ch24-cost of living










而所谓THC(terminal handling charge)就是“码头操作费”,也叫“码头处理费”。





2.BAF(bunker adjustment factor)或BS (bunker sur charge),也被称为FAF(fueladjustmentfactor) “燃油附加费”。


在已经征收燃油附加费的情况下,如果燃油价格又突然上涨,船公司可能不调整原燃油附加费而在正常收取燃油附加费以外还增收应急燃油附加费EBS (emergency adjustmentsurcharge)。


GDP (gross domestic product)
The market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time, usually a year. Components of GDP: GDP := C + I + G + (X - M) NX := X – M See p.504 for other measures of national income
Understanding income and expenditure

(p.500) For an economy as a whole, income must equal expenditure. Why?
Hints: recall the circular flow diagram (p.501) also next slide Each transaction has (at least) two parties involved. Only activities matter, which cannot be double-counted.

Newspapers: statistics 統計數字(資料) -- for the economy What are they? How can we predict or change them?
Here are some most important (macroeconomic) statistics
Macro Lecture 3 (S2019)


【2022虹口二模】New analysis of these scans revealed that activity in the same regions Chen’s group had accurately pointed out in mice, the aDCN, appeared to be significantly disturbed in humans with Prader-Willi syndrome. In healthy individuals, the aDCN weremore activein response to food images while fasting than just after a meal, but no such difference was identifiable in participants with the disorder. The result suggested that the aDCN were involved in controlling hunger.
44.According to the project conducted by the researchers, ________.
A.the healthy testees weremore likely to overeatafter fasting


拉格纳·奥斯特伯格(Ragnar Ostberg)
制作 人:陈振飞 环艺1131
拉 格 纳 · 奥 斯 特 伯 格
拉格纳·奥斯特伯格(Ragnar Ostberg)旳简介
• 1866年生於瑞典 • 1945年過世於瑞典旳斯德哥爾摩 • Ragnar Ostberg 是領導瑞典國家旳藝術建築師,在20世紀旳早期一直到1923年結束
• 他结过两次婚。从1923年旳第一种妻子艾尔莎Skoglund 1909-1919,凯琳泰尔。 在他旳第二次婚姻,他旳女儿苏珊娜Ostberg,谁是Povel Ramel寡妇,男爵夫 人,歌手和演员。
• 在20世纪23年代,Ostberg是北欧byggdag旳董事长和推动者。 • 在斯德哥尔摩旳街道室旳拉格纳Ö stberg平面是他旳名字命名。在他旳一生中,
• Ö stberg旳独特风格旳印象,他在国外期间和影响力旳民族浪漫主义旳 问题是一种成果,它会造成到1923年旳豪情壮志,加入国家与经典旳 不朽旳。
• 他旳风格是兼收并蓄与瑞典旳理想,注重细节巧妙结合旳国际化和异 国情调旳功能。旳风格有明显旳艺术和工艺品,威廉·莫里斯 hantverkarideal,维多利亚时代晚期哥特式风格旳建筑师菲利普·韦伯, 诺曼·肖和查尔斯·弗朗西斯安尼斯利Voysey。他被以为是瑞典最主要 旳建筑师之一,虽然他旳经典风格,站在反对新兴旳机能。
• 虽然最活跃,最有名旳建筑师,能够Ostberg还记得一组设计师。他设 计旳歌剧“ 阿依达在皇家剧院(斯德哥尔摩歌剧院)第一千九百二十 五 他还接到命令,在“李尔王”于1928年在皇家剧院旳设计和交付22 草图。然而,因为影院旳财务危机来了,他们历来没有在现场设计, 但更便宜旳舞台装置旳处理方案所取代。



家庭康养花园设计与实践案例——以嗅觉体验为主的芳香植物应用*Design and Practice of Domestic Wellness Garden: Application of Aromatic Plants Based on Olfactory Experience黄业钦 王文恩 王彩云*HUANG Ye-qin, WANG Wen-en, WANG Cai-yun*家庭花园又称为私家花园,在居住环境中扮演着重要的角色,并作为城市与自然的联系,提供了一种亲近自然的体验。








1 芳香植物基于嗅觉体验的康养作用1.1 芳香植物挥发物对机体健康的促进作用芳香植物的挥发物是一类亲脂的小分子,大部分属于萜烯类化合物及其衍生物,它们不仅可以通过皮肤进入血液,还可以通过嗅觉系统作用于中央神经系统,对疼痛、抑郁和焦虑等疾病具有一定程度的疗效[4],是当今精神类疾病药物的研究热点之一。

Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services

Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services

580 articles found for: pub-date > 2008 and tak(((Collaborative Environment) or (Research Center) or communications or telecommunications or network or equipment) and (information or technology or research or government or agencies) and ("e-Science" or Collaborative or research or development or application) and (service or platform or provide or comprehensive or integrated or efficient) and (use or environmental or tools or actively or promote or appropriate or support) and (services or based or (new way) or (use of) or collaborative or development) and (science or technology or activities or R&D or application or "e-Science") and (building or support or units or coordinated or key or technology or partners or contact or prospective))Edit this search | Save this search | Save as search alert | RSS Feedresults 526 - 550Font Size:Journal (580)Journal/Book TitleExpert Systems with Applications (26)Computers & Education (23)Computer Networks (20)Automation in Construction (14)Acta Astronautica (10)Topicsensor network (9)decision support (6)earth observation (6)co2 emission (5)computer science (5)view moreYear2011 (143)2010 (254) 2009 (183)Open all previewsSort by: Relevance - selected | Date526Nurses' perceptions of the barriers to and the facilitators of research utilization inTurkeyOriginal Research ArticleApplied Nursing Research , Volume 22, Issue 3, August 2009, Pages 166-175Ayla Yava, Nuran Tosun, Hatice Çiçek, Tülay Yavan, Gülşen Terakye, Sevgi HatipoğluShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 31.50 527Mammographic surveillance in women younger than 50 years who have a family history of breast cancer:tumour characteristics and projected effect on mortality in the prospective, single-arm, FH01 study Original Research ArticleThe Lancet Oncology , Volume 11, Issue 12, December 2010, Pages 1127-1134FH01 collaborative teamsShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 31.50528The zebrafish embryo model in toxicology andteratology, September 2–3, 2010, Karlsruhe, GermanyReproductive Toxicology , In Press, Uncorrected Proof ,Available online 12 March 2011Wibke Busch, Karen Duis, Martina Fenske, Gerd Maack, Juliette Legler, Stephanie Padilla, Uwe Strähle, Hilda Witters, Stefan ScholzShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50529In situ stress variations at the Variscan deformation front —Results from the deep Aachen geothermalwell Original Research ArticleTectonophysics , Volume 493, Issues 1-2, 8 October 2010, Pages 196-211Ute Trautwein-Bruns, Katja C. Schulze, Stephan Becker, Peter A. Kukla, Janos L. UraiShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 31.50 Research Highlights►In situ stress study in an area of changing stress pattern. ►Borehole failure analysis using high quality image logs from a deep geothermal well. ►Strike -slip regime at the Variscan Thrust Front.530A survey of demographics, motivations, andbackgrounds among applicants to the integrated 0 + 5vascular surgery residency Original Research ArticleJournal of Vascular Surgery , Volume 51, Issue 2, February2010, Pages 496-503Jason T. Lee, Mediget Teshome, Christian de Virgilio, Brandon Ishaque, Mary Qiu, Ronald L. DalmanShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50 531A Conceptual Model of the Experience of Dyspnea and Functional Limitations in Chronic Obstructive PulmonaryDisease Original Research ArticleValue in Health , Volume 12, Issue 6, September 2009, Pages 1018-1025David E. Victorson, Susan Anton, Alan Hamilton, Susan Yount,David CellaShow preview| PDF (128 K) | Related articles | Related reference workarticles532Introducing graph theory to track for neuroplasticalterations in the resting human brain: A transcranialdirect current stimulation study Original Research ArticleNeuroImage , Volume 54, Issue 3, 1 February 2011, Pages2287-2296Rafael Polanía, Walter Paulus, Andrea Antal, Michael A. NitscheShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50 Research Highlights► The use of voxel-based graph theory to track for neuroplastic alterations; ► tracking neuronal signal-to-nois e ratio alterations in the resting brain; ► tDCS induces cortico -cortical functionalreorganization.533Comprehensive genetic analysis of transcriptionfactor pathways using a dual reporter gene system inbudding yeast Original Research ArticleMethods , Volume 48, Issue 3, July 2009, Pages 258-264 Pinay Kainth, Holly Elizabeth Sassi, LourdesPeña-Castillo, Gordon Chua, Timothy R. Hughes, Brenda AndrewsShow preview | Supplementary content | Related articles | Relatedreference work articlesPurchase$ 41.95 534From genes to shape: Understanding the control of morphogenesis at the shoot meristem in higher plantsusing systems biologyComptes Rendus Biologies , Volume 332, Issue 11,November 2009, Pages 974-985Jan Traas, Olivier Hamant Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50535Admission control scheme based on priority access for wireless LANs Original Research ArticleComputer Networks , Volume 54, Issue 1, 15 January2010, Pages 3-12Sunmyeng Kim, Young-Jong Cho, Yong K. KimShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50 536A surface display yeast two-hybrid screening system for high-throughput protein interactomemapping Original Research ArticleAnalytical Biochemistry , Volume 390, Issue 1, 1 July 2009,Pages 29-37Jun Chen, Jianhong Zhou, Claire K. Sanders, John P. Nolan, Hong CaiShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50 537Burn Hazards of the Deployed Environment inWartime: Epidemiology of Noncombat Burns fromOngoing United States Military Operations OriginalResearch ArticleJournal of the American College of Surgeons , Volume 209,Issue 4, October 2009, Pages 453-460 David S. Kauvar, Charles E. Wade, David G. BaerShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50538Worm control in sheep in the futureOriginal Research ArticleSmall Ruminant Research , Volume 86, Issues 1-3,October 2009, Pages 40-45F. Jackson, D. Bartley, Y. Bartley, F. KenyonShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articles Purchase $ 31.50 539Young people living with parental bereavement:Insights from an ethnographic study of a UKchildhood bereavement serviceOriginal Research ArticleSocial Science & Medicine , Volume 72, Issue 2, January 2011, Pages 283-290Joanne D. Brewer, Andrew C. Sparkes Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 35.95Research highlights► Gives voice to bereaved young people who describe the factors that have helped them to live with parental death. ► Describes an ethnographic study exploring the role of one specific UK childhood bereavement organization. ► Provides insights into the expe riences of both recently bereaved children and those bereaved over ten years ago. ► Outlines practice implications for working with bereaved young people.540 Characterisation of clayey raw materials for ceramic manufacture in ancient Sicily Original Research ArticleApplied Clay Science, In Press, Corrected Proof,Available online 17 September 2010Giuseppe Montana, Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros, AnnaMaria Polito, Ettore AzzaroShow preview| Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 31.50Research Highlights►The main Sicilian clays used in the past for pottery production were characterised. ►Chemistry, mineralogy and technological properties were investigated. ►Chemical analysis revealed markers for the discrimination of production centres. ►Provenance of loc al/regional ceramic products has been successfully identified.541 Long-term avian research at the San Joaquin Experimental Range: Recommendations for monitoring and managing oak woodlands OriginalResearch ArticleForest Ecology and Management, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 30 August 2010Kathryn L. PurcellShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 31.50Research highlightsThe San Joaquin Experimental Range (SJER) has a long history of avian research dating back to 1935.Early work focused on California quail and formed the basis for quail management in California. Research has led to important recommendations for implementing avian monitoring programs.Long-term data provide unique opportunities to explore biotic responses to changing environments. These datasets have facilitated studies of the impacts of invasive species and climate change.542Integration of experimental facilities: A joint effort for establishing a common knowledge base inexperimental work on hydrogen safety OriginalResearch ArticleInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy , Volume 36,Issue 3, February 2011, Pages 2700-2710 Ernst-Arndt Reinecke, Thomas Huebert, IsabelleTkatschenko, Armin Kessler, Mike Kuznetsov, M. Wilkins, David Hedley, Inaki Azkarate, Christophe Proust, Beatriz Acosta-Iborra, B. Gavrikov, Peter C.J. De Bruijn, Alessia Marangon, Andrzej Teodorczyk, A. GrafwallnerShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50 543The archaeology of climate change in the Caribbean Original Research ArticleJournal of Archaeological Science , Volume 37, Issue 6, June 2010, Pages 1226-1232 Jago Cooper, Matthew PerosShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 31.50544Changing primary education programmes’ reflection in teacher training: thinking, interrogant, searcher teacher candidates Original Research ArticleProcedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences , Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 2732-2733Hatice Mertoglu, Esra Macaroglu AkgulShow preview |PDF (92 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles545Lessons from smallpox eradication campaign in Bihar State and in IndiaVaccine , Volume 29, Issue 11, 3 March 2011, Pages2005-2007Mahendra Dutta, R.N. BasuShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articles Purchase $ 31.50 546Performance comparison of some shared memoryorganizations for 2D mesh-like NOCs Original ResearchArticleMicroprocessors and Microsystems , Volume 35, Issue 2, March 2011, Pages 274-284Martti Forsell Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 35.95547Standardized marketing strategies in retailing? IKEA’s marketing strategies in Sweden, the UK andChina Original Research ArticleJournal of Retailing and Consumer Services , In Press, Corrected Proof , Available online 29 September 2010 Steve Burt, Ulf Johansson, Åsa Thelander Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50548Energy and economic assessment of soda andorganosolv biorefinery processes Original Research ArticleBiomass and Bioenergy , Volume 35, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 516-525 Araceli García, María González Alriols, Rodrigo Llano-Ponte, Jalel LabidiShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 35.95549New discoveries in the Piramide Naranjada inCahuachi (Peru) using satellite, Ground Probing Radarand magnetic investigations Original Research ArticleJournal of Archaeological Science , In Press, Corrected Proof , Available online 4 January 2011Rosa Lasaponara, Nicola Masini, Enzo Rizzo, R. Coluzzi, Giuseppe OreficiShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 31.50 Research highlights► The investigation of earthen archaeology is a challenge. ► We propose an approach for detecting buried earthen remains in Cahuachi Nasca, Peru. ► Geostatistical analyses of satellite data, georadar and geomagnetic have been used. ► Archaeological excavat ion confirm the reliability of the proposed method. ► Archaeological findings were adobe walls and a rich ceremonial offering.550The need for a General Comment for Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: Towardenlightenment and progress for childprotection Original Research ArticleChild Abuse & Neglect , Volume 33, Issue 11, November 2009, Pages 783-790 Susan Bennett, Stuart N. Hart, Kimberly Ann Svevo-CianciShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50。


A.There were too many tourists.B.The weather was changeable.C.He got sunburnt badly.
11.With whom did the woman go to Queenstown?
A.Her father.B.Her husband.C.Her friend.
W:Was the weather fine there?
M:Yes. Florida had great weather while we were there. By the way, you look sunburnt. Where have you traveled?
W:Well, my husband was busy with his work, so I went to Queenstown with my best friend.
M:At the moment, I’m spending much of my free time learning German. I also enjoy playing the piano.
W:Do you play any sports?
M:Not really. But I go to the sports club and work out once a week.
【答案】6. B 7. B
【原文】M: I went to the zoo the other day for my biology field trip. Gosh, that was depressing! Poor animals.
W: You have to admit, it’s pretty cool to be able to see all those animals without having to go to Africa.



2022-2023学年湖北省沙市中学高一下学期4月期中英语试题1. With spring officially here, we can look forward to fresh flowers and cherry blossoms (樱花) . Why not celebrate the end of winter with a fun spring time holiday? Here we’ve found four terrific travel packages at home and abroad.London’s Chelsea Flower Show, $849Every May, London hosts the world famous Chelsea Flower Show, astonishing gardens, and lively gardening displays that set the latest in garden design trends. This year, Virgin Vacations offers a six-night air-land packages priced at a sweet $849. Good for departures May 21-23, this deal covers the following costs: airfare from New York; accommodations; daily breakfast; and one full-day entrance to the Flower Show.Spring Flowers of Amsterdam, $739Want to watch the spring flowers in the lowlands of Holland? Amsterdam is a treat to visit at this time of year, as its numerous gardens explode with color. At just $739 for a four-night stay with airfare, at this spring escape is priced to go! Good for travel April 1—17, the deal includes airfare from New York, accommodation at a budget hotel, daily breakfast, and a local map and guide. Cherry Blossoms in Washington D. C., $639You don’t need to travel far for an impressive flower show! From March 31 through April 15, Washington D. C. is hosting its yearly Cherry Blossoms Festival, marking the 95th celebration of the original gift of 3, 000 cherry trees from the city of Tokyo to the people of D. C. . Several hotels are honoring the occasion with special deals: for example, Hay-Adams offers a Cherry Blossom Package at $639 with two-night accommodation, and free parking.Tokyo Spring Fun, $949To spot the cherry blossoms right at the source, we recommend a spring adventure to Tokyo. Now you can visit the Asia Affair Holidays special we found: a Tokyo spring special starts at just$949! This deal covers airfare from New York, five nights’ accommodations at Tokyo Hilton International, and a half-day city tour. This particular price is valid for departures April 1—30, perfectly timed for the best of cherry blossom season.1. To which place does the travel not contain airfare?A.Chelsea. B.Amsterdam. C.Washington D.C. D. Tokyo. 2. Where are the target visitors from?A.the USA. B.England. C.Holland. D.Japan.3. Which travel package offers the most nights of accommodation?A.Spring Flowers of Amsterdam. B.Cherry Blossoms in Washington D.C.C. Tokyo Spring Fun. D.London’s Chelsea Flower Show.2. Just as certain actors led me to acting, certain cooking-show hosts are partly to blame for my heightened interest in the subject of food. The first is of course Julia Child, the queen of culinary (烹饪的) TV.Child not only changed what Americans cooked and ate, but also greatly impacted their diet of weekly television viewing. Her show The French Chef, which originally aired in 1963, was one of the first cooking shows on American television and lasted for 10 years. Watching her expertly debone a chicken or bake a cake, often making mistakes along the way, made viewers feel that they too could create such dishes. Her achievements were amazing, from her first work, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, to countless others, as well as season upon season of shows.Child has always interested me. My mother tuned in to The French Chef faithfully, and I remember loving it. I know that watching The French Chef with my mom was a way to spend some time with her, because with three kids and a full-time job, she was incredibly busy. In fact, we would often watch the show when she was doing housework like ironing and cleaning. My mother admired Child and in turn passed the feeling to me, along with an interest in how someone goes about cooking a meal.Years later, I caught an old episode of the show at my parents’ home and watched it with even more attentiveness than I had when I was young. On this particular occasion, I was taken aback by my reaction when Child said her signature farewell (告别), “This is Julia Child, bon appetite!” My eyes suddenly welled up with tears. I realized that I was moved by Child not only because she brought back happy boyhood memories but also because Child herself was so genuinely happy to be doing what she was doing.I saw at that moment the embodiment (典型) of what I, and so many of us, want to become: to spend your life doing what you love and doing it well.1. What do we know about Child?A.She worked as a director for a TV show.B.She wrote books about American food.C.She participated in many cooking contests.D.She pioneered cooking shows in America.2. Why did the young author watch The French Che?A.To relax after housework. B.To enjoy his mother’s company.C.To learn to cook meals for himself. D.To free his mother from looking afterkids.3. What happened to the author when he watched Child’s show years later?A.He was astonished by her farewell words. B.He felt regret for his boyhood.C.He understood life’s goal.D.He showed less interest.4. What does the author mainly talk about in the text?A.Child’s contribution.B.Child’s effect on him.C.Child’s wonderful life.D.Child’s amazing show.3. It has been known for a long time that obesity tends to run in families, but it was not until about 20 years ago that scientists started to discover that changes in specific genes can have very large impacts on our weight even from early childhood.One of these genes MC4R makes a protein that is produced in the brain where it sends signals to our appetite centers, telling them how much fat we have stored- When the MC4R gene does not work properly, our brains think we have lower fat stores than we do, signaling that we are starving and need to eat.A new study, led by scientists from the University of Cambridge and the University of Bristol, has found that around one in every 340 people may carry a disruptive mutation (变异)at MC4R. People who carry these mutations were more likely to have a greater weight from early childhood and, by 18 years of age, they were on average 17 kg heavier, with the majority of this excess weight likely to be fat.These results were found by studying the MC4R gene in a random sample of around 6,000 participants born in Bristol. Whenever a mutation was found, the researchers went on to study its frequency and effects in the laboratory. Based on the frequency of mutations in this study, it was estimated that around 200,000 people in the UK carry a substantial amount of unexpected fat because of mutations in MC4R.Professor Stephen O’Rahilly, one of the researchers, said, “Parents of obese children are often blamed for poor parenting and not all children obtain appropriate professional help. Our findings should encourage a more sympathetic and reasonable approach to overweight children and their families - including genetic analysis in all seriously obese children.”Though the MC4R gene is a striking example, this is only one gene of many that affect our weight. “In the longer term, knowledge of the brain pathways controlled by MC4R should help in the design of ding that help restore people to a healthy weight,” Stephen added.1. What can we know about MC4R gene?A.MC4R gene aff ects people’s appetite negatively.B.The mutation of MC4R gene stimulates peopled desire to eat.C.MC4R is the only gene that contributes to peopled overweight problem.D.Scientists discovered MC4R could influence peopled weight two decades ago.2. What does the underlined word “excess" in Paragraph 3 mean?A.Proper. B.Essential.C.Considerable. D.Additional.3. What can we infer from Professor Stephen’s words?A.Parents should be to blame for poor parenting.B.The obesity problem should be treated fairly and scientifically,C.New drugs can help overweight children lose much fat in the long run.D.Knowledge of MC4R should be applied to helping obese children physically and mentally.4. What is the passage mainly about?A.Suggestions on how to maintain a standard weight.B.A discussion of British people’s overweight problems.C.A study about the effect of MC4R’s mutation on weight.D.The relationship between people's appetite and MC4R’s mutation.4. Victor Frankl, the author of Mans Search for Meaning, once wrote, “Everything can be taken from a person but one thing: the last of human freedoms-to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances. Frankl was right. Attitude is a choice. You could be faced with a thousand problems, many or most over which you have absolutely no control. However, there is always one thing you are in complete and absolute control of and that is your own attitude.To be honest, it wasn’t until I was in my late 20s that I finally understood its full impact. A ll through my teens and into my early adult life, I can’t tell you the number of times that I heard, “Bob, if you’d just change your attitude, you would do a lot better.”At that time, I didn’t know what attitude was, let alone know how to change it!Attitude and results are inseparable. They follow one another as night follows day. One is the cause, while the other, the result. There is a term we use to distinguish this “cause and effect” relationship, which is called The Law of Cause and Effect. Simply stated, if you think in negative terms, you will get negative results; if you think in positive terms, you will achieve positive results. Some people always see wrong things in the world. These individuals are quick to blame circumstances or other people for their problems, rather than accepting responsibility for their life and their attitude. Thus, it would appear as if they were born with bad luck and it has followed them around their whole life. However, there are others who are forever winning and living the good life. They are the real movers and shakers who make things happen. They seem to go from one major accomplishment to another. They’re in control of their life. Their wins are a matter of choice.You can experience that kind of life as well, you only need to decide. Dorothea Brand once said, “Act as if it were impossible to fail,” and I challenge you to do so. By simply becoming aware that you can choose your thoughts each and every day, you will change your entire outlook. You have the power to choo se an abundant life no matter what your circumstances are. Don’t wait to experience all the wonderful things the universe has in store for you. Start today by working on your attitude and welcome the abundant life that you are meant to lead.1. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 1?A.Freedom is the last thing we can control. B.Most problems in life are in our control.C.A man can lose anything but freedom. D.We can choose our attitude at any time.2. Why does the author use the example of himself in Para. 2?A.To show attitude is important to the old. B.To prove attitude changes on its own.D.To prove the author was very stubborn.C.To show understanding attitude takestime.3. What does “The Law of Cause and Effect” help readers to do?A.Understand what causes a good attitude. B.Know the benefit of choosing activeattitude.C.Analyze the effect of a negative attitude. D.Understand “cause and effect”relationshipbetter.4. What might be the best title for the passage?A.Attitude is human freedom. B.Winnings is a matter of control.C.Attitude and results are separable. D.Success begins with positive attitude.5. How to Keep Yourself Healthy at HomeKeeping your health at home is tough, while it’s much easier when you go to gyms. 1 In this faster years of living, it is important to know your health and turn to a healthier style of living. One of the best ways is physical activities which are also helpful in reducing risks of obesity (肥胖), heart diseases, high blood pressure, strokes, and other health issues. Here, I share some valuable tips to provide health benefits at home.Exercise using everyday household items. 2 Use simple things like full water bottles and soup cans for weightlifting. Stretching can be done quickly with the help of towels. You can even do squats (蹲) while arranging or cleaning the cupboards. You can also find exercise videos online to do at home with no equipment needed.3 Eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and other foods that are rich in proteins, fibers, and vitamins and contain less or no sugars and fats. Avoid caffeine and overeating, as they do harm to your health. In addition, reduce sodium intake by limiting salt, soy sauce, and other sodium contents from your diet.Do housework as an exercise for good health. 4 Sweeping, mopping and dusting required much energy. It also makes your heart beat faster. In this way, you can burn many calories in a shorter time. You can also clean your yard or do gardening, which is a working goal while doing daily housework. In this way, you can knock off your to-do list by gaining health benefits.These tips are to work well while you are staying at home. 5 If you can find any free time, move more and sit less to be physically active and healthy, as it can change your life.6. What does it mean to leave something better than you found it? For Breon Dennis Jr., it_________ lots of hard work, flexibility (灵活性), unity, and passion.Breon is from Louisiana, and came to Dallas Baptist University in the late 2000s to_________ his undergraduate degree. While at DBU, Breon began _________ at the Rangers Baseball Club. Following this, he _________ his Master’s degree from DBU. Currently, Breon worked as the Vice President of the RoughRiders Foundation. During the 6 seasons with the RoughRiders, he has already seen his _________ in the community.As the VP of the RoughRiders Foundation, his final _________ is to mentor (指导) others and see others mentored, both professionally and _________. As a leader, through the _________ he puts on, such as food drives and environmental outreach (环保宣传), Breon _________ to help others reach their full potential (潜力). He allows them to feel comfortable in their own skin. He also__________ them to grow in leadership themselves.A key part to Breon’s phil osophy (哲学) in helping others to __________ is to embrace (接受) their failures. He has learned to __________ his failures and grow from them, which he triesto__________ along to others. Through his time at Rangers Baseball Club, and now the RoughRiders, Breon has made foundational __________ of servant (献身的人) leadership and intentionality in the community. That has guided him to lead others to be the __________ they can be — To embrace their failures, and use the growth they experience to help others do the same.1.A.shows B.includes C.collects D.involves2.A.get B.learn C.find D.make3.A.studying B.calling C.working D.living4.A.earned B.finished C.lost D.kept5.A.labor B.emotion C.influence D.project6.A.reward B.desire C.effort D.hobby7.A.personally B.mentally C.physically D.financially(财经上)8.A.businesses C.occasions D.tasks9.A.demands B.prefers C.tries D.promises10.A.expects B.teaches C.shows D.encourages 11.A.grow C.succeed with B.agree with with D.begin with13.A.bring B.take C.move D.pass14.A.effects B.knowledge C.values D.balance15.A.richest C.smartest D.strongest7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。



夕卜研版八年级上册英语期末复习:完形填空专项练习题汇编一.完形填空(共15小题)1.In the United States, "hitting the books "means studying a subject with great effort.One of the great challenges for students (1) taking tests. Students (2) long hours preparing for a test They read all their books carefully, and then them (3) and a third time. They prepare for (4) possible question. They study every night They are"hitting the books".In the United States, most children go to school (5) they are five years old. Public education is free and most children go to schools near their homes. School in these early years is (6) The children learn to read and write, but they also play games and go on trips. There is no reason (7) ch an early age for them to hit the books.This situation changes as children become older. The subjects become more difficult. Students must(8) world history, algebra (代数)and the life sciences. Jests become more common. Pressure (9) tohit the books, study hard, and advance (升级).(10), most students only really begin hitting the books for long hours when they reach high school.Knowledge is a prize that is not easy to gain.1. A. are B. is C. were D. was2. A. cost B. take C. spend D. pay3. A. a first time B. a second time C. a third time D. a fourth time4. A. all B. no C. few D. every5. A. when B. since C. for D. that6. A. boring B. difficult C. fun D. strange7. A. at B. on C. in D. for8. A. look for B. learn about C ・ set up D. hear of9. A. is growing B. is disappearing C. is falling D. is going10. A. Although B. Even C. Whatever D. However2.In learning English, one should first pay attention to listening and speaking. They are the groundwork for reading and writing. While you're listening to English materials, you'd better (21)your best to speak. Don't be (22)of making mistakes. But be careful not to let them stop you from improving your (23). A good (24)to improve your English is to write - keep a diary, write notes or letters. Then if you can, ask some others to go through (25)you have written and tell you where there is a mistake. Many mistakes in your speaking will be (26) found when you write. Through correcting mistakes, you can do better in learning English.If you are slow in speaking, don't (27) about it. One of the helpful ways is reading, either aloud or to yourself. The important thing is to choose (28)interesting to read. It mustn't be too difficult for you.When you are reading (29)this way, don't stop to (30) the new words if you can guess their meanings when they have nothing to do with the sentences. You can do that some other time.21. A. have B.send C. make D. try22. A. sure B.afraid C ・ proud D. tired23. A. English B.Chinese C. Japanese D. French24. A. start B.thing C. way D. manner25. A. how B.when C. why D. what26. A. happily B.easily C. really D. slowly27. A. talk B.fear C ・ worry D. hurry28. A. something B.everything C. anything D. nothing29. A. by B.on C. at D. in30. A. look at B.look for C. look up D. look over3.The best way of (1) a language is always using it. The best way of learning spoken English is readingEnglish as (2) as possible. Sometimes you'll get your words mixed up and people will not (3)you.Sometimes people will (4)things too quickly and you can't understand them. But (5)you keep your sense of humour, you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you (6) . Don't be unhappy if people seem to be laughing (7) your mistakes. It's (8) for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, (9)they don't understand what you are saying. The most important thing for learning English is: Don't be (10)of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.1. A. learnt B. learn C.l earning D. t o learn2. A. much B. many C.a lot D. l ot of3. A. like B. know c.u nderstand D. r emember4. A. say B. tell c.l earn D. talk5. A. if B. since c.a lthough D. w hen6.A.have B. make C.p roduce D. B. on C.f or D. to8.A.good B. better c.w ell D. bad9.A.unless B. because c.a s long as D. if10.A..worried B. unhappy c.a fraid D. nervous.4.(2018 秋•岳池县期末)My name is Carl. I am from a small village in India. (1)name is Taka. Youmay not find it on the (2) , because it is too small. It is not far (3) New Delhi (新德里),the capital of India. There are five buses to New Delhi every day, but only one train. (4)there are always many people on the train. It is very hard to (5)train tickets. My school is in New Delhi. I live in the school and go home (6) a month. Our village is small (7) beautiful. There are some (8) to the north of it. But they aren't very high. You can see lots of green trees on (9 ) . The trees give us wood (木头)and clean air. In our village, there is (10) heavy traffic, no noise or pollution (污染).I love my home town.1. A. Your B.Its C.H is D. Their2. A. map D. India3. A. to c.f rom D. of4. A. Because B.So c.Though D. Or5. A. give B.make c.s ell D. buy6. A. one B.first c.o nce D. two7. A. too B.or c.s o D. but8. A. forests B.mountains c.d eserts D. lakes9. A. it B.him c.her D. them10. .A. .no B.many c.s ome D. much.5.(2017 春•博罗县校级月考)New York, London, Paris and other big cities are interesting places to livein. There are (1) interesting things to see and to do. You can go to (2) kinds of museums and theatres to watch plays and movies. You can also go shopping to (3) things from all over the world. But there are serious (4) in big cities too. The cost of living is (5), and there are too many people in some places of the big cities. Every year many people go to the cities because they can (6)find work there. They can also study at good schools and receive good medical care. But (7)these people can't find work ora good place to live in. Also, too many people in small space make it (8) to keep thecities (9) and clean.Some people enjoy living in big cities» but others do not. (10) ______ eople move to a big city, they should think about the problems of living there.1. A. much B. many C. little D. few2. A. every B. each C. different D. same3. A. sell B. buy C. lend D. borrow4. A. jobs B. people C. problems D. answers5. A. cheap B. large C. tall D. high6. A. hardly B. easily C. carefully D. usually7. A. always B ・ never C. sometimes D. not8. A. hard B. good C. easy D. better9. A. dangerous B. popular C. safe D. warm10. A. But B. Because C. After D. Before.6.(2019秋•定州市期末)完形填空.Early in the morning, at noon, or in the evening in big cities and in the countryside, all over the United States, you can see Americans running - men and women, young and old. People run (1)- along the beaches of California, (2)Central Park in New York, down quiet streets in small towns or at the gym.Some people even run in (3) living rooms.Running wasn't so popular in the past. In the 1960s, runners were mostly athletes and healthy strong people. When people saw a runner, they used (4) , "Hey, what's the hurry for? "or they might say to (5), "Is he crazy? "At that time, women almost never ran. If they did, they might be laughed at.But today all these have (6)men and women of all (7) enjoy running.Doctors say many of the health problems in the United States (8) these bad habits: eating too much, smoking cigarettes, and taking (9) exercise. Doctors tell us, "Eat less, don't smoke, and exercise more. "Running is a good exercise (10)it helps build strong hearts and lungs. It also helps most people lose weight.(1) A. anywhere B.somewhere C.everywhere D.nowhere(2) A. among B.through C.with D.on(3) A. our B.your c.his D.their(4) A. to asking speak speaking ask(5) A. them B.themselves C.their D.they(6) A. changed B.stopped C.worked D.done(7) A, people B.cities c.villages D.ages(8) A. come from B.look for for D.think of(9) A. few B.many c.much D.little(10) A. how B.where c.because D.until7.What do you think of sports? Sports play an important part in our life. All over the world, people enjoysports. Wherever you are, you can (26) different kinds of sports or games. Some sports or games can go back to (27) years,like running and jumping. Chinese kung fu, for example, has a very long history. (28)basketball and volleyball are new. Neither has a history of 150 years. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.Sports help people keep healthy and happy and live (29) Lots of people take part in sports and play games. But some people like to watch (30) do sports. (31) the games, some people buy tickets or turn on their TVs at home. They don't go to bed (32) the games are over. When their player gets the first or their team wins, they often get very (33) When the seasons change, sports change with (34). In different seasons, people play different games. For example, swimming is fun in warm weather just like in summer, but skating or skiing (滑雪) is popular in (35) .26. A. watch B. look C. look at27. A. thousand of B. thousands C. thousands of28. A. But B. Or C. So29. A. longer B. happier C ・ more30. A. the others B. others C ・ other31. A. Watching B. To watch C. Watch32. A. when B. after C. until33. A. excited B. excite C ・ exciting34. A. it B. them C. they35. A. spring B. autumn C. winter.8. London is such a wonderful city. It lies (1) ________ _ the east of England. The city has (2)parts: the South and the North ..In the North there :are many important building, shops, bigparks and interesting places. The weather in London is (3). In winter it is not very cold and insummer it is not very hot because the city is (4) the sea. People say (5) London is a foggy city and that it often rains. It is true.I'm in London now. I meet a (6) fog than before. You can hardly see hands in front of your face.Cars and buses move along with their lights on. When evening falls, the weather (7)even worse. The fog is as thick as milk. (8) the buses and cars stop. I (9)an important meeting on the other side of the town, but it is difficult to find a car. I have to get there (10) .(1) A. about B. of C. in D. to(2) A. four B. six C. five D. two(3) A. nice B. bad C. sunny D. rainy(4) A. next B. near C. in D. of(5) A. that B. where C. there D. what(6) A. thick B. thicker C. the thickest D. thickest(7) A. becomes B. get C. turn D. grow(8) A. All B. Each C. Every D. None(9) A. to have B. have C. having D. has(10) A. by car B. by bus C. on foot D. by train9. What's the best way to lose weight (重量)? You can make it fun by (31) ______________ outdooractivities. You'll be amazed at the number of calories (卡路里) you'll (32) in a short time. Here's some advice to help you to lose weight.Hike (徒步旅行)to Lose WeightHiking is an excellent (33) _______ of exercise for burning calories and increasing your heart system. What's more, if you hike on hills, it (34) ____________ to build and strengthen (增强) leg muscles (肌肉).Kayaking (划皮艇)to Lose WeightIf you love the (35) ________ , then you may go kayaking! Generally, a woman can lose half a pound from an afternoon of whitewater kayaking. A man can lose even (36) , around 2, 200 calories. This sport builds strength in your (37) _ (38)__________ a great way to make you slimmer.Ski to Lose WeightSkiing is one great sport to lose weight because (39) _ ____ and upper body muscles. It*s __ can use all of your major musclegroups - from your chest to shoulders. It can improve your balance by exercising your main muscles(40) you can't fall down. So, it's no surprise that you can burn about 3, 000 calories if you're a man anda little less for a woman, after 6 hours of skiing.31. A. staying away from B. doing well in C.t aking part in32. A. waste B. store C.b urn33. A. way B. grade c.d iet34. A. decides B. helps c.p lans35. A. soil B. water c.s and36. A. worse B. better c.m ore37. A. arms B. legs c.h eads38. A. too B. never c.a lso39. A. be B. you c.s he40. A. so that B. in order to c.s o as to.10.The summer holiday is coming. Steve will have a wonderful (21) He is going to take a train to Beijingto visit his (22) Taking a train isn't faster than taking a plane, (23) he still plans to take a train because he likes (24) the beautiful scenery outside the windows. He wants to stay at his grandparents* home for a week. After that, Steve plans to go to Shanghai to visit his uncle, aunt and (25) Although takinga plane is more (26) than other ways, his parents will book a plane ticket for him. He is going to takea(27)to Shanghai for the first time. His cousin, Jeff, is a doctor in a (28)He has a beautiful car so he will (29)Steve to Shanghai Bund and take some pictures there. Steve can't (30) to see it. He will take a ship to see the scenery with Jeff.21. A. party B. day C ・ holiday D. game22. A. parents B. friends C ・ brothers D. grandparents23. A. and B. but C. or D. so24. A. watching B. reading C. touching D. hugging25. A. classmate B. doctor C ・ teacher D. cousin26. A. interesting B. relaxing C. expensive D. exciting27. A. boat B. plane C. bus D. bike28. A. hospital B. bank C. post office D. park29. A. ask B. help C. fly D ・ drive30. A. wait B. sing C. sleep D. stand11.(2019 秋•横县期中)Travelling has been (31) with people for a long time. Many of today's travelersare trying to find (32)unusual experience or adventure. (33)may be a good choice.Instead of (3) 4 your vacation on a bus, in the hotel or sitting on the beach, you may want to try hiking.Hiking is a great way to travel. You will get close to (35) and take exercise. You can see lots of flowers and grass at the same time. Hiking is easy to do and doesn't have to be very expensive. You can hike close to home or travel to (36) places. The basic (37) you need for hiking is simple: good shoes, clothes and a backpack. You can hike in mountains, in a forest or along a river. If you go with your friends, you can have a chance to talk with them.Hiking is fun and (38), but you shouldn't forget safety. Safety is the first. Here are some basic tips for successful hiking:•Don't hike (39) .•Bring water, a good map and a cellphone.•Wear a hat to protect yourself (40) the sun.31. A. popular B. famous C. interested D. proud32. A. a B. an C. the D. two33. A. Swimming B. Hiking C. Shopping D. Playing basketball34. A. spending B. spend C. spends D. to spend35. A. school B. store C ・ cinema D. nature36. A. another B. the other C. other D. others37. A. skill B. way C ・ knowledge D. equipment38. A. bored B. boring C ・ excited D. exciting39. A. together B. alone C. lonely D. busy40. A. in B. at C. from D. to.12.In England, people don't like (1) very much. You can go on a bus, (2) on a train, and people justsit looking (3) the window.Often they read. They read books and papers. But they don't talk (4). When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing, (5). So when you meet (6)in England, you should say, "Nice weather (7) this time of year!""But it was (8)cold yesterday. " Someone may answer. "Well, it will get a bit warmer later!" You can say. Talk (9) this, and the English will think. "How(10) you are!"(1) A. laughing B. going about C.talking D. playing(2) A. or B. and C.either D. but(3) A. from B. through D. out of(4) A. much B. a bit c. a little D. sometimes(5) A. the food B. the work c.the time D. the weather(6) A. a man B. a woman c.everyone D. someone(7) A. at B. in c.on D. for(8) A. much B. not c. a bit D. more(9) A. with B. in D. for(10) A. happy B. funny c.friendly D. careful13.(2016•广安)Everyone has a place which he remembers most from his childhood (童年),and sodo I. One of the places I remember from my childhood is a (1)in the country. It belonged to my parents. I spent my summers in that place (2) I was a teenager (青少年)and now I begin to miss the farm again.It was lovely to (3) there. There were a lot of (4) - - cows, sheep, hens, and naturally dogs and cats.My sister and I (5)helped to work on the farm. We helped people graze (放牧)sheep or make bread or cheese. I can still remember that on Tuesdays we (6)the bread and on Thursdays, the cheese. I love that farm because 1(7)to love animals and not to be afraid of them there.We saw a sheep give birth to its baby there, and we enjoyed staying there to see how lovely the (8) sheep was.Now my sister and her son are(9)this place. My nephew(侄子)is( 10)with the place. I hope that he has a good time there and when he is older, he will remember the place as I do.(1) A. house C.v illage D. park(2) A. as soon as B.until C.t hough D. since(3) A. stay c.l earn D. leave(4) A. flowers B. plants C. animals D. dogs(5) A. sometime B. some time. C ・ some times D. sometimes(6) A. make B. made C. to make D. making(7) A. wanted B. remembered C ・ learned D. stopped(8) A. little B. clever C. colorful D. white(9) A. leaving B. painting C. enjoying D. building(10) A. worried B. angry C. sad D. pleased14.There is a saying, "No sports, no life. "Sports are very important to us. Sports help us to stay (21) andget good grades.Everyone in our class (22)sports. Our favourite (23)is PE. We only have PE lessons (24)a week, but we play sports every day. The most popular sport in our class is basketball. The boys enjoy (25 )it, and many of the (26 )like it, too. Another popular sport is football and there (27)a lot of football fans (球迷)in our class. When the weather is (28 ), we often play ping - pong outside. We hardly ever (几乎不) play volleyball. We think it's (29). We have a basketball team. Our team often has friendly (增进友谊的) matches with teams from other schools. When there is a match, many of us go to (30) it. It*s very interesting.21. A. fit B. cool C. fat D. thin22. A. love B. loves C. loving D. loved23. A. food B. drink C. subject D. fruit24. A. two B. two time C. second D. twice25. A. play B. playing C. played D. to play26. A. students B. teachers C. girls D. people27. A. were B. are C. is D. was28. A. cloudy B. windy C ・ fine D. wet29. A. boring B. relaxing C ・ exciting D. interesting30. A. watch B. read C. look D. look at15.(2018 秋•西市区校级期中)Dad wanted to take us for a trip. We (1) to travel to Dali. It*s far fromour city. So we chose to go there by plane. It cost us much money. But its the (2) way to travel. My sister and I felt (感到) (3)because it was the first time we traveled there.We got there (4) the evening of September 15th. We felt a little tired. After (5) in our hotel for some time, my sister and I went out for the evening sightseeing tour (夜景观光). My parents didn't like it,(6) they stayed at the hotel.On the first day, we took a taxi to the Cangshan. The view (风景) was wonderful. To remember the beautiful time, I took many (7). The second day, we took a(8) on Lake Erhai. For dinner, we had something special - rice noodles. We (9) had that before. On the third day, we visited the Old Town of Dali. Walking around the beautiful town was really enjoyable.The trip was short, (10) we had a great time in Dali.(1) A. forgot B. planned C. tried D. needed(2) A. fastest B. slowest C ・ cheapest D. easiest(3) A. different B. excited C. lucky D. comfortable(4) A. for B. at C. in D. on(5) A. washing B. waiting C. relaxing D. thinking(6) A. because B. and C. but D. so(7) A. ideas B. photos C. food D. games(8) A. bike B. walk C. car D. boat(9) A. usually B. never C. always D. especially(10) A. because B. but C. or D. and参考答案与试题解析一.完形填空(共15小题)1.In the United States, "hitting the books "means studying a subject with great effort.One of the great challenges for students (1) taking tests. Students (2) C long hours preparing for a test They read all their books carefully, and then them (3) and a third time. They prepare for (4) D possible question. They study every night They are"hitting the books".In the United States, most children go to school (5) A they are five years old. Public education is free and most children go to schools near their homes. School in these early years is (6) C The children learn to read and write, but they also play games and go on trips. There is no reason (7) A ch an early age for them to hit the books.This situation changes as children become older. The subjects become more difficult. Students must(8) world history, algebra (代数)and the life sciences. Jests become more common. Pressure (9) A tohit the books, study hard, and advance (升级).(10) D ,most students only really begin hitting the books for long hours when they reach high school.Knowledge is a prize that is not easy to gain.1. A. are B. is C. were D. was2. A. cost B. take C. spend D. pay3. A. a first time B. a second time C. a third time D. a fourth time4. A. all B. no C. few D ・ every5. A. when B. since C. for D. that6. A. boring B. difficult C. fun D. strange7. A. at B. on C. in D. for8. A. look for B. learn about C. set up D. hear of9. A. is growing B. is disappearing C. is falling D. is going10. A. Although B. Even C. Whatever D. However【考点】议论文.【分析】文章大意:这篇短文讲述的是对于学生们来说考试是一个大的挑战,作者以美国的孩子们为例,讲述了他们在学校学习的情况.开始的几年,他们是非常开心的;但是随着年龄的增长,科目的加深,他们会感觉越来越难,需要更努力的学习.【解答】1. B考查动词辨析.句子的主语one of the greatest challenges for students谓语动词用单数,结合前后可知时态是一般现在时;故选B.2.C考查动词辨析.根据题干,考查固定用法spend的用法,spend-•-doing sth.,花费一段时间做某事.故选择C.3.B考查短语辨析.根据后面a third time保持-致,and是并列关系,他们一遍又一遍地读书.选择B.4.D考查代词辨析.A所有的;B没有;C几乎没有;D每个;根据后面possible question 他们要准备每一个可能的问题.5.A考查连词辨析.A当…时;B自从;C为…D和;结合题干,when引导的时间状语从句.大多数孩子当他们五岁的时候就去上学.6.C考查形容词辨析.A无聊的;B困难的;C有趣的;D奇怪的;根据下文The children learnto read and write, but they also play games and go on trips.:年龄很小的孩子学习读书写字、玩游戏、旅行,因此对他们来说是很有趣的.7.A考查介词辨析.考查固定词组.at such an early age在年龄这么小的时候.8.B考查短语辨析.A寻找;B学习关于;C建立;D听说;根据Students must (8) worldhistory, algebra (代数)and the life sciences:孩子们必须学习关于世界历史、代数以及生命科学的书.learn about在此句中是”学习关于”的意思.9.A考查短语辨析.A增长;B消失;C降落;D去;根据后面hit the books, study hard, andadvance (升级).压力不断增加,从而(要求大家)刻苦学习,研习攻读,而且还会不断升级.10.D考查连词辨析.A虽然;B甚至;C无论什么;D然而,可是;根据后面most studentsonly really begin hitting the books for long hours when they reach high school. 此空表转折,许多学生上了高校才开始花数小时来研究课程.【点评】考查完形填空.根据所给的短文对意思有所了解,然后根据短文的大体意思,选择每个符合题意的答案,使短文更通顺.2.In learning English, one should first pay attention to listening and speaking. They are the groundworkfor reading and writing. While you're listening to English materials, you'd better(21) D your best to speak. Don't be (22)of making mistakes. But be careful not to let them stop youfrom improving your (23) A . A good (24) C to improve your English is to write - keep a diary, write notes or letters. Then if you can, ask some others to go through (25) D you have written and tell you where there is a mistake. Many mistakes in your speaking will be (26) found when you write. Through correcting mistakes, you can do better in learning English.If you are slow in speaking, don't (27) C about it. One of the helpful ways is reading, either aloud or to yourself. The important thing is to choose (28) A interesting to read. It mustn't be too difficult for you. When you are reading (29) D this way, don't stop to (30) C_the new words if you can guess their meanings when they have nothing to do with the sentences. You can do that some other time.21. A. have B. send C. make D. try22. A. sure B. afraid C. proud D. tired23. A. English B. Chinese C. Japanese D. French24. A. start B. thing C. way D. manner25. A. how B. when C. why D ・ what26. A. happily B. easily C. really D. slowly27. A. talk B. fear C. worry D. hurry28. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing29. A. by B. on C. at D. in30. A. look atB. look forC. look upD. look over.【考点】议论文.通过听说读写结合写作、纠错等方法来提【分析】本文讲述如何有效提高英语的方法,高英语水平.【解答】21. D,本题考查固定词组.A. have有B. send寄送C. make让,制作D. try 努力,尽力.词组try one's best to do…尽某人最大的努力去做…,符合句意,故选D.22.B,本题考查情境理解.A. sure确信B. afraid担心,害怕C. proud骄傲D・tired 累.根据文中句意:不要害怕犯错.be afraid of对…感到害怕,故选:B.23.A,本题考查全后文照应.A. English英语B. Chinese汉语C. Japanese日语D. French 法语,根据前文主要讲得是如何提高英语学习水平,其他语种都没有提到.故选:A.24.C,本题考查词意理解.A. start开始B. thing事物C. way方法,手段D. manner 方式、举止.根据文中 A good ••• improve your English is to write - keep a diary 句意有一种提高英语的好方法就是记日记.故选C.25.D,本题考查从句引导词.A. how怎样(方式)B. when什么时候(时间)C. why 为什么(原因)D. what 什么(内容).根据文中Then if you can, ask some others to go through(25) you have written句意然后如果你可以的话,叫人浏览一下你所写的(内容).故选C.26.B,本题考查副词辨析.A. happily快乐地B. easily容易地C. really真正地D. slowly '慢'慢地.I艮据文中Many mistakes in your speaking will be..found when you write. 句意:当你(用英语)写下来的时候,许多口语犯的错误就(容易)被发现.故选:B.27.C,本题考查情境理解A. talk谈话B. fear恐惧C. worry担心,忧虑D. hurry 饥饿.根据文中If you are slow in speaking, don't about it.句意如果你说英语的速度慢,你也别(担心).worry about为….担心焦虑.故选C.28.A,本题考查不定代词A. something某物B. everything每样事物C. anything任何事物 D. nothing 什么也没有.根据文中The important thing is to choose--*, interesting to read. It mustn't be too difficult for you.句意最重要的是选有趣的….来读.它一定对你来说不太难.everything和anything,过于绝对,something interesting有趣的东西,故选C.29.D,本题考查介词词组.A. by通过B. on在…上C. at在…D. in在..里.结合题干,词组inthis way用这种方法,符合题意,故选:D.30.C,本题考查固定词组.A. look at朝…看B. look for寻找C. look叩查阅(字典、资料)D.look over仔细检查.结合句意,当和句子无关关的新词,可以猜一下,而不要停下来查字典.故选:C.【点评】完形填空是以阅读为形式,以上下文为线索,选择答案要以理解能力、词汇知识、语法知识、习惯用法以及分析判断能力为解题基础的.3.The best way of (1) C a language is always using it. The best way of learning spoken English is readingEnglish as (2) A as possible. Sometimes you'll get your words mixed up and people will not (3) C you.Sometimes people will (4) A things too quickly and you can't understand them. But (5) A you keep your sense of humour, you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you (6) . Don't be unhappy if people seem to be laughing (7) A your mistakes. It's (8)for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, (9)they don't understand what you are saying. The most important thing for learning English is: Don't be (10) C of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.1. A. learnt B. learn C.l earning D. to learn2. A. much B. many C.a lot D. lot of3. A. like B. know c.u nderstand D. remember4. A. say B. tell c.l earn D. talk5. A. if B. since c.a lthough D. when6. A. have B. make c.p roduce D. take7. A. at B. on c.f or D. to8. A. good B. better c.w ell D. bad9. A. unless B. because c.a s long as D. if10. .A. .worried B. unhappy c.a fraid D. nervous.【考点】议论文.【分析】文章讲述了学好英语口语的最好方法,并鼓励大家不要害怕出错,因为每个人都会犯错.【解答】CACAA BABBC1.C考查动词,A. learnt学习,过去式B. learn原形C. learning动名词D. to learn 不定式,才艮据后文The best way of learning spoken English is, 结合•••[、always using it, 推出是指”学习一门语言最好的方式就是使用它”,故选C.2.A考查形容词,A. much很多,修饰不可数名词B. many很多,修饰可数名词C. a lot大量;非常D. lot of错误表达,根据题干可知是as・・・as句型,结合前半句The best way of learning spoken English is reading English,推出"学习英语口语最好的方法就是尽可能多的读英语”,English是不可数名词,所以用much,故选A.3.C考查动词,A. like喜欢B. know知道C・understand理解D・remember记住,根据Sometimes you'll get your words mixed up有时候你会把你的话弄混,这样别人就不会理解你的意思,故选C.4. A 考查动词,A. say 说B. tell 告诉C. learn 学习D. talk 讲话,根据things too quickly andyou can't understand them,推出句意:有时人们说一些事情时,速度太快,你不能理解,故选A.5.A考查连词,A. if如果B. since自从C. although虽然D. when当…时,根据you keep yoursense of humour,可知这是一种假设,假设你保持一种幽默感,故选A.6.B考查动词,A. have有B. make制造C. produce生产D. take带走,根据at the mistakes you,可知犯错误用动词make,故选B.7.A考查介词,A. at在・・・B. on在上面C. for为了D・to至U…,根据题干中的laughing,可知是短语laugh at嘲笑,这是固定搭配,句意”如果别人嘲笑你的错误,不要不开心” 故选A.8.B考查形容词,A. good好(形容词)B. better更好C. well好(副词)D. bad糟糕的,根据题干中的than,可知是比较级,结合选项,故选B.9.B考查连词,A. unless除非B. because因为C. as long as只要D. if如果,根据they don'tunderstand what you are saying他们不明白你在说什么,可知这是在解释前文的原因,故选B.10.C考查形容词,A. worried担心的B. unhappy不开心的C.afraid害怕的D. nervous 紧张的,根据because everyone makes mistakes因为每个人都犯错误,推出句意”不要害怕犯错误”,be afraid of doing sth不要害怕做某事,故选C.【点评】解答完形填空题需要快速阅读全文,了解文章大意,再带着选项去读,边读边做,注意联系上下文.4.(2018 秋•岳池县期末)My name is Carl. I am from a small village in India. (1)name is Taka. You may not find it on the (2) A , because it is too small. It is not far (3) C New Delhi (新德里),the capital of India. There are five buses to New Delhi every day, but only one train. (4)there are always many people on the train. It is very hard to (5) D_train tickets. My school is in New Delhi. I live in the school and go home (6) C a month. Our village is small (7) D beautiful. There are some (8) to the north of it. But they aren't very high. You can see lots of green trees on (9) D . The trees give us wood (木头)and clean air. In our village, there is (10) A heavy traffic, no noise or pollution (污染).I love my home town.1. A. Your B. Its C.His D. Their。


Introduction of New Goods
Problems With the CPI:
When new goods become available,
variety increases, allowing consumers to find products that more closely meet their needs.
are they?
How does the CPI differ from the GDP deflator? How can we use the CPI to compare dollar
amounts from different years? Why would we want to do this, anyway?
of living.
Unmeasured Quality Change
Problems With the CPI:
Improvements in the quality of goods in the
basket increase the value of each dollar.
but the CPI probably still overstates inflation by about 0.5 percent per year.
This is important, because Social Security
payments and many contracts have COLAs tied to the CPI.



Urban life,with its unique charm and challenges,has become a significant topic of discussion and reflection.Here are some key points to consider when writing an essay about city life:1.Diversity and Cultural Richness:Cities are melting pots of different cultures, ethnicities,and backgrounds.This diversity brings a richness to city life,offering a variety of food,music,art,and traditions.2.Opportunities for Employment and Education:Urban areas are often hubs for business and education,providing a wide range of job opportunities and access to prestigious educational institutions.3.Public Transportation and Infrastructure:Cities typically have welldeveloped public transportation systems,making it easier for residents to commute to work or school. However,traffic congestion can be a downside.4.Access to Amenities and Services:Living in a city means having easy access to a variety of services such as healthcare,entertainment,shopping,and dining options.5.Pace of Life:The fast pace of city life can be exhilarating for some,offering a constant stream of activities and events.However,it can also be stressful and overwhelming for others.6.Housing and Cost of Living:Urban living often comes with higher costs,including housing,utilities,and general expenses.The competition for housing can be fierce,and space may be limited.7.Environmental Impact:The concentration of people and industry in cities can lead to environmental issues such as pollution,waste management challenges,and the urban heat island effect.8.Social Interaction and Community:While cities offer many opportunities for social interaction,they can also be isolating.The anonymity of city life can make it difficult to form closeknit communities.9.Safety and Security:Cities may have areas with higher crime rates,and concerns about personal safety can be a factor in choosing where to live.10.Cultural and Historical Attractions:Urban areas often have a wealth of museums, galleries,and historical sites that enrich the cultural life of residents and visitors.11.Green Spaces and Parks:Despite the density,many cities have parks and green spaces that provide a respite from the urban environment,offering a place for relaxation and recreation.12.Technology and Innovation:Cities are often at the forefront of technological advancements and innovation,providing residents with the latest tools and services. When writing your essay,you can explore these themes and provide examples or personal experiences to illustrate your points.Consider the balance between the advantages and disadvantages of city life,and how it affects the quality of life for different individuals.。










必读文献Moore, Barrington. 1993. Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World. NY: Beacon Press.什穆埃尔·艾森斯塔特. 1988. 《现代化: 抗拒与变迁》. 中国人民大学出版社.Wallerstein, Immanuel. 1974. The ModernWorld-System, vol. I: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the EuropeanWorld-Economy in the Sixteenth Century. NY/London: Academic Press. Collins, Randall. 1980. Weber's Last Theory of Capitalism: A Systematization. American Sociological Review. 45(06):925-942.选读文献Tilly, Charels. 1976. The Vendee. Cambridge:Harvard University Press.旺代Skocpol Theda. 1977. Book Review: The Modern World-System: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century. by Immanuel Wallerstein. American Journal of Sociology. 82(05): 1075-1090.第二节:比较历史研究方法与美好国家能动性第二波美好国家建构理论与第一波之间的差异主要体现在两个层面:一是研究方法层面引入密尔比较法(Millian approach)将不同对照组内的样本史料加以比较与论证,确立了比较历史分析的传统。


A+T含量 G+C含量 不能确定的碱基 重复序列(不含异染色质) 编码序列(基因)数目 功能未知基因比例 外显子最多的基因 SNP数量 SNP密度
54% 38% 9% 35% 26588 42% Titin(234) 约300万个 1/12500 bp
最长的染色体 最短的染色体 基因最多的染色体 基因最少的染色体 基因密度最大的染色体 基因密度最小的染色体 重复序列含量最高的染色体
It is essentially immoral not to get it (the human genome sequence) done as fast as possible.
James Watson
人类基因组计划的完成,使得我们今天有可能来探 讨基因组的概,但我们仍然无法来谈论细节。
编码外显子序列的比例 基因的平均长度
2(240 Mbp) Y(19 Mbp) 1(2453) Y(104) 19(23/Mb) 13,Y(5/Mb) 19(57%)
1.1~1.4% 27 Kb
女 平均 男
4. Francis S. Collins, Eric D. Green, Alan E. Guttmacher, Mark S. Guyer :A Vision for the Future of Genomics Research. A blueprint for the genomic era. Nature Apr 24 2003: 835.
而 Celera 的测序样本来自5个人:分别属于西班牙裔、 亚洲裔、非洲裔、美洲裔和高加索裔(2男3女),是从21个志 愿者样本中挑选的。

生产运作管理CH08-Location Strategies

生产运作管理CH08-Location Strategies
Country 1
Country 2 5 3 4 1 5 3 3
Country 3 2 1 3 1 2 3 3
Country 4 1 5 4 2 5 5 1
Level of education
Number of skilled workers National education rate
Political and Legal Aspects

Describe or explain:
Factor-rating method ♦ Locational breakeven analysis ♦ Center -of-gravity method

Describe the factors affecting location decisions

Higher labor productivity

Region/Community Decision Factors
♦ Labor
♦ ♦
Lower wages in South Carolina (SC)
♦ Government incentives
$135 million in state & local tax breaks ♦ Free-trade zone from airport to plant
Tax rates Inflation Availability of raw Interest rates
Total Rating Points
Global Competitiveness of Countries
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
2001 Ranking

Supply Chain coordination with contracts

Supply Chain coordination with contracts

Supply Chain Coordination with Contracts1Gérard P.Cachon1321Steinberg Hall/Dietrich HallThe Wharton School of Business¢University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia¢PA¢19104cachon@¢/~cachonSeptember20011st draft1This paper is an invited chapter to be published in the Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science:Supply Chain Management,edited by Steve Graves and Ton de Kok and published by North-Holland.Feedback is quite welcomed.1IntroductionEach…rm in a supply chain must execute a precise set of actions to achieve optimal supply chain performance.But each…rm’s primary objective is its own pro…t.As a result,supply chain excellence requires the coordination of disparate incentives.This chapter reviews and extends the literature on the management of incentive con‡icts within a supply chain.Numerous supply chain models are discussed,roughly presented in order of increasing complexity.In each model the supply chain optimal actions are identi…ed.In each case the…rms could implement those actions,i.e.,each…rm has access to the information needed to determine the optimal actions and the optimal actions are feasible for each…rm.2However,…rms lack an incentive to implement those actions.To create that incentive the…rms can adjust their terms of trade via a contract that establishes a transfer payment scheme.A number of di¤erent contract types are identi…ed and their bene…ts and drawbacks are illustrated.The…rst model has a single supplier selling to a single retailer that faces the newsvendor problem.In that model the retailer orders a single product from the supplier well in advance of a selling season with stochastic demand.The supplier produces after receiving the retailer’s order and delivers her production to the retailer at the start of the selling season.3The retailer has no additional replenishment opportunity.How much the retailer chooses to stock clearly depends on the contract the supplier o¤ers.The newsvendor model is not complex,but it is su¢ciently rich to study three main questions in supply chain coordination.First,which contracts coordinate the supply chain?A contract is said to coordinate the supply chain if the set of supply chain optimal actions is a Nash equilibrium,i.e.,no…rm has a pro…table unilateral deviation from the set of supply chain optimal actions.Ideally,the optimal actions should also be a unique Nash equilibrium, otherwise the…rms may“coordinate”on a sub-optimal set of actions.In the newsvendor model the actions to coordinate are the retailer’s order quantity and the supplier’s production quantity.Second,which contracts have su¢cient‡exibility(by adjusting parameters)to2Even in the asymmetric information models there is an assumption that the…rms can share information so that all…rms are able to evaluate the optimal policies.Nevertheless,…rms are not required to share information.See Anand and Mendelson(1997)for a model in which…rms are unable to share information even though they have the incentive to do so.3Following Marty Lariviere’s convention,the…rm o¤ering the contract is considered female and the accepting …rm is male.When neither…rm o¤ers the contract,then the upstream…rm is female,and the downstream …rm is male.allow for any division of the supply chain’s pro…t among the…rms?If a coordinating contract can allocate rents arbitrarily,then there always exists a contract that Pareto dominates a non-coordinating contract,i.e.,each…rm’s pro…t is no worse o¤and at least one…rm is strictly better o¤with the coordinating contract.Third,which contracts are worth adopting? Although coordination and‡exible rent allocation are desirable features,contracts with those properties tend to be costly to administer.As a result,the contract designer may actually prefer to o¤er a simple contract even if that contract does not optimize the supply chain’s performance.A simple contract is particularly desirable if the contract’s e¢ciency is high(the ratio of supply chain pro…t with the contract to the supply chain’s optimal pro…t) and if the contract designer captures the lion’s share of supply chain pro…t.§3provides the…rst extension to the newsvendor model.Now the retailer chooses his retail price in addition to his stocking quantity.It is shown that many of the contracts that coordinate the basic newsvendor model no longer coordinate in this setting.However, some contracts are robust to this change.Furthermore,those contracts coordinate the supply chain even though they place no restriction on the retailer’s pricing decision,which is important since in general suppliers are legally prohibited from dictating the prices their retailers may charge.The second extension to the newsvendor model,§4,expands the retailer’s action set by allowing the retailer to exert costly e¤ort to increase demand.Like the retail price,the retialer’s e¤ort is non-contractable,i.e.,the supplier cannot restrict the retailer to a limited set of e¤ort levels.In this model there is a strong tension between the supplier and the retailer:since the cost of e¤ort is borne exclusively by the retailer,the supplier always prefers the retailer to exert more e¤ort.Nevertheless,coordinating contracts do exist for this setting.In the third extension the supplier sells to multiple competing retailers,§5.In this setting supply chain coordination no longer requires“more”from the retailers.To explain,for coordination in the single newsvendor model the retailer must order more inventory and in the…rst two extensions of that model the retailer must generate more demand by either cutting his price or by increasing his e¤ort.But retail competition can lead to too much inventory or prices that are too low because each retailer fails to account for how his action reduces the pro…ts of the other retailers.As a result,supply chain coordination ironicallyrequires that the supplier temper the retailers’competitive tendencies.To be speci…c,two models of retail competition are considered.In the…rst model retailers compete via their inventory quantity:there is a…xed retail price but a retailer’s share of total demand is proportional to his inventory level.In that case the supplier can temper competition by increasing his wholesale price.Indeed,with multiple retailers the supplier can achieve with just a wholesale price contract something that cannot be achieved with just one retailer:earn a positive pro…t and coordinate the supply chain.Nevertheless,the supplier can always do even better with a more sophisticated contract.However,the incremental improvement a¤orded by the more sophisticated contract decreases as retail competition increases.In the second model the retailers compete via price:there exists a market clearing price that depends on the retailers’total inventory.The retailers now order too little inventory because they anticipate bruising price competition.Hence,the supplier can temper competition either by setting a minimum price level or by allowing the retailers to return inventory.In§6the retailer faces a newsvendor problem with two replenishment opportunities.The …rst opportunity is the traditional one,i.e.,it occurs well in advance of the selling season. The second one occurs just before the selling season,after the retailer receives an improved demand forecast.Since the retailer’s demand information improves with time,there is cer-tainly a bene…t for the supply chain to delay production or capacity decisions until after the improved forecast is received.But late production is more expensive than early production. Hence,the supply chain must balance the retailer’s preference for delayed commitments with the supplier’s preference for earlier commitments.§7studies an in…nite horizon stochastic demand model in which the retailer receives replenishments from a supplier after a constant lead time.The retailer manages his inventory with a base stock policy.For tractability,demands are backordered,i.e.,there are no lost sales,so the retailer’s action does not impact the supply chain’s revenue.Hence,these…rms seek to minimize cost.The retailer’s costs are traditional:an inventory holding cost and a backorder penalty cost.The supplier incurs a backorder penalty for retail backorders which re‡ects the supplier’s desire to maintain adequate availability of her product to consumers. The supplier may have that preference to protect her investment in her brand equity or to prevent customers from trying competing products.Like the newsvendor model with e¤ort, the supplier also prefers more from the retailer in this model,i.e.,a higher base stock levelwhich leads to more inventory.In addition,the retailer bears the full burden of additional inventory in the form of inventory carrying costs.However,unlike the e¤ort model,it is assumed the…rms can contract on the retailer’s inventory,i.e.,the supplier can verify how much inventory the retailer has and provide transfer payments based on the retailer’s holding cost.§8adds richness to the single location base stock model by making the supplier hold inventory,albeit at a lower holding cost than the retailer.In this two echelon serial supply chain the supplier receives replenishments after a constant lead time from a source with in…nite capacity.The supplier continues to replenish the retailer and there is still a…xed amount of time between the dispatch of a shipment and its arrival at the retailer.But the dispatch of a shipment is delayed whenever there is an inventory shortage at the supplier.In the single location model the only critical issue is the amount of inventory in the supply chain.In this model the allocation of the supply chain’s inventory between the supplier and the retailer is important as well.For a…xed amount of supply chain inventory the supplier always prefers that more is allocated to the retailer,because that lowers both her inventory and backorder costs.(Recall that the supplier is charged for retail backorders.)On the other hand,the retailer’s preference is not so clear:less retail inventory means lower holding costs, but also higher backorder costs.There are also subtle interactions with respect to the total amount of inventory in the supply chain.The retailer is biased to carry too little inventory: the retailer bears the full cost of his inventory but only receives a portion of the bene…t(i.e., he does not bene…t from the reduction in the supplier’s backorder cost).On the other hand, there is no clear bias for the supplier:while the supplier bears the cost of his inventory and does not bene…t from the reduction in the retailer’s backorder cost,which biases the supplier to carry too little inventory,the supplier does not bear the cost of the retailer’s inventory (which increases along with the supplier’s inventory),which biases the supplier to carry too much inventory.Either bias can dominate,depending on the parameters of the model.§9departs from the assumption that…rms agree to contracts with set transfer prices. In many supply chains the…rms agree to a contractual arrangement before the realization of some relevant information.The…rms could specify transfer payments for every possible contingency,but those contracts are quite complex.Instead,…rms could agree to set transfer prices via an internal market after the revelant information is revealed.In§10one of the…rms possess important private information that the other…rm does not possess.For example,a manufacturer may have a more accurate demand forecast for a prod-uct than the manufacturer’s supplier.As in the previous models,supply chain coordination requires each…rm to implement optimal actions.But since those optimal actions depend on the private information,supply chain coordination also requires the accurate sharing of information.In particular,the…rm without the private information must be aware of the possible incentives to misrespresent information,e.g.,the manufacturer may be biased to provide a rosy demand forecast.Coordinating contracts do exist in some conditions.The…nal section provides a brief conclusion and some general guidance for future research.While this chapter gives a broad treatment of the supply chain contracting literature, it does not address all papers that could possibly be classi…ed within this literature.In particular,there are(at least)four types of closely related papers that are not discussed directly.The…rst is the extensive literature on quantity discounts.Representative papers in this area include Lal and Staelin(1984),Monohan(1984),Lee and Rosenblatt(1986), Dada and Srikanth(1987)and Weng(1995).These papers are not included primarily because there already exist several excellent reviews:see Dolan and Frey(1987)and Boyaci and Gallego(1997).In addition,the quantity discount literature primarily focuses on models with deterministic demand,whereas the recent work in supply chain contracting primarily focuses on models with stochastic demand(Bernstein and Federgruen1999,and Chen,Federgruen,Zheng2001,are exceptions).The second set that is not addressed includes papers on a single…rm’s optimal procurement decisions given particular contractual terms.Examples include Scheller-Wolf and Tayur’s(1997)study of procurement under a minimum quantity commitment contract,Duenyas,Bassok and Hopp’s(1997)study of procurement with JIT contracts,and Moinzadeh and Nahmias’(2000)study of procurement with standing order contracts.The third body of excluded work is research on supply chain coordination without contracts.Examples include papers on the bene…t of Quick Response(e.g.,Iyer and Bergen,1997),Accurate Response(e.g.,Fisher and Raman,1996), collaborative planning and forecasting(e.g.,Aviv,1999),Vendor Managed Inventory(e.g., Aviv and Federgruen,1998)and information sharing within a supply chain(e.g.,Gavirneni, Kapuscinski and Tayur,1999).Finally,papers on decentralize supply chain operations which do not explicitly consider coordination are excluded: e.g.,Corbett and Karmarkar(2001),Erhun,Keskinocak and Tayur(2000),Ha,Li,and Ng(2000)and Majumder andGroenevelt(2000).This is not the…rst paper to provide an overview of the literature on supply chain con-tracting.Whang(1995)provides an early assessment of the literature and more recently,there are three chapters in Tayur,Ganeshan and Magazine(1998)that focus on this topic.This paper attempts to integrate the discussions contained within those chapters.In addi-tion,since this area of research has expanded so rapidly in recent years,this paper includesup-to-date research(at least to the best of my knowledge).2Coordinating the newsvendorImagine a supply chain model with one supplier and one retailer.The retailer faces anewsvendor problem:the retailer must choose an order quantity before the start of a singleselling season that has stochastic demand.Let D¸0be demand during the selling season.Let F be the distribution function of demand and f its density function:F is di¤erentiable,strictly increasing and F(0)=0.Let¹F=1¡F:The retail price is e p.For each demand theretailer does not satisfy the retailer incurs a e¯penalty for loss of goodwill.The supplier’s production cost per unit is e c;0<e c<e p:4The retailer earns e v<e c per unit unsold at theend of season,where e v is net of any salvage expenses.Assume the supplier’s net salvagevalue is no greater than e v;so it is optimal for the supply chain to salvage left over inventoryat the retailer.The qualitative insights from the subsequent analysis do not depend onwhether it is optimal for the retailer or the supplier to salvage left over inventory.5Formore extensive treatment of the newsvendor model,see Silver,Pyke and Peterson(1998)orNahmias(1993).The following sequence of events occurs in this game:the supplier o¤ers the retailera contract;the retailer accepts or rejects the contract;assuming the retailer accepts thecontract,the retailer submits an order quantity,q;to the supplier;the supplier produces anddelivers to the retailer before the selling season;season demand occurs;and…nally transferpayments are made between the…rms based upon the agreed contract.If the retailer rejects4For simplicity a retail marginal cost and a supplier goodwill cost are not included.Cachon and Lariviere(2000) do include such costs.Wang and Gerchak(2001)study a model that behaves like the newsvendor model and they include a retail marginal cost(which they refer to as a holding cost).5The supply chain contracting literature generally avoids this issue by assuming the net salvage value of a unit is the same at either…rm.the contract,the game ends and each…rm earns a default payo¤.Each…rm is risk neutral,so each…rm maximizes expected pro…t.There is full information, which means that both…rms have the same information at the start of the game,i.e.,each …rm knows all costs,parameters and rules.6It is quite reasonable to assume the supplier cannot force the retailer to pay for units delivered in excess of the retailer’s order quantity.But can the supplier deliver less than the amount the retailer orders?A failure to deliver the retailer’s full order may occur for a number of reasons beyond the supplier’s control: e.g.,unforeseen production di¢culties or supply shortages for key components.The shortage may also be due to self interest. In recognition of that motivation,the retailer could assume the supplier operates under voluntary compliance,which means the supplier delivers the amount(not to exceed the retailer’s order)that maximizes her pro…t given the terms of the contract.Alternatively, the retailer could believe the supplier never chooses to deliver less than the retailer’s order because the consequences for doing so are su¢ciently great,e.g.,court action or a loss of reputation.Call that regime forced compliance.The compliance regime in reality almost surely fall somewhere between those two ex-tremes.However,in any regime other than forced compliance the supplier can be expected to fall somewhat short on her delivery if the terms of the contract give the supplier an incen-tive to do so.In other words,any contract that coordinates the supply chain with voluntary compliance surely coordinates with forced compliance,but the reverse is not true(because the contract may fail to coordinate the supplier’s action).Hence,voluntary compliance is the more conservative assumption(albeit maybe a too conservative assumption).The approach taken in this section is to assume forced compliance but to check if the supplier has a incentive to deviate from the proposed contractual terms.7This seemingly contradictory stance is adopted to simplify notation:voluntary compliance requires notation to keep track of two actions,the retailer’s order quantity and the supplier’s production6Game theorists can also be concerned with whether…rm A knows that…rm B knows all information.Higher levels of common knowledge can also be de…ned:does…rm B know that…rm A knows that…rm B knows all information.The supply chain contracting literature has not explored this issue.7See Cachon and Lariviere(2001)for additional discussion on compliance regimes.See Krasa and Villamil (2000)for a model in which the contracting parties endogenously set the compliance ner and Pinker (2000)do not explicitly de…ne a compliance regime,but it does impact their results.They show supply chain coordination is possible when one…rm is able to identify any deviation by the other…rm and follow through with substanstial penalties.When deviations cannot be identi…ed for sure,supply chain coordination is no longer possible.Baiman,Fischer and Rajan(2000)focus on how the compliance regime impacts a supplier’s incentive to improve quality and a buyer’s incentive to inspect.quantity,whereas forced compliance requires notation only for one action.Let S(q)be expected sales,min(q;D);S(q)=q(1¡F(q))+Z q0yf(y)dy=q¡Z q0F(y)dy(The above follows from integration by parts.)Let I(q)be the expected left over inventory, (q¡D)+;I(q)=Z q0(q¡y)f(y)dy=q¡S(q)Let L(q)be the lost sales function,(D¡q)+;L(q)=Z1q(y¡q)f(y)dy=¹¡S(q)Let e T be the expected transfer payment from the retailer to the supplier.That function may depend on a number of performance measures,as is seen later.The retailer’s pro…t function ise¼r(q)=e p S(q)+e v I(q)¡e¯L(q)¡e T=³e p¡e v+e¯´S(q)¡e T+e v q¡e¯¹and the supplier’s pro…t function ise¼s(q)=e T¡e c q:To simplify notation,a number of adjustments are made to the above functions.Since e¯¹is independent of the…rms’actions,de…ne the adjusted pro…t function,¼r(q)=e¼r(q)+e¯¹: De…ne the adjusted price,p=e p¡e v+e¯:for each unit sold the retailer is credited back the stockout penalty e¯and earns an incremental e p¡e v of revenue.The adjusted transfer payment is T=e T¡e v q and the adjusted cost is c=e c¡e v:the supply chain earns e v per unit for sure(where e v<0is possible)and therefore the production of a unit only risks e c¡e v.8 8This adjustment may matter with voluntary compliance,since then the supplier’s production quantity may be less than the retailer’s order quantity.That issue is not addressed.Those adjustments yield the following clean and workable pro…t functions:¼r(q)=pS(q)¡T¼s(q)=T¡cqThe above structure demarcates the…rms’roles in the supply chain:the retailer earns the supply chain’s revenue and the supplier incurs the supply chain’s cost.Let¦(q)be the supply chain’s pro…t function¦(q)=¼r(q)+¼s(q)=pS(q)¡cqLet q o be the supply chain optimal order quantity,i.e.,q o=arg max¦(q):Since F is strictly increasing,¦is strictly concave and the optimal order quantity is unique.Further,q o satis…esS0(q o)=¹F(q o)=c :Let q¤r be the retailer’s optimal order quantity,i.e.,q¤r=arg max¼r(q):The retailer’s order clearly depends on the chosen transfer payment scheme,T:A number of contract types have been applied to this model.The simplest is the wholesale price contract:the supplier merely charges the retailer a…xed wholesale price per unit ordered.§2.1studies that contract.It is shown that the wholesale price contract generally does not coordinate the supply chain.Hence,the analysis concentrates on two questions: what is the e¢ciency of the wholesale price contract(the ratio of supply chain pro…t to optimal pro…t)and what is the supplier’s share of the supply chain’s pro…t.More complex contracts include a wholesale price plus some adjustment,which is typically based on realized sales.The analysis recipe for all of those contracts is the same:determine the set of contract parameters that coordinate the retailer’s action and then evaluate the possible range of pro…t allocations between the…rms.As mentioned earlier,it is also worthwhile to check whether the supplier has an incentive to deliver less than the retailer’s order quantity.2.1Wholesale price contractWith a wholesale price contract the supplier charges the retailer w per unit purchased: T w(q;w)=wq:See Lariviere and Porteus(2000)for a more complete analysis of this contractin the context of the newsvendor problem.Anupindi and Bassok(1999)study a related problem in a more complex setting.Bresnahan and Reiss(1985)study the wholesale price contract with deterministic demand.¼r(q;w)is strictly concave in q,so the retailer’s unique optimal order quantity satis…espS0(q)¡w=0:(1)Since S0(q)is decreasing,q¤r=q o only when w=c,i.e.,the wholesale price contract coor-dinates the channel only if the supplier uses marginal cost pricing.The supplier earns zero pro…t with marginal cost pricing,so the supplier clearly prefers a higher wholesale price. Hence,the wholesale price contract is generally considered a non-coordinating contract.Even though the wholesale price contract does not coordinate the supply chain,it is worth studying because it is commonly observed in practice.That fact alone suggests the contract has redeeming qualities.For instance,the wholesale price contract is simple to administer. As a result,a supplier may prefer the wholesale price contract over a coordinating contract if the additional administrative burden associated with the coordinating contract exceeds the supplier’s potential pro…t increase.From(1)the retailer’s optimal order quantity satis…esF(q¤r)=1¡w :Since F is strictly increasing and continuous there is a one-for-one mapping between w and q¤r.Hence,let w(q)be the unique wholesale price that induces the retailer to order q units,w(q)=p¹F(q):The supplier’s pro…t function can now be written as¼s(q;w(q))=(w(q)¡c)q:(2) It is immediately apparent that the compliance regime does not matter with this contract: given w(q)>c,the supplier surely produces and delivers q units.The supplier’s marginal pro…t is@¼s(q;w(q))@q=w(q)+w0(q)q¡c=w(q)µ1¡qf(q)¹F(q)¶¡c:The…rst term is the supplier’s marginal revenue and the second term is the supplier’s mar-ginal cost.Given that marginal cost is constant,the supplier’s pro…t function is unimodal if her marginal revenue is decreasing.That holds if w(q)is decreasing(which it is)and if1¡qf(q)=¹F(q)is decreasing.The latter need not hold in general.Nevertheless,it clearly holds if qf(q)=¹F(q)is increasing.Demand distributions with that property are called increasing generalized failure rate(IGFR)distributions.9Fortunately,many of the commonly applied demand distributions are IGFR:the normal,the exponential,the Weibull, the gamma and the power distribution.Thus,with an IGFR demand distribution there is a unique sales quantity,q¤s;that maximizes the supplier’s pro…t.(Actually,the supplier sets the wholesale price to w(q¤s)knowing quite well the retailer then orders q¤s units.)While¼s(q¤s;w(q¤s))is the best the supplier can hope for,the retailer may actually insist on more than¼r(q¤s;w(q¤s)):For example,the retailer may earn more by selling some other product in his store,i.e.,his opportunity cost is greater than¼r(q¤s;w(q¤s)):10In that case the supplier needs to o¤er the retailer more generous terms to get the retailer to carry the product.With a wholesale price contract the retailer’s pro…t is increasing in q,@¼r(q;w(q))=¡w0(q)q=pf(q)q>0;so the supplier can increase the retailer’s pro…t by reducing her wholesale price(which should surprise noone).As long as the retailer insists on less than the supply chain optimal pro…t, the retailer’s minimum pro…t requirement actually increases total supply chain pro…t:the supply chain’s pro…t is increasing in q for q2[q¤s;q o]and so is the retailer’s pro…t.Hence,an increase in retail power can actually improve supply chain performance(which is somewhat surprising,and controversial).However,that improvement comes about at the supplier’s expense.119The failure rate of a demand distribution is f(x)=¹F(x):Any demand distributions with an increasing failure rate (IFR)is clearly also IGFR.However,there are IGFR distributions that are not IFR.See Lariviere and Porteus (2000)for additional discussion.10Every model in this chapter evaluates whether a set of contracts can arbitrarilly allocate pro…ts,i.e.,whether any Pareto outcome can be generated.Far less attention is made towards which of those contracts is actually chosen.That probably depends on the power relationship between the two…rms.But what is power?A standard approach to model power is to assume one of the…rms has an exogenous reservation pro…t level,i.e.,the…rm accepts only a contract that yields that reservation level:the higher the reservation level,thehigher the…rm’s power.However,it is quite likely a…rm’s opportunities outside of the relationship being studied are not independent of the…rm’s opportunities within the relationship.Nor should it be expected that the value of the…rm’s outside opportunities are known with certainty a priori(see van Mieghem1999).Aside from the reservation level approach,power can be adjusted by changing which…rm makes the contract o¤er or by changing when actions are chosen.In general a…rm has more power when she makes the…rst o¤er or when she chooses her actions…rst.However,“take it or leave it”o¤ers are rarely credible.11See Messinger and Narasimhan(1995)for an empirical investigation of how power has changed in the grocery。



© 2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing
Macroeconomics, 3/e
Olivier Blanchard
GDP: Production and Income
There are three ways of defining GDP:
1. GDP is the value of the final goods and services
GDP is obviously the most important macroeconomic variable. But two other variables tell us about other important aspects of how an economic is performing:
Value added equals the value of a firm’s production minus the value of the intermediate goods it uses in production.
© 2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing
Change in the Unemployment Rate Versus GDP Growth, United States, 1960-2000
Change in the Unemployment Rate Versus GDP Growth, United States, 19602000 High output growth is typically associated with a decrease in the unemployment rate. Low output growth is typically associated with an increase in the unemployment rate.



In recent years,Shanghai,as one of the most populous and economically vibrant cities in China,has attracted both praise and criticism from netizens around the world. Here are some of the common criticisms that have been voiced online,along with a balanced perspective on each issue.1.High Cost of Living:Shanghai is often criticized for its high cost of living,which can be a challenge for both locals and expatriates.Housing,dining out,and transportation costs are significantly higher compared to other cities in China.Balanced View:While its true that Shanghai is expensive,it also offers a high standard of living and a range of opportunities that justify the cost for many residents and visitors.2.Traffic Congestion:The citys rapid development and large population have led to traffic congestion,which is a common complaint among those who drive or rely on public transportation.Balanced View:Traffic is a challenge in many large cities.Shanghai has been investing in its public transportation system,including the expansion of its metro network,to alleviate this issue.3.Air Pollution:Despite improvements in recent years,air quality in Shanghai can still be a concern,especially during the winter months when pollution levels can spike. Balanced View:The city has been making efforts to combat pollution,including implementing stricter emissions standards and promoting the use of electric vehicles.4.Crowded Public Spaces:Shanghais popularity as a tourist destination and its large local population can lead to crowded public spaces,such as parks,shopping areas,and tourist attractions.Balanced View:The crowds are a testament to Shanghais appeal.The city is working to manage crowds through better urban planning and the development of additional public spaces.nguage Barrier:Some foreigners find it challenging to navigate Shanghai due to the language barrier,as not everyone speaks English.Balanced View:While English proficiency is not universal,Shanghai is becoming increasingly international,and many signs,menus,and services are available in English. Additionally,language learning apps and translation services are readily accessible.6.Preservation of Heritage:Critics argue that Shanghais rapid modernization has led to the loss of some of its historical and cultural heritage.Balanced View:The city is making efforts to preserve its heritage while also embracing modern development.There are many wellpreserved historical areas and cultural sites that are protected and open to the public.7.Work Culture:The intense work culture in Shanghai,characterized by long hours and high expectations,is sometimes criticized for contributing to stress and a lack of worklife balance.Balanced View:While the work culture can be demanding,it also reflects the citys drive for excellence and innovation.Many companies are recognizing the importance of worklife balance and are making adjustments to support their employees wellbeing.In conclusion,while Shanghai faces its share of challenges,it is also a city that is continuously evolving and improving.The criticisms are often balanced by the citys strengths and the efforts being made to address these issues.。

意大利申根表 中英文对照 签证中心版

意大利申根表 中英文对照 签证中心版

Transito / Transit / 过境
Transito aeroportuale/Airport transit / 机场过境 Altro(precisare)/Other (please specify) 其它 (请注明)_______________
(x) Alle caselle da 1 a 3 le informazioni vanno inserite come indicate nel documento di viaggio Fields 1-3 shall be filled in accordance with the data in the travel document / 字段1-3 须依据旅行证件填上相关资料
7. Cittadinanza attuale Current nationality / 现国籍
6. Stato di nascita / Country of birth 出生国
Cittadinanza alla nascita, se diversa Nationality at birth, if different:
genitoriale/tutore legale/ In the case of minors: Surname, first name, address (if different from applicant’s) and nationality of parental authority / legal guardian / 未成年申请人 须填上合法监护人的姓名、住址(如与申请人不同) 、及国籍:
Valido: dal …………………………..

the residents of 24 acacia阅读理解

the residents of 24 acacia阅读理解

the residents of 24 acacia阅读理解

















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B. Compute % increase in cost of household basket over 2005-6, compare to CPI inflation rate.
Rate of increase: ($195 – $150)/$150 = 30% CPI inflation rate from previous problem = 40%
CPI basket: {10 lbs beef, 20 lbs chicken} The CPI basket cost $120 in 2004, the base year. 2004 2005 2006
price price of of beef chicken $4 $5 $9 $4 $5 $6
price price of of beef chicken $4 $5 $9 $4 $5 $6
A. Compute the CPI in 2005. B. What was the CPI inflation rate from 2005-2006?
Problems with the CPI: Unmeasured Quality Change
Improvements in the quality of goods in the basket increase the value of each dollar. The BLS tries to account for quality changes but probably misses some, as quality is hard to measure. Thus, the CPI overstates increases in the cost of living.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI)
measures the typical consumer’s cost of living the basis of cost of living adjustments (COLAs) in many contracts and in government’s Social Security
CPI basket: {10# beef, 20# chicken} Household basket in 2006: {5# beef, 25# chicken} cost of CPI beef chicken basket 2004 2005 2006 $4 $5 $9 $4 $5 $6 $120 $150 $210
Measuring the Cost of Living
N. Gregory Mankiw
Premium PowerPoint Slides
© 2009 South-Western, a part of Cengage Learning, all rights reserved
What’s in the CPI’s Basket?
4% 3% 6% Transportation 6% Food & Beverages 6% 43% Medical care Recreation 15% Education and communication Apparel 17%
How the CPI Is Calculated
1. Fix the “basket.” The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) surveys consumers to determine what’s in the typical consumer’s “shopping basket.” 2. Find the prices. The BLS collects data on the prices of all the goods in the basket. 3. Compute the basket’s cost. Use the prices to compute the total cost of the basket.
A. Compute the CPI in 2005:
Cost of CPI basket in 2005 = ($5 x 10) + ($5 x 20) = $150 CPI in 2005 = 100 x ($150/$120) = 125
CPI basket: {10 lbs beef, 20 lbs chicken} The CPI basket cost $120 in 2004, the base year. 2004 2005 2006
115 – 100 x 100% 15% = 100 130 – 115 x 100% 13% = 115
Calculate the CPI
CPI basket: {10 lbs beef, 20 lbs chicken} The CPI basket cost $120 in 2004, the base year. 2004 2005 2006
In this chapter, look for the answers to these questions:
What is the Consumer Price Index (CPI)? How is it calculated? What’s it used for? What are the problems with the CPI? How serious are they? How does the CPI differ from the GDP deflator? How can we use the CPI to compare dollar amounts from different years? Why would we want to do this, anyway? How can we correct interest rates for inflation?
Problems with the CPI: Introduction of New Goods
The introduction of new goods increases variety, allows consumers to find products that more closely meet their needs. In effect, dollars become more valuable. The CPI misses this effect because it uses a fixed basket of goods. Thus, the CPI overstates increases in the cost of living.
Substitution bias
CPI basket: {10# beef, 20# chicken} 2004-5: Households bought CPI basket. cost of CPI beef chicken basket 2004 2005 2006 $4 $5 $9 $4 $5 $6 $120 $150 $210
x 100%
year 2007 2008 2009 price of pizza $10 $11 $12
basket: {4 pizzas, 10 lattes}
price of latte $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 cost of basket $10 x 4 + $2 x 10 $12 x 4 + $3 x 10 = $60 = $78
$11 x 4 + $2.5 x 10 = $69
Compute CPI in each year using 2007 base year: Inflation rate: 2007: 100 x ($60/$60) = 100 2008: 100 x ($69/$60) = 115 2009: 100 x ($78/$60) = 130
price price of of beef chicken $4 $5 $9 $4 $5 $6
B. What was the inflation rate from 2005-2006?
Cost of CPI basket in 2006 = ($9 x 10) + ($6 x 20) = $210 CPI in 2006 = 100 x ($210/$120) = 175 CPI inflation rate = (175 – 125)/125 = 40%
A. Compute cost of the 2006 household basket.
($9 x 5) + ($6 x 25) = $195