21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires




IntroductionWelcome, the program you're about to hear is presented by B rian Tracy, a self-made millionaire and one of the most kno wledgeable and experienced speakers and trainers in the wor ld today. Brian has invested more than 25 years of his life, going from rags to riches in the process, to learn why som e people are more successful than others.In the coming program, he will share with you the very best ideas and strategies ever discovered in human history for achieving personal wealth. Brian knows what he's talking ab out. He did not graduate from high school. He worked at lab oring jobs, washing dishes, digging ditches, stacking lumbe r and working on farms and ranches for several years. He wo rked in construction and in factories. He worked on a ship in the North Atlantic. Finally, he got into sales and then into business management where he began to study other succ essful people.Now, jump forward 20 years, Brian has now started, built, m anaged, or turned around 22 different businesses in a varie ty of fields. He has served as a speaker, trainer and consu ltant to more than 500 corporations throughout the United States and in 23 foreign countries. Brian has graduated more than 2 million men and women through his courses on sales, management, personal success and financial achievement. Hi s audio and video programs have been translated into 20 lan guages and are sold in 38 countries worldwide. Brian has no t only taken himself from rags to riches but he has also sh own thousands of other men and women who started with nothi ng how to achieve financial independence.Any one of the strategies that you are about to learn can c hange your life. As always the most important fac tor in success is execution and application. Y our job is to learn these techniques and strategies and the n apply them in your life consistently over and over again until you get the same results that hundreds of thousands a nd even millions of men and women have gotten before you. A t the end of this program Brian will tell you about a speci al offer that will very quickly put you onto the high road toward financial independence and personal wealth. Now, her e is Brian Tracy with "The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires."CONTENTS0. OVERIEW1. Dream Big Dreams - How to visualize, imagine and create an exciting picture of personal wealth and prosperity;2. Develop a Clear Sense of Direction - Learn a powerful, p roven goal-setting exercise that can change your life;3. See Yourself As Self-Employed - How to take complete con trol of your career and your financial life;4. Do What You Love To Do - Identify the ideal work for you and then get paid well for doing it;5. Commit to Excellence - How to move into the top 10 perce nt in your field and be paid more than ever before;6. Work Longer and Harder - How to organize your time so yo u get more done and contribute more value;7. Dedicate Yourself to Lifelong Learning - How to continua lly upgrade your talents and abilities to earn more money;8. Pay Yourself First - The most powerful process of wealth accumulation ever discovered and how you can use it;9. Learn Every Detail of the Business - How to become an ex pert in your chosen field and double your income;10. Dedicate Yourself to Serving Others - The starting poin t of all personal fortunes and how to begin;11. Be Absolutely Honest With Yourself and Others - How andwhy personal integrity goes hand in hand with financial su ccess;12. Set Priorities and Concentrate Single-mindedly - The im portance of focusing on your most important tasks all day l ong;13. Develop a Reputation for Speed and Dependability - How to give yourself the winning edge in everything you do; 14. Be Prepared to Climb From Peak to Peak - Learn how to r ecognize the cycles and trends that can make you rich; 15. Practice Self-Discipline In All Things - Develop the mo st important quality for financial success;16. Unlock Your Inborn Creativity - Learn how to solve any problem, overcome any obstacle, achieve any goal;17. Get Around The Right People - The importance of surroun ding yourself with winners at each stage of your career;18. Take Excellent Care of Your Physical Health - How to de velop and maintain high levels of energy and fitness;19. Be Decisive and Action Oriented - How to identify the m ost important action steps you can take immediately;20. Never Allow Failure To Be An Option - How to overcome t he fears that hold most people back;21. Pass the "Persistence Test" - Learn how to bounce back from defeat and never, never give up.OverviewHello, I'm Brian Tracy and welcome to this program. What yo u are about to learn can change your life. These ideas, ins ights and strategies have been the springboards to financia l success for millions of men and women, from every walk of life. These principles are simple, effective and fairly ea sy to apply. Each of them is based on exhaustive research a nd interviews with thousands of self-made millionaires. The se principles have been tested and proven over and over aga in, and they will work for you if you will take them and ap ply them in your own life.We are living at the greatest time in all of human history. More people are becoming wealthy today, starting from noth ing than has ever been imagined. There are more than seven million millionaires in America today, most of them self-ma de, and the number is growing by 15% to 20% each year. We e ven have self-made ten millionaires, hundred millionaires a nd more than two hundred and fifty billionaires. We have never seen this type of rapid wealth creation in all of human history.Here's the good news. Virtually everyone starts with nothin g.Probably 99% of all financially successful people today sta rted off broke or nearly broke. The average self-made milli onaire has been bankrupt or closed to bankrupt 3.2 times. M ost of them failed over and over again before they finally found the right opportunity that they were able to leverage into financial success. And what hundreds of thousands and millions of other people have done, you can do as well. The iron law of human destiny is the Law of Cause and Effec t. This law is simple yet very powerful. It says that there is a specific effect for every cause. For every action, th ere is a reaction. This law says that success is not an acc ident. Financial success is the result of doing certain, sp ecific things that causes, over and over again, until you g et the effect that you desire.Now here's the news. Nature is neutral. This means that nat ure, the marketplace, our society, our economy, doesn't care who you are or what you are or where you come from. The l aw simply says that if you do what other successful people do, you will get the results that other successful peopleg et. And if you don't, you won't.Therefore, when you learn and apply the success secrets of self-made millionaires in your own life, you will experienc e results and rewards far beyond anything you have ever acc omplished before.Here is an important point. Nobody is better than you and n obody is smarter than you. Let me repeat that. Nobody is be tter than you and nobody is smarter than you. Get those tho ughts out of your mind.One of the primary reasons for selling yourself short, for underachievement and lack of financial success is the convi ction that people who are doing better than you are better than you. But this is simply not the case.The fact is that most self-made millionaires are average pe ople with average educations working at average jobs and li ving in average neighborhoods in average houses and driving average cars. But they have found out what other financially successful people do and they have done the same thing o ver and over again until they got the same results. It is n o miracle and it is no accident. And when you think the sam e way and do the same things that self-made millionaires do, you will begin to get the same results and rewards that th ey do. This is the way the law of cause and effect works in your life.There are 21 secrets of success of self-made millionaires. Each of these is indispensable to your becoming financially independent. The absence of any one of these factors can, all by itself, undermine and even destroy your chances for health, happiness and great prosperity. The good news is th at you can learn every one of these principles by practice and repetition, over and over again, until they become as n atural to you as breathing in and breathing out. Just as yo u have learned to ride a bicycle or drive a car, you can le arn the secrets of success of self-made millionaires and ap ply them in your life. And there are no limits except the l imits you place on yourself. Now, let us begin.#1: Dream Big DreamsThe first secret of self-made millionaires is simple: Dream Big Dreams! Allow yourself to dream. Allow yourself to ima gine and fantasize about the kind of life you would like to live and the kind of money you would like to earn and have in your bank account.All great men and women began with a dream of something won derful and different from what they have today. You know th e song that says, "You have to have a dream if you want to make a dream come true." Imagine for a moment that you have no limitations on what you can be, have or do in life. Jus t for the moment, imagine that you have all the time, all t he money, all the education, all the experience, all the fr iends, all the contacts, all the resources and everything y ou need to achieve anything you really want in life. If you r potential was completely unlimited, what kind of a life w ould you want to create for yourself and your family? Practice what is called "back from the future" thinking. Th is is a powerful technique used regularly by high performin g men and women in every field. This method has an amazing effect on the way you think and on what you do. Here is how it works. You project yourself forward five years in yourmind's eye. Imagine that five years have passed and that yo ur life is now perfect in every respect. What does it look like? What are you doing? Where are you working? How much m oney are you earning? How much do you have in the bank? Wha t kind of a lifestyle would you have if your life was perfe ct in every respect?Create a vision for yourself for the long-term future. The more clear you can make your vision of your health, happine ss and prosperity, the faster you move toward it and the fa ster it moves toward you. When you create a clear mental pi cture of where you are going in life, you become more posit ive, more motivated and more determined to make it a realit y.You trigger your natural creativity and you start to come u p with idea after idea to help make your vision come true. You always tend to move in the direction of your dominant d reams, images and visions. The very act of allowing yoursel f to dream big dreams actually raises your self-esteem and causes you to like and respect yourself even more. Dreaming big dreams improves your self-concept and increases your l evel of self-confidence. Dreaming increases your personal level of self-respect and personal happiness. There is somet hing about dreams and visions of the future that is excitin g and that stimulates you to do and be better than you have ever been before.Here is a great question for you to ask and answer, over an d over again, here it is: "What one thing would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail?" If you were absolut ely guaranteed of success in any one thing in life, large o r small, short-term or long-term, what would it be? What on e great thing would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail? Whatever it is, write it down and begin imaginin g that you had achieved this one great goal already. Then, look back to where you are today. What would you have done to get to where you want to go? What steps would you have t aken? What would you have changed in your life? What would you have gotten into or gotten out of? Who would you be wit h? Who would you no longer be with? If your life was perfec t in every respect, what would it look like? Whatever it is that you would do differently, if you have no limitations, take the first step today.Dreaming big dreams is the starting point of achieving your goal of financial independence. The number one reason that people never succeed financially is because it never occur s to them that they can do it. They never dream. As a resul t, they never try. They never get started. They continue to go around in financial circles, spending everything they e arn and a little bit more besides. But when you begin to dr eam big dreams about financial success, you begin to change the way you see yourself and your life. You begin to do di fferent things, bit by bit, gradually, until the whole dire ction of your life changes for the better. Dreaming big dre ams is the starting point of financial success, and becomin g a self-made millionaire.#2: Develop a Clear DirectionSecret number two: develop a clear sense of direction. This is where you take your dreams out of the air and you cryst allize them into clear, specific written goals. Perhaps the greatest discovery in human history is this, "You become w hat you think about most of the time." The two factors that determine what happens to you in life, more than anything else, are what you think about and how you think about it m ost of the time.Successful people think about their goals most of the time. As a result, they are continually moving toward their goal s and their goals are moving toward them. Whatever you thin k about most of the time grows and increases in your life. If you are thinking and talking and visualizing your goals, you tend to accomplish far, far more than the average pers on who is usually thinking and talking about their worries and problems most of the time.Here is an exercise for you. Take a sheet of paper and writ e the word "Goals" at the top with today's date. Then, make a list of 10 goals that you would like to achieve over the next 12 months. Write your goals in the present tense, as though a year has passed and you have already achieved them. Begin each goal with the word "I" to make it personal to y ou. For example you would write, "I earn," "I have," "I dri ve," "I weigh," and so on. By making out a list of 10 goals for yourself for the next year, you will have moved yourse lf into the top 3% of adults in our society. The sad fact i s that 97% of adults have never made a list of goals in the ir entire lives.Once you have your list of 10 goals, go back over the list and ask this key question: "Which one goal on this list, if I were to achieve it right now, would have the greatest po sitive impact on my life?" Whatever your answer to that que stion, circle that goal and make that your number one, most important goal for the future. Set a deadline, make a plan, take action on your plan and then do something every day t hat moves you toward your goal.From now on, think and talk about that goal all the time. T hink and talk about how you can achieve that goal. Think an d talk about all the different things that you can do to ma ke that goal a reality. This powerful exercise will stimula te your creativity, increase your energy and unlock your po tential for goal achievement.#3: See Yourself as Self-EmployedSuccess secret number three: see yourself as self-employed. Accept complete, 100% responsibility for everything you ar e and everything you will ever be. Refuse to make excuses o r to blame other people for your problems or short comings. Stop complaining about things in your life that you are no t happy about. Refuse to criticize other people for anything. You are responsible. If there is something in your life that you don't like, it is up to you to do something about it.But you are in charge.The top 3% of Americans see themselves as self-employed, no matter who signs their paycheck. The biggest mistake you c an ever make is to ever think that you work for anyone else other than yourself. You are always self-employed. You are always the president of your own personal services corpora tion, no matter where you might be working at the moment. W hen you see yourself as self-employed, you develop the entr epreneur mentality, the mentality of the highly independent, self-responsible, self-starting individual. Instead of wai ting for things to happen, you make things happen. You see yourself as the boss of your own life. You see yourself as completely in charge of your physical health, your financia l well being, your career, your relationships, your house, your home, your car and every element of your existence. Th is is the mindset of the truly excellent person.Self-responsible people are intensely result-oriented. They take high levels of initiative. They volunteer for assignments and they are always asking for more responsibility. As a result, they become the most valuable and respected peop le in their organizations. They continually prepare themsel ves for positions of higher authority and responsibility in the future. And you should do the same.Here's a question for you: "If you were president for a day in your company, or were completely responsible for result s where you work, what one change would you enact immediate ly?" Whatever it is, write it down, make a plan and begin o n it today. This decision alone could change your life.#4: Do What You Love to DoSuccess secret number four: do what you love to do. This is the one of the great secrets of financial success. This is also one of your primary responsibilities in life. It's to find out what you really enjoy doing, what you have a natu ral talent for, and then to throw your whole heart into doi ng that, very, very well.Self-made millionaires are those who have found a field whe re their natural strengths and abilities are exactly what i s required to do the job and achieve the results desired. Most self-made millionaires say that they "never worked a da y in their life." You must find a field in which you can be totally absorbed, a job or area of endeavor that completel y fascinates you, that holds your attention, that is a natu ral expression of your special talents and abilities. When you are doing what you love to do, you seem to have a continuous flow of excitement, energy and ideas to do what you do even better. Here are two questions for you, number 1: "If you won a million dollars, tax free, tomorrow, would you continue to do what you are currently doing?" And numb er 2 is: "Would stay at your current job?" These are great questions. They simply ask you what you would do differentl y, if you had all the time and money you needed, and you we re free to choose your occupation. Self-made millionaires, if they won a million dollars in cash, would continue doing what they are doing. They would only do it differently or better or somewhere else. But they love their work so much that they wouldn't even think of leaving it or retiring. Perhaps the greatest responsibility of adult life, when you are surrounded by so many different choices of occupation and activity, is for you to find out what it is that you really love doing and then to dedicate yourself to that field. And no one else can do it for you.#5: Commit to ExcellenceSuccess secret number five: commit to excellence. Resolve t oday to be the very best at what you do. Set a goal for you rself to join the top 10% in your field, whatever it is. Th is decision, to become very, very good at what you do, can be the turning point in your life. There are no successful people who are not recognized as being extremely competent in their chosen fields.Remember, no one is better than you and no one is smarter t han you. And every one who is at the top 10% today started off in the bottom 10%. Everyone who is doing well was once doing poorly.Everyone who is leading their field was at one time in anot her field altogether. And what someone else has done, you c an do as well.Here is a great rule for success: "Your life only gets bett er when you get better." And since there is no limit to howmuch better you can become, there is no limit to how much better you can make your life.Your decision to become excellent at what you do, to join t he top 10% in your field, can be the turning point in your life. It is the key to great success. This decision is also the foundation of high levels of self-esteem, self-respect and personal pride. When you are really good at what you d o, you feel wonderful about yourself. The quality of your w ork affects your entire personality and all your relationsh ips with other people. You feel terrific when you know that you are at the top of your field.Here is one of the most important questions you will ever a sk and answer, for the rest of your career, "What one skill, if you developed and did it in an excellent fashion, would have the greatest positive impact on your life?" You see, you can't become good at everything over night but you can identify the one skill that can help you the most right now and then throw your whole heart into developing that skill.Set it as a goal. Write it down. Set a deadline. Make a pla n. And work on becoming better in that area every single day. You will be absolutely amazed at the difference this com mitment to excellence will make in your life. This alone ca n make you a self-made millionaire in the course of your ca reer.#6: Develop a Workaholic MentalitySuccess secret number six: develop a workaholic mentality. All self-made millionaires work hard, hard, hard. They star t earlier, they work harder and they stay later. They devel op a reputation for being amongst the hardest working peopl e in their fields. And everybody knows it.Practice the "40 Plus" formula. This formula says that you work 40 hours per week for survival. Everything over 40 hou rs is for success.If you only work 40 hours, and the average work week today is closer to 35 hours, all you will ever do is survive. You will never get ahead. You will never be a big financial su ccess. You will never be highly respected and esteemed by y our colleagues. You will always be mediocre if you just wor k the basic 40 hour week.But every hour over 40 is an investment in your future. In fact you can tell where you are going to be in five years b y looking at how many hours over 40 you put in every week. The average self-made millionaire in America today works 59 hours per week and some of them work 70 and 80 hours per w eek. The average self-made millionaire in America works six days per week rather than five, and works longer days as w ell. If you want to call a self-made millionaire, phone the office before normal working hours and after normal workin g hours. The self-made millionaire is usually there when th e staff arrives, and is still there working when they leav e.And here's the key: work all the time you work. When you wo rk, don't waste time. When you get in early, put your head down and get started immediately. When people want to talk to you, you excuse yourself and say, "I have to get back to work!" Do not drop off your dry cleaning, phone your frien ds, socialize with your co-workers or read the newspaper. W ork all the time you work. Resolve today to develop the rep utation for being the hardest working person in your compan y. This will bring you to the attention of people who can h elp you faster than almost anything else you can do.#7: Dedicate to Lifelong LearningSuccess secret number seven: dedicate yourself to lifelong learning. The fact is that you have more brains, more abili ty and more intelligence than you could ever use if you wer e to work on developing yourself for the rest of your life. You are far smarter than you can ever imagine. There is no obstacle that you cannot overcome, no problem that you can not solve and no goal that you cannot achieve by applying y our mind to your situation.But your mind is like a muscle. It only develops with use. Just as you have to strain your physical muscles to build t hem, you have to work your mental muscles to build your min d as well. The good news is that, the more you learn, the m ore you can learn. Just like the more you play a sport, the better you get at the sport. The more you dedicate yoursel f to life-long learning, the easier and faster it is for yo u to learn even more.Leaders are learners. Continuous learning is the key to the 21st century. Lifelong learning is the minimum requirement for success in your field, or in any field. Make a decisio n today that you are going to become a student of your craft and that you are going to continue learning and becoming better for the rest of your life.There are several keys to lifelong learning. The first key is that you get up and read in your field for 30 to 60 minu tes each day. Reading is to the mind as exercise is to the body. When you read for an hour each day, this will transla te into about one book per week. One book per week will tra nslate into about 50 books per year. 50 books per year will translate into 500 books over the next 10 years. Since the average adult reads less than one book per year, when you begin reading one hour per day, this along will give you an incredible edge in your field. You will become one of the smartest, most competent and highest paid people in your pr ofession by simply reading one hour each day.The second key to lifelong learning is for you to listen to audio programs, especially in your car as you drive from p lace to place. The average person sits in his or her car 50 0 to 1000 hours per year. This is the equivalent of 12 to 24 40 hour weeks or as much as three to six months of working time that you spend in your car. This is the equivalent o f one to two full time semesters at the university.Turn your car into a learning machine; turn it into a unive rsity on wheels.Never let your car motor be running without an educational audio program playing. Many people have become millionaires through the miracle of audio learning. This is why audio l earning is often called the "greatest breakthrough in educa tion since the invention of the printing press."A third key to lifelong learning is for you to take every c ourse and seminar you can possibly find that can help you t o be better in your field. The combination of books, audio programs and seminars will enable you to save hundreds of h ours and thousands of dollars, and many years of hard work, in achieving the same level of financial success. Many peo ple have actually become millionaires as the result of a si ngle book, a single audio program, or a single seminar. Make a decision today to become a lifelong learner. You wil l be amazed at the affect that it has on your career.#8: Pay Yourself FirstSuccess secret number eight: pay yourself first. Save and i nvest 10% of your income throughout your working life. Take10% of your income off the top of your paycheck each time you receive it and put it away into a special account for f inancial accumulation. If you just saved $100 per month thr oughout your working lifetime and you invested that money i n an average mutual fund that grew at 10% per annum, you wo uld accumulate a fortune of more than one million dollars [$1,118,000] by the time you retired. What this means is th at anyone, even a minimum wage earner, if they start early enough and save long enough can become a millionaire in the course of time.It was once said that, "If you cannot save money, then the seeds of greatness are not in you." Developing the lifelong habit of saving and investing your money is not easy. It r equires tremendous determination and willpower. You have to set it as a goal, write it down, make a plan and work on i t all the time. But once it locks in and becomes automatic, your financial success is virtually guaranteed.Practice frugality, frugality, frugality in all things. Be very careful with every penny. Question every expenditure. Delay or defer every important buying decision for at least a week, if not a month. The longer you put off making a bu。



获得成功的秘密英语作文The Secret of Success.Success is a goal that everyone strives for, but achieving it is not always easy. It requires hard work, perseverance, and a clear understanding of what success means to each individual. While there is no one-size-fits-all formula for success, there are certain key elements that are common among those who achieve their goals.Firstly, success often hinges on having a clear and defined goal. A goal gives direction and purpose to one's efforts. Without a goal, it is easy to get lost and distracted by the many things that life throws at us. Having a clear goal allows us to focus our energy and resources towards achieving it.Secondly, success requires hard work and dedication. Nothing worth having comes easy, and success is no exception. It takes time, effort, and perseverance toachieve our goals. We must be willing to put in the hours and make the sacrifices necessary to reach our desired outcome.Thirdly, success often involves learning from failure. Failure can be a powerful teacher, providing valuable insights and lessons that help us improve and grow. When we fail, we must be willing to accept the responsibility for our mistakes, learn from them, and use that knowledge to guide our future efforts.Fourthly, success often requires networking andbuilding relationships.很少有人能独自成功。



你将已经是一个百万富翁,如果你知道这5个财富秘密If You Know These 5 Wealth Secrets Then You Are Probably Already A MillionaireWealth Secret 1 - Decide Your Outcome Right Now.Unless you are incredibly lucky you will not be successful straight away. In fact you will inevitably face many challenges which will test your character. One way of overcoming these challenges is to know what you are striving for. If you don't have a clear outcome then you may give up at the first setback.If instead you imagine yourself with $1 million in the bank, a Ferrari on your driveway etc. etc. then these crystal clear images will help you overcome adversity and spur you on.Wealth Secret 2 - Commit To Growing (Your Brain).Spend some money on some products that will help you learn new things. There are some amazing books out there that will inspire and motivate you in your quest for personal wealth. You need to look upon this as an investment not as money going out the door.You cannot just keep doing things the way you always have been because nothing will change that way. Learn from people who have been more successful than you. Take inspiration from them. Most of the successful people in the world today devour new products, ideas and teaching even though they are already successful.Wealth Secret 3 - The Most Successful People Have Often Been The Biggest Losers.It is said that the inventor of the light bulb, Thomas Edison, tried 10,000 attempts until he struck success. That meant he failed 9,999 times! Most people try something once before giving up, can you imagine most people even trying 50 times, I can't.Wealth Secret 4 - Failure Doesn't have To Exist.If something doesn't work out the way you wanted then you have found one way which you can discard, you are closer to success. Now take that knowledge and try again but in a different way - and keep trying and trying until it does.Wealth Secret 5 - Provide Some Value (Do Something!).It's easy for many people to try take shortcuts to success by doing little or even trying 'scams'. You can't expect people to pay you vast sums for not doing anything or not offering some value or improvement to their lives. If you can save people time they will gladly pay you vast sums. If you can write a great bookpeople will pay you vast sums. If you can save people money they will pay you vast sums. If you don't provide anything of value - then you won't get anywhere.财富秘密1 -决定你的成果所折服. 除非你何其幸运,你不会成功直截了当. 事实上,你将不可避免地面临着许多挑战,将考验你的性格. 一个办法克服这些挑战,是要知道你所追求的. 如果你没有一个明确的结果,那么你可以放弃,在第一次挫折. 反之,如果你想象一下,你100万元,在银行, 法拉利对你的车等等,然后这些清晰的图像将帮助你克服逆境和鞭策你对. 财富的秘密 2 -致力于成长(大脑) . 花点钱,对一些产品,将帮助你学习新东西. 有一些令人惊奇的书籍,所以我会激发你的追求个人财富. 你必须去看待这个当作一种投资,不为钱,走出大门. 你不能一味做事情的方式,你一直是因为什么都改变不了这样的. 从人,已较成功的比你多. 以启示. 大多数成功的人在当今世界吞食新产品理念与教学,即使他们已经成功. 财富秘密3 -最成功的人往往得到的最大输家. 有人说,发明电灯泡,托马斯爱迪生试图10000企图,直到他取得成功. 这意味着他无法9,999倍! 大多数人尝试过放弃,你能想象,大多数人甚至试图50倍,我不能. 财富秘密4 -失败并不一定要存在. 如果没有工作指明了前进的,你想要的话,你已经找到一个方法,你可以丢掉, 你正接近成功. 现在,知识和再尝试,但在不同的方式,不断尝试,尝试,直到不. 财富秘密5 -提供一些价值(做点事! ) . 很容易的,很多人试图走捷径的成功做什么,甚至试图'陷阱' . 你不能指望人,你付出大量金钱,为没有做或不提供某些价值或改善自己的生命. 如果你能救人的时候,他们会很高兴你付出大量金钱. 如果你能写一本大书的人将支付你庞大. 如果你能节省金钱的人,他们将支付你庞大. 如果你没有提供任何有价值的,那么你将一事无成自成百万富翁的21个秘诀21 Secrets of Self Made MillionairesSelf-Made Millionaires are not smarter or better than you. They have just discovered these secrets and used them to become wealthy. You can do it too.(1) DREAM BIG DREAMS. Thinking Big will change your life. For a crash course on this read "The Magic of Thinking Big."(2) CREATE A SPECIFIC PICTURE OF WHERE YOU'RE GOING. The more specific you are the more likely you are to get there.(3) THINK AND ACT LIKE YOU'RE THE OWNER OF A BUSINESS, THE BUSINESS OF EVERYTHING YOU DO. Even if you work for someone else, you're attitude will plant seeds for your independent greatness to grow.(4) LOVE WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING NOW. If you don't love it, leave it. By saying no to doing work just for money you are magnetizing work to you that you can love.(5) CREATE A MASTERMIND GROUP. Have a regular meeting with others who are committed to building great lives. Share what you're up to and support each other.(6) ESTABLISH A HEALTHY WORK ETHIC. Make taking action your best friend.(7) COMMIT TO CONSTANT NEVER-ENDING IMPROVEMENT. Every day be searching for how you can learn more.(8) SEE YOUR WORK AS SERVICE. Helping others will grow your business.(9) KNOW YOUR BUSINESS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. That's your job.(10) PREPARE FOR OPPORTUNITY. It will knock. Will you be ready?(11) STAY PHYSICALLY FIT. Strong minds create strong bodies. Weak bodies are the result of weak minds. Your physical and mental health are the core of your success in life.(12) PRIORITIZE YOUR LIFE. Do what's most important first.(13) DELIVER MORE THAN YOUR CUSTOMER EXPECTS. This builds loyalty and repeat business. It feels good too.(14) DISCIPLINE YOURSELF. Fill your life with activities and people that make you grow. Discard activities that have negative results in your life.(15) PAY YOURSELF FIRST. This is the first rule of the wealthy. Put money into savings before you pay bills. And DON'T touch it.(16) MAKE TIME TO BE ALONE. This time is for planning and listening to what's inside you. Give your creativity time and silence to speak to you.(17) GO FOR GREATNESS. Value the best and don't settle for less.(18) HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. Know who you are and what you want. Express this with integrity at all times.(19) MAKE DECISIONS QUICKLY AND BE SLOW TO CHANGE THEM.(20) FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. Your mindset is focused on success. You will have success.(21) BE DETERMINED TO ATTAIN YOUR GOALS. Tenacious persistence builds confidence which leads to victory.How to Be Irresistible to Women怎样让女人抵抗不住你的魅力!You don't need a guitar, rock-hard abs, or even a full head of hair to make a great impression on a woman. Follow these tips, and she'll want to hear from you again real soon:1. Go out with another woman. If you're going out to a club or a bar, take a female friend or your sister with you. Women are often more amenable to talking to men who are with other women. It gives them the feeling that you actually like women, and that's attractive. If your female friend is outgoing, see if she'll make small talk with somebody you'd like to meet. She can say something along the lines of, "I love your necklace!" and that should do it. After a little back-and-forth, your friend can say, "Oh, how rude of me. This is my friend Andy," and you're in business.2. Look women in the eye. It seems elementary, but you'd be surprised at how many guys either undressa woman with their eyes or avoid eye contact altogether. Women love it when you look them in the eye.3. Don't try to "buy" her. If you buy her a drink, she is obligated to say thank you and that's it. If she accepts the drink, the polite thing for her to do would be to spend a little time talking to you, but that's all. On the other hand, if a woman takes the drink and walks away, let her go. You wouldn't want spend time with her, anyway. Trust me.4. Find out her interests. Get her talking about what she's crazy about, whether it's David Bowie or the New York Mets. If you don't get it, you can say something like, "You know, I'm not too familiar with Bowie. What CD would you recommend?" Or, "I'm more into football than baseball. What is it about baseball that you like?" Ask a woman her opinion, and you'll have her eating out of your hand (we have more in common with guys than you think).5. Listen more, talk less. Hey, I'm not suggesting that you let her do all the talking, but some guys meet a woman and then never shut up. Don't try to impress her! Don't brag about your GPA at Harvard, the Jag in your driveway, or the fact that you're CEO of a tuna fish conglomerate. You'll get precisely the kind of woman you don't want, the one who's only into you for your achievements and possessions, rather than for who you really are. Instead, ask questions and listen for the answers. Give your opinions. Get to know the woman. Let her get to know you.6. Be optimistic. In other words, this is no time to discuss how oil prices are going through the roof, whata witch your ex-girlfriend was, or that your parents never gave you enough attention. If you run out of things to talk about, ask her if she's seen the latest hit at the box office.7. Be chaste. Do not try to go to bed with a woman right away. Sure, there's a chance that if you go for it, she will, but if you're hoping for a lasting relationship, you set up all sorts of weirdness if you "do it" too soon. Crazy as it sounds, if she sleeps with you, she may not respect you in the morning (you didn't know that, did you?). She'll figure that you get into bed with every woman you meet, which pretty much rulesyou out as boyfriend material. (Or she may be the type who thinks you owe her because she slept with you, which makes her really bad girlfriend material.) Save yourself undue angst and get to know a person before you go to bed with her.8. Make a great exit. If you want to see her again, ask for her number (preface this with something casual, "Maybe we can get together some time."). Then touch her shoulder (a little restraint is sexier here; don't try to kiss her) and tell her you'll be in touch. Then leave. If your friends aren't ready to go yet, tell her you have to hang out with them. Walk away. The key here is to keep her wanting more.9. Call her. If you said you were going to call, you can avoid looking desperate by waiting two days, but no longer. A plea on behalf of the female sex: If you're not interested in a woman, do not-I repeat-do not say you'll call. Say, "Nice meeting you," and be on your way. Besides, collecting numbers to feed your ego is kind of sad.10. Treat women as you'd have them treat you. The media have brainwashed us to believe that men come and women come different planets, but we're all human. Some of the biggest losers in love are women who complain that all men are the same, they all want one thing, and so on. But it's equally sad when a guy assumes all women are like his mother or his psychopathic ex-girlfriend. You'll enjoy astonishing success with women if you understand two simple facts: We're people. We're more like you than you think.人生应做的五件事:一.读透一本书;二.擅长于一技;三.拥有一个和睦的家庭;四.心存一份美好的情感;五.做一个好人!Enjoy yourselves!My dear friends!励志名言Pain past is pleasure.过去的痛苦即快乐。



The Secret of Success成功的秘诀英语作文The Secret of Success成功的秘诀英语作文在日常学习、工作和生活中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。

写起作文来就毫无头绪?下面是小编收集整理的'The Secret of Success成功的秘诀英语作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

There are a lot of successful people around the world and most of us have heard their legendary lives. Today I want to summarize the secret of success.First of all, you must have a target such as earning one billion every year. You could be rather enthusiastic when you get a specific target. What's more, willpower is the most important in your daily work. You can do nothing without willpower. Last but not least, you have to master some necessary skills. In many cases, skills could be more useful than foolhardy. The great businessman Jack Ma wanted to change the Chinese shopping mode when he was young and he set up his tremendous business empire ultimately by his willpower and wisdom.Confirm your target and bring your willpower and wisdom. Success is waiting for you.。




英文回答:The secret to success is a combination of hard work, determination, and a positive mindset. Firstly, hard work is essential because without putting in the effort and dedicating the necessary time and energy, it is unlikely that one will achieve their goals. This means consistently working towards your objectives, even when faced with challenges or setbacks. Secondly, determination is crucial. It is the inner drive and motivation that keeps us going, even when things get tough. It is the refusal to give up and the willingness to keep pushing forward. Lastly, having a positive mindset is key. Believing in oneself and maintaining a positive attitude can make a huge difference in achieving success. It helps to overcome obstacles, stay focused, and find solutions to problems.I have personally experienced the power of these three elements in my own journey towards success. For example, when I was preparing for a difficult exam, I knew that I had to put in the hard work and study consistently. I created a study schedule and stuck to it, even when I felt tired or unmotivated. Additionally, I faced numerous challenges along the way, but my determination kept me going. I reminded myself of the importance of achieving my goals and refused to give up. Lastly, I maintained a positive mindset by surrounding myself with supportive friends and family, and by regularly practicing positive affirmations. This helped me stay focused and motivated, even when things didn't go as planned.中文回答:成功的秘密是努力工作、决心和积极的心态的结合。



成功的秘密英文歌作文Title: The Secret of Success: A Reflection through English Songs。

Success, the elusive yet desirable state of being that many strive for. What is the secret to achieving it? This question has intrigued philosophers, scholars, and individuals alike for centuries. As I delve into this inquiry, I find myself turning to the realm of English songs, where artists often weave profound insights into lyrics that resonate deeply with listeners. Through the verses and melodies of these songs, the essence of success is unveiled, offering valuable lessons and perspectives.One of the fundamental aspects highlighted in songs about success is perseverance. In "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor, the resounding chorus encourages us to "rise up to the challenge of our rival." This anthem underscores the importance of resilience and determination in overcoming obstacles on the path to success. Similarly, in "Don't StopBelievin'" by Journey, the refrain serves as a reminder to hold onto hope and continue striving, even in the face of adversity. These songs emphasize that success is often a result of unwavering persistence and a refusal to surrender to setbacks.Furthermore, self-belief emerges as a recurring theme in songs that explore the journey to success. "Roar" by Katy Perry embodies this sentiment as it celebrates empowerment and self-assurance. The lyrics inspire individuals to embrace their strengths and assert themselves boldly in pursuit of their goals. Similarly, "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor echoes the message of resilience, emphasizing the importance of self-confidence in overcoming challenges. These songs teach us that success begins from within, with a strong belief in oneself andone's abilities.Collaboration and support from others are also depicted as integral components of success in English songs. "Lean on Me" by Bill Withers emphasizes the significance of community and mutual aid in times of need. The upliftingmelody and lyrics convey the idea that together, we can overcome obstacles and achieve greatness. Likewise, "We Are the Champions" by Queen celebrates triumph and solidarity, highlighting the importance of camaraderie in achieving shared goals. These songs remind us that success is often a collective effort, requiring the support and encouragement of those around us.Moreover, the concept of resilience and adaptability emerges as crucial attributes in the pursuit of success. "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)" by Kelly Clarkson encapsulates this idea, conveying the message that challenges only serve to make us stronger. The empowering lyrics encourage listeners to embrace adversity as an opportunity for growth and self-improvement. Similarly, "Fight Song" by Rachel Platten celebrates resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity, inspiringindividuals to stand firm and keep fighting for their dreams. These songs teach us that success often requires the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and overcome obstacles with resilience and determination.In conclusion, the secret to success, as revealed through English songs, encompasses various essential elements. Perseverance, self-belief, collaboration, and resilience emerge as recurring themes, highlighting the importance of unwavering determination, confidence, community support, and adaptability in achieving one's goals. By embracing these principles and learning from the insights conveyed in these songs, individuals can navigate the journey to success with clarity, purpose, and perseverance. As we heed the wisdom of these musical narratives, we embark on a path towards realizing ourfullest potential and achieving greatness in our endeavors.。



Believing in Oneself: The Key to SuccessIn the fast-paced and competitive world of today, success is often equated with achieving one's goals and dreams. But what is the secret to unlocking this elusive concept of success? While there are many factors that contribute to success, one of the most important, yet often overlooked, ingredients is believing in oneself. Believing in oneself is not just a simple affirmation; it is a powerful mindset that can transform dreams into reality.Believing in oneself is the foundation of confidence. When we believe in our abilities, we are more likely to take risks, face challenges, and persevere in the face of difficulties. This confidence gives us the courage to step out of our comfort zones and explore new opportunities. It is this courage that often leads to new discoveries and突破性的成就.Moreover, believing in oneself fosters a positive mindset. When we believe in ourselves, we are more likely to see setbacks as temporary obstacles rather than permanent failures. This positive mindset helps us stay motivated and focused on our goals, even when faced withchallenges. It also allows us to learn from our mistakes and grow as individuals.However, believing in oneself is not always easy. It requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance. It means constantly challenging ourselves, pushing our boundaries, and never settling for less than what we deserve. It means staying true to our values and beliefs, even when faced with criticism or doubt.In conclusion, believing in oneself is the key to unlocking the door of success. It is the invisible force that propels us forward, giving us the courage, confidence, and perseverance to achieve our dreams. As high school students, we should cultivate this belief in ourselves and use it as a guiding light to navigate our way through the challenges and opportunities of adolescence. By doing so, we will not only achieve personal success but also contribute positively to society as a whole.**相信自己:成功的秘诀**在如今快节奏和充满竞争的世界里,成功常常与实现个人目标和梦想划等号。



成功的秘密英语作文英文回答:Success is a result of hard work, determination, and a positive mindset. There is no one secret to success, but rather a combination of factors that contribute to achieving one's goals. 。

First and foremost, I believe that having a clearvision of what you want to achieve is crucial. Setting specific and achievable goals helps to keep you focused and motivated. For example, when I wanted to start my own business, I set a goal to launch within a year and outlined the steps I needed to take to make it happen.In addition to having a clear vision, it's important to be willing to put in the hard work. Success rarely comes without effort, and it's essential to be dedicated and persistent in pursuing your goals. For instance, when I was working on launching my business, I put in long hours andmade sacrifices to ensure its success.Furthermore, maintaining a positive mindset is key to overcoming challenges and setbacks. Believing in yourself and your abilities can help you stay motivated and focused, even when things get tough. I remember facing numerous obstacles while starting my business, but I remained optimistic and kept pushing forward.Moreover, I believe that surrounding yourself with a supportive network of people is crucial for success. Having mentors, friends, and colleagues who believe in you andyour goals can provide invaluable support and guidance. When I faced challenges with my business, having a supportive network helped me stay motivated and provided me with valuable advice and encouragement.Lastly, I think it's important to be adaptable and open to learning from both successes and failures. Being able to adjust your strategies and learn from mistakes is essential for long-term success. For example, when my business faceda setback, I used it as an opportunity to learn and improve,which ultimately led to greater success.中文回答:成功是努力工作、决心和积极心态的结果。






比尔盖茨成功的秘诀英文Good morning, teachers and fellow students:American basketball superstar Michael Jordan visited china. Many people know: Michael Jordan in college, basketball talent began to appear. After joining the Chicago bulls, he led the team won the A Championship 6 times, his own time to win the most valuable player title of the 5. Jordan is a great basketball player in the United States, is the world's many basketball enthusiasts worship idols. But students, do you know why he will become the best basketball player in the world? Jordan has a famous saying: "I can accept failure, but can not accept to give up." This is one of the secrets of his success.With summer coming, we will have a nervous final review. In particular, grade six students will soon face graduation exams. Every time, there are always some students worry thatthey did not review well, afraid of failing the exam. In fact, everyone's growth path, will encounter such or that difficulties, encountered failure and frustration. What is different, because some people are intimidated by the difficulties, to give up the pursuit, lost to the confidence, led to a complete failure; others can turn failure into power, a careful analysis of the reasons caused by the failure of the lessons, never give up the ideal and goal, finally to experience the joy of success. Students, how do you deal with failure? You are not like Jordan, not afraid of difficulties and failures, full of confidence in yourself, never give up on the target? Yes, as long as we are not afraid of failure, not afraid of difficulties, like Jordan, never give up the pursuit of eternal enthusiasm, you will certainly succeed.Of course, we have to pay attention to the correct learning methods. First of all, we should concentrate on lectures in class, the teacher said every detail, every difficulty should be firmly remembered. Second, actively participate in classroom activities with the attitude of master. Be good at finding problems, thinking and solving problems. Third, not only to listen to good lessons, but also to develop pre class preview, after-school review of good habits. As the saying goes:"one hard, one harvest", to harvest well, must work well. Don't go home after school to play and watch TV, should finish the homework as soon as possible, spare time should be used to preview and review. To go to school in the classroom of the repeated review several times, to keep in mind the knowledge, not just look sloppy. And review is not in the test, before the exam to do, but to do every day. Every day has the different knowledge, every day should grasp the new knowledge. Not only to review, but also in the review after the preview tomorrow to learn something, so to know the end, learning would not be so difficult, but easily. Finish homework can see a class outside the book.Knowledge is the days and months multiplying down, as long as we study hard, listen carefully, carefully review the knowledge, will give us a reward. In this wish each student can be successful! Make yourself happy, teachers and parents rest assured!译文:一.不情愿。



成功的秘诀(The Secret of Success)成功的秘诀(the secret of success)on the campus of the university, between buildings, there are large stretches of lawn, green as ever and as if forever. encircled by the green, i often have the inspiration to think. it is a green thought in a green shade. my green thought is about how i will face the future.the important thing in life is to have a great goal and the determination to attain it. living without a goal is like sailing without a compass. lack of purpose is the cause of most of our failures. when a great aim has been decided on, determination and persistence are most important. a story about mao zedong's willpower not to smoke is a good example of this kind of willpower applied for the short term, an example the young person might apply to his or her determination to work for the long term. mao was addicted to cigarettes. at the chongqing negotiations, he was observed to have an unusual expression on his face. when the talks were over, jiang jieshi said, "he likes cigarettes as much as he does his life, but when he learned that i don't smoke, in the course of our talks, he never smoked even a single cigarette." we can never despise mao zedong's determination and will! you can see that nothing is impossible for a willing heart.persistence is also the key factor, like determination. as benjamin franklin said, "he who is patient can have whatever he wants." this persistence is necessary; successful people expect periodic defeats, learn what went wrong and why, and make necessary adjustments, and try again. if you are persistent, you will almost inevitably succeed. when ludwig van beethoven - "themichelangelo of music", reached his peak, he was totally deaf. if you study his biography, and get acquainted with his trials, his hardships, battles, and triumphed over fate. success seldom comes easily on the first try. what separates the successful from the unsuccessful is persistence. many organizational analysts and career consultants consider persistence to be ultimate key to success at both the organizational and personal level. successful people also fail occasionally, but they do not let their failures defeat their spirit.。



获得成功的秘密英语作文英文回答:The secret to success is not a one-size-fits-all formula. It is a combination of factors that vary depending on the individual and the specific goals they are trying to achieve. However, there are some common elements that are often found in the stories of successful people.Set clear goals. The first step to achieving success is to know what you want to achieve. Once you have a clear goal in mind, you can develop a plan to achieve it.Take action. Success does not come to those who simply sit and wait for it to happen. You need to take action and work towards your goals.Be persistent. There will be times when you face setbacks and challenges. However, it is important to be persistent and never give up.Believe in yourself. If you do not believe in yourself, no one else will. Have confidence in your abilities andyour ability to achieve your goals.Surround yourself with positive people. The people you surround yourself with have a big impact on your success. Choose to spend time with people who are positive, supportive, and who believe in you.Never give up. There will be times when you want togive up. However, it is important to remember that successis not always easy. There will be setbacks and challenges along the way. But if you never give up, you willeventually achieve your goals.中文回答:获得成功的秘诀没有一个通用的公式。



Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topicMore than a Certificate”. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below inChinese:1.2.3.Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly. For questions 1-7,choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10,complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Secrets of Self-Made MillionairesThey?re just like you. But with lots of money.When you think of“millionaire”, what image comes to your mind? For many of us, it?s a flashyWall Street banker type who flies a private jet, collects cars and lives the kind of decadent lifestylethat would make Donald Trump proud.But many modern millionaires live in middle-class neighborhoods, work full-time and shop indiscount stores like the rest of us. What motivates them isn?t material possessions but the choicesthat money can bring. “ Forthe rich, it?s not about getting more stuff. It?s about having the freedomto make almost any decision you want, ”says T. Harv Eker, author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.Wealth means you can send your child to any school or quit a job you don?tlike.According to the Spectrem Wealth Study, an annual survey of America?s wealthy, there are morepeople living the good life than ever before — the number of millionaires nearly doubled in the lastdecade. And the rich are getting richer. To make it onto the Forbes 400 list of the richestAmericans, a mere billionaire no longer makes the cut. This year you needed a net worth of atleast $1.3 billion.If more people are getting richer than ever, why shouldn?t you be one of them? Here are the secretsrevealed by the people who have at least a million dollars in liquid assets.1. Set your sights on where you?re goingTwenty years ago, Jeff Harris hardly seemed on the road to wealth. He was a college dropout whostruggled to support his wife, DeAnn, and three kids, working as a grocery store clerk and at ajunkyard where he melted scrap metal alongside convicts ().“ At times we were so broke thatwe washed our clothes in the bathtub because we couldn?t afford the Laundromat. ” Now he?s 49-year-old investment advisor and multimillionaire in York, South Carolina.There was one big reason Jeff pulled ahead of the pack: He always knew he?d be rich. The realityis that 80 percent of Americans worth at least $5 million grew up in middle-class or lesserhouseholds, just like Jeff.Wanting to be wealthy is a crucial first step. Eker says, “ The biggest obstacle to wealth is fear.People are afraid to think big, but if you think small, you?ll only achieve small things. ”It all started for Jeff when he met a stockbroker at a Christmas party. “ Talking to him, it felt discovering fire, he” says. “ Istarted reading books about investing during my breaks at thegrocery store, and I began putting $25 a month in a mutual fund. ” Next he taught a class at a loca community college on investing. His students became his first clients, which led to his investmentpractice.“ There were lots of struggles, Jeff,“”butsayswhat got me through it was believing withall my heart that I would succeed.”2. Educate yourselfWhen Steve Maxwell graduated from college, he had an engineering degree and a high-tech job— but he couldn?t balance his checkbook. inanceI“tookclassone inf college but dropped it to goon a ski trip, ” says-yearthe-45old father of three, who lives in Windsor, Colorado.“ I actually had to go to my bank and ask them to teach me how to read my statement ( 结算单 ). ”One of the biggest obstacles to making money is not understanding it: Thousands of us avoidinvesting because we just don?t get it. But to make money, you must be financially literate. “ It bothered me that I didn?t understand this stuff, ” says Steve, “ so I read books and magazines a money management and investing, and I asked every financial whiz (高手 ) I knew to explainthings to me. ”He and his wife started applying the lessons: They made a point to live below their means. Theynever bought on impulse, always negotiated better deals (on their cars, cable bills, furniture) andstayed in their home long after they could afford a more expensive one. They also put 20percent of their annual salary into investments.Within ten years, they were milliona ires, and people were coming to Steve for advice.“ Someone would say, ,I need to refinance my house what should— I do?? A lot of times, I wouldn?t knowthe answer, but I?d go find it and learn something in the process,” he says.In 2003, Steve quit his job to become part owner of a company that holds personal financeseminars for employees of corporations like Wal-Mart. He also started going to real estateinvestment seminars, and it?s paid off: He now owns $30 million worth of investmentproperties, including apartment complexes, a shopping mall and a quarry.“ Iwas an engineer who never thought this life was possible, but all it truly takes is a littleself-education, ” says Steve. “ You can do anything once you understand the basics. ”3. Passion pays offIn 1995, Jill Blashack Strahan and her husband were barely making ends meet. Like so many of us,Jill was eager to discover her purpose, so she splurged on a session with a life coach. “her my goal was to make $30,000 a year, she said I was setting the bar too low. I needed to focuson my passion, not on the paycheck. ”Jill, who lives with her son in Alexandria, Minnesota, owned a gift basket company and earnedjust $15,000 a year. She noticed when she let potential buyers taste the food items, the basketssold like crazy. Jill thought, Why not sell the food directly to customers in a fun setting?With $6,000 in savings, a bank loan and a friend?s investment, Jill started packaging gourmetfoods in a backyard shed and selling them at taste-testing parties. It wasn?t easy. “ Iremembersitting outside one day, thinking we were three months behind on our house payment, I had twoemployees I couldn?t pay, and I ought to get a real job. But then I thought, No, this is your dream.Recommit and get to wor k. ”She stuck with it, even after her husband died three years later. “ I live by the law of abundanc meaning that even when there are challenges in life, I look for the win- win, ” she says.The positive attitude worked: Jill?s backyard company, Tastefully Simple, is now a direct-salesbusiness, with $120 million in sales last year. And Jill was named one of the top 25 femalebusiness owners in North America by Fast Company magazine.According to research by Thomas J. Stanley, author of The Millionaire Mind, over 80 percent ofmillionaires say they never would have been successful if their vocation wasn?t somethingthey cared about.1. How does the passage portray modern millionaires?A) People who fly private planes. B) People who have the freedom to make any decision.C) People who do part-time jobs. D) People who lead rotten lives.2. How much net worth is needed if you want to be one of the richest Americans, according tothe Forbes?A) $5 million. B) $30 million. C) $120 million. D) $1.3 billion.3. How old was Jeff Harris when he was so poverty-stricken that he could barely support his family?A) 45. B) 29. C) 35. D) 49.4. What should people do to make big money, according to Steve Maxwell?A) Live below their means. B) Buy on impulse.C) Read books and magazines about finance. D) Negotiate better deals.5. Jill Blashack Strahan?s success in business is mostly due to her _________.A) willingness to think big B) financial literacyC) positive attitude D) material possessions6. What made Jill Blashack Strahan one of the top 25 businesswomen in North America?A) She sold super foods directly to customers. B) She made up an annual income goal.C) She got a big loan from the bank. D) She got a real job.7. Which of the following is NOT a way to become a millionaire?A) Setting big goals. B) Studying by yourself.C) Being passionate. D) Sharing success stories.8. According to Eker, the biggest barrier for people to be wealthy is ________.9. The study done by Thomas J. Stanley shows that more than 80% of millionaires say their success are due to ___________.10. The author gave us ___________ people?s secrets of becoming a millionaire in the passage. Part III Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes)■Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read thepassage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 11 to 20 are based on the following passage.U.S. fourth- and eighth-graders improved their math scores in a closely watched international test, but continued to lag well behind peers from top-performing Asian countries.The U.S. and other governments on Tuesday 11 the results of the test, Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, the world?s largest assessment of international achievement. Some 425,000 students in almost 60 countries took the exam, administered every four years, starting in 1995.The test results come as businesses have warned that poor performance in math is eroding U.S. 12 , and as lawmakers in Washington prepare for a key battle over education policy.U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings and some experts said the 13 suggest a victory for tougher teaching standards, increased rigor in math instruction, and the frequent standardizedtesting 14 by President Bush?s No Child Left Behind law. Crit ics of the law found little evidence to support that conclusion.In math, U.S. fourth-graders ranked No. 11 on the international test, 15 surpassed by eightcountries, led by China, Singapore and Japan, researchers said.U.S. fourth-graders on average scored 529 in 2007, up from 518 in both 2003 and 1995. The resultsare reported on a zero to 1,000-point scale, with 500 16 the international average. Top-performing China scored 607. U.S. eighth-graders ranked No. 9 in math with a score of 508, behind many of the17 Asian countries atop the fourth-grade chart.“ Inmath, the U.S. is making 18 progress, ” says Michael O. Martin, one of the directors of the study at Boston College, which 19_ the test. But Mr. Martin said he worried about the huge gap between the U.S. and Asian countries, which aren?t 20 on their laurels.A) management I) representingB) truly J) takesC) steady K) promotedD) resting L) sameE) released M) administersF) rapid N) wordsG) roughly O) competitivenessH) results■Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Youshould decide on the best choice.Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Hardly a week goes by without some advance in technology that would have seemed incredible 50 years ago. And we can expect the rate of change to accelerate rather than slow down within our lifetime. The developments in technology are bound to have a dramatic effect on the future of work.By 2010, new technology will have revolutionized communications. People will be transmitting messages down telephone lines that previously would have been sent by post. Not only postmen but also clerks and secretaries will vanish in a paper-free society. All the routine tasks they perform willbe carried on a tiny silicon chip so that they will be as obsolete as the horse and cart after theinvention of the motorcar. One change will make thousands, if not millions, redundant.Even people in traditional professions, where expert knowledge has been the key, are unlikely to escape the effects of new technology. Instead of going to a solicitor, you might go to a computerthat is programmed with all the most up-to-date legal information. Doctors, too, will find that an electronic competitor will be able to carry out a much quicker and more accurate diagnosis and recommend more efficient courses of treatment. In education, teachers will be largely replacedby teaching machines far more knowledgeable than any human being. Most learning will takeplace in the home via video conferencing. Children will still go to school though, until anotherplace is created where they can make friends and develop social skills.What can we do to avoid the threat of unemployment? We shouldn?t hide our heads in the sand. Unions will try to stop change but they will be fighting a losing battle. People should get computerliterate as this just might save them from professional extinction. After all, there will be a few jobsleft in law, education and medicine for those few individuals who are capable of writing andprogramming the software of the future. Strangely enough, there will still be jobs like rubbishcollection and cleaning as it is tough to program tasks that are largely unpredictable.21. According to the author, the rate of change in technology _________.A) will remain the same B) will slow down C) will speed up D) cannot be predicted22. The author expects that by 2010 new technology will have revolutionized communications and_______.A) bookshops will not exist B) the present postal system will disappearC) people will no longer write letters D) postmen will have been replaced by the motorcar23. From the passage, we can infer that ______.A) professionals won?t be affected by new technologyB) doctors won?t be as efficient as computersC) computers cannot replace lawyersD) experts will know less in the future24. The passage tells us that in the future ______.C) teachers will be less knowledgeable D) children will learn social skills atschool 25. In the writer?s view, ______.A) people should be prepared for the future B) there exists no threat of unemploymentC) unions can stop the unfavorable changes D) people had better become cleanersPassage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.When it comes to singling out those who have made a difference in all our lives, you cannotoverlook Henry Ford. A historian a century from now might well conclude that it was Ford whomost influenced all manufacturing, everywhere, even to this day, by introducing a new way tomake cars — one, strange to say, that originated in slaughterhouses.Back in the early 1900?s, slaughterhouses used what could have been called a“ disassembly lin Ford reversed this process to see if it would speed up production of a part of an automobile enginecalled a magneto ( 磁发电机 ). Rather than have each worker completely assemble a magneto, oneof its elements was placed on a conveyer, and each worker, as it passed, added anothercomponent to it, the same one each time. Professor David Hounshell of the University of Delaware,an expert on industrial development, tells what happened:“ Theprevious day, workers carrying out the entire process averaged one assembly every 20minutes. But on that day, on the line, the assembly team averaged one every 13 minutes and 10seconds per person. ”Within a year, the time had been reduced to five minutes. In 1913, Ford went all the way. Hookedtogether by ropes, partially assembled vehicles were towed past workers who completed them onepiece at a time. It wasn?t long before Ford was turning o ut several hundred thousand cars a year, aremarkable achievement then. And so efficient and economical was this new system that he cutthe price of his cars in half, to $260, putting them within reach of all those who, up until that time,could not afford them. Soon, auto makers all over the world copied him. In fact, he encouragedthem to do so by writing a book about all of his innovations, entitled Today and Tomorrow. TheAge of the Automobile had arrived. Today, aided by robots and other forms of automation,everything from toasters to perfumes is made on assembly lines.26. In Paragraph 1, the author gives a historian?s statement about Henry Ford to show _________.A) Henry Ford is quite popular with historiansB) historians are quite interested in Henry FordC) Henry Ford?s influence on history can hardly be ignoredD) manufacturing is among the subjects of historians? study27. The underlined word“ disassembly” in Paragraph 2 most probably means ______.A) putting together B) establishing C) manufacturing D) taking apart28. All of the following statements are true, EXCEPT that ________.A) the invention of the assembly line has changed our livesB) Henry Ford influenced virtually all manufacturingC) Henry Ford?s experiment on the magneto was an immed iate successD) cars were originally manufactured in slaughterhouses29. It can be inferred from this passage that _________.A) more people could afford a car thanks to the assembly lineB) Henry Ford was forced to cut the price of the cars because of market competitionC) Henry Ford cut the production of his cars by 50% to reduce costsD) Henry Ford was reluctant to share his invention with others30. This passage mainly tells us ________.A) the history of car manufacturingB) the origin and influence of the assembly line on allmanufacturing C) the process of car manufacturingD) the role of technology in raising productionPart IV Cloze (15 minutes)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are fourchoices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.It was one of the happiest times of my life. I was 29 and had just received my bachelor?s degree, graduating with 31 despite working two jobs and being a wife and mother. My parents and five-year-old son were in the 32 when I walked onto the stage at Ashland University to get mydiploma. I was so excited and proud to be starting a 33 career and contributing more to myfamily?s well -being.But when I got home that evening, there was a note from my husband, 34 ,“ I?ve come to get my clothes and won?t be back.” We?d been having trouble, 35 the finality of that note still came as a shock. He had emptied our bank account. We were horribly in debt. I had quit my 36 jobs inanticipation of interviewing for a teaching position. 37 , I was eight months pregnant.The reality was so merciless that I was embarrassed, 38 , and angry and felt I 39 . But I had myson, and I was about to 40 a new life into the world, so 41 my deep sadness, I had to go on. Thenext morning, I woke up (literally and figuratively), put my feet on the floor, took a deep breath,fixed breakfast, and 42 did everything I always did. I used my routine to keep me moving.And in the seven years 43 , I?ve continued moving forward . I got a job as a kindergarten teacher,earned a master?s degree in education, and watched my babies grow to 12 and 44 . I certainlywould never have 45 to put them through this, but in retrospect ( 回顾 ), I?m glad it46 to me when it did. It helped me grow 47 , confident, and strong — things I?m hopefully instillingnow in my children. 48 life throws you a curve ball, hands you a lemon, or knocks youmy latest belief and for a loop. But knowing 49 failure can be the first step to success. This isstrategy on 50 to win in the end.31. A) joys B) anxieties C) excitements D) honors32. A) emergence B) absence C) audience D) presence33. A) gardening B) teaching C) nursing D) repairing34. A) saying B) meaning C) expressing D) talking35. A) but B) and C) though D) so36. A) precautious B) previous C) present D) precious37. A) Although B) Yet C) Plus D) Even38. A) exciting B) disturbed C) interested D) scared39. A) had failed B) failed C) attempted D) had attempted40. A) take B) bring C) give D) get41. A) regardless of B) except C) despite D) instead of42. A) sadly B) terribly C) safely D) basically43. A) since B) ago C) before D) after44. A) seven B) eight C) nine D) ten45. A) preferred B) chosen C) turned D) waited46. A) have happened B) happens C) happened D) had happened47. A) indifferent B) careful C) helpful D) independent48. A) Some time B) Sometimes C) Any time D) Some times49. A) to approach B) what to defeat C) how to approach D) to defeat50. A) what B) where C) why D) howPart V Translation (5 minutes)Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.51. More than five million children have gotten health insurance in the last 4 years, and_________________ ( 超过三百万的家庭已经摆脱贫困 ).52. The appearance of e-business and the fast-growing Internet economy are ________________ (为中国的进出口贸易提供了新的增长机遇).53. We have many reasons to believe ______________ ( 一个更加光明美好的未来在等着我们).54. ___________________________ (除董事长之外的所有董事会成员都投票赞成我的建议) to set up a branch office on the outskirts of town.55. _______________ ( 孩子们没有去滑雪), the children went skating last Sunday.。



成功的秘密英语作文Title: The Secrets of Success。

Success, a word that carries myriad connotations and interpretations, is often the result of a complex interplay of various factors. While some perceive success as luck, others see it as the culmination of hard work, determination, and strategic planning. In this essay, we delve into the enigmatic realm of success to uncover its secrets.First and foremost, success is invariably intertwined with relentless perseverance. The journey towards achieving one's goals is fraught with challenges and setbacks. It is the unwavering commitment to surmount these obstacles that distinguishes the successful from the rest. As Thomas Edison famously remarked, "Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration." This sentiment underscores the indispensable role of perseverance in the pursuit of success.Moreover, success is often synonymous with adaptability and resilience. In an ever-changing world characterized by rapid advancements and unforeseen circumstances, theability to adapt to new situations and bounce back from failures is crucial. Those who can embrace change and learn from their experiences are better equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern landscape and emerge triumphant.Furthermore, success is intrinsically linked to a growth mindset. Individuals who harbor a belief in their capacity for improvement and view challenges as opportunities for learning are more likely to achieve their aspirations. Embracing a growth mindset fosters innovation, creativity, and a willingness to step outside one's comfort zone in pursuit of excellence.Additionally, success is often facilitated by effective goal-setting and strategic planning. Setting clear, actionable objectives provides a roadmap for progress and enables individuals to channel their efforts towards tangible outcomes. Furthermore, devising strategies toovercome potential obstacles and capitalize onopportunities enhances the likelihood of success.Another pivotal aspect of success is the cultivation of meaningful relationships and networks. Building connections with mentors, collaborators, and supporters can provide invaluable guidance, resources, and opportunities for growth. The power of networking lies in its ability to open doors, foster collaborations, and amplify one's impact in the pursuit of success.Furthermore, success is closely tied to self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Understanding one's strengths, weaknesses, and motivations enables individuals to leverage their assets effectively and navigate interpersonal dynamics adeptly. Moreover, possessing the ability to regulate emotions, communicate effectively, and empathize with others fosters harmonious relationships andfacilitates cooperation towards shared goals.In conclusion, success is a multifaceted phenomenon shaped by a myriad of factors. While perseverance,adaptability, and a growth mindset form the bedrock of success, effective goal-setting, networking, and emotional intelligence are also instrumental in realizing one's ambitions. By embracing these principles and cultivating a holistic approach to personal and professional development, individuals can unlock the secrets of success and chart a path towards fulfillment and achievement.。

secret of success作文

secret of success作文

secret of success作文英文回答:The secret of success is a timeless question that has puzzled philosophers, scholars, and individuals throughout history. While there is no single definitive answer, there are certain principles and qualities that are commonly associated with success.One key ingredient is determination. Success often requires perseverance, resilience, and the ability to overcome obstacles. When faced with setbacks, successful individuals don't give up easily. They learn from their mistakes, adapt, and continue to work towards their goals.Hard work is also an essential ingredient. Success rarely comes without effort. It requires dedication, commitment, and the willingness to put in the necessary time and effort. Successful individuals are often willing to sacrifice immediate gratification for long-term rewards.Planning and organization are also important. Success doesn't happen by accident. It requires careful planning, setting clear goals, and developing a strategy to achieve them. Successful individuals are able to break down large tasks into smaller, manageable steps and prioritize their work effectively.Knowledge and skills are essential for success in any field. Acquiring knowledge and developing skills through education, training, or experience is crucial for achieving proficiency and expertise. Successful individuals are constantly learning and seeking ways to improve their abilities.Communication and interpersonal skills are also important. Success often involves working with others, building relationships, and effectively communicating ideas. Successful individuals are able to express themselves clearly, listen attentively, and build rapport with others.Emotional intelligence is another key factor. Successrequires the ability to manage emotions, understand others' perspectives, and maintain a positive mindset. Successful individuals are able to regulate their emotions, control stress, and inspire others.Persistence and adaptability are also important. Success often requires the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and persevere through challenges. Successful individuals are able to think critically, solve problems, and adjust their approach as needed.Integrity and trustworthiness are essential for long-term success. Successful individuals are honest, ethical, and keep their commitments. They build trust with others and maintain a positive reputation.Finally, passion and purpose are powerful drivers of success. When individuals are genuinely passionate about what they do, they are more likely to stay motivated and dedicated. Identifying one's purpose and aligning it with their work can lead to greater fulfillment and success.In conclusion, the secret of success is not a simple formula. It involves a combination of determination, hard work, planning, knowledge, communication, emotional intelligence, persistence, integrity, passion, and purpose. By cultivating these qualities and applying them consistently, individuals can increase their chances of achieving success in all areas of their lives.中文回答:成功的秘诀是一个永恒的问题,让哲学家、学者和个人在整个历史进程中迷惑不解。



成功的奥秘英语作文The Mystery of Success。

Success is something that everyone desires, but not everyone achieves. What is the secret to success? This question has been pondered by many, and the answer is not always clear. However, through observation and analysis, it is possible to uncover some of the mysteries behind success.One of the key elements of success is hard work.Without hard work, success is nearly impossible to achieve. Hard work means putting in the time and effort to reachyour goals. It means sacrificing leisure time and pushing through obstacles. Those who are willing to work hard are often the ones who find success.Another important factor in success is perseverance. There will be times when things don't go as planned, when obstacles seem insurmountable, and when failure appears imminent. It is during these times that perseverancebecomes crucial. Those who are able to push through these difficult moments and keep moving forward are the ones who ultimately succeed.In addition to hard work and perseverance, another keyto success is setting goals. Without clear goals, it iseasy to become lost and directionless. By setting specific, achievable goals, individuals can create a roadmap for success. These goals act as a guide, keeping individuals focused and motivated as they work towards their objectives.Furthermore, success often requires a willingness to take risks. Playing it safe may feel comfortable, but it rarely leads to great success. Taking calculated risks can open up new opportunities and lead to unexpected achievements. Those who are willing to step outside oftheir comfort zones and take chances are often the ones who find the greatest success.Moreover, success is often linked to continuouslearning and self-improvement. The world is constantly changing, and those who are able to adapt and grow with itare the ones who thrive. By seeking out new knowledge, developing new skills, and staying open to new ideas, individuals can position themselves for success in arapidly changing world.Finally, success is often a result of surrounding oneself with the right people. Building a strong support network of friends, mentors, and colleagues can provide invaluable guidance, encouragement, and opportunities. These individuals can offer advice, share their experiences, and provide the support needed to overcome challenges and achieve success.In conclusion, the mystery of success is a complex and multifaceted one. It involves hard work, perseverance,goal-setting, risk-taking, continuous learning, and surrounding oneself with the right people. While there isno guaranteed formula for success, these elements cangreatly increase the likelihood of achieving one's goals.By understanding and embracing these principles,individuals can unlock the secrets to success and pave the way for a brighter future. Success is not an easy path, butwith dedication and determination, it is within reach for anyone who is willing to pursue it.。



成功的秘诀英语作文埃隆马斯克The Secrets of Success: An Exploration of Elon Musk's JourneyElon Musk is a name that has become synonymous with innovation, visionary thinking, and relentless pursuit of ambitious goals. As the co-founder and CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, and The Boring Company, Musk has captivated the world with his bold ideas and his ability to turn them into reality. His journey to success, however, has not been without its challenges, and it is these challenges that have shaped the man he is today.At the heart of Musk's success lies a unwavering determination and a deep-rooted belief in the power of human ingenuity. From a young age, he has been driven by a desire to solve the world's most pressing problems, from climate change to the exploration of space. This passion has been the driving force behind his entrepreneurial ventures, propelling him to tackle complex challenges with a level of focus and tenacity that few can match.One of the key secrets to Musk's success is his ability to think outside the box and challenge the status quo. He is not content with simply following the path that others have laid out before him, but instead,he is constantly seeking new and innovative ways to approach problems. This mindset has allowed him to disrupt industries and push the boundaries of what is possible, often in the face of significant skepticism and opposition.Another crucial element of Musk's success is his willingness to take calculated risks. He understands that true innovation often comes with a degree of uncertainty and that the path to success is rarely a straight line. Rather than shying away from these risks, Musk embraces them, recognizing that the potential rewards far outweigh the potential pitfalls. This mindset has allowed him to take on ambitious projects that others might have deemed too risky or impractical.Musk's success, however, is not solely the result of his innovative thinking and risk-taking. He is also a master of execution, with a relentless work ethic and an unwavering commitment to his goals. He demands excellence from himself and those around him, pushing his teams to achieve more than they ever thought possible. This laser-like focus and attention to detail have been instrumental in the success of his ventures, allowing him to overcome the countless challenges that arise in the course of building a business.Perhaps one of the most inspiring aspects of Musk's journey is his ability to inspire and motivate others. He has a remarkable talent forcommunicating his vision in a way that resonates with people, igniting their imaginations and inspiring them to join him in his quest to change the world. This charismatic leadership has been a key factor in his ability to attract top talent and build high-performing teams that are capable of tackling even the most daunting challenges.Ultimately, the secrets to Elon Musk's success lie in his unwavering determination, his willingness to challenge the status quo, his embrace of calculated risk, his relentless work ethic, and his ability to inspire and motivate others. These qualities have allowed him to achieve remarkable feats and have positioned him as one of the most influential and impactful entrepreneurs of our time. As we look to the future, it is clear that Musk's legacy will continue to inspire and shape the world around us, as he continues to push the boundaries of what is possible.。



Thebiggestsecretofsuccess成功的最大秘诀第一篇:The biggest secret of success成功的最大秘诀西亚斯教职工英语学习力培训资料流利口语从听开始The biggest secret of success成功的最大秘诀Once there was a young man who came 有一次,一个年轻人来找苏to ask Socrates how to learn philosophy.格拉底,想要学习哲学。

苏格拉Socrates said nothing but took him along to a 底一言不发,带着他走到一条河river.He suddenly pushed him into the riverforcibly.At first the young man thoughtSocrates was kidding so he didn't take it toheart.But Socrates also jumped into the riverand pulled his head into water desperately.Atthis time the young man was really scared, hisinstinct of living made him use all his strengthlifting Socrates and climbed to the bank.The young man asked Socrates withpuzzle why he did that, Socrates replied:“I justwant to tell you whatever you do, do it with adetermination to be unexpectedly rescuedfrom a desperate situation.Only like that canyou make a genuine achievement.”边,突然用力把他推进河里。



成功的秘密英语作文250词英文回答:The key to success lies in understanding that it is a multifaceted concept with no universal formula. Different individuals define success differently, and the path to achieving it varies depending on one's aspirations, values, and circumstances. However, there are certain principles that are believed to contribute to the likelihood of success:1. Goal Setting: Setting clear, specific, and achievable goals provides a roadmap for success. Well-defined goals give you something to strive for and help you stay motivated along the way.2. Hard Work and Dedication: Success rarely comes without effort. Hard work, commitment, and perseverance are essential ingredients for overcoming challenges and achieving your goals.3. Resilience: Success involves facing setbacks and failures. Resilience, the ability to bounce back from adversity, is crucial for staying positive and persistentin the pursuit of your goals.4. Taking Calculated Risks: Success often involves stepping outside your comfort zone and taking calculated risks. Evaluate the potential risks and rewards before making decisions, and don't be afraid to take chances when appropriate.5. Learning and Adapting: Continuous learning and adaptation are essential for staying ahead in a rapidly changing world. Seek opportunities to acquire new knowledge and skills, and be open to change to seize opportunitiesfor growth.6. Collaboration: Success can often be enhanced through collaboration with others. Seek out mentors, build strong networks, and be willing to share your knowledge and expertise with others.7. Self-Discipline: Success requires self-disciplineand self-control. Manage your time effectively, prioritize your tasks, and resist distractions that may hinder your progress.8. Positive Mindset: A positive mindset can greatly impact your journey to success. Focus on the possibilities, believe in yourself, and surround yourself with positive people who support your aspirations.中文回答:成功的秘诀在于理解它是一个多方面的概念,没有一个普遍的公式。



我的成功秘诀英语作文有具体事例My Success SecretSuccess is something that many people strive for, but only few achieve. Throughout my life, I have been fortunate enough to experience some degree of success in various aspects of my life. While there are many factors that have contributed to my success, I believe that there are a few key secrets that have truly made a difference.One of my biggest success secrets is setting specific goals and creating a detailed plan to achieve them. I remember one particular goal I set for myself was to improve my grades in school. Instead of just saying "I want to do better in school," I set a specific goal of earning straight A's in all of my classes. To achieve this goal, I created a detailed study schedule, broke down each subject into smaller goals, and tracked my progress regularly. This helped me stay focused and motivated, and ultimately led me to achieve my goal.Another secret to my success is perseverance and determination. There have been many challenges and setbacks along the way, but I have always pushed through and kept going. For example, when I faced a difficult project at work that seemedimpossible to complete, I didn't give up. Instead, I kept working hard, sought assistance from others, and eventually found a solution. This determination has been a key factor in my success, as I have learned that it is often the perseverance to keep going when things get tough that leads to the most significant achievements.Furthermore, another secret to my success is learning from failure. Failure is a natural part of the journey to success, and I have experienced my fair share of setbacks. However, instead of letting failure discourage me, I have used it as a learning opportunity. For example, when I failed to secure a job that I really wanted, I took the time to reflect on what went wrong and how I could improve for the next opportunity. This mindset has helped me grow and develop as a person, and has ultimately led me to success in other areas of my life.In addition, I believe that surrounding myself with positive and supportive people has been crucial to my success. Whether it is friends, family, or mentors, having a strong support system has helped me stay motivated and focused on my goals. For example, when I was feeling discouraged about a project, my friends and family were there to provide encouragement and advice, which helped me push through and achieve success.Lastly, one of my biggest success secrets is staying true to myself and my values. In a world that is constantly changing and evolving, it can be easy to lose sight of who you are and what you believe in. However, I have always stayed true to my values and beliefs, which has not only helped me stay grounded, but has also guided me towards success. For example, when faced with a decision that compromised my values, I chose to stay true to myself, even if it meant missing out on a potential opportunity. This decision has always led me to paths that align with my true self and has ultimately contributed to my success.In conclusion, success is a journey that is different for everyone. Through my own experiences, I have found that setting specific goals, perseverance, learning from failure, surrounding myself with positive people, and staying true to myself have been key secrets to my success. While there may be many factors that contribute to success, I believe that these secrets have truly made a difference in my own journey towards achieving my goals.。

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21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires - by Brian Tracy1成功的关键就是有强烈的成功欲望,很多人成功的欲望总是不那么强烈,是因为他们不明白成功对他们而言意味着什么,更不明白成功不仅会带来物质上的满足而且会发展你的个性和人格,这才是最为宝贵的财富。


21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionairesby Brian TracyPresented by EmpowerMe!Online at 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires - by Brian Tracy221 Success Secrets of Self-Made MillionairesPresented by EmpowerMe!Online at Hello, I'm Brian Tracy and welcome to this program. What you are about to learn can change your life. These ideas, insights and strategies have been the springboards to financial success for millions of men and women, from every walk of life. These principles are simple, effective and fairly easy to apply. Each of them is based onexhaustive research and interviews with thousands of self-made millionaires. They have been tested and proven over and over again, and they will work for you if you will take them and apply them in your own life.We are living at the greatest time in all of human history. More people are becoming wealthy today, starting from nothing than has ever been imagined. There are more than five million millionaires in America, most of them self-made, and the number is growing by 15% to 20% each year. We even have self-made ten millionaires, hundred millionaires and more than two hundred billionaires. We have never seen this type of rapid wealth creation in all of human history.Here's the good news. Virtually everyone starts with nothing. Probably 99% of all financially successful people today started off broke or nearly broke. The average self-made millionaire has been bankrupt or close to bankrupt 3.2 times. Most of them failed over and 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires - by Brian Tracy3over again before they finally found the right opportunity that they were able to leverage into financial success. And what hundreds of thousands and millions of other people have done, you can do as well.The iron law of human destiny is the Law of Cause and Effect. This law is simple yet very powerful. It says that there is a specific effectfor every cause. For every action, there is a reaction. This law says that success is not an accident. Financial success is the result of doing certain, specific things, over and over again, until you get the effect that you desire.Nature is neutral. This means that nature, the marketplace, our society, does not care who you are or what you are. The law simply says that if you do what other successful people do, you will get the results that other successful people get. And if you don't, you won't. When you learn and apply the success secrets of self-made millionaires in your own life, you will experience results and rewards far beyond anything you have ever accomplished in life up until now.Here is an important point. Nobody is better than you and nobody is smarter than you. Let me repeat that. Nobody is better than you and nobody is smarter than you. Get those thoughts out of your mind. One of the primary reasons for selling yourself short, for21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires - by Brian Tracy4underachievement and lack of financial success is the conviction that people who are doing better than you are better than you. This is simply not the case.The fact is that most self-made millionaires are average people with average educations working at average jobs and living in averageneighborhoods in average houses driving average cars. But they have found out what other financially successful people do and they have done the same thing over and over again until they got the same results. It is no miracle and it is no accident. And when you think the thoughts and do the things that self-made millionaires do, you will begin to get the same results and benefits they do. It is all up to you. There are 21 secrets of success of self-made millionaires. Each of these is indispensable to your becoming financially independent. The absence of any one of these factors can, by itself, undermine and even destroy your chances for health, happiness and great prosperity. The good news is that you can learn every one of these principles by practice and repetition, over and over again, until they become as natural to you as breathing in and breathing out. Just as you have learned to ride a bicycle or drive a car, you can learn the secrets of success of self-made millionaires and apply them in your life. And there are no limits except the limits you place on yourself.Now, let us begin:21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires - by Brian Tracy5The first secret of self-made millionaires is simple: Dream Big Dreams!人因梦想而伟大!Allow yourself to dream. Allow yourself to imagine andfantasize about the kind of life you would like to live and the kind ofmoney you would like to earn and have in your bank account.All great men and women begin with a dream of something wonderful and different from what they have today. You know the song that says, "You have to have a dream if you want to make a dream come true."Imagine that you have no limitations on what you can be, have or do in life. Just for the moment, imagine that you have all the time, all the money, all the education, all the experience, all the friends, all the contacts, all the resources and everything you need to achieve anything you want in life. If your potential was completely unlimited, what kind of a life would you want to create for yourself and your family?Practice "back from the future" thinking. This is a powerful technique practiced by high performing men and women that has an amazing effect on your mind and on your behavior. Project yourself forward five years. Imagine that five years have passed and that your life is now perfect in every respect. What does it look like? What are you doing? Where are you working? How much money are you earning?21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires - by Brian Tracy6How much do you have in the bank? What kind of a lifestyle do you have?Create a vision for yourself for the long-term future. The more clearyour vision of health, happiness and prosperity, the faster you move toward it and the faster it moves toward you. When you create aclear mental picture of where you are going in life, you become more positive, more motivated and more determined to make it a reality. You trigger your natural creativity and come up with idea after ideato help make your vision come true.You always tend to move in the direction of your dominant dreams, images and visions. The very act of allowing yourself to dream big dreams actually raises your self-esteem and causes you to like and respect yourself more. It improves your self-concept and increases your level of self-confidence. It increases your personal level of selfrespectand personal happiness. There is something about dreamsand visions that is exciting and that stimulates you to do and be better than you ever have before.Here is a great question for you to ask and answer, over and over again: "What one thing would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail?"我会成为顶尖的国际演说家,正如安东尼罗宾斯,我要超越安东尼罗宾斯和陈安之,成为一流的激励大师和成功学家,教导更多的人获得成功。
