋,东北与英国的北 爱尔兰接壤,东隔爱尔兰 海同英国相望。属于温带 海洋性气候(temperate maritime climate). 首都位都柏林(Dublin)。 Dublin 全省分为26个郡和4个郡 级市及7个非郡级市。郡 下设市区和镇。第一官方 语言为爱尔兰语(Irish, Gaelic),属于卡尔特语系 (Celtic),第二官方语言 为英语。爱尔兰人多为卡 尔特人的后裔。
三.政府(Government) 现任政府由共和党(Fianna Fail)和进步民主党 (Progressive Democrats)联合组成。 四.司法机构(Judiciary) 最高法院(Supreme Court)即终审法院为最高 司法机关,下设高等法院(High Court)、巡回 法院(Circuit Court)和地区法院(District Court)。法官由政府推荐,总统任命。另设特 别刑事法院(Special Criminal Court)。
二. 大众传媒(Mass Media)
有全国性日报8种。此外还有5种星期日报 及许多周报、月报和杂志,地方性报纸90 余种。主要报刊有《爱尔兰时报》(Irish Times)、《爱尔兰独立报》(Irish Independent)、《爱尔兰先驱晚报》(Irish (Irish Herald)和《观察者报》(The Evening Herald Observers)。 爱无官方通讯社。 国营的爱尔兰广播电视总台(Radio Telefis Eireann)用英语播音。另有爱尔兰语广播电 台。


▪ In 2006 the Irish Government celebrated 90 years since the Rising.
Independence and the division of
▪ Michael Collins had led the war effort against Britain.
▪ Norman castles can be found across Ireland.
The start of British rule in
▪ In 1171 King Henry 2 of England came to Ireland to claim sovereignty over Ireland.
The Great Famine 18451850
▪ Thple at this time was the potato.
▪ The potato was almost entirely releyed upon by Irish people.
▪ The Vikings especially raided Christian monasteries where precious treasures and goods could be stolen.
▪ The monks built tall round towers to hide in when the Vikings attacked.
▪ Many people died or emigrated to America.
▪ Since the 1840s emigration became a part of Iirsh life up until the late 1990s.



Location:Ireland is an island to the northwest of continental Europe. It is the third-largest island in Europe and the twentieth-largest island on Earth. To its east is the larger island of Great Britain, from which it is separated by the Irish Sea.爱尔兰是欧洲大陆西北的一个岛屿。



To the east of Ireland is Great Britain, separated from it by the Irish Sea. The island is divided between the Republic of Ireland, which covers just under five-sixths of the island, and Northern Ireland, a part of the United Kingdom, which covers the remainder and is located in the northeast of the island.Temperate climate(温带气候)Ireland is an intense green, or rather mixture of greens, which changes little between summer and winter; the grasslands flourish in all seasons.爱尔兰有着大片大片的绿色草场,而且四季不变。

Ireland has a smaller range of native flora and fauna than elsewhere in Europe.与欧洲其它地方相比,爱尔兰当地的动植物种类较少。



Here is the same beach in the late afternoon. The Irish coastline is dotted with softly sandy beaches which are very popular in the summer.
The third most populous city The second largest city “the Rebel County”
Along the west coastline, there are a few areas of pasture(牧场) in what is essentially a rocky landscape.
Castles and ruins are found all over Ireland.
The Republic of Ireland
Ireland is a Western Europe country, It faces the Atlantic on the east and the Irish sea on the west. The five-sixths of the island of Ireland belong to the Republic, with the remainder constituting Northern Ireland (UK).
The Irish Flag
The current flag is the Tricolour of Green, White and Orange. This represents the partition of the country.
Irish Symbol: The Harp



爱尔兰的国家历史爱尔兰爱尔兰语:Poblacht na hÉireann;英语:Republic of Ireland,是一个西欧的议会共和制国家,西临大西洋,东靠爱尔兰海,与英国隔海相望,是北美通向欧洲的通道,爱尔兰自然环境保持得相当好,素有“翡翠岛国”之称,全国绿树成荫,河流纵横。




















Байду номын сангаас
English and Irish is spoken in both ROI and NI.
Geography and Climate
A ring of coastal mountains surrounds low central plains. The island has a mild oceanic climate. Not too hot, not too cold. Rain and wind is year round. It receives the full force of storms from the Atlantic Ocean, especially in winter.
The start of British rule in Ireland.
In 1171 King Henry 2 of England came to Ireland to claim sovereignty over Ireland. However in reality English control was only maintained in Dublin. The rest of the country continued to be a wild place, which remained under the control of the Irish kings.
The Celts
The Celtic race of people arrived from Europe to Ireland between 800-100 BC. Ireland became a Celtic country. It was from this tribal people that the modern Irish language came from and Irish identity is founded upon.



工业主要有电子、电信、化工、制药、机械制造、 采矿、纺织、制衣、皮革、造纸、印刷、食品加 工、烟草、木材加工等部门。近年来,化工、电 子工程、计算机软件产业等突飞猛进,传统的服 装、制鞋及皮革业所占比重明显下降。 农业以畜牧业为主,粮食不能自给。家畜及其产 品约占农业总产值的77.5%以上。主要农作物有小 麦、燕麦、马铃薯、甜菜等。耕地和林地面积占 整个陆地面积的75%。农业人口12万,占整个劳动 力的比例为7%。 旅游业是外汇收入的重要来源。多年来一直稳步 发展。著名旅游点有西部湖区、沿海风景区等。

中爱两国2002年贸易额达到14.6亿美元,2003年 贸易增幅高达60.5%,贸易额超过23亿美元。
有“爱尔兰文化使者”之称的大型舞剧《大河之舞》融合了爱尔兰舞、 踢踏舞、俄罗斯民间舞蹈和西班牙弗拉明戈等多种舞蹈形式 。

简史:公元前3000年欧洲大陆移民开始定居 爱尔兰岛。 公元432年,圣帕特里克到此传播基督教及罗 马文化。 12世纪进入封建社会。 1169年遭英国入侵。 1171年英王亨利二世确立对爱的统治权。 1541年起英王成为爱尔兰国王。 1800年签订爱英同盟条约,成立大不列颠及爱 尔兰联合王国,被英国完全吞并。

行政区划: 全国分为26个郡和4个郡级市及7个非郡级市。 郡下设市区和镇。 26个郡为: 卡洛、卡文、克莱尔、科克、多尼戈尔、都柏林、 戈尔韦、凯里、基尔代尔、基尔肯尼、莱伊什、 利特里姆、利默里克、朗福德、劳斯、梅奥、米 斯、莫纳亨、奥法利、罗斯康芒、斯莱戈、蒂珀 雷里、沃特福德、韦斯特米斯、韦克斯福德、威 克洛。 4个郡级市:都柏林、科克、利默里克、沃特福 德。

Ireland 爱尔兰简介英文版PPT课件

Ireland 爱尔兰简介英文版PPT课件
• Cabbage, potatoes and meat are important to Irish cuisine
• Corned beef and Cabbage, potato pancakes
• Irish Beef Stew, Sheppard's Pie, Coddle
• Alcoholic Drinks: Guinness Beer, Irish cream
• During the famine approximately 1 million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland, causing the island's population to fall by between 20% and 25%.
Céad Mile Fáilte! Welcome to Ireland!
•Ireland means: •Eire – Green •Land – land, island
•Why? Because the island is full of shamrocks and clovers!
Some famous Irish ຫໍສະໝຸດ eople and Musicians
Important historical events in Ireland
• 1. Bloody Sunday
• sometimes called the Bogside Massacre—was an incident on 30 January 1972 in the Bogside area of Derry, Northern Ireland, in which 26 unarmed civil-rights protesters and bystanders were shot by soldiers of the British Army.
































一. 国内经济(Domestic Economy)
❖ (一)自然资源: 铅锌矿储量丰富,是欧洲最大的铅
锌生产国。泥煤(peat)分布占全国面积的13%。天然气 储量估计为382亿立方米。所需能源的70%依靠进口。
❖ (二)交通运输:内陆交通运输以公路和铁路为主。 绝大多数国际贸易货物运输 由海运承担。主要港口有都柏林、 香农(Shannon) 、科克(Cork)等。主要有都柏林、香农
Ⅴ.文教与大众传媒(Education and Mass Media)
❖ 一.教育(Education)
中小学实行义务教育。著名高等学府有爱尔兰 国立大学(National University of Ireland)、 都柏林大学(Trinity College, Dublin)、利默 里克大学(University of Limerick)和都柏林 市大学(Dublin City University)等。
❖ 四.司法机构(Judiciary) 最高法院(Supreme Court)即终审法院为最高 司法机关,下设高等法院(High Court)、巡回 法院(Circuit Court)和地区法院(District Court)。法官由政府推荐,总统任命。另设特 别刑事法院(Special Criminal Court)。
❖ 国名:爱尔兰(Ireland) ❖ 独立日:12月6日(1921
年) ❖ 国庆日:3月17日圣帕特里克
日(St. Patrick‘s Day) ❖ 国旗:呈横长方形,长与宽之比
为2∶1。从左至右由绿、白、 橙三个平行相等的竖长方形组成。 ❖ 国徽:为盾徽。天蓝色的盾面上 绘有金黄色的竖琴。蓝色象征大 海和天空,竖琴为爱尔兰人民喜 爱的“天使之琴”。 ❖ 人口:392万(2002年)。 绝大部分为爱尔兰人。居民91. 6%信奉罗马天主教,其他居民 信奉基督教新教等。



An Irish wolf hound leads the parade
National Symbols of Ireland
Green: Catholic Irishmen/Green Islet White: Protestant Irishmen/Light, liberty, democracy and peace Orange: friendship between Catholics and Protestants/Respect and wealth Shamrock National Flower of Ireland
St Patrick’s Day celebrations.
Orange parades

This part of Irish culture is celebrated mostly in Northern Ireland by those of British descent. Marching season takes place during July.
Gaelic Football

Gaelic Football is different from normal football because players can use their hands. There are 15 players on each team. The playing field is much larger than a soccer field.
Capital city
The largest city Commercial and industrial centre Principal port




1. 都柏林城堡(Dublin Castle):位于都柏林市中心,是爱尔兰的历史和文化象征,建于13世纪,现在是政府和各类文化活动的举办地。

2. 都柏林博物馆(National Museum of Ireland):分为几个分馆,展示了爱尔兰丰富的历史和文化遗产,包括古代文物、艺术品等。

3. 塔拉丘陵(Hill of Tara):位于都柏林以北,是爱尔兰最重要的考古遗址之一,曾是爱尔兰古代的政治和宗教中心。

4. 坎香米尔修道院(Glendalough):位于都柏林以南,是个迷人的古老修道院遗址,被周围的山脉和湖泊环绕,景色优美宜人。

5. 巨人之路(Giant's Causeway):位于北爱尔兰,是一处令人惊叹的自然奇观,由数千个六角形的石柱组成,被联合国教科文组织列为世界自然遗产。

6. 布鲁斯群岛(Aran Islands):位于科克湾附近,是个宁静而原始的地方,保留了爱尔兰古老的传统和文化,游客可以欣赏到美丽的海滩和迷人的风景。

7. 杜拜林城堡(Dunluce Castle):位于北爱尔兰,是一座壮观的城堡废墟,是电视剧《权力的游戏》中铁群岛城堡的灵感来源之一。





Geographical elevations
In terms of geographical elevations, the island of Ireland resembles a tea saucer, with a large central lowland comprised of limestone with an occasional relief of hills which rises at the coastline in a discontinuous border of mountains which often slo precipitously into the sea. Whereas the middle of the island has rich agricultural lan It becomes poorer in quality as one travels to the edges of the island, in particular, farmland is poor and often confined to a few fields and hills which are used to graze sheep. For most of its history Ireland has been an agricultural country, and one in which cattle are particularly valued.
The border between these two jurisdictions, drawn up in 1920, was constructed along the political and religious fault lines which have been a feature of Irish life, north and south, since the time of its colonization under Queen Elizabeth I in the late 16th century. Essentially, the border marked off the areas inhabited by the Protestant population in the north from those inhabited by the Catholics in the south. Following traditional county lines, the border is long and meandering and impossible to police effectively, so that there is easy movement between one jurisdiction and another.


● 1169~1171年,英王亨利二世的部下第二代彭布罗克伯爵理查 ·德·克莱尔率军队入侵,在都柏林之围中取得 决定性胜利。
● 1542年,英王亨利八世成为爱尔兰国王,1560年起爱尔兰多地出现反对英国殖民的战争。英国内战后,英 国人逐步蚕食了爱尔兰的领土和主权。
● 1801年,爱尔兰王国和大不列颠王国统一,爱尔兰并入英国。
● 1949年4月,爱尔兰宣布成立共和国之后,自动退出了英联邦。虽然爱尔兰并没有重新申请加入英联邦,但 是它保留了许多成员国的权利,在英国享有特殊地位。1949年4月18日英承认爱独立,但北部6郡仍属英国。
● 1955年,爱尔兰加入联合国,同时与英国合作解决北爱尔兰暴力冲突问题。爱尔兰与北爱尔兰选民于1998 年所通过的贝尔法斯特协议(英语:Belfast Agreement)正在实施中。
● 1845年因为马铃薯歉收问题造成爱尔兰大饥荒,英国政府在能进口美洲粮食的情况下却未提供太多协助,造 成爱尔兰人口减少了四分之一,让许多爱尔兰人对英国产生不满,爱尔兰独立运动开始。
● 1916年,都柏林爆发抗英的“复活节起义”。
● 1919年,大多数于1918年大选中当选的爱尔兰议员拒绝在英国下议院任职,他们自行组成了爱尔兰议会 (Dáil Éireann),并于 1919 年1月以独立的“爱尔兰共和国”的名义发布了单方独立宣言。当时,爱尔兰 没有得到国际上的承认,但在英爱战争(亦称爱尔兰独立战争)后,英爱双方代表达成英爱条约,给予爱尔 兰合法的自治权,即自治领地位。爱尔兰成立爱尔兰自由邦,领土包括爱尔兰全岛,但条约允许北方六郡 (即北爱尔兰)不参加爱尔兰自由邦。爱尔兰自由邦宪法同时规定,爱尔兰为君主立宪制,爱尔兰国王由英 国国王兼任,同时设立总督职位,议会实行两院制,成立“行政委员会”(即内阁),设立行政委员会主席 职务。



ireland作文英文Title: Exploring the Rich Cultural Tapestry of Ireland。

Ireland, a land renowned for its lush green landscapes, vibrant traditions, and rich history, captivates visitors with its unique charm and allure. As one delves into the heart of this captivating island nation, they are greeted with a tapestry of culture that is both fascinating and enchanting.One of the most striking aspects of Ireland is itsdeep-rooted cultural heritage, which is proudly showcased through its music, dance, literature, and folklore. Traditional Irish music, with its lively jigs and soulful ballads, resonates in cozy pubs and grand concert halls alike, drawing listeners into its rhythmic embrace. The haunting melodies of the uilleann pipes or the spirited tunes of the fiddle evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing, connecting listeners to Ireland's past while celebratingits present.Equally captivating is the art of Irish dance, with its intricate footwork and graceful movements. From the energetic reels of Riverdance to the elegant steps of sean-nós dancing, Irish dance refl ects the resilience andspirit of the Irish people. It is a testament to their ability to find joy and beauty even in the face of adversity.Literature also occupies a revered place in Irish culture, with Ireland boasting a long and illustriouslitera ry tradition. From the ancient sagas of Cú Chulainn and the Fianna to the works of literary giants like James Joyce and W.B. Yeats, Irish literature reflects the complexity of the Irish identity and the nation's tumultuous history. Whether it's through the poignant prose of a novel or the lyrical verses of a poem, Irish writers have captured the essence of Ireland in all its glory and despair.Moreover, Ireland's folklore and mythology add another layer of enchantment to its cultural tapestry. Stories ofancient warriors, mythical creatures, and otherworldly beings have been passed down through generations, shaping the collective imagination of the Irish people. From the legendary feats of Fionn mac Cumhaill to the tales of the mystical Tuatha Dé Danann, these myths and legends continue to captivate audiences young and old, keeping Ireland's rich oral tradition alive.Beyond its cultural heritage, Ireland's history is marked by both triumph and tragedy, resilience and resilience. From the struggles for independence to the challenges of modernization, Ireland's past is a testament to the indomitable spirit of its people. Today, Ireland stands as a beacon of hope and progress, embracing its cultural heritage while looking towards the future with optimism and determination.In conclusion, Ireland's cultural tapestry is a testament to the resilience, creativity, and spirit of its people. From its traditional music and dance to its rich literary tradition and folklore, Ireland continues to captivate and inspire all who have the privilege ofexperiencing its magic. As I reflect on my journey through this enchanting land, I am reminded of the words of W.B. Yeats: "Ireland is where strange tales begin and happy endings are possible." Indeed, in Ireland, thepossibilities are endless, and the adventure never ends.。

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Country Information: Ireland●The Irish Mindset●Characteristics of Society●Lifestyle & Aspirations●The Essentials (10 Key Tips)●Working with the Irish●Making a Good Impression●Business Etiquette●Business Meeting Culture●Motivating Others●Effective Presentations●Managing RelationshipsThe Irish MindsetIreland is a predominantly Celtic nation, typical values of which include a love of dialogue, idealism, informality, a sense of irony, creative vision and a strong sense of family. Religion is important and for many, particularly outside Dublin, the church is the focal point of the community. Nowadays, though, Ireland has to deal with the conflict between traditional Catholic values, which many see as strongly male-orientated, and the fact that the country (or Dublin, at least) is fast becoming a young, exciting, dynamic cultural melting pot. The Irish are excited by the impact the EU has had on their country, although uneasy about the fact that Dublin is, to many, becoming 'just another big European city' top Characteristics of SocietyKnown as the 'Celtic Tiger', Ireland is enjoying a social and economic boom as one of the most favoured investment locations in Europe. Over 1,200 overseas companies do business successfully from Ireland, not just throughout Europe but worldwide. Membership of the EU has transformed the country's economic landscape and allowed the country to develop a newidentity not linked to its past with the UK. There isconsiderable positive feeling about the EU.Ireland also maintains close links with the USAwhere there is a significant Irish Americanpopulation. Ireland's diaspora spreads all over theworld and the country maintains close links withCanada, Australia and New Zealand. Diplomaticrelations are maintained with more than 100countries, with 43 Irish embassies abroad.The country is renowned for its excellent quality of life, its clean environment and its open and supportive attitude to inward investors. Its people are strongly influenced by a rich tradition of literature, music and dance, all of which shape Ireland's cultural life today. Ireland is also known as the youngest country in Europe; the structure of the Irish population is such that the availability of a young work force is likely to continue well into the next century. In the year 2000, 40% of people in Ireland were under 25 years of age; this compares with the European average of approximately top Lifestyle & AspirationsTraditional Gaelic culture continues to have a strong influence on society today in everything from literature to music to sport.Leisure interests in Ireland generally involve socialising - in the pub, in restaurants, or on the sports field. The Irish are a gregarious, talkative, competitive people and sport as a spectator and participation event is important to them.Popular activities include:●Gaelic football and hurling: Uniquely Irishsports such as hurling and Gaelic footballare widely played and followed throughoutIreland today, and they have long been partof the Irish experience; Gaelic football datesto at least the seventeenth century andhurling has been played in one form oranother for over one thousand years.●Football (or soccer)●Camogie (another uniquely Irish sport)●Horse racing: a big spectator sport. Irelandalso has a strong tradition of breeding racehorses.●Socialising in pubs: The pub is traditionally the favoured place for socialising and'going for a pint' is something of a national pastime. There are over 10,000 pubs inIreland, many offering live traditional and modern music as well as pub food.●Storytelling: Four winners of the Nobel Prize for Literature came from Ireland - W.B.Yeats, George Bernard Shaw, Samuel Beckett and most recently (1995) the poetSeamus Heaney. Other famous Irish writers and poets include James Joyce, FlannO'Brien, Oscar Wilde, Jonathan Swift, Patrick Kavanagh and Brendan Behan. Modern Irish writers with global recognition include Maeve Binchy, Deirdre Purcell, MarianKeyes and Roddy Doyle. Contemporary Irish dramatists include Brian Friel, TomKilroy, Tom Murphy, Frank McGuinness, Sebastian Barry, Martin McDonagh andConor McPherson.●Visiting friends and family: Many Irish Catholic families are large and family ties arestrong.●Watching television and film: Indigenously produced films began to appear in the1970s, directed by filmmakers Bob Quinn, Joe Comerford, Cathal Black, Pat Murphy and Thaddeus O'Suillivan. More contemporary filmmakers who have achievedinternational success include Neil Jordan, Jim Sheridan, Noel Pearson and GerryStembridge. Irish actors like Maureen O'Hara, Richard Harris, Liam Neeson, ColinFarrell, Brenda Fricker, Gabriel Byrne, Pearse Brosnan, Fionnuala Flanagan, AidanQuinn and Stephen Rea have all pursued or are pursuing successful internationalcareers.●Socialising with singing and dancing: Music is an intrinsic part of Irish culture from thetraditional Irish song and ballads in the past to our world famous modern musicianssuch as U2, Van Morrison and The Corrs. Dancing has always been part of Ireland's culture and traditional dance has been revolutionised by the success of topThe Essentials (10 Key Tips)1. It is important to remember that while people from thenorth and the south share certain commoncharacteristics, culture and history, the two areas areseparate political entities.2. Building a relationship is important before getting downto business. Socialising plays a big part in Irishbusiness life. Family life is highly valued. Whenbuilding trust with you, the Irish will want to know aboutyou , "the whole person" not just your business role.3. Networking is also very important. Your Irishcounterparts will assist you in networking at first andyou are expected to make use of these newrelationships. Failure to do so will be noticed.4. The business community is small and close-knit, so becareful what you say and to whom.5. The Irish like a combination of hard facts and technicalknowledge as well as eloquent presentations and arguments.6. The Irish find arguments and opinionated conversation entertaining so don't hesitateto express your views as long as they are sincere and well-informed.7. Even though most Irish business people will admit that locally there is a relaxedattitude to time in many situations, it is still advisable to be punctual. But manage your expectations accordingly and do not get frustrated at 'minor' delays.8. The Irish are tough negotiators; do not be fooled by their apparent relaxed attitudeand friendly nature.9. Cynicism is an important part of the national character. The Irish hold a great respectfor the "underdog" (the one in a contest who is expected to lose!) so it is best to staymodest about your personal achievements until a relationship has been established.10. The Irish are quick to criticize themselves but are not always open to criticism fromothers. If there is a conflict in the workplace, it is advisable to discuss it top Working with the IrishThe Irish are highly social and are great networkers, and it is important to recognise this and make the most of opportunities yourself, as you will be judged on your ability to get along with others. Business entertaining plays a big role in everyday life, whether it's playing golf, eatingin a smart restaurant, or simply enjoying a pint of Guinness inthe pub.Ideal characteristics for someone planning to manage a teamin Ireland include being a good social mixer, being technicallycompetent, a strong decision maker, a sensitive leader andhaving a degree of flexibility. Good communication skills areimportant, whether it's delivering an eloquent and convincingpresentation, or being persuasive around the meeting table.It is important to realise that the Irish have a desire to pleaseand tend to put a positive spin on things. Giving negativefeedback may be avoided, or dressed up as less serious thanit is, or hidden behind humour. The Irish are high-context andindirect communicators, so visitors must learn to read betweenthe lines and interpret other factors, such as body language, before reacting to a top Making a Good ImpressionIdeal characteristics of a negotiator visiting Ireland would besomeone who is technically competent and a decision-makeron deals. Being at ease and friendly, and being a good socialmixer helps; socialising around work is important and businessin Ireland is conducted around a tight network of familymembers and friends. To get on, it is essential to join clubsand societies, and attend networking events and conventionsand get to meet people. If you are invited to the pub, acceptand remember to buy your round of drinks. After-work drinkingis a big part of Irish culture ('craic').Show respect for Ireland's history, Catholicism and sense ofpatriotism. Never talk down to the Irish, or confuse them withthe English or topBusiness EtiquetteBusiness etiquette in Ireland is relatively informal and relaxed, with a tendency to take things slowly, get to know people, socialise with them and to make small talk. Hospitality plays an important role in building a business relationship, and however casual the socialising seems, your Irish counterparts will be summing you up continuously. Networking is an essential part of business life.Business cardsBusiness cards should be exchanged but it's notnecessary to make a big deal about your academicqualifications. You are more likely to be assessedat face value and do not want to be perceived asarrogant or boastful. It is normal to exchangebusiness cards at the end of a meeting. There is noparticular ritual governing their presentation.Body languageAs in many North European cultures, personal space is valued. Do not stand too close to someone. Maintain eye contact with the person you are talking to. Not looking someone in the eye may cause you to come across as suspicious. Be lively, open and demonstrative but above all, genuine. Touching someone's arm or grabbing their hand may take them by surprise and unnerve them.Communication styleCommunication in Irish businesses is a mixture of clear and explicit when it comes to making an important point, and implicit when someone is trying to avoid stating a fact or giving a negative answer. There is a tendency to avoid upsetting somebody by saying 'no'. You will probably observe that the Irish are far more animated speakers than the English. Moreover, they can sometimes be described as prone to the legendary national pastime of 'blarney', that is, embellishing the truth. In the course of a conversation, you may have to think critically, to discern the plausibility of what you are being told. Listen carefully and read between the lines.Gift givingIt is not expected that business visitors will bring gifts. The Irish will value your contribution to 'good craic' above any gift you may bring. If, however, you are invited to a person's house for a meal, a bottle of wine, flowers or chocolate are appropriate. An illustrated book from your home region could be another welcome gift. As the saying goes "It's the thought that counts", and here your thoughtful choice will be considered far more important than the size or cost of the topBusiness Meeting CultureIrish business thrives on face-to-face meetings, and the exchange of ideas and input from foreigners is welcomed (although not necessarily trusted). Because of this it is relatively easy to arrange meetings at all levels within a company. Do not, however, expect the meeting to run to a strict agenda. Meetings are seen as discussion forums rather than a gathering which is expected to generate a result, and participants may relish digressing at length. Often during meetings, interesting ideas, the more abstract and theoretical the better, are considered worthier of consideration than empirical data and other hard facts.Planning a meetingThe Irish business community can be something of a closed shop, with family and close professional contacts forming a close-knit network that can be hard to penetrate. If you havean introduction from the inside, use it. Once youhave been accepted, your relationship should belong-lasting.Treat the secretaries of senior executives withrespect. Getting on with the assistant will get youthrough the door. Make an appointment a couple ofweeks before travelling to Ireland and reconfirm itwhen you get there. Although the Irish are veryrelaxed, you should turn up on time, even if theperson you are meeting is late. You must appear reliable and your counterpart will be assessing you from the first moment.During a MeetingAlthough meetings tend to get going swiftly, a certain amount of small talk is appreciated. Lively debate is considered a good thing. Certain subjects are taboo, though, including the Catholic Church and its influence, the position with the English in Northern Ireland, and immigration.If you need conversation topics to kick off the small talk, the beauty of Ireland, music and most important, sport, particularly horses, will all go down well.Aggressive sales techniques are not usually welcomed; any meeting will look at the positive and negative aspects of a situation, so if you are making grandiose statements and claims, expect them to be followed up. Generally speaking, though, the Irish are a cynical race and you may come across objections to any suggestion of change, or ambitious plans.Expect to have to negotiate hard. The Irish drive a tough bargain.Following a meetingFollow up in writing - Irish companies are quite formal in this respect - and stay in touch. Once you are involved with an Irish company, expect it to be on a personal as well as professional level. Maintaining the relationship is very important, as is developing any network of contacts that may have sprung from the meeting. The business community is tight-knit and feedback, both positive and negative, travels around very top Motivating OthersThe Irish workforce is young (40% under the age of 25), ambitious and highly educated. People are motivated by personal achievement, independence and results. The work ethic is strong and turnover of staff lower than in other European countries, although the live-to-worknotion is not appreciated here. Loyalty is morelikely to be towards one's co-workers than to thecompany.Workers are accustomed to rewards and expectcompany cars, pensions, bonus schemes, profitshare, health insurance and share options. Lesstangible perks are also becoming more important,including flexitime, part-time working, teleworkingand job-sharing.A strong flow of positive feedback is appreciated;personal relationships with one's co-workers and superiors are important and people are motivated by regular input from their team top Effective PresentationsPresentations should be short and to the point. Despite the relaxed image, Irish corporate culture is quite strict and hard-working and while meetings may go off at a tangent, presentations within meetings should be kept brief.Back everything up with facts and evidence. Boastingand emotional statements will be received withsuspicion. Do be positive about your company and itsachievementsIf you want to add an element of humour, sportinganalogies normally go down well; eloquence and witare appreciated in this nation of great storytellers. Becareful about terms, though. Ireland is not called Eire in Ireland, it is called Ireland. Never refer to Britain as 'the mainland'. Remember that Ireland more than ever sees itself as part of Europe now and that the historic ties to Britain are loosening.Audience ExpectationsThe Irish tend to be polite, attentive listeners, and will restrain themselves from interrupting. At times, there is a tendency to demand convincing evidence, while on other occasions, to accept things on faith. But generally speaking, the Irish are both deductive and associative thinkers. The way things are done, the time, reason, and circumstances, are generally far more important than the result. In short, the process, rather than the outcome, is the main top Managing RelationshipsRelationships are an important part of Irish business culture, which operates on a highly personal level. It is important to form a bond with members of one's team, suppliers, customers and colleagues within the industry.Generally speaking, the Irish workforce is highlymotivated and enthusiastic, with a strong workethic. People will demonstrate loyalty to acompany, although this loyalty may in fact be moreto their co-workers. They expect fair rewards andflexibility in an employer is becoming increasinglyimportant, particularly among women with smallchildren. Recognition and positive feedback areimportant, too, although people do not necessarilyexpect to be singled out for praise. Deliveringcriticism is another matter and the Irish have a fairly strong sense of 'face'. Negative feedback is rarely given directly and bluntly. Conflict does, of course, occur, but should not be confused with the lively discussion that is part of the Irish love of talk and debate.Coaching and mentoring are important in Ireland and many companies have sophisticated schemes, as well as investing in training. Job mobility is low relative to some European top。
